Reportviewinpdf - 2022-07-26T191041.034
Reportviewinpdf - 2022-07-26T191041.034
Reportviewinpdf - 2022-07-26T191041.034
Hepatitis C virus RNA is isolated from plasma sample of patient, using mini spin column purification technique of
Viral NA extraction kits manufactured by Vivantis Technologies Malaysia. Internal Control provided in Real Time
PCR kit is added during procedure of extraction at the same time when sample material is added. This Internal
Control will help to check possible NA loss during extraction or possible PCR inhibition during Amplification
process. Thus IC behavior will ensure results authenticity towards false negativity.
Purified viral NA is amplified using Real Time PCR kits Anatolia Gene Works Turkey, these kits are CE -IVD
approved for human diagnosis. Real Time detection of amplified HCV RNA and Internal control is simultaneously
done on Real Time PCR system Rotor Gene Qiagen Germany & qPCR Cycler MIC BMS Australia.
The viral load of hepatitis C virus in blood fluctuates with viral latency and may be below sensitivity limit of the assay, so
a single non detective result should be repeated after clinical significance interval or as decided by the clinicians.
The lab tests performed in different laboratories may not be compared with each other as each lab has its own quality
control policy and use of different methods. This report is not valid to be presented in any court of law.
This is a digitally verified report and does not require any signature
Plaza No. 11, Imperial Market, Paragon City Barki Road, Lahore. Contact: 04237193640, 03464675250,