Geometry Choice Board

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Congruence Tic-Tac-Toe

Instructions: As a challenge complete 3 tasks below to get a tic-tac-toe or

Choose 3 that interest you the most!

EdPuzzle Logo Symmetry Flag Design

Click the Edpuzzle link above to Create a collage of at least 5 Look at some examples of flags
listen to a song about logos that show symmetry. Make from around the world. Use at
Transformations answering sure to Identify the line of least 6 different shapes to
questions throughout the video to symmetry and draw it over the design a flag for the school.
help learn with a catchy tune! logo.

Angle Letter Quizlet

Write a letter to a friend
Play this game with a friend or Geometry City
with yourself to match the Create a city using only lines,
explaining how to identify the 4
congruence theorem with the line segments, and polygons we
different types of angles
correct diagram. Try and beat covered in this unit. Label all of
covered in this unit. Make sure
your friend’s time or your own the roads and buildings.
that you include pictures.
personal best!

Constructions EdPuzzle Transformation

Let’s have some fun creating
some regular polygons. Using
Click the EdPuzzle link above Book
for a fresh perspective on Design a book that shows all of
Geogebra construct an equilateral
Triangle Congruence Theorems. the transformations, all of
triangle and a square. Copy
Watch the video and answer the congruency, and line of
these to a GoogleDoc and list the
questions throughout. This will symmetry. There should be at
steps you took to construct each
help with two column proofs! least 3 examples of each.

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