OCS Updated Quinci
OCS Updated Quinci
OCS Updated Quinci
Greensboro, NC
304-941-3563 | qdshavers@aggies.ncat.edu
North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC
B.S., Public Relations, GPA: 3.8 May 2022
HONORS: Chancellor’s List (Fall 2018 – Present) | N.C. A&T Honors Program (2019 – Present) | WV Promise Scholar |
AccessLex Institute Scholar | NCAT Undergraduate Research Fellows Scholar
Center of Excellence in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Greensboro, NC
Public Relations Intern August 2019 - Present
Creating, organizing and producing 2 programs for students interested in starting businesses.
Developing flyers, infographics, and virtual newsletters to advertise/promote the center.
Maintaining ongoing communication with student entrepreneurs, school administrators, and NCAT alumni to increase
brand and general awareness of the center.
iMovie | Adobe Audition | Canva | Microsoft Office, Excel, PowerPoint
Public Relations Student Society of America (Director of Media Relations; 2019 - 2020) | Housing and Residence Life
(Resident Assistant; 2019 – 2020) | Public Relations Student Society of America (Vice President; 2020 - Present)