Coins Gupta Period
Coins Gupta Period
Coins Gupta Period
Scope and Importance of the work
Through these coins we also get a good glimpse into the perso-
Eastern India who ruled in the first half of the 4th Centuiy
^emphasise his migh^ and right over the wtele of Northern India.
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Lion-slayer type Kumaragupta I proved that he retained his
*• hold ovQ& the region conquered by his father# '
But the independent issue by Kumaragupta I, the Rhino
ceros-slayer -type? appears to commemorate his victory over the
Assam region, where the Rhinoceroses are still foupd. So for
.the celebration of his victory over this region, -he appears to
have issued a coir^rpe which bears a scene of the killing of a
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Economic Condition
Mysore and lastly the Kushana gold coins were the three possible
sources of the extensive Gupta gold issues. However, from the
prolific coinage of the Guptas, we may assume that the economic
condition in the Gupta period was fairly prosperous.
Cultural Condition
cultural life of the Golden Age. That the creative art of the
• period w$s full of originality and vitality is proved not only
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by the sculptures but also by Its coins* it Is true that in its
initial stage the Gupta coinage -was overwhelmed by the bewil
dering varieties of Kushan^pro to types, but veiy soon the Gupta
• * * *
reflect the classical taste of the age. The figures of gods and
goddesses as seen on the coinage indicate the manner of their
representation that was in vogue In that period. However, from
the style of their depiction we get an idea about the complete
mastery of the craftsman of the Gupta-mints.
upper part of their person, while their lower part was depicted
in a sari-like garment. As regards ornaments, both males and
the bel3y.
Age is also reflected in the coinage. For the first time in the
Gupta Age the coin legends became mostly m^tfrieal. The style
the composer.
royal personages.
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these types are of little more weight. However, the gold coins of
that of 121 grains, the second of 126 or 126 grains, and the
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about 132 grains, and only one variety of his * Archer* typo was
issued to the standard of about 144 grains * The last weight
standard no. doubt recalls the Suvama standard of 30 ratis of
ancient India. After Skandagupta all the Gupta rulers of the
Imperial line issued coins in debased gold. But to conform to the
Suvama standard they mixed alloys in a considerable amount,so
in the gold issues the gold content became less and less.
Devices of Gold Coins
Silver Coins
rfowever, Kumaragupta Introduced silver coins for the
central provinces also* The bust of the king on the obverse of
the Madhyadesa type is absolutely different from the steriotyped
Kshatrapa-looking bust* The Gupta artists cbjew tfog portraits of
their masters with comparatively flat nose and a charming facial
expression unlike the Kshatrapas, who adorned the bust of their
emperor with prominent nose aijd long moustaches. Again, there
are also no traces of corrupted .Greek letters* The date is given
in front of the King<s head instead of behind the back, as on
the Kshatrapa prototypes* ihe legend of the Madhyadesa type
coins is also somewhat different. As shown by Dr. Altekar, the
legend on the Madhyadesa type coins is nothing but a metrical
line, vhile the legend on the Western Indian type coins is a
prose sentence. In any case,the Madhyadesa-type of Kumaragupta I
bears some originality* The reverse of this type shows a fan tail
ed Peacock in place of Garuda of the Western Indian coins. At tho
end of Kumaragupta* s rule the Gupta Empire was experiencing an
acute financial crisis, consequently, Kumaragupta was bound to
issue in his western provinces silver-plated coins, which are
generally crude in execution.
obverse betrays least foreign influence. The bust has been depic-
Copper coins
30 or an *Altar*, 31 while the reverse bears either the
figure of Garuda
32 or of Lakshmi.
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• Notes
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V 4
21* Ibid., PI. XVIII, 6-17.
22. Ibid.. PI. XIV, 1-3.
23. * Ibid.4 PI. XVI, I; EM? (GD) . PI.-X, 20*
15 .
CGE, PI. XVIII, 4-5.
32.. Ibid.. PI. XVIII, 1-3.
33. Ibid.. PI. XVIII, 4-5.
34. Ibid., p. 17.
35. Cf. ibid., p. 290.