Roland Berger Trend Compendium 2030
Roland Berger Trend Compendium 2030
Roland Berger Trend Compendium 2030
Megatrend 5
Dynamic technology &
October 2017
About the Roland Berger Trend Compendium 2030
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The Roland Berger Trend Compendium 2030 focuses on stable long
term developments
> The Roland Berger Trend Compendium covers megatrends – long-term developments with major impact (usually
global) on companies, economies and the natural world
> The forecasts are based on estimates reflecting the "normal" case, i.e. a stable development of the global economy
with no unexpected events ("black swans"). Major political or financial crises, large-scale natural disasters or similar
far-reaching events are not integral to our assumptions
> To incorporate today's volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) environment into strategic planning we
recommend to combine the megatrends of the Roland Berger Trend Compendium with the Roland Berger scenario
planning approach
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It covers seven megatrends that shape the future development of
our world
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Demographic Globalization Scarcity Climate Dynamic Global Sustainability
dynamics & future of change & technology knowledge & global
markets resources ecosystem & innovation society responsibility
at risk
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T5 Dynamic technology & innovation: Subtrends
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1. Power of innovation – Driver of economic prosperity
> Growing demand for food > Synthetic > Higher crop yields through
fertilizer intensive use of synthetic
> Global warming through > Lithium > Reduction of CO2 emissions
rising CO2 emissions batteries through the usage of electro
cars or storage of renewable
energy such as solar
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1. Power of innovation – Driver of economic prosperity
Source: Clayton Christensen, BBC, Wonderfulengineering Roland Berger Trend Compendium 2030 - Trend 5 Dynamic technology and innovation.pptx 8
1. Power of innovation – Driver of economic prosperity
Source: IMF, Wipo, WEF Roland Berger Trend Compendium 2030 - Trend 5 Dynamic technology and innovation.pptx 9
1. Power of innovation – Driver of economic prosperity
Source: Wipo, IMF, World Bank, EVCA, KPMG Roland Berger Trend Compendium 2030 - Trend 5 Dynamic technology and innovation.pptx 10
1. Power of innovation – Driver of economic prosperity
Electricity (1873) 46
Telephone (1876) 35
Radio (1897) 31
TV (1926) 26
PC (1975) 16
Facebook (2004) 4
Source: FAZ Roland Berger Trend Compendium 2030 - Trend 5 Dynamic technology and innovation.pptx 11
1. Power of innovation – Driver of economic prosperity
65 45
Central &
Western 15
Eastern Europe
America Europe 81
Asia &
Latin Africa &
America Middle East
2013 2021
1) Defining mobile smart devices and connections as those having advanced computing and multimedia capabilities with a minimum of 3G connectivity
Source: Cisco Roland Berger Trend Compendium 2030 - Trend 5 Dynamic technology and innovation.pptx 12
1. Power of innovation – Driver of economic prosperity
Source: FAZ, Cisco Roland Berger Trend Compendium 2030 - Trend 5 Dynamic technology and innovation.pptx 13
2. Life Sciences – Addressing major challenges of humanity
Source: PwC, Deloitte Roland Berger Trend Compendium 2030 - Trend 5 Dynamic technology and innovation.pptx 14
2. Life Sciences – Addressing major challenges of humanity
Huge challenges across the globe are calling for solutions from
Life Sciences …
Selected important challenges associated with Life Sciences
Pollution Growing
of air, soil, demand for food
… and water
Marine pollution
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2. Life Sciences – Addressing major challenges of humanity
Source: Imperial College London, Deloitte, WEF, NIC, ARTE Tech Mag, WHO, Nature, World Future Society Roland Berger Trend Compendium 2030 - Trend 5 Dynamic technology and innovation.pptx 16
2. Life Sciences – Addressing major challenges of humanity
1) The term bioeconomy derives mainly from the OECD 2) Agriculture, forestry, fishing and mining
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Source: Fraunhofer, OECD, World Future Soc., NIC, US Rice Producers, The higher education, 17
2. Life Sciences – Addressing major challenges of humanity
1) Patent Cooperation Treaty: Intellectual property rights enforced in 148 countries worldwide
Source: WEF, Global Data, PwC, Forbes, IBIS World, Evaluate Group, USDA, JLL, Deloítte, BCNet Staff, EY, World Berger
Bank, IMSTrend
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2. Life Sciences – Addressing major challenges of humanity
2006 2016
Other countries 22.5 12.8 Japan Other countries 15.2 15.0 Japan
1.5 China
7.6 China
2.2 South Korea
13.9 South Korea
1) PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty: Intellectual property rights enforced in 148 countries worldwide) applications here refer to analysis of biological materials, medical technology,
biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, food chemistry, environmental technology 2) EPO = European Patent Office
Source: Wipo Roland Berger Trend Compendium 2030 - Trend 5 Dynamic technology and innovation.pptx 19
2. Life Sciences – Addressing major challenges of humanity
2006 2016
Other countries 8.9 12.5 Japan Other countries 8.6 14.2 Japan
1.5 China
6.9 China
2.1 South Korea
South Korea
1) PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty: Intellectual property rights enforced in 148 countries worldwide) applications here refer to analysis of biological materials, medical technology,
biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, food chemistry, environmental technology
Source: Wipo Roland Berger Trend Compendium 2030 - Trend 5 Dynamic technology and innovation.pptx 20
2. Life Sciences – Addressing major challenges of humanity
Source: WEF, IBIS World, Evaluate Group, Financial Times, IMS, Adroit People, Deloitte Roland Berger Trend Compendium 2030 - Trend 5 Dynamic technology and innovation.pptx 21
2. Life Sciences – Addressing major challenges of humanity
Source: FAZ, Wissensschau Roland Berger Trend Compendium 2030 - Trend 5 Dynamic technology and innovation.pptx 22
3. Digital Transformation – The digital economy is here
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3. Digital Transformation – The digital economy is here
3D scanner
Autonomous driving
Software defined
3D print structures
Holographic displays
Augmented reality
Quantum computing
Crowd funding
Smart everything
UMTS Crowd sourcing
Bitcoin Industry 4.0
GPS on smartphones
Dark Web Smart car
Android Cloud
E-Reader Internet of Things
Video-on-demand Smart home
Social networking Sensor technology
Streaming services
CD Semantic web Individualization of search results
E-mail Bluetooth Free and open software
Personal computer WLAN Tablets Robotics
Search engine File sharing NFC
Open innovation E-Books Remote
iOS working
QR-code DVD Online Open source Blogs Skype
mp3 Apps & app stores
auction Online banking Micro blogging
Linux VoIP
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3. Digital Transformation – The digital economy is here
Platform Ecosystem
New technologies emerge that strongly impact our daily life and the
way we do business
Overview of technology trends
Smart automation
home Machine
Quantum learning
Virtual &
Blockchain augmented reality
Distributed cloud storage, Virtual dressing rooms, virtual
Smart digital identity verification, smart education, surgery training,
contracts, digital voting, … sports spectating, cognitive
Data training, … Deep
Big Data Artificial Intelligence
Internet of 3D-Printing Autonomous
Financial trading, marketing vehicles
Things personalization, natural
language processing, ….
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3. Digital Transformation – The digital economy is here
M2M; non celullar M2M and consumer electronics; celullar Consumer electronics; non celular PC, labtop, tablet Mobile phones Fixed phones
Notes: CE = Consumer Electronics 1) a connected device is a physical object that has an IP stack, enabling two-way communication over a network interface (traditional landline phones
are included for legacy reasons)
Source: Ericsson, Cisco, Gartner Roland Berger Trend Compendium 2030 - Trend 5 Dynamic technology and innovation.pptx 27
3. Digital Transformation – The digital economy is here
1) Excluding smartphones, tablets, and computers 2) Electroencephalography: Detection/recording of electrical brain activity along the scalp
Roland Berger
Source: BBC, ABI, WEF, WirtschaftsWoche, InnovationExcellence, SRI, Futuresearch, IDC, Goldman Sachs, Digi-Capital, Trend Compendium 2030 - Trend 5 Dynamic technology and innovation.pptx
Gartner 28
3. Digital Transformation – The digital economy is here
Europe Global
Roland Berger estimates an The European Cisco predicts that IoT will Machina Research esti-
increase in value added Commission predicts that generate USD 8 trillion mates the total IoT revenue
through Digital Transformation the EU market value of the worldwide in Value at Stake1) opportunity at USD 3 trillion
of 20-30% or EUR 1.25 trillion IoT is expected to exceed over the next decade in 2025 (up from
for European industry by 2025 EUR 1 trillion in 2020 (2015-2024) USD 750 billion in 2015)
1) The potential bottom-line value (higher revenue and lower costs) that can be created or that will migrate among the private and public sector
Source: Roland Berger, European Commission, Cisco, Machina Research Roland Berger Trend Compendium 2030 - Trend 5 Dynamic technology and innovation.pptx 29
3. Digital Transformation – The digital economy is here
1) A Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is is a specialized electronic circuit designed to rapidly manipulate and alter memory to accelerate the creation of images 1) Fortune 100 USA;
Fortune 100 Europe; Fortune 100 Asia/Pacific
Source: GE, NIC, Gartner, Fraunhofer, MIT, BITKOM, HBR, WirstchaftsWoche, SZ, SRI, Russel Reynolds Roland Berger Trend Compendium 2030 - Trend 5 Dynamic technology and innovation.pptx 30
3. Digital Transformation – The digital economy is here
Source: Altimeter Roland Berger Trend Compendium 2030 - Trend 5 Dynamic technology and innovation.pptx 31
3. Digital Transformation – The digital economy is here
Potential > Transportation > Cross-channel > Customer > Forecasting > Virtual > Automating
Value > Delivery insights service & > Knowledge diagnostics manual
> Language experience management > Brand processes
> Quality
assurance translation > Personal > Price/purchase management
> 3-D maps productivity prediction > Quality
> Security
> Virtual > Knowledge > Virtual sales assurance
shopping management assistants
Relevant > Transportation > Hospitality > Consumer > City planning > Medicine > Security
Industries & logistics > Travel Electronics > Financial serv. > Manufacturing > Smart homes
> Oil and gas > Retail > Travel > Retail > Architecture > Precision
> Manufacturing > Gaming > Retail > Healthcare > Retail medicine
> Security & > Media > Beauty > Food safety > Food & > Manufacturing
defense > B2B sales beverage > Transportation
> Entertainment > Security
> Medicine > Legal services > Transportation > Security
> Manufacturing
Source: Altimeter Roland Berger Trend Compendium 2030 - Trend 5 Dynamic technology and innovation.pptx 32
3. Digital Transformation – The digital economy is here
… and has the potential to raise efficiency to the next level across
Major efficiency levers over time
Today artificial intelligence is
where the internet was in 1996
Business process
AI Research Lab Merantix
Automation of business What can these things do?
processes using software
We don’t really know the limits.
It has incredible possibilities.
Business process I think it’s impossible to forecast
outsourcing/offshoring accurately
Outsourcing of operations and responsibilities to Sergey Brin – Google co-founder
service providers in countries with lower labor costs
Every aspect of our lives will be
Business process
transformed. In short, success in
reengineering/management creating AI could be the biggest
Analysis and design of business processes within an event in the history of our
organization to reduce non-value-adding work civilization
Stephen Hawking – theoretical
Source: Press research, WEF, Merantix Roland Berger Trend Compendium 2030 - Trend 5 Dynamic technology and innovation.pptx 33
3. Digital Transformation – The digital economy is here
1) Artificial intelligence is a consolidation of state-of-the-art technologies which are used to develop products which work similar to human intelligence. It considers revenues generated
from the hardware devices which go into making of following AI technologies such as Deep Learning (DL), Robotics, Digital Personal Assistant, Querying Method, Natural Language
Processing (NLP), Context Aware Processing. Third party software/platform and service providers in the AI ecosystem are not included
Source: MarketsandMarkets, Stanford University, Gartner Roland Berger Trend Compendium 2030 - Trend 5 Dynamic technology and innovation.pptx 34
3. Digital Transformation – The digital economy is here
Taxonomy of > Four (mechanization, mass production, > Three (industrial revolution, internet
revolutions automation, robotization) revolution, industrial internet revolution)
Strategic focus > Industrial policy: "the German strategic > Interoperability: "establishing
initiative to take up a pioneering role in interoperability in various industrial
industrial IT" environments"
Technological > Supply chain coordination, embedded > Device communication, controls and
focus systems, automation, robotics integration, data flows, predictive
analytics, automation
Optimization focus > Production > Asset
Source: MAPI Roland Berger Trend Compendium 2030 - Trend 5 Dynamic technology and innovation.pptx 35
3. Digital Transformation – The digital economy is here
Source: MAPI, Siemens, Industrial Internet Consortium Roland Berger Trend Compendium 2030 - Trend 5 Dynamic technology and innovation.pptx 36
3. Digital Transformation – The digital economy is here
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3. Digital Transformation – The digital economy is here
Source: IFR, Gartner, Fraunhofer, Harvard Business Review, SAP, Statista, Cisco, Machina Research, PWC Roland Berger Trend Compendium 2030 - Trend 5 Dynamic technology and innovation.pptx 38
3. Digital Transformation – The digital economy is here
> Cross-sectoral M&A,
> Technology transfer/
Roland Berger Trend Compendium 2030 - Trend 5 Dynamic technology and innovation.pptx 39
3. Digital Transformation – The digital economy is here
Source: VDE, DIN, China Times, Computerworld, Computerwoche Roland Berger Trend Compendium 2030 - Trend 5 Dynamic technology and innovation.pptx 40
T5 Corporate actions (1)
> After identifying new, marketable technologies within its business, companies should set up an innovation roadmap
in order to implement new business models and technologies in a progressive manner, leading to achieving a
clearly defined, future target. Not only does this innovation roadmap include new technologies but also the strategic
management of the wider innovation portfolio
> A way to extend R&D activities without considerable investment is to establish or seek out and join cooperative
research partnerships and networks. Financial benefits aside, advantages often lie in synergies between and across
different fields. Partnerships can be formed with business partners, universities or research institutes.
On a political level, networking with e.g. foreign chambers of commerce or NGOs will
facilitate market entrance especially in developing countries
> The creation of innovation demands the mastery of two opposing skills –
convergent (deriving at the single best answer) and divergent (exploring many 3
possible solutions) thinking in equal measure. Before bringing together different
ideas and aggregating them into a new best one, it is essential to first think
creatively considering multiple new perspectives and possibilities 2
> Foster beneficial exchanges outside and across the corporation, between
cultural and technological sectors; sensitize and/or reward relevant employees
for honing an innovation mindset; keep awareness of new trends high on the
agenda. The question needs to be answered whether digital innovation should be
positioned within the company (either as "stand-alone" solution or integrated in certain 1
departments) or outside as an "external vehicle" or unit, and how this could be linked back
to the core business
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T5 Corporate actions (2)
> Corporations active in Life Sciences face great opportunities, due to global societal and environmental changes.
Societies and economies are adapting their inputs of biotechnological solutions; food supply challenges can be
resolved with new resilient crops and animal food containing more protein. Demand for biotech-based instead of
chemical-based pharmaceuticals is rising, and the importance of innovative medical technology becomes paramount
in aging societies
> Every market and every product needs a tailored strategy to become successful. Managing the vast differences
between certain markets and their products is challenging and demands a sophisticated product management from
the earliest stages of product development onward. Sensible innovation portfolio management is able to exploit
opportunities of many different markets. With generics substituting blockbuster products,
product portfolios adapt from quantity to value-based offerings, reflecting changing
market demands
> Different markets offer different policy frameworks regarding sales and research
for new products. A decentralized organization dependent on fulfilling policy obli- 15:00
gations is best positioned closer to sales markets while avoiding dead-end research
> The long term research for new products is challenging for research itself but
also in financial terms. Product pipelines require monitoring, internal targets
need to be set and achieved
> Product financing has to be re-evaluated, finding new ways to fund or support
cost-intensive research. Here, e.g. licensing of products can help finance new
research projects and optimize cash management
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T5 Corporate actions (3)
> Companies must change from a product-centric to a user-centric approach to design customer-centric products
and services. They should focus on identifying and fulfilling key customer needs and aspirations to create the best
solution for customer requirements rather than developing new offerings 'for novelty's sake'
> Companies should rethink their traditional corporate cultures to detect and realize customer needs and innovation
potential in time. They must create an agile culture that emphasizes transparency, flexibility, trust and
collaboration to enable the transformation to a digitally mature and dynamic organization. Therefore they must change
from a traditional mindset to a digital one that is data driven, self organized, purpose oriented, customer centric,
transparent and incorporates a risk culture that allows to fail fast
> Digital Transformation should be built into the core strategy, processes and systems
of an organization – with the right people being in the lead. Digitalization should
be addressed at CEO or board level with the clear designation of a digital director.
The biggest challenge for companies isn’t technology itself – it is the mindset,
the people and the organization's digital IQ
> Cooperation, networking and forming alliances is central to capturing the
potential of Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0/Industrial Internet with
its enhanced technological abilities. Serving as a model of an open
ecosystem for technology collaboration, the global "Open Automotive
Alliance" exemplifies one pathway in which car manufacturer and technology
companies create and optimize new products together
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T5 Corporate actions (4)
> Many companies have introduced a variety of digitalization initiatives that focus on isolated parts of the value chain.
Instead they should implement and follow a holistic digital platform strategy that synchronizes their requirements.
Through the creation of two-sided networks companies can achieve a co-creation of value while harvesting resources
and capacity of an ecosystem they do not need to own and where content is added exponentially. The ownership of
customer data and the direct ownership of the customer relation will decide on future success
> As digitalization potentially disrupts competitive positions and leads to radical shifts of profit pools, there is a need for
strategic analysis of disruptive market scenarios. Companies must be ready to change and enable their
organizational processes and provide the necessary framework conditions, e.g. in IT or security
> Companies have to address technological shifts early, since catching up on missed
market trends is capital-intensive and hard to manage. Forrester predicts that firms
that use AI, Big Data and IoT technologies to uncover new business insights
will take over USD 1.2 trillion in revenue per annum from their less informed
peers by 2020. A network to widen exchanges between industry and IT
players brings the possibility of identifying and incorporating crucial
technology trends, allowing new efficiency gains within vertical process
> Building up a tailored, sophisticated data infrastructure is crucial, since it
transforms reactive management into proactive decision making regarding
market trends, production performance and customer needs. Questions which
need to be addressed concern data generating points and opportunities, data
transparency and validity/validation of data in terms of decision processes
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T5 Sources & further reading
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T5 Sources & further reading
Further reading
> National Intelligence Council (NIC). Global Trends. Paradox of Progress
> Cisco. Visual Networking Index
> OECD. Internet Economy Database
> World Economic Forum. Top 10 Emerging Technologies 2016
> OECD. The Bioeconomy to 2030
> Deloitte. 2017 Global Life Sciences Outlook: Thriving in Today's Uncertain Market
> European Commission. Definition of a Research and Innovation Policy Leveraging Cloud Computing and
IoT Combination
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T5 Sources & further reading
Further reading
> Stanford University. Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030
> Accenture. Why Artificial Intelligence is the Future of Growth
> National Science and Technology Council (NSTC). Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence
> PWC. 2016 Global Industry 4.0 Survey. Industry 4.0: Building the Digital Enterprise
> Internet Society. Paths to Our Digital Future
> Roland Berger. COO Insights 2016: Industrie 4.0
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Please contact us if you have any questions or comments –
Six more megatrend insights await on our website
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