Group 9 - Approc WPS Office
Group 9 - Approc WPS Office
Group 9 - Approc WPS Office
May, 15 2020
Group 9: Approaches in teaching GMRC
By learning new strategies and teaching methods, educators can promote learning and actively stimulate
children’s natural thirst for knowledge. The impact of an effective elementary school teacher can remain
with a child for the rest of his or her life. Quality grade-school teachers often set the expectations for their
students’ outlook on the education system as a whole. This is what makes effective teaching strategies so
Sparking the student’s interest at a young age is an absolutely critical part of their learning development.
A teacher, who can make learning not only fun, but engaging and memorable, will help establish the
value of education in the mind of the student. Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development there have 6
stages such as Stage 1. Obedience and Punishment Orientation, Stage 2. Individualism and Exchange,
Stage 3. Good Interpersonal Relationships, Stage 4. Maintaining the Social Order, Stage 5. Social
Contract and Individual Rights, and Stage 6. Universal Principles. Kohlberg identified three distinct
levels of moral reasoning: pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional. Each level has two sub-
As a future educator Lawrence Kohlberg's theory develop the morality influenced the theory of moral
development in women proposed by Carol Gilligan. His work finds value not only in the world of
education as well. Accurate assignment to a stage of development can help teachers understand why
student do the things they do and how to best approaches to them. The theory provides the teacher with
the tools necessary to manage the classroom ,then enhancing the potential success of the lesson.
Tingson, Jayson A.
May, 15 2020
There have proper etiqquet to be a good man first is good manners right conduct and the 7 moral values
that group 10 discuss. We will know the purpose of GMRC and their aims. By knowing these we develop
.Good manners is about considering the feelings of other people, and being the kind of person that others
will like and respect.Right conduct is living in a moral and ethical way in the absolute sense rather than
by the standards of any particular time or society The latter intends to provide knowledge and develop
skills, attitudes and values essential to personal development and necessary for living in and contributing
to a developing and changing society. Moreover, it aims to provide learning experiences which increase
the child’s awareness of and responsiveness to the changes in society; and promote and intensify
knowledge, identification with and love for the nation and the people to which he or she belongs. The
desired outcome of the whole education reform is the development of the patriotic human being who is
ensure that values will be integrated in every learning areas with the end goal that a student’s character as
an individual, a member of a society and a citizen be cultivated, Good Manners and Right Conduct
As a future educator this is our need to know, it is because good manners and right conduct guide us
what were going to do they will guide that always choose a right path. That topic will develop our
hollistic being and our future student will absorbed it from to us. So this topic is more important than to
other subject ourself and themself are need to develop first our character and personalities before to learn
May, 15 2020
The topic of group 11 are all about action learning ,the oppurtunity or advantages of action learning,
benefits of action learning and last is the transpersonal approaches. The concept of action learning was
structurally applied in education by Reg Revans as early as in 1940s. The contemporary action learning
guru, Revans has never provided a single and comprehensive statement of action learning and at different
times emphasized one aspect or omitted another. Preferred to describe action learning as what it is not.
Action learning is a process that involves a small group working on real problems, taking action, and
learning as individuals, as a team, and as an organization. It helps organizations develop creative, flexible
and successful strategies to pressing problems. Benefits of Action Learning are increased effectiveness
and profitability of your business, improved problem solving and leadership capacity, greater adaptability
and resilience, individual and organizational learning from implementing new strategies or culture
change, helps introduce or expand your approach to coaching and supports skills development and
behavior change. Transpersonal Approaches Transpersonal psychotherapy explores the full range of
human experience; from “abnormal” behavior to “normal” functioning, to spiritually embodied, and
transcendent consciousness. Carl Jung first coined the term, “transpersonal (uberpersonlich),” when he
used the phrase “transpersonal unconscious” as a synonym for “collective unconscious.” From a
transpersonal psychological perspective, mental health diagnosis can provide a concrete tool for the
integrated psycho-spiritual and clinical practice. The scientific and the spiritual natures of human
experience are becoming increasingly integrated with the advancements in the studies of Neurobiology
and Neurophenomenolog.
Employing action learning principles within a course enables students to resolve and take action on real
problems in real time, and learning while doing so. Participants become engaged within the learning
process and learn transferrable skills in the process. As a future educator improved problem solving and
leadership capacity is better because this is one of the benefits of learning action.
Tingson, Jayson A.
May, 15 2020
They discuss to us are affective and cognitive, ACES approaches, 7 elements of andragogical process ,7
types of climate setting ,2 types of dyadic communication, and 4 phases of value learning. By learning
this ACES approaches he/she differentiate approaches with strategy, define the aces approach enumerate
the advantages and disadvantages of filmshowing strategy and appreciate film showing as a teaching and
learning strategy.
Dyadic communication is an interpersonal conversation between two people. There are personal
information being engaged between face to face interactions. The conversation can be between a
discovery, creating a relationship, or an emotion. The advantages of film showing as teaching strategy’s
films are comfortable familiar medium to contemporary students that can keep students that can keep
students interest in the theories and concepts under discussion and the disadvantages is student can vary
These are the four phases of learning which this model postulates: Unconscious incompetence is You’re
unaware that there is a skill to be learned, and that you don’t have mastery of it. Conscious incompetence
is You’re aware that there is a skill to be learned, and that you currently don’t have mastery of it.You
know just how bad you are and have some idea of how far you’ve got to go. Conscious competence is
Through practice, you’ve become competent at the skill, but you have to think about it to make it happen.
Unconscious competence is You’ve practiced so much that your competence has become unconscious,
you can do it automatically without having to think about it. You’ve completely internalized said skill. As
a future educator must learn this all to enhance our knowledge about Aces approaches and to know what
are the deep message in this topic. Someday this topic will apply in our teaching strategy and to know
May, 15 2020
In this group 13 they will tackle the k-12 curriculum and they purpose, instructional strategy,
instructional method, 5 types of instruction approach and lastly is the filipino cultural values. This topic
will add to our knowledge to know about each topic. To know more about what is k-12 curriculum.
Instructional strategies are techniques teachers use to help students become independent, strategic
learners. These strategies become learning strategies when students independently select the appropriate
ones and use them effectively to accomplish tasks or meet goals. The Filipino values are The family is at
the center of the Filipino community. Children are not expected to leave their parents’ house until they
themselves get married; and even after then, many couples opt to stay with or close to their or their
spouse’s parents. Also, they’re expected to care for their ageing parents instead of sending them to a
retirement home, and Faith and religion Spirituality is deeply ingrained in Filipinos. A form of animism
was already being practiced in many pre-colonial societies and Islam has been firmly established in the
southern islands even before the Spanish brought Catholicism to the country. These days, religion still
As a future educator this is what should to know what are the characteristics of Filipinos someday it will
apply you our student of what they do that this kind of topic enlighten my mind that not only Filipino has
a positive values but there have a negative values that Filipino have. By this topic teach more patience
and know about to your student instead of getting mad. Because each country have their own values do so
May, 15 2020
Puppetry in the Philippines started since the time of Dr. Jose Rizal, our national hero, when he staged the
play entitled “CARILLO” or shadow puppetry. Rizal used a carton and a stick and he placed this at the
back of a white cloth. Then he used a candle light at the back of the puppets. There are many different
types of puppets. Each type has its own individual characteristics, and for each there are certain kinds of
suitable dramatic material. Certain types have developed only under specific cultural or geographic
Two simple types of puppets are the finger puppet, which is a tiny puppet that fits onto a single finger,
and the sock puppet, which is formed and operated by inserting one's hand inside a sock, with the opening
and closing of the hand simulating the movement of the puppet's "mouth." The sock puppet is a type of
hand puppet, which is controlled using one hand that occupies the interior of the puppet and moves the
puppet around. A "live-hand puppet" is similar to a hand puppet but is larger and requires two puppeteers
A rod puppet is constructed around a central rod secured to the head. A shadow puppet is a cut-out figure
held between a source of light and a translucent screen. Bunraku puppets are a type of Japanese wood-
performer's hand; the performer produces the puppet's voice with little or no movement of her mouth,
which creates the illusion that the puppet is alive. Carnival puppets are large puppets, typically bigger
As a future educator this is applicable for elementary student particular to kinder it is because of its
colorful design and easy to make also fun to doing this this the student will enjoy and they
imagination and creativity will enhance to this activity. The student also apply their communication skill
May, 15 2020
We all have plans and dreams, but often our lives do not seem to be going the way we would like them to
go. In can be very helpful to immerse ourselves in nature and listen to what God has to say to us through
his creatures: the wind, the trees, the streams, the birds... In such moments it is possible to understand,
just like I did during that trip into the Euganean Hills, that God has something better prepared for us. Our
plans might not come to fruition the way we had planned them, but God’s plans will always lead to
success if we have the intuition to follow them, for then we will be “like a tree planted by the water that
sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no
worries in a year of drought, and never fails to bear fruit” (Jeremiah 17:8).
The moral of this story is that when things don't seem to be going your way, always know that God has a
plan for you. If you place your trust in Him, He will give you great gifts. Each of the trees got what they
wanted, just not in the way they had imagined. We don't always know what God's plans are for us. We
just know that His ways are not our ways, but His ways are always best."
As a future educator we have a dreams but sometimes our dreams is to high to reach but our almighty
God has a plan to us that is better to our dreams because his plan is better to our dreams sometime we fail
to reach our dream but God has plan to us to get more strong and not easy to broke our faith to Our God.
So we think that we are lose to reach our dreams just think that this is not for us and pray to God that