Apron Feeder Manual
Apron Feeder Manual
Apron Feeder Manual
New Type Middle-duty Plate Feeder
Direction for Install and Use
Jiaxing city YiJian Machinery Manufacture Co.,Ltd
地址:平湖市经济开发区 邮编:314200
传真:0573-85114315 电话:0573-85114315 85110448
目 录
一、用途·· 1
Ⅰ. Uses …………………………………………………… 1
三、工作原理·· 2
四、规格与性能·· 2
七、使用维护说明·· 6
八、润滑说明·· 7
Ⅷ. Direction for lubrication ……………………………… 7
九、用户须知·· 7
一. 用途
Ⅰ. Uses
Plate feeder is used to conveying different kinds of particulate, lumpy
materials in horizontal or inclined direction in building material, metallurgical,
coal and chemical industries. In cement industry, it,s suitable for feeding lumpy
lime stone,gypsum or clay from the bottom of feed bin to the inlet of crusher
continuously and evenly。
二. 基本结构
Ⅱ. Capital structure
Plate feeder is composed of head driving device, driven chain wheel set,
take-up device, chain and troughed plate unit, frame, etc.
1. 头部驱动装置
6 的链轮带动两条滚子链,使槽板沿轨道运动。
1. Head driving device
1. It consists of motor,reducer, driving chain wheel set, etc. Frequency
variable speed regulation motor can satisfy with the demands of regulating feed
capacity in technology. And the driving chain wheel set is composed of 2
driving chain wheels with 6 teeth, the driving chain wheels drive 2 roller chains
and an amount of troughed plates. Make them run on guide rails by chain
2. 尾轮装置
2. Driven chain wheel set
Driven chain wheel set composed of driven shaft, 2 driven chain wheels
bearings, etc. It is used to change chain and troughed plate,s running direction of
plate feeder.
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3. 拉紧装置
3. Take-up set
It uses safety and reliable take-up set with draw rod structure.
4. 链板装置
4. Chain and trouged plate device
可靠的滚子链。槽板由 8-16mm 厚钢板焊接而成,两边焊有 8mm 厚的钢板
Chain and troughed plate device consists of drag chain and troughed plate.
Drag chain uses roller chain with characters of durable impact, traveling
steadily and work reliably. Troughed plates are welded with 8-16mm steel
plates, and Both sides of it are also welded with steel plate in thickness 8mm as
the damper. Each of them is connected with drag chain by bolts.
5. 机架
5. Frame
上分支 3 条轨道支承链板装置及物料,下分支两条轨道支承链板装置。
The frame is welded with channel iron, angle bar and steel plate. It has
upper and lower guide rails,the three upper rails to support chain and troughed
plate device and material, and the other two lower rails to support chain and
trughed plate device.
三. 工作原理
Ⅲ. Operating principle
Plate feeder uses frequency variable speed regulation motor to transmit
power to reducer and to open gear pair, then drives chain and troughed plate
device run continuously and evenly with lower speed. So plate feeder can feed
四. 规格与性能
Ⅳ. Size and performance
1. 规格 Size: B1400×6080mm;
2. 布置倾角 Inclination:0°;
3. 喂料速度 Feed speed : 0.023-0.23m/s
4. 喂料能力 Capacity: 20~500t/h;
5. 物料粒度 Grain size : ≤75mm,volcanic ash,moisture≤35%(ρ
=1.4t/m 3);
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(2). 在板式喂料机的纵向中心线上,先定出主动链轮轴的轴心线位置,
(2). Define center line,s position of driving chain wheel,s shaft on basic
line, then measure length and inclination of plate feeder section by section to
define line,s position of driven chain wheel shaft.
(3). 以上述中心线为基准,定出机架地脚位置,轨道安装位置驱动装
(3). Based on the mentioned center lines,define positions of foot bolts,
positions of rails and longitudinal and cross center lines of driving device。
(4). 定出各中心位置后,按土建图纸查对预留孔位及深度等,并清事
(4). Check for the position and depth of bolt holes,and clear away
(5). 机架安装完后,接着安装轨道,进而安装主动链轮装置、尾轮装
(5). Install frame,rails,driving chain wheel set,driven chain wheel set,
take-up set and chain and troughed plate units in turn。
(6). 安装电动机、减速器及其它附属设施。
(6). Install motor,reducer and its accessory。
(7). 安装有关的操作、控制元件。
(7). Install operating and control components。
3. 安装技术要求
3. Technical demands of installation。
(1). 全机装配应应符合装配通用技术要求 JB4000.9-86.
(1). Assembly of the machine is satisfied with the demands of
(2). 电动机轴心线与减速器高速轴轴心线应同心,其歪斜应<30′(无
径向位移) ,径向位移<0.15mm (无歪斜时)。
(2). Insure center line of motor,shaft coincident with center line of high
speed shaft of reducer , and which gradient must < 30 ′ without radial
displacement , and which radial displacement must < 0.15mm without
(3). 减速器低速轴轴心线主动装置轴轴心应先同心,共歪斜应<1°
(无径向位移时) ,径向位移<2.4mm (无歪斜时)。
(3). Keep center line of lower speed shaft of reducer coincident with
center line of driving device , which gradient must < 1 ° without radial
displacement,and which radial displacement must <2.4mm without gradient。
(4). 主动链轮轴轴心线对板式喂料机的纵向中心线要求垂直,其垂直
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(4). Keep center line of driving chain wheel , shaft vertical with
longitudinal center line of plate feeder,which allowance of verticality per meter
is≤1mm;And deviation of cross center line between 2 sprockets ,and
longitudinal center line of plate feeder is≤1mm。
(5). 主动链轮轴轴心线和尾轮轴轴心线应水平,其水平安差≤1mm。
(5). Insure centerlines of driving chain wheel , shaft and driven chain
wheel,shaft in horizontal,which the allowance error of horizontality is≤1mm。
(6). 轨道中心线对板式喂料机纵向中心线平行度误差(在每米长度上)
(6). Keep center line of guaide rails parallel with longitudinal center line
of plate feeder,which the allowance error of verticality is≤1mm per meter。
(7). 滚轮轴轴心线的水平安装误差≤1mm。
(7). Keep the allowance error of horizontality of rolling wheel,s center
(8). 滚轮上母线应处在同一水平面上,母线与该平面距离允差≤2mm,
(8). Keep all busbars of rolling wheel on the same plane The distance
allowance between busbar and the plane must≤2mm,and the vertical distance
allowance of busbars between two rolling wheels must≤1mm。
(9). 在板式喂料机基本安装好后,调节拉紧装置,使两牵引链初张力
(9). After install in general,adjust take-up to make drag chains get an
applicable initial tension. At the same time,adjust 2 drag chains together to
keep center line of driven chain wheel,shaft vertical with the center line of the
machine,so as to make sprocket and drag chain mesh normally and run stably。
4. 调整和试运转说明
4. Explanation for adjustment and test running。
(1). 调试注意事项
(1). Notes before adjustment and test running。
①. 各连接螺栓应拧紧;
①. Tighten every joint bolt。
②. 设备内应无遗留杂物;
②. Clean the machine。
③. Inject grease into every lubricating point。
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④. Ensure electrical wires are no error。
(2). 调试时注意事项
(2). Notes when adjustment and test running。
①. 板式喂料机主动链轮、尾轮的轮齿与牵引链条,是否在正常啮合
①. Inspect if driving chain wheel,driven chain wheel,s teeth and drag
chains are work under normal conditions。
②. 设备先进行空载调试工作,在故障全排除后,再作 48~72 小时的
②. First adjust the machine in idle running After all the faults have been
removed,have the machine a running for 48~72hours.Last,the machine runs
in normal。
③. 检查所有的滚动轮是否转动灵活。如有滑动和卡阻等现象,应立
③. Inspect roller wheels,keep them rotate freely。
七. 使用维护说明
Ⅶ. Direction for use and maintenance
1. 给料粒度应控制在规定范围内.
1. The feed size keeps in provided range。
2. 在空载时应先在料仓部份槽板上倒一层碎料,以防止大块物料直接
2. When the feed bin is empty,load a layer of fine material on the
troughed plate under the feed bin to protect against the large block of feed
material impacting the troughed plate directly。
3. 电动机机调速应从低速到高速或高速到低速逐步调整,不应在瞬间
3. Speed regulation of motor is from lower speed to high speed in steps,or
inversely,but forbid changing it for an instant。
4. 减速器在开始运转 300h 后,必须更换新润滑油。此后每运转 2000h
4. Change reducer,s lubricator after it runs for 300 hours. From that
change lubricator per run for 2000 hours,and inject lubricator into other
lubricating points regularly。
5. 在正常工作情况下,板式喂料机各零部件运转应平稳,无振动和漏
油现象,减速器最高油温不超过 90℃,温升不超过 60℃,工作过程中当发
现油温显著升高且超过 90℃,以及产生不正常的振动和噪声时,应停止使
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八. 润滑说明
Ⅷ. Direction for lubrication
序号 润滑点名称 润滑油(脂)规格 标准代号
1 减速器 适合减速机性能 GB5903-86
2 齿轮传动 N150 中负荷工业齿轮油 GB5903-86
3 主动链轮装置轴承 4 号钙基润滑脂 GB491-87
4 尾轮及拉紧装置轴承 4 号钙基润滑脂 GB491-87
5 托轮装置轴承 4 号钙基润滑脂 GB491-87
九. 用户须知
Ⅸ. Information for user
To satisfy demands of user and technological arrangement,the driving
device of plate feeder is designed in 2 types:Right installation and Left
installation (Along the moving direction of material,driving device on the
right of the machine is the Right installation , and the inverse is Left
installation,which are symmetrical with longitudinal center line of plate
feeder).According to demands of technological arrangement,user may select
installing type of driving device,and indicates it in the contract when order