Outlook Business e Magazine PDF
Outlook Business e Magazine PDF
Outlook Business e Magazine PDF
8 904150 800041 08
By Ambareesh Baliga, Amit Khurana, Arunagiri N, Gautam Trivedi, Harendra Kumar,
Mehul Bhatt, Safir Anand, Vijay Kedia, Vikas Khemani and Viraj Mehta
/ 10 April 2020 3
8 Renaissance Group’s Chaitanya Dalmia believes the 58 First Global’s Devina Mehra and Shankar Sharma
current market carnage has brought market valuation point out why getting asset allocation right is much
closer to ground reality more than specific stock selection
12 16
4 10 April 2020 /
32 38
42 46
/ 10 April 2020 5
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Printed and published by Indranil Roy on behalf of Outlook Publishing (India) Pvt. Ltd. Editor: N Mahalakshmi. Printed at Kalajyothi Process Pvt. Ltd.,
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Published for 28 March-10 April 2020, Total number of pages: 58 + cover
6 10 April 2020 /
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8 10 April 2020 /
Money for nothing
The story of growth revival was more alluring and prevailed over the reality of poor core earnings growth
Nifty CAGR: -3% Nifty CAGR: 37% Nifty CAGR: 4% Nifty CAGR: 7% 25
Nifty (LHS) (RHS) Nifty P/E (x)
9,000 20
Average: 15.7x
6,000 15.1 15
3,000 10
0 5
Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar
98 03 04 08 09 13 14 20
Source: Motilal Oswal Securities
five years (See: Money for nothing). However, Nifty cover lost ground. The second phase (2003 -2006) was
doubled from 6,200 to 12,400. Implicitly, the Buffett- based on low interest rates, cheap valuations and 60%
quoting brigade led the multiple expansion in ‘quality’ growth in EPS, albeit on a depressed base, owing to
stocks. It’s not as if the base multiple was ridiculously positive operating and financial leverage. Liquidity
cheap; we were at 18x in 2014 and over the past two started chasing the stocks, and the foundation was be-
years, the market became very narrow and skewed. ing laid for the next bubble.
It eased the promotion of a host of analysts/relation- 2006 -2008 was the phase in the run up to the Lehm-
ship managers to money managers. You got paid 2/20 an Brothers-induced global credit crisis, index earn-
for investing in those specific dozen stocks which ev- ings were up 85%! This is the time when EPS and P/E
ery man and his dog knew about, and were invested started chasing each other and catapulted the Sensex
in. Just as an empty mind quickly becomes a devil’s to 21,000. In hindsight, Lehman became the poster
workshop, the aforementioned excess liquidity had boy for that super-normal growth and super-rich val-
to find its way somewhere. Acknowledging the ‘risks uations to mean revert. The benchmark lost 60% in
in the markets’ and bad economic data, the liquid- little more than a year (quicker and deeper than the
ity stuck to those dozen stocks, leading to a bubble in last time in 2000). The fourth phase between Decem-
their valuations. ber 2008 and June 2010 saw some recovery in stock
It’s obviously not the fi rst time this has happened, prices owing only to undervaluation, despite weak
nor will it be the last. During the tech boom towards earnings growth. By November 2010, the Sensex had
the end of the last century, Wipro traded at 300x regained all its lost ground (little short of two years –
and Infosys at 200x, never mind the scorching 100% again quicker than the last time).
growth in earnings. I am not even talking about Since then and until now, I would keep it under the
shams such as DSQ Software and Pentasoft. Technol- fi fth phase (2011 till 2019). The reason is simple. Re-
ogy, media and telecom (TMT) stocks were destined to call all that tectonic change mentioned in the begin-
go all the way to heaven, and rest of the markets were ning and juxtapose it with Index earnings. It merely
touted as ‘old economy’ and considered ‘untouch- doubled in the past 11 years, since 2008. Even a bank
ables’. Similarly in the run-up to the 2008 global cred- FD doubled in lesser time. However, the Sensex al-
it squeeze, infrastructure, real estate and steel stocks most tripled to 42,000 since June 2008.
wore that halo. This time the darlings were mostly
consumer stocks and non-corporate fi nancials. WHY WE ARE WHERE WE ARE
Now, why would anyone pay an equity risk premium
LESSONS FROM THE PAST for FD commensurate return? Is it not quirky? What is
The technology bubble burst in 2000 due to the funda- on display here is the undying belief of institutional in-
mental cocktail of high interest rates and high valu- vestors in central banks, post the Lehman bailout (See:
ations, which eventually seemed unjustified with flat Never-ending party). Hence, zero interest rates, which
EPS growth. The benchmark fell 40 % in less than two in turn help governments overburdened with debt, is
years. It would need more than double that time to welcomed. These bottom-scraper rates are not seen as
/ 10 April 2020 9
a deeper underlying problem but become We have seen reasonable prices in many
de rigueur. The flattish yield curve sig-
In equity mar- stocks and sectors over the past decade,
nifying a prolonged recession is ignored. kets, the expec- but have not really seen ridiculously cheap
Poor core earnings growth is dismissed as
one-off in light of fiscal stimulus or hope
tation of better prices, which is what a deep bear market
throws up.
of growth revival in the near future. And growth keeps the Even though I thought markets
with all these assumptions, FIIs chasing should correct significantly, I attached a
relative return have net pumped in al-
market going low probability to it, given all the power
most #5 trillion in equities since 2011 until until real un- central banks yield these days, and the
January 2020, and mutual funds with
their SIPs got another #3.75 trillion. Pre-
derlying growth fact that zero/very low discount rates ac-
tually change everything in the world of
sumably, LIC’s inflows would be a positive catches up finance. This is what forced me to throw
number as well. in the towel and not wait for those ridicu-
For sure, equity markets are a forward-looking asset lous prices and buy a chunk (though thank God no-
class, and so the expectation of better growth keeps where near fully) at reasonable prices. So even when my
the market going until real underlying growth catch- framework told me to steer clear and wait for ‘as long as
es up. But if the digression gets prolonged, you know it takes’ as Buffett says, I was not fully convinced. Nor
you are treading on thin ice, which thins quicker un- could I bet on the ‘expected fall’ since the only way to
der a rising dawn. do that was to keep buying Puts and paying premiums,
World Wars have been triggered by seemingly in- until the eventual collapse.
consequential events. But, warlike conditions had
always been brewing under the surface. Its only in VIRUS, SERIOUSLY?
hindsight can we say that a particular event triggered The virus and the news (who knows how much fake),
the war. Financial markets are similar where reasons on which there has been an overdose from all imagin-
get attributed post collapse. Various small events able directions and sources, seems to be the event that
keep occurring until that one event which turns into has triggered the long overdue correction in the mar-
a snowball and takes the elephant down. And nobody kets. The five-year Index return stands at - 6%, as on 19
can predict in what form and when such an event will March, 2020. Even the broader Nifty 500 has returned
take shape. - 6% over that period. It has taken only two months to
I have seen ridiculous prices way back in 2000, wipe out the gains of almost four years (the Sensex was
and I have been forced to wonder over the past two last at this level in May 2016). We have fallen 35% from
decades if such prices shall be seen again. Bear the top, and this is on account of only #120 billion of
markets are a part of investing, and to imagine a net outflow (FII and MF combined till 19th of March)
perennially upward sloping index made no sense con- against the 70x combined net inflows over the past de-
sidering all that I have read and seen over the years. cade. Surely the economic impact of the virus shall be
Never-ending party
The massive injection of liquidity by global central banks kept equities on a tear
3,400 16
3,000 14
2,800 13
2,200 11
2,000 10
1,800 9
1,600 S&P 500 Index 8
1,400 7
1,200 Total Assets of Fed, ECB, BOJ (in $ trillion)
Quantitative 5
600 QE1 QE2 QE3 tightening 4
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Source: Yardeni Research
10 10 April 2020 /
Value illusion
Forward Nifty P/E is now lower than its long-term average but ‘quality’ stocks still trade at a premium
25 12-month forward Nifty P/E (x) 23.3
Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar
05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Source: Motilal Oswal Securities
devastating, but the “Nanga nahayega kya aur nichode- pullback and that too without outrageous net liquid-
ga kya” economic environment is already abysmal. As ity outflows, only indicates the omnipresence of ETF
it is, the market was out of sync with the economy for money compounded by algorithmic traders. The IPO
many years. of the country’s premier exchange is stuck in a case
As the market overshoots in either direction, here allowing early and preferential access to some such
are some more data-driven reasons to expect further players. So, serious money can be made by these ma-
downside: First, a lot more money is queued up head- chines. But technology can be destructively brutal,
ing for the door as can be observed from the above and these hot money machines have XX impact on
mentioned liquidity inflows and outflows. Two, the the markets, which only leads to more volatility than
earlier bear markets saw more than 50% drawdowns. desired, and can cause serious market dislocations.
We are far away from there even if we don’t go all the What adds fuel to the fire is the availability of stock
way this time. Three, we shall be at a median-ish P/E futures to raise the traded volume. Imagine, if the
band of 15 -16x closer to 25,000 for the Sensex. This market falls 10% daily, it can shave off 65% value in
number could be even lower given that FY21 may see two weeks. That sounds more like the Argentinean or
sharp earning downgrades. Severe bear markets can Zimbabwean inflation nightmares of the past. Ideally,
go to as low as 12x (See: Value illusion). Four, we may regulators need to figure out a way to keep the role of
be looking at supply shocks (and/or past monetary the machines to a manageable level. They also need
stimulus rearing its ugly head) leading to high infla- to ban or at least limit the use of leveraged products,
tion. Finally, and most importantly, the ‘pied piper’ which don’t serve much purpose except to increase
stocks have still not corrected enough to what one trading volume, so that the exchange gets a premium
may call intrinsically reasonable prices. IPO valuation.
However, it is not all gloom. All the above only im- As for investors, they would do well to remain mind-
plies that the stocks that went to outrageous valuations ful of the risks and evaluate them appropriately before
are unlikely to do much for the next decade. But besides fishing for return. Despite having heard ‘markets can
those stocks (which also comprise the Index remain irrational longer than you can re-
to a large extent), there is a whole world
of stocks which have almost halved, have
There is a whole main solvent’, it’s quite hard to steer clear
for half a decade if the valuations remain
a stable business, don’t have any balance world of stocks elevated. Jhoot bhi agar sau baar bola
sheet issue and are not run by crooks. In-
trinsically, they are at ridiculous valuations
that have almost jaaye to sach lagne lagta hai. So come what
may, valuation comfort is perhaps the
no matter what assumptions one may make. halved, have a only basis to invest on and sleep well. On
It won’t even need an eagle eye to find those
gems; they are scattered on the road.
stable business second thoughts, sleeping well may be a
thing of the past; the machine-age mixed
and don’t have with social media infodemic and cata-
MORAL OF THE STORY any balance lysed with virtually free and unlimited
Given the ferocity of the fall, and the an- leverage is likely to make XX bouts occur
gle at which it has fallen with hardly any sheet issues more often than ever before. So, brace! b
/ 10 April 2020 11
GMR Infrastructure is
cleaning up its act and
has a golden goose in
GMR Airports
*Ambareesh Baliga has an interest in the stock and has also recommended it to his clients
12 10 April 2020 /
/ 10 April 2020 13
M-CAP 103 billion
FY20* RETURN 0.8
Net Sales 62.06 billion
LOSS 9.19 billion
Market data as on March 20, 2020. Financials for 9MFY20; Return ratios as of FY19 Data: Ace Equity
14 10 April 2020 /
Flying high
The core airport business has long-term revenue visibility... but also the highest debt
Gross Revenue PAT EBITDA Total debt in %
(# billion)
39.2 45.5 Others Energy
2 10
4.9 5.3
14.7 18.6 Highways
Airport 10
(Inc. debt for
PE Exit)
9MFY19 9MFY20
Note: Certain loans part of Energy and Others segment till Mar’19
Source: Company are reclassified as Corporate Debt
cided to focus on the fledging airport busi- third party utilising 2,000 acres. Another
ness and divest the rest of the businesses at 2,500 acres may be developed as a mega
an opportune time. However, to immedi- petrochemical park by HPCL , GAIL and
ately reduce the debt burden and clean the Haldia Petrochemicals. They also have
balance sheet, they have divested 49% of 2,500 acres of land at Krishnagiri in Tamil
the airports business to Aeroports de Paris Nadu. A special investment region is be-
(Groupe ADP) at a post-money valuation ing set up on 600 acres in collaboration
of #220 billion, which is about #40 billion with TIDCO. The land should be in demand
higher than their earlier agreement with when global majors look for alternate re-
the Tatas. Earn-out achievements may add gions for their manufacturing facilities
another #45 billion in due course. post the Covid-19 scare and the US -China
GMR Infra would utilise part of the #100 trade spat. Even assuming a paltry #5 mil-
billion it receives from Groupe ADP, to lion per acre, the land value works out to
reduce debt from #95 billion currently to #65 billion. Additionally, there are claims
about #25 billion at the listed entity level. of #39 billion pertaining to the road as-
It has also been able to divest the 1,050 sets against government authorities which,
MW Kamalanga Thermal Power Plant to when realised, will be added to the bot-
JSW Energy with an equity payout of #12 tomline. There is also a 30% interest in PT
billion and made a similar divestment Gems Coal Mines, which was acquired for
of Chhattisgarh Power project in 2019 to around $500 million in 2011.
Adani Power at zero equity value. The road Over the next two years, we should see
project vertical is self-sustaining. The oth- the clean-up being completed. The airports
er thermal projects, too, are self-sustaining business will drive the group valuation
with some of them providing a positive with a possibility of GMR Airports being
cash flow. The Rajahmundry Power Plant, listed independently and GMR Infrastruc-
which was an albatross around its neck, ture shareholders directly holding the 51%
where it has 45% equity, has been able to currently (could go up to 59% with earn-
go through a resolution plan and the debt
GMR Infra outs) held by the holding company. This
has been brought down to sustainable lev- has decided could unlock huge value. Though Covid-19
els. GMR is in a position to clean the bal-
ance sheet across verticals.
to focus on is a risk factor for the airports business due
to travel curtailment and lower footfalls, I
A closer look reveals some hidden wealth the fledgling would prefer to be an optimist looking at
in the backyard. GMR has 10,400 acres of airport life beyond the next three to four months.
port-based land at Kakinada in Andhra The stock has corrected sharply by 33%
Pradesh with eight kilometres of coastline,
business and due to the Covid-19 scare, making it an op-
which will be developed into a port by a divest the rest portunity to buy for long-term growth. b
/ 10 April 2020 15
*Amit Khurana does not own Page Industries, but Dolat Capital has recommended the stock to its clients
16 10 April 2020 /
/ 10 April 2020 17
18 10 April 2020 /
Breathing freely
Page Industries has remained a consistent performer over the years
Net sales Net profit
CAGR 2014-19 CAGR 2014-19 28.5
19.4% 20.7% 25.5
3.5 3.9
2 2.3 2.7
1.1 1.5
age girls. During the past three years, that Jockey has always bounced back from
contribution of Page’s dominant men’s seg- similar phases in history. In the domestic
ment has been gradually decreasing from market, the brand witnessed many turbu-
51% value in FY15 to 46% value in FY19. lent phases where it had to compete with
Volume has decreased from 61% to 54% local and foreign brands.
over the same period. The other challenge Page Industries has
While men’s segment grew at value and to face is an economic slowdown and slug-
volume CAGR of 19% and 9%, respectively, gish consumer sentiment. For 9MFY20, the
that of the women’s wear grew at 27% and company’s revenue grew 7% YoY to #24
17%. Seeing that athleisure is catching on billion, with volume growth of just 1% YoY.
in a big way with women, we expect that But the slowdown has hit companies across
segment to continue to drive earnings. the board. Furthermore, after a year of av-
As of now, the brand dominates with 20% erage performance, we expect growth on a
market share in premium men’s innerwear favourable base. Once the economy recov-
and 5% in women’s. ers, Page Industries’ volume will pick up
In a bid to diversify its portfolio and and reach past levels.
transform its men-centric brand image,
Jockey also extended its foray in the kids’ ARSENAL-READY
category. Page Industries has emphasised That has been reaffirmed through our in-
that kidswear is another focus area, and teraction with multiple distributors. Page
losing no time, it has set up an indepen- is ready with multiple new products, which
dent team and realigned sales and mar- After a year can be launched any time. On ground, the
keting strategy for ‘Jockey Juniors’. With of average sales team is focused on increasing the
a view to strengthen its ground in the out- distribution and retail reach of kids wear,
erwear category, Jockey launched a new performance, which can be a big lever in the coming de-
MOVE range for men and women. we expect cade. At an estimated FY21 P/E of 55.9x, its
This need to diversify and cover all its immediate valuation appears to be on the
bases has come from growing competition
growth on a richer side, but it has long term potential to
in the premium space. From mass play- favourable generate strong free cash flow along with a
ers such as Rupa, Lux and Dollar to sports
and leisurewear names such as Puma,
base. Once well-oiled inventory management and low
requirement for incremental capex. More-
Benetton, Levi’s and others, many brands the economy over, improvement in domestic demand will
are vying for a share of the premium in- recovers, trigger significant growth in all the catego-
nerwear category. Van Heusen’s recent ries. With fundamentals in place and pros-
success in this space is surely on Page’s
volume will pect of healthy volume growth, the compa-
radar. But anecdotal evidence suggests pick up ny’s future prospects look snug. b
/ 10 April 2020 19
20 10 April 2020 /
/ 10 April 2020 21
M-CAP 10 Billion
FY20* RETURN -55
TTM P/E 7.3x
ROE 16
Net Sales 6.33 billion
PAT 1.08 billion
*Market data as on March 20, 2020. Financials for 9MFY20; Return ratios as of FY19 Data: Ace Equity
22 10 April 2020 /
Globally, there are just a handful of rub-
ber chemical players. First, there is a need 45%
for advanced technical manufacturing Accelerator
knowhow, high R&D investments and long 45%
customer approval process. Besides these, Anti oxidant
there is another critical factor that makes
the industry dynamics attractive. This Source: TrustLine Holdings
comes from the nature of the replacement
cycle in the end-product (tyres) where rub- Nocil enjoys a strong net cash position of
ber chemicals are used. The tyre industry’s #1.47 billion (#8.9/share) as on FY19 and its
replacement intensity makes the rubber expansion capex of #4.25 billion is com-
chemical industry less cyclical in terms of pletely funded through internal accruals.
demand volume. Its revenue, operating profit and net profit
Nocil is the largest manufacturer of grew at a CAGR of 10%, 27% and 34% over
rubber chemicals in India with a domes- FY15 -19, respectively. Its operating profit
tic market share of 40% and a diversified and profit margins have grown from 15.8%
22 -product portfolio in the entire range and 7.9% to 28.1% and 15.2%, respectively
of rubber chemicals (See: Many in one). It (See: Growth formula). On the back of its
is also the fourth largest in the world, in robust earnings growth and cash flows,
terms of capacity, with a market share of Nocil was able to clear its entire debt in
5%. Tyre manufacturers prefer to work FY18 (from #1.31 billion in FY14) and is cur-
with such companies with a diverse range, rently debt free (See: Cash is king).
which can assure steady supply. In the current fiscal (9MFY20), revenue
Nocil’s expertise in the rubber chemical fell by 21% to #6.34 billion due to weak re-
business spans over four decades, during alisation, steep slowdown in domestic auto
which it has built business relationships volumes and no benefit of anti-dumping
with clients in over 40 countries. Just like duty in the second and third quarters. Its
its product pipeline, it has a diversified operating margin also contracted by over
clientele that includes the likes of MRF, 670 basis points to 22.4% from 29.1% in
Apollo Tyres, Pirelli, CEAT, Michelin and 9MFY19. As a result, net profit fell by 27%
JK Tyres to name a few. The company’s to #1.09 billion. However, the management
65 -70% offtake is consumed by tyre manu- has guided a recovery in volume from
facturers and the rest by non-tyre sectors Q4FY20 following the commercialisation of
such as latex, cycle tyres, surgical gloves Nocil is the Dahej plant and renewed focus on volume
and footwear among others.
largest Indian growth, which will lead to positive oper-
ating leverage. FY21 could be a welcome
GOOD BOOKS manufacturer change given a significant increase in en-
High quality business, check. Leadership of rubber quiries from domestic and global OEMs on
in the market, check. With robust funda- supply disruptions in China.
mentals in place, Nocil’s financial ratios chemicals and
paint a pretty picture. From 60% on oper- has a domestic BANKING ON STRUCTURAL GROWTH
ating profit to operating cash flow to over The prevailing coronavirus crisis could
48% on net profit to free cash flow, the
market share turn out to be the biggest opportunity for
company boasts a healthy balance sheet. of 40% Nocil. Reducing China dependency is no
/ 10 April 2020 23
24 10 April 2020 /
National Cooperative Development Corporation is promoting various development programmes through
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Districts identified by NITI Aayog. Activities broadly include:-
Net NPA of NCDC are at zero and loan recovery position is approximately 99%. Cumulatively assistance
of almost n1.25 Lac Crore has so far been provided for various cooperative development programmes
by NCDC.
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26 10 April 2020 /
/ 10 April 2020 27
28 10 April 2020 /
penetration of branded pulses, and spices For a period of 10 years, that is, between
and condiments businesses in India are 2006 and 2016 end, the stock price of the
merely 1% and 30%, respectively. erstwhile TGBL went up a mere 32% from
TCPL expects strong growth in both these #94.50 to #124.45. As a result, investors
segments given the rise in modern trade, had lost interest in the stock and missed
online trade and the secular trend of buy- the growth that came soon after Chandra
ing more branded goods. Their products assumed office as Chairman of the Tata
are available with major online retailers Group on February 10th, 2017. The stock
such as Amazon, BigBasket and Flipkart. has since tripled to hit a lifetime high of
In fact, Tata Sampann is already the lead- #392 , before falling to #265 (on March 20,
ing online pulses brand in India. 2020). This was led more by the corona-
The next trigger will be the unfolding of virus correction in global equity markets
the synergies between TGBL and TCL . We than any change in fundamentals. What’s
believe that TCPL will be able to leverage more, with 66.8% free float, the stock
Tata Salt’s 2.5 million distribution points trades $28 million a day (last 3 months av-
and widen its reach to over 200 million erage), making it among the top 50 most
households across India. Moreover, TCPL liquid stocks in India.
will be able to leverage the Tata group’s TCPL has a healthy balance sheet which
other consumer-facing businesses, namely generates free cash flow of #10 billion.
Trent, Indian Hotels and Vistara. Trailing twelve months (TTM) financials of
The other major trigger in the stock is TCPL have combined revenue of over #95
the appointment of Sunil D’Souza, who TCPL will billion and Ebitda of over #12 billion. India
takes over as managing director and CEO be able to will contribute more than 60% revenues,
with effect from April 4, 2020. A gradu- against 49% at TGBL .
ate of IIM Calcutta, D’Souza joins from leverage While the stock is not cheap at 24.5x FY21
white goods major, Whirlpool of India. Tata Salt’s price to earnings, we estimate that the P/E
During his five-year tenure, Whirlpool’s will expand as the story plays out and the
sales grew 14% CAGR and profit grew 27%
2.5 million stock catches up to the high valuations of
CAGR . Prior to that, he spent 14 years at distribution its listed peers, such as Hindustan Unile-
PepsiCo’s Asian operations.
Besides Sunil D’Souza, TCPL has made
points and ver, Nestle and Dabur.
Over the next five to 10 years, the com-
several senior management changes, hir- widen its pany will introduce more FMCG products
ing fresh talent such as Ajit Krishnakumar reach to over and pump them through its extensive
(COO), Adil Ahmed (head of international), nationwide distribution. We believe Tata
Rakesh Sony (head of strategy and M&A)
200 million Consumer Products is the next food and
and Rishi Dang (head of US business). households beverages giant in the making. b
/ 10 April 2020 29
*Harendra Kumar does not own ICICI Securities, but Elara Capital has recommended
the stock to its clients
30 10 April 2020 /
/ 10 April 2020 31
32 10 April 2020 /
EPFO subscribers
170 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20*
Source: Elara Securities Research Source: Elara Securities Research. *Till January 2020
CAGR in average daily turnover versus reve- the minimum networth requirement for
nue growth of 16% over FY14 -19, though not trading and clearing membership (TM &
all was because of pricing but also a shift to CM) in the capital market and futures and
derivatives and intraday trading. options segment, which currently stands at
Recognising the needs of new-age cus- #30 million. The networth for large brokers
tomers and aggressive competition, the remains high and comfortable and gives
management led by Vijay Chandok has them an edge. The changing regulations,
taken steps to bridge gaps in pricing while do not directly increase the require-
and products. I-Sec launched a separate ment, are pro-large brokers given their
membership plan called Prime, where stronger balance sheets.
it has reduced the rack rates, although We see tightening regulations working
they are still higher than those of dis- towards the benefit of large brokers and
count brokers. The steps have been well increasing networth requirement putting
received with 5% of the customer base a floor to the price war. On one hand, a
shifting to Prime, which has resulted in stricter implementation on margin fund-
increased activation rates. ing will be detrimental for the industry at
Of the 230,000 Prime customers, 90% are large. On the other, regulations to reduce
in the first category, as per the manage- settlement frequency and inability to use
ment. While volume has held up for 60% client assets post the Karvy episode work
for 9MFY20, broking revenue was down in favour of I-Sec. We expect a 27% CAGR
2% YoY, which we ascribe to the launch of in market volume over FY19 -24, with I-
Prime at the start of the current fiscal. We I-Sec began Sec growing higher at 28% as we build in
currently do not build in any material shift a separate market share gains. These gains could be
of customers to Prime, and expect FY20 sharp due to the reducing competition,
brokerage revenue to see 2% YoY growth. membership but we keep them conservative, given
Margin trade financing, too, has picked plan ‘Prime’ the uncertainty around margin funding.
up with a quarter on quarter jump in book We expect 12% CAGR in broking revenue
to #11 billion in Q 3FY20 from #6.8 billion
with reduced over FY20 -22 on the back of 20% CAGR in
in Q 2FY20. Management sees this is as a rack rates, market volume and a slight dip in yield
stable source of revenue. Given its current
networth of #10 billion, I-Sec has the abil-
although they to account for the impact of Prime and
ity to grow this 4x. are still higher
TIGHTENING RULES A POSITIVE I-Sec historically has had a diversified rev-
Despite the growing size of the broking
of discount enue mix, with distribution being an inte-
industry, the regulator has not increased brokers gral part at 23 -26% of revenue. This makes
/ 10 April 2020 33
the company partly offset the cyclical- The We expect distribution income to bottom
ity of the broking business. The manage-
ment’s long-term objective remains to have
management’s out in FY20 for the combined impact of
TER cuts and slower growth by ICICI Pru-
a 50:50 broking and non-broking share, long-term dential Life. We estimate distribution in-
which stands at 57:43 currently. objective come at a CAGR of 13% over FY20 -22.
The largest pie in the distribution piece Long entrenched relationships are the
is mutual funds. With an MF AUM CAGR is to have a backbone of wealth management, with
at 24% over FY14 -19, I-Sec has seen its cli- 50:50 broking I-Sec boasting of 65% of revenue contri-
ent MF post an AUM CAGR of 35% over the bution by customers who have been in as-
same period, with market share in com-
and non- sociation for more than five years. I-Sec
missions going up from 2.3% in FY14 to broking share, classifies its wealthy clients as having as-
4.0% for FY19. The recent total expense
ratio (TER) cuts have dragged MF rev-
which stands set under advice of more than #10 million
and currently stands at an aggregate of
enue down 3.0% for FY19. We estimate MF at 57:43 #1 trillion spread over 30,000 strong client
revenue to fall by 16% YoY for FY20, with currently base (See: Gilded edge). Given limited dis-
growth resuming over FY21-22. closures, the potential from this pie could
Being a one-stop shop, insurance is also a range from 12% to 30% of revenue. We see
part of the bouquet of services. But unlike this piece gaining increased focus under
MF, the tie-up is only with group compa- the new management and could be a sig-
nies on the life (LI) and general insurance nificant value driver.
fronts, while for health, it has tie-ups with As far as investment banking activity
two standalone health insurers. The man- goes, FY16 -18 were the best years as I-Sec
agement is looking to go the open archi- reported #1.4 billion in revenue for FY18,
tecture route here too, which could be an at a CAGR of 31% over FY15 -18. FY19 was
additional growth lever. Revenue for the hurt by the IL &FS crisis, which combined
LI business has been flat in 9MFY20, due to with the fall in consumption reflecting in
subdued performance by ICICI Life Insur- macro and GDP growth rate. With GDP
ance with annualised premium equivalent growth and capex expected to bottom out,
(APE) up just 1.2% for 9MFY20. We see it we expect capital market activity to revive
improving once ICICI Prudential Life picks in the medium term. Additionally, the gov-
up steam. ernment’s #2 trillion divestment target will
I-Sec has other distribution products, in- be a key driver to revive capital market ac-
cluding the National Pension Scheme, Al- tivities. I-Sec remains the largest domestic
ternative Investment Fund, portfolio man- financial advisor by revenue, and a high
agement services and fixed deposit, which share in public issuances will enable it to
contribute to 28% of distribution revenue. capture the above opportunity.
We are conservative in our projections of
Gilded edge overall revenue CAGR of 12% over FY20 -22
I-Sec’s parentage could spur the wealth management business on the back of 12% CAGR in broking rev-
enue and 13% for non-broking. We cur-
AUM (# trillion) rently project 20% CAGR in market volume
over FY20 -22 against 68% over FY17-19,
IIFL Wealth and we expect further moderation in pric-
1.79 ing owing to the adoption of Prime and
Edelweiss Option20.
ICICI Securities Profitability of the capital markets busi-
1 nesses is volatile, given the cyclical nature
JM Financial of business, which coupled with lofty em-
0.47 ployee cost, makes it a highly operating
leverage play. For I-Sec, profit before tax
Motilal Oswal margin has been moving from 20% for
0.19 Source: Elara Securities Research FY14 to 44% for FY19 and has maintained
34 10 April 2020 /
/ 10 April 2020 35
*OysterRock Capital owns shares of Nesco in the fund’s portfolio and may buy or
sell in the future and to that extent, could be considered as interested
36 10 April 2020 /
/ 10 April 2020 37
38 10 April 2020 /
/ 10 April 2020 39
40 10 April 2020 /
/ 10 April 2020 41
42 10 April 2020 /
ment, DuPont announced that it would be for value creation, one cannot overlook
closing down its facility in the US to source Transpek’s upper hand in terms of exclu-
from suppliers (read Transpek) who have sivity when compared to its peers. This
“newer process technology”. The company can be attributed to factors such as back-
also called Transpek’s technology “more ward integration and on-site production
productive” than its own. of intermediaries, a unique recycling sys-
Even on the financial front, the com- tem with closed loop chemistry and R&D
pany has performed well over the recent recognised by departments of the Indian
past. While net profit grew at CAGR of government. It also boasts of 100 acres of
31% from FY15 to FY19, sales grew at 19% land with a green belt of more than 30,000
CAGR (See: Formula for success). Even after trees, fully fledged effluent management
the company had an accident at its plant system with a licensed discharge facility
in May 2019 and production was halted for to the central effluent channel and a self-
two months, the company has managed to sustained water source.
deliver steady growth over the past three Transpek’s focus on innovation is reflect-
quarters of FY20. The company also boasts ed in its pipeline of organic as well as in-
healthy return ratio (See: Quiet underdog). organic products. Manufacturing technol-
Though the products it manufactures ogy for all of its existing products has been
are chemicals that are hazardous in na- developed in-house.
ture and, thus, timely environmental
approvals and expansions are necessary POISED FOR GROWTH
During a recent board meeting, Transpek
Quiet underdog sought approval to undertake a greenfield
Transpek seems an attractive play on the rising specialty chemicals expansion project at an estimated cost of
demand around the world #1.20 billion, funded by a mix of debt and
Stock CMP P/E Market cap D/E ROE equity. Even if it undertook the project,
(#) (x) (# billion) (x) % it will not hurt its books since its current
fixed assets stand at #2.70 billion.
Aarti Ind 772 24.7 134 0.91 24
As more global players see a reliable part-
Navin Fluorine 1,186 35.2 58.8 0 14 ner in Transpek, it can further boost its
growth and assure steady return for inves-
Alkyl Amines 1,250 13.8 25.5 0.44 24 tors. The DuPont deal is testimony to the
company’s capability and the upcoming
Fairchem 454 64 17.6 0.85 18 expansion can unlock the runway for this
mid-sized chemical player, taking it to the
Transpek 1,390 10 7.9 0.46 24
next level of growth. b
Data as on March 20, 2020 Source: Companies, reports
/ 10 April 2020 43
*This is a personal analysis by Vijay Kedia, who has invested in Repro India
and is not to be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell the stock
44 10 April 2020 /
/ 10 April 2020 45
46 10 April 2020 /
Page turner
The company’s e-retail business has been quite a successful one, and it continues to grow at a healthy pace
Volume (Books sold/quarter) Revenue (million/quarter)
Domestic International Total Domestic International Total
400,000 140
367,327 130
320,554 100
200,000 80
150,371 61.8
100,000 122,731 33.7 48
46,773 40 28.2
0 20
Q1FY19 Q3FY20 Q1FY19 Q3FY20
Source: Company
services to users. Repro’s aggregation plat- 4,000 books per day and average sales of
form offers books to readers all over the #250,000 a week. It saw 114% increase in
world from publishers all over the world. It volume of books from Q 1FY19 to Q3FY20.
lists the publishers’ titles online through e- Similarly, its revenue also increased pro-
retail giants such as Amazon and Flipkart, portionally by 111% over the same period
and readers order the online books from (See: Page turner).
Repro. The platform then produces the By the end of 9MFY20, it listed over more
book (after it has been bought) and deliv- than five million titles, two operational
ers it in 24 - 48 hours. Repro then pays the facilities, one in Bhiwandi and other in
publishers their royalty immediately on Delhi and third facility is expected soon in
sale of the book. Bengaluru and cumulative capacity will be
Hence, the publishers can focus their en- 22,000 books per day and revenues are now
ergies on creating a book, making no other touching #130 million per quarter. It has a
investment. The industry need no longer negative working capital cycle.
be bogged down by worries about inven- Repro seems to be entering an exciting
tory, obsolescence, returns and wastage. phase of growth with its capex almost over
Also, the cash flow is positive. and commercialisation of the new capacity
Repro India tied up with US -based In- set to start in FY21. The balance sheet has
gram content group, which is one of the become healthy with debt/equity ratio fall-
world’s largest content aggregators and ing to 0.35 in December 31, 2019, as against
distributors for books. They have the in- 0.52 in March 31, 2019. Operating cash flows
dustry’s largest active book inventory have been improving and the company may
with access to 14 million titles from 45,000 start generating healthy free cash flows
publishers. The company has exclusive from FY21. The debtor days, too, have re-
agreement with Ingram in which the US With its capex duced from 105 to 68, over the same period.
company will provide international titles almost over One thing to note is the old printing busi-
to Repro India to sell on Indian platforms, ness could continue to be a cash cow for
and Repro will also share domestic titles it
and a tie-up the company, in-spite of the topline being
has aggregated over the years from Indian with US-based range bound. Thus, Repro would have a
publishers with Ingram to list those titles
on international platforms.
Ingram, Repro healthy working capital cycle and would
become debt-free sooner than expected.
seems to be Being the first-mover in this space, we
BOOKED FOR GROWTH entering an expect Repro India to have minimum one-
Repro started the print-on-demand opera- third market share in three to four years,
tion in 2016 -2017 with ~90,000 titles, with
exciting phase and we are confident that it will disrupt
one facility in Bhiwandi with a capacity of of growth the industry in a meaningful way. b
/ 10 April 2020 47
48 10 April 2020 /
/ 10 April 2020 49
50 10 April 2020 /
Getting it right
Conservative underwriting has ensured that ICICI Lombard continues to enjoy high solvency
Underwriting profi ts/(losses) (# mn) Underwriting margin (%) Solvency (%)
0.2 2.21
-2.0 2.20
-1.8 -1.4 -1.8 2.18 2.18
-3.1 -2.8
2.10 2.12
-4.8 2.05
Q2FY18 Q1FY19 Q4FY19 Q1FY20 Q3FY20 Q2FY18 Q3FY20
Source: Company, HDFC Securities
CEOs I have come across, who has priori- quet of services, so that they don’t have
tised product innovation, technology and to deal with several vendors.
risk management. What could have been another risk for
ICICI Lombard is the largest private the company — technology — has not yet
general insurer with a comprehensive posed a threat since the management has
and well-diversified product portfolio always been a bit ahead of the curve in
covering motor, health, fi re, engineering, terms of innovation and cost efficiency.
marine and more coupled with strong
infrastructure of 265 branches, 910 vir- SOLID AND SOLVENT
tual offices and over 10,000 employees. We believe ICICI Lombard should be able
The insurer’s premium income grew to double its profit from #11 billion to
16% CAGR over the past five years and #20 billion over the next four years and
net profit at 16% CAGR . Strong solvency further enhance its market leadership. If
ratio, combined ratios and loss ratios in anything could dent its path towards ac-
comparison to its peers only validate the celerated profitability growth, it is only
strong underwriting skills, risk averse- regulatory risk and persistent economic
ness culture of the company combined slowdown. But a great company will know
with focus on profitability (See: Get- how to navigate turbulence.
ting it right). Their ability to reject a less Compounding at 15 -20%, with no ad-
profitable business is commendable. For ditional capital requirement and a huge
instance, it exited its crop insurance retail customer base, ICICI Lombard is
business and did not chase commercial more of a consumer business than a finan-
vehicle insurance when it stopped look-
ing lucrative.
ICICI Lombard cial services one. Can the company reach
$50 billion in market cap over the next
Yes, the recent regulatory plan of allow- should be able decade? I believe the probability is quite
ing life insurance players to sell health to double its high. Of course, the stock is not trading
insurance policies can be an additional cheap. At 5.7x its estimated FY21 P/BV, the
competitive factor, but I do not believe it
profit from 11 stock may look expensive to many inves-
will deter players such as ICICI Lombard. billion to #20 tors but a business like this will remain
The company offers a huge back-end in-
frastructure across claims processing,
billion over the expensive. Sure, in equities, one should
never overlook risk. But, investing has
tie-ups with third party administrators next four years always been a game of probability in an
and hospitals. If anything, life insurance and further ever-changing world. And ICICI Lombard
players should be wary of ICICI Lombard. will compound over a long period. As the
Furthermore, corporates generally prefer enhance its saying goes — if you want quality stocks,
insurance companies that provide a bou- leadership you have to pay for it. b
/ 10 April 2020 51
52 10 April 2020 /
/ 10 April 2020 53
M-CAP 82 BillioN
TTM Pbv 2.3x
ROE 30.4
ROA 6.3
Net Sales 38.6 BillioN
PAT 10.8 BillioN
*Market data as on March 20, 2020. Financials for 9MFY20; Return ratios as of Q3FY20 Data: Ace Equity
54 10 April 2020 /
Bank Finance Commercial Paper Subordinated Bond NCD Others Gold loan AUM Non-gold AUM
in %
1 2
13.1 18.7 10.9
3.8 1 0.1
28.3 100
82 62.8
52.7 67
trillion. Of this, organised gold loans have <0.5% as of Q 3FY20. While Manappuram’s
barely scratched the surface with 3% pene- gold business continues to be a core one,
tration. That means a long growth runway we believe non-gold business will also be
for players such as Manappuram Finance. a substantial growth driver, contribut-
Furthermore, lending is a commodity busi- ing nearly 50% of the AUM in the next five
ness and anyone including banks, NBFCs, years (See: All that glitters is not gold). With
local money lenders can lend against gold. a customer base of 4.93 million customers,
However, specialised NBFCs have a distinct it has large cross-sell opportunities, which
advantage against other lenders. Gold loan Manappuram should be able to capitalise.
NBFCs enjoy speed and flexibility of local
moneylenders while benefiting from much SHINING BRIGHT
lower cost of funds. Despite high growth over the past de-
The company has already proved its mettle cade, Manappuram raised equity only
as it emerged out of the IL&FS fallout most- once, in FY11. It has reported strong earn-
ly unscathed. While the cost of borrowing ings growth with EPS rising from #1.8 in
for troubled NBFCs increased substantially FY10 to #15.9 in FY19 on a trailing twelve
over two years, Manappuram was not one of months basis. The financier’s efforts to
them. In fact, recent commercial paper issu- lower security cost over the years has
ance at 6.12% yield was at a much lower rate also reaped rich dividends in the form of
compared to peers (See: Well-funded). This is healthy return ratios — RoA of 6.3% and
because of its high quality loan book backed RoE of 30.4% on consolidated basis as of
by highly liquid collateral. Due to its Q 3FY20. Despite being in a capital-inten-
Due to its healthy gold loans business, healthy sive business, Manappuram has not missed
the company has maintained substan- dividend payouts for more than 15 years,
tial cash flow, which has been prudently gold loans which demonstrates the robustness of its
utilised by the management. From being a business, business model as well as cash flows.
100% gold loan company in FY14, Manap- All these factors prove the company has
puram’s 33% of the loan book now comes
Manappuram significant room to grow, and it would
from sectors such as micro finance, vehicle has steady not even require much capex. It already
loans and housing finance. Ashirvad Micro
Finance, which it acquired in February
cash flow, has more than 4,600 branches across the
country and as business grows, operating
2015, is now among the top five MFI lenders which has leverage should kick in, which would mean
in the country. The subsidiary’s AUM has been prudently extremely attractive return ratios. At #82
grown from #3 billion to more than #50 bil- billion market cap, Manappuram trades at
lion over the past five years. It enjoys RoA/
utilised by the ~5x estimated FY21 earnings. That, with-
RoE of ~5.3%/~26.8% and gross NPA of management out a doubt, is a great steal. b
/ 10 April 2020 55
Co-founder and head of research, First Global
Founder and vice chairman, First Global
/ 10 April 2020 57
Amidst a weakening economy, uncertain policies and a global pandemic,
the 16 stocks recommended in 2019 have delivered mixed return
t was a year when the Nifty hit an all-time
high, but as the financial year comes to a
close, it might end 30% below its peak. Out
of the 16 stocks recommended by some of the
top market experts in the country in March 2019,
five delivered positive return. While Coffee Day
Enterprises declined due to unfortunate events,
even stocks such as Bombay Dyeing, Majesco and
Tata Motors have not been spared in the market
carnage. The only true winner in the list is spe-
cialty chemicals player Alkyl Amines, which was
recommended by Viraj Mehta of Equirus Securi-
ties. With a gain of 53% since the recommendation,
it tops the chart, followed by Dr Lal PathLabs,
recommended by Saurabh Mukherjea of Marcel-
lus Investment. As the market carnage continues
amid the novel coronavirus scare, analysts believe
the time is ripe to bet on quality stocks, and that’s
Taking stock
A quick look at how the top picks of 2019 have performed
Reco Peak price CMP** Change
Stock Recommended by price* (#) post reco (#) (#) (%)
Alkyl Amines Viraj Mehta, Equirus Securities 815 1,810 1,250 53
Dr Lal PathLabs Saurabh Mukherjea, Marcellus Investment 1,073 1,846 1,420 32
Vaibhav Global Vijay Kedia, Kedia Securities 628 1,199 765 22
Aavas Financiers Gautam Trivedi, Nepean Capital 1,156 2,101 1,328 15
Dr Reddy’s Aditya Narain, Edelweiss 2,749 3,364 2,879 5
ICICI Bank Vikas Khemani, Carnelian Capital Advisors 392 552 344 -12
Maruti Suzuki Gautam Duggad, Motilal Oswal Financial 6,558 7,758 5,094 -22
Reliance Harendra Kumar, Elara Capital 1,342 1,617 1,028 -23
Grauer & Weil Arunagiri N, TrustLine Holdings 51 62 36 -29
Star Cement Jigar Shah, Maybank Kim Eng Securities 100 140 70 -30
Greenply Ekansh Mittal, Katalyst Wealth 154 194 101 -34
Engineers India Ajay Jaiswal, Stewart & Mackertich 113 128 57 -49
Tata Motors Ambareesh Baliga, Independent Market Expert 175 239 77 -56
Majesco Mehul Bhatt, OysterRock Capital 497 587 206 -58
Bombay Dyeing Gaurav Parikh, Jeena Scriptech 143 147 43 -69
Coffee Day Niraj Dalal, 3A Capital 287 318 26 -91
*As on March 22, 2019 **As on March 20, 2020
58 10 April 2020 /