Daughters of The American Revolution Mag PDF
Daughters of The American Revolution Mag PDF
Daughters of The American Revolution Mag PDF
VOL, LV JANUARY, 1921 No. 1
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vol. Lv Contents No. 1 -
Publication Office, 227 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Chairman, Magazine Committee, Southington, Conn. Editor, Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D.C.
Genealogical Editor, Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D. C.
ENTERED DECEMBER 13, 1917, AT THE PHILADELPHIA, PA.. post office. As second class Marter UNDER
THE Act of MARch 3, 1879.
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CopyRIGHT, 1921, by THE NATIonAi. soci FTY DAUGHTERs of THE AMERICAN REvolution
^2. * -
º ... . . . . . . :.
WOL. LV, No. 1 JANUARY, 1921 WHOLE NO. 341
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*... hit; will...seek the. Sufm?of “$1,400,000,to provide an endowment and increased equipment.
Among the things to be provided for by this sum are included the following: $350,000 as an
endowment for increasing the salaries of professors; $200,000 for the founding of the
Marshall-Wythe School of Constitutional History and Law in honor of our Chief Justice,
the great expounder of the Constitution, and his teacher at William and Mary, George Wythe,
Thomas Jefferson's closest friend; $200,000 to erect the William Barton Rogers Science Hall,
in honor of the William and Mary graduate who founded Massachusetts Institute of Tech
nology; $150,000 for a new girls' dormitory; $100,000 for a men's dormitory; $100,000 for a
memorial assembly hall to the fifty founders of the Phi Beta Kappa fraternity, which was
founded at William and Mary, and $100,000 to provide a new gymnasium, which is greatly
needed. All of these, as planned, will provide for necessities, not embellishments but
they will combine of course, to perpetuate the glories of the Virginia college.
The present enrollment at William and Mary is 435, with 200 more attending a summer
session, and about 500 more expected to be enrolled this session in extension courses con
ducted by the college in Norfolk, Richmond, Newport News and other Virginia cities. It will
be seen from this that William and Mary is a vital factor in the educational life of the
Commonwealth. Her potentiality for service under improved conditions is so vast that it
gives reason for optimism.
GEORGE WASHINGTON, in accepting in his youth, he gave to her his last public
the post of chancellor of the College of service in his old age. Jefferson
William and Mary in 1788, wrote that drank his inspiration at her fountain.
he was influenced “by a heart-felt Marshall who imbedded forever
desire to promote the cause of science, in our constitution doctrines on which
and the prosperity of the College of the measures which saved the Union
William and Mary in particular.” His are based, was the son of William and
stately letter of acceptance hung in the Mary. The hallowed associations
historic halls of William and Mary until which surround this college prevent
the buildings were destroyed by one of this case from being a precedent for
the numerous fires which devastated the any other. If you had injured it, you
College at various periods of its existence. surely would have restored Mt. Ver
In a masterly appeal for Federal aid, non; you had better honor Washington
the late Senator Hoar, of Massachusetts, by restoring the living fountain of
came nobly to the assistance of the strug learning whose service was the pleas
gling Southern institution. He said: ure of his last years than by any use
“Whenever by accident or design these less or empty act of worship or respect
institutions have been injured in war, towards his sepulchre.”
such governments desire, if possible, to I had the great pleasure through Dr.
make reparation.” And he added, “You Kate Waller Barrett, State Regent of
will scarcely find an incident in England Virginia, of calling the attention of the
or America where a school or college Daughters of the American Revolution to
wisely founded has died. William and the project to reëndow old William and
Mary has her peculiar claim on our Mary College and to enlist the patriotic
regard. The principles on which the coöperation of the National Board of
rights of man depend which inspired the Management of the Society to the extent
statesmen of Virginia at the period of the that at the June, 1920, meeting of that
Revolution are the fruits of her teaching. Board a resolution of endorsement was
The name of Washington is in passed. A committee of men and women,
separably connected with William and interested not only in the past, as all true
Mary. She gave him his first commission Americans must be, but in the future as
well of this college, is being organized maid and her poetic story, King James,
under the able leadership of Rear Ad in 1617, issued his letters to the Bishops
miral Cary T. Grayson, United States of England for collecting funds for a
Navy, physician to the President. Ad college in Virginia to educate Indian
miral Grayson kindly consented to explain youths. Inspired by the action of the
the aims and objects of his committee King, the Virginia company of old Eng
as a foreword land, through
to this account it s president,
of the historical the gentle Sir
incidents in the Edwin Sandys,
life of the Alma moved the
Mater of some grant of ten
of America's thousand acres
greatest me n . of land for the
Full informa establishment
tion will be fur of a university
nished by him at H en rico.
to those inter The proposed
ested in aiding grant, which
the old college was duly made,
in becoming included on e
Once more a thousand acres
dominant fac for an Indian
tor in American college; the re
scholastic life. mainder was to
The found be “the foun
ing of William d a ti on of a
and Mary Col se m in a ry
lege reaches From painting by E. W. Peale of learning for
very roots of his Colonial ANCEstor, william RANDOLPH, was A FOUNDER AND trustee
Meantime, the
the Virginia b is hop s of
Peyton RANDolph's body is 1NTERRED IN THE CHAPEL of william
colony and is LEGE.
the people, for the people, in 1619, peti for the higher education of the Indian
tioned the London Company to send was temporarily abated.
“when they shall think it most conveni The cause of education was always
ent, workmen of all sorts, for the erection dear to the Virginia planters. Every
of the university and college.” Virginia boy of good family had a thor
The company acted as promptly as pos ough working knowledge of the classics
sible in those days of difficult travel and and much of the scheme of representa
an even more delayed post than at pres tive government, which characterized the
ent, and in 1621 sent to the new colony Virginia legislative attempts, showed evi
about an hundred persons, some farmers dences of a familiarity with the principles
to till the land and others tradesmen, of ideal governments as outlined by the
brickmakers, carpenters, smiths to assem Greek and Latin writers.
ble and prepare the material for the Curious donations were often made to
erection of the college buildings. Inter the great cause of education. The rec
ested parties presented communion set, ords show that in 1675, one Henry
library and money to the college. A Peasley gave “ten cows and a breeding
scholar of London, one Richard Downes, mare" for a free school in Gloucester
came over, hoping to become one of the County. A tax was imposed upon all
first professors of the college, and imported liquors “for the better support
George Thorpe, of the King's Privy of the college so as some part thereof
Council, became the manager, or super shall be laid out and applied for buying
intendent, of the university itself. books for the use of the scholars and
The Indians, however, for whom all students in the College. Such books to be
this preparation was being made, appear marked, “The gift of the General Assem
to have resented it somewhat, for on bly of Virginia.’” This is probably the
Good Friday, 1622, the Red men rose and best use of a liquor tax on record.
massacred Superintendent Thorpe and The colony itself revived the question
346 of the settlers of the neighborhood, of a college in 1660. The General Assem
with the natural consequence that the zeal bly passed a resolution “that for the ad
vance of learning, education of youth, in England, and all it needed was a man
supply of the ministry, and promotion of back of the enterprise with force enough
piety, there be land taken upon purchases to push it through to completion. At the
for a Colledge and free schoole, and that appointed time came such a man in the
Rev. James Blair, the commissary, or
representative, of the Bishop of London
to whose diocese the far away Virginia >
colony was accredited, who was sent in
1685 to his post in the new world.
Assigned to Henrico County, the parish of
Varina, he early learned of the several at
tempts to found a college there and be
came most enthusiastic over the place. A
man of letters, devoted to the cause of edu
cation, James Blair took up the nearly
defunct proposition and revitalized it.
The Assembly, appreciating his interest,
made him agent for the college and had
THOMAS JEFFERSON the good sense and discrimination to send
Graduate of williani and MARY COLLEGE AND LATER PRESI
him to England in 1691 to work for a
charter for the college and an endowment.
there be, with as much speede as may be Blair appears to have been a diplomat
convenient, housing erected thereon for as well as a scholar, and he found the
entertainment of students and schollers.” open sesame to the court through my
Another resolution authorized the vari Lord of Effingham and the then Arch
ous commissioners of the county courts to bishop of Canterbury. When he gained
solicit subscriptions on court days for the
college, and plans were made to collect
from inhabitants in every parish.
The bluff old tyrant, Sir William
Berkeley, subscribed “a considerable sume
of money and quantityes of tobacco" to
the college fund. Sir William did not
believe, probably in popular education as
it is now understood. Regarding elemen
tary instruction, he said that Virginia
pursued “the same course that is taken
in England out of towns, every man,
according to his ability, instructing his
children. We have forty-eight parishes,
and our ministry are well paid and by CHIEF JUSTICE. UNITED STATES supreme COURT
consent should be better if they would
pray oftener and preach less.” audience with the King he wasted no time
In 1688, 2500 pounds were subscribed on fine prefaces but knelt down straight
for the project by a few wealthy gentle way and said, “Please, your Majesty,
men in the colony and merchant friends here is an humble supplication from the
this date, and were arrested and thrown children in meat, drink, washing clothes,
into jail. The worthy doctor saw his medicine, books and education from the
chance, went to the pirates and offered first beginning of letters until they should
his influence on their behalf for the sum be ready to receive orders and be sent
abroad to convert the Indians, at the
rate of 14 pounds for every such child
as the yearly income of the premises
should amount to.
The bestowal of the charter, despite
the King's consent, dragged its slow way
through the red tape of officialdom but
was finally signed on February 8, 1693–
the fourth year of the reign of William
and Mary, and the college was named in
their Majesties’ honor.
The College of Heralds issued author
ity for its coat-of-arms. The true col
lege colors should be green, silver and
gold (not the orange and white in use
or value of 300 pounds sterling of the now) as the heraldic device calls for “On
goods under seizure, for the benefit of his a green field, a college building of silver,
college. His unique offer was accepted, with a golden sun, showing half its orb,
and an order was actually entered by the rising above it.”
Privy Council to release the pirates and The charter was very carefully drawn,
restore their treasure minus the amount and among other officers there was to be
promised to the college in Virginia. And elected every seven years a chancellor
so with liquor tax, tobacco money and
pirates' gold the college was doing
fairly well!
Doctor Blair also secured another
fund through his foresight on hear
ing of the will of the Hon. Robert Boyle,
the eminent philosopher who died in
January, 1692, leaving 4000 pounds ster
ling to be devoted to “pious and char
itable uses.” No beneficiary was named
and Doctor Blair conceived the plan and
actually put it into successful execution of
inducing the Earl of Burlington, Boyle's
nephew and executor, to turn over the LiTTLETON W. TAZEWELL
legacy to him for the use of the infant GoverNor of virgix1A, 1833–1836; UNITED STATES SENATor,
college in the Virginias. The Earl in
vested in an English manor called the who should be some “eminent and dis
“Brafferton ’’ for the benefit of the col creet person " capable of giving good and
lege and by the terms of the deed the sound advice. One year before George
college was to keep as many Indian Washington was elected President of the
the students brought their negro boys Coalter expressed the opinion that it
with them who kept their studious young should justly receive the title, which
masters in proper trim. Homer gives to Greece, “‘the land of
The first site of the college was to lovely dames,’ for here may be found
have been on a broad plateau above beauty in perfection and not only beauty,
Yorktown; but the General Assembly but sociability in the ladies,” the college
selected the middle Plantation. The plan would have no “female society.”
of the college was drawn by the eminent The marriage of Mr. Camm, Professor
architect, Sir Christopher Wren, but of Divinity, caused the decree that “all
before his beautiful professors and mas
and spacious building ters hereafter to be
could be erected the appointed, be c on -
funds gave out and stantly resident in ye
Doctor Blair was sent college and upon the
to England again. He marriage of such pro
met with renewed dif fessor or master that
ficulties, but finally his professorship be
was successful in rais immediately vacated.”
ing funds to complete Parson Cam m's
the building. courtship recalls that
There is so much of John Alden. He
comment to-day and went to the sprightly
justly, too, of the poor Betsy Hansford of his
rewards of school JAMES BRECKENRIDGE
GRADUATED FROM william AND MARY college in 1785,
parish on be h a lif
teachers and the im AND cooperated witH THOMAS JEFFERSON IN! Fou Nid of an unsuccessful
ixo, The Lº Niversity or VI Roi Nia
Revolution the college went on steadily suits and arts and letters. If the playing
and surely building men for those “times fields of Eton won the battles of Britain,
which were to try men's souls.” In 1760 in no less true a sense Colonial boys
and thereabouts several internecine frays learned on the playing fields of William
developed among the masters and pro and Mary the courage, strength and de
fessors which seriously crippled the col termination that meant victory in the
lege for several years, combined with the end. Among its graduates were Thomas
unsettled state which prevailed before the Jefferson, James Monroe and John
Revolution. One of the masters, William Tyler, all Presidents of the United
Small, the mathematical genius and pro States in later years; John Marshall,
fessor of natural philosophy, exerted his afterwards Chief Justice of the United
master influence on the minds of Thomas States Supreme Court; Langdon Carter,
Jefferson, then a red-headed lanky John Page and Archibald Cary, Edmund
country boy student of the college, and Randolph, Secretary of State; St.
John Page, another Colonial leader. George Tucker, John Blair, Jr., George
Among the students of note in the college Wythe, Spencer Roane, John Tyler, Sr.,
at this time were Dabney Carr, Walter William H. Cabell, John J. Crittenden,
Jones, John Walker, James McClurg, Joseph C. Cabell, William T. Barry,
Robert Spotswood, Champion Travis, General William B. Taliaferro, James
Edmund Pendleton, Jr., and William Barbour, Littleton W. Tazewell, Peyton
Fleming. Randolph, Theoderic Bland, Peter Jef
The Revolution came and many of the ferson, James Breckenridge and
students in the senior classes forsook Hugh Nelson.
their books for the sword, but about forty William and Mary was also “first" in
remained and even these were possessed having the privilege of an election of
with military fever and drilled constantly studies and also in the delivery in its
in a company of their own, waiting for halls of the first regular course of lectures
the moment when they, too, could take on physical science and political economy
up arms for the Colonies. ever given in the United States. At this
The first intercollegiate fraternity, the time, 1779, the “Honor System ’’ was
Phi Beta Kappa, now no longer a fra also begun. It was the aim of the origi
ternity as such but the mark of dis nators to control the students through this
tinguished scholarship the world over, method without espionage in the class
was organized in the College of William room and on examinations. The prin
and Mary in December, 1776, and Cap ciple grew up outside of the rules, and did
tain John Marshall became a member. not receive printed recognition until 1817.
At the same time, Elisha Parmalee, a The influence upon the characters of the
student from Connecticut, was granted students was overwhelming and they
permission to establish chapters at Har responded nobly to the call made upon
vard and Yale. their sense of honor.
In the years immediately preceding the When Jefferson founded the Univer
Revolution and for a generation or two sity of Virginia, he copied from William
after it we find names to be written high and Mary the honor system and the lec
in Colonial annals enrolled on its under ture and elective systems, acknowledging
graduate lists. They figure in church in quaint fashion their source.
and state, on the bench, in military pur The State university at Charlottesville
had the natural effect of drawing ston retreated in 1862, the Federal troops
students from William and Mary, and it took the building. While garrisoned by
was with difficulty that the older insti the 5th Regiment of Pennsylvania cav
tution kept its head above water and alry, Williamsburg was surprised by a
the classrooms filled with pupils. In detachment of Confederate cavalry who
fact, during the incumbency of Rev. Dr. captured a part of the Federal troops and
John Augustine Smith as President, the drove the rest to Yorktown. The Fed
trustees seriously considered removing erals soon after returned and, provoked
the college to Richmond. A majority by defeat, under the influence of liquor.
voted for such removal, but opposition and before their military organization
developed among the alumni and friends was restored, fired and destroyed the new
and the proposition was rejected in the building. At later periods of the war
legislature. By this time love for the much further damage was done. The
original site was so implanted in the vaults of the college chapel were opened
minds of graduates that they regarded the and the silver plates on the coffins re
proposition almost in the light of a moved. This desecration was stopped
sacrilege, and the college was per when it became known to the mili
mitted to remain where it had taken root. tary commander.
Fire again laid low the main buildings When the war was over the burnt
in 1859 with staggering loss of the library buildings were restored, but the repairs
of some 8000 volumes, the gifts of kings, and the heavy expenses caused so great
archbishops, nobles, Colonial governors a drain in the endowment fund that
and the Assembly, and priceless records President Ewell was obliged to suspend
dating back to the commencement of exercises in 1881. No indemnity could
the college. Again the sturdy and deter be obtained from Congress and the col
mined friends of education rallied lege seemed doomed. It was during this
around the ruins and one year after its period that the president—the indom
destruction “the capstone of the build itable Doctor Ewell—rang the bell the
ing was laid by the Grand Lodge of Vir 1st of October in order to keep its
ginia " and studies were resumed. charter alive.
The first rumble of the war between After seven years of suspension, dur
the States was heard. As in the Revolu ing which time the revenues of the col
tion the patriotic sons of Virginia threw lege were well husbanded, it was
down school-books to grasp the sword determined by the Board of Visitors to
handle. It is almost too much to ask of apply to the legislature for aid to connect
young manhood to study the feats of a system of normal training with the
ancient heroes and warfare when at hand college course. The plan went through
waits the Great Adventure for God and and a bill was enacted by the Virginia
country. Early in May, 1861, the war State legislature appropriating annually
forced the college to suspend its exer $10,000 to the college. Now the col
cises and the president of the college, its lege receives annually $35,000 from
professors, and all the students hurried the State and its endowment fund is
into the Confederate army. about $150,000.
The main building was occupied by For many years Lyon G. Tyler,
Confederate troops, first as a barracks son of President John Tyler, of the United
then as hospital. When General John States, was president of the college.
What the College of William and Mary and consecrated to scholarship, Ameri
asks is a chance to continue its conspicu canism and the proper training of the
ous rôle of usefulness during future gen youth of this country to acquit themselves
erations in memory of the giants among like men when their hour strikes.
men who graduated from its honored NotE.-The St. Memin Portraits of distin
halls in the most trying periods of our guished Revolutionary graduates from Wil
liam and Mary College are reproduced from
national history. We need such institu the collection owned by the Corcoran Gallery
tions stamped with the sanction of years of Art, Washington, D.C.—Editor.
The Proceedings of the Twenty-ninth $1.50 for each copy, which price in
Continental Congress are now ready cludes mailing. Send all orders to
for distribution. gether with remittance to the Treasurer
To meet the increased cost of print General, N. S. D. A. R., Memorial
ing it has been necessary to charge Continental Hall, Washington, D. C.
Copies of the American's Creed, with cents per hundred from the Treas
information on the reverse side as to urer General, N. S. D. A. R., Memo
its origin, may be purchased for fifty rial Continental Hall, Washington, D. C.
T&T.A.-- | - º |
By Anne Rogers Minor
President General, N.S.D.A.R.
Address Delivered at Tercentenary Celebration, Provincetown, Mass.,
August 30, 1920
5. POPULAR idea of the Pilgrims It is high time, also, that the part these
is that they were men well ad women took should be better realized.
vanced in years, who landed first The Pilgrim Fathers loom so large in
on Plymouth Rock, praying and people's minds that the Pilgrim Mothers
singing with Bible in one hand have been hidden out of sight behind
and sword in the other, a few them. Even in Bradford's own history
W. On len behind them in a cowering, of this great pilgrimage, the women are
frightened group. rarely if ever mentioned.
It is time that a picture of the reality They figure only in the list of passen
should supplant this popular and fictitious gers, and then only by their first names
idea. The Pilgrims were not old, but as some man's wife or daughter. We
young men and women in their twenties read of “Mr. John Carver; Kathrine, his
and thirties. Old people could not have wife; Mr. William Brewster, Mary, his
entered upon such an adventure. Twenty wife; Mr. Edward Winslow, Elizabeth,
six or twenty-seven of the hundred pas his wife”; etc. The woman's family
sengers were women with a number of name mattered not in those days. She
little girls and a “sucking babe.” They was a necessary factor in the rearing of
landed first at Provincetown, not Ply families and the building of homes. These
mouth, much as an exploring party would were plain, humble folk, most of them,
land on an unknown shore to-day. who “came over in the Mayflower " and
Bradford writes that “a few of them family lineage had but little significance,
tendered themselves to go by land" and especially in the female line. Yet these
find “a place fitted for habitation,” and women braved this great adventure the
were permitted to attempt this danger same as the men. They had no luxurious
ous venture; whereupon sixteen of them, ocean liner to come in. They endured the
armed with muskets, went ashore led by hardships and dangers of a voyage of
that young fighter of Spaniards, Miles over two months in what to-day would be
Standish, and scouted along the coast. no more than a fishing smack. They
Nothing is said about Bible and sword, were tossed about in storms until “one
and the women were by no means a of the maine beams in ye middships was
frightened group huddled together upon bowed and cracked,” as Bradford wrote,
the sand and sheltered behind the men. and there was doubt if their cockle-shell
of a ship would hold together to complete things stand upon them with a wetherbeaten
face; and ye whole countrie, full of woods &
the voyage. One woman gave birth to . thickets, represented a wild & savage heiw. If
her child in these dangerous, crowded and they looked behind them, ther was ye mighty
nerve-racking conditions. They came to ocean which they had passed, and was now as
land on a wild and desolate shore, and in a maine barr & goulfe to seperate them from
all ye civill parts of ye world !
the dreariest of all months without sight
of human being. To face these hardships Facing the rigors of a New England
took a courage higher even than man's; winter, with scant food, no shelter, no
for the women of that day did not share hopes of another supply ship before
in man's knowledge of the way. They spring, they reconnoitered a strange shore
followed blindly, more like children, yet where they had not planned to settle, and
upheld by maturer principle and faith. finally on “ye 15 of December they wayed
They bore hardship and danger un anchor to go to ye place they had dis
flinchingly. They endured all and dared covered ” which “was ye best they could
all with strength, fortitude, self-reliance. find, and ye season and their present
Governor Bradford so vividly describes necessitie made them glad to accept of it.”
their arrival that I quote it here. Let us On the 16th they arrived safely in Ply
listen with thought especially for the mouth harbor, and on Christmas Day
women who suffered and were a part “began to erect ye first house for com
of it. mon use to receive them and their goods.”
He writes as follows: Time does not permit our following the
Being thus arrived in a good harbor and fortunes of these Pilgrims through the
brought safe to land, they fell upon their knees grim years that followed, nor is it need
& blessed ye God of heaven, who had brought
them over ye vast & furious ocean, and deliv ful. The tragic story is well known—
ered them from all ye periles & miseries thereof, how half of them died the first winter,
againe to set their feete on ye firme and stable and how at one time only six or seven
earth, their proper elemente. Being thus passed
ye vast ocean, they had now no freinds to wel remained well enough to tend the rest
come them, nor inns to entertaine or refresh through this, “ye first sickness,” as Brad
their weather-beaten bodys, no houses or much ford called it. The first woman to die
less townes to repaire too, to seeke for succoure. was at Provincetown. The first Ameri
It is recorded in scripture as a mercie to ye
apostle and his shipwraked company, yt the can child to be born was there “borne a
barbarians shewed them no smale kindnes in
ship-board ” and called “Peregriene.”
refreshing them, but these savage barbarians,
when they mette with them (as will after ap Thus life and death began immediately
peare) were readier to fill their sids full of together with the great problem of how to
arrows then otherwise.
survive. We can imagine how women
And for ye season it was winter, and they
of their calibre faced their share of this
that know ye winters of yt countrie know them
to be sharp & violent & subjecte to cruell & mighty task, how they worked side by
feirce storms, deangerous to travill to known side with the men, cheerfully, bravely,
places, much more to serch an unknown coast.
Besids, what could they see but a hidious & prayerfully. In those first years they
desolate wilderness, full of wild beasts & willd faced starvation and terrible diseases,
men? and what multituds there might be of them
death and sorrow and torturing anxiety;
they knew not. Nether could they, as it were,
goe up to ye tope of Pisgah, to vew from this to them also came love and marriage and
wildernes a more goodly cuntrie to feed their little children.
hops; for which way soever they turned their Yet it was not all tragedy. There was
eys (save upward to ye heavens) they could
have little solace or content in respecte of any the joy of freedom; the inspiration of a
outward objects. For sumer being done, all common struggle for aims held close at
heart; the strength that comes from bear vow should be registered to preserve the
ing one another's burdens; the friendship spirit that brought them across the track
that is born of universal suffering and less ocean and sustained them in the
rejoicing, of mutual hopes and fears, of equally trackless wilderness of forest
expectations fulfilled or disappointments; and plain.
and there was the gladness of success won It is significant that this memorial to
by united effort as the colony grew in the Pilgrim Mothers should be almost
numbers and prosperity. coincident with the political enfranchise
Through all this the women ordered ment of the women of to-day.
their households as women will; cared From the “Compact” in the cabin of
for their children; tilled the fields and the Mayflower and the first legislative
tended the gardens; stocked the larder assembly in Virginia has grown the Con
with food when it was plenty, and made stitution of the United States with its
the best of it when there was scarcity; latest widening of the franchise. The
mended the clothing until more came, or Pilgrim Mothers did their full share of
until there was wool and flax with which the work in their little state, but they had
to spin and weave. no part or parcel in the Compact. His
Until you can imagine to yourselves tory makes but little mention of them, yet
a colony of men only, cast away, as it they helped to discover a world and to
were, in a wilderness, you cannot picture found a nation. Almost exactly three
all that the Pilgrim mothers meant to the hundred years later women have entered
fathers and all that depended upon upon their full measure of citizenship.
women's work in those early Col They are now part and parcel of the
onial days. government that their foremothers helped
At Jamestown, in Virginia, there was to establish. In all the intricate activities
a colony of men only. There was not a of modern government and civilization
woman among them at first to make a they have a full share. But with these
home. These men were of a different rights have come vast responsibilities. To
type, it is true, from the Pilgrims, never meet these responsibilities the modern
theless the lack of women was one of the woman needs all the high qualities of the
elements which nearly wrecked the col Pilgrim Mothers. The spirit of those
ony. Not until the women came did the women must live again in ourselves if we
Jamestown colony commence to prosper. are to do our full duty toward the state—
Not so at Plymouth, where the fem if we are to preserve and build up our
inine half of mankind was on hand to do homes and guard our children as they
woman's work, to build up homes, to care did when this land was a wilderness.
for the common needs of the colony in These three hundred years have seen the
woman's way. The Pilgrim mothers did gradual emancipation of women from the
all this. They laid their full half of the condition of mere chattels to that of
foundations of this nation. They brought human beings having equal rights to life,
with them the ideals and practice of the liberty and property under the law, and a
English home. They and all other women voice at last in their own government.
colonists who have come to these shores, It remains to awake to a full realization
have set up a standard of home life and of the duties that these privileges involve.
community life which we must maintain Like the Pilgrim Mothers we must be
if this nation is to endure. To-day a new filled with the same spirit of service to
the common cause, the same faith, cour that we can bring to bear upon the
age and unselfish devotion that lead them world to-day.
into a strange world and enabled them to On June 1, 1785, John Adams, our
build the homes that they have trans first minister to the Court of St. James
mitted to us to preserve. after the close of the Revolutionary
One more thought is brought to mind War, spoke these words to George III:
by these Tercentenary celebrations. It “I shall esteem myself the happiest of
is the thought of “Old England " from men if I can be instrumental in restoring
which these women came. They were an entire esteem, confidence and affec
English to the core, were these Pilgrims tion, or in other words, the old good
and their wives. nature and the old good-humor between
They sought a new world not only to peoples who, though separated by an
gain freedom of thought but to preserve ocean and under different governments,
their nationality. They have left to us have the same language, a similar religion
the sacred legacy of kith and kin, the and kindred blood.” And the old King
legacy of a common language and litera replied: “Let the circumstances of lan
ture, common laws and principles of rep guage, religion and blood have their
resentative self-government, common natural and full effect.”
ideals of home and morality. The great If the embodiment of uncompromising
est memorial we could possibly erect in liberty and the embodiment of uncom
their honor is to maintain friendliness and promising autocracy could thus meet and
good-will between our land and the bury animosities after a long and bitter
motherland from whence they came. war, surely we can let good-will spring
We are English even as they—English up in our hearts for the land of our
in our heritage, English in our history and Pilgrim ancestors. The following words
tradition. Other nationalities have helped of Governor Bradford are almost
to found this country, but they have be prophetic in their application to this
come Anglicized in the end—and here as solemn obligation of the present: “May
everywhere the English have gone, the not and ought not the children of these
Anglo-Saxon race has predominated. fathers rightly say: Our fathers were
One of the biggest results of this Ter Englishmen which came over this great
centenary movement will be and ought ocean and were ready to perish in
to be the closer drawing together of Great this wilderness.”
Britain and America. We each need the The inmost soul of liberty-loving Eng
other in a world now torn by radical land came over to these shores in the
doctrines which seek to overturn all those Mayflower. It was sternly rugged, vir
liberties that England and America have tuous and righteous, trusting in God and
stood for and fought for. A closer union loving His ways. We honor ourselves
and a more cordial understanding be in honoring the memory of those women
tween the two great English-speaking who possessed this soul in abounding
people is the most stabilizing influence measure—our Pilgrim Mothers.
By Charlotte Taylor Evans
HARLOTTE TAYLOR, the wife of extensively, as naval wives do. The old
Robley Dunglison Evans, Rear Ad house in Washington, however, remained
miral, U. S. Navy, was born in Wash headquarters and finally became her own at
ington D. C., December 9, 1836. She her mother's death. To the present-day
died there November 24, 1919, at 324 Washingtonian and the conducted tourist it is
Indiana Avenue, N. W., the home known as the residence of Admiral Evans;
built by her father in 1860. She was or, to speak as the man with the megaphone,
the eldest child of Franck Taylor, an English “Fighting Bob.”
man by birth, who came to America in his From her youth Mrs. Evans' associations
boyhood and was for the greater part of his were with people of culture and achievement;
life a resident of Washington, with the busi her memories of men and events were rich,
ness and social activities of which he was her experiences varied and full of interest,
closely identified. sometimes exceptional, as the private audi
Mrs. Evans' mother was Virginia Neville ence granted to her by the Empress Dowager
Simms, a granddaughter of Colonel Charles of China, when Admiral Evans commanded
Simms, of the Virginia Line in the American the American fleet on the Asiatic Station.
Revolution, a neighbor of General Washing Her gifts as a conversationalist made these
ton and a pallbearer at his funeral. Mrs. experiences vivid to family, friends and ac
Taylor's mother was Emily Morgan Neville, quaintances. Shortly before her death, at
a granddaughter of Brigadier General John the solicitation of her daughters, she began
Neville, of the Revolution, and through her to put some of these memories into writing
mother, of Major General Daniel Morgan, in an informal fashion. The attempt ended
the victor of the Battle of Cowpens. with the fragment here printed.
Mrs. Evans' three brothers—Major Franck
Taylor, U. S. Army; Rear Admiral Harry
Clay Taylor, U. S. Navy; and Colonel Daniel
A very interesting memory to me has
Morgan Taylor, U. S. Army—held the unique always been that of the inauguration of
distinction of membership at the same time President William Henry Harrison,
in the Society of the Cincinnati as represen
tative of these three Revolutionary ances “Tippecanoe" as he was lovingly called
tors—General Morgan, General Neville and by the Whigs of 1840.
Colonel Simms. My parents were living at that time in
In 1871, Charlotte Taylor became the wife
of Robley D. Evans, then a lieutenant com a large brick house on Pennsylvania
mander in the Navy, who, as an acting ensign Avenue in Washington City and the
(regular) at the age of 18 had won distinc inaugural procession passed in front of
tion and been lamed for life in the attack on
Fort Fisher in 1865. Retired for disabilities
the house. On Inauguration Day I was
in the line of duty, he was restored to the seated on an old-fashioned broad window
active list by Act of Congress and advanced seat on two or three large books with my
in numbers for conspicuous gallantry and
back against the window jamb and my
unusual fitness for the Service, amply proved
feet on the window-sill. The seat was
by his subsequent career.
After her marriage Mrs. Evans travelled contrived for me by an adored uncle,
who was fondly beloved by me until he of the house, the ladies in the draw
died in a beautiful old age some ten years ing-room stepped to the window and
ago. For the Inauguration Day he had touched their lips to the glass, while I
also provided me with a silken flag with vigorously waved my flag as my uncle
which to salute the President. The flag bade me. A gentleman in a large open
was some twenty-seven inches long by coach rose to his feet and lifted his hat,
about eighteen - bow in g re
wide, and I peatedly in re
particularly re sponse to the
call the staff, ladies' to a st.
which was cov Then the coach
ered with an passed. Presi
embossed silver dent Harrison
paper which I died a month
regarded with later, and in all
a sort of pas probability I
sionate awe as a saw also his
thing too rich funeral proces
and rare to sion, but have
be carelessly no recollection
handled. I have of it.
since seen state It may be of
tre a Su re S, in te rest, as
crown jewels i 11 u strating
and other glor somewhat the
ies, but in m a n n e r s of
memory that those days, to
flagstaff shines speak of the
with a fairer tall glass from
luster. which my pa
My mother's rents' guests
drawing - room d ran k their
was filled with Copyright. Underwood & Underwood toast to the in
ladies and gen wife or REAR ADMIRAL ROBLEY d. Evans, UNITED STATES navy
coming Presi
tlemen, though dent. Some
I do not recall them, except in the mass. time before there came to Washington a
As the crowd increased in the street below young man—I think from North Carolina
and the cheering seemed to come nearer, —who was well born and, for those times,
my young uncle brought a tall glass vase, well to do. He was of amiable character,
shaped like a champagne glass, which my generous nature and charming address, I
mother ordinarily used for flowers, set it have been told. I do not recall that I
on the window sill, immediately in front ever saw him. His mode of life, which
of my feet, and held it steadily while my was a round of amusement, prevented
father poured into it a bubbling, sparkling my father's seeing much of him; but
stream of “hard cider.” Just as the friendly relations existed between them,
Presidential coach passed slowly in front and I remember my father's look of dis
tress when he told my mother of his a richly colored, red waistcoat that I
death. Shortly afterward his effects earnestly admired. As the procession to
were sold at auction, and my father crown the Queen of the May passed us,
bought the glass at the sale as a souvenir. the gentleman in the red waistcoat said,
He told my mother that no champagne with a twinkle in his eye, to his com
glass seemed to the youthful reveller panion: “Perhaps we shall see a real
large enough to offer wine in to his queen in this country some day, Mr.
friend s and Adams.” To
he had had which the
made to order other gentle
a dozen like the m a n replied
one my father h a stily and
bought to use w it h fervor:
at his “supper “I trust in God
parties.” As I not, sir; I trust
never heard my in God not ’’
father and his Young as
friends speak I was , the
s a v e in the marked man
most affection ner of the
ate terms of his tWO men—We
know, you know,” and so asked who he of her, but I only recall their presence
was. My mother answered that he was and not their appearance. The grand
Daniel Webster, which meant nothing to lady asked our names and I told mine,
me then, but has been very interesting which she did not seem to notice, but
to me in later years. when my beautiful little sister, with her
It was probably some two years later heavenly blue eyes and exquisite golden
brown ringlets, gave her name “Virginia said I had been sure all through my child
Simms Taylor,” the lady remarked to one hood that the lady was a queen, to which
of her young companions: “Why, these my sister replied: “Oh, did you? I did
must be Virginia Simms' children " " to not. I thought she was a giant!”
which I answered: “Yes, that's my Among my early memories is one of a
mother.” When I told my mother and gentleman whom my father greatly liked
asked my usual and whom I
quest i on : recall as having
‘‘Who was once sent, or
that ?’’ she brought, to my
said : ‘‘Oh, father a pres
that's Mrs. ent of bear's
Madison,” and ~ m e a t. I re
I was satisfied. member much
I do not re talk about it at
call that I ever our d in n e r
s a w Do 11 y table, but do
Madison again, not recall that
but some time I ate any of it.
after that my The friend who
mother was at gave it to my
a ball in Wash father was a
ington where Mr. Joe John
she met Mrs. ston, whom we
Madison, who were to recog
a ske d if she nize later as a
were well, say brilliant soldier
ing she looked of the Southern
somewhat pale. Confederacy—
My mother re- General Joseph
plied that she - - E. Johnston.
had had a slight Mrs. virginia Neville simms Taylor, wife of FRANck Taylor. He and h is
boy was about two years old, Mr. Clay prone! Miss Ellsworth leaned upon the
wished to see him and my parents took counter and wrote upon a piece of paper;
him to the hotel where Mr. Clay was a little pause ensued, broken by some
then lodging. There was another child exclamations from the group, then Miss
present, somewhat older than my Ellsworth, with a beaming smile, turned
brother, and Mr. Clay drew the two to her companions and everybody shook
children to him, encircling each with hands with everybody else—except
an arm, and looked earnestly at them. Henry and Il Miss Ellsworth's eyes
Then kissing the elder child he said: brimmed over with tears, which dis
“This boy was named for me in my tressed me—the first telegraphic message
palmy days,” and, turning to my gol had passed between Washington and
den-haired little brother, he embraced Baltimore | But although the scene made
him with both arms and said: “But so vivid an impression upon me that I
this one was named in the hour of my have never forgotten it, I did not know
adversity' " which reduced my mother until long afterward that I had been pres
to tears and my father to much clearing ent at a most important occurrence.
of the throat and use of his handkerchief. And, curiously enough, no one ex
When I was six years old, I was sent plained it to me, nor questioned me about
to a school for small children, kept by it. It was so important that probably the
an old English lady, a Mrs. Schofield, who grown people thought that of course we
was an excellent teacher, so far as she at children understood about it. The words
tempted instruction. Among the pupils Miss Ellsworth wrote were: “What hath
were the children of two branches of the God wrought.”
Washington family and of three branches I have no recollection of ever seeing
of the Bradley connection, which will Miss Ellsworth after that day, but her
assure any old Washington resident of appearance is clear in my mind. I sup
the social status of the school. One day pose I must have been about seven years
our recitations were interrupted by the old, but as I was rather precocious, my
arrival of a young lady attended by sev memories were more trustworthy than
eral gentlemen. The lady was Miss might be those of a more backward child.
Annie Ellsworth, daughter of H. L. Ells The outbreak of the Mexican War is
worth, Commissioner of Patents, who marked for me by many little inci
came to find her nephew, or younger dents: the leave-taking of my parents'
brother, Henry Ellsworth. I gave no friends and relatives as volunteers,
heed to her conversation with Mrs. Scho and much sadness as a consequence of
field, but presently I was told to get my hat their departure.
(I think it was a sunbonnet) and go with My father's elder brother was killed
Miss Ellsworth. I do not recall any other in the war, but I have no especial memory
children in the party. of the event. I was greatly interested
We went to a place on Seventh Street, in the prints which were shown in the
between E and F Streets, and into a small shop windows of different battles and
shop where some conversation went on other Mexican scenes and even to-day,
between Miss Ellsworth and her friends when Mexico is again of vital importance
which meant nothing to Henry and me. to us, I am conscious that my idea of the
I fancy we thought it just some of the country is based on those colored litho
futilities to which “grown-ups" were graphs with their spikey aloes, prickly
pears and very green “chapparal” re was a very beautiful woman, full of wit,
lieved against extremely yellow soil and vivacity and charm. One of her striking
with an intensely vivid blue sky over all. beauties was the shape of her hands and
That is Mexico to me! arms. They were so perfect that the
When the war was past, I was one day sculptor, Persico, modeled them for the
with other children on Pennsylvania hands and arms of his statue of Peace
Avenue when we saw an old gentleman which occupies a niche on one side of the
walking alone looking about him quietly. door leading into the rotunda in the east
One of my companions said: “There's ern portico of the Capitol at Washington.
the President; let's go speak to him!” My mother kept her beauty all her life
and we ran toward him. Zachary Taylor and when travelling in Italy when she
stopped, gave us a kindly smile, patted was between sixty and seventy years of
some of us on the head and went his age, the people in the towns used to ex
way. A few weeks afterward he died, claim at her beauty: “Ah, la bella
and Millard Fillmore, the Vice-President, vecchia! ” “Ah, bellissima Madama! ”
succeeded him. “Gran Dio, che belta?" In Genoa two
Mr. Fillmore had been my parents' gentlemen exclaimed at her beauty and,
friend from their young days and they as she sat in an open carriage at a shop
always loved and admired him. I recall door they ran across a “piazza" to the
him distinctly as one of the handsomest Stock Exchange whence they quickly
men I have ever seen and distinguished returned leading a number of others, until
in manner. My mother told me that in there were twenty or thirty of them
her young girlhood she gave to Mr. Fill standing about the carriage and com
more the nickname of “My Lord Fili menting with Italian freedom upon her
gree " because of his air of elegance. personal appearance. A few months
It must have been during Mr. Fill later, when she was in Naples, the beg
more's administration that I first heard gars on the Santa Lucia stopped their
any talk of “Abolition ” and some im importunities, lifted up their little chil
portant occurrence in connection with dren to the side of the carriage that they
slavery and slave institutions must have might kiss the hands of the “Signora
been about that time, but I have no recol vecchia " and then ran into their poor
lection of it. holes and corners to bring her presents—
My family at that time were not slave flowers, bright pebbles and shells and
holders—my father was English born fruits—among the latter, the largest
and his family traditions were opposed lemon I have ever seen.
to slave-holding. My mother inherited My mother received all tributes with
slaves, but she was early left an orphan an untiring sweetness and affability that
and her trustees and guardians thought sent every one away from her touched
slave property undesirable for her. But and gratified.
almost all servants in Washington were When I was about ten years old, Jenny
negroes or rather “colored people,” for Lind (that enchanting personality") came
I do not recall many, if any, really black to Washington and one of my beloved
people in those days. So the slave ques and ever-indulgent uncles insisted that I
tion did not touch us very nearly. should go to her concert, so in all the
I have once or twice mentioned my glory of a new crimson merino frock I
mother. So I will now record that she accompanied him. Our seats were near
the front so that I could hear and see sat quisitely white; her skirts were long and
isfactorily, and the concert hall was, I very full.
fancy, unfinished, for I have an impres Hoops were not as yet, but some of
sion of some rough planks where I did the ladies of my mother's acquaintance
not expect them. The stage was large wore seventeen petticoats of white
and uncarpeted, save for a single strip cambric, fully starched, supported by
which ran through the middle of the an underskirt of heavy white cotton,
orchestra, who were all upon the stage. starched with flour paste and not sub
Among the songs that I recall, probably jected to the mollifying influence of the
because they were familiar to me, were iron, but dried over a hogshead, covered
“Hail, Columbia " and “Home, Sweet with a clean white cloth. Can the pres
Home.” ent generation wonder that the name of
At one point my uncle took my hand, the beautiful Empress Eugénie was blessed
led me behind the orchestra and we stood when she made “hoops" fashionable
at the edge of the strip of carpet used as under her brilliant and evanescent reign 2
the Diva's pathway to the front of the The same young uncle—I had a num
stage. As she returned from acknowl ber of them —who took me (Miss
edging one of many recalls, she was al Burney would say “carried ” me) to
most running with her head bent low and hear Jenny Lind, about this time took
one hand lying on the front of her cor me to the theater to see a pretty play
sage. Her face was quite close to mine called “Meeta, the Maid of Mariens
as she went by, and I could see her lovely dorp,” in which the title rôle was played
smile as she turned toward me, and I by Miss Jean Davenport, afterward
noted the masses of her soft bright hair. Mrs. Lander. During one of the inter
She was dressed in sky-blue satin nearly missions, I was attracted by voices be
hind me and looked around to see who
covered with flounces of very delicate
white lace. I do not recall that she wore spoke. Such a vision met my eyes that
any jewels (they must have impressed I turned about and gazed at the beau
a child had she worn them), but she had tiful young man until my uncle made
a vivid scarlet velvet ribbon tied about me resume my seat, telling me it was
not polite to stare. But I have never
her throat with long ends floating down
forgotten the sculpturesque perfection
her back; some of the same ribbon was
of the features and the delicacy of color
tied around the pretty coil of hair at the ing, nor the enchanting white waistcoat
back of her head. More of it went
with an under vest of brilliant rose color.
around her wrists and fell in loops from Later on I saw him several times but not
the fastenings. There could not have until many years after did I know that
been less than ten or twelve yards of rib he was “Owen Meredith,” the son of
bon in the whole parura. It was pretty, Bulwer-Lytton, the novelist, and sub
effective and becoming. sequently the first Earl Lytton, who
We had not yet learned to shudder at was at that time an attaché of the British
“primary colors, oh, South Kensington" Legation—as yet we had no embassies.
and my memory of the dear lady is one It was probably during Mr. Fillmore's
of brightness and happiness. Perhaps I administration that the Swedish novel
should mention that her corsage was ist, Frederika Bremer, visited Wash
reasonably décolleté, and her neck ex ington, and one day at my father's
house I was presented to her. I was him, to which I at once assented. Then
still in my young “teens,” but she was my friend and I were sent to bring into
very gentle and gracious to me, and the drawing-room a small, light, un
when a reception was arranged for her painted wooden table about three feet
she asked that I should be invited. But long by two feet wide and having a
I was too young for any such enter drawer in it. My friend used it for her
tainment and went to bed when my school books, copy books, pens, etc. We
parents went to the party. Miss Bremer took them out and carried the table into
did not forget me, however, but sent me the drawing-room, placing it nearly in
her own nosegay of lilies of the valley the center of the room. I describe these
and a card on which she wrote: “ For simple matters so minutely in order to
Charlotte (Franck) Taylor, with the show that there was no trickery possible.
love of Frederika Bremer.” It is easy Then I was called to stand beside the
to imagine how an enthusiastic girl in table, Mr. placed himself behind
her teens would prize such a token from me (I was very small for my age),
a delightful writer. reached over my shoulders, placed his
About this time I heard my parents hands lightly on mine, which were lying
speaking of a young man whom they flat and inert upon the table and the
sometimes met. He did some remark table rose up, endwise, and stood upon
able things which puzzled his friends, two legs with its top at an inclination
as there seemed no reasonable explana of about forty-five degrees. With no
tion of them. “Table-tipping ” was hands but mine touching it, but with
talked of at that time and was a occasional light touches upon mine of
new thing. Mr. 's hands, the table remained
Washington in those days was just a in that position for about fifteen
big straggling village, and one evening, minutes, while several of the gentlemen
when some friends of my parents were present endeavored to press it down
giving a “party,’” their little daughter with its four legs touching the floor. I
sent me a note asking me to come “to could feel it yield under my hands, but
keep her company ” as her bedroom instantly rise again as if there were
was to be used for a dressing-room, and springs under it. At the end of the
she could not retire until the guests time I have named Mr. said
departed. I was rejoiced to go, to sit laughingly: “As you, gentlemen, do
with my friend in a corner “like little not seem able to hold the table down,
Miss Horner’’ and watch the grown perhaps you may be able to hold it up,”
ups. At the party, I was quite excited and the table began to sink under my
to find young Mr. and learn that hands. Several gentlemen at once tried
he was the person my parents had been to hold it up, but the table (and I) were
discussing. I had known him at danc too strong, and in a few moments it
ing-school, where he was perfecting broke through their grasp and struck
himself in his dancing and was a favor the floor with quite a bang.
ite with the children. I immediately left the group of
After much talk among the elders, seniors, who were all talking eagerly
the young gentleman suddenly came and questioning Mr. , and re
toward the corner where we little girls turned to my little friend. Presently
were sitting and asked if I would help the young magician came to us and
thanked me for having “helped ” him, piano to see Miss Furness as well as to
so I was emboldened to ask him how he hear her sing.
did it, to which he replied that he did Mr. Thackeray was delivering some
not know. I then asked him if it were lectures in Washington at that time and
“spirits,” to which he answered that by chance I was taken to one of them
whatever it might be it was not that, and in the charm of his recital, his beau
for, he continued, “I do it myself and tiful cordiality to Dickens, as he told of
when I am not bothered I can make a the “little girl who read ‘Nicholas
large round table with a marble top Nickleby' through all her joys and
come across the room and get up on woes,” I lost all impression of fear
the sofa beside me.” which had been made upon me by his
There was never any explanation abruptness, for I think it was nothing
that I heard of this phenomenon; the more, when I first saw him.
young magician was in a social posi When Mr. Fillmore's administration
tion and of a personal standing to render closed, he was succeeded by Franklin
it incredible that there should be any Pierce, another handsome, courteous,
trickery in the matter, and it remains pleasant gentleman, whom I vividly re
inexplicable to-day, so far as I know. call, as I was, under his administration,
The house where I met Mr. taken to what we called in those days
was the residence of the Reverend “the President's Levée,” which we pro
Orville Dewey, an Unitarian clergy nounced without the smallest recogni
man, the revered and beloved friend of tion of its accent' I do not think that
my parents—indeed of my whole Mrs. Pierce assisted the President to
family circle. His children were my receive the evening that I was pre
dearest friends and I was much with sented; she was probably ill, as her
his family. On another evening when health had been shattered, just before
I was at his house I found myself in her husband came to the Presidency, by
the death of a beloved child—I think
the presence of William Makepeace
Thackeray and of Miss Furness, after her only one—and she was rarely seen
in public.
wards Mrs. Wister; charming Anice
My dress for the “President's Levée”
Furness, “Miss Nannie" her young
cousins and I called her. was my first really grown-up gown and
I was somewhat in awe of Mr.
would hardly be approved by the pres
ent generation. It was of cherry colored
Thackeray; he was so big, with such
tarlatan, a kind of cotton gauze, quite
bushy eyebrows, such an ugly nose and cheap, but very effective, in the style
such a loud voice Miss Furness sang, of that day, when a young lady's dress
and I recall some of her songs even was supposed to look—first of all—
now, among them “The Two Grena fresh and crisp like a newly opened
diers,” which I heard for the first time rose. My tarlatan was made with a
with a delight which has been renewed double skirt, the upper one reaching
each time that I have heard it through about to the knees, the lower one long
the “circled years.” Presently I found all around, trailing at the back and six
myself quite under the great writer's or eight yards wide; the décolleté cor
wing, and almost nestled under his sage and the short bouffant sleeves
right arm while we both leaned on the were trimmed with a “shell trimming ”
of inch-wide satin ribbon, the exact half yard of the gauze was left undam
shade of the tarlatan and between the aged; but “Bunnie" had provided him
ribbon and me was a soft frill of white self with a series of soft nests in the
narrow lace. Around my throat was a bottom of several of the fire-buckets.
narrow black velvet ribbon from which He was joyfully received by his fond
hung a small, plain, gold heart about mistress, who cared more for him than
half an inch long and a cross of the for many dresses—of other persons !
same style about an inch in length. Upon Mr. Pierce's retirement from
Simple as this adornment was, I recall the Presidency, he was succeeded by
being perfectly contented with my James Buchanan of Pennsylvania, an
toilet, not desiring anything more other kindly, courteous gentleman,
sumptuous! So I infer that most of whom my father liked and admired,
my young friends must have been at although a Democrat'
tired much as I was. During Mr. Buchanan's Presidency,
The fate of my dear cherry colored the Prince of Wales, afterward King
frock—for it was pretty, dear girls, Edward VII, made a visit to this coun
with your slim, dabby frocks slopping try and was a guest at the White House,
about your legs and your heels hanging where the domestic arrangements were
out—may interest some one. I never of a plainness and simplicity that must
wore it again, for, in order to preserve have been startling to His Royal
its freshness, it was not consigned to Highness. I saw him once, a gentle,
any closet or wardrobe, but allowed pleasant youth, but was not pre
abundance of space in a large storeroom, sented, so have only a faint impression
where it hung on two of a row of large of him. He had not his father's great
hooks. Some deep, rather narrow, fire personal beauty nor Queen Victoria's
buckets—it was before the city water majestic presence.
had been brought into Washington— Miss Harriet Lane, a favorite niece
hung near my gown, which was pro of the bachelor President, presided over
tected by a covering of white cambric. the White House during the Buchanan
But one day, the door of the room being administration and was all that could
open for a few minutes, a pet squirrel be desired in that important position.
belonging to my sister, found his way Miss Lane's stately beauty might
inside and was inadvertently shut have given the impression of haughti
in there. ness, but for the gracious sweetness
He was soon missed and searched which characterized and adorned her
for, but no one thought of the store long life. I never heard of an act of
room for some days, and we gave up discourtesy on her part, nor a brus
“Bunnie" as lost. The storeroom querie, nor a neglect. Her old age was
being again entered, a forlorn looking as “serene and bright” as her exquisite
scrap of something was observed dang youth gave promise of.
ling from a fire bucket and, on follow After the death of President Lincoln
ing the clue, my gauze gown was dis came the distressing administration of
covered crammed and stuffed into President Johnson. Many persons im
several of the buckets, the ribbon trim agined that some of the eccentricities
ming pulled and chewed and torn until which marked his conduct might be at
it was just a dirty red string and not a tributed to the treatment he had re
ceived at the time of the murder of Mr. understand the Senator to say ‘No’?”
Lincoln and the attacks upon the mem To which Mr. Fowler assented and sat
bers of his Cabinet. The President was down. I must have been greatly ex
not an habitual drunkard and some per cited, for I remember nothing of the
sons supposed some drug had been subsequent proceedings. Very soon
given to him which, more or less perma thereafter Mr. Fowler left Washington
nently, affected his brain. and I never saw him again.
At the time the impeachment of The turbulent, distressful adminis
President Johnson was talked of there tration of Andrew Johnson passed from
came into prominence Senator Joseph sight and was succeeded by that of Gen
Smith Fowler of Tennessee. There was eral U. S. Grant, to the great joy of us
much doubt as to which political party who knew and loved him well. We felt
Senator Fowler would side with up to that the country was safe in his hands
the very moment when his vote was and even his enemies knew that he was
given. I was in the Senate Gallery that not a man to trifle with ! A volume
day through the kindness of a friend, would be needed to continue the
Representative Baker, of Illinois, who eulogium I would wish to write of him,
gave me one of his tickets. instead of the few lines to which I feel
The gallery was, of course, crowded, restricted in these pages.
but as we were early in our attendance I first saw him at a wonderful recep
I had a seat almost immediately above tion in his own house; I think in 1866.
Mr. Fowler, whom I knew quite well. The throng was so great that my mother
He was a man of slight figure, rather and I would have withdrawn without
tall than short, somewhat reddish hair entering the house, but when we real
and the delicate, pallid complexion ized the situation it was too late to re
usual to persons of that type. On the treat and we were borne by the strug
day to which I refer, Mr. Fowler was gling crowd into the front door, through
of a deadly pallor, almost green in tint, the corridor and up the staircase with
and had a shrinking, nervous manner out being able to extricate ourselves
distressing to view. until we reached the rooms used as
The proceedings in the Senate were vestiaries on the upper floor. Once
keenly interesting, some Senators speak there I refused to risk again becoming
ing with much earnestness and power entangled in the crowd, but my mother
on their respective sides. Then came and several friends who had accom
the vote as to whether the President panied us, did so, while I remained
should be impeached. Mr. Fowler was up stairs.
a Republican and his deciding vote was It was a disappointment to me, as Gen
needed, as the question had become eral Sheridan was receiving with Grant
largely a party matter. When Mr. that evening and I had never met either of
Fowler's vote was called for he rose in
them, and especially wished to see Sheri
his seat and stood for an instant, visibly dan, whose gallant and dashing exploits
trembling. He made an effort to speak, had captivated my imagination.
but no sound came. Another attempt Finally one of our friends came to
resulted in silence, and then an indis
me with a message from my mother,
tinct “no "came from him, so indistinct telling me to go to her as the drawing
that the presiding officer asked: “Do I rooms were nearly empty. I went
|E are beginning a New Year of oppor the promotion of a realizing sense of all that
tunity. In this New Year I want to America stands for in the world. There was
emphasize the national character of the teaching of the duties and solemn privilege
our Society and its work. The power, of citizenship. There was the erection of
the value and the influence of the countless memorials to perpetuate the memory
National Society all depend upon of patriotic deeds and hold them up as an
- keeping the national idea uppermost. example to be followed.
Our chapters are merely groups of National Of these memorials the greatest is Memorial
Society members banded together “for purposes Continental Hall, built by the concerted efforts
of convenience” to do our National Society's of all our chapters—the visible monument of
work and advance its objects in the various all that our Society stands for in thus perpetuat
localities where they are formed. The chapters ing the spirit of the American Revolution.
are valuable working units of our national There is the land back of it, similarly bought
organization; they are themselves the National and paid for, which we loaned rent free to the
Society working in groups. They may take up Government—a patriotic service during the war.
purely state or local objects which are in keep There are the Magazine and the Lineage
ing with the general patriotic objects of the Books, both of them valuable historical and
Society—but these are secondary. The first genealogical publications, the Magazine being
duty of every chapter is to do its share in the also a valuable influence for Americanism.
national work of the organization, undertaken There was the raising of the Liberty Loan Fund
by vote of the state and chapter representa for our Government during the war; the
tives in our Congress or on the National Board. Tilloloy Fund for stricken France; the con
It is this national scope of our work which certed work for the support of French orphans,
brings us the recognition we receive from our and all other war work suggested by the
Government, from the public at large and from National Society.
other organizations which are constantly seek It is our national work that has made our
ing our endorsement or coöperation. It is the Society great and influential. Let us remember
national character of our patriotic service which this. It is the continuance and enlargement of
entitled us to receive our charter from the this national work that is going to make us an
United States Government, under which we are asset to our Government and to America.
obliged to report annually to the United States State and local work must be done, but not at
Senate. It is this national character by reason the expense of national work. Our power as a
of which we enjoy exemption of our property Society consists in these three fields of service—
from all taxation, and of our entertainments the nation, the state, the locality of each chapter,
from war taxation of their proceeds—for they but the greatest of these is the nation. Our na
are exempt by a ruling of the Federal authori tional work is your work as members of the
ties on the ground of our educational objects. National Society. You cannot be chapter mem
What are the big national things we have bers without being National Society members
done in the past and must keep on doing in first. Therefore, loyalty to our national work,
the future? and active support of it, are the first duty of
First and foremost there was the awakening every member, state and chapter of our splendid
of the spirit of Americanism; the revival of a national organization.
true and vital patriotism; the teaching of May our Society, and every part of it, make
American ideals. There was the revival of good its wonderful opportunities all through
interest in American history and the aims and the coming year.
ideals of the forefathers. There was the preser ANNE ROGERs MINoR,
vation of fast vanishing records. There was President General.
By Anna Barrows
even tinned fruits or vegetables. A sur or drying apples or making fruit butters.
vey of the cookbooks of English house Mrs. Alice Morse Earle says that: “In
keepers of that period would show us every household every spare minute was
the dishes that were in common use and occupied in doing something that would
the herbs and vegetables. Doubtless the benefit the home.”
women of the Mayflower brought many Wood was abundant and the jackknife
seeds from their home gardens, and per was a common tool, by aid of which bowls
haps cuttings from vines and fruit trees. and paddles and spoons and clothespins
It would be interesting to know from were fashioned during leisure moments.
whose salad garden “escaped ” (as the Brooms were made from the twigs of
botanists put it), the purslane or “pus fresh hemlock or sweet fern tied securely
sley’’ which tries the patience of mod around a stick. The birch broom came
ern gardeners. later and appears to have been learned
The feeding of the Elizabethan period from the Indians, like the canoe and snow
has been classed as Homeric; there were shoe. For their special purpose modern
few of the delicacies of later times. ingenuity has not been able to improve
Chocolate, coffee, forks, and even sugar upon the skill of the Indian. Shells set
were just beginning to come from Italy in handles of wood served for spoons.
and the East. Pewter as a tableware was at its
There were no “ready-to-eat” foods, height at about the time the Pilgrim went
no ground herbs and spices, no gelatines to Holland and some pieces doubtless
or baking powders, the mortar and pestle came in the Mayflower.
must powder the spices. A “gang" of During their stay in Holland the Pil
calves' feet must be cooked to secure gela grim Mothers doubtless learned much
tine and the stomach of young animals from the thrifty Dutch housekeepers.
cleaned and dried to curdle the milk The cooky, and the doughnut are sup
for cheese. The ashes from the wood posed to be of Dutch origin. Rev. W. E.
fire on the hearth furnished the potash Griffis in his “American in Holland ”
for soap-making or even for neutralizing says “the smaller cakes are of course
the sour milk for the corn bread. called ‘koejes,” which we call cookies.”
The memorial halls at Plymouth and He further refers to the little diminu
other New England towns, or collections tive tail or annex, Dutch “je,” English
in public libraries, etc., show us some of “ey,” Scottish “ie,” and says that the
the cooking utensils and tableware of koeje has survived as cooky even when
three hundred years ago. Even if they transplanted to America. Washington
did not all arrive on the Mayflower in Irving told of the Dutch Olykoeks which
any of its voyages, they indicate the cus were evidently the ancestors of the later
toms of the period. fried cake or doughnut. The rich crul
Anyone who has visited Anne lers are of Dutch origin, and may derive
Hathaway's cottage at Stratford-on their name from their shape, which
Avon, will recall the trenchers and resembles closely the twisted orna
wooden plates hollowed from substantial ments worn by Dutch girls in their hair.
blocks, very different from the wooden During the twelve years in Holland the
plate now in use. During the colonial Pilgrim company is said to have increased
days there were “bees" for making threefold and they were counted as use
trenchers as well as for husking corn ful citizens. Evidently they depended
somewhat upon the public bakers, from With the pageants and family reunions
this record. that doubtless will continue another year
“And first, though many of them were and longer, it should be worth while to
poore, yet their was none so poore, but study the genealogy not only of our
if they were known to be of ye congrega families, but of our foods.
tion, the Dutch (either bakers or others) During the war one New England
would trust them in any reasonable mat college of agriculture, through its home
ter when they want money. Because they economics department, started the stu
had found by experience, how careful dents collecting family recipes and those
they were to keep their word.” from old cookbooks of the colonial period.
After the first two or three years the A survey of such collections would
thrifty Pilgrims had no lack of good food. show how many of our modern dishes
According to some old records, breakfast have come to us from the far past, and
was mainly hasty pudding, or pea or give much light regarding the history
bean porridge. Tea and coffee were of foods.
unknown, and it is considered doubtful Sir Kenelme Digby collected many
whether tea and coffee pots belong to that formulas for home brewing of wines,
period or came in the Mayflower. metheglin, “sider,” etc., “together with
Dinner was much like breakfast with excellent directions for cookery.” From
brown bread and rye pudding. Poultry a copy of his “Closet’ printed in London
was plentiful but beef and mutton were in 1669, the following recipes are selected:
luxuries. Fresh fish was likely to be the Undoubtedly they represent the type
main dish at supper. Butter and cheese which had been in use for a century back,
were abundant later. Rye and Indian and such as were brought over in the
breads were more common than any Mayflower, if not in print, at least stored
other. Potatoes were not used to any in the minds of the housekeepers.
extent until the Revolutionary period, but
turnips were a staple. Peas seemed to
have been in general use and were baked
like beans. Pumpkins grew with the corn Wheaten Flommery:
and beans, and were added to the corn “In the West-country, they make a kind
of Flommery of wheat flower, which they
bread for variety, and seem to have been judge to be more harty and pleasant than
preferred to squashes. During colonial that of oatmeal Thus; Take half, or a quarter
of a bushel of good bran of the best wheat
days they were so important that one (which containeth the purest flower of it,
record thus put it. though little, and is used to make starch) and
“We have pumpkins at morning and in a great wooden bowl or pail, let soak with
cold water upon it three or four days. Then
pumpkins at noon, strain out the milky water from it and boil it
If it were not for pumpkins we should up to a jelly or like starch. Which you may
be undoon.” season with Sugar and Rose or Orange-flower
water, and let it stand till it be cold and
The baked bean was well adapted to jellied. Then eat it with white or Rheinish
the condition of a pioneer people. One wine, or Cream or Milk or Ale.
historian failed to recognize the calorie An Oatmeal Pudding:
value of this combination, and stated that “Take a Pint of Milk; And put to it a Pint
the union of the meanest flesh with the of large or midling Oatmeal—let it stand
upon the fire, until it be scalding hot; Then
poorest of vegetables indicated a time let it stand by and soak about half an hour:
of great scarcity in Colonial days. Then pick a few sweet-Herbs and shred
them, and put in half a pound of currants; brown Sugar candy as will sweeten it and
and half a pound of Suet, and about two boyl it to the consistence of a Syrup. It is
spoonfuls of Sugar, and three or four Eggs. very good for a Cold or Consumption.”
These put into a bag, and boiled, do make a
very good Pudding.” The “English House-wife,” 1683, by
“The Queen's Closet Opened,” 1696, G. Markham gives few recipes, but many
is another choice collection including general directions for “skill in cookery.”
recipes approved by Queen Elizabeth,
To bake a Pudding-pye. Take a quart of
King Charles I, and many physicians, and the best Cream, and set it on the fire, and
lords and ladies of the court. slice a Loaf of the lightest white bread into
These are mainly household remedies thin slices, and put into it, and let it stand
on the fire till the Milk begins to rise, then
for all sorts of diseases, in which every take it off and put it into a bason, and let it
possible herb is used. A single one stand till it be cold; then put in the yelks of
will suffice. four Eggs, and two Whites, good store of
Currants, Sugar, Cinnamon, Cloves, Mace,
Syrup of Turnips: and plenty of Sheep's Suet finely shred, and
First bake the Turnips in a pot with house a good season of Salt, then trim your Pot
hold bread, then press out the Liquor be well round about with Butter and so put in
tween two platters; put a pint of this Liquor your Pudding and bake it sufficiently, and
to half a pint of Hysop water, and as much when you serve it strew Sugar upon it.
Drawings by
Zoé Lee H. Anderson
In 1033 Emperor Conrad, with his army, The Grubbs belong to an old English
conquered the baronies of Arles & Bour family, the name appearing in the records
gogne, in France. Raphael Du Puy (Latin, of Kent, Cornwall, Hertfordshire and other
Podio), “grand Chambellan de l'empire” fol counties in the thirteenth century.
lowed him. He was one of the Gover Since 1127 the Grubbs have been one of
nors whom the Emperor appointed over the the most distinguished families of high rank
new possessions. in Austria. But the English stock is of
In 1610, the tomb of Raphael was opened Danish descent.
by order of M. Le Conte de la Roche, Henry Grubb, Member of Parliament,
“Gouverneur de Romans en Dauphine.” The elected in 1571, had a grandson Thomas born
corpse was extended upon a marble slab, his in Wiltshire & graduated from Oxford Uni
spurs on one side, his sword on the other & versity, M. A., who took Holy Orders & was
upon his head a helmet of lead with a copper rector of Cranfield, Bedfordshire.
plate bearing the inscription, “Raphael de His son John Grubb, of Bedfordshire, was
Podio, General de la Cavalerie Romaine et a Royalist & a supporter of the Church of
Grand Chambellan de l'empire Romaine.” England. After the death of Charles I, he
His son Hughes Du Puy, 1st Seigneur de settled in Cornwall & married Helen Vivian.
Perens, d'Apifer, and de Rocheport, went to Their son John, born in Cornwall, 1652, came
the Crusades in 1096, taking his wife & three to the Delaware River in America, 1677, & ob
of his children. He founded the Abbey tained a grant of land at Upland, now Chester,
d'Aiguebelle, Order of St. Bernard. Was Pennsylvania, 1679, & another at Grubb's
one of the Generals of Godefroi de Bouillon, Landing, New Castle County, Delaware,
& for his bravery was granted the “Son 1682, one of the first shipping points on the
verainete la ville d'Acres.” Delaware River. In 1693 he was commis
His grandson Hughes Du Puy, Chevalier, sioned Justice of New Castle County, 1692,
went to the Crusades 1140 with Ame III, 1698, 1700 was a member of the Colo
Comte de Savoye. nial Assembly.
Nine generations later Jean Du Puy be He married Frances Vane, of Bradford
came the founder of the Protestant family
Twp., Chester County, Pa., & their daughter
of Cabrielles, upper Languedoc, 1583.
Charity Grubb married Henry Beeson.
His great-great-grandson Bartholomew Du
The Beesons emigrated from Lancashire,
Puy, born 1650, was a trusted Lieutenant in
the household guard of Louis XIV. He went England, & landed at Baltimore, Maryland,
to England 1699 and in 1700 came to Amer 1682, & vested lands in New Castle County,
ica & settled in the Huguenot Colony on Delaware. Richard, a grandson of the emi
the James River, Va. grant Richard, was born in Martinsburg,
Virginia, 1743, and married Mary Martin.
* This line and arms used through the It was their son Henry Beeson who mar
courtesy of Miss Jenn Coltrane, His ried Charity Grubb & was the founder of
torian General, National Society, D. A. R. Beesontown, or, as it now is Uniontown, Pa.
GEORGIA to support a teacher in its vicinity to carry
on the work, and to contribute towards the
The John Benning Chapter, Moultrie, was
support of teachers at large in the state.”
hostess for the Twenty-second Annual (Recon
Further resolved, “That this work be car
struction) Conference of Georgia Daughters of
ried out in a systematic way through scholar
the American Revolution, April 6th–8th with
ships, chapters to secure “Americanization
Mrs. James S. Wood, State Regent, presiding.
Moultrie extended a cordial welcome and Scholarhips,’ to be given boys and girls of
foreign parentage.” Mrs. Max E. Land, new
lavish hospitality to her visitors. As is the
State Regent and Chairman Americaniza
custom the first session was given over to
tion, was the author of a resolution which
addresses of welcome and pleasing responses.
Greetings were extended the visiting was adopted, “That the Georgia D. A. R., in
D. A. R. by Mrs. R. S. Roddenbery Regent conference assembled, indorse the movement
of the hostess chapter, who also introduced to eradicate illiteracy in Georgia, and each
the State Regent, Mrs. James S. Wood. Mrs. chapter pledge coöperation to the Illiter
acy Commission.”
Wood formally opened the Twenty-second
Conference of the Georgia D. A. R., making Among other important resolutions passed
the subject of her address “Patriotism was that of taking Meadow Garden, the
and Americanism.” home of George Walton, a signer of the
Declaration of Independence, under the
The State Regent presented Mrs. Shep
supervision of the chapters of the state, each
pard W. Foster, our beloved Vice President
chapter enjoying the privilege of contribut
General from Georgia, who brought greet
ing towards the upkeep of this historic
ings from the National Society and made an
shrine. A perpetual $5000 scholarship at the
important address on the work. Other dis
University of Georgia in memory of our
tinguished guests present were: Mrs. J. E.
soldier heroes who gave their lives in the
Hayes, President of the Georgia Federation
of Women's Clubs; Mrs. Frank Harrold, World War was launched by the Elijah
Clarke Chapter, Athens.
President Georgia Division U. D. C., and When the time arrived for the nomination of
Mrs. Howard McCall, Honorary State Regent.
state officers, and Mrs. Max E. Land, of
The other meetings were devoted to busi
Cordele, was nominated for State Regent, a
ness, interspersed with beautiful musical num
bers. There were 88 delegates, officers and most spectacular demonstration occurred,
when the entire assembly of Daughters rose
chairmen attending the Conference, repre to second the nomination. Other state offi
senting 78 chapters of Georgia, all full of
enthusiasm and an earnest zeal for advance cers for the ensuing year are: State First
Vice Regent, Mrs. W. C. Vereen; State
ment in their many lines of endeavor. Splen
Second Vice Regent, Mrs. Charles Aker
did reports were given from many of these
chapters. The State Regent reported that man; State Recording Secretary, Mrs. Julius
even the Georgia Daughters themselves little Talmadge; State Corresponding Secretary,
realize the vast magnitude of Americaniza Mrs. T. J. Durrett; State Treasurer, Mrs.
tion, Education and Philanthropic work, as George Hope; State Auditor, Mrs. Rufus
well as Historical Research carried on by the Brown; State Librarian, Mrs. S. J. Jones;
3522 members of our state organization. The State Historian, Mrs. O. C. Bullock; State
Georgia D. A. R. have for years fostered Consulting Registrar, Mrs. J. L. Walker;
Patriotic Education, which but slightly dif State Editor, Miss Alice May Massengale;
fers from the title “Americanization.” Assistant State Editor, Miss Maud Clark
A resolution was introduced by Mrs. Penn. Mrs. S. W. Foster, the Vice Presi
James S. Wood, State Regent, that “Con dent General from Georgia, was unanimously
ference undertake in a greater measure the and enthusiastically elected Honorary State
great work of Americanizing the foreigners Regent of Georgia.
in our midst, and that each chapter endeavor By no means was the social side of Con
ference left to chance. Most enjoyable were work; for the American International Col
the luncheons by the John Benning Chapter lege $800 was given in scholarships to young
at the Country Club, and by the Moultrie women pupils. We voted $25 for our
McNeil Chapter U. D. C.; the buffet supper “Neighborhood House,” at Dover, $25 to
by the Worth While Club, and the reception the New Hampshire “Children's Aid and
tendered by Mrs. W. C. Vereen and Mrs. Protection Society,” and $25 to the New
R. S. Roddenbery the automobile drives, Hampshire Forestry Association, besides
and band concert. other gifts.
(MRs. T. J.) JEssie FRAzER DURRETT, We are so fortunate as to have two Real
State Corresponding Secretary. Daughters, who sent greetings; both are
interesting and delightful women and much
NEW HAMPSHIRE appreciate the kind attentions of our Society.
The nineteenth annual State Conference of ADA G. HoLDEN,
State Secretary.
the New Hampshire Daughters of the Ameri
can Revolution convened in Memorial Parish
House, Concord, Wednesday morning, October
6, 1920, guests of the hostess chapter—Rumford. The twenty-third Annual Conference of Ver
The meeting was called to order by the mont Daughters of the American Revolution
State Regent, Mrs. Charles W. Barrett. was held with the Marquis de Lafayette Chap
Prayer was offered by the Rt. Rev. Edward ter at Woods Art Gallery, Montpelier, Septem
M. Parker, Bishop of New Hampshire. The ber 29, 1920. It proved the most successful
American's Creed, led by Mrs. B. C. Boyd, Conference held in recent years, and was
State Chairman of the Americanization Com honored by the presence of our President
mittee, was next recited, followed by the General, Mrs. George Maynard Minor. The
singing of the “Star-Spangled Banner,” Conference was opened by our State Regent,
after which the Salute to the Flag was given, Mrs. John H. Stewart. Mrs. Farnham gave
led by Mrs. G. L. Chase, State Chairman, the welcome to Montpelier, Miss Valentine,
Correct Use of the Flag Committee. Inter the response. Mrs. Minor brought greetings
esting addresses were then given by Hon. from the National Society. Mrs. Allen,
Harry T. Lord, ex-President S. A. R., and President of the Colonial Dames, gave greet
Mr. Philip W. Ayres, Forester of the Society ings. Reports by Committee on Patriotic
for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests. Education, Mrs. Walton; Proper Use of the
Greetings were extended to the Confer Flag, Mrs. Emily Moore. Greetings from
ence by Mrs. John H. Stewart, State Regent Mrs. Charles Barrett, State Regent of New
of Vermont, and Mrs. Ida Farr Miller, Ex Hampshire; greetings from Mrs. J. G. S. Chris
State Regent of Massachusetts. Mrs. Charles topher, Honorary State Regent of Florida.
C. Abbott, Ex-Vice President General, The Conference voted to pay its share
N. S. D. A. R., gave a touching In Memoriam towards the Sarah Thacher Guernsey schol
for the Daughters who died during the year. arship in the International College at Spring
Interesting reports were read by Chapter field, Mass. Mrs. Harris R. Watkins was
Regents and State Chairmen. The election made an Honorary State Regent.
of State Officers resulted in electing Mrs. The Conference voted $100 towards the
Lorin Webster, of Plymouth, for our incom restoration of the “Old Constitution House.”
ing State Regent, and Mrs. Leslie P. Snow, One hundred and forty-seven registered.
of Rochester, for State Vice Regent to be Of the oldest of these was Mrs. Hindes, who
confirmed at our next Continental Congress celebrated her 82nd birthday. She has at
in April, 1921. tended all but two of these conferences. The
A luncheon was served on Wednesday in following officers were elected: Mrs. John
Memorial Parish House for all Daughters H. Stewart, State Regent, Middlebury; Miss
and their guests, and that evening a delightful Jennie A. Valentine, State Vice Regent, Ben
reception was given by the Rumford Chapter nington; Mrs. Winfield S. Huntley, Corre
at the home of Mrs. Benjamin S. Rolfs. sponding Secretary, Middlebury; Mrs. J. A.
The Conference proved one of the most Rust, Recording Secretary, Burlington; Mrs.
interesting held in the state, being largely R. W. McCuen, State Treasurer, Vergennes;
attended and ably presided over by Mrs. Mrs. E. H. Prouty, State Auditor, Montpelier;
Charles Barrett, our State Regent, who was Mrs. F. H. Gillingham, State Historian,
the recipient of many beautiful flowers, indi Woodstock; Mrs. A. B. Engrem, State Chap
cating her deserved popularity. lain, Rutland, and Mrs. Wilfred F. Root,
The reports showed much work accom State Librarian, Brattleboro.
plished in various lines during the year. ADA F. GILLINGHAM,
Every chapter reported Americanization State Historian.
£º / // '
ºr ~/.
Our programs are almost entirely home Hostess House worker, where she remained
talent. Most interesting papers have been for nine months. Several members did splen
read on the Order of Cincinnati, Interna did work selling Liberty Bonds; two mem
tional Relations, Old Trails and Historic bers received the Red Cross button and one
Spots, Conservation of Our California For stripe for 1600 hours registered war work.
ests, Immigration in the Southwest and kin The quota for Tilloloy and our National
dred subjects in which the Chapter is deeply Society Liberty Bond was completed very
interested. As we have no Revolutionary early. A Chapter service flag was made con
monuments in this faraway land, we keep up taining 14 stars.
our enthusiasm by having in each year's pro The last year's work was largely given to
gram an Ancestors' Day, talking of the brave Patriotic Education. Over $40 was spent in
deeds of our nation's past which elsewhere contributing to the D. A. R. annex to one
are engraved on bronze and stone. Besides of our alien schools; also to the Y. W. C. A.
we have some very interesting ancestors. work among the Italians and Russian Jews,
One member came in as a descendant of and to the California D. A. R. Scholarship
Captain Thomas Moffatt, honorary member at the International Institute at Springfield,
of the Society of the Cincinnati of the State Mass. The Chapter also undertook a work
of New York. She afterward brought in six that was distinctively its own. Learning that
more members on the same line, making in the grade schools, where the teacher was
seven who trace back to this highly prized expected to teach all her children the Amer
order, a rare thing for a small chapter on ican's Creed, she was obliged to keep it writ
the Pacific Coast. An ancestor of two other ten on the blackboard, the space often being
members is William Kenly, Financial Agent needed for other work, the chapter ordered
for the Colony of Pennsylvania, his signa a number of artistic wall cards with the
ture appearing on the currency issued during creed printed in large type and offered them
the Revolution. Another member's ancestor in different schools. They were gladly re
is John Suggett, whose name, with his ceived by the teachers in every case, and the
wife's, is inscribed on the “monument Home Teachers, of which Los Angeles boasts
erected by women to women" at Bryant 22, asked for them to place in the homes of
Station, Ky., as patriot defenders of that the newly naturalized citizens.
fort. Another ancestor of four members is
Captain David Marchand or Marchin. An Historian.
heirloom in this family is a black iron kettle
which he brought with him when he came
from Germany in 1765, and which he carried Berkeley Hills Chapter (Berkeley, Calif.).
through the Revolutionary War. Having The year 1919–20 brought to our Chapter a
been on the Atlantic Coast 150 years, the large measure of joy and service.
kettle traveled across the Continent, and at After two years of strenuous effort de
a luncheon given the Chapter in June it voted to wartime activities, the Chapter
occupied the post of honor, filled with gay decided upon a peacetime program of recon
California nasturtiums. In fact, all of the struction and conservation.
members who have hunted up the record of Miss Kate Cole, who had been chairman
their ancestors have been able to give us of our Red Cross Auxiliary during the war,
something of real interest. reviewed the extensive service the Chapter
The range in National numbers is also had rendered, and Miss Annie Smith, State
very interesting. . The Organizing Regent Chairman of Conservation Work, sounded
became a member of the National Society the keynote in the message on conservation
January 3, 1900, her National number being from the National Society.
30481. The National number of the last mem Americanization was chosen as a theme
ber received into our Chapter, February 5, for the year. Both the programs and field
1920, is 151538, showing the wonderful work of the year were centered about this
growth of our Society in the last 20 years of theme. Practical work was done in the
121,057, an average of 6000 a year. community about the American House
In regard to our work, I am sure the State in Berkeley.
Officers will testify that we have been a very Some of the members taught in the night
busy chapter. Our Historian for 1918–1919 school, some aided in the home visiting,
sent in the following report: During this while others rendered assistance by furnish
year of world war the members of the Chap ing auto service to the Home Teacher, the
ter devoted their best energies to Red Cross late Miss Lona Williams.
and other agencies of war relief work. Miss Meantime the usual chapter work was not
Edna Earle went to France as a Y. W. C. A. neglected. Miss Cole unearthed some old
landmarks and the work of tracing the early to dirt roads, corduroy, gravel, paving; he saw
history of Berkeley and the Bay Region the coming of the steam railroad and the electric
was continued. line pass his door. When a boy of 11 years he
The philanthropic work in connection with helped the original colony to cut the sapling for
the Indian Mission, Sailors' Y. M. C. A., and seven miles along the trail, so their wagons,
the Scholarship's fund received the usual at drawn by oxen, could pass through the dense
tention and increased donations. forests where wagon wheel had never rolled.
As the work of the year was reviewed in He helped hew the forest, build the cabin,
detail, the members all felt a renewed call till the soil, build schoolhouses and churches;
to service, and looked forward to the oppor lived in one community 83 years, less 60 days,
tunities to be offered during the coming year. a wonderful span of time. He saw the fur
B. JEANNETTE BARRows, nace fire replace that of the fireplace; the
log cabin give place to stately homes; elec
tric lights succeed all others from the tallow
Manitou Chapter (Rochester, Ind.) was
dip. He rode in the settlement in the first
organized in 1908 with 21 charter members;
wagon; lived to see the airplane circle over
the present membership numbers 27. The
graves of two Revolutionary soldiers were his home—all this in one community. Truly
discovered in our county and properly the civilization planted by this colony of
marked: John Johnson in Shelton Cemetery emigrants from Dina County, Ohio, was
and Samuel Lane in Akron Cemetery. deeply rooted. Mr. Whittenberger was the
The town of Akron, Fulton County, is located grandson of two Revolutionists who helped
on the crossing of establish American
the original Indian -
independence. In
trails of the Black ... tº
*- .: his honor a bronze
t plate bearing his
Hawk, Miami and -
Chapter has supported a French war orphan whose efforts made the marking of the old
since the first appeal for the cause; responded Oregon trail a fact.
liberally to all war measures; was the first The luncheon was served in the tea room
organization in the county to contribute to of the Crescent, and the tables were deco
Americanization and to Armenian Relief. In rated in blue and white, with flags in evi
every way the Daughters have sustained the dence everywhere. The guests of honor had
noble spirit of their Revolutionary ancestors. special bouquets of white syringas and blue
INA WHITTENBERGER BRUNDIGE, forget-me-nots. The Chapter Chaplain, Mrs.
Historian. L. B. Cornell, said grace, which ended with
the Lord's Prayer repeated in concert by all.
Esther Reed Chapter (Spokane, Wash.) held The annual meeting was held in the Cres
a triple celebration, Flag Day being its an cent auditorium. The center of the stage
nual meeting and the twentieth anniversary was occupied by a large American flag draped
of the organization of the Chapter. So the over a pedestal and held in place by a golden
celebration was in three parts; first, an eagle, in whose beak was a garland of golden
elaborate luncheon; second, the annual meet laurel leaves which outlined the upper edge
of the flag. The meeting opened with the
reading of the ritual, and the Salute to the
Flag was led by Mrs. A. T. Dishman, a
former Regent of the Chapter.
As soon as business was disposed of, the
special program in honor of Esther Reed
Chapter's twentieth birthday was given. Mrs.
Fleming played a piano solo, and the Chap
ter Regent, Mrs. Charles F. Chase, asked the
charter members who were present to stand.
Three, Mrs. C. K. Merriam, Mrs. J. G. Slay
den and Miss Katherine U. Taft, responded.
Four Past Regents, Mmes. M. A. Phelps,
E. C. Fleming, W. B. Roberts and A. T.
Dishman, were present.
Mrs. Chase said that she had asked Mrs.
Taft, the oldest member of the Chapter, and
Mrs. M. A. Phelps, twice Regent of the Chap
ter and ex-State Regent of Washington, to
tell what the D. A. R. meant to them. Mrs.
Taft said that the Civil War taught her what
her country meant to her and her member
ship in the D. A. R. gave her the opportunity
to make practical use of her love of country.
Mrs. Phelps said that the D. A. R. had given
her opportunities for service, the greatest
thing in life. She made a plea that the
Esther Reed Chapter stand for simpler living
as proof that the members placed the higher
things of life above the superficialities.
In introducing Mrs. Matilda Sager De
laney, Mrs. Chase said that Esther Reed
MRS. Robert Love TT TAFT Chapter had been honored by being allowed
HoNored Mexiber of The Esther REED CHAPTER, to sponsor Mrs. Delaney's account of the
spokan E. was H--------N Whitman massacre, which has just been pub
lished in pamphlet form. Mrs. Delaney told
of her first visit to the site of the present
ing with reports of officers; third, a spe city of Spokane. Then it was only an Indian
cial program. camp. The Spokane River had been forded
The Chapter had three guests of honor, by the party 24 miles below the present site
Mrs. Robert L. Taft, who is nearly eighty
of the city. The only familiar sight Mrs.
years old and who has been for many years Delaney found in Spokane was the falls of
an honored member of Esther Reed Chapter;
Mrs. Matilda Delaney, in her 81st year, a
the Spokane River (one of the great beauties
of Spokane). Mrs. Delaney thinks “we are
surviving witness of the Whitman massacre;
and Ezra Meeker, the 90-year-old pioneer,
living in a push-button, penny-in-the-slot
age,” and she cannot “see that it has im After the taking of Kaskaskia by George
proved anyone.” Rogers Clark, he sent for Father Gibbault, of
Mr. Ezra Meeker, the 90-year-old pioneer, Vincennes, to aid in securing the place for
was the only man present. He is a pic the Colonies. Father Gibbault held many
turesque figure with his flowing white hair, secret meetings in the house of Jean Baptiste
which he says he allows to fall on his shoul du Bois and his son Toussaint, and they ar
ders because it is a good advertisement for ranged that he and Toussaint should be the
the “Old Oregon Trail"—the marking of first to take the oath of allegiance to the Ameri
which, with the preserving of its landmarks, can cause. The following day the French
is the great object of Mr. Meeker's activities. residents met in the little log church of St.
Mr. Meeker was greatly excited because he Xaviers, and the oath was administered in the
had come from Lewiston, Idaho (146 miles), most solemn manner, the father and son being
in an airplane, making the distance in 80 the first to take it and the others then pressed
minutes. The first time he had made the trip. forward to follow their example.
70 years before, he had come in an ox-team Toussaint (meaning “All Saints ") du Bois
which made two miles an hour. He brought was an intimate friend of William Henry
a bouquet of roses, grown in his home garden, Harrison, and was sent by him to confer
to the Regent of Esther Reed Chapter. with Washington over supplies. He married
During the meeting the Chapter members Jeanne Bonneau, whose father settled in
sang “America" and the “Star-Spangled Vincennes prior to 1783, to whom tracts of
Banner.” MARY L. MALKoff. land were donated. Toussaint du Bois be
came an expert in fur trading, hence his in
Toussaint du Bois Chapter (Lawrence fluence in adjusting difficulties with the Indians.
County, Ill.). The organization of this Upon offering his services, he was given the
Chapter was confirmed by the National rank of captain and had charge of the scouts
Board at their last meeting, October 18, and spies in the Tippecanoe campaign. When
1919, in Washington, D. C. This article General Harrison was President of the Board
will show principally how this Chapter de of Trustees of Vincennes University, Tous
rived its name. saint du Bois was one of its members. He
Jean Baptiste du Bois, his wife Euphroysne, died in March, 1816.
and sons François, James and Toussaint, left In appreciation of the efforts of Mrs.
France at an early date, doubtless intending Arthur Huntington, of Springfield, Ill.
to take up their abode in New France, or (great-granddaughter of Toussaint du Bois),
Canada, largely settled at that time by the toward the organization of the Chapter, we
French. From Lower Canada it was natural have given it his name. The organization
to follow the water courses, which eventually meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Robert
brought them into the vast region from which Kirkwood on October 13, 1919, with Mrs.
ultimately were carved the great States of Nelson Bennett, of Pinkstaff, Ill., as Organ
the Middle West—Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, izing Regent. Twenty members-at-large
Illinois and Indiana. were enrolled at that time, and Mrs. Bennett
The seat of the Empire of France in the appointed as officers: Honorary Regent,
Ohio Valley was for many years the trading Mrs. Lucinda Porter, a real Daughter; Vice
post and fort “on the banks of the Wabash,” Regent, Mrs. Leonora Kirkwood; Recording
known as the “Post,” but later called “Vin Secretary, Mrs. Blanche Moore Jackson;
cenne,” or as Anglicized, Vincennes, as a Corresponding Secretary, Miss Mildred
starting point, and many settlements were Smith; Treasurer, Mrs. Byron Lewis, of
made by the French in this vicinity, includ Bridgeport; Registrar, Miss Laura, Pinkstaff, of
ing those first found in Lawrence County, Pinkstaff; Historian, Mrs. Nº. White.
now in the State of Illinois. A unique feature of this meeting, and an
Casting in their lot with the new country, honor of which very few chapters can boast,
du Bois and his sons proved themselves ever was the presence of one of the two of Illinois'
ready to defend, succor and advance its best Real Daughters, Mrs. Lucinda Porter. In
interests, and the changing conditions of this this Society we have also three real grand
section plainly showed the great need of daughters, of whom we are very proud.
1oyal, faithful service from those finding here Our plans are to take up work along his
a shelter and a home. torical and educational lines. We face the
Jean Baptiste du Bois was in Vincennes, future with enthusiasm to make our Chap
Ind., at an early date, being sent by the King ter an active and efficient part of the Na
of France as commandant of Post O'Vin tional Society.
cenne, or Fort Sackville. He had a store, (MRs.) MARY TRACY WHITE,
from which the priests bought their supplies. Historian.
i . All queries and answers must be signed and sender's address given.
. In answering queries give date of magazine and number and signature of query.
. Only answers containing proof are requested. Unverified family traditions will not be
All letters to be forwarded to contributors must be unsealed and sent in blank, stamped
envelopes accompanied by the number of the query and its signature: The right is reserved
to print information contained in the communication to be forwarded.
(e) HALE.—Wanted gen of Capt. Minnierva Ch: Samuel Sarah, Henry, James, Charity,
Hale, b in Mass., m Lucinda Patrick, b in Ann & Margaret. Was the name originally
Coventry, Conn., & d in Sangerfield, N. Y., Ruthven in Scotland or England? Give
Jan., 1840. Capt. Hale had a bro Hezekiah, proof.-A. R.
among whose ch was a son Austin. Did Capt. 8997. McPHERSoN.—Wanted, gen & Rev
Hale give sea service during Rev.2—E. M. service of Samuel McPherson who m Mary
8990. MASON.—Wanted, parentage of Sarah Brook. He had a bro Alexander & a dau
(Sallie) Mason who m Phillip Pullig, of S. C. Elizabeth Alexander McPherson, who m
Masons moved from Va. to S. C. Was there Matthew Elder, who moved to Ky, when
Rev rec in this line very young. Samuel McPherson supposed to
(a) HookER.—John Hooker m a Miss Free have served under Gen. Green.—L. G. A.
man, of Va. He d abt 1860 at the home of 8998. TERRILL-Foster.—Henry Terrill, of
his son John in S. C. Was there Rev service Ky., b 1807, m Nancy Foster, also of Ky.
in this line? Wanted, Terrill & Foster gens; also rec of
(b) CoRBITT.-Wanted Rev service of John Rev service in both lines.—T. M. A.
Corbitt, a taxpayer in Green Co., Tenn., in 8999. CHAPIN-Cook.-David Chapin, a direct
1783; also his wife's name. desc of Deacon Samuel Chapin, one of the
(c) MERCER.—Wanted, name & Rev service founders of Springfield, Mass., 1642, m Martha
of father of Silas Mercer who was son of Cook, of Chicopee, direct desc of Henry
Thomas Mercer, a native of Scotland. He m Cook, of Salem, Mass., 1638. Ch: Cynthia,
his 1st w in Va. & came to Curratuck Co., Samuel, Jonathan, Maria, David, Jr., Mary,
N. C.—G. M. H. Martha & Laura, all born in Chicopee, Mass.
8991. FLETCHER.—Jesse Fletcher, son of Wanted, Chapin & Cook gens back to the
Timothy, b in Westford, Mass., Nov. 9, 1762, m founders; also rec of any Rev service in
Aug. 8, 1782, Lucy Keyes, of W., who was b these lines. **.
Nov. 15, 1765. Their son Miles J., b Nov. 11, (a) BURTON.—Wanted, Rev service of Oliver
1799, m Eliza Bloomer, Apr. 26, 1822. Wanted, Burton & of his son Seeley, of New Bedford;
Rev service of Jesse & Timothy Fletcher, & they moved later to Jeff. Co., N. Y.-F. C. B.
Keys & Bloomer gens.—O. N. F. 9000. MULLER.—Wanted, Rev rec of Jacob
8992. BARBI.E.-Wanted, rec of Rev service Muller, b at Erbach, Germany, 1721, bapt in
of John Barbie of Culpeper Co., Va., who m Bethlehem Pa., 1749, removed to N. C., Sept.,
Phyllis Duncan after the war.—C. F. 1771, & d in Bethania, N. C., 1798. His w
8993. MITCHELL.-Wanted, information of Anna Eliz. Stauds, also from Pa., b 1718, d
the Mitchell family of Md. Ada Mitchell, 1790. They were Moravians. Had 11 ch.
dau of Kent Mitchell, m Ephraim Cole. Wanted, Rev rec of their son Frederick.
Wanted, name of Kent Mitchell's w. Was (a) McBRIDE.-Wanted, Rev rec of John
he a son of James Mitchell, of Bel Air, Md.” McBride, probably of Surrey, N. C., who m
(a) THOMAs.-Jeremiah Thomas, son of Henrietta Their ch: John, b 1776;
Nathaniel, b in Middleboro, Mass., 1765, m Mary, b 1777; Wakeman, b 1778; John Jr.,
Philomela Davis, who d in Woodstock N. H., b 1780; Jane, b 1782, m John Miller abt 1823;
1834. Wanted date of their marriage.-- David, b 1784; Wm., b 1786; & Rita b 1788.
M. E. McC. (b) TAYLOR.—Ebenezer Harker lived on Har
8994. TIDBALL.-Wanted, parentage with ker's Island, Carteret Co., N. C. His son Belcher
dates of Thomas Tidball, supposed to have m Margaret, Peggy, Taylor, who was prob, a dau
m Miss Browning in York Co., Pa. of Isaac Taylor, whose will was probated in
(a) MILLER.—Wanted, gen with dates of Carteret Co., N. C. Was Isaac in Rex & can any
Oliver & w Nannay Miller, settlers in Wash one connect this family with the Va. Taylors.
ington Co., Pa., 1774. (c) GAs Kill.—Wanted, Rev rec of Wm.
(b) ANDREws.—Wanted, parentage & dates Gaskill, who d in Carteret Co., N. C., in 1813.
of Zebulon, Robert & Jacob Andrews, bros, who His son David m Jeanie, dau of Wm. Davis,
took large land holdings in Crawford Co., of Carteret Co., & d 1843. The will of Jeanie's
Ohio.—W. J. C. father Wm. was probated in Carteret 1836 &
8995. MEEKER.—Major Samuel Meeker, of mentions ch John W., Rodney, Thomas,
2nd Regt., Sussex, N. J., Militia, was wounded Jordan, Joseph, Nancy, Sally & Jeanie.
at Battle of Minisink, July 22, 1779, d. 1805, (d) CHUNN.—Gen. Matthew Lock's son
m Sarah Their dau Phebe m Wm. Matthew m Eliz. Crawford, & their dau Mary
Wickham, 1797. Wanted, dates of birth & m Wm. Chunn, 1821. He was son of Thomas
marriage of Samuel Meeker & maiden name and Susanna Wainwright Chunn, of Mary
& dates of w Sarah.-E. E. C. land. Thomas Chunn's will was probated
8996. RUFFIN.—Wanted, rec of Rev service in Rowan County, North Carolina, in 1823.
of Ethelred Ruffin, b 1744, m Mary Hayward. Wanted, his Revolutionary service.—M. G. McC.
William Poor to Molly Sampson, dau Stephen Sampson, Gent. . . . . . . . . Sept. 13, 1771
William Poor to Judith Sampson, dau Wm. Sampson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aug. 15, 1785
Robert Poor to Elizabeth Mims, consent of Lizbeth Mims . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 7, 1787
James Poor to Martha Mims, surety, Robt. Poor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 21, 1791
Lucy Poor to Robt. Mims (Lucy, dau Abram Poor, who consents). . . Apr. 5, 1788
Polly Poor to John James, by Lewis Chaudoin, Minister . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 26, 1807
Drury W. Poor to Elizabeth M. Britt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 4, 1808
Elizabeth Poor to Wm. Hodges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 4, 1806
Robert Mims to pay unto my daus above directing them to take ack'mt of Elizabeth
named £125, to be equally div between Mims to above deed, & the return shows
them when of lawful age, or married. that she ack same 8 Aug., 1805, & this is
Appts. “My brother Drury Mims & recorded 16 Sept., 1805, in Goochland Co.
Gideon Mims ” Execrs. Wit, David Mims. id. 19, p. 534. Deed. 8 June, 1806, Elizabeth
id. 13, pp. 142–3. WILL of David Mims, of G. Mims, of G. Co., for natural love & c, “for
Co., “being aged, weak & loe,” &c. To my my beloved grandson Drury W. Poor, &
son Drury Mims £90. To Mary Mims, of 5 shillings, one negro slave named
Eliza, Sarah, Martha & Susanna Mims, all Peter.” Wit, James Poor, Jr., & John James.
daus of my son Shaderick, £40 at time Su Proven by wits, 15 Sep./06.
sannah Mims the youngest comes to age of id., p. 581. Deed. 4 Nov., 1806, Elizabeth
18. To son DA l’ID MIMS, 315 ac of land Mims, of G. Co., to my son Robert Mims,
I have made a deed for some time past,
$2.00, 2 negroes, “but more especially for
&c. & 3 negroes. To son Gideon Mims all
nat love,” &c, “to my beloved son Robert
remainder of my plantation I now live on,
&c. To my g dau Elizabeth Anderson, a Mims.” Wits, Jno. James, Leonard Page
girl & bed, &c., at time of her marriage or & Drury Mims.
age of 18. To each of my 3 daus, viz., id., p. 601. Deed. 19 Nov., 1806, Elizabeth
Elizabeth Jarrett, Mary Woodson, wife of Mims, Go. Co., “unto my beloved son-in
John Woodson, H. S. Susanna Anderson, law JAMES POOR, Senr., & $2, 2 negroes,
5 sh and no more, having given each of Ben & Linda. (“Reserving only unto my
them & also my deceased daus Agnes self the unmolested use of one of said ne
Riddle and Judith Anderson their full pt groes, to wit, Ben, during my nat life
of est. Residue to David & Gideon, his time.”) Wits, Jno. James, John Woodson
sons & appts them Exors. Proven at Oct. & Robert Mims. Proven 15 Dec., 1806 &
term of Court, 1781. 19 Jan., 1807.
id. 14, p. 324. WILL of DAI (II) MIMS, date, id., p. 680. Deed. 3 Apr., 1807, Shadrack
24 May, 1786; proven, 16 Oct., 1786, “ of Mims to Denguid Mims, of G. Co., £300,
Parish of St. James Northam, Goochland the land that was willed to me by my
Co. Plantation whereon he lived & all father David Mims, in G. Co., on waters of
negroes, stock, &c., to be kept by wife Lickinghole cr. & bounded by the lines of
“Patty" (Martha) & as ch'n became of John Underwood, Gideon Mims, Girard
age or married, that est be divided into Banks, Robert Mims & Robert Poor, de
equal parts or lots by my Exors, & then ceased, 144 ac. Proven 15 June, 1807.
drawn for. “If either of my ch'n, Eliza, id. 25, p. 447. Deed. Oct. 18, 1823, Eliza
Dugatt, Nancy, Jane, Agatha, Shadrack, or beth Mims, of G. Co., “for love & affec
Gideon, should die without heirs, such part tion to my son Robert Mims & $1.” slaves,
to be div between survivors,” &c. Appts. “ Lucinda,” heretofore deeded to Robert
brother Gideon Mims, Martin Mims, Wm. Mims, and Her children, viz., Eady, Eliza
Turner & Francis Harris, Executors. Wit, beth, & fleming with the increase of the
Robert Mims & others. females.” Proven Oct. 20. 1823.
id. 18, p. 725. Deed. 16 Jan., 1804, Robert id. 26. p. 64. Power of Atty. 22 Dec. 1824,
Mims & wife Elizabeth to Benj. Crenshaw, Elizabeth Mims, of G. Co.. appts Robert
£456, 220 ac on Lickinghole cr. &c. Signed Mims, of Logan Co., Ky., my true & lawful
only by “Ro. Mims (seal),” & ack. by him attorney in fact to demand of Henry G.
18 Jan., 1804, & recorded in Goochland Co. Bibb. of Ky., a negro girl named Eady &
id. 19, p. 271, is recorded a commission to 3 retain her for me & keep as his own until
Justices of the Peace of Chesterfield Co., I call for her.” Proven 17 Jan. 1825
In this Honor Roll the list of membership in each State is shown in the
outer rim, and the list of subscribers according to States is in the inner circle
Special Meeting, Tuesday, December 7, 1920
Spencer Wood, Batesville, Miss.; Mrs. Emma Board rose in memory of these members who
Avery Hawkins, Spearfish, So. Dak.; Mrs. had passed on. The President General
Jessamine Bailey Castelloe, Prescott, Wis. stated that included in this number was a
In a letter dated February 19, 1919, Mrs. member of the Board, Mrs. Hume, the Vice
Herman Hugo, Honolulu, Hawaii, requested President General from Wisconsin, and
that Mrs. M. F. Scott be confirmed State Chairman of the Flag Committee. The
Regent of Hawaii. From this letter my pred President General spoke of the loss the
ecessor in office understood that Mrs. Scott Society sustained in the death of this splen
had been duly elected, therefore asked the did woman and earnest worker, and said that
Continental Congress of 1920 to confirm Mrs. formal resolutions of sorrow and sympathy
Scott's election. From letters received later would be presented at the first regular meet
and referred to my office, it appears that Mrs. ing in February, that meeting being more repre
Hugo, on account of illness in her family, sentative as it would be more largely attended.
was necessarily absent from Hawaii and The Treasurer General reported also 123
wished Mrs. Scott to take her place as State resignations, and that 147 former members,
Regent, having the honor as well as the having complied with the requirements, re
work—a temporary matter. The Continental quested reinstatement, and moved that the
Congress confirms duly elected State and Secretary be instructed to cast the ballot for
State Vice Regents; the National Board con these 147 applicants for reinstatement. This
firms State and State Vice Regents to fill motion was seconded and carried. The Sec
vacancies and to meet emergencies. In my retary announced the casting of the ballot
and the President General declared these 147
opinion, this is an emergency situation;
therefore I ask the Board to confirm Mrs. former members reinstated.
Herman Hugo as State Regent of Hawaii, During the course of the meeting Mrs.
who was duly elected on June 19, 1919. Spencer came in, having been delayed and
Respectfully submitted, unable to be present at the opening of the
(MRs. G. WALLACE W.) Lucy GALT HANGER, meeting, as she explained in her apology for
not being on time to conduct the devo
Organizing Secretary General. tional exercises.
At 10.40, on motion put and carried, the
Mrs. Buel moved the adoption of this report.
meeting adjourned.
Seconded by Mrs. White and carried.
Mrs. Hunter reported total number of de (Mrs. A. MARSHALL) LILY Tyson Elliott,
ceased members since last meeting, 388. The Secretary pro tem.
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WOL. LV, No. 2 FEBRUARY, 1921 WHOLE No. 342
more consistent; without the last of gretted that local politics and self-in
which, indeed, anything may be appre terested views obtrude themselves into
hended.” “It is much to be regretted every measure of public utility; but to
that the slow determinations of Con such characters be the consequences.”
gress involve many evils—'tis much (To D. Humphreys, July 25, 1785.) “It
easier to avoid mischiefs than to apply is to be regretted, I confess, that Demo
remedies when they have happened.” cratical States must always feel before
(To J. Read of S. C., August 11 and they can see:–it is this that makes
November 3, 1784.) “Some accounts their Governments slow—but the
say, that matters are in train for an people will be right at last.” (To
accommodation between the Austrians Lafayette, July 25, 1785.) “Ignorance
and the Dutch. If so, the flames of war and design are productive of much mis
may be arrested before they blaze out chief. The first are the tool of the
and become very extensive; but, ad latter, and are often set to work sud
mitting the contrary, I hope none of denly and unexpectedly.” (To R. H.
the sparks will light on American Lee, August 22, 1785.) “A fair field is
ground, which, I fear, is made up of too presented to our view; but I confess to
much combustible matter for its well you freely, my dear sir, that I do not
being.” (To IV. Gordon, March 8, think we possess wisdom or justice
1781.) “With respect to ourselves, I enough to cultivate it properly. Illib
wish I could add, that as much wisdom erality, jealousy and local policy mix
has pervaded our councils; as reason & too much in our public councils for the
common policy most evidently dic good government of the Union.
tated; but the truth is the people must That we have it in our power to be
feel before they will see, consequently come one of the most respectable
are brought slowly into measures of nations on earth, admits, in my humble
public utility.” (To G. W. Fairfax, opinion, of no doubt, if we could but
June 30, 1785.) pursue a wise, just and liberal policy
“My first wish is to see this plague towards one another, and keep good
[war] to mankind banished from off faith with the rest of the world. That
the earth, and the sons and daughters our resources are ample and are in
of this world employed in more pleas creasing, none can deny; but, while
ing and innocent amusements, than in they are grudgingly applied, or not
preparing implements and exercising applied at all, we give a vital stab to
them for the destruction of mankind. public faith, and shall sink, in the eyes
Rather than quarrel about territory, let of Europe, into contempt.” (To J.
the poor, the needy, the oppressed of Warren, October 7, 1785.)
the earth, and those who want land, re “The proposition in my opinion, is
sort to the fertile plains of our western so self-evident that I confess I am un
country, the second land of promise, and able to discover wherein lies the weight
there dwell in peace, fulfilling the first of objection to the measure [the pro
and great commandment. - posed regulation of commerce]. We
[Washington's meaning was “Increase are either a united people or we are not
and Multiply" as he so states in a simi so. If the former, let us in all matters
lar sentence in a letter to Lafayette of general concern, act as a nation
this same day] It is to be re which has a national character to sup
port; if we are not, let us no longer act being a fit soil for the latter to work
a farce by pretending to it; for, whilst in, tools are employed by them which a
we are playing a double game, or play generous mind would disdain to use;
ing a game between the two, we never and which nothing but time, and their
shall be consistent or respectable, but own puerile or wicked productions can
may be the dupes of some powers, and show the inefficiency and dangerous
the contempt assuredly of all. . . . tendency of. I think often of our
It is much to be wished that public situation, and view it with concern.
faith may be held inviolable. Painful From the high ground we stood upon,
it is, even in thought, that attempts from the plain path which invited our
should be made to weaken the bands footsteps, to be so fallen' so lost! it is
of it. It is a most dangerous experi really mortifying. But virtue, I fear,
ment. Once slacken the reins, and the has in a great degree, taken its de
power is lost. It is an old adage that parture from our land, and the want of
honesty is the best policy. This applies a disposition to do justice is the source
to public as well as private life, to of national embarrassments; for, what
States as well as individuals.” (To ever guise or colorings are given to
Madison, November 30, 1785.) “My them, this I apprehend is the origin of
opinion is that there is more wicked the evils we now feel and probably shall
ness than ignorance in the conduct of labor under for some time yet.” (To
the States, or, in other words, in the Jay, May 18, 1786.)
conduct of those who have too much “Your sentiments that our affairs
influence in the government of them; are drawing rapidly to a crisis, accord
and until the curtain is withdrawn, and with my own. What the event will
the private views and selfish principles, be, is also beyond the reach of my fore
upon which these men act, are exposed sight. We have errors to correct. We
to public notice, I have little hope of have probably had too good an opinion
amendment without another convul of human nature in forming our con
sion.” (To H. Lee, April 5, 1786.) federation. It is too much to
“There are errors in our national gov be feared, as you observe, that the bet
ernment which call for correction : ter kind of people, being disgusted with
loudly I would add; but I shall find the circumstances, will have their minds
myself happily mistaken if the reme prepared for any revolution whatever.
dies are at hand. We are certainly in We are apt to run from one extreme
a delicate situation; but my fear is, to the other. To anticipate and pre
that the people are not yet sufficiently vent disastrous contingencies would
misled to retract from error. To be be the part of wisdom and patriotism.
plainer, I think there is more wickedness I am told that even respect
than ignorance mixed in our councils. able characters speak of a monarchical
Ignorance and design are diffi form of government without horror.
cult to combat. Out of these proceed From thinking proceeds speaking;
illiberal sentiments, improper jealous from thence to acting is often but a
ies, and a train of evils which often single step. But how irrevocable and
times in republican governments must tremendous ! What a triumph
be sorely felt before they can be re for the advocates of despotism to find
moved. The former, that is, ignorance, that we are incapable of governing our
selves, and that the systems founded disseminated by the Tories, or real
on the basis of equal liberty are merely grievances which admit of redress? If
ideal and fallacious! Would to God, the latter, why were they delayed until
that wise measures may be taken in the public mind had become so agi
time to avert the consequences we have tated? If the former, why are not the
but too much reason to apprehend. powers of government tried at once?
. . I cannot feel myself an uncon It is as well to live without, as not to
cerned spectator. Yet, having happily live under their exercise. Commotions
assisted in bringing the ship into port, of this sort, like snowballs, gather
and having been fairly discharged, it strength as they roll, if there is no op
is not my business to embark again on position in the way to divide and
a sea of troubles. Nor could it be ex crumble them.” (To D. Humphreys,
pected that my sentiments and opinions October 22, 1786.)
would have much weight on the minds “The picture you have exhibited and
of my countrymen. They have been the accounts which are published of
neglected, though given as a last legacy the commotions and temper of numer
in the most solemn manner. [Circular ous bodies in the Eastern States are
letter to the governors of the States equally to be lamented and deprecated.
on disbanding the army, June 11, 1783.] They exhibit a melancholy proof of
I had then perhaps some claims to pub what our transatlantic foe has pre
lic attention. I consider myself as hav dicted; and of another thing perhaps,
ing none at present.” (To Jay, August which is still more to be regretted, and
1, 1786.) is yet more unaccountable, that man
In 1786 the economic depression of kind, when left to themselves, are un
the country due to inefficiency, mis fit for their own government. I am
management and profiteering during mortified beyond expression when I
the war reached a climax of armed view the clouds that have spread over
violence in Massachusetts. Debts, the brightest morn that ever dawned
financial stringency, taxation, the con upon any country. In a word I am lost
dition of the farmers, the courts and in amazement when I behold what in
other equally familiar grievances to trigue, the interested views of desper
day found a rallying point and a leader ate characters, ignorance and jealousy
in the person of Daniel Shays. The of the minor part, are capable of effect
Massachusetts legislature, after the ing, as a scourge on the major part of
usual hesitant delay of democratic as our fellow citizens of the Union ; for it
semblies, finally passed three different is hardly to be supposed that the great
laws for easing the burdens of the body of the people, though they will
people, but the spirit of revolt had not act, can be so short sighted or en
moved more swiftly and the outburst veloped in darkness, as not to see the
came before the legal easement was rays of a distant sun through all this
felt. The news reached Washington mist of intoxication and folly.
in October and drew from him an out “You talk, my good sir, of employ
burst of shocked amazement: “For ing influence to appease the present
God’s sake tell me what is the cause of tumults in Massachusetts. I know not
these commotions? Do they proceed where that influence is to be found, or,
from licentiousness, British influence if attainable, that it would be a proper
remedy for the disorders. Influence is and desperate characters to involve this
no government. Let us have one by country in wretchedness and contempt?
which our lives, liberties and proper What stronger evidence can be given
ties will be secured, or let us know the of the want of energy in our govern
worst at once. Under these impres ment than these disorders? If there
sions my humble opinion is that there is not power in it to check them, what
is a call for decision. Know precisely security has a man for life, liberty or
what the insurgents aim at. If they property?” (To Madison, November
have real grievances, redress them if 5, 1786.) “It is with the deepest and
possible; or acknowledge the justice of most heartfelt concern I perceive by
them, and your inability to do it at the some late paragraphs extracted from
present moment. If they have not, the Boston papers, that the insurgents
employ the force of government against of Massachusetts far from being satis
them at once. If this is inadequate, all fied with the redress offered by their
will be convinced, that the superstruc General Court, are still acting in open
ture is bad or wants support. To be violation of law and government and
more exposed in the eyes of the world, have obliged the chief magistrate in a
and more contemptible than we already decided tone to call upon the militia of
are, is hardly possible. To delay one the State to support the Constitution.
or the other of these, is to exasperate What, Gracious God, is man, that there
on the one hand, or to give confidence should be inconsistency and perfidious
on the other, and will add to their ness in his conduct? It is but the other
numbers; for, like snowballs, such day that we were shedding out blood
bodies increase by every movement, to obtain the constitutions of our own
unless there is something in the way choice and making; and now we are
to obstruct and crumble them before unsheathing the sword to overthrow
the weight is too great and irresistible. them. Keep me advised.
“These are my sentiments. Prec Newspaper paragraphs unsupported by
edents are dangerous things. Let the other testimony are often contradictory
reins of government then be braced and bewildering. At one time these
and held with a steady hand, and every insurgents are spoken of as a mere
violation of the Constitution be repre mob; at other times as systematic in
hended. If defective, let it be amended, all their proceedings. If the
but not suffered to be trampled upon latter, there are surely men of conse
whilst it has an existence.” (To H. quence and ability behind the curtain,
Lee, October 31, 1786.) who move the puppets. In
“Without an alteration in our politi fluenced by dishonest principles [they]
cal creed the superstructure we have had rather see the country in the
been seven years in raising, at the ex horrors of civil discord, than do what
pense of so much treasure and blood, justice would dictate to an honest
must fall. We are fast merging to mind. That the federal gov
anarchy and confusion. Will ernment is nearly if not quite at a
not the wise and good strive hard to stand, none will deny. The first ques
avert this evil? Or will their supine tion then is shall it be annihilated or
ness suffer ignorance and the arts of supported? If the latter, the proposed
self-interested, designing, disaffected Convention is an object of first magni
tude and should be sustained by all the end. That which takes the
friends of the present constitution. shortest course in my opinion
- Yet I would wish anything will, under present circumstances, be
and everything essayed to prevent the found best; otherwise, like a house on
effusion of blood, and to avert the fire, whilst the most regular way of ex
humiliating and contemptible figure we tinguishing the flames is contended for,
are about to make in the annals of man the building is reduced to ashes. My
kind.” (To D. Humphreys, December opinion of the energetic wants of the
26, 1786.) federal government is well known.
“I feel, my dear General Knox, in Indeed after what I have seen,
finitely more than I can express to you or rather after what I have heard, I
for the disorders, which have arisen in shall be surprised at nothing; for, if
these states. Good God! Who besides three years since any person had told
a Tory, could have foreseen, or a Briton me, that there would have been such a
predicted them? When this formidable rebellion as exists, at this
spirit first dawned, probably it might day against the laws and constitution
have been easily checked. of our own making, I should have
There are combustibles in every State, thought him a bedlamite, a fit subject
which a spark might set fire to. - for a mad house.” (To Knox, February
It has been supposed that the consti 3, 1787.) “On the happy termination
tution of the state of Massachusetts of this insurrection I sincerely con
was amongst the most energetic in the gratulate you, hoping that good may
Union. May not these disorders then result from the cloud of evils, which
be ascribed to an indulgent exercise of threaten not only the hemisphere of
the powers of administration? If your Massachusetts, but by spreading its
laws authorized, and your powers are baneful influence threaten the tran
equal to the suppression of these quility of other States. Surely Shays
tumults, in the first instance, delays and must be either a weak man, the dupe
unnecessary expedients were improper. of some characters that are yet behind
These are rarely well applied; and the the curtain or has been deceived by
same causes will produce similar ef his followers; or, which may be as
fects in any form of government, if the likely as anything perhaps, he did not
powers of it are not exercised. conceive there was energy enough in
If the powers are inadequate amend or the government to bring matters to the
alter them ; but do not let us sink into crisis they have been pushed.” (To
the lowest state of humiliation and Knor, February 25, 1787.)
contempt, and become a byword in all “That many inconveniences result
the earth.” (To Knor, December from the present form [of government]
26, 1786.) none can deny. But is the
“The moment is important. If gov public mind matured for such an im
ernment shrinks or is unable to enforce portant change as the one you have
its laws, fresh manoeuvres will be dis suggested 2 A thirst for power
played by the insurgents, anarchy and and the bantling, I had like to have
confusion must prevail, and everything said monster, for sovereignty, which
will be turned topsy-turvy in that have taken such fast hold of the States
State, where it is not probable it will individually, will when joined by the
HIS message will reach many of the gates and are bitterly disappointed when they
chapters before they elect their dele find they cannot have them. They blame the
gates for our coming Congress in Society for injustice and dispute with the door
April. I cannot emphasize too strongly keepers, who cannot let them in to the voting
the care which should be taken in their section of the Hall. They do this only because
election.They are the women who they are ignorant of the fundamental law govern
control the policies of our Society, because ing the voting body. They do not know that
they are the representatives of its full mem alternates act and vote only in place of their
bership. Wherein lies the voting power. principals. Hard feeling and a bitter resentment
Their votes control thousands of dollars of the frequently result from these disappointing ex
Society's money. They should be earnest, de periences, which could have been avoided by the
pendable, responsible women, having a full sense proper information being given them at home.
of their responsibility. Attendance upon our It is the duty of the Chapter Regent to inform
Congress is not a social function nor a sight herself and her delegation. It is the duty of the
seeing trip. “Seeing Washington " and leaving State Regent to make sure that her delegation
their seats empty in Congress is not fulfilling the “knows the ropes.” This will result in an
trust imposed in them by their chapters, who orderly and helpful Congress. Much business
elect them to represent their interests and trans of supreme importance will be brought forward
act the business of the Society. Nor is it a for action. If your delegates are not familiar
loyal support of the State Regents, who are re with the machinery of your government, they
sponsible for their delegation or of the Na cannot transact its business in an orderly and
tional Officers who administer the Society's intelligent manner. Let us all come to our
affairs and need the continuous presence of a Congress in the spirit of helpful service, seeing
wise and sensible and businesslike set of women only the best in others, refraining from criticism
in Congress. and antagonistic attitudes. If we have the right
The chapters are the governing body of our spirit in our hearts toward those who serve the
D. A. R. democracy and our National affairs. Congress, toward officers, Congressional com
See to it that you send to your Congress women mittees, pages, doorkeepers—we cannot help but
who can be depended upon to remain at their have a successful and inspiring meeting, for it
posts from beginning to end and do its work. is the spirit in which we do things that counts.
Elect alternates who will alternate with them We shall be gathered together in the service of
in their seats, so that your chapter will al our Society, which means service for “home”
ways be represented. That is what the alternate and “country.” This is the one great thought
is for—to relieve the Regent and Delegate on which should dominate and inspire our
duty. Explain to your alternates that this is coming Congress. -
their chief and only duty. Too many alternates ANNE ROGERs MINOR,
go expecting seats with their Regents or Dele President General.
(1761–1817) of MASSACHUSETTS
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The facsimile and printed extracts from the letters of Rochambeau and
Washington are taken from the Washington Manuscripts in the Library
of Congress. The photographs are by L. C. Handy, Washington, D. C.
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“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
OOKING backward on days that limelight to the neglect of others, yet it
seem now little more than a is the combatant in the ranks who knows
dream, with what a rush of that, wherever the advance led, through
memories these words convey to rolling barrage or raking machine-gun
mind the supreme self-sacrifice fire, there strode beside him a hospital
the God of Battles exacts of man. apprentice, ready in the face of death to
If a single epitaph was to be inscribed extend a hand of mercy to friend or foe,
in memory of the men of the Medical ready at all times to lay down his life
Corps who lie interred in France, no more for a comrade-in-arms. Is it small won
appropriate expression of their self-sac der then, that the fortunes of war found
rifice could be found than in those words the doughboy and the “doc,” as he
of the Scripture, breathing as they do was known fraternally in most com
the spirit of their service to country and mands, sticking together like the real
to comrade. friends that they were?
History seldom records deeds of sub It is not the purpose here even to
limer heroism than those performed by attempt the story of the Medical Corps,
the hospital men who asked only an op but one cannot mention the work of this
portunity to serve humanity, nor will the all-important branch of the Service with
historian of the future fulfill the great out pausing to pay tribute to the hospital
task that lies before him if he fails to man who marched in the ranks shoulder
give due recognition to the organization to shoulder with the doughboy, who faced
and the services of those men and women the same death, shared the same joys and
who so strengthened the moral fibre and vicissitudes, and who gave ungrudgingly
backbone of the armies in the field. to his country all that God gave him—
When the story of the Medical Corps his life.
is told in figures and facts it will be a Records show that 597 enlisted men
record of achievement and performance and 192 officers of the Medical Corps
of which America might well be proud. answered the great summons: 842 men
Too often the more spectacular branches of the enlisted personnel received wounds
of the service have been thrust into the in the performance of their duties and
94, captured on the field, languished in in Washington was to profit from the
German prison pens. lessons of the World War it was neces
When the American and Allied govern sary to send to France a unit adequately
ments singled out individual men to honor equipped to collect all available material
for their services, 1349 decorations were for study and investigation. To accom
awarded members of the Medical Corps plish this required patience, leadership, and
and 118 were cited in Army Orders. Of organization. Yet scarcely had the first
these, 253 were officers, 5 were nurses American soldier set foot on French soil
and 1091 were enlisted men. than such a unit, fully equipped, making
Without taking into account the stu moving pictures, conducting research
pendous task of organizing the great hos work, and collecting material on the field
pital bases in France on a scale that has followed close behind.
not its counterpart in American history, As a result the Army Medical Museum
here at a glance is a record of personal and the U. S. National Museum to-day
performance of duty that speaks for the are in possession of material which will
spirit of the corps. be of the greatest educational value to
It was recognized by the War Depart medical officers and to all who follow
ment that if the Army Medical Museum the profession of medicine and surgery.
tº somcial Photograph
Several thousand specimens of patho ment it seems, was represented except the
logical lessons have been sent to the Army Medical Corps.
Medical Museum, there to form the basis They reported this absence of recogni
of future research work that will keep tion to Surgeon General Ireland, of the
the Public Health Service abreast of the Public Health Service, with the result
times in medical achievement. that Captain L. L. Tanney was detailed
About a year ago some medical officers, to take up the question directly with
just returned from active service in William De C. Ravenel, administrative
France, were examining the war collec assistant to Secretary Walcott, Director
tions at the U. S. National Museum in of the Smithsonian Institution. It was
Washington with the genuine enjoyment explained that the Medical Corps had
of suddenly encountering an old friend, been neglected only because the installa
when they quite naturally inquired where tion of exhibits would require the assis
the exhibits relating to the Medical Corps tance of experts in that particular field.
were kept. Imagine their surprise when Perhaps more general interest was
they learned that these exhibits were con manifested in the hospitals than in any
spicuous by their absence. Every depart other preparations of the Government to
carry on the war to a successful conclu of this work, an idea of the base hospitals
sion. Parents were anxious to know how themselves and the equipment used at the
Uncle Sam was caring for their wounded front, was a part of the problem that the
and disabled sons; they wanted to know Museum officials had to solve.
of the work of reconstruction and rehabili Hampered chiefly by lack of floor space
tation carried on in the hospitals over in the Museum, which made it impossible
here and then displayed personal interest to give an impression of atmosphere and
in all other phases that entered into the surroundings, the officials set about the
hospital service. task of reducing the various exhibits to
That there was a great deal of blunder the smallest possible scale. So many sol
ing, a great deal of unnecessary suffering, diers visit the Museum in their sight
congested conditions, and other matters seeing trips about Washington that the
calling for correction was due only to the plan was adopted of reproducing as
unsurmountable obstacles which the Med nearly as possible, on a minute scale, the
ical Department of the Army had to over great base hospitals and the evacuation
come in organizing the greatest hospital hospitals within roar of the artillery, just
service of modern times. back of the actual lines. Thus to one
The one factor, according to the Sur who has had the good fortune, or the mis
geon General's report, which saved the fortune, as the case may be, to be
Medical Corps from collapse at the crucial wounded, these exhibits in the National
period when the dead and wounded were Museum are of peculiar interest.
pouring in by the thousands, was the self Another purpose of the exhibits was
sacrificing spirit of all the personnel at the desire to show to the American
the front and in the rear. Officers, people, by actual comparison with the
nurses and men labored to the limit of exhibits of the Civil War period, just
physical endurance during the closing how far science and governmental care
weeks of the war and the operating sur of the wounded and disabled has ad
geons often remained on duty for seventy vanced. In any event they serve to give
two hours at a stretch. the American parent a very comprehen
As an example of the handicaps under sive idea of the improvement in hospital
which most of the work was conducted, facilities and what the Government tried
some of the base hospitals, organized on and is trying to do to-day for the proper
a basis of 500 patients, were forced to care and restoration of the wounded.
take care of as many as 2100 patients; The first room that the visitor enters is
practically all base hospitals were caring the X-ray room of a modern base hospi
for as many as 1500 men and one, with tal. In connection with this exhibit, it
a total nursing staff of only 110 cared may be said truthfully that it is the most
for 4500 when the peak of the load was adequately equipped and modern X-ray
reached. As for the evacuation hospitals laboratory in the United States. The
and the hospital shelters on the actual actual installation of the apparatus was
front, their selection was due to the for undertaken by Captain Mooriadan of the
tunes of war. Demolished churches, Medical Corps, who personally super
structures, ravines, dugouts, any place vised the arrangement and selected the
that afforded a shelter and an outlet apparatus just as it ought to be in the
served the purpose. plans of the Public Health Service for
How to give the general public an idea its largest base hospitals. When one
medical officer saw the exhibit recently enters a miniature hospital ward. It
he swore many overseas oaths. His unit. has been reduced on a scale of three beds.
had pleaded in vain for most of the ap Owing to the lack of space Mr. Lewton
paratus and had to go about their work has combined other departments of the
handicapped because of lack of essentials. hospital, such as the linen closets, utility
“And here's just what we needed,” he rooms and offices, with the general
moaned. Difficulties of transportation bed ward.
and delays in the fulfillment of orders Nurses, detailed especially by Miss
often retarded the work of fully equip Stimson, in charge of the Army Nurse
ping hospitals, but the Museum exhibit Corps, put the ward in hospital shape;
shows to what extent the Government therefore, all that is needed to give it a
had developed its X-ray equipment; not touch of realism is a Red Cross nurse and
a single detail is lacking. three doughboy occupants for the beds
Aside from the apparatus for the singing: “We don't want to get well,
base hospitals, perhaps the most interest
we don't want to get well, for we’re hav
ing feature of this particular exhibit is
ing a wonderful time!”
the portable apparatus for evacuation
The beds are of the folding type
hospitals. The surgeon carried with him mounted on bed trucks. The first has
his own portable electric generator, table
a back rest, cradle for holding the
and apparatus, affording him the same
facilities for emergency work as were patient's clothes and T-bars for placing
available at the bases. mosquito netting over the bed. The sec
The equipment for the base hospitals ond bed is equipped with a screen used
comprises in addition to the X-ray oper when the patient is being examined by the
ating table special apparatus for the ex surgeon and the Carrel-Dakin outfit for
amination of all wounds. Chief among irrigating wounds. Overhead are pulleys
these is the vertical rôntgenoscope for and apparatus for holding up legs and
examining the lungs and stomachs of arms, the latest contrivance in the treat
patients while standing and a vertical ment of broken extremities. When the
stereoscopic plate changer. Then, too, doughboy is put in this bed he is usually
there is the localization apparatus for a very battered man. Then there is a
examining the exact position of bullets plain folding bed for convalescent
and shrapnel in the body of the soldier, patients—the best bed of all.
an X-ray machine of the interrupterless Arranged in one corner is the utility
type with Coolidge filament lighting room, in another corner is the cabinet for
transformer and a Wheatstone stereo dressings and surgical implements, a
scope. In addition there also is a sep dressing carriage, medicine cabinet, mod
arate bedside unit for the examination of ern food-conveyor for bringing hot meals
patients too dangerously wounded to be to the patient's bedside, a linen room and
moved. From a scientific point it is inter everything, in fact, even down to the
esting to know just how far science has office, desk and typewriter.
been developed in the use of the X-ray; Next is a room that is an unpleasant
from the point of the average visitor, reminder to most of the soldiers who
it leaves an impression of efficiency visit the hospitals, certainly to those who
and confidence.
remember going into a similar one in
From the X-ray laboratory the visitor France. It is a reproduction of a big
operating room of the average base hos inclined to hold his breath ever so slightly,
pital fully equipped with standard U. S. anticipating the familiar odor, for here
Army surgical appliances and instru the patient is prepared for operation and
ments. The first object to attract atten put to sleep. Blessed anesthesia! Every
tion is the forbidding operating table with thing is done to relieve the sufferer. No
instruments carefully laid on one side, anesthetic laboratory in a modern hospi
ready to receive a patient. Interesting tal could be as complete. There is among
features are the Hawley fracture table other paraphernalia a Heidbrink auto
used when setting broken bones and an matic anesthetizer complete with tanks
alarming array of splints and sterilizing for nitrous oxide and oxygen, and all
apparatus. The same kind of equipment, necessary appliances used to anesthetize
only on a smaller scale for use in the patients with nitrous oxide-oxygen.
evacuation hospitals is included in An interesting feature of the exhibit,
the exhibit. more readily understood by the average
In another section of this main room layman, is a layout of photographs dem
is a complete eye, ear and throat clinic, onstrating the program of physical recon
treatment of these cases being carried struction and rehabilitation for disabled
on independently of other work in soldiers carried on in the U. S. hospitals
the hospitals. by direction of the Surgeon General.
Entering the anesthesia room one feels The scenes are taken at the hospitals in
this country and cover practically all packed in a small field chest, part of
phases of the work. which is used for the chair. Dental work
If one would like to know how it must at the front is often as imperative as Sur
feel to be a dental surgeon at the front gery and the dentist goes along fully
just glance for a moment at one of the equipped at all times.
accompanying illustrations. Bombard Next is the chemical laboratory ex
ments hold no fears for him; he has hibit, where the research work so essen
selected as his abiding place a captured tial to the hospitals is conducted. This
German machine-gun position and here exhibit shows the pathological laboratory
under range of the big guns he pulls teeth for the study of nature and results of
and gouges patients with all the facilities disease; the serological laboratory used
available in his quiet dental office at home. to prepare and test serums, better known
The dental laboratory, familiar in a way as “shots in the arm " and lastly the bac
to almost every soldier whether wounded teriological laboratory where every
or not, is one of the most interesting fea known germ is tabulated and put in a
tures of the exhibit. Each base hospital modern germ rogues' gallery. This in
was equipped with dental office and lab cludes an incubator for hatching germs.
oratory. When the dental surgeon was Mr. Lewton has not even forgotten the
at the front he carried with him a port heating system necessary for the build
able outfit complete even to the dreaded ings in planning the exhibits. Various
buzzer and chair. All this is easily kinds of boilers and furnaces are shown
in order to give the visitor the knowledge ment at its best. Soldiers often com
that cold as well as disease was com plained bitterly because the whole amount
bated in the hospitals. of the ration approved by the War De
In the main hall of the Museum there is partment usually dwindled down to half
a fully equipped G. M. C. ambulance with a ration by the time it reached the front
a capacity for four stretchers. It is in and dished out in the “chow " line.
teresting to note that it is ready for any And so it was with the medical supplies to
emergency except for one thing—the a very large extent. What the specifica
tires are flat. Then, too, there is the tions in Washington called for was one
familiar Ford field ambulance which no story, what the hospitals often got in the
road in France could stop. In fact, the way of equipment was quite another.
only thing that could bring it to a halt These failures, however, were due to no
was a well-placed shell, but the Boche fault of the Medical Corps which worked
had to be pretty sure it was a direct hit. with might and main to serve a mighty
Compared with the clumsy, slow-moving cause. But the great fact remains.
ambulance wagons of the Civil War, the No finer record was made in the Amer
motor ambulance is a distinct sign of ican Expeditionary Forces than by the
the times. Medical Corps; no branch of the service
Further on there is a type of field litter was confronted with more obstacles, nor
on wheels for moving wounded over overcame them with a finer spirit. When
stretches of road, though during the the first unit reached France ahead of
actual fighting the wounded were carried the Army it comprised a mere handful of
away by the means of the ordinary field determined men and women. When the
stretcher borne by two or four men. Other Armistice was signed the Corps had built
collections show the medical officer's
up the greatest hospital organization in
field kit and the familiar “belt ’’ of the
the history of the American government
hospital apprentice—the walking drug and its strength had reached 18,146
store and hospital of the army, ready at officers, 10,081 nurses and 145,815 men.
all times to bandage anything from a blis It would be difficult to conceive of the
tered foot to a bullet hole through
wonders in organization another year of
the body. -
\{Q -:
§ §§§ 3.
By James H. Preston
President General, Sons of the American Revolution, Baltimore, Maryland
|MONG the agencies most effi practically the same requirements for
*l cient for the creation of a membership, except that the Daughters
national spirit and for the en are limited to the female descendants
couragement and development of a Revolutionary ancestor and the
*:I of love of country, the patri Sons are limited to the male descendants.
otic societies would seem to These requirements for membership
be the most valuable. in the Sons are as follows:
If some correlation and coöperation
“Any man shall be eligible to
could be brought about between these membership in the Society who,
patriotic societies, if there could be being of the age of twenty-one
some consolidation of their activities years or over, and a citizen of good
along certain lines, it would produce a repute in the community, is the
lineal descendant of an ancestor
much fuller, broader and a more com
prehensive result. who was at all times unfailing in
his loyalty to, and rendered active
A central organization made up of service in, the cause of American
representatives of all the patriotic Independence, either as an officer,
societies, meeting, say once a year, and soldier, seaman, marine, militia
working along coöperative lines, would man, or minuteman, in the armed
forces of the Continental Con
greatly increase the efficiency of the
whole work. gress, or of any one of the several
Colonies or States, or as a signer
The splendid work of the Daughters of the Declaration of Indepen
of the American Revolution and the dence; or as a member of a Com
admirable work, I believe, of the Sons mittee of Safety or Correspond
of the American Revolution, would, I ence; or as a member of any
Continental, Provincial, or Colo
am sure, be very much enlarged and nial Congress or Legislature; or
improved if some form of yearly or as a recognized patriot who per
semi-yearly meeting could be had, in formed actual service by overt acts
which their parallel activities might be of resistance to the authority of
rendered more efficient. Great Britain.”
This is particularly true of these two Now, the provision for membership
Societies in that the Daughters and the in the Daughters makes practically the
Sons of the American Revolution have same requirements, so that brothers
Among the books received in the D. A. R. The Munsey-Hopkins Genealogy. D. O. S.
Library in Memorial Continental Hall are the Lovell. 1920. Gift of Miss Lucy Sweet, Mass.
following, representing thirteen states: Biographical Sketches and Records of the
cra Olin Family. George S. Nye. 1892. Gift
History of Alabama. A. J. Pickett. 1851. of Mrs. C. W. Oakley, Mich.
Gift of Misses Mary and Jennie Chamberlain. Doniphan's Erpedition and the Conquest of
History of New London County, Conn. D. New Merico and California. W. E. Connelly.
H. Hamilton. 1882. Gift of Faith Trum 1907. Gift of Elizabeth Benton Chapter, Mo.
bull Chapter. Somerset County, N. J., Historical Quarterly.
List of Swiss Emigrants in the Eighteenth Vol. 8, 1919. Gift of General Frelinghuysen
Century to America. A. B. Faust. 1920. Gift Chapter, N. J.
of Livingston Manor Chapter, D. C. History of Oregon. W. H. Gray. 1870. Gift
Book of the United States. Gift of Rev. of Williamette Chapter.
George Milledge Chapter, Ga. History of Edgefield County, S. C. J. A.
The Soul of Abraham Lincoln. W. E. Chapman. 1897. Gift of Miss Mallie B.
• Barton. 1820. Gift of George Rogers Clark Waters, S. C.
Chapter, Ill. Descendants of Reinold and Matthew Marvin.
History of Kentucky. Mann Butler. Gift G. F. and W. T. R. Marvin. 1904. Gift of
of Jane McAfee Chapter, D. A. R., Kentucky. Mrs. John S. Gibson, of West Virginia.
| %)
| ill
** Tºm | i | |
IGHTEEN miles from Phila stroyed, and the Friends' meeting house
delphia, in Mount Holly, New was used by the British commis
Jersey, the county seat of Bur sary department.
lington County, stands a tiny In 1759 Mount Holly was a tiny settle
one-story brick building. Less ment of possibly one hundred houses.
than twenty feet square, its A majority of the inhabitants were
walls are cut and scarred by the Friends, and the education of the chil
play of generations of children, and dren of such families was taken care
passage of innumerable little feet. The of by that denomination, a Friends'
quaint building is a monument to an school having been opened in the village
idea, for its builders—innkeepers, hat as early as 1739. But there were some
ters and blacksmiths though they were poor children for whom no educational
saw a bright vision in the distance facilities were available, and their de
and the little schoolhouse rose as the plorable condition became a subject of
tangible expression of their dream. The discussion among the villagers, culmi
group of men who met on a June day nating in a meeting of the citizens on
in 1759, and entered into an agreement June 28, 1759, for the purpose of con
to raise a stock fund for the erection sidering ways and means of opening
and support of a free school, would be a free school. The detailed minutes of
greatly astonished could they see the that meeting have long since disap
present public-school system of the peared, but it is a matter of history that
country, of which their action one hun the gathering decided to raise a stock
dred and sixty years ago was a prophecy. fund for the “free education of youth.”
The historic school narrowly escaped Twenty-one citizens signed the articles
destruction during the Revolution, when of agreement and subscribed to stock.
Sir Henry Clinton's troops occupied These men have all passed to their
Mount Holly while on their retreat from reward. Their last resting places are
Philadelphia in 1778. Tradition says forgotten and perhaps unknown. It is
that the schoolhouse and Rev. John probable that in all their quiet lives
Brainard's Presbyterian church, which there was no claim to fame save this
adjoined it, were used by the British one act, but that alone makes them
for stables. Upon evacuating the town, worthy of honor, and the only tribute
the enemy burned the church, but spared that the modern generation can pay to
the school. The iron works, which were their memory is to endeavor to perpetu
engaged in making camp kettles for the ate their names.
Continental soldiers, were also de The fund was divided into twenty
five shares and the subscribers were: themselves.” The trustees lost no time
Henry Paxson, Esq., John Hatkinson, in performing their duty, for on Sep
John Clark, Alexander Ross and John tember 29, 1759, they purchased a lot
Bispham, two shares each; John Mun of land on New Street, Mount Holly
row, one and one-half shares; Josiah (now Brainard Street), for 8 pounds
White, John Clatton, Thomas Shinn, 10 shillings proclamation money. The
Daniel Jones, Ebenezer Doughty, Sam deed of conveyance, which is recorded
uel Clark, Aaron Smith, Earl Shinn, in the Secretary of State's office at
Zachariah Rossell, Joseph McCullah, Trenton, specifies that the purchase was
Acquila Shinn and John Budd, one for “school land.” The free school
share each; James McIlhigo, John For house was built and opened for pupils
ker and Adam Forker, one-half share in a very short time after the site
each. These stockholders chose five was secured.
trustees, Henry Paxson, John Munrow, This act of the citizens of Mount
Alexander Ross, John Clark and John Holly is one of the earliest recorded
Hatkinson, and authorized them to pur instances of the education of children
chase a piece of ground for the pro at the public expense, and it is espe
posed schoolhouse and “to take a deed cially noteworthy because it was con
for the same in trust, as well for the ceived and performed voluntarily,
uses of the other subscribers as for without the compulsion of legislative
enactment, as was the case with the Mas Society” on March 14, 1814. The school
sachusetts free schools of 1647. An was put in operation and continued
important milestone on the road lead without interruption until 1834, when
ing to the modern public-school system the present public-school system of
was thus laid, and it is believed that the . Mount Holly was installed. During the
method of subscription employed in years that it was supported by the
founding the Mount Holly school is Society more than one thousand chil
without a counterpart in the annals of dren were taught in the venerable build
Colonial education. ing, many of them receiving their only
The names of the early teachers in education there. The Society was incor
the historic schoolhouse are unknown, porated in 1844, and is still in active
and the next record that has been pre existence. It has held regular meet
served relating to the operation of the ings in the schoolhouse for one hundred
free school is dated November 13, 1765, and five years, and celebrated its one
when the stockholders were assessed 7 hundredth anniversary there in 1914.
shillings and 6 pence a share “to be There probably exists no more his
applied toward purchasing a Cain stove toric school building in all the terri
for the schoolhouse and whatever repairs tory of the thirteen original states than
is needful to be done for said house.” the little free school at Mount Holly.
The exciting days of the Revolution Its quaint, arched ceiling has looked
and the death of several of the original down upon the heads of many genera
stockholders resulted in the closing of tions of children who have learned the
the free school, and the building was “three R’s” beneath its protection and
used for religious meetings and other then passed forth into the world, better
purposes for many years. In Septem fitted for the struggle of life. Its
ber, 1814, a little group of charitably founders builded better than they knew,
disposed women organized the Mount for the influence of their work has
Holly Female Benevolent Society. The endured far beyond the boundaries of
object of the association, in addition their imagination and has left its impress
to the relieving of distress and destitu upon the educational history of America.
tion, was to reopen a free school for Numberless associations cluster about
poor children, and the descendants of its walls, and the older citizens of
the twenty-one founders of the original the town love and revere the little
free school thereupon transferred their building, but it stands unmarked by
“right, title and interest in the prem any tablet, and but few of the many
ises to the said Female Benevolent who pass by it daily know its history.
| l)
Bancroft: v, 427–438.
2. The Loss of New York. Trevelyan: George the Third and
Mººn; ..
Wilson: ii, 250–266.
Charles For, i, 277–295.
The War in the South.
3. Trenton and Princeton.
Trevelyan : American Revolution, 10. The Attack on Charleston, 1776. -
Drawings by
Zoé Lee H. Anderson
and shrub, one can command the wide ing the winter, or would he attempt his
sweep of plain below for a circuit of goal by way of the sea and Delaware
sixty miles. An old chronicler says: Bay? Both keen vision and shrewd
“On the left appear the spires of New perception were necessary to make
York City, part of the Bay, Newark, ready for instant action when the an
Elizabeth, Rahway, and New Brighton. swer to that important question was
Directly in front are Amboy and Rari made evident.
tan Bays. To the right, New Bruns Marches and counter-marches, feints
wick and the heights of Princeton and and skirmishes on the part of the Brit
Trenton, and far to the southeast the ish, alike proved futile; for Washington
eye stretches over the plains of Mon could not be lured from his mountain
mouth to the heights of Neversink.” fastness to meet so powerful a foe on
During May and June of 1777, then, equal ground. His foresight, prompted
General Washington, from that rocky by that Almighty Power which so won
eminence, spyglass in hand, closely derfully shaped the destiny of our land,
scanned the scene below. Would the kept our forces out of well-laid snares.
enemy attack Philadelphia by land, Lord Howe, seeing the defeat of his
marching through New Jersey and purpose and not daring to risk an at
crossing the Delaware by portable tack on the American army in their
bridge, constructed for the purpose dur strong mountain position, reluctantly
which stirs our patriotism when we re necessarily failed, as a title to the land
call its strategic value to us in the cru upon which the rock rests could not
cial days of the Revolutionary War, be obtained.
and, as well, an altar made sacred by In 1896, Continental Chapter, D. A. R.,
that lonely watchman to whom was was formed, and the members with
committed the leadership of our forces, great enthusiasm set as their aim the
under unformed conditions, by means marking of Washington Rock. Un
of undeveloped and unrelated resources. daunted by the lack of title to the
Small wonder that the people of ground they pressed toward their goal.
Plainfield and vicinity long desired to Year by year the matter was kept alive
properly guard and mark Washington by entertainments and fêtes of such a
Rock, that its significance might with nature as to serve as links between past
and present, which brought into the woodland, thereby saving our precious
coffers of the Chapter substantial aid rock from the greedy stone-crusher
for the work in view. which awaited it. With the assurance
It is with much gratification that the that the whole property, when a suit
writer of this article recalls her election able monument had been erected, would
to the Regency of Continental Chapter be placed in the hands of guardians
broad platform of solid masonry from The estimated cost of the monument
which the fine and extensive view may was about $3000, and it was the aim of
be enjoyed. The hill side back of this Continental Chapter to interest every
platform is faced with stones, over one. Great and small were given an op
which vines are left to trail with natural portunity to share in the work; and the
beauty, while from either end steps lead response was most heartening. The
to the apex upon which stands the dis project was kept before the public faith
tinctive monument, a cairn built of fully, the local press proving an effec
rough stone with bronze tablet bearing tive ally. Uniform leaves were sent
the following inscription: broadcast for names of contributors, no
sums being specified, with any histori
cal data concerning the families repre
General George Washington sented which would prove a valuable
Watched the Movements of and interesting legacy to future genera
the British Forces tions. These leaves were bound attrac
During the Anxious Months tively and may be seen by those who
of May and June, 1777 seek them. The amount raised, to
Erected by gether with the fund for this purpose
Continental Chapter already in the Chapter treasury, proved
Daughters of the American Revolution sufficient to finance the enterprise, with
and the People of a small balance for further improve
Plainfield and North Plainfield ments, the actual work being completed
1912 in 1912.
“Lest We Forget" Mr. McCutchen, with characteristic
patriotism, then proposed deeding the Mr. Percy H. Stewart, and Mr. William
whole to the State of New Jersey. To J. Buttfield, all of Plainfield and North
those who have helped engineer such Plainfield, and also the Adjutant Gen
enterprises where politics form an im eral of the state, and the Commissioner
portant factor, the story of “Bill 200” of Roads.
and its devious wanderings through the This commission proceeded to erect
Legislature of 1913 would be full of a cottage known as “The Lodge,” to
meaning; suffice it to say that after an be occupied by a caretaker, at a cost of
avalanche of letters had been sent out $4600. Here the public may go as host
the bill passed. The Legislature em or guest; the main room attractively
powered the Governor to appoint a furnished with antique pieces purchased
Washington Rock Park Commission mainly in New Jersey and donated by
and granted an appropriation of $5000 Continental Chapter, serving as a
to be used to acquire adjoining lands tea room.
“not to exceed one hundred acres,” and “The Lodge,” the plans for which
to “take over, care for, keep, improve, were made and donated by the archi
maintain and develop the said lands as tect, Mr. Henry Keith White, of Plain
a public park in commemoration and field, with its quaint appearance within
appreciation of the importance of the and without, its old time flower garden
events transacted in said locality during and stone walks, admirably fits into the
the Revolutionary War.” whole scheme, suggesting the quiet life
Subsequent to the passage of this of Colonial days in time, space, and rela
Act, Mr. McCutchen made over to the tivity, “Far from the madding crowd.”
state a free deed of the original ten acres * In order to make the foregoing statement
containing the rock and memorial, and of facts fit the records of the D. A. R. of
sufficient land was purchased to make a New Jersey, it is necessary to add that the
date of the annual meeting of Continental
park of ninety-seven acres. Chapter was changed from October to Janu
Governor Fielder appointed, in May, ary, in October, 1913, the final report of
1913, the following commissioners: the Washington Rock Committee and the
obtaining of the $5000 for “The Lodge"
Mrs. Frederick G. Mead, Mrs. John F. thereby coming in the report of Mrs. Read's
Harman, Mrs. Charles W. McCutchen, successor in 1914.
CONNECTICUT Champion Chapter, of Colchester, Mrs. Robert
Brown, Regent.
Three hundred and fifty Connecticut Daugh
ters assembled at the twenty-seventh State meet Greetings were given by the Mayor, E. Frank
ing, on November 4th, in the historic city of New Morgan, and by Rev. Benjamin T. Marshall,
London, to be the guests of Lucretia Shaw President of Connecticut College for Women,
at New London. The National Officers and
Chapter, which has the honor of being the
chapter of the President General, our best State Regents also gave greetings, and spoke of
the work which claimed their especial interest,
beloved Mrs. George Maynard Minor.
The meeting was held in the Second Congrega and each one voiced her love and loyalty to
the President General.
tional Church, which was suitably decorated with
autumn leaves, chrysanthemums and cosmos. Mrs. Sara T. Kinney gave tribute to 1620,
To the strains of the “March of the Priests" and the President General spoke on the official
(Athalie) played on the organ by Mr. Alban motto of the Society, “Home and Country.”
In the course of her remarks she said “the
W. Cooper, the line of procession was led by
development of plans for education in one hun
Mildred, the three-year-old daughter of Mrs.
dred per cent. Americanism was one of the
John F. McGourty, acting color-bearer. Then
highest forms of service which the Society of
came the ushers preceding the President Gen
eral, and other National Officers and guests; the D. A. R. could render the country in honor
of these ancestors who established American
Mrs. James T. Morris, Vice President General,
Minnesota; Mrs. Frank B. Hall, Vice President principles of life and free government on this
continent. It behooves the women as well as
General, Massachusetts; Mrs. John F. Yawger,
Recording Secretary General; Miss Jenn W. men to get to work against the forces of
Coltrane, Historian General ; Mrs. Frank D. destruction that threaten to engulf all we hold
Ellison, Librarian General; Mrs. Franklin P. most sacred. A society of over one hundred
and fourteen thousand loyal and active Ameri
Shumway, State Regent of Massachusetts; Mrs.
Samuel H. Davis, State Regent of Rhode can women is a power to be reckoned with, if
Island; Mrs. John L. Buel, State Regent of we all do our duty. A distinguished ancestry
is of no account if we do not make ourselves
Connecticut; Mrs. Charles H. Bissell, Vice
State Regent of Connecticut; Mrs. Sara T. worthy of it. Among the many ways to keep
this nation American is to increase our interest
Kinney, Honorary Vice-President General :
Mrs. Sidney H. Miner, former Regent of in public schools. It is common knowledge that
Lucretia Shaw Chapter; Mrs. Bryan F. Mahan, our whole public school system is facing collapse
Regent, and other State Officers and guests. through shortage of teachers. Our chapters
After the invocation by the Pastor, Rev. J. can agitate for higher salaries, better training,
Beveridge Lee, the Regent, Mrs. Mahan, gave better social conditions for the teachers to whom
the address of welcome, to which the State the education of our youth is entrusted.”
Regent, and presiding officer, responded—She Rev. John R. Ellis, M.A., of Morrisville,
said “We appreciate the spirit of welcome, N. Y., gave an eloquent address on “The
warm and true—many chapters have done well, Challenge of our American Heritage To-day.”
but thou, Lucretia Shaw, excelleth them all: The musical selections of the day were
you have given us a President General who had heartily enjoyed. The soloists were Mrs.
no need of the din and turmoil of political battle, Beatrice Ashe Maher, wife of Lieutenant James
who had only to sit still while one hundred and Maher, U.S.N., of the submarine base, and
twelve thousand women handed her their unani Miss Lydia Marvin, student at Connecticut
mous ballots on a golden platter. For this event College. Mr. Cooper, who presided at the
without parallel in our Society's history we do organ played several choice numbers, and
you homage to-day.” led the singing by the audience of the usual
Mrs. Buel also announced a new chapter patriotic songs.
recently formed in Connecticut, Col. Henry At the close of the afternoon session tea
was served in the attractive and large social first block house built in what is now the State
rooms of the church, where an informal recep of Minnesota, by John Zebulun M. Pike in 1805.
tion was held. In the evening a banquet was This cairn and tablet were presented to the
held in the ballroom of the Mohican Hotel, in “Citizens of Little Falls and the People of
honor of the President General and National Morrison County,” Mrs. James T. Morris, then
Officers. The room was decorated with autumn State Regent, making the dedicatory address.
leaves and chrysanthemums, and the D. A. R. This ceremony took place on September 27,
insignia, brightly illuminated, hung above the 1919, in the presence of a large number of
President's table. Mrs. Buel, State Regent, Daughters and the citizens of Little Falls.
was toastmistress, and, as always, was most The reports of the chapters showed that
apt and witty in her introductions. Singing was Americanization had been the keynote of
enjoyed in a most jolly and in formal way, and thought and work throughout the State during
in a whistling chorus the President General the last year, and that gifts of money, time and
proved herself mistress of still another accom personal service had been made freely and with
plishment. During the evening it was an out stint. Lecture courses have been estab
nounced that a Foundership at the Industrial lished, one Community House maintained, four
School at Tamassee had been established by large flags and twenty small ones presented.
Connecticut, in honor of Mrs. Minor. This was Finnish Settlement work has been undertaken,
received with hearty applause. special exercises arranged for the graduation
The meeting, both day and evening, will go into citizenship of foreigners, and a real spirit
down in the annals as one of especial interest of Americanization developed in all the chapters.
and success, and reflects great credit upon the A generous luncheon was served to the Con
members of Lucretia Shaw Chapter, whose gress on the porch of the club house where 150
pride and love and loyalty to the President Daughters enjoyed the repast.
General is shared by all Connecticut who know The afternoon session was opened by music,
her so intimately, and will be by all the States followed by the address of the new State Regent,
of the Union. Mrs. Coolidge, in which she expressed the feel
ANNA M. GAYLORD STEve Ns, ing that the keynote of our organization should
be achievement, and as the sons of the Daugh
State Recording Secretary. ters of the American Revolution served each
in his unchosen appointed place during the
great war, so should we enlarge our vision to
The twenty-sixth Annual Congress of the meet the problems beyond our own households.
Minnesota Daughters of the American Revolu The problem which seems most compelling
tion was held at St. Paul on September 7, 1920. is, as it was last year, Americanization, which is
It is the custom for the Annual Meeting to be a debt we owe to those who died that American
held alternately in each of the Twin Cities. principles and American liberty might live. As
The Congress was entertained at the Town and the makers of the Constitution of the United
Country Club, and the St. Paul Daughters gave States found their efforts unavailing until they
their sisters of the state a perfect day, fine asked daily Divine guidance, so we must remem
music, and a most cordial welcome. ber that without Him we are nothing, but with
The call to order was given by the new State Him our capabilities are unlimited.
Regent, Mrs. Marshall H. Coolidge, and the This address was followed by one given by
invocation by the Chaplan, Mrs. David Day. our former State Regent, now Vice President
Greetings to the Congress were extended by General from Minnesota, who spoke of her
Mrs. George C. Squires of St. Paul, a former recent visit to Provincetown, Mass., where on
State Regent, and the response given by an August 29th and 30th there was a notable
other former State Regent, Mrs. Cyrus W. demonstration marking the tercentenary of the
Wells, of Minneapolis. landing of the Pilgrims on the shore of Cape
Minutes of the 1919 Congress were read Cod. She urged that all chapters observe the
by the State Recording Secretary, Mrs. anniversary. During the business session the
A. C. Hinckley; the reports of the State State By-laws were altered to conform to the
Officers were given, followed by reports of National laws.
the State Committees. At 3.30 P.M. the Sibley House Association
Since the Congress of 1919 the Daughters, opened its meeting. The officers of the State
under the direction of the Chairman of His D. A. R. are also the officers of the Sibley
toric Spots Committee, Mrs. Harlan Roberts, House Association. This meeting was opened
have erected a cairn with a bronze tablet at by the reading of the minutes of the May meet
Little Falls to commemorate the site of the ing, after which a report was given by the
Chairman of the House and Grounds Commit passages. Mr. Levy has a wonderful collection
tee, Mrs. F. H. Jerrard. of interesting antiques, which he has secured in
Sibley House is owned by the State chapters all quarters of the globe.
and is opened to the public during the warm A wreath was placed on the grave of Thomas
months of the year. This past summer 1987 Jefferson by the Virginia Daughters.
persons paid admission fees. The list of gifts The meeting adjourned to meet next fall in
presented since May showed some valuable and Roanoke, Va., by invitation of the Margaret
interesting articles. There are comparatively Lynn Lewis Chapter, D. A. R.
few museums in Minnesota, thus making the MRs. HENRY FitzHUGH LEwis,
collection at Sibley House important to the Corresponding Secretary.
citizens of the State.
The Minnesota Legislature will at its coming
session be petitioned for an annual appropria
tion of $1000 for the upkeep of Sibley House, As guests of the Kanawha Valley Chapter,
which is situated in the small town of Mendota, the fifteenth annual Conference of the West
only about ten miles from St. Paul, where it is Virginia N. S. D. A. R. met in Charleston, our
of easy access to interested visitors. Capital City, on November 16-17, 1920.
(MRs. J. S.) MARY HURLBUT GAYLORD, The business meetings were held in the audi
State Historian. torium of the Elks Building. Mrs. Clark W.
Heavener, State Regent, presided. An address
VIRGINIA of welcome was given by Mrs. L. H. Harrison,
Regent of the hostess chapter, to which response
When the invitation was extended by the was made by Mrs. Robert Reed, State Vice
Albemarle Chapter to the Virginia Daughters Regent. Much dignity, benefit and pleasure
to hold their twenty-fourth annual Conference was added by having with us our President
in Charlottesville, it was accepted with delight. General, Mrs. George Maynard Minor, and our
A visit to Charlottesville, to the University of National Officer from West Virginia, Mrs.
Virginia, is interesting at all times and to all James Spilman Phillips, Registrar General.
people. To the Daughters of the Revolution Fifteen of the 19 States were represented.
it is a mecca. On October 20th the Virginia One new chapter has been formed, the “James
State Conference was called to order in Barbour" in Belington, which was organized in
Madison Hall, on the University campus, March, 1920. Excellent work was reported by
by our beloved State Regent, Dr. Kate all chapters. Americanization was possibly the
Waller Barrett. It was the largest Conference greatest, but much activity was shown in the
ever convened in Virginia. Each one present lines of patriotic education and relief work.
felt the inspiration of the historic surroundings. The military records are almost all in, and this
The welcomes extended to the Daughters by work will be completed by January 1, 1921. A
Mrs. James S. Higginson, Regent of Albemarle handsome monument has been placed over the
Chapter, and Doctor Alderman, President of grave of Major General Adam Stephen, at
the University of Virginia, were very cordial, Martinsburg. A hospital ward has been com
and the addresses delivered by members of the pletely furnished in a memorial hospital in
faculty were most instructive. The business Parkersburg. Several scholarships have been
of the Conference was dispatched promptly given. Some of these are in our State Univer
and effectively. sity in Morgantown and others out of our State.
We were very fortunate in having as our French orphans have been cared for and Serbian
guests Mrs. George Thacher Guernsey, former Relief has not been neglected. Revolutionary
President General, and Mrs. Wiles, President graves have been located and will soon be
of the Founders and Patriots. During the Con marked. The records in our courthouses and
ference many entertainments were planned in State Library are being searched and interesting
honor of the members—receptions and teas, etc. documents have been unearthed.
Among the most interesting was a sightseeing Upon each day of the Conference, a delicious
trip over the University grounds, at which time luncheon was tendered us by the Kanawha
the students kindly acted as guides. Valley Chapter at the Hotel Ruffner. The
The feature of the Conference was an auto Edgewood Country Club was on Wednesday the
mobile drive to Monticello, where the Daughters scene of a beautiful tea, given the Daughters by
were the guests of Mr. Jefferson Levy. The the Colonial Dames.
day was ideal and the view from Monticello That evening we heard an address by our
was grand. The interior of the house is very President General, which was both inspiring and
unique with its concealed stairways and secret instructive. Later a brilliant reception was held
by Governor and Mrs. Cornwell and the hostess the world, and the hospitality of ex-Governor
chapter in the executive mansion. and Mrs. McCorkle was greatly appreciated.
The important business of amending the State This function brought to a close the fifteenth
By-laws was taken up on Thursday and neces Conference, which was the largest and one of
sary changes made the most successful ever held.
The magnificent home of ex-Governor and The Kanawha Valley Chapter left nothing
Mrs. McCorkle, “Sunrise,” was thrown open to undone that would add to our pleasure, and the
the Daughters on Thursday afternoon from days passed with them will long be remembered.
4 to 6 o'clock. This home is most interesting, as MARGARET RATH Bon E MORGAN,
it contains many rare curios from all parts of State Historian.
Among the subscribers to the DAUGH ington, April 19, 1775. He was a
TERs of THE AMERICAN REvolution famous marksman and was present at
MAGAZINE are Mrs. Nancy Winch Fay, the surrender of Burgoyne.
of Southboro, Mass., 104 years old, and Little Miss Smith, the most youthful
Miss N. F. Rembert Smith, two years subscriber to the magazine, was two
old, of Washington, D. C., daughter of years old November 30, 1920. Her
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith. There is mother is an official of the Katharine
a difference of one hundred and two Montgomery Chapter of the D. A. R.
years between these subscribers. of the District. The revolutionary an
Mrs. Fay celebrated the 104th anni cestor of Miss Smith was Isaac Smith,
versary of her birth Dec. 26, 1920. born in New Kent County, Va., in 1758.
She was born in 1816. She sent in her Sergeant Smith took part in the Battles
subscription to the magazine two days of White Plains, Princeton, Brandy
before her birthday anniversary. Mrs. wine, Germantown and Monmouth.
Fay was admitted to the National So He witnessed the destruction of the
ciety, D. A. R., at the October, 1920, British frigate Augusta, the wood of
meeting of the National Board of Man which is used in the paneling and fur
agement. She is the daughter of nishing of the New Jersey room at
Reuben Winch, born in Framingham, Memorial Continental Hall. He was
Mass., in 1772, and Olive Eaton, born also at Stony Point and Yorktown.
in 1775. Reuben Winch was the son Isaac Smith was the great-grand
of Capt. Joseph Winch and Mary Beals father of Miss Smith, and she is counted
of Framingham. Captain Winch's ser as the youngest great-granddaughter
vice in the Revolutionary War began to-day of a Revolutionary soldier.—
as a minuteman at the Battle of Lex From the Iſ’ashington Evening Star.
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WORK of the Cl
ToInsure Accuracy in the Reading of Names and Promptness in Publication
chapter Reports must be Typewritten EDITOR
Old Blake House Chapter (Dorchester, of long ago, and thus by the soft light of
Mass.) recently celebrated the tenth anni the candles and the cheer of the blazing
versary of its organization at Hotel Bellevue, wood fires, were reminded of the old-fash
Boston. The exercises which marked this ioned customs and traditions.
important milestone in the life of the Chap On March 18, 1911, the First Free School
ter were of great interest, and began with a Society, C. A. R., was organized through the
reunion and luncheon, when the members, in efforts of the Regent.
keeping with their exhibit of the afternoon, The Chapter has observed its patriotic
appeared in Colonial dress. This was fol duty in locating and marking graves of Revo
lowed by a public meeting and a reception to lutionary soldiers. In this connection, in
the State Officers and the Regents of the teresting exercises were held on Memorial
Massachusetts chapters. Day, 1912, at the grave of Robert Pond, in
Then came an interesting loan exhibit of the old cemetery at Franklin; on Flag Day,
Colonial articles, consisting of valuable 1913, at the grave of Lieutenant Thomas
heirlooms and Revolutionary relics. The Whitman, in the beautiful old cemetery at
exercises and reports connected with this Stow; on Flag Day, 1914, at the grave of
anniversary brought to mind pleasant remi David Clapp, in the old North Cemetery at
niscences of the early events in the Chap Dorchester, and on July 10, 1916, at the tomb
ter's history. of Edward Blake, in the ancient cemetery on
The Chapter was organized in 1910, at the Boston Common. These occasions were
historic “Old Blake House " of Dorchester, marked by interesting addresses and exercises.
long an interesting landmark. The house In 1914 the Chapter's ever-busy Regent
was built in 1648 by James Blake, a son of designed a Dorchester souvenir spoon, with
the pioneer William Blake, and for many engraved cutting of the Blake House,
years it remained in the Blake family. It is Dorchester Seal and other emblematic sym
now owned by the Dorchester Historical bols. These beautiful spoons have been sold
Society, who extended to the Chapter the for the benefit of the Chapter treasury, and
privilege of using it for their meetings. have often been used as presentation gifts to
The Chapter took its name in honor of visiting guests and others whom the Chapter
this old house and in memory of those of desired to honor.
that name who served in the struggle for The Chapter has been fortunate in having
American independence. for its Regent one who is actively interested
Here in the quaint old house, with its in patriotic and philanthropic work. Under
beamed ceilings and walls, diamond-paned Mrs. Rand's devoted leadership, the Chapter
windows, open fireplaces, and general ap has increased in membership, has strength
pearance of “ye olden days,” the Old Blake ened and broadened its lines of work and
House Chapter was launched upon its way, met the calls of each succeeding year with
with its founder, Mrs. William Brisbane the hearty coöperation of its members.
Rand, appointed as Regent. The Chapter has endeavored to fulfill all
Among the earlier social events were many requirements in the departments of welfare
of a Colonial character, such as a “Colonial work, patriotic education, historical research,
Tea,” held in the Blake House in honor of conservation and war relief; also the later
the evacuation of Boston; a Loan Exhibit subjects of international relations and Ameri
at Hotel Brunswick, when valuable Colonial canization. It has not failed to recognize
relics from the Dorchester families were dis its position as a unit in the National Society,
played; the “Candle-light Teas" at the home and has met its obligations in every call for
of the Regent, when the guests appeared in the benefit of Memorial Continental Hall. It
quaint and attractive costumes of the days has responded to many calls at home and
abroad in patriotic and charitable causes, toric interest in the county. Mrs. Fred
sending each year regular contributions to Carrithers, a member of the Chapter,
Martha Berry School in Georgia, to the In was the charming hostess of the occasion
ternational College at Springfield, and in at her country place, Havenhurst, some
other channels of patriotic education. It has eight miles north of the city. The land
not forgotten the nearer philanthropic upon which this country home is located was
schools and other welfare work, as is shown procured from the Government in 1829 by
by its regular contributions to Daily Vaca Mrs. Carrithers' paternal grandfather. His
tion Bible School, Fathers' and Mothers' home occupied a position farther north than
Club and to the Needlework Guild of America. the present hospitable building which, with
The work of war relief met with a ready its wide verandas, was erected by Hiram
response from the members, and reports Havens, father of the present owner. The
show that the Chapter met all requirements Indian village occupied the tract of wood
of the National and State War Relief Com land across the road and directly west of the
mittees, D. A. R. present residence.
It is worthy of note that the Regent or Two features of the Chapter's business ses
ganized the Red Cross work in Dorchester, sion are worthy of mention: Mrs. H. C. Rollins
and that six of the members had charge of presented the Chapter with the gold bar pin,
active Red Cross units during the war. now worn only by the presiding Regent. It
( MRs.) CARRIE M. W. WEIs, was gracefully accepted by Mrs. George
Historian. Monroe, who, in turn, in a neat speech, pre
sented it to Mrs. J. W. Riggs, the newly in
Letitia Green Stevenson Chapter (Bloom stalled Regent.
ington, Ill.) combined the celebration of Flag A letter was read from the former Captain
Day with the marking of a spot of much his of the recently disbanded Company M (Home
AR s. :
Guards), in which he begged the privilege of an average attendance of 25. On May 21, 1919,
returning to the Daughters the beautiful silk we gave an informal reception at the home of
flag which had been presented by the Chapter our Regent, Mrs. Rose E. Chapman, for the
to his Company upon its organization. The flag visiting Daughters of the American Revolution
was formally accepted and was used throughout who were also members of the P.E.O., then
the program and dedication ceremonies. holding a convention in our city.
The business session completed, the Chapter A play, “Fifi,” was given on this date for
enjoyed “Barbara Frietchie" as it is set to the benefit of the National Soldiers' and
music and sung by Miss Gladys Simms, of Sailors' Aid Association.
Pontiac. Miss Simms later delighted her Twelve have been elected to membership in
hearers with two Indian songs, “By Weeping the Chapter and three received by transfer.
Waters,” and “By the Waters of Monatonga.” Mrs. A. E. Line and Mrs. Robt. Orcutt gave
Mrs. Charles Capen, in her paper on “Indians 15 talks on Open-air Schools before the dif
in McLean County,” painted a vivid picture of ferent clubs of the city and obtained the
the Red man of the County in pioneer days promise of the local School Board to establish
and showed much careful study of In such a school next September.
dian history. The Chapter furnished each member with a
Upon completion of the program the mem copy of the National Constitution. It con
bers repaired to the lawn, and gathered in tributed $21 for Serbian outfit and $2.50 for the
groups under the trees and by the roadside marking of historic spots. Throughout the
around the boulder. As the covering was drawn year several interesting papers were read
aside, revealing the boulder, Mrs. Capen, as on Americanization, Immigration, and Pa
Chairman of the Committee on Historic Spots, triotic Education.
introduced Mrs. Carrithers, the speaker of the Washington's Birthday was celebrated by
occasion, as follows: a party in honor of the husbands of Chap
“As Chairman of the Committee marking his ter members.
toric spots, it is a great pleasure to introduce During the year two barrels and a box of
Mrs. Fred A. Carrithers. clothing were sent to the Dorothy Sharp
“It is to her the thought and inspiration of School in North Carolina.
the present occasion are due, and through her On March 9th the Chapter presented silk
some interesting traditions are preserved. We American flags to all the men of foreign birth
honor her work, share in her enthusiasm, and who were naturalized then. Forty-five sets of
thank her for her gracious hospitality.” Service Papers were sent to the husbands,
Mrs. Carrithers' interesting paper, delivered sons and brothers of members who partici
without manuscript, had an added charm for pated in the World War.
her hearers from the fact that much of its sub Delegates to the State Conference were Mrs.
stance was received by her when a child of tender R. H. Munger, Mrs. George H. Bliven, Mrs.
years from the lips of her father, as he built a C. E. Snyder and Mrs. A. E. Line; and those
playhouse for her and her little playmate out of to the National Conference were Mrs. E. R.
an old stump on the site of the ancient village. Chapman, Mrs. R. H. Munger, Mrs. G. H.
Mr. George Monroe closed the ceremonies by Bliven, Mrs. Helen S. Burton, Mrs. G. S.
reciting “A Tribute to the Flag.” Parker, and Miss Dorothy Chapman. Miss
The formal ceremonies over, the members and Chapman was one of the Pages at the Conti
their families to the number of 125, gathered nental Congress.
about the long table spread under the ancient One of our Members, Miss Edna Sedgwick,
wind-swept poplars on the lawn and enjoyed a was a Red Cross nurse in the A. E. F. during
picnic supper. the World War, and is now in the reconstruc
Following this, the company wandered over the tion work in this country.
site of the ancient village, visited the garden, en Martha Washington Chapter was 100 per
joying the fragrance from the blossoms of the cent, on the Americanization Fund of the In
Richmond rose-bush planted in 1829 and the ternational College, having given 50 cents per
shade from the apple tree of equal age. member. Mrs. A. E. Line also gave an addi
whose spread of branches now covers seven tional $50 to this fund. The money was found
eighths of an acre. in the pockets of the uniform of her soldier
At a late hour the members sped homeward, son who died in France.
voting the occasion one of the most enjoyable On April 29th, Mrs. W. M. Orcutt, Chairman
of recent years. EUGENIE M. BRADLEY, of the Flag Committee, in a very appropriate
Historian. speech, presented the Central High School
with an Iowa State Flag.
Martha Washington Chapter (Sioux City, FAN NIE KELLOGG LINE,
Iowa) has held nine regular meetings with Recording Secretary.
William Henshaw Chapter (Martinsburg, gave an interesting paper on its early history.
W. Va.) during the years 1918, 1919 and In October, 1918, at the suggestion of the Re
1920 has filled its pages with many events of gent, a paper on International Relations was
activity and interest. We have held regular prepared by the Historian and dealt on Czecho
monthly meetings which have been well at Slovak nations and their history and hardships.
tended, and a gratifying and increasing interest The Chapter has, at the suggestion of the
has been shown in chapter work and plans Regent, purchased a gavel for our State Re
for future work through the two years. We gent, which was presented in April at Memorial
have a membership now of 63. Thirty-four of Continental Hall. This is an interesting
these members have been received by us, souvenir, and is inscribed as follows: “West
and placed on our roll since March, 1918, under Virginia State Regent, D. A. R., from William
the Regency of Mrs. Stuart W. Walker. The Henshaw Chapter, April, 1920. Made from
Regent has appointed the following Commit Flagpole of Historic Memory. First Erected
tees with an acting Chairman for each one: over Memorial Continental Hall.”
Historic Spots Committee, Patriotic Edu The Chapter has taken part in all celebra
cation, Records and Relics, Americaniza tions of national and local occasions, foremost
tion, Auditing, Magazine, Better Films, Thrift among which was a float in the Home-coming
and Conservation. Celebration for our soldiers and sailors in
All of these have done something toward the World War, on July 4, 1919. The float was
the betterment of conditions in their particular a clever representation of the “Spirit of '76"
line of work, some of them a great deal. The and the “Spirit of '19.”
Patriotic Education Committee awards prizes An annual sermon is preached on the second
to high school students each year for the best Sunday in December, and in 1918 Doctor
essays on subjects selected by the Committee. Hamill, of Trinity Church, M. E. South,
In 1919 the subject was “How We Have Car preached a carefully prepared and enlightening
ried on Since George Washington's Time.” sermon, on the “Origin of the National
In 1920 the subject was the “Monroe Doc Society,” together with a history of the
trine.” This Committee also unites its efforts William Henshaw Chapter. On Washington's
with the Y. M. C. A. in the work of Americani Birthday, 1920, Doctor Taylor, of the Baptist
zation. The members of the Chapter worked Church, preached an inspiring sermon. His
untiringly in all phases of war work, such as subject was “Our Memorials.” Copies of these
Red Cross, Sewing and Knitting, and the Lib sermons are preserved among the Chapter's
erty Loan Drives. We secured a total of valued papers.
$323,050 in Liberty Loans, not to mention our In November, 1919, the State Conference was
full quota to the National Loan Assessment and entertained by our Chapter, a description of
Tilloloy, as well as to Belgian and Armenian which by the State Historian has already been
calls for relief, and in October, 1918, the Chap published in DAUGHTERs of THE AMERICAN
ter voted to adopt a French war orphan. The REvolution MAGAZINE. By this meeting our
funds for the orphan were raised by a special members were inspired with new vigor and
moving-picture film called “America's An renewed efforts toward patriotic endeavor,
swer,” by which $93 was realized. The fund and to sustain the high ideals held up before
was increased by a Silver Tea held at the us by our splendid National and State officers.
home of the Regent during the holiday season. MRS. PAUL H. TEAL,
This was an occasion of much pleasure to all Historian.
who attended, and a splendid musical program
was rendered. The orphan was impersonated Ann Whitall Chapter (Woodbury, N. J.).
by a beautiful child of one of the members. An impressive ceremony took place on
Twelve graves of Revolutionary soldiers June 27th at the unveiling of a bronze tablet,
have been located by the Chairman of the in honor of William Stokes Bonsal, in the
Historic Spots Committee. The Chapter has Presbyterian Church of Woodbury.
held many historic meetings during these two The tablet was placed on the wall by the
years, first of which was a delightful picnic Ann Whitall Chapter, of which his mother is a
held in September, 1918, at the old Tuscarora member. The church was decorated with crim
Church, four miles from the city, said to be son rambler roses, and filled with invited
the oldest church in the Shenandoah Valley. guests and town's people. Seats were reserved
In March, 1918, we listened to a most interest for the family, Stokes Bonsal Post of the
ing paper on the heroic lives of many Revo American Legion, Sons of the Revolution
lutionary women, prepared and read by a and our Chapter.
member. On April 5, 1919, we celebrated the During the singing of “Onward, Christian
20th anniversary of the Chapter and Miss Soldiers,” the guard of honor, three young men
Silver, who had been Regent for 14 years, in their uniforms representing the army, navy
and marines, marched into the church, followed meeting our Chapter had only 16 members,
by the color-bearers of the Chapter, Miss Ellen and no funds, but we unanimously agreed to
Matlock and Mrs. Ogden, two ex-Regents; then subscribe our Chapter's allotment of $1.25
our Regent, Mrs. J. J. Summerill, with Mrs. toward payment for one foot of land at Wash
W. D. Sherred, of Haddonfield, Vice President ington, D. C., for our National Society.
General of the N. S. D. A. R., and after them, the The World War work was our only recog
officers and members of the Chapter. The guard nized duty during that period. Our Chapter
of honor took their places by the tablet and stood was 100 per cent. in Red Cross membership
at attention during the ceremony. The color and several of our members held responsible
bearers had our official positions
beautiful flags on during the entire
either side of war activities. All
them. The audi were too busy to
ence joined in keep an accurate
the Lord's Prayer, re c or d of gar
which was fol ments made and
lowed by a few other work done,
p as sages of but it was second
Scripture, read to none, compara
by Rev. Edward tively. Our Chap
Dillon. Then, un ter fur n is he d
veiling of the tab material and sent
let by Lieutenant out the first com
Vaughn Merrick, plete Red Cross
who enlisted with Box dispatched
Lieutenant Bonsal from Santa Ana.
and was with him We were among
until the end. The the first to adopt
Stokes Bonsal Asn a Fre n c l, War
Post p 1 a c e d a
beautiful wreath
ARGonn: Orphan, and we
still support one.
of palms on the We bought a $50
tablet, and it was -
KILLED IN ACTION Liberty Bond and
form a 1 ly pre- - º EEN VARENNES AND the individual
sented to the members bought
church by our NTELANMilºsºp'ſ 27.96 thousands of dol
Regent in behalf lars worth; also
of the Ann Whit ANN w HITALL CHAPTER many War Sav
all Chapter and DAUGHTERS OF THE ings Stamps.
accepted by an Our member
Elder on behalf *ºº ship has increased
of the church. =
– steadily until now
This was followed we have a b out
by a pathetic ad MEMORY OF FIRST LIEUTENANT willi AM Stokes boxsall. fifty members.
dress by Lieuten Americanization
ant Merrick. The singing of “Mine Eyes Have has been our main work since the Armistice,
Seen the Glory of the Coming of the Lord,” as we have a large Mexican population (and
seemed fitting after the touching story. Rev. other aliens also) here. The Mexican
Capt. Chas. B. Dubell, who went over with the problem is a hard one to solve, owing to
boys, gave a word-picture of life over there. their own peculiar national traits of prejudice
The singing of the “Star-Spangled Banner,” and distrust of each other, as well as dislike of
and the benediction by Rev. Dubell closed the the “Gringo" (Americans). We have to com
impressive service, which will linger long in bat the impressions that they have absorbed
the minds and hearts of those present. from their associates in saloons and pool
(MRs. John T.) A. M. FRAzEE, rooms, etc., such places being almost the kin
Historian. dergarten teaching of all foreigners of their
first ideas of American affairs. What substi
Santa Ana Chapter (Santa Ana, Calif.) tute have we ready to offer them for relaxation
was organized March 11, 1916. Mrs. A. J. and enjoyment? How much of their illiteracy
Crookshank was elected our first Regent and and bad citizenship is due to our own stupidity?
reelected three terms. At the first regular We work mostly through the school children.
Our Chapter this last year presented two Pilgrim Chapter (Iowa City, Iowa). Ten
schools for Mexican children with large Ameri meetings of the Pilgrim Chapter, Iowa City,
can flags. We had Christmas entertainments, Iowa, were held in 1919. The average attend
refreshments and gifts, etc., for the children, ance was 27, including visitors, 31.
while sewing and cooking classes have been The programs have dealt with Americaniza
started for the Mexican mothers. We have tion in several phases. Doctor Heard gave a
furnished a nice little “Mothers' room " at one talk on the social morale of the Y.W.C.A.;
of the Mexican schools. This year we have Doctor Clark–Mighell told about her work
taken up the work of interesting our newly among the Mexicans; and at the February meet
admitted citizens and their families in better ing, Mrs. Hunt reviewed Drinkwater’s “Lin
American ideals. At each naturalization class, coln " and read extracts from it.
the D.A.R. Committee takes part in the exer We have revised our constitution to conform
cises and each new citizen is welcomed and to the newest state model. We were repre
presented with a small silk American flag, a sented at the State Conference by the Regent
booklet of “Flag Rules and Observances," and and two delegates. The Chapter assisted at the
a “My America” button. supper for soldiers on Armistice Day. Two
Our Chapter is 100 per cent. in the Tilloloy members of the Chapter are supporting a
and National Liberty Bond Funds. Several Serbian orphan. One outfit of clothing was
members subscribe for our DAUGHTERS OF made for a Serbian girl. One box of clothing
THE AMERICAN REvolution MAGAZINE, and the and two boxes of shoes have been sent to the
Chapter subscribes for a copy for our City Helen Dunlap Memorial School. The medal
Public Library. We believe it would add un for excellence in American History was given
told value to our efficiency if it were strictly to Emily Elizabeth Gross, of Keokuk, a negro
obligatory to every member holding any official girl, who, since her graduation, has been teach
position even as a committee member, to be ing at Wilberforce.
Other contributions have been as follows:
a subscriber to our official magazine.,
We as a Chapter are very happy because we Piney Woods School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00
had our Regent, Mrs. W. E. Otis, and our International College for Aliens. . . . . . . 10.00
delegate, Mrs. J. N. Bartholomew, and Mrs. Helen Dunlap Memorial School . . . . . . . 10.00
Otis's daughter, Mrs. Spurance, as one of Dorothy Sharp School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.05
the Pages at the last Continental Congress. Philippine Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.00
Our Chapter meetings are full of interest and
well attended. This last year we gave a $39,05
gold medal to the high school for the best For Americanization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40.00
essay on “Our Duty to the Flag,” and a Near-East Relief ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00
silver medal to the intermediate school, for
the best essay on “Patriotism through Service.” $89.05
We have an Honor Roll of 14 names of those Individual Members have given to the
in War Service, near relatives of our mem Near-East Relief $60 and to the French
bers. All returned safely to home and friends. Orphans $364.
Six of the 14 are in one family. We, as a Five members have been added, two of them
chapter, are much interested in the George, Jr., by transfer; one member was dropped
Republic, near Chino, Los Angeles County. We at her own request; one was transferred
have contributed money and Christmas remem to another Chapter. Our present member
brances each year as a token of our good will ship is 83.
ZADA. M. Cooper,
and intense interest in their great work. This
Recording Secretary.
year we contributed to the Flag fund for the
Legion of Honor. One of our members is Lucinda Hinsdale Stone Chapter (Kala
the author of the booklet, “Proper Flag mazoo, Mich.). Keeping before us the watch
Usage”; that we give each newly admitted word of the National Society for this year,
citizen at all the Naturalization exercises at the
Lucinda Hinsdale Stone Chapter has accom
Court House. Our members are wideawake
plished splendid results in “Americanization.”
and sympathetic in all our various activities, Our special committee consisted of Mrs.
and during our summer vacation all look W. A. Stone, chairman for Citizenship; Mrs.
eagerly forward to the Chapter opening in Kleinstueck and Mrs. John R. Hunter, chair
October. Our new Regent is Mrs. Campau men for Social Service; and Mrs. Floyd R.
and we are anticipating a worthwhile record Olmsted, chairman for Patriotic Education.
of our next year's work. This committee worked in connection with
FLORA. M. M. PYLE, the Americanization League of the city. Our
Historian. newly made citizens were especially consid
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ered mºthis work' On October 3d, when one pleasantly inaugurated by a reception for
group were taking their final papers, a com new members at the home of our Regent,
mittee of Daughters attended to greet the Mrs. Charles T. Wilbur. An address was
men and their wives, who had been invited given by our State Regent, Miss Alice Louise
by the Daughters to be present. Judge McDuffee, whom we have the honor to claim
Weimer gave a short talk on “American as a member of the Lucinda Hinsdale Stone
ism.” Every man was presented with an Chapter. An honor guest of the afternoon
American flag and a Flag Code, and the was Mrs. Henry E. Hoyt, who was celebrat
American's Creed. In April, when the sec ing her eighty-seventh birthday. Reports of
ond group were sworn in, the Daughters the delegates to the State Conference were
served coffee and sandwiches and gave each given at the November meeting. They were
new voter a Flag and Code and Ameri full of suggestions and inspiration for the year's
can's Creed. work. Our committee under Mrs. George L.
The Social Service Section of the Com Irvine arranged a splendid series of programs.
mittee, assisted by other members, made Our exchequer has been well taken care of
personal calls on every one of the 96 new this year by the Ways and Means Commit
voters' families, and on Washington's Birth tee. Rummage sales, food sales, a card party
day distributed fine pictures of Washington and a holiday ball were successfully conducted.
to them. Copies of the Constitution have To every call of our National Board and
been given to every man who is about to take of our State Board, Lucinda Hinsdale Stone
his final papers. In March, also in Novem has responded generously and willingly.
ber, greetings were sent from the Chapter (MRs. Howell) ANNA MAE ColeMAN,
urging each one to be sure to register in Historian.
order to vote at the coming election. On
Constitution Day, 400 copies of the Consti St. Louis Chapter (St. Louis, Mo.). March
tution were distributed among the school 2, 1920, being the twenty-fifth year of the life
children and 24 large posters were placed in of this Chapter, it was celebrated by a silver
prominent places, such as the Y. W. C. A., anniversary luncheon at the Missouri Ath
Y. M. C. A., railway stations, banks, etc. letic Association, at which 287 guests were
Invitations were sent to each new citizen to entertained. An enjoyable program of music
join in the Americanization League program and toasts was given, setting forth in concise
given on Washington's Birthday. form the history and progress of the Chap
The Patriotic Education Committee con ter, our Treasurer, Mrs. Robert Brooks, act
ducted an essay contest in the public schools. ing as toast mistress. A hymn “To St. Louis
Three thousand five hundred children par Chapter,” written by a former Regent, Mrs.
ticipated, and six prizes, amounting to $25 Brookmire, now deceased, was set to music
were given by the Chapter. and sung by Mrs. Charles Allen in honor of
The Children and Sons of the Republic the occasion. A large birthday cake had the
work, practical Americanization, which the place of honor before the presiding Regent,
Daughters have conducted for many years, Mrs. Wilson Keyser.
has continued under the devoted club chair The visiting Regents of the nine chapters
men. One new club was formed of older which have been formed by former members
members of the Minute Men. They chose to of the mother chapter, the St. Louis, each
name their club in honor of our heroic responded to roll call with beautiful short
Colonel, who gave his life in the great war, addresses, concluding with the blowing out
“Colonel Joseph Westnedge.” Instead of of a candle. The Registrar, Mrs. Arthur
giving the annual Washington's Birthday Wilson, reports a membership of 397. This
luncheon, the Chapter entertained the Gen year has seen an initial work begun in the
eral William Inness Club in honor of all the Chapter in the issuing of a year book to its
boys who served in the World War. We members, this being a silver anniversary gift
are very proud to say there were 32 of them, from our Regent. The program for this
a practical demonstration of the results of booklet was compiled by the Program Com
our patriotic club work. Greetings were mittee, of which the Historian is chairman.
given by our State Regent, Miss Alice The Polish choir singers, a Russian vio
McDuffee, and by our Chapter Regent, Mrs. linist, and solos by young girls of foreign
Charles Wilbur. Each of the boys told his birth proved of much interest, as did also the
experience, and a number mentioned the address on “Immigration,” by Mrs. Cushing,
training in our clubs as having been a real a woman of keen intelligence, who has given
help in the examinations in the Army the subject much thought. She, I will add,
and Navy. has a son invalided in the late war, at Walter
The Chapter meetings for the year were Reed Hospital, in Washington. These
two programs seemed to stand out above vided for in the budget of the Chapter. The
all others. Board members contributed about $150 as a
Missouri Day, in October, was anxiously nucleus to this fund. Mrs. A. V. L. Brokaw
awaited, as the play, “Balance of Power in is chairman of this fund.
Missouri,” written by Mrs. Ed. Walsh, one Reconstruction, immigration and Ameri
of the Program Committee, taught the canization have kept the heart, mind and
women how to vote on November 2nd. hands busy during the year, everyone willing
The $800 which the Chapter loaned to the to do her share. The Chapter stands ready,
Federal Board for Vocational Training for strongly welded together, for any undertak
reconstruction and rehabilitation of disabled ing which may present itself in the future.
soldiers, is a revolving fund, and as it returns (MRs. Joh N D.) CAROLYN WARNER MARSHALL,
to the Chapter will be applied to the estab Historian.
lishment of a scholarship in some mission
school, to be known as the Mary Alice Booth Ashley Chapter (Cedar Rapids, Iowa). A
Scholarship. This is in honor of Mrs. John successful and satisfactory year's work was
N. Booth, who is honorary Regent as well brought to a close June 14th, when a short
as charter member of the Chapter. Much business meeting was held in connection with
of the success of the Chapter is due Mrs. the Flag Day Picnic at Bever Park. Our
Booth through her inspiration and effort. Chapter is an active one, and always on the
Our Ozark Scholarship, to which we give alert to help do the work that now more than
$100 annually, is very dear to her heart. ever before all true Daughters should be
The St. Louis society, Children of the interested in. We are steadily growing in
American Revolution, has an enrolment of size, having 132 members.
nearly one hundred. This society is divided Much interest is taken in the affairs of the
into Seniors (children over 13 years), and Chapter, which assures a good average at
Juniors (children under 13 years). They tendance at the regular meetings. Our spe
usually hold four to six meetings a year. cial meetings the past year were three. Guest
Washington's Birthday the Society joined Day was held at the home of Mrs. Dawley,
with the S. O. R. and D. A. R. in patriotic when Miss Jessie Hastings, of the Extension
services at the M. E. Church. This service Department of the State University, spoke
is held annually. Miss Edna Newcomb is on “Americanization,” and Mrs. Isaac Pres
President of the C. A. R. and a member of
ton sang a group of songs. Washington's
St. Louis Chapter. Birthday was celebrated with a banquet at
Mrs. Ben F. Gray, one of our ex-Regents, St. Paul Church, February 23d, to which the
is chairman of the Memorial Honor Roll
husbands were invited. Mr. H. E. Moss, of
Tablet and Mortality Committee. Tablets the Greater Iowa Association, was the
are to be placed in Jefferson Memorial Build speaker. The annual sermon was preached
ing. One hundred and twenty-seven dollars by the Rev. A. E. Magary, of the First Pres
was given by St. Louis Chapter to cover the byterian Church. He paid a great tribute to
cost of one tablet. Mrs. Gray only can tell the Daughters, and spoke especially of the
of the hours spent in doing this work. A good work they are doing. On Flag Day
metal roll containing the names, among other
we held our annual picnic.
documents to be preserved, was placed under
Our Regent, Mrs. F. E. Stull, is an untiring
the cornerstone of the monument lately dedi
cated to the American Legion in Memo worker, and had the hearty coöperation of
rial Cemetery. all her committees, which almost at the
The Chapter has assisted in placing a beginning assures a Chapter good results.
D. A. R. in the Old Folks Home; pays $10 Realizing how much benefit we derive
annually to the Visiting Nurse Association; from the reports brought us from both State
also pays annually for the support of five and National Conference, we are always rep
French orphans, and contributes to the re resented at these, and thus kept well in
construction of the French village, Tilloloy. formed and filled with ambition to do not
Mrs. W. P. Nelson, one of our Chapter only our bit, but our best.
members, having stood head of the Ameri Knowing that we must have money to
canization Lecture Class in the city, is teach accomplish the many things we wished to do,
ing in the homes of the foreign women. Our the Ways and Means Committee began early
Chapter has subscribed $30 a month for sus in the year and September 20th held a baking
taining such a trained teacher in this work. sale, which netted $33.35. On October 14th
An emergency fund has been established a card party was given, which added $17.15,
during the year for the maintenance of spe then a rummage sale held January 17th
cial work along these lines, not already pro brought $88.89. Another baking sale, April
17th, from which $24.25 was realized, which has been maintained throughout the year,
enabled the Committee to report $164.64 raised. and much interest and enthusiasm in our
Much credit is due Mrs. Jennie I. Berry, patriotic program.
chairman of the Committee on Patriotic Edu (MRs. G. W.) ELIZABETH BARLow,
cation, Americanization, Philippine Scholar Regent.
ship and Allied Relief. The following is a
part of their report: Atlanta Chapter (Atlanta, Ga.) The 162d
Copies of Constitution presented new citi birthday of General Lafayette was observed
zens, 9; copies of Constitution posted in on September 6, 1920, by our Chapter at
Craigie House, Mrs. Charles Rice, chairman.
public places, 3; copies American's Creed
presented new citizens, 9; copies American's The members of the Joseph Habersham and
Creed distributed to schools, 160; small flags Piedmont Continental Chapters were invited
given to new citizens, 9; silk flags, staffs and guests for the afternoon. A representative
audience assembled to honor this French
standards to pupils of night classes, 2; num American hero.
ber of patriotic contents arranged, 1 ; boxes
of clothing, Martha Berry School, with 121 Craigie House was artistically decorated
garments, l; number patriotic programs held, with crêpe myrtle, which is a Colonial flower,
1. Recommended for scholarship: Berry and figured in the romances and decorations
School, $50; Sharpe School, $5; Philippine, of the days of the Colonies, together with
$5; International College, $110. Recom quantities of graceful, snowy French clematis.
mended: Furnishing Serbian orphan outfit, 1. Brilliant bits of color were added by grouping
The Chapter expended for patriotic work the Allied flags and a prominent display of a
on recommendation of this Committee: handsome silk flag of the French Republic.
Scholarships: $60; training foreign girls to Many historic meetings have been held
do Americanization work, $100; supplies for within this Chapter House: The first French
distribution, $11.22; furnishing Serbian Independence Day in Georgia was observed
orphan outfit, $9.15. Total, $183.93. by Atlanta Chapter, the only Italy Day cele
bration in Georgia was fittingly recognized
Mrs. Ives, chairman of the Magazine Com
by Atlanta Chapter, and the first public
mittee, is a faithful worker, ever reminding
the members of the benefit derived from peace celebration in Georgia was held at
Craigie House.
the perusal of this DAUGHTERs of THE
September 6th was a great day on which
AMERICAN REvolution MAGAZINE, and reports
24 subscribers. to celebrate French victory and American
victory, but above all the victory of liberty.
We love France because her history is the
Corresponding Sceretary. history of civilization, because her country
is the birthplace of modern democracy,
Elizabeth Harrison Chapter (Bethany, because of her three words—Liberty—Equal
Mo.) was organized October 23, 1913, with ity—Fraternity.
12 members. We now have 35 members and
The American Revolution produced two
two pending. Our Chapter held 10 regular world citizens of a distinct type—Washing
meetings and one special meeting in honor ton and Lafayette.
of Miss Bess Van divert, a former member,
The program was as follows:
who is now teaching Americanism in Seattle, THE LORD's PRAYER
Wash. She gave us a very interesting AMERICA
and instructive talk on her work among National Creed
the foreigners. MARSEILLAISE . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. L. T. Stallings
On Washington's Birthday we had a social ODE To FRANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. C. B. Walker
day with a most delightful luncheon, given MUSIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. L. T. Stallings
by the members at the home of Mrs. Harriet THE CHiv ALRY of LAFAYETTE.. Mrs Charles Rice
Wilson. The house was handsomely deco
rated with the National colors, the members LAFAYETTE—nons woulons ... Mrs. J. P. Womble
wore caps and fichus of Colonial times, and SALUTE to THE FLAG
an interesting program was rendered. About MRs. CHARLEs F. RICE.
fifty members and guests were present. We
have welcomed seven new members during Triangle Chapter (North East, Pa.) re
the year. One birth, a baby girl, came to ports a present membership of 42. Five
bless the home of one of our members Janu members have been admitted during the year
ary 2, 1920. Our Chapter gave $10 toward and as many more have made out application
Americanization. We have seven subscribers blanks, which have been forwarded to
to the DAUGHTERS of the AMERICAN REvolu Washington.
tion MAGAZINE. The interest of our Chapter On January 30, 1920, we sent a barrel of
clothing for the relief of Polish war sufferers. She presented the members of the class
In February, 1920, the sum of $25 was given certificates, which were awarded for satis
toward the buying of books for the McCord factory work done. Each student had made
Library of North East. In March, 1920, we out his first naturalization papers and one of
gave $18 toward the buying of furniture for them was among the 35 out of 200 applicants
the club room of the American Legion here. in Erie County to receive second naturaliza
On November 17, 1919, we gave an evening's tion papers. He worked extremely hard
entertainment by which we raised the sum and was very happy over becoming a full
of $110, which was applied to the support of fledged American.
the night school of the Americanization work. The audience came forward to congratu
On June 7, 1920, was given an entertain late each student at the close of the enter
ment marking the completion of the first tainment. Each man promised to bring
year's Americanization work, started by the another student next year.
members of Triangle Chapter. Mrs. George Judging from the happy looks of the pupils,
E. Pierce, Regent of our Chapter, presided we felt that our work was not in vain. Fol
at the meeting, and seated on the platform lowing the entertainment we served the
with her was the night-school teacher, Mrs. Italians ice cream, cake and coffee, and a
A. H. Olson, who so ably conducted the social time followed.
work. The speaker of the evening was Mr. Flag Day was celebrated at the home of
H. E. Stone, Director of Americanization one of our members, having as guests friends
work in the Erie schools, and our Italian eligible for membership, and we were much
Band furnished music for the occasion. gratified by several presenting requests for
The meeting opened by the singing of application blanks.
“America,” a feature of the music being the The principal feature of the afternoon was
clear, sweet voices of some of the small a musical and literary program given by Mr.
Italian boys, which could be distinctly heard Frank Hannon, of Erie.
above the voices of the audience. They knew Graves of Revolutionary soldiers have
all of the words, too. been located by the committee for same, viz.,
The speaker lauded the work done by the Orange Spencer, 1765–1853, in North East
pupils and spoke many encouraging words Cemetery, and William Webster, 1759–1841,
for the work accomplished this first year. Graham ville Cemetery.
Mrs. Olson briefly told of the work done; D. A. R. markers and stone markers from
how at first she simply talked to her pupils, the Quartermaster General of the Army have
all of whom were Italians and could under been ordered and will soon be placed.
stand more than they could themselves ex Our Chapter has also been successful in secur
press in words. Next they learned words, and ing the support of two French war orphans.
then made sentences; they then began to read in CARRIE E. WATT,
very easy books, progressing step by step. Historian.
8834. LUKE.-General Andrew Lewis, Sr., & Foster, b Acton, Mass., Sept. 27, 1743, m Capt.
his w Elizabeth Givens had only one dau Annie, Gad Pierce. I found his record in Public
who m Capt. Rowland Madison. Elizabeth Library, Colonial Sons. Capt. Gad Pierce,
Lewis was g-dau of Gen. Andrew Lewis, Sr. Stowe, Mass., private in Capt. Abijah Hall's Co.,
She was the dau of his oldest son, Capt. John 1759; in Colonel Wm. Brattles' Reg., 1760; cor
Lewis, b about 1745, m Patsy Love, of Alexan poral in Capt. Moses Hart's Co.; Captain of
dria, Va. Elizabeth was the fourth child & only Training Band. His father, Capt. Wm. Pierce,
dau, she m three times. 1st John Luke, 2nd Mr. Stowe, Mass., was in Capt. Jonathan Burns' Co.,
Ball, 3rd Alexander Keith Marshall. Issue: 1747; made captain 1754–56 in French and
Jane, who m Charles T. Marshall. Ref. : Indian Wars. His father, Joseph Pierce, of
“ Lewis Genealogy. McAllister & Tandy.” Watertown, was in King Philip's War.
Have a large amount of Lewis data & would be (a) SIBLEY.—Hannah, first child of Capt.
glad to correspond with E. E. L.-Mrs. H. L. Jonathan and Eunice Perkins Sibley, b at Sutton,
Traber, Apt. 35, Manhattan Court, Musko Mass., Jan. 28, 1763, m John, first child of Capt.
gee, Okla. Gad & Mary Foster Pierce. Jonathan, third
8851. HARRIs.-Francis Ruffin, of Surry Co., child of Gad & Mary Foster Pierce, m Huldah
Va., m first Jan. 14, 1775, & m his second Sibley, sister of Hannah. For Capt. Jonathan
w, Susanna Harris, Nov. 14, 1782. He was ap Sibley's Rev record, write to Office of Secre
pointed Member of the Committee of Safety tary of State of Mass., Rev Archives; refer to
May 8, 1775. The above data recorded by Vol. 43, page 223; Vol. 3, page 133; Vol. 23,
the Society of Colonial Dames of America in page 46. I found the Pierce genealogy, Sutton
the State of Va., Feb., 1920–M. D. R. M. Town History, which gives a brief genealogy of
8855. DAvidson.—Mr. A. H. Davison, 1272 the Sibley family; also the Royalston Town
E. 9th St., Des Moines, Iowa, is compiling sta History giving an account of Capt. Jonathan
tistics on the Davidson, Davison genealogy. Sibley, as one of the first settlers of Royalston
Robert Moore Davidson was the son of Thomas, in 1763. I can prove each statement made here
who m Jane Moore. His father was George, by referring to the above books, also to Soldiers
who m 1st Mary Alexander & 2nd Susanna & Sailors of the American Revolution in Mass.
Christie.—Mrs. W. B. Guy, 143 Spring St., —Mrs. Jessie Metcalf Jarvis, 21 Cross St.,
Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Keene, N. H.
8879 (a) HEIDMAN.—In 14th annual Mo. 8902. WHITE–RUFFIN. — American Heraldic
State Conference, under Mexico, Mo. D. A. R. Art Co., 500 5th Ave., New York, send an inter
Chapter, the name of John Adam Heidman, Pa., esting circular on the “White” line. They
is given in their Honor Roll. Would suggest give Peregrine's mother as Susanna Fuller &
you write to Regent of said chapter as she may state Resolved was born in Holland.—Miss Cora
be able to put you in touch with member of B. McMorrough, Lexington, Miss.
Chapter who joined under the service of John 8902. WHITE.-William White m Susanna
Adam Heidman.—Mrs. E. J. Kling, 802 W. Fuller; after his death the widow, Susanna
Austin St., Nevada, Mo. Fuller White, m Governor Edward Winslow as
8883. Houston.—John North m Jane Hous his second w; his first w was Elizabeth Barker.
ton McAlister, of McAlisterville, Perry Co., The wedding of Gov. Winslow and Susanna
Pa. She was a dau of Hugh McAlister, b 1736, White was the first in Plymouth. They had a
& g-dau of Jane Houston, who was a dau of son, Governor Josiah Winslow, & from this
John Elliott. on down the Winslow line is clear in any refer
8887. JACKsoN-Jon Es.—James, b May 6, 1760, ence book. Eleanor Lexington collected all the
son of William & Nancy Jackson, m Sarah data possible with references in her Winslow
Smith, of Columbia Co., N. Y. They resided in Genealogy. Have proved my line to Lieut.
Fairfield, Herkimer Co., N. Y. Ch: Timothy, b Nathaniel Winslow. Ref. : Radical Chart of
Sept. 5, 1782; Thomas, b Dec. 8, 1784, d Mar. 2, Descendants of Kenel, Winslow through James
1863; Wm., Apr. 2, 1787; Nancy, b May 3, 1789; Winslow, of Falmouth, Me., 1728, by David
Isaac, b Aug. 7, 1791; Elovira, b Jan. 13, 1794, d Parsons Holton, New York, found in Library
Feb. 3, 1794; John M., b Dec. 3, 1795; Pamelia, of Congress, Amer. & English Genealogies, p.
b June 25, 1798; Sally, b July 22, 1800, d May 746.-Mrs. John T. Barbrick, 2405 Greenwood,
12, 1849; Rhoda, b June 20, 1804, d Sept. 19, Pueblo, Col.
1810; James, b Jan. 20, 1807. James Jackson 8909. BEALL.-Zachariah Beall & his w Re
was adjutant of the 9th Regt., N. Y., Levies' 2nd becca Tyson Beall are buried in Bethel Church
Claverack Battalion, Col. Peter Van Ness yard, Iredell Co., N. C., on the Turnersburg
commanding.—Mrs. Geo. P. Rockwell, 56 Grove Road, some miles from Statesville. He was b
Hill, New Britain, Conn. -
July 17, 1742, & d 1817. She d Nov. 3, 1823, in
8899. Foster.—Mary, dau of Hugh & Mary her 71st year. (Tombstone records.) Their ch
who m Gen. John Stark. To which Page family 9919. HIGGINs-PRU's H.-Michael Higgins, b
does she belong —O. O. U. Dec. 5, 1739, m 2nd w Ruth Brush, b Feb. 28,
9911. THoMAs.-Wanted, name & genealogy 1757. He had 13 ch & lived in N. J.-Wanted,
of the w of Jonathan Thomas, b in Hampton, dates of m & d & Rev record.
N. H., 1711–12, moved to Sanborton, N. H., (a) Crist.—Wanted, information of
about 1766. They had six ch: Jonathan, Jr., Crist, who lived in Lancaster Co., Pa., & was
Abigail, Jacob, Enoch, Elizabeth, Lydia, Jona wounded in Battle of Brandywine. His son
than, Jonathan, Jr., & Jacob all served in Rev. John, 1795–1869, m 1822 Mary Ann Smalley.
—A. L. P. B. (b) HARDING.—John Harding m Sarah Moss.
9912. RUFFCORN.—Simon Ruffcorn, a Rev sol Ch: Abraham, b 1752, m Sarah Moore, b 1759;
dier, enlisted in Bucks Co., Pa., 1776. Battles Thomas, John and Stephen. The first John emi
engaged in were Long Island, Brandywine, Ger grated from Providence to Redstone, Fayette
mantown. Was a pensioner. Died Feb. 13, 1841. Co., Pa.; later to Ky. Wanted, Rev record of
Wanted, place of birth, date of m & name of John & son Abraham.–E. A. O’B.
w, who d May, 1814.—H. C. R. 99.20. GARLAND.—Wanted, dates of b & d of
9913. HARRISON.—James Harrison m abt John Garland, of Hanover Co., Va.; also his Rev
1800 Rebecca Stephens, of Huntington Co., Pa., record. His dau Fanny Taylor Garland m
dau of Sergt. Giles Stephens, Rev War. Wanted, George Markham, Aug. 4, 1818–M. W. C.
parentage of James Harrison & Rev record of 99.21. WoRSTER. — Wanted, information of
his father.—N. C. M. Moses Worster & his w Hepsibah. I have a full
9914. KENDRICK.-Wanted, parentage of Tem list of their ch written in Jaffrey, N. H., Jan.
perance Kendrick, b Mar., 1792, in S. W. Va., 28, 1793.
& m in 1810 in Knox Co., Tenn to Matthew (a) HARRIS-ANGIER. – Wanted, ancestry of
McWhinney. Stephen Harris & of his w Mary Angier.
(a) KNox.—Wanted, maiden name of w of (b) ElizaBETH AIKEN, 1753–1794, was dau of
Gen. James Knox, of Tenn. He gave much of Henry Aiken & Margaret Woods. Wanted,
the land on which Knoxville was built, but was data of both families.—C. F. H.
not the Knox for whom the town was named. 99.21. FREEMAN-CLAIBORN E-WEST-1st, Henry
Gen. James Knox enlisted one company of Mor Freeman, of Chipping Norton End., settles in
gan's Rifle Corps, which served in Rev.–O. C. G. Gloucester Co., Va. 2nd, Henry Freeman d Apr.
9915. RIGGs.—Wanted, Rev record of Zenas 5, 1676. 3rd, Henry Freeman, of New Poquo
Riggs, b Jan. 3, 1760, d Aug. 14, 1847, who m son, York Co., Va. Will probated 16th May,
Jemima Genung, b Apr. 29, 1755, d Mar. 16, 1720; m Barbara Calthorpe, dau of Col. Chris
1833–L. R. Y. topher Calthorpe. Burgess 1644 to 1660. (See
9916. McKEEN.—James McKeen came to “Old King William Homes and Families,” by
America 1720 & settled in Londonderry, N. H.; Peyton Neale Clarke, page 55.) These Cal
m Anna Cargill. Their ch were a dau, who m thorpes were of royal descent. (See LeNeves'
Rev. McGugoce, 1st minister of Londonderry; “ Pedigrees of Knights,” Bloomfield's “History
Deacon John m Mary McKeen; James, b 1720, of Norfolk, Eng.") 4th, George Henry Freeman
m Elizabeth Dinsmoor. Their son David, b June m Sarah Francis Holmes, settled in King Wil
12, 1750, m Margaret McPherson, 1775. Wanted, liam Co., Va., and had six daus, one son. One
Rev records of James & David McKeen. dau m Meriwether, one a Mansfield, one a Pol
(a) Rich ARDsoN. — Robert Richardson, b lard, one a Clarke, one a Walker and the sixth m
Litchfield, N. H., Apr. 12, 1751, m Betsy Carr, a Rogers. The only son and youngest child
of Hillsborough, N. H. Ch: James, Carr, (named for his g-father) Christopher Holmes
Wm., Jane, Polly, Ruth, Robert, Betsy, Hannah, Freeman, m Anne Elizabeth Claiborne, g-g-dau
Sally & Nathaniel. Wanted, Rev record of of William Claiborne. Christopher Holmes &
Robert Richardson.—J. A. T. Anne E. Freeman had Thomas Claiborne Free
9917. McCLAIN.—Wanted, genealogy of Abi man, m Susan Foster Lathem Oct. 21, 1777.
jah McClain, who was living in Greene Co., Pa., Their son Gabriel Freeman m 1st Lucy Steptor
1835. Also any information of David McClain, Blackwell & m 2nd on Mar. 7, 1826, Sarah Har
who was 6 yrs old at that time, or of his w or rison, dau of Col. Cuthbert Harrison, mem Pr.
ch.-A. M. MAC. Wm. Co., Va., Comm. of Safety, & also served
9918. HALL-MEADE.-Wanted, any informa through the War of Rev. Both C. H. Freeman
tion of Isaac Hall, ceptain & clergyman, b in Va., & son Thos. C. Freeman served in Rev. Gabriel
m Mary Meade, b in Va. They moved from Va. and Sarah Freeman had dau Susan, who m July
to Florence, Ala. Daughter Martha, born 24, 1849, Edwin F. Cowherd & were parents of
about 1810, married Joshua Willis; daughter Lelia C., who m Nov. 7, 1872, Maj. F. A.
Mary m Robt. Alex. Hardie; daughter Sarah. G. Handy.
Was Mary Meade a dau of Andrew Meade?—A. WEst.—John West (bro of Thomas West,
Lord Delaware), came to Va. in 1618. He was George Davis, Mar. 10, 1808, in Warren Co., O.
a member Va. Company 1609, Burgess 1629, Witness, her bro John Garritson. Did her
member Va. Council 1631, Colonial Governor of father have Rev record or can her mother's
Va. 1635. He m Anne, had one child, John family be traced ?–A. J. W.
West, Jr., of West Point, Va. He m Ursula 9924. WAGAR.—Wanted, parentage of John I.
Crowshaw & had three sons, one dau Anne, who Wagar, b near Troy, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1781, d
m Henry Fox. Their dau Anne West Fox m May 14, 1839; also record of any Rev service
Thomas Claiborne, g-son of Wm. Claiborne who of his father. According to unverified family
came to Va. in 1621, settled in York Co., Va.; tradition, the family settled in Grafton, near
was member Va. Council 1627, Burgess 1630 to Troy, N. Y., about 1724, the name was spelled
1660, Dep. Governor of Va. & Appointed by the Waegner. They built the 1st Lutheran church
King Treasurer of Va. for life. His son in that section & their nearest neighbors were
Thomas, b 1647, m Sarah Fenn. Their son, named Conrad.—M. H. K.
Thomas Claiborne, Jr., of “Sweet Hall,” King 9925. Holla Nd.—Nathan Holland, a Quaker,
Wm. Co., Va., m Anne West Fox, his 3rd wi m Sarah Waters, dau of Wm. Waters & Sarah
They were parents of Anne E. Claiborne, who m Harris, of Montg. Co., Md. He signed “Oath
Christopher H. Freeman. Will the descendants of Allegiance" in that county & d there 1801.
of the six daus of C. H. Freeman assist me in Was he related to Prudence Holland who m
tracing their lines and communicate with L. C. Joseph Williams & became the mother of Gen.
Handy, 325 Landerdale St., Selma, Ala., care of Otho Holland Williams ? Joseph & Prudence
Mrs. P. B. Moss.
Williams were not originally from Washington
9922. CHILEs.-Wanted, genealogy of the Co., where they lived when their ch were born.
Chiles family of Va. Anna Chiles m Henry (a) HARRIs.-In 1747, Mary Harris, dau of
Terrell & Agatha Chiles m David Terrell about
Thos. & Sarah Offutt Harris, of “Tudor Hall,”
1720. Several of the family were members of
St. Mary's Co., Md., m Wm. Waters & moved
the House of Burgesses & one was Lieut. Col.
to Brookeville, Montgomery Co., Md. Wanted,
of Va. Militia.-L. W. S. J.
9923. WILEY.-Wanted, Rev record of Sam parentage of Thomas Harris. Did he give Rev
uel Wiley, who is supposed to have lived in the service by being on a committee or signing the
Carolinas. His ch: James, killed either at the “Oath of Allegiance " ?
battle of Cowpens or Falling Timber; Elizabeth (b) GRAY. —Was Jacob Gray, of Millersburg,
m Samuel Halliday & had son Samuel, who m Pa., who was in the War of 1812, the same
Reuhamah Davis in Ohio & moved to Ind.; Jacob Gray who lived near Stormstown, Pa.,
James, who m & settled in Ind. who m Margaret Anna, dau of Dr. Purdue 2
(a) GARRison - GARRETson - GARRitson.— Was his father Peter Gray, & did he have
Wanted, parentage of Rebecca Garrison, who m Rev record *—A. R. D.
The Registrar General wishes to call It is hoped that the applicants will
the attention of all members of the fill in these new blanks with the infor
National Society, and those wishing to mation asked for. Any information
become members, to the new applica for which the space is not large enough
tion blank now in use. If it is read should be written on a separate sheet
carefully, it is easily understood. Let and attached to the original paper.
ters of inquiry simply cause delay. Application blanks sent on request.
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copyRIGHT, 1921, by THE NATION AI. soci Fry patro HTERs of THE AMER Ica N REvolution
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WOL. LV, No. 3 MARCH, 1921 WHOLE NO. 343
NIN the year 1747, when Wash veying was, therefore, not only a lucra
ington had arrived at the tive profession, but one of much con
manly age of fifteen, a confer sideration. Socially it also carried
ence was held in which the great weight, as it required much
family deliberated upon a suit knowledge of the country and the people
able profession for him. He therein. There is no question that the
was offered many inducements to be selection of this profession was the
come a midshipman in the service of foundation of Washington's great
His Majesty, the King of Great Britain. strategic ability as a military leader,
In those days, no one of gentle birth since it led him to a knowledge of the
would descend from the social status country and how to defend it.
of a “gentleman " (a word which con Among the eighteen thousand pieces
veyed lofty aspirations and superior in Washington's wonderful penmanship
attainments), and outside of the army in the Library of Congress, are found
or navy, there were not many positions numerous surveys with drawn plats,
worthy of consideration. After some showing his application and success.
deliberation the profession of surveyor “A book of surveys began July 22",
was chosen for him. 1749,” shows his industry at the age of
At that period there were immense seventeen. The earliest drawing which
tracts of land comparatively unknown ; has come to light is a survey of Mount
the grantee, in some cases, was not Vernon, made when he was about fif
even certain how far his boundaries teen years of age. This was the first of
extended or whether he rightly owned the many which he made of his much
the land to which he laid claim. Sur loved domain. In connection with this
Book of survº Ys
- d
J Ll LY 22. 1749
it would be well to mention a beautiful From his Young Man's Companion Wash
ington had already learned the use of Gunter's
drawing by Washington, in the Library rule and how it should be used in surveying,
of Congress, measuring 18 by 17 inches, and to complete his knowledge he seems to
entitled “A Plan of my Farm on little have taken lessons of the licensed surveyor of
Westmoreland County, James Genn, for
Hunts. Creek & Potom". R. G. W. 1766.”
transcripts of some of the surveys drawn by
This drawing has been so well photo Genn still exist in the handwriting of his
Field - n:--
Aaka-azz-Acrºs I
itrl-n-nº-2 -
ºntainin-in the whete
2dd-Actues -
lithographed by DeLancey Gill, that pupil. This implied a distinct and very valu
able addition to his knowledge, and a large
copies have been sold as the original, number of his surveys still extant are mar
with his name torn from the lower vels of neatness and careful drawing. As a
left border. profession it was followed only four years
(1747–1751), but all through life he often used
As to Washington's early education his knowledge in measuring or platting his own
as a surveyor, Paul Leicester Ford says property. Far more important is the service
in his “The True George Washington’’: it was to him in public life. In 1755 he sent to
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than in his correspondence with the Federal part of a large grant to Robert Howsen in
city commissioners. 1669. Howsen sold his land to John Alex
ander in 1677. In 1730, a public tobacco ware
While the student should be given house was established on this tract and the
hamlet which clustered about it was called
due credit for bringing to light many Belhaven, and was known by that name until
historic documents, he has, however, the town was laid off under an act of the Gen
been stimulated by the prices which eral Assembly of the Colony of Virginia
which was passed in 1748. This act authorized
such material has brought within the surveying and laying out of a town at
recent years. From this exploiting has “Hunting Creek Warehouse on Potomac
come to light, a plan and survey of River,” the town to cover sixty acres of land,
“parcel of the lands of Philip Alexander, John
Alexandria, Va., which is now in the Alexander and Hugh West,” and “that the said
possession of the Library of Congress. town shall be called by the name of Alexandria.”
The trustees appointed for the town here marked, “Area 51 acres 3 Roods
included Lord Fairfax, William Fair 31 Perch.” At the upper end of the
fax, George Fairfax, Richard Osborne, area, buildings are indicated and marked
Lawrence Washington, William Ram “Mr. Hugh Wests Hº & Ware H*”
sey, John Carlyle, John Pagan, Gerard The road upon which these buildings
Alexander, Hugh West, and Philip are indicated extends from “Ware H."
Alexander. The surveys having been Point ’’ through the area and is marked,
made in accordance with the charter, “Road round Hº. of the Crk &c.” Be
ºłºmia -4.4.4. *
... I.- I-Pºirº
-----Y -
* … * * * *.*.*.
º) -
º .6%mac,
by washingtoN, 1749
the first meeting of the trustees on yond the road is “A fine Improvable
September 20th, deeds for these lots Marsh.” Along the water front, the
were executed. river is marked, “The Shoals or Flats
Of these two maps of Alexandria about 7 feet at High Water,” and a line
drawn by George Washington the farther out in the river reads, “The
earliest is the “Plat of the Land Edge of the Channell of the River. 8
whereon Stands the Town of Alexan Fathoms.” The following note appears
dria,” the title being noted on the re at the foot of the map, “Note that in
verse of the map, probably at some the Bank fine Cellars may be cut, from
later date. It is an outline of the area thence wharves may be extended on
to be covered by the town which is the Flats with" any difficulty & ware
country" looked upon it as his much ists. The discovery of this first plan
loved child. Alexandria has now a of Alexandria, which shows a keen and
population of about eighteen thousand; intelligent knowledge of such work,
in 1776, about five thousand. In the confirms us in the belief that the de
_______” . -º-º-º-º:
| } ºr ºf . A fºº,
| º º
- *º-º-º
years preceding and following the signing of the city of Washington was
Revolution, before the too great rivalry as much the work of Washington as
of Washington, Baltimore and Norfolk, of L'Enfant.
it had anchored at its wharves ships The illustration “An accurate map
from all parts of the world, and it even of the English Colonies in North
set the fashions for the northern tour America, bordering on the River Ohio,”
measuring 13% by 18% inches with great execution, retired into the fort, and
would fire no more. At seven o'clock the en
border, is the earliest literary produc emy called a parley, and offer'd us terms of
tion in which Washington is men capitulation; upon which the Colonel called a
tioned. Scanning the map you will find council of war, who maturely considering their
noted between the “Ohio or Bell River " circumstances, that they had not provisions for
two days, that the excessive rains had render'd
and the “Monongohela R,” the state their army unfit for service, and, that they had
ment, “Here C. Washington engag'd a great number of men kill'd and wounded,
judg'd it proper to accept of honourable terms.
ye French, 1754.” The “C” evidently Upon which Captain Van Bramm was sent to
is an abbreviation of “Colonel.” The receive their proposals. The articles agreed to
map is bordered on each side by an were, that the English should deliver up the
Fort by day-break, and be allow'd to march
historical statement in which Washing out with drums beating, and colours flying,
ton figures: with their arms and all their stores, except can
non; not to build any more forts on the French
About the beginning of June, 1754, the Gov territories, or bear arms against his most
ernour of Virginia sent Colonel Washington Christian Majesty for the space of one
at the head of four hundred men to keep them wear
at bay, till more forces should arrive. The
Colonel being informed that thirty-five of the While it is very reasonable to sup
French were within a day's march of him, pose that Washington made maps
with a design to intercept his convoy of pro
visions for the army, went in quest of them when participating in the French and
with a detachment of forty-five men, who on Indian wars in 1754, the Braddock ex
the way were joined by the Half-King, a con pedition in 1755, and various other
siderable monarch, with twelve Indians. The
next day they came up with the enemy, kill'd colonial wars, the only authentic one
eleven, took twenty-one prisoners, and the is found in the Jared Sparks collection,
three that fled were brought back, and scalp'd Cornell University, Ithica, N. Y. It is
by the Indians. The English had only one
kill'd and three wounded. Among the entitled “Washington's manuscript
prisoners was M. le Force, a man of great con sketch of Fort Cumberland,” measur
sequence among the French. July 3d the Eng ing about 12 by 13 inches. A reprint is
lish camp was alarm'd by two men, who came
up to one of our centries, shot him in the heel,
found in Avery’s “History of the
and fled. About an hour after, four Indians United States,” vol. iv, p. 207, and also
came and informed, that the enemy was on in Journal of American History, vol. ii,
their march; upon which the English threw
up trenches round their Fort in the Meadows. p. 402. Others may come to light to add
Soon after the enemy were seen marching new luster to this wonderful man.
down the woods, to the number of about nine So far as the writer has been able to
hundred. The Colonel, who had but three
hundred and fifty men to oppose them drew find in the various published letters of
them up in order of battle, just as the French Washington, the only references to con
enter'd the meadow. One of our centries fir’d temporaneous maps are in a letter ad
and kill'd three and returned to the fort. The
French retired to the woods, while the Colonel dressed to Benjamin Harrison, Gov
sent a party to take possession of a wood op ernor of Virginia, from Mount Vernon,
posite the fort; but the officer as he was march October 10, 1784:
ing, cried out, that the enemy would take
possession of the fort, and immediately It has long been my decided opinion, that
ordered his men to the right about, and so fled the shortest, easiest and least expensive com
to the fort, the French firing at them all the munication with the invaluable and extensive
time, and wounding many before they could get country back of us would be by one or both of
thither. The engagement lasted from ten in the the rivers of this State, which have their
morning till seven at night. The enemy fired Sources in the Apalachian mountains. Nor
from behind the trees, and the English from am I singular in this opinion. Evans, in his
the fort and trenches. The gunner, when he Map and Analysis of the Middle Colonies,
had fired one round of his artillery, which did which, considering the early period at which
they were given to the Public, are done with ment extant on early land grants on the
amazing exactness, and Hutchins since, in his Great Kanawha and is here described
Topographical Description of the western
country, a good part of which is from actual in full. Although it has no distinctive
surveys, are decidedly of the same sentiment; title, it may be called “ A plan of the
as indeed are all others, who have had oppor tracts of land on the Great Kanawha
tunities, and have been at the pains, to investi
gate and consider the subject. River covering the interests of George
But that this may not now stand as mere Washington in that district. Copied
matter of opinion and assertion, unsupported
by facts (such at least as the best maps now
by Washington from the original sur
extant, compared with the oral testimony, veys dated 1771–1775.” It measures
which my opportunities, in the course of the 64.34 by 22% inches.
war have enabled me to obtain), I shall give
you the different routes and distances
By adding a flap 734 by 8 inches, at
from Detroit.” the necessary point, additional width
has been given the map to show tract
The Evans' map referred to was pub Nº. 8, which lay on the “Poketellico
lished in 1755; that of Hutchins' in Creek.” The spaces on the map which
1778. Why he does not refer to the would otherwise be blank have been
maps of Fry and Jefferson (1751), and filled in with separate notes concerning
of Henry (1770), is a matter of con each survey. A margin of thirteen
jecture. These two maps of Virginia inches is left blank at the foot of the
which embraced most of the country map. These lands on the Great
then known as the United States, are Kanawha were surveyed in eight dif
of great geographical and historical in ferent tracts. They begin a few miles
terest. Jefferson was the father of above the mouth of the river and lying
President Thomas Jefferson and Henry, on one side or the other of the river,
the father of Patrick Henry. extend to Blaine Island at Charleston,
The only known copy of the original West Virginia.
engraved Fry and Jefferson map, 1751, Tract No. 1 begins near the mouth
is found in the New York Public Li
of the river, extends along the west
brary and came to it in the purchase of side and contains 10,990 acres. The note
the George Bancroft library. Other describing this tract is headed:
editions were published in 1755, 1768, A Table
and 1775. Joshua Fry, joint author, to explain Plat No 1
was well known as a surveyor and Patented in the name
colonel in command of the Virginia
Geo: Washington 15th Decr.
forces against the French in 1754. He 1772
died May 31st, whilst conducting the
expedition to the Ohio. The Henry This gives survey notes and ends
as follows:
map is so rare as to be almost unknown.
Copies of these maps are found in the Pursuant to an Order of the Hon'ble, the
Library of Congress. Govr. & Council of Virginia dated the 15th
day of December, 1769.
One of the “gems ” in the large col I have Surveyed the Lands mentioned in this
lection of maps in the Library of Con Plat as part of the 200,000 acres, Granted for
the use of the Officers & Soldiers mentioned
gress is the well-executed map drawn in the said order.
by Washington, himself, with the notes [Signed] W. Crawford Survr.
written in his own clear handwriting. of the Soldr. Land
It is perhaps the most interesting docu June, – 1771
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Tract No. 2 lies farther up the river Tract No. 5 on the east side of the
on the east side and contains 7894 acres. river contained 21,941 acres. No sur
The accompanying note reads: vey notes of this tract are given and
A Table to explain Plat No. 2 the surveyor is not named. The ac
Patented in the Names of companying note reads:
George Muse for . . . . . . . 100
Doctr. Jas. Craik . . . . . . . . . . 1794 Tract No. 5
Wm. Bronaugh . . . . . . . . . . . . 6000 is Patente [:]
[words erased]
Total of the Tract..7894 acres The heirs of Col. Fry
for his deficiency acres
sons who by their voluntary engagement and as though Washington must have ob
good behavior in the said service, shall
deserve the same; and I further promise that
tained patents for part of these lands
said lands shall be divided amongst them earlier than December, 1773, for he
immediately after the performance of the advertises his lands on the Ohio River
said service. . . .
and the ten thousand acres on the
Washington was keenly interested Great Kanawha contained in tract
in these lands, both on his own account No. 1 in the Maryland Journal and Balti
and in the interest of other officers, fil more Advertiser, August 20, 1773, vol. i.
ing their claims for them, bearing much No. 1, and says he has obtained patents
of the expense and watching over the for these lands. He also advertised his
interests of all. In time he acquired the lands in various other newspapers of
claims of a number of the officers. the time, such as the Pennsylvania
In a letter written in 1770 to Lord Gazette, September 22, 1772, and later
Botetourt, Governor of Virginia, pro in the Pennsylvania Packet, April 27,
testing against the Walpole grant 1784, and the Columbian Mirror and
which threatened to include much of Alerandria Gazette, February 20, 1796.
the 200,000 acres claimed by the officers The advertisements seem to have
and soldiers under the above Proclama been for the purpose of leasing the
tion of 1754, Washington says, “The lands for periods of years up to the
exigency of affairs, or the policy of year 1796, when he advertises the lands
government make it necessary to con for sale, but names no price. He speaks
tinue these lands in a dormant state for of his purpose to sell his western hold
some time.” This evidently referred ings in a letter to Presley Neville in
to the King's proclamation of 1763 pro 1794. In this letter, he offers the lands
hibiting all governors from granting on the Great Kanawha at three dol
warrants of lands to the westward of lars and a quarter per acre for the
the sources of the rivers which run into whole body of land, with seven years'
the Atlantic, and forbidding all persons credit and without requiring a part of
purchasing such lands or settling on the purchase money to be paid down.
them without special license from the If sold separately, a fourth of the pur
Crown. In the letter to Crawford chase money was to be paid down, and
dated September 21, 1767, quoted above, for some of the tracts, particularly tract
Washington, in speaking of this procla No. 1, more than three dollars and a
mation says, “I can never look upon quarter an acre would be necessary.
that proclamation in any other light (but Washington's holdings on the Great
this I say between ourselves) than as a Kanawha as shown on the map were
temporary expedient to quiet the minds of not sold, however, and at the time of
the Indians. It must fall, of course, in a his death his will shows that he still
few years, especially when those Indians owned tract No. 1, 10,990 acres; tract
consent to our occupying the lands.” No. 3, 7276 acres; tract No. 6, 2000
In a letter, dated April 3, 1775, to acres, and tract No. 7, 2950 acres, the
Lord Dunmore, Washington speaks of whole valued at $200,000.
the Patents having been issued “under The Library of Congress has a
your Lordship's signature & the seal fine manuscript copy of the map made
of the Colony, ever since the first of by Nicholas King, the title of which
December, 1773.” It, however, seems reads: “A Map of Lands situated on
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the Great Kanawha River, near its con faction, but his duties were at that time in
fluence with the Ohio. On a scale of saving our country instead of mapping it.
200 Poles to an Inch. Copied by N. He, however, made a few sketches for
King.” Tract No. 8 and the survey temporary use and expressed in the fol
notes have been omitted from this copy, lowing letter the need of such material:
and the wording of the inscriptions To the President of Congress,
has been somewhat changed. Head-Quarters, Morristown, 26 January, 1777.
. The want of accurate maps of the coun
Washington, as above stated, adver try, which has hitherto been the scene of war,
tised these lands for sale in various has been of great disadvantage to me. I have
journals of the day, the earliest of in vain endeavored to procure them and have
been obliged to make shift with such sketches
which appeared in The Maryland Jour as I could trace out from my own observation
mal and Baltimore Advertiser, for August and that of gentlemen around me. I really
20, 1773. At the end of this, he speaks think, if gentlemen of known character and
of “their contiguity to the seat of gov probity could be employed in making maps,
from actual survey, of the roads, of the
ernment which more than probably rivers and bridges and fords over them and
will be fixed at the mouth of the of the mountains and passes through them it
Great Kanawha.” would be of the greatest advantage.”
The Washington tracts of land lie in About the last map made by Wash
the coal regions of the Great Kanawha ington, in 1784, is the one entitled,
Valley, portions of the tracts in Mason, “Sketch of the Country Between the
Putnam, and Kanawha Counties, W. Va. Waters of Potomack and those of
A map issued in 1867 by John S. Youghagany and Monongahela as
Swann at Charleston, West Virginia, sketched by Gen', Washington,” a copy
shows several of the Washington tracts of which is reproduced in U. S. House
as well as many other grants. It is of Representatives, Nineteenth Con
entitled, “Title map of the coal field of gress, first session. Report No. 228,
the Great Kanawha Valley, West Vir May 22, 1826. This map shows Wash
ginia, United States of America.” ington's interest in inland navigation,
There are no large towns on the especially in connection with the
Great Kanawha from Charleston to Chesapeake and Ohio Canal.
Mt. Pleasant at the mouth of the river, In a work entitled, “Letters from
St. Albans (formerly Coalmouth) being His Excellency, General Washington
the largest with about 1200 inhabi to Arthur Young, Esq.,” London, 1801,
tants. This town is at the mouth of is a map entitled, “A Map of General
the Coal River and lies on tract No. 6, Washington's Farm of Mount Vernon
of the Washington lands. from a Drawing Transmitted by the
Most of the maps used by Washing General,” which is the earliest printed
ton during the Revolutionary War one of which we have knowledge. The
were made by Robert Erskine, com original drawing accompanied a letter
missioned by him as Geographer of the addressed by Washington to Arthur
United States, in 1778, and also Thomas Young, dated Philadelphia, December
Hutchins, in 1781. The original manu 12, 1793, published in the above work.
scripts of the former are found in the New The letter concerned a plan for renting
York Historical Society Library. Wash the various farms comprising the
ington, no doubt, would have accomplished Mount Vernon estate. The map shows
this work, much to his own and our satis the farms, the acre age of the fields,
* *------- -- -
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position of buildings, the woodland, grow weeping willows, leaving an open and
full view of the distant woods. The mounds
and the cleared but uncultivated fields,
are sixty yards apart. I mention this, because
the latter described by a list of refer it is the only departure from the original . . .
ences in the upper left corner, which is The plan was not reproduced until re
marked “facsimile,” being a reproduc cently, being first used in Paul Wil
tion of Washington's handwriting. stach's book on Mount Vernon.
Another interesting plan, the origi It would be misleading for the writer
nal manuscript of which is at Mount to state that he had described all the
Vernon, is the one referred to in Wash known maps of Washington. Many
- I -º- is 2-º-º-º
HIS month is inauguration month! in better laws for schools, for children and for
A new President has taken the oath women's benefit, and to guide and uplift
| of office, sworn to administer the af public opinion, thus helping to shape our
fairs of the Nation with justice and country's destiny.
righteousness. The candidate of a Let us take our oath of allegiance with the
party has become the President of the President, and like him swear to uphold its
whole people. Whether Democrat or Re Constitution and its Laws.
publican, his administration is our adminis If this magazine reaches you in time, I would
tration, and we are a part of it; every individual suggest a silent oath of allegiance at the moment
is a part of it. Upon the loyal coöperation of when the President takes his oath, stopping all
each one its success depends, and from us its activities during that solemn hour when he is
power is derived. We might each one of us in being inaugurated. Let us at that time renew
a very literal sense be said to take the oath of our vows of allegiance and loyalty to Home
office with the President. This means responsi and Country.
bility and intelligent patriotic service. The inauguration suggests one more thought.
Many intricate and critical problems are facing There is the example of economy and thrift
the President, demanding solution. He needs the which the President is setting us by giving up
intelligent understanding and enlightened opinion extravagant ceremonies at this time when the
of the entire country behind him. Let us try to country is suffering from economic unrest and
understand these problems, to inform ourselves discontent. Extravagance is our National vice.
upon the vital domestic and international ques It is the root of sixty per cent. of our crimes and
tions, which we have elected him to handle. Let social disorders. It wastes the life of the Nation
us be slow to criticize. Discontented and half and demoralizes its people.
informed criticism helps to weaken the public No nation can have an enduring foundation
confidence and plays into the hands of radicals, without the accumulated wealth of savings as a
who seek to undermine the Government by this reserve power, for the unproductive days. He
insidious method. We must stand for the en who spends all his income as soon as received
forcement of law. There is nothing more is exhausting all his powers and faces collapse.
demoralizing than to condone the violation of This is a very general habit of our people,
law. While a law is a law it should be enforced, whether they receive “wages,” “salaries,”
else all law falls into contempt, but if it should or “income.”
be a bad law, unsupported by the best public President Harding has set the pace. Let us
opinion, then work for its repeal and the passage make thrift and the habit of saving a part of our
of a better one. oath of allegiance to our country and the teach
In all this women have now a more active ing of thrift a part of our patriotic service.
responsibility—as voters they have enhanced
power and opportunity. Their voice will be heard ANNE Rogers MINOR,
and heeded. It is our duty to interest ourselves President General.
Compiled by Mrs. Amos G. Draper
Former Registrar General, N. S. D. A. R.
Name of President & time Dates of Birth and Deaths Revolutionary Ancestor
of Administration
. Martin Van Buren N. Y., 1782–1862, N. Y. Son of Capt. Abraham Van
(1837–1841) Buren (1) of N. Y.
. William Henry Harrison Va., 1773–1841, D. C. Son of Benjamin Harrison
(1841–April 4, 1841) (2) Signer of the Declara
10. John Tyler Va., 1790–1862, Va. Son of Judge John Tyler of
(1841–1845) Va. (3), Revolutionary
11. James K. Polk N. C., 1795–1849, Tenn. Grandson of Col. Ezekiel
(1845–1849) Polk (4) of N. C.
. Zachary Taylor Va., 1784–1850, D. C. Son of Col. Richard Taylor
(1849–1850) of Va. (5).
13. Millard Fillmore N. Y., 1800–1874, N. Y. Grandson of Ensign Nathan
(1850–1853) iel Fillmore (6) of N. Y.
and Vt.
14. Franklin Pierce N. H., 1804–1869, N. H. Son of Capt. Benjamin
(1853–1857) Pierce (7) of Mass. and
N. H.
15. James Buchanan Pa., 1791–1868, Pa. Grandson of Private James
(1857–1861) Speer (8) of Penna.
16. Abraham Lincoln Ky., 1809–1865, D. C. Grandson of Capt. Abraham
(1861–1865) Lincoln (9) of Va. and Ky.
17. Andrew Johnson N. C., 1808–1875, Tenn. Son of Capt. Jacob Johnson
(April, 1865–1869) (10) of N. C. Militia.
The line of descent of President-elect Co., Va., Col. Taylor's grandfather, James
Taylor, has the distinction of being the great
Harding from Captain Abraham Hard grandfather of two Presidents of the United
ing of New York has been conclusively States—James Madison and Zachary Taylor.
proven by Miss Grace Pierce, who was 6. Nathaniel Fillmore, born in Norwich,
Registrar General when his sister, Miss Conn., March 29, 1739–40, moved to Benning
ton, Vt., and was an Ensign in Capt. Dewey's
Abigail Harding's, papers were verified. company at the Battle of Bennington. His
son, Nathaniel, born in 1771 at Bennington, Vt.,
Abraham Van Buren was baptized in married Phoebe Millard and moved to New
Albany, N. Y., February 27, 1737, married Mrs. York state, where their son Millard was born.
Maria (Goes) Van Allen (who died in 1818) 7. Benjamin Pierce, born in Chelmsford,
and died at Kinderhook, N. Y., April 8, 1817. Mass., December 25, 1757, died April 1, 1839, in
April 2, 1778, he was made “Captain of the 4th Hillsborough, N. H. He married (2) in 1790,
Company in the Seventh regiment (Kinder Ann Kendrick (1768–1838) who became the
hook District) vice Evert Vosburg, disaf mother of President Pierce. Benjamin served
fected.” Kinderhook was such a Tory strong as a private in the early part of 1775, but later
hold that his patriotism was considered rather rose to the rank of Lieutenant and Captain.
a defect in his character, and no mention of 8. President Buchanan was the second child
Abraham's service is made in the campaign of James Buchanan, who married in 1788
literature during the candidacy of his Elizabeth Speer, and died at Mercersburg,
son Martin. Penna., in 1821. Elizabeth (born in 1767) was
2. Benjamin Harrison of Berkeley, Va. the only daughter of James Speer, who emi
(1726–1791), Signer of the Declaration and grated to Pennsylvania in 1756 and with his
member of the First and Second Continental wife, Mary Patterson, settled at first on a farm
Congresses, married Elizabeth Bassett and had ten miles from Lancaster, Pa., but afterwards
several children, among them President moved to the foot of South Mountain, between
Harrison, who married Miss Anna Symmes of Chambersburg and Gettysburg, in that part
Ohio. One of their children, John Scott of York County which is now Adams County.
Harrison (1804–1878), by his second wife, He served several tours of service as a private
Elizabeth Irwin, was the father of the twenty in York County Militia.
third President, Benjamin Harrison. A com 9. Abraham Lincoln was commissioned Cap
prehensive article on the Harrisons of Berke tain of Augusta Co., Va., Militia in 1777, and
ley, Va., compiled by the late Mrs. Sanders in 1778 of a company of Rockingham Co.
Johnston, Editor of the Lineage Book, is to be Militia. He married in 1770 in Augusta Co.,
found in the American Monthly Magazine, Va., and his son Thomas became the father of
July, 1901. President Lincoln.
3. John Tyler (1747–1813) commanded a 10. Jacob Johnson, who died in Raleigh, N.
company of Hanover County Minute Men under C., in 1812, from effects of injuries received in
Patrick Henry; in 1778 was made Judge of the saving the life of a friend, leaving his son,
Admiralty Court, and in 1781 was Speaker of Andrew, four years old, was mentioned in the
the House of Delegates of Va. He married obituary notices as having been Captain of a
Mary Armistead, and their son, President Militia company in N. C. during the Revolution.
Tyler, inherited thereby the traditions of many 11. Noah Grant, Jr., was born Tolland, Conn.,
of the finest families in the state. June 20, 1748, died at Maysville, Ky., February
4. Ezekiel Polk, born in Carlisle, Penna., in 14, 1819. He served in the Revolution from
1741, died in Tenn. in 1824, and was one of Coventry, Conn., and rose to the rank of Lieu
seven brothers, all of whom occupied positions tenant. He married (2) in Penna., Rachel
of honor, trust and danger during the Revolu Kelly, who was the ancestress of the President
tion. By his first wife, Nannie Wilson, he had and died in Ohio in 1805. Noah was a direct
a son Samuel, who was the father of President descendant of Matthew Grant, one of the
Polk; signed the Mecklenburg Declaration, and Founders of Windsor, Conn.
was styled Colonel. 12. Rutherford Hayes, born in Branford,
5. Col. Richard Taylor, born in Orange Co., Conn., July 29, 1756, married in 1779 at West
Va., April 4, 1741, died in Kentucky, June 19, Brattleboro, Va., Chloe Smith, born 1762,
1829; married Sarah Strother (1760–1829) and daughter of Israel Smith and his wife Abigail
was the father of President Taylor, who was Chandler. In 1782 he was Ensign in the South
named Zachary for his grandfather. He was Company of Brattleboro, under Captain
Lieutenant in 1775; Captain in 1776, and Lieu Artemus How, in the Cumberland County (N.
tenant-Colonel in 1779, and was the cousin of Y.) regiment. His son, Rutherford, born in
Commodore Richard Taylor, also of Orange 1787, married in 1813, Sophia Birchard, and
died in Ohio in 1822, three months before 1749, and daughter of Capt. James Hide (1707–
President Hayes was born. Rutherford, 1794) and his wife, Sarah Marshall, of Nor
Senior, was the son of Ezekiel Hayes (1724– wich, Conn. Intensely patriotic, Rev. Aaron
1807) of Conn., who collected supplies and Cleveland was one of the most influential cit
exported them by ox teams to Yorktown, izens of Norwich in arousing the sentiment of
where he was Quartermaster. Sophia the people; was member, and often chairman
Birchard was the daughter of Roger Birchard of the various Committees of Correspondence,
and his wife. Drusilla Austin, and grand Public Safety, etc., and unfailing in his zeal.
daughter of Elias Birchard, (born Franklin, 16. David McKinley, born in York County,
Conn., 1729, married in 1758 Sarah Jacobs) Penna., March 16, 1755, married Sarah Gray,
who fought at Bunker Hill, and was a soldier
and died in New Lisbon, Ohio, in 1840. He en
in Huntington's regiment in 1776, and Daniel
listed in 1776 in the Flying Camp. His com
Austin, who turned out at the Alarms through
out the Revolution. Roger Birchard was at pany was detailed at Fort Washington and he
Boston in 1775, in Capt. Experience Storr's was the only one not captured. He applied for
company, under Col. Israel Putnam and Israel a pension in 1832 from Ohio, to which state he
Smith (1739–1811) served several terms in moved in 1814, and it was allowed for 21
the Militia. months of actual service as private.
13. James Ballou, born in Cumberland, R. I., 17. Archibald Bullock was born in Charles
April 25, 1761, died at Richmond, N. H., Oct ton, S. C., in 1730, and died at Savannah, Ga.,
ober 15, 1808. He served in 1778 and 1779 at in 1777. He married in 1764 Mary DeVeaux
Rhode Island, as a fifer in the N. H. troops, (1747–1818); was elected President of the Pro
and in 1786 married Mehetable Ingalls. Their vincial Congress of Georgia in 1775 and 1776;
daughter, Eliza, born at Richmond, N. H., mar and elected Delegate to the Continental Con
ried Abram Garfield, of Massachusetts and gress in 1776. During that year he was elected
New York, and finally moved to Ohio, where President of the newly formed state of Georgia,
the President was born in Cuyahoga County. the first under the new form of government, and
James Ballou's father, also James (or Jeams) it became his imperative duty to return imme
Ballou, who moved to Richmond, N. H., from diately to Georgia and leave Philadelphia with
Rhode Island before the Revolution, was one out signing the Declaration of Independence,
of those who did not sign the Test in 1776, but which he zealously espoused. His son James
gave as their reason: “We do not Believe that (1765–1806) fled after the invasion of Georgia,
it is the Will of God to take Away the Lives of and in 1781 fought in the Va. State troops. He
our fellow craters not that We Come Out was made an Honorary member of the Georgia
Against the Congress or the Amarican Lib Cincinnati, and in 1786 married Anne Irvine
erties but When Ever We are Convinct to the (born in 1770). Their son, James Stephens
Contory We are Redy to joine our Amarican Bulloch married (2) Mrs. Martha (Stewart)
Brieathen to Defend by Arms against the Elliot, daughter of Daniel Stewart, who joined
Hostile attempts of the British fleets the Revolutionary army when a boy, was cap
and Armies.” tured by the British, escaped from a prison ship
14. Uriah Stone was born in Piermont, N. H., and afterwards served as a Captain under
in 1748, and died there in 1810. He served Sumter and Marion. Daniel Stewart's grand
under Colonel Timothy Bedel in 1775; was one daughter, Martha Bulloch, married Theodore
of the Guard at Haverhill, N. H., in 1776, and Roosevelt, and became the mother of the Pres
was Corporal under Captain John Sloan at ident. On the Roosevelt side, Jacobus
Bennington, Vt, in 1777. He married Hepzibah Roosevelt, great-grandfather of the President,
Hadley and had a large family. About 1800 who was baptized in New York October 25,
five of the sons—John, Samuel, Benjamin, 1759, married Maria Van Schaack (1773–1849.
George Washington and James Stone—moved and died in New York in 1840, “gave his
to Berkshire, Vt. George Washington Stone services without reward” as Commissary to
had a daughter, Malvina, born April 29, 1802, the Continental troops; and his father, Jacobus,
in Berkshire, Vt., who married William Arthur, baptized in New York in 1724, was a private in
a young Irishman, and named her second son, the State troops.
Chester Abell, for the husband of her cousin, 18. Aaron Taft was born in Uxbridge, Massa
Abigail, granddaughter of Benjamin and chusetts, May 28, 1743, and died at Townsend,
Hannah (Corliss) Stone. Vermont, March 26, 1808. He married Rhoda
15. Rev. Aaron Cleveland was born in East Rawson (1749–1827) and served in the Revo
Haddam, Conn., in 1744, and died in Conn. in lution as a Sergeant in Captain Joseph
1815. He married in 1768 Abiah Hide, born in Chapin's company at the Lexington Alarm.
By Lily Lykes Rowe
press, the last Congress may have taken In 1903 the Congress did purchase a
steps to remedy a situation of public site for an archives depôt but did
negligence and carelessness long con not authorize money for the building.
demned. It is hardly necessary to point Meanwhile those officials concerned
out that the imminent success of the with the building of a new home for the
archives building movement will be of Department of the Interior obtained
supreme interest to the members of the permission from the Congress to occupy
Daughters of the American Revolu the ground and a handsome structure
tion. This society was among the first now stands there. In 1914 an appro
agencies to appreciate the national re priation of $50,000 was made for a
sponsibility towards keeping unim junket to Europe to view the archives
paired the fragile papers which will buildings there preparatory to putting
convey to future generations their up the world's finest in America. Hos
rightful historical heritages. As early tilities abroad compelled that plan to
as 1878, the Congress was formally re be abandoned and the money was re
quested to provide for a “hall of turned to the Treasury. It was found
records" in which the important papers that the purposes of the trip could be
of the executive departments of the just as well served by diplomatic co
Federal Government could be pre operation. The Department of State
territories were administered by the the latter part of the eighteenth century
State Department prior to 1873, but the and giving authentic accounts of In
Department of the Interior later fell dian life, treaties with the Indians, and
heir to them. This does not mean these autograph letters of practically all the
papers are concentrated in either place. Presidents. These are inaccessible for
They may be found anywhere along a reference, as they are now stored. No
trail from the Senate and the House less fascinating to the student of
of Representatives to the General American history are the economic ex
Land Office. Western historical socie periments made during the World War
ties are dependent upon the territorial by this government. The Railroad
papers for information about their Administration is a case in point, being
earliest endeavors. the first American attempt at Federal
The war also gave the papers of the control of a public utility outside of the
War Trade Board to the State Depart post offices. There are thousands of
ment, records of a most confidential and these records to be gathered in from
delicate nature touching, as they do, the various regional outposts of the
the international trade relations. It railway experience. The Shipping
has not been decided what will become Board, with its rejuvenation of the
of these files if a depôt is not erected. Merchant Marine, has files which are
Wooden boxes hold the records of valuable because they are the only pro
the Department of Justice, which ex tection this country has in fraudulent
tend back to 1790. This same kind of and sincere shipping claims. This
container will also be likely to hold the Board does not have its own building
10,000 drawers of war matter resulting at Washington and, like most tenants,
from spy and other recent troubles. never has enough closet space for stor
The Alien Property Custodian has age. The United States Tariff Com
turned over to this department the mission is not a war creation, but it has
papers in the 50,000 trust estates ad contributed a thought on the subject
ministered by the government during of archives storage which is timely. It
the war. Still another function of the is this:
government identified with war is the “As the value of commercial and in
payment of pensions. The Pension dustrial information diminishes in re
Office has 3,000,000 files and 1,464,000 lation to current policies, its worth
pounds of records of the wars of increases as a body of historical mate
America, inclusive of the World War. rial furnishing accurate light on eco
When the archives get as voluminous nomic conditions here.”
as this, the question of floor support This is exactly the line of reasoning
enters, for this quantity of paper is too followed by the Daughters of the Ameri
heavy for the average structure. can Revolution in its agitation for proper
Apropos of the danger to these files in archives storage.
helter-skelter arrangement, it is said Those departments devoted to the
that in one storage building where valu domestic affairs of the nation are
able papers were placed, several floors clamoring just as eagerly for a central
contained barrels of oil and gasoline. structure in which to place their
In the Indian office are papers of records. A little touch of the dramatic
great historical value, going back to was injected into the situation only a
few weeks ago when a fire broke out ditions in the storerooms of the Coast
in the wooden shelving holding the and Geodetic Survey. Papers author
schedules of the early census returns. izing the land titles to the whole
A cigarette, carelessly thrown into the Atlantic seaboard from Canada to Key
cellar of the Department of Commerce West, involving millions of dollars
building by an employee is said to have worth of property, are placed on
caused the ignition. The records of wooden rollers there in the most
the census of 1890 were practically crowded way. The expensive, engraved
destroyed, officials estimating that plates of the maps of the United States
$2,000,000 and several months of work used by the government are also kept
will be the price to pay for their res on these rollers and the scientific li
toration. Those of the years before brary of the Survey is subject to an
1860 were not damaged in the least and equal fire menace.
for this there is much gratitude, since “Dead files" is an unknown element
they are the first of the enumerations among records, says the Land Office,
in this country. as every paper helps along the search
The Congress was in session at the for information, either directly or in
time of the latest fire to threaten the
directly. Consequently the need for
destruction of archives and renewed its
accomodations where every paper may
discussion of a proper storage plant. be found within a reasonable length of
Representative William Hill, of New time without standing ankle deep in
York, in the House, and Senator
water in some cellar is brought to pub
Smoot, of Utah, in the upper chamber, lic attention by this bureau. Its
asked for investigations that ways and records form the first link in the chain
means might be found to more ade
of title to all lands ever a part of the
quately safeguard these papers. Mr.
public domain and are most important
Hill, in asking for the inquiry, said the
last time he had seen the Declaration in school and similar grants. And
closest to the feminine heart, perhaps,
of Independence it was enclosed in a
steel safe, a light affair with inside fit are the scientific papers of the Depart
ment of Agriculture where discoveries
tings of wood. “The safe would not
of incalculable value are stored in corri
burn,” said the representative, “but it
would require little fire to so heat it dors and attics, and meeting all the
that the contents would be charred hazards therein. Few of the govern
and destroyed.” ment departments will be more ready
The Department of Commerce also for the protecting care of the proposed
has statistical information of a non depôt than this branch of the govern
census nature running back to 1847 ment, standing so close to the food
that could not be restored at any price supply of its citizens.
or under any condition. Its shipping The present status of public archives
files contain copies of documents of storage herein outlined could be ex
vessels since 1813, and the lighthouse tended at length. Enough has been
records could not be duplicated if the cited, it is believed, to verify the claims
fire had reached those shelves. Former of government officials that the build
Secretary Redfield reported to the Con ing will not be erected too soon. In
gress that he had found shocking con deed, it would seem that it would hardly
NSTRUCTION Destruction
be possible to erect a structure large faces the trolley station where cars are
enough to care for all the accumulation. taken for Mount Vernon. A street bi
According to the government archi sects the block of land there and im
tects, the building as planned will hold provements of a relatively inexpensive
a surprising amount in its steel stacks, nature have been made. There has
such as are used for books in the Li been nothing definite decided up to
brary of Congress. The structure will date, and the Congress may shift the
be enlarged as the years demand. Just archives environment to another spot.
now the talk is about building the first The championship of Senator Smoot,
portion of the structure without any who is now chairman of the Public
exterior finish of a permanent nature, Building and Grounds Committee, al
this to be put on when prices have most insures the bill's passage during
tumbled. It was never intended to the new Congress. The point on which
make the building a palace of adorn he argues the expediency of spending
ment but a depôt, handily located and money even in post-war days is the
properly equipped so that the public release of space, now occupied by these
might have access to the records so records, for executive office use. The
dear to the heart of the genealogist and rent bills of the Government in Wash
student. The site generally regarded ington are higher each year because
as the one likely to be selected lies ad more Office room is demanded. Senator
jacent to the Post Office Department. Smoot sees in the removal of these
Daughters of the American Revolution historic papers a timely opportunity to
who have visited Washington can get more desk room out of the pres
place its locality by the fact that it ent quarters, both rented and owned.
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The William, Paterson Chapter, Paterson, ing room of the Paterson Public Library. The
N. J.) was organized April 17, 1918, with 21 Chapter subscription and the many private sub
charter members. We now have a member scriptions of the members assist in keeping us
ship of 37. in touch with the work of the National Society.
Our meetings are enjoyable, being held in We showed interest in education in our home
the homes of the members. After the meet State by contributing toward the fund which has
ing has been opened with prayer by our made the New Jersey Daughters a founder of
Chaplain, Mrs. Mary Hopper Thorpe, the the new Woman's College at New Brunswick.
salute to the flag given, and the singing of At one of our spring meetings the members
“America,” business is transacted. A short pledged to raise money for Americanization and
talk on “International Relations " or other work of a patriotic nature. Two affairs
“Americanization ” follows, after which we have been held which have greatly enriched our
have the pleasure of hearing an address by a treasury. We expect various affairs to follow.
talented citizen or listening to special music. Every Decoration Day the graves of Revolu
Then follows the social hour. tionary soldiers are decorated with American
One unique occasion was an “Historical flags and Martha Washington geraniums bear
Meeting,” at which various extracts from old ing D. A. R. pennants.
letters of ancestors, historical books and Lafayette Day, September 6, 1919, was fit
pamphlets were read. tingly celebrated, members of the William
Our Chapter, coming into existence during Paterson Chapter taking a pilgrimage to the
the World War, we naturally found much to headquarters of General Lafayette (one-half
do as a chapter and as individuals. mile distant from General Washington's head
In August, 1918, we gave a supper to 80 quarters) at Preakness, N. J. This house was
soldiers at the Paterson Y. M. C. A. Several the residence of the great-grandparents, grand
members worked faithfully for the Liberty parents and mother of our Regent, Miss Emma
Loans. Our Chapter purchased two bonds. B. Rauchfuss, in their generations. Exercises
We gave a goodly amount to the “Linen of a suitable nature took place, and an address,
Shower” for our soldiers in France, clothing “Lafayette, the Man,” by Hon. Henry Marelli,
to Belgians, and at various times sent jellies, of Paterson, N. J., was greatly enjoyed.
fruit and homemade cakes to the wounded A patriotic meeting was held February 21,
at Camp Merritt. 1920, at the home of Rev. and Mrs. F. A. West,
On July 4, 1919, Paterson gave a “Welcome opposite Washington's headquarters at Totowa.
Home” to the soldiers. The William Paterson Washington's prayer was read, his favorite
Chapter was represented by a very attractive hymn read and played, and a paper “Washing
“Peace Float” in the parade. This same day ton and Lincoln,” presented, and an address
we acted as hostesses at the War Community made by the Rev. F. A. West.
Club to all returned “heroes.” It has been our pleasure to accede to the
We gave our quota to the National Society requests of the National Society. We are ever
for the Liberty Loan, as well as the required mindful that we must work for “Home and
amount to Tilloloy. We subscribed to the Red Country,” and trust that the coming years,
Cross, International Institute for the Ameri together with the past months of our existence,
canization of the foreign women, and to the may be filled with deeds worthy the Daughters
charity organization of our city. We have pre of the American Revolution.
sented the Constitution posters to the public and
A. Rose RAUCHFUss,
private schools of Paterson. It has given us Historian.
pleasure to bring our beloved Society before the
public by installing the DAUGHTERs of the Ellicott Chapter (Falconer, N.Y.). At the
AMERICAN REvolution MAGAZINE in the read
beginning of the year, and under the regency
THE MONUMENT COMMEMORATES THE INDIANS who rought with the colonists For AMERICAN independFNCE
of Mrs. Della Hooker Johnson, the member American History Class at the High School
ship was 36. Commencement, with a fitting address by
Americanization has been the great work our Regent.
of the Chapter this year. A committee con The sum of $10 was given to the Chapter
sisting of Mrs. Inez Crosby, Miss Gertrude for Near East Relief and $10 for State work
Mosher and Mrs. Frederica DeBell was ap in Americanization.
pointed by our Regent. Through their efforts Myrtle wreaths were made by a committee
a public meeting was called and an Ameri and placed on the graves of the soldiers who
canization League formed, the business men fought in the Revolution and in the War of
of the village taking an active interest in the 1812 on Decoration Day.
work. A mothers' club was formed early in The Chapter has regularly subscribed for
the year composed of American and Italian a copy of the DAUGHTERs of THE AMERICAN
women, who furnished entertainment for the REvolution MAGAZINE for the Public Library.
meetings. The severe winter weather and Constitution Day was observed for the
serious illness in the village prevented the first time this year. Twelve copies of the
success we might have attained. A night United States Constitution were secured and
school was organized with a paid teacher. posted in business houses.
Seventeen meetings were held. Home The annual luncheon and election of offi
classes were also conducted for the benefit of cers was held on September 20, 1920, at the
the women for a limited period before the home of Mrs. W. R. Johnson. The follow
suspension of work for the summer. A com ing officers were elected: Regent, Mrs. E. F.
munity festival, including a pageant (“The Jollie; Vice Regent, Mrs. H. N. Crosby; Re
Pilgrims ”) was held in May, in which the cording Secretary, Miss Cora Harris; Corre
entire village was interested. The sum of sponding Secretary, Mrs. Frederica DeBell;
$237.21 was realized, and in every respect Treasurer, Miss Gertrude E. Mosher; His
it was a splendid success. torian, Mrs. Kate E. Davis; Registrar, Miss
Five beautiful bronze markers for our Ethel E. Sample.
memorial trees were presented to the Chap At this meeting a gift was received from
ter, the gift of our Secretary, Miss Gertrude Mrs. Myrtle Reed, Organizing Regent of the
E. Mosher. Three of our memorial elm Chapter, of a sum of money placed on an
trees have been reset by the Chapter. interest account as a nucleus for a memorial
A French orphan has been provided for fund, and Mrs. Minnie Smith presented the
for another year, and at Christmas a box of Chapter with a newspaper dated January 4,
clothing and gifts were sent to her. Grateful 1800, attractively framed, in memory of her
acknowledgment has been received for this sister, Mrs. Williams.
gift from the little girl herself. To our retiring Regent we cannot say
A beautiful silk banner with gold lettering, enough in praise of her great tact and con
at a cost of $85, was presented at a public sideration toward us all, and in turn we have
meeting to the Henry Mosher Post by our tried to follow her, and we want her to feel
Regent, which was the gift of the Chapter. assured that she has been a credit to the
A prize in gold was presented to the pupil great organization that she has represented;
having the highest Regent's mark in the that on each public occasion where she has
represented us, we have been proud of her, have observed Constitution Day, Lafayette and
and to her we give the credit of the good Columbus Day and the Mayflower celebration.
work achieved, and, as much as we regret In observing the latter interesting talks were
her retirement, we welcome with the same made by Rev. W. A. Mallory, of the Tennille
loyalty our new Regent for the coming year. Methodist Church, and Mrs. H. M. Franklin,
MRs. KATE E. DAvis, Past State President, U. D. C.
Historian. We are very proud of our library. We have
the following books for research work: Six
Independence Hall Chapter (Philadelphia, teen lineage books, second and third volumes of
Pa.) is twenty-one years old, and has a mem the Joseph Habersham Chapter of historical
bership of 90, having added 13 new members collections. History of the invasion of North
during the year, with several more applications Carolina, 1780–1781, by David Schenck, LL.D.,
awaiting acceptance. History of Upper South Carolina by Logan;
The Chapter held its regular monthly meet Historical sketch of Ohoopie Baptist Church,
ings with a business session, followed by a Washington County. A copy of this volume
program outlining a series of addresses on will be sent to the Librarian General at Wash
“How the Daughters of the American Revolu ington. We have placed the American Creed
tion Can Help in Peace Times,” “In American in all schools and public places. We have also
ization, Civics, In Legislation, In Agriculture, offered a medal to the pupil in the eleventh
In Professional Life, and in Music.” grade for the highest mark in the American His
In appropriations we have given the required tory. All members contributed 25 cents to the
amount for the support of four French or immigrant manual fund. We have marked the
phans, $10 to the Roosevelt Memorial Associa graves of seven Revolutionary soldiers and have
tion, and $10 to the Boy Scouts for flags. applied for two more government markers.
We have increased our subscriptions with 12 We have nine subscribers to the DAUGHTERS
new subscribers to the DAUGHTERs of THE of THE AMERICAN REvolution MAGAZINE and
AMERICAN REvolution MAGAZINE, making a hope to soon have all members subscribe. A
total of 27. C. A. R. of the county has been organized and
The War Service Records of eight of our a number of the children in our town are mem
soldier boys was filed with the Chairman of bers. We have just had published beautiful year
the Committee on Military Records. A copy books printed by the local printing press in a
of the Proceedings of the Twenty-third Con well-arranged study of Southern authors.
ference was placed in our Public Library. Under the able leadership of our new Regent,
A luncheon of 80 covers, given at the Hotel Miss Nan Harman, we hope to sustain in the
Rittenhouse December 13th, marked our Twen coming year the record of the one just passed,
ty-first Charter Day. In June members of the and to meet the new appeals with the same
Chapter raised over $125 to be used for future generous response.
demands on our treasury. On Flag Day the MRs. GEORGE RILEY,
Chapter joined with other Philadelphia chap Secretary.
ters at Independence Hall in presenting fifty
army flags to fifty newly organized companies Cahokia Mound Chapter (East St. Louis,
of Boy Scouts. Ill.) should have appeared among the birth
Our Patriotic Pilgrimage led us this year to records of 1920. This is a flourishing infant
the quaint old town of New Castle, on the which is attracting much attention in neigh
shores of the Delaware.
boring D. A. R. circles.
Because of the splendid spirit shown by our The East St. Louis Daughters have been en
members and their untiring zeal in the cause,
tertained by the Belleville Chapter, and when
Independence Hall Chapter is looking forward
the Missouri Daughters held their state meet
to greater achievements.
ing in St. Louis in October, Cahokia Mound
Mrs. WALTER FIELD PEET, Chapter was invited to attend and to send six
Regent. members to act as pages.
At the November meeting a number of dis
Major General Samuel Elbert Chapter
(Tennille, Ga.). First meeting of the fall was tinguished visitors were present: Mrs. H. E.
held on Sept. 16, 1920, at the home of Mrs. W. Chubbuck, of Peoria, and Mrs. John Trigg
C. Little. Our newly elected Regent, Miss Moss, State Regents of Illinois and Missouri;
Nan Harman, presided. Our Chapter has grown Mrs. Nevin C. Lesher, Galesburg, Ill., State
and prospered since it was organized in 1913, Recording Secretary; Mrs. C. B. Harrison,
and has a membership of 42 and 9 new applica Regent Belleville Chapter; Miss Essie Matlack,
tion papers at Washington. Regent Cornelia Greene Chapter, St Louis,
All requests for money have been met. We and Mrs. Justice M. Pfaff, of St. Louis. All the
visitors made excellent talks about the various tablet; upon these are the names of the boys
activities of the D. A. R. who sleep in Flanders. Immediately at the right
Miss Genevieve Jepson of the East St. Louis is seen the American Indian, followed
High School faculty, a descendant of the Pil by a series of figures, representing the names
grims, told of the sailing of the Pilgrims, of American discoverers and explorers, namely:
tracing their record in England, Holland and DeSoto, DeTonti, LaSalle, Cabot and Mar
America. Mrs. Urhetta Dorsett Smith, Regent quette. At the left is seen the Minute Man of
of the hostess chapter, spoke of the desirability the American Revolution; following, the soldier
of enlisting the interest of the public, and of the War Between the States, and the War
especially that of the Daughters of the Ameri with Spain; all of these pressing close behind
can Revolution, in a project of making Cahokia the stalwart figure of the American soldier
Mound either a national or a state park in of 1917–'18.
order that it may be preserved for future gen This picture hangs in the main corridor of
erations. It is situated near East St. Louis and the county court house. As the last rays of
is the largest and most ancient of the works of the setting sun fall on the soft colors, they
the Mound Builders. make more sacred the memory and deeds of
At the meeting of the National Association of our sleeping boys.
American Indians held in St. Louis in Novem (MRs. LELAND) GERTRUDE WATson BRYAN,
ber, they decided to try to have September 4th Secretary.
set aside and generally observed as Indian Day.
If they are successful, they plan to have a big Anne Brewster Fanning Chapter (Jewett
meeting of the tribes at Cahokia Mound the 4th City, Conn.). Two events of especial interest
of next September, and there go through all have marked the work of the Chapter this year.
the ancient ceremonials and dances of In May a reception was given for the members
their people. of the evening school, and we believe that herein
LUCY CLANAHAN SMITH, is an opportunity to promote Americaniza
Historian. tion work.
During the march of patriotic organizations
Marion Chapter (Fayetteville, Ark.). on Memorial Day, the line was halted just as
Regent, Mrs. Fanny Wooddy; Vice-Regent, the local post of the American Legion reached
Mrs. Sam Nunneley; Secretary, Mrs. Leland the public library. Here a tree had been planted
Bryan; Registrar, Miss Margaret Galloway; and a tablet placed in memory of the five young
Treasurer, Mrs. Cener Hight; Historian, Mrs. men of the town who made the supreme sac
Fred Baender; Parliamentarian, Mrs. E. rifice in the World War. Our secretary, Mrs.
M. Ratliff. B. C. Bliss, made an eloquent patriotic address
This Chapter was organized in 1909, with a of dedication. A flag was placed by Mrs. G. H.
membership of 12. Since that time we have Jennings and a laurel wreath by Mrs. J. H.
gained 45 members, with 5 applications pending. Tracy. These three Daughters had sons who
Yearly we have interesting topics for study. were officers in the service. Mrs. G. H. Prior
Aside from our regular programs, we are wide sang the Connecticut State Song.
awake and active. Each year in February we There has been a marked increase in sub
have a patriotic service at one of the city scriptions to the DAUGHTERs of the AMERICAN
churches. We contribute annually to our city REvolution MAGAZINE. A copy is placed in the
public library and to the Helen Dunlap School school library and also in the rooms of the
for Girls at Winslow, Ark. American Legion. Posters of the American's
The most important event in the social life of Creed and copies of the Federal Constitution
the Chapter is Marion Chapter’s “Birthday have been distributed among the grammar
Luncheon,” which occurs in December. One of grades and in public places. Prizes were given
the most enjoyable luncheons has just been held for essays on the Monroe Doctrine.
at the home of Mrs. E. M. Ratliff.
Alice A. BRow N,
The crowning feature of this year's work was Historian.
directing the erection of a county memorial to
the 53 Washington County heroes who made Jemima Johnson Chapter (Paris, Ky.). An
the supreme sacrifice in the late war. This interesting entertainment given by Jemima
work was accomplished under the able leader Johnson Chapter was a Relic Exhibit held at
ship of Miss Georgia Norman, chairman of Masonic Hall. We hope to complete two pro
the county committee. jects of historic interest in the near future; the
The memorial is a beautiful painting, the marking of Martin's Fort, recently located, and
work of a distinguished artist. The central the erection of a tablet in memory of the Revo
figure is the “Angel of Victory,” representing lutionary soldier buried in Bourbon County.
the womanhood of America. At either side is a For the latter task, the Chapter wants the
coöperation of all the Daughters in completing Martin, John, McClanahan, Thos., Sr., Mc
and correcting the honor roll. Dowell, Daniel, Mitchell, Joseph, Purviance,
The following soldiers, at one time residents Capt. Jas., Perker, Aquilla, Patton, Wm.,
of Bourbon County are buried elsewhere: Ruddel, Isaac, Spears, Jacob, Shaw, Thos.,
Barnett, John P., Johnston County, Ind. ; Stevens, Jos. L., Speaks, Hezekiah, Steele, Wm.,
Barnett, Ambrose, Nicholas County, Ky. ; Talbott, Isham, Lieut., Thomas, Moses,
Bryan, Geo., Sr., Springfield, Ill.; Branham, Thomas, Wm., Thornton, Thos., Wiggington,
John, Scott County, Ky. ; Dudley, Ambrose, Henry (Collins' Hist.), Hutchcraft, Thos.
Fayette County, Ky. ; Gilpin, Israel, Boone (local hist.).
County, Ky. ; Givens, Wm., Union County, Ky. ; Men for whom land was surveyed in Bour
Peers, Maj. Valentine, Mason County, Ky.; bon on military warrants. How many of these
Purviance, John, North Carolina; Stoker, are buried there?
Edward, Nicholas County, Ky. ; Shipp, Laban, Chew, Joseph, Craig, James, Crawford,
Hopkinsville, Ky. ; Smith, Capt. Jas., Washing Valentine (heirs), Eliot, Thos (heirs), Grif
ton County, Ky.; Stoner, Geo. Michael, fith, Wm., Hedges, John, Ingels, Wm., Johns
Wayne County, Ky., Shropshire, Abner, Scott ton, Benj. Johnson, Richard, Kenedy, Wm.,
County, Ky. Mappin, Jas., Montague, Thos., Preston, Jas.
The burial places of the following men have Patton, Preston, Wm., Smith, Chas., Smith,
been located, the last four approximately: Joseph, Stephenson, Hugh, Vass, Reuben,
Allen, Maj. : John, Barnett, Alexander, Bran Yates, Michael.
ham, Wm. Bourne, Banta, Henry, Batterton, MRs. LEwis Rogers, Chairman.
Samuel, Beall (Bell) Archibald, Ewalt, Henry, Miss LETITIA HEDGES, Historian.
Garrard, Gov. Jas., Hedges, Joseph, Kennedy, MRs. W. H. WHITLEY, Registrar.
Thos., Kenny, Jas., Lander, Chas., Miller, Maj.
John Luckie, Robert, McConnell, Wm., Pugh, Neodesha Chapter (Neodesha, Kan.), was
Joseph, Rogers, Nathaniel, Rodgers, Thos, organized January, 1914, with 17 charter mem
Shaw, John, Stark, James, Varnon, John, Wil bers, and now has 34 members. We have now as
mott, Robert, Wilson, Henry, Williams, Hub a member of our Chapter a Real Granddaugh
bard, Breast, John, Caldwell, Wm., Clay, Sam’l, ter of the Revolution—Mrs. Mary E. Linn.
Clay, John. Mrs. Grace Barton Blakeslee has the distinc
The pension list includes the following men tion of length of membership, having joined the
about whom the committee has little or first state organization.
no information : It has been an active chapter since the be
Barbey, Elijah, Bates, Thos., Battson, Mor ginning, responding as generously as it could
decai, Sr., Battson, Mordecai, Jr., Bowles, to all calls from National and State societies.
Samuel, Busby, James, Campbell, Sergt. Wm., Its first patriotic work was the celebration of
Crose, Henry (local hist.), Conn, Capt. Thos. Washington's birth. A service was held in the
(local hist.), Clinkenbeard, Isaac, Cockerel, Christian Church, in which the city was invited
Peter, Cook, Wm., Sr. (local hist.), Dawson, to take part. A reception was held in the Com
Wm., Delaney, Daniel (local hist.), Duncan, mercial Club rooms, where about one hundred
Capt. Jas. (local hist.), Dowden, Sergt. Clem representative citizens were entertained by a
entine, Drebuler, John, Endicott, Moses, For patriotic program, after which luncheon was
guerson, Peter, Harris, Nathaniel (Collins served and dancing followed.
Hist.), Harris, Sergt. Wm., Hawes, Andrew, The annual observance of Flag Day is held,
Hayes, Thos., Hennis, Benj. (Collins' Hist.), and the D. A. R. chapter presented posters to
Hill, Robt., Humphries, Jos., Jackson, Jos., the different schools, with the American flag,
Jones, Thos., Kelly, Thos., Kendrick. Benoni, its rules and regulations, the penalties for the
Lockwood, Sam'1, McLeod, John, Miller, John, desecrations of the flag, the national pledge and
Pater, Robt., Pritchett, Jas., Raine, Nathaniel, salute of the flag printed upon it.
Smith, Michael (Collins' Hist.), Palmer, In April, 1915, the Nodesha Chapter won the
Joseph (local hist.), Stripp, John, Terrill, John, prize for the most loyal support of the
Whaley, Capt. Benj., Whittington, John, Wil DAUGHTERS of THE AMERICAN REvolution
liams, Benj. MAGAZINE by the members.
Some data concerning the following men is We have presented a flag to our local society
available, but more is wanted: of the American Legion. We have also given
Ament, Philip, Amos, Nicholas D., Corbin, some support to schools for girls in Georgia.
Sergt. Lewis, Davis, James, Forgey, Hugh, When the war began we organized the county
Edwards, Geo., Edwards, John, Gist, Col. chapter of Red Cross, and we feel that in that
Nathaniel, Gist, Thos., Hinkston, Maj. John, grand work we did something worth while.
Harrison, Col. Benj., Jameson, David, Jamer We contributed to the support of a camp.
son, John M., Jones, James, Kindrick, Benj., mother, also subscribed to the maintenance of
the war orphans of France, to the Tilloloy fund, pertaining to war or its aftermath were as fol
and magazines and papers were sent to camps lows: Sending a Christmas gift to our foster
and to those in service. child in France; a contribution to the World
We are now taking up civic work and hope to War Memorial Fund of our city; another con
do some good work here at home. tribution towards the reconstruction of Pales
Our Chapter meetings are well attended and tine, through our member who is in the service
the members interested and anxious to do there; a list of names for which the stars on
something for the good and advancement of the our service flag shine is ready for the Roll of
community and nation. Honor of the National Society; prizes were
(MRs.) EMMA VAN BUREN, given for the historical essay contest in the
Corresponding Secretary. public schools; the Chapter by-laws further
revised; attention paid to local history through
New Rochelle Chapter (New Rochelle, our Old Trails Committee, and Year Books for
N. Y.). Since our Regent's Day reception in the season printed. The Chapter now has its
1919 we have to report that another successful new “Old Glory,” and valuable additions have
year of activity has been scored. Our efforts been made to our library.
along Americanization lines may be briefly We have heard several illuminating addresses
noted as follows: Our able chairman, Mrs. upon Americanization work from prominent
H. L. Moore, started with the understanding speakers, and the programs following business
that work of the kind must be begun with meetings, have included also historical papers
tact, i.e., the “clever camouflage" which is written by members.
advised. Therefore her first move was to select Our Treasurer, aided by the Ways and
one Italian family consisting of a widow, a Means Committee, has taken care of the Chap
blind sister and five children. This family was ter treasury. Successful card parties have been
adopted, so to speak, by the Chapter and given given and our Chairman of Programs, Mrs.
a genuine Christmas, which served to inspire John F. Bennett, gave a dramatic recital from
confidence. That feeling has since been main “The Yellow Jacket.” Among social affairs
tained by visits and other efforts in their behalf. was a reception given the Chapter by Mrs.
Besides the gifts presented at Christmas the William Cumming Story, Honorary President
Chapter also sent them a dinner. Dinners were General and honorary member of New
also sent, as well as clothing, etc., to other fam Rochelle Chapter.
ilies of the settlement, by our Regent and mem Our Regent, Mrs. A. Charles Stegman, and
bers individually. Fancy baskets made by the three members, represented the Chapter at the
blind girl were bought in numbers that ren Twenty-ninth Continental Congress. Eight
dered her appreciable help. The lame boy of new names have been added to the membership
the family was aided in securing a position and list and other applications are in the hands of
so, by courtesy and kindness any spirit of dis the Registrar General.
trust had been effectually exorcised and a feel We coöperate with all clubwomen of West
ing of friendliness established in its place. chester County in their organized efforts to re
Our chairman has not only received instruc duce the high cost of living.
tion herself from those authorized to teach By hopefully doing the work that lies near
practical Americanization work by the State est, each of us may contribute toward adjusting
Department of Education, but she has solicited the woeful world-muddle and thus, at life's
the coöperation of other New Rochelle organiza loom, we are weaving a fabric firm for future
tions, churches and schools, many of which are generations even as our great-great-grand
represented in these free classes. mothers did, in their steadfastness of faith,
On May 27th our chairman, with other towns their work and their sacrifices, in the days of
women who take this course of instruction, en the nation's birth.
tertained a party of foreign women at Huguenot ANNA O. STONE,
School, where at least fifty representatives of Historian.
New Rochelle's “Italia" foregathered. They
enjoyed the refreshments and took an interest Hawkinsville Chapter (Hawkinsville, Ga.).
in American games, etc., shown in view of The three weeks prior to April 17, 1920, were
future efforts among their children. spent in organizing a D. A. R. chapter in our
On the 4th of this month the Central Amer town. In that length of time we secured 36
icanization Committee was formally organized application papers, and had them filed in Wash
with our Mrs. Moore, (instigator of the work ington ready to be passed upon at the April
in New Rochelle) as chairman of this new meeting of the National Board of Management.
committee for the town. The work has thus Our Chapter was organized with 38 charter
begun upon a firm foundation. members, and was the first of the new chapters
Some of the different interests of the Chapter in Georgia, reported in April, 1920, to receive
a charter. Our membership is now 44 with the members are in hearty coöperation with
two papers pending. The officers are: Regent, the reconstruction work and ready to aid
Mrs. W. V. Bell; Vice-Regent, Mrs. L. A. Jor the government in every way possible in its
dan; Recording Secretary, Mrs. G. B. Pate; thrift movement. The Chapter offered a prize
Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. W. C. McAlis of $10 to pupils of the Little Rock High
ter; Registrar, Mrs. Walker Jordan; Treas School for the best paper on Americanization.
urer, Miss Virginia Jelks; Historian, Miss The Chapter has responded to the following
Esther Phillips; Auditor, Mrs. T. H. Bridgers; appeals: For the Working Woman's Home, $5;
Librarian, Mrs. J. H. Caldwell. for the Armenian, Polish and Serbian Re
Hawkinsville is one of the oldest cities in
lief, $5 each; for the school children, $5;
Georgia and was named for the noted Revolu for “American Heraldry,” $7.50; to Mrs. E.
tionary soldier, Benjamin Hawkins, who was G. Thompson, State Chairman of French
a personal friend of General Washington. Orphan fund, $10; toward a set of Mayflower
We have bought 16 books to start our library; books, $10; five D. A. R. baby spoons were
contributed $3 for the maintainance of presented to members. The Chapter has
Meadow Garden; $1 for book for Memorial received several small donations from members
Continental Hall; $5 for D. A. R. Scholarship; enabling it to contribute to many other
$5 to the Georgia Bay Memorial, and for worthy objects.
warded 25 cents per capita tax for Immigra Mrs. Lathan, the Historian, has completed
tion Manual Fund. We have also sent a box a list of D. A. R. books in the Little Rock
of flowers to the Fort McPherson hospital Public Library, and with Miss Pratt, the
for wounded soldiers, in Atlanta, and have Librarian, has arranged and looked after the
offered a gold medal to the Hawkinsville Pub binding of 47 volumes of D. A. R. Lineage
lic School. The flag code has been placed in Books and 11 volumes of American ancestry.
city and county schools. Mrs. W. F. Ault, Chairman, of the DAUGHTERS
Our Regent has been successful in locating of THE AMERICAN REvolution MAGAZINE,
the grave of a Revolutionary soldier. This has secured, including renewals, 21 subscrip
grave is on the land granted the soldier for his tions to this patriotic magazine.
services in the Revolutionary War, and is Mrs. E. Aycock reports the following Revolu
identified by a very old lady, the widow of his tionary soldiers buried in Arkansas: Benjamin
youngest child. Bagley; Benjamin Bryant, married Mrs. Eliza
We have observed Lafayette, Constitution, beth Cockran for his third wife, March 3,
and Columbus Days, and have joined other local 1834; Asher Bagley, died Nov. 16, 184–; Jacob
organizations in celebrating Armistice Day. Gray, died January 7, 1837; Shared Gray, died
MRS. WALKER Jorda N, February 19, 1836; Joseph Huylkendall, died
Registrar. 1823; Major John Peaytt.
Miss Elizabeth Cantrell, Chairman of the
Little Rock Chapter, (Little Rock, Ark.). Department of Old Trails, Roads and Historic
The first official act was to arrange for Flag Spots, gave the Chapter an interesting account
Day, June 14th, which was observed in due of the old McHenry homestead as worthy of
form. The principal addresses were given by a marker by the Arkansas D. A. R.
Brigadier General Cocheau and Rabbi Louis The Chapter Regent appointed Miss Zilla
Witt. All patriotic societies in the city were Retan Chairman of the Department of Chil
represented on the program. The Little Rock dren of the American Revolution and soon after
Chapter assisted in giving the picnic dinner for Miss Retan was appointed Organizing Regent by
the returned soldiers from overseas. Members Miss Stella Pickett Hardy, Vice-President
served as district captains and chairmen during General. She will organize a children's chap
the Red Cross seal drive. In the canvas to ascer ter in Little Rock, and it is hoped that mothers
tain the number of foreign-born people in Little with eligible children will give her their
Rock the Chapter gave valuable assistance. hearty support.
With the close of the year the Chapter has The Regent, Mrs. Flickinger, thanks the
92 members in good standing and six former State Regent, Mrs. Frank Tomlinson,
papers are pending, tyo to be voted upon at who honored the Little Rock Chapter by ap
the next meeting. The total receipts for the pointing the following State Chairmen: Mrs.
year as reported by the treasurer, Mrs. T. M. Henry Leigh, Patriotic Education; Mrs. J. N.
Cory, are $718.65. The Chapter has cared for Belcher, DAUGHTERS of THE AMERICAN REvo
nine French orphans and donated $9.50 toward LUTION MAGAZINE; Mrs. J. F. Weinmann,
the support of another. The total amount Publicity; Mrs. W. F. Street, National Old
raised for French orphans is $338. This work Trails Roads. The Regent also expresses her
is in charge of Mrs. George Burden. The appreciation of the valuable service and
Chairman of Thrift, Mrs. R. E. Farrell, says courtesy extended to the Chapter by Miss
Prall, librarian of the public library, and her Vice-Regent, Mrs. S. E. Hughes: Secretary,
associates; to the hostesses who entertained Mrs. Grasty Crews; Treasurer, Mrs. C. E.
the Chapter meetings, and to the members for Harper; Historian, Mrs. W. P. Robinson;
their loyal support so sincerely and unre Registrar, Mrs. A. B. Cheatham.
servedly given. (MRs. W. P.) BLANCHE SYDNor Robi Nson,
Recording Secretary.
The Jonathan Dayton Chapter (Dayton,
Dorothea Henry Chapter (Danville, Va.). Ohio). “With good will, doing service,” is
Dorothea Henry Chapter, under the wise the record of this Chapter during the régime
guidance of our Regent, Mrs. W. T. Hughes, of its retiring Regent, Mrs. A. W. Bickham.
has held regular meetings and met our usual Aiding in the sale of Liberty Bonds many
obligations. Membership is increasing, and we of the members were most successful. Indi
feel encouraged in our efforts to impress the vidual members bought bonds to the amount
deeper meaning of the D. A. R. of $130,000. Two bonds were bought by the
We contributed $100 for bed and equipment Chapter and two French orphans maintained
for Virginia Hospital in Serbia, to be known for a year. A box containing 54 well
as the Dorothea Henry Chapter bed; $78 made garments were sent to Tilloloy ; the
(one dollar per member ) to the Student Loan usual $10 was given to the Berry school; $15
Fund : S2 to Philippine Scholarship Fund; $1 was given in prizes to pupils of the public
to our Virginia Real Daughter. We send the schools in the essay contest. We have 23 sub
MAGAZINE to the Danville Library, and we are REvolution MAGAZINE. Twelve new mem
arranging to place in the hands of the school bers have been added to the Chapter, with six
children of Danville, a neat copy of the application papers still pending in Washington.
American Creed. The $5 prize offered by the We have been represented at the annual
Chapter to the High School pupil submitting meetings in Washington by our Regent and
the best paper on “ Education in Colonial delegates also at the state meetings in Cleve
Times " was won by Miss Alexander Orchard. land and Columbus. At Columbus our Chapter
It was our privilege to meet and greet our was honored by having its Regent placed on
State Regent, Mrs. Kate Waller Barrett, at the State Board of Directors.
Chatham, when the William Pitt Chapter gra The Chapter will present a picture of George
ciously invited Patrick Henry and Dorothea Washington and a small flag to alien resi
Henry Chapters to be their guests. Mrs. dents of our city who have been in Ameri
Barrett gave us a fine talk on Americaniza canization classes and have received their
tion, which was appreciated and enjoyed, as naturalization papers.
were various short addresses of welcome from In the Woodland Cemetery there are the
others. The meeting was held in the Episcopal graves of eight Revolutionary soldiers. On
Institute Auditorium, and delicious refresh July 3rd, last, by invitation of the Montgomery
ments served on the spacious grounds. County S. A. R., our Daughters met them at
In January the Dorothea Henry Chapter and the gate of the cemetery and marched in a
invited guests enjoyed an informal talk by body to the grave of Colonel Robert Patterson,
Prof. C. E. Crossland, President of Averett where, with impressive services and eloquent
College. He spoke on Internationalism, Ameri words, the deeds of these illustrious men were
canization and other topics of interest, closing recalled and markers for their graves dedicated.
with the thought that the best form of Democ Washington's Birthday was celebrated by a
racy had its birth at the American Revolution, fine banquet, when Colonel Hubler, spoke of
hence the existence of the D. A. R. his overseas experiences.
At a well-attended round table talk, “Thrift” For military or non-military services during
was the subject under discussion, and various the late war, military record blanks were sent
experiences and suggestions were contributed. to 21 persons, near relatives of chapter mem
On Constitution Day, the Patrick Henry and bers. So far, 18 of these blanks, properly filled
William Pitt Chapters were the guests of the out, have been received and duly forwarded
Dorothea Henry Chapter at the Country Club. to the State Historian.
The principal address was made by Mr. Harry During the war the Jonathan Dayton Chapter
Ficklen. He stressed the importance of the presented a fine flag to the Y. M. C. A. at
Daughters and others familiarizing themselves Camp Sherman. It floated over their hut
with the Constitution and in every way fitting until the Armistice was signed : then, by com
themselves to cast their first vote intelligently. mon consent, they returned it to us.
At a late meeting the election of officers re Last June, when our Chapter met to review
sulted as follows: Regent, Mrs. W. T. Hughes: the work of the years, just ended, and to con
sider plans for the coming year, American on the American International College at
ization, social service, how to foster patriotism Springfield, Mass., to which institution we had
and a reverence for the flag were the thoughts contributed $20.
uppermost in their minds. We realized that The April meeting was held at G. A. R.
here, at our very door, is established a social Hall and Mrs. Castella Cutler Craig, of Boston
center which, in view of its far-reaching plans, Tea Party Chapter, gave an interesting talk
is the only one of its type, to be found any on her work as a reconstruction aide at Walter
where. Our interest was centered in the crip Reed Hospital, Washington.
pled children. During the past months the We were represented at the 1920 Continental
$175 we have contributed for their benefit has Congress by two delegates, Miss Mary E.
helped in the work of straightening crooked Knight and Mrs. S. W. Nichols, alternate for
limbs and strengthening paralyzed muscles. the Regent.
Three children are now completely cured and The war records of four of our World War
21 others are being treated with a fair prospect soldiers have been sent to the State Historian.
of becoming strong, efficient American citizens. We have also sent three papers to the Reci
Twenty-five garments have been made and procity Bureau.
given to the needy ones and some of our On Flag Day we met at the old cemetery
members have found time for story-telling on East Hill and placed “Betsy Ross flags
and reading to the children while they wait on the graves of 38 Revolutionary soldiers,
for treatment. these graves having been maked with bronze
(MRs.) RUTH M. Livezey, markers by our Chapter.
Historian. There are seven subscribers in our Chapter
to the DAUGHTERs of the AMERICAN REvolu
Peterborough Chapter (Peterborough, N. TION MAGAZINE, and we give a subscription
H.) has a membership of 59, 14 of whom each year to the Peterborough Town Library.
are non-residents. We also have contributed $5 toward purchas
Our meetings are held the third Thursday ing History of Dublin, N. H. for the Library
of the month (from October to June) at homes at Memorial Continental Hall; $5 to Tuber
of the members. culosis Drive; $5 to Berry School; $5 to
The Chapter celebrated its tenth anniversary Tammassee School; $5 to banquet hall in
June 16, 1920, by holding a field day at the Memorial Continental Hall; $5 to Matthew T.
home of our Regent, Mrs. Lenora J. Smith Scott, Jr., School; $5 for preservation of New
Hunter, when we had the pleasure of enter Hampshire forests; $1 to Audubon Society;
taining Mrs. Charles W. Barrett, State Regent $10 to Walter Reed Hospital for fruit and
of New Hampshire. A luncheon was served flowers; $60 for Near East Relief Fund, and
at noon followed by a series of exercises, con sent a Christmas box to Orphan's Home at
sisting of speeches, songs and readings. The Franklin, N. H.
program closed by the members rising and At the Annual Meeting, June 17, 1920, the
paying a silent tribute to the memory of our Chapter elected new officers. The retiring
first Regent and Founder of Peterborough Regent, Mrs. Hunter, served the Chapter for
Chapter, Mrs. Bethiah Ames Alexander, who two years and a great amount of work was
died September 3, 1915. accomplished during her term of office. The
During the war our work was chiefly for new officers are as follows:
the Red Cross and soldiers. Regent, Miss Etta M. Smith; Vice-Regent,
This last year, 1919–1920, our work has been Mrs. Nellie M. Thomas; Corresponding Sec
along the line of Americanization. Our Octo retary, Miss Martha E. Cutler; Recording
ber, 1919, meeting was held at G. A. R. Hall Secretary, Miss Mary E. Knight; Treasurer,
and Mr. Robert Kelso, Executive Director of Mrs. Hattie F. Miller; Registrar, Mrs. Helen
the Massachusetts State Board of Charities, L. Farrar; Historian, Mrs. Emma S. Diamond;
gave an address on this subject. Mrs. Wm. Chaplain, Mrs. Sophia A. Needham ; Music,
H. Schofield told us of the work among the Mrs. Flora B. Ware.
foreign-born women at the Neighborhood (MRs.) EMMA S. DIAMoND,
House at Dover. In November we gave a re Historian.
ception to two French war brides, and since
then a woman's club has been formed and Lansing Chapter (Lansing, Mich.) has not
federated, comprised of the French-speaking been idle during the past year, although, in
women of the town. a way, it has worked at a disadvantage.
At our December meeting a Christmas box The Historian, who is serving her fifth con
was packed with clothing, books and toys for secutive year, and Mrs. Ida Moody, Chairman
the children of the Franklin Orphan's Home. of the Patriotic Committee, both met with
At the January meeting, a paper was read accidents which confined them to their homes
for many months, and in coonsequence many day. After a short program, in which the
of their plans to advance the work could not children, clergy, court officials, and D. A. R.
be carried out. take part, the clerk calls the name of each
The graves of three Revolutionary soldiers man and as he and his family rise to their
have been located and everything is in readiness feet, the certificate of citizenship is presented
for marking one of them when the weather is by the clerk. The D. A. R. then give a silk
favorable. This will be the first grave of a flag, a copy of the Constitution of the United
Revolutionary soldier that Lansing Chapter States, and a copy of flag laws and the flag
has had the opportunity to mark, and salute. The Judge then gives a personal talk
it is planned to have an elaborate ceremony to each family, explaining the difference in the
and invite the public to be present. The other laws of his native and his adopted country,
two graves will be marked at a later date. and urges the spirit of Americanization, after
The Chapter has also located the grave of one giving each one the right hand of fellowship.
“Real Son" in this county, and the graves of The clubs of the city very generously join in
two “Real Daughters ” in adjoining counties. this demonstration and serve refreshments to
This year for the first time the Chapter has our new brothers and sisters.
furnished the Historian with a fund with which As soon as the Chapter learns the names of
to carry on research work. those who have made application for citizen
Ancestors Day proved to be one of the most ship, committees are appointed to call at the
interesting days of the year. Each member homes and explain to the women how they,
present gave the story of her Revolutionary too, will become voters with the husbands and
ancestor, and these are to be preserved among fathers, and try to make clear to them the use
the chapter records and make an invaluable of the ballot.
addition to its data. On February 26th an elaborate luncheon was
The Historian, who is Secretary and Treas served at the Porter Apartments in honor of
urer of the Ingham County Pioneer and His our State Regent, Miss Alice Louise McDuffee,
torical Society, has compiled a volume of about where the theme for toasts given was “The
900 pages relative to the pioneer history of Ship of State.”
the county, which is now ready for publication. All items pertaining to the Chapter, as well
Americanization has been the keynote for as those of the state and national bodies, are
the work of the Chapter for several years. carefully preserved in scrapbooks, as well as
Some nine years ago one of our members all histories of Colonial and Revolutionary
asked permission of the circuit judge to place people and places which it is thought the Chap
a flag into a flagless court room, and have it ter might some time need for reference.
used in the naturalization work. Since that The Regent, Miss Ida B. McCabe, is leading
time the work has flourished. Instead of pre the work in a manner that points to one of
senting flags to the newly made citizens, as the most successful years the Chapter has
each one takes the oath of allegiance, he is ever known.
invited to be at the court house, with his (MRs.) FRANc L. ADAMs,
family, on the afternoon of the following Sun Historian.
Frances Richardson, but both names are fa Nancy Morgan Hart, was b 1780, d in Jessup
miliar in the fam. William Penn, bro of Township, Susquehanna Co., Pa., 1848. He
Gabriel & Abram was 1st lieut. Virginia m Mrs. Anna Barber Loveleg, b 1776, dau of
Dragoons 16 of June, 1776, & Capt. 1st Con Obediah Barber b Mar. 29, 1754, and his w
tinental Dragoons 1776, d March 18, 1777. Am Anna—and a g-dau of Captain David Barber
writing a history of the Penn fam & would & his w Abigail Newcomb. Isaac & Anna
like to correspond with anyone interested in Barber Hart had ch, Philamon b 1811 m
this matter.—Mrs. Robert Lee Potts, R. F. D. Rachel Smith b Oct. 31, 1818, d Nov. 5, 1867.
No. 2, Milledgeville, Ga. He d Dec. 20, 1880; Philander; Polly who m
8972. PANGBURN.—I have been collecting Walter Lathrop; Sarah m — Bunnel; Wil
Pangburn history & genealogy & have many liam who left home when a young man &
rec, as I descend from Peter Pangburn, who was never heard of again. Isaac Hart's w
served in Rev. I have no rec of Ezra Squires, Anna Barber Loveleg had two daus by her
but if I had the birth date or names of bros first husband, Abie who m — Hayward;
or sisters of Betsy, I might be able to assist Slonia who m — Barber. It is also known
you.-Miss Charlotte T. Luckhurst, 156 Wes that Benjamin & Nancy Hart Morgan had a
tern Ave., Albany, N. Y. son Lemuel, as their son John Hart who m
8912. RUst.—The following is from an old Patience Lane, in his Will mentions his bro
newspaper no date, at the top is S-Dispatch, Lemuel, not Samuel, as is so often stated. I
Sunday, De—. The article is entitled “Rust am told that their son James Morgan Hart has
Family of Virginia.” Benjamin Rust, Matthew descendants in Atlanta, Ga., who possess
Rust, Peter Rust & Vincent Rust who moved to Nancy's old spinning wheel.—Mrs. Wm. D.
Loudoun Co., Va., from Westmoreland Co., Cloroye, Winnipeg, Canada.
Va. The Loudoun Rusts are his descendants. 8974. HARMoN.—All records of the Harmon
The Rust family produced many Confederate fam, even the Vermont branch, can be found
soldiers & one Gen., Albert Brechinridge Rust in the Town Hall of Suffield, Conn., where
of Arkansas, who went to Arkansas from they were placed about twenty-five years ago.
Loudoun Co., Va. He was also a Representa Would like to correspond with any of my
tive in Congress from Arkansas. Mrs. Charles kinspeople who are seeking this information.—
Lynch, Army Medical School, Washing Miss Orpha A. Harmon, 87 S. Monroe Ave.,
ton, D. C. Columbus, Ohio.
8969c. DIN's MoRE.—James Dinsmore, of 8974. HARMON.—I am a descendant of
Washington Co., Pa., was twice m, name of Renfen Harmon, an older bro of Oliver, who
first w unknown. He m 2ndly at Miller's was the youngest of nine ch, all b in Suffield,
Run, Pa. Rebecca Walker. Ch by his first Conn., ch of Nathaniel and Esther Austin
w b in York Co., Pa. Jannette b Dec. 8, 1770, Harmon. This information was obtained from
m Mr. Lee; Elizabeth b Dec. 24, 1772. Ch by the late George W. Harmon, of Vt., & from
his second w, b at Miller's Run, Pa. Mary b Town Records of Suffield, Conn.-Mrs. R. D.
May 29, 1777, m Longham; John b July Hawkins, 1983 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
14, 1779, m Jane Carr; James b Mar. 4, 1782, 8902–Can give rec of one William White,
m Esther Hamilton; Hannah b Jan. 26, 1784, who left North Carolina for Georgia, if you
in Saulsbury; Sarah b March 30, 1789, m can establish date of arrival of your William
Thomas Mason. Ref. “Among the Scotch in Georgia. Have also another White rec
Irish " by L. A. Morrison.—Miss Kate fam all killed by Indians in Georgia except one
Anderson Dinsmore, 3013 W. Washington St., son, name unknown, but probably William, &
Greenville, Texas. two sisters, Jane & Agnes, who were left in
8968. PEN N.—Gabriel Penn b July 17, 1741, North Carolina. The former, William White
d 1798 Col. of Amherst Co., Va. Militia, served has Rec rec proved.—Miss Eugenia Lore, 109
till the surrender at Yorktown, m 1761, Sarah W. Depot St., Concord, North Carolina.
Calloway, dau of Richard Calloway of Bedford 8911. CILLEy.—William Cilley, b Kingston, N.
Co., Va. Abraham Penn b Dec. 27, 1743, d H., son of Benjamin & Judith (Darling)
1801, Col. of Henry Co., Va., Militia, m Ruth Cilley, m Nov. 29, 1754, Anna Clark b Sept. 1,
Stovall, dau of James and Mary (Cooper) 1733, at Kingston, N. H. Ref. Kingston 1st
Stovall, in Amhurst Co., Va. 1768. Gabriel Church Records, page 87, Vol. 3. N. H. Gen.
& Abraham, were sons of Moses & Katharine Recorder, also Cilley Genealogy, pp. 6 & 10.
(Taylor) Penn. Moses was the bro of John William Cilley served as seaman on brig
Penn, “the Signer” according to “A Chrono “Freedom " commanded by Capt. John Clous
logical Rec of the Penn Fam of Virginia " by ton: engaged Feb. 4, 1777, discharged Nov.
William Clemens.—Mrs. Allen Bridges, Bu 13, 1777; service 9 months, 11 days. Reported
chanan, Virginia. taken in prize. “William Barby " Roll sworn
8937. HART.—Isaac Hart, son of Benjamin & to in Middlesex Co. Ref. Mass. Soldiers &
Sailors, Rev. War. also rec sent by Adj. 6405. BATCHELDER.—The “Batchelder-Batch
Gen. Augusta, Maine.— Mrs. Myra E. Sullivan, eller Genealogy” by Frederick C. Pierce,
175 Cedar Street, Bangor, Maine. p. 149, gives a Hannah Batchelder, b Mar. 29,
8911. CILLEY.-William Cilley, b Kingston, N. 1766, dau of James Batchelder b May 5, 1733,
H. He enlisted Apr. 11, 1758, & was discharged Feb. 6, 1810, & his w Mehitable Dalton b Aug.
Nov. 24, 1758. Served in Trueworthy Ladd's 30, 1730. Residence, the homestead at Little
Co. 'th of Exeter, in Col. John Hart's Regi Boar's Head. Hampton, N. H. Hannah had
ment, raised for the Crown Point Expedition. bros, John & Stephen & sisters Sarah &
A part joined the expedition against Louis Elizabeth, no other data of Hannah is given.
burg, the remainder did service under Lieut. If you think this is your Hannah, will be glad
Col. Goffe, in the western part of N. H. He to send you data of six generations of her
moved to Gorham, Maine, & m Anna Clark, b ancestry, beginning with the Rev. to Stephen
Sept. 1, 1733. Removed to Buckfield & d in Batchelder, Puritan emigrant b 1561.-Mrs. J.
Brooks, 1818. Ref. Rock Co. Records, vol. 121, R. Spraker, 64 Dorchester Road, Buffalo, N. Y.
p. 274, vol. 1685–87, p. 377.-Mrs. W. B. Shuler, 8902. WHITE-William White m in Lyden,
Hamilton, Ohio. England, Susannah Fuller. Came to America
8902. WHITE.-The “Mayflower Descen in the Mayflower, 1620. Peregrine White, their
dants’ give the following history of Rev. son was b in Provincetown Harbor, on the
William White & his w Susanna Fuller: Wil Mayflower, 1620. Was 1st white child born in
liam, was the son of Bishop John White & America. Married Sarah Bassett, 1648, d 1704.
brought with him, on the Mayflower, the cele Ref. Davis' Ancient Landmarks of Plymouth.
brated “Breecher Bible.” He was the father Mrs. G. E. McN crney, Lock Haven, Pa.
of two sons, Peregrine, b on the Mayflower 8952. CARR.—In “Carr Family Records” p
while at anchor in Cape Cod Harbor, Nov. 20, 53, Caleb Carr, b in Jamestown, R. I., Nov.,
1620, & Resolved, who was b at Leyden, Hol 1702, d in West Greenwich, R. I., 1769, before
land, 1613. There is no mention of a dau in the Rev was the father of Thurston b July
the “Mayflower Descendants’ history. Wm. 2, 1756, in West Greenwich, R. I., removed to
White d Feb. 21, 1620–21 & his widow m Stephentown, N. Y., & d there 1812.
Governor Winslow, May 12, 1621. This was I am a descendant of Caleb Carr b Nov. 6,
the first marriage in the colony. Resolved & 1702, through his son Caleb, b June 6, 1744 &
Peregrine were raised in the fam of Gov. then through his son Caleb b Aug. 6, 1778.
Winslow. Resolved m 1st Judith Vassall b Sarah w of Caleb Carr, 1702, came with her
1619, d. 1670, their ch were William b Apr. 10, ch from R. I. to Stephentown, N. Y., after
1642, at Marshfield: John b Mar. 11, 1644, at her husband's death. Her grave is in Hancock,
Scituate; Samuel b Mar. 13, 1646, at Scituate; Mass., the adjoining town to Stephentown. She
Resolved b at Scituate, no date, Anna b June was b Nov. 8, 1711 & d Nov., 1798, would like
2, 1649, at Scituate; Elizabeth b June 4, 1652; so much to know her maiden name.—Mrs.
Joshiah b Scituate, baptized Oct. 4, 1654; George B. JJ’aterman, Williamstown, Mass.
Susannah b at Scituate, baptized Nov. 9th,
1656. Resolved White's 2nd w was Abigail, QUERIES
widow of William Lord, who he m Aug. 5, 99.26. NELSox-Woodrow-T Hom PSON-HAGAN.
1674. Resolved d 1690–1694. There is no rec of —George Nelson m Jane Woodrow and their
sons of Peregrine White.—Mrs. H. D. Pritch dau, Allie Nelson m John Thompson, son of
ard. Allegan, Mich. Note added by Gen. James & Ann (Hagan) Thompson. All Mary
Editor. Peregrine White, 1620–1704, m Sarah land families. Gene & Rev rec of these fams
dau of William Bassett. Ch Jonathan b greatly desired.—J. M. M.
1558, m Hester Nickerson, ref. “Mayflower 9927. GRANT-RILEY-ORR.—Wanted gen, Rev
Descendant” Vol. 2, and Sarah b. 1664, m rec & 1st name of — Grant, who d at Raleigh,
Thomas Youngs. Ref. “Signers of The May N. C., 1814. He m Temperance Freeman &
flower Compact.” their son James Freeman Grant, b Dec. 29,
8999. CHAPIN.—Mr. Gilbert W. Chapin, 350 1808, was a prominent editor in northern
Farmington Ave., Hartford, Conn., is writing Alabama. He m Elizabeth Lefever Riley b
a new Chapin book; he has all information on Dec. 20, 1819, in Washington Co., Va., whose
Chapin fam.—Mrs. G. W. Nichols, 43 Liberty mother was Peggy (Margaret) Orr, & her
St., New Britain, Conn. mother was Elizabeth Lefever Orr, b 1743, d
6466. MILLER.—Henry Miller m Elizabeth 1803, in Va. Wanted Riley & Orr gen.
Knerr. Rev. service proved on this line. —W. S. F.
WARD.—Thomas Ward married Mary Zachary, 9928. PARKER.—Wanted maiden name & gen.
daughter of Peter and Mary Zachary. Revolu of Martha-w of Titus Parker, b Wallingford,
tionary service proved.—Miss Martha Lou Conn., Feb. 23, 1725, d Paris, N. Y., Oneida
Houston, 1505 1st Avenue, Columbus, Georgia. Co., N. Y., June 25, 1811, son of Samuel Parker
born Wallingford Conn., died aft June 9, 1744, millions of acres of land abt 1827. Roll No. 916.
married July 16, 1713, Sarah Goodsell of East 9934. Box D-MATTIX.—Information desired of
Haven, Conn. the early history & Rev rec of the families of
(a) GUNN.—Wanted any information of Edward Mattix & his w Elizabeth Bond. They
Gideon Gunn, of Pittsfield, Mass., b 1734, d lived in Ind. & had ch Margaret Ann b 1810,
1827, m Dorothy Deming, the first white child Cynthia, Esther, Cinderilla b 1815, Edward,
in Pittsfield. Matthew, John, David, Ruth.
(b) FELLER.—Wanted Parentage of Su (a) BENNETT.—Edward Bennett m Cinderilla
sannah Feller, b Milan, N. Y., 1785, d there Mattix abt 1836, nr Pocahontas, Ark. His
Oct. 20, 1865, m Ephriam Fulton, bapt. Milan, parents were Eli & Elizabeth Bennett. Their
N. Y., June 1, 1783, d Mar. 12, 1856. gen greatly desired.—D. S. H.
(c) SHERMAN.—Wanted data of Sarah 9935. BUCHANAN-WAT KINs.-Wanted, par
Sherman bapt. Apr., 1720, m Col. Benjamin entage of Robert Buchanan, b Oct. 20, 1780, &
Hinman, Jr. of his w Sarah Teresa Watkins, b July 19,
(d) Noble.—Wanted gen of Sarah Noble, w 1784, d Mar. 4, 1862. Their ch Evan b June
of Titus Hinman, Jr.—C. P. S. 13, 1805, James b Feb. 9, 1807, Eliza b May 1,
9929. MAsoN-McCANN.—William Mason, of 1808, Claricy b Nov. 15, 1809, Fortunatus
Winchester, Va., ser in the Rev. Wanted name Cosby b Nov. 6, 1811, Teresa Russell b Mar.
of his w. Their son John, b abt 1764 in Win 12, 1814, Watkins b Dec. 25, 1818. Wanted
chester, Va., d in East Monroe, Highland Co., also Rev. rec of their ancestors.-N. P. S.
Ohio. Wanted name & dates of his w. His 9936. Moss-CRow LY.—Wanted gen & any
son Morgan Mason m 2nd Mrs. Sarah McCann information of Abigail Moss of Vermont b abt
Tyler, May 20, 1851. Wanted McCann gen. 1790, and of her husband Ellis Crowly.
(a) GooDRICH-CLARK.—Isaac Goodrich, b 9937. GRAAF-GRAF.—Hans Graaf b Hol
May 2, 1743, d. 1814, served in the Rev from land, came to America abt 1696, m Susanna
Glastonbury, Conn. Married Hannah & set in Lancaster Co., Pa., d abt 1746.
Name of w, with dates of birth & m desired. Wanted names of his ch. & g.ch. Did the
Their dau, Julia m John G. Clark, April 7, Historical Society of Penna. erect a monu
1808. He was b July 22, 1776, Hudson, N. Y. ment to his memory 2
Clark gen desired.—N. A. C. (a) ARNOLD.—Wanted ancestry & birthplace
9930. Hickox.—Wanted ancestry with Rev of Abraham Arnold, Rev sol. His dau
rec of Sarah Hickox, b 1770, m Moses Rich Catherine Elizabeth Arnold, b Sept. 21, 1794,
abt 1785, at Williamstown, Mass. in Adams Co., Pa., d Aug. 5, 1858, m John
(a) HADLEY.-Wanted parentage of Eben Grove, b Dec. 20, 1793, Lancaster Co., Pa., d
ezer Hadley of Westford, Mass., who m Nov. 4, 1859, son of Francis Grove, Rev sol.
Abigail Spalding of Chelmsford, Mass., 1753. Wanted also Grove gen.
Did he or his son Jesse have Rev rec.? —A. G. McC.
—I. B. H. 9938. STEvºNs.—Gen desired of John Stevens
9931. CHASE.-Wanted parentage of Oliver b Nov. 2, 1785, m Feb. 13, 1805. Polly Wilson
Chase, a Rev sol & pensioner from Conn., also b May 25, 1787, & moved from Conn. to Cen
maiden name of his w Phoebe.—I. F. C. B. tral N. Y., 1813.−G. G. S.
9932. ELLIS.—Wanted parentage & birthplace 9939. BRADLEY.-Would like to correspond
of Samuel Ellis, b May 20, 1775, d Sept. 10, with the descendants of Isaac Bradley of Fair
1849, at Dundee, N. Y. His w Mary — b field, Conn., who served in Rev in Capt. Dimais
Sept. 3, 1775, d June 18, 1863 at Dundee, N. Y. Co., 1775. Did he have bros in the Rev 2
Their ch were Gideon, Samuel, Jr., Nicholas, —G. G.
Lucy, Samuel 3rd, Silas, Silas 2nd, Elonzo, 99.40. Tow Nse ND-WHEAton.—Joseph Lord
Eliza, Stephen R. H. Samuel 3rd, m Eliza Townsend, of N. J., m Christia Ann Wheaton,
beth Weeks. moved to Knox Co., Ohio. Ch. Nellie, Hannah
(a) SHAVER.—Wanted parentage & birth b Mar. 6, 1824, Knox Co., m Apr. 4, 1848.
place of Annie Dorothy Shaver, b 1755, d Able Scoles, b July 28, 1822, Knox Co., son
1830, Hartwick, Otsego Co., N. Y., m Andrew of Wm. Scoles. Wanted his mother's maiden
Weeks, 1775. Her bros were Peter, Jacob, name & gen, & also Townsend & Wheaton
Chas., & Capt. John Shaver, 10th Regt. Albany gens. Was there Rev rec on any of these
Co., Militia, Rev War.—E. M. E. H. lines?—E. S. R.
9933. CARMICHAEL.—Wanted the record of 9941. BLAIR.—Wanted any information of
Lemuel Carmichael, Sr., who is supposed to John Blair, officer of the Rev, b in Scotland
have enrolled as a Cherokee Indian when the April 23, 1743, d at Canandaugus Sept. 28,
treaty was signed transferring Tennessee 1814.—G. B.
Indians to the Indian Territory & granting them 9942. HALL.-Wanted parentage & dates of
Deborah Hall, who m Thaddeus Davis, b whose dau Aliceanna m John Bond of “Balti
1742, Greenfield Hill, Conn., & was in Water more Town.”
vliet, N. Y., 1790. They had a son Wm. b (a) EAvenson.—Wanted Rev rec of Eli
1762. Were there any other ch? Eavenson, of Georgia, also name of his wife.
(a) MAsoN.—Wanted parentage of Judith —E. H. A.
Mason, b 1741, d. 1831, m. Capt. Wm. Frissell, 9948. TAYLOR-RoPER.—Littleton Taylor m
both of Woodstock, Conn. Sallie Roper & lived in Va. Ch John m Miss
(b) DRURY.—Wanted gen of Jonathan Bugg ; George, Chastine, Josiah, 1813–1868, m
Drury, 1744–1820, Framingham, Mass., who m Catherine Lee, 1838; Sarah m Jonathan Bugg;
Mary Wanted also date & place of m. Martha m Ben T. Davis, Rebecca. Wanted
(c) RELYEA.—Wanted gen of Yonache any information of Littleton Taylor or of
Relyea, b Feb. 27, 1761, she had bros David, Sallie Roper.—F. M. T.
John, Jacob & Daniel.—M. K. D. 99.49. SEVIER.—Wanted parentage with dates
9943. Holli NGswort H.-Would like to corre of Janus Sevier, b in Tenn., 1808, d 1877, m.
spond with any desc of Jesse Hollingsworth, Nancy Edwards. Was he a g-son of Gov.
who lived in Bedford Co., Pa., 1773, & would Sevier or of the Gov's bro Valentine?–H. S. G.
like also any information of Mary Hillis of 9950. CARMAN.—Wanted gen & Rev rec of
Washington Co., Pa., whose mother m 2ndly John Carman, of Long Island, supposed to
a Mr. Laughlin —E. R. R. have been a Minuteman in the Rev War.
9944. KELLOGG.-Wanted Rev rec of Samuel —C. M. A.
Kellogg, b Feb. 1, 1739, of New Salem, Mass., 9951. PHILLIPs.-Michale Phillips m Bar
son of Capt. Ezekiel & Elizabeth Partridge bara — “made free of the Town of New
Kellogg. Was he one of the 16 men who went port, R. I., Oct. 29, 1668. James, their 3rd
in a Mass. Co. to Bennington but arrived there son, m Mary Mowry, b before 1672, d Dec. 12,
on the night of Aug. 15, 1777, after the battle 1746, at Smithfield, R. I. Their 3rd son Jere
was over? miah, m Martha Bishop, b abt 1705, ch all b
(a) S.Now.—Wanted parentage of Lucy in R. I. Their 2nd son Joshua, m Dorcas Cook,
Snow, who m Samuel Kellogg, of New Salem, b Oct. 14, 1744, d Jan 10, 1829, at Plainfield,
Mass. Also date of m. Did her father have N. Y. Wanted proof of Rev service of Joshua
Revolutionary record 2 Phillips.-H. P. S.
(b) KENDALL-Pool.—Wanted Rev data of 9952. Robb.-Alexander Robb migrated from
Jabez Kendall, who d in Cambridge, 1803. He Pa. to Ohio, his son James, m Catherine
m Mary Pool, abt 1769. Wanted also Pool Husong & their son Isaac b Nov. 24, 1817,
gen.—J. W. F. New Richmond, O., d. 1893, at Blanchester, O.,
9945. Wilcox.-Wanted ancestry, dates of m 1840, Sarah Houston of Braken Co., Ky.
b, m, & d & Rev ser of Enoch Wilcox who m Wanted gen of James Robb, and rec of Rev
Chloe Cossitt, b 1780, dau of Timothy Cossitt ser on this line.—I. M. W.
& Chloe Battles of Granby or Simsbury, Conn., 9953. HAMILTON.—Wanted parentage & all
& moved to Pompey, N. Y., 1798. Ch g-son b dates of Esther Hamilton who m James Dins
1797, Jarvis, Corinthia, Amarit, Chloe, Timothy, more of Washington Co., Pa.
and Patty. (a) BLAIR.—Wanted parentage & dates of
(a) CHAPIN-BRUNDAGE-G-son Wilcox, b Catherine Blair of Va., who was the 2nd w
1797, m. Theodosia Chapin, b 1801, dau of of William Anderson of Augusta Co., Va., &
Aaron Chapin & Martha Brundage, both b was m in 1779, d in Ky abt 1842–K. A. D.
1776, in Salisbury, Litchfield Co., Conn., m 9954. GRAY. —Capt. Thomas Gray served in
1794, & moved to Pompey, N. Y., 1810. Wanted the 15th R. I. Regt. Rev War, had son John
Chapin & Brundage gens & Rev rec, if any. who m Martha Lawton. What relation was he
(b) WHITE-BEALs.-Nathan White d Frank to Edward Gray who married Mary Winslow 2
lin, Mass. Nathan, Jr., b 1798, d 1834, m —M. B. M.
Lucinda Beals, who d 1859. Ch Chas. E. b 9955. SMITH.—Wanted gen of Martha Smith,
1822, Francis b 1825, Asa, Olive, Jarvis, b 1758, d 1844, m 1781, Daniel Purdy of Man
Nathan, Edwin. Wanted White & Beals gens, chester, Vt. Did she have Rev ancestry?—
& rec of Rev service.—H. L. B. 9956. BURGEss.-Wanted any information of
99.46. BECKER.—Major John Becker belonged Chris John Burgess, a Hessian sol, son of a
to the 15 Reg't, Albany Co., Militia. Wanted Hessian nobleman, who when he reached
names of his ch & g-ch.—L. E. B. America deserted & joined the American rev
9947. WEBSTER.—Wanted parentage & gen of olutionary army. He remained in this country
w of Isaac Webster of Harford Co., Mol., after the war was over.—F. L. B.
In this Honor Roll the list of membership in each State is shown in the
outer rim, and the list of subscribers according to States is in the inner circle
Bisbee. 539 GARRAnd St., CovingtoN.
394 North 3Rd St., PhoeNix. FRANKFont.
2005 Scott St., Little Rock. 310 FANNIN ST., SHREveport T.
817 W. 5th Ave., PINE BLUff. Monroe.
1240 W. 29th St., Los Angeles.
ALTA Vista Hotel, Coiloit Ado Springs. MRS. REX CORBIN MAUPIN,
803 SPEN ce St., Boulder.
MRS. S. M. COUNCIL, 1012 W. MAIN St., IKA LAMAzoo.
1515 FRANKLIN St., Wilmington. MRS. L. VICTOR SEY DEL,
MRS. JOHN W. CLIFTON, 143 LAFAYEtte Ave., N. E., GRAND RApids.
MRS. FRANCIS A. ST. CLAIR, 1906 KEN wood PARK way, MINNEApolis.
1319 T St., N. W., WAshington. MRS. A. E. WALKER,
MRS. WILLIAM B. HARDY, 2103 EAst 1st St., Duluth.
119 5th St., N. E., WAshington.
MRS. J. A. CRAIG, 850 N. JEFFERson St., JAckson.
233 W. Duval St., J Acksonvii,LE.
GEORGIA 6017 ENRight Ave., St. Louis.
305 14th Ave., Cordele. 4556 WALNUT St., KANsas City.
MOntan A
BAWAII 420 South IDAho St., Dillon.
P. O. Box 248, Honolulu. 814 S. CENTRAL AVE., Bozem AN.
Box 324, GooDING. 935 D. St., LIN colN.
421 2ND Ave., E. Twin FALLs. Nonth PLATTE.
ries entrancing.
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When writing advertisers please mention Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine.
The Objects of this Society are
(1) To perpetuate the memory and spirit of the men and women who
achieved American Independence, by the acquisition and protection of
historical spots, and the erection of monuments; by the encouragement of
historical research in relation to the Revolution and the publication of its
results; by the preservation of documents and relics, and of the records of
the individual services of Revolutionary soldiers and patriots, and by the
promotion of celebrations of all patriotic anniversaries.
(2) To carry out the injunction of Washington in his farewell address to the
American people, “to promote, as an object of primary importance, institu
tions for the general diffusion of knowledge," thus developing an enlightened
public opinion, and affording to young and old such advantages as shall develop
in them the largest capacity for performing the duties of American citizens.
(3) To cherish, maintain, and extend the institutions of American freedom,
to foster true patriotism and love of country, and to aid in securing for
mankind all the blessings of liberty.
VOL. L.V. APRIL, 1921 NO. 4.
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à e-ºr-, e- cº
vol. Lv Contents No. 4
APRIL, 1921 page
Publication Office, 227 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Chairman, Magazine Committee, Southington, Conn. Editor, Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D. C.
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Subscriptions should be sent to the Treasurer General, Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D. C.
Single Copy, 15 Cents Yearly Subscription, $1.00 Canadian Postage, 30 Cents Additional
Copyright, Underwood & Underwood
M. R. S. G. E. O. R. G E M A Y N A R D M I N 0 R
President GENERAL. National society. Daughters or THE AMERICAN revolution
WOL. LV, No. 4 APRIL, 1921 WHOLE No. 344
axes. When, forty-eight years after lar colonnade around the base, probably
Washington's death, the people of the a concession on the part of the archi
United States began to build the monu tect to the insistence of the people in
ment in his honor, the engineers disre charge. At any rate, Mills was an
garded the relations L'Enfant was at architect of the first order—one of those
pains to establish among public struc “the hour and the man people’’ whom
tures, and, in defiance or disregard of a beneficent Providence has usually
all precedents, placed an obelisk on a sent to Washington in time of Govern
mound that was off axis of the two ment need. Thornton, Hoban, Latrobe,
significant buildings of the nation, Mills and Walter are names to be
the Capitol and the White House. An spoken with respect and gratitude.
obelisk should rise from a plane; and Mills took the Egyptian obelisk as his
it should have distinct, well-defined re type; made his height approximately
lations to the composition of which it ten times the base; got his taper accord
is a part. The disregard of such con ing to standard; and eschewed entasis
siderations betokens ignorance and as being unnecessary in so large a
crudity, and marks a degradation of structure. At that time the tallest
public taste from the days of Washing known obelisk was one hundred feet
ton, Jefferson and L'Enfant, to all of high, or less than one-fifth the height
whom orderly planning and arrange of the Washington Monument. Of
ment were fundamental principles. course, knowing people in those days
In itself the Washington Monument asked one another what there was
is one of the world's most significant Egyptian about George Washington,
and most appropriate memorials. It deplored going to antiquity and called
dominates the City of Washington, as for something original and American.
St. Paul's Cathedral dominates Lon What American to-day ever thinks of
don. Quiet, serene; now towering high Egypt in connection with the Washing
in the clear sunlight and again stand ton Monument? Occasionally an
ing firm and sturdy amid thick mists, European traveller, passing the night
the monument has come to typify in the Capital, goes home and writes
George Washington. President Cleve of the incongruity of an obelisk not a
land told Franklin MacVeagh that at monolith; but ten days in Washington
times when he was burdened and har is enough to subdue the most obdurate
assed by the work of his office, he of intelligent minds. The domination
would go to a south window of the of the ever-changing shaft is mental as
White House and look long at the well as physical.
Washington Monument. As he con In 1900 Washington celebrated its
templated the simple, direct, time centennial as the seat of Government.
defying shaft, all his burdens dropped Improvement was in the air. Gover
away; strengthened and reassured he nors of states from the Great Lakes to
returned to his tasks. the Gulf of Mexico and from the
Robert Mills, architect of the Treas Atlantic to the Pacific brought it with
ury, the old Interior Department and them. The denizens of the Hill felt it;
the old Post Office Department build the American Institute of Architects
ings, designed the Washington Monu discussed it at their convention. It
ment. The original design had a circu found voice in the White House and in
the press. All sorts of resolutions were agreeable to him. Later the three
introduced in Congress. Any number added to their number Augustus Saint
of patriots were ready to sacrifice them Gaudens, a sculptor of supreme taste
selves on the altar, with the prospect in all matters of design. Here, then,
of securing earthly immortality by con were two architects acknowledged to
necting their names with the City of be supreme, the one as an executive
Washington. And, as usual, Congress and the other as a designer; the great
adjourned without taking the first step. est of American sculptors and the fore
At an executive session of the Sen most landscape artist. All had worked
ate in 1901, Senator McMillan, of together and were close friends. Of
Michigan, chairman of the Committee the four, only Mr. Olmsted knew in ad
on the District of Columbia, introduced vance that there was such a move
a simple little resolution directing that ment on foot. All were selected be
committee to report to the Senate a cause of their established reputations in
plan for the development of the park their professions.
system of the District, and authorizing It is not my purpose here to discuss
the employment of experts, to be paid their work further than as it relates to
from the contingent fund of the Sen the subject in hand. The first thing
ate. The chairman of the Committee they did was to examine the L'Enfant
on the Contingent Fund demurred a plan of Washington and, being satis
little at such an authorization during fied that it was both inherently and
an executive session, but he was per tactically the best plan, to revive it,
suaded to allow it to go through. No restore it to favor, reinstate its author
sooner had the resolution passed than ity, and enlarge it to comprehend the
Senator McMillan, with the approval entire District of Columbia. The
of the American Institute of Architects foundation of that plan they saw to be
and nominally at their suggestion, the great composition formed by the
asked Daniel H. Burnham to come to Capitol, the Washington Monument
Washington. Mr. Burnham had been and the White House—a composition
the Director of Works of the World's that had been dismembered by dividing
Fair at Chicago, and had borne the into separate blocks the great park
burden of that greatest of all American connection between the two principal
expositions—the burden not only of buildings of the nation, by permitting
construction, but, what was of far a railroad to cross the park and by
greater moment, the burden also of placing the monument off axis.
selecting the artists, guiding their work, Here was indeed a man's job. Like
and securing the coöperation among men they went about it. The Pennsyl
them necessary to produce a unified, vania Railroad was induced to with
comprehensive and epoch-making re draw its tracks from the Mall and to
sult. The Senator invited, as Mr. build elsewhere a Union Station. The
Burnham's associate, Frederick Law old L'Enfant plan of a continuous open
Olmsted, whose father had made the space, tree-bordered, extending from
original plan of the Chicago Fair. He Capitol to monument, was restored,
asked the two to select as a third a man and is now being developed into just
with whom they could work, suggest such a vista as George Washington cre
ing that Charles F. McKim would be ated for himself at Mount Vernon.
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Arbitrarily a new main axis was cre the architect on his victory. “Do you
ated by drawing a line from the dome call it a victory?” said McKim ; “an
of the Capitol through the Washington other such and I am dead.” With all
Monument, and prolonging it to the his remaining strength he fought for
banks of the Potomac, over the lands the location of the Lincoln Memorial
of Potomac Park, that only recently at the end of the main axis; and in this
had been reclaimed from the river. he was aided by Saint Gaudens to the
At the termination of this main axis end of his days. With both these men
these experts, knowing their history as the orderly development of the National
well as their art of design, located the Capital was of absorbing interest. At
site for the Lincoln Memorial. They the call they would drop any work in
went further. They suggested and re hand and hasten to Washington to de
corded the form that the memorial fend the plan—not because it was their
should take, and they also planned the plan, for they never thought of it as
landscape features in connection with any other than the plan prepared by
it. They located a memorial bridge to L'Enfant under the authority of and
Arlington and a parkway connection in participation with George Washing
with Rock Creek. ton and Thomas Jefferson, men of
From March till January they supreme taste.
labored, sacrificing private practice, and At President Taft's invitation, Mr.
for their labors they received the rec Burnham became the chairman of the
ompense of a consciousness of duty Commission of Fine Arts, created by
well done, but did not receive one Congress to have charge, among other
penny of money. things, of the improvement of the Dis
It is one thing to make a plan on trict of Columbia. He used his office
paper; it is quite another thing to see to fight for the present site of the
that plan realized on the ground. In Lincoln Memorial, when Lincoln's
another place I have told the story of name was used to further a real estate
the eleven years of struggles attend scheme in the guise of a Lincoln High
ing the establishment of the plan of way. He used it also to prevent the
1901. Senator McMillan lived only mutilation of the plan of Washington
long enough to carry through Con by the location of the memorial on
gress the removal of the railroad tracks Meridian Hill or at the Soldiers’ Home
from the Mall. McKim, single-handed or in Arlington. He proposed and
and alone, won the fight for the preser urged the selection of Henry Bacon as
vation of the Mall plan. After the foun the architect; and, when the Lincoln
dations were begun he persuaded Commission asked for and obtained
President Roosevelt to have the Agri competitive plans from another archi
cultural Department building moved tect, Mr. Burnham argued for the
back to the line of the plan. For this Bacon plans. At the time of his selec
action he was vituperated in Congress tion, Mr. Bacon had his name to make.
for ten years. As McKim and Secre This, too, was in Mr. Burnham's pro
tary Taft walked away from the White vision. He wanted a young man of
House after Secretary Wilson had been ability, who had not, as yet, done his
ordered to place his building on the supreme work—one who would put his
true line, the Secretary congratulated very life into the design and the con
STATU E O F L i N CO L. N. BY D A N i E L C H E S T E R F R E N C H–L i N Co L N M e M. O. R. i. A L
And now a word about the signifi nated by the conviction that mankind
cance of the Lincoln Memorial. Those has in itself the latent power to both
who see in it merely an ornament to pursue and also achieve happiness;
the National Capital, merely the expres that by the exercise of power all the
the work of building the splendid dome, Republic stood before the world, there
typifying the dominance of the Union. was dross in the metal. Possibly the
And when peace came to a distracted working of economic forces and the in
land, the work on the Washington herent progress of the people towards
ſººn -
tablet or SECOND INAUGURAL Addh Ess helow
Monument, that had faltered from the the more perfect realization of the in
beginning because of lack of unity in dividual would in time have brought
the various contributing states, was about the dominance of the idea of
again taken up by a united people and nationality and the freedom of every
by Congress was carried to comple man, regardless of his color. But war
tion. Serene, majestic, it expresses came. With war came a new nation
adequately the character of the Great and a wider freedom. Both ideas were
Sincerity whose name it bears. But, incarnate in Lincoln. By his pen he
great as was the freedom for which the taught the American people the pur
pose and the meaning of the struggle. Washington in vital relation to the
Those sentences of his have become building that represents the people in
for the whole world the fitting expres their united and sovereign capacity. No
sion of the noblest and finest ideals form that recalled the accidents of birth
known to nations and to individuals. or early training; no location not in
During those four years of warfare, of vital relation to his historic setting
sacrifice, of devotion to the ideal of a would suffice. On the other hand, only
more perfect humanity, a great and those forms that are elemental in their
faithful leader was hammered out as on directness, simplicity and elegance
the anvil. Then, when most he was could be tolerated. That the Lincoln
needed, he fell a martyr. No wonder Memorial, with its approaches and sur
that time was required to estimate at roundings, is a work of art, we have the
his true value the man who belongs to evidence of every competent critic who
the ages. Small wonder that the people has seen it. Others would do well to
waited until all the forces of art could recall John LaFarge's apposite saying:
be gathered to create a monument “Remember, you do not criticize a
worthy of his fame. For twenty years work of art; a work of art criticizes
the structure in Potomac Park has been you.” After all has been said, the
growing in the minds of the designers Lincoln Memorial does not exist pri
and under the hands of the workmen. marily to afford an opportunity to exer
Architect, landscape architect, sculp cise the critical faculty so dear to the
tor and painter laid before the people American mind. It exists to be en
of the country their conception. It was joyed. It is intended to stir emotions
ten years from the time the original of patriotism, of reverence for heroism
design was put forth until work actu and tenderness. Highest and best of
ally began. Every criticism that could all, it stands for the hope of the future.
be raised, every other form that could In an age of materialism, of doubt and
be suggested, was considered. In the uncertainty, when the very foundations
end it was felt that because Lincoln of the mental and spiritual structure seem
belongs to the immortals the expres to be crumbling away, the Lincoln Me
sion of his character must have a form morial stands for beauty in life, for order
that is universal; and, moreover, his in the universe, for the reward of struggle,
memorial must stand with that of and as the promise of the life eternal.
HE sudden death of our Registrar clare the faith that is in them. Let them, by
General, Mrs. James Spilman Phillips, their influence, guide others into the path of a
on February 12th, came as a shock sane and healthy patriotism.
to us all. As the March Magazine A deeper meaning than mere pride of ances
was already on the press at that time, try underlies our Society. Pride in our ances
this is my first opportunity to express tors is only a hollow boast if we do not try
in a “message" my appreciation of to make ourselves worthy of them. Our Society
her faithful and efficient service as a member is a means, and a very powerful means, to this
of my “official family.” Her enthusiasm for end. It is an instrument of service. It gives us
her work was one of her most distinctive char the opportunity to justify our pride of ancestry
acteristics. Her happiness in presenting 2900 by performing service that is worthy of it.
new applicants for admission at the February Our ancestors established the principles of
meeting of the National Board of Management freedom and justice which underlie our national
is one of its most pleasant memories. During life and government, and it is for us to remain
her brief tenure of office—April, 1920, to Febru true to these principles, else we are false to
ary, 1921—we have admitted 8212 new members. our heritage. This is a responsibility which
In a previous message I urged the increase of woman suffrage has infinitely increased.
our membership as a potent means of showing Have we still that living faith in the Divine
loyalty to our inherited American institutions law and guidance which brought the Mayflower
in these days of discontent and radicalism. We across the Atlantic? Are the fundamental
are beginning to realize that socialistic and qualities of honesty and justice the mainspring
radical teachings, so destructive of our most of our business and politics? Along with our
cherished institutions, are insidiously creeping vaunted education, do we build up character
into our schools and colleges and even into in the children? Are we teaching industry and
our churches. To offset this tendency is the thrift, and the dignity of labor—the labor that
duty of every American woman, but particu does honest work for honest pay and is not
larly of those of patriotic heritage. They must ashamed of it? Or are these virtues too “old
recruit the ranks of our great organization, thus fashioned " to have a part in our life?
making it a powerful agency against radicalism, Washington in his “Farewell Address,” said
for our Society is openly opposed to every that virtue is essential in a nation's life if it is
form of propaganda that is treacherously under to live and prosper.
mining our national institutions. Hitherto the Upon us lies the task of “character-build
radical, and the radically minded reformer, have ing ”; of fostering, not the austere “blue-laws,”
monopolized our oratory. They are blatant and but the virtues of the past, the solid, sturdy
virtues that form the backbone of the Nation
aggressive, while loyal Americans go about
their business, heedless, for the most part, of and will preserve it.
their propaganda. Hence it gains headway and While justice, industry and religious faith
may lead to a serious upheaval, unless we offset prevail no radicalism can flourish, no treachery
or treason, no degeneracy nor immorality. To
it by proclaiming the doctrines of sanity and perpetuate our national ideals is one of our
common sense. We must come out in the open gravest responsibilities as a Society. Let this
on the side of the Constitution, teaching the purpose be among those that shall inspire our
sound principles of liberty and justice. Join coming Continental Congress. Let us meet with
ing our Society is one way of doing this. the full realization that we belong among the
Loyal American women are needed by their “character-builders” of the Nation.
country today, as never before, to do their share ANNE Rogers MINor,
of patriotic educational work. Let them de President General.
By Sarah E. Guernsey
Chairman of Office Building Committee
E feel sure that not only the readers Only a few states were privileged to have
of the DAUGHTERs of the AMERICAN rooms or definite memorials in Memorial Con
REvolution MAGAZINE, but the mem tinental Hall, and many have expressed a desire
bers of the National Society, Daugh to have a direct part in the new building. Three
ters of the American Revolution, in states, as well as the National Officers' Club,
general, are greatly interested in the whose gift of $1000 was presented for the Audi
new office building which the Twenty torium at the Congress last year, have already
ninth Continental Congress authorized erected asked for rooms.
and fully realize that the actual erection of such While in Memorial Continental Hall all re
a building necessitates a great amount of time quests for rooms had to be made by states, in
for preliminary planning. When the preliminary the new building chapters and individual mem
work includes the removal of a Government bers will be privileged to have special memo
building, even more time than usual is required rials. Besides the rooms there will be two
before the real work can begin. drinking founts, the elevator, the fire- and
Plans for the office building are progressing burglar-proof safe doors and many other items
very satisfactorily, and the architect's drawings suitable for individual gifts.
will be ready for inspection by the members of Just as everything we need has advanced in
the Thirtieth Continental Congress. These plans price, and we have had to meet the new condi
will contain the Committee's idea of what the tions, so we must expect our new building to
building should be to efficiently carry on the cost more in proportion than did our Hall, and
work of our great Society. we must prepare to meet the advanced cost.
It was the dream of the members whose broad In spite of the higher cost of building now
vision made the erection of Memorial Conti than five or ten years ago, it is less than it was
nental Hall possible that it be a lasting memorial two years ago, and the period of dullness now
to the men and women who achieved American here offers an excellent opportunity to build
independence; that it be a memorial for all time our much-needed offices. The conditions which
to their illustrious forbears. It was never in made building costs excessively high are rapidly
tended for an office building, and not one single being overcome, materials are decreasing in price
feature in its construction was planned for that and labor is more plentiful and efficient. With
purpose. It was necessary to use it for the our plans ready, we will be in a position to take
working offices of the Society for a season, and advantage instantly of opportunities to secure
so the rooms were given over to office work even materials and labor at reasonable prices. With
though totally unsuitable for such use. out our plans and specifications in hand, most
At the present time it is no longer necessary favorable opportunities would be lost.
to so use our memorial, and the erection of a The privilege of being members of our Society
suitable administration building for the work of becomes greater as our influence for all that is
the Society is an immediate need. Steps must best increases more and more. After thirty years
be taken to preserve our beautiful temple of of steady growth and improvement we are now
patriotism for the purpose for which it was built a Society of much power, and the members who
—a memorial, not a workshop. join us now must realize that they owe a great
Besides the deterioration in our beautiful Hall debt of gratitude to the pioneer members, To
through its constant use for business purposes, the new members who have not borne the burden
the work of the Society is being retarded because of the early struggles should be offered the
of inadequate facilities for office work. A visit privilege of doing their part now in making it
to the rooms of the Registrar General, for possible for the Society, which has welcomed
example, where the crowded conditions, poor them, to take the next forward step, and we
lighting and lack of floor space make it a con count on their aid.
stant marvel that so much good work can pos We need the office building and we need it
sibly be done, must convince our members beyond now. D. A. R. members all, will you help.
doubt of the urgency for a suitable office building. the Society attain greater power and strength 2
100 ruction,
-- -
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By Louise Wilson Reynolds
MONG the rare books, treas cated, and allied by marriage with
ured, but accessible in the Con many prominent Presbyterian families
who settled the frontiers of Pennsyl
ington City, is “The Life of vania, Virginia, and North Carolina;
David Crockett,” written by who planted their schools and churches
himself. A close student of from the Cumberland Valley in Penn
literature has described this book as sylvania, to the Waxhaws in Lancaster
“A classic of the Tennessee vernacu County in South Carolina, prior to the
lar, as it was, and to a large extent as Revolution—and among whom General
it is to-day.” From these memoirs at Washington said, “When all else failed
least three biographies have been com he could plant his banner, and still hope
piled. Perhaps it would be exacting to for success' "
expect from writers, who have never About the year 1760, two Crockett
visited the “Great Smokies,” an intel brothers, Robert and David, emigrated
ligent interpretation of David Crockett's to America. It is thought that another
book, besprinkled, as it is, with ancient brother followed the Patrick Calhoun
Saxon phrases, and unvarnished rhet trail into South Carolina. The only
oric. But in an age of national interest authentic history of Robert and David
in historical research and genealogy, it Crockett is contemporaneous with that
is to be regretted that either through of the State of Tennessee. In 1769 a
ignorance or the desire to enhance the party of hunters was organized to ex
glamour of adventure and romance, not plore the lands lying on the Cumber
only a wrong conception has been pre land and Ohio Rivers, now contained
sented, but statements made which are in Tennessee and Kentucky. More
untrue and unjust to posterity. In no than twenty men, with substantial
instance is this more remarkable than financial backing, were recruited from
in published narratives and biography Pennsylvania, Virginia, and North
relating to the life and ancestry of Carolina. Among the number were
Colonel David Crockett, hunter, scout, Bledsoe, Drake, Stone, Mansco, and
statesman, and hero of the Alamo. others whose names are perpetuated in
The Crockett family was neither the streams of Tennessee and Ken
“Irish " nor of “lowly origin " as com tucky. The party, which had rendez
monly stated by historical writers. voused at Fort Chissel in Virginia, spent
The Crocketts were Scotch-Irish, edu eight or nine months hunting and ex
ploring and on its return recounted but their own Articles of Association until
one fatality—that of Robert Crockett, May, 1776, when they petitioned North
who was murdered by a wandering Carolina for annexation. The names
band of Shawnees, and found by his of David Crockett and his son William
companions lying on the Indian war are attached to this petition.
path leading to the Cherokee Nation. In July the frontier was subjected to
The success of a well-planned In
this expedition in dian invasion. Fort
spired further ad Watauga resisted
venturers, known the attack, but the
a s The Long Cherokees invaded
Hunters, led by Carter's Valley,
Colonel James plundered Carter's
Knox. store, and com -
The families of mitted many depre
the Long Hunters, dations. While
and Indian traders there is no written
licensed by Vir record, it is a tradi
ginia or Pennsyl tion authenticated
vania or N or th by Colonel David
Carolina, We re Crockett, that “His
among those who grand f a the r 's
first settled in Ten family were mur
nessee, at that time dered by the In
the North Carolina dians,” and the
frontier. While no massacre must have
biographer has been occurred at this
able to ascertain his time. Tradition is
name, it has been "DAVID CROCKETT " not explicit as to
told that -- Davy paint ED BY JOHN L. Chapman when crockFTT was MEMBER the Crockett vic
• of congress IN 1834. this PAINTING is Now IN THE ALAMo,
Crockett's mater- At SAN ANTONio, Texas. Cared For BY “The id:AUGHTiers or tims of the Indians.
The REPUBLIC of thºxas”
nal grandfather was John Crockett is
the first man to build his cabin in the pres said to have been in Pennsylvania at the
ent Hawkins County, Tennessee.” This time; Joseph escaped with a wounded
may or may not be true. There were arm; and James, a mute, after seventeen
cabins erected as early as 1774. The sec years of captivity, was ransomed by
tion was called Carter's Valley, for a son his brothers in eastern Tennessee.
of Colonel John Carter, of Watauga, who Three brothers, John, Robert and Wil
about this date, built a store in the val liam, resided in Greene County prior
ley for the purpose of trading with to 1800.
the Indians. Midway between Greeneville and
After the boundary line had been Jonesboro on the Limestone fork of the
surveyed between North Carolina and Nollichucky River in Tennessee a
Virginia, and the Watauga settlers “D.A.R. Marker’’ nestles amid rural
found themselves subject to the latter surroundings, and all who read may
state, they governed themselves under know that on this spot Davy Crockett,
the hero of the Alamo, was born home was built was a part of the
August 17, 1786! In the memory of “ Brown Purchase ’’ which covered
the oldest inhabitant a stone chimney many thousand miles of fertile river
once stood, marking the site where the bottoms, and was bought by Colonel
strong log house reared its walls. It Jacob Brown, of South Carolina, from
was here that John Crockett spent the the Indians for as much merchandise
first years of his married life. He had as could be carried on a single pack
served as a frontier Ranger during the horse. Families of some means and
Revolution, but returned to Washing prestige began to settle there as early
ton County in time to participate in as 1772.
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A GLAN ce. At The pesmanship AND Diction will REFurE THE or TEN-Quoted Allusion THAT David's FATHER was illi TERATE
who lived in Hawkins County, probably was located on the road from southwest
on the land owned by David's grand Virginia through east Tennessee to
father. Another uncle, his mother's Nashville and into Kentucky. Besides
brother, Joseph Hawkins, was a re the droves of cattle sent to eastern mar
spected citizen of Greene County, where kets, emigration had become so exten
he died in the year 1797, leaving seven sive in 1796 that a company of Rangers
children and grandchildren. - was paid out of the treasury to conduct
David also mentioned that he was emigrants in safety to middle Ten
eight years old when his father and nessee and Kentucky. Obviously, in
Thomas Galbraith built a mill on Cove the hands of the right man the “ordi
Creek. The accuracy of his memory is nary " should have proved a financial
proved by the fact that records extant success, but John Crockett seems to
show “that in 1794, Thomas Galbraith have been a round peg in a square
received a permit to build a mill upon hole. His family also had increased
this stream.” until it numbered nine children. In
The stay of the John Crockett family the words of David Crockett: “Mov
on Cove Creek was short and tragic! ing to Jefferson County was the begin
Before the mill was completed a flood, ning of hard times—and hard times
common to this region, swept every a-plenty.”
vestige of it away and the home was Andrew Jackson was now States
also inundated Attorney. He had received his first
In 1783 North Carolina had author license to practice law at the court
ized the surveying of land in what is where John Crockett presided as one
*** :
now Tennessee for officers and privates of the magistrates. f
who had served in the North Carolina To those gifted to read between the
Continental Line. While there is no lines of David Crockett's book we
way to distinguish Revolutionary imagine that John Crockett may have
grants, it is known that men who had considered a son like Davy, who would
served in the North Carolina Line from not go to school, who cut off the pigs’
Washington and Greene County ob tails to roast, and took the calves away
tained and moved upon grants in what from their mothers at night that the
is now Jefferson County. Jefferson bawling might keep awake the travel
County, taken from Greene County in weary guests, as coming under the
1792, was named in honor of Thomas category of “trials and tribulations.”
Jefferson, and its County Seat was David's first love affair when seven
called Dandridge, for the wife of teen was an infatuation for the niece of
General Washington. Quaker John Kennedy, who came on a
John Crockett, David's father, moved visit from North Carolina, and it re
from Cove Creek to his grant in Jeffer quired all the tact the pretty Quakeress
son County. Davy tells us that “he possessed to tell him of her engagement
had lost all of his capital which was to her cousin, Quaker John's son.
invested in the mill.” He possibly David is very frank in his book con
now contracted the debts later paid by cerning his second love affair, and does
David in “twelve months of farm not disguise the fact that he was jilted.
labor.” The next venture was an Not every one knows, however, the
“ordinary,” or roadside tavern. This name of this girl “whom Davy had
known long.” Nor do they know that that in all the world there was no mate
Davy had procured a license to marry, for him.” But when at the instigation
when the conscientious sister, sorry for of the Dutch girl, who was kind “but
Davy, told him preparations were being as ugly as a stone fence,” he attended
made for the marriage the next day of a “frolic,” and saw Polly Findley, he
his fianceé to another man. The fol seems to have at once capitulated.
lowing license is copied from the origi Concerning Polly's ancestry we are
“R E M E M B E R T H E A LAM O "
IN. This Historic EdificE DAvid Crockett ANd his comrades WERE KILLED BY MEXICAN TROOPS UNDER SANTA ANA
nal preserved in the Jefferson County not quite sure—she was probably a
records in Dandridge, Tenn.: granddaughter of intrepid John Findley,
“To any regular (licensed) minister of the
the pilot, who first led Daniel Boone
Gospell or Justice of the Peace, Greeting: into Kentucky. Davy's marriage bond
I do hereby authorize and empower you to was, and no doubt still is, hanging in
celebrate the rites of Marriage between David an old-fashioned walnut frame in the
Crockett and Margaret Elder and join them
together as husband and wife. clerk's office in Dandridge:
Given at my office the first day of October
A.D. 1805. Know all men By these presents, that
J. Hamilton, Clk. we David Crockett and Thomas Doggitt
am held and firmly bound unto John Sevier,
We do not doubt that David Governor, and his successor, in office the
Crockett's feelings at this sad ending sum of twelve hundred and fifty dollars, to
be void on condition there be excuse to
of his romance were such as he de
obstruct the marriage of the said David
scribes, and for the time being he was Crockett with Polly Findley, Witness my
convinced “God had made him odd, and hand and seal this first day of August, 1806.
* --
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ten miles from Winchester, Tenn., wit iar with the adventures of David
nessed David Crockett's career as a Crockett—the Indian—Thimblerig–
scout. It also witnessed, after the birth and the Bee-hunter. Right bravely did
of an infant daughter, the passing of the picturesque little band of recruits
Polly Crockett—the pretty little wife follow the lead of David Crockett until
whom David declares “he loved well it brought them to the old mission
enough to eat her!!” defended by the gallant Travis and
After his defeat for reëlection to Con his little band—and to their death
gress in 1836, which he attributed to at the Alamo on March 6, 1836.
º T
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By Nelson McDowell Shepard
Vice-Presidents of the United States, when the now beautiful Capital of the
one of them a signer of the Declaration nation was a track of swamps and
of Independence, have been buried country lanes. Before the plans for the
there. Private soldiers and those in National Capital were conceived, a to
high command of the Continental bacco barn on what was later to be a
Army sleep side by side in the democ busy street in Washington, afforded a
on its original site, was dedicated ferson and Monroe were among the
in 1808. early Chief Executives who most fre
Those were the palmy days of the quently occupied the “President's Pew.”
little parish. It became the custom as With this historic background it is
well as the fashion for the élite of the natural enough that Congress should
Capital to attend its Sabbath services. have selected the burying ground of
The beloved Lafayette, on his visits to Christ Church as the resting place for
the form of these monuments early taphs bearing the names of John C.
records do not indicate. But the cus Calhoun, the great “Nullifier,” and
tom of placing cenotaphs in memory Henry Clay, the “Compromiser.”
of members of the lower House origi Grouped together in even rows in a
nated with the monument placed for conspicuous section of the grounds,
Texas, January 30, 1851; James Jones, elapsed before the body of this vener
of Georgia, January 11, 1801 (interred able figure of the Revolution, friend of
later); Edward Bradley, of Michigan, George Washington and early gover
August 5, 1842; George Holcomb, of nor of New York, was taken to his old
New Jersey, December 4, 1828; James home in New York for burial.
Lent, of New York, February 22, 1833; Tobias Lear, that faithful private
died October 1, 1832, and “Maria Lear ington Craik did secretarial work for
and infant daughter.” the President. After Lear's return from
Tobias Lear came to his death in Europe in the spring of 1795, he did
1816 by his own hand. Early records not resume his position as secretary to
do not state why. On Washington's Washington until 1798, when Washing
election as President, Lear was ap ton appointed him his Military Secretary
with the earliest development of New tor Tracy became one of the leaders of
England. Uriah Tracy was the great his party, a man of profound statesman
great-grandson of “Lief tenant " Thomas like ability, and was particularly famed
Tracy, who came to this country in for his rare wit. Upon his death, the
1637, and founded the town of Nor members of the Senate for the first
wich, Conn. Colonial records show time wore crape about their left arms
that Tracy served many terms in the as a mark of their affection and re
State legislature and was one of the spect which they held for their colleague.
leaders among the Federalists. In 1792 James Gillespie, a member of Con
he was chosen Speaker of the House gress from North Carolina, is another
and the following year witnessed his whose Revolutionary service is note
promotion to the United States House worthy. He died January 11, 1805, and
of Representatives, serving until 1796, his body was transferred from the old
when he was elected to the Senate. He Presbyterian Cemetery in Washington
remained in the United States Senate and placed in Congressional Cemetery
until his death on July 19, 1807. April 14, 1892, with appropriate honors.
During his service in Congress Sena He was the last Congressman buried
there. Gillespie served with distinc U.S.N., retired, has prepared a list of
tion in the State convention of 1776 men buried in Congressional Ceme
and in the State House of Commons tery who may have served in the Revo
from 1779 to 1783. The only mark on lutionary War. More than one hun
his grave reads: “James Gillespie, dred and thirty-five names are included
North Carolina, died January 11, 1805.” in the list. Among them are Commodore
A member of the United States Campbell, who died in 1823; Major
Supreme Court buried in Congressional General Jacob Brown, buried in 1826;
Cemetery is H. Brockholst Livingston, Commodore Isaac Chauncey, 1839;
of New York, who died in Washington Major Alexander Forrest, born 1762,
March 19, 1823. He entered the Revo died 1834; James John Kenney, 1757–
lutionary army with rank of captain 1832; Capt. Peter Lennox, buried 1833;
and won the grade of lieutenant colonel. Colonel Morrison, of Kentucky, died
General Thomas Blount, of North Caro 1823; Col. Lemuel William Ruggles,
lina, is another interesting figure of the died 1835; Capt. Robert Taylor, died
Revolution. At the age of sixteen he en 1831; Tappan Webster, died 1821;
tered the army and in 1780 became a Commodore Thomas Tingey, born
deputy paymaster general. He was a 1750, died 1829; Major Moses Young;
major in command of a battalion of North Joseph Wilson, born 1743, died 1827;
Carolina militia at the Battle of Eutaw Lieut. William Ross, died 1826.
Springs. He enjoyed a long Congres Near the main entrance a tall, majestic
sional career, dying February 7, 1812. column rears itself to the memory of
The Pennsylvania Muster Rolls re twenty-two women war workers killed
cord Henry Black as a private in the by an explosion in a cartridge factory
York County militia; corporal in the on the grounds of the Washington
Cumberland County militia, and as a Arsenal, now the Army War College,
captain in the Bedford County militia. during the Civil War. Close by is the
For many years he was a member of monument to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon Gen
Congress from Somerset, Pa. He died eral of the Army, born in Boston, Decem
November 28, 1841, but was reinterred ber 22, 1788, and who died in Washing
in Congressional Cemetery the follow ton, October 17, 1836. It is recorded that
ing year. in April, 1812, “on the eve of the hos
Honorable Levi Casey, of South tilities with Great Britain, he entered
Carolina, a brigadier general of militia the military service of his country as a
in the Revolutionary War, also is surgeon and served with distinction
buried in the cemetery, by reinter throughout the war.” He soon was
ment, August 1, 1832. He died in promoted to the head of the medical de
Washington, February 1, 1807. partment “which, 'til the close of life,
“Major John Kinney, of New Jer he directed, improved and adorned.”
sey, an officer of the Army of the Revo Another distinguished patriot buried
lution, died in this city July 17, 1832, in this section of the cemetery grounds
aged seventy-five years ” is the brief is John Forsyth, whose gravestone
inscription carved upon another stone. simply states that he was a “Secre
Rear Admiral George W. Baird, tary of State, died October 21, 1841.”
By Emma Wilder Derwent, Chairman
HE 29th Continental Congress ad 3, 1777, when the Stars and Stripes was first
journed on April 23, 1920, to again unfurled in battle.
N: honor the memory of the immortal District of Columbia's soil is brought from
Washington, America's greatest sol the roots of the oldest oak tree in the District,
dier, America's greatest statesman, which stands in the Dean place, and is known
America's greatest citizen. as “Treaty Oak.” It derives its name from a
| The journey was made by boat down treaty of amity negotiated under its branches in
the Potomac River. Colonel Dodge, Superin Colonial days between the Indians and the
tendent of Mount Vernon, received the Daugh white settlers.
ters of the American Revolution upon their Florida. This soil is from De Leon Springs,
arrival. The Chairman of the Mount Vernon discovered by Ponce De Leon, four hundred and
Service Committee had conceived the idea of seven years ago. The Spanish settler who fol
bringing a tree from historic Yorktown, the scene lowed him built a sugar mill, the old wooden
of Washington's greatest triumph, and planting wheel of which is turned by the overflow of
it at Mount Vernon. The tree was obtained water from the spring.
through the coöperation of Mrs. Margaret P. C. Georgia. The soil is brought from the spot
Smith, postmaster of Yorktown, who was greatly where General George Oglethorpe, Georgia's
interested in the project. founder, pitched his tent when he first landed at
The ancestors of the small mulberry which was Savannah. Other soil is from the grave of the
planted were brought to this country in 1664, to great Tomo-chi-chi, chief of the Yamacraw
provide food for the silkworms. Historic soil Indians, whose friendship for the white man
from every State in the Union was brought by made possible the settlement of the State
the State Regents. The names of the States of Georgia.
were called alphabetically and as each State Iowa. This soil comes from the State richest
Regent scattered the soil around the roots of the in productiveness, and in the name of the Daugh
tree, she told whence it came : ters of Iowa is brought to help nourish the tree
California. This soil is from South Pasadena, from Yorktown.
a historic spot marked by the Oneonte Park Idaho. This soil is brought from the old
Chapter. Here were the headquarters of General Oregon trail, just inside the city limits of
José Maria Flores, an officer in the army of Cali Twin Falls.
fornia, before his capitulation to General John C. Illinois. The soil from Illinois is from Spring
Frémont, January 15, 1847, at Cahuenga. field, from the only home ever owned by Abraham
Connecticut. The earth which Connecticut Lincoln. Also, soil is brought from the home of
sends comes from the grounds around the home General Grant at Galena, and from Camp Grant
stead of Oliver Ellsworth at Windsor, now the at Rockford, where so many men were fitted for
property of the Daughters of the American true patriotic service in the World War.
Revolution. Oliver Ellsworth was one of the Kentucky. This soil is from Fort Boonesbor
makers of our Constitution, a plenipotentiary to ough, the first fortified station west of the Alle
France, the third Chief Justice of the United ghanies. The descendants of the pioneers at
States, and a loved friend of Washington. Fort Boonesborough have given to our country
Colorado. One of the younger States of the many of her most distinguished statesmen,
country dedicates this soil, taken from the site jurists, ministers, scholars, writers and finan
of the first schoolhouse in the State. ciers. Therefore Kentucky brings this soil to
Delaware brings soil consecrated by the blood cover the roots of this tree.
of heroes who fell at Couch's bridge, September Kansas. This soil is from Lawrence, Kan.,
the earliest settlement in the State and the strong the hearthstone unearthed from its coverings
hold of those who came determined to make a of three feet of earth, at the site of the first
free State of the new territory. Also soil is blockhouse ever built in what is now Minnesota,
brought from the garden of Mrs. Jennie Meeker and the first in the Louisiana Purchase. It was
Ward, who served as Kansas State Regent from built by Captain Zebulon Pike, surveyor and ex
1896 to 1911. She raised the funds for the res plorer for the United States Government in 1805,
toration of the slave quarters of Mount Vernon. at what is now the city of Little Falls. Also
Mississippi. This soil and spray of gray moss earth from the camping place of the Red River
are from old Biloxi, “Biloxi by the Gulf Coast," cart drivers in St. Paul. Historic soil also is
where, in 1699, De Iberville planted the first here from the first cantonment built by Lieu
French colony on the southern shores. tenant Henry Leavenworth in 1819 by the sol
Michigan. This earth is brought from a diers who came with him. This cantonment was
Michigan garden which did service in the called Fort St. Anthony, and later became
World War. Fort Snelling.
Indiana. Greetings from Indiana, the State Nebraska. This soil is taken from one of the
that gave the first President General to our or most if not the most, historic spot in the State
ganization. The soil was brought here by an of Nebraska, Central Avenue and 5th Street,
Indiana boy, Robert Wasmuth, a page in the Nebraska City. Lewis and Clark camped here
Senate, whose home is on the banks of the on or about July 18, 1804. It was here that the
Wabash River. old Fort Kearney blockhouse was built in 1847,
Massachusetts brings a tribute to the sacred the western outpost of the United States Army
memories of Mount Vernon, to which this tree in the old Louisiana Purchase territory. In this
is consecrated, in earth from the plot upon which same blockhouse the present Nebraska City News
stands the Washington Elm in Cambridge, under (the oldest newspaper in Nebraska) was put in
which General Washington took charge of the type by Thomas Morton, November 14, 1854.
American forces on July 3, 1775. From this spot, also, the Overland freighting
Missouri. This earth came from Missouri, trains set out for Denver and Salt Lake.
the gateway to the Golden West, and is dedicated North Dakota. This North Dakota soil is dedi
to the honor and glory of George Washington in cated to the memory of Theodore Roosevelt,
the name of General John J. Pershing, a native who found health and strength to enable him to
born Missourian. do his life's great work in the sunshine and
Montana. Montana soil is brought from Camp wonderful air of the North Dakota prairies.
Fortunate, at Two Forks, now Armstead, the New York. Through the courtesy of the
most important site on the trail of Lewis and Regent of Saratoga Chapter soil is brought from
Clark and the highest navigable point on the the historic spot where the decisive battle of
Missouri River. Here, Sacajawea, the Indian Saratoga was fought, which victory resulted in
girl guide, led the white men to her tribe and the surrender of Burgoyne ten days later. This
established friendly relations between them. The surrender proved a material aid to our ancestors
soil is not only significant from its connection in the struggle for American independence.
with the fortunes of “The Bird Woman" and New Hampshire. This soil is brought from
Lewis and Clark, but it is from the bank of the the old Granite State, which gave to Washington
Missouri—the Redrock River. The earth comes, such friends as the Revolutionary heroes, Stark
too, from the foot of the last lap of the Conti and Sullivan.
nental Divide, only a few miles from the Lemhi North Carolina. This earth comes from the
pass, on the summit where Sacejawea pointed old neglected family burying ground in Caswell
the way westward. County; also from the grave of a Revolutionary
Maine. The soil is from the State of Maine in
patriot, of whom we are all proud, Starling
full view of Penobscot River, along which the Gunn, of whom history relates, “He fired the
British warships came in the War of 1812. first gun at the battle of Yorktown and was
Maryland brings earth from the old State an eye-witness to the surrender of Lord
House site at St. Mary's City, where Maryland's Cornwallis.”
colony was first planted in 1634, when the Ark
New Jersey. This is Holy Soil, for it is from
and the Dove brought Leonard Calvert and his
followers, and earth from Doughregan Manor, the ground upon which Washington and Wayne
the home of Charles Carroll, of Carrolltown, a camped during the period between 1775–1779.
Signer of the Declaration of Independence. This It is consecrated by Nova Caesarea Chapter,
soil was dug and sent to support this historic D.A.R., and dedicated to this other Holy
tree by Master Charles Carroll, eighth in line Ground. The spot from which this earth is
from the “Signer.” taken is marked by a huge boulder and a bronze
Minnesota brings historic soil to mingle with tablet with an appropriate inscription, which has
that of the hallowed home of Washington, from been erected by Nova Caesarea. May this soil
mingle here to form a perfect tribute to our mingled also soil from the fields of Château
great Washington. Thierry, Belleau Woods, The Somme, and
Oklahoma. This soil came from the North Verdun, thus uniting in a material way the spir
western State Teachers' College, established in itual union which exists between those who made
territorial days in 1895, in Aloa, Okla. possible the victory of democracy in America
Pennsylvania. This soil was taken from the with those who have made victory possible in
well site of Fort Augusta, located at Sunbury. Europe. With this soil from these battlefields
This fort was in use in Colonial days and during is also mingled soil from the grave of John
the period of the Revolutionary War. McHenry, a lineal descendant of the Secretary
Rhode Island. This soil is brought from the of the Navy under George Washington, who
birthplace of Nathanael Greene, Washington's was killed in the battle of Belleau Woods.
lifelong friend, second only to him. Washington. This soil came from the spot
South Dakota. This soil is from the “Sun where the first public school in Spokane was
shine State,” and is dedicated to the memory of organized in the home of Rev. H. T. Cowley
George Washington. on a tract which was once owned by the sub
South Carolina. When General Greene was chief, Enoch, of the Spokane Indians.
sent to supersede General Gates, the tide turned, West Virginia brings earth to mingle with
with Yorktown as a result. The scenes of the that of her mother State in memory of the brave
exchange was two miles from Cheraw, and from boys who fell in France. This soil comes from
this spot South Carolina brings soil to help nour the historic site of the Bush Fort, near Buchan
ish the tree brought from Yorktown and planted nan, which in Colonial days was a refuge for
at Mount Vernon. And soil is also brought the pioneer settlers from the depredations of the
from the grave of Miss Ann Pamela Cunning Indians, and later, during the Revolutionary
ham, who lies buried in Columbia, S. C. It was War, a place of defense.
through her heroic efforts that Mount Vernon Wisconsin. This handful of earth which Wis
was saved as a mecca for the people of consin places at the roots of the tree planted
all countries. here today is not dust from the graves of any
Tennessee brings soil from the Hermitage, the of its sons or daughters. It is from the Blue
home of Andrew Jackson. He was Tennessee's Mound Road, a part of the old Winnebago Trail,
first President of the United States, a soldier, a over which the pioneers advanced to their settle
statesman, whose impress upon the Nation ment in Wisconsin. This trail leads out of
stands with Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln. Milwaukee, straight to Prairie Village, now
Teras. This soil was brought from the land of Waukeshaw, and on into the State, passing
Sam Houston, to rest around the roots of this through Atalan, the most wonderful pre-historic
historic tree at Mount Vernon. village in the United States.
Virginia. This soil is brought from the graves Wyoming. This soil is brought from the old
of Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson and Oregon Trail, near Fort Caspar, where young
George Wythe. With the soil from the graves Casper Collins laid down his life to save a com
of these heroes of the Revolutionary days is rade from the Indians.
Our Colors pass, and heads are bared, The music swells in tuneful praise
And eyes, aglow with pride, Of Red and White and Blue;
See battlefields where heroes dared Thru’ misty eyes stern Patriots gaze
And bravely fought and died. Upon our Colors true.
Our Colors pass. Our Colors pass.
The vision fades, and Mem'ry's screen Our Colors pass, but something stays
To some shows nameless graves; In each true Patriot's heart,
While some see naught but Glory's Which throughout all his length of
sheen days
Where’er our Banner waves. From him shall ne'er depart.
Our Colors pass. Our Colors pass.
2, 33age in
39 era Ib r p
Conducted by
Edith Roberts Ramsburgh
Drawings by
Zoé Lee H. Anderson
ºllarſhone ugh
Refugees of 1776, Albany, 1913. (12) N. Y. in coming to N. Y., although “N. Y. in the Rev"
Rev as Colony & State.—Marion Eleanor Seelye, gives the names of eight who served from N. Y.
Abilene, Kansas. —Mrs. J. E. Fraser, Garner, Iowa.
9922. CHILEs.--Lieutenant Colonel Walter
Chiles, the immigrant, b in England, came to Va. QUERIES
some time prior to 1638, bringing with him his 9957. BROYLES.—Wanted name & parentage
w Elizabeth, their sons William & Walter, Jr., of w of Michael Broyles, b Culpeper Co., Va.,
& four other persons. He, the immigrant, owned June, 1740, & served in Rev from Culpeper &
land in Charles City Co., was a Burgess from western N. C., D. Washington Co., Tenn,
Charles City in 1642; from James City Co. in 1833, & is buried in the old fam burying ground
1645, 1646, 1649; was chosen Speaker in 1652; of the Broyles. His son Simeon Broyles,
Member of the Council in James City 1761. He 1787–1874, buried there also. He m in Greene
d in 1653. His son William d shortly after ar Co., Tenn., Mary Fox. Their ch Elizabeth,
rival here. Walter, Jr., succeeded his father as 1796–1893, m Brooks Bell, whose father was
Burgess from James City Co. in 1658, 1659, 1660, Rev sol; Jesse, Jefferson, Jacob, 1816–1901, m
& 1663. He was Church Warden in Jamestown Eliz. Good: Pollie Ann, & Archie.—G. T. H.
Parish. He m 1st Mary Page, dau of Colonel 9958.-SPENCER.—Wanted gen & Rev ser of
John Page, the Councillor, & by her had 2 ch: W. Rauleigh Spencer, who was wounded at
John & Elizabeth. He m 2d Susannah & Battle of Brandywine. His fam originally
had 1 ch, Henry. His will is dated Nov. 15, 1671, settled in Va., the part now known as W. Va.,
& he d soon after. John, son of Walter, Jr., & but later moved to N. C. He had 3 bros,
Mary, m 1st Mary Boucher, & after her death Abram, Leonard & Thos. Sharpe Spencer, the
Eleanor Webber, dau of Capt. Henry Webber. first two were killed in Rev, the last was the
Ch by his 2d w; John, Henry, Susannah, Wil noted Indian fighter & Government Scout &
liam, Micajah, Eleanor & Jane. Micajah, son is known as the first permanent settler of
Middle Tenn.—N. S. McG.
of John & Eleanor, m a dau of Joel Terrell &
9959. DRAKE..—Abigail Drake m Hugh Owen.
lived in Caroline Co., & had ch John, Manoah,
Was Capt. John Drake, who m Rebacca —,
Micajah, Jr., Thomas, Sally, Anne, & Agatha
her father ? Wanted Drake gen & rec of Rev
Brice Edwards, 212 6th St., S. E., Washing service.—M. L. F.
ton, D. C. 9960. WHITSEL-GREINER.—Catherine Whitsel
KING-Joshua King m Hannah , their
m George Greiner in Culpeper Co., Va., abt
ch were: Silas, M., b Sept. 15, 1793, m Frances, 1796–7, & later moved to Ohio. George Greiner
b Sept. 11, 1795, dau of Thomas, Rev soldier, & may have spelled his last name with a K instead
Elsie Marshall Parker; George, Jesse, Rachel, of a G at the time of his m, as for some yrs
Susan, Elizabeth, Jane, Polly Ann, Sarah, & it was spelled both ways. He was a Rev sol
Nancy. This data is copied from an old family in the Penna. Line. Catherine Whitsel had
Bible.—Mrs. Henry Haviland King, Colum one bro. Anthony & perhaps others. Wanted
bia, Mo. her parentage & Rev rec of her father.
8857. NEAL –Mary Neal, of Scotch parent (a) HALL-Folk ERTH.—Annie Hall & Michael
age, m William Faris (Farris) b on the ocean be Folkerth were m in Frederick Co., Mci., bet
tween Ireland & America. It is thought they 1800–1808, & later moved to Ohio. Annie Hall's
lived near Pittsburgh. Their ch were: David, father was Nicholas (?) Hall, was he a Rev
1803–4, captain of the first ship that ran the soldier? Wanted also parentage of Michael
blockade at New Orleans in the Civil War, ship Folkerth, did his father have Rev rec 2–W.
& all on board lost; Mary, b 1806, m 9961. BooNE-WILCoxEN.—In Feb., 1917, issue
Goldsborough; William, b 1808; Margaret, m of Magazine, it was stated that Sarah Boone,
Stephen Hodgin; James, b Oct. 22, 1809, m sis of Daniel Boone, m John Wilcoxen. Wanted
Martha Newnam (not Newman), of Del., dau place of residence and names of their chil
of William Newnam.–Mrs. O. JJ’. Gibbons, dren.—F. C. R.
Box 507, Centralia, Wash. 9962. FAIRBAN KS.—Wanted gen & Rev ser
8995. MEEKER.—One Samuel Meeker, of of ancestors of Dorcas Fairbanks b Dec. 23,
Duanesburgh, m Sarah Finch, & their ch were 1768, d July 22, 1852, m 1784, to Southworth
Alfred, Eli, Ann, Eliza Van Rensselaer, Deborah, Whiting. Also date of m & place of her
Elijah, Oliver, Andrew, Lorenza, Elvira, & Sam birth.—D. W. B.
uel. Another reference is made to Samuel 9963. CLARK.—Wanted parentage of Anna
Meeker & his w Sarah Finch, natives of Mass., Clark, b Sept. 1, 1733, Kingston, N. H., with
who settled at Quaker Lake, Pa.. I think the book reference, for same. She married Wm.
Meekers were from an eastern state before Cilley, Nov. 29, 1754, & moved to Gorham, Me.
Fort Larned Chapter (Larned, Kan.). The number are life members. Our meetings are
past year, 1919–20 (Miss Eva Beer, Regent), held every month in the year on the third Thurs
has been pleasantly spent in the study of his day. The attendance each time varied from
tory and the Constitution of the United States. 20 to 25 members. Each meeting is made very
Our first meeting took place on Flag Day, interesting; often we have a program of musi
and was celebrated by a picnic held at the cal numbers, again, a speaker, who talks on
home of the Regent. At other meetings there some subject of civic or National interest, or
were excellent papers on the early settlement occasionally just a social time, with ancestral
of America and Colonial life. stories by our own members. Once a year we
Americanization and arousing patriotism have a luncheon. During the summer the meet
have been the chief aims of the Chapter this ings take the form of picnics, which are quite
year. Believing that training the young to informal, and are held either at the summer
love their country and respect the flag is a homes of members, or in some picturesque spot
sure way of developing loyalty, our Chap in the vicinity, for there are many such places,
ter, through its Patriotic Committee, sent beautiful beyond description, in and near
to every teacher in the county Constitu Minneapolis. We have found these picnics
tion Day pamphlets, requesting that that day most enjoyable, and a very satisfactory way
be observed; likewise placards of rules for of keeping up the interest of our members in
displaying the flag, and the American Creed the Chapter. St. Anthony Falls Chapter has
to be taught to every child. Two flags were the reputation, which we think, well merited,
presented to the two pupils in the village for being a loyal, congenial Chapter and one
high schools for the highest grade in historical which has never failed to respond promptly
subjects, and a prize of $5 to the graduate of and willingly to any call made upon it, of
the Larned High School who made the highest whatever nature. Our charter was presented
grade in history and civics. by one of our members, a flag by another and
We have gained five new members this year; a gift of $100 came from another recently.
our roster now numbers 32; resident members We have a very efficient set of officers and
19, non-resident, 13. All of our meetings are committees, each one ready at all times to do
social as well as literary. The principal social the work assigned to her and eager to keep up
event of the year was a luncheon given by the the reputation of the Chapter.
Regent; there was a large attendance and the Our Chapter, with other Minnesota chapters,
good music and social intercourse was greatly erected the Pike Monument, furnished the
enjoyed. One of the interesting reports of bronze tablet, with inscription for it, and
the year was that of Mrs. Josephine Wickwire, assisted at the dedication ceremonies at Little
our delegate to the Twenty-ninth Continen Falls, Minn. This monument marks the spot
tal Congress. on which stood the first blockhouse in Minne
The present year, 1920–21 (Miss Nellie sota, built by Lieutenant Zebulon Pike and
Heaton, Regent), has begun auspiciously with party in 1805. The cobblestones and boulders,
an excellent program to be carried out, and which formed the fireplace in the original
we are looking forward to another year of ser house were used in the construction of the
vice and social enjoyment.
monument, which is in pyramid form, and
Historian. stands six feet high, on a point of the west
bank of the Mississippi River about five miles
St. Anthony Falls Chapter (Minneapolis, below Little Falls, Minn. Mr. Lyman F. Ayer,
Minn.), organized in September, 1917, now who unveiled the monument, was the first
has a membership of nearly fifty, not includ white child born in the state of Minne
ing 15 non-resident members. Two of our sota. He died at the age of eighty-six years.
lº li
Mrs. Bruce wric, HT AND Four d'Au Ghters ENTeRING THE Chapter on THE SAME DAT re. FROM LEFT to Right: Mrs. Mabel
St. Anthony Falls Chapter was the first to Revolutionary soldiers of Washington County,
invite Miss Maria Sanford, Professor Emer October 21, 1920. The State Regent was a guest
itus in English at the Minnesota State of the Chapter, and gave an interesting talk con
University, to become a D. A. R., she being a cerning the work of the National Society in this
Real Granddaughter. We recalled our invita direction. The grave of the Revolutionary sol
tion, later, that Miss Sanford might have the dier, William Wright, was found in an old family
greater honor of being an Honorary Member burial ground and covered with myrtle. William
of the State D. A. R. Our former Regent, Wright served in the Revolution in North Caro
Mrs. Little, accompanied Miss Sanford and lina under Captain James Robinson, Captain
took especial charge of her on her last trip, Rawles and Captain William Gray, a three
which was to the National Congress of the months' service each time, making nine months
D. A. R. in Washington, D. C., in April, 1920. in all. He came to Washington County in the
Here Miss Sanford delivered her wonderfully early days of pioneer life, following his youngest
impressive “Apostrophe to the Flag,” which brother, Philbird Wright, who came about 1809.
has been so widely copied and is now so well William Wright married Betsy Morgan, and
known. She never returned to her beloved their family of eight children became worthy
state, for she died, very suddenly, before the citizens, establishing homes in the county and
end of the Congress. Mrs. Little was with state. One son, Arwin Wright, was chosen as
Miss Sanford constantly on this trip and was one of the escorts to Lafayette when he visited
the last person to whom Miss Sanford talked. Jeffersonville, Ind., in 1824. It seems very
She was eighty-three years old at the time of probable this honor was conferred upon Arwin
her death. because of his father's service in the War of
Her “ Apostrophe to the Flag" has been the Revolution.
copyrighted, and copies will be sold by Minne The Wright family has been an interesting one
apolis D. A. R. Chapter, the proceeds to be in the history of Washington County, and men
used to establish a “Maria Sanford Scholar and women of sterling worth to the community
ship" at the University of Minnesota. have been characteristic of the name. The Chris
(MRs. E. J.) CLARIssa T. WALLACE, topher Harrison Chapter considers it an honor
Historian. to begin the work of marking the graves of
Revolutionary heroes with the name of Wil
Christopher Harrison Chapter (Salem, liam Wright. MARTHA TUCKER MoRRIs,
Ind.) began the work of marking the graves of Registrar.
south ca Roli-A
In this Honor Roll the list of membership in each State is shown in the
outer rim, and the list of subscribers according to States is in the inner circle
Regular Meeting, February 9, 1921
|REGULAR meeting of the National gentle disposition endeared her to all with whom
Board of Management was called to she came in contact; and,
order by the President General, Mrs. WHEREAs, the members of this Board ad
George Maynard Minor, in the Board mired and loved those traits of a noble char
Room of Memorial Continental Hall, acter which were her natural heritage; now,
*º on Wednesday, February 9, 1921, at therefore, be it
Sºl 10.10 Å. Resolved: The National Board of Manage
The Chaplain General in her prayer asked ment desires to place upon the record the
for guidance for the members of the Board sorrow that it feels at the loss of its
in the problems they had come together to solve. beloved member,
The President General announced that the Resolved further: That this Board will miss
Recording Secretary General was unable to her cheery smile, and her prompt and active
be present on account of illness and on account cooperation in all that was of the best interest
of the death of her husband, and that, there to the Society.
fore, the Board would elect a Secretary pro Resolved further: That we extend to her
tem. Mrs. Hanger nominated Mrs. Elliott to family our deepest sympathy, and the assur
act as Recording Secretary pro tem. Seconded ance that we also loved her.
by Mrs. Reynolds and Mrs. Buel and carried. MARY E. St. CLAIR,
The roll was called by the Recording Sec BERTHA H. TALBott,
retary pro tem., the following members being Committee.
recorded present: Active Officers: Mrs.
Moved by Mrs. Hunter, seconded by Miss
Minor, Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. Guthrie, Mrs.
Temple and Mrs. Schoentgen, and carried,
Sherrerá, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Whitman,
that the resolutions upon the death of Mrs.
Mrs. Schoentgen, Mrs. Spencer, Mrs. Elliott,
John P. Hume, Vice President General, as
Mrs. Hanger, Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Hunter, Miss
presented by Mrs. St. Clair, be accepted, and
Coltrane, Mrs. Ellison; State Regents: Mrs.
Buel, Mrs. St. Clair, Mrs. Chubbuck, Mrs. a copy be sent to Mrs. Hume's family.
Mrs. St. Clair moved that a telegram of
Felter, Mrs. Denmead, Mrs. Shumway, Miss
McDuffee, Mrs. Moss, Mrs. Charles W. sympathy be sent to our Recording Secretary
General on the death of her husband. Sec
Barrett, Mrs. Nash, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Wilson,
onded by Mrs. Whitman and carried.
Mrs. Davis, Miss Temple; State Vice Regent:
Mrs. Heron. Mrs. Hanger moved that a letter of sym
pathy be sent Mrs. A. W. Cook upon the death
The President General requested that the Com
mittee on Resolutions on the death of Mrs. Hume, of her mother. Seconded by Mrs. Reynolds
and carried.
Vice President General, make their report. Mrs.
St. Clair read the following resolutions: The President General read her report.
WHEREAs, The grim Reaper has again Report of President General
entered our National Board and plucked one
of its sweetest flowers, Mrs. John P. Hume, Members of the National Board of Manage
Vice President General from the State of
Wisconsin; and, This report of your President General covers
WHEREAs, Mrs. Hume has served this Society the period from the October Board meeting
to the present time, except this one item which
as Organizing Regent of her Chapter from
was omitted in the last report, namely, a trip
1908 to 1916; as State Regent of Wisconsin
to Mount Vernon, October 2nd, on the Presi
from 1916 to 1919; as Vice President General dent's yacht, Mayflower, as your representative
from April, 1919, to November, 1920; and, by invitation of Secretary Daniels. This
WHEREAs, She performed the duties per occasion was held in honor of the guests from
taining to each of said offices with England and Holland who were visiting this
unusual ability, grace and dignity; and, country in connection with the celebration of
WHEREAs, her genial manner, happy and the tercentenary of the Landing of the Pil
grims. It was a memorable event, this trip to for by our Historian General in the interest of
beautiful Mount Vernon, sacred to the memory teaching history in our public schools. On
of George and Martha Washington; a beau November 30th an invitation was accepted for
tiful October day, a distinguished company of luncheon in New York, to which the heads of
Cabinet Officers and their families, Army and twenty-three National Patriotic and Civic
Navy Officers and their wives, besides the Societies were invited by the National Se
Ambassador from Great Britain and Lady curity League, to discuss cooperation and
Geddes, the Minister for the Netherlands and coordination of Americanization and other
the heads of several Patriotic Societies. patriotic work. The next day I attended
Speeches were made by Secretary Daniels, a meeting of a group of patriotic and
Ambassador Geddes and the Minister for the welfare societies, held in the interest
Netherlands, at the tomb of Washington, and of Americanization and naturalization. De
wreaths were placed in remembrance. I can cember 5th I returned to Washington and
never forget the beauty and solemnity of the received at a dance given by the Abigail
scene. When opposite Mount Vernon the ship's Hartman Rice Chapter of the District of
engines were stopped, the company stood at Columbia, for the benefit of their American
attention, the flag was lowered to half-mast, ization work, and was present on December
while the bugler sounded taps, and then the 7th at a Special Board Meeting for the admis
band exultantly played “The Star-Spangled sion of members, and later at a meeting of
Banner.” A scene full of beauty, patriotism, the Executive Committee. December 9th and
love of country, and honest pride in America. 10th were given up to a luncheon and
My first activity after the October Board meeting of the Esther Stanley Chapter and
meeting, if one can call attendance at a lovely a meeting of the Katherine Gaylord Chapter,
party an activity, was attending the reception both of Connecticut.
given in honor of the President General by On December 21st it was my privilege to
the District Daughters of the American Revo represent our Society at the official celebration
lution, at the Washington Club on the evening of the Tercentenary Anniversary of the land
of October 20th, the evening after the Board ing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth. A special
meeting. On October 22nd and 23rd, I attended train from Boston was provided for the official
the New Jersey State meeting, held in Atlantic guests of the Commission and also reserved
City, and went from there to St. Louis to seats in the theatre where the exercises were
attend the Missouri State Conference held on held, which included a fine address by Vice
the 25th, 26th and 27th ; from thence returned President-Elect Coolidge, and an historical
to Connecticut to attend a luncheon given by oration by Senator Lodge. Afterwards there
the Ruth Wyllys Chapter, of Hartford, in was a bountiful luncheon at the Armory and a
honor of the President General. On Novem pilgrimage to Plymouth Rock, Burial Hill,
ber 4th the State meeting of Connecticut was Pilgrim Hall and other places of interest until
held in New London, by invitation of my own four o'clock, when the special train returned
chapter, and was attended by several National to Boston. It was a day full of inspiration.
Officers. It was with very great pleasure and and I wish every member of our Society could
pride that I welcomed them to Connecticut and have been there. It is to be regretted that
to my home. owing, I presume, to the fact that the time
On November 10th I went to Boston to was so near Christmas, but few of the mem
meet the Tercentenary Commission of Massa bers of the Memorial Fountain and Painting
chusetts, and such members of our Fountain Committee were able to avail themselves of
and Painting Committee as were at that time the invitation of the Tercentenary Commission
appointed and available, in order to view the to attend this notable celebration. A meet
three proposed sites for our Pilgrim Memorial ing of this Committee was held in Boston on
Fountain, and on the 12th several members of the evening of the 21st. Little was done except
our committee drove to Plymouth by invita to talk over plans. The only action taken was
tion of our Librarian General to look over the to appoint the State Regents as a Finance Com
ground and confer with the local officials. On mittee, for raising the funds. Those members
November 15th I came to Washington to care who were present at Plymouth viewed the
for several matters here and then started for sites suggested for our fountain. We must,
Charleston, West Virginia, to attend the State however, await definite word from the Com
Conference on November 17th and 18th. After mission as to which of these positions may be
spending another day in Washington I returned taken into consideration by our Committee.
to Connecticut, stopping over in New York The full list of members of the Memorial
to attend a demonstration of moving pictures Fountain and Painting Committee, as ap
under the Visual Education Society, arranged pointed by the President General, is as follows:
Mrs. John Laidlaw Buel, Mrs. Frank W. our land on which one of its buildings stands,
Bahnsen, Miss Jenn Winslow Coltrane, Mrs. in the rear of our Hall. This in turn involved
Anthony Wayne Cook, Mrs. Frank D. Ellison, the question as to whether or not the Society's
Mrs. Frank B. Hall, Mrs. Henry McCleary, office building was to be started at once or
Mrs. James T. Morris, Mrs. Benjamin L. action be deferred. It is to be remembered
Purcell, Mrs. William N. Reynolds, Mrs. that the greater portion of our land has been
William D. Sherrerd, Mrs. James Lowry leased rent free to the Government, but there
Smith, Mrs. William H. Wait, and Mrs. Charles is a certain small parcel, purchased from
S. Whitman. owners who had rented it to the Government,
It has seemed best to me to put the painting which now yields a rental to our Society, and
also in charge of this Committee. if the office building could not be started at
On January 3rd, the Mary Clap Wooster once, it was well worth while to secure this
Chapter, of New Haven, gave a luncheon in rent again if possible.
honor of the President General at the Hotel As regards the office building, a very grave
Taft, in New Haven, and on the 6th I repre doubt has been growing up in my mind as to
sented the Society at the exercises in connec the advisability of entering upon its erection:
tion with the laying of the cornerstone of under present building conditions and high
Roosevelt Memorial, in New York City, on the interest rates. I have felt for some time that
7th attended the Ball given by Constitution it was the better part of wisdom to delay it,
Chapter of the District of Columbia, at the if possible, until conditions materially improve,
Woman's City Club, and on the 11th received and so advised the Chairman of your Office
with notable women at the Americanization Building Committee. I therefore consulted
Ball given by the District Daughters at with your Executive Committee on this matter
the Hadleigh. and stated to them that I had been given to
On January 14th Dr. Anita McGee and I understand that such a building as we are plan
went, by appointment, to interview Secretary ning would cost at least $300,000, at the present
Baker in the interest of securing pensions for price of labor and materials, whereas Con
nurses who served in the Spanish-American gress had authorized a loan of only $200,000;
War. The results of this visit I am unable that rates of interest were not less than seven
to state, except to say that Secretary Baker or seven and one-half per cent., and that main
promised his interest and influence. tenance expenses also had to be considered.
The last two weeks in January were spent In view of the heavy obligations involved, I ad
in the South visiting the Daughters of Florida, vised delay, in the expectation that in another
Georgia, North Carolina and Tennessee, and year conditions would be more stable, prices
a few of the schools and colleges in which and interest lower, and that then our build
our Society is interested. It was a most inspir ing might come within the authorized cost. I
ing trip, everywhere revealing enthusiasm and also pointed out that the financial condition of
activity in the Society. It included visits to the Society did not warrant large interest pay
the State Conference of Florida, held in Miami ments, for we have had to borrow $20,000 for
the 17th, 18th and 19th, and thence northerly current expenses until dues came in ; that al
to chapter meetings in Daytona, Jacksonville, though it has been the usual practice in past
and in Macon and Atlanta, Georgia. A visit years to borrow money toward the end of the
was paid to the Martha Berry School, at Rome, year, pending the receipt of dues, this is never
Georgia, and to Maryville College, Maryville, theless an unwise practice as the dues of each
Tennessee, and the Lincoln Memorial Univer year should meet that year's expenses, and that,
sity at Cumberland Gap, Tennessee. In all of therefore, it seemed unjustifiable to incur a
these schools it was a pleasure to see the splen debt and interest charges heavier than Con
did work being done for the mountain boys gress authorized, at least not without reporting
and girls. Meetings of the Daughters in back to Congress for further instructions.
Maryville and Knoxville were attended and Your Executive Committee unanimously passed
finally a meeting of the home chapter of the following resolution:
our Historian General, Miss Coltrane, in
Concord, and also that of our Vice President Because of the high price of building
General, Mrs. Reynolds, in Winston-Salem, material, the high rates in the money mar
North Carolina. ket, and general unsatisfactory building
Three meetings of your Executive Committee conditions, be it resolved that the matter
have been held, namely, on December 7, 1920, of erecting a new office building be delayed
January 15 and February 8, 1921. The meet until conditions improve.
ing of December 7th was called because of the
necessity for sending a reply to the Govern By authority of the meeting held January
ment in regard to the renewal of the lease of 15, I signed an amended “Memorandum of an
Agreement” with our architects, with accom report, 120,000 francs have been expended upon
panying letter qualifying the agreement, and the work.
providing for delay, in order that your Build I have long had it in mind that our Life
ing Committee might be in a position to sub Membership fees should constitute a permanent
mit plans, specifications and estimates to Con endowment fund for our Society. This seems
gress, but this does not involve any obligation a sound business proposition for us to adopt.
to start building at once. If our Life Membership fee were reduced to
In view of this motion of delaying work on $50 (by amendment to the by-laws) and put
the office building your Executive Committee on interest in saving banks or by investment
voted that “the United States Government be in Liberty Bonds, we should net the same in
offered the privilege of renewing their lease, come of $2.00 a year from each Life Member
on the adjoining land, for the period of one which we now get in annual dues from other
year from termination of present lease,” but members, and this would be for all time. It
the Government has since notified us that it would not cease with the death, resignation or
has decided not to renew. dropping of members. Hitherto our Life
A letter from Messrs. Thompson and Laskey, Membership fees (the one-half which remains
the lawyers retained by Mr. Mellis to represent with the National Society) have been applied
our Society in the case of Piper vs. the Na to the permanent fund set aside for the erec
tional Society, Daughters of the American tion of Memorial Continental Hall and have
Revolution, has been received, stating their wish been spent; the chapters in most cases spent
to withdraw from the case and leave the Society their one-half. But if the National Society
at liberty to engage other counsel and that they and the chapters would invest their respective
had so informed the plaintiff's attorney. This portions, and use only the interest, each would
letter was submitted to your Executive Com receive the one dollar a year and perhaps a
mittee, which voted that Messrs. Thompson little more from each Life Member, the same
and Laskey be requested to turn over the papers as if the member were paying annual dues. A
in this case to the National Society. This has certain and sure income not subject to losses
been done and the case has been placed in the in membership would thus be established for
hands of Minor, Gatley and Rowland, the the Society and whether small or large would
attorneys who have served this Society for be of great benefit to it.
several years past. I therefore recommend that the following
The matter of the Executive Manager is amendment to our by-laws be proposed by this
still under consideration by your Executive Board to the Thirtieth Continental Congress:
Amend Article V, Section 5, by strik
An offer of a position has been made to a
ing out “One hundred " and inserting
woman who has been given two or three
“Fifty "; and further amend this section
weeks to consider it and we are still waiting by adding the following after the sentence
to hear from her.
Your Executive Committee has also voted ending, “to which the member belongs.”
“The Twenty-five dollars to the National
to curtail the publication of the Lineage Book,
Society shall be placed in a permanent
on account of the high cost of printing, reduc
fund; the interest of which shall be applied
ing the number printed this year to one, or at
on current expenses; the chapters likewise
most two volumes, if our contract with the
shall place their share of this life member
printers permitted. A further report on this
ship payment in a permanent chapter fund,
matter will be made by your Historian General. the interest of which should be used as are
The work of compilation still goes on.
other dues, and on the transfer of the
Two very interesting reports on the condi
member, the life membership fee shall be
tion of our work in Tilloloy have been re turned over to the chapter to which the
ceived, one from Mrs. Harris and one from life member transfers.
Madam de La Grange, showing fine progress
in the digging of the well, which it is hoped to In closing my report I wish to add that
complete by the middle of February, after Mrs. Robert H. Wiles has been appointed
which the pipes will be laid. Photographs Chairman of Committee on Legislation in the
accompanied Mrs. Harris' letter and designs United States Congress, to succeed Mrs. Selden
for the fountains were submitted with Madam P. Spencer, resigned ; Miss Annie M. Wallace,
de La Grange's letter. Chairman of Committee on Correct Use of
It is hoped to have the work completed or the Flag, to succeed Mrs. John P. Hume,
nearly so by next summer, at which time the deceased ; Miss Alice Louise McDuffee, Chair
President General will be asked to come over man of Finance Committee of Memorial
to dedicate it. Fountain and Painting Committee, and Mrs.
So far, according to Madam de La Grange's Wallace G. W. Hanger, Chairman of our
Building and Grounds Committee, Custodian and general unsatisfactory building condi
of Flags. tions, be it resolved that the matter of erect
Respectfully submitted, ing a new Office Building be delayed until
ANNE RogFRs MINOR, conditions improve.
President General. In view of the motion just passed delaying
The President General stated that unless the erection of the proposed Office Building,
moved that the United States Government be
there was objection all reports would be received
without their recommendations, and that the offered the privilege of renewing their lease
on the adjoining land for the period of one
recommendations might be taken up under year from termination of present lease.
new business, or acted on directly after the That the firm of Thompson & Laskey be
reports if the Board so wished. Mrs. Hall
moved that recommendations contained in asked to turn over to the National Society any
papers they may have in the case of Piper vs.
reports be acted upon directly following the National Society.
action taken upon the report. Seconded by It was the consensus of opinion that the
Mrs. Nash and carried. On motion of Mrs.
President General represent the National So
Buel, seconded by Mrs. St. Clair, it was car ciety at the meeting of the committee called
ried that the report of the President General
by the National Security League as she did
be adopted without its recommendation. The
at the previous one (unofficially), and then
adoption of the President General's recom
come to the February Board meeting for
mendation in regard to life membership was official authorization if she thought best.
moved by Mrs. Reynolds, seconded by Miss January 15, 1921.-The President General
Coltrane, and carried.
reported that she had placed the case of Piper
Mrs. Elliott read the report of the Record
vs. N. S. D. A. R. in the hands of Mr. Benjamin
ing Secretary General as follows:
Minor, and that the case might come up in
Report of Recording Secretary General two or three weeks.
Madam President General and Members of the The matter of signing the contract for the
National Board of Management: Office Building was brought up by the Presi
Since the meeting on October 20th last, the dent General, and an amended agreement with
routine work of the office has gone forward an accompanying letter qualifying the agree
as usual. ment was presented. On motion of Mrs. White,
seconded by Mrs. Hunter, it was voted, That
The minutes of the regular meeting of Octo
the President General be authorized to sign
ber 20th and of the special meeting of Decem
the “Memorandum of an Agreement,” with
ber 7th, were duly prepared for the Magazine
and proof read. Copies of the rulings were qualifying letter dated January 14, 1921, sub
sent to all offices and the notification cards mitted by the architects this day in order that
the Building Committee may be in a position
signed by your Recording Secretary General
were promptly mailed to the 3674 new mem to submit plans, specifications and estimates to
bers admitted. the Congress.
At the meeting of the Executive Committee
The official notices, letters of sympathy,
regret, and condolence in connection with the held on February 8th, no action of any kind
was taken.
meetings were duly sent out.
The notices to members of the Board of Mrs. Phillips read her report as Registrar
General, requesting that she be permitted to
the February Board meeting were mailed a
bring in a supplemental report before the close
month in advance of the date of the meeting.
One hundred and sixty-seven orders for Block of the meeting.
certificates have been filled.
Certificates of membership numbering Report of Registrar General
2585 have been sent out since the last regu Madam President General and Members of the
lar meeting. Rita A. YA woe.R, National Board of Management:
Recording Secretary General. I have the honor to report: 219.4 applications
There being no objections, the report was presented to the Board and 610 supplemental
approved. papers verified; 2804 total number of papers
Mrs. Elliott then read the report of the verified; permits issued for 1200 insignias, 400
Executive Committee as follows: ancestral bars and 600 recognition pins.
Papers examined and not yet approved : 619
Report of Executive Committee originals and 300 supplementals. Papers re
Motions adopted at meeting, December 7, turned unverified: 26 originals and 109 sup
1920. Because of the high price of building plemental. New records verified, 517.
materials, the high rates in the money market Among the applications accepted to-day are
those of Mrs. Harding, wife of the President ical service for the office of the Registrar Gen
elect and those of Mrs. Elizabeth Eckert, a eral. You are all pleased when an increasingly
Real Daughter, and her daughter, Dixon, Ill. greater number of members are admitted and
I move that the Recording Secretary General feel, perhaps, that the outlay is justifiable. For
be instructed to cast the ballot for the appli copying papers for which the Society charges
cants for membership. a fee of 25 cents each we employ clerks at
The Registrar General's Office finds itself $3.00 a day. These clerks cannot copy more
up to date with its application papers that came than six papers a day and in addition it takes
in up to the ten-day limit. the time of two clerks to compare the papers.
The membership is thriving, but there is a This, with the expense of typewriters, postage,
lack in force to handle the increase in original and the correspondence incident to this work,
and supplemental papers, so the latter are be makes each paper copied by the Society actu
hind, but are receiving attention. ally cost the Society $1.00, for which only 25
The condition of the office to date is: cents is received. This is a positive leak and
All notices have gone to the Chapter Regis contrary to all business practice.
trars of members admitted in December. One other phase of the work in the Regis
The cards of the members admitted at that trar General's office which is done at a con
meeting have all been turned over to the siderable loss to the Society is the verifying
Organizing Secretary General. of supplemental papers. I realize in the early
The list of the members admitted at that days it was desirable to have as many records
meeting have been sent to their respective verified as possible, but now with the great
State Regents. amount of work that is being done, does it
Eighteen volumes of application papers have seem fair that the Society should be required
been sent to the binders and returned. to verify, in many cases, eight or ten addi
Duplicate papers of the members admitted in tional papers for some of its members without
October have been returned. making any charge for this service: I would
All names and numbers for the October and recommend that $1.00 be charged for every
December Meetings have been put in the Dupli additional paper verified.
cate Book and the papers for both Meetings The Registrar General's office is the vital
have been numbered. working power of the Organization. If we
The national numbers of the members ad can admit 10,000 applicants in a year, the
mitted at the October and December Meetings Treasurer General receives $20,000 from our
have been placed on the Ancestral Cards, admissions alone. If we can have more money
together with the names of the children of for supplemental papers and for copying the
the Revolutionary soldiers, through whom papers, we add that to the Treasurer General's
these members descend. accounts, so that to succeed the Registrar Gen
There were a great many new records in the eral's office must have a good working force.
October Meeting. The permits for both Respectfully submitted,
Caldwell and Mrs. Key are up-to-date. (MRs. JAMES S.) ANNA. L. C. PHILLIps,
There are many of our Daughters and appli Registrar General.
cants throughout the United States who do
not know the workings of our office and feel The motion of Mrs. Phillips that the Record
they are being neglected, when they are not ing Secretary be instructed to cast the ballot
admitted as quickly as they wish, and fix the for 2.194 members was seconded by Mrs.
blame on our office. In order to show all who Hanger and Mrs. Ellison and carried. The
are in earnest in learning why their papers Recording Secretary pro tem. announced the
are delayed, I have asked, our President Gen casting of the ballot and the President General
eral's permission to keep a standing notice in declared the 2194 applicants members of the
the DAUGHTERs of THE AMERICAN REvolu National Society. There being no objections,
tion MAGAZINE notifying them what they must the report of the Registrar General without its
do to perfect a paper before sending it to recommendations was adopted. After consider
the Registrar General's Office. We can not able discussion as to the best way to solve
verify incomplete papers and the saving in the problem of allowing the Registrar General
postage and clerks’ work would be an agree to charge $1.00 for copying papers, which
able help to us. Please, State Regents, carry proposition met with the approval of many of
back to your States a word that with the con the members, it was moved by Mrs. Buel,
gested condition of our office, we would greatly seconded by Miss McDuffee, and carried, that
appreciate more help from them in filling the recommendation of the Registrar General
out papers. be deferred until she can bring forward a pro
You will hear from the Treasurer General's posed amendment eractly covering the points
report what it is costing the Society for cler that she wishes to amend. Mrs. Phillips read
her recommendation in regard to charging $1.00 mental paper was moved by Mrs. Chubbuck,
for the verification of supplemental papers. The seconded by Miss Temple, and carried.
adoption of recommendation that members pay Mrs. Hunter read her financial report as
one dollar for the verification of each supple- follows:
Receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $875.75
Disbursements .... ........... ..... .. . . ... .. .......... .............. 16,194.53
Balance ..... .. .. ...... .... . ..... . ............... ...... ....... .. ... $152.60
Receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108.00
Disbursements .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00
Balance ............... . .. . .. . ... ......... . ... ......... . ..... . ..... 139.00
Receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $62,80
Disbursements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62.80
Disbursements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,292.02
Balance ....... ...... ... .... .. ........ . .... . . . . .. . .... . . .. . . ..... .. 871.03
Funds Bal. 9-30-20 Receipts Disbursements Bal. 12-31-20
Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,614.54 $48,914.69 $38,052.38 $12,476.85
Permanent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,803.18 4,195.83 2,089.44 8,909.57
Petty Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500.00 500.00
Immigrants' Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 875.75 875.75
Painting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.05 11.05
Patriotic Education .... ... .. . . . . . .. ......... 1,572.38 14,774.75 16,194.53 152.00
Philippine Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.60 219.62 251.22
Pilgrim Mothers' Memorial Fountai: . . . . . . . . . 108.00 108.00
Preservation of Historic Spots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139.00 5.00 5.00 139.00
Red Cross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62.80 62.80
Relief Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552.53 2,610.52 2,292.02 871.03
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24,295.07
(MRs. Livingstox L.) LILLIAN A. Hu NTER,
Treasurer General.
ber meeting in regard to raising the initiation The adoption of the report of the Auditing
fee to $3.00 be rescinded. Committee was moved by Miss Coltrane, sec
2. That Article V, Section 1, of the By-Laws onded by Mrs. Reynolds and carried.
be amended by striking out the word one and Miss Coltrane then gave her report as His
inserting the word five, so that it reads “The torian General as follows:
initiation fee shall be five dollars.”
Respectfully submitted,
Report of Historian General
Madam President General and Members of the
Acting Chairman.
National Board of Management:
There being no objections, the report of the The regular routine work of our office has
Finance Committee was adopted without its been such that at this time we wish only to
recommendations. The President General ex call your attention to a few facts as we will
plained that since the action taken at the Octo soon present our yearly report. Letters con
ber Board many members had expressed the taining suggestions we felt it wisest to concen
opinion that it would be wise to make the trate upon this year, were sent to the State
initiation fee $5.00, and while, of course, it was Regents and State Historians just after the
for the Congress to decide what the initiation October Board Meeting.
fee should be, if the proposed amendment set Our War Records being unfinished business,
the figure at $3.00, the Congress could not vote we have striven doubly hard to have them
to make it $5.00, whereas if $5.00 is proposed, completed this year. Each state was asked to
Congress can vote to make it either that sum have the records ready for the binder by the
or less if it should so decide. Moved by Miss first of January. This request came to some
Temple, seconded by Mrs. Ellison and carried, states as a surprise and a greater surprise to us
that the action of the October meeting in when we learned the work had hardly been
recommending an increase of initiation fee from begun by some; of necessity, this means delay,
S1.00 to $3.00 be rescinded. The second recom but we would like to bring to your attention that
mendation of the Finance Committee was duly we are concentrating every effort to have them
put and adopted, the point being emphasized completed as soon as possible. With the ear
that this proposed amendment was merely to nest and untiring coöperation of Miss Florence
be circulated among the chapters and to come S. M. Crofut, our Vice Chairman of the His
up to the next Congress for decision. Mrs. torical Research and Preservation of Records
Young requested that her vote in opposition Committee, through which Committee the work
to both the recommendation for increase of is being carried out, we have sent to each state
initiation fee and for the charge for the veri a plan of indexing, making it possible to have
fication of supplemental papers be recorded in uniformity of compiling, as well as uniformity
the minutes. of blank and the selected binder has specifica
Miss Coltrane, Chairman, read the report of tions which complete the uniformity in binding.
the Auditing Committee. We are expecting great results. May we not
Report of Auditing Committee be disappointed and may we not disappoint you!
Since our October Board Meeting we found it
Madam President General and Members of the
advisable to sell the Lineage Books due to the
National Board of Management: heavy increase of the cost of printing. Through
Your committee has met regularly since the the State Historians we have tried to find how
report to the October Board Meeting for the many chapters would buy them at cost price,
purpose of comparing the report of the Treas also we have striven to have the value of the
urer General with the audit by the American books stressed before each state, feeling that
Audit Company. The accounts have been if the real value of these records were under
audited up to and including December 31, 1920 stood better, the clamor for obtaining same
and have in all cases agreed with the report of would at once make it possible for the books
the Auditors. to make expenses. So far we have only 114
Under authority of the National Board, the promises which as you see is less than one
Auditing Committee, on October 20, 1920, third of the cost of one issue, as each edition
entered into a new contract with the American of 800 volumes cost $1946.50. We will con
Audit Company, effective May 1, 1920, at a rate tinue to have this work brought before the
of $900 per annum. This is an increase of chapters helping them more fully to realize
$12.50 a month, per year, over the pre they can hardly be valued in dollars and cents.
vious contract. Volume 55 is now ready for distribution at a cost
Respectfully submitted, of $3.00 per volume. Volume 56 is off the press.
JENN WINSLow CoITRANE, Volume 57 is ready for the printer when so or
Chairman. dered. Work on Volume 58 is well under way.
Our President General, the Vice President report. But fortunately in every state but
General of New York, our Recording Secre one, Louisiana, one or the other of these officers
tary General and your Historian General was able to present an adequate report.
viewed the historical pictures prepared by A great deal of correspondence has been
Doctor Bagley, of the Teachers' College, Colum necessary in order to clarify obscure points and
bia University, for the Society for Visual to correct errors in records; but there has been
Education on November 20th. These are a spirit of helpfulness and hearty cooperation
animated maps mainly teaching the facts of on the part of the state officers which has been
our history in such manner as to make them most gratifying and pleasant and has made my
unforgettable to the child's mind. Doctor task far less difficult than it would other
Bagley is a pioneer in this work, and we feel wise have been.
this movement is one that will be of untold The severe strain of making up the report
value to future generations, as it is given to this year was increased by the fact that late
the school children of our country. in the year the Secretary of the Smithsonian
It has been a matter of great gratification to Institution advised the Reporter General that
have letters telling of the help of the historical in order to avoid a long delay in its publication,
program in our Magazine, we hope in the report must be submitted by the first of
another year this may be of still greater value. January. Heretofore the required date has
We have been pleased with the intense desire been the first of February. However, the
of many to have our historical women given manuscript of the report was completed and
a greater prominence in our work of research. mailed on December 27th.
A report on this work will not be possible be This year the Reporter General proposes
fore the Congress. Our highest hope lays in to change the system a little and to send out the
making a keener realization of the great store blanks directly after the adjournment of the
house of knowledge that awaits us, if only we Thirtieth Continental Congress, so that they
turn our pages of history. may be filled in and returned before the sum
Respectfully submitted, mer vacations begin, and so avoid the extreme
JENN WINSLow ColtRANE, rush of work at the last of the year.
Historian General. Respectfully submitted,
Lilli AN M. Wilso N,
There being no objections, the report was Reporter General to Smithsonian Institution.
The report of the Reporter General to the The President General requested that the fol
Smithsonian Institution was, in the absence of lowing letter be also read as part of the report:
Miss Wilson, read by the Recording Secre
tary pro tem. Smithsonian Institution,
Washington, U. S. A.
Report of Reporter General to the Smith December 30, 1920.
sonian Institution Dear Madam :
Madam President General and Members of the The manuscript of the Twenty-third Report
National Board of Management: of the Daughters of the American Revolution
has been received and carefully examined, and
The Reporter General has been silent at the
Board meeting heretofore because, in accord is entirely satisfactory in every respect. It
ance with the custom which was handed down will be communicated to Congress today, in
accordance with law.
to her, nearly all the work of the office was
I wish to compliment you on the excellence
done during the last three months of the year.
of the substance and form of the manuscript.
Up to the time of the June meeting nothing
It shows not only care and painstaking work in
had been done or needed to be done excepting
the mechanical part of its preparation, but also
to order a little stationery and write an occa
editorial ability and knowledge of what these
sional letter. In mid-summer, blank forms for
reports should be. It is a concise, though com
reports from State Regents and State His
torians were ordered, and mailed to those prehensive, account of the work of the Daugh
ters during the year, which is exactly what
officers in each state in August and September.
was wanted, and I congratulate you on an
By the middle of November, with the aid of
excellent piece of work.
sundry postcard reminders and persuasive let
Very truly yours,
ters, nearly all of these blanks had been returned CHARLEs D. WALcott,
with the desired information inserted. In a
few cases, owing to some unfortunate condi Miss LILLIAN M. Wilson
tion existing in certain states, either the Regent
or the Historian was unable to make the desired Report accepted.
Mrs. Ellison read her report as Librarian Charles T. Boothe, were received the following
General. three volumes:
The Founding of Spanish California, C. E.
Report of Librarian General Chapman, 1916. Presented by Pasadena
Madam President General and Members of the Chapter.
National Board of Management: Pasadena, Historical and Personal. J. W.
Since October many letters have been written Wood, 1917. Presented by Martin Severance
to the State Librarians, whom I find most en
thusiastic in the work of finding books of his Illustrated History r * Los Angeles County.
torical and genealogical value for our Library. 1899. Presented by Mrs. W. S. Bullis for
It is with pleasure that in behalf of the Library, Los Angeles Chapter.
I thank the State Regents who have appointed CoNNECTICUT :
State Committees with the object of interesting
the chapters in contributing suitable books. The following three volumes were presented
Again I urge those State Regents who have by Faith Trumbell Chapter:
no State Memorial Continental Hall Library History of the First Church in Preston, Conn.
Committee to appoint one. Also it will assist
very much if the State Librarians may be History of Norwich, Conn. F. M. Caulkins
invited to explain the needs of the Library at
the State Conference and Board meetings. History of New London County, Conn. D
H. Hurd. Phila. 1882.
An Honor Roll has been kept in which each
state is credited with its donations of books.
DISTRICT of Columbia :
I am very happy to say that Massachusetts has
given 36, Missouri has given 24, and Alabama Lists of Swiss Emigrants in the Eighteenth
has given 22. All these gifts are much appre Century to the American Colonies. Vol. 1.
ciated, and we are also deeply grateful to 33 Zurich, 1734–1744. Albert B. Faust. 1920. Pre
other states for the books which they have so sented by the Livingston Manor Chapter.
kindly sent to the Library. Colonial Architecture of Philadelphia. Frank
These books have been given by the chapters Cousins and Phil M. Riley. Presented by The
and indivduals through the State Librarians, Telles de Rochambeau Chapter.
and thus the states are adding to the value of Pictorial Life of George Washington. J.
their respective collections at Memorial Con Frost. 1853. Presented by Miss McCabe,
tinental Hall. Thomas Marshall Chapter, in the name of her
I have the honor to report the following sister, Mrs. Harrison Russell.
additions to the Library: The End of an Era. John S. Wise. 1902.
Rhode Island Manual 1898–1890. The last
BOOKS two presented by Miss Catherine Barlow.
The following eight books and one pamphlet
were received through Miss M. C. Thurber, The following two volumes were presented
State Librarian of Alabama: by the Governor John Milledge Chapter.
Year Book Parish of Christ Church, Mobile, Book of the United States.
1883. Presented by Miss Thurber. Literary and Miscellaneous Scrap Book.
Iowa :
Footprints of Time; an analysis of Charles
Bancroft. 1881. Presented by Miss Thurber. Iowa, Its History and Its Foremost Citizens.
A Belle of Fifties. Memoirs of Mrs. Clement By Johnson Brigham. 2 Vols., 1918. Pre
Clay Clopton. 1905. Presented by Mrs. A. sented by Miss Abbie McMillan, Onawa Chap
B. Jones. ter, through courtesy S. J. Clarke.
Pickett's History of Alabama. 3rd. ed., 1851. History of Cherokee County, Iowa. Thomas
2 Vols. Presented by the Misses Mary C. McCulla. 2 Vols., 1914. Presented by Pilot
and Jennie B. Chamberlain. Rock Chapter.
Catholic History of Alabama and Florida. Keokuk County, Iowa, and the World War.
Mother Superior of Convent of Mercy. 1908. Earle W. Wells. 1920. Presented by James
1 Vol. Presented by J. W. Fairfax. McElwee Chapter.
Proud Mahasha. 1843–1900. Semira A.
University of Virginia. Historical and Bio
graphical. Barringer and Garnet, editors. 2 Phillips. 1900. Presented by Elizabeth
Vols. 1904. Presented by Mrs. R. H. Inge. Ross Chapter.
Welfare Campaign in Iowa. M. L. Hansen.
CALIFORNIA: 1920. Presented to the D. A. R. Library
Through the California State Librarian, Mrs. by the Iowa State Historical Society.
National Genealogical Society Quarterly. circular, sent out by Wm. H. Harrison, dated
April, July. 1800, by Mrs. Frank W. Farrar, D. C.; 3 brass
Newport Historical Society Bulletin. Octo buttons worn by — Morris, a soldier in the
ber, January. Revolutionary War, by Mrs. Elizabeth Lilley,
New England Historical and Genealogical D. C.; silver shoe buckles, by Miss L. M.
Register. January. Bemis, Maine; knitted lace cushion cover, 1798,
News Letter, N. S. V. S. D. of 1812. by Mrs. M. C. Jameson, De Soto Chap
November. ter, Florida.
New Jersey Historical Society Proceedings. One Royal Worcester Saucer, 33 pieces of
January. Lowestoft china, presented in memory of Miss
New York Genealogical and Biographical Mary Virginia Greenway, a former member of
Record. October. this Society; one piece of Continental money,
New York Historical Society Quarterly dated 1779, by Miss Elizabeth W. Greenway,
Bulletin. January. Maryland.
New York State Historical Association. One net baby's cap, hand embroidered, 1 hand
Quarterly Journal. October. embroidered handkerchief, 1 hand-embroidered
Palimpsest. December. vestee, 1 hand-embroidered sleeve, 1 piece of
Soukh Carolina Historical and Genealogical very fine darned embroidery on Brussels-net,
Magazine. April, July, December. one-half of a yard insertion, hand-embroidery.
Sprague's Journal of Maine History. These articles, Mrs. Guy Warren Cheney, New
December. York, gave in memory of her great-grand
Tyler's Quarterly Historical and Genealogi mother, Maria Phoenix Godwin, daughter of
cal Magazine. October. David Godwin and Catherine Waldron. David
I’irginia Magazine of History and Biography. Godwin served through the Revolution. Mrs.
April, July. Cheney also gave a wooden and gold pin and
lſ' estern Pennsylvania Historical Magazine. earrings, 1 hair chain, 1 hair pin, flower design.
October, January. Respectfully submitted,
Iſ 'illiam and Mary College Quarterly His
Louis E. C. WHITE,
torical Magazine. January. Curator General.
The above list comprises 124 books, 30
pamphlets and 39 periodicals; 106 books were There being no objections, the report was
presented, 15 received in exchange and 3 pur accepted.
chased ; 26 pamphlets were presented, 1 received Mrs. Elliott read her report as Corresponding
in exchange and 3 purchased. Secretary General.
Respectfully submitted.
(MRs. FRANK D.) AN NIE E. Ellison, Report of Corresponding Secretary General
Librarian General, N. S. D. A. R. Madam President General and Members of the
National Board of Management:
Report approved.
The following is a brief report of the work
In the absence of Mrs. White, who had been done in the office of the Corresponding Secre
called to Missouri by the illness of her sister, tary General since October 1st.
the report of the Curator General was read by Eighteen hundred and two letters were
the Recording Secretary pro tem. as follows: received, of which 1374 were answered, others
being turned over to the different offices to which
Report of Curator General they were intended.
Madam President General and Members of the The number of supplies as issued were:
National Board of Management:
Application blanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,487
I have the honor to report the following Leaflets “How to Become a Member ". 2,397
accessions to the Museum since the October
Leaflets of General Information . . . . . . . 2,134
Board Meeting:
Pamphlets of Necessary Information . . 275
Bohemian glass decanter, presented by Mr. Transfer Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,943
M. F. Savage, N. Y.; Silver spectacles, in Constitutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,003
silver case, powder-horn, and leather bullet bag,
two brown water bottles, by Mrs. Mattie Wagg Respectfully submitted,
Emerson, Maine; stock, worn by George Wash LILY Lyson ELLiott,
ington, by Mrs. Jane W. Laidley through Corresponding Secretary General.
Boudinot Chapter, N. J.; brass spoon mold,
rat tail design, iron snuffer, wooden sand Report approved.
shaker by Miss Edith Gammans, Mass.; spode Mrs. Hanger then read her report as Chair
plate, by Mrs. W. W. Richardson, Va.; printed man of Building and Grounds Committee:
articles which have been widely and most In the “Historical Outlook,” is a column
favorably commented upon, notably Mr. Belote's conducted by L. F. Stock, of the Carnegie
account of the Commemorative Medals of the Bureau of Historical Research, which lists the
World War (December, 1920), Mrs. Richard worth-while historical articles appearing in the
Mansfield's diary during the siege of Urfa periodicals of the preceding month. Articles
(November, 1920), Mrs. George Barnett's printed in our magazine are quoted in this
“Commodore Sinclair and the First Nautical column nearly every month. The Historical
School" (October, 1920), and “Some Youth Outlook is conducted for the benefit of thou
ful Memories of an Octogenarian,” written sands of school teachers.
by the late Mrs. Robley D. Evans, which Besides these complimentary references to
appeared in the January, 1921, magazine, and the Magazine our articles have been exten
of which we have not a single copy left. The sively reprinted in the daily press, and this
October edition is also completely sold out. publicity has aided us in our efforts to ob
Another edition which is as popular as ever tain advertisements.
is that of September, 1920, containing the In the absence of Mrs. Bissell, Chairman of
account of Memorial Continental Hall and the the Magazine Committee, who is detained by
new office building by Mrs. Guernsey. I wish the illness of her husband, I was requested to
to thank our Curator General and her clerk, tell you of the check received from our pub
Miss Hall, for interesting the many tourists lishers for advertising. It came too late to go in
who visit the Museum daily; as a result Miss the report of the Treasurer General. The
Hall has sold over 500 September magazines to check is in payment for advertising from
them, besides gaining us numerous subscribers. July, 1920, to December, 1920, inclusive, and
We were so fortunate as to secure for our amounts to $2087.50. This raises the sum
March magazine an article by Lee Phillips received from advertising since April 1, 1920,
describing a survey of Alexandria, Va., made to December 31, 1920, to $3265. Another check
by George Washington and recently purchased will come to us before the Congress for adver
by the Library of Congress. It has never been tising appearing since the close of 1920.
reproduced in print before. During the past year the charges for pub
Another article containing hitherto unpub lication have been four times as great as in
lished material has been promised us by Charles previous years, owing to paper shortage and
Moore, Chairman of the U. S. Fine Arts Com labor difficulties. Now, at last, the cost of
mission, and Acting Chief of the Manuscript paper is coming down, and our February bill
Division, Library of Congress. The Library has an allowance for this reduction of $130.50.
has just acquired some newly discovered letters This allowance will be credited to us each
of Nellie Custis, daughter of Martha Wash month as the paper continues to go down
ington, and Mr. Moore has selected our maga in price.
zine for their publication.
Our sale of single copies of the Magazine
Among the letters which have come to my
since October 1st amounts to $99.26. A year
desk in praise of the magazine is the following:
ago, in the same period of time, our sales
WAR DEPARTMENT from them only totalled $44.59. And not only
Office of the Quartermaster General of the has the demand for single copies increased, but
Army, Washington, our subscriptions now total 14,171, as against
January 24, 1921.
11,713 reported to the Board at the meeting
last February. Thus we have gained 2478
Miss Natalie Sumner Lincoln, Editor, subscribers over last year.
DAUGHTERS of the AMERICAN REvolution Our increase in subscriptions has trebled
MAGAZINE, the business of handling them. It is hard,
Memorial Continental Hall, exacting work, for each subscription has to be
Washington. carried through the same channel before it is
Dear Madam : listed in our mailing catalogue. It is most
Your Magazine contains many articles of important that this work be done methodically
great value to the work of any library, and it is and with promptness, and much praise is due
especially interesting to us on account of the Miss Bright, who handles our subscriptions,
articles pertaining to the War Department and for her loyal and efficient work. In order to
subjects of a similar nature. We thoroughly succeed, the Magazine must retain the confi
appreciate it. dence of our members in its integrity, enter
By Order of the Quartermaster General : prise, and business efficiency. Mistakes will
H. F. Keyser, Librarian, crop up, especially when we are short handed
Q. M. G. O. Library. and swamped with subscriptions, but these mis
ing, to procure from contractors proposals for rendered, based on the cost to the architects
materials and work necessary to erect and com for drawings and specifications prepared, office
plete the building, including the approaches and expenses, etc., the amount to be determined by
regulation of surrounding grounds, to prepare mutual agreement.
contracts and to supervise the erection of the 7. Should either of the architects die or be
building, to audit the accounts of the contrac come incapacitated for professional work the
tors and to certify that payments on account other shall continue the work to completion,
of the construction and other work are prop and if both should die or become incapacitated,
erly due. The services of the architects do not their representatives shall deliver to the owner
include the interior decorations or the selection all drawings and papers relating to the building
and purchase of furniture, window shades and or work, and receive an equitable proportion
other interior fittings, for which drawings by of the fee.
the architects are not required. 8. Signed in duplicate, the day and year first
2. The architects will employ and pay for above written:
the services of consulting engineers in con National Society of the Daughters
nection with the foundations, structural work, of the American Revolution,
plumbing, ventilating and heating work and
electric wiring, required for the building. By ......................
3. The drawings prepared by the architects President General ;
will remain in their possession, but they will
furnish to the contractors six complete sets of Architect;
general drawings and specifications and one
copy of each scale and detail drawing, and at
completion they will deliver to the owner a Motion adopted at Executive Committee
full set of drawings and specifications. meeting,
4. In consideration of the proper perfor January 15, 1921.
mance of the above-mentioned services by the
I move that the President General be author
architects the owner will pay them a fee equal
to six per cent. on the cost of the construction ized to sign the “Memorandum of an Agree
work of the building and connections to the ment,” with qualifying letter dated January
present building. 14, 1921, substituted by the architects this
It is optional with the owner to employ the day in order that the Building Committee may
architects in the matter of the permanent im be in a position to submit plans, specifications
provement of the grounds, the interior decora and estimates to Congress.
tions, the selection and purchase of furniture, Marsh and Peter
window shades, etc., for which special draw Architects
ings are not required, and the fee to the archi 522 Thirteenth St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
tects for such service, if rendered, will be two
and one-half per cent. of the cost of the respec Subject:
tive items of work. Office Building, National Society, D. A. R.
The fees of the architects will be payable January 14, 1921.
as follows:
Mrs. George Maynard Minor,
$2000 when the preliminary drawings are President General, N. S. D. A. R.
approved by the chairman of the Building Com Continental Hall, Washington, D. C.
mittee, and the working drawings are begun.
$6000 when the working drawings and speci Dear Madam :
fications are completed, proposals obtained, con In reference to the agreement with the archi
tracts made and the construction of the build tects, it is quite satisfactory that the clause
ing begun. relating to the permanent plans for the sur
The remainder of the fee will be due in rounding grounds, and the selection and pur
instalments during the progress of the work, chase of furniture, window shades, etc., be
as the usual services are rendered. made optional with the Society, free to make
5. The architects to be entitled to no fur any desired arrangement for these items.
ther remuneration except for serious alter In reference to the clause covering the
ations and additions to the building, made by fee in case of the postponement of the build
authority of the owners, and involving serious ing, it is satisfactory to eliminate reference
changes in the designs and drawings after they to the “Schedule of fees as endorsed by
have once been completed and approved. the American Institute of Architects" and
6. Should the erection of the building be substitute one providing for the reimburse
postponed, the architects shall be entitled to ment of expenses and cost incurred by
an equitable proportion of the fee, for services the architects to that stage of the work.
While it is not possible at this time to state acts or suggestions, depict crime or debase the
the exact cost to the architects, it is estimated home, should not be permitted.
that such cost will be between four and five We believe that sensational and inaccurate
thousand dollars, and for the convenience of reproductions of famous books, plays or inci
the Society we will make it a point to keep dents in history or the use of a misleading name
within $4500. for a motion-picture play to cover a lurid
We are proceeding with the understanding drama should not be permitted.
that the general drawings, about twenty sheets, We believe that a film which ridicules any
are to be exhibited to Congress in April, and form of religion, or one which portrays dis
we will arrange our office work to complete loyal conspiracy against the government or
the drawings by that time. arouses class hatred should not be permitted.
Very truly yours, We believe that a film which shows desecra
(Signed) W. J. MARSH, tion of the Flag of the United States or dis
MARSH AND PETER, respect for the high office of the President of
Architects. the United States should not be permitted.
We believe further that the observance of
There being no objections, the report was the following suggestions concerning the exhi
accepted. Mrs. Guernsey explained with regard bition of motion pictures will raise the gen
to the architectural plans shown to the Board, eral standard :
stating that picture drawings would later be
furnished and careful estimates as to what the Local legislation prohibiting all-night
building would cost, together with a plan for shows; protests from right-minded per
financing the proposition. sons against degrading posters at the theatre
The President General requested Mrs. entrance and questionable advertising in
Guernsey to remain while the plans which had newspapers, periodicals and through the
recently come for the fountain at Tilloloy were mails; proper ventilation of exhibition
displayed for inspection, together with some halls and theatres; proper care in handling
pictures that had been taken by Mrs. Harris. inflammable films; proper fire protection
Mrs. Reynolds reported the result of recent and competent operator who has secured the
investigations into the conduct of a school in the necessary public license and permit; light
mountains of North Carolina called Dorothy enough in exhibition halls and theatres to
Sharpe School, toward whose maintenance some reveal the outline of individuals.
of the chapters had been contributing, although
as it developed neither the school nor the Finally, we believe, for the future safety of
women connected with it were known to the the country, that a campaign of constructive
North Carolina National or State Officers of criticism must be waged by women and women's
the D. A. R. Members of the Society were organizations to enforce higher standards for
urged to send money only to those schools motion pictures and the conditions under which
which were known and endorsed by the Daugh they are given.
ters in the vicinity of the school and whose Seconded by Miss Temple and carried.
needs were brought to them by the Committee The Treasurer General reported that since the
on Patriotic Education, Mrs. Reynolds moved last meeting the Society had lost through death
that the Dorothy Sharpe School be stricken 260 members. The Board rose in silent mem
from our list of schools. This was seconded ory of these deceased members. Mrs. Hunter
by Mrs. Sherrerd and carried. reported also that since the last meeting 244
Mrs. Harris presented the following resolu had resigned from the Society, and 182, who
tion and declaration of principles: had been automatically dropped on July 1, 1920,
Resolved, that the National Board of because they had failed to pay their dues, had
Management of the Daughters of the American now complied with the requirements of the
Revolution, recognizing the recreational and constitution and wished to be reinstated. She
educational value of the motion picture and therefore moved that the 182 members zuho
its power for good or evil, and convinced that were automatically dropped July 1, 1920, be
a low type of motion picture is demoralizing now reinstated by this Board of Management,
in its effect, do hereby endorse and agree to and that the secretary be instructed to cast the
foster better films and better film production ballot for these members. This was seconded
as set forth in the following DECLARATION by Mrs. Ellison and carried. The Recording
OF PRINCIPLES : Secretary pro tem. announced the casting of
Jſ’e believe that adequate and righteous state the ballot and the President General declared
censorship free from the influence of the pro these 182 reinstated as members of the Na
ducer or exhibitor, is absolutely essential. tional Society.
We believe that films which portray indecent The Treasurer General stated that requests
had been received from chapters who had had the latter amount may be devoted to the
members dropped for non-payment of dues teaching of household economics. We ask
and who had subsequently died, whom the chap that the appropriation for household eco
ters wished by the payment of the dues to have nomics, agricultural and industrial education
reinstated on the books of the Society, and as be equalized.
it did not appear possible to reinstate a deceased This bill will be reintroduced at the earliest
member, the matter was brought to the Board possible moment in the next Congress, and
for instruction as to how to reply to these undoubtedly before the next meeting of the
requests from chapters. The President General National D. A. R. Board. We wish to have it
ruled that a member who has died after she introduced with the backing of the Daughters
has been dropped cannot be reinstated. of the American Revolution, which is only
Mrs. Wiles, Chairman of the Committee on possible if the Board gives the principles of
Legislation in the United States Congress, was the bill its endorsement. It is not unreasonable
presented, and reported as follows: to ask this because it is a subject to which full
and adequate consideration has been given in
Report of Chairman of Committee on Legis the past by this Society.
lation in U. S. Congress ALICE BRADFORD WILES,
February 3, 1921, the President General
appointed me Chairman of the Committee on
Legislation in the United States Congress. Moved by Mrs. Ellison, seconded by Mrs.
Our endorsed bills have practically no chance St. Clair, and carried, that the National Board
of passing at this session of Congress, except of the Daughters of the American Revolution
the bill for an Archives Building and the endorse the principles of a bill now before Con
Sheppard-Towner Bill, which is the so-called gress to amend the Smith-Hughes Act by plac
Maternity Bill, providing for federal aid in ing the teaching of household economics on an
caring for mothers and children at the time of equality with the teaching of agriculture and
child birth. of industrialism in the aid now given by the
The latter bill has passed the Senate and has federal government to the state governments.
been favorably reported to the House by the Mrs. Phillips, in compliance with the motion
Committee of the House. To gain considera adopted in the morning session that she bring
tion during this session, the Rules Committee forward a proposed amendment to meet her
of the House of which Mr. Campbell, of desires regarding the copying of papers, pre
Kansas, is Chairman, must bring in a special sented the following:
rule for consideration of the bill. Any help Your Registrar General in her report this
that you can give by letting your congressman morning outlined to you the cost to the Society
(or any congressman with whom you have per for copying papers of members for which a
sonal acquaintance) know that you and the charge has been made of 25 cents and showed
Daughters of the American Revolution believe that the Society copied these papers at a
in the principles of the bill and wish it to pass, loss of 75 cents for each paper copied. If
may be just the turning point in securing the the members of the Board feel as I do, that
passage of the bill. In any case, any effort this is not good business, you will agree
that you may make in this direction will not that the charge should be increased to $1.00
be lost, because it will surely help in securing for each paper copied. As the By-Laws of
the passage of the bill in the special session of the Society requires chapters to give trans
Congress in the early spring. ferring members a copy of their papers for a
I come before you to ask this assistance, and fee of 25 cents for each Revolutionary ances
also to ask that you endorse the principles of tor, the National Society cannot make a charge
the bill now before Congress for placing the of $1.00 and require chapters to give this ser
teaching of household economics on an vice for less money; therefore, in order to give
equality with the teaching of agriculture and the chapters the privilege of making the same
industrialism, in the federal vocational work charge for copying papers that the National
now done by the government. I ask this en Board of Management feels the Society must
dorsement at this time, because our Continental have, it becomes necessary to amend that sec
Congress has often endorsed vocational train tion of the By-Laws referring to the fee chap
ing and always with household economics in ters may charge for copying papers. By so
cluded, and this bill is simply an amendment amending the By-Laws any chapter that did
to the Smith-Hughes Act, now a law, which not desire to make copies of these papers can
gives $3,000,000 to promote agricultural educa get the copies made by the National Society at
tion, and the same amount for industrial the same rate that the chapter is permitted
education, but only provides that one-fifth of to charge. I, therefore, move that the National
Board of Management submit the amendment Further amend Article IX, by inserting
to the By-Laws as follows: a new section to be called Section 9, which
shall read as follows: “The representation
Amend Article IX, Section 9, by strik of any chapter for any meeting of the Na
ing out the words “twenty-five cents" in tional Society during that year shall be
line 9, and inserting the words “one dollar.” based upon the actual paid-up membership
as indicated on the books of the Treasurer
After some discussion, the motion was sec
onded by Mrs. Elliott and carried. General, February 1st preceding the Con
The President General then read the follow tinental Congress, except that a chapter
ing proposed amendments to the By-Laws, organized after February 1st shall be
some of which had been found necessary to entitled to be represented by its Regent, or,
clarify some points not entirely understood in her absence, by its Vice Regent, provided
when trying to work under them, and others it has the required number of members.
that were felt to be essential to meet the grow Amend Article X, Section 3, by strik
ing needs of the Society: ing out “delegates " and inserting “rep
Amend Article I, Section 1, by inserting
the word “treasurer " after “chapter " in The motions made and seconded by Mrs.
line 15, so that the sentence will read, Hunter, Mrs. Hanger, Mrs. Heron, Mrs.
“The application thus approved and accom Charles W. Barrett, Mrs. Buel, Mrs. Nash, Miss
panied by the initiation fee and annual Temple, Mrs. Moss, Mrs. St. Clair, and Mrs.
dues shall be sent by the Chapter Treas Shumway, for the circulating of these proposed
urer or State Regent, etc.” amendments for action at the 30th Congress,
Amend Article II, Section 4, by strik were adopted.
ing out “delegates " and inserting “vot The President General stated that the
ing members.” Chaplain General had been obliged to leave,
Amend Article V, Section 7, by striking but had requested that the suggestion be pre
out the entire section and substituting the sented from her that instead of the Books of
following: “A member who is in arrears Remembrance, which are now sent to each
for dues shall not be entitled to representa
National Officer and State and Chapter Regent,
tion at the meetings of the National Society,
nor shall she be entitled to vote for dele some 1800 in number twice a year, a Book of
Remembrance be kept at Memorial Continental
gates or alternates to meetings of the Na
tional Society, nor to act as delegate or Hall, in which all obituary notices shall be
alternate at such meetings, nor to resign placed. After some discussion, it was moved
from membership. If such delinquent, by Mrs. Sherrerd, seconded by Miss McDuffee,
after two notices from the Treasurer Gen and carried, that Mrs. Spencer's suggestion be
eral (at least a month apart) have been presented to Congress.
sent her of unpaid dues, does not pay her The President General presented from the
indebtedness within six months after the National Chairman on Historical and Literary
amount is due, she shall automatically be Reciprocity a request that a stated sum be
dropped from the roll of members. Notice appropriated for the use of her Committee in
of such action shall be sent within ten having the papers copied that are being cir
days to the member at large or to the culated. Moved by Miss Temple, seconded and
Regent of the chapter to which the member carried, that the Reciprocity Chairman be given
belonged and reported at the next meeting $100 to spend in her work during this year.
of the National Board of Management. Miss Temple told of the work the Tennessee
If the delinquent is a member of a chapter, Daughters had undertaken in the effort to erect
the notices of unpaid dues may be sent to one of the Buildings at Lincoln Memorial
her through the chapter Regent.” University—the quota for the Memphis Chap
Amend Article V, by inserting a new ters was $7000, and they were finding great
section between Section 8 and Section 9, difficulty in raising their quota, and as the
to read as follows: “A member having State had never appealed to the Society for
resigned from membership may be rein help for its schools, they hoped they might be
stated by the National Board of Manage allowed to ask the State Regents and the
ment to membership at large, upon pay Chapters for their coöperation in this endeavor.
ment of the dues for the current year.” One of the activities adopted for the campaign
Amend Article IX, Section 7, by was the editing of a D. A. R. number of the
inserting the words “ or alternate" Commercial Appeal of Memphis, and they were
after the word “delegate' in line 2. asking subscriptions to that edition at 15 cents
apiece. Moved by Mrs. Moss, seconded by DuQuoin, Ill. ; Mrs. Ola F. Dee, Beverly Hills,
Mrs. Buel, and carried, that the National Chicago, Ill. : Miss Emily Dole Oblinger,
Society allow the State Society of Tennessee Mattoon, Ill.; Mrs. Alice Cook Wilhelm, Jones
to circularize the State and Chapter Regents boro, Ill., Mrs. Hazel Thompson Coats,
for educational purposes in the interest of Veedersburg, Ind. ; Mrs. Winnifred Miles
Lincoln Memorial University. Carter, Corydon, Ia. ; Mrs. Kittie M. Jordan,
A communication from the Western Reserve Sutherland, Ia. ; Mrs. Anna B. Taft Buck,
Chapter, of Cleveland. O., was read by the Blackstone, Mass.; Mrs. Mabel Fisher Malcolm,
President General, in which they requested per Haverhill, Mass.; Mrs. Lillis Egleston Framer,
mission to incorporate for the purpose of hold McKinley, Minn.; Mrs. Jennie Dawson Kehoe,
ing real estate. Moved by Mrs. Buel, seconded Scottsbluff, Neb.; Mrs. Lavonne Cushman
by Mrs. Nash and carried, that the Western Gibson, Bayshore, N. Y.; Mrs. Elsie Mooers
Reserve Chapter of Ohio be allowed to incor Powell, Devils Lake, N. D.; Mrs. Alice Hume
porate for the purpose of holding property. Cooke, Greenfield, O.; Miss Dene M. Herriff,
Mrs. Phillips here presented her supplemental Kent, O.; Mrs. Katherine Wertz Fleck,
report as follows: Tyrone, Pa.; Mrs. Mary Turner Wilson, Beth
lehem, Pa.; Mrs. Cynthia McCraw Singletary,
Supplemental Report of Registrar General Lake City, S. C.; Miss Katherine R. Glass,
Supplemental Report of Registrar General. Winchester, Va.; Mrs. Eliza Hart Harvey,
Applications presented to the Board, 706, mak Hanford, Wash.; Mrs. Elizabeth Rockwood
ing a total of 2900. Largest number ever ad Engel, Appleton, Wis.
mitted at one meeting. The State Regents have requested the author
Respectfully submitted, ization of the following chapters: Globe and
(MRS. JAMEs S.) ANNA L. C. PHILLIPs, Miami, Ariz.: Belvidere, Herrin and Tuscola,
Registrar General. Ill.; Deposit, N. Y.
The following Organizing Regencies have
After the applause which greeted the read expired by time limitation: Mrs. Mary Ida
ing of the report had subsided, Mrs. Phillips Sipple Bromley, Sarasota, Fla.; Mrs. Edna
moved that the Secretary cast the ballot for the Ellis Robbins, West Palm Beach, Fla.; Mrs.
706 members admitted on supplemental report. Minnie Moore Willson, Kissimmee, Fla.; Mrs.
This was seconded by Mrs. Hanger and carried. Faith Dorsey Yow, Lavonia, Ga.; Mrs. Elethea
The Secretary announced the casting of the May Morse Adair, Nampa, Idaho; Mrs. Lillian
ballot and the President General declared these E. Loughhead Burch, Rockwell City, Ia.;
706 members of the National Society. Mrs. Sara W. Lee-Mortimer, Boston, Mass.;
The Treasurer General presented the names Mrs. Mary Sutton Pierce, Naples, N. Y.; Mrs.
of two members for reinstatement and moved Lettie G. Brett, Ardmore, Okla.; Mrs. Winnie
that the two additional members having com Huntington Quick, Castle, Wash.
plied with the requirements of the Constitution The following reappointments of Organizing
be reinstated, and that the Secretary be instruc Regents are requested by their respective
ted to cast the ballot for these two members. State Regents: Mrs. Lillian E. Loughhead
Seconded by Mrs. Ellison and carried. The Burch, Rockwell City, Ia.; Mrs. Emma Avery
Secretary having cast the ballot, the President Hawkins Cook, Spearfish, So. Dak. ; Mrs.
General declared these two former mem Jessamine Bailey Castello, Prescott, Wis.
bers reinstated. The State Regent of Iowa reports the resigna
Mrs. Hanger read her report as Organizing tion of Miss Elizabeth A. Davis as Organizing
Secretary General, this report having been held Regent at Sutherland. Ia.
back all day waiting until the last report of the The State Regent of Washington requests
Registrar General had been given to the Board. the location of the chapter to be formed at
Spokane, be changed from Spokane to Hill
Report of Organizing Secretary General yard, Wash.
Madam President General and Members of the I have to report the organization of the fol
National Board of Management: lowing chapters since the December Board
I have the honor to report as follows: meeting: Mme. Adrienne de Lafayette, Vallejo,
Through their respective State Regents the Calif.; the chapter at Sterling, Colo.; the chap
following members-at-large are presented for ter at Champaign, Ill. ; Ouibache, Attica, Ind. ;
confirmation as Organizing Regents: Mrs. Alden Sears, Charles City, Ia.; Okabena,
Annie Irvine Jones-Williams, Montevallo, Ala.; Worthington, Minn.; Elizabeth Poe, Flat River,
Mrs. Robert Lee Purse Haile, Gainesville, Mo.; Chief Taughannock, Trumansburg, N. Y.;
Fla.; Mrs. Claude Gibson Alford, Sylvester, Fayetteville, Fayetteville, N. Y.; Red River
Ga.; Mrs. Lillian Woods Maury Cranston, Valley, Grand Forks, N. Dak. ; Juliana White,
Greenfield, O.; Winema, Corvallis, Ore. ; Nellie ervation of Historic Spots Committee that it
Easterbrooks West, Warren, R. I. : the chap was important to get as many signatures as
ter at Mount Vernon, Wash.; Father Wilbur, possible to the petition for the purchase by
Sunnyside, Wash. Congress of Yorktown for a National Park.
Permits for National Officers' insignia, 4; No bill has yet been introduced, but it is hoped
permits for Regents and Ex-Regents' pins, 62; at the beginning of the next Congress such a
Organizing Regents notified, 28; charters issued, bill will be introduced and the petitions will then
11; Regents lists issued to National Officers be ready to send to the proper person.
and Chairmen of Committees, 16; lists issued, It was announced by the President General
paid for, 4. that the Transportation Committee had been able
The work of my office is in excellent condition to secure from all of the divisions except the
and the correspondence has been carefully and southeastern division a reduction of fare to the
promptly answered. Congress amounting to one and one-half, those
Respectfully submitted, attending the Congress paying full fare to
(MRs. G. WALLACE W.) LUCY GALT HANGER, Washington, and one-half fare on returning,
Organicing Secretary General. if within the dates set by the railroads.
The death of Mrs. Samuel W. Jamison, for
There being no objections, the report was mer Vice President General, at her home in
approved. Roanoke, Va., on January 22nd, was reported
The President General referred again to the by the President General, and on motion of
fountain to be erected at Tilloloy and to her Miss McDuffee, seconded by Mrs. Buel, it was
suggestion that a committee be appointed to voted that a letter of condolence be sent to the
draw up the wording of a suitable inscription relatives of Mrs. Jamison, former Vice Presi
to be placed thereon. Moved by Miss McDuffee, dent General.
seconded by Mrs. Chubbuck, and carried, that The Recording Secretary pro tem. read the
a Committee be appointed by the Chair to frame motions, which were approved as constituting
the inscription to be placed on the fountain the minutes of the meeting, and, on motion duly
at Tilloloy. seconded, the Board adjourned at 5.55.
The President General brought to the Board
the message contained in a communication LILY Tyson ELLIott,
received from Mrs. Morris, Chairman of Pres Recording Secretary pro tem.
Miss Strider for Registrar General, whereupon Pierce, the former Registrar General and a
the President General declared Miss Strider warm friend of Mrs. Phillips, and Mrs. Elliott,
elected Registrar General. Mrs. Hanger was Corresponding Secretary General, to serve on
requested to communicate with Miss Strider the committee to present the resolutions on the
that she might take the oath of office. death of Mrs. Phillips to Congress.
While Mrs. Hanger was out of the room the Miss Strider having appeared, she was noti
President General reported the loss by death fied by the President General of her election
of Mrs. Hanger's mother, and that Mrs. White as Registrar General, the Chaplain General
had also lost a sister, and on motion of Mrs. administered the oath of office, she was invested
St. Clair, seconded by Doctor Barrett, it was by the President General with the National
voted that the Corresponding Secretary General Officers' ribbon, and then introduced to the
send a note of sympathy to Mrs. Hanger on the members of the Board. Miss Strider expressed
death of her mother, and to Mrs. White on the her appreciation of the honor conferred upon
death of her sister. her and pledged herself to justify to the best
A motion was also adopted that the President of her ability the confidence placed in her.
General appoint a committee to present resolu The Recording Secretary pro tem. read the
tions of sympathy to Congress on the death of minutes of the meeting, which were approved,
Mrs. Phillips; the committee that had presented and at 10.45, on motion duly seconded, the
the resolutions to the Board on the death of
meeting adjourned.
Mrs. Hume to also present them to the Congress.
The President General appointed Mrs. Heavner, (MRs. G. WALLACE W.) LUCY GALT HANGER,
State Regent of West Virginia, Miss Grace M. Recording Secretary pro tem.
THE STORY OF THE LIBERTY LOANs. By Labert wood, Leyendecker and many other artists of
Sinclair, Assistant Director of Publicity, wide fame are shown in colors. In addition
War Loan Organization, Treasury Depart are many reproductions of photographs taken
ment. The volume contains 186 pages, with in this country and abroad during the war.
63 pages of solid color by eminent artists.
Bound in leather, 9 x 12 in. Distributer, THE BIRTH OF OUR FLAG AND FLAG ETIQUETTE.
Rachel Brill Ezekiel, care Memorial Con By Louis Barcroft Runk. Published by the
tinental Hall, Washington, D. C. $5.75. Pennsylvania Society of the Order of the
Founders and Patriots of America. J. B.
A vivid, yet concise, history of the part played
Lippincott Company, Philadelphia. Paper,
by the United States in financing the World
50 cents; blue cloth, gold stamping, $1.00.
War against Germany and her allies is found in
“The Story of the Liberty Loans" by Labert The story of the development of the “Stars
Sinclair. The volume, which has been hand and Stripes" into the form that is familiar the
somely produced, goes farther than the financial word over to-day is told interestingly, and with
side of the great effort made by this country. It great regard for historical accuracy, by Louis
gives in illustration and in text much informa Barcroft Runk, Major, Ordnance Section,
tion regarding the actual conduct of the war, U.S.R. Originally the story of the flag, as now
without in any way being an attempt at a mili published, was delivered as an address before
tary review. the Pennsylvania Society of the Order of the
Mr. Sinclair, who was intimately connected Founders and Patriots.
with all the Liberty Loan drives, has been in a The part that the Continental Congress, Gen
position to gather from the official records of eral George Washington and others had in the
the government the story of the war from the final adoption of the flag is well told.
financial angle. He deals also with the men who Flag etiquette is a sealed book to far too many
conceived and carried through the great loans Americans. In fact, outside of military and
in this country. naval circles, attention paid to flag etiquette is
From a pictorial point of view, the volume is not considerable, though it has been growing
probably as fine as anything that will be pro since the late war with Germany. Major
duced in connection with the war. All of the Runk, without tiresome details, has provided a
splendid posters used in the loan drives, by handbook on flag etiquette which should prove
Montgomery Flagg, Christy, Pennell, Under of interest and benefit to the general public.
2005 Scott St., Little Rock. 310 FAN NIN St., Sri REv EpoRT.
817 W. 5TH Ave., PIN E BLUFF. Mox Roe.
1240 W. 29th St., Los ANGELEs. WATERVILLE.
803 SPENch St., Bou LDER. 2004 MARYLAND Ave., BALTI MoR.E.
1012 W. M \l N St., KALAMAzoo.
MRS. FRANCIS A. ST. CLAIR, 1906 KEN wood PARK way, MIN NEApolls.
1319 T St., N. W., W AshiiNgtoN. MRS. A. E. WALKER,
MRS. WILLIAM B. HARI)Y, 2103 E. 1st St., Duluth.
119 5TH ST., N. E., W Ash INgtoN.
MRS. J. A. CRAIG, N. JEFFERSoN St., JAcksox.
233 W. IjuvAL St., JAcksonville.
MRS. MAX E. LANI), 60.17 EN R10 hit Ave., St. Loris.
305 14th Ave., Colºnel. E. MRS. GEORGE EDWARI) (; EORGE,
MRS. HERMAN HUGO, 420 South ID Aho St., I will.ox.
P. O. Box 248, Hoxoll LU. MRS. E. BROOM MARTIN,
814 S. CENTRAL Av E., Bozł. MAN.
Box : , ooloi N (i. MRS. F. I. RIN (; ER,
MRS. KENNEI)Y PACKARI), 93.5 D St., LIN col.N.
421 2ND Av E., E. Twix FALLs. MRS. C. S. SPENCER,
Ci, an EMI ox T.
A N D S TAT I o N E R s
When writing advertisers please mention Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine.
IN 1777. Valley Forge Chapter
was awarded the
with Map and Nearly One Hundred Illustrations
Compiled by
Washington Medal
Under the Authority of for Americanization
Valley Forge
heroes, constitutes one of the most thrilling and pathetic
chapters in the history of the republic. Gifted pens through Historical Society
maº generations have rendered its details familiar to the
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VOL, LV MAY, 1921 NO. 5
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With gilt bowls...................... 2.75 With gilt bowls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50
All gilt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 All gilt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.75
Send Orders to J. E. Caldwell & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
Official emblem for daily use, war tax included. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $1.58
Order from Mrs. Ellenore Dutcher Key, Memorial Continental Hall,
Washington, D. C. Percentage to Memorial Continental Hall
Volume 1, reprint, Volumes 11 to 54, inclusive, $1.15 each, including postage
Volumes 6 to 10, inclusive, $3.15 each, including postage
Volume 1 contains the Charter Members. The volumes following 1000
National Numbers each
Official ribbon for suspending badges, price 35c a yard. Rosette buttons, 25c.
Proceedings 19th to 28th Continental Congresses. Price, per volume...... 50c, postage additional
Proceedings 29th Continental Congress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.50, including postage
First Report to the Smithsonian Institution 25c Fourteenth Report........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c
Fifth Report ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c Sixteenth Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c
Sixth and Seventh Reports, each........ 50c Seventeenth Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c
Eighth and Tenth Reports, each. . . . . . . . . 25c Eighteenth Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35c
Eleventh Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30c Nineteenth Report.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35c
Twelfth Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30c Twentieth Report.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c
Thirteenth Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c Twenty-first Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30c
Postage additional. The above articles will be sent upon receipt of the price or postal orders;
Cash and stamps at risk of sender. Orders should be addressed to
OFFICIAL STATIONERY, bearing as a water-mark the emblem of the Society in enlarged size,
and by order of the National Board made the official stationery for the use of the members,
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vol. Lv Contents No. 5 -
Publication Office, 227 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Chairman, Magazine Committee, Southington, Conn. Editor, Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D. C.
Genealogical Editor, Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D. C.
The ACT OF MARch 3, 1879.
Subscriptions should be sent to the Treasurer General, Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D. C.
Single Copy, 25 Cents Yearly Subscription, $1.00 Canadian Postage, 30 Cents Additional
Copyright Underwood & Underwood.
H. O. N. O. R. A. B. L. E. C. A. L. v i N C OO L i D G E
VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED states, who brought Greetings to the Thirtieth continental Congress from
Preside Nºt Hard-N-(
WOL. LV, No. 5 MAY, 1921 whole No. 345
a gathering. A deeper meaning underlies our ization of spiritual values—all these are what
Society than mere pride of ancestry. It is quite our country most needs to-day. These essential
true—and I am going to repeat what I have said qualities of national character are what our
in other messages—it is quite true that an honest ancestors would look for. Without them our
pride in one's ancestors is justifiable, for where educational work for immigrant or native will
there is no pride in ancestors there is but little amount to nothing. With them our problems
to be proud of in the descendants. But this are solved. Where they exist, no radicalism can
pride in our ancestors is only a hollow boast if flourish, no degeneracy, or immorality, or license.
we do not make ourselves worthy of them. Our To perpetuate them is, I repeat, one of our
Society is a powerful means to this end. It is an gravest responsibilities as a Society. Let this
instrument of service. It gives us the oppor thought be continually with us in our delibera
tunity to justify our pride of ancestry by doing tions, the thought that we are among the char
service that is worthy of it. Our ancestors estab acter-builders of the nation.
lished those principles of freedom and justice But we cannot build up character in others
which underly our national life and government. unless we have it ourselves. We cannot build
It is for us to keep our national life and up character in the nation without individual
government true to these principles, else we character as the foundation stones. Our coun
are false to our heritage. A country can be try can be no better than its individuals, and
no better than the people who make it. We we are each one of us the individuals. Let us
know what kind of a country our ancestors made look well, therefore, to ourselves. We are each
for us. What kind of a country are we making one of us the guardians of our country's honor.
to-day for our descendants? If our ancestors We are living too selfishly. We are living with
could look down through the generations—and out any thought that what we do affects in any
perhaps they may—what would they see? They way the state or nation, when we are really
would see much to be proud of, much to ex the guardians of the nation. Thousands of our
cite alarm. Looking beneath the surface of ancestors gave themselves to their country with
material progress and development they would but little if any reward. This was an unselfish
see whether or not the core of our national service to the state. This is the Pilgrim year
life is still sound. Have we still that faith in when Pilgrim ideals and character and devotion
the divine guidance which brought the May to the public good are having a renewed in
flower across the Atlantic? Are the funda fluence, and with their influence must be linked
mental virtues of honesty and justice the main that of the other pioneers and colonists who
spring of our business and politics? Along with founded this nation.
the boasted education of mind and hand, do we This revival of their memory comes none too
build up character in our children? soon. In the whirlpool left by the World War
Are we teaching industry and thrift and the the nation has been sinking back into the selfish
dignity of labor—the labor that does honest ness, the irresponsibility and the pursuit of pleas
work for honest pay and is not ashamed of it? ure from which that great call to exalted service
Washington asks in his “Farewell Address": had awakened it. America is forgetting the
“Can it be that Providence has not connected the issues of the war, the struggle of right against
felicity of a Nation with its virtue?” might, of good against evil. America is forget
He further pointed out that “It will be ting the horror of what Germany did to the
worthy of a free, enlightened and at no distant world, the suffering and misery she has caused,
period, a great nation, to give to mankind the the wickedness she has let loose. It is weak to
magnanimous and too novel example of a People harbor mere grudges, but it is weaker to yield
always guided by an exalted justice and benevo to sentimental leniency and forget the righteous
lence.” Washington had vision and an abiding wrath that should blaze forth against the mur
faith in America. But he realized that to fulfil his der and perfidy and bestial greed practiced
vision of “a great nation " the people as well as by Germany.
the leaders must have character founded upon We are forgetting that she not only struck
“justice and benevolence” or good-will. The down innocent nations in her greed for world
nation must have virtue if it is to enjoy perma power, but she it was who let loose Bolshevism
nent happiness and prosperity. in Russia with all its horror. Upon Germany
Nobility of character is as essential in a lies the guilt of the world's misery to-day and
nation as in an individual. Upon us lies the she has not had the suffering that she has in
responsibility of building up this character in flicted upon the other nations. Nor has she
our people, of fostering the virtues of the past, repented of the wrong. America must not be
the solid, sturdy qualities that built up the allowed to forget. That we should have been
nation and which alone can preserve it. forgetting is perhaps only to be expected for a
Truth, honesty, integrity, modesty, justice, while after the tense strain was over, but beware
thrift, industry, honor, religious faith, a real lest it last too long. The crisis of world storms
is by no means past, and we must cast our anchor not enough. The education of the soul must
to windward. The memory of Pilgrim and be our care also.
Puritan and what they stood for will help to Is the rising generation growing up with soul
steady us to-day and keep us true to what we —with spiritual and not material ideals 2 This is
fought for on the battlefields of France. Let us woman's chief responsibility. I am not among
open our minds and hearts to the influence those who denounce the young people of to-day,
of their character and ideals, their clear dis but I look upon much that they do with grave
tinctions between good and evil. Let us concern. Biting criticism of tendencies that may
realize that their austerities, their forbidding well cause alarm will accomplish nothing. You
gloom, their supposed intolerance were all the can lead but you cannot drive with a sledge
products of their times. Hitherto the unlovable hammer. The soul is there even in the most
in them has been unduly emphasized and made the thoughtless of them, ready to respond to the
subject for jests; the human in them has been right appeal, to constructive ideals, to sympa
lost sight of ; “blue laws,” many of which never thetic leadership. But the ideals of hard honest
existed, have made them the butt of idle mock work, pure patriotism and religion will never
ery. But now their dignity of soul, their nobility be their guides if these ideals are not to be
of character, their clear vision of truth have found in our homes and our schools.
burst once more upon the world. Like a prodigal For the lax tendencies among many of them
son this world is turning once more to the the overindulgence of parents is quite as much
fathers. It is learning to appreciate the mothers. to blame as the young people themselves. The
As a Society, let us honor them, let us seek to slackening in our moral fibre everywhere has had
understand them; let us follow them in their its natural effect on the younger generation to an
hardships and sacrifices, their joys and sorrows. extent which endangers the nation's future.
From them and others like them the nation There is a widespread revolt, for instance,
has sprung, and we cannot forget them without against hard work, whether of the hands or the
losing some of the most priceless possessions brain. The pernicious idea that work is degrad
of our heritage. Among these the most precious ing is permeating all classes and ages. Too
is their keen sense of righteousness. Let us not many believe that the world owes them a living—
forget that God's righteousness rules in the that the state owes them a living. This tend
world, and the nation that violates this law seals ency will bring its own punishment in God's own
its own destruction. America cannot compro time. The nation that will not work cannot live.
mise with the sin of Hun or Bolshevist. Our Not until Adam was driven out of Eden to earn
Society can do good service in character-building his living by the sweat of his brow and the
if it continues to honor the Pilgrims and teach work of his brain did mankind begin his ascent.
to young and old the value of what they have Teach the dignity of labor of all kinds. He
bequeathed to us. If the character of our peo who serves is greater than kings on their
ple remains what Pilgrim, Cavalier and Patriot thrones, no matter what the service, if it be
have made it, placing right above might, honor of benefit to one's fellow-man.
above expediency and self-interest, honesty above I believe this is one of the elements most
greed, truth above intrigue and lying deceit, and needed to-day in the character of the nation—
the love of God above all else, no evil can pre the sense of the dignity of labor. Let us learn
vail against this nation. to take pride in doing our best, not in getting
Before us is the awful example of a nation by with the least expenditure of effort. Work
whose ideals have been materialistic, grasping and pray. This is the divine command. Bring
for world dominion, without faith or honor, or work and prayer back into our daily lives; so
the light of spiritual things. This nation shall the nation live and not perish.
is Germany. The closet of prayer is not sought often
Before us is likewise the awful example of enough and Bibles are too dusty nowadays. This
a nation too childlike and undeveloped to have wealth of literature, of spiritual aspiration, of
much character at all, too simple-minded to exalted thought is a closed book to too many
of this generation, whose family Bibles are no
withstand the hideous lure of communism. This
longer even an ornament on its tables.
nation is Russia. For Russia there is a great How will the character of this nation stand
hope, when her soul awakes. For Germany the strain of the fearful conflict that may still
there is none so long as deceit and faithlessness be ahead of us, if this well-spring of spiritual
to solemn promises and lack of spiritual vision strength is sealed up? Religion, which is the
are the characteristics of her people. love of God in one's heart and the service of
Look well, therefore, to the character of this God in one's life, is too often confounded with
nation. Build it up and guard it well as its most cant, or with the theological doctrines of a
precious treasure. divided sectarianism.
For this the education of mind and hand is A man has been elected President who is not
ashamed to pray. The nation needs more men to war, preaching a world-wide, wicked race
like him—and women, too. Let us remember that vendetta against Great Britain.
the days whose chief literature was the Bible Unbridled passions, class hatreds, race hatreds,
of the Pilgrims produced a nation mighty to wild excesses of horror and terrorism, slaughter,
serve and save. misery and famine have run rampant, and have
Daughters of the Southland, look well to your had their evil effects even in our own sane
American mountaineers, where the Bible is not and prosperous country.
forgotten. But how many of them cannot read Pro-German propaganda is once more raising
that or any other book? From the Anglo-Saxon its head and shooting forth its evil tongue.
of your mountains comes the American stock All last winter we were afflicted by an orgy of
that will replenish the ranks of Americans. fanatical and disloyal agitation of every kind
Daughters of the North and West, look well sweeping through the country, holding huge
to your immigrants. Like little children they mass meetings, loud-mouthed and aggressive. I
must be taught the ideals of the forefathers and say disloyal advisedly, for it is disloyal to
foremothers of this country and be given an America to seek to precipitate wars with our
insight into what America means. friends and to give sympathy and encouragement
Education and character—these two things to our enemies.
belong to us to give our country. Do you realize It is time for sane, loyal Americans to awake
that this nation stands ninth among the nations and handle these happenings without gloves. We
of the world in the scale of education, “with are too prone as a nation to go quietly about our
most of the civilized world ahead of us?” This business, heedless of danger until the last minute.
is the startling statement in the official report when curative measures may be too late. No
of the House Committee on Education. The doubt this agitation will burn itself out, but it
nation, the state and the local community all may burn something more valuable in the process
three together, must unite in an effort to remove before the world comes back to its senses, for
this crying shame, and give our people in all our there is nothing more inflammable than human
states an equal opportunity to learn. passion working in masses.
Is it not probable that the appalling illiteracy This science of propaganda has been so thor
in this country is one of the chief reasons why oughly mastered that it now works with the
radical agitation has gained such headway? deadly effectiveness of a poison gas. It manipu
Radical propaganda feeds on ignorance, and it lates minds and emotions. It glides like a snake
finds millions of illiterates to feed upon. Cer in the grass and strikes when we see it not.
tainly this nation-wide illiteracy, taken in con It has recently dared to come out in the open,
shocking us into sudden realization of what is
nection with the flourishing spread of revolu
going on amongst us.
tionary propaganda has its deep significance To be specific for the sake of illustration, on
for us all.
February 20th the American Legion sent out to
In the critical times we are going through our its posts throughout the country a bulletin warn
Society can render signal service to our country ing them to watch for an organized and power
by paying attention to our schools, improving our ful nation-wide revival of German propaganda
educational systems, being watchful of how our designed to break up our friendship with Eng
children are taught and what they are taught. land and France. “One of the first national
They are in danger of the poison of radical manifestations of this activity,” the bulletin
and disloyal thought which is creeping into our states, “will probably take the form of a series
educational institutions. To offset it we must of mass meetings throughout the country, osten
everywhere teach to young and old the principles sibly in protest against the occupation of the
of sanity and common sense. Radicalism flour Rhine by French negro troops from Africa.”
ishes in a world full of the misery, discontent and The bulletin goes on in greater detail, but the
unrest left by the war. It appears in many main point was that lies about these negro troops
and the so-called “Rhine Horror” were to be
forms and under many harmless guises. Under
the varied names of sociological studies or social used to stir up discord between America and
reforms, or civil service study clubs, the most France just as the Sinn Fein are trying to stir
up discord between America and England, and
revolutionary forms of socialism are gaining
that in this way American sentiment was to
a foothold in our schools, colleges and even
be turned against the Allies, and a powerful
churches, corrupting with their fallacies the national political machine was to be created by
impressionable minds of our youth and appeal the drawing together of the disloyal elements
ing to a certain kind of sentimentalism in edu in our population. Sure enough, on February
cators and clergymen. 28th, one of these mass meetings took place in
Sinn Fein agitation has appealed more dar Madison Square Garden, New York, when
ingly than ever before to the passions that lead twelve thousand German and Sinn Fein sympa
thizers hailed the proposed union of Germans and the flags of the color guard snapped in the
and Irish against what they called the “phantom breeze above them.
of Anglo-Saxonism,” and the ostensible purpose That was America's answer. It always will
of the meeting was protest about French black be America's answer when hyphenates who love
troops on the Rhine. Berlin or Dublin better than America go too
Their real purpose was to excite hatred of far in their attempt to use this country for their
France and England. They booed and hissed own ends.
the President of the United States, and the chair And now our Government has answered. It
man of the meeting called the Secretary of State has given Germany to understand that we hold
a liar. This outrageous demonstration was sig her criminally responsible for the war, and
nificantly timed to fall in exactly with the attempt that we stand by our Allies in their demand
of the German envoys in London to evade Ger for just reparation to the utmost of her ability
many's sworn obligations under the Peace Treaty. to pay.
It took place, although we were still at war with Nevertheless, it is well not to forget that these
Germany. It was an enemy demonstration under disloyal elements were and are joining forces
cover of a false Americanism waving American in the hope of stirring up that ill feeling and
flags. It proved the truth of the American misunderstanding which leads to discord and
Legion's warning that disloyal elements are at disunion, and discord means disaster for the
work in our midst, striving to drive a wedge cause of law and order in the world.
between ourselves and England and France. Do not forget that the Allied flags still stand
Then came America's answer, quick and sharp for civilization, for freedom, for liberty under
and stern. On March 18th 25,000 American the law, for honor and good faith among nations.
patriots filled the Garden and overflowed into The Allied flags have had to advance once more
Madison Square. The American Legion sounded against a nation which knows neither honor nor
the bugle call and they came, Americans all, truth nor faith. From under the very shelter
Americans by birth, Americans by adoption in of our flag these disloyal propagandists hurl
whom was the soul and spirit of America, men vile slanders at the nations whose sons and ours
and women of all ranks and classes and profes died together that freedom might live. They
sions, soldiers and sailors of the Legion, crip insult our intelligence. They are an affront
pled World War veterans, and Gold Star to our most sacred feelings. They abuse the
mothers who were received by the great throng right of free speech and free assembly which our
with a deep reverent hush as they marched in flag accords to the meanest citizen. They would
and took their seats. And then General Pershing be beneath notice were it not for the race
and Martin Littleton and Senator Willis and hatreds they so wickedly excite among the un
Colonel Galbraith and many others delivered thinking multitude who are easily deceived.
their ringing messages, voicing America's out They deceive many who should know better,
raged feelings, denouncing the base falsehoods for traces of their false charges and insinuations
of the “Rhine Horror" meeting, telling the are to be found everywhere among our people.
Allies of America's friendship and America's The German-Sinn Fein-Socialist combination
loyalty and faith. It was a veritable uprising of in this country will have to be met fairly and
the nation's soul. It expressed itself in these squarely by all loyal Americans and overcome
words of General Pershing's : “Are we to for once for all, if we are ever to find peace from
get the vows of yesterday? Is the wanton turmoil and unrest.
destruction in France and Belgium and on the This combination does not find sympathy with
seas to be condoned? Shall subtle propaganda the better element among Irishmen. It as grossly
again lift its poisoned head to weaken our misrepresents these Irishmen as it misrepresents
America itself.
friendship? Are those who made the supreme
sacrifice no longer to be heard amongst us? It arouses their indignant protests. To such
The answer is that the principles for which we say, America understands. The combina
America and the Allies fought are immutable, tion is simply a part of the world revolution
scheme that is seeking the destruction of all
and the Allies beside whom we fought shall that is. These forces of destruction of which
remain our friends.” That was America's an
swer. To hear America aroused to such an
Moscow is the storm center, are precipitating an
irrepressible conflict. The Red conspiracy
answer was worth all the shame and outrage against the world is being exposed in all its
of the German-Sinn Fein meeting. Then came ramifications, and we find this German-Sinn
the impromptu march up Fifth Avenue of the Fein-Socialist combination among them. They
singing crowds, the halt at Forty-second Street are all apparently linked up together, and they
and the strains of “The Star-Spangled Banner" mean, if they can, to conquer the world. By
ringing from two thousand throats of the young whatever name they are called, they are all
World War veterans, while men stood uncovered part of an evil force that is working to destroy
our civilization and our free institutions as they representative self-government that we enjoy to
have grown up through the centuries, and to day are the gift to the world of the Anglo-Saxon
replace them with the barbaric rule of armed race. “Anglo-Saxonism" is something more
minorities working their will by terror, murder than a “phantom.” Other races have given
and wholesale carnage. This is the irrepressible their gifts, but the Anglo-Saxon has given us
conflict we are facing to-day. human liberty. Let us both study and teach the
In this crisis our own path of duty and facts in the development of free government.
opportunity as a Society is very clear and Study the great struggle for political and relig
straight. It is our duty to offset this propa ious liberty throughout all the centuries of
ganda by spreading the knowledge and under English history until it culminates in our free
standing of American principles throughout the institutions under the American Constitution.
length and breadth of the land. Don't take for Government by the free votes of freemen is the
granted that they are everywhere understood, Anglo-Saxon idea that Britain has stood for
for they are not. Don't take it for granted ever since England was England. She guarded
that they are everywhere loved, for the Bolshe it and kept it alive through tyranny after
vist and his kind hold them in bitter hatred. tyranny. She planted its seeds in America, where
Our country is calling us to the colors as the English colonists from Maine to Georgia
truly as it did in 1917. In every chapter established it and fought for it. Her history and
we will answer the call and preach the gospel ours are one. Her literature is ours; her law is
of Americanism. ours; her language is ours. The black wicked
We are well fitted to do this. We are a ness of those who try to provoke war between
national organization, national in the scope of ourselves and England should find its sharp
our work, national in our power and influence rebuke from every Daughter of the American
for good. Our national character has brought Revolution. We turn with horror from a
us the recognition of our government and the thought so terrible, so inconceivable. Were such
appreciation and respect of the public. It is a thing possible—and it never will be possible—
our national work that has made our Society the end of liberty and civilization would be upon
great and influential; it is this which makes us. England and America must stand together
us an asset to our Government and to America. if freedom is to live.
Our chapters are increasing, and should keep If you love your country, therefore, and its
on increasing, throughout the country. They liberty, do everything within your power to re
are not independent clubs. They are our buke the mad talk of the propagandist, no matter
National Society itself simply working in groups. what his hyphen may be.
They are our valuable working units. Each Moreover, England's domestic concerns are not
chapter has a great task before it to help coun for us to meddle with. It is high time we said
teract the mad spirit of destruction that is “hands off" to some of our irresponsible orators
surging through the world. and self-appointed “unofficial committees.”
There are many ways of doing this. Chief The peace of a hundred years between Eng
among them is the building up of national char land and ourselves must not be broken by such
acter and the promotion of a right education. people. And similarly with France, ravaged,
We must teach the plain truths of history and devastated, outraged by the Hun, let her know
develop an enlightened public opinion based on that America's friendship is unshaken. Let us
the sound foundation of Christian character. take every opportunity to prove to England and
History will expose the falseness of German France and Belgium that the real America does
Sinn Fein and Socialist propaganda. not forget the sorrow, the suffering, the sacrifices.
Christian character will not tolerate insane How else could we fulfil Washington's vision
hatreds, race prejudices, faithlessness to obli of a “People always guided by an exalted jus
gations and the spirit of mad destruction that tice and benevolence?”
threatens to engulf the world. It may be said that friendship between friends
The continual teaching of the principles of the does not need to be stated. There are times when
American Constitution, founded as they are on nations, like individuals, like to be told of one's
elemental right and justice, will go far toward friendship. Now is one of the times, and you
steadying the unrest of to-day. can go forth and tell of it. The Allied cause
This is a specific work which every chapter is ours still unless our soul has turned traitor.
in our Society ought to undertake. Each one It is a blessed thing to be alive in these turbu
must stand out openly for pure Americanism lent times and able to do our part in bringing
without hyphenated mixtures. the world back to happiness and peace.
Teach history, but do not stop at American The deepest meaning of life is service. The
history. Teach English history from which it deepest meaning of our Society is patriotic ser
sprang. This Pilgrim year gives ample oppor vice—service of “Home and Country.” This
tunity. Show how the principles of liberty and does not mean the trivialites of outward show—
the waving of flags, the giving of social functions that Mrs. Harriet Taylor Upton, chair
with patriotic favors. It means keeping the
nation true to itself and its ideals. It means man of the Republican Woman's Com
keeping the nation in tune with the spirit of mittee, was unavoidably detained out
Washington and Lincoln, and this can only be of town and could not make the speech
done if the character of the people is in tune
with theirs. scheduled on the program.
Guard the home and the schools in which A picturesque figure at the opening
character grows. Keep alive the deep, abiding session was Mrs. Mary S. Lockwood,
love of country which counts no sacrifice too
great. This is your peculiar mission because
of Washington, the beloved “Little
of your heritage. Do not let other duties crowd Mother ” of the Society, now in her
it out. Do not let other societies absorb all your ninetieth year, who sat surrounded by
time and attention. Other societies come and go,
but the National Society Daughters of American
friends on the platform.
Revoution must carry on through the generations. In her report, Mrs. Livingston L.
Upon us lies the uttermost obligation. We Hunter, chairman of the Credentials
are among the character-builders of the nation. Committee, stated that 2555 delegates
We are responsible for the making of loyal and
intelligent citizens. We must be loyal and were eligible to attend from the chap
intelligent citizens ourselves now that we have ters of the country. New York had the
the supreme responsibility of the vote. We
must give of ourselves to both state and nation
largest delegation, with Pennsylvania
that they may be better for our having lived. and Massachusetts close behind.
Like the Pilgrim mothers to whom we are Mrs. Henry B. Joy, chairman of the
erecting a memorial fountain, we must be filled Resolutions Committee, then announced
with the same spirit of service, the same high
faith, the same all-absorbing devotion to the standing rules for the Congress,
an ideal. under which the legislation would pro
They themselves were the fountain head of
our national life, they and all other pioneer
ceed. The personnel of the Resolu
women whose sacrifices established and built up tions Committee was as follows:
this nation. “In the name of God, Amen,” they
lived their daily lives and helped found Mrs. Henry B. Joy, chairman, Michigan; Mrs.
this nation. Cassius C. Cottle, California; Mrs. H. Eugene
It is for us to keep this fountain pure and Chubback, Illinois; Mrs. Frank D. Ellison,
Massachusetts; Mrs. Harold R. Howell, Iowa;
undefiled from generation to generation, doing
all things like the Pilgrims “in the name of Mrs. Edward L. Harris, Ohio; Mrs. John Trigg
God, Amen.” Moss, Missouri; Miss Alice Louise McDuffee,
Michigan; Mrs. Robert J. Johnston, Iowa; Mrs.
Samuel E. Perkins, Indiana; Mrs. James Lorry
In compliment to the President Gen Smith, Texas; Mrs. William N. Reynolds,
eral, the audience joined in singing the North Carolina; Mrs. Andrew Fuller Fox, Mis
Connecticut State Song at the conclu sissippi; Mrs. George T. Smallwood, District of
sion of her address. Columbia; Mrs. Howard L. Hodgkins, District
of Columbia, and Mrs. Frank W. Bahnsen, Iowa.
Mrs. George Thacher Guernsey,
Honorary President General, then gave The afternoon session on Monday
a greeting which humorously referred was devoted to the reports of the Na
to her present freedom of responsibility tional Officers, led by that of the
from high office. She pledged loyalty President General, who reported be
to Mrs. Minor's administration and sides as the Chairman of the National
predicted that it would prove most Board of Management.
successful. Mrs. Minor then presented In her report Mrs. Minor said that
Mrs. William Cumming Story, Hon she took great pleasure in presenting
orary President General, to the Con her first accounting to the Society.
gress. Mrs. Story responded briefly. She eulogized two members of the Na
It was announced at this juncture tional Board who died during the
year: Mrs. John P. Hume, Vice-Presi forth in the reports of the Recording
dent General from Wisconsin, and Secretary General, Mrs. John Francis
Mrs. James Spilman Phillips, the Yawger; the Corresponding Secretary
Registrar General. General, Mrs. Marshall Elliott, and the
The National Board of Management Organizing Secretary General, Mrs. G.
has held five regular meetings and two Wallace W. Hanger.
special ones, she reported, and nine In the report of the Registrar Gen
executive committee meetings as well. eral, Miss Emma T. Strider, she paid
Mrs. Minor has travelled thousands of tribute to the splendid work in that
miles in the interests of the Society, office of the late Mrs. James Phillips,
visiting many state conferences and of West Virginia, who died in office.
chapter meetings. In addition she During the year ending April, 1921,
acted as D.A.R. representative at the Miss Strider reported 11,216 members
Pilgrim Tercentenary exercises in Ply were admitted to membership, the
mouth ; the laying of the cornerstone largest in a single year in the history
of the Roosevelt Memorial in New of the Society. Among these were
York City, and the inauguration cere Mrs. Warren G. Harding, wife of the
monies of President Harding. President of the United States; 1766
Three national undertakings, the supplemental papers were verified in
Manual for Immigrants, the Pilgrim the year, making a total of 12,982, 1934
Mothers' Memorial Fountain at Ply of which have added new Revolution
mouth, and the gift to the French gov ary service records to the files.
ernment of a war painting, have been Permits were issued for 2981 insignias,
undertaken. Mrs. Minor reported on 1099 ancestral bars, and 2653 recognition
the progress of installing the water pins; 118 original and 384 supplemental
system at Tilloloy, France, a work be papers were returned unverified.
gun in the administration of the previ The Treasurer General, Mrs. Living
ous President General, Mrs. George ston L. Hunter, gave an itemized re
Thacher Guernsey. It will be ready port of the receipts and expenditures
for dedication next spring. of the Society which was distributed
The President General expressed to the delegates in printed form. The
great gratification that only $1600 re total receipts for the year from all
mained to be paid on the debt incurred sources amounted to $171,818.18, while
by the Society several years ago in its the disbursements were $169,426.07;
pledge to buy $100,000 worth of Liberty $74,822.26 was devoted to Patriotic
Bonds as a patriotic investment, and Education, while $12,357.06 has been
said that the states are working hard to raised to finance the publication of the
complete their quotas to this fund. She Immigrants Manual. The total mem
asked that all the chapters forward the bership is 119,111, including the 2990
Magazine by obtaining subscriptions members admitted at the National
as a work of Americanization. The Board meeting on Saturday, April 16th.
rest of the report dealt with the finan The Historian General, Miss Jenn
cial affairs of the Daughters of the Winslow Coltrane, in her most inter
American Revolution, and the increas esting report stated that a great wave
ing desire of American women to join it. of added interest in history had swept
'e progress of the Society was set over the country. She said that the
mission of the historian was not alone President of the United States, who
to record the past, but to mould the brought the greetings and cordial good
future. Many of the states have al wishes of President Harding to the
ready sent in their complete World delegates. The Vice-President spoke
War records, handsomely bound, for eloquently on the lessons of the Battle
the Society's archives. of Lexington and drew a vivid picture
Other reports included that of the of Paul Revere's historic ride one hun
Librarian General, Mrs. Frank D. Elli dred and forty-six years ago. The
son, who reported accessions of 700 Massachusetts delegation cheered at
volumes to the library, two steel intervals throughout his speech, rising
stacks presented by the Mary Wash several times to honor him.
ington Chapter of the District of For the first time in the history of
Columbia, and the presentation of the organization a British ambassador
many papers and records. Mrs. Elli spoke from its platform to the Con
son asked for a renewed appropriation gress. Sir Auckland Geddes, the am
of $200 with which to purchase bassador to the United States, said:
special books. It is difficult to find words to acknowledge my
Mrs. G. W. White, Curator General, gratitude for this opportunity. The Daughters
expressed the gratitude of the Society of the American Revolution are the trustees to
to the French Ambassador, M. Jusser keep safe the traditions of the Republic. From
such a society kind words have special value
and, for gifts presented by him from to any representative of Great Britain.
his Government. Two hundred and It is not an easy task to make wedges ineffec
tive that others are trying to drive between the
fifty gifts of Revolutionary relics have Allies. The minds of people are not quite
been received for the museum collec normal after the war, especially of the countries
tion in the past year. The Reporter engaged therein. Everywhere in the world are
men who did not like the result of the war, and
General, Miss Lillian M. Wilson, gave
who are working to loosen the joints between the
an account of preparing the special re nations that fought together on the side of
port filed yearly with the Smithson righteousness and won. The subtle poison to
ian Institution. separate these nations is the most dangerous
propaganda a foot. I see it working in America
A concert by the United States as elsewhere. The only way to defeat it is to
Marine Band orchestra preceded the give up talking about who did the most to win the
formal opening exercises Monday war, and to say that by loyal cooperation we
are going to get over the greatest economic
night. Members of the Diplomatic crisis. I wish the press of all countries could
Corps and the Cabinet were seated stop such reference. They do great harm in this
upon the platform. The auditorium way. The propagandists are working to suggest
wrong motives to other nations. And, alas, it
was filled to its utmost capacity and is so easy under suggestion to believe that the
the galleries crowded with alternates other man is not playing quite fair. I have been
and notable visitors. A musical fea in touch with the leaders of the Allies and have
been struck with their earnest desire to maintain
ture of the evening was the wonderful loyal coöperation and good fellowship between
singing of Mrs. Tryphosa Bates-Bach the nations.
eller, who sang selections from grand There are other than political agencies trying
to separate the Allies. Great business enterprises
opera most effectively, and when en of international character are also working to
thusiastically encored gave “The Last ward this same end and spend large sums to
Rose of Summer.” create international friction.
Those forms of propaganda are working
The Congress was formally opened to separate America from her Allies and
by Honorable Calvin Coolidge, Vice Great Britain from France and Italy. They want
O dwell in the city of Savannah of repair, facing the little park Squares
is to exist amidst a cloud of around which his automobile has to turn
historic witnesses. The cas with irritating frequency. And then no
ual visitor does not wholly doubt he settles down with a sigh of thank
º realize this. As a rule, he is fulness for a straight roadway and one of
impressed with the fact that he admiration for the blaringly handsome
is in a stirring, up-to-date city—one of new villas flanking Estill Avenue !
the “livest wires’’ in the South, as it But to one whose lot is cast in the
justly claims to be—a city of charming city for a few months and whose in
parks, creditable skyscrapers, efficient terest happens to turn in that direction,
trolley service, multitudinous banks, the atmosphere is thick with ghosts of
swarming automobiles, and of a clean the historic past. Savannah is small in
liness almost unthinkable to the dweller extent—at least to one accustomed to
in average Northern towns. the endless vistas of New York blocks
Some few obvi —but from literally
ous shrines sacred almost every street
to history he does corner, h is to ry
indeed have forced beckons and bids us
upon his attention look, for here slept
—the Oglethorpe or dwelt or visited
Statue, Tel fair or died some idol of
Academy, the Jas America's past.
per Monument, the It was our for
Greene Monument tune to find an abid
—and these chiefly ing-place on Ogle
because they are th or pe Avenue,
located in the main probably the most
thoroughfares of delightful street in
automobile traffic. the city—a wide
He is conscious, boulevard with a
too, perchance, of handsome parkway
fleeting glimpses of running through its
stately old South center, a n d lined
ern mansions, not º with well-estab
always in the best STA TU e O F. G E N E R A L O G L ETH O R PE lished old houses,
not one of which looked more re were the rights of the Red Men pro
cent than the Civil War period. A tected by so naive and unmistakable
slight investigation of our surround an advertisement'
Directly next door to us is a big, un
assuming, three-story brick house, re
lieved only by an ornamental iron bal
cony across the front on the second
floor. One would scarcely suspect it of
being notable, yet around no other
Savannah residence is there such a halo
of historic memories. To begin with,
it is the oldest brick house in the city.
And in a generation of clapboarded,
wooden dwellings it must in its day
have been a noticeable feature. Ac
cording to earliest records, it was a
public house, but its interest begins
when it became the dwelling of Gen
eral Lachlan MacIntosh, a fiery-spirited
Revolutionary patriot.
Colonel MacIntosh, afterward made
general, commanded the first battalion
of Georgia's state troops, but his pep
pery temper and his unsparing Scotch
tongue brought him into serious diffi
culty right in the midst of the Revolu
tionary struggle. His rival for the
military position was one Button Gwin
nett, he of the curious name but im
this post, but Gwinnett was later to only one honorably possible in those
have his revenge, when he succeeded days—a challenge to mortal combat.
Archibald Bulloch as president of the It was the first of any importance, but
Executive Council. He re,
being in a position to make
things uncomfortable for his
former rival, Gwinnett pro
ceeded to do so with what
would seem almost childish
But MacIntosh's opp or -
tunity was again to roll around
on the wheel of fate. Gwin
nett was defeated in his can
didacy for governor of the
state in May, 1777, by John
Adam Treutlen. And Mac
Intosh could neither resist his HOUSE SAID TO HAVE SHELTERED JOHN wesley, Bishop white
unbounded elation, nor could he,
unfortunately, hold his tongue on the sub not, alas ! the only one, on the soil
ject. Giving rein to that unruly mem of Georgia.
ber, he frankly expressed his delight In the gray dawn of the next day they
at Gwinnett's defeat and, going a step met on the outskirts of Savannah, and,
further, openly denounced him as a at a distance of only twelve feet, ex
changed the shots that were to wound
both but be fatal to one. Lachlan Mac
Intosh recovered, but Gwinnett suc
cumbed twelve days later—the first
and most illustrious of Georgia's vic
tims to the Code Duello. But the
trouble did not end here, for excitement
over the affair waxed very high. The
MacIntosh and Gwinnett factions were
so opposed that the state was almost
torn in two and at a time when the
British were threatening invasion and
her forces should have been intact.
Two members of Congress and good
friends of MacIntosh finally had him
removed to a Northern command and
the storm blew over.
The change appears to have wrought
scoundrel before the whole Executive him only good as it gave him oppor
Council. We can scarcely blame tunity to become acquainted with Gen
Gwinnett for his retort, which was the eral Washington and rise to esteem under
“ dining with about two hundred citi residence was not at that time the
zens,” and so forth. He also speaks of abode of some leading Southern family
a “tolerable good" display of fireworks but a boarding-house (of the highest
on his last evening. type, to be sure) owned and managed
Sitting on our tiny iron balcony, we by a Mrs. Maxwell. Here lodged not
frequently gaze over toward that more only Lafayette, but the governor of
pretentious gallery next door and try the state (Governor Troup) during the
to picture the Father of His Country momentous occasion.
pacing gravely back and forth there Tours of this character by public
during the few leisure hours he may celebrities, then as now, must have been
have had, or strolling critically about fatiguing affairs. We wonder when
the garden which doubtless occupied the honored victims ever found a mo
the ground where our own abode now ment in which to rest and “call their
stands. That he was not over im souls their own l’” Lafayette only re
pressed with Savannah is patent from mained in Savannah two or three days,
his own remarks. “Savannah is on yet in that short period, in addition to
high ground for this country (he parades, banquets, military receptions
writes). It is extremely sandy weh and a Masonic dinner, he found time to
makes walking very disagreeable; & lay the cornerstones (with, of course,
the houses uncomfortable in warm and long and appropriate ceremonies') of
windy weather, as they are filled with two of the city's most beautiful monu
dust whenever these happen.” ments—one to Nathanael Greene in
Savannah houses are still filled with Johnson Square and one to Count Pu
dust on warm and windy days, though laski in Monterey Square. Such an orgy
every street is faultlessly asphalted and of public functions would have ex
paved and kept as faultlessly clean. hausted a man of thirty. Yet Lafa
But the walking is anything but “dis yette at the time was nearly eighty and,
agreeable,” and we find ourselves wish as far as we can learn, thoroughly en
ing that our immortal First President joyed it all.
could revisit the scene to-day and be The house which sheltered him
bowled about its charming streets and stands to-day practically the same in
parkways in a high-powered touring appearance as it was then, with the ex
car. An excerpt from his diary after ception that it is now a private resi
this event would doubtless make dence. We have occasion to pass it
interesting reading ! many times during the week. And we
But the MacIntosh house is by no never do so without speculating on how
means the only residence of note in the many minutes of repose that aged and
immediate vicinity. Directly around honored guest of France managed to
the corner and up one block on Aber snatch, in the charming south room
corn Street stands a delightful mansion over the veranda, which history de
of the true, aristocratic, Southern type. clares was his
It faces Oglethorpe Square and has the But to return to Oglethorpe Avenue,
distinction of having sheltered Lafa which is rich in historic associations.
yette during a brief visit to the city in Three blocks farther west we come
his tour of the United States in 1825. upon a quaint little frame house which
With rather a shock, we learn that the has none of the distinction of beauty,
to flee secretly from the colony. Which There is no positive proof that Wes
he did, “between two suns" (as he ley resided in the little frame house on
writes), accompanied in his ignomini Oglethorpe Avenue, yet it can scarcely
ous flight by a defaulting barber, a
wife-beater, and a bankrupt constable. ~
For over a day the ill-assorted quartet
wandered about, lost in a marsh, sub
sisting frugally on a single piece of
gingerbread ' At length they managed
to reach Beaufort and finally got to
Charleston, from whence Wesley speed
ily set sail for England.
Poor Wesley!—disappointed, unhappy,
ill, forced to flee the city like a criminal
which he distinctly was not—how, in
after years of prosperous ministry and
world-wide leadership, was he wont to
look back upon that ill-advised season
spent in Savannah ! Yet Savannah is
generously forgetful of his faults
(which were only those of undue
severity of code) and justly proud of
being the scene of his earliest efforts.
She has placed a bronze tablet to his
memory on the beautiful new Post be doubted that he must at least have
Office, the site of the Old Courthouse visited there, perhaps in his ministerial
in which he preached, and another on capacity, as it is one of the few origi
Christ Church, of which he was the sec nal wooden houses of the original set
tlement, dating its building back to
1734. And, moreover, it has remained
to this day the property of the descend
ants of the original owner. Because,
during our stay in the city, it hap
pened to be advertised for rent, we took
the opportunity to go through it. And
while the present incumbent confiden
tially poured into our ear a tale of woe
concerning the leaks in the plumbing
and the condition of the wall-paper
(which certainly was appalling) our
thoughts were all upon the curious old
fireplaces and the quaint and steeply
winding staircase that doubtless once
ond rector. And to-day Methodism may had known the tread of historic feet.
well claim the city both as one Bishop Whitefield, Wesley's great suc
of its original and present strongholds. cessor, is also associated with the
house. And later, in 1802, Aaron Burr, native state, Rhode Island, and also
in his capacity as Vice-President of the Georgia awoke to the realization that
United States, it is likewise claimed, their distinguished hero should be
made the little dwelling (then the home honored by a more fitting place of in
of his niece, Mrs. Montmollin) his head terment, lo! his remains were no longer
quarters during a visit to the city. to be found. The Graham vault did
Oglethorpe Avenue has had numer not contain them and the conclusion
ous presidential visitors. In the sub was immediately jumped to that they
stantial Gordon mansion on the corner had been removed by vandals and
of Bull Street, President Taft was en buried in some unknown spot.
tertained during an official visit in 1909. For years the search for them con
And diagonally across the street, in the tinued. Lafayette had in 1825 laid the
manse of the dignified Independent cornerstone of the monument under
Presbyterian Church, President Wilson which, apparently, Greene was not to
was married to his first wife, a lie. And as late as 1900 no trace of his
Savannah lady. body had ever been discovered. Then,
But the avenue's chief link with the in 1901, in opening what was supposed
historic past is the quaint old Colonial to be quite another vault, the remains
Cemetery, now used as a park, which of both Greene and his son, George
is directly at our corner, Abercorn Washington Greene, were found, just
Street. To come upon this little gem where they had lain all the time, in the
of the long ago, right in the center of a Graham vault! The explanation of the
busy city, is enough to make the heart tangle seems to be that the identity of
of an antiquarian leap with joy! If the vaults had been confused and the
ever historic ghosts walk, surely here records lost during the Civil War, when
must be their favorite promenade' We vandals had erased and tampered with
enter it through the beautiful gateway the markings. Greene was reburied
erected by the Southern Daughters of with honors, under his monument in
the American Revolution, feeling sud Johnson Square. And the Graham
denly very far removed from the vault, so long his peaceful and unknown
twentieth century—and the trolley resting-place, is also decorated with a
clanging not fifteen feet away. bronze memorial tablet.
First, and most noted of all, is the Here, too, we find the vault of James
Graham vault, where lay forgotten for Habersham, one of the original found
one hundred and fourteen years the ers of the colony, friend and counsellor
body of Nathanael Greene, greatest of Oglethorpe, Wesley and Whitefield.
general of the Revolution—after Wash Here also the grave of Lachlan Mac
ington. At the close of the war, Greene Intosh. The curious tombstone mark
had been awarded for his services ing the vault of the Bulloch family, an
“Mulberry Grove,” the plantation con cestors of the late Theodore Roosevelt,
fiscated from the former royal Lieu is noteworthy—a marble pedestal sur
tenant Governor Graham. Here at mounted by an urn, and on each side of
Mulberry Grove, Greene lived till his the pedestal a serpent coiled in the
sudden death in 1786, when he was in shape of a ring. This pedestal is un
terred in the Graham vault in Colonial marked by any inscription, and until
Cemetery. Years later, when both his recently its identity was a mystery.
Archibald Bulloch was first president near the spot that the valiant Polish
of the Executive Council of Georgia count fell mortally wounded, leading a
during the stormy Revolutionary days. cavalry charge against the British in
Other notable names there are, a list 1779. With him, and also wounded,
too numerous to be detailed. But be was Count d’Estaing. They were both
side these, the humbler gravestones are taken to Greenwich, a plantation four
quaint and entertaining—one in par miles away. D'Estaing was later borne
ticular, to a certain undoubtedly godly away by the French fleet and recov
wife and mother, declaring “she had ered. But Pulaski died that night and
many virtues, few faults and no crimes 1’’ was buried secretly on the plantation.
Although a public park, the atmos In 1855, what is now supposed to be,
phere of this charming spot has been without doubt, his remains were re
delightfully preserved. A few walks moved to the city and placed beneath
wind among the vaults and slabs, his monument.
benches are located here and there A block north of this square is Jones
under the ancient trees, a high brick Street, a typical pre-Civil War thor
wall that once surrounded it has been oughfare. Substantial, self-respecting
removed, and, at the southern, unoccu brick houses, block after block, quaintly
pied end a wide lawn and children's suggestive of the well-appointed South
playground has been established. All ern life, they represent. On the
else is as it was in 1853 when the last southwest corner of Jones and Bull
interment was made. Even the clang Streets is a house that boasts of having
of the trolley and the honk of the motor entertained William Cullen Bryant,
come to us but faintly among these N. P. Willis, Harriet Martineau, Edward
graves of the long ago. And when we Everett Hale, Prince Achille Murat,
enter its borders the curtain is drawn for Frederica Bremer and William Make
a little space over the clatter and hurry and peace Thackeray—a quite overwhelm
confusion of the twentieth century. ing literary association | Thackeray is,
But the Fifth Avenue of Savannah is
however, more closely associated with
Bull Street, dividing the city into an the Low Mansion on Lafayette Square
even east and west, and punctuated at facing Abercorn Street, where he stayed
a distance of every two or three blocks
for a longer period. Tradition has it
by a gem-like little park. Here, too, that he wrote a large portion of “The
we encounter a series of historic re
Virginians” there. However that may
minders; and if we commence our
be, he certainly did give his impres
promenade at the southern end, we re sions of Savannah in a letter entitled
serve the most interesting as a climax
at its northern extremity. The thor “The Feast of St. Valentine, 1855.”
Another block north and we reach
oughfare is named after William Bull,
of Charleston, who, with Oglethorpe, Madison Square, beautified by the Jas
planned the city. Bull Street is com per Monument to the memory of Ser
monplace at its extreme southern end, geant William Jasper, who also fell at
but its historic interest begins with the the siege of Savannah in 1779, after
Pulaski Monument in Monterey Square, numerous deeds of incredible heroism.
the cornerstone of which was laid by And on the left side of the square is the
Lafayette in 1825. It was on or very Greene mansion, in 1864 the head
quarters of General Sherman after his which has the honor of having built the
victorious march to the sea. first steamship to cross the Atlantic—
Again two blocks north, and in the the City of Savannah.
The next square, Wright or Court
house Square, is flanked on one side by
the fine new Post Office on the site
where once Wesley preached. But on
the other is a great boulder decorated
with a bronze tablet, marking the
burial-place of Tomo-chi-chi, the chief
tain of the Yamacraw Indians when
Oglethorpe arrived with his first band
of settlers. The founder wisely be
friended and made amicable compacts
with the aged chief; and so just were
GENERAL SHERMAN's HEADQUARTERS all his dealings with his Indian neigh
bors that never, in the history of
heart of the busy, beautiful city, where Savannah, was the hand of the Red
in all justice it should be, stands the Man raised against his white brother.
magnificent statue of James Oglethorpe So deep was the mutual affection and
in the center of Chippewa Square. But respect between Oglethorpe and Tomo
the spot most sacred to the great chi-chi that the former took back the
founder is farther north, a location we
shall reach in due time.
On the corner of Oglethorpe Avenue
stands the dignified and beautiful
Independent Presbyterian Church, the
oldest Presbyterian church in Georgia.
The building has occupied this present
site for over a hundred years, being
once burned and rebuilt exactly as it
was before. It was dedicated in 1819,
during a visit to the city of President
Monroe, who attended the ceremony.
Incidentally, this president's visit was
coupled with another unique occasion.
He was the guest of William Scarbor
ough, one of Savannah's former mer
chant princes, in the Scarborough
mansion on West Broad Street. This
fine old residence is still standing,
though now well nigh a ruin, and will
probably soon disappear as the region
has become devoted to business. Mr. ninety-year old Indian chieftain to
Scarborough was one of the directors England, on one of his return trips, to
of the Savannah Steamship Company, gether with a number of other lesser
chiefs, and great was the stir and ex thorpe ordered that a pyramid of stone,
citement in London over this unusual dug in the neighborhood, be placed to mark
visitor. Tomo-chi-chi was fêted and his tomb. Whether this was ever
dined, presented at court and
had his portrait painted by a
noted artist. After months of
sight-seeing and adulation, he
returned to Georgia with Ogle
thorpe, and as a raconteur of
traveller's tales was famous
among his people to the end
of his days' Near to being a
centenarian, Tomo-chi-chi at
length passed away, and his
funeral was perhaps the most
remarkable a forest savage
ever had. His wish was to be
buried among his white friends
and it was duly respected. Ogle
thorpe and five of Savannah's
principal citizens were pall-bearers, done is not known. But the Georgia
minute-guns were fired as he was lowered Chapter of Colonial Dames has not left
into his grave in the square, and Ogle his grave unmarked, as this fitting,
rough-hewn boulder attests.
-- - -
Before we come to the last square,
-- El we have to cross Broughton Street, the
busiest and most modern and common
* Hºl place thoroughfare in the city. Yet
Hº º even here we come upon history's foot
prints in an old wooden structure
(wherein is the business of the town's
principal photographer, by the way !)
which was, in 1779, the headquarters
of the British General Prevost, during
the siege of Savannah. We have dis
covered that we cannot go about the
city on the simplest errands of business
or pleasure without stumbling con
stantly on historic reminders inter
woven with the most commonplace
present-day affairs. The corner of
Whitaker and Broughton Streets, where
one can board a trolley to every por
tion of the city or outlying districts, is
the site of Tondee's Tavern of ancient
TH E GR E RN E M O N U M ENT fame, where met the reckless “Liberty
Boys” of Georgia in 1775, and where him, when the most impressive man
was erected the first Liberty Pole in sion could easily have been his.
the state. A trip to Savannah's one To-day the pines are gone and the
and only art gallery reveals it located in heavy river-front traffic rumbles past
Telfair Academy, once the mansion of the spot. But from the quiet marble
Governor Telfair in 1786, and still in seat we can survey what the great
part preserved as a beautiful example founder could not in his wildest flight
of an old-time Southern home. Even of fancy have conceived—the Savannah
the Central of Georgia railroad station of the twentieth century !
is on the site of Spring-hill Redoubt, Oglethorpe saw the city for the last
erected by the British in 1779, and the time in 1743. At that date there were
remains of the fortification can still be about three hundred and fifty houses,
seen in the railroad yards. mostly wooden, one or two public
But to return to Bull Street and the buildings and three churches. Very
last park in the lovely chain, Johnson little like the city of his dreams, which,
Square. This park is now surrounded says a biographer, was depicted by his
by busy modern hotels and skyscrapers, imagination as “a populous city with a
but it is flanked on the right by Christ large square for market or other pur
Church. The present building dates poses in every quarter; wide, regular
from 1838, but the original occupied streets crossing each other at right
the same site in 1740. It is the oldest angles and shaded by noble trees . . .
ecclesiastical church in Georgia and the wooden houses giving way to dura
boasts John Wesley as its second rector. ble and stately abodes, and above the
In the center of the square is the foliage to arise the towers and spires
Greene Monument, under which lie the of numerous churches.” -
“To the Daughters of the American there from every state and it would
Revolution belongs great credit for thus become a living tribute to the
putting us in touch with trees with a genius of Washington.”
history,” said Mr. Pack. “The Asso No more fitting memorial to Wash
ciation is recording every historic tree ington could be imagined because he
in its Hall of Fame. The memorial was the foremost forester of his time.
trees now being planted and the Roads He loved forestry and devoted pages
of Remembrance will become famous in his diary to descriptions, locations,
with the years. It is for that reason and histories of the various trees in and
the American Forestry Association is around Mount Vernon. Many of these
compiling a national honor roll of all trees were planted by his own hand—
memorial trees. and nearly all under his supervision.
“Our Association has suggested The largest trees, which border the
that the highway to Mount Vernon be bowling green, were probably planted
made a great ‘Road of Remembrance' from 1783 to 1785, for it was in these
to the home of Washington, the years following the Revolutionary
nation’s shrine. Trees should be placed War and preceding his election to the
- -
the fact that they were given to Wash of St. John's College, Annapolis, the
ington by Thomas Jefferson. oldest east of the Rocky Mountains.
In September, 1784, Washington Its branches served as a canopy under
went on a tree-hunting expedition near which the Colonists and Susquehan
the mouth of the Cheet River, in what nock Indians made a treaty of peace
is now West Virginia. The party in 1652. The next public use to which
gathered seeds of the buck-eye trees the tree was put was when the Colon
and Washington planted them at ists gathered beneath it to determine
Mount Vernon the following April. whether or not persons who had not
To botanists these trees are of greater joined the Association of Patriots
interest than any others, for the species should be driven out of the colony.
has naturally yellow flowers, but those Revolutionary soldiers rested under its
at Mount Vernon have variously red, grateful shade, and in 1824 Lafayette
pink, and flesh-colored blossoms. was entertained under its graceful
A towering hemlock 81 feet tall with branches, and there is frequent men
a trunk 2 feet 6 inches in diameter on tion in the old Maryland Gazette of
the flower garden side of Bowling numerous Fourth of July celebrations
Green was a tiny sapling when Wash having taken place beneath it. Two
ington planted it on March 11, 1785. feet from the ground the Liberty Tree
The years which have passed since measures 29 feet 4 inches in circum
then have left little trace on the Forest ference and its height is 150 feet.
King, although it was struck by light Another tree which antedates the
ning in 1897. American Revolution is the famous De
Horticulturists have called the Lib Soto Oak at Tampa, Florida, which
erty Tree, a tulip poplar on the campus marks the spot from which De Soto
started for the Mississippi. General the Indians in 1632, gathered the red
Nelson A. Miles made his headquarters men of the forest about him and
for a time during the Spanish-American preached to them of the Great White
War under this tree. Its spread is Father. About the same time John
125 feet. Endicott planted on his land in Dan
Only the stump is left of the Old vers a pear tree which still bears fruit
Mulberry Tree at Saint Mary's, long in abundance. Soil has gradually col
the capital of Maryland, which marked lected about the trunk until the two
the spot where Lord Calvert landed. main branches appear to rise from the
Tradition says ground a s
the first mass in separate trees.
North America Surround in g
was sung there, them is a fence
while the treaty which acts as
between Gov an effective
ernor Calvert protection.
and the Yacco On the day
minco Indians of the Battle of
was signed be Le x in g to n
neath it, and some of the
the proclama farmers who
tions of the that day wrote
governors of the ir names
Colonial Mary high on Fame's
1 and were eternal roll,
nailed to it. tied the ir
The tree was horses to iron
blown down spikes driven at
during the storm of 1876, the year in intervals into a beautiful elm standing
which the famous Big Tree on Boston outside Old Monroe Tavern, a scant
Common met with the same fate. five miles from the bridge. One of the
Massachusetts, the old Bay Colony, spikes may still be seen in the body of
is famous for its historic trees, and the old elm which is sturdy and hale as
foremost among these is the Washing were the hearts of the brave men who
ton Elm at Cambridge. There is no gathered for battle beneath its branches
tree dearer to American hearts. Trav
in the heroic days of old.
ellers from the world have gazed with Another tree with Revolutionary his
reverence on its spreading branches
tory is the Pemberton Oak at Bristol,
and read with interest the inscription Va. Under this oak soldiers have been
at its base: “Under the branches of
drilled for every war in which the
this tree Washington took command
of the Continental Army on the 3rd of United States has been engaged. The
July, 1775.” tree has been nominated for a place in
At Natick, Massachusetts, is the the Hall of Fame by Mrs. Henry Fitz
Eliot Oak—a white oak beautiful in its hugh Lee, Virginia State Secretary,
old age, where John Eliot, Apostle to N.S.D.A.R. In 1776, Captain John
spreading branches for the war of 1812, ciated with Washington. A beautiful
the Mexican War, the Civil War, and oak at Geneva, New York, has been
during the World War hundreds of placed in the Hall of Fame because of
soldiers were not only drilled there but the fact that General Lafayette made
By a large majority vote the Thirtieth Continental Congress advanced the sub
one dollar to two dollars a year.
The new rates will go into effect on July 1, 1921.
Until that date subscriptions will be accepted at the old rate of one dollar a year.
The price of single copies of the magazine hereafter will be twenty-five cents
Subscriptions should be sent to the Treasurer General, N.S.D.A.R., Memorial Con
tinental Hall, Washington, D. C.
Treasurer General.
Chairman, Magazine Committee.
meetings were held in the auditorium of the suggestions on national work, urging the
Elks' Home, which was appropriately decorated Florida Daughters to respond to every call of
for the occasion, and the D.A.R. emblem illu the National Board of Management, so that we
minated by small electric lights hung back of the may work in perfect unison and continue to enjoy
platform, making the scene a miniature Memorial the privileges we have under our charter as a
Continental Hall. This beautiful emblem was national organization. The reports of Chapter
presented by Mrs. Sewell to the Florida Daugh Regents were most encouraging, showing splen
ters and will be used at all future Conferences. did work along all patriotic lines and a steady
Bugle call at 10 o'clock on the morning of gain in membership. During the last four years
January 18th announced the entrance of the the Society in Florida has nearly doubled
pages dressed in Puritan costumes escorting the its membership.
President General and State Officers to the plat Through the appeal of Mrs. G. C. Frissell,
form to the strains of the “Coronation March,” State Chairman on Preservation of Historic
played by Arthur Pryor's Band. After the sing Spots, an enthusiastic interest was aroused in
ing of “America,” the invocation was given by the work the Colonial Dames of Florida are
Mrs. Grace Manlove, Chaplain of the hostess doing in placing a handsome tablet in Fort
Chapter. The “American's Creed" was re Marion at St. Augustine, marking it as one of
peated, and the Salute to the Flag was given. America's most historic spots and depicting in
Mayor Smith, of Miami, extended the welcome bronze the four great periods of its history. The
of the city and the Chamber of Commerce ex Daughters responded most generously toward
pressed its cordial welcome through Mr. Shutz. helping in this work, and a large sum was raised
Mrs. H. Fletcher Fordham, Regent of Ever through the donations of chapters and individuals.
glades Chapter, welcomed the Daughters, and The subject of Valley Forge also met an enthu
Mrs. James A. Craig, Vice Regent of the State, siastic response and the Conference voted to
responded for the Conference. Mrs. Sewell then place the Florida coat-of-arms in Washing
presented the President General, who gave a ton Chapel.
most inspiring address on the subject “Home Mrs. Livingston Hunter gave an interesting
and Country,” emphasizing the great necessity talk on national work, telling how much was
for faithful patriotic work during these danger actually accomplished by the small annual dues
ous days of our nation's life and urging us to paid in to the National Society. Mrs. Buel spoke
stand staunchly back of the National Society in to the Conference, giving details of the work
its every undertaking. Mrs. Minor bade us study of the Immigrant Manual Fund Committee and
the history of our Pilgrim ancestors, that by showing the great value of this publication for
emulating their Godly example we may keep our our future citizens.
country up to the high principles upon which it The musical selections throughout the Con
was founded. Greetings were extended by the ference were thoroughly enjoyed, Mrs. F. M.
ex-State Regents and honored guests; also by Hudson, of Miami, being the soloist, while
visitors from many States, and the Secretary, Arthur Pryor and his band gave much pleasure
Mrs. Brooke G. White, Jr., read telegrams and in rendering many beautiful numbers. The social
greetings from the Regents of still other States. affairs given by the hostess Chapter were beauti
A report of the last Continental Congress was ful in every detail. A brilliant reception was
made by Mrs. J. J. Kindred, Past State Regent. given by Mrs. Sewell, State Regent, at her home
The reports of State Officers and State Chairmen in honor of the President General and State
of National Committees showed that each de Officers on January 17th, when several hundred
partment of state and national work is being guests were invited to meet them. A luncheon
carried on with all possible zeal and efficiency. was given on January 18th at the home of Mrs.
Especially gratifying was the report of the H. Fletcher Fordham, Regent of Everglades
DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REvolution Chapter, and proved a charming occasion. On
MAGAZINE Chairman, Miss Annie Locke, which the same evening, a banquet was given at the
showed that Florida has the largest percentage Miami Country Club by the State Regent and
of subscribers among its members of any state. hostess Chapter. This affair was most enjoy
During the last year, the State Regent offered able, there being present a number of noted after
a prize of $50 in gold to the chapter first acquir dinner speakers, among whom were our President
ing a 100 per cent. subscription list. This prize General and Hon. William Jennings Bryan.
was awarded to Maria Jefferson Chapter, of On the last day of the Conference, the local
St. Augustine, Mrs. V. C. Capo, Regent, and chapter, Children of the American Revolution,
Mrs. John B. Floyd, Magazine Chairman, ac gave a luncheon at Cocoanut Grove, after which
cepted the generous prize and congratulations for the Daughters enjoyed a wonderful drive around
their work in behalf of the DAUGHTERS OF THE the Magic City, visiting the famous Dearing
AMERICAN REvolution MAGAZINE. estate, Miami Beach, and were given a delightful
The President General gave some important reception at the home of Mr. Bryan. At the
conclusion of the drive, a tea was given by Mrs. State Regent. Mrs. Mary Magoffin Shackelford.
Gratiny, making a fitting end to a round of and Mrs. Jennie Chinn Morton.
delightful functions. Mrs. Shackelford was president of the
The Conference, both socially and from a busi Woman's Club of Frankfort. and was widely
ness standpoint, was a pronounced success, and known in Kentucky; distinguished not only for
all who attended went away with fresh inspira her intellect, but because of her beauty. She
tion for work and a stronger love for the was the granddaughter of Beriah Magoffin, one
National Society and the fond associations it of Kentucky's war governors. and the great
offers to its members. great-granddaughter of Isaac Shelby, the first
IDA. Floyd W HITE. governor of Kentucky; also a lineal descendant
Recording Secretary. of Nathaniel Hart, one of the early pioneers
of Kentucky.
The work of the Kentucky D.A.R.'s during the
The Twenty-fourth Kentucky State Confer past year was satisfactory and chapter reports
ence, D.A.R., convened October 27 and 28. were most encouraging along all lines of work.
1920, in the Seelbach Hotel, Louisville, and while There are 36 chapters, with a total active mem
not a large Conference, it was most harmonious bership of 1585, a gain of 118 during this year.
and pleasant. Two pioneer
The room was places of histori
artistically deco cal interest were
rated by the Fin marked during the
castle Chapter, the year. The site of
collection of flags McClellan's Fort
used being loaned was marked in
by Mr. R. C. Bal June by the Big
lard Thruston, and Spring Chapter,
the musical selec of Georgetown.
tions were ren with a granite
dered by the pupils monument, on
spot, and in the summer of 1776 they erected but paying their own expenses. The presence
this station, the first one fortified north of the of our President General, Mrs. George Maynard
Kentucky River. Minor, gave our Conference a charming resem
The Logan-Whitley Chapter, of Stanford, blance to a big national congress.
placed a bronze tablet on the old Whitley man The meeting was also honored by the presence
sion, built by Col. William Whitley, 1786, on the of the following State Regents: Mrs. Chubbuck,
site of his fort (1779). This two-story brick of Illinois, and Mrs. Felter, of Indiana. The
house, claimed to be the first in Kentucky, was program featured the election of State Officers
the refuge of the pioneers from the Indians. and the election of the American hawthorn to the
Through the efforts of Mrs. George Baker, dignity of the Missouri D.A.R. state flower, to
of the Frankfort Chapter, a plot of ground in be recommended at this session of the Legislature
the Frankfort Cemetery has been given to the for the state flower of Missouri. A banner of
D.A.R. of Kentucky. On this, the State Con exquisite design and splendid workmanship was
ference voted to erect a monument to the soldiers presented to the organization by the State Board.
of the American Revolution and to remove as The Conference was called to order by the
many bodies to this lot as possible from the old State Regent, Mrs. John Trigg Moss. After
neglected country burying grounds. an invocation by the Chaplain General, Mrs.
The interest of this the Twenty-fourth State Selden P. Spencer, the “American's Creed,”
Conference centered in the plan, proposed by “Star-Spangled Banner” and Flag Salute, with
Mrs. Christopher D. Chenault, of founding a several musical numbers, were given.
school in the mountainous district of our State, Following the address of welcome on behalf
to be called the Kentucky State D.A.R. School, of the city of St. Louis, by Col. I. A. Hedges,
and the enthusiastic committee, of which Mrs. Mrs. Edward T. Jackson, representing the Cor
Chenault was made chairman, hopes to visit the nelia Green Chapter, as its Regent, extended
various places which have been suggested as cordial greeting on behalf of the hostess chapter.
available sites. Greetings from the Sons of the Revolution
The social side of the State Conference was were extended by Mr. W. D. Vandiver and Mr.
delightful. The John Marshall Chapter, of George T. Parker. Presidents of State organi
Louisville, gave an evening reception in the zations were represented by Mrs. George A.
Seelbach Hotel in honor of the delegates. The Still, Federation of Women's Clubs; Mrs. L. M.
committee in charge of this charming affair Ottofy, State Society, Daughters of 1812; Mrs.
comprised Mrs. J. B. Champ, Regent; Mrs. Sallie J. P. Higgins, State Society, U.D.C. Following
Ewing Marshall Hardy, Vice Regent, and Mrs. a response by Mrs. George Edward George,
John W. Chenault. State Vice Regent, Mrs. Samuel McKnight
Mrs. John Middleton, of the Fincastle Chap Green extended greetings to the President Gen
ter, entertained the State Officers at luncheon eral. Mrs. Wallace Delafield, our Honorary
at the Pendennis Club, and Mrs. Alexander Vice President General, also cordially greeted
Humphreys opened her lovely country home the assembly. The musical numbers were fol
“Fincastle” to the delegates and gave them a lowed by a memorial program.
beautiful afternoon tea. Besides these more Monday afternoon was given to the reading
formal affairs, there were numerous other small of reports by the State Officers, and that night a
gatherings, which brought the members of this reception was held in honor of the President
Conference in closer touch. General, Mrs. Minor, and the State Regent, Mrs.
Thus ended the Twenty-fourth Kentucky State J. Moss, with the Cornelia Green Chapter as
Conference, which was one of the most interest hostess, in the Statler Hotel.
ing we have ever held. Tuesday's program embraced reports of State
(MRS. WILLIAM) MARY F. H. Rodes, Chairmen and chapter reports. The Conference
adjourned to attend an afternoon “tea "given
State Recording Secretary.
by Webster Groves Chapter in honor of Mrs.
George Maynard Minor and Mrs. John Trigg
MISSOURI Moss at the home of Mrs. C. M. Skinner, in
Webster Groves.
The Twenty-first Annual State Conference of On Tuesday evening prizes were awarded for
Missouri was held in St. Louis, beginning on best scrap-book, magazine subscriptions and in
Monday, October 25, 1920, and closing Wednes crease in membership, books for library and
day, the 27th. The Cornelia Green Chapter, C.A.R. announcements, and for best essay on the
D.A.R., presided as hostess in honor of Mis subject, “A Contest in the Kingdom of Flowers,”
souri's State Regent, Mrs. John Trigg Moss. presented by the State Historian, Mrs.
Missouri had the largest representation she has W. L. Webb.
ever had, due to the fact that our Daughters now DAUGHTERs of THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION
come to the Conference not to be entertained MAGAZINE, greatest number of subscriptions
during the year, $10 in gold to Jefferson Chap D.A.R. insignia, palms and flags, one of them a
ter, of St. Louis. Five dollars in gold for best Betsy Ross flag.
scrap-book went to Gov. George Wyliss Chapter, The processional was played by Miss Claire
of Hannibal. The first prize for essay, $10 in Brezee. The National and State Officers were
gold, given by Mrs. W. L. Webb, was won by each escorted to the platform by pages, attired
Mrs. Clara Lindley Finch, of the Major Molly in white and wearing blue ribbon badges. These
Chapter, of Hamilton. Mrs. Finch named the young women were graduates of the Bemis
aster as her choice for state flower. The second Heights Society, C.A.R., and have now become
prize, a five-dollar gold piece, given by the State members of the Saratoga Chapter. Miss Clara
Regent, Mrs. John Trigg Moss, was awarded Grant Walworth, granddaughter of Mrs. Wal
to Mrs. W. B. Kinealy, of St. Louis, whose worth, was the special page of the President
favorite flower was the daisy. Mrs. McGregor, General. Mrs. Charles White Nash, State
State Director of the C.A.R., awarded two prizes Regent, presided, followed by Mrs. George May
of $5 each to two little girls, members of the nard Minor, President General; Mrs. Charles S.
Betsy Hall Society of Kansas, and Betty Dale Whitman, Vice President General; Mrs. John
Society of Armstrong, for their essays on Mis Francis Yawger, Recording Secretary General;
souri history. Mrs. Daniel Lothrop, Founder of the C.A.R.;
Mrs. Kitt, as State Librarian, awarded a prize Mrs. John Laidlaw Buel, State Regent of Con
of $5 in gold to the Elizabeth Benton Chapter, of necticut; Mrs. Franklin P. Shumway, State
Kansas City, for the best set of books sent to Regent of Massachusetts; Mrs. Charles Melville
the library of Memorial Continental Hall during Bull, Vice State Regent; Mrs. John P. Mosher,
this past year. State Director of the C.A.R., and the other
The $10 prize offered for the greatest increase State Officers.
in new members during the year, October 1, 1919, The call to order was given by the State
to October 1, 1920, was awarded to the Allen Regent, Mrs. Nash, and the invocation by Mrs.
Morton Watkins Chapter, of Richmond. Silas N. Sherwood, State Chaplain, followed by
The Daughters voted to buy new lace curtains singing of “The Star-Spangled Banner,” by Miss
for the Missouri room in Memorial Continental Selma Ladzinski, and the Salute to the Flag.
Hall and also voted to purchase a handsome silk Mrs. Samuel R. Davenport, Regent of Saratoga
flag to replace the one of bunting that Missouri Chapter, graciously welcomed the Daughters,
now has hanging there. and, quoting from an Indian legend, extended
We also voted to have a new State Committee, the Chapter's greeting with “much all heart.”
namely, “Genealogical Research " Committee, In the absence of the Mayor, Mr. Benjamin
and Mrs. George McElhiney, of St. Charles, was Knickerbocker Walbridge extended the city's
appointed State Chairman. This Conference welcome to the delegates.
also voted to mark as a state the most historical Both Mrs. Davenport and Mr. Walbridge
unmarked spot in the state during the coming called attention to the fact that the Conference
year. We voted to endorse the “Permanent was meeting in the home city of Ellen Harden
Memorial Highway.” Walworth, one of the founders of the National
On Wednesday beautiful musical selections Society, and in doing so both paid high tribute
were rendered, and committees were listened to, to her. Dr. Charles Henry Keyes, President of
much discussion being given to the plan for the the Skidmore School of Arts, extended a greet
Ozark School. ing in behalf of the Chamber of Commerce. To
Also, a committee was appointed to plan for a these addresses of welcome Mrs. Nash graciously
D.A.R. program to celebrate the 100th birthday responded and referred briefly to the historic
of Missouri this year, 1921. Mrs. A. H. Con dates on which the Conference was being held.
nelly is chairman of that committee. In 1767 the first Continental Congress met in
All who attended the meeting were heard to New York on this date, and in 1777 occurred
exclaim, “A wonderful Conference " " “The the Battle of Saratoga. Mrs. Nash in her inter
best we have ever had ' " esting address spoke of the aims of the National
(Mrs. W. L.) MABELLE BRow N WEBB, Society, and gave a splendid account of the
Retiring State Historian. State's work during the year, urging the support
of chapters in the different objects for which
the State was working.
Then followed the introduction of the guests
The members of the Twenty-fourth Confer of honor, each one bringing cordial greeting
ence of the New York Daughters assembled in from the home chapter and State, after which
historic Saratoga Springs on October 7 and 8, Mrs. Minor delivered a patriotic address, taking
1920, as guests of Saratoga Chapter. Its ses as her subject “Home and Country.”
sions were held in the Casino, the auditorium of The afternoon session opened with a piano
which was appropriately decorated with the solo by Miss Gertrude Carragan. The report
of the Committee on the Revision of the By Wednesday evening Mrs. Davenport cordially
Laws was read by Mrs. Bull, Chairman, and the received the members of the Conference at an
revised By-Laws were adopted, making the term informal reception at her home. Thursday after
of State Officers three years to conform with noon Mrs. George Sanford Andrews was “at
those of the National Society. The address of home” to the Daughters at the Andrews home
the afternoon, “The Historic Worth of Sara stead. Thursday evening the Saratoga Chapter
toga,” given by ex-Senator Edgar Truman gave a reception to the President General, Na
Brackett, received the appreciative applause of tional and State Officers, and all Daughters, in
the Daughters and a rising vote of thanks. Re the Casino.
ports of State Officers and State Committees FLORENCE S. B. MENGEs,
were given. The Credential Committee's report State Historian.
gave the voting body of the Conference, as 142,
with more than that number of visiting Daugh
ters and alternates, making it one of the largest NORTH DAKOTA
State gatherings ever held.
New officers of the Daughters of the Ameri
Friday morning the Conference was opened by
can Revolution of North Dakota for the ensuing
Mrs. Nash, and the invocation was given by Mrs. year were elected at the State Conference held in
Sherwood. An innovation, which received gen
Bismarck on March 15 and 16, 1921, as follows:
eral approval, came when at the roll call of chap
Regent, Mrs. G. N. Young; Vice Regent,
ters, the Regents handed their reports to the Vice
Mrs. M. A. Hildreth; Recording Secretary, Mrs.
State Regent, for publication in the year book, of
G. W. Haggert; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs.
which each chapter received a copy. A beautiful D. T. Owens; Treasurer, Miss Stella Buchanan;
memorial service was given by Mrs. Sherwood Consulting Registrar, Mrs. E. A. Thorberg;
for departed members. Mrs. C. Fred Boshart Historian, Mrs. Archer Crane; Librarian, Mrs.
paid a special tribute to Mrs. Willard S. Augs
Kate Glaspell, Jamestown.
burg, who had served the Society as State
The report of Mrs. George M. Young, State
Regent, Historian General, and was Honorary
Regent, was read by Mrs. D. T. Owens, of
State Regent at the time of her death.
Bismarck, State Corresponding Secretary. Mrs.
Mrs. Nash then introduced Dr. James Sullivan,
Young's report was optimistic about work done
State Historian. Adjournment was later taken
the past year and the prospect of growth of the
for luncheon at the Worden, where the National
National Society for the coming year.
and State Officers and distinguished guests were
Fargo was chosen as the next place of meeting
entertained by the Saratoga Chapter.
on invitation of Dacotah Chapter.
The afternoon session opened with the sing
Reports of officers showed that the chapters
ing of the “Song of the Empire State" by Mrs. of the State had faithfully performed their duties
Charles B. Andrus. Mr. William E. Smith,
during the past year.
State Superintendent of Immigrant Education, The reports of the chapter Regents were next
was introduced by Mrs. Nash, and spoke on heard and showed that Americanization had been
“Closer Coöperation Between the D.A.R. and the keynote of the work throughout the State.
State Americanization Work.” Mrs. Harvey The reports were:
Tyson White, Chairman of the Tellers, reported Mrs. John Tracy, Sakakawea Chapter, Valley
the entire State Board reëlected for two years, City, read by Miss Esther Clark. Mrs. E. A.
making their whole term of service three years. Thorberg, Minneshoshe Chapter, Bismarck. Mrs.
The State Conference has so increased in
M. A. Hildreth, Dacotah Chapter, Fargo, read
numbers and the necessary business to be trans by Mrs. Haggert. Mrs. Don Nierling, Fort
acted, that it was decided to continue the sessions Seward Chapter, Jamestown. Mrs. Thos.
for three days next year, convening on Wednes Kane, Red River Valley Chapter, Grand Forks.
day. Singing of “The Star-Spangled Banner" It was found that there are at the present time
by the audience, and the benediction by Mrs. three new chapters being organized, one at Minot,
Sherwood, closed the Conference. with Mrs. Ward Newman as Organizing Re
The Children of the American Revolution met
gent; one at Devils Lake, with Mrs. A. M.
Wednesday afternoon for a Conference, the Powell as Organizing Regent, and the third at
guests of Bemis Heights Society, which cele Mandan, with Mrs. A. M. Bowers as Organiz
brated its 25th anniversary, Mrs. John P. ing Regent. The reports from these new chap
Mosher, State Director, presiding. Mrs. Daniel ters were very enthusiastic, and the delegates to
Lothrop, founder of the children's society, was next year's Conference will without a doubt
guest of honor, and addressed the children, her include representatives from all the new chapters.
slogan for them being “Law and Order.” Dele
gates were present from all nearby Societies. MRs. DAVID T. Owens,
The social features were not forgotten. On Corresponding Secretary.
vii, 391–406. 16. The Missouri Compromise.
. The Mexican War. Turner : 149–171.
Wilson : iv, 117–122. Johnson: 270–280.
Garrison: ch. 15. 17. The Aftermath of the Mexican War.
Dodd : Earpansion and Conflict (Riv- Wilson : iv., 123–136.
erside History), 153–160. Elson: iii, 186–204.
. Oregon. 18. The Compromise of 1850.
Garrison: 34–42, 157–173. Schouler : v., 181–199.
Schouler : iv, 504–514. Garrison: 315–330.
2, 33age in
39 era Ib rp
Conducted by
Drawings by
Zoé Lee H. Anderson
Robert Randolph, of Hams, Co. Essex, Eng Sir Hubert de Warel, Lord of Arles in
land, gent, married the daughter of Thomas Provence, and several of his sons were with
Roberts, of Hawkhurst, Co. Kent, England. William the Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings,
Their son, William, 1572–1660, married Dorothy, 1066; three of the sons fell in this battle, and
daughter of Richard Law, and their son Thomas William granted the coat-of-arms to Sir Hubert
was the poet whose works have been edited by de Warel for his gallantry, and gave him large
Hazlett. Their second son Richard, who married
possessions in the Counties of Durham and
Eliza, daughter of Richard Ryland, was the
Northumberland, and in the latter he, by grant,
grandfather of William Randolph, 1651–1711,
who was the progenitor of the Randolphs erected a stately palace. His name is also re
of America. corded in the Doomsday Book. He was suc
William Randolph, at one time, bought the ceeded by his youngest son, Rodolph, who
whole of Sir Thomas Dale's settlement, 5000 founded the Monastery of Blackburn.
acres, and as much more from other persons, Sir William de Warel, during the wars in the
reaching down to Four-mile Creek, on the Holy Land, accompanied Richard, Coeur de Lion,
James River, Virginia. and was the means of saving his life by defeating
He was a member of the House of Burgesses, an ambuscade, headed by an Eastern noble. In
Speaker of the House, Attorney General, and
return he received from the King the arms,
member of the Royal Council. He married
which the family retained until its titles lapsed.
Mary, daughter of Henry and Catherine Isham,
of Bermuda Hundred, Va., a direct descendant His only son, Rudiger, Count of Arles, had
of the Scotch Earls of Murray. Her grand estates in Provence. Upon his death he was
mother, Joan Busley, who married Henry Isham, interred in the Monastery of Arles.
Sr., was Maid of the Wardrobe to Queen Eliza From this time the name was changed to
beth. She was also a direct descendant of Wirrell, then Worrell and now Worrall is in
Alfred the Great, Edward the Elder, King of general use.
England, of Henry I, King of France, and his The Worralls of Pennsylvania and the eastern
wife Anne of Austria, of Heingst, King of shore of Delaware, Maryland and Virginia,
Saxony, A. D. 434.
through John Worrall, who came with the
The Randolphs have intermarried with the
colony of William Penn, are lineal descendants
Peytons, Bollings, Blands, Burwells, Pages and
of Sir Hubert de Warel. Both Dean Swift and
other families of prominence in the United States,
one marrying Martha, daughter of Thomas the poet Dryden belonged to this family; also
Jefferson, President of the United States. the authoress, Miss Muloch.
It is through these lines also that Mrs. Edith Descendants of John Worrall still reside on
Bolling Wilson, wife of former President and own land given to him by grant from William
Woodrow Wilson, traces her Colonial ancestry. Penn in the early days of the Colony.
To Contributors–Please observe carefully the following rules:
Names and dates must be clearly written or typewritten. Do not use pencil.
. All queries must be short and to the point.
. All queries and answers must be signed and sender's address given.
i. In answering queries give date of magazine and number and signature of query.
. Only answers containing proof are requested.
Unverified family traditions will not be
All ſetters to be forwarded to contributors must be unsealed and sent in blank, stamped
envelopes accompanied by the number of the query and its signature. The right is reserved
to print information contained in the communication to be forwarded.
of this Blair line went to Vt. Samuel Kellogg 20, 1816, at abt which time he probably removed
m 2ndly Isabella Blair, sister of his 1st w. See to that place. He is said to have been a soldier
Perry's History of Williamstown, Mass. Please in the Rev. & was one of sixteen who marched to
send me the Kellogg descent.—Dr. E. M. H. reenforce the army at Bennington, but did not
Moore, 1708 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. arrive until the battle was over. He had nine ch
8856a. Powers-PETTEGREw.—Betsey Powers, by the first w & four by the second. Reference
b Oct. 20, 1770, d June 8, 1816, was the dau of “The Kelloggs in the New World,” by Timothy
William & Elizabeth (Gates) Powers. The in Hopkins, Vol. 1, page 140–Ella M. Rorabeck,
tention of their marriage in 1765 is recorded in 1848 Liberty St., Jacksonville, Fla.
Stow, Mass. William was b in Littleton, Mass., Samuel Kellogg was a soldier in Captain Har
Dec. 30, 1740. Late in life he moved to Groton, ris' Co., Colonel Simond's Regiment of Mass.
N. H., where he d Mar. 13, 1829. He was a Rev He was one of those who marched to reenforce
soldier, was with General Stark at Bennington, the army at Bennington. Ch by first w, Lucy
Vt. Elizabeth Gates, w of William Powers, was Snow, were Benjamin, bap. 1770, m Permelia
the dau of Ephriam Gates & his 1st w Dorothy, Trask; Samuel, bap. 1771, m Susannah Felton;
who was b May 3, 1737, & d Nov. 9, 1823. Wil Lucy, bap. 1773, m Elva Allen; Sarah, bap. 1775,
liam was the son of Gideon & Lydia (Russell) m Peter Sampson; Hannah Snow, bap. 1777,
Powers, & Gideon was the son of Isaac Powers, m 1st Joseph Putnam, 2nd Sylvanus Ward;
b 1665, & his w Mrs. Mary (Poulter) (Wins Nathaniel, bap. 1781, m Sarah Stowell; Jona
gip) Powers, of Nashoba & Medford, Mass., than, bap. 1784, unm.; Barnabas, bap. 1786; Ex
whom he m in 1701. Isaac was the son of the perience. Ch by 2nd w: Warren, 1805, m
Emigrant Walter Powers, 1639–1693, who m in Melissa Beck; Daniel Fisk, 1807, m Emily Dun
1661 Tinal Shepard, dau of Ralph, of Concord, ham; Experience m Aranus Livermore. Samuel
Mass.-Mrs. W. H. Cortright, Homer, Mich. Kellogg was b in New Salem, Miss., & d prob
Gideon Powers, father of William, was b in ably in Sangerfield, N. Y. His record of Rev
Littleton, Mass., 1729, & d in Temple, N. H., service has been accepted. Samuel Kellogg was
1789. He also had Rev record, as he was one the son of Capt. Ezekiel Kellogg, b in Hadley,
of the Signers of the Association Test. Refer Mass., Apr. 15, 1697, m abt 1723, Elizabeth Par
ences for the above family data & Rev services tridge, b in Hadley, Sept. 22, 1701, dau of Samuel
are the “Powers Family,” by Amos H. Powers, Partridge, Jr., b Jan. 21, 1672, m Mary Cotton,
and New Hampshire State Papers, Volume 8, dau of Rev. Seaborn Cotton & Dorothy Dudley.
page 288–Genealogical Editor. Samuel Partridge was the son of Col. Samuel
9937. GRAAF-GRAF.—Hans (John) Graff was Partridge, of Hatfield, Mass. Representative
b in Switzerland, 1661. About 1695, due to the 1685–6, colonel of regiment, Judge of Probate,
persecutions of the Mennonites, the religious sect one of the Council, after the death of Col.
to which he belonged, he left Switzerland & took Pynchon, 1703, the most important man of the
up his abode in Alsace, France, where he re western part of the Province. Capt. Ezekiel
mained until he emigrated to America & settled Kellogg resided in Hadley & New Salem & was
in Germantown, Pa. He finally made his home a soldier in the French & Indian War, in Col.
in Lancaster Co., in the township Earl (Graff), Williams' Regt., served 10 days, travelled 44
named in honor of him, as its most respected miles during the siege of Fort William Henry.
inhabitant. By trading with the Indians he laid Commanded a company against the Indians &
the foundation of his great fortune. He was had charge of the Fort at New Salem built for
assigned to positions of trust & importance by the protection of families of the settlers. His
the Governor & Board of Council of the Prov father, Nathaniel Kellogg, was b in Hadley, Oct.
ince. His sons were Peter, David, who lived to 8, 1669, & m June 28, 1692, Sarah Boltwood, b
be 62 years old, who m a Miss Moyer & had son in Hadley, Oct. 1, 1672, dau of Sergeant Samuel
David, who m Barbara Hirst; John, Daniel, Boltwood & Sarah Lewis, dau of William Lewis,
Marcus & Samuel. Reference: Biographical 1st Recorder of Farmington, Conn., 1645, &
History of Lancaster Co., Pa., by Alex. Harris,
gr-dau of William Lewis, an original settler of
pp. 237–239.-Genealogical Editor. Hartford, 1636. Nathaniel Kellogg was in Deer
9944. KELLOGG.—Samuel Kellogg, son of Capt.
Ezekiel, b Feb. 1, 1739, m 1st Lucy Snow, per field, 1693, when the town was attacked by the
haps dau of Jacob & Abigail Wyman Snow, who Indians. Lieutenant of militia, Selectman of
were m in Woburn, Mass., Apr. 8, 1740. Abigail Hadley, 1717–21–24–27–37. He d Oct. 30, 1750.
d & Jacob m 2ndly Apr. 22, 1805, Mrs. Sally He was the son of Lieutenant Joseph Kellogg,
(Fisk) Southwick, widow of Benj. Southwick, who was the son of Martin Kellogg, bap. in Great
of New Salem. He resided in New Salem, Leighs, Eng., Apr. 1, 1626, who m 2ndly Abigail
where his ch were b. His second w was dis Terry, b in Windsor, Conn., Sept. 21, 1646, dau of
missed from the church in New Salem & recom Stephen Terry, who was the son of John Terry
mended to the church in Sangerfield, N. Y., Apr. & Mary White, who came to America on the
Mary & John in 1630–John Iſ 'att, 1828 State Cochran, b 1757, d. 1834. They had a dau Eleanor.
St. New Orleans, La. who m Barnes.—Mrs. Iſ". N. Andrews.
8851. Riº FFIN.—This query was partly an Joplin, Mo.
swered in the February, 1921, Magazine, but the 9953a. BLAIR.—Augusta Co. records (Chalk
name of Francis Ruffin's 1st w was not given. ley Papers), Vol. 3. page 404, show deeds of
She was Hannah Cocke, and her ch were Thomas, James & Kitrin Blair. 144 acres south side of
John, Robert & Hannah Ruffin. Hannah m C. Middle River, to Hugh Doneghe for 65 pounds.
Seward. Reference: William & Mary Quar Jan. 15, 1763. Also page 405, Nov. 12, 1763, sale
terly, Vol. 18.-Miss Susan A. Harris, 484 of and by Hugh Donaghey & Elizabeth his w.
Spring St., Atlanta, Ga. to Alex. Blair; attest, Alex. Blair, Jr. Alex.
8969. Dix's MokE.—An addition to answer in Blair, Sr., m Jean Janney & had son James, pos
March, 1921, Magazine. James Dinsmore emi sibly the James who m “ Kitrin.” Other records
grated to this country from Ireland & settled collected privately indicate “Kitrin's " last name
first in Fayette Township, Alleghany Co., Pa., was King. Compare this data with will of Bryce
& on July 21, 1795, purchased 275 acres of land (Brice) Blair, of York Co., Pa., Warrington
in Canton Township, Washington Co., Pa., of Twp., who d 1782. “Will Book 9 P. C. York.
Joshua Anderson. On this farm James Dinsmore Pa.” W, Jenny, ch: Alex., John, Brice, James,
lived & d at an advanced age. A fort or block Mary m Wm. Anderson, Anna m Abraham
house was on this place & later was known as the Lewis, Susanna m Henry Logan, Jane m James
Dinsmore Fort. James Dinsmore left sons John & Logan, Eleanor, Barbara m James Anderson.
James & several daus. The farm was divided be The m names of Anna, Jane & Susanna are not
tween the two sons & John remained on the home shown in the will. Alex. Blair, Sr., w Jean
stead till his death. His sons were James, John C. Janney, was in Va. before 1740, son William bap.
& Robert. Reference: Boyd Crumrines, History 1741; see records of Rev. John Craig. The birth
of Washington Co., Pa.-Miss Effie Teemer, of James not shown, but if prior to 1741 he
1957 E. 31st St., Lorain, Ohio. could have been the father of Ann Blair who m
8971. StoxE. — From Annapolis Calendar of Wm. Anderson in 1779. See Chalkley Papers
Wills. Will of Capt. William Stone, Charles also for case of Anderson vs. Young. Deposi
Co., Md., dated Dec. 3, 1659, probated Dec. 21, tion of John Blair taken at Staunton, Va., July 4,
1660, mentions w, Verlinda, oldest dau Eliza 1804, which says that “abt fifty years ago."
Stone, sons Richard, John, Matthew, daus Mary James Blair built a cabin at or nr the mainspring
& Katherine & oldest son Thomas & heirs. Over of Naked Creek, etc. In 1783 reference to James
seers & guardians of minor child: Gov. Josias Blair, son of Wm. Blair, of Naked Creek. See
Fendall, brother-in-law Francis Dougherty, bro also Mar., 1787, Samuel Anderson vs. Wm. Blair,
Matthes Stone. Will of Verlinda Stone, Mar. 3, of Black Tavern, son of James Blair.—Dr.
1674, mentions dau Doyen, son John. E. M. Heistand-Moore, 1708 Race St., Phila
Vol. 2, page 159, Joshua Doyen, St. Mary's Co. delphia, Pa.
His will mentions 200 A. at Nanjenny, Charles QUERIES
Co., being part of a tract bought of Madam 9974. SEAvey.—Wanted, parentage with dates
Elizabeth Calvert & her son Charles Calvert. of Samuel Seavey, b 1799 in Saco, Me., & m
(This is probably Elizabeth Stone who m Wil either Thankful Clark or Thankful Poole, b
liam Calvert. Joshua Doyen, her brother-in 1801 in N. Y. —Wanted, gen of Thankful.
law.) George Norbury Mackenzie in his “Colo —B. H. M.
nial Families of the United States of America.” 9975. RIFE.-Having the Rev rec of David
Vol. 6, says: “William Calvert, of “Calvert's Rife, of Lancaster Co., Pa., would like the names
Rest,' b 1642, was a member of the House of of his w and ch.-A. G. J.
Burgesses, Deputy Governor of the Province, 9976. THORNTON.—Whom did Elizabeth, dau
Councillor and Principal Secretary from 1669– of Presley Thornton, aide-de-camp to Washing
1682, when he was drowned in the Wicomico ton, marry —M. E. D.
River, in or abt 1664. He m Elizabeth Stone, 9977. LAwRENCE-Wanted, parentage and
who survived him, a dau of Governor William names of the sisters & bros of Mary Lawrence,
Stone, b 1603, d. 1695, & his w Verlinda Sprigg who m 1st Johnson, of Windsor, Conn.,
Cotton." (According to Wm. Stone's will he d & 2d Stephen Rossiter, of Harwinton, Litchfield
not in 1695, as above stated, but in 1659 or 1660, Co., Conn. Did her father have Rev rec —
see above.) Elizabeth Stone could not have E. J. L. B.
been a sister of Thomas Stone, Signer of the 9978. Poyſ EROY.—Wanted, dates & Rev rec of
Declaration of Independence, for that event oc Moses Pomeroy, of Northampton, Mass., who
curred in the following century.-Mrs. Ella F. had son Meded, b Oct. 24, 1807. Would like
O'Gorman, 230 E St., N. E., Washington, D. C. proof of his death at Pittsfield Mass., Dec. 21,
9900b. McKiss Ack. — Isaac McKissack, b 1844.—E. R.
Sept., 1752, in Antrim, Ireland, m, 1790, Mary 9979. ARMSTRONG. — Wanted, parentage of
Robert Armstrong, b Franklin Co., Pa., Mar. 22, 9987. SEAGARDIN-SEGARD.—Wanted, gen &
1777. He had a bro Jeremiah. any information of the family of George Sea
(a) Thio MPsox. —Wanted, Rev rec of Alex gardin, who m Elizabeth Dice & lived in Pa.,
ander Thompson, who m Ruhamah Chapline. moved to Indiana abt 1860. He had a bro Dave,
Their dau Sarah m Robert Armstrong. See above. who moved to Ill. & his desc spell the name
(b) W Assox-MoCoNAHAY.-Wanted, parent Segard.—F. S.
age of Joseph Wasson, b Lancaster Co., Pa., 9988. McMILLAN.—Wanted, gen & any infor
1775. He m in 1800, Jane McConahay, b 1773, mation of Alexander McMillan, who had a dau
sister of Judge McConahay. Who was their Christena who m James Cummings, lived in
father, & did he serve in the Rev 2–W. C. M. Fayette Co., Pa., later moving to Ohio, where
9980. Cooper.—Wanted, gen of Samuel they d.
Cooper, of Saratoga Co., N. Y. His father (a) CUMMINGs. – Alexander Cummings, b
served in Rev. Co. Antrim, Ireland, came to America abt 1770,
(a) CHANDLER – Wanted, information of & after the Rev m Jane Livingstone, of York
Lucretia Chandler, her husband's given name, (Little York), Pa. Their graves are near Mill
date of m, etc.—C. C. J. Run, Pa. Would like to correspond with some
9981. Bristow-ELKINs.-James Bristow m one interested in this line who lives near York.
Delilah Elkins, issue: Elijah, Sally, Betty Abel. (b) SIMPson-DRAKE.. — John Simpson m
Second w Betty Clevenger. Wanted, dates of Sarah Carle, & their son m Susan Drake.
b & m of James & Delilah, parentage of Delilah Wanted, Rev ser of John Simpson or of the
Elkins, parentage & Rev service of James father of Susan. Did Susan have Mayflower
Bristow.—J. H. S. ancestry?
99.82. TELLER.—Wanted, parentage & gen of (c) Swai NE-SAYRE.—Matthias & Catherine
Tobias Teller, b 1745, d Oct. 30, 1834, m Isabella Swaine had dau Jane, who m Isaac, son of Isaac
Neely, resided in Cortland Town, Westchester Sayre, b in Southampton. Wanted, any Rev ser
Co., N. Y. Served in Rev in 1776 as private in in these lines.—A. B. C.
Capt. James Teller's, his bro co, Gen. Hoyt's 9989. SHELBY.—Wanted, dates & name of w
Regt., & from Sept., 1777, was private in Capt. of Major Evan Shelby, of Mecklenburg Co.,
Hampton's Co. & was in Battle of Saratoga. N. C.; also names of their ch. One dau, Eleanor,
He was a desc of Wm. Teller, Capt. of Fort in Polk. Wanted, her dates also. —
Orange, merchant in New Amsterdam & an V. L. C.
original patentee of Schenectady, N. Y. — 9990. SMITH.—Wanted, parentage of Thomas
M. R. R. Smith, 1735–1808; he lived at Pownal, Vt., & d
9983. ALEXANDER. — Wanted, parentage of in Saratoga Co., N. Y., m Mary, 1723–1822, who
Thomas Alexander, of Marlboro, Mass., who m d Saratoga Co., N. Y. Wanted, her maiden
Phoebe in 1747. Ch: James, b Mar. 8, name & gen. Their ch: Jerusha m Soloman
1748, moved to Maine; Jeduthan, b Sept. 5, 1751, Taylor; Nessie m Thos. Stillwell; Maria m
was killed at the Battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, Abel Dunning; Catherine m Isaiah Fuller; a dau
1775; Phoebe, b Sept. 22, 1753; Jabez, b Aug. 22, ill Ladow; Samuel, Thos., Jr.
1755, moved to Acworth, N. H., served in (a) SHIP MAN.—Jonathan Shipman, of Glas
Stark's Brigade at Bennington. Wanted, also, tonbury, Conn., Walpole, N. H., & Hartland,
family name of w of Thomas Alexander.— Conn., m Dec. 5, 1748, Abigail Fox. Wanted,
G. A. McF. -
parentage of Abigail.
9984. KIMMELL.-Wanted, Rev ser of George (b) Jon Es.—Sally Jones, 1780–1861, m 1801,
Kimmell, son of Philip & Elizabeth Folson Kim Hermon Ruloffson (Rulison) near Esperance,
mell, b in Germany, Dec. 25, 1743, came to Schoharie Co., N. Y. Wanted, place of birth &
America 1755, m Juliance Ruby, of York, Pa., parentage of Sally.
Aug., 1768, & settled at foot of Allegheny Mts., (c) BABCOCK.—Wanted, date of death of
in what is now Somerset Co., Pa.-A. D. J. James Babcock, who m, 1730, Phebe Swan,
9985. How ARD.—Wanted, Rev ser & any in Westerly, R. I. Ch: James, Elias, Abel, Martha,
formation of Howard, who with his 6 Phebe & Sarah, who m Col. George Irish.
sons served in Rev. The youngest, Elihu (?) (d) SchNEIDER.—Wanted, parentage & date
was only 14, & was wounded in the leg. He later of birth of Magdalena Schneider, who m abt
m Miss McCasten, of Lancaster, Pa. Their dau 1754 Isaac Elwood, b Minden, N. Y.
m Andrew Bonner, of Ireland, & lived in Ohio.
Were these Howards from Moi. ?—F. D. C.
(e) HENDRicks. – Wanted, parentage of
Catherine Hendricks, who m, 1785, Cornelius
9986. LEE.—Wanted, parentage & their gen of
James Lee, b 1750 in Va., m Mary Kinney or Van Wormer, of Greene Co., N. Y., & lived in
Kenney, enlisted in Rev War from 1776–1783 Durham, N. Y.
from Stafford County, Virginia, & later (f) WRIGHT.-Wanted, name of 1st w of
moved to Logan County, Ohio.—J. M. M. Ephraim Wright, Jr., b 1735, Lebanon, Conn.,
had son Bildad, b 1768. His 2d w, Olive Reeves, Sharp, b 1764, probably in Philadelphia.
of Hartland, Conn., he m in 1777.-E. V. B. M. E. M.
9991. Goodspeed. – Wanted, parentage of 10001.-WILSON-Fox-PLU M.—Peter Wilson m
Mercy Goodspeed, who m Jonathan Austin, Rev Eleanor McKinney, & their son John M. Wilson,
soldier, of Charlestown, R. I. b Aug. 11, 1811, m Mar. 13, 1834, Elizabeth, dau
(a) KIDNEY.—Wanted, parentage of Betsey of Joseph & Mary Fox Plum, b Aug. 30, 1815.
& Thomas Kidney, b in Dutchess Co., Wanted, gen & Rev rec of Peter Wilson &
N. Y. —R. M. A. Joseph Plum.
9992. GAGE.-Wanted, parentage of Charlotte (a) LINDABERRY-LANDERs. – Harbert Linda
Gage, b Pittstown, N. Y., Apr. 22, 1787, d berry, b 1790, d. 1874, said to have come from
Pompey, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1879, m June 15, 1806, Pa. to N. J., m Elizabeth Landers. Wanted,
at Pittstown, Israel Sloan, Jr., moved to Pompey, gen of both families, including Rev rec.—S. E.H.
N. Y., 1807, where he d Nov. 18, 1855. Ch: 10002. UPDEGRAFF.—Wanted, parentage & any
Warren Daniel, b Pittstown, May 17, 1807; information of Joseph & David Updegraff, twins,
Allen Carr, b Pompey, May 14, 1809; Gilbert, b b near Pittsburgh, Pa., 1801. David supposed
1811; Harriet b 1817; Clarinda b 1821; Rebecca to have been a drummer in War of 1812, moved
b 1828.-O. H. L. to Wilkes Co., Ga., & m Elizabeth Ragland
9993. RICE.-Wanted, parentage & gen of Arnold, June 5, 1823. Ch, among others, Mar
Mary Rice, who m in Hanover Co., Va., James garet Elizabeth Updegraff, b Feb. 14, 1829, who
Garland, b 1722. Their dau Mary Garland, b m Joseph Mark Hoard, Feb. 12, 1846. Would
1760, m James Woods.-L. M. like to correspond with any of Joseph's desc.
9994. GILLIAM.—Wanted, Rev rec of Epaphro (a) ARNoLD.—Wanted, gen of James Arnold,
ditus Gilliam, who was b near Williamsburg, b in Va., served in Rev. & honorably discharged
Va., & removed to N. C. He was desc from with rank of corporal, m Elizabeth Strouds,
John Gilliam, one of the Gilliam bros, who came supposedly in Elizabeth City, N. C., abt 1788.
to Virginia in 1635 aboard the Constance.— Their fifth child, Elizabeth Ragland Arnold,
L. G. A. born November 14, 1804, m David Updegraff.
9995. Ross.—William Ross m Sophie Ubese —E. R. H. K.
rean at Elizabethtown, N. J., 1790. Wanted, 10003. BIs Hop-WINCHELL-Asa Bishop m Re
dates of Wm. & Rev rec of his father. becca, dau of Stephen & Mary Rouse Winchell.
(a) Norton.—Wanted, dates & name of w Their son Peter, b abt 1779, on Estate of Nine
of Benjamin Norton, of Stockbridge, Mass. Did Partners, Dutchess Co., N. Y., m Mary (?)
he have Rev rec? Their sons were Abel, Henry Wanted, her name & dates. Wanted, also, gen
& Isaac.—L. P. of Mary Rouse, w of Asa Bishop.
9996. Hoski Ns.-Wanted, parentage & gen of (a) HALL.-Wanted, ancestry of Salome Hall,
Elizabeth Hoskins or Hopkins, of Windsor, who m Joseph Swetland in Kent, Conn., 1785.
Conn., who m in 1723, Samuel Allyn, of Windsor, (b) HUTTON-MILLER.—Thomas Hutton came
Conn., whose will was probated 1742. See Man from Ireland 1723, his son Nehemiah m Sarah,
waring's Probate Records. Was she a desc of dau of John Miller, of New Garden Twp., Ches
Peter Brown who came over in the Mayflowerf ter Co., Pa. Wanted, Miller gen. Nehemiah
–D. B. A. Hutton's son James m Nov. 17, 1757, Hannah,
9997. KNowLEs. – Wanted, given name & dau of Anthony & Mary Lee, of Oley, Pa.
dates of the son of John Knowles, who was the Wanted, dates of b & d of Nehemiah & James
father of Consider Fuller Knowles, b 1810, in Hutton.
Harmony, Me., & d in 1863.−G. McC. (c) HUGHES.—Hugh, son of Morgan Hughes,
9998. DANIELs.-" Samuel Daniels, of Leister, m Mary, dau of James & Hannah Sutton, in
Vt., was killed in a skirmish 1777 by a band of 1780 & d in 1838, & is buried at Catawissa
Indians, led by a British officer.” Could this have Friends Meeting Ground, Pa. Wanted, dates of
been the Samuel Daniels, of Leister, Mass., b & d of Mary Hughes Hutton.—E. B.
whose w was Abigail Pinkham 2 Wanted, any 10004. BARBER.—Nathaniel Barber, b 1760, m
information of this Samuel Daniels.-C. F. R. 1784, Ann Watson in Trenton, N. J. Wanted,
9999. As HLEY. — Wanted, Rev record of parentage & place of birth of Nathaniel.—S. B. J.
Jonathan Ashley, of Westfield, Mass., who m 9965. Cole.—Wanted, dates of b, d & m of
John Cole, Sr., & his w Jane Stuart. Did he
Abigail Stebbins. Their dau m Ensign Josiah
have Rev ser? Their son John, b 1796, d. 1871,
Pomeroy, d 1790.-C. E. R.
m Aug. 1, 1816, in Greene Co., Ky., Susannah
10000. MoRRIs.-Wanted, parentage of Wm. Duke, b Apr. 12, 1799, d Dec. 30, 1865.
Morris, who m Hannah Newell, of Providence, (a) DUKE-MILLER. — Daniel Duke, b 1825,
R. I. He had a bro Jesse, who m Hulda Collens, Ky. m. Eliz. Miller of Carolina. She had bros
of Conn., & moved to Ohio. Christopher, William, Henry. Wanted, any data
(a) SHARP.-Wanted, parentage of Rebecca of Daniel Duke or the Miller family.—H. B. H.
In this Honor Roll the list of membership in each State is shown in the
outer rim, and the list of subscribers according to States is in the inner circle
> |
%2% e
º %
24 % ſº º 7. º/ %
Philip Livingston Chapter (Howell, Mich.) or during her life. Mrs. Green is an invalid and
has just completed a successful year's work. confined to a wheel chair.
The Chapter adopted a French orphan boy Since our last writing we have given to the
May 17, 1919, Glaciere Rosendale Parpex, nine Martha Berry School, $30.26; to the Red Cross
years old, and is still caring for him. He writes War Fund, $5; to the United War Fund, S5; to
very interesting letters. the Sarah Guernsey Scholarship, 85 cents.
September 13, 1920, the opening day for the CAROLINE F. PAGE,
new year, Mrs. William McP. Spencer gave a Historian.
review of the play “Abraham Lincoln,” by
Frank McGlynn. Mrs. Spencer witnessed the Rebecca Weston Chapter (Dexter, Me.)
play in New York City during the early summer. aided in the celebration of Armistice Day, 1920,
At the October meeting the campaign of 1860 by unveiling a boulder to mark the site of the
(Lincoln's campaign) was compared with the first dwelling erected in the town. The Edward
campaign of 1920, and many striking resem J. Poulliot Post of the American Legion and the
blances noted. members of the D.A.R., led by the Fay and
“The South from a Southern Standpoint” was Scott Band, marched to the lot, which is now
the subject of an excellent paper given by Mrs. owned by J. Willis Crosby, the members of
B. F. Cain, who spends her winters in the South Rebecca Weston Chapter marching up the hill
and gets her facts first-hand. side and forming a semicircle back of the tablet.
The November meeting was largely given over After the music and invocation, Mrs. J. Willis
to reports from the State Conference, held in Crosby, Regent of the Chapter, delivered the
Grand Rapids, October 5th–7th. following address:
The Conference was a notable one, as we had “This year of 1920 is a notable one. The
as guests of honor Mrs. George Maynard Minor, tercentenary anniversary of the landing of the
President General; Mrs. John L. Buel, State Pilgrims on our shores is being celebrated
Regent of Connecticut, and our own Mrs. Wm. throughout New England. This year also marks
Henry Wait, Vice President General from the centennial of the independence of our beloved
Michigan. The Conference was one of inspira State of Maine. So it seems most fitting that
tion from start to finish. Mrs. Minor's address, we observe at this time some historic facts of
Mrs. Buel's and that of Mrs. Wait were espe our own town of Dexter.
cially fine and patriotic. “Because of our many patriotic sons who of
Our Chapter has a membership of 45, Mrs. fered their services to their country in the Civil
C. E. Gough, Regent. Two of our members, War, later in the Spanish-American War, and
Mrs. Huntington and Mrs. Cain, have seven more recently the World War, it seems eminently
ancestral bars and have just received their May fitting that we, the Daughters of the American
flower insignia, and also have five coats-of-arms. Revolution, direct descendants of the heroes of
(MRs. GEO.) AUGUSTA D. BARNEs, the Revolution, should unite with the boys
Historian. of the American Legion in the observance
of Armistice Day.
Ellen I. Sanger Chapter (Littleton, N. H.), “We are to unveil a tablet marking the site of
though the members are few in number, still the first dwelling in Dexter, and there is a bit of
has life. most interesting history connected with it. In
We have now 17 members and the resi
1794, James Bridge, of Augusta, purchased from
dent members are all interested in the Chapter. the Commonwealth of Massachusetts the present
During the winter of 1919 and 1920 we held township of Dexter. He soon sold it to Charles
six meetings, most of them with Mrs. F. E. Vaughn, who was acting for a company in
Green, who is the daughter of Mrs. T. E. Sanger, Massachusetts. Vaughn was unable to meet the
our first Regent, who held the office for 10 years, conditions involved in the purchase of this land.
and Dexter passed through several hands before Financial contributions were made as follows:
Andrew Cragie, of Cambridge, Mass., purchased
and induced settlements upon it. Lora Haines Cook Scholarship . . . . . . . . . $8.90
“During the year 1800, Cragie sent Samuel Sarah Elizabeth Guernsey Scholarship . . 15.00
Elkins from Cornville to locate a suitable site Valley Forge Historical Society . . . . . . . . 50.00
Americanization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55.58
for a mill. He chose the outlet of the body of
water which was later named Lake Wassookeag, Second Pledge to Liberty Bond . . . . . . . . . 25.00
and began at once to hew timber for the struc Prizes, medals (for patriotic essays) . . . . 45.12
ture. The mill proved an attraction, for the Sandwich Tray (Banquet Hall, Continental
same year Ebenezer Small and John Tucker came Hall) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00
here to secure locations for future homes. Mr. French Orphan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.50
Small made a clearing, put up a log cabin, and Testimonial to Miss Mary I. Stille . . . . . . 25.00
Books—Flowers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38.00
raised a crop of corn. The next spring he re
turned to New Hampshire for his wife. There
was no road further than Harmony, so with To instill interest and promote patriotism, the
necessary household goods loaded on a handsled Chapter offered medals and prizes of gold to
and with Mrs. Small seated on top, they con Cedar Crest College, Allentown, Allentown Prep
tinued their journey. There was not even a foot School, and Bethlehem High School.
path to guide them through the forest, and it was The Americanization Committee has worked
with great difficulty that they found their way, faithfully during the year with the George
by means of blazed trees, and at last reached Washington Club, Sons of the Republic. The
their destination. Chapter will continue Americanization work
“The hardships endured by these early settlers with this club for the coming year.
seem almost incredible. At one time food was Eight members of the Chapter read at meet
so scarce that people travelled forty miles, on ings the history of their Revolutionary ancestors,
horseback, to Norridgewock, and bought corn with direct line of descent.
for $2 per bushel, and a certain young man went On October 19, 1919, Liberty Bell Chapter
to Athens to work in a hayfield for a peck of held memorial services at Walbert's Station,
corn a day. Lehigh County, Pa., in the Jordan Ref. Ceme
“The contrast between those early days and tery, at the monument erected to the memory of
the present is great. To-day the town of Dexter is the Revolutionary soldiers, soldiers of 1812, and
beautiful, with its picturesque scenery of hill and Civil War Veterans. The Regent presided. His
dale, lake and stream, wooded hills, shady streets, toric sketches were read by descendants of the
its many churches and educational institutions, two Revolutionary soldiers—Peter Gross and
varied business enterprises, and fine residences, John Mosser—whose graves had been marked
with their well-kept lawns and shrubbery, and on October 13, 1919, with the official D.A.R.
fine farms, of which we are justly proud. And marker by Mrs. F. O. Ritter (Regent at
here in the shadow of these venerable and stately the time).
elms, we, the members of Rebecca Weston The following are the items of work, summar
Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, izing the work of the Historian during the year:
take pleasure in unveiling this boulder with in The Historian made a record of tombstones
scribed tablet, marking the site of the first dwell of the old graveyard at Dryland Church, Heck
ing in Dexter, and we dedicate it to the memory town, Northampton County, Pa. The record
of Mr. and Mrs. Small, who so bravely faced contains 548 names, with birth, death and many
the dangers and hardships of pioneer life.” marriage records. Oldest birth record 1700, and
(MRs.) AN NIE M. BRIRy, oldest death record 1769. Many Revolutionary
Historian. soldiers' graves were located and an effort is
being made to mark as many as possible with
Liberty Bell Chapter (Allentown, Pa.) In D.A.R. markers. One copy of the records was
presenting the twenty-eighth annual report of presented to the Dryland Church, Hecktown, Pa.,
Liberty Bell Chapter I am glad to report con and one copy to the Northampton County His
tinued interest, loyalty and progress. torical Society, Easton, Pa.
Ninety-four members are enrolled; among the The Historian placed in the archives of the
number are seven life members and five charter Chapter her first official scrap-book. She also
members. One member was transferred to an presented “War Scrap-book” and a card of his
other chapter in the state. Four C. A. R. were torical buttons used during the World War. She
transferred into Liberty Bell Chapter. procured for the Chapter a booklet, “The French
The Chapter has 47 subscribers to the DAUGH War Memorial,” published and presented by
TERs of THE AMERICAN REvolution MAGAZINE. France as a tribute to American soldiers who
Seventeen members of Liberty Bell Chapter are Served overseas.
represented on the various State Committees. Ten Revolutionary patriots' graves were
marked by the Chapter during the year. On First, we are named Chief Ignace Chapter in
September 1, 1920, the graves of Valentine Ane honor of the Chiefs Ignace—three generations
walt, Conrad Kreider and Philip Drumm were of them—who were active in the uplift of their
marked at Stone Church. Northampton County. race in our community. The last chief died only
Pa. On September 26, 1920, the graves of Johan a few years ago. These Indians were named for
Kemerer, Peter Dreisbach, Philip Frankenfield. Father Ignace, the first white missionary who
Daniel Ritter, Michael Boyer, William Johnson worked among the Indians. He came to the
and Johan Heinrich Beck were marked at Iroquois of Eastern Canada in the early part of
Dryland Church, Hecktown, Northampton the Seventeenth Century. In lians from that
County, Pa. - tribe later migrated to our valley and carried the
The annual meeting of the Chapter was held Faith to the Indians here.
October 11, 1920. The Chapter during the year The organization of our Chapter on Febru
has been earnest, faithful and devoted to the ary 15, 1917, was possible principally through
principles of this great organization. the untiring efforts of our Organizing Regent.
MINA L. vox STEUBEx, Mrs. Blanche Switzer, who has since been our
Historian. Registrar. The membership at that time was 15
and was in our by-laws limited to 30, as more
could not be entertained in our homes, where the
Ellicott Chapter (Falconer, N. Y.). It is a
privilege and a pleasure to present a brief meetings are held. We have now 29 members.
Our first year's work was devoted to Montana
résumé of the accomplishments and activities of
Ellicott Chapter for the year 1919–1920. history, and special commemorative days were
Our membership is 38. Nine regular and two observed. Our Red Cross work has been mostly
special meetings have been held, and the celebra individual, but all our members were active
tion of “Charter Day,” March 12th, instituted workers, and a few were in active leadership.
with a delightful banquet. There was also As a chapter, we helped toward the French
special recognition of Washington's Birthday village fund; donated knitted garments for our
and Flag Day. As usual, the graves of soldiers navy; paid $1 per capita toward the D. A. R.
of 1776 and 1812 were decorated by a committee $100,000 Third Liberty Loan Bond, and we
of the Chapter. Three memorial trees were bought one $50 bond in the Fourth Liberty Loan.
reset and markers placed for all. A beautiful In 1918 at the school children's county fair we
satin banner was purchased and presented to the conducted two tag days, which brought $500 to
our local Red Cross. In 1919 we conducted one
local post of the American Legion. The Chapter
continued the support of its French orphan, to tag day, which brought $108 to our general relief
whom a Christmas box was also sent. Ten fund. During one influenza epidemic we col
dollars was contributed to the fund for Near lected a large amount of jelly, which was given
East Relief, and $10 to the D.A.R. fund for to the emergency hospital.
training teachers for Americanization work. In February, 1920, an elaborate program and
Most outstanding of the year's accomplish banquet was planned for our own Tuscanian
ments has been the interest aroused in local survivors (there are 13 in our county), but
Americanization work. At the call of the local because of another outbreak of influenza, the
D. A. R. Chapter, a public meeting was held, an plan had to be abandoned.
Americanization League formed, and coopera In November of last year, to stimulate interest
tion of other village societies secured. Under in Colonial history, Doctor Hillis' two Puritan
the direction of this league a night school was lectures, stereopticon, were presented, each one
instituted and mothers' clubs and neighborhood twice, and read by one of our members.
classes held. Our programs this year have been simple, but
In May the Chapter joined with the local we plan to do more next year. We are now ar
W. C. T. U. in producing a pageant, most suc ranging a party for the purpose of replenishing
cessful socially, artistically and financially, for our treasury and of advertising our Chapter.
the benefit of the Americanization League. Our first Regent was Mrs. F. H. Johnson,
The Chapter feels indebted for the success of who has since become a resident of Helena, and
the year just passed, to the untiring devotion of our present Regent is Mrs. James A. Coram.
our Regent, her splendid personality and the (MRS. T. H.) NELL GILL MAcDoN ALD,
loyal cooperation of the members. Historian.
On a narrow strip of land located at Fort Ann, Capt. John McKinstry in Colonel Patterson's
between the state highway and the railroad, with famous regiment from Western Massachusetts.
the Barge canal running closely parallel, stand It was at the siege of Boston in May, 1776, that
two solitary tombstones. the regiment was ordered to Canada and was
Some years ago this particular locality was a for a time at Montreal, whence it marched to
large farm in the possession of the Weller family, New Jersey in the autumn of 1776, arriving in
and when Dan Weller died, his wife directed that time to take part in the Battle of Trenton and of
he be buried on a knoll a short distance opposite Princeton. In October, 1777, our soldier fought
the house, so she could constantly see the grave under Colonel Patterson at Saratoga, and in
from her bedroom window. The old home has May, 1781, he was a sergeant under Captain
disappeared, and a public highway intersects the Wells in a Massachusetts regiment. In April,
farm, but it matters not to her, for she, too, lies 1782, and December, 1783, he was under Capt.
buried on the knoll close by his side. Peter Cleyes, the 6th Massachusetts Regi
If Dan Weller had not been a Revolutionary ment, commanded by Colonel Tupper. Later
soldier, these tombstones would still remain neg on he became a corporal in the 2nd Massachu
lected and forgotten, hidden as they have been setts Regiment under Capt. Ebenezer Sproat, of
these many years by a thick undergrowth of wild Colonel Patterson's regiment.
bushes and trees. As the Regent of the Chapter, Mrs. Samuel J.
A Daughter of the American Revolution re Kramer, who resides at Pelham, N. Y., could
cently hearing from an old villager about the not attend the ceremony, she requested Mrs. H.
probability of a soldier's grave in the vicinity Croswell Tuttle, of Lake George, to represent
besought her husband, Prof. Frederick M. her. Mrs. Tuttle stated as an important feature
Pedersen, of the College of the City of New of the celebration that the location of Dan
York, to investigate. To the astonishment of Weller's grave would now be placed on record
onlookers when excavated the marble slabs ap in the Congressional Library, which has re
peared as white, and the old inscriptions as quested the D.A.R. to find and mark the graves
distinct as if the interments were made of Revolutionary soldiers.
but yesterday. The descendants who attended the ceremony
Dan Weller were: Mrs. Laura Adams, granddaughter; Mrs.
A Soldier of the Revolution Catharine Mason and Miss Elizabeth Crosby,
great-granddaughters; Miss Jessie Mason, Mrs.
Born May 19, 1760
Burniere Taylor, Miss Irene Weller and Miss
Died June 9, 1829
Nellie Weller, great-great-granddaughters;
Lucinda Treat Gladys Taylor, age three months, great-great
Wife of Dan Weller great-granddaughter; and Mr. A. Eugene
Born Dec. 22, 1762 Mason, great-great-grandson.
Died Sept. 23, 1852 MRS. H. CRoswell TUTTLE,
Professor Pedersen pursued his investigation
to the records at Washington, D. C., and also Barbara Standish Chapter (Hoopeston,
made further efforts to discover living descend Ill.) accomplished an object dear to the heart
ants, whom he succeeded in locating at Fort Ann, of our retiring Regent, Mrs. E. J. Boorde, when
Glens Falls and elsewhere. With them he ar we met to dedicate the marker on the Hubbard
ranged a day for honoring their patriot ances trail, now the Dixie Highway, September 24,
tors. The Society of the Sons of the Revolution, 1920, American Indian Day.
satisfied as to the authenticity of the soldier's Our Chapter members and their guests, in
record, furnished Washington Heights Chapter cluding the speakers of the day, among them
with one of their bronze markers, properly in our State Regent, Mrs. H. E. Chubbuck, of
scribed, which was unveiled at the grave Satur Peoria, were entertained at luncheon at the home
day, August 14th, by Mrs. Laura Adams, of Mrs. Boorde, after which they were taken
eighty-three years old, a granddaughter of Dan to the scene of the dedication by automobiles.
Weller. The Rev. Edward M. Parrott, Rector The marker was erected at a point on the Dixie
of St. James Church, Lake George, delivered the Highway west of McFerren Park.
invocation, asking for a blessing on our country The following account of the exercises is taken
in the present perturbed condition, and for a from the Hoopeston Chronicle:
revival of the humble faith and simple patriotism “The dedication of the marker on Hubbard
of our forefathers. Professor Pedersen then fol Trail, the origin of the Dixie Highway, at
lowed with an account of the soldier's record, McFerren Park, was a notable event in the his
enumerating the various battles in which he tory of this section of the country.
fought for America's independence. He enlisted “The marker is a great granite boulder,
January, 1776, as a private when only 16, under donated by Charles R. Finley, of the Meadow
brook Farm. In the upper left-hand corner of lineal descendant of Betsy Ross, who made the
the tablet is the emblem of the D.A.R., and first American flag, pulled the silken cord that
the following inscription is in raised letters: removed the flag covering the tablet. The act
Dixie Highway was greeted with applause and cheers and the
dedication was complete, marking an interesting
The Original Hubbard Trail
incident in the annals of local history.”
Erected by
Barbara Standish Chapter (MRs. J. F.) FAN NIE GRIGGs Tilton,
Daughters American Revolution
Hoopeston, Ill. Lucy Knox Chapter (Gloucester, Mass.),
one of the oldest in the state, having been or
“At 3.30 o'clock the Regent, Mrs. E. J. ganized in 1895, observed its twenty-fifth anni
Boorde, called the assemblage to order and Rev. versary October 18, 1920, at the home of the
Harvey H. Hoyt, Regent, Mrs.
of the Univer -**__ Frank D. Griffin.
s a 1 is t Church, The meeting
offered an in was largely at
vocation. Mrs. tended and proved
Boorde, in a to be a very pleas
short address, ant and interest
explained the ing event. The
history and the rooms were pret
objects of the ti 1 v decorated
Daughters of with flowers and
the American flags, besides the
Revolution, and Chapter's serv
introduced Mrs. ice flag.
H. E. Chubbuck, - - Delegates were
St a t e Regent. chosen to repre
Mrs. Chubbuck - - - - - sent the Chapter
read an inter - - - - - - -- at the State Con
esting paper on ference, to be
the aims and ob held at Worces
jects of the or ter, and it was
ganization, in announced that
which she of Mrs. Shumway,
fered some valu the State Re
able suggestions gent, would be
as to the conduct entertained at
of the local chap the meeting on
ters, and spoke December 14th.
of the far-reach The twenty
ing effect of the fifth anniversary
ratification of D 1 x 1 E. H. G. H. W. A. Y. T A B L ET of Lucy Knox
the Nineteenth ERECTED BY BARBARA standish charrºr. Hoopestos, ill. Chapter was ap
Amendment to propriately ob
the Federal Constitution, which has made served, and Miss Marietta M. Wonson,
women equal citizens of the commonwealth Chapter Historian, read a most interesting
and nation. Mrs. Boorde then introduced paper on “Lucy Knox,” for whom the Chap
Miss Lotte E. Jones, of Danville, who gave ter is named.
many interesting historical incidents of the The Lucy Knox Chapter was organized by
Hubbard Trail and its connection with the Mrs. Charles M. Green, and it was voted to send
Dixie Highway, and of Gordon S. Hubbard's a donation to Dr. Charles M. Green, treasurer
life history, after which Mrs. Mary C. Lee, of of the fund, to restore the Royal House of Med
Champaign, was introduced, whose address ford, Mass., where a memorial would be placed
was ‘Americanization.' in honor of Mrs. Green. It is important to note
“Mrs. Boorde, in the name of Barbara Stan in performing this work a double object is ac
dish Chapter, then presented the marker to the complished, that of restoring the Old Slave
public, and Miss Eleanor Kent Williams, daugh Quarters in a famous historic house, besides
ter of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Williams and a giving recognition to one of the first State
Regents to organize chapters, a loyal D.A.R. present. The officers of the three chapters
and an earnest worker in our Society in its formed the receiving line.
early days. It is desired that this be a free Believing it the duty of every D.A.R. mem
will offering of those who knew Mrs. Green or ber to emphasize the work in her own state,
from the chapter treasury, each chapter to decide members of the Nancy Ward Chapter have
upon its own action. The Chapter has contrib turned their attention to the education and better
uted to various patriotic objects. ment of conditions among the people of Tennes
MARIETTA. M. Wox Sox, see. Following instructions of the National
Historian. Society and plans outlined by Mrs. Edwin
Brown, State Secretary, and endorsed by the
State Regent, Miss Mary B. Temple, the Chapter
Nancy Ward Chapter (Chattanooga, Tenn.) cooperated in carrying out a drive for funds
has 67 members, several of whom are non to be used in the education of boys and girls.
resident. A “Tag Day” was inaugurated for this pur
The year's work, under the leadership of the pose, and the sum of $3141.40 was realized by
Regent, Mrs. I. D. Steele, has been most suc the chapters from the sale of tags. This money
cessful. The Regent also serves on the State goes to the Lincoln Memorial University, at
Board in the capacity of Chaplain. In response Harrogate, Tenn., near Cumberland Gap.
to a letter from the National Society, an accurate Members of the Chapter assisted in collection
record of all members and their national num of money in Chattanooga for the Roosevelt
bers was compiled and sent to the State Regent Memorial Fund.
to be used in the reference files of the Society. To stimulate interest among high-school stu
At the December meeting it was voted to place dents, the Chapter offered a silver loving cup,
the DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REvolution known as the “Nancy Ward Cup,” for the best
MAGAZINE in the Public Library. original patriotic oration. It is to be contested
Nancy Ward Chapter has paid its 75 cents per for yearly. The cup was won by a 15-year-old
capita for establishing and maintaining a Chair high-school girl. Her subject was the “League
of History in the University of Tennessee. A $100 of Nations with Reservations.”
scholarship was given to the Lincoln Memorial To further stimulate interest among school
University near Cumberland Gap. This school is children Nancy Ward Chapter has offered a
for mountain girls and boys. Five dollars was prize of $5 for the best paper on the life of
sent to the Martha Berry School, near Rome, Ga. Nancy Ward, known in history as the
Chapter members responded 100 per cent. to the “Pocahontas of the West.”
Red Cross Christmas Roll Call. Two French Mrs. T. F. Walker and Mrs. D. A. Jewell,
war orphans have been supported by the Chapter First and Second Vice Regents, represented the
and letters written and received regularly. Chapter at the State Convention, which convened
Christmas boxes containing many useful articles in Memphis in October, 1920.
have been sent them each year. An Armenian MRs. CLAUDE SMITH,
orphan was adopted at the May meeting. Recording Secretary.
Nancy Ward Chapter has the distinction of
having adopted the first French war orphan The Commodore Perry Chapter (Memphis,
in Tennessee. Tenn.), of which Mrs. C. B. Bryan is Regent,
Flag Day was observed with more than usual added one more beautiful entertainment to its
interest, the Chapter members being the guests long list of attractive celebrations, when on De
of Mrs. George W. Nixon. A special program cember 3, 1920, the members met at Hotel
was given, consisting of patriotic addresses, one Gayoso to celebrate the tercentenary of the land
of which was delivered by a young veteran of ing of the Pilgrims.
the World War, Major Phil Whitaker. Later, Mrs. Edwin Ross Washburn, chairman of the
on the lawn, an impressive salute to the flag Entertainment Committee, arranged a most at
was given. As the flag was unfurled, and its tractive program, in which the members of the
folds caught by the wind, little Miss Josephine Chapter, dressed in Pilgrim costume, took part.
Harriett Smith gave the salute. All stood at The nature of the entertainment was a “friendly
attention and sang “The Star-Spangled Banner.” meeting " at the home of Dame William
The flag used on this occasion was presented to Brewster, December 3, 1624, when events of the
the Chapter by Admiral Gleaves, a cousin of one previous four years were discussed, in an im
of the members. A social time was enjoyed and promptu conversation, Mrs. Washburn (Dame
refreshments served. Brewster) acting as hostess, presenting the con
Chapter members coöperated in giving a recep necting links for each speaker.
tion to General Pershing on his visit to Chatta The following members took part: Miss
nooga. The affair was given at the Golf and Mary Pettus Thomas, representing Dame Wil
Country Club, and several hundred people were liam Bradford, appeared first on the program,
her subject being “Attempts and Final Success which the work of selling Red Cross Christmas
in Leaving England." Mrs. F. S. Latham, rep seals was taken up. Our Christmas offering
resenting Dame Edward Tillie, spoke on “Life amounted to $15. In January the Chapter ob
in Amsterdam," after which Mrs. W. N. Jack served a Thrift Day. We were delighted to
son, as Dame Edward Winslow, spoke on “Life have with us Mrs. Olive Jennings Barcaffer,
in Leiden.” “The First Thanksgiving" was whose talk was much appreciated.
given by Mrs. A. N. Martin, representing Dame Washington's Birthday was observed, as is our
Christopher Martin, and “Departure from Dels custom, at the Vice Regent's, Mrs. Finks, with
haven" was the subject of Mrs. W. Phillips'
talk, who represented Dame Stephen Hopkins.
The singing of “How Firm a Foundation," led
by Dame Hopkins (Mrs. Phillips) and Dame
John Rigdale (Mrs. Edith Woodson), was fol
lowed by a talk on “Sailing of The Mayflower
from Old Plymouth,” by Mrs. Edith Woodson as
Dame John Rigdale. Mrs. W. W. Jeffries, rep
resenting Dame John Alden (Priscilla), spoke
on “The Mayflower Compact,” and Mrs. Lelia
Shepherd Gay, as Mary Chilton, talked on
“Landing at Plymouth,” after which “Exploits
of Myles Standish " was given by Mrs. Willis
Hitzing, representing Dame Myles Standish.
The program concluded with the reading of
Alfred Noyes' poem, “ The Mayflower,” by Miss
Dorothea Mathes, representing England, this
being one of the most enjoyable numbers on the
program. In response to this number, Mrs.
H. M. Rhodes, representing America, gave a
few appropriate remarks, after which the audi
ence joined in singing “America."
The luncheon table was attractively decorated
in an autumnal motif, the center of the table
being marked with large pumpkins, from which
radiated sprays of grape vines with its fruit,
while autumn foliage and ears of corn added MARKER PLACED ON THE SITE OF SARDIS BETH
further to the effectiveness of the scene. Sim LEHEM C HURCH, ORGANIZED IN 1839
plicity was the keynote of the decorative scheme Miss MA hel Hou Desh ELL AND MRS. A. J. Swap, Com
Mirree in CHARGE
as well as of the other details, and this was
enhanced by the use of white candles in silver
holders, which cast a soft glow upon the an open session. At the home of Mrs. C. A.
happy gathering. Crome, in March, we had with us Reverend
The success of the affair is due to the efforts Rainey, who gave a very instructive talk on the
of Mrs. Washburn, who proposed the celebra Near East. “Important Work Being Done by
tion, and the following members of the Chapter, Women of the Day" was the subject of a very
who served on her committee: Mmes. J. J. interesting talk by Mrs. Walter Owens.
Williams, J. Harvey Mathes, D. M. Biggs, Percy Mrs. W. F. Hall opened her home for the
Patton, Joseph Browne, Benton Ledbetter, Frank health meeting in April. The Chapter gave a
S. Latham, Lottie Perryman, Mary Hunter picture show at the high school; also placed a
Miller and Misses Mary Pettus Thomas and year's subscription to the DAUGHTERs of THE
AMERICAN REvolution MAGAZINE in the school
Virginia Proctor.
(Mrs. Edwin Ross) library. Stories of our ancestors, with memorial
quotations, was the subject of the May meeting.
Florence Woodson WAS HBURN,
Flag Day was observed with patriotic readings
Chairman of Entertainment Committee. and recitations at the home of Mrs. J. L. Goss.
In September an automobile trip was made to
Udolpha Miller Dorman Chapter (Clinton, the country home of the Historian, Miss
Mo.) closed its year with a membership of 69. Mable Houdeshell.
The December meeting was at the historic home In October, Missouri Day is interesting to all.
of our Organizing Regent, Miss Emma Dorman, History of Missouri's admission as a state, and
and Mrs. L. H. Phillips. Christmas greetings what the D.A.R. are doing in Missouri, and
and stories were enjoyed by those present, after how D.A.R records are being kept by the
Historian, Registrar and Treasurer of our Chap San Diego,” which was divided into six periods.
ter was interestingly told. A bronze tablet, set A lecture concerning each period was given by
on a granite slab, had been purchased by the prominent lecturers. This year we have Ameri
Chapter to mark the site of the Historic Pioneer canization for our work among the foreigners
Church of Henry County. The Historic Com in our city.
mittee, Miss Mable Houdeshell and Mrs. A. J. On December 12th we unveiled a bronze tablet
Swap, were appointed to locate the spot and place at Old Town, marking the end of the Kearny
the marker on the foundation of the old fireplace. Trail, on the spot where General Kearny and
Our Thanksgiving meeting was held at Mrs. Commodore Stockton, then in possession of San
Will Dorman's home. After the work for the Diego, met in December, 74 years ago. Rev.
year, which had been so pleasant to all, was W. E. Crabtree opened the program with the
closed, election of officers was held. invocation, after the Filipino Band, furnished by
(Miss) MABLE Houdes HELL, Captain Pratt, of the destroyer Force, had ren
Historian. dered a few selections. Mrs. Daniel S. La Mar,
Regent of the Chapter, made a few introductory
General Lafayette Chapter (Atlantic City, remarks, and then Mrs. W. S. Laidlaw, Past
N. J.). Board meetings are held each month Regent and Chairman of the day's celebration,
except July and August and Chapter meetings took charge. She introduced Col. Edward Lang
held in February, April, May, October and don, commanding Fort Rosecrans, who briefly
December. outlined General Kearny’s achievement.
Our expenditures for patriotic work, charitable “General Kearny was in command of the first
enterprises and annual dues for the year regiment of dragoons at Leavenworth when or
total $517.30. dered to organize an expedition to establish civil
General Lafayette Chapter and Century Chap government in New Mexico and California.
ter, U. S. Daughters of 1812, presented to the The naval officers on the west coast also re
Y. W. C. A. an American flag. The presenta ceived similar instructions, but the first intima
tion was made with appropriate exercises New tion Kearny had of this was when a messenger
Year's Day, 1920, by Mrs. Emily G. Shinn, who from Commodore Stockton met him at Warner.
represented both chapters. “Word was conveyed to Kearny that a force
Mrs. Emily S. Fisher, a member of the Revo of Mexicans was at San Pasqual and the General
lutionary Relics Committee of this Chapter, has at once started there. The Mexicans met
presented the N. S. D. A. R. Museum, Conti Kearny’s advance guard and broke up the charge,
nental Hall, with many valuable relics. killing Captain Johnson. The little force, re
Copies of the American's Creed have been duced in number because of the men sent back
distributed in the schools in Atlantic City and when word came that the country was con
County. Our Chapter has adopted one French quered, moved forward, and the Mexicans fled.
orphan, Madaliene Bernardine. The Americans pursued, and when the Mexicans
Committees have attended the naturalization reformed and turned, Kearny's men were forced
of foreigners in the Court House, Mays Land to reform their ranks and make another stand.
ing, N. J., extending hospitality to our new citi While this was being done, the Mexicans
zens and presenting each with a small flag and disappeared.
copy of the American's Creed. “Kearny rested at San Pasqual for a day and
Through the initial efforts of this Chapter, the then moved to San Bernardino, where he was
D.A.R. of New Jersey became one of the met by a detachment of men sent by Commo
founders of the new State College for Women at dore Stockton. The Mexicans made an attempt
New Brunswick, N. J. to stampede the horses of the little army, but
Under the leadership of the present Regent, failed. After his arrival here, Kearny got word
Mrs. M. V. B. Scull, the Chapter has fulfilled that the Mexicans had driven the Americans
all its obligations, to both State and Na from Los Angeles and an expedition was formed
tional Society. All patriotic appeals have met to retake the place. The Mericans surrendered
with a generous response, and now a strong pro to the American forces. Kearny went north and
gram on Americanization, Patriotic Education then left for the East. Bodies of the men who
and Thrift is being planned, coöperating with all laid down their lives at San Pasqual now rest
organizations in fulfilling our duty to our Nation. in the government cemetery at Fort Rosecrans.”
(MRs. ALFRED WILLIAMs) Rear Admiral Roger Welles was the next
EMMA WHITE ELY, speaker. He said in part:
Secretary. “With Kearny’s expedition from Leavenworth
to San Diego via Santa Fé, we come to that later
San Diego Chapter (San Diego, Calif.) stage of progress known as conquest.
closed a very interesting year June 14, 1920. “In the accounts of General Kearny's march,
The subject of the year was “The History of it is told that he left Santa Fé for San Diego
with about three hundred dragoons. A few days Association. We have completed our file of
out he met the famous scout, Kit Carson, and Lineage Books and placed them in this room.
was informed that the conquest of California Members have been generous with loans or gifts
was in the hands of Frémont, and that by the of other books and several have been added to
time Kearny arrived it would be over. Where our list, besides one for the Vermont shelf at
upon General Kearny sent back 200 of his men Washington. We have also started a file of the
to Santa Fé and proceeded on what would to-day DAUGHTERS of THE AMERICAN REvolution
be considered a reconnaissance expedition. In MAGAZINE, year books of our own Chapter and
those times, for that distance, over that country, reports of our State Conferences.
it was an endurance test, punctuated by ex Copies of the United States Constitution have
haustion, thirst, hunger, sickness and suffering. been placed in public places and a framed copy
“To-day, if it were necessary to make such a has been presented to our own American Legion
reconnaissance trip, it could be done in a De Post. We also gave them a large silk legion flag
Haviland Four from Leavenworth to San Diego and standard. A flag has also been purchased
in ten hours by three men. If 100 men were to replace one which our Chapter keeps floating
needed, they could be carried comfortably in one over the site of old Fort Bridgman, which
of the latest type of rigid dirigibles, and there was marked by our Chapter in 1911 with a
would be space for 50 tons of freight. large boulder.
“To the memory of this achievement which Previous to Flag Day, the flag rules compiled
this tablet commemorates, we of to-day owe our by the Kansas Daughters were published in our
allegiance and a consecrating of our best energies local newspaper. Flag Day itself was observed
to make and keep this beautiful land, and by the by a public gathering in the evening, with music,
unblemished testimonial of justice and right tableaux by the school children, a short stereop
living, to voluntarily make of it a lasting testi ticon address and community singing.
monial to the valor of Kearny and his men.” During the winter the Chapter decided to
Mrs. J. H. McCorkle, who has been active in publish, through the courtesy of the local news
D. A. R. circles, unveiled the monument. In paper, a series of historical pen sketches written
scribed on it are the words: “The End of the by members of the Chapter and read at
Kearny Trail, December 12, 1846. Marked by our gatherings.
San Diego Chapter, Daughters of the American A large pine tree in our town, known as the
Revolution, 1920.” “Kane Pine,” has recently been nominated by
Of interest to San Diegoans and visitors were our Chapter to a place in the “Hall of Fame
the remarks of Mrs. Horton, widow of the for Trees,” compiled by the American Forestry
founder of Old Town. She told of the Old Association. We hope during the centenary year
Town she knew, of its prominent men and inter of Doctor Kane to mark the site of this tree
esting figures. with a fitting boulder and bronze tablet, and to
Albert Smith, born here 65 years ago and plant in the near future a “ Kane Pine Junior.”
whose father helped raise Frémont's flag at Old The Chapter has continued marking the graves
Town, witnessed the ceremony. of Revolutionary soldiers in this vicinity, having
Closing the commemorative exercises was the marked 197 to date, and among them are the
raising of the flag by Boy and Girl Scouts, and graves of the grandfather of a President of the
the rendition of the “Star-Spangled Banner" United States—Rutherford B. Hayes, of West
by the band. Brattleboro—also that of Abijah Moore, the
At our Pilgrim Tercentenary Celebration on great-grandfather of Dr. Laura Plantz, of
December 27th, we gave a masque, entitled Putney, Vt., who is now 91 years old and a
“Lighting of the Torch,” by Fannie Buchanan. charter member of the National Society.
(MRS. J. S.) MARTHA DRAPER THoMpson, We stood 100 per cent. on our Liberty Bond
Historian. and for Tilloloy. We have continued the support
of our French orphan and given $25 to the
Brattleboro Chapter (Brattleboro, Vt.), Martha Berry School of Georgia, $25 to the
under the efficient leadership of the retiring Vermont Bed at Rheims, $20 to the Kurn Hattin
Regent, Mrs. L. E. Holden, has greatly pros Home for Boys in Westminster, Vt., $10 each
pered and attained the goal sought for in many year for the Victory Gardens in our own town
lines. Our membership has reached 168, with for several years, $35 for the International Col
several new members to enter soon. lege at Springfield, Mass., and we stood 100 per
Through the efforts of several of our mem cent. per capita for the Martha Guernsey
bers and the coöperation of our Librarian, a Scholarship.
reference room has been granted us at the Brooks Work has been continued on the church and
Library, and we received a permanent loan of cemetery records of this vicinity. The earliest
150 volumes of the Vital Statistics of Massa church records have been typewritten and are
chusetts from the Massachusetts State Library now in the possession of the Chapter. The
World War records have also been completed. All patriotic organizations of the city under
At our annual meeting in June the following the auspices of Olde Towne Chapter, D. A. R.,
officers were elected: Honorary Regent, Mrs. met at Trinity Episcopal Church to commemo
Julius J. Estey; Regent, Mrs. Jesse E. Haynes; rate the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers, 500
Vice Regent, Mrs. Arthur V. D. Piper; Re persons participating in the exercises. Part of
cording Secretary, Mrs. William H. Richardson; the program was held out of doors in front of
Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Julius L. Stock the church. The Boy Scout Master, Mr. Loftus,
well; Registrar, Mrs. Alfred S. Thompson; assigned a troop of Scouts to act as orderlies
Treasurer, Mrs. Carl F. Cain; Historian, Mrs. to the Regent of the Chapter, Mrs. Hillman, and
Robert E. Dunklee; Chaplain, Mrs. Marshall other officers. The Regent then requested the
I. Reed. GRACE ADA BAILEY DUNKLEE, Scouts to distribute the American Creed through
Historian. out the audience, after which the Creed was read
in unison. Following this a pageant represent
Olde Towne Chapter (Logansport, Ind.) ing the landing of the Pilgrims was carried out.
was organized October 20, 1916, with a member Mr. John Rounds, member of the Grand Army
ship of 34. It now has 42 members enrolled. of the Republic, then made an appropriate ad
The Chapter did highly commendable work dur dress, after which each patriotic body and its
ing the war period, and continues to do creditable auxiliary headed by its flag-bearer, marched into
work in meeting the church, the
re ques t s for Scouts acting as
money for various flag - bearers and
purposes. ushers. Doctor
Our monthly Cromwell, rector
meet in g s have of Trinity Church.
be en interesting gave an able ad
and varie d in dress, after which
character. Flag the boy choir fur
Day was cele n is he d several
brated at the sum beautiful numbers.
mer home of Mrs. Following the
Jennie Bennett, at singing the Re
Miami Bend. gent requested the
A f t e r luncheon Scouts to unfurl
the hours were the flag. Where
devoted to busi upon the audience
ness, followed by MEMBERS OF OLDE TOWNE CHAPTER, LOGANSPORT, IND. arose and saluted
a social hour. Old Glory. The
Mrs. Rodgers, author of “Old Glory's Invisible program was impressive throughout and will long
Star,” read that poem. be remembered by our city. It also brought to the
The following officers were elected : Regent, public mind the excellent work of the D. A. R.
Mrs. Elizabeth Wood Hillman; First Vice Re November 26th and 27th the Chapter conducted
gent, Mrs. Harriet Shultz; Second Vice Regent, a rummage sale very successfully.
Mrs. Julia B. Stephens; Secretary, Miss Mary NELLIE D. RoDGERs,
Shultz; Treasurer, Miss Floye Champe; His Historian.
torian, Mrs. Nellie B. Rodgers; Registrar, Mrs.
Josephine Berry. Robert Lide Chapter (Hartsville, S. C.). On
August 20th the Regent, Mrs. Elizabeth W. April 15, 1909, 12 enthusiastic ladies met for
Hillman, gave a delightful porch party and pre the purpose of organizing a D. A. R. chapter
sented the Chapter with a picture of Betsy Ross, in Hartsville. The name of Robert Lide was
entitled “The Birth of Our Nation's Flag.” decided upon. Five out of the 12 charter
Constitution Day was commemorated by plac members claimed Major Robert Lide as their
ing a copy in 12 public buildings. The main Revolutionary ancestor.
feature of the day was the presentation by the February 22nd in Hartsville always belongs
Chapter of a framed copy of the famous docu to the D. A. R. Each year, if possible, we
ment, together with a framed copy of the famous try to celebrate the birthday of George
picture of “The Birth of Our Nation's Flag,” Washington by having a Colonial party, a
to the city high school. tea or similar entertainment.
The Annual State Conference at Vincennes Our contributions have gone towards many
was attended by the Chapter Regent, Mrs. Eliza objects, among them being: The Willard
beth W. Hillman, and Mrs. Sarah M. Green. School, the Berry School, the two South
Carolina Schools, the Monument Fund and School, and also to the Open-air Theatre at
the Library at Washington. For several our beloved Coker College. Our money has
years we presented medals to our Graded been raised in various ways—a tea room, a
School and Coker College; we also gave a moving-picture show, plays, George Wash
South Carolina flag to the school. ington party, etc.
The Robert Lide Chapter stood foremost Our programs prove both attractive and
for useful service during the World War. interesting, and a delegate is sent to the
Each member responded immediately to Red State Conference each year in order that the
Cross work, and our Chapter was the first Robert Lide Chapter may keep in touch with
club in town to support a French orphan. the real work of the D. A. R.
Our special achievement, however, was the We have a membership of 28, and each
garments sent to the battleship South Carolina. month we seem to grow in numbers and
For the restoring of the French village, interest. Hartsville has always been a town
Tilloloy, we are 100 per cent. Each member that did things, and its foremost project to-day
contributed also to the Liberty Loan drives. is “A Community House,” to be erected to
A contribution was sent to both of our South our heroes of the late war. The Daughters
Carolina Schools—Georgetown, in the low of the American Revolution have endorsed
coast region, and Tomassee, in the moun this movement, and indeed it will not be
tains. Our Chapter having two foundership long before we will begin to work in earnest
pledges for the latter. as memorials of our for this most worthy enterprise.
two first Regents, Mrs. Margaret Coker As members of the Robert Lide Chapter,
Lawton, and Mrs. Sarah McCandlish Miller. we try to live in keeping with our pledge,
On the point of the DAUGHTERs of THE “To God, to our Country, and to our friends,
AMERICAN REvolution MAGAZINE, however, be true.”
we are still weak, only seven subscriptions.
Recently we gave liberally to the equip (MRs. M. L.) LAURA LAwtox REYNoLDs,
ment of our local playground at the Graded Regent.
IN OLD PENNsylvan IA Tow Ns. By New York and other important cities.
Ann Hollingsworth Wharton. Many notable personages figure in
Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott the book, and Miss Wharton's accounts
Company. $5.00. of their births and marriages will be
eagerly read by those in search of un
Miss Wharton has many historical obtainable genealogical data. In her
books to her credit, but none more description of Carlisle and Harris
charming than her latest publication, burg she quotes from a diary kept by
“In Old Pennsylvania Towns.” She Miss Margaret Williams, daughter of
intersperses her chronicle of these pic the Hon. Thomas Williams of Pittsburgh.
turesque Pennsylvania towns and vil Miss Wharton's book is a valuable
lages with sketches and anecdotes of addition to the literature of the men,
their inhabitants, and pictures with women, manners, customs, and social
skill the quaint charm of the Moravians life of earlier days, and is replete with
and Dunkards, as well as the sparkle entertaining information for the trav
of aristocratic circles in such places as eller. It is illustrated with thirty-two
Lancaster, Wilkes-Barre, Carlisle, and valuable half-tones of village scenes,
other towns where the social life was and the exterior and interior views
interwoven with that of Philadelphia, of historic houses of Pennsylvania.
President General
Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D. C.
Vice Presidents General
(Term of office expires 1922)
1706 Cambridge Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. Highland Ave., Haddonfield, N. J.
Eola Road, Salem, Ore. Amarillo, Tex.
902 Westover Ave, Norfolk, Va. 1720 22d St., Rock Island, Ill.
Miss Louise H. CobURN, Skowhegan, Me.
(Term of office expires 1923)
MRs. CAssius C. Cottle, MRs. CHARLEs S. WHITMAN,
1502 Victoria Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 54 East 83d St., New York, N. Y.
MRs. Edward LAN sing HARRIs, Mrs. HENRY McCLEARY,
6719 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. McCleary, Wash.
2101 Blaisdell Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Cooksburg, Pa.
MRs. Edward P. Schof.NTGEN, 407 Glenn Ave., Council Bluffs, Ia.
(Term of office expires 1924)
Mrs. Joh N TRIGG Moss, MRs. C. D. CHENAUlt,
6017 Enright Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Lexington, Ky.
Heathcote, Charlotte, N. C. 316 Willow St., Ottawa, Kan.
MRs. LYMAN E. Holden, MRS. A. C. CALDER, 2ND,
2 Park St., Brattleboro, Vt. 35 S. Angell St., Providence, R. I.
MRs. How ARD L. Hodgkins, 1830 T St., Washington, D. C.
Chaplain General
2123 California St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
Recording Secretary General Corresponding Secretary General
Memorial Continental Hall. Memorial Continental Hall.
Bisb EE. 539 (; Alt1: A RI, St., Covix grox.
FRANK Poitt.
394 N. 3rd St., P1ior. Nix.
2005 Scott St., Little Rock. 310 FAN NIN St., Siin Ev Eroit r.
817 W. 5 til Av E., PINE BLU FF.
269 MATH Eit St., OAKLAND. 2S2 MAIN St., WA. Eitvii. i.e.
1240 W. 29th St., Los ANGELEs. 122 Goff Sr., Avºt Itx.
MI; S. HERBERT B. HAYDEN, 22244. N. CA Lv. Eitt St., BALTIMoite.
803 Spituck, St., Bou Libelt. MRS. It EY CORBIN MAUPIN,
MI&S. THOMAS KEELY, 2004 Malty LAND Ave., BALTIMore.
MRS. CHARLES H. BISSELL, PIN Eli titst, CoN cond.
So Util 1 Nº, Tox.
MRS. S. M. COUNCIL, 1012 W. MAIN St., R A LAMAzoo.
MRS. FIRANCIS A. ST. CLAI Ir, 1906 KEN wood PARK way, MINNEApollis.
1319 T. St., N. W., W Ashi NgtoN. MRS. L. C. JEFFERSON,
119 5th Sr., N. E., W AsiiiNgtoN.
MRS. J. A. CIRA [G, 850 N. JEFFERSoN St., JAckson.
233 W. Duvai, Sr., J Acksoxvii.I.E.
Chi LLIC oth E.
305 14t if A v E., Con Dr.I.E. MRS. HENRY W. HARRIS,
MoU it it i F.
MOntan A
420 S. ID Alio St., Dil, LoN.
P. O. Box 248, HoNoit LU. 814 S. CENTRAL Ave., BozeMAN.
Box 324. ( , ooloſ N (i. 601 W. A. St., North PLAtte.
421 2ND A v E., E., Twin FAI.I.s. CHADRON.
A N D S TA T I o N E R s
N.S. D.A.R.
When writing advertisers please mention Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine.
IN 1777.
Valley Forge Chapter
With Map and Nearly One Hundred Illustrations was awarded the
Compiled by
Washington Medal
Under the Authority of for Americanization
I have read your book entitled “Valley Forge" with very REV.W. HERBERT BURK, D.D.
much interest and profit, and hope that a copy of it will find WALLEY FORGE, PA.
its way into every library, and *:American household.
You have done a ºd work in preserving this reliable
account of the most trying time of our Forefathers that
occurred during the war of the Revolution. The story is
well tºld, and the illustrations are excellent, all of which I
have found intensely interesting and educational.
Wishing you abundant success.
D-A-M-Taylor- - -
VOL. LV JUNE, 1921 No. 6
- - -
º-º-º: E332–3-->
>< -> º
Percentage to the Continental Hall Fund
Plain or oxidized..................... $2.50 Plain or oxidized.................. ... $1.25
With gilt bowls...................... 2.75 With gilt bowls........... . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50
All gilt.............................. 3.00 All gilt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.75
Send Orders to J. E. Caldwell & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
Official emblem for daily use, war tax included........................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.58
Order from Mrs. Ellenore Dutcher Key, Memorial Continental Hall,
Washington, D.C. Percentage to Memorial Continental Hall
Volume 1, reprint, Volumes 11 to 54, inclusive, $1.15 each, including postage
Volumes 6 to 10, inclusive, $8.15 each, including postage
Volume 1 contains the Charter Members. The volumes following 1000
National Numbers each
Official ribbon for suspending badges, price 35c a yard. Rosette buttons. *c.
Proceedings 19th to 28th Continental Congresses. Price, per volume. . . . . .50c, postage additional
Proceedings 29th Continental Congress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.50, including postage
First Report to the Smithsonian Institution 25c Fourteenth Report............... . . . . . . . 20c
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Twelfth Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30c Twentieth Report.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c
Thirteenth Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c Twenty-first Report ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80c
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e-or-, e- cº- =#
vol. Lv Contents No. 6 ##############
Publication Office, 227 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Chairman, Magazine Committee, Southington, Conn. Editor, Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D.C.
Genealogical Editor, Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D. C.
THE Act of March 3, 1879.
Subscriptions should be sent to the Treasurer General, Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D. C.
Single Copy, 25 Cents Yearly Subscription, $1.00 Canadian Postage, 30 Cents Additional
- ---
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WOL. LV, No. 6 JUNE, 1921 WHOLE NO. 346
REAT deeds were done by the of the entire strength of the heroic band
American Marines in the World of patriots with whom the First Com
t | War, and of these every school mander-in-Chief crossed the Delaware on
& child knows. Only the historian Christmas Eve, 1776, and smote the Hes
sians in the midst of their revels was
and the antiquarian are familiar
with the part played by the Con made up of Soldiers of the Sea. The
tinental Marines in the Revolution. In that archives also show that on that occasion
desperate struggle in which our fore as well as at the equally decisive Battle
fathers won freedom and the right to of Princeton, the Marines conducted
exist as a nation, the Marines of that day themselves in a manner worthy of the
acted a rôle fully as important and spec high traditions of their Corps and
tacular as that of the immortal Fourth won the warmest praise from Wash
Brigade in the war with Germany, cover ington himself by their valor, discipline
ing their Corps with undying honor in and efficiency.
battles more fruitful in their effect On the roster of officers who led the
on our history than Belleau Wood and Marines under Washington are names
more smashing in results than the borne by families distinguished in Colo
Meuse-Argonne. nial annals and woven throughout the
Of the part played by the Marines in history of the United States. Some of
the decisive battles of the American Revo these continued in the service of the
lution, much evidence is scattered through Corps and won added glory on later occa
the Continental records and through the sions. Others transferred to different
historical archives of Pennsylvania and branches of Washington's forces in need
New Jersey. A recent examination of of their services, particularly to the artil
these records disclosed that fully a quarter lery of the Army, where their experience
with heavy cannon on shipboard rendered mas Eve, 1776, more than six hundred
them particularly useful. Others made were Marines. These were made up of
the supreme sacrifice in the cause of their the “Famous Battalion ” of Major
country on the fields of Trenton and Samuel Nicholas, the Marine Guards of
Princeton and were buried on the ground the Andrea Doria, Hancock, Montgom
that their blood had hallowed. ery, and other vessels. Coming as they
In dealing with the battles of the Revo did, a well-fed, well-equipped, well
lution, writers trained re in
of popular his f or c e m e n t
to r i e s of the to Washington's
United States WOrn-Out V e t
training and discipline and from the mand of Captain Thomas Read of
numerous successes which had at the Navy.
tended their operations, their confidence Vessels which are named in the Con
was high and their morale excellent. tinental records as sending their Marines
In addition to the Marines, the forces ashore to take part in the campaign on
sent to Washington from Philadelphia the Delaware are the Montgomery, flag
consisted of several hundred troops of ship of the Pennsylvania State Navy, the
that State, including the famous Philadel Hancock and the Andrea Doria, of the
phia City Troop and detachments of Blue Continental Navy, and it is very probable
jackets, used to firing guns under com that several others participated from time
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Thomas McKey, August 27, 1776. Peter York, June 25, 1776.
Allan McKey, August 27, 1776. William Allison, September 2, 1776.
John Getty, September 11, 1776. James Cane, September 9, 1776.
Enoch Jenkins, September 13, 1776. Jacob Guy, August 19, 1776.
Henry Hassan, September 10, 1776. William Williams, November 25, 1776.
John Lewis, September 25, 1776. Benjamin Woodlin, August 12, 1776.
Henry Ripshon, October 21, 1776. John Hogg, August 21, 1776.
Patrick Harvy, September 17, 1776. John Stone, September 2, 1776.
William Dougherty, November 12, 1776. William Stone, September 5, 1776.
Isaac Walker, October 1, 1776. Allen McKey, August 27, 1776.
Thomas Caldwell, August 20, 1776. George Campbell, August 4, 1776.
Jesse Redding, September 2, 1776. Stephen Rutledge, August 22, 1776.
Patrick Russell, August 11, 1776. James Stephens, August 22, 1776.
Alexander Cummins, September 1, 1776. Robert Work, August 16, 1776.
John McCashon, August 21, 1776. Stephen Archer, August 13, 1776.
Hugh Connolly, September 8, 1776. Henry De Hart, September 2, 1776.
John McClosky, August 29, 1776. John Spear, August 16, 1776.
Thomas Newhinney, August 31, 1776. Francis Quin, August 16, 1776.
John Fritziner, August 31, 1776. Michael Kelly, September 12, 1776.
Joseph Lowrey, August 31, 1776. Robert Douglas, September 2, 1776.
John Hill, August 16, 1776. Richard Keys, October 3, 1776.
Thomas Sappington, September 7, 1776. William Rivelly, October 10, 1776.
Joseph Boyce, August 29, 1776. Edward Smith, October 2, 1776.
William Taylor, October 10, 1776. Robert Elder, September 7, 1776.
Daniel Cloud (dead), August 21, 1776. Henry Ripshon, October 21, 1776.
Thomas Atkinson (dead), August 23, 1776. William Dougherty, November 12, 1777.
(Signed) William H. Montgomery, Thomas McKey, August 27, 1776.
Lieutenant Joseph Boyce, August 29, 1776.
Daniel McCarthy, August 10, 1776.
(Signed) Samuel Nicholas, Major.
John McCashon, August 21, 1776.
Several of the above-mentioned pri John Conolly, September 8, 1776.
Philip Kennedy,
vates were marked “deserted ” on the
Nicholas Miller, March 1, 1777.
pay roll, but the following notation ex Jacob Murray, March 1, 1777.
plained this: “Many if not all of those George Rice, November 22, 1776.
James Willon, November 5, 1776.
marked ‘ deserted ' on this list were sim
Patrick Clinton, November 22, 1776.
ply ‘absent without leave,’ and subse John Brown, December 1, 1776.
quently ‘returned to duty.’” William Casey,
Thomas Leslie,
Isaac , August 27, 1776.
Orange , October 1, 1776.
Captain. James Coakley, July 11, 1776; reenlisted No
Robert Mullan, June 25, 1776. vember 15, 1776.
Warwick Hattabaugh, September 13, 1776;
First Lieutenant. died April 1, 1777.
David Love, June 25, 1776. George Murray, August 27, 1776; reenlisted
April 6, 1777.
Second Lieutenant. John Cribs, October 13, 1776; reenlisted
Hugh Montgomery, June 25, 1776. December 6, 1776.
Joseph Grumly, September 17, 1776.
Privates. William Barnet, September 1, 1776; reen
Thomas Hart, November 25, 1776. listed December 5, 1776.
Andrew Read, August 22, 1776. Lawrence Lesey, September 3, 1776; re
John McKinley, August 2, 1776. enlisted March 13, 1777.
Barney Moloy, September 12, 1776. Robert Gilmore, August 28, 1776; reenlisted
Adam McPherson, October 22, 1776. April 1, 1777.
James Butler, March 1, 1776. Daniel Forsman, September 2, 1776; reen
Collin York, June 25, 1776. listed December 3, 1776.
William Carcill, August 19, 1776; discharged Edward Asberry, August 29, 1776; died De
April 1, 1777. cember 15, 1776.
Henry Sharp, September 1, 1776; reenlisted John Getty, September 11, 1776.
December 6, 1776. Enoch Jenkins, September 13, 1776; reen
James McIllear, August 8, 1776; reenlisted listed November 15, 1776.
December 5, 1776. Henry Hassan, September 10, 1776; reen
Votier Gawdon, September 9, 1776; reen listed January 7, 1777.
listed December 5, 1776. John Lewis, September 25, 1776; reenlisted
Thomas Murphy, September 2, 1776; reen April 16, 1777.
listed December 6, 1776. Patrick Harvey, September 27, 1776.
Patrick Quigley, July 16, 1776; reenlisted Thomas Livingston, August 25, 1776.
January 1, 1777. After the Battles of Trenton and
Mark Sullivan, September 10, 1776; reen
listed December 5, 1776. Princeton the Marines accompanied
James McFall, August 5, 1776; reenlisted Washington to his winter quarters at
January 15, 1777. Morristown, where, during the reorgan
Neil Farron, August 16, 1776; reenlisted ization of the Army, a number of them
December 5, 1776.
William Buchanan, September 4, 1776; dis were assigned to the artillery. Major
charged April 10, 1777. Nicholas' Battalion served as infantry up
William Campin, September 11, 1776; re to February, 1777, and later as artillery.
enlisted December 5, 1776.
Some acted as convoys for prisoners
George Lasberry, August 5, 1776; died Jan taken at Trenton and Princeton. For
uary 16, 1777.
John McClure, August 16, 1776; discharged instance, a list dated February 27, 1777,
December 1, 1776. shows that Captain Robert Mullan
John Gilmore, August 28, 1776; discharged
escorted twenty-five British prisoners
November 20, 1776.
Thomas Gough, August 28, 1776; reenlisted of war to Philadelphia. Others of the
December 5, 1776. Marine Detachments serving with
Owen Ward, August 4, 1776. Washington returned to their ships on
Michael Miller, October 3, 1776; reenlisted the Delaware or to their stations
April 10, 1777.
William Rich, September 18, 1776; died in Philadelphia, and resumed their
March 1, 1777. duties in connection with the Navy.
The Thirtieth D.A.R. Congress ad July 1, 1921. Until that date sub
vanced the subscription price of the scriptions will be accepted at the old
DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLU rate of one dollar a year.
TION MAGAZINE from one dollar a year Subscriptions should be sent to
to two dollars a year. the Treasurer General, Memorial
The new rate will go into effect on Continental Hall, Washington, D. C.
|HERE are certain thoughts connected and not the whole plan presented, unless you
with the too hasty and frequent en know all about it. We can often endorse the
dorsements of laws and projects of all underlying ideas and purposes without commit
kinds which I took occasion to present ting ourselves to every specific detail.
to our Congress just passed and which The same applies to resolutions presented to
can bear repetition as the subject of our Congresses and State Conferences. They
this message, for it seems to me we should always be referred to committees capable
are all of us in danger of going to extremes in our of inquiring into them, and these committees
zeal for the betterment of legislation or the en should not return favorable reports without con
dorsement of projects, apparently beneficial, sidering how some proposed resolution can be
which are constantly being brought to our atten carried out and what its effect will be if adopted.
tion these days. Our Congresses have many times heedlessly
More than half my office hours are spent in and hastily adopted resolutions without thought
looking into plans and projects and bills of every for the morrow, leaving those responsible for
sort which are sent to me with an appeal for my carrying them out in a very embarrassing position.
endorsement or for our Society's endorsement Our Society and every other woman's organi
and active backing. Many are good and should zation—and men's, too, for that matter—are
have our support; many are foolish; many are being bombarded with appeals to support this
questionable; many do not reveal their full im and that legislation, the pet bill of some group of
port at the first glance. enthusiasts, or the well-thought-out plans of
We do not want to refuse as a Society to those qualified and competent to handle the mat
stand back of fine programs of activities or good ters concerned. We want to give our intelligent
bills that appeal to our patriotism, to our desire support to what is good, and our equally intelli
for civic betterment or to our Americanism. But gent opposition to what is bad, but we do not
we have great need to be wary. We have great want to be dragged into the legislative arena of
need to think clearly and act slowly before ac every gladiatorial reformer who comes along.
cording either our endorsement or our active As a matter of fact, there are already too many
support. We must exercise a wise discrimina laws on our statute books, and too many that
tion. We do err as a Society many times in are not enforced. The non-enforcement of law
granting our endorsement of projects without is one of the evils of the times. Let us set our
studying their merits. selves to see that the good laws we have are better
In the first place, if we endorse too many enforced, before leaping into new legislation.
things, we cheapen our influence. Our endorse The world has gone legislation mad. Every
ment, if given thoughtlessly to nearly everything ill that flesh is heir to has its quack legislative
brought to our attention, will be worth nothing medicine, and the country is more likely to suffer
at all in the public estimation. It will stand for from too much legislation rather than too little.
nothing, just like so much paper currency with Powerful minorities are exercising a pressure
out a gold reserve back of it. upon lawmakers in a way which has its dangers
Our endorsements must have in reserve back as well as its benefits.
of them the value of careful consideration, Do not let us as a Society be found too often
mature judgment and rarity of accord if they among groups of lobbyists who think only of the
are going to have any weight with the public or group legislation they are promoting and not at
legislators or others concerned. all of the country at large. This is a warning
Again, it is unwise to endorse a plan or a bill that every chapter and state conference would do
in all its details. We cannot possibly inquire into well to heed, if we are to preserve our influence.
the detail or the method or effect of operation of Let us speak seldom, and when we do, let it be
everything proposed to us. We might ignorantly with force and wisdom and conviction of right.
endorse some very inadvisable things connected Thus only will our influence be of real value to
with what may in general be sound and advisable. our country.
It is better in most cases to endorse principles ANNE Rogers MINOR,
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recognized by libraries generally as an tion of love and good cheer was sent
authority on historical subjects. from the Congress to Mrs. Scott.
Mrs. Charles H. Bissell of Connecti The work of the organization in fos
cut, Chairman of the Magazine Com tering 100 per cent. Americanism and
mittee, gave a clear and concise ac patriotic education was the theme of
count of the business transactions of this session. Mrs. Edward Lansing
the Magazine for the past year. She Harris, Vice President General from
outlined the reasons for the increased Ohio, chairman of the Committee on
cost in publishing it, and recommended Patriotic Education, combined with
that its yearly subscription price be her report those of various vice-chair
raised from $1 to $2. This recommen men in charge of Schools and Colleges,
dation was later accepted by the Con Manual for Immigrants, Girl Home
gress, and the price of the DAUGHTERs Makers, Children and Sons of the Re
OF THE AMERICAN REvolution MAGA public, and Americanization. She
zINE dating from July, 1921, will be $2 stated that from thirty states, $50,000
per year. Other reports at the morn had been received and disbursed for
ing session included those of the fol patriotic education. It was announced
lowing national committees: Conserva that the Immigrants’ Manual was soon
tion and Thrift, Mrs. Cassius C. Cottle, to go to press and that assistance had
chairman; Patriotic Lectures and Lan been given by government experts.
tern Slides, Mrs. Bertha M. Robbins, Mrs. George Maynard Minor, Presi
chairman; International Relations, dent General, wrote the address of wel
Mrs. Philip North Moore, chairman, come to aliens, which is its preface.
Transportation, Mrs. A. J. Brosseau, The manual is to be given to immigrants
chairman, and Legislation in U. S. free of charge at ports of entry and will
Congress, Mrs. Alice B. Wiles, chair be sold at cost price to chapters and
man. A resolution calling for a educators. Twenty-nine states have
rising vote of thanks to President sent in contributions to the printing
Harding for his action in removing fund for the manual.
civil service restrictions from Mrs. Miss Alice Louise McDuffee stated
Mary T. McBlair, granddaughter of that $30,000 had been raised and ex
Frances Scott Key, author of “The pended for Americanization work.
Star-Spangled Banner,” was given. A This included circulation of the U. S.
Massachusetts delegate urged the Constitution, the American's Creed,
rigid enforcement of the Eighteenth and patriotic literature. She advo
Amendment, which was not reported cated the opening of New America
back by the Resolutions Committee. shops in American cities as a stimulus
At the afternoon session a letter was to industry among the foreign born.
read from Mrs. Matthew T. Scott, Hon Special educational projects which
orary President General, expressing were presented for the consideration of
her regret at not being able to be pres the delegates were those of founding
ent at the Congress, to which she sent a Caroline Scott Harrison Dormitory
greetings. At the suggestion of Mrs. at the Oxford Female College in
William N. Reynolds, Vice President memory of Mrs. Caroline Scott Harri
General from North Carolina, a resolu son, wife of President Harrison, and
the first President General of the So lection was taken for the Berry Schools
ciety. Dr. Kate Waller Barrett of at the conclusion of her speech.
fered a resolution providing for the The delegates were profoundly stirred
establishment of a $3000 fund to be by the impassioned appeal of C. S.
raised by the D.A.R. to establish a McGown, president of the Interna
George Washington Chair in William tional College at Springfield, Mass., to
and Mary College, Va., and urging in resist the spread of radicalism and
dividual assistance by the chapters to hyphenism by education.
the movement to endow this historic Appeals for help were also made by
old college of which George Washing Mrs. Robert Parker, of the Lincoln
ton was a trustee and from which Memorial School in Tennessee, where
President Thomas Jefferson, signer of a school of forestry is maintained ; the
the Declaration of Independence, and Tamassee School in South Carolina, by
other distinguished patriots of the Revo Mrs. McCall, and the Maryville Col
lutionary period had been graduated. lege, by Miss Clemmie Henry.
Mrs. James Carroll Frazer, of Wash The night session was given over
ington, presented the project of the to the discussion of the Indian ques
Belleau Wood Memorial Association, tion. A striking musical feature was
which proposes to rebuild a village given by the singing of Indian themes
near Belleau, France, devastated in the by the Princess Tsianina, the Indian
war in memory of the American prima donna who served overseas as
marines who were killed and buried an entertainer and is an honorary mem
there. She read letters of commenda ber of the fighting Second Division.
tion of the plan from President Hard With native songs and gestures that
ing, General Pershing, and Chief illustrated the songs she carried the
Justice White. delegates in imagination to the Indian
Admiral Badger presented an an country and to the woes and wrongs of
nouncement of the Aztec Club of 1847 her proud people.
and its sister organization, the Guada The Congress greeted with enthu
loupe Club, and urged members of the siasm the appearance of Miss Alice
National Society to revive the mem Robertson, the woman congressman
from Oklahoma, who is the first D.A.R.
ories of their brave forbears and pre
serve their names on the rosters of the to serve in such a capacity. Miss Rob
ertson made a strong plea for justice
two organizations.
for the Indian, saying: “The people
The first address on patriotic educa
of this country have regarded the In
tion in the mountain and other schools
dian as their legitimate prey and have
partially supported by the D.A.R. was had small room for the original owners
given by Miss Martha Berry, of the of this land.” Miss Robertson told
Berry Schools, Ga., who moved her the delegates that there were fewer In
audience to tears with the recital of
dians who asked exemption in the late
pathetic incidents connected with her war than those of any other race, only
work. Miss Berry stated that these 212 or less than 1 per cent. of the 17,000
schools had sent more than 500 young drafted, while 10 per cent. of the whites
men overseas, and that 20 per cent. Of and 12 per cent. of the colored draftees
these men won commissions. A col presented reasons for excuse. “Have
you no room for the Indian P Do you back to sound thinking,” he said. “There
owe him nothing?” asked Miss Rob fore, I plead for the old Americanism, the
ertson as she finished. simple ways of living and devotion to 100
It was announced that Miss Rob per cent. American doctrine.
ertson had accepted honorary mem “There is nothing wrong with
bership in the Deborah Knapp America,” concluded Mr. Ryan, “but
Chapter of the District of Columbia. a fuller knowledge of its history and
President Harding's stand on the In ideals is needed by the people. I appeal
dian question was praised by Thomas to you to promote the history of the
L. Sloane, a member of the Omaha American people. Without sound edu
tribe of Indians. He said that President cation there is no sound thought. In
Harding was the first chief magistrate of America the Huns and vandals will
the Nation to take a keen personal in come from within our own borders. In
terest in Indian affairs. order to preserve the government of
Mr. Sloane quoted the President as our fathers we must give our children
saying that the American Indian is a proper knowledge of American insti
entitled to a square deal and that tutions and ideals.” Reports of State
this has given new hope to the red Regents with state gifts were received
men of America. from Hawaii, Oklahoma, Orient, Texas
Mrs. Mary Roe, a missionary to the and Colorado.
Indian people, told of their wrongs. The principal event of the Thursday
“The Indians should be given the same morning session was the reading of the
open door of opportunity that we ac annual report of the Children of the
cord every race element,” she ex American Revolution by Mrs. Frank
claimed. “The Indian problem is a W. Mondell, its President General.
great human problem. What more Mrs. Mondell urged upon her hearers
august memorial could you give your not to forget the patriotic education of
distinguished ancestors than to assist children, and stated that in her opinion
in preserving the primal race on this the leaders of the future must come
continent. Why should you found from the Children of the American
scholarships for Filipinos and forget Revolution.
the North American Indians. They At the close of her address, Mrs. Minor
must be trained to turn the eagle called the attention of Congress to the
plumes into the fountain pen and the presence in one of the stage boxes of
swift running feet to do the errands of Mrs. Daniel Lothrop, founder of the
the world.” Children of the American Revolution,
Henry J. Ryan, of New York, spoke and the Congress rose to greet Mrs.
for Colonel F. W. Galbraith, Jr., com Lothrop, who responded with smiles
mander-in-chief of the American Le and bows but did not speak.
gion. Mr. Ryan pointed out that the The President General referred to
country must reconsecrate itself on the the invitation from Dr. Leo S. Rowe,
altar of the great principles on which director general of the Pan American
the republic was founded. These foun Union for the Congress to visit the
dations, he claimed, were sacrifice institution. Recess was taken at 11.30,
and service. and the delegates went in a body to the
“The great need for to-day is to get beautiful Pan American Building.
|ORTH CAROLINA'S sun rose, however, it has stepped back from the
as was right and proper, in the river to higher ground and reaches out
east. While yet a part of the southward to the winding Quankey
Old Dominion, that portion of Creek. It is not much larger than in
the country around Albemarle Revolutionary times, nor can it deny
Sound, and long known as the that in its social and political life the
“Albemarle Country,” was the home former times were better than these.
of many a fine family of English birth, This is largely due, no doubt, to the
or at least of English descent. They fact that as in so many other old towns,
maintained so far as possible in new the young people have gone out to enrich
and sometimes very trying conditions, other communities because there was at
the learning and spirit of those “back home no outlet for budding ambition.
home.” A glance at old wills and in But Halifax is the political if not the
ventories gives evidence of the exist social and commercial seat and center
ence among them of current English of one of the richest counties in the
books, treatises on law and medicine, state, as it is one of the largest. Motor
and a seeming abundance of jewelry, ing down from Richmond or from Nor
plate, and fine clothing. folk, the road leads through the
Little by little, these settlers estab neighboring town of Weldon, and
lished plantations to westward and the along the well-kept highway. The first
Roanoke River country was added to point of interest on entering the town
the earlier settlements. A great piece is the former home of William R.
of land received the name of Edge Davie. The house owes much of its
combe County, which was in time renown to the fact that General Wash
divided, the new section receiving in ington was entertained there when on
1758 the name of Halifax County in his southern journey, though he makes
honor of Charles Montague, Earl of no comments regarding the town or its
Halifax. About a year earlier a little citizens in his journals. But the owner,
village lying on the south bank of the too, was a man of great honor and im
Roanoke had received the same name portance in his day, and worthy of re
and thus became the nucleus of the membrance in our own, for he filled
present town. Since its early planting, most honorably many and high posi
it is needless to say that there is not erty of the Elizabeth Montford Ashe
only regard for their antiquity, but Chapter. It was indeed in a sorry con
respect for the place they held in his dition, but with deep satisfaction it was
heart. In his curious will he makes removed piece by piece—that being the
this reservation: “I give to my wife only possible method of procedure—
the liberty of getting firewood for her and set up again, this time in the his
own use on any of my lands, except my toric grove. At present it is but a
groves, and they are to be held sacred shell, but enthusiasm coupled with the
from the axe.” generosity of appreciative friends, and
In a corner of this grove, near the an appropriation by the state legisla
highway, is now another historic build ture, will accomplish its final restoration,
ing but transplanted from its original
So as they built, we now rebuild,
setting. “Somewhat back from the
As strong and true and quaint, I
village street,” indeed, almost directly
ween ;
back of the colonial graveyard men
Till their dim ghosts might come
tioned above, stood a quaint three
roomed house with its wide fireplace
Nor miss the yawning years be
and attractive doorways. This was a tWeen.
dwelling house, but at times served as Where then the men in conference
an office, and here in November, 1776,
a few of the members of the first Con
And framed a Constitution for the
stitutional Convention of North Caro
lina retired and put into shape the state
constitution, much as it remains to-day.
Enduring still through storm and
Ever since the organization of the
Shall now the women congregate;
Elizabeth Montford Ashe Chapter in
1912, it has been the desire and inten
Shall now the Daughters of that war
Which raged when this old house
tion to acquire possession of this build
was new,
ing and save it from the fate of so many Preserve old books and relics rare
other local landmarks. The property
And bring the ancient home-life into
belonged to a negro, who joined with view.
his neighbors in ridding it of weather
boarding and shingles whenever fire Then leaving the Constitution House,
wood was needed and energy at a low where the traveller may at some future
ebb. But just in proportion to the in time find a pleasant rest house, he
terest of the chapter, the owner's drives on down to beautiful Quankey
appreciation of his possession or his Creek, winding between its high banks
cupidity began to augment. Finally, it —strangely high for this flat country—
was decided that he might retain his brightened in their season by arbutus,
hold on the land if he would but sell laurel, and the bright green of the
the building. In due season, by virtue bamboo and galax in charming confu
of the regent's tact and diplomacy, the sion. And here he takes leave of Hali
negro's wife brought her influence to fax, no doubt feeling that she has had
bear, and the house became the prop a wonderful and worthy past.
By Alice Leakin Welsh
T the commencement of our glorious leaving Baltimore, travelled down the Old
Republic—in 1783, to be exact—a Stage Coach Road, past the Half Way House,
“mighty man of valor” stood in the where weary travellers stopped for refresh
Faunces' Tavern in New York City ments, past the road leading to Indian Landing,
and bade a tearful farewell to his Gen where gathered the inhabitants in May of the
erals. Turning his face to the South, same year, to celebrate the signing of peace,
he started on a long and slow journey and where 136 years later another gathering
to Annapolis. Through city, town, village, and celebrated the close of the last Great War—
farm he drove over a road which should be past Rising Sun Inn (the subject of this sketch)
so distinctly marked it would stand out in past Old Black Horse Tavern, past Belvoir,
reality as it does upon the pages of history, a visiting place of the General, past the Three
consecrated to this man, with the mighty pur Mile Oak, past many old Colonial homes to
pose in his heart of resigning his position of Mr. Mann's Inn, his abiding-place while
commander-in-chief and becoming again a in Annapolis.
private citizen. At the Severn Cross Roads, where the road
In these days of memorial roads, whether to the Indian Landing crosses the Stage Coach
other States have made any attempt to mark Road, a tablet (see photograph) has been
this, “The General's Highway,” I do not know,placed upon a stone, by the Anne Arundel Chap
but in Maryland, General Washington afterter, DAUGHTERs of the AMERICAN REvolution,
R is 1 N G s UN IN N S How I N G O L D box H E D G E
of Baltimore, telling of the great man who to all who love the old—all who are interested
passed that way and the purpose of his journey. in the preserving from the ravages of time,
In the Old Senate Chamber at Annapolis, where whether by man, beast or the elements—a memo
he resigned his commission, the Peggy Stewart rial of the past—all who love Maryland and her
Tea-Party Chapter, of Annapolis, has placed traditions and history—all who are of themselves
another tablet commemorating this event. or through ancestry bound by ties of loyalty to
Gone is the Half Way House, gone the Black Anne Arundel County—all who are connected
Horse Tavern, gone into private hands with the old families of Howard, Caton, Ham
Belvoir, fallen is the Three-Mile Oak—but mond, Worthington, Baldwin, Gambrill, Wood
still in existence is The Rising Sun Inn. Ready ward, Warfield, Randall, Williams, Beall,
indeed was it to fall, but when the owner, Mr. Cromwell, Sewell, Stockett, Turner, Dorsey and
R. T. Williams, presented it to the Anne many others who lived and owned property along
Arundel Chapter, immediate steps were taken this road, to all goes out this “Call from the Old
to preserve it from destruction. It stands to the New” to share in restoring The Rising
facing the Old Stage Coach Road not more Sun Inn.
than twelve feet back, mutely pleading for It is the purpose when restored to use the inn
completion. Not now, but well within the as a Chapter House—as a museum, in which may
memory of those yet living, was the enclosure be collected the many, many souvenirs and relics
of the grounds by a white picket fence, with of a bygone day, which are close at hand; as a
“a gate of entrance on which a rising sun community center, where may be held civic
appeared, a design carried out by a white half classes, such as Red Cross home nursing and the
circle surrounded by radiating pickets like those like, as they may be formed; as a library of
of the fence.” Was that not a quaint and genealogical and historical books—and in any
beautiful sign? One that will be duplicated, other ways wherein it may be of use.
too charming to lose. Especially do we want to create there an at
The inn is a quaint old building, with hip mosphere in which all may find inspiration to
roof and dormer windows, tiny old-fashioned carry on “the great purpose and ideals
porch, wide brick chimneys and “back of its for which the Daughters of the American
garden plot a hedge of great boxwood, be Revolution stand.”
speaking its own span of years, which has seen One of the earnest desires of our Chapter is
many generations come and go.” The windows that this Old Stage Coach Road, this General's
are out, the plaster is inside out, the partitions Highway, may be planted from Baltimore to
are down and out, the timbers are worn out, the Annapolis with tribute trees to our soldiers who
needs are without number, the lack of paint out served in the Great War.
rageous, and worst of all the funds are completely What food for thought and reflection; what an
out, barring a few outstanding subscriptions. inspiration to patriotic deeds to travel, whether
When the Chapter received this gift, it knew on foot, with horse, or in machine, along the
the work of restoration could not be accomplished road on which our Commander drove with the
with less than $5000, and that was an estimate high resolve in his heart, and have our thoughts
preceding the present inflated prices of building directed, by long rows of living, beautiful trees,
materials, labor, etc. About one-third of this to our own men, who with splendid heroism
amount has been raised and expended, a new roof offered their lives for his and our Country.
has been put on, old attached shed roofs torn As soon as the inn nears completion, we plan
down, stairway repaired, porch and dormer win to start this work by planting a mile of trees
dows restored, but further reclamation must with the hope that other organizations, through
cease unless aid is rendered quickly. churches, patriotic societies, social clubs, com
The committee of which Mrs. F. J. Cotton is munity associations and the like, may follow
chairman and Mrs. Edward N. Rich, 1006 North our lead, and all together complete the doubly
Charles Street, Baltimore, Md., treasurer, gladly Memorial Highway which runs in front of
welcomes any amount, and this appeal is made The Rising Sun Inn of historic memory.
While the general works already cited, Schouler, McMaster and Wilson, cover this period,
Rhodes' History of the United States from the Compromise of 1850 is the most elaborate work.
The last author's History of the Civil War is based, with additions, on the larger work. Four
volumes of the American Nation: Chadwick's Causes of the Civil War, Hosmer's Appeal to
Arms and Outcome of the Civil War, and Dunning's Reconstruction extend from 1858 to 1876.
Fiske's Mississippi Valley in the Civil War, unfortunately without a counterpart for the war in
the East, and Dodge's Bird’s-eye View of Our Civil War, are good for the military side, and
many of the references given may be supplemented by the “Century War Book," Battles and
Leaders of the Civil War. For a good general view see Wilson, iv, 210–262, or Dodd,
Erpansion and Conflict, 288–328.
= y.º.
centage of gain in membership during the pace with the business transacted. On Tuesday
past year. afternoon the Conference swung into harness.
Mrs. M. A. Hostetler, Chairman of the Old Following the report of the Chairman of the
Trails Road Committee, had an interesting ex Credential Committee and the roll call, the State
hibit, including photographs of the markers Regent introduced the much-beloved ex-State
placed along the Old Trails Road and on historic Historian, Miss Mary Stille, who gave a delight
spots throughout the state; also pictures of the ful address. Miss Anna A. McDonald, State
old log cabins and sod houses used as trading Director of the American Library Association in
posts by the “pony express.” Pennsylvania, spoke upon the subject “A New
The Conference was honored by a brief visit Conception of Libraries.”
from Mrs. J. A. Reeder, the “shut-in" member Wednesday being the centenary of the birth of
of Platte Chapter. When an organization is Jenny Lind, a silent moment was given her
doing a work of sufficient importance to arouse memory by the Conference, all members stand
the interest of an invalid of unusual ability so that ing with bowed heads.
she will make a supreme effort to be present at a A most interesting discussion was held from
meeting of its Conference it seems worth while the floor regarding various abuses and desecra
to “carry on.” tions of the flag.
Telegrams of greeting were received from two Mrs. Sparks, the State Regent, urged Ameri
of the Past State Regents, Mrs. Warren Perry, canization work by individuals as well as Chap
who is now in Los Angeles, and Mrs. E. G. ters, this being the crying need of the country
Drake, of Beatrice. A telegram was also re to-day, and logically the duty of all patri
ceived from Mrs. Fred C. Williams, of Lincoln, otic organizations.
who had been State Chairman of the Legislative The Germantown Chapter moved that the
Committee. The news also came to the State Conference adopt the plan of the President Gen
Conference that Mrs. Andrew K. Gault, who eral asking for 25 cents per capita for the publi
was at one time Vice President General from cation of a manual for our immigrants, to be
Nebraska, had been nominated for the office of delivered to them upon their entrance into this
mayor of St. Peter, Minn. country. This motion was carried.
The following officers were elected for the Mrs. Reineman explained that the newly
next two years: adopted By-laws could not go into effect
State Regent, Mrs. Charles F. Spencer, North according to Section 3 of Article 4 until
Platte; State Vice Regent, Mrs. Elizabeth O'Linn the expiration of the terms of office of all the
Smith, Chadron; State Corresponding Secretary, officers elected under the old By-laws. There
Mrs. E. W. Huse, Wayne; State Recording Sec fore, it was moved and carried that all elections
retary, Mrs. M. S. Moore, Gothenburg; State be postponed until 1922. This saved considerable
Treasurer, Mrs. E. E. Correll, Hebron; State time, which was applied to regular routine of
Registrar, Mrs. C. C. Waldo, Lincoln; State His Conference business.
torian, Mrs. George Scoular, Superior; State Much interest was manifested in the fund for
Librarian, Mrs. E. E. Good, Peru; State Auditor, $1000 scholarship in Tamassee School being
Mrs. E. E. Gillette, McCook; State Chaplain, raised in honor of the ex-State Regent, Mrs.
Mrs. W. S. Leete, Plattsmouth. Anthony Wayne Cooke, whose loyal and untiring
MABEL LINdly, service to Pennsylvania can never be forgotten.
State Corresponding Secretary. Automobile rides, teas and receptions were
interspersed with more serious occupations and
PENNSYLVANIA the Conference closed with a buffet luncheon
with the members as guests of the Lycom
The Twenty-fourth Annual Pennsylvania State ing Chapter.
Conference was held in Williamsport, October MRs. CHARLEs J. Wood, JR.,
4 to 7, 1920, with all the sessions in the ballroom State Recording Secretary.
of the Park Hotel. The Lycoming Chapter, of
Williamsport, was hostess. The outstanding RHODE ISLAND
feature of the week was the spirit of camaraderie
and good fellowship and the hearty cooperation The Twenty-seventh Conference of the Rhode
with which the 250 representatives of the Daugh Island Daughters of the American Revolution
ters of Pennsylvania rallied around the new was held Wednesday, March 9, 1921, at the Cen
State Regent, Mrs. Edwin Erle Sparks. tral Baptist Church, Providence, R. I.
Monday evening brought the delegates to The morning session opened with prayer by
gether with an informal reception following a the State Chaplain, Mrs. Alexander J. Morrison.
patriotic meeting, and during the days following followed by the Salute to the Flag.
the delightful social events on the calendar kept Miss Cynthia Potter, the Regent of the Gaspee
Chapter, which was the hostess chapter for the was called to order by the State Regent, Miss
day, gave an address of welcome, to which Mrs. Mary Boyce Temple. The invocation was pro
Samuel H. Davis, the State Regent, responded. nounced by Rev. C. E. Blairdell, the Salute to
The morning session was devoted to reports of the Flag was given, and the members of the
the State Officers, reports of the State Chairmen, Conference joined in singing “America.” Mayor
National Committees, and reports of the Regents J. R. Payne, introduced by Mrs. J. J. Williams,
of the different chapters in the state. extended welcome to the delegates on behalf of
The State Registrar reported 1164 members of the city. Mrs. S. G. Scott, Regent of Adam
the organization in Rhode Island. Dale gave the welcome for the hostess chapters,
All the reports showed a wide-awake interest to which Mrs. J. H. Cantrell responded on behalf
in the work of Americanization. Several of the of the visitors. Mrs. J. Hafvey Mathes, Honor
Regents reported that classes of foreign women ary Vice President General, spoke on the “Ideals
were being taught to speak, read and write Eng of the Society.” Mrs. J. J. Williams presented
lish. As this was not the year for election of the State Regent, Miss Temple, with the gavel.
officers the afternoon session was given over to In her report as State Regent, Miss Temple
an interesting program. The State Regent, Mrs. gave a résumé of the State meetings previously
Samuel H. Davis, proceeded to the chair between held in Memphis, outlined her plans for the State
a double row of pages dressed in white marching work, stating that a better citizenship for Ten
to the music of the “Battle Hymn of the Re nessee through education would be the aim of
public.” Mayor Gainer of Providence gave an the Daughters of the American Revolution
address of welcome, in which he emphasized the during the coming year. She also gave an ac
necessity of teaching the younger generation the count of her visit to the mountain school at
basic ideals of the great Americans, Washington Devil's Fork, maintained by the Tennessee
and Lincoln. Daughters, closing with a plea for education for
The speaker of the afternoon was Rev. Richard our mountain boys and girls. The State Regent
D. Hollington, D.D., who took for his subject asked an endorsement by the Conference of the
“The Voice of the Ancestors.” He characterized plan by which Knoxville and Chattanooga had
the spirit of our ancestors as the “spirit of raised about $7000 for Patriotic Education. Miss
faith in man and God, safeguarded by law, edu Temple recounted the ceremony of the re-pres
cation, morality and religion.” entation of the State flag to the battleship
Thomas W. Bicknell, President of the Rhode Tennessee, July 30, 1920, at the Brooklyn Navy
Island Citizens' Historical Society, commended Yard. On motion of Mrs. Thomas Day, the
the Daughters of the American Revolution for splendid report of the State Regent was adopted.
being history makers. A collection was taken Mrs. Day commented on the fact that Miss
for the aid of the Preventorium at Hoxsie. A Temple was the only State Regent who had offi
gift of money was received for the purchase of cially visited the Society's mountain school.
books for the State Library at Continental Me On account of the work in which the State
morial Hall, Washington. At the close of the Regent and all of the chapters are so deeply
session a motion was presented by Mrs. Albert L. interested, the report of the Treasurer, Mrs.
Calder, 2nd, Past State Regent, to endorse the W. C. Schwalmeyer, was the outstanding feature
Smith-Towner Bill. It was unanimously carried of the morning session. She reported that this
and was subsequently voted to notify Congress had been the most wonderful year in the history
men from Rhode Island of the step taken and of the Tennessee D.A.R., the plans to educate
that expressed approval be sent to the authors of the mountain child having been responded to
the bill. magnificently. Since May over $5000 has been
IDA. H. MoRRison, turned over to the Treasurer for this educational
Chairman of Publicity. fund, one East Tennessee chapter having con
tributed $1500. The Middle Tennessee chapters
TENNESSEE have also done excellent work along this line, and
the West Tennessee chapters have many of them
The Fifteenth Annual Conference of the Ten taken scholarships. These scholarships are in the
nessee Daughters of the American Revolution Lincoln Memorial University, Tusculum College
met in Memphis on November 4, 1920, in re and the University of Tennessee. Two Memphis
sponse to an invitation from the Adam Dale, chapters have taken Memorial Scholarships—the
Commodore Lawrence, Commodore Perry, Hermitage Chapter in memory of Mrs. T. J.
Hermitage and Watauga Chapters. The Cham Latham, and Commodore Perry Chapter in
ber of Commerce, where the meeting was memory of Mrs. Virginia Leedy Mathews.
held, was beautifully draped in flags for A letter was read from Mrs. George Maynard
the occasion. Minor, President General, expressing regret at
After the bugle call, “Assembly,” the meeting being unable to attend the Tennessee Conference.
Mrs. Bryan moved a telegram be sent Mrs. D.A.R. would be enabled to raise the sum of
Minor conveying the good wishes of the Tennes $25,000 to finish a building, which would be
see Daughters. known as the Tennessee D.A.R. Hall. The rent
The morning session was followed by a lunch of the rooms in this hall would assure 10 perma
eon at the Hotel Gayoso, where the members of nent D.A.R. scholarships in the University. The
local D.A.R. chapters were hostesses. The money would be raised by the D.A.R. in coopera
afternoon session opened by the singing of “The tion with representatives of the Lincoln Memo
Star-Spangled Banner.” Reports of the State rial University. Mrs. C. B. Bryan moved that
chairmen followed. the Conference go on record as endorsing this
An interesting evening session was called to movement, and as lending hearty support to Lin
order by the State Regent at 8 o'clock. Greet coln Memorial University in the raising of
ings were read from State Regents of Arkansas $25,000. The motion was carried unanimously.
and California, and from Mrs. W. G. Spencer, Mrs. Short gave a paper on the “Vital Impor
Tennessee ex-State Regent; also a message of tance of New Chapters to Promote Better Citi
love from Miss Mary Murfree, ex-State Regent. zenship.” Mrs. Day spoke further along this
Mrs. John G. Gray, of David Craig Chapter, line, stating that the D.A.R. stood for pure
who was present at the presentation of the flag Americanism, and that new chapters would pro
to the battleship Tennessee, gave an account of mote better citizenship and a higher standard
the ceremony. The address of the evening was of morality.
made by Mrs. Charles B. Bryan, “Opportunity All of the present State Officers of the Ten
for Service.” She ended by saying, “The great nessee D.A.R. eligible to serve in their respec
wealth of the United States to-day lies in the tive positions for another year were reelected
hearts of her people.” by acclamation. *
The Friday morning session opened with the The delegates on Friday were the honor guests
various chapter reports of the State, which at a luncheon given by the Memphis chapters of
showed the interest and main line of work of the Daughters of the Confederacy.
each chapter in sympathy with the State-wide The outstanding feature of the Friday after
movement of the organization for the betterment noon session was the memorial hour conducted
of educational conditions. by Mrs. Bruce R. Payne, when simple floral
Mrs. R. B. Parker, Extension Secretary of wreaths were laid on the table in memory of
Lincoln Memorial University, addressed the Con departed members. Unfinished business con
ference on the opportunities furnished by this cluded the meeting, after which the Confer
splendid school for the children of the Tennessee ence adjourned.
mountains, and asked endorsement by the State (MRs. H. J.) JENNIE. W. YEARwood,
Conference of the plan by which the Tennessee State Secretary.
i. All queries and answers must be signed and sender's address given.
. In answering queries give date of magazine and number and signature of query.
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Unverified family traditions will not be
All ſetters to be forwarded to contributors must be unsealed and sent in blank, stamped
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the proceeds of the land division to my sq son Mitchell is buried on this land abt 100 yards
Samuel, such part thereof as may defray the north of the house occupied by him & his family.
expense of his schooling.” This same Samuel The inscription on the marker is “John Mitchell,
Shoup is one of the five trustees in Frederick millwright, died Oct. 26, 1801.”—Mrs. S. E.
Co. to whom land is granted in 1792, “in trust Kurtz. No. 497, Sac City, Iowa.
that sq parcel of land be set apart, improved & 8994. TIDBALL.—Dr. Brownhill, an eminent
occupied as a Seminary of English learning for surgeon in the British Army &, subsequently,
the benefit of the grantees, their heirs forever, & physician to His Majesty, the King of England,
the inhabitants of the neighborhood contributing was m near the close of the 17th century. Two
toward the support of sq Seminary.” Deed daus were b to this union; the father d in London
dated Mar. 5, 1792. F. Co. No. 1 (1791–1815), early in the 18th century, & his widow & ch came
p. 154. The oldest son, George, & the youngest to Pa., Aug. 11, 1714. Their dau, Elizabeth
son, Samuel, came to Ohio in 1806. Samuel m Brownhill, m July 6, 1715, Thomas Tidball, son
in Hagerstown, Md., Dorothy Grove, a lineal of an English gentleman, who came to the U. S.
desc of Hans Graf, one of the first settlers of on the same vessel with her previous to their
Lancaster Co., Pa.-Mrs. Bernis Brien, 223 marriage. Their ch: Richard, b May 29, 1716;
Volusia Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Thomas, b Oct. 29, 1717; John, b Oct. 18, 1719;
8920. MILLARD.—Thomas Millard d at East Sarah, b Aug. 6, 1721; Mary, b Dec. 22, 1723;
Haddam, Apr. 13, 1752. He m July 16, 1724, Elizabeth, b Dec. 12, 1725; Alice, b Feb. 13, 1726;
Rebecca Dutton, & their son Jason Millard, b Joseph, b Nov. 29, 1733; Wm., b Nov. 23, 1736;
East Haddam, Conn., May 27, 1729, m May, Rachel, b June 1, 1740. Richard Tidball, b May
1750, Rachel Andrews, dau of Samuel & Eleanor 29, 1716, m abt 1745; he d early, leaving an only
Lee Andrews. Their son Jason Millard, Jr., b ch, Mary, who m John Mitchell 1765–Mrs. S. E.
Windsor, Conn., Mar. 16, 1755, m Ann Smith at Kurtz, Sac City, Iowa.
Pittsfield, Mass., May 7, 1786; they moved to 9000. MULLER.—Rev. John Jacob Muller be
N. Y. State & he was listed in the 1790 census as fore coming to America from Germany, was a
living in Cambridge, Washington Co., then Al portrait painter of Nuremberg. He united with
bany Co. He d Charlton, Saratoga Co. Ann the Moravian Church in 1740 and accompanied
Smith, his w, b May 22, 1765, d Charlton, N. Y., Count Zinzendorf to America in 1741, acting as
July 3, 1842. Their ch: Woodbridge, b Jan. 24, his secretary and artist. Besides acting as pri
1787; Chas., b Nov. 24, 1790; Harriet, b Nov. 25, vate secretary, he wrote the journals of the
1792; Major, b Dec. 5, 1794; Nancy, b July 24, Synods held in Pa. in 1742 (which Synods were
1799; John, b May 6, 1800; Wm., b Mar. 6, 1803, called to promote the “Inter-Church move
m Clarinda Rathbun. Any information of the ment” of that century) and also took notes from
Millard or Smith families would be appreciated. delivery, of a number of Zinzendorf's sermons,
—Mrs. A. B. Johnson, Caledonia, N. Y. for publication. He returned to Europe with
8993. Mitchell.—John Mitchell, a respectable Zinzendorf in 1743 & was a close friend of the
& thrifty millwright, m abt 1765, Mary Tidball, Count's for many years; he was ordained in 1760
dau of Richard Tidball (see 8994). Their ch & d in Niskey, Prussia, in 1781. The name in
were Elizabeth, m John Webster; Elijah; the Moravian Archives was spelled “Mueller" &
Rachel, m Richard Webster; Frederick, b 1776, later Miller. Mueller painted a picture of Christ
m abt 1799, Permelia Trego, dau of John & bearing a cross, which he probably brought with
Arilla Trego, d June 15, 1851; Lydia, m him to Bethlehem, Pa., & this picture decorated
Fulton; John, b 1780, d Feb. 3, 1849; Evan, m the south wall of the chapel & was used as an
Elizabeth Webster; Mary, m Vande object lesson, & made the central theme of speech
Grift. The County Records of Harford Co., & song in teaching the Indians the “Story of the
MG., show that John Mitchell owned considerable Cross.” According to records at Bethlehem,
property, as there is on record two deeds con John Mueller came back to America, arriving in
veying to him a total of 393 acres, one deed dated N. Y. in the ship Irene (a Moravian Congrega
Oct. 4, 1779, & the other Dec. 17, 1783. Some tional ship) on June 2, 1756, & is listed with “the
dispute evidently arose as to the validity of this single men.” Ref. “History of Bethlehem,” by
property, as there is on record a deed dated Dec. Levering. Frederick Mueller (“Sachsen"),
27, 1800, from a third party conveying the same i.e., from the Moravian country, was enlisted as
property to John Mitchell for five shillings. As a “private” May 8, 1781, in the service of the
was customary at that time, certain tracts or United States, under Nicholas Kern, Esq., Lt.
homesteads were known by names other than Col. This company was from Northampton Co.,
that of their owners, & the deeds from this land Pa., including Bethlehem. Ref. Pa. Arch.,
describe it as being part of a tract known as Series 5, Vol. 8, p. 35.-Miss Clara A. Beck, 504
“Stoney Ridge,” located abt five miles east of Swede St., Norristown, Pa., Annalist Mont'y Co.
Bel Air, Md. A portion of this land is now in Hist. Soc.
possession of some of his desc. This John 9937. GRAEF-GRAf. — Hans Graf was b in
Switzerland, 1661. Because of the persecution H. F. Eshleman. Have all the desc of Hans, Jr.,
of the Mennonites, he fled to Alsace. There he if desired.—Mrs. Bernis Brien, 223 Volusia Ave.,
was known as Baron Von Weldon. The coat of Dayton, Ohio.
arms is in possession of his desc, also a Bible 9938. STEVENS.–A movement was on foot the
printed in 1585 & an old clock. He came to Ger early part of 1800 to settle Pompey Hill, N. Y.,
mantown, Pa., in 1696, but settled later in Ches nr Syracuse, then a wilderness inhabited by the
ter Co., now Lancaster Co., Pa., where he Onondaga Indians. People came from N. H.,
had immense tracts of land. He was one Mass., Conn., & R. I. Israel Sloan, Sr., & fam
of the men commissioned to lay out the came in 1804 from N. H., Zadoc Seymour from
King's Highway from Lancaster to Phila Norfolk, Conn. John Stevens settled in Man
delphia, in 1733. The Hans Graf Associa lins, nr Syracuse, & it is said he had only an axe
tion was formed in 1865, & an effort was made & a small bundle on his shoulder. He m three
to locate & mark his grave. “It was found in times, name of 1st w unknown, she left three ch:
the Meeting-House yard marked with a rough Betsy, m Sutherland; Harriet, m
sandstone slab, on which the initials “H. G.' are Turner; a son who went to sea. John Stevens m
still legible, although nearly effaced by the rains 2ndly a widow, Elizabeth Gates, & to this union
& snows of 120 winters.” The examination of were b Horatio Perry, b Sept. 10, 1814; Caroline,
title papers disclosed the fact that the land now b 1818, m W. D. Sloan, Pompey Hill, Dec. 20,
belonging to the Meeting House was purchased 1843; Francine, m Beach; Rowl, a son,
by Hans Graf from the heirs of Wm. Penn, & who d in infancy. John Stevens m the 3rd time
deeded to the Society of Mennonites by one of Lovina Fillmore, the widow Allen. John
the sons of Hans Graf He d 1746. Will indexed Stevens is supposed to have d nr Dunkirk, in
as John Graf, Vol. A-1, Wills, p. 113, Lancaster western N. Y. Horatio Perry Stevens, b Sept.
Co. Ch. He gives “unto my beloved son Jacob 10, 1814, sometimes called “Commodore Perry”
Graf" & then “unto my dear & loving w Susanna because he was b on the first anniversary of
& her ch, Peter, Samuel, Marens, Daniel, John, “Perry's " victory on Lake Erie, m Harriet
David, Hannah, Fronicke & Mary. Of these ch, Sloan, Sept. 20, 1837, at Pompey Hill.—Olive
Jacob (1) (evidently by a first wy d 1770, had Harwood Lash.
John, Jacob, Melchior, Eve, Magdelena, Chris 9945. WILCox.-In the Syracuse Post Office
tina & Dorothee. Peter (2) d 1771, w Magde there is a tablet with the names of the Rev sol
lena, had Peter, Anna, m David Martin, Mary, diers & sailors who lived in Onondaga Co. As
m Abraham Graf. Samuel (3) m Christina, had Pompey is in Onondaga Co., I noticed your query.
dau Mary (4), Marens or Mark, d May 18, 1779, I copied the 400 names on the tablet. The names
w Anna Huwer, one son, Mark, six daus. of John & Samuel Wilcox are there, but not
Susanna m David Martin, Veronica m Abraham Enoch's.-Mrs. Olive H. H. Lash, 349 Brunson
Huntsberger, Barbara m Jacob Summy, Magde Ave., Benton Harbor, Mich.
lena m Christian Meyer, Elizabeth m Abraham 9949. SEVIER.—Write to Mrs. Nannee Sevier
Metzler, Mary m Michael Wenger. Daniel (5) Sabin, R. No. 2, Box No. 117, Johnson City,
d Jan. 16, 1770, w, Mary, two sons, Christian & Tenn., a desc of Valentine Sevier.—E. M. H.
Daniel. Dau Anna m Christian Burkholder, Moore, 1708 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Barbara m John Rohrer. John or Hans (6),
Jr., as he was called, was on the first tax list QUERIES
with his father in 1721. He d in 1780. Will in
9963. (a) Roberts. – Wanted, parentage of
York Co., Pa., but he is buried at Keedysville,
Md., Washington Co. His ch went into Mö. & Jonathan Roberts, of Brentwood, N. H., who m
Va., & the name is written Grove. Wife, Eliza at Windham, Me., Elizabeth Webb, April 1,
1767. A Will of John Roberts of Brentwood,
beth, had Jacob, b 1737, d. 1819, buried at Sharps
burg, Md.; Elizabeth, Henry & Catharine, & N. H., dated Dec. 5, 1746, proved Mar. 13,
George, m Mary Ferree in Lancaster, Pa., 1757 (vol. 3, 1741–1749, State Probate Rec of
thought to have been killed in Rev War, as N. H., p. 413), mentions w Eliz. & several sons
nothing is known of him after 1779, & in 1783 & daus, among them Jonathan, whom he made
sole exec. If this is the Jonathan Roberts who
his widow m Griffith Willett. Hannah (7) m
later went to Windham, Me., would like date of
Peter Good. Fronicke (8) m Henry Landis.
birth, & dates of father & mother with proofs.
Mary (9) m John Kry. David (10), b 1721, d —M. E. S.
1783, m Miss Moyer; had John, David, m
Barbara Hirst, Anna m Jacob Erd, Barbara m . 10006. FRANCIS-KNAPP-JAckson. — Wanted,
Christian Binckley. Reference: “Rupp's Hist. Rev service of William Francis, b Cranston,
of Lancaster Co.”; “Ellis & Evans' Hist. of R. I., 1737, m 1761 Esther Knapp, b Warwick,
Lancaster,” p. 925; “Harris Biographical Hist. R. I., 1740. They moved to Bristol, Ontario Co.,
of Lancaster Co.”; “Historic Background & N. Y., & d there. Wanted also, Knapp gen.
Annals of the Swiss & German Pioneer Settlers.” Their dau Betsy Francis m Elias Jackson, 1781–
1823, in Bristol, Ontario Co. He had bro Azer, 1720 & lived in Berks Co., Pa. Their son,
who came to Bristol 1803. Wanted, Jackson gen Joshua Evans, 1733–1778. m. Mary Thomas, &
& rec of any Rev service. their son. Philip Thomas Evans, b 1770, m Anna
(a) Sisson-MoREHorse—Wanted, parentage, Elizabeth Van Reed. Was there any Rev rec
gen & Rev rec of Stephen Sisson. who m Hopsy on this line?
Smith, an Eng. Quakeress & had 8 ch. He lived (a) THoMAs.-Mary Thomas Evans was the
14 miles from Bunker Hill during Rev War. dau of Philip Thomas, 1697–1773, & his w
Their 3d son, Stephen. 1766–1807. m Hannah Esther Wanted, her name & parentage.
Sears, dau of Alden Sears. Their son Judah. b Philip was the son of William Thomas, d 1717,
1802, m Oct. 26, 1825, at East Bloomfield. who m, 1694, Elizabeth Philips, d 1744. Wanted,
N. Y., Theodosia Morehouse, b 1805, dau of Rev rec & any other data on these lines.—A. B. A.
Josiah, an officer in the War of 1812, who kept 10013. AcKER.—Wanted, parentage of Mariah
a tavern at Brighton. Wanted. Morehouse gen Acker, 1743–1831, 2d w of Andrew Hershey, of
& proof of the service of Josiah. Lancaster Co., Pa.
(b) SIM Moss–Constant & Silence Simmons (a) KAUFF MAN.—Wanted, parentage with
lived in Dighton, Mass. 1740. had 11 ch. Johna dates of Esther Kauffman, 1776–1829. Did she
than m Ruth Gording, b 1769, resided in Bristol, m Andrew or Jacob Hershey : They were prob
Ontario Co., N. Y., moved to Ohio abt 1830. ably of Donegal Township, Lancaster Co., Pa.
—L. D. E.
Wanted. Rev rec of Constant Simmons & any
data that will help connect him with Moses 10014. BURBAN K.—Wanted, parentage & Rev
Simmons of the “Fortune.”—E. L. F. rec of father of Priscilla Burbank, Aug. 2, 1764–
10007. Solt.—Wanted, parentage of Magda April 8, 1831, who m, 1788, John Bradbury.
lena Solt, of Toamensing Township. Carbon Co., (a) OAKEs.—Wanted, parentage of Jonas M.
Pa., who m Martin Arner or Orner, 1774. Their Oakes, who m Sabrina N. Bradbury, Mar. 8,
ch were Paul & Elizabeth Barbara.—A. A. S. 1821.-F. S. U.
10008. Tºrrell.—Wanted, name & date of the 10015. GoodRICH-CLARK.—Joshua Goodrich, of
1st Terrell who came to America & name of Rocky Hill, Conn., & Pittsfield, Mass., b May 5,
county in Va. in which he settled; also parentage 1731, m Feb. 22, 1760, Mary Hubbard. Their
of Prestley Terrell who served in Rev. Wanted son Asa, b Sept. 2, 1766, m Aug. 18, 1784, Anna,
also, parentage of Archibald Terrell, who came dau of Nunn Clark. Wanted, Rev rec of Joshua
from Orange Co., Va., to Ky., 1807–A. W. Goodrich & Nunn Clark.
10009. LAMB.—Wanted, parentage & Rev rec (a) WHITE-Wanted, Rev rec of father of
of ancestor of Benjamine Fulton Lamb, b Feb. Hannah White, of Canaan, Conn., d Mar. 11,
8, 1807, probably in N. Y. State, m Oct. 11, 1832, 1832, who m, Oct. 25, 1781, Samuel Pierce, b
Julia Ann Meyers or Moyer in Lycoming Co., Sept. 22, 1756.
Pa. He had bros John, who went to Calif., (b) STOREy-BRANCH.—Solomon Storey, b in
Mathew, who d young, & David. Norwich, Conn., abt 1726, m Dorcas Branch,
(a) MEYER or Moy ER-MooRE.—John & Ann probably of Norwich, lived in Dalton, Mass.,
Barbara Meyer had son John Jacob, d. 1813. 1772–1778, & in Salisbury, Vt., 1778–1816.
Julia Moore, b July 18, 1770. They lived near Wanted, Rev rec of the father of Dorcas Branch
Jersey Shore, Pa. Wanted, Moore gen & any & of Solomon Storey.—J. P.
Rev rec of John or John Jacob Meyer.—J. L. T. 10016. WEST-Lyle.—Wanted, parentage of
10010. Clifford–Sally Clifford, b Wentworth, both Capt. Henry West, b 1775, of War of 1812,
N. H., May 20, 1797, m Alexander Rutherford, & of his w Nancy Lyle. They came from N. C.
Apr. 8, 1817. Her g-father was Isaac Clifford, to Ky., then moved to Tenn. after the war.
of Wentworth. Wanted, her parentage, giving (a) As HCRAFT-LUTON.—Wanted, parentage of
g-mother Clifford's name & gen.—A. D. M. both Thomas Ashcraft & of his w Temperance
10011. STROTHER - Eva Ns - ColeMAN. – Capt. Luton (Luten), of N. C., who came to Tenn.
John Evans, of Morgantown, Monongahela, Their dau, Martha Frances, b Jan. 29, 1826, in
Co., W. Va., m Gillie Coleman Strother, dau of Asheville, N. C., m John West, Nov. 23, 1841,
French & Lucy Coleman (of Robt.) Strother, of son of Capt. Henry West Wanted, any Rev rec
Culpeper Co., Va., Nov. 20, 1800. Nimrod on these lines.—J. W. P.
Evans, bro of Capt. John, m Dec. 29, 1801, Eliza 10017. HERRICK.—Elijah Herrick, b 1736/7,
French Strother, sis of Gillie C. Wanted, son of Stephen & Phebe Guile Herrick, m at
dates of birth of Gillie Coleman & Eliza French Preston, Conn., Miss Kinnie. Their ch:
Strother. Was French Strother, of Culpeper, Ephraim, b 1758; Elijah, b 1760; Wm., Stephen,
who d 1800, in the Rev 2 Would like to corre John, Roswell, Priscilla, Anna, Phebe, who m
spond with anyone who has worked out this Lemuel Ladd. Wanted, names of ws & ch of
line.—T. R. D. each of the above sons, with their dates. Did
10012. Eva Ns.-Wanted, name & gen of w of Stephen m Abigail & have a dau, Nancy,
Philip Evans, said to have come from Wales b Apr. 1, 1795?–E. M. C.
10018. INGRAHAM.—Wanted, name & date of Alexander Brown who m Sarah Hatton in Christ
m of Nathan Ingraham, Sr., b 1752, d. 1835, Church, Philadelphia, in 1765?
buried at Cornwall, Vt., came from Tolland, 10025. FARGo.—Wanted, gen & Rev rec of
Conn., & had a son Pitts. Could Pitts have been Thomas Turner Fargo, b 1765, d Oct. 6, 1861,
the maiden name of his mother? aged 96 years, He had a son Thomas, who m
(a) WILLARD.—Wanted, parentage & Rev ser Ann Mercey, b 1771, d. 1813. Their ch were b in
of the father of Lynde Willard, b 1790, was in Tyringham, Mass.-H. G. B.
War of 1812, d. 1871, m Hannah Rowe. 10026. HUNTINGTON.—Wanted rec of ser of
(b) ABORNs.—Wanted, parentage & Rev ser Solomon Huntington “ (Deacon Joseph,”
of the father of Dorcas Aborns who m David Deacon Simon,” Deacon Simon ") uncle of
Parkhill, Sr., & had ch David, b 1793, Chloe, Samuel Huntington, Signer of the Declara
Benjamin, & Troman. Ruth Aborns' sister tion of Independence, & of his son Solomon
Dorcas m William Baxter at Medfield, Mass. Huntington * b. Oct. 19, 1737, d Mar. 3, 1809,
(c) Rowe.—Wanted, dates & given name of w Windham, Conn.
of Ebenezer Rowe who m Reynolds. He (a) BUCKINGHAM–HosMER-GRIswold.—Sol
is supposed to have enlisted in Rev War at omon Huntington," 1737–1809, m Mary Buck
Albany, lived in New Canaan, Columbia Co., ingham b June 5, 1705 d Sept. 17, 1778, dau of
later moving to Elizabethtown & is buried on Thomas & Margaret (Griswold) Buckingham
Simonds Hill, grave not marked. Would like of Milford, Conn. & gr dau of Rev. Thomas
his Rev rec.—A. E. P. & Esther (Hosmer) Buckingham, of Milford,
10019. BRADFORD.—Wanted, ancestry of Capt. Conn. Wanted Hosmer, Griswold & Buck
John Bradford, who had a son Ephraim P. Brad ingham gen & rec of Rev ser.
ford, who m Mary Barker & had sons John, (b) SHEPARD–TINKER-DENISON. — Solomon
Joseph & James, b 1854.—H. B. N. Huntington,” m Mar. 28, 1762 Anna Denison
10020. MILLs.-Wanted, ancestry & place of b 1742. They lived in Windham, Conn. where
birth of Josiah Mills, of Long Island, b 1746, d he d Mar. 3, 1809. Was it their dau Lydia
1814, m Rachel Miller, b 1767. Wanted, place who m — Shepard? Wanted given name
of mar. Josiah Mills had a bro Zopher & sister of Shepard. Their dau Lydia m Elisha
(wanted name), who m Thos. or Theo. Smith. Tinker & moved to Perry Co., Ohio, after
—B. M. B. the Rev. Wanted gen & Rev rec of Shepard,
10021. BERRY.-Was Capt. Thos. Berry, of 8th Tinker & Denison families.
Va. Regt., Frederick Co., the father of Corporal 10027. HUNT.-Wanted name & dates of w of
David Berry, who m Hannah Pickering : Theophilus Hunt, New Milford, Conn., also
(a) WARD.—Josiah Ward & w Mary his dates. Mis son Wm. b 1769, at Brook
field, Conn., m Susannah Lovell, of New Mil
had son Elisha, b 1790. Was he the Josiah who
ford, Conn. His son Ezra b 1781 in Vt.? m
lived at West Springfield, Mass..?
Dema Sprague, at Canfield. Ohio, in 1804.
(b) HARRIS-T HoMAs.-Wanted, parentage of Theophilus Hunt had Rev rec. Did this fam
both Richard Harris, b 1777 & of his w Beulah
go to Vt. before coming to Pa. & Ohio.
Thomas, b 1784. Their son, Jonathan T. Harris, (a) REED.—Wanted name of w of Joseph
lived in Morgan Co., Ohio.—T. C. Reed & dates of b, m, & d of both. He served
10022. ALLEN.—Wanted, parentage of Benja in Rev from Duchess Co., N. Y. His son
min Allen, of Orangeburg Co., now Allendale, Brewster Reed served in War of 1812 on
S. C., b 1812, m abt 1843, Caroline Elizabeth Com. Perry's Flagship. He m Sarah Rogers.
Fuller, of Liberty Co., Ga. His widowed mother Wanted their dates. Their son Abraham b
Margaret m 2nd Fasher Long, a widower, & Oct. 6, 1799, in Van Rensselaer Co., N. Y.,
moved to Liberty Co., Ga.—B. G. came to Ohio & m Nancy Cox. of Dayton. O.,
10023. PERKINs.-Wanted, dates & place of b abt 1820. They moved to Ind. Would like to
& m of Lemuel Perkins who m Abigail, dau of correspond with any members of this family.
George & Mary Marden Foss, of Strafford, (b) WolfRoM.—Wanted dates of b, m, & d
N. H. Also place of b & m of their son John of Philip Wolfrom, who served in Rev from
Albany Co., Kinderhook Dist., N. Y. He
Perkins who m Hannah Hall. John & Hannah
m Eve Encobe (Eucoba) b in France. Their
are buried in Jackson, N. H. Who were the
ch were Henry, Eve, Katrina & Wm., who
parents of Hannah Hall?—M. A. B. m Sarah Totten abt 1805 at Coxsaxkie, N. Y.
10024. BRowN.—Wanted, parentage of John —J. B. B.
Alexander Brown, who m bef 1801 Sarah Hol 10028. Yonge.—Wanted data of the desc of
land, sister of Solomon Holland, of Montgomery both Henry & Philip Yonge who were among
Co., Md. Their ch were Hatton, b abt 1801, m the first colonists of Georgia, to whom allot
Deborah Shank; Mercer Alexander, b 1803. Is ments of land were granted by King
this John Alexander Brown the son of John George II, 1754.—J. C. F.
To insure Accuracy in the Reading of Names and Promptness in Publication
Chapter Reports must be Typewritten EDITOR
David Reese Chapter (University, Miss.). Chapter first obtained a charter. In May
Outside of the regular routine of chapter the Chapter invited the out-of-town mem
work, David Reese Chapter finds in the bers to an afternoon reception and pro
record of 1920 several matters of gen gram, celebrating the 20th anniversary of
eral interest. the receipt of the charter. A number ac
The Chapter has been filled with sadness cepted, and two descendants of David
by the death of two members to whose work Reese were present by special invitation.
in the beginning of D.A.R. history in Mis The roll call showed that the membership
sissippi the State owes much. Both Mrs. extended from Florida to Hawaii, from
Charlotte K. Wardlaw and Miss Helen Panama to China. The program consisted
Conkey have joined the Choir Invisible of patriotic songs, early English ballads
during the year. Both were charter mem sung in Colonial days, and some old folk
bers and ex-Regents of the Chapter, and music on the piano; a history of David
both kept to the close of their busy, Reese by Mrs. Nelson, one of his descend
fruitful lives a keen and active interest ants; a history of the founding of the Chap
in the welfare of the Chapter, and of the ter and of its place in State D.A.R. ac
National Society. tivity by Miss Lou Neilson; an account of
In January, 1920, the Chapter had the joy the local work of the Chapter by Miss
of paying tribute to a third associate of these Emma Hustace, and of the Real Daughter of
two on the occasion of her birthday. To the Chapter, by Miss Pegues. All these
Miss Lou Neilson's efficiency as Registrar records of chapter work were given by
not only David Reese Chapter but other charter members who could testify whereof
chapters in this and other States are debtors, they spoke, and made the program not only
for the Society owes many of its most valu interesting but very instructive.
able members to her patience and skill in The place cards in the dining room bore
tracing baffling lines. On her birthday the each the name of a guest's Revolutionary
Chapter Daughters gathered about her to ancestor. The gathering there was enlivened
hear some reminiscences of earlier days. by some charming readings given by Miss
Later, to her surprise, she was invited into Nelson, a descendant of David Reese, and
her dining room where her sister-in-law by the exhibition of some very interesting
presided. A birthday cake graced the cen mementos of chapter history, such as one
ter of the table surrounded by 13 five of the engraved invitations issued by Miss
pointed gilt stars, each point carrying a Conkey for a reception looking toward the
crimson candle, thus, with a tall candle “to organization of the chapter, several of the
grow on,” making up the tale of her years early year books, a picture from an old
in crimson and gold, the Chapter colors, and
producing at the same time the effect of the MAGAZINE of the Real Daughter of the Chap
ter and the Chapter charter.
D.A.R. emblem. On each member's plate
In many of these early papers the Chap
lay a knot of the National colors, but the ter founders expressed their eager wish to
guest of honor found on hers a D.A.R. emulate the virtues of their Revolutionary
spoon also with the congratulations of the ancestors; to us their successors in the
Chapter, conveying but faintly the love and Chapter there comes sometimes a doubt
esteem of each Daughter. whether we can attain even remotely to the
David Reese Chapter claims the honor of virtues of our founders.
having made the first preliminary D.A.R. (MRs. CALVIN S.) MAUD MoRRow Brown,
organization in the State, though Natchez Regent.
Major William Thomas Chapter (St. proud of Major Hodges. I give here a brief
Mary's City, Maryland) celebrated its fifth sketch of his service record:
birthday October 23rd with a delightful party Major Courtney Hicks Hodges enlisted No
in the hospitable home of Mrs. George P. vember 5, 1906, in Company L, 17th Infantry, was
Toker. The chief work of the year has been promoted corporal February 1, 1907, and to ser
to raise funds for the Soldiers' Memorial to geant July 12, 1907. He won the gold medal in
be placed in Leonard Town, the county seat, the Atlantic Division Rifle Competition and the
to the honor and glory of the boys from St.
Mary's who gave their lives or who gave
their services for the World War. Some of
the members gave card parties in their
homes, raising therefrom $208.50. During
the summer our Chapter made a drive
through the county for the fund, raising
$657.50, making a total of $866.00 the Chap
ter has raised for this memorial.
Our charities have not been neglected this
year, either; in addition to the regular con
tribution to the Memorial Continental Hall
fund, the Chapter has contributed to the
Emily Nelson Ritchie McLean Scholarship in
St. Mary's Seminary, to the Mrs. Pembroke
Thorn Scholarship, to the Francis Scott Key
Scholarship and to the scholarship at Spring
field, Mass., Maryland D.A.R. American
ization work, also to bronze tablet on
Battleship Maryland. We are hoping not
to fall behind, but to press forward during
the next five years to still greater things.
St. Mary's City, Maryland.
gust 29, 1918. Was promoted to major, June 7, bridge, and set up their homes or trading
1918, and commanded the Second Battalion, posts upon the rising ground beyond, over
6th Infantry, in the St. Mihiel offensive and was looking the Atlantic Ocean. From that
cited in Division Orders for gallantry in action. time this section became Mount Wollaston,
He commanded the same battalion in the Meuse and the stream Mount Wollaston River.
Argonne offensive, his battalion being first “The captain, whose given name is not
across in the forcing of the crossing of the known, finding one winter in this climate
Meuse River and canal at Brieulles. He was quite sufficient, sailed away to Virginia, and
promoted to lieu was heard from
tenant colonel and only once after
took part in the ward. His name
last attack of the remained, how
w ar, November ever.
10, 1918, in the “After the de
capture of Jametz. parture of Cap
Served with the ta in Wollaston,
Army of Occupa the traders, under
tion at Trieve, sway of their
Germany, from moving spirit, one
December 1, 1918, Thomas Morton,
to March 9, 1919, ---------
a man of educa
and in the Grand tion and ability,
Duchy of Luxem LAUGHTEºs º º but a profligate,
bo urg to July, threw off all alle
1919. He took giance to their
part in the A.E.F. former leader, and
Rifle Competition while they con
a t Le Man s tinued for three
France, winning years a flourish
third place, and ing fur trade, gave
returned to the themselves over
with the regiment, bridled license.
July 22, 1919. He graduated from the Field Here, on the first of May, 1627, they set up a
Artillery School Class of 1920, and is now on gigantic May pole 80 feet high, and proceeded
duty at the United States Military Academy, with ceremonies which scandalized their staid
West Point, N. Y. Plymouth neighbors, who sternly rebuked them.
Mrs. Alva DAvis, “Later, when Morton began trading fire
Regent. arms to the Indians for furs, the neighboring
settlement became alarmed, and Captain Myles
Standish with his invincible army descended
Abigail Phillips Quincy Chapter (Wollas
ton, Mass.) in October, 1920, completed ten upon Merry Mount and captured Morton.
years of patriotic activity. In commemoration “Governor Endicott, reaching Salem in
of the anniversary of its organization, the Chap
1628, upon hearing of these escapades, with
grim promptitude sailed over and hewed
ter wished to mark some historic site and the
down the Maypole.
landing place of Captain Wollaston, for whom “Morton was sent to England, where it
the region is named, was selected. was found that he had not committed any
On a granite post of the bridge on the ocean crime under the laws of the Crown. At lib
boulevard, over the mouth of the creek where
erty, he soon returned to Merry Mount and
Captain Wollaston moved his bark, was placed his fur business.
a marker of Quincy granite bearing the D. A. R.
insignia and an appropriate inscription. “His insolent presence again molested the
The exercises were opened by the Regent, Mrs. Puritan settlers, and in midwinter, 1630, after
Arthur D. Ropes, who welcomed the many being held in the stocks, he was banished
guests, and introduced the Past Regent, Mrs. from the country, his sailing being timed to
Edward S. Tenney, who had the exercises in compel him to witness from the ship the
charge. Mrs. Tenney said, in part: burning of his house. So ended the episode.
“In the year 1625 Captain Wollaston and his “From that time the name Merry Mount
company of traders sailed up this little inlet, has been attached to this location, which at
landed on the south shore near the end of this present is in the hands of a land development
company. The road directly up the hill is non-residents. On Memorial Day we marked 23
part of the projected Pilgrim Boulevard; to graves with Iowa flags and flowers, our Chaplain,
the right, and parallel, is Maypole Boulevard. Miss Emma Cooper, a real granddaughter, giv
Just a short distance up this road is a triangle ing a beautiful tribute to each deceased member.
of greensward, to be known as Maypole Cor In May came a call from the Home Service
ners, where it is believed the famous Maypole Red Cross to help a family in need. One dress
stood. On top of the hill is the site of the for the mother and three dresses for the little
huge cedar, the center motif on our Quincy girl were made by a few faithful workers
city seal, because it is affirmed that it at December 2nd our Chapter had the honor of
tracted Captain Wollaston to this shore, and entertaining the State Regent, Mrs. Mann; also
was his landmark many miles down the bay. our State Secretary, Mrs. Frisbee, and the State
This old tree was blown down during a ter Historian, Mrs. F. B. Thrall, who is a Chapter
rific storm in 1898, but is carefully preserved member, at a luncheon at Hotel Ottumwa. We
in city hall. The land company's plans call are 100 per cent. for Americanization work. A
for a park, to be known as Maypole Park, reception was given for new American citizens at
which will enclose the site of this old cedar, the Library. Flags, both national and state, were
the same to be appropriately marked. This presented to both husband and wife. Judge
will be a welcome addition to our park Wade gave a fine address; over one hundred were
system, which already includes a beautiful present. Mr. J. C. Dalzell, who had been the
reservation known as Merry Mount Park. instructor of the class, acted as chairman.
“September 20, 1920, was the first anniver We have distributed 500 American Creeds for
sary of the launching of the U. S. S. Merry use in Library, $1.25; also we gave three outfits
Mount, which Quincy had the honor of nam for Serbian relief, made at $21.50 each, total
ing in recognition of her activity in Liberty $63.50; one scholarship to Dorothy Sharp School,
Loan campaigns. $50; one outfit for Serbian Relief made, money
“The Abigail Phillips Quincy Chapter, given by Miss Avery. Amount given for cele
D. A. R., endeavoring always to be a potent bration for Soldier Boys' Homecoming, $10;
force in philanthropic, educational and pa amount given for Historical Spots, $2.50; amount
triotic affairs, takes pride and pleasure in taken out by Chapter for Thrift Stamps, $25;
presenting to the city of Quincy this amount of sweaters given to Home Social Serv
simple marker.” ice, $42; one scholarship to International College
The tablet was unveiled by two great given through Chapter by Maude Sisk, $50; two
grandchildren of Mrs. Ellen J. Pinkham, historical relics sent, two national holidays cele
who, with Mrs. Elizabeth Sanborn, early brated, two ancestral services sent to Historian,
settlers of Wollaston, both over ninety years one paper on Americanization, 100 books col
of age, were honored guests of the Chapter. lected for the library for boys overseas, D. A. R.
Mayor Whiton accepted the tablet for the National Liberty Loan, over quota, $10; one
city of Quincy. Near East orphan adopted, $60; patriotic float in
Our State Regent, Mrs. Franklin P. Shum parade, $20; 43 military records given to
way, was then introduced, and in her usual State Historian.
pleasing manner congratulated the Chapter MRs. JAY PATTERSoN,
upon its achievements of the past 10 years, Regent.
prominent among these being its war work,
to which it contributed $800 in money.
Paulus Hook Chapter (Jersey City, N. J.).
Mrs. Walter P. Jones read a poem, “Our Looking back over our year's work we find
Home—Wollaston,” written by Mrs. Ellen much has been accomplished—our gift of
Pinkham. About seventy-five school chil
$250 towards a moving-picture machine for
dren sang, accompanied by cornet, “America." the International Institute of the Y. W. C. A.
at opening and the “Star-Spangled Banner" being of constructive value in Americaniza
at closing of exercises. tion work, while our members have at inter
Through the courtesy of the Society of vals given patriotic talks at the Institute.
Colonial Dames, the Quincy Homestead We have contributed to the Salvation Army
(Dorothy Q. House) was opened to the Emergency Fund, and also $25 to work in the
Chapter and its guests. The atmosphere of Pines at Vincentown.
this wonderful homestead of 1687 lent a
We honored our first Regent and present
fitting ending to a day of historic interest Honorary Regent, by becoming founders of
and significance. IDA. F. WATER HOUSE, the Tamassee School for Mountain Whites
and call it the “Althea R. Bedle Foundation.”
Elizabeth Ross Chapter (Ottumwa, Iowa). We have also acceded to the requests of the
We have a membership of 141, 30 of whom are National Society in Washington, in so far as
we were able, contributing to state and can if we would preserve the ideals for which
national scholarships. our fathers died.
Our membership is now 64. We have held May every member feel that her individual
three business meetings during the year, and talent is needed in this work. “ Not failure.
frequent Board meetings, when the work of but low aim, is crime,” and in the year to come
the Chapter has been discussed and planned. may our aim be higher than ever before.
Nor have we overlooked the social work of MAY C. McKELVEY,
the Chapter, one interesting meeting being Recording Secretary, Pro Tem.
held at the home of Mrs. Voorhees when Dr.
Carl Reiland, of St. George's, New York, Bradford Chapter (Canton, Pa.) celebrated
gave a noteworthy address. its 10th birthday on October 8, 1919, at the
When our Chapter became of age, we home of Mrs. E. T. Barnes, and we were
celebrated our 21st birthday by a lunch honored by the presence of our State Regent,
eon, which was a delightful occasion. It was Mrs. Anthony Wayne Cook, who gave a
a great pleasure to have our State Regent, most interesting talk. Several musical num
Mrs. Fitts, with us; also Mrs. Berry, and bers were rendered and a synopsis of the
Mrs. Blackburn, of the Founders and Pa Chapter's history was given by our first and
triots' Society, as well as our own Honorary Organizing Regent, Mrs. G. E. Newman.
Regent and Vice Regents. Dr. E. W. Giles, Mrs. L. T. McFadden succeeded Mrs.
of East Orange, was the speaker of the day, Newman as Regent, and at their retirement
and his spirited address had for its title “The from office they were made Honorary Re
Criminal Extravagance of the Age.” gents of the Chapter and ex-Regents' bars
Our luncheon in honor of our retiring were presented to them in appreciation of
Regent, Mrs. Sisson, has certainly been de their faithful and efficient leadership.
lightful and we must thank our able Commit During the World War we were allied with
tee for their work. A card party and cake the Red Cross Society 100 per cent. in all its
sale, with Mrs. Stratford as chairman, was a activities, generously meeting the various
financial success, and members and their demands made upon us; we gave full quota
friends spent a pleasant afternoon together. to the National Society Liberty Bond, full
Let us take “service " as our watchword quota to the Tilloloy Fund, to the Liquida–
for the coming year. America at the present tion Fund of Continental Hall debt, to Bel
time needs the services of every loyal Ameri gian Relief, to the Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A.,
a scholarship to train a Pennsylvania girl in Concord Mass., the Chapter this year having
the National Service School for War Relief, historic towns of New England for general
to the United States Hospital at Carlisle, to topic. “A Visit to the Ancestral Home of
the War Workers’ Fund, to the Philippine George Washington, at Sulgrave, England,”
Scholarship Fund, Tamassee School and was the subject of Mrs. H. H. Witherstine.
the International College at Springfield, Mrs. Witherstine was a Minnesota delegate
Mass.; to the Children's Home at Pittsburgh, to the conference of the International Coun
and contributed to many other worthy cil of Women in Christiania, Norway.
causes. We served a dinner on Memorial In her address she also talked of the
Day to all Canton boys who had returned women of Finland; of their love and grati
from the World War. tude to the United States for the aid extended
One of our sons, Leroy Gleason Clark, in their time of peril. At the close of Mrs.
having made the supreme sacrifice on the Witherstine's paper she gave to the Roches
fields of France, a bronze memorial tablet ter Chapter a beautiful sepia picture of Sul
has been placed by the Chapter in the Green grave Manor, the ancestral home of George
Free Library. Washington, purchased at that place. The
We have made it a custom to place annu Chapter voted to place the gift in the Roches
ally in our town library one or more volumes; ter Public Library.
we now have all Lineage Books available to February 1st the Civic League Day lunch
date, Index to Lineage Books, all the Smith eon was served to 150 members of the Civic
sonian Reports and many other valuable League by the ladies of Calvary Episcopal
genealogical and historical books. Church in Margaret Brackenridge Memorial
We took an active part in the Good Roads Hall. Seated at the guest of honor table
Campaign for this section of the county, were Mrs. Marshall H. Coolidge, State Re
giving special attention to the promotion of gent; Mrs. Charles Mayo, Mrs. E. O. Holland,
the Old Susquehanna Trail up the valley be Chapter Regent; Mrs. Geo. J. Allen, Presi
tween Williamsport, Pa., and Elmira, N. Y. dent Minnesota Federation of Women's
Our Corresponding Secretary, Miss Nelle Clubs; Mrs. Hinckley, State Secretary, and
M. Black, was honored by receivng the ap Miss Margaret Sullivan, President of the
pointment from the President General, Mrs. Civic League, Mrs. Holland presiding.
Guernsey, of one of the five scholarships Directly following the luncheon and musi
awarded the N. S. D. A. R. by the Women's cale program arranged by Miss Madge Pol
Section of the Navy League, in the National lock, Mrs. E. O. Holland presented Mrs.
Service School for Women at Washing Coolidge, State Regent of Minnesota. She
ton, D. C. spoke upon “The Duties of Patriotic Women
We give cash prizes annually to those stu of America.” The origin, history and achieve
dents of eighth-grade work who attain high ments of the National Society were clearly
est percentage in United States history, and concisely given. Most interesting was
desiring to encourage more careful study the detailed account of the membership of
of the history of our country. Copies of the our honored associate member, Maria San
American Creed have been distributed to ford. Her realized dream of attending as
Chapter members, memorized and repeated delegate the National D. A. R. Congress at
at our Chapter meetings. Washington, and the reception and delivery
Present officers, elected in May, 1920, are: of that classic, “The Apostrophe to the Flag.”
Regent, Mrs. E. T. Barnes; Vice Regent, Mrs. Coolidge's beautiful tribute to the
Mrs. Frederick Tripp; Secretary, Mrs. George mothers and sons of the late World War
Warren; Corresponding Secretary, Miss touched upon the heart strings. In closing
Nelle M. Black; Registrar, Mrs. Alden Mrs. Coolidge appealed to women to take up
Swayze; Treasurer, Mrs. Fanny Derrah; His their duties as citizens, to inform themselves
torian, Mrs. Byron H. Crawford; Chaplain, and to aid their sisters not so fortunate as
Mrs. Emeline Leavitt. the American women.
(MRS. B. H.) ADDIE W. CRAwford, BELLE Boy Nton WELCH,
Historian. Chairman Committee on Patriotic Education.
We have paid our quota to the Tilloloy and gave a “Colonial tea" to the “Governor
Liberty Loan Funds. Our Chapter gave $5 Thomas Welles Society,” Children of the
towards Patriotic Education and a member American Revolution, 175 being present.
also gave $5. Another member is giving The exercises for the presentation of a flag
her time to teach in the night school at to the Boy Scout Troop No. 7, given by the
the old Central High School building, and District Daughters, was well attended. I
the Chapter helped in furnishing refresh read a paper on the flag, after which the
ments at the commencement exercises of the presentation was made. Mr. Livingston,
school on February 24th. President of the Boy Scouts of America,
Our Chapter has shown great interest in then made the principal address.
Americanization work. Madam de Vereya, One of the happiest occasions of the Con
wife of the Resident Commissioner of the
gress was the presentation of the Chapter
Philippines, gave a lecture on “The Islands, Regent's pin by Mrs. J. B. Frances Herre
Their People and Industries” through our shoff, better known to us as Mrs. Carrie
Chapter for the benefit of Americanization. Enslow. I prize very much this pin coming
One of our members taught a class of 25 during my administration, and I know, as it is
for six weeks using the Americanization text passed on, each Regent will wear it with as
books. We also gave $6 towards this much love and pride as I have done.
worthy cause. At our meeting of May 17th the Chapter
Our Red Cross Committee has done splen presented a pin to Miss Elizabeth Pierce,
did work. Among other things we sold $21 Chaplain General.
worth of the publication by the soldiers of During the two years I have been Regent,
Walter Reed Hospital called “Come Back.” I have not missed a single Chapter meeting.
We secured 84 Red Cross members, two of Our topics were: Mountaineers, American
whom were from Paris. Several of our Red Cross, Americanization, Hygienic Edu
members were engaged from time to time at cation, Pan-America, Constitution of the
the Red Cross Headquarters in cutting out United States (Round Table), and the
garments for European sufferers. A number Balkans. At each meeting a paper was read
of boys of Walter Reed Hospital have been by one of our members and an address, most
entertained in different homes of our mem generally by some member of Congress or
bers. We have a committee that visits Walter noted speaker.
Reed boys regularly and takes them maga Whatever measure of success that has
zines, etc. It was my privilege and pleasure come to this Chapter during the past two
to make the sample baby layette for the years is due to the untiring zeal and coöpera
Belgian babies for the D. A. R. auxiliary tion of its members.
District of Columbia. MRs. Goodwin D. Ellsworth,
On January 7th, as is our custom, we cele Regent (1919–1920).
brated St. Distaff's Day. The State Officers
and State Regents and friends of the Chapter Priscilla Mullens Chapter (Galena, Ill.).
were invited. The first hour of the meeting October 15, 1920, was a red letter day in the
was given over to a discussion of the pur Chapter's history, since its organization, plans
chase of a Chapter House for the Daughters have been made to mark the site of the old
of the American Revolution of the District Block House used during the Black Hawk
of Columbia. Mrs. Hodgkins presided. The War—1831–1832.
idea of a Chapter House originated in the The consummation of these plans occurred
Columbia Chapter some years ago. Consti upon the above date, when a boulder of
tution Chapter has revived the project and North Carolina granite was unveiled upon
we expect to devote our best energies to the Block House site and a bronze marker
wards the fulfillment of this plan. I am glad
to say it has been indorsed by the President placed upon the old house.
The bronze tablet set in the face of the
General and the Daughters generally. Offi
cers elected: Chairman, Mrs. Goodwin D. granite boulder has the following inscription:
Ellsworth; Vice Chairman, Mrs. Waterman; “Erected upon the site of the Block House
Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Emig; Treas commanding the stockade, which was used
urer, Mrs. Vallond. Great enthusiasm pre as a place of safety during the Black
vailed, and during the evening several of the Hawk War
ladies gave $25 each. 1831–32
We gave a donation towards a flag for the by the
Boy Scouts. We are especially interested in Priscilla Mullens Chapter, D. A. R.
the Boy and Girl Scout movement. Galena, Ill.
On February 23rd, Constitution Chapter 1920 "
The bronze tablet placed on Miss Mar wonderful view of the city and the county for
garet Gardner's home records: miles around—the distant horizons of Iowa
and Wisconsin can be seen from this location.
“Site of the stockade The stockade ran below, over the level streets
Built June, 1832 —and in early days it was called the prairie.
By the side of the boulder is a flagpole, the
“It served as a place of refuge during the
Black Hawk War and saved the settlement gift of Mrs. R. I. McKee, Honorary Regent,
from attack. This house was within the and a large flag floats from its mast, the gift
stockade and has intact the oak-beamed
of Mrs. Henderson Smith, another loyal and
underground rooms as they were at that time.
patriotic member. This flag was raised on
“This marker is erected by the Priscilla Armistice Day, and the Chapter intends to
Mullens Chapter, D. A. R., Galena, Ill., in keep “Old Glory” on “The Point " guard
ing Galena for many years to come.
recognition of the great debt owed the Pio
neers of the Lead Mine District—1920.” FLORENCE GRATIot BALE,
This house incorporated in its rebuilding Regent.
the original log house and is a pretty
modern dwelling. Cresap Chapter (Cumberland, Maryland).
These two ceremonies were attended by On Thanksgiving Day, at 4.30 P.M., a hand
the State Officers, Mrs. H. Eugene Chubbuch some bronze tablet was erected with brief
and Mrs. Frank Bowman, Regent and Cor but impressive exercises, to mark the site
responding Secretary; Mrs. Morris, Vice of Old Fort Cumberland. The tablet was
President General from Minneapolis and erected on the outer stone wall of Emmanuel
chairman of Committee in Marking Historic Episcopal Church Lot, corner of Washing
Sites, and Mrs. Luther Deermut, represent ton and Water Streets. The memorial is
ing Rockford Chapter. The program was made of bronze, 42 inches long and 32
in charge of Mrs. R. I. McKee. Rev. Samuel inches wide, and is of exquisite design. The
Jundt was chaplain, and community patriotic view of the Old Fort on the hill with
singing was led by Mrs. McKee, who sang stockade is artistically shown in bas relief
“Illinois" as a solo. above the inscription.
The G. A. R., Sons of Veterans, American Mayor Thomas W. Koon presided, and
Legion, and the Women's Circle, G. A. R., with Mrs. George R. Daisy, Regent of
and Legion Auxiliary were represented at Cresap Chapter, and members of that so
the ceremony. ciety, members of Fort Cumberland Post,
The Regent, Mrs. William Bale, presented American Legion; Mr. James W. Thomas,
the boulder to the city, and it was accepted Rev. Father Marcellus Horn and Rev.
by Judge William Hodson. The unveiling Ambrose H. Beaven, stood on a slight de
ceremony was performed by little Miss Kate pression on the church hill above the wall
Priestly and Master Robbie McKee. These directly back of the flag-covered tablet.
two young people, being of especial interest The exercises were opened with the
to the Chapter, as “Kate" is a direct de playing of “America" by the Municipal
scendant of Priscilla Mullens, whose name Band. Following the invocation offered by
the Chapter bears, and “Bobbie” is the son Rev. Ambrose Beaven, Rector of the Em
of Mrs. R. I. McKee, who organized the manuel Episcopal Church, Mrs. George R.
Daughters of the American Revolution Daisy, the Regent of the Cresap Chapter,
in Galena. presented the tablet to the City of Cumber
The Chapter entertained the guests at land. The speaker then pulled up the cord,
luncheon at Mrs. McKee's home, and Miss holding the silken flag that covered the tab
Margaret Gardner served a unique afternoon let, while “The Star-Spangled Banner"
tea in her historic old home after the was played by the band.
tablet had been unveiled and dedicated by In his speech of acceptance on behalf of
Mrs. Chubbuch. the people of Cumberland, Mayor Koon
The visiting Daughters were then taken thanked the Daughters of the American
for a drive over the hills of beautiful old Revolution for their patriotic gift of so
Galena and visited the Mt. Grant homes, beautiful a monument to the pioneer found
marked by the Priscilla Mullens Chapter ers of Cumberland, which he said would
in 1919. endure long after those who assembled there
The site upon which the boulder is placed were gone. The speaker expressed the wish
has long been called “The Point,” and it is that in future years other monuments to
no wonder the early settlers chose it as the mark the sacrifices of those who perished
location of a “lookout”—it commands a in war that this country might live would
Cumberland as a -
strategic base of ZINE, we have a
operations in the
French and In
| patriotic
mittee in
dian War. He tº school, and the
toncluded his ad pupils have been
dress with a eulogy on the life of Washington. taught the American's Creed, the Flag Code and
The exercises closed with the benediction patriotic songs. We are offering a D.A.R. signet
by Rev. Father Marcellus Horn, chaplain ring to the child making the highest average in
of Fort Cumberland Post, American Legion. American history, for the scholastic year of 1920.
EUDORA. W. HANLY, 1921. Our Regent requested every member
Historian. who could to purchase a war savings stamp
as a thanksgiving offering, and she always
Sergeant Newton Chapter (Covington, stresses the value of thrift at every meeting.
Ga.). On September 6, 1920, the Chapter We are planning to celebrate Georgia Day
began its fall work by observing the 162nd in a fitting manner, and the members of
birthday of General Lafayette. The Regent, Sergeant Newton Chapter are known as a
Mrs. William Conyers Clark, had issued in body of women who stand shoulder to
vitations to the celebration, and her home shoulder for the three great words, “Lib
was elaborately decorated with French and erty, Equality, Fraternity.”
American flags for the occasion.
We have had celebration of Armistice GERTRUDE ANDREws KilpATRick,
Day, and our program in December, com Recording Secretary.
West Augusta Chapter (Mannington, but the armistice was signed before she
W. Va.) has lost two members through was called. -
transfer to another chapter and one through The Chapter took its name from the river
resignation, and gained an additional mem on whose banks the city of Sterling is built.
ber through transfer from the Battle Creek, The river is celebrated for its beautiful
Mich., Chapter. Our membership is 29. scenery and is now under consideration as
The Chapter emphasized in its work a part of the State Park system.
during the past year thrift and conservation. A local attorney is a greatly appreciated
Our able chairman in this work, Mrs. James friend of the Chapter, and at the time of the
S. Furbee, gave talks to the High School organization he presented it with a gave;
pupils on thrift and interested the young made from the historic Washington Elm
people of the community in saving. Mem at Cambridge.
bers of the Chapter adopted the “Budget One member has presented the Chapter
System " as suggested in literature sent with a large silk flag; another with a mem
from Washington. ory book for clippings, etc., and other gifts
Work in Americanization was continued. have been received.
Placards on which was printed the Con The Chapter has been very fortunate in
stitution of the United States were placed its Organizing Regent, Mrs. Frank J.
in public places, and the American's Creed Bowman, who has equipped it with elegant
was distributed among the foreign element and durable record books besides bestowing
in our section. many other gifts, and who has worked un
We have contributed to various projects tiringly in securing members and cementing
when called upon, including the Sarah a strong organization which may be a credit
Guernsey Scholarship Fund, and with our to the National Society. Mrs. Bowman, who
small membership West Augusta has is still the Regent of Rock River Chapter
worked to make the organization recognized and also State Corresponding Secretary of
as preeminent in patriotic matters in the Illinois, has attended every Continental
community. Congress since the organization of the
(MRs. GUY S.) Joseph INE FURBEE. Chapter, and has familiarized herself with
the work of the National Society.
Rock River Chapter (Sterling, Ill.) was ElizaBETH CoE,
entertained by the Regent on December Historian.
11th, in honor of its third anniversary. The Phoebe Bayard Chapter (Greensburg, Pa.).
State President, Mrs. Chubbock, and Vice With the gracious hospitality for which the
President General Mrs. Bahnsen, were pres Daughters are famous, Phoebe Bayard
ent. A delicious turkey dinner was served Chapter, on January 14, 1921, enter
in the dining room, which is furnished with
handsome furniture of the Revolution
tained in honor of the 25th anniversary
of the founding of the Chapter. The affair
ary period.
was held in connection with the regular
Rock River Chapter was organized in meeting of the Chapter, in the Steckel
war times, December, 1917, with 18 charter studio. Following the business session with
members, all of whom were busily engaged the Regent, Mrs. Samuel Alwine presiding,
in Red Cross and other lines of war work. an interesting program was carried out with
The war work is over and the members, Miss Frances Steckel announcing the num
now numbering 51, are enjoying the de bers. Miss Jean Sawhill, of Jeannette,
lightful work of the D. A. R. played a piano solo. Mrs. Harry E. Reamer
Many interesting events have become a read a paper on the life of Major General
part of the Chapter's history. Armistice Arthur St. Clair, written by Miss Laura
Day, November 11, 1918, a meeting was B. Cope. Two vocal numbers, much ap
called and resolutions of gratitude to the preciated by the audience, were sung by Mrs.
men of the World War were passed. All L. E. Walters. Herself a charter member,
quotas, from the time of its organization Mrs. Jeffrey W. Taylor read a history of
until now, have been met. The Chapter the Chapter and told of the early days of
has been honored in having a member the organization named for Phoebe Bayard,
elected State Corresponding Secretary. wife of the famous Revolutionary patriot,
There are 11 names on the War Honor Roll, Major General Arthur St. Clair. The
Greensburg Chapter, with a charter mem
all but one of whom were commissioned or
non-commissioned officers. One member
bership of 25, boasted of three Real Daugh
ters of the Revolutionary War. Eleven
of the Chapter qualified for war nurse, regents have served the Chapter. One
hundred and thirty-seven members is the has kept the balance of our social and patri
highest number reached, and the present otic interests in a most successful manner.
membership is 109. - The first meeting of the year was a
Mrs. Joseph E. Mitinger was hostess of luncheon to our Vice-President General,
the day and served delectable refreshments. Mrs. C. C. Cottle, a former member, and
Presiding at the coffee urn was the Regent, Mrs. L. B. Stooky, Vice-State Regent, our
while Mrs. Emma Brinker served the huge former Regent, both beloved for their un
white birthday cake, topped with lighted tiring service. Mrs. Knight, of the Fed
red tapers. The table was most attractive eral Reserve district, represented Mrs.
with lighted candles and decorations in Cottle, who is Chairman of Thrift. Miss
red, white and blue. Mrs. Brinker was intro Farrington, just returned from the Far East,
duced as “Phoebe Bayard,” and appeared spoke of conditions as she found them. Mrs.
in a quaint costume of cross-bar silk. Little J. T. Anderson discussed community service
Miss Hays, the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. activities. Then came the talk of John
W. D. Hays, presented a bouquet of pink McGroaty, author of the “Mission Play,”
roses and white narcissi to each of the about the early Spanish days, a suitable
charter members present, Mrs. Mary Laird starting point for a year's patriotic work.
Highberger and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Taylor, The tercentenary celebration of all the
after they had been toasted by Mrs. Mary Daughters of Southern California at Ebel,
Widaman Winsheimer. The Chapter also November 16th, was an event.
celebrated Washington's Birthday. Mrs. Our Chapter devoted the December
Samuel Alwine, the Regent, escorted to the meeting to the Pilgrims, and the philo
platform a diminutive Martha Washington sophical and well-balanced discussion of the
and gave the Chapter's welcome to its subject by Mrs. A. S. Lobinger was com
guests. Miss Jean Brinker, granddaughter pleted by the personal touch given by the
of the chairman, looked charming in her descendants of the Mayflower, making a com
Martha Washington furbelows. plete program as our Vice-State Regent
(MRs. FRANKLIN B.) SARAH RUPP MEYERs, expressed it. Then we did our part for the
Historian. Colonial exhibit, which would have been a
credit to staid, dignified old Plymouth.
Eschscholtzia (California), organized in Our reciprocity luncheons are open to all
1894, is the largest chapter in the State and D. A. R. members and are most satisfactory.
next to the oldest. Its founder was Mrs.
Jessie Benton Fremont, and the Chapter has Historian.
lived up to the traditions of this illustrious
dame. There are now in Los Angeles seven Eunice Farnsworth Chapter (Skowhegan,
chapters: Cabrillo, El Camina, Rael, Gen Me...). A memorial has been erected by
eral Fremont, Hollywood, Los Angeles, Eunice Farnsworth Chapter, Skowhegan,
Tierra Alta and Eschscholtzia. Some of the Me., in honor of the sons and other near
members of each of these chapters have relatives of members who served in the
come from Eschscholtzia. World War, and in memory of one who did
Our meeting place being Ebel Club House not return. It is in the form of a sundial,
makes it opportune for us to entertain the and has been placed in Coburn Park, a pic
other chapters in turn, as well as the many turesque municipal park which looks down
visiting daughters. through a border of tall pines and spreading
We have answered the demands of the oaks upon the ragged ledges and swirling
National Society (the Liberty Bonds, waters of the Great Eddy of the Kennebec
French orphans, village, etc.), and contrib River. The park has been attractively laid
uted to the fountain at Plymouth and the out with drives and walks, planned to afford
picture to be sent to France. views of the river, and with groups of shrub
bery and groves of native and exotic trees.
The Albion school, where foreign mothers
At the entrance, just south of the main
are taught to sew and care for their fam
ilies, and also Maternity Cottage, Children's
driveway where it divides to east and west,
is a circle of green, surrounded by a border
Hospital, Day Nursery, and Los Angeles
of flowering plants backed by shrubbery.
Orphanage received our local contributions. The center of this grassy circle, which is
Also the Manual for New Americans; then the place of honor of the park, was chosen
to the George, Jr., an organization that for the site of the little monument.
succeeds in helping wayward boys to live The pedestal is a shaft in simple design
normal lives. of Indiana sandstone, and the dial is of cast
Our efficient Regent, Mrs. J. C. Barlow, bronze, bearing the motto: “Grow old
Monday in each month, and a fine patriotic serv torical relics. Mrs. Holmes gave a facsimile of
ice was held February 22nd in the Presbyterian the Declaration of Independence.
Church, Day Street, Orange. CARRA. E. WILcox,
All have particularly enjoyed the social meet Historian.
ings, when our Chapter entertained the C. A. R.,
at the picnic and the Christmas party, as well as Astoria Chapter (Astoria, Ore.). The or—
the first meeting of the year, when each member ganization within the past year of the Astoria
of the Chapter invited a guest. At this meeting Chapter fulfilled one aim of our National
a fine musical program was rendered, and Mrs. Society, namely, the completion of a chain
C. B. Yardley and Mrs. Fitts spoke on the im of chapters from Maine to the Columbia.
portance of our working for Americanization. The organizing date was February 28, 1920,
This furnished a fitting introduction to the year's although three preliminary meetings were
work, which has centered about Americaniza held prior to it. At one of these meetings
tion, coöperating with the neighboring chapters, it was our great pleasure to entertain at
funds for the work being raised by a card party. luncheon the State Regent, Mrs. Wilkins,
Even the members of the C. A. R. have become as our guest of honor. She acquainted us
interested and are doing much for the poor with the purposes of the Society and re
families of foreigners. vealed the wonderful opportunity for Ameri
This branch of our Chapter (the Hannah canization work; also the field for study and
Clark Society of the C. A. R.) now numbers 16 marking of historic spots in this locality.
members, with more prospective members. The name Astoria seemed a fitting one for
The most interesting event of the year oc the Chapter, as it is closely related to many
curred June 29th, when our Chapter had the events historical in character, for Astoria is
honor of dedicating the Washington Inn, the the oldest settlement in the Northwest.
old Timothy Ball House on Ridgewood Road, Here was performed the first marriage cere
Maplewood, which was built in 1743 and was mony, and here the first child in the North
frequently visited by Washington during west was born, one of whose parents was
the Revolution. white. The first white woman to set foot in
The address of welcome was given by our the Northwest, Jane Barnes, landed here
Regent, Mrs. Horace Smith. Then came the in 1814.
salute to the flag and prayer by our Chaplain, The Chapter is planning to mark historic
Rev. Charles B. Condit. spots, such as Fort Clatsop, where Lewis and
Miss Florence Ball, of Cleveland, a descendant Clark wintered in 1805–1806; the Salt Cairns
of Timothy Ball, read the story of the old on the beach, where the same party procured
Timothy Ball House, and a telegram of con salt by evaporation of sea water; Fort Astor,
gratulation upon the restoration of the old house the first custom house on the Pacific Coast—
was read from Mr. Webb Ball, the oldest built in 1850, material for which was furnished
living descendant. by the Government; the first post office west
Gilbert B. Johnson, of Union, a great-grand of the Rockies, established 1847; Shark Rock,
son of Timothy Ball, made an address, followed upon which the survivors of the wrecked
by the presentation of the flag from the Orange ship Shark carved their names; the site of the
Mountain Chapter of the D.A.R. Mr. Frank first mission in the Northwest, etc. The
Parsons, President of the Washington Park, locating and marking of graves of pioneers
Inc., received the flag. is one of our purposes, and in this connection
A poem about the old tree in front of the special interest will attach to the marking of
house, to which Washington used to hitch his the graves of three Real Daughters.
horse, was read by Miss Phoebe Condit. The Astoria Chapter wishes to suggest the
Rev. Dr. Lyman Whitney Allen, of Newark, adoption by the National Society of a uni
President of the State S.A.R., made the dedi form marker for the entire state—possibly
cation speech, commending those active in the the Northwest—a simple marker typical and
restoration of the historic house. After the exer. attractive, after the fashion of the Mission
cises refreshments were served, and the guests Bells on the highways of California.
inspected the house. It has been remodelled, At a special meeting in the summer we had
equipped with a dining-room and a grill-room, the pleasure of entertaining the new State
as well as a large upper room which will seat Regent, Mrs. John Keating and Mrs. Crandall,
State Chairman, Committee on Historic Spots.
about one hundred, while enough of the old
features, as the built-in bed, beams and fireplace,
Our Regent, Mrs. Nora Skyles, who has given
so generously of her time and energy to the
have been retained to make it most interesting. D. A. R., opened her home for the first
It is a relic of the past of which the community meeting this fall. At the second meeting we
may well be proud, and a fitting place for his were treated to an absorbing narrative by
Miss Munson on Clatsop County pioneers. attended the State Board meeting in September.
Miss Munson's mother was one of the sur On the occasion of the State Convention of
vivors of the Whitman massacre, and she the American Legion in Astoria, our Chap
has spent her life in this locality. ter designed and decorated a float emble
A list of all aliens admitted to citizenship matic of the Society, and it received the first
in Clatsop County this year was made and cash prize.
sent to the State Fair Board. The State Astoria Chapter had 14 organizing mem
Americanization Officer has accepted our in bers and now has a membership of 21. Three
vitation to speak to us at a future date in more papers of prospective members have
order that we may be more fully informed been accepted by the National Society and will
about all Americanization activities. be formally accepted by our Chapter at the
The Chapter is strongly in favor of a next meeting. Action on four other papers is
concerted movement to conserve the trees pending in Washington, and when these papers
along the highways, and has initiated con are accepted our original membership of 14
siderable educational discussion of the sub will have become exactly doubled. This
ject in the newspapers. rapid growth of membership is a strong indi
Thirteen of our members subscribed to cation of the attractiveness of the ideals and
the DAUGHTERS of THE AMERICAN REvolution purposes of the Society as exemplified by
MAGAZINE. Three officers, the Regent, the the activities of the local Chapter.
Treasurer and the Historian, attended the HELEN Stoss MEISTER,
State Conference in March; and the Regent Recording Secretary.
By ruling of the Thirtieth Continental The constitution and by-laws having been
Congress a charge of $1.00 will be made for amended by the Thirtieth Continental
the verification of each supplemental paper. Congress, the initiation fee is now $5.00,
The charge for copying papers is now $1.00 instead of $1.00 as formerly.
each, by action of the Thirtieth Conti LILLIAN L. Hu NTER,
nental Congress. Treasurer General, N. S. D. A. R.
In this Honor Roll the list of membership in each State is shown in the
outer rim, and the list of subscribers according to States is in the inner circle
President General
Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D. C.
Vice Presidents General
(Term of office expires 1922)
1706 Cambridge Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. Highland Ave., Haddonfield, N. J.
Eola Road, Salem, Ore. Amarillo, Tex.
902 Westover Ave, Norfolk, Va. 1720 22d St., Rock Island, Ill.
Miss Louise H. CobURN, Skowhegan, Me.
(Term of office expires 1923)
Mrs. CAssius C. Cottle, MRs. CHARLEs S. WHITMAN,
1502 Victoria Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 54 East 83d St., New York, N. Y.
6719 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. McCleary, Wash.
2101 Blaisdell Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Cooksburg, Pa.
MRs. Edward P. SCHOENTGEN, 407 Glenn Ave., Council Bluffs, Ia.
(Term of office expires 1924)
MRs. John TRIGG Moss, MRS. C. D. CHENAUlt,
6017 Enright Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Lexington, Ky.
Heathcote, Charlotte, N. C. 316 Willow St., Ottawa, Kan.
8 Park St., Brattleboro, Vt. 35 S. Angell St., Providence, R. I.
MRS. HowARD L. HoDGKINS, 1830 T St., Washington, D. C.
Chaplain General
2123 California St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
Recording Secretary General Corresponding Secretary General
Memorial Continental Hall. Memorial Continental Hall.
2005 Scott Sr., Litt LE Rock. 2331 CHESTNUT St., NEw Orleans.
817 W. 5T 11 Av E., PINE BLUFF.
1240 W. 29th St., Los ANGELEs. 122 Goff St., Aubum N.
803 SPIRUCE St., Bou Lokit. 2224 N. CALV Eitt St., BA1,ti More.
975 PENNsylvaxIA Aw E., DENVER. 2004 MARYLAND Ave., BAI.TIM or E.
Litch FIELD. 25 BELLEv UE Ave., MELRose.
1515 FItANK LIN ST., WilmingtoN. 1012 W. MAIN St., KALAMAzoo.
MRS. FRANCIS A. S.T. CLAIR, 1906 KEN wood PARK way, MINNEApolls.
119 5th St., N. E., W AsiiiNgton.
MRS. J. A. CIRAIG, 850 N. JEFFERSoN St., JAckson.
233 W. DuvAI, Sr., JAcksonville.
Mits. MAX E. LANI), CHILLIcoth E.
305 14T II A v E., CortDELE. MRS, HENRY W. HARRIS,
MRS. HERMAN HUGO, 420 S. I d'Ario St., Dillo N.
P. O. Box 248, Honolulu. MRS. E. BROOX MARTIN,
814 S. CENTRAL Ave., Boze MAN.
Box 324, GooDING.
604 W. A. St., North PLATTE.
421 2ND Ave., E., Twin FALLs.
The pitiful narrative of this camp of starving, almost naked, Valley Forge
Heroes, constitutes one of the most thrilling and pathetic
chapters in the history of the republic. Gifted pens through
many generations have rendered its details familiar to the
Historical Society
public. It has remained for Mr. Taylor to set forth the
noying and dramatic story in concise and consecutive his
torical form, so that its pregnant and patriotic lessons may -
inspire generations yet to come. -
I have read your book entitled "Valley Forge" with very REV.W. HERBERT BURK, D.D.
much interest and profit, and hope that a copy of it will find WALLEY FORGE, PA.
its way into every library, and patriotic American household.
ºu have done a ºd work in preserving this reliable
account of the most º
time of our Forefathers that
occurred during the war of the Revolution. The story is
well tºld, and the illustrations are excellent, all of which I
have found intensely interesting and educational
wishing you abundant success.
D-A-M-TA-Lon. - -
when writing advertisers please mention Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine.
Official emblem for daily use, war tax included.............................. .......... 91.58
Order from Mrs. Ellenore Dutcher Key, Memorial Continental Hall,
Washington, D. C. Percentage to Memorial Continental Hall
Volume 1, reprint, Volumes 11 to 54, inclusive, $1.15 each, including postage
Volumes 6 to 10, inclusive, $3.15 each, including postage
Volume 1 contains the Charter Members. The volumes following 1000
National Numbers each
Official ribbon for suspending badges, price 85c a yard. Rosette buttons, 25c.
Proceedings 19th to 28th Continental Congresses. Price, per volume......50c, postage additional
Proceedings 29th Continental Congress ....... - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $1.50, including postage
First Report to the Smithsonian Institution 25c Fourteenth Report............ 200
- - - - - - - - - -
Postage additional. The above articles will be sent upon receipt of the price or postal orders;
Cash and stamps at risk of sender. Orders should be addressed to
OFFICIAL STATIONERY, bearing as a water-mark the emblem of the Society in enlarged size,
and by order of the National Board made the official stationery for the use of the members,
may be obtained only from the Official Jewelers, J. E. Caldwell & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
ÉH ===
vol. Lv Contents No. 7
By John C. Fitzpatrick, A. M.
A MEssage FROM THE PRESIDENT GENERAL . . . . . . 368
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the hand of George Wythe to Edmund Bill of Rights was adopted June 12, 1776;
Pendleton, the President of the Virginia Jefferson's Preamble was adopted (with
Convention. By the time Wythe reached the Constitution), May 29th and Lee's
Williamsburg, a constitution had been de resolution of independence, closely ap
cided upon, so Jefferson's plan arrived proximates the language of Virginia's
too late. The Convention liked his Pre resolutions of independence which were
amble, however, prefaced their constitu passed by the Convention May 15th, the
tion with it, and adopted the whole on authorship of which rests jointly in
May 29, 1776. Patrick Henry, Thomas Nelson, Edmund
The Declaration of Independence is Pendleton and Meriwether Smith.
blood brother to the Virginia Constitution Now let us take a brief survey of the
and the Bill of Rights of 1776. Its gene situation: Some time between May 27th,
sis, roughly speaking, is the first three when Jefferson, in Philadelphia, first
sections of George Mason's immortal learned of Virginia's intention to break
composition, Thomas Jefferson's Pream with Britain and form a new constitution,
ble to the Virginia Constitution, and and June 10th, he composed a plan of
Richard Henry Lee's resolution of inde government, or constitution, for his
pendence which the Virginia Convention native state, of which the first page, or
had directed its delegates in the Conti Preamble, is here shown in facsimile. On
nental Congress to introduce. The first June 7, 1776, acting upon the instructions
three sections of Mason's Bill of Rights received, Richard Henry Lee moved, in
are easily recognized in Jefferson's pol the Continental Congress, “That these
ished condensation in the third, fourth, United Colonies are, and of right ought
fifth and sixth lines of the original, to be, free and independent States,
signed Declaration: that they are absolved from all allegiance
to the British Crown, and that all political
1. All men are by nature equally free and
connection between them and the State
independent and have certain inherent rights,
of which they cannot by any com of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally
pact, deprive or divest their posterity; dissolved.” This motion was heatedly
namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty
and pursuing and obtaining happi debated for nearly a month, but from the
ness and safety. first it was apparent that eventually the
2. That all power is vested in, and conse
resolution would be adopted. It would
quently derived from the people.
3. That government is, or ought to be, be the great and final casting of the die
instituted for the common benefit, protection, of separation, and Congress felt that a
and security of the people, nation, or com form of announcement of that step would
munity; . . . when any government shall
be found inadequate or contrary to these be needed that would be more impressive,
purposes, a majority of the community hath more of an attention riveting manifesto,
an indubitable, inalienable, and indefeasible
than the short and concise wording of
right to reform, alter, or abolish it . . .
Lee's resolution would present. In antici
Jefferson's Preamble, or charges of pation of the adoption of the resolution
tyranny against King George, come next, Congress appointed, on June 11, 1776, a
and lastly, Lee's resolution is incorpor committee to prepare such a form of an
ated, word for word, as the finish nouncement, or declaration, of the ex
and climax. pected assumption of independence.
The Declaration of Independence thus This committee, composed of Jefferson,
is a Virginia product, for George Mason's John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Robert
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R. Livingston and Roger Sherman, met twenty-three is missing from the Declara
on that same day for the first time, to tion. This one, the accusation of inciting
2lan a declaration. How the composi slave insurrections, and of preventing the
tion of the document was intrusted by the Colonies from checking the growth of
committee to Jefferson and Adams and slavery, was in the draft of the Declara
by the latter entirely to the former is not tion submitted to Congress. It was sup
of great moment here. It was so left, pressed by that body, but a hint of it
and Jefferson found himself confronted remains in the twenty-seventh of the
with a task precisely similar to the one Declaration's charges: “He has excited
he had voluntarily set himself but two domestic insurrections amongst us.”
weeks before. Then he had planned a An examination of the reproduction of
series of reasons, justifying to the world the original draft of the Preamble shown
the breaking of Virginia's political asso here with, by means of a good reading
ciation with Great Britain and followed it glass and a comparison of its sentences
with his plan for a new government; now with the text of the Declaration, will
he was to justify the breaking of the prove of considerable interest to
political bands binding the Colonies to the reader.
Britain and to follow that justification While at work in committee upon the
with the formally adopted resolution revision of the Preamble to suit the new
(Lee's) of independence. There is no need, a copy of the Virginia Bill of
doubt of his action. The ink was Rights, as adopted, reached Jefferson
scarcely dry upon his plan for Virginia's through the public prints. The clarion
constitution; John Adams says: “We note of liberty in its first three sections
were all in haste; Congress was im found sympathetic echo in his brain; he
patient . . .” With this manuscript draft seized upon them and, with the artist's
of the Preamble before him, Jefferson perfect judgment, commenced the Decla
copied of its charges of tyranny against ration with the trumpet blast of their
the king. bold principles; the revised Preamble fol
There are sixteen numbered charges in lowed and, after that, Lee's resolution
the Preamble, subdivided into twenty was written in to close the achievement.
three separate reasons why the Colony of The draft of this completed effort was
Virginia considered herself no longer finally agreed to in committee and sub
under the allegiance of George III. mitted to Congress four days before the
Some alterations, of course, were made, passage of Lee's resolution. It was laid
and the twenty-three of the Preamble on the table until that resolution could be
became the twenty-eight of the Declara disposed of and, on July 1st, Congress
tion by the addition of three new indict for the first time gave consideration to it.
ments and the expansion of the sixth of On July 2nd, Lee's resolution was
the Preamble into the eighth, ninth and adopted, and immediately thereafter
tenth of the Declaration. The exact order Jefferson's draft of the Declaration was
of the accusations in the Preamble is taken up as unfinished business in the
altered but twice in the Declaration and, committee of the whole. Some changes
of the twenty-eight reasons in the Decla were made, the most drastic being the
ration for the assumptiºn of independ suppression, as before stated, of the
ence, but three are missing from the Pre noble principle involved in the charge of
amble and only one of the Preamble's not allowing the Colonies to stop the
slave trade and, on July 4, 1776, George whelming and complete. It was first pub
Mason's theory of liberty, Jefferson's lished in printed form and these printed
Preamble to the Virginia Constitution, copies, or broadsides as they are called,
and Richard Henry Lee's resolution of were set up and run off from the press of
independence were agreed to by Congress John Dunlap, printer to Congress, during
as the form of the announcement that the the night of July 4th. They were ready
United Colonies had, on July 2nd, be for distribution the next day, July 5th.
come free and independent States. July The engrossing and signing appear to be
2, 1776, is the day upon which the United something of an afterthought. The im
States became a nation and on July 4th portant step was the assumption of inde
we declared “to a candid world '' the pendence; that being taken and the fact
action taken on July 2nd. published it was not until about two
The genius of Jefferson and his high weeks later, July 19th, that Congress
literary skill nowhere show to better ad ordered the Declaration to be engrossed
vantage than in this work of fusing and signed. This engrossing was not
together in the Declaration of Independ completed until August 2nd, and it was
ence the three basic elements noted. As on that day that most of the signatures
revised in the Declaration the Preamble were affixed to the parchment. At least
is smoother, clearer and more forceful. fifteen of the signers were not in Phila
Edmund Pendleton wrote to Jefferson on delphia on that date and their signatures
July 22, 1776, after reading the Declara were added at various times during the
tion for the first time: “I expected you months of August, September, October
had in the preamble to our form of Gov and November. One signer, Matthew
ernment [the Virginia Constitution], ex Thornton, from New Hampshire, signed
hausted the subject of complaint against near the end of the year 1776, or early in
George III, and was at a loss to discover 1777, and Thomas McKean, from Dela
what the Congress would do for one to ware, could not, from what we know of
their Declaration of Independence with his whereabouts, have signed until about
out copying, but find you have acquitted the year 1781; but with the exception
yourselves very well on that score.” of McKean and, possibly, Thornton.
The Declaration was not signed on July there was no more signing after the year,
4, 1776. The evidence as to this is over. immortal in American annals, of 1776.
HIS message is the first to be writ lying propaganda. It should be placed in
ten after our splendid Congress; it every school in this country. No National,
| is therefore my first opportunity to State, or Chapter officer or chairman can do
emphasize a few matters of impor her work really intelligently without it. It
tance that have resulted from the would make a very acceptable and compli
Congress, and to express my grate mentary gift from our chapters to such for
ful appreciation of the fine spirit of eign families in their communities as would
harmony and cooperation which marked its appreciate it. Give its Americanizing in
every session. I feel confident that the in fluence as wide a field as possible, as a part
spiration gained from this Congress will flow of your patriotic education work.
back to the states and chapters, filling them I want to call especial attention to the
with renewed enthusiasm and an increased
resolution pledging our sympathy and care
interest in the great work of our Society. to the American Indian. A great injustice
I hope all State Chairmen will feel an has been done to the Indian. He is quite
added sense of responsibility. They have as worthy of education and citizenship as
done valuable work in the past; they must many to whom we give these privileges
be even more active in the future. The
without question. The American Indian In
Congress revealed the importance of their
stitution at Wichita, Kansas, has been placed
position in our Society. Upon their shoul
by this resolution on our official list of
ders rests the responsibility in conjunction
schools and colleges. It is high time for us
with their State Regents, of carrying out our to remember the Indian and his education.
National Society's work in each state, as out Seventeen thousand Indians served our
lined by their National Chairmen. They are
country in the world war and fewer slackers
the connecting link between the states and
disgraced that race than any other, only 200
chapters and the National Society. The
good record of a whole state may be im seeking exemption yet they are still denied
paired if they fail to function. Prompt dis citizenship. Here is a wide field of service
tribution of circular literature sent to them to enter. Justice for the Indian is more to
by National Chairmen; active direction of the be sought after than a grudging charity.
committee work of their states by helpful This coming year must be a year of in
suggestions to the chapters; prompt reports creased activity for every chapter. It must
—all these are essential in an efficient State be a year in which the loyal influence of the
Chairman. Reports of our National Commit Daughters of the American Revolution must
tee are compiled from material supplied make itself felt in every community to offset
through the activities of State Chairmen. I the insidious disloyalties that are being more
therefore echo the appeal of our National and more brazenly proclaimed among us.
Chairmen for earnest active coöperation on Be vigilant; be quick to act; be fearless to
the part of all State Chairmen who, as hereto expose these groups of agitators, the
fore, will compose their National Committees. “hyphenates " who have been so well de
Our DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REvolu fined by General Pershing as those who seek
TION MAGAZINE should still have its strong “to settle American questions for foreign
appeal for our members, even though Congress reasons.” This loyal vigilance is the highest
found it necessary to raise its subscription price service which our Society can render to our
to $2. It is worth that price. It is an instru country today.
ment for disseminating American influences, ANNE Rogers MINOR,
for teaching American history, for offsetting President General.
By Jenn Winslow Coltrane
Historian General, N.S.D.A.R.
tee on Historical Research, of which they ter of her illustrious son, for history has
are vice-chairmen, and wore costumes of proved that every great son has possessed
the Colonial and 1830 periods. a great mother. La Fayette, in describing
So many urgent requests were received his visit to Mt. Vernon, said: “I have
by our Committee to have an account of seen the only Roman Matron living at
the tableaux in our official magazine, that this day.” Iowa chose to honor Mary
Ball and selected Mrs.
Jay Patterson, of Ot
tumwa, Iowa, to pose
for her.
Perhaps no woman
in history has ever re
ceived greater hom
age than Marth a
Washington. In our
portrait she was im
personated by Mrs.
William N. Richard
son, Hampton, Va., as
the young and charm
ing widow who, on
that summer's day in
Virginia in 1758, at
tracted the young offi
º, cer, fresh from his
first military triumph.
Turning back our
pages of history to
1638, we find Mary
º Dyer, of Rh o de
Island. While in Eng
land on a mission with
her husband Mrs.
Dyer became a con
Copyright, Underwood & Underwood
vert to Quakerism.
MOLLY Pitch ER On her return, her
convictions were so
I have arranged the descriptive sketches strong that she was imprisoned in Boston.
read before each tableau for publication. Later, she was reprived and returned to
To our regret one or two tableaux were Rhode Island. Her faith remained un
not photographed successfully. It had shaken, so she paid the supreme price for
been our hope to have them all published her religious convictions, and was hanged
with this article. on the Boston Common in 1660—the only
The first tableau shown was that of woman to suffer capital punishment dur
Mary Ball, mother of General Washing ing the oppression of the Friends the
ton. She needs no eulogy but the charac world over. Mrs. Albert L. Calder,
2nd, of Providence, R. I., posed for nal to ride into the country and spread
her picture. the alarm. New Hampshire chose to
We love our everyday women, yet his honor this woman of their own state, and
tory is slow to call them heroines. Ann Mrs. G. H. Warren, of Manchester, por
Story, of Vermont, portrayed by Mrs. trayed her.
A. B. Saul, of Woodstock, was a widow How often in our History we see that
with five small chil
dren alone in a wilder
ness clearing. He r
h us b and had been
killed by a falling log
while he was building
a cabin, so Ann fitted
up a cave on the banks
of a creek and she and
her family lived in it.
An Amazon in stat
ure, her bigness of
heart and depth of
patriotism c or re
sponded with her phy
sical proportions. Her
deeds of heroism were
connected with Ethan
Allen and the Green
Mountain Boys.
The influence of
woman is woven into
the very fabric of our
Union. Elizabeth
Stark's fame began at
the Battle of Benning
ton, when General
Stark during the ad
v ance exclaimed: Copyright, Underwood & Underwood.
“Boys, there are the TABLEAU "OKLAHOMA”
Red Coats. Before
night they are ours or Molly Stark sleeps woman's keen-witted intuitions and man's
a widow.” Mrs. Stark was in camp with careful deliberations go hand in hand.
her husband during the evacuation of New York could honor no woman of finer
Boston by the British. General Washing Dutch type than the charming “Sweet
ton, suspecting treachery from the enemy, Kitty V. R.”, as her lover always called
ordered Colonel Stark to capture the bat her. In Catherine Van Rensselaer
tery at Copp's Hill. Before starting, the Schuyler we find a woman of the highest
Colonel instructed his wife, Molly, to type of society. Although reared in the
mount her horse and upon receiving a sig greatest luxury she was taught to be
cut's Revolutionary War Governor. Mrs. her son, who was a distinguished artist.
Trumbull's home was the meeting place New Jersey gives us the “Livingston
for distinguished Americans and their Graces,” daughters of the famous War
friends. Rochambeau, after being her Governor of that state during the
guest, as a token of esteem presented her time of the Revolution. Mrs. Joseph
with a magnificent scarlet cloak. When A. Reid posed as Susan Livingston.
posed by wºrs. BrookE G. white, Jr., of Florida
the call came in 1777 for sacrifices to be It is difficult to decide which of these
made for the welfare of our needy Conti sisters was the most interesting, but
nental Army, Faith Trumbull cheerfully Susan was famous for her foresight and
laid her cloak upon the altar. The cloak quickness. One dark night two regiments
was afterwards cut into strips to decorate of redcoats went to the Livingston home,
the soldiers' uniforms. A picture of this Liberty Hall, to capture the rebel Gover
scene in the Norwich Church hangs in nor. Finding he had escaped, they
the Connecticut State Capitol. The pic angrily rushed through the house demand
ture is the work of John Trumbull, ing his despatches. Susan rose to the
occasion, led them to every nook and cor tained. Dorothy Combs was the daughter
ner in the house but the right one. When of a wealthy Englishman who came to
at last they came to the little locked secre Georgia in 1775. She married George
tary containing the precious papers, she Walton, and when war was immiment
pretended they were her own love letters chose to remain with her husband instead
and begged the officers not to touch them, of returning to England with her father.
Copyright, Bachrach
stating she would give them the de She was taken prisoner during the Revo
spatches. They believed her and went lution and was sent to the West Indies,
with her to the library, where she handed but exchanged after a brief period. Her
over some important looking “law husband was a Signer of the Declaration
briefs” taken from the top shelf. The of Independence, twice Governor of the
officers departed happy, never dreaming State, then United States Senator, and
they had been foiled by a girl’s quick wit. later Judge of Superior Court and Chief
It is often by humble, homely heroism Justice of Georgia. These official posi
that the great cause of liberty is sus tions gave added responsibilities to her
Copyright. Underwood & Underwood. Elizabeth MAXWELL steele
SACKAJAWEA Posed by Mrs. LYMAN A. Cottox. of North Carolix
Copyright. L. C. Handy. --
copyright. Underwood & Underwood.
rosen by Mrs. LiDA was Ness Thorn and Elizabeth simonos, Louise ALLEN. Richard Edwards, of the District of columbia
as loyal wife and courageous patriot. she met her conqueror in the person of
Mrs. J. L. Walker, of Waycross, Ga., “Mad Anthony ” Wayne. She had fol
posed in our picture of her. lowed his career with intense interest, but
Delaware has given us a woman who they never became acquainted until Miss
was true to her only love. Mary Vining, Vining was forty and General Wayne had
impersonated by Mrs. E. P. Moody, of become a widower. The day for their
m a r r i age was set
when word was re
ceived of the death of
her lover. Thereafter
Miss Vining always
wore widow’s weeds
and dedicated her life
to public service.
Mercy Otis Warren
was born on Cape
Cod, Mass., one of
thirteen children, of
Pilgrim descent. Her
brother, James Otis,
was a famous patriot,
and Mercy was care
fully educated under
the same tutor. After
her marriage to James
Warren, of Plymouth,
their home became a
meeting place for
great leaders, among
them John Adams,
Thomas Jefferson and
James Knox. She was
a writer and one of
the most brilliant and
Copyright, Underwood & Underwood. intellectual women of
her time. She once
posed by Mrs. D. E. LEAt Heral AN. or kansas
troops and Maryland was among the remarks were overheard by Mrs. Steele.
first to respond. Mrs. Ramsey, feeling Stepping forward she handed him two
she might give first aid to the unfortu bags of specie, saying, “Take them, Gen
nate and that she could best serve near eral, it is all I have, but my country needs
her husband, decided to follow him. She them more than I.” “Never,” says Gen
was provided with a chaise, in which was eral Green's biographer, “did relief come
a small military chest
of supplies, and
started on her jour
ney. She sacrificed
the comforts of home
to administer to those
who gave their all for
their country. The
dress of green brocade
worn by Miss Marine
is of historic value.
It was worn by Mrs.
Charles Young,
daughter of Gunning
Bedford, in 1762, and
h as been exhibited
many times, as well
as at the World's Fair
in Chicago. It is now
ow n e d by Mrs.
William Reed, of Bal
tim or e, the great
of Gunning Bedford.
During the darkest
days of the Revolu
tion General Nathan
ael Greene found
shelter under the hos Copyright. Underwood & Underwood.
pitable roof of Mrs. POSED BY MRS. ALBERT L. Calder, 2.D., of RHDDE island
Elizabeth Max well
Steele, of Salisbury, N. C. One stormy at a more propitious moment. Next day
night the General, having met defeat on he continued his journey with his spirit
many sides, weary, wet and despairing, cheered, and lightened by this touching
came to the home of Mrs. Steele. Fling proof of a woman's devotion to the cause
ing himself into a chair he buried his of her country.” Aided by her gift
face in his hands and said aloud, “All is Green resumed his brilliant campaign
lost, my troops are discouraged, I am which led to the Battle of Guilford Court
without money or friends; unless help House, one of the turning points in the
comes we have failed.” His despairing American Revolution. This historic mo
ment lived again in the tableau when Mrs. nessee,” was ever the guiding star of her
Lyman Cotton, of Salisbury, N. C., repre distinguished husband. Mrs. W. C
sented Elizabeth Maxwell Steele, her Johnson, of Chattanooga, represented her
great-great-grandmother. The necklace in the tableau.
sea Captain, who died a prisoner. Her sobriquet at the Battle of Monmouth
third husband, John Claypoole, died of when she brought water to the American
wounds from battle. It has been said wounded under fire. When her husband
the lives of her three husbands were sacri fell she took his place at the gun. The
ficed for her country, which fact created next *day. General Washington com
. . .
even greater sympathy for this woman mended her and she served in the Army
who served as best she could at all times. eight years, wearing a soldier's coat and
Idaho desired to honor Sacajawea, but a cocked hat. She was given the rank of
as the Indian maid had been chosen pre sergeant and it was recommended that
viously by another State, she selected she be allowed half pay for life. Miss
Molly Pitcher. Molly, otherwise Mary Helen Hotchkiss, of Washington, D. C.,
Ludwig Hays, the wife of an artillery represented Idaho's choice.
man in the Continental army, gained her It is hard to select only one incident
desired to marry her, and when she re 1812, Mrs. Van Ness worked untiringly
fused him threw his influence against the for an asylum for children, and was first
settlers. She seems to have had many Directress of the institution, holding that
beaux to her string and finally, when de place for fifteen years. After the death
nied the happiness of marrying the man of her only child she redoubled her philan
of her choice, because of the opposition thropy. She was so beloved that upon
of her father, -
her death she
she asked a was given a
young violinist public funeral.
by the name of The picture we
Rob b if he showed of her
would become was copied
her husband, from an old
and he grac painting in the
iously accepted. Washing to n
F or on e o f City Orphan
such charm and Asylum. Mrs.
vivacity and Van Ness was
daring it is sad represented by
to relate that Mrs. Lida Van
after the de N e s s Thorn,
fe at of her and the three
father in the children, Eliza
year of 1791, beth Simonds,
they returned Louise Allen
to Pennsyl and Richard
vania where Edwards, mem
they lived in be r s of the
extreme priva Child re n of
tion. Louisa's the American
ch a rm was Revolution.
gracefully de Mississippi
picted by Miss copyright. Bachrach. MISS ALICE ROBERTSON
is justly proud
Eleanor Garde, U. S. REPRESENTAtive, who posed in The TABLEAU, of her e a r ly
of Canton, Ohio. educator. We
George Eliot said, “What furniture speak of higher education for women as
can give such finish to a room as a ten if it were a new thought. Yet in 1803,
der woman's face.” The District of Co Mrs. Elizabeth Greenfield Roach agitated
lumbia gave us Marcia Burnes Van Ness. the question of a college for women. She
Marcia Burnes was the daughter of donated to the Mississippi Methodist
David Burnes, who once owned the land Conference a building and lot for a
on which stands, to-day, the Pan-Ameri school, in the little town of Washington,
can Union and our own Memorial Conti the territorial capitol. From this sprang
nental Hall. Marcia, the heiress, mar Elizabeth Female College, chartered in
ried John P. Van Ness, Congressman 1819, and the first institution to grant
from New York. After the War of degrees to women. The college was
ſºlºiſſºſ Mºlſº
º: .
Copyright, Underwood & Underwood.
posed by Mrs. Joseph A. Reid, of New Jersey
young girl of fresh beauty, who leaned for the Presidency of the United States.
against the door. Thus was the first The collar worn in this picture be
meeting of Rebecca Bryan and Daniel longed to Narcissa Whitman herself
Boone. Following him in after years and is one of a very few posses
over the mountain she was the first white sions that were saved from the fire
woman to stand on the banks of the and massacre in which she perished.
Kentucky River. Arizona gave us
Narcissa Pren a Hopi Maiden, a
tiss Whitman, who tribe in Arizona
was honored by in 1540, at least
the State of they became known
Washington, was a to the white man
Christian patriot. then. They are
In the year of descended from the
1836 she went Cliff a n d C a ve
with her mission Dwellers and the
ary husband on a women built their
4000-mile wedding h is to r ic adobe
journey. She was st r u c tu res. The
one of the first Hopi, me a n in g
two white women “Peaceful Ones,”
to cross the live on a beautiful
Rocky Mountains reservation called
and in her diary of the Painted Desert.
the trip we find they They are very rigid
crossed the Great when it comes to
Divide on July 4, following their re
1836. She did not ligious beliefs.
accompany her hus They pray over,
band on his second caress and carry in
trip east when he their mouths the
went to bring set posed BY Miss Mary Isabel. wriC, HT, or Michigan rattlesnakes an d
tlers to the great place the m on
Northwest, but as a result of their sacred altars in religious ceremonies,
labors it may be asserted that three and are famed for their wonderful
stars were added to our flag, the Wash “Snake Dances.” Mrs. Hoval Smith,
ington, Oregon and Idaho of today. She of Bisbee, Arizona, was dressed as a
was an indefatigible worker in the Indian Hopi maiden in her wedding gown. The
Schools which they established, but her gown was loaned to us through the United
life of usefulness was cut short, when she States Museum in Washington. The wo
and her husband were victims of an In men marry at 15, and on reaching ma
dian massacre in 1847. Mrs. M. S. turity the girls dress their hair in
Walker, of Seattle, in our picture, was whorls at the side of the head to imitate
attired in a dress that was worn in 1832
the squash blossom and then go forth to
at a reception for Henry Clay and An seek their husbands. When a man sees
drew Jackson when they were opponents a maid thus attired approaching him, he
Carlisle, Pa. He was a prominent man in the Family,” by Minot S. Giddings, p. 201.-Miss
French & Indian War & was an officer in the Avis C. Yates, 1042 Clayton St., San Fran
provincial service. Their ch were Wm., b cisco, Calif.
1749, d Dec. 24, 1812; John, b 1731 ; Jane, b 9929. GooDRICH-CLARK.—According to “Good
Feb. 14, 1753, m John Dunbar; Susannah, rich Family in America,” Isaac Goodrich (4)
Martha, Richard, & Mathew. Jane Parker, b (David (3), Ephraim (2), William (1)), m
Feb. 14, 1753, d June 2, 1810, m John Dunbar, Hannah Strickland, Jan. 4, 1786, & resided in
s of Wm. & Catherine Dunbar. Their dau Glastonbury, Conn. Ch Catherine, b Aug. 26,
Eleanor, b April 4, 1775, m Dr. John Creigh, 1787; Julia, b Aug. 3, 1788. A letter to the
May 12, 1776, d Carlisle, Pa., Aug. 4, 1861. Town Clerk, Glastonbury, will probably bring
Ref., “Egle's Penna. Genealogies,” p. 514.— the Strickland data you desire.—Mrs. W. F.
Mrs. Edward P. Buffet, Mount House, Stony Dunlap, Creosote, Washington.
Brook, Long Island, N. Y. 9944. KELLOGG.—“Mass. Soldiers & Sailors.”
8969. MitchELL.-Lieut. Col. David Mitchell Vol. 9, p. 68. Samuel Kellogg, Private Capt.
was b July 17, 1742, in Juniata, Cumberland Israel Harris' Co., Col. Benj. Simonds' (Berk
Co., Pa., served through the whole war & was shire Co.) regt, enlisted Oct. 12, 1780,
made General in the War of 1812. He died disc Oct. 19, 1780. Service 11 days, in
at the place he was born, May 25, 1818. He cluding 4 days (80 miles) travel home. Com
m Martha Brown; their sons were John, Rob pany marched to Northern frontiers by order
ert, David, James & Wm.—Mrs. Francis Lee of Gen. Fellows on an alarm. Samuel Kellogg
Bash., Hanford, Washington. mentioned in query, b Feb. 1, 1739, was twin
8969. MITCHELL-Family history says Mary bro of Wm. Kellogg. “Genealogies of Hadley,
Mitchell was not mentioned in her father's Mass., Families” gives Lucy Snow, b Sept. 2,
records, because of a quarrel over religion, but 1768, dau of Josiah Snow, s of Josiah, from
she named one of her sons David & another Norwich, Conn.—Miss Edith L. D. Balcom,
Mitchell & her records were in an old Bible West Mansfield, Mass.
owned by Mrs. Alex. McCartney. This Bible
once belonged to Mattie Mitchell, w of Gen. QUERIES
David, but was destroyed by fire, at King
fisher, Oklahoma. See Pa. Archives, 5th Series, 10029. MILLER.—Wanted Rev rec of Wm. &
for General David Mitchell's Rev. record. Mathias Miller, also rec of their m. Their
Monk.-Mary was the dau of Elias Monk, desc. Samuel Miller, was b in Salem Co., W.,
bapt Jan. 2, 1726, d at Stoughton, Mass., and New Jersey. Sept 1, 1906. Wanted Miller
his w Elizabeth Buck, whom he m June 28, gen.—M. J. H.
1744. Elias served in the Rev and his record 10030—wanted any data of the following
can be obtained from the State Librarian, men & their ancestry: Samuel Ireland, of
Boston, Mass.-Mrs. Ellen Little McCartney, Caroline Co., Md.; James Holloway, Hali
R. F. D. No. 9, Meadville, Pa. fax Co., Va.; Edward Rudder, Lunenburg Co.,
8999. WILLIston.—Israel Williston, who was Va.; Thomas Chambers, Lunenburg Co.,
a Lieut. in the Rev war, & through whom Va.; Nathaniel Pass, Halifax Co., Va.; Sir
I became a member of the D. A. R., m 1767, Antione de Bordeaux, born in France, came
Phebe Chapin, of West Springfield, Mass., to Charleston, S. C., then to New Hanover
b 1748, d 1809. Ref., “West Springfield Rec Co., N. C. Supposed to have been a Provin
ords,” Vols. 1 & 2, pp. 103, 166.-Miss Anne cial Secrtary & during the Rev a minuteman,
Slater Bothfeld, 238 75th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. wanted proof of this service; George Allen,
9907a. GIDDINGs.-Stephen Giddings went of Orange Co., N. C.; Jesse Croom, son of
from Ipswich, Mass., to Campton, N. H., in Shel & Eliz. Croom, b Jan., 1740, m Sara
1793, with 8 ch, and d Feb. 5, 1814. He m 1st Hardy, from Eastern N. C.—A. B. C.
April 3, 1766, Mary , who dº 1788. He m 10031. BRALEY.-Wanted gen & Rev rec of
2nd, Aug. 21, 1790, Polly Pierce, of Plymouth, ances. of Lucy H. Braley, who m Samuel
N. H., who was b Feb. 4, 1756. Stephen, s of Cook Chapin in Rowe, Franklin Co., Mass.
Stephen & Mary, was b June 16, 1777, m & Died in Jefferson Co., N. Y., April 24, 1845,
had one ch. Mary Ann. Ref., “Giddings aged 41 yrs.-F. B.
In this Honor Roll the list of membership in each State is shown in the
outer rim, and the list of subscribers according to States is in the inner circle
"ºl REGULAR meeting of the National tions made by her to make a charge for verify
3| Board of Management was called to ing supplemental papers and to propose the cir
order by the President General, Mrs. culation of an amendment to raise the price for
George Maynard Minor, in the Board copying application papers. She had made a
Room of Memorial Continental Hall, study of the cost of doing this work in her office
on Saturday, April 16, 1921, at and found that it was costing the Society on the
==<l 10.10 A.M. average of about $1 for each paper. I desire
The Chaplain General opened with prayer, to express my personal appreciation of her
the members joining in the Lord's Prayer. faithful and efficient service as a member of our
The roll was called by the Recording Secre official family. During her brief tenure of
tary General, the following members being re office from April, 1920, to February, 1921, we
corded present. Active Officers: Mrs. Minor, admitted 8212 new members.
Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. Hall, Mrs Aull, Mrs. Resolutions upon the death of Mrs. Phillips
Purcell, Mrs Guthrie, Mrs. Wait, Mrs. Sher will be presented to Congress next Monday
rerd, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Bahnsen, Miss Coburn, morning. Mrs. Phillips was laid to rest at
Mrs. Cottle, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Arlington Cemetery on February 15th. Sev
Whitman, Mrs. McCleary, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. eral members of the National Board and two
Schoentgen, Mrs. Selden P. Spencer, Mrs. clerks from her office accompanied the Presi
Yawger, Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. Hanger, Miss dent General to the station to meet the
Strider, Mrs. Hunter, Miss Coltrane, Mrs. family and go with them to the services at
Ellison, Mrs. White. State Regents: Mrs. the cemetery.
Hoval Smith, Mrs. Harshbarger, Mrs. On February 26th a special meeting of the
Buel, Mrs. St. Clair, Mrs. Sewell, Mrs. National Board was called to fill the vacancy
Land, Mrs. Chubbuck, Mrs. Felter, Mrs. caused by her death. As so few of the mem
Frisbee, Miss Campbell, Mrs. Arnold, Mrs. bers could be present, and perhaps not all of
Hazlett, Mrs. Shumway, Miss McDuffee, Mrs. you have read the minutes of that meeting in
Coolidge, Mrs. Moss, Mrs. Ringer, Mrs. the MAGAZINE for April, your President Gen
Charles W. Barrett, Mrs. Fitts, Mrs. Nash, eral will report that Miss Emma L. Strider, of
Mrs. W. O. Spencer, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Wilson, the District of Columbia, was nominated by
Mrs. Keating, Mrs. Sparks, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Mrs. Hanger, and unanimously elected to fill
Duvall, Mrs. Warring, Miss Temple, Mrs. Mc this vacancy until Congress. No other business
Farland, Mrs. Stewart, Dr. Kate Waller Bar was transacted.
rett, Mrs. Heavner, Mrs. Hartman. State Vice The President General has attended five
Regent: Mrs. Maupin. State Conferences since the February Board
The President General read her report meeting, vic., Maryland, Ohio, Iowa, Illinois
and Connecticut, and three Executive
Report of President General Committee meetings have been held at which
she presided.
Members of the National Board of Manage By courtesy of Our Flag Chapter the Board
ment: was invited to visit the United States Bureau
Since our last regular Board meeting on of Standards and have luncheon there on Feb
February 9th, we have suffered another loss in ruary 10th, the day after the last meeting.
the death of our Registrar General, Mrs. James Many availed themselves of this privilege and
Spillman Phillips, on February 12th, just three were greatly interested and enlightened by this
days afterwards. All who attended that meet view of the work being carried on there. That
ing will remember how pleased she was to be same afternoon a reception from four to six
able to present 2900 new applicants for admis was tendered your President General by
sion to our Society. They will remember her this same Chapter at the home of Mrs.
satisfaction when we passed the recommenda A. J. Wilkinson.
4/// ſy," " (, ; ; ; ; ; , (, P. T. H.P. A.J. H. P. O.º.º. P. ET, CILITI, N. M.: + -- ZINE
That Miss Elsie King be transferred from I move that the Recording Secretary General
the temporary roll to the permanent roll at $85 a be instructed to cast the ballot for the appli
month to date from April 1st. cants for membership.
That Miss Eva Bright, who has filled the The cost of clerical service in this office
office of Chief Clerk in the Business Office from increases from month to month, and must of
November 23rd and will continue to do so until necessity do so as our Society continues to grow.
April 23rd, be given a bonus of $112.50, that Since the last Board Meeting, the charge of
being the difference in salary between her posi one dollar for verifying supplemental papers,
tion as sub-clerk in the Record Room and that voted at that meeting, has been put into effect.
of Chief Clerk in the Business Office. You will hear of the revenue it is producing
That Mrs. Ross, who has served as temporary from the Treasurer General's report. Even
clerk since January 6th, be transferred to the though supplemental papers are paid for, your
permanent roll to fill the vacancy existing as Registrar General considers that the examina
Chief Clerk in charge of Membership Books, at tion of original application papers should take
a salary of $85, that being the original salary precedence over supplemental papers, as it is
for that office. through the applicants that the membership of
the Society increases.
Recommendations of Building and Grounds The following recommendation is presented,
Committee : that one set of blanks shall be used for the
That Miss Helen E. Barnhouse be employed service of each ancestor.
as telephone operator from April 1st to April Respectfully submitted,
30th at $75. EMMA T. STRIDER.
That hereafter a deposit of $200 be required
for the use of the Auditorium, of which amount
$75 be applied to the charge for wear and tear, Moved by Mrs. Reynolds, seconded by Miss
this ruling to go into effect at once, excepting Temple, and carried, that the Recording Secre
for those events for which permission has tary General cast the vote for the acceptance of
already been granted by the President General, the 2760 applicants for membership. The Re
the amount charged to wear and tear to be kept cording Secretary General announced the cast
in a separate fund for special repairs subject to ing of the ballot and the President General
the approval of the Executive Committee. declared the 2760 applicants members of the
Mrs. Yawger moved that these recommen National Society. Moved by Mrs. Bahnsen,
dations be approved by the Board. Seconded seconded by Mrs. Cook, that Miss Strider's
and carried. recommendation concerning the application
The President General introduced the new papers be adopted. Miss Strider explained that
Registrar General, Miss Strider, who presented this recommendation was presented in order to
her report as follows: facilitate the working of the rule for the col
lection of the fee for verifying supplemental
papers; that at present the rule made it per
Report of Registrar General missible to file the service of both father and
April 16, 1921. son on the same set of blanks, and that when
Madam President and Members of the this was done it became a question which, if
National Board of Management: either, became the original and which the sup
With every member of your Board I share plemental; that many times it required two
the sense of loss in the death of our friend and different searches, as in many cases father and
Registrar General, Mrs. James S. Phillips. son served in different states; and that it
Through the assistance given the Registrar seemed a manifest injustice that one member
General's office by the Building and Grounds should pay only one dollar for the privilege of
Committee in providing a typewriter with card wearing two ancestral bars, while another must
attachment, of the Committee on Clerks in pay two dollars for the same privilege. The
providing additional clerical aid, of the unfal motion was put to vote and carried.
tering work of the clerks under severe strain, The Registrar General requested that she
I am enabled and have the honor to report as might be permitted to submit a supplemental
follows: 2760 applications presented to the list later in the day, which request was granted.
Board and 495 supplemental papers verified; The Organizing Secretary General stated that
3255 total number of papers verified. Permits as her report embodied confirmations by rein
issued for 600 insignias, 200 ancestral bars and statements through the Treasurer General's
600 recognition pins. office and admissions through the Registrar
Papers examined and not yet approved : 590 General's office, she would not give her report
originals and 327 supplementals. Papers re until all the reports from the two abovemen
turned unverified: 53 originals and 102 supple tioned offices had been given.
mentals. New records verified, 531. Mrs. Hunter read her report as follows:
Total disbursements * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Balance, IOecember 31, 1920 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $875.75
Receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,481.31
Disbursements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48,329.99
Disbursements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250.00
Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,963.84
Disbursements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40.00
Receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.20
Disbursements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.20
Disbursements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,225.65
Funds - Bal. 12-31-20 Receipts Disbursements Bal. 3-31-21
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $85,222.54
(MRs. Livingston L.) LILLIAN A. Hu NTER,
Treasurer General.
Mrs. Ellison gave her report as Librarian 1905, Goshen, Conn. G. H. Till. Presented by Marana
Norton Brooks Chapter.
General, with the permission of the Board
omitting the reading of the lists of books.
History of Pencader Presbyterian Church, Glasgow,
Dela. 1899. Presented by Cooch's Bridge Chapter.
Report of Librarian General Caesar Rodney Chapter gave these 10 volumes:
St. Anne's Church, Middletown, Delaware. 1705–1914.
Madam President General and Members of the Board: Early History of Delaware and Drawyer's Congre
I have the honor to present this morning the regular gation. George Fort.
report of books received since the February Board History of Delaware. 1609–1888. J. T. Scharf.
Meeting, which includes 392 books, 63 pamphlets, 25 Catalogue and Errata of the Records of Holy Trinity
periodicals and 14 manuscripts. (Old Swedes) Church. Horace Burr.
Delaware Archives. 5 Wols. 1911–1919.
DISTRICT of Columbia
Women of the American Revolution. Mrs. E. F. Ellet.
Flush Times of Alabama and Mississippi. J. G. Bald 2 Vols. 1850. Presented by Mrs. Mary Yorks.
win. Reprint of 1853 ed. Presented by Bigbee Memorial of Captain Thomas Abbey. Alden Freeman.
Valley Chapter. Presented by Miss Clara B. Moore.
History Stories of Alabama. Mrs. Pitt L. Matthews. Record of Descendants of Hezekiah Hoar, of Taunton,
1920. Mass. N. T. Horr. Presented by Miss Lillian Norton.
History of Alabama. W. G. Brown. 1900. Last two Louisiana and the Fair. Vol. 11. A History of the
presented by Cherokee Chapter. Daughters of the American Revolution. 1906. Pre
sented by Mrs. Fanny I. Matthews through the Catherine
ARKANSAs Montgomery Chapter.
George Miller Sternberg. A Biography. By his wife,
From Little Rock Chapter the following five volumes Martha L. Sternberg. Presented by the author.
were received :
Publications of the Arkansas Historical Association. GEORGIA
4 Vols. 1917. Presented by Mrs. Louis Flick
inger, Regent. These six volumes received from Pulaski Chapter:
Annals of Christ Church Parish, Little Rock. 1839– History of Georgia. C. C. Jones, Jr. 2 Wols. Pre
1899. Ellen H. Cantrell. Presented by Miss Bessie sented by the Chapter.
Cantrell. - History of Georgia. L. B Evans.
History of Georgia. C. H. Smith. 1896. Last two
CALIFoRNIA presented by Mrs. H. M. Bagley.
The Life of Robert Toom 8s. P. A. Stovall. 1892.
Five volumes received from the California State Li Life of Senator Benjamin H. Hill of Georgia. H. Hill,
brarian, Mrs. Chas. B. Boothe: Jr. Last two given by Mrs. R. R. Evans.
Beginnings of San Francisco. Z. S. Eldredge. Pre Lights and Shadows of Itinerant Life. Autobiography
sented by California Chapter. 2 Wols. of Rev. Simon P. Richardson. Presented by Mrs.
History of San Diego. W. E. Smythe. 2 Vols. Pre S. P. Richardson.
sented by Mrs. J. C. Jennison. Georgia State Memorial Book. Presented by the
California, Its History and Romance. John S. Mc Georgia Daughters.
Groarty. Presented by Oneonta Park Chapter. Biographies of Representative Women of the South.
California Historic-Genealogical Society. Publication 1861–1920. Vol. 1. Mrs. Bryan Wells Collier. Pre
No. 3. 1902. Presented by Miss S. L. Kimball, sented by the author.
State Registrar.
Sirty Years of California Song. M. B. Alverson. IDAHO
Presented by Mrs. Caroline K. Louderback. Study of the Thtingets of Alaska. L. F. Jones. Gift
of Mrs. H. W. Stone.
CoLoRADo History of Idaho. 3 Wols. J. H. Hawley. Presented
by Mrs. S. W. Forney.
Washington and His Colleagues. H. J. Ford. Pre
sented by Mrs. J. B. Grant.
Early Records of Gilpin County, Colorado. 1859–
1861 T. M. Marshall. These eight volumes received through Illinois State
The Union Colony at Greeley, Colo. 1869–1871. Librarian, Miss Effie Epler.
J. F. Willard. Last two presented by Arapahoe Chapter. History of Grundy County, Ill. 1882. Given by Mrs.
The Union Colony at Greeley, Colo. J. F. Willard. J. C. Harvie.
Presented by Miss Maude M. Meeker. Portrait and Biographical Album of Ogle County.
In Memoriam General Lewis Baldwin Parsons. 1818– 1886. Given by Anna B. Turkington.
1907. Presented by Miss Parsons. History of Madison County Presented by Ninian
Edwards Chapter.
CoNNEcticut History of Warren County. Moffet and Rogers. 2
Vols. Presented by Mrs. John H. Hanley.
Diary of Benjamin F. Palmer, Privateersman, Dart History of Randolph, Jackson, Percy and Monroe
mouth. 1813–1815. Presented by Mrs. W. F. Hopson. Counties.
Annals and Family Records of Winchester, Conn. History of Edgar County. 1879.
John Boyd. Presented by Green Woods Chapter. History of Williamson County. Milo E. Erwin.
Two volumes presented by Miss Barbara A. Rogers The last three presented by the Illinois “Daughters.”
through Faith Trumbull Chapter: History of Washington County. Presented by Mrs.
The Norwich Jubilee. 1859. B. W. Garrison and Mrs. Oliver.
Celebration of the 150th Anniversary—Franklin, Conn.
Sanford Family of Newton, Conn. W. A. Sanford. INDIANA
Presented by Mrs. F. A. Monson.
II istory of Dartmouth College. Frederic Chase. Vol. 1. Jelard. S. E. Henderson. Presented by L. D.
Three books received from Lucretia Shaw Chapter: Henderson.
Annals of St. James’s Church, New London. R. A. Life of Francis Marion. W. G. Simms. 1854. Pre
Hallan. Presented by the Chapter. sented by State Reciprocity Bureau through Mrs. Mind
Life and Labors of Rev. Jabez S. Swan. D. Denison. well C. Wilson, State Librarian.
Presented by Alice S. Rogers. History of Fort Wayne. Wallace A. Brice.
Ye Ancient Buriall Place of New London, Conn. History of Wayne County, Ind. A. W. Young.
Compiled and presented in the name of Harriet N. IIistory of the State of Indiana. 1763–1897. W. H.
Prentis by Edward Prentis. Smith. 2 Wols.
Historical Catalogue of the First Church in Hartford, History of St. Joseph County, Ind.
1633–1885. Colonial History of Vincennes. Judge Law. Last
God’s Acre, Old Middle Street Burying-Ground, 1745– seven volumes presented by the Indiana Daughters.
Spelman Genealoºy. F. C. Williams Barbour. Pre Last eight volumes presented by Miss Louise H.
sented by Mrs. James M. Fowler. Coburn.
1-50 Census of Hallotrºll Maine.
Iowa Maine Local History. Drew B. Hall.
Last two volumes presented by the Mary Kilton
The Lake Peo ſon Blue Book of Spirit Lake, Iowa. Drummer Chapter.
Mrs. W. F. Wright.
History of the Spirit Lake Massacre. A. G. Sharp. MARYLAND
Last two volumes presented by “Ladies of the
Lake" Chapter. Through the State Librarian of Maryland:
Iſistory of Kossuth and Humboldt Counties, Iowa. History of Frederick County. T. J. C. Williams. ?
Pre-ented by Mary Brewster Chapter. Wols. Presented by Mrs. Folger McKinsey.
Annals of Polk County, Iowa, and City of Des Moines. History of Town of Sutton, Mass. Benedict and
Will Porter. Pre-ented by Mrs. C. N. Dack. Tracy. Presented by Mrs. Loyal R. Alden.
Iſistory of Carroll County, Iowa. Paul Maclean. 2 History of Cumberland. W. H. Lowdermilk. Pre
Vols. Presented by Mrs. C. C. Helmer through Priscilla sented by Cresap Chapter.
The Sºmmes and .4 tied Families. R. T. Semmes. The
Alden Chapter.
History of Jackson County, Iowa. Presented by Mrs. gift of Mrs. Adam Denmead, Mrs. Charles Marsden and
A. C. Smith. Mrs. J. P. Gough.
1, tographical and Historical Record of Ringo old and The Life of Charles Carroll of Carrollton. 1737–1-32.
Decatur Counties, Iowa. Presented by Leon Chapter. By Kate Mason Rowland. 2 Vols. Presented by T. R.
History of Islack Hark County. Isaiah Van Meter. Thomas through Major William Thomas Chapter.
Presented by Dr. E. G. Leffler, through Waterloo Chapter. History of Washington County, Mai. T. J. C. Williams.
Historm of Lyon County, Iowa. Biographical Memoir of Commodore Joshua Barney.
Memorial and Critical History of America. Justin Mary Barney. Presented by Mrs. William Reed.
Ancestral Records and Portraits. 2 Vols. Presented
Winsor. 8 Vols. Last nine volumes presented by Mrs.
Matthew A. Cox of Rose Standish Chapter. by Peggy Stewart Chapter.
II istory of Crawford, Ida and Sac Counties, Iowa. MAss Achtsetts
Presented by Denison Chapter.
History of War Activities of Scott County, Iowa. Received through the Johanna Aspinwall Chapter:
James Baird Wearer. F. E. Haynes. New Hampshire's Fire Provincial Congresses July 21,
William Peters Hepburn. J. E. Briggs. These three 1774–January 5, 1776. J. B. Walker.
presented by Hannah Caldwell Chapter. History of the First Congregational Church. Concord,
History of Marshall County, Iowa. Mrs. N. Sanford. N. H. 1730–1907. Presented by Mrs. N. N. Walker.
Presented by Mrs. W. A. Brown. Merry Warren. Alice Brown. Presented by Bunker
From the State Librarian of Iowa, Mrs. A. A. Hawley: Hill Chapter.
Webster County Roll of Honor. 1917–1919. Pre Samuel Ames Family. John Kimball. Presented by
sented by Mrs. A. Hawley. Miss Addie I. Ames.
Iłiographical History of Webster County. 1902. Emancipation of Massachusetts. Brooks Adams. Pre
Presented by Mrs. O. M. Wheeler. sented by Mrs. Ida F. Waterhouse.
Iowa Official Register. 1917–1918. H. C. Klise. Early New England People. S. E. Titcomb. Pre
Presented by Fort Dodge Chapter. sented by Mrs. A. G. Dunham.
History of Calhoun County, Iowa. B. E. Stonebraker. I) escendants of William Shattuck. Lemuel Shattuck.
Vol. 1. Presented by R. A. Horton through Fort Presented by Hannah Winthrop Chapter.
Dodge Chapter. The Town of Boston. 1630–1820. A. H. Thwing.
2 {!!!”
of Jefferson County, Iowa. C. J. Fulton. Presented by Mrs. W. Seth Fitz.
Genealogies of the Clark, Parks, Brockman and Dean,
Davis and Goss Families. H. W. Clark. Presented by
KAN'sAs Mrs. S. R. Carrington.
Don Coronado Through Kansas, 1541. Presented by From the Lydia Cobb Chapter:
Abilene Chapter. Two Men of Taunton. A. R. Davol. Presented
Early 11 istory of Leavenworth. H. Miles Moore. Pre by author.
sented by Capt. Jesse Leavenworth Chapter. The Book of Taunton.
Received through the Kansas State Librarian, Mrs. Ministry of Taunton. S. H. Emery. 2 Wols. Pre
Maude W. Neale: sented by Miss Mary Lincoln.
A long the Old Trail. 1910. Presented by Eva L. Beer. History of Antiquities of Every Town in Massachusetts.
History of Ambulance Company Number 139. Pre J. W. Barber. Presented by Mrs. Anna Hathaway.
sented by Mrs. M. V. Neale. Peabody Genealogy. S. H. Peabody. Gift of Mrs.
J. C. Peabody and Margaret Corbin Chapter.
MAINE From the Deborah Wheeloch Chapter:
Proceedings of he Taft Family Gathering. 1874.
Through the State Librarian, Mrs. E. C. Carll : Historical Address. Urbridge. 1864. Henry Chapin.
The Centennial of Gardiner. 1803–1903. Presented These four volumes received from Quequechan Chapter:
by Miss Emma L. Reynolds. New England Families. 3 Wols. Presented by Mrs.
History of the Town of Waldo boro. Presented by Mrs. J. Richards.
Susan Lowell. Connecticut Historical Collections. J. W. Barber.
History of Boothbau, Southport and Boothbay Harbor. Presented by Mrs. F. N. Alderman.
Presented by Elizabeth Wadsworth Chapter. History of Woburn, Mass. S. Sewall. Presented by
Bangor II istorical Magazine. Vol. 7. Presented by Colonel Loammi Caldwin Chapter through Mrs. J. H.
Frances Dighton William Chapter. Hutchings.
Maine II storical Magazine. Vol. 8. Presented by The Bridgewater Book. 1899. Presented by General
Frances Dighton Williams Chapter. Benjamin Lincoln Chapter.
Maine in 11 istory, Resources and Government. Pre Memorials of the Dead in Boston. Thomas Bridgman.
sented by Glenn Wendell Starkey. Records from the Life of S. V. S. Wilder.
Forest Protection and ('onservation in Maine. F. H. Life of W*illiam Hickling Prescott. George Ticknor.
Colby. Presented by Herbert Folsom. New England Scenes, Etc.
The Maine Book. H. E. Dunnack, State Librarian. The Sickness and Health of the People of Blea burn.
Presented by the author. Ert racts from the Diary and Correspondence of 4 mos
The 11 story of Garland. Lyndon Oak. Presented by Lawrence. W. R. Lawrence.
Mrs. E. S. Reid. Advertisements for the Uner perienced Planter of New
History of Gardiner, Pittston and West Gardiner. England. Capt. John Smith.
J. W. Hanson. Presented by Mrs. Anne H. Farnham. M, morial of Frederic T. Greenhalge.
Genealogical and Family History of the State of Military Record of Pepperell, Mass. C. P. Shattuck.
Maine. 4 Vols. 877.
History of the District of Maine. James Sullivan. The last fiften volumes and two numbers of The His
179, , , torical Bullet in presented by Miss Annetta S. Merrill,
Notes, Historical, Descriptive and Personal of Liver Ancient Landmarks of Plymouth. W. T. Davis. Pre
more, Maine. sented by Lucy C. Sweet. -
Sprague's Journal of Maine IIistory. Vols. 4 and 5. IIistory of the Town of Lancaster, Mass. 1643–1879
Rev. Abijah P. Marvin. Presented by Natick Chapter. Volunteers During the Great Rebellion. 1861–1865.
Through the Mercy Warren Chapter: A. L. Brown.
Ipswich in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. 1633–1700. Legislative Manual of the State of Minnesota.
T. F. Waters. Presented by Mrs. E. S. Magna. J. A. Schmahl.
History of Pelham, Mass., from 1738–1898. C. O. Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant. 2 Vols.
Parmenter. Presented by Mrs. Edith Scott Magna. The Tribe of Pezhe kee. A. O. Thorson.
History of Town of Hanover, Mass. J. Dwelly and Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Minnesota.
J. F. Simmons. Presented by Mrs. E. S. Magua. Annual Report of Board of Park Commissioners. Nos.
The Charters and General Laws of the Colony and 33, 34 and 37. -
Captain James Gibson and Anna Belle, His Wife, and W Ashi NgtoN
Their Descendants, Pioneers of Youngstown, O.
Parts I and IV of Memorial to the Pioneer Women of South-Western Washington. W. J. Miller. Presented
the Western Reserve. Gertrude W. R. Wickham. by Mrs. W. O. Bradbury.
History and Biography of Mahoning County. T .W. From Lady Stirling Chapter:
Sanderson. Beauties of the Bible. Ezra Sampson. 1806. Pre
Historical Collections of the Mahoning Valley. sented by Mrs. A. M. McNaughton.
Greene County, O. 1803–1908. Presented by Cathar Obituary Addresses, Hon. Daniel Webster. 1853. Pre
ine Greene Chapter. sented by Mrs. W. H. Utter.
History of the Western Reserve, O. Harriet T. Upton. WEST WIRGINIA
3 Vols. Presented by Youngstown Public Library.
The First Century of Piqua, O. J. R. Rayner. Pre Seventh Day Baptists in Europe and America. 2 Vols.
sented by Piqua Chapter. -
Presented by Lowther-Fitzrandolph Chapter.
Delaware Archives. 2 Vols. 1911. Presented by
Miss Alice Boardman. Wiscoxsix
History of Adams County, O. N. W. Evans and
E. B. Stivers. From Wau-Bun Chapter:
Scioto County and Pioneer Record of Southern Ohio. History of Columbia County, Wis. 1870. Presented
1796–1903. Nelson W. Evans. These two presented by by Mrs. Drayton A. Hillyer.
Joseph Spencer Chapter. Story of the Service of Company E. 1861–1865. Pre
sented by Mrs. E. M. Bennett.
Oklahoyſ A IIistory of the Territory of Wisconsin. 1836–1848.
M. S. Strong. Presented by Mrs. P. J. Barkman.
History of Racine and Kenosha Counties, Wis. Pre The Family Tree of Columbia County, Wis. A. J.
sented by Mrs. Eva F. Jensen. Turner.
Leading Events of Wisconsin History. H. E. Legler.
OREGoN These two presented by Miss Mary B. Clark.
History of State of Wisconsin. C. R. Tuttle. pre
Letters from an Oregon Ranch. 1905. Presented by sented by Ah-Dah-Wa-Gan Chapter.
Mrs. J. W. Harbeson through Che-mek-e-ta Chapter.
Bridge of the Gods. F. H. Balch. Presented by Linn Life and Times of Stevens Thomson Mason. L. T.
Chapter. Hemans. Presented by Michigan Historical Commission.
Oregon Historical Society Quarterly. Wols. 8, 10 and 11 Story of Dr. John Clarke. T. W. Bicknell. Pre
given by Che-mek-e-ta Chapter. sented by author.
Towns of New England, Old England, Ireland and
RhodE Islaxd Scotland. Part 1. Published and presented by the
State Street Trust Company of Boston.
History of State of Rhode Island and Providence Plan Supplement, 1900 to 1908, to the Inder to Genealogies.
tations. T. W. Bicknell. 3 Wols. Joel Munsell's Sons, Publishers. 1908.
History of State of Rhode Island and Providence Plan Catalogue of the Names of the Early Puritan Settlers
tations. Biographical. 3 Wols. These six volumes pre of Connecticut. R. R. Hinman.
sented by Rhode Island “Daughters.” Bancker or Banker Families of America. H. J.
Debuts de la Colonie Franco-Americaine de Woon Banker.
socket, R. I. Marie Louise Bonier. Presented by Miss 13 ergen Family. Teunis G. Bergen.
A. A. Cook. The Cuthberts and Their Descendants in South Caro.
Reminiscences of Newport. G. C. Mason. lina and Georgia. J. G. B. Bulloch.
Narragansett Historical Register. Vols. 6, 7, 8 and 9. The Campbells of Kishacoquillas. H. C. Sherrard.
1888–1890. These five volumes presented by Mrs. C. R. Biographical Genealogies of the Virginia-Kentucky
Blackmar, Jr. Floyd Families. N. J. Floyd.
Gardner IIistory and Genealogy. L. M. and C. M.
South CARoll NA Gardiner. 1907.
The Grant Family. Descendants of Matthew Grant of
A Woman Rice-Planter. Patience Pennington. Pre Windsor, Conn. A. H. Grant.
sented by Georgetown Chapter. Deacon Samuel Haines and His Descendants in America.
A. M. and T. W. B. Haines.
South DAKOTA The IIalls of New England. D. B. Hall.
The Harvey Book. Oscar J. Harvey.
Rollin's Ancient History. Ten Wols. Presented by Opdyck Genealogy. C. W. Opdyke.
Daniel Newcomb Chapter. Genealogies of the Potter Families. C. E. Potter.
Thomas Sanford Genealogy. 1634–1910. C. E. San
TExAs ford. 2 Vols.
Shattuck Memorial. Lemuel Shattuck.
Harris County, Teras. 1822–1845. Adele B. Looscan. Willis Family of New England and New Jersey. C. E.
1915. Presented by author. and F. C. Willis.
Winslow Memorial. D. P. and F. K. Holton. Wol. 1.
VERMONT The Southern Mountainers. W. S. Tyndale. Pre
sented by Mrs. George M. Minor.
History of Eastern Vermont. B. H. Hall. Presented Irirth of Our Flag and Flag Etiquette. L. B. Runk.
by Mrs. J. J. Esty. Papers of Thomas Ruffin. J. G. de R. Hamilton. Vol.
History of Ryegate, Vt. 1774–1912. E. Miller and 3. Presented by N. C. Historical Commission.
F. P. Wells. Presented by Ann Story Chapter. Abstracts of Original Pension Papers. Vol. 54.
New Hampshire Pension Records. Vols. 14, 15 and 16.
VIRGINIA Rhode Island Pension Records. Wols. 5 and 6.
Esser Institute Historical Collections. Vol. 56.
Through the Virginia State Librarian, Mrs. W. W. Mayflower Descendant. Vol. 21.
Richardson: New England Historical and Genealogical Register.
History of Norfolk County, Va. W. H. Stuart. Wol. 74.
Two copies, one presented by Mrs. H. H. Doyle through New Jersey Historical Society Proceedings. Vol. 5.
Great Bridge Chapter, the other by Fort Nelson Chapter. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record.
History of the Hebron Lutheran Church, Madison Vol. 51.
County, Va. 1717–1907. W. P. Huddle. Two copies, Register of Kentucky State Historical Society. Vol. 18.
one presented by Virginia “Daughters,” one by Fort I’iroinia Magazine. Vol. 27.
Nelson Chapter. South Carolina Magazine. Vol. 20.
History of Southwest Virginia, 1746–1786. Wash. Sprague's Journal of Maine History. Vol. 7.
ington County, 1777–1870. C. P. Summers. Presented Iſ", stern Pennsylvania Historical Magazine. Vol. 3.
by Mrs. A. A. Campbell through Stuart Chapter. Record of Pennsylvania Marriages Prior to 1810. 2
A Southern Planter. S. E. Smedes. Two copies, one Vols.
resented by Miss Nannie S. Kensett, the other by Genealogical Record of the Descendants of John and
rs. A. A. Campbell. Mary Palmer. Lewis Palmer.
National Genealogical Society Quarterly. October. 1748. His name was Samuel Ellis, and that
Newport Historical Society Bulletin. April. is the name stamped on back of plate, with
News Letter, N.S.U.S. Daughters of 1812. February.
New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. April. many “Hall marks”; by Mrs. E. S. Ellsworth,
New York Public Library Bullet in. March, February Iowa Falls Chapter.
and January. Newspaper—Morning Chronicle—issued in
New York State Historical Association, Quarterly Jour
nal. January. London in 1795, presented by Mr. C. S. George.
Sprague's Journal of Maine History. November. MAINE : Brass plate warmer, owned by the
William and Mary College Quarterly. January.
National Society of the Sons of the American Revo donor's great great-grandfather, Thomas Cush
lution. March. ing, Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts,
New Pork Historical Society Quarterly Bulletin. April.
Maryland Historical Magazine. March. 1779–1788. During his term of office many of
Palimpsest. March. the dignitaries of that generation were his
Respectfully submitted, guests and this plate warmer standing before
ANNIE C. Ellison.
the fire-place of his hospitable home in Boston,
Report approved. has warmed plates for Washington, Lafayette,
Hancock, Franklin, and many others of
Mrs. White read her report as Curator Gen national fame; presented by Miss Charlotte A.
eral as follows: Baldwin, Frances Dighton Williams Chapter.
Surgeon's scarificator used during the Revo broidered collar; presented by Mrs. Mary T.
lution for cutting and bleeding. Staffordshire Howe, Mary Butler Chapter. -
pink and white tea pot and platter, two glass Piece of linen sheet spun and woven by
bottles, brass scales, linen tester, small china Molly Stark. It came from the Stark place
pitcher; presented by Mrs. Mattie Wagg Emer at Dunbarton, then known as Starkstown (N.
son, Elizabeth Wadsworth Chapter. H.); presented by Mrs. Clara V. Parent, Mary
Pewter tea pot, presented by Mrs. Wilford Butler Chapter.
G. Chapman, Elizabeth Wadsworth Chapter. Pewter plate and pewter teaspoon, presented
MAssachusetts: Hand-spun linen towel, and by Mrs. Laura E. Varney, Mary Butler
a daintily embroidered silk bag, presented by Chapter.
Miss Maria W. Carter, Old Boston Chapter. Staffordshire china plate, belonged to Mary
Hand-embroidered round collar, presented by Butler-Eastman. Manuscript signed by Josiah
Mrs. James R. Savery, Peace Party Chapter. Bartlett, the signer, and witnessed by his two
Pewter cup, found buried on the Hubbardton, sons, Levi and Ezra; presented by Mrs. Mary
Vt., battlefield, a few years after the battle was Gale Hibbard, Mary Butler Chapter.
fought—1777; presented by Mrs. J. E. Colton, NEw JERSEY: Wine set, mahogany case, six
Peace Party Chapter. handsome gold ornamented bottles, cut mush
Piece of Dolly Madison's brocade dress, pre room stoppers, two missing. This wine set
sented by Mrs. H. L. Dunham, Peace was originally the property of General Phillip
Party Chapter. Schuyler and presented to his friend Col.
Staffordshire china plate, and a pewter plate, George Strover, who purchased the Schuyler
both from the property of General Israel Mansion at Schuylerville, New York, from the
Putnam; presented by Mrs. Edgar Whiting. General. It is still in the possession of his
Letter (printed), belonged to Col. John Dag descendants. Presented by his granddaughter,
gett, 1724; presented by Miss Alice A. Daggett, Grace B. MacSymon, through Orange Moun
Attleboro Chapter. tain Chapter.
Handkerchief, spun and woven by Phoebe Fork, very crude, hand wrought, was dug on
Morgan about 1790, a daughter of Lucas Mor the grounds of Phillip Schuyler about 1700,
gan, who was in the Revolutionary War; pre at Schuylerville, N. Y.; presented by the
sented by Miss Katherine Morgan; not Orange Mountain Chapter.
a member. OHIo: Two Staffordshire plates (Warwick
Small silver teaspoon, marked “E. C.", in vase design), one Staffordshire pitcher, Canton
memory of Alzada and Oliver H. P. Hawkins; sugar bowl, Staffordshire dark blue sugar bowl,
presented by their son and daughter, Louisa and china creamer and sugar, landscape design,
W. H. Hawkins. Miss Hawkins is a member very old; presented by Mrs. W. H. Maddox,
of Woonsocket Chapter (R. I.). Wauseon Chapter.
MICHIGAN : Tiny silver teaspoon, made in Two pieces of Continental money, issued
Holland, 1600, brought to this country in 1742 1775–1776. Hand-embroidered pocket book,
by Martha Selleck, a great-great-great-grand made in 1773 for Richard Alsop, who served
mother of donor; presented by Mrs. Carroll E. in the Revolutionary War. Presented by Miss
Miller, Marie-Therese Chapter. Julia A. Rogers, Oxford Caroline Scott Chapter.
Mississippi : Linen cloth, flax grown on the Silver shoe buckles, worn by Walter Durfee,
Morgan homestead at Holyoke, Mass. Spun Revolutionary soldier, Massachusetts; pre
and woven by Phoebe Morgan; presented sented by his great-granddaughter, Mrs. Nora
by a granddaughter of Phoebe Morgan, Mrs. A. Durfee Wilhelm, Canton Chapter.
Laura Jane McKinstry White, Hic-a-sha-ba-ha Sampler, made by Philura W. Lee. Born
Chapter. 1802, presented by Miss Elizabeth E. Lee, New
New HAMPSHIRE: Lace from the hangings Connecticut Chapter.
of the guest room, embroidery on canvass, em Manuscript, presented by Mrs. Arthur Colby,
broidered and netted bag, wine glass, Lowestoft New Connecticut Chapter.
vase; Bible, has three names and dates, one Two pewter plates, pewterer's name on back,
“Elizabeth-Weare's Book, 1754”; a book, “The “Townsend,” London, and many “Hall
Young Clerk's Guide” (Law Book); small marks.” These plates were owned by an an
work box. All these gifts came from Mes cestor, Fannie Hawes Wright; presented by
check-Weare place at Hampton Falls; presented Mrs. Daphene Smith, Mary Redmond Chapter.
by his great-great-great-granddaughter, Miss Gold ring, three in one, called an engage
Abby Harlan-Jewett, Mary Butler Chapter. ment ring; presented by Mrs. Mary A. G.
Stiegel glass dish, and an exquisitely em Anderson, Mary Redmond Chapter.
East Relief " on March 16th, and permission her to say she had no report to make as Edi
has been given by the President General for the tor, her report to Congress coming early in the
following events: week, and the same was true of the report of
May 7th Girl Scouts Rally, at which Mrs. the Chairman of the Magazine Committee.
Warren G Harding, wife of the President of The request was made by Miss McDuffee,
the United States, is to be present and presented Vice Chairman in charge of Americanization,
with a “Tender foot Pin.” that the State Regents impress upon their
May 10th Masonic Mass Meeting, when ad State Chairmen the great importance of re
mission will be strictly by card. porting promptly their year's work to the
May 19th Annual Convention American National Chairman or Vice Chairman in order
Federation of Arts. that her report might be gotten ready in time
June 8th American University. for the Congress.
We have a request for the use of the audi The Recording Secretary General presented
torium in May, 1922. The President General a request from the State Regent of Illinois
has given her consent for its use at that time by for permission for the Thomas Walters Chap
the noted, international Congress of American ter to incorporate for the purpose of owning
Physicians and Surgeons. All these meetings property. Moved by Mrs. Wait, seconded by
to comply with the required regulations. Mrs. Aull, and carried, that the request of the
The general repairs on the building have Thomas Walters Chapter at Lewistown, Ill., to
been attended to by our regular force under the be allowed to incorporate, presented by Mrs.
Superintendent. The special repairs, for which Chubbuck, be granted.
outside labor has been required, are as follows: Mrs. Yawger presented also a request from
1. The rain spout of the South Portico out the George Clymer Chapter of Pennsylvania
side the Banquet Hall. for confirmation by the Board of their incor
2. Necessary electric wiring, defective be poration in January, 1921. A chapter house
cause of corrosion due to damp walls. which had been presented to the chapter came
The roof on the building continues to be an into its possession last fall, and having been
ever-present source of care. As in our report informed that this real estate could not be held
of June, 1920, the committee believes that a unless the chapter was incorporated, a charter
new roof will be necessary in the near future. was granted in January by the resident judge.
More or less damage is done to the building The chapter did not at that time know that
during every storm, but we have deemed it it was necessary to get permission of the Board
unwise to recommend the putting on of a new to be incorporated, and it now asked that the
roof this year owing to the continued high cost Board grant this permission and ratify the
of labor and materials, knowing that temporary action of the chapter. Moved by Mrs. Hunter,
repairs could be made by our own force seconded by Mrs. Reynolds, and carried, that
under the direction of the Superintendent, the request of George Clymer Chapter that the
Mr. Phillips. National Board of Management ratify their
Your committee feels that its careful and
action in becoming incorporated in order to
economical year has been largely possible
hold property be granted.
through the vigilance and assistance of the
Superintendent. We feel it due to good man Moved by Miss Campbell, seconded by Mrs.
agement that our entire building has been Felter and Mrs. Hall and carried, that the Kan
cleaned and our grounds cared for without sas D.A.R. be given permission by the Board
extra help. This is a big piece of work which to incorporate under the laws of Kansas in
has been done without added expense to the order that they may own property.
Society. Incident to Congress week extra tele Dr. Kate Waller Barrett presented the matter
phones have been installed, telephone operator of the proposed gift by Mrs. Francois Berger
engaged, extra doors to the auditorium put up, Moran of one of the sets of bronze doors to the
also the awning on the South Portico, each Hall, with Mrs. Moran's offer of a check
room has had its spring cleaning, and your for $1407.80 to pay for the balance due on the
committee feels that Memorial Continental
doors. Moved by Mrs. Hunter, seconded by
Hall is not only in good running order, but in
readiness to welcome its Daughters. Miss Temple, and carried, that this generous
Respectfully submitted, offer made by Mrs. Moran through Dr.
(Mrs. G. WALLACE W.) LUCY GALT HANGER. Barrett be accepted with grateful thanks, pro
Chairman. viding there is nothing on our statute books to
There being no objections, the report was prevent us doing so.
accepted. Moved by Mrs. Heavner, seconded by Mrs.
Mrs. Bissell, Chairman of Magazine Com Charles W. Barrett, of New Hampshire, and
mittee, stated that Miss Lincoln had requested carried, that West Virginia Daughters of the
American Revolution be incorporated under the some of the difficulties that had been encoun
laws of the State in order to own property. tered in her office in the use of the present
Recess was here taken for luncheon. blank, she moved that we return to the form of
The afternoon session called to order at application blank in use prior to that authorized
2.20 P.M. at the meeting of the Board on October 20, 1920.
The President General announced a reception This was seconded by Mrs. Shumway. Miss
to be given by Lady Geddes to the National Strider stated that she would ask the endorse
Officers and State Regents at the British Em ment of the Board for a recommendation that
bassy on Monday afternoon at half-past five she would present to Congress in her report
o'clock. The President General stated also that that a committee be appointed by the President
in accordance with the desire of the Board, ex General to embody such changes as may be
pressed at the February meeting, she had ap thought necessary in the old form of blanks.
pointed a Committee, consisting of Mrs. The motion of Miss Strider, seconded by Mrs.
Hanger, Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. Buel, to draft Shumway, was put and carried. The President
an inscription for the fountain at Tilloloy, and General stated that it was realized by all the
because there was some doubt as to the exact members of the Board that Mrs. Phillips had
amount of space the inscription might occupy, the good of the organization at heart when
two inscriptions were drawn up and sent to she recommended the change in the application
Baroness de la Grange. blanks, which was in the nature of an experi
The President General referred to the vote ment, and had she lived she would herself
taken at the February Board meeting in regard have seen the impracticability of the working
to supplemental papers which had been recom out of her plan.
mended by the then Registrar General, Mrs. The President General referred to the service
Phillips, on the understanding that there was given to the National Society by the Official
no ruling to prevent the carrying out of this Parliamentarian, Mrs. Anderson, and the
motion. The 13th Congress in 1904 had amount of money paid her by the National
adopted a resolution that a charge of twenty Society, $150 for the Congress, which hardly
five cents be made for the verification of all paid her railroad and hotel expenses for the
supplemental papers, which ruling had been week, and it was felt by the President General
declared unconstitutional by the National Board and so stated to Mrs. Anderson, that the
of Management during the year 1904 and never National Board of Management would be will
enforced. The Parliamentarian had now ad ing to pay Mrs. Anderson her expenses. Moved
vised that the ruling by the Congress was by Mrs. Reynolds, seconded by Mrs. Cook, and
in accordance with the constitution and was carried. that the carpenses of the Parliamen
in effect and the National Board of Manage tarian be paid by the National Society in addi
ment could not now adopt any motion modify tion to the $150 paid for her services.
ing a ruling of the Congress, and the Registrar In reply to a question as to the pay of the
General had therefore a motion to propose. Official Reader, the President General stated
That this Board recommend to Congress to so that heretofore the Official Reader had been
amend the resolution of the Thirteenth Con paid $100, but that this year Mrs. Willey, of the
gress relative to a charge for supplemental District of Columbia, had offered her services
papers that it read “one dollar" instead of free to the Society.
twenty-five cents, moved by Miss Strider, sec Mrs Hartman moved that the Wisconsin
onded by Mrs. Reynolds and Mrs. Elliott and Daughters of the American Revolution be
carried unanimously. allowed to incorporate under the latt's of Wis
The question was brought up by the Corre consin. Seconded by Mrs. Sparks and carried.
sponding Secretary General as to the present Moved by Mrs. Hazlett, seconded by Mrs.
form of application blanks, permission for the Moss and carried, that the National Board of
change having been given by the National Management ratify the action of the General
Board. Mrs Elliott told of the many com Knor Chapter of Maine in incorporating under
plaints that were received because of the lack the laws of their State. Moved by Dr. Bar
of space for writing in the necessary infor rett, seconded by Mrs. Morris and Mrs. Heav
mation, and of the burden entailed on the ner, and carried, that the State D.A.R. of
applicants of attempting in such small space Virginia be authorized to incorporate. Mrs.
to put in all the information regarding the W. O. Spencer moved that the North Carolina
children in the various generations which it Daughters of the American Revolution be
had seemed at the time it was proposed would allowed the privilege to incorporate. Sec
be a splendid way to gather up the history of onded by Miss Campbell and carried. Moved
the families in the succeeding generations and by Mrs. Arnold, seconded by Mrs. McFarland
thus make history After some further discus and carried, that the Kentucky Daughters of
sion, in which the Registrar General told of the American Revolution be permitted to in
corporate in order to hold property Mrs. Hoval gret at leaving associates whom she had
Smith moved that Arizona be allowed to in learned to admire and love. Other retiring
corporate under the state laws of Arizona to Vice Presidents General talked in the same
enable them to hold property. Seconded by strain, and the President General and members
Mrs. Heavner and carried. Mrs. St. Clair of the Board expressed their regret to lose
stated that the District of Columbia Daughters these old members, whose interest and friend
ask permission to incorporate for purposes of ship, however, would not be lost. Among the
buying real estate for a chapter house. Sec retiring State Regents who also spoke was Mrs.
onded by Mrs. Hoval Smith and carried. Hazlett, State Regent of Maine, and the follow
Moved by Mrs. Wait, seconded by Mrs. Sher ing motion was made by Mrs Wait: that the
rerd, Mrs. Ringer, and Mrs. Keating and car National Board stand in honor of our retiring
ried, that any State wishing to incorporate woung-old State Regent, Mrs. Hazlett, of
under the laws of that State and in conform Maine, who has just announced her age is 18
ance with the Constitution of the National So with the figures reversed. This was seconded
ciety D.A.R. be permitted to do so. by Mrs. Wilson and carried with a rising vote.
Mrs. Wilson moved that the Daughters of The Treasurer General reported another re
the American Revolution of the State of Ohio instatement and moved that the Secretary cast
be allowed to circularize the chapters of the the ballot for this reinstatement. The Re
National Society in behalf of the proposed cording Secretary General announced the cast
Caroline Scott Harrison Memorial at Orford ing of the ballot and the President General
College, Orford, Ohio. This was seconded by declared the member reinstated.
Miss McDuffee and Mrs. Wait and carried. Miss Strider presented her supplementary
Mrs. Morris, National Chairman of Preser report as follows:
vation of Historic Spots Committee, showed
to the Board a copy of the Revolutionary map Supplementary Report of Registrar
of Yorktown, and spoke of the bill to be intro
duced in Congress requesting the Federal Gov I have the honor to report 230 applications
ernment to acquire all the fortifications, etc., for membership, making a total of 2990,
at Yorktown and make of the scene of the largest number ever admitted at any one
surrender of Lord Cornwallis a National park. Board meeting.
The President General introduced to the Respectfully,
Board the new Executive Manager, Mrs. EMMA T. STRIDER,
Pepper, who entered the employ of the Registrar General.
National Society, April 1st. Moved by Miss Strider, seconded, and car
The Treasurer General reported that since ried, that the Recording Secretary General
the last meeting the Society had lost through cast the ballot for 230 applicants. Mrs. Yawger
death 273 members. The Board rose in silent announced the casting of the ballot, and the
memory to these deceased members. Mrs. President General declared these 230 members
Hunter reported also that since the last meet of the National Society.
ing 122 members had resigned from the So Mrs. Hanger read her report as Organiz
ciety, and 195 desired to be reinstated. Moved ing Secretary General:
by Mrs. Hunter, seconded and carried, that the
Secretary cast the ballot for the reinstatement Report of Organizing Secretary General
of the 195 members. The Recording Secretary Madam President General and Members of the
General announced the casting of the ballot, and National Board of Management:
the President General declared these 195 rein I have the honor to report as follows:
stated as members of the National Society. Through their respective State Regents the
Mrs. Keating, State Regent of Oregon, re following members at large are presented for
ferred to a flag code arranged on a large card, confirmation as Organizing Regents: Mrs. Rosa
copies of which had been presented to many of A. Rhoads, Pacific Grove, Calif.; Mrs. Edna
the members of the Board, which the State Sheldon Dunaway, Abbeville, Ga.; Mrs. Mahala
desired to sell for fifty cents, half of which E. G. Wilson, Augusta, Ga.; Mrs. Annie Camp
was to go to Oregon and half toward the new bell Bradwell, Bainbridge, Ga.; Mrs. Lulu M.
office building. Mrs. Reynolds moved that Pearce Farmer, Thomson, Ga.; Mrs. Nancy
Oregon be permitted to sell these flag codes Byers Vance Allred, Buhl, Ida.; Mrs. Wilhel
for fifty cents, twenty-five cents to go to Ore mina McMahan Rothert, Huntingberg, Ind.;
gon and twenty-five cents to go to the new Mrs. Lillie Britton Gibson, Fontanelle, Ia. ;
office building. This was seconded by Mrs. Miss Caroline Dean, Nevada, Ia. ; Mrs. Winnie
Cook and carried. Elgin Reed, Maysville, Ky.; Mrs. Ruth M. B.
Mrs. Reynolds spoke of this being her last Mackintosh, Ipswich, Mass.: Mrs. Maud Adams
meeting with the Board and expressed her re Raymond, Galesburg, Mich. ; Mrs. Belle Col
bºrn Rozers. Monroe, Mich.: Mrs. Elizabeth from Port Henry to Port Henry and Crown
Clark Hayes. Brainerd, Minn.; Miss Grace Point, as the members are about equally divided
IJorival, Caledonia, Minn.; Mrs. Melicent between the two places.
Somers Witmer, Beesley's Point. N. J.; Mrs. The following chapters have reported organ
Carrie Appleton Warner, Roselle, N. J.; Miss ization since the February Board meeting:
Mary Elizabeth Fisk, Rye, N. Y.; Mrs. Eliza Sunbury at Winder. Ga.; Asa Cottrell at
bºth Post White, Southampton, N. Y.; Mrs. Belvidere, Ill.: Bayberry at Sibley. Iai: Betty
Florida Eunice C. Lawrence, Wolcott, N. Y.; Alden at Emmettsburg. Iai: Mary Osborne at
Mrs. Helena Morris Wade, Dunn, N. C.; Mrs. Rockwell City, Ia. ; Richard Dobbs Spaight at
Magnolia Shuford. Hickory, N. C.; Mrs. Bessie New Bern. N. C.: Waightstill Avery at Bre
Newsom L. G. Martin, Wilmington, N. C.; vard, N. C.: El Reno at El Reno. Okla : Beth
Mrs. Fannie Taylor Bowers, Mandan, N. D.; lehem at Bethlehem, Pa.; Kishacquillas at
Mrs. Helen S. Billman, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio; Lewiston, Pa.; Catherine Littlefield Greene at
Mrs. Gertrude C. Taylor, Jamestown, Ohio; Phenix, R. I.; Fort Prince George at Pickens,
Mrs. Nancy Lauck McDonald, Keyser, W. Va.; S. C.; Black Hills at Bellefourche, S. D.;
Miss Agnes O. Endler, Romney, W. Va. Nolachucy at Tusculum, Tenn.; Francis Wallis
The following Organizing Regencies have at Cherrydale, Va.; The chapter at Douglas
expired by time limitation: Mrs. J. Myrrl Max ville, Ga.; The chapter at Mattoon, Ill.; The
field. Emmett, Ida; Mrs. Alice Campbell chapter at Concordia, Kan.
Brownell, Pondera Valley Ranch, Mont. Permits for National Officers, insignia, 6; per
Through the State Regent of Idaho, the re mits for Regents and ex-Regents' pins, 153.
appointment of Mrs. J. Myrrl Maxfield, of Organizing Regents notified, 24; charters
Emmett, Idaho, is requested. issued 4; Chapter Regents' list issued to Chair
The resignation of Mrs. Madge Lane Law man of Committees, 1; Chapter Regent's list
rence as Organizing Regent at Ellsworth, Kan issued, paid for, 3.
sas, has been reported by the State Regent. Respectfully submitted,
The State Regent of West Virginia requests (Mrs. G. WALLACE W.) LUCY GALT HANGER,
a chapter to be authorized at Martinsburg, Organizing Secretary General.
W. Va. Moved by Mrs. Nash, seconded by Mrs.
By request of the State Regent of Virginia Morris, and carried, that the report of the
the location of the Major George Gibson Chap Organicing Secretary General be accepted.
The Recording Secretary General read the
ter is to be changed from Ewing to Gibson
minutes, which were approved as read, and
Station, because a greater number of the mem
on motion duly seconded, the Board adjourned
bers are now living at the latter place. at 4.15 P.M.
The State Regent of New York requests the (Mrs. John FRANCIs) RITA A. YAwgER,
location of the Champlain Chapter be changed Recording Secretary General.
President General
Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D. C.
Vice Presidents General
(Term of office expires 1922)
1706 Cambridge Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. Highland Ave., Haddonfield, N. J.
MRs. Isa Ac LEE PATTERson, MRs. JAMEs Lowry SMITH,
Eola Road, Salem, Ore. Amarillo, Tex.
902 Westover Ave, Norfolk, Va. 1720 22d St., Rock Island, Ill.
Miss Louise H. CobURN, Skowhegan, Me.
(Term of office expires 1923)
MRs. Cassius C. Cottle, MRs. CHARLEs S. WHITMAN,
1502 Victoria Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 54 East 83d St., New York, N. Y.
6719 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. McCleary, Wash.
2101 Blaisdell Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Cooksburg, Pa.
MRs. Edward P. SCHOENTGEN, 407 Glenn Ave., Council Bluffs, Ia.
(Term of office expires 1924)
Mrs. John TRIGG Moss, MRs. C. D. CHENAUlt,
6017 Enright Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Lexington, Ky.
Heathcote, Charlotte, N. C. 316 Willow St., Ottawa, Kan.
MRs. LYMAN E. Holden, MRs. A. L. CALDER, 2ND,
8 Park Place, Brattleboro, Vt. 35 S. Angell St., Providence, R. I.
MRs. HowARD L. Hodgkins, 1830 T St., Washington, D. C.
Chaplain General
2123 California St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
Recording Secretary General Corresponding Secretary General
Memorial Continental Hall. Memorial Continental Hall.
639 WALxtt St., (, adsdex. INDEPENDExcE.
110 N. Coxceptiox St. Mobile. “Riverside,” Wichi T.A.
Bisbee. 539 GARRARD St., Covix grox.
394 N. 3Rd St., PHoexix. FRANKFolºr.
2005 Scort St., Little Rock. 2331 CHEST NUT St., NEw Orle Axs.
817 W. 511t Ave., Pix E Bluff. ALEXANDRIA.
269 MATHER St., Oak LAND. 2-2 MAIN St., WATEnville.
1240 W. 29th St., Los ANGELEs. 122 Goff St., Aubu RN.
803 Spittºck, St., Bot: Libert. 2224 N. Calvert St., BALTIMoRE.
Litch FIELD.
PIN EHURst, CoN cord. f
MRS. S. M. COUNCIL, 1012 W. MAIN St., KA LAMAzoo.
1515 FItAx kill N St., Wilm INgtoN. MRS. L. VICTOR SEY DEL,
SMY Its A.
MRS, FRANCIS A. ST. CLAIR, 1906 KEN wood PARK way, MINNEApolis,
1319 T. St., N. W., W AshingtoN. MRS. L. C. JEFFERSON,
119 5th St., N. E., W AsiiiNgtoN.
MRS. J. A. CIRAIG, 850 N. JEFF Ensox St., JAcksox. *
233 W. Duvai, St., Jacksonville.
305 14th Av E., Coirpri, E. MRS, HENRY W. HARRIS,
MRS, HERMAN HUGO, 420 S. IDAho St., Di Li.ox.
MRS. E. bir OOx MART IN.
P. O. Box 248, Hoxolulu.
814 S. CENTRAL Ave., Bozem AN.
Box 3:24, Good! No.
604 W. A. St., North PLATTE.
421 2ND A v E., E., Twin FALLs. CHADRox.
D-a-Ma. Taylor
I have rºad your "Valley Forge. A Chronicle of American
Heroism,” with interest, and tº pleasure in congratulating
ºn the thorºughness of your resº."Nº work has
been printed that contains soºh data about the Encamp.
º and I sincerely hope that a very ºf circulation mºy
be attained, particularly in tº ºbools of the sountry. Tº
"Explanatory. Notes.” ºhemost reliable data extº
-d the numerous ºstrations scattered tº text
will enable the reader tº *PPreciate more fully the history ºf
the Valley Forge Camp.
AMºon- º,
JOHN.W..JORDAN, LL.D. Librarian.
Historical sºciety ºf Pºla.
(1) To perpetuate the memory and spirit of the men and women who
achieved American Independence, by the acquisition and protection of
historical spots, and the erection of monuments; by the encouragement
of historical research in relation to the Revolution and the publication
of its results; by the preservation of documents and relics, and of the
records of the individual services of Revolutionary soldiers and patriots,
and by the promotion of celebrations of all patriotic anniversaries.
(2) To carry out the injunction of Washington in his farewell address
to the American people, “to promote, as an object of primary impor
tance, institutions for the general diffusion of knowledge,” thus develop
ing an enlightened public opinion, and affording to young and old such
advantages as shall develop in them the largest capacity for perform
ing the duties of American citizens.
(3) To cherish, maintain, and extend the institutions of American
freedom, to foster true patriotism and love of country, and to aid in
securing for mankind all the blessings of liberty.
The D.A. R. Magazine is the Society’s Official Publication.
It stands
For love of Country.
For service to the Country.
For unswerving loyalty to the Government.
For inculcating these principles in the children, both native and
foreign born.
For encouraging the study of American history.
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Z =>
º ||||
--- º º C.ºsºsºs
Percentage to the Continental Hall Fund
Plain or oxidized..................... $2.50 Plain or oxidized..................... $1.25
With gilt bowls...................... 2.75 With gilt bowls..... 1.50 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Official emblem for daily use, war tax included..................................... ... 81.58
Order from Mrs. Ellenore Dutcher Key, Memorial Continental Hall,
Washington, D. C. Percentage to Memorial Continental Hall
Volume 1, reprint, Volumes 11 to 54, inclusive, $1.15 each, including postage
Volumes 6 to 10, inclusive, $3.15 each, including postage
Volume 1 contains the Charter Members. The volumes following 1000
National Numbers each
Official ribbon for suspending badges, price 35c a yard. Rosette buttons, 25c.
Proceedings 19th to 28th Continental Congresses. Price, per volume......50c, postage additional
Proceedings 29th Continental Congress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.50, including postage
First Report to the Smithsonian Institution 25c Fourteenth Report...................... 20c
Fifth Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c Sixteenth Report... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c
Sixth and Seventh Reports, each........ 50c Seventeenth Report............. - - -- - - - - 50c
.l, ---—
vol. Lv Contents No. 8 -
Publication Office, 227 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Chairman, Magazine Committee, Southington, Conn. Editor, Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D. C.
Genealogical Editor, Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D. C.
BNTERED December 13, 1917, at the philadelphia, PA., Post office as second class Marrer UNDER
THE ACT of MARch 3, 1879.
Subscriptions should be sent to the Treasurer General, Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D. C.
Single Copy, 25 Cents Yearly Subscription, $2.00 Foreign Postage, 50 Cents Additional
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WOL. LV, No. 8 AUGUST, 1921 WHOLE No. 348
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By Isabel L. Smith
U. S. Frigate Constitution.
him of his cause for self-glorification.
Syracuse Harbor, January 31, 1804.
The Tripolitans refloated the Phila Sir:
delphia and carried her into Tripoli, You will prepare the Siren for a cruise
and be ready to sail to-morrow evening or
where they guarded that precious prize as soon as the signal is made.
under the very muzzles of numerous bat Proceed with all possible dispatch for the
teries. With coast of Tripoli.
The ketch In
the knowledge trepid, under the
command of Lieu
of her situation,
tenant Decatur,
Com m odore with seventy vol
Edward Preble unteers from the
squadron, is or
determined to dered to accom
keep at a distance
from Tripoli until
time; and their the evening, but
not so far but that you can reach the harbor
courage and the cunning camouflage they
adopted finally made the achievement of by midnight.
The Intrepid being rigged in a manner
their quest possible. peculiar to the Mediterranean, probably
Under date of January 31, 1804, Com will not be suspected by the enemy; of
course it will be most advisable to send her
modore Preble addressed the following ahead in order that she may stand into the
letter to Lieutenant Charles Stewart, harbor and board the frigate.
commanding the U. S. brig Siren: I have no doubt but Lieutenant Decatur
with the officers and men under his com effectively, and the Siren and the Intrepid
mand will be able to take possession of and got clear of the port satisfied that they
destroy her.
As soon as the Intrepid has entered the had humbled the Bashaw by affronting
harbor you will stand in and anchor in such him in his very stronghold.
a position as you in your judgment may In those far-off days, camouflage was a
think best calculated to afford her as
sistance in the execution of the main object, cloak designed to mislead the normal sight
cover her retreat or destroy any of the and to deal with an enemy who fought
enemy's cruisers that may be in the harbor aboveboard, even though his character
by sending your boat for that purpose.
It will be most proper for you to enter was utterly unchristian. The weapons
the harbor with a westerly wind, as it will then were such that they could be used
ensure you a safe retreat. The destruction to advantage only at short range; and in
of the frigate is of national importance, and the final moments the tide of battle turned
I rely with confidence on your valor, judg
ment, and enterprise in contributing all the upon brawn, bravery, and the rush of
means in your power to effect it. Whatever a hand-to-hand struggle. Camouflage,
may be your success, you will return, if
possible, directly to this place. where practiced, was resorted to only as
May the Almighty take you under His an aid in reaching the objective or to lure
protection and prosper you in the enter a nimbler foe within striking distance.
prise. I have the honor to be, Sir,
How different, indeed, was the purpose
Your obedient servant,
(Signed) Edward Preble. of maritime camouflage during the World
War. True, false appearances played
Lieutenant C. Stewart,
Comdr. U. S. Brig Siren. their part as of old, but deceptive coloring
was for a single end—to blind or
It is a matter of history, and cause for to blur the sinister vision of the ambus
pride, that the men of the Intrepid and cading submarine.
the Siren gallantly fulfilled the task set Many do not know it, but the U-boat's
them, reaching their objective undetected evil eye, the periscope, fell far short of
until too late to halt them, thanks to the the service expected of it. That was not
disguise which Preble had prescribed. In because of lack of skill on the part of its
the faint light shed by a young moon, the fabricators but rather by reason of certain
United States craft worked their way into inherent optical limitations. These, in
time, the marine camoufleurs discovered;
the port, deception being heightened by
the Maltese garb assumed by such of the and then they set themselves the task of
officers and crew as were not concealed developing systems that could be counted
below decks or in the shadows of the upon to confuse the commanders of hos
tile underwater craft.
bulwarks. When near enough to the
In the early days of the World War
Philadelphia the order “Board ' " was
the submarine was virtually a daytime
given, and our bluejackets and officers
torpedo boat, but the eternal vigilance of
made short work of the Tripolitans man anti-submarine patrols hampered the
ning the frigate. A few minutes later the U-boat's diurnal activities, and for her
ship was in flames, and there was barely own safety she was, in the main, com
time for the Americans to regain the In pelled to restrict her aggressive periods
trepid, cut the lines, shove off, and save to the half light of dawn or evening or to
her from the conflagration. the semi-luminous gloom of favoring
The Tripolitans were too startled to nights. The camoufleurs, in the course of
interfere or to bring their guns into action the anxious months of their duty, came
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to devise color schemes that would take ity, a ship possesses a definite shape and
advantage of the low visibility of dusk offers no unusual difficulty in determining
or hazy weather or which, in brighter her true line of advance.
hours, would convey a false impression of Accordingly, the British, at the instance
the line of travel of a surface vessel likely of Lieutenant Commander Wilkinson,
to be attacked by a submerged submarine. elected to use paint in a way that would
Lying in wait below the surface or ad deceive the attacker as to the size and the
vancing stealthily, with only the periscope course of his prey; and it was found that
above water, the sea asp would launch its this could be achieved by resorting to a
torpedo from a distance of a thousand harlequin arrangement of contrasting
yards or more—the weapon being aimed color areas, which, at a short distance,
at a point ahead of the moving target so tended to distort the appearance of a
that it would strike the quarry when the craft sufficiently to destroy her general
torpedo and the unsuspecting ship had ad symmetry and to confuse as to her bulk.
vanced far enough to bring them athwart Here in the United States, after we
each other's path. The man at the peri joined forces with the Entente Allies,
scope, in order to score a hit, had to William Andrew Mackay, Everett L.
estimate with approximate accuracy both Warner, Lewis Herzog, and Maximilian
the speed and the course of his intended Toch came forward with various
victim. He had to guess the rate of travel forms of low-visibility, and dazzle
within two knots of the actual speed and systems of coloring for both our
it was likewise indispensable that he merchant and fighting ships; and, ulti
establish his target's course within two mately, the Navy Department created a
points of the compass, lest the torpedo Camouflage Section with Lieutenants
run wide of its mark. Therefore, the Harold Van Buskirk, Loyd A. Jones, and
camoufleurs sought to befuddle the Everett L. Warner a nucleus. Lieuten
U-boat commander and to make it harder ant Jones not only brought to the subject
for him to discover, during brief obser scientific attainments of exceptional value,
vational periods, how the nearing vessel but he did much to perfect instruments by
was headed. which the relative visibility of camou
When we entered the World War we flaged models could be determined accu
borrowed freely from the bitter experi rately. In the end, through the agencies
ence of the British, who had successively thus called into being and through the
attempted to reduce the visibility of mer experimental laboratory established in
chant vessels by means of coloring and Washington, under the Chief Constructor
who finally placed their main dependence of the Navy, Admiral David W. Taylor,
upon a so-called “dazzle” system, which the camoufleurs evolved a combination of
owed its origin to the experiments of colors and methods of applying them to
Lieutenant Commander Norman Wilkin both naval craft and ships of trade that
son, R.N.V.R. The accepted expedient the enemy, looking at them through a
was based on the general assumption that periscope, would hardly know where to
it is impossible to obtain invisibility at aim to make certain of a hit.
sea, especially when the object of attack In the beginning, American camoufleurs
stands out as a sharp silhouette against a used pinks, pale purples, greens, light
luminous sky. No matter how uniformly blues and grays to blend the vessels, at
painted, if the object be to lessen visibil comparatively short distances, with the
atmosphere when the background was the hurried and misleading view of his target
sky opposite the source of light; and before launching his torpedoes. It is a
others of our camoufleurs resorted to matter of record that we camouflaged by
curious patches of black, white, pink, means of paint approximately 1250 ves
gray, etc., to dazzle or confuse the hostilesels after the 1st of March of 1918; and,
observer. The latter form of camouflage following that date, of the ninety-six
was really a form of protective mimicry, United States ships sunk by Teuton sub
of which we see daily evidences in animal marines, only eighteen were camouflaged.
life. It served to destroy normal lines and It is probably no misstatement of fact,
to blur contours by which the seaman has that had we not employed this neutraliz
long been accustomed to judge the posi ing or safeguarding expedient we should
tion of a vessel and the path upon which probably have suffered far more griev
she is steaming. Women know what it ously when we sent our shipping through
means to modify the figure by the cut and the submarine-infested waters of Europe.
color scheme of gowns, and this, in sub By reason of the protective coatings
stance, is what the dazzle camoufleurs adopted the submarine was no longer able
finally concentrated upon. to strike with its earlier sureness. The
Exhaustive research revealed how gro U-boat became, in effect, a near-sighted,
tesque arrangements of sharply contrast yes, even a groping antagonist, and
ing irregular areas of black, blue, white, through the bewilderment thus provoked
and gray would not only reduce the visi it was possible for us to get safely across
bility of a steamship's mass but, even in the Atlantic hundreds of ships, thousands
vivid light, would likewise make uncertain of troops, and many millions of dollars'
the exact line upon which she was head worth of food and indispensable muni
ing. Therefore, the commander of an tions. Maritime camouflage brought to
attacking submarine would either have to light one of the submarine's weaknesses
betray his presence and invite destruction and played upon it to the undoing of
by a somewhat protracted exposure of his that insidious and sinister type of fight
periscope or, for his own safety, take a ing machine—the German U-boat.
This tyrannical act of the King raised After the capture of Savannah by the
him in the estimation of the people, and British, the aged Jonathan and his son
he was toasted at a dinner given at James were sent to New York and
Charleston, May 31, 1770, in celebration placed on a prison-ship. There they re
of the landing of the statue of mained for two years until exchanged,
William Pitt. and later assisted at the retaking of
Subsequently he was elected a mem Savannah from the British.
ber of the Council of Safety and was After the Revolution Bryan con
prominent in the affairs of the Revolu tinued to reside at Brampton, near
tion. His sons Hugh and William sat Savannah, and having held important
with him as members of the Continen positions under the old and new gov
tal Congress in Savannah, 1775, as did ernments, died March, 1788, and was
also John Houston, who married his interred in the family vault on
daughter Hannah. His son James was the plantation.
a lieutenant in the Continental line of His children, beside those already
the Georgia brigade in the Revolution. mentioned, were Mary, who, as the
Drawings by
Zoé Lee H. Anderson
The founder of the Anglo-Saxon house of The name of this family is neither Saxon nor
Lawrence was Sir Robert Lawrence, of Ash Scandinavian, in fact, the great antiquity of
ton Hall, who accompanied Richard, Coeur de the family suggests a Latin origin. Shortly
Lion, to Palestine, and distinguished himself after the Roman Conquest, there was a patri
by being the first to scale the walls of Acre cian family of this name in Rome.
and place the banner of the Cross upon its
battlements in 1191. For this deed he was
The earliest mention of the Northampton
shire English family, of whom we have record,
knighted and given the Coat of Arms, still
used by the family. is of Alexander de Boketon, who recovered
His line of Royal descent can be traced back the “advowson of the Church of St. John,
to Charlemagne. the Baptist at Boketon” about twelve years
His great grandson, James, married Matilda before granting the Magna Charter, in the
Washington, and from this union there has been reign of King John, 1203.
an unbroken line, from intermarriages with His great-great-grandson, Sir Thomas de
families of distinction in Church and State. Boketon, who was Sir Thomas Grene, of
Before 1635, Sir Henry Lawrence became Buckton, being the first to take the name of
a Member of Parliament from Hertfordshire
Att Grene or de la Grene, was Member of
and afterwards Lord President of Cromwell's
Parliament from County Northampton, 1336,
Privy Council, and while a member of
and High Sheriff in the fourth year of Ed
the “Upper House" became one of the
committee who commissioned Governor ward III, held Norton by “particular obliga
John Winthrop. tion of holding up the lord's right hand toward
Sir Henry, with a number of English noble the King upon Christmas Day, wherever he
men had patented a large tract of land at the should be at that time in England. He mar
mouth of the Connecticut River, and they in ried Lucy, daughter of Lord Eudo Zouche, of
tended to accompany Governor Winthrop, but Harringworth. She was a great-great-grand
were prevented by a decree of Chares I. His daughter of Saier de Quincy, Earl of Win
kinsmen, John and William Lawrence came in chester, one of the twenty-five Magna Charter
stead, in the ship Plantar, 1635, and their Barons and a Knight of the Fifth Crusade in
brother Thomas came before 1650. William
the Holy Land, 1220. She was also descended
and Thomas became the founders of the Ameri
from Hugh Capet, founder of the Capetian
can family as John and his three sons died with
Dynasty, in France.
out leaving male issue.
They were men of wealth and of great promi Their son Sir Henry Greene was Lord Chief
nence in the affairs of the State. Justice of England, and it is from his grand
John, the son of Thomas, moved from son Thomas, the third son of Sir Henry Greene,
Massachusetts to New , Amsterdam, where of Drayton, Northamptonshire, that Major
he became the Mayor of New York in John Greene, the Deputy Governor of the
1691, and a Justice of the Supreme Court. Colony of Rhode Island, traced his descent.
( .) I
Historical novels give sometimes a true, some Mitchell's Red City (Philadelphia in Washing
times a false idea of history, but in any period ton's second administration). The Man without
where individuals and individual action becomes a Country has become a classic; not so well
important they form a valuable auxiliary to more known is Philip Nolan's Friends in which Doctor
formal works. Also they are usually interesting. Hale rehabilitates its hero. The early Northwest
If stories of American history are not as num is pictured in Edward Eggleston's Hoosier
erous as of European, at least the field is fairly Schoolmaster, Circuit Rider and The Graysons,
well covered. Even the semi-legendary Norse with J. A. Altsheler's Herald of the West for
visits to Vinland are described in Miss Liljen the War of 1812 (C. T. Brady's for the Free
crantz' Thrall of Lief the Lucky. For the period dom of the Sea gives another phase of this war).
of exploration we have Cooper's Mercedes of Also of the Northwest (with a side glance at the
Castile (Columbus) and Simms' Vasconselos Mexican War) is Nathan Burke, by Mary S.
(De Soto), or if these are too old-fashioned, Watts, with Churchill's Coniston for the same
Lewis Wallace's Fair God (Mexico), while period in New England. The latter author has
Kingsley's Westward Ho! deals with the times if dealt with the Civil War in The Crisis (of course
not the locality. The Colonial period is richer, one cannot omit Uncle Tom's Cabin) and other
especially for New England: Jane G. Austin's Civil War Novels are J. T. Trowbridge's Cudjo's
Standish of Standish and its continuations Cave, S. Weir Mitchell's Roland Blake, and
describe the Pilgrim colony, and Hawthorne's Octave Thanet's Erpiation; with Cable's Cavalier,
Scarlet Letter and Twice Told Tales (espec Ellen Glasgow's Battle-Ground, T. N. Page's
ially Legends of the Province House) certain In ole Virginia, and Mary Johnston's Long Roll
phases of Puritanism. For the Southern Colonies for the southern side. Page's Red Rock and
we have Mary Johnston's Prisoners of Hope Tourgee's Fool's Errant are pictures of Recon
and To Have and to Hold, with others of an struction from opposite sides.
older school by Simms and J. P. Kennedy and Just where the historical novel blends into the
for New York, Bynner's Begum's Daughter, novel of contemporary life it is hard to say. In
E. S. Brooks' In Leisler's Times and J. K. a sense the novel which describes the author's own
Paulding's, Dutchman's Fireside. time will be the best historical novel for future
Many of us obtained our first ideas of the generations. America has been prolific of what
wars with France and the Indians from Cooper's might be called regional fiction. Hawthorne,
Last of the Mohicans and The Pathfinder, but Mary E. Wilkins, Rebecca Harding Davis and
Gilbert Parker's Seats of the Mighty and Thack (for Cape Cod) Joseph C. Lincoln have pic
eray's Virginians enter the same field, and M. H. tured different phases of New England character.
Catherwood's Romance of Dollard and Story of Booth Tarkington and Meredith Nicholson
Tonty, with Conan Doyle's Refugees give us the represent the Middle West and James Lane Allen,
Canadian side. The novels of the Revolution Kentucky (for the latter state read also Eliza
are many: Cooper's Pilot and Spy pleased our Calvert Hall's Aunt Jane of Kentucky; George
fathers, as did Simms' Partisan and his other W. Cable has described Louisiana; Stewart
Stories of the war in the South. Thackeray's Edward White, Michigan. William Allen White,
unfinished Denis Duval just touches the war from Kansas; and Hamlin Garland the trans-Mississ
the English side. Of more recent books one ippi region. Indeed, anyone who wishes to cross
might name Winston Churchill's Richard Carvel, the continent in the more recent past might start
S. Weir Mitchell's Hugh Wynne, and P. L. in New Hampshire with Winston Churchill's
Ford's Janice Meredith. Harold Frederic's In Mr. Crewe's Career, stop in New York with
the Valley brings in General Herkimer and the The Honorable Peter Stirling, (Wister's Lady
battle of Oriskany, and Clark's spectacular Baltimore takes one to the old and new South)
conquest of the Northwest is described in and continue in the company of Tarkington's
Churchill's Crossing, whose real theme is the Gentleman from Indiana, of White's A Certain
westward movement, and Maurice Thompson's Rich man, (Kansas) and of Wister's Vir
Alice of old Vincennes. ginian. (Wyoming) to the lair of Frank
For the period following the Revolution read Norris' Octopus out on the Pacific Coast.
state cºnferences
COLORADO The meetings of the Board of Management,
Chapter Regents, Chapter Registrars and
The Colorado State Conference of the Chapter Historians were followed by the
Daughters of the American Revolution was sessions of the Conference.
held March 9-11, 1921, with the Chapters of Mrs. Edith Cates in her report on Real
Colorado Springs at the Antlers Hotel. Daughters stated that Kansas has only one
Sixty nine members were registered from Real Daughter, Mrs. Frances Bush Love
the twenty four Chapters of the State. Mrs. land, ninety-six years old and living at
J. L. Smith, Vice President General from Soldier, Kan. Miss Clara Francis, Chair
Texas, was among the first to greet the man Old Trails Committee reported the
Conference giving an inspiring address upon present effort being made to secure El Quart
the work of the Daughters during and after eljo, an Indian Pueblo, the only place
the war. Mrs. W. H. R. Stote, State Reg where white men stopped in 1704, which
ent, reported on her visits to different has been given the Kansas D.A.R. and will
Chapters and announced that two new be marked and cared for by them.
Chapters had been organized during the Mrs. C. E. Friend of Lawrence gave a cre
year; Sterling and Lamar. One hundred ditable report of the work done in the
and twenty four new Daughters are now Chapters along the line of Patriotic Educa
enrolled, while nine resigned and twenty tion and Americanization. The work included
died. The total membership is now 1184, the support of scholarship funds for the
and about three hundred copies of the International Training Schools at Spring
DAUGHTERs of the AMERICAN REvolution field, Mass., and the Martha Berry School,
MAGAZINE are taken. distribution of American creeds and of
Mrs. Hayden, who was later elected State flags, coöperation with program commit
Regent, stated that twenty members from tees on patriotic holidays and education of
Colorado were in attendance at the Con the Mexicans and Syrians in the State. Mrs.
tinental Congress in Washington. D. V. Walker reported excellent work done
One of the pleasant social functions was a by D.A.R. women in support of legislation
tea at the Broadmoor given in honor of the in the interests of women and children.
Vice President General and the delegates. Reports from the twenty-eight chapters in
The “Wheaton” banner was awarded to Kansas were given and showed each chapter
Arapahoe Chapter of Boulder which report to be active along the lines of patriotic work.
ed an increase in membership of seventeen. Mrs. G. L. Linscott, State Registrar, an
The State Historian reported upon the nounced the organization of a new chap
War Record's work of the Chapters, and ter at Concordia. Polly Ogden Chapter at
emphasized the fact that many were doing Manhattan was awarded the State Honor
work in Americanization. Flag for securing the largest number of
(MRs. F. A.) FRANCES HATCH, new members during the year. Emporia
State Historian. Chapter, was given special mention for sup
plying the State Historian with the most
KANSAS complete set of records of men in active war
service. Mrs. T. A. Cordry, retiring State
The twenty-third annual Conference of Historian, had on exhibition at the Confer
Kansas D.A.R. met in Arkansas City on ence, four volumes containing the military
March 29–31, 1921. Betty Bonney Chapter records of 239 soldiers who are relatives of
was the hostess Chapter, and addresses of the Kansas D.A.R.
welcome were given by Mrs. Mary M. Tyler, Mrs. George Thacher Guernsey, Honorary
its Regent, and by Mayor C. N. Hunt and President General and newly elected State
Albert Falconer, President of the Chamber Regent, was the honored guest of the Con
of Commerce of Arkansas City. Miss Cath ference and addressed the delegates at differ
erine Campbell, State Regent, responded. ent sessions on the general work of the Soci
ety, inspiring them to greater enthusiasm and Tamassee Industrial School, Martha Berry
interest. The presentation of a $1,000 School, and the Schauffler School.
scholarship fund to the International Train All assesments to the National Society
ing school at Springfield, Mass., in honor were reported as paid and the following
of Mrs. Guernsey was an event of amounts given to State funds: $976.65 paid
the Conference. on the $5,000 Endowment Fund for the
A beautiful Service in memory of twenty children of sailors, soldiers and marines of
two Daughters who died during the year the World War living within the State of
was in charge of Mrs. T. A. Cordry. The South Dakota. $151.60 for the support of one
tribute to the National Daughters was teacher at the International College at
given by Mrs. Guernsey, while the tribute to Springfield, Mass., $25 for the upkeep of the
the Chapter members was read by Mrs. Real Daughter's Grave, and $119.42 for Near
Milo McKee. Mrs. W. E. Stanley, Honor East Relief. It was voted by the Conference
ary State Regent was present at the ses to support one teacher for one year at the
sions of the Conference. The song, “My International School at Springfield, Mass.,
Golden Kansas" written by her son, Harry or some school of the same character, to be
Eugene Stanley, was adopted as the official decided by the Board of Management.
D.A.R. song for Kansas. Mrs. E. E. Maynard, State Director, for
The following state officers were elected the Children of the American Revolution,
for the ensuing term of two years: Regent, gave an encouraging report and asked that
Mrs. George Thacher Guernsey; Vice Reg each Chapter organize a Children's Society.
ent, Mrs. R. B. Campbell; Registrar, Mrs. Mrs. M. R. Hopkins, is the incoming State
Byron B. Burg; Historian, Mrs. J. P. Adams; Regent and Mrs. Leslie G. Hill, the incom
Recording Secretary, Adelaide Morse; Treas in State Vice Regent.
urer, Mrs. J. P. Larkin. The social affairs of the Conference were,
ADELAIDE MoRSE, the delightful luncheons given by the mem
State Recording Secretary. bers of the 39th Star Chapter each noon,
the banquet at the Kampeska Hotel, the
SOUTH DAKOTA Colonial Tea, given in the parlors of the
Methodist Church at which time an enter
In response to the invitation of the 39th taining C.A.R. program was given under
Star Chapter, the seventh annual State Con the supervision of Mrs. H. B. Williamson.
ference of South Dakota D.A.R. assembled and the Theater Party, Thursday evening
in the First Methodist Church of Water Soloists for the Conference were Mrs.
town, March 16 and 17, 1921. The Con Bernice Smith Hagman, Mrs. Agnes Sheafe
Morris, Mrs. Walter Miller and Mrs.
ference was called to order by the State
H. B. Williamson.
Regent, Mrs Francis W. Warring.
The Seventh State Conference closed with a
Scripture was read and prayer offered by
Rev. Gay C. White of the First Methodist
prayer of thanksgiving, and benediction given
by Rev. Gay C. White.
Church. This was followed by the singing All members of the Conference voiced their
of “America” and the repetition of “The sincere appreciation of the interest and efforts
American's Creed.”
of the 39th Star Chapter, and of the State
Mrs. S. X. Way of the hostess Chapter Regent, Mrs. Francis W. Warring, in thus
gave the address of welcome, which was bringing this year of wonderful achievement
responded to by the State Vice Regent to such a delightful close.
Mrs. M. R. Hopkins. The reports of the (MRs. LESLIE G.) HELEN St. Joh N HILL,
State Officers were very interesting, especi State Recording Secretary.
ally that of the State Regent who laid
especial emphasis on “The Relation of the WASHINGTON
State to the National Society.”
The reports of the State Chairmen In response to the cordial invitation of
brought out many items of importance and Esther Reed Chapter, the Twentieth Annual
evoked much favorable comment. Conference of the Washington D.A.R. was
Thursday morning's Devotionals were in held April 7-8, 1921, in the Davenport Hotel,
charge of the State Chaplain, Mrs. R. F. Spokane. The Conference was called to order
Lockhart and were followed by the singing by our beloved State Regent, Mrs. George H.
of “The Star Spangled Banner.” Goble, a member of the hostess Chapter. The
This morning's session was given to the invocation was given by the Chaplin, Mrs. J.
reports of Chapter Regents, which showed L. Sutherland, after which all joined in the
subscriptions given to Piney Woods School, Salute to the Flag.
Greetings from the National Society to the National Committees showed a keen interest
Conference were given by our Vice President being taken by each chapter in the work as
General, Mrs. Henry McCleary; a welcome on outlined by the National Society. Mrs. Ed
behalf of the City of Spokane by Mayor C.A. mund Bowden's report as compiler of Wash
Fleming, and a welcome from Esther Reed ington records, was most interesting. Lineal
Chapter by the Regent, Mrs. Charles F. Chase descendants of Revolutionary ancestors re
was most cordial. Response to these words of lated to members of the State Society, who
welcome was given by Mrs. W. A. Johnson, took part in the World War, and are entitled
First Vice Regent. Presentation of the pro to appear in these records, number 465, in
gram was made by Mrs. Emmett Evans, after cluding eleven women. Two D.A.R. mothers
which the State Regent appointed the Com had sons in both Canadian and U. S. military
mittees on Resolutions and Auditing, and the service, Mrs. Edmund Bowden and Mrs. C.
report of the Credentials Committee was X. Lorabee. One D.A.R. mother sent the war
given by Mrs. H. W. Patton. record of four sons, and one of three. The
The State Board members were entertained bundle of records as prepared for the files
at luncheon by the members of the Board of in Memorial Continental Hall, Washington,
Esther Reed Chapter. Each member of the D. C., and for our State Society were tied
Conference was taken to luncheon by a mem with the D.A.R. colors.
ber of the hostess Chapter. The afternoon On Friday the official luncheon of the State
session opened with an attractive musical Conference was given at the Crescent Tea
number, followed by the address of the State Room, more than 125 D.A.R. attending. After
Regent, Mrs. Goble, in which she spoke of the the luncheon a surprise musical program was
close coöperation we should have with our given in the Auditorium, originated by Mrs. E.
National Society and all its endeavors. She C. Flemming. The stage was arranged to form
a Colonial background for Mrs. S. E. Lam
also gave a summary of work done in the State
bert who, dressed as a Colonial dame, sang
during the past year. several songs. Her gown of white brocaded
The reports of the State Officers and Chair satin was 150 years old and was loaned by Mrs.
men of the Standing Committees Showed H. E. Bacon. Her point lace shawl, over 100
Americanization had been the key-note of years old, and her poke bonnet 110 years old,
every chapter in the State, and that money, both are heirlooms of the Flemming family.
time and personal service had been most The flag draped over the officers' table was
freely given. carried in the battle of Yorktown, 143 years
Four new chapters were introduced and a ago, and was made in 1778. It was loaned by
silk flag presented to each one, the gift of L. R. Bland.
our Vice President General, Mrs. McCleary, Friday afternoon the newly elected officers
and our State Regent, Mrs. Goble. were introduced to the Conference. The new
Thursday evening a reception and banquet State Regent, Mrs. William Sherman Walker,
was given to the delegates and visitors by the in her speech of acceptance, said:
hostess Chapter. Mrs. C. F. Chase, Regent of “All institutions have a use for existing, and
Esther Reed Chapter, was a charming toast those having only selfish ideals must change or
mistress. She paid a glowing tribute to cease to exist. Our society is big enough and
Mrs. Goble, who gave a short, witty address. broad enough to continue to teach proper rev
Mrs. W. A. Johnson, First Vice President of erence for the heroic and noble deeds of our
the State, spoke in behalf of the State Board forefathers, and also to help in the training
in appreciation of Mrs. Goble's administration, of all who come as strangers to our shores.”
and presented a pair of silver candlesticks The Conference went on record as advocat
to her.
ing severe restriction of immigration for five
Mrs. Henry McCleary, our beloved Vice years. The Conference of 1921 will go down in
President General, was the next speaker. Col the annals as one of especial success, and re
onel C. C. Ballou, commanding officer at Fort flects great credit upon the members of Esther
George Wright, was an honored guest, and Reed Chapter.
gave a stirring address. ALBERTA STEvens UDELL,
The report of the State Chairman of State Historian.
Aug. 20, 1808. Hendrick Post was m to Mar Roll of Capt. Caleb Whiting's Co. Dorcas had
garet Cock, Jan. 6, 1769, by the Rev. I. Van an older sister who also m a Whiting.—Miss
harlengen. Henry Post m Margaret Vandike, Margaret Bates Webb, 628 Highland Ave.,
wid of Samuel Deniston, Apr. 19, 1806; she was Meadville, Pa.
his 2nd w & was b June 29, 1758. Hendrick
Post, d June 17, 1830, in his 83rd yr. David QUERIES
Freeman, 2nd husband of Alchey Post, d Nov. 10032. McCoNNELL.-There were three Wm.
14, 1836, aged 73 yrs, 11 mos, 15 days. Copied McConnells in Ky. during the Rev. One settled
from the Family ms of Wm. Cock. Wm. Cock, in Lexington, one in Bourbon Co. & the third
b Sept. 18, 1718, d Aug. 16, 1757; Cornelia was a preacher & came to Mo. with Daniel
Vonde Baregh, b Apr. 16, 1726; Wm. Cock & Boone, settling in St. Chas. Co. He m Miss
Cornelia Baregh were m May 2, 1745; Wm. January, of St. Louis. His Rev rec has been
Cock, b Mar. 29, 1740; Garshem Cock, b Sat., proven, his desc using a Bucks Co., Pa., service.
May 16, 1747; Margaret, b Sat., May 20, 1749; The first of these Williams, in company with
John, b Tues., May 21, 1751; Tunis, b Fri., Col. Robt. Patterson, built the first cabin in
Sept. 14, 1753; Henry, b Fri., Nov. 29, 1755; Lexington, Ky. He m Miss Ellis & d abt
Jacob, b 7 mos aft his father's death, Mar. 18, 1800, leaving several minor ch. There was
1758. Cornelia Vande Baregh Cock m 2ndly much litigation in settling his estate. The sec
Hulick. She d Mar. 22, 1792. Copied from an old Wm. m. Rosanne Kennedy in Pa. in 1768
old ms found in Post Bible & nearly obliterated and went from Lancaster Co., Pa., to Ky.
is the following: Alex. Moore, b Nov. 5, 1790, before the Rev. Two Wm. McConnells served
his w Cornelia Brokaw, b July 10, 1795, d July, under Gen. George Rogers Clark. Wanted
1883; Letitia P. Moore, b Sept. 14, 1815; Mary help in determining which service belongs to
Moore, b Nov. 20, 1817; Sarah H. Moore, b which Wm. Would be glad to correspond with
May 23, 1820; Jane Eliza Kissam Moore, b desc of the first two Wms. mentioned.
Sept. 20, 1822–Mrs. C. C. A. Miller, 508 East (a) FERNEYBough.-Wanted Ferneybough
Main St., North, Gainesville, Florida. gen & Rev ser of Thomas Ferneybough, who
9953a. BLAIR.—Land Grants in North Caro m Agnes, dau of Wm. Lucas, in St. Thomas'
lina. Catharine Blair, Dec. 26, 1793, Grant No. Parish, Orange Co., Va., in 1776.-M. N. W.
163, 1000 A, Eastern District of N. Car.; also 10033. GREEN.—Wanted wife's name & date
shown in later note was warrant No. 2375 & land of b of Nathaniel Green, Rev sol of Phila.
lay on Main Fork of River. Warrant, Richard Co., Pa. Also list of their ch. One dau
Dobbs Spaight; surveyed by Thomas King; Margaret Charlotte Green m John Shillings
John Blair & Francis Guthrey, chain-car burg, another dau m John Mercer. Green
riers. Note also Military Grant to John Blair gen. desired.
in N. Car., 300 A land, Greene Co., on Beaver (a) SchustER.—Gen desired of Margaretta
Dam, Waters of Church River adj; 200 A made Schuster, of Phila. Co., Pa., who was b 1765.
by Moses Poors, beginning Thomas King's (b) BECKER.—Wanted gen of Anna Maria &
Corner, etc.—E. M. N. Moore. Mary Becker, of Phila. Co., Pa. What was
9989. SHELBY.—I am trying to find out their connection with the Schuster & Jones
whether Evan Shelby's w was Mary, dau of families? The enquirer has a very old Testa
Andrew & Eliz. (Davis) Blair. Andrew Blair, ment with the name of Anna Maria Becker,
of Blair's Valley (Penna.-Md.), d 1796, aged 1775, on the silver clasp & the name of Mary
107 yrs. Will at Hagerstown, Md., mentions Becker & date 1772 inside.—A. E. S. R.
dau Mary Shelby. Chauncery Court at Hagers 10034. Boone.—George & Mary Boone had
town shows suits of Andrew Blair vs. Evan s Squire Boone, who m Sarah Morgan, and
Shelby (absentee) running over 20 yrs (land had s Squire. Wanted names of his w &
dispute). These Blairs lived in Washington ch.—I. R. B.
Co., Md., & also in Franklin Co., Pa. From 10035. WooD.—Wanted name & dates of Miss
this neighborhood a colony went to Mecklen Wood, who m a Totten in Orange Co., N. Y.,
berg, N. C., bef the Rev. Andrew Blair, b abt 1800. Her father was a Rev soldier.—
1699, had sons in Rev ; also sons-in-law, Mc R. M. D.
Clellan, Dougherty, Moran. One of his daus 10036. CoBB-Would like to correspond with
was Eleanor, sister of Mary Blair Shelby.— desc of Henry Cobb & his w Eleanor Paris,
Dr. E. M. Heistand Moore, 1708 Race St., parents of Azariah Paris Cobb, of N. or S.
Phila., Pa. Car., who came to Ga. & m Mary Frances
FAIRBANKs.—According to the Fairbanks Sorrel.
genealogy Dorcas Fairbanks m Timothy Whit (a) HARRIs.-Wanted parentage of John
ing & went west. She was the 8th child of Pinckney & Wm. Harris, bros who came from
Lieut. Joshua Fairbanks, who served in Rev Va. to Ga. John Pinckney located in Greens
with rank of Lieut. on the Lexington Alarm, boro, where he m Frances Cornelia Leslie, &
Wm. located in Clarkesville, Ga. Sarah Lockey, rec of the father of Ann McCoy, who m Elihu
of Bay City, Ky., & Nancy Glass, of Galconda, Cozad in Sussex Co., N. J., at the close of the
Ill., were their sisters.-B. C. H. B. Rev, then moved to Mercer, Pa.—L. C. B.
100.37. BRADFord-Polk.-Wanted gen of Saba 10044. LITTLE.—Wanted name & dates of w
Bradford, who m Jan. 25, 1764, Capt. Wm. & Rev rec of Joseph Little, b 1732, prob in
Polk, b in Somerset Co., Mol.-M. H. Scotland, d in Sudberry, Vt., May 29, 1817;
100.38. StATLER.—Capt. Rudolph or Rudy appears in Census of 1790 at Sudberry. One
Statler, Rev sol from Lancaster Co., Pa., en s, Rufus, b 7-9-1772 in Vt., d in Crawford
listed July 1, 1775, Sept. 4, 1776, June 8, 1778, Co., Pa., 11-12-1854. S. Joseph, b 1765, d
May 10, 1780, & served till end of the war. Sudberry, Vt., at age of 57. Joseph was a
He m 2nd w May 7, 1799, Fanny Bash, d May Lieut. & Capt. in Rev.
5, 1825. Dau Christina, by 1st w, m Adam (a) MARSHALL-Wanted name & gen of w
Brown, Rev sol. Wanted dates of b & 1st m, & parentage of Nathaniel Marshall, who lived
also name of 1st w with her dates.
in Westmoreland Co., Pa., 1803, moved to
(a) CATHER.—Col. Jasper Cather, wounded Crawford Co., Pa. Among his ch were John,
at Siege of Yorktown, settled in Frederick Co., Nathaniel & Joseph, b 10-15-1808, d in Craw
Va. In Va. census of 1790 was listed with
ford Co., Pa., 1-19-1883.
seven in fam; sons were Thomas, John, James, (b) ARBUCKLE.-Wanted parentage & name
Robert, Wm., David. Wanted proof of his of w of James Arbuckle, who d of yellow
Rev ser, dates of b, m, & name & dates of his fever during French & Indian or Rev War.
w.—E. B.
His only son James lived in Mercer Co., Pa.
10039. WEBB.—Wanted gen of Anna Webb, Did he give 1812 service: His son Jacob, b
b Jan. 1, 1770. Did she have Rev ancestry?— 1829, m Eliza J. Dickey & lived in Mercer
A. W. M. Co., Pa.-E. L. McC.
10040. STEPHENs.-Wanted gen & Rev ser of 10045. BRADLEY.-Wanted names & dates of
Gen. or Brig. Gen. Ebenezer Stephens, b in
Canada, d in Lachute, Canada, m Lydia French
the parents of Elizabeth Bradley, b Aug. 28,
1743, d April 7, 1821, & buried with her hus
prob in N. Y., owned land where city of
Taunton, Mass., now stands. Had s Ebe band Japhet Towler on their plantation in
nezer Stephens, whom m Susanna Brooks. Charlotte Co., Va. (Keysville). They were m
Their s Alpha Stephens, b Sept. 15, 1822, Dec. 15, 1762, & their ch were Elizabeth B. b
d Feb. 18, 1898, m Mary Thompson Nov. 9, Aug. 28, 1763; Nathaniel, b Feb. 23, 1765,
1849. Their dau Lydia, b Apr. 9, 1862, m Chesterfield Ct. House, Va.; James, b Apr. 18.
Sylvan Detrick May 16, 1889; their s Geo 1768, Prince Edwards City, Va.; Benjamine, b
Alpha Detrick, b Apr. 25, 1890, m Frieda E. Dec. 18, 1769, Cumberland, Va.; Henry, b Dec.
Damas Dec. 11, 1916, and their dau Ruth Damas 22, 1771, Chesterfield, Va.; Ann, b Dec. 18.
1773; Wm., b Apr. 23, 1776, Chesterfield, Va.;
Detrick, b Sept. 30, 1917.-F. D. D.
10041. RAGAN.—Wanted information of
Elizabeth, b Sept. 11, 1778, Goochland: Luke.
b Dec. 30, 1780, Goochland; & Edward, b Apr.
Ragan, Rev sol of German desc. His dau 3, 1783, Goochland, Va. James Towler was
Eliz. b in West Milford, Va., 1771, d. 1885, m a merchant in Petersburgh, Va., & m Lucy
Alexander Ireland. Their ch were John, Jacob, Bryan, Ragsdale, b July 11, 1778, d Mar. 18,
Eliza, Sarah, Margaret & Priscilla. 1817, in Ohio. Wanted names of her parents.
(a) MoRRison.—Wanted gen & Rev rec of L. P. H.
Archibald Morrison, who emig from England 10046. MEtz.—Wanted dates & Rev rec of
bef the Rev. & settled on the Yadkin River, Christian, Christ or Christy Metz, of Lancaster
N. Car. He m Miss Fook & in 1775 enlisted Co., Pa., who m Mary Hockman. He was
in Cont army. Abt 1788 moved from N. Car. the s of Von Ludwig & Magdalene Metz.
to West Milford, Harrison Co., Va. His dau who were b in Germany & came to this coun
Margaret, b 1768 in N. C., m 1789 Wm. Loro try bef 1771 & settled in Lancaster Co., Pa.
ther, Jr., of Va.-O. C. E. V. S.
10042. PERLEE.—Wanted information re
10047. RUs H-Court.NEY.-Wanted parentage
garding the fam of Edmund Perlee, a Pay with dates of Thos. Rush, of Culpepper Co., Va.,
master in Rev. Was Mary Perlee, who m Wm. who m Nancy Courtney. Wanted her gen also.
Barclay, in New York City, his dau?—C. E. A. (a) DAvis.-Wanted name & date of father
10043. Mitch ELL.-Wanted parentage of of Silas, b 1786, m 2nd in Indiana, d in Mo.;
David Mitchell, b Apr. 4, 1774, in Cumberland Susan, Seymour, Jesse, Peter & Littleton
Co., Pa.; moved to Nile Township, Scioto Co., Davis, of Snow Hill, Worcester Co., Md.—
Ohio, in 1797. C. A. C.
(a) McCoy.—Wanted dates of b & d & Rev 10048. Gw Atkins.—Wanted names of w &
ch of Charles Gwatkins, Rev sol from Bedford he m in Charlestown, Mass., 1732–C. P. McG.
Co., Va., b Apr. 3, 1741. He was the s of 10055. HAwley.—Wanted ances of Capt.
Mary & Edward Gwatkins. Wanted also name James Hawley, who served in the War of 1812,
of his s & w, who were the parents of Chas. m Hannah Barry in Salisbury, Conn., moved to
W. Gwatkins, b Mar. 12, 1812, Bedford Co., Victor, N. Y., in 1798. Also gen of Selina
Va., & m Charlotte Ann Tinsley, Sept. 25, Hawley, b in Victor, N. Y., in 1798. Is there
1834.—C. C. L. Rev ser in these lines?—A. P.
10049. Blood.—Wanted dates of b & m of 10056. VAN SCHAACK.—Wanted the name of
Samuel Blood who ser in Rev from Bolton, the emigrant Holland, ances of Maria Van
Mass.; also maiden name & dates of his w
Schaack, who m Jacobus Roosevelt, & any
data relating to the relationship of Cornelius
Kesiah. Their dau Kesiah m Israel Fisher,
Aertsen, of Manhattan, whose younger ch took
of Fitzwilliam, N. H. the name of Van Schaieck or Van Schaick
(a) HAs KELL–Wanted parentage of the about 1673.−G. V. E.
widow Lydia Haskell, of Bellingham, Mass., 10057. SEELYE.-Wanted gen & date of d of
who m Sept. 14, 1792, Samuel Fisher, Jr., of Nathaniel Seelye, said to have been a Rev
Medway, Mass. Capt. at the Battle of Bennington, m Lucy
(b) BARNEs.-Wanted date & place of d of Graves, b Apr. 26, 1746, dau of Jedidiah Graves,
Caleb Barnes, Rev patriot, of Waterbury, Conn. of East Haddam, Conn.—O. H. B.
Also dates of his dau Hannah, who m James
Alcox, of Wolcott, Conn.—M. H. K.
10058. SPAUN.—Wanted Rev rec of James
Spaun, who was one of three bros who came to
10050. DAvis.-Wanted gen of Anna Davis,
b in Falmouth or Rochester, Mass., d Nov. 5,
this country from Spain to fight in Rev. His
s Dicky Spaun had a s James, who came from
1835, at Sidney, Me., m Feb. 27, 1766, Paul
Hammond, of Falmouth.
S. Car. to Mo. & m Miss Woodward.—J. R. S.
10059. WAltz.-Wanted any information of
(a) GREEN.—Wanted ancestry of Marah or Michael Waltz, who emigrated from Switzer
Maria Green, who m 23 Jan., 1728, John Ham land to the States in 1750 & settled in Pa. -
mond, of Rochester, Mass.-E. R. B. R. M. D.
10051. TYLER.—Wanted date of the appoint 10060. Wood.—Wanted parentage with Rev
ment of John Tyler, ances of Pres. Tyler, as rec of father of Deborah Wood, who m 1778
Marshall of Virginia.-J. M. H. Nehemiah Seeley, b 1757 Fairfield, Conn., d
10052. CoopFR.—Wanted dates of b & m of 1822 Ballston, N. Y.
Jacob Cooper, who m Rebecca McKinney & (a) BIRDSALL-Wanted parentage & Rev
resided nr the Catawba River in Camden Dist., rec of father of Polly Birdsall, who m 1774
S. C., & ser in the S. Car. Militia. His ch Samuel Stark, b 1771, Dutchess Co., N. Y., d
were John, Jacob b 1792, Wm. Joseph H. 1840 in Michigan.—E. M. G.
b 1802, Elizabeth, Mary, Rebecca, Nancy, James 10061–Wilson.—Wanted gen of Mary Wil
& Agnes.—A. G. St. C. son, of Orangeburg Dist., S. Car., who m John
10053. CALVERT.- . . . Can anyone tell me Houston in 1788. Was her father a Rev sol?
where I can locate the Bibles of Cornelius Cal (a) GRAVES.—Wanted parentage & Rev rec
vert (1), of Norfolk, Va., who d 1747, or of of father of Susan Graves, of Knox Co., Tenn.,
his s Cornelius, who m Elizabeth Thorough who m Charles Latham in 1880.
good? Christopher Calvert was b abt 1765, (b) Fowler.—Wanted gen & Rev ser of
have heard that he was a s of Cornelius 2nd, but Thomas Fowler, whose dau Eunice m John
have not been able to prove the fact by Wills or Houston, Jr. She was b abt 1806 nr Abbeville,
Deeds. He went west prior to 1792, the year of S. Car. Her bros & sis were Frances, b Abbe
his m in Amherst Co., Va. Was Thos. Calvert, ville, 1803, m Jeptha Landrum; Malinda m
1st Lieut. of the Constellation, a s of Cor Quincy Boring; Dennis m & had one s Thomas,
nelius 2nd Have found that Cornelius 2nd who d in Va. in Civil War. Is this Fowler fam
had dau Mary who m Wm. Walke; dau Anne of N. Car. 2–M. N.
who m Capt. James Tucker; & a s Saunders 10062. HollowAY.—Lieut. James Holloway,
T Calvert, unm. Would be grateful for any in 4th Va. Reg. 1776 to 1778, m Martha Ann
Calvert data that will help me to straighten this Owen. He d Jassamine Co., Ky., 1829. Lived
line.—E. F. O'G. previously in Amherst Co., Va. Holloway &
10054. TRAvis.—Wanted gen & dates of b & Owen ancestry desired.—E. M. B.
m of Mary Travis, who m Bibby Broocks & 10063. CROM weLL.—Information desired of
lived in Jackson, Tenn., in 1830. She was an the Cromwell fam residing in Westchester Co.
aunt of Col. Wm. Travis, who was killed at during the Rev. Mary Cromwell m James
“The Alamo,” 1836. DeVoe, her bro Edward m Jane DeVoe.—
(a) WELCH.—Wanted gen of Ebenezer M. E. C.
Welch & also of his w Susanna Allen, whom 10064. Holton.—Wanted gen of James Hol
ton, of New Salem, Mass., whose dau Nancy m m Sarah —, b abt. 1724, d Oct. 4, 1802. Do
Wm. Kellogg, Feb. 23, 1772. Does he trace not know place of res during Rev. Four of this
ances to the colonial settler Wm. Holton? name served from Mass. Their dau Rachel m
Give line of desc.—E. L. D. B. Russell Parker & was living at Wilbraham,
10065. Hatch.-Wanted gen of John Hatch, Mass., prior to 1800 Their other ch were
b Feb. 9, 1774, d June 19, 1847, & of his w Aaron, Nathan, Esther & maybe others.
Sarah Fuller, b July 6, 1770, d Nov. 28, 1852. (a) Stone-EATON.—Did Jeremiah Stone,
(a) SchERMERHoRN.—Wanted information Rev sol from R. I. have dau Nancy, b 1786,
of Peter Schermerhorn, whose dau Hannah m who m Jeduthan Eaton, b 1779? Wanted gen of
Jarvis D. Hatch, Feb 15, 1832, at Parish, N. Y. both fams.
She d Aug. 31, 1893, aged 78 yrs.-R. C. C. (b) GALE-SHERBURNE.—Roger Gale, b abt
10066. KING-Wanted date of b & par of 1771; lived in Dutchess Co., N. Y., m Anna
Zadock King, who m Elizabeth Todd at Deer Sherburne, dau of Henry. Was this Roger Gale
field, Mass., July 3, 1751.-C. K. R. s of Roger who appears as an enlisted man in
10067. TAYLOR.—Geo. Ward, Rev sol, m the 6th Reg. of Dutchess Co., Mil. 2 (Land
Margaret Swacsac & their s David Ward m Bounty Rights.) Wanted also Henry Sher
1805 Elizabeth Taylor, b 1787. Wanted ances burne's Rev rec.
of Elizabeth Taylor. Tradition says that her (c) CRIPPEN.—Wanted date of b of Ichabod
ancestors were forced to leave Eng because of Crippen, Sr., father of Ichabod, Danile &
treasonable utterances of one of them who was Elijah, who lived in Berne, Albany Co., N. Y.,
a member of the House of Lords. Had Major & was in 9th Reg. of Albany Co., Mil. Wanted
Henry Taylor other ch besides Matthew, & did also name of his w & gen of both.-E. L. C.
any of his desc go to Ohio?—R. C. Y. S. 10072. THoMAs.-Wanted par of Wm. Chis
10068. WILLIAMs.-Wanted par & name of holm, b in Fluvana Co., Va., abt 1790, & m Miss
w of Henry Williams, b in Pa., Oct. 23, 1752, Isbell ?—I. S. C.
m May 30, 1790, Zilpha —. This fam were 10073. MILLER.—Wanted parentage of Abra
Quakers & were living in Belmont Co., Ohio, ham Miller, b 1758, m. 1st Phoebe Webb in
in 1807–O. E. H. 1782. Ch John, b 1783; Wm., b 1785; Rachel,
10069.-BUTLER-ABBott.—Rev. Benj. Butler b 1787, m Elisha Barton; Thomas, b 1788, m
m Dorcas Abbott. Their dau Dorcas m Jona Mary Fincher; Isaac, b 1794, m Amelia Stew
than Cilley June 5, 1786. All of N. H. Wanted art; Pattie, b 1794. Phoebe Webb Miller d
gen & Rev rec of these fams. 1797 & Abraham m 2nd Nancy Miller 1799.
(a) BARTLEtt-LATHAM.—Josiah Bartlett, b Ch Samuel, b 1801; Maria, b 1802, m Isaac
Dec. 2, 1767, of Conn., m Anna Latham, of Low, 1823; Jacob, b 1803, m Caroline Wilcox:
Vt., moved to N. Y. & later with their fam Joseph, b 1805; Elisha Barton, b 1807; m Eliza
to Ohio. Gen & Rev rec of these fams de McKinney, 1844; Abram, b 1809, m Mary Klutz:
sired.—W. B. S. Ann, b 1810, m Alex. Campbell; Warwick, b
10070. BAKER.—Wanted all data of Col. Wm. 1811, m Mary L. Evans; Elizabeth Ann, b 1814,
Baker; on which side did he serve in Rev 2 He d 1836. Abraham Miller d Aug. 21, 1821, &
d at Thurman's Patent, N. Y., now Johnsbury, Nancy his w d April 13, 1823.-E. M. S.
Warren Co. He came from Phila. & left prop 10074. Lewis.-Wanted dates, names of w &
erty, on long-term lease in both Phila. & Monroe ch of Francis Lewis, a Signer of the Declara
Co., Pa. He seems to have been connected with tion of Independence.—M. P. W.
Col. Jacob Baker, who was left similar prop 10075. HERRICK.—Wanted names of w & ch
erty. Wm. Baker was b abt 1710–20. Where? with all dates of Stephen Herrick, who in 1790
He m Hannah—was her surname Penn? Their lived in Argyle, Wash. Co., N. Y. Is there Rev
daus Elizabeth Baker m Vaughn ; & Han ser in these lines 2–E. M. C.
nah, b 1747, m Job Andrews, Rev sol, b Digh 10076. York.-Wanted gen & Rev rec of
ton, Mass, 1744.—H. J. M. ances of Wm. Kimbrough York, b abt 1795,
10071. DAMON.—Wanted proof of Rev ser N. Car., m abt 1820 Phoebe Lyons, b 1806, d
of Jonathan Damon, b abt 1726, d Jan. 31, 1810, Nov. 27, 1886,-M. Y. T.
ToInsure Accuracy in the Reading of Names and Promptness in Publication
chapter Reports must be Typewritten EDITOR.
William Henshaw Chapter (Martinsburg, not one penny was taken from the treasury.
W. Va.) We have subscribed the full contri She had the assistance of perhaps a third of
bution to all things asked by both State and the Chapter in her efforts to raise this amount,
National organizations. We have also com but the energy behind the whole affair was hers.
memorated all national anniversaries, and we Our Social Service work is a school and
open our meetings by the use of the D.A.R. nationalization work among the foreigners at
ritual and the American's Creed. our local quarries.
This year especially do we feel that our work Through our national organization we have
along patriotic lines has been successful, for on 'subscribed to the Manual and to other work
June 14, 1920, we unveiled a monument to of our National and State Organizations. Our
Major General Adam Stephens, the Revolu educational work embraces the papers which
tionary soldier, statesman and the founder of have been written by our members, the work
Martinsburg. The monument was a reproduc we do at the local High School, and the schol
tion of the original marking at the grave, and arships to which we contribute through our
a number of the same old stones were used in
State and National Organizations.
the work. On the top is embedded a bronze
This year, on Washington's Birthday, our
tablet marked, “Patriot Legislator, Founder
1718, Major General Adam Stephen, 1791.” Chapter presented before the local High School
in the High School Auditorium, some very
The exercises were opened by an invocation
by Dr. Woods, followed by a short talk by beautiful lantern slides of historical places
in America.
former Senator Faulkner. The tablet was un
veiled by the great-grandniece of General We have held no large formal entertain
Stephen, Mrs. Samuel Otis Williams, of Balti ments, but our chapter affairs have been well
more. The band played the “Star Spangled attended and apparently enjoyed, and the hos
Banner" as Mrs. Williams pulled back from pitality has been sincere.
the tablet a beautiful silken flag made after the
design drawn by Washington for our emblem,
the thirteen stars in a circle.
Hon. R. Gray Williams of Virginia then Cherokee Chapter (Selma, Ala.) Because
delivered an address and later Mrs. Williams our lanes along the country side, leading from
presented to the City of Martinsburg the origi our beautiful little City are bordered with the
nal plat of the 130 acres which General lovely Cherokee Rose so white, our Chapter
Stephen had given as a site for the town. The bears that name. This Chapter, organized in
names of the original owners are inscribed 1907 with twelve members, has slowly grown
thereon and it is a document which the city to twenty-five members. We have lost several
prizes. The sheet is yellow with age but the members by death.
names are clear and legible. This and other During the service of the present Regent,
valuable documents came to Mrs. Williams twice elected, serving four years, meetings
from her famous uncle. were and are held monthly. Not otherwise
The Stephen's monument will cost, when can active service and life be maintained. We
finally completed approximately $600. Three keep in touch and service with all D.A.R.
hundred of this amount was given by the work.
County Court of Berkeley County under a Search was made and resulted in locating
special act of the Legislature of West Vir the grave of three Revolutionary soldiers. The
ginia, granting this permission. The other service for Mrs. Alice Winston Pettus, Real
three hundred dollars has been raised almost Daughter, of the Revolution was simple and
entirely through the efforts of our untiring interesting. An orator of power and talent in
and efficient Regent, Mrs. Stuart W. Walker, ringing words made beautiful the honor of the
tribute being rendered. Our work in marking Speakers familiar with these countries, have
graves is but begun. given talks at the meetings, while supplement
New members are being accepted, bringing ary papers relating to the art of sociology of
inspiration to us all. the people, have been read. Chapter mem
(Miss) EMily F. FERGUson, bers and friends have been interested in exhib
Regent. iting curious pictures, fabrics, or handwork
collected in the nations under discussion.
Victory Chapter (Washington, D. C.) was As a practical result, construction help in
organized on January 27, 1919. At that time the work of the local Americanization Schools
the American Expeditionary Forces were re has been given in different ways, and through
turning, and the Chapter was named in com the kindness of two members pictures of
members has been sustained by voluntary con present, and Daughters from other chapters,
tribution, and other necessary expenditures as well as many friends. After the program
such as State dues, the Year Book and enter a social hour followed and refreshments
tainment on guest nights have been cheerfully were served.
borne in the same way. This Whitley House was built by Col. Wm.
The Chapter has had a most interesting as Whitley in 1783. The windows were placed
well as a prosperous and helpful season, and seven feet from the ground to prevent the
the thirty-seven members are already looking Indians from shooting at the inmates. The
forward to next year with great pleasure stairway has carved on its steps the head of
and optimism. an eagle with an olive branch in its beak. Over
IMOGENE R. Ickis, the mantel shelf in the “Big Room” is carved
Historian. 13 “S’s” signifying the thirteen original States.
Logan-Whitley Chapter (Stanford, Ky.) At the top of the second flight of steps was
The unveiling of a bronze tablet marking the the hiding place for the women and children
first brick house built in Kentucky occurred in case of an Indian encounter. This third
July 15th. This historic old house stands floor is one large room where old and young
between Crab Orchard and Stanford in Lin met to dance the old minuet.
coln county, and is known as the Old Whitley Colonel Wm. Whitley was killed in the
House. The program was most interesting. Battle of the Thames in 1814, while leading the
Miss Susan Fisher Woods, the Regent, gave forlorn hope.
a cordial greeting. The tablet was unveiled ESTHER WHITLEY BURCH.
by Miss Mary Moore Crutcher. Miss Esther
Whitley Burch gave a description of the build James McElwee Chapter (Sigourney,
ing. They are both, descendants of Wm. Iowa,) has had a prosperous year.
Whitley. The patriotic address was delivered We celebrated Flag Day with a picnic in
by Mr. H. S. Alcorn, of Stanford, who gave the woods in which the husbands and child
an interesting account of Wm. Whitley and his ren of the members participated. Our guest day
times. A number of patriotic songs were sung. was February 22nd, in honor of Washington's
Many descendants of the old pioneers were Birthday, at the lovely home of Mrs. Nannie
Torrence Stockman, one of our past Regents, Mass., and to the painting to the French gov
when each member was allowed to invite ernment; the memorial for Schuyler Mansion
three of her friends. There was a fine pro in Albany. The Berry School, in Georgia
gram of music, reading and tableaux. which has received fifty dollars annually for
We have had twenty one volumes of lineage several years, continues one of the Chapter's
books bound and placed in the public library. obligations and the French Orphan, cared for
We lack volumes 2, 3, 4, 5 and 19, to make during the World War, still appeals to our
our file complete to date, and would be glad sympathy and will be supported by thirty-six
to purchase these if they can be found. and a half dollars per annum. Grateful let
There are now fifty six members, thirty ters are received from this orphan and moth
three resident and twenty-three non-resident er. The annual prize essays on historical sub
members, and ten new ones working on their jects, competed for by the High School Students
papers. We are proud of our two Real Grand of Fonda and Fultonville, which call for
daughters, Mrs. Emily Porter Asbury Clary, ten dollars in gold, will be awarded by the
of Sigourney, Iowa and Mrs. Samantha Regent at the June Commencement exercises.
Wheeler Poling, of Marysville, Ohio, (moth and this year will be awarded Ward Hinkle,
er of ye historian.) 1st prize, Arthur Bailey, 2nd prize, both of
Nearly all the resident members are taking Fonda High School, and 3rd Ethel Bkinner,
the DAUGHTERs of THE AMERICAN REvolution Fultonville High.
MAGAZINE, and the Chapter pays the subscription War records of boys of Chapter members
for the public library. We have had four food have been sent in, ten members being eligible.
sales this year, which helped our finances On Chapter Day, February 22nd, the Chapter
entertained the State Regent Mrs. Charles
At holiday time we packed and shipped a White Nash, at a luncheon in old Court House
large box of clothing, books, etc. to the Doro hall and had as other guests Miss Ten Eyck,
thy Sharp School, and another box to the
State Treasurer, and a number of Chapter
Hineman Settlement school. Also packed and
shipped a barrel of apples to the Government Regents from adjoining cities. This Chapter
Hospital for soldiers, at Knoxville, Iowa. Day, May 12th, was celebrated with a delight
ful Social at the home of the 1st Vice Regent,
The Chapter attended services in a body, Mrs. Charles Neitsch in Fultonville, and was
the Sunday before Fourth of July, and list designated a “Silver Shower for French Orphan
ened to a patriotic sermon by Rev. Zimmer Fund.” To reimburse the treasury, card par
man of the First M. E. Church. Our Regent ties have been given, the annual post-lenten
is Mrs. Jane M. Jarvis. dance, which yields a goodly sum, a benefit
(MRs.) INA PoliNG As HBAUGH, moving picture and devious other ways have
helred. The Chapter now has a complete set
Caughnawaga Chapter (Fonda, N. Y.) of lineage books in a new suitable case at the
This makes the fourteenth year of the life home of Registrar Mrs. H. H. Dockstader.
of Caughnawaga Chapter, and there is a feel The DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REvolution
ing of pride among the members that it has MAGAZINE is subscribed to by a number of
given its meed of good service to our great members, and the President General's message
National organization and assisted in uphold is read at monthly meetings. At the last State
ing American ideals. It now numbers 106 Conference held at Saratoga our Regent Mrs.
members and the past year has been most suc A. B. Foster, delegate, Mrs. E. V. Roickye and
cessful in that all State and National obliga a number of members were in attendance. The
tions have been met and Chapter meetings Regent and Miss Ida M. George, delegate and
well attended. Americanization has been Miss Ingersoll attended the Continental Con
the keynote of our work. In appropriations gress at Washington in April. The Chapter
the Chapter has paid its per capita tax, sent has adopted the American's Creed. On Flag
$5.60 to International College for Immigrants Day, June 14, 1920, we enjoyed a basket pic
at Springfield in honor of our honory retiring nic at the Frey Home in Palatine Bridge.
President General, Mrs. George Thatcher and the coming Flag Day will be celebrated
Guernsey, also $5.00 as a Christmas gift to in like manner at the old Stone Arabia
the same school. Pledged $100 to Founders Reformed Church.
fund of the School at Tomassee, S. C. as a The Chapter has accomplished much in the
memorial to the Chapter's founder, Mrs. Kath past and we feel assured much will be achieved
erine Martin Schuyler whose name will be in the future, and as we struggle to emulate
placed on the memorial tablet to be erected our honored ancestors as patriotic loyal Amer
in honor of Chapter Founders. Also contri icans we trust that we like them may in depart
buted to the New York State building at Tom ing leave “Footprints on the Sands of Time.”
assee; to the Manual for Immigrants, the ALICE F. HADLEY PUTNAM.
Fountain to Pilgrim Mothers at Plymouth, Historian.
Eve Lear Chapter (New Haven, Conn.) ford before the Revolution; Mrs. Frederic E.
held its annual patriotic meeting in the chap Radie two samplers; Miss Bertha Judson a
el of the Benedict Memorial Presbyterian cup and saucer with coats of arms on it.
church, February 21, 1921. After the devo A social hour followed the meeting, at which
tional exercises, necessary business was trans time refreshments were served.
acted. Delegates and alternates were elected (MRs. CHARLEs F.)
to the Continental Congress to be held in HELEN BEECHER MESSINGER,
Washington, D. C. the week of April 19th and
to the State Conference to be held in East Hart The Dixon Chapter (Dixon, Ill.) is con
ford on March 30th. Mrs. Kent O. Brown
gratulating itself very heartily over the fact
reported for the Americanization committee. of having on its membership enrollment a
July 4, 1920 a meeting was held in the Pres Real Daughter in the person of Mrs. Eckart
byterian church. Dr. S. Turner Foster gave of Amboy, also a Grand Daughter, Miss Rosa
an address on Americanization and patriotic lie Eckart.
hymns were sung. At one of the monthly Mrs. Eckart's father, John Sebastian Suy
meetings, Abraham Albelli read his prize essay gart, enlisted in General Washington's army
which won the nine volumes of Shakespeare, when a mere boy. He attained the age
illustrated, given as a part of the Chapter's of a centenarian.
Americanization work. Also a musicale was We feel these to be rare decorations to any
given in the Commercial High school audito . Chapter and only enjoyed by one other in Illi
rium, for the benefit of the night school pup nois. The National Society honored Mrs. Eck
ils of the Commercial High school. art recently by presenting her with a hand
Among financial gifts for Americanization some gold spoon elaborately engraved. This
Mrs. Brown reported fifty dollars given to will be highly prized not only by Mrs. Eck
the International College at Springfield, Mass., art, but by the future generations as a tangible
fifty dollars to the Home Making Department evidence of the bravery and patriotism of their
of the New Home County Farm Bureau. Mrs. forefather, Mr. Suygart.
Arthur K. Rogers, chairman for the midweek (MRs.) SARAH WooDBRIDGE Hitchcock,
entertainment for the Connecticut Farm for Secretary Pro. Tem.
Women expressed the appreciation of the Ashuelot Chapter (Keene, N. H.) The
board for the beautiful gift of the picture of Chapter's interest this year has been centered
Lincoln and the program furnished by the Chap in Americanization work which crystalized in
ter. The Regent together with Dr. Elizabeth
W. Cleveland went to East Lyme the week of the meeting held in Parker Hall, Normal
Lincoln's Birthday to carry out the program. School on January 13, 1921.
Mrs. Rogers asked the Chapter to pass a series Our President General, Mrs. Minor, in her
of resolutions and appoint a committee to work message to us contained in the DAUGHTERS of
with the board of directors of the farm.
Following the business session the program
August, 1920, says: “America is waking up to
her failures, but in her attempt to meet the
opened with a group of songs delightfully ren situation there is too much patronage and con
dered by Mrs. Charles J. Beehler, soprano solo
ist of Christ church, West Haven, accompan descension; there is too obvious an attempt
to “Educate" and to Americanize in much of
ied by her daughter, Catherine. Miss Marguerite
the Americanization work being done. This
Davis of New Britain, gave recitations.
Each member was asked to bring some arti is not as it should be. The spirit of friend
cle of revolutionary interest and give a brief liness, the sympathy of human hearts, should
history of it. Those who responded were Mrs. characterize our intercourse with these strang
Frank A. Monson, a medal showing New Hav ers, whom we need and who need us. And
en, 1638, and 1838, also a picture of a chair if this spirit of friendliness is in our hearts,
invented and used by Dr. Eneas Monson and it can not help but get out to them. What we
a pair of green spectacles. Mrs. Herbert H. feel in our hearts we give out unconsciously
Smith showed some old deeds drawn in 1761 to others, and we must search our own hearts
and 1791, pictures of the Chittenden house and and see that this spirit of friendliness lies
the Highland house in Guilford, gold beads therein, before we can successfully solve our
worn through five generations and a silver so called immigration problem.”
teapot made by John Hancock in 1791. It was in this spirit that your committee
Mrs. Arthur Russell showed a piece of lin planned the Americanization meeting held in
en with George Washington standing by his Normal School Hall on the evening of Jan
horse. Miss Louisa B. Beach showed a silver uary 13, 1921.
snuff box; Mrs. Charles T. Watson a pewter A canvass was first made through the
warming plate; Mrs. Franklin F. Knous, two courtesy of the school officials, to ascertain
Dutch tiles which came from a house in Hart the number of foreign born children in the
schools of Keene. The result of this can learning the language and mannerism of the
vass was a surprise to the committee, show American children. The part of the American
ing as it did that there were more than 100 school boy was taken by Edward Small. He
children who had been born in Italy, Greece, with a Russian girl, recited with telling effect,
France, Russia, Poland, Sweden, Denmark, “I am an American,” a selection taken from
China and Canada. the Pageant, “The Light.”
The chairman of the committee called Following the program by the children. Mr.
together the teachers of these children, told Maro S. Brooks, Deputy Commissioner of
them the purpose of the meeting and asked their Education, who has charge of the work of
assistance in carrying out the program and Americanization in New Hampshire, made a
to their enthusiastic and helpful coöperation short address.
much of the success of the evening's enter The Regent, assisted by the Vice Regent,
tainment is due. Mrs. La Fell Dickinson, in behalf of the
Having obtained names and addresses Chapter, then presented an American flag to
through the school records, personal invita each child taking part. The program closed
tions were written by the committee, and by the singing of America, after which
were sent to the parents of the children who refreshments were served by the Chapter,
were to take part in the evening's entertainment. assisted by the Domestic Science department
The program was opened by Mrs. Charles of the Normal School, and three young ladies
C. Baldwin, Regent of the Chapter, who wel
comed the guests of the evening, then led the . of Greek, Italian, and French extraction.
audience in the flag salute which was fol Testimony in appreciation of the sincere
lowed by the singing of the “Star Spangled cordiality of the ladies on the committee was
Banner.” Miss Ingeborg Norling a member voiced by a young Greek girl who said, “We
of the Class of 1922 Keene Normal School, had a most delightful time. It was so inform
and a native of Denmark, read an interesting al, so democratic.” Children brought from
paper describing her journey from Denmark their home to their teachers, enthusiastic
to the United States, and expressed her love messages from fathers and mothers. Ashuelot
Chapter may feel that the meeting was
for the country of her adoption. carried out in the spirit of true Americanism,
The next number on the program was a voiced by the President General Mrs. Minor.
sketch entitled “Fair Canada.” The back MRs. WALLACE E. MASON,
ground was a tableau, consisting of boys and Chairman Committee on Patriotic Education.
girls in Canadian costume carrying skiis,
snowshoes, and a big toboggan. “Fair Cana Nabby Lee Ames Chapter (Athens, Ohio).
da” was represented by a little girl and a is having an interesting and instructive year's
small boy recited Sam Walter Foss' poem, work. The meetings are held monthly at the
“Fair Canada.” members’ homes, where after business is dis
Four pupils born in Sweden then gave a posed of, a social time is enjoyed. Then
Swedish harvest dance which was received comes the reading of papers or talks by those
with much applause by the audience. Follow on the program and lastly a general discus
ing that was a Finnish reel given by Finnish sion of the main topics of the day. We have
children. The next number was a Polish dance also been favored by several readings and
by two small girls dressed in Russian cos musical numbers by talented guests.
tume which proved to be one of the hits of We have as our Regent, Mrs. T. R. Biddle
the evening. Then followed a recitation by and to her able management we owe the
a little Chinese boy. success of our meetings. Under her leader
The final number on the program was a ship we are increasing in number and have
play arranged by Miss Bertha Twining, called, responded to all local and general demands.
“The Land of Promise.” The first act depict We have contributed to the Caroline Scott
ed a neighborhood party in Italy, where a Harrison Memorial Fund and to the Washing
number of the people were preparing to start ton Memorial at Valley Forge. We have
for America. During the farewell reception committees on Historical Spots, Collection of
there was singing and dancing, the music hav Relics, and on Patriotic Education and are
ing a genuine Italian swing, and the children represented in the Athens' Council of Women
bringing out all the melody in their folk songs. Welfare Workers, our special work being
The second act showed the party on a boat more effectively brought before the public in
bound for America, with immigrants from Rus this way. We were represented at the State
sia and Greece. Each of these groups took Conference by Miss Emma C. McVay.
part in an entertainment which was carried We are justly proud of our historic city,
out skillfully. In the last act, the setting was for here it was that the first seat of learning
in an American schoolroom where the child in the State was founded, and to this locality
ren were making considerable progress in as pioneers came worthy men, many of them
graduates of eastern colleges and a large per the location of the first two houses built in
cent. Revolutionary soldiers. They brought Woodsville and are hoping to place a marker
their families and built their homes and many there at an early date.
of their descendants are still here and among The program on Americanization has been
the foremost citizens. carried out in a pleasing way, a section of the
In the rural communities we sometimes find Constitution being read at each meeting.
the site of a pioneer home, marked by only a The Chapter has had a very successful year.
crumbling foundation or perhaps remnants of Much credit is due our Regent, Mrs. Martha
fruit trees or flowering shrubs. The graves Leighton Sargent.
of these stalwart men are often in obscure (MRs.) JENNIE L. Jon ES,
places and hard to find. Historian.
Also within our county at Hockingport, we
have the site of Fort Gower, one of the inter Rhoda Carver Barton Chapter (Fredonia,
esting Revolutionary land marks in the State. Kan.,) named for the wife of Colonel W.lliam
The marking of this spot is of extreme import Barton, was organized October 13, 1909, with
ance and to this end we are now bending our twenty-six charter members, one of whom,
efforts. We are greatly indebted to Profes Mrs. Florence Barton Gilmore, is a descend
sor C. L. Martzolff, head of the History ant of Colonel Barton. Our Chapter has three
Department of Ohio University, who has “Real Granddaughters” Mrs. Sarah Stough
inspired us to greater activity through his ton Creamer is the granddaughter of William
untiring interest in our work and his abund Stoughton who lived from 1750 to 1831. Mrs.
ant knowledge of pioneer history. Nancy Hudson Lafferty is the granddaughter
FLORIDE K1stLER SPRAGUE, on her mother's side, of William Gibson,
born in 1753, died in 1835. Mrs. Etta White
Wiley is the granddaughter of Porter White,
Hannah Morrill Whitcher Chapter who lived from 1769 to 1841. He was to young
(Woodsville, N. H.) The season of 1920-21 was for war, but so anxious to help his country
opened by a special meeting called September 24th that he ran away from home and served as
for the purpose of electing a delegate to the a drummer boy.
convention held in Concord, N. H., October 6–7, We have not often been in print for we
1920. The Chapter was fortunate in having think it better to be known by our “fruits"
present at this meeting Mrs. Frances Parkin than by “much speaking.” During the war
son Keyes, wife of Senator Keyes, whose real under the leadership of our Regent, Mrs.
home is in our town. At her request a con Etta White Wiley, whose son was serving
tribution was made for the Serbian Relief in France, much was accomplished besides
Fund. A call for aid came from the Berry the regular work of the Red Cross. During
School also one from our State Regent for our social gatherings and patriotic study
funds for a D.A.R. fountain, in memory of hours, busy fingers fashioned many gar
the Pilgrim Women, to be erected in Plymouth, ments, surgical dressings and other nec
Mass. We responded to both calls. Our Jan essary articles.
uary meeting was held in the afternoon and Assessments of the National Society and
was largely attended. It was called “Ancest State Conferences to aid in war work were
ors Afternoon.” A versatile program was promptly met. The members were active in
given which was very pleasing. the Liberty Loan Campaigns and responded
The Chapter conducted one of the most suc liberally to the call for reading matter
cessful social functions in its history at the for the soldiers. About one hundred books
February meeting, held in the Universalist as well as magazines were sent to the camps.
church in observance of Gentleman's Night. Our present Regent, Mrs. Bertha Chapman,
The church auditorium and vestry was decor although having many family cares is faith
ated with the national colors. In the vestry ful in keeping up the work of the Chapter.
a beautiful effect was produced with firs, a We have increased our annual donation for
liberty bell, the American flag with the flags the Martha Berry School to twenty-five
of all nations grouped about it. The dollars, and fifty dollars was given to a state
principle feature of the evening was the pres fund for the education of foreign women.
entation of the four-act play “The Melting We celebrate Washington's Birthday with
Pot” by Mrs. Christabel Whitney Kidder, a a banquet and social evening to which hus
widely known reader and dramatic artist. At bands and friends are invited. We have a
the close the members and guests remained yearly picnic, and also celebrate Flag Day
for a social hour during which refreshments in a suitable manner.
were served. (MRs.) EstELLE CREAGER,
The Committee on Historic Spots has found Historian.
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In this Honor Roll the list of membership in each State is shown in the
outer rim, and the list of subscribers according to States is in the inner circle
George W. White, Chairman, Mrs. St. Clair, I have the honor to report as follows:
Vice Chairman. Through their respective State Regents, the
Moved by Mrs. Wait, seconded by Mrs. following members at large are presented for
Heath, and carried, that the Erecutive Com confirmation as Organizing Regents: Mrs.
mittee be empowered to transact all business of Deasie Lou Harris, Cordele, Ga.; Mrs. Marion
the Society in the interim of Board meetings. Pitts Peck, Saugus, Mass.; Mrs. Ella Elizabeth
The President General requested the State Potts, Ithaca, Mich. ; Mrs. Jessie Dunham
Regents to give or send her just as soon as Crosby Ballard, North Branch, Mich.: Mrs.
they appointed them the State Chairmen whom Clara Minerva Price Crossley, Weberville,
they wished to suggest as members of the cor Mich. : Mrs. Dorothy Janet Curl Wilson, Red
responding National Committees. field, S. D.
Miss Strider presented the following report: The following Organizing Regencies have
expired by time limitation: Mrs. Tolbert Wil
Report of Registrar General
loughby Hanger, Paris, France; Mrs. Mae B.
Madam President General and Members of the Whitfield, Burton, Wash.
National Board of Management: The reappointment of the following Organ
I have the honor to report 205 applications izing Regents has been requested by their re
for membership. spective State Regents: Mrs. Tolbert Wil
Respectfully submitted, loughby Hanger, Paris, France; Mrs. Mae B.
EMMA T. STRIDER, Whitfield, Burton, Wash.
Registrar General. The State Regent of Illinois requests a Chap
ter to be authorized at Roseville, Illinois.
Moved by Miss Strider, seconded by Miss
Coltrane, and carried, that the Recording Secre The following Chapters have been organized
tary General be instructed to cast the ballot since the April 16th Board meeting: Twin
for two hundred and five applicants for mem Forks at Brookville and Veedersburg at Vee
bership. The Recording Secretary General an dersburg, Indiana; the Chapter at Rye, New
nounced the casting of the ballot, and the York; Mary Blount at Maryville, Tenn.; Day
President General declared these 205 applicants ton at Dayton, Washington.
members of the Natio:al Society. Respectfully submitted,
The Treasurer General reported the names of (MRs. G. WALLACE W.) Lucy GALT HANGER,
ten former members who, having complied with Organizing Secretary General.
the requirements of the constitution, requested
to be reinstated and moved that the Recording The adoption of my report as Organizing
Secretary General be instructed to cast the Secretary General was moved by Mrs. Hanger,
ballot for these ten members desiring reinstate seconded by Mrs. White, and carried.
ment. This was seconded by Mrs. Elliott and Moved by Mrs. Nash, seconded by Mrs. Whit
carried. The Recording Secretary General an man, and carried,” that the Chapter organized
nounced the casting of the ballot and the Presi at Rye, N. Y., be disbanded, it being my belief
dent General declared them reinstated in the that its continuance would tend to disturb the
National Society. harmony of the State and National Societies.
Mrs. Hunter moved that the Treasurer Gen Mrs. Nash also moved that the appointment of
eral be authorized to invest the balance in the Organicing Regent at Rye, N. Y., confirmed
Philippine Scholarship Fund in U. S. Liberty by the National Board of Management on April
Bonds, the Treasurer General stating that there 16, 1921, be rescinded. Seconded by Mrs. Heav
was a balance of something over $500 in the ner and carried.
Philippine Scholarship Fund, for which 3 per Mrs. White, Chairman of Finance Commit
cent. interest only is being received. tee, moved that the sum of $3000 be appro
The Treasurer General announced that the priated for the traveling and hotel erpenses of
fund for the Manual was $15,408.04 for the the President General while on official business
Fountain $12,081.75, and for the Painting for the current year, beginning with the close
$4581.27. of the Thirtieth Congress. Seconded by Mrs.
The President General called the attention of Hunter and Mrs. St. Clair and carried.
the members of the Board to the painting of Miss Coltrane, as Chairman of Auditing Com
troop ships by Frederick H. Waugh on exhibi mittee, moved that the Auditing Committee re
tion in the Hall. new the contract with the American Audit
Mrs. Hanger read her report as Organizing Company. Seconded by Mrs. Ellison and
Secretary General as follows: carried.
Mrs. Ellison presented her report as Libra The Scott Genealogy. M. L. Holman. Presented by
Harriet Grace Scott.
rian General, reading only the totals. These two volumes received through Old Blake House
Journal of Richard Mather, 1635. Presented by Miss
Report of Librarian General. Carrie W. Weis.
Increase Blake, of Boston, His Ancestors and Des
Madam President General and Members of the National cendants. F. E. Blake. Presented by Mrs. W. B. Rand.
Board of Management: - -
History of Cattaraugus County, N. Y. Presented by
Salamanca Chapter. -
Received from Brattleboro Chapter:
Biographical Cyclopædia of Chautauqua County, N. Y. Vermont, the Land of Green Mountains. Presented by
B. F. Dilley. Presented by Mrs. S. P. Williams. Mrs. W. F. Root.
Gazetteer of State of New York. J. H. French. Pre A Sketch of the Duncklee Family. Ada M. L. Duncklee.
sented by Miss H. L. Gates. Presented by Mrs. R. E. Duncklee.
The Öld New York Frontier. F. W. Halsey. Pre
sented by Tianderah Chapter. WEst Virgixia
The Elmira Prison Camp. C. W. Holmes. Presented
by Mrs. C. W. Holmes and Mrs. F. H. Shoemaker, -
An Outline History of Tioga and Bradford Counties, History of Northern West Virginia. Presented by
Pa., and Chemung, Steuben, Tioga, Tompkins, and Mrs. Charles W. Heavner.
Schuyler Counties, N. Y. Presented by Mrs. Frank
Annals of Staten Island. J. J. Clute.
Received from Silas Towne Chapter: History of the City of Manitowoc, 1850–1860. Caro
Merico, New York, Methodism, 1808–1908. line Hubbard.
“ Grips" Historical Souvenir of Merico, New York. History of the City of Manitowoc Prior to 1850. Otto
Genealogy of the Van Brunt Family, !º 1807s Gass. These two presented by Manitowoc Chapter.
Teunis G. Bergen. Presented by Mrs. C. M. Bull.
History of Delaware County, N. Y. Presented by Old Naval Days, Sketches from Life of Rear Admiral
Au-ly-on-let Chapter.
William Redford, U. S. N., by his daughter, Sophia Rad
History of Oswego County, 1877. Presented by Kay ford De Meissner. ... 1920. Presented by the author.
en-dat-o-ma Chapter. ºw. Book, N. S. D.A.R. Wols. 54, 55. Two copies
History of Lewis County, N. Y. F. B. Hough. Pre eac
Christmas Souvenir, Port Byron, N. Y. These two a basket weave, presented by Miss Sarah L.
presented by Mrs. Eva O. Telford.
From Fort Oswego Chapter: Tyler, Faith Trumbull Chapter.
Sour-nir and Directory, Oswego Centre Charge M. E. Very rare and beautiful watch of intrinsic
History of M. E. Church, Westdale, N. Y. value; a Revolutionary heirloom of the donor's
Directory and Compendium First M. E. Church, father's branch of the Beecher family, pre
Minetto, N. Y.
History First M. E. Church, Oswego, N. Y. sented by Mrs. E. May Beecher-Smith.
Stories of Old Oswego. L. S. Penfield. GEORGIA : Photograph of a “Real Daughter,”
The Diamond Jubilee of the Congregational Church of
Oswego, N. Y. Mrs. Elijah Hurst, taken in her ninety-seventh
Centennial Celebration of the Evacuation of Fort On year—born in 1789 and died in 1887 in Tennes
tario by the British. 1796.
The above list comprises 121 books and 33 pamphlets. see, presented by Mrs. Alva Davis, a great
Respectfully submitted, granddaughter of Mrs. Hurst.
ANNIE. C. Ellison, MAssACH Usetts: Valuable manuscript, given
Librarian General.
in honor of our Librarian General, Mrs. Frank
Report approved.
D. Ellison, a former State Regent, presented
Mrs. White read her report as Curator Gen by Sarah B. Carrow, Samuel Adams Chapter.
eral as follows:
The “Pact,” a poster, has list of names of
the men who were influential in having “A
Report of Curator General Declaration of Independence.” A rare and in
Madame President General and Members of the teresting old manuscript, bearing the date 1700,
National Board of Management: recording the expenditure on sloop Swan, which
I have the honor to report the following went ashore at Cape Cod, presented by Mrs.
accessions to the Museum, received since the Edith Scott Magna.
Board meeting of April 17th. The largest Cut-glass cordial bottle, straight lines cut
number ever received at a Congress, on the sides, having straight edges, very hand
for which I am most grateful to the State some and unusual; a stopple shaped like two
Regents and members of the Revolutionary small drinking glasses; the smaller one fits in
Relics Committee: the bottle, the larger one forms the top of the
CALIFoRNIA: Silver fork, presented by Mrs. stopple; presented by Miss Lucy Carpenter
Ella Freeman, Sequoia Chapter. Sweet, Attleboro Chapter.
One piece of needle work, presented by Mrs. Silver-headed cane, made from wood of the
Noble C. Biddle, Sequoia Chapter. United States ship Alliance; built by Congress
Silver spoon, marked J. G. and formerly in 1777, and one of Commodore John Paul
owned by John Goodin, great grandfather of Jones' fleet in the sea fight September 23,
donor, Mrs. John W. Bailhache, La Puerta de 1779. The cane was presented to Captain Uriel
Ora Chapter. Shillaber, who carried it around the world, who
DISTRICT of Colu MBIA: One cream ladle, ini gave it to his brother, and he willed it to his
tials F. C.; one sugar tongs, initials F. M. M.; daughter, Emma Shillaber Clement, who pre
two small spoons, one marked M and one F. C.; sented it to John Paul Jones Chapter.
one salt spoon F. M. M., inherited from the Replicas of the Medal presented John Paul
Craig Estate, Virginia and Kentucky. Jones by Congress.
Thread lace cape, one yard of thread lace. Hand-made nails from Faneuil Hall, Boston.
Belonged to Mrs. Mary E. Poyles, great grand Piece of Oakum from the British frigate
daughter of Colonel Chas. Min Thruston, Revo Constitution.
lutionary soldier and mother of donor. Also Three buttons worn in the Navy of 1776.
one silver comb, one silver spoon marked Piece of wood from the ship Alliance, 1778.
“John Dicks Poyles,” all of these gifts are pre Piece of original plaster from the cellar of
sented by Mrs. Fannie I. Matthews, a charter of the Betsy Ross house, Philadelphia, Pa.
member, Katherine Montgomery Chapter. These articles are presented by Miss Marion
Needle case (beaded) and a beaded purse, H. Brazier, John Paul Jones Chapter.
presented by Mrs. Leon H. Herbert, Louisa ILLINois: Long-handled copper dipper, used
Adams Chapter. to melt bullets during the Revolutionary War,
Steel purse belonged to Jonathan Adams, presented by Mrs. John H. Hanley, Puritan and
great grandfather of donor, Miss Jane Adams Cavalier Chapter.
Foster. MARYLAND: Punch bowl given by Patrick
CoNNECTICUT : Adams Staffordshire platter, Henry to Patrick Henry Price, the grandfather
has a green border of green leaves, presented by of Elizabeth Berkeley Paine, presented by Mr.
Miss Lucy Geer, in memory of her sister, Ellen John C. Paine as a memorial to his wife Eliza
Geer, Faith Trumbull Chapter. beth Berkeley Paine, member of the Washing
A very rare and artistic Delft fancy-shaped ton Custis Chapter.
dish, has a deep blue edge, while the centre is Iowa : Japanned snuff box, belonged to Mrs.
a rich cream in color, and the surface represents Daniel Kempton, Mass., a grandmother of
donor, Mrs. Edward F. Jordan, Martha Wash ing of Lafayette in New York, presented by
ington Chapter. Mrs. John Grey, David Craig Chapter.
Staffordshire china plate, cup and saucer, VIRGINIA: Valuable copper coin, one-half
presented by Mrs. Frank Walla, Martha Wash penny, dated 1794, presented by Mrs. James H.
ington Chapter. Loughborough, Janet Montgomery Chapter.
Michiga N : Staffordshire blue china plate, Dainty thread lace collar, presented by Mrs.
subject the ferryman, W. Ridgeway china plate, Marshall MacDonald, who offered the original
Tyrolean scene, presented by Mrs. Mary motion calling for the building of a permanent
Abbott, Louisa St. Clair Chapter. home (D.A.R. Memorial Continental Hall),
Missouri : Universal Magazine, published in Mount Vernon Chapter.
London in 1776. It has a most interesting WASHINGToN : Silver watch, formerly be
article running through it on “The Morality of longed to Dr. Erastus Webb, of Circleville,
the First Part of Shakespeare's King Henry Ohio, grandfather of donor and a son of Abner
the IV,” presented by Mrs. A. B. Chapin, Webb, who fought in the Revolutionary War,
Douglas Chapter. presented by Mrs. Marie A. McCoy, Rainier
Cane, belonged to John Hart, one of the Chapter.
“Signers,” New Jersey, presented by the Wyom ING: A silver dessert and teaspoon,
Mitchell family, in memory of Miss Eliza made from an old tankard brought to this coun
beth Mitchell. try from England to Salem, Mass., May, 1634,
NEw York: Two pieces of Continental by Richard and Judith Raymond. Initials on
money—one $40, issued 1779, and one $55– these spoons are C. M.–E. M. They were a
presented by Miss Alice A. Schenck, Kayen part of the wedding gifts to Margaret Eliza
datsyona Chapter. beth Dominick, who married Charles Marvin,
Sewing companion, in memory of Mrs. Har presented by Alice Marvin Hebard and Grace
riett De Lancey, donor's mother, presented by Raymond Hebard sisters, and daughters of
her son, Mr. T. Arthur De Lancey. George D. A. Hebard and Margaret Elizabeth
Four manuscripts, with the exception of the D. M. Hebard. The two sisters are direct
transfer of land in Louisiana. These papers descendants of the seventh generation of both
belonged in one family. John Adams was on Richard and Judith Raymond, and of the first
Washington's Staff, and was a great grand settlers of Hartford, Conn., Cheyenne and
father of donor, presented by Mary Townsend Jacques Laramie Chapter.
Collins, Sylvia de Grasse Chapter. WisconsiN : Pen picture of Ebenezer Smith,
Sixteen rare Records of land, presented by Revolutionary soldier and ancestor of donor,
Miss Amelia Day Campbell. Autograph let presented by Mrs. Adella G. Seeber, Mauesha
ters, several of the signers of Declaration of Chapter.
Independence and Continental Congress. Respectfully submitted,
PEN Nsylva NiA : Large pewter platter, be (Mrs. G. W.) Louise C. WHITE,
longed to Joseph Bunting, a private in Revolu Curator General.
tionary War, from Bucks County, Pa.; finished
as when our ancestors used pewter, presented Moved by Mrs. Yawger, seconded by Mrs.
by Mrs. Ruth A. Hartman, Germantown
Chapter. Chubbuck, and carried, that the report of the
Curator General be accepted with the additions
Blue Stiegel glass pitcher, of exquisite
as given by the Congressional stenographer of
beauty, small decorated opaque glass pitcher, the Thirtieth Congress, and other corrections as
salt dish of opaque glass with figures in bas come to her notice.
relief, and an unusual cut-glass “clove dish "; The Corresponding Secretary General pre
belonged to the family of Joseph Bunting. sented two letters of sympathy from the Mme.
These four gifts are presented by Mrs. H. C. Adrienne de Lafayette Chapter on the death of
Clapham, Germantown Chapter. Mrs. Hart Mrs. Hume and Mrs. Phillips.
man and her daughter, Mrs. Clapham, came Mrs. Hanger, as Chairman of Building and
into the N.S.D.A.R. on Joseph Bunting's service. Grounds Committee, stated that during the Con
Earrings, palmleaf-shape set with three bril gress there were many donations made to the
liants, presented by Miss Mary I. Stille, Chester rooms and hall, but these could not be reported
County Chapter. to the Board until they had been passed on by
Pewter teapot, formerly belonged in the the Art Critics Committee.
Walton family of Muncy, Pa., presented by Mrs. Yawger referred to the ruling adopted
Mrs. Harry S. Mitchell, Os co hu Chapter. at the October Board meeting on the question
South DAkoTA : Pamphlet—Historic event of marking Real Daughters' graves, and stated
1765–presented by Mary Bagley White, Daniel that inasmuch as the term Real Daughter could
Newcomb Chapter. under our constitution be applied to the daugh
TENNEssee: Staffordshire china plate, land ter of a Revolutionary soldier only if she was
a member of the National Society, the ruling asked that the Board authorize a chapter at
adopted by the National Board of Management Buenos Aires, which request was granted.
at its October, 1920, meeting with regard to The President General presented to the Board
the marking of graves did not intend that the a petition signed by the Regent, officers, and
official marker for Real Daughters could be some of the members of the Major William
used on the grave of a daughter of a Revolu Overton Callis Chapter, with regard to their
tionary soldier if she was not a member of donation to the Tilloloy project, which was read
the National Society, and she therefore moved by the Recording Secretary General. Moved by
that Chapters and individuals may continue to Mrs. Hanger, seconded by Mrs. Bahnsen, and
mark the graves of daughters of Revolutionary carried, that the President General appoint a
soldiers where desired, but the official marker special committee with power to act, subject
for the grave of a Real Daughter can be used to the approval of the Erecutive Committee, to
only on the grave of a Real Daughter. Sec look into the petition of the Major William
onded by Mrs. Guernsey and Mrs. Sherrerd Overton Callis Chapter, through its Regent,
and carried. Mrs. Berry, concerning the disposition of the
The Treasurer General presented the names money given by the Chapter for Tilloloy. The
of two former members for reinstatement and President General announced that she would
moved that the two additional members be put on that special committee the women who
reinstated, and that the Recording Secretary were most closely identified with the war
General be instructed to cast the ballot for these relief work.
members. Seconded by Mrs. Elliott and car The Chaplain General, Mrs. Spencer, gave a
ried. The Recording Secretary General an cordial invitation to all the members of the
nounced the casting of the ballot and the Presi Board to have tea with her at the Congressional
dent General declared these two reinstated as Club on Tuesday afternoon at four o'clock.
members of the Society. Miss Coltrane requested that a committee be
Mrs. Harris, as Chairman for Patriotic Edu appointed to determine whether descendants of
cation and Americanization, made an earnest the participants in the Galvez expedition were
plea to the State Regents to appoint as State eligible to join the Society. The President
Chairmen on that Committee women with gifts General stated that that matter would be re
of initiative and leadership who are specially ferred to the Registrar General.
fitted for an important post, and urged that the The following resolution was presented by
reports from all the states be gotten in promptly. Mrs. Chubbuck on behalf of Mrs. Wiles:
Mrs. Harris stated that Americanization being Whereas, the Woman's Joint Congressional
a part of patriotic education work, the Com Committee is composed of representatives of the
mittee might properly be called Committee on leading women's organizations of the United
Patriotic Education, and have a department on States, and its purpose is for discussion of the
Americanization just as under the same Com measures pending in the United States Congress
mittee there are departments on Schools and in which these women's organizations are inter
Colleges, etc. She therefore moved that the ested, and this Joint Committee imposes no dues
word “Americanication ” be eliminated from and takes no action, but is simply a clearing
the title of the Committee known the past year house for information, and Whereas, the Chair
as “Patriotic Education and Americanization.” man of the National Committee for Legislation
Seconded by Mrs. Wait and Mrs. Buel and car in United States Congress of the National So
ried. The President General endorsed the ap ciety, D.A.R., has been invited to join this Com
peal made by Mrs. Harris, not only with respect mittee, therefore, Resolved, that the Chairman
to the chairmen of committees, but also as to be authorized to represent this Society on such
the Regents of the Chapters and other officers, Joint Committee for cooperation and discussion.
urging that each individual member make it her Moved by Mrs. Chubbuck, seconded by Mrs.
responsibility to see that only the representative Bahnsen, and carried, that the National Board
women and the best fitted are called to the grant the request of the Chairman of the Legis
high places, because it is through its representa lative Committee that she be allowed to repre
tives the Society and members are judged. sent the N.S.D.A.R. on the Women's Joint
Doctor Barrett told of the splendid members Congressional Committee.
she had met in Buenos Aires who were en The President General named on the com
deavoring to organize a chapter there and moved mittee to consider the case of the petition of
that we erpress our sympathetic appreciation the Major William Overton Callis Chapter, Mrs.
of the efforts of the members of the N.S.D.A.R. Guernsey, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Wait, Mrs. Robert
in their efforts to organize a chapter of the J. Johnston, Mrs. Yawger, Mrs. Hunter, and
National Society in Buenos Aires. This was Mrs. White.
seconded by Mrs. Heavner and Mrs. Nash, and Moved by Mrs. Bahnsen, seconded by Mrs.
carried. The Organizing Secretary General Buel, and carried, that the Board ertend a rising
tote of thanks to Mrs. Spencer for her delight came to the President General of the death of
ful invitation for Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. G. Brown Goode, a Vice President General
The Recording Secretary General read the of the Society from 1890 to 1892. It was Mrs.
minutes of the meeting, which were approved. Goode's husband who designed our Insignia
and at one o'clock, on motion duly seconded. and Mrs. Goode was at that time a member of
the meeting adjourned. the Insignia Committee. Mrs. Goode was bur
RITA A. YAwger, ied in Oak Hill Cemetery, this City. and Mrs.
Recording Secretary General. Charles H. Bissell was appointed by the Presi
dent General to see that the obsequies flag was
Regular Meeting, June 8, 1921 placed over the casket while the remains
A regular meeting of the National Board of awaited burial. A wreath was also sent in the
Management was called to order by the Presi name of the Society.
dent General, Mrs. George Maynard Minor, in In the early part of May, another of our
the Board Room of Memorial Continental Hall ex-officers, who had served the Society faith
on Wednesday, June 8, 1921, at 10.15 A.M. fully as Librarian General, and as Chairman
of our Finance Committee. 1911 to 1913, was
The Chaplain General opened with prayer,
the members joining in the Lord's Prayer. called to serve beyond. Miss Amaryllis Gillette,
who was a member of Mrs. Scott's cabinet.
The roll was called by the Recording Secre
tary General, the following members being Just recently word was received of the death
recorded present: Active Officers: Mrs. Minor, of the State Vice Regent of Colorado, Mrs.
Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Morris. Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Thomas Keely. In memory of these Daughters
Holden, Miss Campbell, Mrs. Hodgkins, Mrs. whom we mourn, will the Board please rise.
While we have in mind the death of this
Spencer, Mrs. Yawger, Mrs. Elliott, Mrs.
officer of Colorado, there comes with it too the
Hanger, Miss Strider, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs.
thought of the general sorrow in that State,
White; State Regents: Mrs. Robinson, Mrs.
Hoval Smith, Mrs. Buel, Mrs. St. Clair, Mrs. and we all feel very deep sympathy for Colo
rado in her recent floods.
Denmead, Mrs. Shumway, Mrs. Kitt, Mrs.
During the interim since Congress, your
Fitts, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Sparks, Doctor Bar. President General has not been idle. A week
rett; State Vice Regents: Mrs. Vereen, Mrs.
Seydel, Mrs. Bull. was spent in Washington after the close of
Congress to attend to many matters resulting
Mrs. Cook reported the death of Mrs. Thomas there from. A number of letters were dis
Keely, State Vice Regent of Colorado, and
asked that the Board send a letter of sympathy patched to those who so kindly contributed their
to the State of Colorado and to her Chapter. time and talent to the program, and arrange
Mrs. Cook stated she had been told by an inti ments were made to carry out the resolutions
adopted by Congress. It was also necessary
mate friend of Mrs. Keely that Mrs. Keely was during the week to keep several social
one of the best loved women in Colorado, that
she had done wonderful war work, and that engagements.
there was no Daughter in the organization or in Congress ordered the printing of the Presi
dent General's address, the report of the Treas
her State who was more highly appreciated,
and moved that a letter of sympathy be sent urer General, the resolutions adopted, and these,
from this Board to the State Regent of Colo as well as the printing of the Constitution as
rado and Colorado Chapter upon the death of amended, were arranged for. Copies have been
Mrs. Thomas Keely, newly elected State Picc sent out by the Corresponding Secretary Gen
Regent. Seconded by Mrs. Buel and carried. eral to the National Officers, the State and
The President General read her report. Chapter Regents.
Your President General took up with Repre
Report of President General sentative McFadden the matter of having sev
eral lots in the rear of the hall (for which we
To the Members of the National Board of had been receiving rent up to February 28th)
Management: exempted from taxes and Mr. McFadden very
To attend the June Board meeting always kindly consented to introduce a bill in Con
seems to require just a little more effort than gress to cover this. The bill was introduced on
any other meeting during the year, because it May 16th and it has been referred to the Com
follows so closely the strenuous week of Con mittee on the District of Columbia. The
gress and because it comes at a season when assurance has been given it will be put through
plans are being made by many to close their as speedily as possible.
homes to get away for the summer; therefore A letter was sent to all State Regents calling
your presence to-day is heartily appreciated by attention to the resolution adopted by Congress
your President General. that Forest Protection Week, May 22nd–28th,
Just before leaving Washington in April word be observed, in accordance with a proclamation
issued by the President. At the same time the rock, was chosen unanimously by the committee,
form for submitting the names of State Chair and McKim, Mead and White were chosen as
men for appointment upon the National Com the architects. This committee also voted to
mittees was sent to each State Regent. The give the commission to paint the picture for
Chairmen and Vice Chairmen for the National the War Museum in Paris to Frederick J.
Committees have been selected and written to, Waugh, the noted marine painter. You will be
asking them to serve as such for the year 1921– interested to know that nine members of the
1922. With the prompt coöperation of the State committee were present, representing seven dif
Regents it is hoped to have the committee lists ferent states.
completed and distributed early in the summer, On the way to Washington last Monday the
in order that there may be no delay in taking President General stopped in New York to
up the work in the autumn. The reports from confer with the architects in regard to designs
the committees to Congress bespoke energetic, for the fountain and the committee feels the
conscientious work last year, and it is felt that business is very well under way.
equally as good reports will be given at the Very interesting and encouraging letters have
31st Congress. been received from Baroness de La Grange and
In consequence of the resolution passed by Mrs. Harris, telling us of the near completion
Congress, that the President General be em of the water-works, and of the assured satis
powered to act in connection with the gift prof faction from the manner in which it has been
fered the Society of a portion of the fortifi constructed. The water system completely en
cations of Yorktown, a committee was ap circles the village, which it was not at first
pointed to consider the acceptance of the gift; contemplated it should do, and it has been
the members thereof being, the President Gen decided to have a fountain near the hospital for
eral, Chairman; Mrs. James T. Morris, Mrs. aged people. The enlarged capacity of the
Louis T. McFadden, Mrs. William N. Rey reservoir will make it possible to have water
nolds, Mrs. Kate Waller Barrett, Mrs. Living at all times. In drilling for water it was
ston L. Hunter, Miss Florence S. M. Crofut, necessary to go down 246 feet, but it has been
Mrs. Charles H. Bissell. A meeting of the found there is plenty of very clear water at
committee has been called June 11th at York that depth.
town, to meet the donors of the property. The suggestion has been made that the
Before leaving Washington an order was water-works and fountains be dedicated this
placed with J. E. Caldwell and Company for summer and that as many of the officers and
the cup which the 17th Congress voted should members of the Society as can be in France
be awarded each year to the midshipman ex for the ceremonies do so. It is planned that
celling in Seamanship and International Law. the dedication shall take place the third week
The cup was delivered at the Annapolis Acad or fourth week in August if possible and your
emy on June 1st, the graduation exercises being President General is making her arrangements
held the first week in June. John L. B. Olson to go over to Tilloloy for the dedication. The
was the winner of the cup. Treasurer General will be in Europe for the
On May 10th your President General at summer and will also arrange to be in Tilloloy
tended a meeting of the Office Building Com at that time. We hope many others from the
mittee, which was held in New York City, to Society will have the great pleasure of being
go over in committee the specifications and there and it will be a great satisfaction to
the contract submitted by the architects. The Baroness de La Grange and Mrs. Harris, who
contract has been signed by the President Gen are taking charge of the ceremonies, to have
eral and the Recording Secretary General for a goodly number of our members there.
the Society, and by the builder. You will all At the meeting in October when we come
be interested to know that the land has been together again to take up our work, those of us
cleared, and on Friday last ground was broken who have been privileged to go to Tilloloy hope
for the office building. to present to you a very full and interesting
A luncheon given by the Lucretia Shaw account of all that has taken place.
Chapter was attended by the President General, In separating for the summer let me assure
and also the meetings of the Eunice Dennie you that the very best wishes of your President
Burr and the Mary Silliman Chapters, at which General go with you.
the address to Congress was given. Respectfully submitted,
The President General, who is Chairman of ANNE RogFRs MINOR,
the Memorial Fountain and Painting Commit President General.
tee, called a meeting of this committee in Bos
ton, June 3rd, when a visit to Plymouth was The President General interrupted herself to
paid to decide upon the site for the fountain. ask that in the message sent to Colorado on the
The corner site, on the water front near the death of Mrs. Keely that the sympathy of the
Board be also expressed in the great disaster cation cards to the members admitted. 31.95
that had befallen that state in the recent flood. were mailed, 1100 membership certificates are
Mrs. Yawger moved that the report of the ready to be sent out, waiting for the seal to be
President General be accepted with thanks. made satisfactory, and the work of the Block
Seconded by Mrs. St. Clair and carried. certificates brought up to the date of the last
The President General referred to the illness Congress, and when these are returned from
of three of the members of the Board—Mrs. the engrosser they will be sent to their patient
McFarland of Texas, Mrs. Council of Dela purchasers.
ware, and Mrs. Guernsey of Kansas—and asked Notices to members of the June Board meet
that a letter of sympathy be sent to these mem ing were mailed, and notice of appointment on
bers who were detained on account of illness. National Committees by the President General
The President General stated that Mrs. Guern are being sent out as made and the acceptances
sey had gotten as far as Kansas City on her and regrets noted.
journey to Washington and had been sent back RITA A. YAwger,
home by her physician. Mrs. Yawger read a Recording Secretary General.
letter from Mrs. Calder in which she regretted
that the results of a fall which she sustained There being no objections, the report was
in Washington following the Congress pre accepted. The Recording Secretary General
vented her from attending the Board meeting, then read the report of the Executive Commit
and Mrs. Yawger requested that in the motion tee as follows:
to send letters of sympathy that Mrs. Calder's
name be included. Mrs. Smith moved that a Report of Executive Committee
letter of sympathy be sent to Mrs. Council of April 29, and June 7, 1921.
19elaware, Mrs. McFarland of Teras, Mrs. That the temporary clerks be paid for time
Guernsey of Kansas, who are detained by ill actually on duty.
mess; Mrs. Ellison, Librarian General, whose That we order 10,000 copies of the President
father is ill, and Mrs. Albert L. Calder, 2nd, General's address printed for distribution, and
Vice President General of Rhode Island. Sec that we suggest to the Printing Committee that
onded by Mrs. St. Clair, and carried. good paper and printing be taken into considera
Mrs. Yawger read her report. tion in awarding the contract, and that the
insignia be used.
Report of Recording Secretary General That all copies of the address remaining after
Madam President General and Members of the the National Board and Chapters have been
National Board : supplied be distributed through the Correspond
ing Secretary General's office.
Since the close of the 30th Congress my
office has been busily engaged in arranging for
That the printing of the Manual be put in
charge of the Printing Committee and the Vice
the various publications ordered. The Consti Chairman of the Patriotic Education Commit
tution and By-laws as amended were prepared
tee in charge of the Manual. That the Vice
for the printer and proof read and turned over,
Chairman of the Manual be empowered to
when received, to the Corresponding Secretary
arrange for the translations.
General for mailing, together with the address
of the President General and the report of the
That we accept the offer of J. B. Lippincott
and Company and make the contract with them
Treasurer General. Congress having ruled that
for the coming year (for the MAGAZINE.)
in the interest of economy only the gist of the That Mrs. Lillie Boone Stewart and Mrs.
resolutions should be printed, it became neces
Charles Flower be confirmed as State Regent
sary to rewrite these resolutions before turning
and State Vice Regent of Louisiana.
them over to the printer, great care being taken
to retain all the salient facts which led That Mr. Phillips be given $50 for his extra
services during Congress, and that a letter of
to their adoption.
appreciation go with it.
There were sent to the various organizations
That $50 be given to the Police Department
and people, copies of the resolutions adopted
and $50 to the Fire Department for services
affecting them, and several very interesting during Congress.
replies in acknowledgment were received from That the choice of printer for the Proceed
heads of departments and others. ings be left to the Printing Committee; that
The routine work of the office has gone for the firm be chosen giving the lowest price
ward as usual. The minutes of the Board which will be for the best interest of the
meetings of April 16th and 25th were prepared, National Society.
and copies of the rulings of Congress and of That the Printing Committee be authorized to
these two Board meetings were sent to all issue the 58th and 59th volumes of the
offices; all letters sent as ordered, and notifi Lineage Books.
That the matter of the clerical work for the and carried, that the motions adopted by the
Remembrance Book be referred to the Com Erecutive Committee be acted upon sc parately.
mittee on Clerks with power to act. The motions were read separately by the Re
That the contract of the American Audit cording Secretary General and the Members of
Company be renewed. the Board given opportunity to discuss them
That the President General appoint a com or ask questions regarding them, and there
committee to invest the sum $49.20 realized being no objections they were approved.
during the four afternoons by the tearoom Miss Strider read her report as follows:
during the 30th Congress for procuring spoons
and teapots. Report of Registrar General
That we accept the report of the Committee
on Clerks and that the recommendations be Madam President General and Members of the
presented to the National Board. National Board of Management:
That an increase in salary to $105 per month I have the honor to report the following:
be given Miss Wingate and Miss Finckel. One thousand nine hundred and seventy
To fill existing vacancies in the office of the eight applications presented to the Board and
Registrar General the following be transferred 200 supplemental papers verified; 2178 total
to the permanent roll: Miss Ruth McDuffee, number of papers verified.
Miss Gwendolyn Holland, Miss Virginia King, Permits issued for 450 insignias, 200 ances
Miss Irene Madigan, at $75 per month. tral bars and 600 recognition pins.
That the salary of Miss Fernald, secretary Papers examined and not yet approved: 817
to the President General, be increased to $150 originals and 247 supplementals.
per month. Papers returned unverified: 11 originals and
That in the office of the Treasurer General 36 supplementals New records verified, 664.
the salary of Mrs. Hudson, Chief Clerk to the By the authority of the Continental Congress,
Treasurer General, be increased to $150 per your President General appointed a committee
month; that Miss Scarborough and Miss Glas with power to act, with the Registrar General
cock be increased to $90 per month; that Miss as Chairman, to make minor changes in the
Jeannette O'Neil and Miss Louisa O'Neil be in application blank.
creased from $75 to $80 per month; that Miss In order to allow more space for names and
Clark be placed upon the permanent roll at $75 dates on the second page, the Committee desires
per month to fill a vacancy in that office. to omit the words “legal and lawful.” These
That at the request of the Recording Secre words were inserted by order of the Board of
tary General Miss Bliss be increased from $75 April 17, 1915. Therefore, I move that the
to $85 per month, that being the regular salary action of the Board of April 17, 1915, whereby
for the second clerk in that office. the words “legal and lawful” were inserted
That at the request of the Historian General, on the application blank, be rescinded.
Mrs. Brown's salary be increased to $100 Respectfully submitted,
per month. EMMA T. STRIDER,
That at the request of the Librarian General, Registrar General.
Miss Tolson be placed upon the permanent roll
at a salary of $75 per month to fill the vacancy Moved by Miss Strider, seconded by Mrs.
in position of second clerk in that office. Hunter, and carried, that the Recording Secre
That all the increases and transfers date tary General be instructed to cast the ballot for
from July 1, 1921. the admission of 1978 applicants. The Record
That at the request of her physician, Miss ing Secretary General announced the casting
Grace Pierce be granted an extra thirty days of the ballot, and the President General de
leave of absence, without pay, following her clared the 1978 women members of the National
annual leave which begins July 1st. Society. Miss Strider showed the sample blank
That the accompanying form of application the Committee had worked out incorporating
and card record, similar to that used by the the changes which the Committee deemed de
Red Cross, be adopted for use in our Business sirable, which gave more space for writing in
Office in employing clerks and employees. the names and dates, and quoted from legal
Th2t the Executive Committee recommend authorities to the effect that the word “wife"
to the Board that the Treasurer General be meant everything “legal and lawful wife "
empowered to invest the life membership fees meant, and stated that the note at the bottom
in Liberty Bonds. of the blank, put on by order of the Continental
That the Executive Manager be given the Congress, was the strongest possible restriction
privilege of using carbons instead of letter against descendants of polygamous marriages
press copies for correspondence. entering the Society, and the words “legal and
Moved by Mrs. Cook, seconded by Mrs. Kitt, lawful” inserted by action of the Board, added
nothing in the way of a restriction. The motion at Maysville, Ky., Lydia Putnam at Houlton.
of Miss Strider, that the action of the Board of Me...; Shenandoah Valley at Martinsburg, W.
April 17, 1915, whereby the words “legal and Va.; Veedersburg at Veedersburg, Ind.; the
lawful" were inserted on the application blank, Chapter at Ardmore, Okla.; the Chapter at
be rescinded, seconded by Mrs. White, was put Newcastle, Wyo.; the Chapter at Scottsbluff.
and carried. Neb.; the Chapter at Center, Mo. -
Mrs. Hanger read her report as Organizing Chapters which have been below twenty-five
Secretary General. for one year or more and were automatically
dropped at the close of Congress, April 23,
Report of Organizing Secretary General 1921, according to Section 17 of Article 9 of
Madam President General and Members of the the National By-laws:
National Board of Management: Under Five Flags of Mobile, Alabama: Henry
I have the honor to report as follows: Claggett, of Shelbyville, Ky., Franklin, of
Through their respective State Regents the Boston, Mass.; Admiral d'Estaing, of Mem
following members at large are presented for phis, Tenn.
confirmation as Organizing Regents: Mrs. Chapters which have been below twelve for
Minerva B. Rollo, Herrin, Ill.; Mrs. Jeannette one year or more and were automatically
M. Ralston, Shenandoah, Ia. ; Mrs. Ethel Fair dropped at the close of Congress, April 23,
lamb Carpenter, Tama, Ia. ; Mrs. Sarah Duke 1921, according to Section 17 of Article 9 of
McGoldrick, Coushatta, La., Mrs. Harriet Bratt the National By-laws:
Lawson, Genoa, Nebr.: Mrs. Nellie Finch Wel Isaac Van Buskirk, of Gosport, Ind. : Cum
don, St. Edwards, Nebr.: Mrs. Florence Floyd berland Ford, of Pineville, Ky. ; Ah-yah-stee.
Merriam, Waverly, N. Y.; Mrs. Jennie Stevens of Oklahoma City, Okla.
Neiley, Towanda, Pa.; Mrs. Elizabeth Lentz On account of the death of the State Vice
Shope, Narberth, Pa.; Mrs. Jean McKee Kenas Regent of Colorado Mrs. Thomas Keely, the
ton, Bonesteet, S. D.; Mrs. Jessie Whited Colorado State Executive Board elected Mrs.
Nelson, Mitchell, S. D. William H. Kistler, of Denver, to fill the va
The authorization of the following chapters cancy, and I now ask that she be confirmed
is requested : Austin, Chicago, Ill. ; Pilot Grove, State Vice Regent of Colorado.
Mo.; Clifton, Va., and Ashland, Va. Respectfully submitted,
Through their respective State Regents the (MRs. G. WALLACE W.) Lucy GALT HANGER.
following reappointments of Organizing Re Organizing Seceretary General.
gents are requested : Miss Mosel Preston, Bartow,
Fla.; Mrs. Edna Fllis Robbins, West Palm There being no objections, the report was ac
Beach, Fla.; Mrs. Elethea May Morse Adair, cepted. The confirmation of the election of
Nampa, Ida. Mrs. Iſ 'ill'am H. Kistler as State l’ice Regent
The following chapters have reported organ of Colorado was moved by Mrs. Hanger, sec
ization since the last Board meeting : Anpleton onded by Mrs. White, and carried.
at Appleton, Wis.; Brier Creek, Sylvania, Ga.; Mrs. Hunter read her financial report as
Fort William Bent at Lamar, Colo. : Limestone follows:
Balance in Bank at last report, March 31, 1921 $47,889.89
Charters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00
Continental Hall contributio.s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433.70
Office Building contribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50.00
Liberty Loan contributions and interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 803.84
Liquidation and Endowment Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 674.90
Commissions: Flowers ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Insignia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Recognition pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521.49
Receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100.00
Balance ...... . . . ... .... .... ...... . . . ...... .. .. .... ... ... .... ... . 16,234.54
Disbursement—Liberty Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 800.00
Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166.58
Receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,281.65
Disbursements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,281.65
Funds Bal. 3-31-21 Receipts Disbursements Bal. 5-31-21
Balance, National Metropolitan Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90,674.82
Petty Cash (in Treasurer General's office). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500.00
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $91,174.82
(MRs. Livi NGSTON L.) LilliaN A. HUNTER,
Treasurer General.
Mrs. White as Chairman of Finance Com I have the pleasure to report that your com
mittee, read the report of that Committee. mittee has met each month since the last Board
meeting April 16th, received monthly reports
Report of Finance Committee from both the Auditors and Treasurer General.
The reports have been examined and compared
Madam President General and Members of the
and found to agree, and the contract with the
National Board of Management: American Audit Company renewed at the rate
As Chairman of the Finance Committee I
of the previous year, and the contract placed
have the following report to submit for the in the office of the Recording Secretary General.
months of April and May: Respectfully submitted,
Vouchers have been approved to the amount JENN WIN slow ColtRANE,
of $57,517.05, of which $30,121.39 was contrib Chairman.
uted for Patriotic Education and $1194.65 for
Relief Work.
The adoption of the report of the Auditing
Other large expenditures were for :
Committee was moved by Mrs. Yawger, sec
Clerical service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,022.28
onded by Mrs. White, and carried.
Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,015.42 The Treasurer General presented the follow
Employees of Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,111.70 ing resolution:
Postage ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490.17 Whereas, the National Society of the
Support of Real Daughters. . . . . . . . . . 352.00 Daughters of the American Revolution, in
Expense of 30th Congress ....... 2,714.90 Congress Assembled, on the 19th day of April,
Notes Payable, Liberty Loan . . . . . . . . 800.00 1920, passed the following resolutions:
Miscellaneous as itemized in Treas- -
WHEREAs, The National Society of the
urer General's report . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,694.54 Daughters of the American Revolution deems
it necessary in the proper management and con
The Finance Committee recommend : duct of its affairs to erect an additional building
That the offer of the Metropolitan Bank to or buildings on the land owned by the National
loan $130,000 on the personal notes of the Society in the City of Washington, District of
National Society be accepted, the money to be Columbia, and to provide for the financing
borrowed as needed for payments upon the new hereof;
office building. Therefore be it Resolved. That for the pur
Respectfully submitted, pose of enabling the National Society of the
(Mrs. GEORGE W.) Louis E. C. WHITE, Daughters of the American Revolution to erect
Chairman. a building or buildings on the land of the
National Society, situate in the City of Wash
In the absence of Miss Coltrane, Chairman, ington, District of Columbia, in accordance with
the Recording Secretary General read the re plans and specifications prepared by an archi
port of the Auditing Committee. tect to be selected by a committee appointed
for the purpose by the President General, said
Report of Auditing Committee architect to be subject to the approval of the
National Board of Management, the National
Madam President General and Members of the Board of Management be, and hereby is, author
National Board of Management: ized, empowered and directed to negotiate on
behalf of the National Society of the Daugh Office Building. This was seconded by Mrs.
ters of the American Revolution a loan in the White and carried.
sum of two hundred thousand dollars ($200, Mrs. Hunter reported that at the April 16th
000), or such parts thereof as said National Board meeting she was authorized to pay to the
Board of Management may deem necessary, Parliamentarian her actual expense while she
from any bank, trust company, or other finan was in attendance at the Congress in addition
cial institution, or from an individual or indi to the $150 which had been voted to her for
viduals, on the note or notes of said National Congress week, but that Mrs. Anderson de
Society, and, if necessary in order to borrow the clined to accept anything more than the $150,
money aforesaid, to secure the repayment of stating that at the time she agreed to do the
said note or notes by a mortgage or deed of work that was the sum stipulated. Mrs. Hunter
trust on the real estate of the National Society stated that when the parliamentarian was called
situate in the District of Columbia; down for conference or consultation during the
And Further Resolved, That the National year the Society paid Mrs. Anderson's railroad
Board of Management and the officers of the expenses back and forth. The President Gen
National Society be, and they are hereby eral expressed her great appreciation of the
authorized, empowered and directed to do all service rendered by Mrs. Anderson not only to
acts and things, and to execute, acknowledge, the National Officers and Society, but to many
deliver and file all instruments and papers that of the members, and requested that some ac
may be necessary, convenient or proper to carry knowledgment of this service be made by the
out the foregoing resolution. Board. The President General stated also that
Therefore, be it resolved, that in pursuance in conference with the Treasurer General Mrs.
of the power and authority in it vested by the Hunter had said the Society could afford to
foregoing resolution the National Board of pay to the Parliamentarian for the week of
Management hereby authorizes, empowers and Congress twice the amount it had formerly
directs the Treasurer General to borrow from paid. Moved by Mrs. Sparks that the National
time to time from the National Metropolitan Board give the Parliamentarian, Mrs. Ander
Bank of Washington, D. C., a sum not exceed son, a vote of thanks in appreciation of her
ing one hundred and thirty thousand dollars
great services to the National Society. Sec
onded by Mrs. Elliott and adopted by rising
($130,000) on the note or notes made by the
vote. Mrs. Sparks also moved that the sum
National Society of the Daughters of the Amer
heretofore received by the Parliamentarian for
ican Revolution by the President General and
her services during Congress be increased to
Secretary General, and bearing such rate of in
$300. This was seconded by Mrs. Cook
terest as may be agreed upon with said Bank and carried.
at the time of negotiating said loan or any
part thereof. Mrs. Hanger moved that the president of
The adoption of this resolution was moved the National Metropolitan Bank, Mr. George
W. White, be sent a note from the National
by Mrs. Hunter and seconded by Mrs. White.
Board erpressing to him our sincere apprecia
Mrs. Hunter said that the National Metropoli
tion of his great consideration of the best inter
tan Bank, through its president, Mr. White, had
ests of the Daughters of the American Revo
generously offered to loan the Society this sum
lution. This was seconded by Mrs. Hunter
on notes at whatever interest is prevailing at and carried by a rising vote.
the time the loan is made, to start with six per The Recording Secretary General read the
cent, the loans to be made only as the pay report of the Historian General in the absence
ments to the contractor became due every of Miss Coltrane.
month, thus saving to the Society a consider
able sum in interest. The motion was put Report of Historian General
and carried.
The Treasurer General referred to the Madam President General and Members of the
amount now due the architects, Marsh and National Board of Management:
Peter, for services already rendered, and stated The work of your Historical Department has
that since there is at the present time a balance been one of keenest pleasure since Congress to
of $47,889.89 of the Current Fund now in the see the awakened interest of members from all
bank, it did not seem good business to borrow parts of the country. Our Historical evening
this $8000 from the bank and pay 6 per cent. has done what we hoped it would and created
when the Society is only getting 2 per cent. a new interest in our women of history. The
on this deposit, and she therefore moved that demand for the sketches was so great that the
the Treasurer General be authorized to borrow
Editor of our MAGAZINE is allowing us space
from the Current Fund $8000 now due the in the July issue which gives the condensed
Messrs. Marsh and Peter, architects for the facts about these women. We hope that all
those who asked that the sketches be put in The work on our Lineage Book continues.
purchasable form will take extra copies of the The interest in securing these valuable records
MAGAZINE so that this will justify the cost of has increased, but as yet the number of volumes
production. Extra issues must be ordered be ordered in no way meets the cost of each issue.
fore the MAGAZINE comes out if they are to The Treasurer General has been given a very
be secured. heavy expense for this past year as three issues
Feeling the renewed interest in the study of published the year before have been paid for
our women was so great, we have requested this year, and we feel the work on these records
Doctor Churchill to prepare for us a program must not be delayed. Volume 57 is now in the
on “Woman in American History.” This pro hands of the printer. Volumes 58 and 59 are
gram begins in the October MAGAZINE and ends ready to go to the printer as soon as we feel
with the June issue. As we tried a universal we can meet the expense. The work on vol
study of history last year and found it most ume 60 has been begun, which includes mem
helpful and that many were interested, so this bers admitted in 1907.
year we want to again make it possible for you Doctor Fuller, Secretary of the State His
to obtain historical facts directed by an emi torical Commission of Michigan, is preparing
nent Historian. The MAGAZINE paid for this an article for us to be published in the MAGA
program last year and as it is our work I wish zINE, on the organization and working basis of
to recommend that you pay to Doctor Churchill this commission. Miss Catherine Campbell,
$75 for the compiling of this program. It is Ottawa, Kansas, second Vice Chairman of His
difficult to know where to obtain these facts, torical Research and Preservation of Records
and through his direction we know we can get Committee, will have charge of the organization
greater results. The general outline which can of State Commissions. This work was started
be used in your year book is as follows: last year and we hope for a greater cooperation
“Woman in American History": between Historical organizations this coming
1. Woman in the Beginning: Indian year. The American Historical Society has
Women; Woman in the Period of appointed a Committee to compile a Directory
Discovery. of the organized Historical Societies of Amer
. Colonial Women; the South. ica. This compilation will state the work, etc.,
. Colonial Women; the North. of the different organizations and we feel by
. Enlargement of Woman's Sphere; 2.
. The Suffrage Movement.
(The last three purely historical.)
to coöperate and that a greater inspiration will
be given to all our members through a closer
study of the past.
Immediately following Congress we sent to Respectfully submitted,
the State Regents and State Historians sug JENN WIN slow ColtRANE,
Historian General.
gestions for this year's work. They are too
long to include in this report, but if any one
wishes a copy please do not hesitate to ask There being no objections, the report was
for it. There is always so much repetition in accepted without its recommendation. Moved
our historical work, but if you follow these sug by Mrs. Young, seconded by Mrs. Hodgkins,
and carried, that the recommendation of placing
gestions you will find just what your Historical
Research and Preservation of Records Com
the amount of $75 given Doctor Churchill for
his historical services go through the Historian
mittee has directed you to follow. General's office instead of the office of Editor
Our War Records are still lagging. Miss of MAGAZINE.
Florence S. M. Crofut, 25 N. Beacon Street, The Treasurer General stated when the re
Hartford, Conn., first Vice Chairman of the port was called of the Reporter General to the
Historical Research Committee, is in charge of Smithsonian Institution that Miss Wilson had
this work and she desires all wishing blanks completed her work and the 23rd Report was
to please order them at once. This work must in the building and ready for sale; also that
be completed by October 1st, as the interest the 22nd Report, compiled by Mrs. Heath,
for securing data is decreasing and we must which was received a short time before Con
have the best records it is possible to secure. gress, was also on sale; that Miss Wilson was
So far we have forty-three volumes presented still in Rome, but expected to return to this
to the Society, but it should be double country and be present at the Board meeting
this number. in October.
Mrs. White read her report as Cura the State Regents are urged to continue the
tor General. good work of last year, by providing for the
election of State Librarians and the appoint
Report of Curator General ment of these librarians as chairmen of State
Committees to secure books of historical and
Madam President General and Members of the
genealogical value for the Library.
National Board of Management:
With the fine record of the 786 volumes of .
I have the honor to report the following last year before us, let us strive to contribute
accessions received since Board meeting, April one thousand books the coming year.
25, 1921. Through the office of the Historian General
CoNNEcticut: Bead bag; presented by Mrs. the invaluable volumes of the War Service
John Norton Brooks through Marana Norton Records have been added to our priceless
Brooks Chapter. collections.
District of Colum BIA: A miniature of Miss Your Librarian General and her committee
Susan Reviere Hetzel, one of the Charter mem are deeply appreciative of the keen interest and
bers D.A.R.; Registrar General 1898–1900; His generosity of the chapters and members in con
torian General 1901–1902. Placed in the Kansas
tributing these gifts to our Library and desire
case for gifts from Charter members and to thank the State Regents through whose able
Signers. Presented by her sister, Mrs. Mar supervision so much has been accomplished, and
garet Reviere Hetzel Pendleton, Susan Reviere also to express to our Historian General our
Hetzel Chapter. gratitude for her constant devotion to the best
NEw JERSEY: Certificate of membership in interests of the Library.
the “Society of the Cincinnati” of Captain
The following list includes fifty volumes,
James Anderson, dated May 24, 1784. Signed fifteen pamphlets and twenty-one periodicals.
by George Washington, President of the So
ciety, and General Henry Knox, Secretary. BOOKS
ceive in September circular letters in regard Tributes of the Nations to Abraham Lincoln. 1867.
The last two presented by Mrs. Robert M. Cross, of
to our needs in the Library. In the meantime Samuel Adams Chapter.
Portrait and Biographical Record of Lafayette and A History of Randolph County, West Virginia. A. S.
Saline Counties. Missouri. Bosworth. 1916. Presented by Mrs. Boyd Wees, of
1893. Presented by Mrs.
John Gaines Miller for Marshall Chapter. John Hart Chapter.
Mont ANA
William and Mary College Quarterly. April. Your committee again calls your attention
Louisiana Historical Quarterly. April.
New Jersey Historical Society Proceedings. April. to the roof which, as we have stated in former
New York Public Library Bulletin. April.
10% C. Historical and Genealogical Magazine. October, reports, is not in good condition and has been
a source of constant concern. At this time,
Tyler's Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Magazine.
April, 1921. however, we do not recommend a new roof as
Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. January. we believe that a more satisfactory business
ºtern Pennsylvania Historical Magazine. April,
arrangement can probably be made with con
Report approved. tractors during the construction of our new
Mrs. Elliott read her report as follows: office building, but we do call this condition
to your attention as we believe a new roof will
Report of Corresponding Secretary General be imperative in the near future and it is our
Madam President General and Members of the
duty to keep you informed of the condition of
our Hall.
National Board of Management:
Eleven markers have been received for wil
The following is a brief report of the work
done in the office of the Corresponding Secre low furniture in the Banquet Hall and placed
as follows: Four tables from Colorado
tary General during the months of April
and May. Daughters; four chairs from Colorado State;
Seven hundred and seventy-six letters were one table Milwaukee Chapter, Wisconsin; one
received and seven hundred and sixty-eight chair Fort McIntosh Chapter, Pennsylvania;
have been answered. and one chair, Mrs. W. H. Talbott, ex-Vice
Supplies as enumerated below were mailed President General of Maryland.
to the chapters and individuals making request It has been a source of regret to your Com
for such service: mittee that the services of Mr. Harris, member
Application blanks, 13,537; leaflets “How to of your Art Committee, who passes upon gifts
Become a Member,” 659; leaflets of General such as furniture, ornaments, fixtures, etc., have
Information, 526; transfer cards, 540; Consti not been available on account of a death in his
tutions, 351.
family. The Committee desires to assure those
Since the Congress there have been mailed
from this office to the National Board of who have sent gifts which require the judg
Management and Chapter Regents copies of the ment of Mr. Harris that they will be sub
Constitution and By-laws as recently amended, mitted to him at an early date.
the Resolutions of the Congress, the address Upon request of the State Regent of the
of the President General and report of the District of Columbia permission has been
Treasurer General as read, which were ordered granted to use the Banquet Hall for a luncheon
printed and distributed among the chapters. June 8th, this luncheon to be given to the
Respectfully submitted, President General and National Board of
LILY Tyson ELLIott, Management by the State Regent and Chapter
Corresponding Secretary General. Regents of the District of Columbia.
Permission was granted through the Presi
There being no objections, the report dent General to Miss Madeira's School of
was approved. Washington, D. C., to use the Auditorium on
Mrs. Hanger, as Chairman, read the report June 7th for Commencement exercises.
of the Building and Grounds Committee. Upon request of the Organizing Secretary
General your Committee finds the purchase of
Report of Building and Grounds Committee a new typewriter for that office advisable and
Madam President General and Members of the recommends that such be purchased.
National Board of Management: It is of interest to know that during the
The Building and Grounds Committee begs month of May, 1482 visitors were shown
leave to report as follows: through the building.
Since the Thirtieth Continental Congress our Respectfully submitted,
building has been thoroughly cleaned and put (MRs. G. WALLACE W.) Lucy GALT HANGER,
in order, draperies and rugs cleaned and Chairman, Building and Grounds Committee.
sprayed with moth preventive and stored in
moth-proof closets for the summer.
Our grounds have been put in order, grass The report was accepted without its recom
seeded and rolled, the window boxes filled mendation. The purchase of a new typewriter
without extra expense this year as we were for office of Organizing Secretary General was
able to use clippings from our own ivy and moved by Mrs. Hanger, seconded by Mrs.
transplanted greens from our flower beds in Yawger, and carried.
the rear of the building. Miss Lincoln read her report as follows:
Report of Ed.tor of Magazine forty-one were about the World War, and
Madam President General and Members of the eighty-four related to the American Revolution
National Board of Management: and the early history of the United States.
We use articles on the World War, not only for
Since my report to the National Board in
their historic value in the future, but because
February four MAGAZINEs have been published
we believe the Daughters of the American
—March, April, May and June; and of these
Revolution are as greatly interested in the
every edition has been sold out, except that
gallant exploits of their husbands, sons, and
of May. We still have about 300 copies of the
brothers as they are in the heroic conduct of
May MAGAZINE on hand. Of the June issue
their Revolutionary ancestors. We try to have
we have only a few copies left and therefore
articles pertaining to past and present history
are obliged to commence new subscriptions
and the official news of our National Society in
with the July number.
each issue of the MAGAZINE. That this plan is
The July MAGAZINE, now on the press, has an
justified is shown by the increased circulation
able article by John C. Fitzpatrick, Assistant
of the MAGAZINE to-day.
Chief, Manuscript Division, Library of Con
Nine months ago at the October, 1920, meet
gress. It is an article to arouse interested com
ment for it deals with an almost unknown bit ing, the National Board generously appropriated
$500 to be used to pay for contributions. Of
of history connected with Thomas Jefferson and that sum there is now left in the national treas
the writing of the Declaration of Independence.
An account of the tableaux presented by the
ury $3.75. As articles already paid for are
yet to appear in the July and August MAGA
States during the 30th Continental Congress
ZINEs, it represents an expenditure covering
will appear in the July MAGAZINE also, written eleven months.
by our Historian General, Miss Coltrane. The
May I recommend to the Board that they
article will be illustrated with over forty photo
appropriate another $500 to be set aside for the
graphic views of the tableaux. payment of contributions to the MAGAZINE dur
Theodore T. Belote, Curator, Division of
ing the next six months.
History, United States National Museum, is The MAGAZINE has greatly improved and its
preparing a series of medal articles for our
holding power is testified by the increased num
MAGAZINE. The series, which commenced with
ber of renewals received daily. We must keep
the publication in our December, 1920, MAGA
it at the same high level, and can only do so by
zi NE, of the commemorative medals of the
the purchase of interesting and valuable articles.
World War, will comprise accounts of the
American medals struck in all wars in which
Respectfully submitted,
the 'Jnited States participated. His next Editor.
article will be about the medals of the Ameri
can Revolution, while that of the War of 1812
will be divided into two parts, the first devoted There being no objection, the report was ap
to the army medals and the second to the navy. proved without its recommendation. Mrs.
All material for the August MAGAZINE, ex Chubbuck moved to adopt the recommendation
cept the minutes of the National Board of made by the Editor of the MAGAZINE. This
Management, goes to Lippincott to-day. The was seconded by Mrs. Buel and carried.
August MAGAZINE will contain, besides Mr. Mrs. Bissell presented her report as Chair
man of MAGAZINE Committee.
Belote's article, an account of St. Memin's
engravings of famous Southerners. Aside
from the reproductions of St. Memin's interest Report of Chairman of Magazine Committee
ing engravings, the article is of genealogical Madam President General and Members of the
value. It is written by Mrs. Neyle Colquitt,
of Savannah, Ga. National Board of Management:
Mrs. Edith Roberts Ramsburgh, our genea The June number of the MAGAZINE just
issued is the last one under the contract of
logical editor, is steadily improving her depart
1920–21. With the July number the new con
ment and also contributes interesting heraldry
tract goes into effect. The price of the paper
articles illustrated by Mrs. Anderson. At pres used in our publication has decreased to an
ent the queries for publication in the genealogi extent that will give us an edition of 17,000
cal department far exceed the number of at about the same publishing cost as an edition
answers received.
of 14,000 the past year. Our publishers tell us
At the meeting of the National Board in June, labor cost remains about the same and in fact, at
1917—four years ago—the first appropriation the present time, the publishing houses in Phila
ever made to pay for contributions to the delphia are all struggling together to resist the
MAGAZINE was voted. Since that date we have union printers' demand for a forty-four hour
purchased 125 articles for publication. Of these week. Our publishers deserve much commen
dation for their successful effort to bring out her from a gold star mother stating that an
the June MAGAziNE on time. They have had announcement from the War Department ap
to contend with the difficulty of much work pearing in the Army and Navy Journal, for
and few workers. April had been brought to her attention which
At the close of the Congress all State Chair called for bids for stones to be placed over
men were notified of the vote to increase the the graves of the Christian soldiers who fell
subscription price of the MAGAZINE on July in the World War on which was to be cut the
1st to $2. Maltese Cross, and as this cross is identical
Of all responses received from State Chair with the Iron Cross of the German Army it
men only one records her fear that subscriptions seemed a frightful irony of fate that the boys
at $2 will be difficult to obtain, and in several who made the supreme sacrifice should be
instances renewals have been made at $2. Our buried under a stone bearing this emblem.
subscriptions at this date, June 8th, number The sentiment was strongly in favor of the
16,578, a gain of about 3000 in the year. white wooden crosses which now mark the
It has always been true that July and August graves, but every one understood that these
gave a small volume of business and this year were not permanent and must be replaced.
will probably be no exception, but September Many of the members spoke in protest against
and October should begin to tell the story of the the marking of the graves as contemplated by
holding power of the MAGAZINE. the War Department. The President General
It undoubtedly will require greater effort on stated that during the recess for luncheon the
the part of State and Chapter Chairmen to official stenographer would get what informa
secure renewals and new subscriptions at the tion she could from the War Department and
advanced price, but your Editor and Chairman the Commission of Fine Arts, and the Board
both feel confident that our members who have could then take what action it desired when
had the MAGAZINE will feel that they cannot get the meeting reconvened.
along without it and willingly pay the extra The President General announced that the
dollar to help relieve the heavy burden which National Board of Management would be the
the Society has been carrying. guests at luncheon of the District of Columbia
Many single copies of the May issue have Chapters. Recess taken at one o'clock.
been sold, containing in full, as you know, the The afternoon session was called to order at
inspiring address of the President General. 3 P.M. The information having been secured
The July number will contain an account of that the contract had already been given for
the tableaux of “Historic American Women." the stones to be placed over the graves of the
given at the recent Congress. This article will soldiers brought from overseas and buried at
be illustrated with many photographs. Arlington having the Maltese Cross for the
Your Chairman asks the enthusiastic, loyal Christians and the Star of David for the Jewish
help of National Officers and State Regents in soldiers; that the contract for those buried
demonstrating to Chapter Regents and members abroad had not yet been given awaiting a fur
all over the country the great value to them, ther appropriation; that the question of the
individually, of our MAgazine that stands for design had been resubmitted by Colonel Pen
“love of country, for service to the country, rose, the officer now in charge of the work
for unswerving loyalty to the Government,” succeeding Colonel Pierce, deceased, to the
for intelligent study of American history. Fine Arts Commission, which was shortly to
Eva V. M. BisseLL, meet and again take the matter up. Doctor
Barrett moved that information having come
that the design accepted by the War Depart
Report accepted. Mrs. Elliott stated that if a ment for the stones marking the graves of the
quantity of the May number containing the Christian soldiers who died in the World War
President General's address were left in her has the Maltese Cross, we protest against this
office, perhaps some of the members who came use as it is the same design as the Iron Cross
in to get the little pamphlet distributed free of the German Army. This was seconded by
by the Society might be willing to pay twenty Mrs. Buel. Before the motion was put, Doctor
five cents and get the MAGAZINE. Barrett added that a committee be appointed
Mrs. Morris reported that the bill for York by the Chair to confer with the Art Commission
town had been introduced in both houses of to carry out this resolution. Mrs. Young stated
Congress and that now was the time for every that she had had her husband's secretary enquire
member of the Society to write to her Repre of the War Department as to what was being
sentative and Senators and urge that this bill done and she had been told that the designs
be passed to acquire the battlefield of York were only in preparation and nothing had as
town for a National Military Park. yet been accepted. The motion was put
Mrs. Buel referred to a letter received by and carried.
The Recording Secretary General read the The estimates from the various contractors
report of the Chairman of the Printing Com were not tabulated until after the close of the
mittee as follows: 30th Congress, and although the committee knew
Report of Chairman of Printing Committee that much more than $200,000 would be needed
to complete the building, no actual figures were
Madam President General and Members of the submitted until May 6th in the letter to the
National Board of Management: Treasurer General, and consequently no actual
Owing to the fact that the list of members figures could be given to the Congress in April.
of the Committee was received only a few days From the letter containing the revised ap
ago, the business of the Committee has been proximate estimate sent by the architect on
transacted by your Chairman during the past May 6th to the Treasurer General the commit
few weeks. tee learned the outside estimated cost of
All the necessary routine printing for the $340,000 for the building, as well as the amount
several offices possible, has been executed on our of construction that could be accomplished with
own press. the $200,000 authorized by the 29th Congress.
The outside work incident upon the several The committee considered the advisability
orders of Congress has been placed with outside of trying to finish only a part of the building,
firms, in each case, at a reduction of cost over and it was agreed unanimously that such a
last year. The Constitution, Resolutions of procedure would prove to be much more expen
Congress, the address of the President
General sive in the end, and would be both unsatisfac
and the report of the Treasurer General are tory and unbusinesslike. The committee be
ready for distribution. lieves that the entire building should be fin
The contract for the next edition of the ished at one time.
Lineage Book was made at a saving of fifteen Respectfully submitted for the committee,
per cent to the Society over the cost of the (SIGNED) SARAH E. GUERNSEY,
last volume. Chairman.
Respectfully submitted,
GRACE M. PIERCE, There being no objections, the report was
Chairman Printing Committee. accepted.
The Treasurer General reported that since
There being no objections, the report was
the last meeting the Society had lost through
accepted. death 166 members. The Board rose in silent
In the absence on account of illness of Mrs.
memory of these deceased members. Mrs.
Guernsey, Chairman of Office Building Com Hunter reported also that since the last meeting
mittee, her report was read by Miss Crowell, fifty-three members had resigned from the
Secretary of the Committee, as follows: Society, and sixty-nine former members, having
complied with the requirements of the Con
Report of Office Building Committee stitution, asked to be reinstated. She therefore
Madam President General and members of the moved that the Recording Secretary General
National Board of Management: be instructed to cast the ballot for the rein
The Office Building Committee presents the statement of the sirty-nine members. This was
following report: seconded by Mrs. Elliott and carried. The
Since the close of the Congress two import Recording Secretary General announced the
ant communications have been received from casting of the ballot and the President General
the architects, both of which were considered declared these sixty-nine former members rein
by the committee at a meeting held in New stated in the National Society.
York on Tuesday, May 10th–one the “revised Doctor Barrett referred to a plan suggested
approximate estimate for the first expenditures for the holding of ceremonies on 4th of July
for the construction of the new Administration at the grave of Patrick Henry and presented the
Building ” and the other a memorandum of an following resolution: that the State D.A.R.
agreement between the National Society and of Virginia believe that some simple annual
the builder. ceremonial observance of the life and death of
The memorandum of agreement was sub Patrick Henry would be of patriotic value, be
mitted to Mr. George W. White, the chairman it resolved, that the N.S.D.A.R. erpress its
of the Advisory Committee, and to Mr. Minor, sympathy with such a movement and will er
acting as the attorney for the Society; and tend all possible assistance. Seconded by Mrs.
was approved by them, the committee, there Morris and carried.
fore, by unanimous vote, “authorized the Presi Mrs. Hanger stated that as Chairman of
dent General to sign the contract, and execute Building and Grounds Committee the question
the necessary papers to proceed with the erec had come to her as to the disposal of the fur
tion of the building.” niture which formerly was in the room then
known as the Rest Room, Miss Vining's in the movement to procure the return of Berg
friends desiring that these pieces be sold for the doll to this country to have him punished for
benefit of Miss Vining, as the furniture has his offence.
been stored away in the Hall and the room Mrs. St. Clair moved that the Captain Molly
assigned to the State of Kentucky and at this Pitcher Chapter be granted permission to sell
time Miss Vining could be made more comfort flowers at the 31st Continental Congress. Sec
able by the use of the sum that might be real onded by Mrs. Shumway and carried.
ized from the sale of these century-old fur The President General brought to the atten
nishings. After some discussion and a state tion of the members of the Board the desira
ment by the State Regent of Massachusetts, it
bility of urging all the chapters to observe
was moved by Mrs. Hanger, seconded by Mrs.
Constitution Day, September 17th.
Elliott, and carried, that the matter of Miss
The President General announced that she
l'ining's furniture be referred to the Erecutive
Committee with power to act. would appoint Doctor Barrett, Chairman, Mrs.
The President General reviewed the action White and Mrs. St. Clair as the Committee to
taken by the Board at the April 25th meeting take up the matter of the design for the stones
in regard to the Chapter at Rye, N. Y., and to mark the graves of the boys who died in
stated that the Organizing Secretary General the World War.
had a resolution to present in regard to this Mrs. Hanger requested that the name of Mrs.
matter. Mrs. Hanger thereupon presented Olive Benning Grove, Callao, Missouri, be
the following: added to her report as Organizing Regent at
WHEREAs, The Chapter organized at Rye, Callao, and stated that this name had been re
New York, through Jesse C. Adkins, its attor ceived in her office within the ten-day limit,
ney, claims that the National Board of Man but had been inadvertently left off her report.
agement was without authority to adopt the Miss Strider read the following supple
motion adopted by the National Board of mental report.
Management at its meeting held April 25, 1921,
disbanding said Chapter, and has requested said Supplemental Report of Registrar General
National Board of Management to rescind
said resolution:
AND, WHEREAs, the National Board of Man I have the honor to report 610 applications
agement having been advised by its counsel that presented to the Board, making a total of 2588.
in his opinion it was without authority under Respectfully submitted,
the Constitution and By-laws of the National (Miss) EMMA T. STRIDER,
Society to adopt said motion; Registrar General.
AND, WHEREAs, it is the sense of the National Moved by Miss Strider, seconded by Mrs.
Board of Management that said motion adopted White, and carried, that the Recording Secre
at its meeting held on April 25, 1921, should be tary General be instructed to cast the ballot for
rescinded, as well as the action of the National the admission of 610 members of the Society.
Board of Management at said meeting in re Miss Strider took occasion to express her
scinding the appointment of the Organizing thanks for the work accomplished by the clerks
Regent; but deems it proper before taking in her office, and especially for the work done
action that the State Regent of New York, by Miss Wingate, who, after a service of nine
who introduced the motion to disband said years, was just voted by the Board a $10 in
Chapter, should be notified of the foregoing. crease in salary, making it $105, and that every
Therefore, be it Resolved, That the request clerk in the office had done splendid work. The
of the Rye Chapter of the State of New York, Recording Secretary General announced the
through its attorney, Jesse C. Adkins, to re casting of the ballot and the President General
scind the motion adopted by the National Board declared these 610 elected members of the
of Management at its meeting held April 25, National Society.
1921, disbanding said Chapter, be, and the same The Recording Secretary General read the
is hereby referred to the Executive Committee, minutes of the meeting, and, on motion duly
with full power to act. seconded, the Board adjourned at 4.55 P.M.
Seconded by Mrs. Buel and carried. RITA A. YA woe.R,
The President General brought to the Board Recording Secretary General.
the request for coöperation from the Patriotic
Service Committee of the White Paper Club
with regard to action in the matter of the return Extract From the Minutes of the Meeting,
of Bergdoll. Moved by Mrs. Hodgkins, sec June 16, 1921, of the Executive Committee.
onded by Mrs. St. Clair, and carried, that we On motion made by Mrs. Hanger, seconded
crpress to the Secretary of State our sympathy by Mrs. Spencer, and unanimously adopted:
The English edition of the Manual for Immigrants is now ready. Italian and Spanish
editions are in process of preparation.
According to the vote of the Thirtieth Continental Congress, Daughters of the American
Revolution, the Manual is to be given free to immigrants at ports of entry, but sold to chapters
and educators desiring it for teaching purposes.
Single copies of the English edition - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 cents each
In lots of 25 or more . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15 cents each
In lots of 100 or more. . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12 cents each
Will be sent on receipt of price or postal order. Orders should be addressed to
The Treasurer General, N.S.D.A.R.
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| en-picture of the
FRANK H. Taylor.
Under the Authority of
Presents a beautifully illustrated, patriotic and thrilling
Breat world-drama of the Americº
much interest and profit, and hope that a copy of it will finá
its way into everyº and *: American household
You have done a good work in preserving this reliablº
account of the most trying time ºf ºr Forefathers that
occurred º: the war of the Revolution. The story is
well ºld, and the illustrations are
ºfound intensely interesting and
Wishing you abundant success.
Valley Forge
Historical Society
Write at once to
Dºn Mr. Taylor. - -
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# -> r, e-c =#
vol. Lv Contents
Publication Office, 227 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Chairman, Magazine Committee, Southington, Conn Editor. Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D. C.
Genealogical Editor, Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D. C.
ENTERED DECEMBER 13, 1917, AT THE PHILADELPH1A. PA., post of Fick. As second class Marrier UNDER
THE ACT of MARch 3, 1879.
Subscriptions should be sent to the Treasurer General, Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D. C.
Single Copy, 25 Cents Yearly Subscription, $2.00 Foreign Postage, 50 Cents Additional
copyright, 1921, BY THE NATIonAI. society DAUGHTERs of THE AMER1can R Evolution
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WJL. LV, No. 9 SEPTEMBER, 1921 WHOLE No. 349
By Theodore T. Belote
Curator of History, United States National Museum
any and all engagements of a stated and Daniel Morgan. These medals
conflict, and varies from its fellows were of a commemorative character and
only in the inscription which it bears. were not intended to be worn. A sim
The war medal was customarily awarded ilar type of medal was awarded to John
to distinguished commanders only, in Paul Jones in recognition of his capture
recognition of large achievements of the British ship Scrapis in 1779. An
covering a long period of time and ex exception to the medals of this type
tending over a wide area of operations. awarded by Congress during the War
The war decoration is, on the other of the Revolution were the silver medals
hand, awarded both to officers and men awarded to John Paulding, David
for individual acts of distinguished Williams and Isaac von Wart in recog
service or bravery. There are, of course, nition of the capture of Major John
exceptions to these distinctions, but in André in 1781, who was on his way
the main they may be accepted as in back to the British lines after arranging
dicative of the character of the two with Benedict Arnold for the surrender
classes of awards under consideration, to the British forces of the American
and it is with the first class of the fortress at West Point.
material noted with which the present From every point of view the most
article deals. notable of these medals was the one
The award of decorations to be worn awarded to General Washington. It
with uniforms or civilian attire and was the first medal of this character to
authorized by the Federal Government be bestowed by the United States Gov
in recognition of special or general ernment and stands as a memorial of the
services during a war period is in the great leader whose military genius and
United States, therefore, comparatively wonderful statesmanship contributed so
speaking, a new method of rewarding much towards the winning of our inde
patriotic work of both a military and pendence. It commemorates a notable
civil character. During the War of the military success and marks the begin
Revolution, the War of 1812, the War ning of a long series of such awards by
with Mexico, and the Civil War, indi Congress which serve to indicate not
vidual and special gold and silver only military ability but also the
medals were struck in commemoration achievements of Americans in many
of notable battles or campaigns and other fields of human endeavor.
presented to the military and naval Congress hastened to render tribute
officers in command at the time. These to the success of Washington in liber
were, however, special medals author ating New England from the enemy by
ized by separate Acts of Congress, and awarding to him a gold medal in com
were not war decorations in the modern memoration of this event. March 25,
sense of that term. During the War of 1777, it was resolved :
the Revolution ten such medals were
struck and presented to the follow “That the thanks of this Congress in their
own name and in the name of the thirteen
ing officers of the Army: George United Colonies whom they represent be pre
Washington, Horatio Gates, Anthony sented to his Excellency, General Washington
and the officers and soldiers under his com
Wayne, Louis de Fleury, John Stewart,
mand, for their wise and spirited conduct in
Henry Lee, Nathanael Greene, William the siege and acquisition of Boston; and that a
A. Washington, John Eager Howard medal of gold be struck in commemoration of
this great event, and presented to his Excel longing to the series under consider
lency; and that a committee of three be ap ation, this medal was designed and
pointed to prepare a letter of thanks and a
proper device for the medal. The three members made in France several years after its
chosen to carry out this gracious task were John award by Congress. It was the work
Adams, John Jay, and Stephen Hopkins.” of the well known medalist, Pierre
Mr. Adams had been the author of Simon Duvivier.
the resolution conferring the thanks The second medal awarded by the
of Congress and the medal. The ob Continental Congress was that pre
verse of this medal bore the bust of sented to Major General Horatio Gates
Washington to the right surrounded by in recognition of the capture of the
the inscription “Georgio Washington British forces commanded by Lieuten
Supremo duci exercituum adsertori lib ant General John Burgoyne at Sara
being beaten in different actions and driven portant campaigns of the war was a
from a most formidable post, and strong en
native of England, where he was born
trenchments, reduced to the necessity of sur
rendering themselves upon terms honorable and in 1706. Gates served with the British
advantageous to these states, on the 17th day army during the French and Indian
of October last, to Major General Gates; War, and at its close settled in Virginia,
and that a medal of gold be struck under the
direction of the Board of War, in commem where he was residing at the outbreak
oration of this great event, and in the name of of the Revolution. In July, 1775, he
these United States, presented by the Presi was appointed Adjutant General by
dent to Major General Gates.”
Congress with the rank of brigadier,
The obverse of this medal bore the and in the summer of 1777, he was
bust of General Gates to the left, sur given command of the Northern De
rounded by the inscription “Horatio partment. In this capacity he received
Gates Duci Strenuo Comitia Amer the surrender of Burgoyne and his
icana,” or “The American Congress to forces, although the actual work of the
ºr -
|- nº -
den, and he was superseded by Major Brigadier General Wayne, and a silver one to
Lieutenant Colonel Fleury and Major
General Nathanael Greene, who was Stewart, respectively.”
destined to be more successful and to
receive a medal described later in the The obverse of the medal presented
present article. to General Wayne bore an Indian
In recognition of the capture of Stony queen representing America holding a
Point, July 15, 1779, a gold medal was mural crown in her left hand and pre
awarded by Congress to Brigadier senting with her right a laurel wreath
General Anthony Wayne and Silver to General Wayne, who receives it in
medals to Colonel Louis de Fleury and full uniform, standing in a respectful
to Colonel John Stewart. Stony Point attitude with his hat in his left hand.
and Verplanck's Point, nearly opposite At the feet of the Indian are a shield
each other on the Hudson River about and an alligator. The inscription
forty miles above New York City, had “Antonio Wayne duci exercitus” ap
- sº L
º º
both been strongly fortified by the pear above and “Consitia Americana’’
British. Washington resolved to at below, or “The American Congress to
tack Stony Point to lessen the public Anthony Wayne, Commander of the
criticism of his defensive policy. The Army.” The reverse design showed a
work of the attack was entrusted to view of the attack, and bears the in
Anthony Wayne, and at the same time scription, “Stoney-Point Expugnatum
tentative plans were made for an at XV Jul., MDCCXXIX,” or “Stony
tack upon Verplanck's point soon after Point taken by storm July 15, 1779.
wards. The medal awarded to him in Both the medal presented to Colonel
Fleury and the one presented to Major
recognition of his services in this con
Stewart, who figured prominently in
nection was presented in accordance
the attack under Wayne's leadership,
with the following resolution of Con differed greatly in design from that just
gress, passed July 26, 1779: described. The medal presented to
“That a medal emblematical of this action Colonel Fleury bore on the obverse a
be struck; That one of gold be presented to Roman soldier standing amid the ruins
of a fort with a drawn sword in his Brandywine, when he had his own
right hand and trailing on the ground mount shot under him. He was wounded
a flag, the staff of which he holds in his in action at Fort Mifflin on the Dela
left hand. Above appeared the inscrip ware, November 15, 1777, and ap
tion “Virtutis et Audaciae nonum, et pointed Lieutenant Colonel of Engi
proemium,” or “The reward and me neers shortly afterwards. In the at
morial of virtue and bravery,” and be tack on Stony Point he commanded the
low “L. de Fleury equiti Gallo primo van of the attacking column on the
super muros resp. Americ, d. d.” or “To right wing and was among the first to
L. de Fleury, a French knight, the first enter the British works, where he
to mount the walls, the American Re gained the distinction of striking the
public presented this gift.” The reverse enemy's flag with his own hand. Col
bore a view of Stony Point and the onel Fleury was granted leave from
Hudson River with six ships. Above the American Army in September,
appears the inscription “Aygeres palu 1779, and returned to France after ren
verse shows a view of the assault with drew with his captives. On September
the American troops charging, Major 24th Congress resolved:
Stewart at their head. The design is sur “That the thanks of Congress be given to
rounded by the inscription “Stony Point Major Lee for the remarkable prudence, ad
oppugnatium XV Jul., MDCCLXXIX.” dress and bravery displayed in the attack on
the enemy's fort and work at Powles Hook,
The capture of Stony Point was the and that they approve the humanity shown in
first event of the war to be recognized circumstances prompting severity, as honor
by Congress to the extent of conferring able to the arms of the United States, and cor
respondent to the noble principles on which
medals upon more than one of the com they were assumed, and that a gold medal
manders who participated in a par emblematic of this affair be struck under the
ticular event. direction of the Board of Treasury and pre
sented to Major Lee.”
An exploit closely akin to that of
Wayne's in the capture of Stony Point The medal thus authorized bore on
was the capture of Paulus Hook some the obverse the bust of Lee to the right
to sº.
ºrs ºvºitº
º Dºw IN-T.
*Mºvº Ap. Pºwº ,
Hºok D lºº.
º º º
months later by the American forces with the inscription “Henrico Lee
under Major Henry (Light Horse Legionis Equit. Proefacto Comitia
Harry) Lee. This was a British post Americana,” or “the American Congress
located on the present sight of Jersey to Henry Lee, commander of the cav
City, N. J., and known at that time as alry legion.” The reverse bore in ten
Paulus or Powles Hook. This location lines the inscription “Non obstantib
was at this time merely a ferry landing, fluminibus vallis astutia & virtute bel
but of military importance as a com lica parva manu hostes vicit victosq.
manding approach to the south. At the armies humanitate devinxit. In mem
solicitation of Lee, Washington as pugn ad palus hook die XIX Aug.
signed to him the task of capturing this 1779,” or “In spite of opposing rivers
post. On the night of August 18, 1779, and fortifications by warlike wisdom
with a force of one hundred and fifty and virtue he conquered the enemy and
men he struggled across the morass those who had been overcome by arms
separating the Hook from the main he thoroughly overcame by his hu
land, and by a headlong onrush cap manity. In commemoration of the
tured the block house and one hundred battle of Paulus Hook, August 19, 1779.”
and fifty-nine prisoners. He then with This medal is of interest as the first
one of the series under consideration by John Paulding, David Williams and
to be made by an American designer. Isaac Van Wart, when they captured
The work in this instance was accom near Tarrytown, Major John André, of
plished by Joseph Wright, who was the British Army, who was attempting
the first draughtsman and die engraver to return to New York City after
in the United States Mint. He died in having completed arrangements with
Philadelphia in 1793. The recipient of Benedict Arnold for the betrayal of the
this medal, who was born in Virginia in important American post at West
1756, was familiarly known as “Light Point, then under his command, into
Horse Harry" on account of his con the hands of the British. The capture
nection with the Cavalry of the Conti of André disclosed the plans of Arnold
nental Army. He was soon made and frustrated a design which, had it
major, and distinguished himself in proven successful, would have had far
many engagements, particularly those reaching consequences. In recognition
of Guilford Court House and Eutaw of this service Congress on November
Springs. After the close of the Revolu 3, 1780, resolved as follows:
tion, Major Lee was a delegate in
Congress until the adoption of the Con “Whereas, Congress have received infor
mation that John Paulding, David Williams,
stitution, and Governor of Virginia, and Isaac Van Wart, three young volunteer
1792-95. As a member of Congress in militiamen of the State of New York, did on
1799 he pronounced the famous eulogy the 23rd day of September last, intercept
Major John André, adjutant general of the
on Washington in which he used the British Army, on his return from the Amer
words so familiar to all patriotic Amer ican lines in the character of a spy; and not
withstanding the large bribes offered them
icans, “First in war, first in peace, and for his release, nobly disdaining to sacrifice
first in the hearts of his countrymen.” their country for the sake of gold received
A unique service was rendered to and conveyed him to the commanding officer
of the district, whereby the dangerous and
the American cause September 23, 1780, traitorous conspiracy of Benedict Arnold was
brought to light, the insidious design of the “Amor patriae vincit,” or “Love of
enemy baffled and the United States rescued country conquers.”
from impending danger.”
The medals just described were more
In testimony of the high sense of closely akin to war decoration than any
Congress of the virtuous and patriotic others granted by Congress during the
conduct of the three patriots it was Revolution, as they were not decorated
ordered, moreover, that “each of them with commemorative designs or in
receive annually out of the public scriptions, and were intended to be
treasury two hundred dollars in specie worn by the recipients.
or its equivalent in the current money As the Revolution neared its end.
of the states, during life; and that the the most important engagements oc
Board of War procure for each of them curred in the South, and the remain
a silver medal, on one side of which ing medals to be described relate to
shall be a shield with this inscription, events in that section of the Colonies.
‘Fidelity,’ and on the other the follow The importance of the victory over
ing motto, ‘Vincit amor patriac,' and the British forces commanded by Lieu
forward them to the commander-in tenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton in
chief, who is requested to present the South Carolina at the Cowpens, Janu
same with a copy of this resolution, and ary 17, 1781, was recognized by Con
the thanks of Congress for their fidelity gress to such an extent that three special
and the eminent service they have ren medals were granted for the service on
dered their country.” The medals that occasion. To Brigadier General
awarded in this connection were oval Daniel Morgan, commander of the
in shape, and of an ornate design, bear American forces engaged was awarded
ing upon the obverse an irregular a gold medal, and to his fellow officers,
shaped shield with a highly ornamental Lieutenant Colonel John Eager Howard,
border, the whole surmounted by a and Lieutenant Colonel William Wash
scroll inscribed “Fidelity,” and sur ington, silver medals. The action of
rounded by a floral wreath. The reverse Congress in this connection may be ex
bore a floral wreath and the inscription, plained by the fact that the American.
victor Y AT Cow PENS, 1781
and 237 infantry of the troops of the United retreating British with fixed bayonets.
States and 553 militia from the States of Vir
ginia, North Carolina, and Georgia he obtained Above appears the inscription “Vic
a complete and important victory over a select toria libertatis vindex,” and below
and well appointed detachment of more than “Fugatis captis aut caesis ad Cowpens
1,100 British troops commanded by Lieutenant
Colonel Tarleton, do therefore resolve that hostibus XVII Jan., MDCCLXXXI.”
the thanks of the United States in Congress or “The enemy put to flight, captured
assembled be given to Brigadier General or cut to pieces at the Cowpens, Janu
Morgan and the officers and men under his
command for their fortitude and good conduct ary 17, 1781.” The recipient of this
displayed in the action at Cowpens in the state medal was one of the most valiant and
of South Carolina on the 17th day of January energetic of the Continental com
last; and that a medal of gold be presented to
Brigadier General Morgan with emblem and manders during the entire period of the
mottoes descriptive of his conduct on that Revolution. He was born in New Jer
memorable day.” sey in 1736 and served during the
French and Indian War with Brad
The medal awarded to General Mor
dock's unfortunate expedition.
gan bore on the obverse in the fore The silver medal awarded to Colonel
ground a female figure in Indian cos John Eager Howard bore on the ob
º parºv… ºn tº º
º stºne ºs-cºus a º'
viºu"Is Lºw--- º
*. anºw spectiºn ºn
tº in rugs, as cowºssº
ºn Mºscº º
| -
or “The enemy routed at Eutaw, Sep nized at the time, it was not until
tember 8, 1781.” This engagement prac October 16, 1787, that Congress resolved
tically finished the war in South Caro
“That a medal of gold be struck and pre
lina, and enabled the inhabitants of
sented to the Chevalier John Paul Jones in
that state to devote their attention to commemoration of the valor and brilliant
the sadly needed process of reconstruc services of that officer in the command of a
squadron of French and American ships under
tion of the damage which had been in the flag and command of the United States
flicted by the British troops. General off the coast of Great Britain in the late
Greene, the recipient of this medal, was war; and that the Hon. Mr. Jefferson, min
one of the most noted of the Conti ister plenipotentiary of the United States at
the court of Versailles, have the same executed
nental commanders, and ranked, per with the proper devices.”
haps, second to Washington in mili
tary ability. The devices used in this instance
In addition to the medals awarded by were on the obverse the bust of Paul
Congress to officers of the Army, a Jones to the right, and the inscription.
single medal was awarded by that body “Joanni Paulo Jones Classis Praefecto,
--- gº ºn sº
- ºur -
OF THE Serapis, 1779
fact that at the time of the battle Jones satisfaction of the critical historian.
was nominally in command of a small The engagements thus perpetuated
squadron including the American ship were all of great importance to the
Alliance and the French ship Pallas, the American cause, and the medals des
former commanded by Captain Landais cribed afford a graphic if incomplete
and the latter by Captain Cottineau. record of the progress of the struggle,
In artistic and numismatic interest
fraught with so much importance to
the medals awarded by Congress for America, to Great Britain, and to the
services during the Revolution com world at large.
pare favorably with other commemor
ative medals of the same period. They
were with two exceptions, the work of EDITOR's NotE.—The Medals of the
noted French engravers of the time, War of 1812 will be described in Mr.
and while some of them partake of the Belote's next article.
ITH September the activities of chapters. Many delegates spoke of life
most of our chapters begin members as no better than “dead wood.”
after the summer vacation. because many of them hold themselves
Chapter officers will again take exempt from all responsibility or active
up their duties. I want to re participation in chapter activities, and
peat to these officers how im from payment of their share of chapter
portant it is that they should become quotas and contributions. This is due, I
familiar with the Constitution and By am sure, to a lack of understanding of
laws of the National Society, and espe what exemption means.
cially with the changes made in the A life-member is not exempt from
By-laws by the last Congress. A great active duty; she is as much an active
deal of time is wasted and money spent member as the one who pays annual
unnecessarily for postage and station dues; the only difference is that the life
ary in answering questions and straight
member pays her dues all at once in a
ening out mistakes that would be
stated sum on entering instead of pay
avoided if all chapter officers were
ing $2 annually. She is exempt only
familiar with the By-laws and other
from the payment of this $2, defined in
rules of our Society.
our By-laws as the annual dues of the
One of the most important of these
amendments to our By-laws was that National Society, of which $1 is paid to
which provides for the conversion of the Treasurer General and $1 is kept by
life-membership fees into a permanent the chapter. She is not exempt from
endowment fund for the National any “additional dues " which a chapter
Society and for the chapters, both of may levy “for its own use.” She is not
which will hereafter have a small in exempt from being called upon to do her
come in perpetuity from its half of this share in contributing money or personal
fee when invested in good securities. services toward the activities of her
This investment is mandatory, so thatchapter. Being a life-member myself, I
after this a person joining as a lifecan speak freely of these obligations
member will have the satisfaction of which belong to life-members equally
knowing that her $100 fee will be of with those who pay annual dues.
lasting benefit to the National Society I am sure that all life-members, when
and to her chapter as long as she re they realize these facts, will be as quick
mains a member of it, or to some other to meet their patriotic responsibilities
chapter if she transfers. as are other members. They are and
The debate on the life-membership always will be, true and loyal Daughters
fee in Congress brought out the fact that of the American Revolution.
many life-members have a mistaken New members are coming into our
idea of their exemption privileges, so Society in most gratifying numbers.
much so that this class of membership Let every chapter make an effort to
was shown to be unpopular with the keep up this increase. Our country
MONG the generals who have This “thread of soil" may still be
directed military operations traced over most of its length from
throughout the world's history Wells River Village, Vermont, to its
there must be many whose northerly terminus in Hazen's Notch,
names are forgotten, whose close to the famous forty-fifth parallel
praises are unsung, and whose of latitude, so familiar in the history of
exploits, be - our boundary
Call Se unaccom disputes with
º º Great Britain.
p a ni e d by
slaughter a n d In some places,
1 ou d call of indeed, due to
drums, are not railroad con -
recorded. But struction or re
often, indeed, location of the
much greater road itself in
credit has been more favorable
due to strategy places, the old
whereby results road has en -
without loss tirely d is a p -
W e r e accom pe a red for
plished. In a short sections,
similar class but mostly it
stands the old can be foll -
Hazen-Bayley lowed, now a
Road, a mili well - tra v -
tary road which e l l e d road
never felt the through a vil
tread of mili lage and again
tary hosts and but a path be
whose solitudes neath the trees
never heard the where several
music of the successive
martial bands. ONLY WITH SNOW's HOES CAN A PASSAGE BE MADE snows may lie
unbroken until only by snowshoes can years, it had become so overgrown that
a passage be made. only by those skilled in woodcraft and
The early history of this road, as a acquainted with the country could it
factor in transportation, is lost in the be followed.
mists of the pre-Columbus days. For When the ill-fated expedition of 1776
unknown ages the Indians had followed against Quebec was conceived but three
a primitive trail from the head of canoe routes were available, if, indeed, the
navigation on the Connecticut River, trail of our subject could be called a
northerly and westerly to the easy route. Apparently only two were con
waters of the Richelieu and thence to sidered, for Arnold was detached from
Montreal. Rouses Point, at the outlet the Continental forces at Cambridge to
of Lake Champlain, was an important proceed northward through the wilds
station on this route and there were of Maine, while another force, gath
assembled many of the forces which, ered in New York under Montgomery,
proceeding over the ancient trail and marched along Lake Champlain to
down the Connecticut River, made the meet him in Canada. When word of
memorable attacks upon the western the disastrous repulse at Quebec finally
Massachusetts settlements. Likewise filtered through to the American lines,
did this old trail serve travellers up and it became necessary to send reinforce
down the Merrimac River, which was ments to meet Arnold's retreating
reached through the valley of the Baker troops and save them from annihilation.
River to the site of Plymouth, New General Jacob Bayley, whose house
Hampshire, and thence down the in Newbury, near the mouth of Wells
Pemigewasset. Doubtless the Spartan River, had long been a noted frontier
souled Hannah Dustin was en route to post, realized, when the news passed
this same old trail when she made her him on its way down the valley, that
name famous by her heroic escape from quick action was necessary and that
her captors. the old trail then had its mission to
So, prior to the military necessities perform. So, without other authority
of the American Revolution, the route than his own courage, he employed In
of this road was full of historic interest dian Joe, a famous scout, to search out
but the full tale of tragedy and human and blaze the route so that it could be
suffering will never be known. For easily followed. Indian Joe was well
many a captive, taken by the dusky known among Vermont's early settlers
allies of the French in a raid on the for his skill in woodcraft and faithful
lower Connecticut River settlements, service. He lived in Newbury until his
had been dragged over the trail in death in 1819, and was buried in that
agonized uncertainty concerning his town's Oxbow Cemetery. Joe's Pond
fate, while many more, unable to keep and Joe's Brook in Cabot and Danville
the pace set by their captors and worn perpetuate his name. He performed
out by the privations of the journey, his task between March 26 and April 1,
perished miserably under a savage 1776, so well that several regiments on
tomahawk. But only a trail existed snowshoes were enabled to rush north
until the Revolution and by that time, ward in time to save the remnants of
owing to its infrequent use for many Arnold's army.
was not resumed for two years. Gen General Bayley was not this time
eral Bayley, however, was too deeply left to his own resources, for Major
impressed with the importance of fin James Wilkinson was detailed to sur
ishing the road, and being intimate with vey and lay out the road. This he did
Washington, lost no opportunity to in as straight a line as possible from
urge its construction upon him.
'Sparks’ “Life of Washington,” Vol. VI.
That Washington also felt that an p. 57.
the mouth of the Wells River, through stood when one considers that Wells
Peacham Corner and the southwest River, at the southerly end of the road,
corner of Danville, Cabot, Walden, and was at the head of navigation of the
Hardwick to the Lamoille River, thence Connecticut River. With occasional
passing westerly of Hosmer Pond to short portages, as at Bellows Falls,
the summit of the Notch in Westfield. Vermont, and Windsor, Connecticut,
The survey completed, arrangements a force of Americans could be rapidly,
for construction were soon made and for those days, transported up the river
early in May, 1779, General Moses in boats, then to march freely through
Hazen commenced work with Colonel the wilderness, emerging close to the
Bedell's regiment and Whitcomb's easy waters of the Richelieu, down
rangers and continued until the last of which boats would quickly complete
August when, with the work nearly the journey to the Canadian settle
completed, he was ordered to stop. ments on the St. Lawrence.
But a good road, provided with Although never used for hostile pur
bridges and fit for teams, had been poses by the Americans and although
built for most of the way, protected by occasionally serving as a convenient
block houses at Peacham, Cabot, Wal route for small raiding parties from
den, and Greensboro, and provided with Canada, the military road certainly
wells sunk at convenient places along served an excellent purpose in forcing
the line. Although work on the road the British commander to maintain
was never resumed, the block houses troops in Canada to meet the invasion
were maintained and garrisoned inter which could so easily and quickly be
mittently throughout the rest of the war. made. The use of the road by adverse
The strategic importance of the route forces was negligible, although one raid
thus made easy may readily be under might have had unfortunate results. A
party of eighteen men suddenly ap Bayley Road had been reached, unless
peared in Newbury on the night of by boat up the Connecticut River, by
June 15, 1782, and surrounded the house the route of the Merrimac, Pemige
of General Bayley, but fortunately they wasset, and Baker Rivers to what is
called when he was away from home. now Woodsville, New Hampshire, and
After peace had been declared and this line has ever since been the prin
the soldiers, with others, were looking cipal path from Boston to Montreal.
for new homes, the Hazen-Bayley road To accommodate the travel over this
offered the only means of transporta route a franchise for a toll bridge over
tion to northern Vermont, and it soon the Connecticut River was granted by
became an avenue of great importance. the New Hampshire legislature in 1803,
For a long time it was the only main and a wooden bridge was soon after
road in Lamoille and Orleans Counties, built at a point about half a mile down
but from it many others soon branched stream from the present bridge between
off and the early settlements were along Woodsville and Wells River. The old
its line. abutments on the Vermont side have
In 1775 the Vermont legislature long since disappeared, but they are
authorized the building of “The Con plainly to be seen on the eastern bank
necticut Post Road,” which, following and traces of the old road are evident
the Connecticut River from the Massa on both sides.
chusetts line to the north line of New Toll bridge franchises between New
bury connected with the Hazen-Bayley Hampshire and Vermont were always
road, thus providing a single road the granted by the first-named state, be
length of the state. cause New Hampshire claimed as the
Previous to the opening of The state boundary the high-water line of
Connecticut Post Road '' the Hazen the river on the westerly bank. Hence
the bridges and their westerly abut tire length, as the surveyors were sel
ments were built within New Hamp dom an appreciable distance away
shire's jurisdiction. Vermont had always from it.
acceded to this claim under protest, but But the turnpike was never built and
in late years the construction of many the first regular stage line from Bos
power plants on the river, with most ton to Montreal followed the military
of the development below high-water road, and successive stages continued
line on the Vermont side, has brought to travel that route until the day of the
a critical situation, inasmuch as there railroad. There are some fanciful tales
is now a question as to who shall collect told of the Royal British Mail being
taxes on much valuable property. carried to Montreal through this region
Hence the matter has been brought to with a British soldier riding as a guard.
a head and a suit between the two Doubtless the freezing of Canadian
states is now pending in the United water courses sometimes necessitated
States Supreme Court. landing the mail at some United States
Much of the military road is still in open port whence it was transported
use, but the location of the original line Overland, but the British soldier would
would be lost among the many other have had to discard his uniform.
roads which now cover the region were Many Bayleys are to be found in and
it not for a survey which was made near Wells River to-day, all proud of
about 1805, when it was proposed to the wisdom and resourcefulness of
build a turnpike through the same their pioneer ancestor, and a few miles
region. The map made for this survey down the river Bedell's Bridge sug
may be seen by any visitor to the state gests that the sturdy old colonel was
capitol in Montpelier, and it shows the the ancestor of worthy men also.
line of the old military road for its en An up-to-date steel bridge, free from
toll, now spans the Connecticut a half labors, and in Hazen's Notch may be
mile up stream from the original toll found another monument with tablet,
bridge location. In Wells River Vil likewise perpetuating the history of the
lage, at the upper end of the main peaceful military road.
street, an appropriate stone and tablet In between the old road now slum
may be seen, marking the southern end bers and now teems with mild activity.
of the old road and telling the story of Now a half-lost path through wood and
the efforts of General Bayley in pro pasture and again the half-awake main
moting and General Hazen in building street of a modest village, it seems, re
the road. At the northern end the calling its early ambition to set nations
builder is further honored by having against each other, symbolic of human
his name bestowed upon the notch in fate, high in youthful ambition, but content
the mountains where he ended his in its old age with an obscure existence.
at home in the “Historical
House,” or as it has always
been called, the “Old Strong
of the latest and best design. The
house has weathered almost two hun
dred years, so the very best timbers
House,” a mansion that has from the neighboring forests and the
existed for nearly two centuries. As it very best skill of neighbors and friends
was built in 1744 and Mary (Dickin must have gone into its construction.
son) Mattoon was not born till 1758, No doubt at the “raising ” there was a
this fine old dwelling must have been distinguished company, for such occa
well known to the patron saint of the sions were social, with an abundance of
Chapter. The builder, Nehemiah good food and liquor. When after
Strong, was a grandson of one “Elder careful, unhurried construction the
John Strong,” founder of the famous home was finished, Nehemiah Strong
family of Northampton. This John brought to it his wife and three chil
Strong who came from England in dren, two of whom were to have inter
1630 and settled in Northampton in esting not to say romantic lives.
1659, was a wealthy tanner and a power An old engraving of the house rep
in the church. He did his share to resents the original structure as smaller
ward colonizing the new country for, than that of to-day and lacking its most
when he died at ninety-four, he had picturesque features. The steep roof
been the father (by two wives) of was without dormers and the depth of
eighteen children, one hundred and the house limited to the large front
fourteen grandchildren and thirty-three rooms, with probably an ell kitchen.
great-grandchildren. He was not only The hip roof and unexpected porches
strong in name but in mind and body, must have been added when the dwell
bequeathing these characteristics to ing was remodelled and enlarged; per
his descendants. haps during the lifetime of Judge
Nehemiah Strong did not wish to Simeon Strong, son of the builder, who
settle permanently in Northampton, so we know added the office on the west
he bought a tract of land on Hadley side. It was in this addition that he
Road in what was called Hadley Third carried on his law practice and gath
O L D S T R O N G H O U S E, A M H E R S T. M. A. S.S. H 0 M E O F M A R Y M AT TO O N C H A P T E R. D. A. R.
ered about himself the little group that Strong hung the canopy for her best bed are
firmly fastened into the ceiling of the right
remained loyal to the Crown during the hand room which was in former days the par
Revolution. The eight outside doors lor of the colonial mansion.* * * Up two
bear witness to architectural changes, turns we follow the narrow stairs and notice
the elaborate panelling and see in every room
while the great button-ball trees, now above and below, the heavy oaken beams which
over one hundred feet in height, assert divide the ceiling and strengthen the massive
the antiquity of the house. frame. In one bedroom closet, above the pegs
beyond the reach of any but a giantess, are
Within, the place breathes of the pieces of antique paper probably as old as the
olden times. We quote from Mrs. house itself.”
Alice M. Walker’s “Historic Homes
of Amherst'': To return to the family whose per
sonality has been expressed for gen
“The house is in most respects unchanged. erations in this ancient house. Nehe
The ‘west door, front door, porch door, gar
den door, back front door, front back door, miah Strong, as was said before, had
back door and back back door' still allow the three children: Nehemiah, Mary and
visitor to enter and leave the dwelling. No
Simeon. Nehemiah, the eldest, be
parallel lines are found. The cornices fail
to meet in any corner. Broad window sills came a minister, then a professor at
are seen and wrought iron hinges on the doors, Yale College. His life was marked by
and little closets and hidden drawers set deep
in unexpected places. In a high cupboard at
the spectacular in that the widow whom
he married turned out to be no widow
the end of the parlor mantelpiece, tinder and
flint and tobacco for pipes were kept. The at all. When the husband whom she
old red paint put on when the house was built had supposed dead returned from sea
still clings to many of the closet shelves. Iron
hooks from which some old-time Madam and, unlike Enoch Arden, made himself
known, she left the minister for the was then purchased by Mrs. Sarah
sailor. History compels the statement Emerson, sister-in-law of Simeon
that the Reverend Nehemiah did not Strong, 2nd, son of the judge, and she
allow this to shorten his life for he came to Amherst with her five children.
lived to the age of seventy-seven. One of her daughters, Felicia Hemans,
Simeon Strong studied theology and married Judge Welch, of Akron, Ohio;
did some preaching, but later took up another, Laurentia called Laura, was a
the law. About this time his father, musician and gave instruction on the
then a widower, deeded to him the house old piano which is still in the house. A
in Amherst and the young lawyer and lively youngster who came to Miss
his bride came home to live. Here they Laura for music lessons was inspired
passed the eventful years preceding the to write his first poem through his asso
Revolution. Simeon Strong became a ciation with this lady. The theme was
noted lawyer, then a judge. In his office his big dog and the writer was Eugene
in the Strong House he no doubt lis Field, aged nine years:
tened to his fellow townsmen's argu “O had I wings like a dove, I would fly
ments in favor of a break with the Away from this world of fleas,
Crown and weighed them in a judicial I'd fly all over Miss Emerson's yard
And light on Miss Emerson's trees.”
mind. Though he had always been a
leader in church and town affairs, when Eugene Field lived for several years
the district of Amherst was called upon in Amherst with his guardian foster
to contribute stores and money to de mother, his cousin, Miss Mary Field,
fend the “Common Cause,” he with to whom some of his most touching
others, including the Reverend David verses are dedicated. Miss Field spent
Parsons, was found to be loyal to King the latter part of her life in the old
George. The Old Strong House then Strong House.
became the headquarters for the Tory The Mary Mattoon Chapter had been
faction which was persecuted without in existence three years when it rented
mercy. When the Selectmen could not Judge Strong's office as a permanent
furnish the eight blankets which was headquarters. The partitions were
the town's levy for the soldiers, they torn down, leaving a long room with
commandeered a blanket belonging to the huge old chimney in the middle;
Judge Strong. For this act he brought the walls were covered with colonial
suit against the constable and compelled paper, the floor with a rag carpet.
payment. In spite of his Toryism the When the antique furniture and the
judge retained the respect of his fel relics were arranged the apartment was
low townsmen, kept his position at the a real Revolutionary interior. On June
bar and acquired wealth. He trained 5, 1899, a noted company gathered to
his four sons to be successful lawyers; dedicate the home of the Chapter. The
the second one, H. Wright Strong, guests of honor were Mrs. Emerson,
started the subscription which founded mistress of the mansion, ninety-eight
Amherst Academy, the nucleus of years old, and Mrs. Julia Ward Howe.
Amherst College. Some in Amherst still remember the
In later years the old house passed picture made by these two distinguished
through several hands, until in 1853 it women as they sat by the fire: Mrs.
returned to the family once more. It Emerson in tall white cap and 'kerchief,
Mrs. Howe in lace head dress and “* * * with the provision that there shall be
no additions to, nor alterations in the structure
fiche. At this meeting the founder and of said house, and that no buildings shall ever
regent of the Chapter, Mrs. Mabel be erected on any part of the land not occupied
Loomis Todd, proposed the formation by the building. If these conditions are not
complied with, the property shall be forfeited to
of the Amherst Historical Society to the Massachusetts Historical Society.”
preserve local antiquities. As a result
The will also left various valuable
of her later efforts, the society came
into being—a child of the Mary Mat antiques to the society and stipulated
toon Chapter. Its purpose is to “carry that Mrs. Emerson's room, which she
on patriotic work and historic research, had occupied for a great part of her
to preserve relics, collect books and long life, should forever remain un
manuscripts, and to keep before the changed. To carry out this provision
rising generation the achievements of of the will, the Historical Society has
the fathers of the town.” placed gates at the doorways, as has
Miss Laura Emerson, who died in been done at Mount Vernon and other
1908, bequeathed her share of the old historical houses.
house to the Historical Society. On And what of Mary Mattoon, heroine
the death of her sister, Mrs. Felicia of the Chapter, whose portrait with
Welch, last member of the Emerson that of her husband, General Ebenezer
family, the Society came into posses Mattoon, hangs on the walls of this
sion of the property together with ancient house? Her sweet and noble
$3000. Mrs. Welch's bequest of her face truthfully reflects the character of
own part of the property was as follows: the woman who so admirably managed
the home and held the affections of a assisted in the election of Adams. In
distinguished husband for fifty-six 1801 he was sent to Congress on the
years. It was a true love match be Federalist ticket and here he voted for
tween Mary Dickinson and the dash Aaron Burr as president, on the ground
ing young Lieutenant Ebenezer Mat that he was a better man than
toon, who were married June, 1779. Thomas Jefferson.
She was twenty-one and he, though a Mary Mattoon did not accompany
veteran of the Revolutionary War, only her husband to Washington for she
twenty-four. When a senior at Dart was manager of the home end of their
mouth College he had enlisted and partnership. In his absence she trained
served four months in Canada as a pri the children, and looked shrewdly after
vate, and two years and three months the business affairs. As the general
as a lieutenant. He fought in the was now a wealthy man owning great
Battle of Saratoga and witnessed the tracts of land in Amherst and neigh
surrender of Burgoyne. After the sur boring towns, and having interests in
render the Americans replaced their manufacturing enterprises, his wife's
old-fashioned cannon with modern responsibilities were many. When he
guns taken from the enemy, and gave was at home she kept open house for
the discarded pieces to the officers of friends and distinguished guests. It is
the army. An old six-pounder fell to said that General Mattoon was the
the share of Lieutenant Mattoon, who most popular militia officer in western
took it to Amherst. Young Ebenezer Massachusetts. Mrs. Alice M. Walker
Mattoon in his worn Continental uni in her sympathetic character sketch,
form, bringing the historic cannon as “Mary Mattoon and Her Hero of the
a souvenir for his home town, must Revolution,” says:
have met with a lively welcome. “His home was constantly filled with visi
When the war hero and his bride tors. Distinguished men from Boston, members
settled on the farm in Amherst, it was of the Legislature and even the Governor were
his guests. Sometimes his friends took the
to a life of comfort, even luxury for the family by surprise and the mistress was always
times, but not a life of ease. As the expected to be ready. One Legislator, think
years passed Mary found herself more ing that the country so far from Boston must
be a wilderness, asked if he should take his
than busy caring for a home whose gun, but upon arriving at the Mattoon home
head was often absent on public duties, stead he was overcome with mortification to
and bringing up the children who had see the style and elegance with which he was
entertained by the dignified host and hostess.”
come to bless it. She, in her quiet way,
was the mainspring of all, and noted as The inventory of the household
a housekeeper and manager. Time goods enumerates 36 dining chairs, 3
brought many honors to Ebenezer dozen knives and forks, 14 silver tea
Mattoon, and Mary became the unob spoons, 6 decanters, 12 wine glasses,
trusive prop and stay of a distinguished thus proving that the mistress was well
man. Her husband rose to be Major, equipped for her duties of hospitality.
Colonel, Brigadier General and Major In so large an establishment where
General of the Massachusetts Militia. there were four children besides the
He was a member of the electoral col adults, many servants were necessary.
lege that returned Washington to the Two of these were Jepthah Pharaoh,
presidency for a second term, and he bodyguard of the general, and Peggy,
artillery and infantry were reviewed by “The Amherst Chapter Daughters of the
American Revolution is proud to bear the name
the governor accompanied by General of Mary Mattoon, a woman who like the wife
(now Adjutant) Mattoon and other offi of Samuel Adams, was ambitious for her Hero
of the Revolution, to whose success she de
cers. A painting of the general in full
voted, with loving self-sacrifice, a life of
uniform, as he appeared that day, hung arduous toil, a life inconspicuous, but none the
for fifty years in the Boston Museum. less worthy of her country's praise; an ex
This picture, accidentally discovered ample of those domestic virtues which made
the New England home the source of the
by Mrs. Wolcott, granddaughter of nation's strength.”
3. 33age in
39 era lb r p
Conducted by
Drawings by
Zoé Lee H. Anderson ~
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6layborne &uningh ant
I. A FEw EARLY FIGURES looked after with the same paternal care
(for an example, see Moses, Spanish De
THE North MEN.—Accepting the Norse
visits to America as a fact, it follows that pendencies, ii, 74). Nevertheless, women
sometimes had influence, cf. Elson's rather
their wives and daughters, if any came, were
the first white women in America. The first picturesque account of Isabella de Soto
of whom we have mention is Gudrid, wife of (History of the United States, ch. iii), and the
Thorfinn Karlsefne, whose son Snorre was part two women played in Balboa's tragic
born in Vinland. The story of another,
fate. (Fiske, Discovery of America, ii, 378–
384). Of course, the one woman whose name
Freydis, sister of Lief Ericsson, is to be is inseparably connected with Spanish
found in the Heimskringla (Everyman's America is Isabella of Castile.
Library ed., 108-116). It is unfortunate that INDIAN WomeN.—The position of woman
we know of both only from the least reliable
account of a series of events of whose bare among the Indians was higher than first im
outlines alone we can be certain. Their pressions would indicate. See Elson: (His
stories are well told by Fisk, Discovery of tory of the United States, 29–33. Ferrand:
America, i, 167–171. The princess who fled Basis of American History, 221, 267, and
with Longfellow's Skeleton in Armor is index.) Her labors in the field and bearing of
romantic but hardly history. burdens on the march were only a question
THE SPANIs H Colonies.—It is not sur of division of labor necessary under primi
prising that no woman sailed on Columbus' tive conditions. The theory of Matriarchy
first voyage, but it was unfortunate that (original female rule) and some of its impli
none were among the colonists whom he cations may be pushed too far, but some
took out on his second. Not until his third thing like it appears in some cases. See
voyage is there any mention of women Fiske: Discovery of America, i, 53–57; Ferrand,
among those sent from Spain. In 1512 a 196–198. In most tribes, kinship was reckoned
proposition was made, but apparently not through women, and property and honors
carried out, to send over female slaves, descended in the female line. A full dis
Christians and of the white race, as wives cussion, from the matriarchal side, with
for the colonists. The colonial laws regu many examples, is given in Mrs. W. M. Galli
lated the immigration of women very strictly. chan (C. Gasquoine Hartley) The Age of
No unmarried woman might go to the Mother-Power, ch 5. Among the Iroquois,
Indies, a decided contrast to French and where political organization reached a high
English colonial policy. Wives of colonists stage, woman's power was considerable, in
must have the same qualifications of birth cluding not only control of family affairs
and ancestry as their husbands. On the and power to divorce, but a voice in the
other hand, married men in the islands were council of the clan, and virtual representa
encouraged and practically compelled to tion in that of the confederacy (Ferrand,
send back for their wives; who might come 158–159; Fiske, i, 66–70). For the position of
out under proper escort; even a merchant Aztec women, see Prescott: Conquest of
making a business trip must secure his Merico, book i, ch. 5, and Fiske, ii, 266-270.
wife's permission and make provision for As to women in Peru, see Fiske, ii, 343–346,
her support in his absence, and at a later 351–355, and Prescott, Conquest of Peru, book
period no married man might go without i, ch. 3. A brief reference to the fabled
taking his wife. See Bourne: Spain in America, Amazons may be found in Winson, ii,
264–266 (American Nation) Moses: Spanish 584–585.
Dependencies in America, i, 256–257. The SoME INDIVIDUALs.-Pocahontas, her rescue
status of women in the colonies at their full of Captain John Smith and her marriage is
development was about the same as in the known to everyone. Fiske tells the story
mother country, and their conduct was (Old Virginia and Her Neighbors, 104-113)
with reasons for believing the truth of 5, etc. There were a few Spanish women in
Smith's narrative, as consistent with Indian Cortes' company, one of them, Maria de
institutions which could hardly have been Estrada, fought her way out of the city with
known to a European except from ex the others on the night retreat of the
perience. On the other hand, something Spaniards (La Noche Triste).
similar had happened to Juan Ortiz in Another Indian woman of much later date
Florida nearly a century before, and Smith should be held in grateful memory, Sacaje
may have known of it. (Bourne, Spain in wea, Bird Woman, the Snake squaw, a pris
America, 163.) oner of the Mandans, who guided Lewis and
Doña Marina (or Malinche) the cap Clark across the mountains to her own
tive Mexican princess, figures prominently people in the Columbia valley. For her
in Cortes' campaigns in Mexico, and story see Agnes C. Laut, Pathfinders of the
gave him valuable assistance. For her story lſ 'est, 312–342; or, in more detail, J. W.
see Prescott, Conquest of Merico, book ii, ch. Schultz: Bird Iſ "oman.
History of Georgia. C. C. Jones, Jr. 2 vols. Giant Days or the Life and Times of William
1883. Presented by Pulaski Chapter. H. Crawford. J. E. D. Shipp. 1909.
History of Georgia. L. B. Evans. 1908. The Life of Robert Toombs. W. B. Phillips.
History of Georgia. C. H. Smith. 1896. The 1913. The last two presented by Georgia
above two presented by Mrs. H. M. Bagley Daughters.
through Pulaski Chapter. Life of Henry W. Grady. Joel Chandler
The Life of Robert Toombs. P. A. Stovall. Harris. 1890.
1892. Life of Alerander H. Stephens. Johnston
Life of Senator Benjamin H. Hill, of Georgia. and Browne. 1883.
Benjamin H. Hill, Jr., 1891. The last two American Military Biography. 1829.
were presented by Mrs. R. R. Evans through My Memoirs of Georgia Politics. Mrs.
Pulaski Chapter. William H. Felton. 1911. The last four pre
Lights and Shadows of Itinerant Life. Auto sented by Mrs. Sidney J. Jones.
sm-Hºº-H=ZZ Wººs SºFE7 º
SWE RE- Sºzº ºfºS §#/.
GEORGIA President of the Georgia Memorial Associa
tion: Mrs. Sheppard W. Foster, ex-Vice
In response to the cordial invitation of the President General from Georgia; Mrs. John
Governor John Milledge Chapter, of Dalton, M. Graham, ex-State Regent; Mrs. T. C.
the twenty-third Conference of the Georgia Parker, ex-State Regent; Mrs. Howard H.
Daughters of the American Revolution con McCall, ex-State Regent; and the State
vened in the Presbyterian church, April 5, officers; all responding with happy remarks.
6, 7, 1921. “Recessional " by the Lesche Double
The opening session on Tuesday evening Quartette, was rendered, after which the
was a brilliant event. The bugle call, fol benediction was pronounced by Rev.
lowed by orchestral music announced the H. C. Emory.
entrance of the pages, who escorted the The Historical and Patriotic session which
state officers and distinguished guests to the took place Wednesday evening was the most
rostrum. The Conference was called to interesting event of the entire Conference.
order by Mrs. Paul Trammel, Regent of the The four business sessions of the Confer
hostess chapter. Rev. F. K. Sims, D.D., ence were crowded with interesting reports
pronounced the invocation. The audience from State officers, committee chairmen and
repeated the “Salute to the Flag,” and Mrs. chapter regents, all showing excellent work
Sheppard W. Foster, in her usual charming accomplished. Seventy-four delegates were
manner gave the “Apostrophe to the present. The State Regent reported a total
Flag.” After the singing of “America" by membership of over 4000 D.A.R. in Georgia; an
the audience, Mrs. Paul Trammel welcomed expenditure of $13,800 for patriotic educa
the visiting Daughters on behalf of the Gov tion; $1194.40 for Americanization; eleven
ernor John Milledge Chapter. She was fol chapters in process of organization and two
lowed by Colonel W. C. Martin, and further reorganized. Mrs. Howard H. McCall.
greetings were offered by Mrs. H. J. Smith, Chairman of the Patriotic Education Com
President of the U. D. C.; Miss Carrie Green, mittee, raised at this Conference $850, the
President of the Lesche Woman's Club; remainder due on the $5000 World War
Mrs. J. A. Crudup, of the Reviewers Club; Memorial Loan Scholarship for worthy
and Mrs. M. E. Judd, President of the City boys, to be placed at the State University,
Federation. Mrs. W. M. Jones, accompanied Athens.
by Mrs. F. K. Sims, sang the “Song of Wednesday a luncheon was tendered the
Faith ” and “Christ in Flanders.” guests at the historic Dalton Country Club by
When Mrs. Max E. Land, State Regent of the John Milledge Chapter. The old ante
Georgia, was introduced by Mrs. Paul bellum mansion known as the “Hermitage"
Trammel, she was greeted by an enthusiastic occupies one of the most picturesque spots
demonstration of love and appreciation. in North Georgia, and in its rooms were
Though a member of the organization less billeted the men of the blue and the gray.
than ten years, her executive ability, tact Wednesday evening the Lesche Woman's
and charm, have won for her signal honors. Club complimented the Daughters with a
In her address she stressed the need of buffet supper at the beautiful home of Miss
greater vigilance along the lines of American Kate Hamilton. Thursday, the Bryan M.
ization, patriotic education and the duties Thomas Chapter, U. D. C., entertained the
of citizenship. delegates at luncheon. On Thursday even
Mrs. W. N. Benton, of Augusta, responded ing a buffet supper was given at “ Oneonta."
to the cordial address of welcome. The State the country seat of Mrs. M. E. Judd, which
Regent then presented Mrs. J. E. Hays, closed a happy and successful Conference.
President of the Georgia Federation of (MRs.) Sid NEY J. Jones,
Women's Clubs; Mrs. A. McD. Wilson, State Librarian.
f of Olive Foster, who m Cornelius Luce abt Wanted Hanlon gen & maiden name & gen of
1780, Tisbury, Mass.-E. S. L. Wm.’s w Eliz.
10088. BrookE.—Wanted parentage & dates (b) HANEY, HANIE, HEANEY, HENEY.—
of b & m of Susannah Brooke, b in Conn., who Haney came from Ireland, was a Presbyterian
m Samuel Grow, b Oxford, Mass., Feb. 21, 1758. & tradition says he fought in Rev. His s Saml
Did her father have Rev rec? lived nr Uniontown, Fayette Co., Pa. Wanted
(a) VAN ANtweRp.—Wanted maiden name names of Saml's f & m & Rev rec of both
of w of Daniel Van Antwerp, b Oct. 29, 1754, s families.—F. C.
of Johannes A. Van Antwerp, of Schenectady 10094. WELLER.—Wanted parentage with Rev
& w Lena, dau of Aharnerus Wendell. Did rec of Laurene Weller, who m Linus Joy Mun
Daniel have a s Aaron, b at Charleston, Montg. son abt 1821.-D. O. M.
Co., May 27, 1788? 10095. HARDY.—Have Rev data of Nathaniel
(b) WARING.—Wanted parentage & dates of Hardy,"b 1768, prob in Mass., d 1821, Portage
b & m of Deborah Waring, who m John, s of Co., O.; want name of his w with dates, & other
Luke Seller, of Dutchess Co., & Sarah Sne information.—E. A. G.
diker, his w, of Sappan, Rockland Co.—J. A. V. 10096.-RUTH.—Wanted gen, with dates of
10089. PETTY. —Wanted gen. of Warren John Ruth, of Delaware, whose dau Eliz. m
Petty, d Jan. 22, 1822, m Feb. 10, 1813, Martha John McCorkle abt 1765–6–L. M. G.
Corey, dau of Oliver, either at Claremont, 10097. GABBERT.-Wanted parentage, dates &
N. H., or Cooperstown, N. Y. Rev rec of Michael Gabbert, of Clinton Co.,
(a) HARTMAN.—Gen, desired of Jacob Hart Ky., also maiden name & par of his w Eliz. —.
man & of his w Hannah Cox. Their ch were Their ch were Henry, David, George, Michael,
Sandford, David, Lydia, Eleanor, & Fassett, Jesse, Benj., John, Wm., Jacob, Katherine
who was b abt 1805 in Schuyler, Herkimer Shelly, Eliz. Ragland, Celia Clark, Mary Strong,
Co., N. Y. & Susannah, b in Overton Co., Tenn., Aug. 23,
(b) DoNEY.—Gen desired of Wm. Doney & 1791, m Elijah Bristow, Nov. 7, 1812.
of his w Rebecca Seeley. Their ch were John, (a) McCALL-Wanted gen and Rev rec of
Wm., Nehemiah, Hiram, Preston, Christian, ances of Jas McCall, who m Martha Shaw &
Washington & Solomon, who was b March 12, had 11 ch. S, Wm., b. Jackson Co., Tenn.,
1810, at Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., N. Y. He July 23, 1815, m Matilda Markley in Fulton
m Mary Scott, of Napanee, Canada.-L. O. H. Co., Ill., Nov. 28, 1837.
10090. LoNGFELLow-CLARK.—Wanted gen & (b) MARKLEY-BAUGH MAN.—Wanted any in
Rev rec of Jonathan Longfellow, b May, 1714, formation of Mathies Markley or of his w
& gen of his w Mary Clark, b Dec., 1714. They Eliz. Baughman, who were living in Richland
were m Oct., 1731, & their dau Sarah m Col. Co., O., in 1820–J. H. S.
Jos. Cilley, Nov., 1756.-W. B. S. 10098.-GREENE.—Wanted parentage of Sally
10091.-HENDRicks.-Wanted gen of Martha Greene, who m James Reynolds, & lived in
Hendricks Dukes, widow, who m Samuel Stan Randolph Co., N. Car. Among their ch were
ley in S. Car. prior to 1808. She is supposed to James, Willis, Gilum, Matilda and Terry.—
have been the dau of Wm. Hendricks, Capt. in T. McC.
Marion's Brigade, whose s Dr. Robert, m Polly 10099. LEwis.-Wanted date of m of Jos.
Daniel, in Columbia, S. C., 1796–H. H. B. Lewis & Ann Porter Sampson, widow of Chas.
10092 SMITH.—Wanted gen of Benjamine Sampson and dau of Capt. Thomas Porter.
Smith, who enlisted in the War of 1812 from They were m in Henrico Co., Va.—B. G. K.
Brown Co., Ohio. Did he have Rev ances? 10100. ADAMs.-Wanted name & gen of —
From what state was Thos Shackelford, who Adams, who m Mary Irvine of Ky. abt 1777.
came to Spencer Co., Ind., at an early date?— Their dau Penelope Lynch Adams m Col. James
H. C. K. Terrell, of Tenn.—L. W. S. J.
10093. SHIELDs-FILLooN.—Wanted gen, of 10101. WIN slow.—Wanted ances of Mary
John Shields, b Dec. 21, 1772, d Mar. 16, 1855, “Sears or Winslow,” who m Peter Worden, s
and of his w Jane Filloon d July 12, 1855, aged of Peter, who settled in Yarmouth Port, Mass.,
abt 77 yrs. They moved from Westmoreland where he d 1639. Mary, w of Peter Worden,
Co., Pa., to Richland Co., O., abt 1818. Their 2nd, d 1686. Was she a dau of the Mayflower
ch were John, b Jan. 15, 1801, Sarah & Matthew, Winslows
twins; Wm., Eliz., David, James, Agnes, Nancy, (a) WoRDEN.—Wanted Rev rec of Rev.
Abraham Hendricks, Jane, Priscilla, Anne, b Peter Worden, who d in Cheshire, Mass.,
1822, Harriet, & Jackson S., b 1830. Was there Feb., 1808.
Rev ances in either line? (b) Steve Ns.-Wanted Rev rec of Martin, s
(a) HANLoN.—Anne Shields, b 1822, mar of Nathaniel & Mary (Martin) Stevens, who
Samuel Hanlon, b Mar. 3, 1818, in Westmore m Lydia Chadwick in 1773.—H. D. T.
land Co., Pa., s of Wm. & Eliz. Hanlon. 10102.—Wanted ances of Samuel W. Bard, of
Caldwells, Rockland Co., N. Y. In his will, Jacob Lee, d Fleming Co., Ky., Aug. 9, 1861, &
written 1858, he men w Delilah ; dau-in-law of his w, Jane Ross, who d Sept. 29, 1833.
Phebe : dau Eliza Ann, w of Hezekiah S. Wake (a) Potts-RICHEY.—Wanted par of James
man; gr dau Delilah, w of John Rundle; & P. Potts, of Bath Co., Ky., b July 15, 1795, &
Sarah Crane; dau Maria. w of Caleb Beadle; of his w Jean Richey, b Jan. 1, 1804.—G. B. E.
dau Martha Jane, w of Philip Elmendorf; dau 10109. FERRE - PARSoNs - HERRICK.-Wanted
Sarah, w of Joseph Castless. Exs bro John parentage of both Stephen Herrick, b 1764, &
C. Bard & friend Geo. S. Allison. His dau-in his w Nancy (Ferre) Parsons. (See Spring
law Phebe was Phebe Hazard, b Troy, N. Y., field, Mass., Records for their m.) Wanted
6th May, 1814, dau of Nathaniel. Her mother also names of their ch, with dates of b & names
was Miss Van Buskirk. Wanted Hazard & of their husbands & wives.—E. M. C.
Van Buskirk gens.—C. B. B. 10110. Doolittle.—Wanted parentage of
10103. MILLER.—Wanted gen and Rev rec of Thankful Doolittle who m Capt. John Trow
Wm. Miller, who was with Pa. Infantry, from bridge, Feb. 13, 1777, in New Haven, Conn.
Chester Co., Pa. He m Rachel Art aft Rev ; Also the names of ch of Ambrose Doolittle, who
moved to Ohio, then to Ill. abt 1816.-I. M. served in Rev, b 1719, d. 1793, Cheshire, Conn.—
10104. PERKINs.-Wanted date of b of Luke L. L. D.
Perkins & proof of his death in battle of Ft. 10111. GILMER-BUCH war.—Wanted gen &
Griswold, also name & dates of his w. They Rev rec of ances of — Gilmer, a lawyer of
lived nr Groton, Conn. Dau Anna m Nathan Ala., who m Miss Buchwar, of Ky., before
Darrow : two sons were taken prisoners by 1806.-M. L. A.
the British. 101.12. McKEAN.—Information wanted of
(a) Moxley.—Wanted dates of b & d of — McKean & his w, whose s Brownson
Joseph Moxley, also name & dates of his w. Leighton McKean, b 1770, m 1st, Lavisa Terry,
Also names & dates of their s & his w who were 2ndly, Miranda Blakesley. They lived in South
the parents of Sally Moxley, b 1788, d 1863, m Hampton, L. I.-S. H. G.
Gurden Darrow, 1815. The latter lived & d in 101.13. HARBERTs.—Wanted gen & any Rev
New Milford, Pa. rec of ances of Thomas Harberts, b 1773, who
(b) Eva N.S.—Wanted gen & Rev ser of Lott m Sarah Crockett, b 1773.
Evans, of St. Clair, Schuylkill Co., Pa., who d (a) JEN KINs.-Wanted parentage with Rev
abt 1856, m Phoebe Baldwin (?), who d abt rec of father of John Jenkins, b 1762, d. 1867,
1871.—E. W. P. m Susannah Chamberlain, b 1770–M. D. P.
10105. THoMPson.—Wanted gen & any data 10114. THoMAs.—Michael Thomas m Eliz.
of Robt. Thompson & name of his w. He was Snyder & lived in Albemarle Co., Va. Did he
living in Guilford Co., N. Car., in 1770. have Rev recº Wanted also par of Eliz.
(a) W HitF.—Wanted par of Lucinda White, Snyder.
b 1813, in Gallatin, Texas, moved to Miss.
C. H.
(a) BUNtEN.—Wanted gen with any Rev rec
of father of James Punten, b Aug. 29, 1799, &
10106. BAKER.—Will the person who wrote came from N. H. to W. Va. in 1825.
to me as Registrar of Morrison Chapter, (b) WATson.—Wanted parentage of Re
D.A.R., asking for information in regard to
the lineage of John Baker, please write again, becca Watson, b 1764, & m 1797 Zedekiah
as I may be able to help them.—Olive G. Gallen Morgan. She was his 2nd w.—E. B. F.
time, Morrison, Ill. 101.15. Tyler.—Wanted parentage of Eliz. or
10107. Mosep.–Wanted par with dates & Betsey Tyler, who m in Edmiston, N. Y., in
Rev rec of father of Catherine Moser, b 1765, 1830, John Carter Stickney, b in Hartwick,
d 1863, m Jacob Hausman, 1786, lived in Berks N. Y., Sept. 9, 1807, & d in Janesville, Wis.
Co., Pa. He was a direct desc of Wm. Stickney, who
(a) REIN HARD.—Wanted par with dates & came from Eng. to Boston in 1638–J. S. B.
Rev rec of ances of Mary Dorothy Reinhard, 10116. WALKER.—Wanted parentage of
b June 15, 1793, d July 30, 1879, m Jacob Moser Martha Walker, who m Styles Wells, Sr., of
Hansman, 1813. & lived in Berks Co., Pa.
Huntington. Conn. Their dau Diantha Wells
(b) HUMPHRIES.—Wanted gen of Mary
Humphries. From Salem Quaker Meeting, b
m John Ayres, of Stratford, Conn.—W. G. H.
Nov. 25, 1751, m Israel Corbit, of Odessa, Del.,
101.17. ALBro.—Wanted parentage of Betsy
Jan. 28, 1771. Did her father have Rev rec 2 Albro, b 1785, N. Y. or Vt., who m Nathan
(c) Corbit.—Wanted dates of m of Israel Burleson, b 1785, N. Y. or Vt. Also parentage
Corbit, Jr., of Odessa. Del., who m 1st Eliz. of Nathan Burleson.
Kent, & 2nd Eliz. Fraley. Wanted also Kent & (a) Wilson.—Wm. Wilson, or his father,
Fraley gens.—M. C. came from Scotland or Ireland to Canada, then
10108. LEE-Ross.-Wanted par with dates of to the States. Wm.'s s Wm. was b 1804, pos
sibly at Herkimer, N. Y., m Mary Burleson, 1690 & in 1699 Catherine DeHart. Was Debora
July 24, 1826. his dau, & if so, by which w?
(b) HARRINGTON.—Wanted parentage of (a) REEVE-PARSHALL.-Daniel Reeve m
Wm. Harrington, b 1808, d at St. Mary, Can. ; Rhoda Parshall & had dau Sarah, who m
m Elizabeth Ford.—H. C. R.
Gale. Their s Jesse Gale, b 1757, m Lucretia
10118. FARRA-WAYNE-Anthony Wayne, b Lee, nr Goshen, N. Y. Wanted Reeve. Par
1666, d 1739, set. in Chester Co., Pa., 1722. shall & Lee gens; also given name of Gale.
His s Humphrey, b abt 1712, m Priscilla Id who m Sarah Reeve. Did they have other ch
dings, b 1707, d. 1781. Their dau, Eliz. Wayne, beside Jesse?
d 1758, m James Farra, d 1778, in Dover Town (b) WIELER-KEYSER.—Wanted ances of
ship, York Co., Pa. Their dau Rebecca Farra,
m Isaac Norton, who d in Fairview Township,
Annetje Wieler, b in N. Eng., resident of Har
ley, & also of Nicholas Keyser, whom she m
York Co., Pa., 1820. Wanted dates of b m & d
of Rebecca Farra also Rev ser & any data 1738. In Kingston Records, Nicholas Keyser &
concerning Isaac Norton & James Farra. Annetje Wieler had dau Margriet, b 1741; did
C. A. B. she m Cornelius Vanderhoof & have ch Ann, b
1774, Matthew, b at Secon River, N. J., 1781. &
101.19. DAvidson-ADA Ms.-Joseph Davidson,
b Apr. 15, 1775, d June 8, 1857, at Mecca, Trum Holbert, b 1784?–L. G. M.
101.22. NEwi.A.N.D.—Wanted names of w & ch
bull Co., O., m Lucinda Adams, b Mar 1, 1776,
in Hartford Co., Conn., d Aug. 12, 1847, at of John Newland, b 1738, Rev sol under Cap
Freedom, Stark Co., O. Their 4 oldest ch were tains Randall, Jonathan Langdon & Boyer. &
b at Fair Haven, Rutland Co., Vt. Wanted under Col. James Wood. He enlisted at Win
chester, Fred. Co., Va., & was granted a pen
Davidson-Adams gen & Rev rec, if any.
(a) HALSTED.—Thomas Halsted, b 1724, Rye, sion Aug. 4, 1818, then living in Ross Co.
Ohio.—C. V.
Westchester Co., N. Y., d Oct. 31, 1808, m
101.23. REED.—Wanted Rev rec with refer
Phoebe Bogardus, b Harlem, N. Y. Their s
Jacob, b. July 26, 1757, d. 1837, m 2nd time ences of Capt. Benjerman Tyler Reed, b Jan.
Charity Van Auken, Nov. 2, 1808, b Mar. 5, 20, 1739–40, d Jan. 25, 1792, m Sept. 29, 1777.
1787, d Mar. 11, 1856. Wanted IDev rec of Mary Dodge.
(a) STEELE.-Wanted Rev rec & date of d
Thomas & Jacob Halsted.
(b) FINDLEY. —Hon. Wm. Findley, of West of Elijah Steele, b Apr. 15, 1735, & m Esther
moreland Co., Pa., who was a member of Con Millard, Jan. 18, 1759, at Farmington.—G. A.
stitutional Convention had a bro. James.
Wanted name of James's w & dates of b & d.
(c) McHENRY.—Isaac McHenry served in
Penn. Mil. during Rev., m Jane Smith & re
6180. Colvi N-JEw ELL.-Other gr sons of
moved to Indiana Co., Pa. Was he a bro. of Mr. Jewell & w Eliza Colvin, besides Mason,
James McHenry, member of Washington's Benj. & James Jewell which you mention, are
cabinet, for whom Fort McHenry was named.— Zachariah Jewell who m Sarah Odineal in Rock
N. C. M. ingham Co., N. C. & R. B. Jewell b 1809 in Rock
ingham Co., N. C. d 1907 at Fort Worth, Texas.
101.20. CRANE.-Wanted gen of Benj. Crane,
b in N. J. & d in Amsterdam, N. Y. Had sons Both were sons of Benjamin Jewell who m Anne
Wall. For further information concerning desc
David, 1777–1855, who m Electa Riggs, & John
S., b 1799. of Benj. Jewell & Anne Wall, address—Mrs.
Howard T. Jewell, 1011 Maple St., Texarkana.
(a) MAY HEw.—Wanted gen of Robt. May
hew, 1767–1849 & of his w Hannah, 1775–1855.
6435. TAYLOR.—President Zachary Taylor
They had 12 ch bet 1795 & 1823.
has three cousins, from one of whom you will
(b) Wilcox-CARPENTER.—Wanted gen of
be able to get Taylor records, which their
both Samuel Wilcox & his w Ann Carpenter, father Richard P. Taylor preserved with great
who were m in West Greenwich, R. I., Aug. 10, care during his life. Address Misses Carrie
& Sue Taylor c/o Mrs. J. Wilson Clare.
(c) PARSoNs-Stew ARD.—Wanted gen of Job Buckner, Ky., or Dr. Richard Taylor, optician,
Parsons, b in Eng., had 3 w. S Thomas m Louisville, Ky.—Mrs Hoºvard T. Jewell, 10.1 !
Josephine Steward. Steward gen also desired. Maple St. Texarkana, Texas.
—M. K. C. FRIEND-EstEs.-Judith Cary was the dati of
10121-BLY DEN BURY. —Deborah Blydenbury Henry Cary, Jr. of Warwick & Ampthill. She
of Long Island m Nicholas Burger, of N. Y., in was b Aug. 12, 1726 & d Apr. 16, 1798. In 1744
1725; their ch were Johannes, b 1725, Joseph, b she m David Bell, of Belmont, who came from
1727, Joseph, b 1734. Joseph Blydenbury, s of Edinburgh Scotland. In 1755 he was appointed
Augustine & Siliester, m I)ebora Smith bef Capt., by Gov. Dinwii'die, in George Washing
ton's original regt. He was a Colonel in the Indian pension of $96.00. He m abt. 1765, at New Mil
Wars & a member of the House of Burgesses, ford, Conn. Rebecca Crowell who was b
They had a dau Elizabeth Bell who m Daniel on the ocean in 1745 & d in Fairhaven 1822.
Bates. For evidence of this m see deed of trust Ref. History of Fairhaven. by A. N. Adams.
of Daniel Bates made Dec. 1, 1798, for the 8886b Sturgis. See Andrew Tuttle, p 580.
benefit of his w Elizabeth Bates, & dau Elizabeth “The Tuttle Family.”—Mrs. C. S. Caverly. 9
Bell Bates & Sarah Langhorne Bates, recorded in Court St., Rutland Vt.
Deed book No. 14, p 408, of the Clerks Office of 8977. GREEN.—The family history of Abner
Chesterfield Co., Va. This Daniel Bates was Stanford gives the following: Abner Stanford
the s of James Bates & Winifred Hix, & was b at Sherborn, Mass., May 12, 1747 m at
b July 6, 1756. See vol. No. 15, William & Mary Mendon, Mass., Nov. 24, 1768 (int. there Feb.
Quarterly, pp. 33 & 34. He was a desc of John 17, 1708) Jemima Green of Mendon b at Up
Bates, whose will was proven in York County, ton Jan. 30, 1749, dau of William & Hannah
in 1660. Green. Their m was “confirmed by Joseph
I have a certified copy from the Chester l)ott, Esq.” Jemima Green Stanford d
field Co., Clerk's office of the m license cer at Upton June 5, 1818. Consult Upton Vital
tificate, on Oct. 13, 1801, of Joel Estes & Sallie Records to 1850, pub. in 1904 & Mendon
L. Bates, & on Sept. 15, 1801, of Dutoy Porter Annals from 1659 to 1880, compiled by John
to Elizabeth Bates. Also a certified copy from Mecalf.-J. C. Fielder. Medford Oregon.
the same office, of Elizabeth Bates approval 9988. Swa IN E-SAYRE.— Matthias & Catherina
of the issuance of the license of Joel Estes to Swaine (Swain, Swaim, Sweem) were m Apr.
m Sallie L. Bates, which is witnessed on Oct. 19, 1743. Their family record is found in
12, 1801, by Dutoy Porter & John Friend. “New York & New Jersey Miscellany” records
Daniel Bates evidently d between the date of of an old Dutch Church on Staten Island.
the above deed on the 1st of Dec. 1798 & this Their s Isaac b. July 28, 1751 served in Rev.
m on Oct. 13, 1801. On May 21, 1796 by deed from N. J. Besides Jane & Isaac the record
recorded in Deed Book No. 13, p. 449, in Ches states “desen kinderen zyn gedoopt” bapt
terfield Co., there is set out a m agreement Martinus, May 6, 1745; Benj. Sept. 16, 1746;
between John Friend & Judith Cary Bates, Catherina May 23, 1749 Susanna May 1 (?)
dau of Daniel & Elizabeth Bates, & in Deed 1753: Isaac Sayer is not memtioned in “Mass.
Book No. 14, p 305, under date Feb. 23, 1798, Soldiers & Sailors in the Rev.” so he probably
in said Chesterfield Co., John Friend & w moved to N. Y. or N. J. before that time,
Judith Cary transferred certain property to since he m into this family.—Miss 1'. E.
Daniel Bates. Although Sarah & Elizabeth's Enterson. 114 E. Adams St., Plymouth, Ind.
names are often referred to as “Sallie” & “Eliza" 9989. SHElby.—Charles Polk Jr. b March
they appear in the signatures generally as “Sarah' 15, 1784 d 1829 m an Eleanor Shelby in N.
& “Elizabeth.” Certified copies of all the above C. abt. 1806. In the 1st U. S. Census, the
papers can be secured upon payment of proper name of Evan Shelby is mentioned in the
fees from the Clerk of the Chesterfield Court same dist. in N. C. as Capt. Chas. Polk, Sr.
House. Major Gist Blair of Washington, has a father of Chas. Jr. & it is probable that their
beautiful oil painting of Mrs. Judith Cary Bell, ch, m abt. 1835 Mrs. Eleanor Shelby Polk &
painted by Copley. It has been photographed by her ch. Ezekiel, Polly McLarty, Hannah
L. C. Handy, 494 Maryland Ave., S. W., Wash., Weddington & Chas. 3rd. sold their interests
D. C. from whom copies can be secured for in the Polk estates to G. W. Polk & removed
fifty cents. Major Blair also has some original to Campbell, now Douglas Co., Ga. where
letters written by Judith Cary, & these have they d Mrs. Eleanor Polk is buried in the
been photographed by Harris & Ewing, 1311 McLarty graveyard, she d 1850. Her family
F. St., N. W., Wash., D. C. Copies can be Bible was lost so there is practically no
secured from him & will prove very interesting records of the family. In the Polk family book
to desc of this lady. Particularly, the one writ there is a record from a Mrs. Smart in 1849,
ten on Sept. 17, 1794, to Gen Gist.—P. M. Estes. stating that John bro of Capt. Chas. Polk,
Nashville Tenn. m Eleanor Shelby, dau of Isaac, another
88.86c. BARNEs.-Hannah Barnes was the dau of record gives the data that John Polk in
Jacob Barnes who was b in Conn. 1745 & removed Eleanor Shelby dau of Major Evan, s of
to Fairhaven, Vt. in 1806 where he d Jan. 27. Gen. Evan Shelby, but neither of these
1821 aged 76. He served as a soldier in the N. records gives any other data. Can anyone
Y. Continental Line & was pensioned Aug. 2, give any light on these statements?—Mrs.
1819, receiving the sum of $459.49 & an annual (has. P. McGuire. 3220 N. 12 Ave Birmingham.
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Onwentsia Chapter (Addison, N.Y.) The Zebulon Pike Chapter (Colorado Springs,
first regular meeting of 1919-1920 was held at Col.) has just completed a busy and success
the home of Mrs. John Crane, and will long ful year, busy because of the extra work en
be remembered, as Mrs. William Feenaughty tailed by the entertainment of the State Con
of Portland, Oregon, one of our Charter ference, successful owing largely to the untir
Members, was present, as well as other guests. ing enthusiasm and efficiency of our Regent
Miss Katherine Darrin gave an interesting Mrs. John Speed Tucker, who in the two
talk on “War Time Travel in Europe", and years she has been in office has been present
she made us really appreciate some of the and presided at every meeting.
trials and hardships endured by those who THE DAUGHTERs of THE AMERICAN REvo
helped back of the lines during the great war. LUTION MAGAZINE is found on file at the public
November 6th and 7th : The Regent, Mrs. library, placed there by the subscription of
Eugene Crawford and Mrs. Frank Kellym this Chapter. There is a membership of 83,
attended the State Conference at Auburn. about 20 being non-resident members
The presence of Mrs. George Thacher Nineteen years ago the first State conference
Guernsey, President General, added to the was held at the home of a member of this
pleasure of the meeting. November 7th : A Chapter. There were seven delegates, one
committee from Onwentsia Chapter had from Denver Chapter, two from Pueblo and
charge of entertaining the service men of four from this Chapter. The conference held
Addison. They were ably assisted and the here in March last had 80 delegates represent
boys were given a royal time. December ing every portion of the State.
8th was the twentieth anniversary of the Two meetings of the year were devoted
founding of our Chapter. Mrs. Charles Cook entirely to the matter of Americanization.
opened her pleasant home for a banquet. At one the Constitution of the United States
Covers were laid for thirty, toasts were given was discussed, and at the other we were
and letters and telegrams read from absent favored with a lecture on “The Place of the
members. The house was beautifully decor United States among the Nations” by one of
ated with the national colors in electric lights our leading lawyers.
and numerous flags. Mrs. Charles Cook The Flag committee has been wide awake
represented the Chapter at Continental and enterprising. It sent to Washington
Congress. for information on the correct use of the
May 13th the Daughters served refresh flag and requested the local papers to pub
ments to the Legion and Mrs. Vastbinder, lish this information, which they did. An
on behalf of the Chapter, presented them arrangement was made with the Boy Scouts
with a beautiful silk flag. whereby they spoke twice in our High
On May 14th The Daughters marched in School and in 12 of our grade schools on
the funeral procession of Anthony Capar this subject.
arulo, the first service man of the county to Following our yearly custom prizes have
be brought home for burial. been given in the High school and the State
Death has claimed one daughter and two School for the Deaf and Blind. The Amer
have been transferred. We now have fifty icanization committee has also been very active.
five members. The American's Creed has been given to
In June, the Regent attended a reception each newly made American citizen, also to
given by Kanestio Valley Chapter in Canestio, those preparing for citizenship in a class
to our State Regent, Mrs. Charles Nash. under the supervision of our high school
(MRs) MARY GoFF CRAwford, teachers. A twenty-five cents per capita tax
Historian. has been paid into the National treasury for
the Immigrants Manual. A scholarship of Chapter Regent's bar to the incoming Regent,
fifty dollars has been sent to the Inter Mrs. Effie E. Jones. r
lars in our Union High School for the highest following worthy causes: The Schauffer
standing in American history and civics. This (Americanization) School, Cleveland; the
prize was awarded in June. Revolutionary Guernsey Scholarship ; the Memorial Fountain
soldiers' graves are decorated on Memorial at Plymouth; the Painting for the French Gov
Day and a tablet in their memory is to be ernment; to our own Day Nursery and our
placed in Ouleout Valley Cemetery. Every Americanization School.
resident member has the reading of the As we end this little story of one year's work
DAUGHTERs of THE AMERICAN REvolution we wonder what next year will bring forth.
MAGAZINE through the arrangement of groups May it be one of progress and achievement for
as suggested at the Auburn State Conference. Muskingum Chapter and the National Society.
Our Regent, Mrs. Potter, attended the State JEssie M. Lili ENTHAL,
Conference at Auburn, N. Y., in 1919; also the Historian.
State Conference at Saratoga Apa, N. Y., in
1920. The generosity of a member, Mrs. Leroy Tuscarora Chapter (Binghampton, N. Y.)
Evans, made it possible for us to make a has for the last three years been interested in
Chapter gift to Memorial Continental Hall Americanization, which has been the subject of
Library of an illustrated History of Delaware our study and work.
County, N. Y., published in 1880. In 1919 we were engaged in the Red Cross
We are anticipating a visit from the State Roll Call, raising a large sum. We contributed
Regent, Mrs. C. W. Nash, in the near future. $100 to the Soldiers' Memorial Fund. We sold
Have contributed recently to the following a large number of Red Cross Seals before
requests: The fountain at Plymouth; the $5000 Christmas. One hundred dollars was appro
Guernsey Scholarship fund at International Col priated to fit up a model home in a new
lege, Springfield, Mass.; the painting for the public school, which is attended chiefly by
War Museum in Paris; the Manual of Infor foreign children.
mation for Immigrants. In 1920 a number of relics were presented
Our Regent, Mrs. A. O. Potter, is now com to the Chapter by some of its members.
piling a military record of each soldier from the Twenty-five dollars was appropriated for Story
town of Franklin, under the direction of State telling Afternoons at the Public Library, when
Historian, Doctor Sullivan. A complete copy a trained story-teller told some hundreds of
will be kept by the Chapter Historian as a work little foreigners the story of the Pilgrims and
of reference. During the past two years we other patriotic stories.
have gained ten new members and one transfer, One hundred dollars was contributed to con
with another application pending, and lost one stitute Tuscarora Chapter one of the founders
member by death, our friend and first Regent, of the Tomassee Industrial School for South
Mrs. Charles Warner. ern Highlanders, founded and supported by
(MRs. Edson C.) Flora MANN STEwART, the D.A.R. of South Carolina. Money was
Historian. contributed to the International School for a
scholarship in honor of Mrs. Guernsey.
Muskingum Chapter (Zanesville. O.) Two The twenty-fifth anniversary of the organ
new names have been added to Muskingum ization of Tuscarora Chapter was celebrated
Chapter's roster during the past year, and one October 12, 1920, by a luncheon, at which there
member, Mrs. Josephine Slack Fox, has been were present a number of former Regents and
removed by death, much to the sorrow of seven charter members.
the Chapter. Memorial services for Revolutionary soldiers
Flag Day was appropriately celebrated with are held annually in November, usually at one
an open meeting at the rooms of the Y.W.C.A., of the churches. The Chapter has contributed
when a delightful patriotic program was ren to the gift for the Schuyler Mansion. A con
dered. Our November meeting was unusually tribution was given to the Rotary Club for the
interesting, for it fell upon the date of three cause of Americanization. A reception was
important anniversaries: The 300th Anniver given for the State Regent, Mrs. Charles White
sary of the Landing of the Pilgrims, the 29th Nash, in November. On Armistice Day a num
Anniversary of the Organization of Muskingum ber of Daughters in decorated cars were in the
Chapter and the 2nd Anniversary of Armistice
parade. The Chapter also had a number of
Day. The program was devoted to the mem
booths in the Red Cross membership Drive.
ory of our Pilgrim Fathers. For December our
Regent, Mrs. Fraunfelter, entertained the Bunker Hill Day and Washington's Birthday
Chapter in honor of the State Regent, Mrs. are always fittingly celebrated. Our Regent is
Wilson, who gave an inspiring talk. Wash Mrs. Radcliffe B. Lockwood, who volunteered
ington's Birthday was fittingly celebrated with as a nurse early in the war and served at Piriac,
Mrs. Timmons. France, for nearly two years.
Muskingum Chapter has contributed to the Tuscarora Chapter purchased a large number
of Liberty bonds, and was engaged in war work support of the budget, paying our full assess
and gained an enviable record. Nearly thirty ment of sixty cents per member for three pur
sons of members of the Chapter served in the poses. First, for the publishing of a manual
great war. for immigrants: second, for a “Memorial
We have contributed the sixty cents per capita Fountain " in honor of the Pilgrim Mothers at
to the four great objects presented to us by the Plymouth, Mass. ; third, for a painting in the
State Regent. In accordance with the request war museum in Paris of a “Convoy of Troop
of the State Historian a list has been made and Ships carrying American Soldiers to France.”
sent in of the location of the graves and of the The picture will be placed in the room assigned
war records of over two hundred soldiers of to the United States in the Hotel des Invalides,
the Revolution who are buried in Broome which has been made into a war museum by
County. The material for this list was origi the French Government. We sent a box of hats
nally collected and put in shape by Miss Susan and shoes to Ellis Island to be given to immi
I). Crafts, the second Regent of Tuscarora grants, two dollars was sent for fruit to a
Chapter. Also all the data, facts and activities soldier in the hospital at Oak Forest, Ill. We
of the Chapter have been sent in to the proper also sent a small sum to the college for
State officers. immigrants.
Our Chapter will soon number one hundred Resolutions have been endorsed by the Chap
and sixty members, and its interest and en ter and sent to the State Legislature at Lan
thusiasm in all patriotic work is even greater sing, Mich. The one claiming the greatest
than at its organization. attention is the proposed Motion Picture Cen
ELLA E. WooDBRIDGE, sorship Bill, which has for its object the
elimination of undesirable motion picture ex
hibitions in Michigan. Two books have been
Sarah Caswell Angell Chapter (Ann Arbor, presented to the National Society by Mrs. W. H.
Mich.) was organized July 4, 1896, with fifteen Wait through the Chapter, “Economic and
charter members: it has steadily grown until Social Life in Michigan,” by Fuller; “The
now we number 213. We held our first meeting Life and Times of Stephen J. Mason.” by
October 21st, and listened to the interesting Hemans. The books are publications of the
reports of the seven delegates who attended Michigan Historical Society. Miss Lucy E.
the State Conference at Grand Rapids. In Chapin presented two volumes of the History
November, Mrs. Wm. Henry Wait received in of S. 4. Andrews' Church by Professor Cross
honor of the Regent and new members. (U.M.), one to the home Chapter and one to
The State Regent was present as guest of be placed on the Michigan shelves in the Li
honor and gave a short address. Mrs. Arthur brary Hall in Washington. Miss Sue I. Silli
Smith read a paper on “Women of the May man's book of Military Records of Michigan
flower.” In December, Regent Junius Beal gave was presented to the Chapter. This book was
an interesting account of the “Early Pioneer published by the Michigan Historical Commis
Days in Michigan ”; Prof. T. E. Rankin read sion for the Daughters.
The"|War Record" mentions two Ann Arbor
a paper on “The Influence of the War on Liter
ature.” In February, the Regent, Mrs. W. W. men, Patrick Irvin and Conrad Noll, as having
Beman, received in honor of charter and received the medal of honor, the medal of
early members. greatest distinction awarded by the government.
At the March meeting Prof. E. D. Dickerson There are thirty-four subscribers to the
DAUGHTERs of the AMERICAN REvolution
gave a talk on “The Outlook for International
Law.” Through the year a great deal of time MAGAZINE. We hope soon to place a boulder
marking the historic spot where this Territorial
has been spent in Americanization work among
Trail passes. “The Committee on Patriotic
the foreign women, classes being held in one
Entertainment” has given several social affairs
of the public schools on Wednesday of each
during the year, a card party held at the Gamma
week. The women are taught to read and Phi Sorority house and a “Colonial Ball.”
write, to cut-out and make garments. They Under the leadership of our zealous and
are also taught the arts of home-making and devoted Regent, we have come to a realization
home-keeping. After the lessons are over they of our duty in Civic, State and National affairs.
are served refreshments, giving them also a (MRs. L. E.) NELLIE D. BUCKLEY,
hint of the social side. The support of our Historian.
French orphan was continued for the year 1921,
making the fourth year we have sent aid to her. Samuel Adams Chapter (Methuen, Mass.)
We have also helped to support two other held its annual meeting on May 21, 1921, in
French orphans. the Historical Society rooms, with its Regent,
The Chapter was one hundred per cent. in Mrs. Gertrude M. Cross, presiding. It was
voted to give twenty-five dollars to the Elm Year-Book was issued to communicate
Tree Fund. Several members are descendants the occasion.
of the original owners of that property. Ninety members are on the Chapter rolls,
The following officers were elected for the eight members having been added this year and
ensuing year: Mrs. Gertrude M. Cross, Regent; several applications are now pending. For the
Miss Alice R. Wheeler, Vice Regent; Mrs. sixth consecutive year Quequechan Chapter has
Charles D. Russell, Treasurer; Mrs. Arthur L. a State Officer from its membership. Mrs.
Jenkins, Recording Secretary; Mrs. Sarah B. Elmer B. Young, the efficient State Treasurer.
Carrow, Corresponding Secretary; Miss Came The Chapter was represented at the Fall State
lia A. Howe, Historian: Miss Nellie Coburn, Meeting at Worcester, at the March Conference
Registrar; Miss Cora E. Gordon, Auditor; at Boston, and the Thirtieth Continental Con
Miss Helen M. Barker, Mrs. Walter L. S. gress at Washington. As usual Chapter Day,
Gilcreast, Miss Ella Bodwell, Mrs. Charles H. May 25th, the anniversary of the Battle of Fall
Cooper and Mrs. J. B. Burley, Board of Man River was celebrated, and about twenty-five
agement: Mrs. George Silloway and Miss members were delightfully entertained at the
Blanch Silver, Alternates. home of Miss Edith Hambly, in Tiverton, R. I.
Meetings have been regularly held and well Under the direction of the Regent, Mrs. F. N.
attended, also two special open meetings of Alderman, a successful entertainment was pro
unusual interest. One was the celebration of vided by the Chapter in May at the Home for
the Boston Tea Party and the other was a lec the Aged. The patriotic songs, the chorus
ture by Dr. John Bowker. singing, in which the old people joined, and
The present membership is one hundred the talk by Doctor Charlton, were all fully
and one. appreciated. At the close, a small flag was
The principal patriotic work of the year has given each member of the Home as a souvenir.
been the maintenance of the summer school in The usual custom of placing flags on the
Pleasant Valley which the Chapter has sup graves of Revolutionary soldiers in the ceme
ported for eleven years. For this and other teries in and about Fall River was followed
patriotic work $260.85 has been raised. Other this year on Memorial Day. The annual con
beneficiaries than the school are: International tribution towards defraying the expenses of the
Institute, Springfield; Boys' Club, Lawrence; Memorial Day program of the local Post of
Arlington Day Nursery, Red Cross, Martha the G.A.R. was given. In May between four
Berry School, Pilgrim Memorial Fountain at and five hundred newly naturalized citizens re
Plymouth and Manual for Immigrants. ceived their final certificate at a public meeting
Letters have been received from Mrs. Mary in this city. The Chapter was represented and
Crocker, Chairman of the State Library Com furnished the American's Creed cards distrib
uted with the certificates.
mittee, thanking the Chapter for the very gen
erous gift of rare historical books sent by Mrs. The Chapter was entertained at one meeting
Charles P. Smith in the name of the Chapter. at the King Philip Settlement House. The
work of this Settlement House is varied and is
The gift was reported to the National Library
Committee, was accepted, and acknowledged. helping the foreign born to understand Ameri
can traditions and customs. The Chapter an
The gift of a deed made by Mrs Sarah Carrow nually contributes towards the support of this
provided to be one of the very oldest in the good work.
possession of the National Society. In January, 1921, Doctor Charlton delivered
The work of the Chapter has been most suc a lecture, “Some Undesirables Among the
cessful and the thanks of the organization are Pilgrims,” before the Chapter and guests. The
extended to Mrs. Gertrude M. Cross and her lecture was both instructive and humorous, and
corps of faithful co-workers. was much enjoyed. The work on the old ceme
CAMELIA A. Howe, tery, located on the Freetown line, begun last
Historian. year, has been continued. Two markers for
the graves of Revolutionary soldiers have
Quequechan Chapter (Fall River, Mass.). been purchased.
On November 8, 1920, the twenty-fifth anniver The Chapter has met all National and State
sary of the organization of Quequechan Chapter requirements as follows: Quota for the Immi
was celebrated and the Chapter was honored grants' Guide; the Memorial Fountain to be
by the presence of the Librarian General, Mrs. erected at Plymouth, Mass.; the picture of
Frank D. Ellison, our State Regent, Mrs. the Convoy; the Guernsey Scholarship; the
Franklin P. Shumway, Past Vice-President Philippine Scholarship. The Chapter has sold
General, from Rhode Island, Mrs. R. J. Barker, three Block Certificates and forty-one Bricks
five state officers, two state councillors, and for the Roosevelt Memorial Building. The
four charter members of the Chapter. A new Chapter has further contributed to the Hill
since I got shot up; but this place has taught me are being prepared now; some are already in
there is something worth working for after all, Washington pending acceptance.
and I mean to succeed in spite of my handicap." In October, two home talent entertainments
By means of relays, the personnel was changed were given, clearing about $100, and in January
every two weeks, and continued throughout the “The Womanless Wedding,” was given and the
summer. The Lincoln Institute Vocational school amount of $137 netted. These entertainments
furnished the first group. This was followed by were under the management of Mrs. C. M. Parks,
one from the West Side Y.M.C.A. school and the our treasurer, to whom we are greatly indebted.
New York and St. John's Preparatory schools. Copies of the Declaration of Independence of
This work of the Greenwich Daughters has the United States of America have been placed
been a great success. This article has been written in all schools and public buildings in Tarboro
with the hope that it might inspire other Chapters and surrounding county. Miss Reba Bridgers,
to assist these wounded veterans of the World's one of our members, is still in Y.M.C.A. work
War in some similar manner and bring hope and over seas, having gone over in 1918. We always
cheer into the lives of many more. celebrate Washington's Birthday and Flag Day
(MRs. How ARD D.) ELEANor Todd Ross, with especially prepared programs; Mrs. C. M.
Regent. Parks was delegate to the National Congress
and brought back a wonderful message. She
Miles Harvey Chapter (Tarboro, N. C.). informed us of the three National under
We have held meetings regularly every sec takings and the 60 cents per capita was paid
ond Tuesday of the month at the homes of at once. A contribution has been made for the
members of the Chapter, always opening with Near East sufferers, and box of clothing,
American's Creed, followed by the Lord's valued at $200, sent to Serbia.
Prayer. Although the roll includes twenty-nine One of our great pleasures was being
members, we have only fourteen active members, hostess to the twentieth Annual State Co:
as the others are non-resident or unable to attend ference held November 17, and 18, 1920. We
the meetings. Fourteen names have been voted had with us one national officer, four state
on, and elected for membership, and their papers officers twenty-five delegates and fifteen
chapters represented. On the 17th, a bronze National Society for money, and under the
tablet was unveiled in the Court House, able leadership of our new Regent, Mrs.
having been erected by the Miles Harvey Milton Johnson, we will sustain in the coming
Chapter in memory of Henry Irwin, Lieut. year the record of the one just passed, and to
Col. 5th, N. C. Regiment, killed at German meet the new appeals with the same generous
response, we hope that our achievements will
town, Pa., October 4th, 1777.
Flag Day was observed with a meeting of be worthy of the Daughters of the American
the first District Conference at the home of Revolution.
Mrs. W. O. Howard, our Regent and Chair (Mrs. Robert) JULIA BRow NLEY HARRison,
man of the 4th District with delegates present Historian.
from various chapters east of Raleigh. There
was a program opening with prayer, followed by Grinnell Chapter (Grinnell, Iowa,) was
American's Creed, Salute to Flag, address of wel hostess to the Iowa Daughters of the Amer
come and response, report of National Congress, ican Revolution, March 20–22, 1921. For
chapter reports, discussion of business, and the second consecutive year, Iowa was
patriotic songs. honored by the presence of the President
The meeting then adjourned and the conference General, Mrs. Guernsey having attended
was invited to Hilma, the beautiful home of Mrs. the State Conference in March, 1920, in
J. L. Bridgers, where a luncheon was served Clinton, and Mrs. Minor spending the
under the trees. first day, and the morning of the second.
It seemed peculiarly fitting that the First Con with us in Grinnell, thus contributing an
ference of the 4th District should be held in enthusiasm that could have been aroused so
Tarboro, the home of the Chairman, and Miles effectively in no other way. During the past
Harvey Chapter, being honored by having on year four new chapters have been added to
its roll two state officers. Mrs. J. L. Bridgers, Iowa's roll, giving a total of seventy-eight,
State Chaplain, and Miss Mary Powell, State with a total membership of 4200, every one
Recording Secretary. of whom the treasurer's report shows to be in
MRs. C. C. Todd, good standing, an enviable record. Also,
Recording Secretary although this was the close of our first year since
adopting the budget system, almost $15,000
Sarah Franklin Chapter (Washington, D. passed through the Iowa treasury, indicating
C.) It is a pleasure to give a brief sketch to the that the chapters have not relinquished their
DAUGHTERs of the AMERICAN REvolutiox interest in scholarships, the mountain schools,
MAGAZINE of the activities of the Sarah Franklin and Americanization work.
Chapter for the year ending May, 1921. Our The sixty cents per capita asked by the
roster numbers forty-two with a limit of fifty National Society was brought up in open meeting,
two. The meetings are held monthly at the and the entire amount for Iowa was quickly
homes of members and are very enjoyable. pledged. The budget for the year to come was
After reciting the Lord's Prayer, American's apportioned, as follows; Americanization,
Creed, and giving the salute to the flag, busi twenty-five cents; state work, twenty-five
ness is transacted. Copies of the Constitution cents; reserve fund, twenty-five cents;
of the United States have been distributed to patriotic education, twenty cents; historic
the Chapter members, and for another year we spots, five cents.
will make it a study. We have subscribed to many As the President General was leaving the
worthy objects, namely: radium fund for Madam convention hall the second morning, to take
Curie, the Martha Berry School in Georgia, a train for Illinois, she was recalled a moment
Near East Relief, Friendship House, Du Pont to hear the announcement that the Iowa
Memorial Fountain in the District, Bronze Mem Senate had passed the bill adopting the D.A.
orial Tablet on the house, 1901 Pennsylvania R. design for an Iowa banner. A committee
Ave., Washington, where President Madison on the sale of these flags, which had been
resided after the burning of the White House held pending official action, was appointed.
by the British. We still continue the scholar Mrs. Hugh Greig, our efficient treasurer,
ship for our girl at the Lee McCrea Institute, was forced by ill-health to resign from the
North Carolina. To add to our treasury a board, and Mrs. Grant Ramsey, Regent of
volunteer card party was given in February. the Hostess Chapter, Grinnell, was chosen
Our members are greatly interested in the as her successor. Dubuque, which will enter
proposed “Chapter House” for the District, tain the Conference in March, 1922, is also
and have subscribed liberally for that purpose. the home of Iowa's first State Regent, Mrs.
The Historian reads a paper each month on Clara A. Cooley.
some Revolutionary hero. It has been our ANNA Ross-CLARKE,
pleasure to accede to the requests of the Corresponding Secretary
Isaac Royall, but upon the breaking out of the Each year her grave is decorated by the Chapter.
war he left the place, going to England, as his Among its numbers the Chapter has had two
sympathies were with the Mother country. Real Daughters, Mrs. Lucy Ann Reid and Mrs.
Possession of the place was taken by the Govern Catherine Sargent, both of whom have passed
ment, which later settled with the Royall heirs away, Mrs. Reid in 1902 and Mrs. Sargent in
for the property. 1908. It has at the present time one Real
From the upper windows of the Royall Granddaughter, the writer of this article.
House Molly Stark is said to have watched the The first Regent was Mrs. M. Susan
progress of the battle of Bunker Hill, but a few Goodale, who is still one of its honored mem
miles away, and heavy were the hearts in Med bers. Its first Registrar was Mrs Emma W.
ford town that day as fathers, husbands, sons, Goodwin, who, with Mrs. Ellen M. Gill was
and brothers were engaged in that battle. instrumental in organizing the Chapter, and
Toward sunset many of the wounded were who held the office of Registrar until last
brought into the town to be cared for. Surgeons year. Two members, Miss Eliza M. Gill and
were few, and the skill of the women was called Miss Helen M. Wild are authors of many
for, and among them the steady nerves of Sarah historical sketches. *-
Bradlee-Fulton made her a leader. It is related The Chapter will celebrate its twenty-fifth
that she extracted a bullet from the cheek of a anniversary this November. During these
soldier, and years afterward he returned to thank twenty-five years splendid work has been
her. accomplished, especially during the late war,
Many brave deeds are credited to her during and in years past much assistance was
the seige of Boston, among them that of carrying rendered the Royall House Association, in
despatches through the lines of the enemy. In restoring that house, said to be one of the
recognition of this service she was honored by finest specimens of Colonial architecture in
a visit at her home from General Washington, existence. The Chapter has furnished one
and in after years by General Lafayette. room with antiques, many of them connected
One of the first acts of the Chapter was to with the early history of Medford.
mark her grave with a large stone, over which During seasonable weather the Chapter
her feet had many times passed, it having been meetings are held in the former Slave quarters
the doorstone of her Medford home they had the of the estate.
stone polished and an inscription carved upon it. Seven of the present members are des
cendants of the one for whom the Chapter March had a budding plant and maple
was named, the Regent, Miss Maria W. syrup.
Wait, being a great-great-granddaughter of April had an umbrella, rubbers and spring
Sarah Bradlee-Fulton, who died in 1835, a flowers.
month before her ninety-fifth birthday. May had May baskets.
(MRs.) Avgust A K. BRIGHAM, June and July had roses and flags.
Press Reporter. August had poppies and wheat.
September had autumn flowers.
Geneseo Chapter (Geneseo, Ill.) has not
October had tiny corn shocks and jack
reported to the MAGAZINE in many years. o' lanterns.
Organized February 6, 1899, with nineteen
November had Thanksgiving decorations
members, it has steadily grown in numbers
and in interest. The Chapter now numbers of turkey, fruit, corn and autumn leaves.
December had Christmas decorations.
ninety four. During the World War, we Some member, if not all, of each month.
worked under the Red Cross, and other war
did some stunt when called upon.
service organizations, also as a Chapter, and
Refreshments were served. “What a good
one member obtained support for one year
time we have had" was the general remark
for twenty French orphans, and until now, as
as they parted in the darkness and rain.
a Chapter, we have given to one French MRs. ELLA. N. TAYLoR.
orphan. As calls have come, in increasing Honorary Regent.
numbers for funds, for needs sponsored by
the D.A.R. we have responded to such an Presque Isle Chapter (Erie, Pa.) Under
extent that scarcely anything local has been the wise leadership of Miss Sarah A. Reed.
accomplished and we feel that now more Regent since 1908, we have had a year of con
ought to be done near home. In June, 1910, tinuous growth, with twelve new members
we unveiled a boulder which, marked the site and two others by transfer, bringing the
of the first temporary cabin in Geneseo. A membership to eighty-eight.
bronze plate on the boulder bears the We have presented to the Erie Public Library
inscription—“Site of the first log cabin built additional Lineage Books, fifty-three in all.
in Geneseo, Ill. December, 1836. Erected by Our interest in the Martha Berry School was
Geneseo Chapter D.A.R. 1910.” This and the evidenced by a gift of $75. Other gifts have
prize of $5.00 given each year since 1900 for been: To the Victory Loan of the N.S.D.A.R.
the best standing in the study of American $50; to the French Orphans $159; to the
history during the senior year of our Town Shelter House (Erie) $12; to Awning Fund.
ship High school, are about all that has been Continental Hall $5; to Perry Celebration
done by the Chapter, here. Our meetings are $20; Lora Haines Cook Scholarship $10.
held at the homes of members and are well On Memorial Day fifteen members met in
attended, with good programs, and light the Erie Cemetary and after a brief service
refreshments are served. It is like the meeting led by the Regent they decorated the graves
of a large family. We have a fine corps of of ten Revolutionary Soldiers who lie there.
officers, Mrs. C. M. Bills being our present Bunker Hill Day, June 17th, a reception to new
Regent. A report of the last two meetings members was held at the home of the Regent.
follows; Mrs. W. A. Offerle was the hostess The Chapter was represented at a reception
on February 7th, and each guest represented given at the Y.M.C.A. July 4th, for the new
the title of some book or character in a book. citizens naturalized during the year, and small
About thirty were present and a lively guess flags were presented to each. Our Regent
ing contest went on, each person writing was one of the speakers.
what she thought the book might be. Mrs. J. In the Perry Day Celebration, September
P. Macauley, one of the Atkinson members 10th, Presque Isle Chapter had a float and
guessed the most, and received a box as a prize. two private automobiles. Two cars from the
Washington's Birthday anniversary on Triangle Chapter of North East were also
February 22, 1921, was celebrated at the home in the parade.
of Mrs. Minnie Green, by having a birthday Our Year-book, issued in September, has
party which would include every members' proven very helpful as it contains the pro
anniversary. Forty-one were present, and gram from September, 1920 to June, 1921.
after the business meeting each member was Our special study has been the Constitution
expected to go to the table representing her of the United States, and for each meeting
birth month. one additional subject. Mrs. E. E. Sparks
January's table had a winter scene—a pond commended our including in our Year-book
for skates, snow, etc. the “War Service Records” of our husbands,
February's table was covered with cherries brothers, and sons,—eighteen in number, two
and valentines and kupies. of whom made the supreme sacrifice, John
K. Fitch and Howard B. Coblentz. The cost two transferred. A questionaire was sent to
of issuing the Year-book was a gift from Dr. ascertain how many subscribed to the
W. J. Magill who honors his mother, Mrs. MAGAZINE, only a few answered; altogether I
Louisa J. Magill, a former Regent, by his know of fifty subscribers. Those who live in
generous memorial gifts to our Chapter. distant states subscribe personally and the
A benefit tea was given by Mrs. William Chapter does not get the credit. One member
Volbrecht, December 15th, in the interest of the is National Chairman of the Old Trials
Berry School fund. The December meeting Committee. All practically belong to the
was also the Pilgrim Tercentenary meeting at Red Cross. The Chairman of the Committee
which Miss Read gave an historical review. on Patriotic Education reports that her duty
There are twenty-two who receive the is light as all of the county schools have
DAUGHTERs of the AMERICAN REvolution Patriotic daily exercises, salute the flag
MAGAZINE and we hope soon to increase the list. and make the American Creed a part of
We were represented at the State Conference their daily exercises.
at Williamsport in October. (Mrs JAMEs H.) MARGARET C. LoNGBorough,
The first event of this year was a card Regent.
party from which we realized $135 for our Colonel Timothy Bigelow Chapter (Wor
work. With earnestness and zeal we shall
cester, Mass.) Since the first meeting of the
continue “to cherish, maintain and extend
Chapter on October 4th, our work has gone
the institutions of American freedom, to steadily forward. The monthly meetings have
foster true patriotism and love of country, included subjects like “Romantic History of
and to aid in securing for mankind all the the Mayflower Pilgrims,” “Thrift” and
blessings of liberty.” “International Relations.”
(MRs. GEO. W.) CLARA R. CobleNtz A successful Fair was held at “The Oaks”
Historian. in December which netted the Chapter House
a goodly sum for its patriotic work. Also a
Janet Montgomery Chapter (Rockville, rummage sale, has helped extensively in
Md.) During the year the Chapter has held making it possible to give donations to
nine regular meetings. The annual meeting many outside calls for aid. -
was held at the home of the Regent, where Two valuable gifts have been received this
Flag Day was celebrated. Patriotic responses year of which the Chapter is very proud. A
at roll call are made at the meetings and mahogany chair, belonging to General George
whenever the business of the Chapter permits Washington, and a large embroidered bed
historic papers are read and the message of spread woven in 1840, of an intricate pattern
the President General; also letters from
in 14 stars.
French orphans adopted through the Chapter. These have been presented to the Chapter,
Much gratitude is expressed by the orphans by Mrs. Henry Brannon, at the request of her
for the assistance given to them. Boxes of sister the late Mrs. Alice G. West. The chair,
clothing contributed by some of the members considered one of the most valuable relics at
have been sent.
“The Oaks,” is a large rush bottom model,
The following contributions have been
with wide spreading arms; it was presented
made by the Chapter: $25 to scholarships; by General Washington to his Chaplain, the
$15 for Armenian Relief; $2 for subscriptions
to the DAUGHTERs of THE AMERICAN REvo Rev. Samuel West of New Bedford, through
whom it descended to Mrs. Brannon's sister.
LUTION MAGAZINE to be placed in public libraries The bedspread was designed and woven
by the Chairman of the Magazine Committee; by Mrs. Lucy Hammott of Plymouth, and its
$36 through the Chapter to educate a French
pattern represents the 14 states which in 1840,
orphan; $5 to the University Hospital; $2 made up the union.
toward the expense of the State Conference,
Under the leadership of its Regent, Mrs.
$5 to the Children of the Republic; $2 for a
Alice L. Macomber, the Chapter is having
book to be placed in the Library at Memorial
a successful and profitable year.
Continental Hall; $5 through the Chapter for (MRs.) EDITH H. D. RICHARnsox.
rebuilding St. Mary's Industrial School: $2 Historian.
to the tablet containing the American Creed
to be placed on the Battleship Maryland; $30 Ypsilanti Chapter (Ypsilanti Michigan)
contributed through the Chapter to the was the fourth chapter organized in Michigan,
Indian school at Wichita, Kan.; $8.75 to the and will celebrate its twenty-fifth anniversary
pamphlet, Americanization of Immigrants; in October, 1921. There were fifteen charter
$5 to the Guernsey scholarship. members, two of whom were Real Daughters
The Chaper has eighty-eight members and nine of whom are still members. The
and papers pending. Two have resigned and present membership is seventy-seven and
we have nine applications in Washington social meeting to honor the State Regent,
awaiting the action of the Board. Miss Alice Louise McDuffee and Mrs. W. H.
The Chapter has always identified itself Wait, Vice President General from Michigan.
closely with the patriotic and civic interests On March 18th the Chapter held a “Jap
of the city. Its members organized a branch anese Day,” The home of Mrs. W. D.
chapter of the Red Cross during the World Crocker was transformed into the residence
War, took complete charge of several of the of a high class Japanese family. Tea was
departments of its work and gave liberally served in a typical Japanese dining-room
of their time, strength and money in carrying and many handsome Japanese costumes
it on. were worn ranging from mandarin to
The Chapter was one hundred per cent. in con coolie boy.
tributions to the Tilloloy Fund and to the This report is only a brief outline of the
$100,000 Liberty Loan pledge of the N.S.D. activities in which our Chapter is engaged.
A.R. besides contributing knitted garments, FLORENCE SHULTES.
property bags and jellies for the soldiers. Chairman of Publicity.
Individual Daughters subscribed $3,450 to George Clinton Chapter (Wilmington,
the Third Liberty Loan and gave $800 to the Ohio.) Nine meetings have been held during
United War Work Fund. The Chapter pre the year 1920–21, an average attendance of
sented “Roll of Honor " pins to the members twenty-two members. The September meet
who had sons in the World War and to Miss
iºg was a special study of the Constitution
Josephine Sherzer, a member who served as of the United States; October, Americani
Red Cross searcher in France. The records of
zation of our Immigrants, November, we
all soldiers from our Chapter families have celebrated the Tercentenary of the Landing
been secured and forwarded to our State
of the Pilgrim Fathers, five of our members
D.A.R. Historian and our Chapter Historian, answered roll call with the name of their
Mrs. P. R. Cleary, secured and compiled for ancestor who came over in the Mayflower.
the City of Ypsilanti the records of all sol Mrs. Elouisa F. K. Nichols, a direct descend
diers in the army and navy enlisting from ant from Governor Bradford, was wearing
this city, and also some 800 records for the her Mayflower insignia.
county files. January 31st, we celebrated our twenty
The Chapter has marked with a bronze fifth Anniversary. First was a luncheon at
tablet the first trading post in Washtenaw the home of Mrs. E. E. Terrell, at which the
County and assisted in marking the “old State Regent, Mrs. William Magee Wilson.
trail" from Detroit to Chicago where it passes the State Secretary, Mrs. William H.
through our city. A fund has been started to McGerry and officers of George Clinton
mark the site of the first permanent pioneer Chapter were guests. From there we went
settlement in this county. Graves of Revo to the home of Mrs. C. C. Nichols, the
lutionary soldiers in our county have been founder of our Chapter and our first Regent.
marked, and on Constitution Day, 1921, the Mrs. Miller introduced the program with
grave of Laura Ripley Wallace, one of our a cordial welcome to our guests and mem
Real Daughters buried at Saline, was marked bers. Mrs. W. R. Hale, Historian, gave a
with the official bronze marker. Plans are
résumé of the Chapter's activities during its
under way to mark the grave in Goshen, first quarter of a Century. Mrs. Nichols in her
Mass., of Alvira Wright Williams, a Real own charming way gave many reminis
Daughter of our Chapter. cences of the Chapter's life. Mrs. Wilson,
When the Beyer Memorial Hospital was State Regent, won our hearts by her
completed we furnished one of the sun enthusiastic account of the National Soc
parlors. The Chapter Historian secured pic iety's work. during the war. “Old Glory”
tures of all the postmasters and mayors of and “America the Beautiful” was sung by
Ypsilanti since its organization, they were a quartette from the Chapter. A luncheon
framed and marked by the Chapter and pre was served and the immense birthday cake
sented to the City. We have promoted for with twenty-five candles was cut by the
some years in our city the Prize Essay con Regent, assisted by Mrs. Horace McMillan.
test among high school students, sponsored Monday February 21st, Mrs. J. F. Hard
by the Michigan Historical Society, the esty and Mrs. W. T. Scott gave a beautiful
State D.A.R. and the State Federation of
party for George Clinton Chapter, at the
Women's Clubs, and have had the pleasure home of Mrs. Hardesty
of knowing that the State prize has been We celebrated February 22nd, with a
awarded to one of our contestants for the luncheon, and many members and their
last two years. friends attended.
On January 28, 1921, the Chapter held a March meeting, Mrs. Elmory Bales' paper
on our Patriotic Songs was felt to be of a card-party in which the D.A.R. Chapters
such value to pupils in the grades and of this city and vicinity united, and which
High school, it was published in the Clinton netted a handsome sum for the new Histor
County Democrat, a copy sent to the State ical Building at Valley Forge; the chairman
D.A.R. Exchange Bureau. on Patriotic Education succeeded in placing
We have contributed to the Guernsey films of “The American's Creed in movie
Scholarship, Manual for Immigrants, to the theatres; the Chairman of the C.A.R. has
Painting, the Pilgrim Fountain, and have built up that organization into a large and
pledged $1.00 per member for two years prosperous society; the Chairman on Ex
to the Caroline Scott Harrison Memorial; cursions and Parties has made of our
$10 to the European Relief Fund; $25 to holidays, a joy and delight, all day trips on
the Schuffler school; we are still supporting the Delaware, to Valley Forge, by motor
our French War Orphan, Eugenie Flament. busses, reception and luncheon at our
Mrs. C. C. Nichols, Mrs. A. T. Quinn and famous hostelry (Bellevue), at which Nat
Mrs. W. R. Hale have given to Wilmington ional and State officers and many Regents
Public Library this year 275 volumes of the were guests, and a reception and appropriate
best literature. Seven Trustees from our exercises on the occasion of our twenty-third
Chapter compose the Library Board, the anniversary. On this occasion one of our
entire Chapter is the Library Association, Honorary Regents, Mrs. Alexander Cooper,
The Mother's Club joined us in conducting presented the Chapter with an edition de lure
the Story Hour at the library. Four new containing parchment leaves, on which are in
members have been received, the papers of scribed the names of our “Chapter-soldiers.”
several more are awaiting verification. To The members stood in respect to their valor, as
encourage the study of American History the presentor read each name. The name of
we have offered a pen to the student in Thomas Massey (nephew of our late Honorary
High school receiving the highest grade. Regent, Elizabeth E. Massey), was marked by
We celebrate Flag Day, with an appropriate a gold star.
program; the children are given part in it, The State Chairman of the Committee on
taught love for the Flag and loyalty to our the Correct Use of the Flag, our own
Country. Regent, Mrs. J. M. Caley, has used the
(MRs. W. R.) AMY FULLER HALE, means at her disposal to spread information
Historian. on this subject. On “All-America” day,
she had our city papers publish the rules for
Quaker City Chapter (Philadelphia, Pa.) the use of the flag. In assemblies, when
The unprecedented growth and prosperous ever opportunity offers she makes brief
financial condition of the Quaker City speeches on the subject.
Chapter since the last report, is due to an The Chapter has been entertained by the
active and resourceful Regent, a loyal following speakers at meetings: Mrs.
Board, and an interested membership. A George P. White, Americanization; Mr.
portion of the work of the Chapter may be John Craig, The Y. M. C. A. in France; Mrs.
thus summarized: Gifts for marines and Rudolph Blankenburg, Women in Recon
sailors at the Navy Yard; Support of struction Period; Miss Elizabeth Craven,
French Orphan; Support of Armenian Child; Paper on Patriotic Education; Mrs. George
Boy Scouts; Girl Scouts; George Meade Goebel, Paper on Desecration of the Flag;
Post, G.A.R.; Sarah Guernsey American Mrs. E. S. Blanton, Paper on The Philippine
ization Fund; Germantown Americanization Scholarship; Mrs. Henry Smythe, Paper on
Society, (Cash, Pictures, Framed American's Conservation; Mrs. J. M. Pyram, Talk on
Creed:) International College, Springfield, Child Welfare and Court Work in Mont
Mass.; Martha Berry School, Georgia; gomery County (among foreigners); Mr.
Endowment, Bryn Mawr College, Chair of John Ihlder, Secretary of Housing Asso
Patriotic Education; Lora Haines Cook ciation, Talk on Housing; Rev. William Berg,
Scholarship; Gift, Miss Mary I. Stille, State Secretary of Pilgrim Celebration, Talk on
Historian; Shut-in Society; Near-East
Pilgrim Women; Mrs. Walter Peet, Regent
Relief; Immigrants' Manual; Commem of Independence Hall Chapter, Paper on
orative Painting, for Paris, France, (Amer
“The Woodlands"; Mr. Richard David
ican War-Ships); Memorial Fountain at
Plymouth, Mass.; Victory Hall at Valley Willson Wager-Smith, “Torpedoing of
Forge. the Tippecanoe.”
This list does not complete the number Our Honorary Regents, Miss Emma L.
of good deeds of this active Chapter. The Crowell and Mrs. Alexander Cooper, honor
Chairman of “Ways and Means” arranged us by their presence at nearly every meet
ing, and we profit by their wise counsel and historic Oregon Trail. It was placed by our
wide experience. Chapter on a bridge recently erected near
There have been many gifts for the His Homedale, which spans the Snake River at
torian's box, historic clippings and pictures, the spot where immigrants were accustomed
and other valuable material; and gifts for to ford the stream.
the Chapter treasury, from the Honorary At the dedication ceremonies of the bridge
President General, Mrs. George Thacher Hon. Miles Cannon gave an address on
Guernsey, one from an anonymous donor, “The Oregon Trail.” Then the marker was
and others. Philadelphia, more than any presented to the State by Mrs. O. L. Neal.
other city, has preserved her historic spots, Chapter Regent, and unveiled by several
which renders the Committee on the Preser children of the D.A.R., who carried flags
vation of Historic Spots a sinecural posi and wreaths.
tion; therefore, the Chairman of the Com The home of Mrs. H. W. Stone. who was
mittee has devised the idea of going farther Organizing Regent and is now Honorary
afield, in seeking unidentified spots. When Regent of the Chapter, is near the spot. She
found she places the information in the realized that the modern highway was fast
hands of those within whose boundaries obliterating the Old Trail, and it was largely
such spots are located. Our State Con through her efforts that the Chapter placed
ventions and our National Congresses have the marker.
been ably represented. Idaho Pocahontas Chapter closed the
A. Eliz Abbºth WAGER-SM IT H. year's work on Flag Day, when the families
Historian. of the D.A.R. had a picnic, at which a
good citizenship program for the children
Idaho Pocahontas Chapter (Caldwell, was given.
Idaho). A bronze marker bearing the in (MRs. Joseph E.) ANNIE D. BIRD,
scription, “Oregon Trail 1842-1865.” has Historian.
been added to the many already placed along the
Deborah Franklin Chapter (Atlantic. Iowa)
has completed its year's work under the leader
ship of our Regent, Mrs. Williams. We began
the year with forty-two members and
have added three by initiation, lost two by
transfer and one by death. May 10, 1920.
Mrs. Reinig and Mrs. Curry were initiated.
and on November 8, 1920, Miss Louise Jones
became a member of our organization. Mrs.
Giffen was transferred to the chapter at Fort
Dodge, and Mrs. McDairmaid became a
Our gifts this year have been largely
cared for by the budget system, but we made
a special gift of a box of clothing and $25
to the Piney Woods school, at Braxton.
Miss. We also purchased a D.A.R. history
pin to give as a reward to the boy or girl
whose average in American history was
highest. Master Wendell Savery received
the pin.
We had nine regular meetings during the
year with an average attendance of eighteen.
We have had two social events. The first was
a Christmas party at the home of Mrs. M.
Alexander, on December 13, 1920, and on Feb
ruary 22, 1921, a Colonial dinner was given
at the home of our Regent, Mrs. Williams.
Our annual election took place in May,
and the following officers were elected:
Regent, Katherine Parham Williams; Vice
Regent, Lucinda Chambers McGeehan: Re
MARKER PLACED ON THE HOMEDALE BR II) (, E A C Ross cording Secretary, Mabel Taylor Whitney:
THE SNAKE RIVER AT THE SPOT WHERE THE OLD OR E Corresponding Secretary, Anna Lewis Nich
ols; Registrar, Hannah J. Beckhart; Treas
urer, Lizette Snow Niles; Historian, Anna to Hartford of a report given by Miss
King Meredith; Chaplain, Kate Downs Caroline M. He wins of an exhibit held else
Alexander. where, but also the planning of the vast
AUGUSTA WAllis ALLENDER, amount of detail necessary for the success of
Secretary. the exhibit, and to Miss Clara D. Capron,
Chapter Chairman of the Americanization
Ruth Wyllys Chapter (Hartford, Conn.). Committee, we were indebted for the skillful
The problem of helping the strangers who manner in which the plans were carried out;
come to our shores to become truly Amer service was also given by the other Chapter
ican is not an easy task, and its most baffling Committee, aggregating 163 members.
phase is the difficulty of reaching the for Tle exhibit far surpassed our expecta
eign born woman. That phase is the
side of the problem which appeals most
strongly to the Ruth Wyllys Chapter.
A beginning, but a beginning only of the
solution, was made by the Chapter through
an “ Exhibit of the Native Arts of our New
Americans,” held last May from the 6th to
the 23rd. The Chapter was honored by the
Board of Trustees of the Wadsworth
exquisitely knitted and crocheted bed completely covered with Arabic figures of
spreads. There were also pictures, not only the most wonderful workmanship.
in oils, but of the finest bead work, one sent In the center of the room were glass cases
by the Russian priest, had been in his family containing silver pitchers, goblets and dishes
for more than a hundred years. One of from Poland, forks that had been in one
the curious pictures was a representation of family for four generations, Passover cups
the “Teatro San Carlo, in Naples.” The and spoons, rare bits of jewelry from Italy,
figures were cut out of paper and those in Roumania and Hungary; luck charms from
the boxes were so carefully finished that Naples “to keep away the evil eye.” Sev
their style of hairdressing could be seen. It eral beautiful miniatures were in one case,
was said to be more than a hundred years while in the others were samovars, both in
old. While the Russian and Italian groups brass and nickle, from Russia, silver and
contained the greatest number of pieces, yet curious brass candlesticks from Warsaw.
the Armenians made a most impressive There were shoes from different countries,
showing with some Sehna and Bokhara especially noticeable was a stout little pair
rugs, a Khilim saddle cloth and Bagh with its wooden soles filled with small nails
dad hangings. and the uppers made of the stoutest calfskin
On the fourth side of the room on an ele and tied with a leather thong. Those be
vated platform was displayed several cos longed to an English family and had seen
tumes. A Swedish costume was complete service for generations. There were others
even to the shoes, there was also one of a of wood that came from Sweden, little
Roumanian priest and several others. A French sabots and red leather boots from
hammered brass Armenian brazier beauti Armenia. A model of the Swedish ship
fully etched was most attractive. A Persian Kalmar drew the attention of the numerous
helmet and shield were interesting. The small boys.
headpiece was covered with engravings of On two afternoons some Chapter mem
Arabic characters interlocked in an intricate bers sent their automobiles to bring groups
design. A sharp spike surmounted the crest, of Polish and Italian women to see the
and on either side were curved horns. exhibit, which they seemed to enjoy thor
Near each of the horns a place for a plume oughly. We were most fortunate in having
was set at an angle that would toss it grace the Annual Congress of the Sons of the
fully to either side. The shield was also American Revolution meet in Hartford
during the time of the exhibit, and many Legion. As the flag was unfurled spotlights
delegates visited it. were turned upon it, and it was an im
An attractive as well as helpful part of pressive sight. The flag is twelve by eigh
the exhibit was a pageant. “The Spiritual teen feet, supported by an iron staff sixty
Interchange of the Nations," written by feet high, bearing a bronze tablet with the
Miss Inez Temple, a member of our Chap inscription, “Presented by the Muskogee
ter. It was given on two Saturday after Indian Territory Chapter, Daughters of
noons in the Tapestry Hall of the Morgan the American Revolution.” It will be left
Memorial. Miss Temple also arranged the flying at the park, and when it fades and
music, and Mrs. Harry Tyler Smith super becomes unsightly our Chapter will re
vised the presentation of the pageant, place it.
assisted by members of the Chapter. The pageant consisted of floats and dances
The theme of the pageant was told by two representing “The Spirit of Muskogee,”
heralds who headed the procession. Fol “The Home,” “Muskogee's Youth,” “The
lowing them came a group typifying the Pledge of America,” and many others. One
Old World, the Sea, and the New World. of the prettiest floats was that of the “First
Every nation was represented by a group Americans,” being representatives of the
and by its national music and folk songs. different Indian tribes, and accompanied by an
The exhibit and pageant involved a great Indian soloist, Miss Daisy Maud Webb. Our own
amount of work and responsibility, and the float was “Signing the Louisiana Purchase
question has often been asked, “did it pay?” Treaty,” showing Uncle Sam buying our fair
I think that can best be answered by the fact land from Napoleon, with two witnesses
that there was a very deep interest shown sitting by. The different civic organizations
by our new Americars. Success would have of the city, the Boy Scouts, the U. D. C., the
been impossible without the help of the Knights of Columbus, and the school chil
school children, whose articles displayed in dren all entered into the spirit of this cele
the schools became the nucleus of our larger bration, which was voted a huge success.
exhibit. They were most enthusiastic and Starting our year's work in September, we
would come day after day bringing their have had excellent meetings, good attend
older friends with them, proud to show ance and programs, largely on the subject
what they had brought. of Americanization.
Also, that there were over 8500 visitors is In February, we gave a farewell luncheon
another answer to “did it pay?” The ex to Miss Alice Robertson, a charter member
hibit was characterized by a coöperative of our Chapter, just before she left for
spirit, which the Ruth Wyllys Chapter aims Washington to assume her duties as a Mem
to “carry on ” in her work for the foreign ber of Congress. We are proud of her and
women of Hartford. of the enthusiastic reception she was given
ELLA DANFORTH, at the Thirtieth Continental Congress. In
Historian. fact, the very name of our Chapter was sug
gested by Miss Robertson, in memory of the
Muskogee-Indian Territory Chapter old Indian Territory days.
(Muskogee, Okla.). Believing that Independence In March we sent a delegation to the State
Day is the most important patriotic holiday Conference at Tulsa, where much good
of the year to the Daughters of the Ameri work was done. On Flag Day we met at the
can Revolution, our Chapter decided to have home of the President of Bacone University,
a loyal celebration of that day, July 4, 1920. with a good program suitable to the day.
It was very appropriate that the affair should be Two days later, June 16, 1921, the corner
held at Honor Heights Park, since the move stone of a new building at Bacone was laid,
ment for this memorial to the soldiers was the first of a building program that will
first suggested in our Chapter. Appealing make Bacone one of the largest Baptist
to the City Manager and Council, and to the colleges in the world. Our Chapter placed
Community Service for their coöperation, a in the corner-stone a silk flag, as our con
pageant and flag raising was planned and tribution to the exercises.
carried out. Over ten thousand people wit We recently offered prizes for the best
nessed the event. The dedicatory address essays on the subject “Why I am Proud to
was made by Hon. Gabe E. Parker, Super be an American,” written by Junior High
intendent for the Five Civilized Tribes, and school pupils, and the two winning essays
the presentation of the flag staff and beauti were read on July 4th by the successful boy
ful flag was made by Mrs. J. D. Benedict, one and girl, and the medals were awarded by
of our members. The response was by Mr. our Regent. ALICE M. BENEDIct,
P. E. Gumm, in behalf of the American Historian.
In this Honor Roll the list of membership in each State is shown in the
outer rim, and the list of subscribers according to States is in the inner circle
President General
Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D. C.
Vice Presidents General
(Term of office expires 1922)
Mrs. William H. WAIT, MRs. WillIam D. SHERRERD,
1706 Cambridge Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. Highland Ave., Haddonfield, N. J.
Eola Road, Salem, Ore. Amarillo, Tex.
Miss Alethea SERPell, MRs. FRANK W. BAHNSEN,
902 Westover Ave, Norfolk, Va. 1720 22d St., Rock Island, Ill.
Miss Louise H. CobURN, Skowhegan, Me.
(Term of office expires 1923)
Mrs. Cassius C. Cottle, Mrs. CHARLEs S. WHITMAN,
1502 Victoria Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 54 East 83d St., New York, N. Y.
6719 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. McCleary, Wash.
2101 Blaisdell Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Cooksburg, Pa.
Mrs. Edward P. SchoeNTGEN, 407 Glenn Ave., Council Bluffs, Ia.
(Term of office expires 1924)
Mrs. John TRIGG Moss, Mrs. C. D. CHENAUlt,
6017 Enright Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Lexington, Ky.
Heathcote, Charlotte, N. C. 316 Willow St., Ottawa, Kan.
8 Park Place, Brattleboro, Vt. 226 Blackstone Boulevard, Providence, R. I.
Mrs. HowARD L. Hodgkins, 1830 T St., Washington, D. C.
Chaplain General
2123 California St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
Recording Secretary General Corresponding Secretary General
Mrs. John FRANCIS YAwgER, Mrs. A. MARSHALL Elliott,
Memorial Continental Hall. Memorial Continental Hall.
ARIZONA Kentucky
Bishre. 539 GAirit Aird St., Covington.
Fit ANkroitt.
394 N. 3rd St., Phoenix.
2005 Scott St., Little Rock. 2331 Cli Est NUT St., New ORLEANs.
817 W. 5th Av E., I'l Nr. Bluff.
269 MAT11 En St., Oak LAN 0. 282 MAIN St., WATEltville.
1240 W. 29 rii St., Los ANGELEs. 122 Goff St., Aunt Itx.
803 Sri Uch St., Bouloen. M RS. REM ("Olt RIN MA tº I’ll N.
1145 Los AN St., DEN v Eit.
I, it clip IF. I.1). MRS, (; EORGE MINOT BAKER,
M RS. ("I [A || LICS II. I? ISS E1.1, l'1N Elſt list, CoN colt D.
Solºtill Nº, toN.
1012 W. MAIN Sr., R A LAMAzoo.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
143 LAFAYEttº: Ave., N. E., GRAND Rapids.
MI; S. Fl: A NCIS A. ST. Cl, Al Ir, 1906 IV EN wood PAitkway, MiNNEApolls.
1319 T. St., N. W., W Asui NutoN. MI&S. L. C. JEFFERSON,
119 5th St., N. E., W AsiiiNgtoN.
143 S. E. 2ND St., MIAMI. MIrS. Chi Airl,TON ille Nirv Alex A Nijer.
M RS. J. A. CIRAIG, 850 N. Jeff Eitson St., JAckson.
233 W. DUVAI, St., J Acksonvil, i.r.
MRS. MAX E. LANI), Chillicotiie.
305 14til Ave., Coltner. E. MRS. HENRY W. HARRIS,
M RS. WILLIAM C. W. Elt EEN, SE1) A 1.1.A.
MOntan A
MRS. Il ERMAN 11 UGO, 420 S. In Allo St., 1911.1.0 N.
P. O. Box 248, IIonolulu. R.S. E. birſ)() \ MARTIN,
814 S. CENTital Ave., Bozem AN.
M RS. Robl:RT C. 11 UDELSON,
Box 324, Goon Nº. MRS. CHARLES F. SPENCER,
604 W. A. St., North Platte.
2ND A v E., E., Twin FALLs. Chadſton.
GRAND WIEw Ave., PEoiti A. Pily Moutti.
1011 N. PEN N St., INDIANA polis. 448 Ridge St., New ARK,
MRS. JAMEs B. cit’s Nikšiiąw. MRS. CHARLES R. BANKS,
3128 FAIR FIELD Ave., Fort WAYNE. 1308 WAtch UNg Ave., Plain field.
IOWA new Mexico
“FAlithill,” Sii Elpox. Roswell.
N.S. D.A.R.
I have read your boºk entitled "Valley Forge" with very REV.W. HERBERT BURK, D.D.
much interest and profit, and hope that a copy of it will find WALLEY FORGE, PA.
its way into every º and *: American household.
You have done a good work in preserving this reliable
account of the most trying time of our Forefathers that
occurred during the war of the Revolution. The story is
well tºld, and the illustrations are excellent, all of which I
have found intensely interesting and educational.
Wishing you abundant success.
when writing advertisers please mention Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine.
The Objects of this Society are
(1) To perpetuate the memory and spirit of the men and women who
achieved American Independence, by the acquisition and protection of
historical spots, and the erection of monuments; by the encouragement
of historical research in relation to the Revolution and the publication
of its results; by the preservation of documents and relics, and of the
records of the individual services of Revolutionary soldiers and patriots,
and by the promotion of celebrations of all patriotic anniversaries.
(2) To carry out the injunction of Washington in his farewell address
to the American people, “to promote, as an object of primary impor
tance, institutions for the general diffusion of knowledge,” thus develop
ing an enlightened public opinion, and affording to young and old such
advantages as shall develop in them the largest capacity for perform
ing the duties of American citizens.
(3) To cherish, maintain, and extend the institutions of American
freedom, to foster true patriotism and love of country, and to aid in
securing for mankind all the blessings of liberty.
WOL. LV OCTOBER, 1921 NO. 10
l e-co º->e- --
Percentage to the Continental Hall Fund
Plain or oxidized..................... $2.50 Plain or oxidized..................... $1.25
With gilt bowls...................... 2.75 With gilt bowls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50
All gilt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 All gilt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.75
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|X|| –––– -*
vol. Lv Contents No. 10
By John C. Fitzpatrick, A. M.
A MEssage FROM THE PRESIDENT GENERAL . . . . . . . 560
OUR FRENCH LIBERATORs . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - 561
By Theodore T. Belote
Historical PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - 579
By George Morton Churchill
A PAGE IN HERALDY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580
&= - - -
gression from a higher civilization. This medallions that still cling to parchments
personal signet required careful guard dating before the Columbian discover
ing to prevent theft and fraudulent use ies, are as hard as stone and bid fair to
and the safest way was for the owner to last as long again. At first all seals were
they were encased in metal, wood, silver cerned only with the personal seals of
and gold, carved and decorated accord individuals and these, very early were im
ing to the importance of the documents pressed directly upon the document in
to which they were attached. These en stead of hanging pendent as did nearly
cased seals have become known among all of the official seals. The personal seal
irreverent archivists of the present gen never degenerated to the point of being
eration as “snuff box” seals. The awk embossed upon the document itself, but
wardness of these heavy pendent symbols bravely fought out its battle until it went
led gradually to the change in practice of down to defeat in disuse and vanished
affixing the seals of state directly on the before suffering such degradation. The
document. This direct fixation meant the true personal seal, of course, follows
elimination of the reverse of the seal and closely the legitimate family record and,
velopment of manuscript on parchment seded and finally ousted the personal seal,
and paper until the rulers and men of just as the growth of organized commun
power generally were able to write, may ity power ousted the personal power of
be gathered from the fact that long after the ruler and overlord and the personal
the art of writing had become one of the seal found refuge in the humbler duty
well-established marks of the gentry the of protecting the written communication
personal seal was still necessary to give from prying eyes. This use has made it
legal value to the signature. Even today difficult to find choice examples, or many
obedience to God.” The seal here shown Marshall, Jefferson and Gerry, contented
was used by Jefferson on a letter written themselves with simple monograms; but
in 1781. From such seals as have sur by far the greater number continued the
emblematic signet to which they were
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Photo by Handy, Washington.
two visiti N G Cards of distix Guished and Eric Axs.
a 2-2-2. *
Civil War there existed a cer
tain vogue for an engraved fac
simile of one's signature, but
this has now fallen generally
, into disfavor. Diplomats, pro
Photo by Handy, Washington. fessional men, the military and
the clergy use the official title
a number were aways carried, and leave upon their cards and our judiciary, some
it for her. Thus it happened that leaves time ago, adopted the practice of prefix
from “the devil's picture book” became ing the judicial honor with the civil
the ancestors of today's visiting .
card. Numerous examples of
these inscribed playing cards
exist, some of them bearing the
signatures of distinguished eccle
siasts. From this social use of a
gambling implement the practice MR. Justic E BA i.D wiN.
soon developed of having a dis
tinctive, individual and orna
mental card and in this fad the
size of the pasteboard increased,
sometimes to more than six inch
es in length, clogged with paper Photo by Handy, Washington.
HIS is a message primarily from Eng to forget what Germany did to the world. Even
land and France. I am writing it on England is forgetting; this is England's mag
board the S.S. Aquitania, returning nanimous way when the fight is done, but it
from the official dedication of our must not be allowed, for Germany is not for
water-works at Tilloloy, which took getting–Germany is whimpering and whining
place on August twenty-third. for help and sympathy, telling tales of starva
The full account of the dedication tion and want that have no basis in fact, pulling
and other official acts connected with my trip wool over the eyes of soft-hearted Americans,
abroad cannot be adequately given within the currying favor with them, while all the time she
limits of a message; it will appear in my report is singing her “Hymn of Hate”. Her factories
to the National Board of Management at its are going full blast night and day, her indus
October meeting, the minutes of which will be tries are, and have been, underselling other
published in the December DAUGHTERS of THE nations in their own markets. Her men are
AMERICAN REvolution MAGAZINE. An illus working at fifteen cents an hour and without
trated article on the impressive ceremonies at a limit of time of daily labor, her propaganda
Tilloloy will also be included in that issue. is incessantly at work attempting to sow seeds
What I wish to emphasize particularly in this of distrust and unfriendliness among the Allies
message are the thoughts occasioned by my —and all for what? That she may spring once
brief stay in England and France, where it was more at the throat of the World. She openly
my great privilege to meet many eminent people. boasts of this purpose. This is the warning
I have seen the ghastly destruction of the given by all with whom I have talked who have
battlefields and the marvelous courage and been in Germany. The world must not allow
cheerfulness of the French people who are tak itself to be fooled again, lest the white crosses
ing up their daily tasks once more in the ruins in England and France record the tragedy of
of their towns and cities. I have seen the useless sacrifice.
white fields of crosses in France and the This is the greatest message I can bring from
no less impressive white crosses in Eng England and France. England, France and
land, erected in memory of the boys who fell in America must remain allies and friends. Other
the War of 1914-1918. Not a hamlet but has wise a fast-recuperating Germany will by lies,
its toll of dead memorialized by a stone cross deceit and propaganda gain what she lost by the
in the market place and by a brass tablet in sword. Leniency towards Germany is a crime,
the little parish church; twenty, thirty and to disarm the world while Germany arms and
forty killed from little villages of but a few prepares is worse than crime; it is a blunder.
cottages. Three hundred, for instance, on the America has a solemn duty to perform in this
roll of honor of New College, Oxford, among continued crisis in world affairs. This duty is to
the first to volunteer, and New College is only still hold fast to the hands held out to her in
one of twenty in Oxford alone, to send forth friendship by England and France, for wherever
the flower of England's sons. And, ever and I went in England and France I found these
always the thought was continually forced upon hands held out to us. If we foster this friend
me, America must be made to understand the un ship the world will settle once more into ways
measured and immeasurable sorrow and sacri of peace and quietness. But if we yield to
fice. America has no conception of what Eng carping criticism of one another, we shall but
land has given and suffered. She will never play into Germany's hands; the same Germany
know it from England herself, for England of 1914, unchanged and unrepentant.
never whimpers. America has but little real Our Society, which is becoming more and
conception of what France has suffered, or of more understood and honored in both England
the stern justice of her demand that Germany and France, has a great opportunity placed
must be made to pay even to the uttermost before it. We can expose the lying propa
farthing. What I have said repeatedly must be ganda of Germany and all other disloyal agen
stressed again—America must be made to un cies; we can help to keep England, France and
derstand and to remember the issues of the War. America together. This is my message from
America is forgetting; and must not be allowed England and France.
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By Dolores Boisfeuillet Colquitt
N the archives of the Cathedral Boisfeuillet, to give his full name, was
at Savannah, Georgia, the death born 1744 of the noble family of Picot of
records of Captain Picot de Saint Malo, Brittany, France; son of
Boisfeuillet and Captain Dennis Michel Picot who was Baron du Guildo,
Cottineau, of the French Army Seigneur de Boisfeuillet, de Gallinee, de
and Navy, recall tragic memo Beauchesne, and de la Vicomte. The act
ries of several of that nation's heroes in of his baptism is recorded in the archives
the American Revolution, who were sub of that city's historic Cathedral where
sequently victims of the Reign of Terror Jacques Cartier and his other ancestors
in France. knelt to receive the Church's blessing be
In an unmarked grave on the northeast fore setting out on those voyages that
part of the Island of Sapelo, Georgia, made them famous.
lie the remains of Captain Picot de Bois De Boisfeuillet was destined for a
feuillet, an officer in the Army of career in the army, his elder brother, the
Rochambeau in the American Revolu Vicomte de Pledran, succeeding to the
tion, and nephew of Marechal Picot, family honors. He was sent to the
Governor of Malabar, India. De Bois famous military schools and in the course
feuillet was related to such distinguished of time became captain of Royal Dra
men of his native city, Saint Malo, as goons in the French army.
Jacques Cartier, discoverer of Canada; When Lafayette inspired the hearts of
Ponts-Grave, who established a trading French youths to succor the cause of the
post, afterwards in the City of Quebec, American Colonies, de Boisfeuillet raised
and Noel who fitted out the expedition a volunteer company at Saint Malo and
commanded by Champlain to establish accompanied Rochambeau to America.
the colony of Port Royal in Arcadia; the Many ships were equipped at Saint
Sieur de la Harpe, explorer, who dis Malo and sent to aid the Americans; and
covered the Red River and the Arkansas; among the relatives and friends of de
Gouin de Beauchesne, who made the sec Boisfeuillet who sailed oversea were the
ond voyage around Cape Horn and dis Marquis de la Rouerie, better known in
covered the Malouin and other Isles. Be American history as Colonel Armand;
sides these, his family helped finance the Grout de la Motte, Pierre Landais, La
famous Rio de Janeiro expedition con Fonchais, La Motte Picquet, Gesril de
ducted by Duguay-Trouin in 1711; and Papeau, La Motte de la Guyomarais, and
also figured as promoters of the Com several Picots. These patriots in the
pany of the Indies of the West in its “Guerre Americaine” and in the revolu
Louisiana scheme, particularly in the set tion in their own country, acquitted them
tlement of Natchez, Mississippi. selves in a manner worthy of their Breton
Captain Charles Pierre Cesar Picot de cry: Death rather than dishonorſ
It was on Breton soil that the venerable of the Arguenon they lived happily, and
Franklin first placed his foot when he two daughters were born to them.
arrived in France in 1776. Both D'Es Politics were shaping into what even
tang (guillotined in the Reign of tually became the great historic tragedy.
Colonel Armand, who had formed an in
timate friendship with General Washing
ton while in America, wrote him in the
latter part of 1789 that “affairs in this
part of the world do not go as honest
and impartial men could wish ’’ and he
feared for his country's future—“an
archy on the one hand—despotism on the
other; if such is the case and a man who
has served under your Excellency cannot
pray God for the Democrats, at least for possession, and there at the epoch of the
their conversion, and return to reason. I Conjuration, lived the nobleman Marc
pray that their rage may be appeased, to Desilles and his wife, Jeanne-Rose
deliver from slavery our King, the Queen Michelle Picot, whose son, André, in
1790, was the first of the family to give
his life for his King and Country, and
won the title “Hero of Nancy.” It was
the elder Desilles whom Colonel Armand
chose for treasurer in the Conjuration,
while Captain Grout de la Motte was
placed in command of a division. As
aides-de-camp, he chose a Picot, famil
iarly known as Chevalier de Limoelan,
PETIT de Villers.
blue ribbon; a plume floating from her Colonel Armand became a fugitive from
hat” She was the only woman admitted chateau to chateau, and owing to ex
to their most secret meetings. posure in inclement weather at last fell
The agents circulated freely in all the ill. His friends at Chateau de Guyo
region between Saint Malo and Plancoet, marais gave him shelter. Two weeks
later he died and was secretly buried at
night in a cabbage patch on the premises
by De la Motte Guyomarais, his host, and
Major Chafner, his faithful friend.
The traitor revealed to Danton the
secrets of the Conjuration, and
National Convention sent its most zeal
the :
ous emissaries to Saint Malo and arrests
quickly followed. The papers of the
- - - - - de Villers.
- - - - - GUENIN.
Washington and Lafayette! The Revo Historical Society regarding the placing
lutionists, not content with beheading the of a marker used for designating the
living, had desecrated his corpse. The graves of soldiers of the American
head was next thrown into the garden Revolution.
and one of the National Guard picked it The iron cross bears this inscription:
“Marquis de la Rouerie
30 janvier 1793
Le mal qui "emporte fut sa fidelite.”
The Revolutionists arrested twenty
seven of the principal participants in
Colonel Armand's project and took them
to Paris before the Revolutionary Tri
bunal. Fifteen were acquitted, and of
of La Fonchais, a naval officer who had founded the school of the Visitation Con
participated in the American Revolution. vent at Georgetown, in the District of
The council for her defence was Columbia. He died there in 1826 and
Tronson-Ducoudry, famous as the de is buried in the crypt of the Chapel he
fender of Marie Antoinette before the had built, beneath the high alter with its
Revolutionary Tribunal. He was a decoration of a painting of Mary's visit
brother of Philippe-Jean-Baptiste Tron to the home of Martha.
son-Ducoudry, who participated in the This painting can be classed among the
American Revolution and was drowned valuable art works of America as it was
in the Schuylkill River while en route to
join General Washington.
A history of their death on the guillo
tine says: “The twelve children of Brit
tany marched to the scene of their exe
cution with heroic courage, * * * arriv
ing at the foot of the scaffold, they
embraced one another in that kiss of
peace as the first Christians, a symbolic
communion sealed in union and love.”
They were executed June 19, 1793, at
Paris in the Place de la Revolution, now
the Place de la Concorde. The same
knife severed the twelve heads in thirteen
minutes, to the enjoyment of hundreds of
Revolutionary onlookers.
The nobleman, Marc Desilles, perished
in a shipwreck while in flight to the Isle
of Jersey; and his wife becoming hope
lessly insane, was not molested by the
Revolutionists except that her posses
sions were confiscated. Major Chafner
escaped to England, but on returning to ChateAU de Boisfeuillet.
France enlisted in the ranks of the Ven
deens and was made prisoner in a battle painted at the command of Louis XVIII
on the Loire and fell a victim of the by his court painter and sent to the con
wholesale drownings at Nantes. The vent as a token of the esteem of the
Chevalier de Limoelan, of the Royal and Bourbons for the Chevalier de Limoelan,
Military Order of Saint Louis, infuriated whose romantic career has furnished ma
with the Revolutionists for the death of terial for famous French writers; while
his father, threw himself with enthusiasm at the Chateau de Limoelan in France is
into the Vendeen Army and became one treasured his bust in marble executed by
of their leaders and a major general. the sculptor Gautier.
After the affair of 1800, he escaped Na In childhood, the Chevalier's compan
poleon's wrath by fleeing to the home of ions at Saint Malo and at the College of
relatives at Sapelo Island, Georgia; sub Dinan were Gesril de Papeau, Jean Vin
sequently he became a Jesuit priest and cent Moreau, and the writer, Rene Cha
teaubriand, all of whom occupied a room issue of the DAUGHTERS of THE AMERI
together and who have a place in the CAN REvolution MAGAZINE.
latter’s “Memoirs de Outre Tombe.” General Pichegreu, under whom
Gesril de Papeau when a boy participated Moreau served, also participated in the
in the American Revolution, and after American Revolution and was doomed
wards in the Conjuration, was shot to for a tragic end. He was among those
death in 1795. He is surnamed the arrested with Moreau and thrown into the
“Malouin Regulus ” by his biographer, Temple Prison at Paris where he was
Monsieur Herpin, Laureat de l'Academie strangled to death by secret orders of Na
Francaise. Jean Victor Moreau became poleon's high police, who for some reason
WHERE COLON el Armand died and is buried.
of Georgia, he retired to the one called born in France: Jeanne Marie, wife of
Sapelo and established his home on the Ralph Clay; Servanne Angelique Char
northeast point of the Island, calling lotte, who afterwards married the Mar
his estate “Bourbon,” in memory of quis de Montalet, a refugee from the
his King. revolution residing on Sapelo Island;
Now was made the discovery that his and two sons: Michel and Charles Balt
nephew, to whom he had entrusted the hazar Joseph.
management of his financial affairs, had The Marquis de Montalet was a rela
squandered a considerable part of the tive of Madame Cottineau, whose hus
the money. With this knowledge and band's death record appears in the
viewing the confiscation of his property archives of the Cathedral at Savannah
in France, de Boisfeuillet found himself and whose small, inconspicuous tomb
a ruined man—an exile with a family de stone in the Colonial Cemetery in that
pendent upon him. The result was a city states: *
While John Paul Jones was engaged whose home at Philadelphia was the
with the Serapis, Captain Cottineau was gathering place of many French refu
in combat with the British ship, the gees, including General Moreau. He
Countess of Scarborough, which he cap lived at number 12 South Third Street,
tured. It was for this gallantry that and at the time of General Washington's
Louis XVI awarded him the Cross of death, delivered a eulogy in French be
Saint Louis; and John Paul Jones in a fore the Masonic Lodge in Philadelphia.
letter to Lafayette, dated 1779, said: “I Also in that colony of Frenchmen at
have a very good opinion of Captain Cot Philadelphia was another bearing a Bre
tineau and wish to be concerned with him ton name, Monsieur Du Ponceau, who,
in the future with better ships.” with his daughter, Louisa, appears in the
In time Captain Cottineau, like other Saint Memin collection. Pierre Etienne
nobles, was obliged to emigrate, and went Du Ponceau was born in 1760, son of an
to the West Indies and Philadelphia be officer in the French Army. At Paris he
fore coming to Savannah to reside while was often at the home of Beaumarchais,
awaiting the Restoration and recall to and on one occasion was presented to the
France. One of Captain Cottineau's Baron Von Steuben. Von Steuben, then
sons, Achilles, held a commission in the about to start for America, was in need
United States Navy, and was killed in a of a secretary who could speak and write
duel at Savannah with a brother officer. English, and Du Ponceau was given
He is buried in the grave with his father, the position.
as is shown by an inscription added to Upon their arrival in America, Du Pon
the original. ceau was appointed captain in the
With the long delayed Restoration in Continental Army. He served with
France, Captain Cottineau's widow re Washington at Valley Forge, and became
turned to her native country and was major and aide-de-camp to Von Steuben.
honored with a position at Court as He came to Philadelphia with him, and
Lady-in-waiting to the sister of Louis later went with General Greene, then in
XVIII. command of the Army of the South. Ill
Among other French refugees at health caused him to return to Philadel
Savannah Jean Baptiste Guenin and phia, and he was then appointed secre
Petit de Viller appear in the collection tary to Robert Livingston, Secretary of
of the Saint Memin engravings. There Foreign Affairs.
was also one named Chevalier in Savan At the end of the Revolution Du Pon
nah, at that period, but he was not the ceau studied law and was admitted to
John A. Chevalier in the Saint Memin the bar in Philadelphia in June, 1785.
collection “who was French consul at President Jefferson offered him the posi
Richmond, Virginia, through all the tion of Chief Justice of Louisiana, which
changes of governments from Louis XVI he did not accept. “Thanks to several
to Napoleon III, and who came to this learned writings, he was elected in 1827
country as the agent of the celebrated corresponding member of the Institute of
Beaumarchais, who furnished a large France, Academy of Inscriptions, and in
quantity of arms to the United States 1835 he received from this body the prize
during the American Revolution.” of linguistique founded by Volney.” He
Saint Memin also made an engraving died in Philadelphia in the year 1844
of the French exile, Simon Chaudron, and left a very interesting biography.
OF THE WAR OF 1812-15*
By Theodore T. Belote
Curator of History, United States National Museum
URING the War of the Revo the West; medals awarded for series of
lution the Continental Congress engagements in the East; medals awarded
established the custom of for individual engagements in the East;
awarding to distinguished offi and the medal awarded for the single
cers of the Army and the Navy major engagement in the South, the bat
gold or silver medals in com tle of New Orleans.
memoration of notable victories won by The naval medals of the same period
these officers over the forces of the may properly be considered under two
enemy. Thus at one and the same time heads: the first, including those medals
the special services rendered by these awarded for services in connection with
commanders in the defense of their engagements between fleets; the second,
country were recognized, and an en including those awarded for services in
during memorial created of the various connection with single ship actions. As
engagements signalized in that manner, will be noted later, the medals belonging
since the dies for these medals were to the first of these categories are very
preserved in the United States mint closely related, so far as the sequence
and copies in bronze of the medals them of events is concerned, with the medals
selves were consequently made available awarded for military achievements dur
for exhibition in museum and private ing the same period. These naval medals
numismatic collections. The medals of
are consequently described in connection
this type awarded in recognition of ser with the military medals of the War of
vices during the Revolution, however, 1812–15 which form the principal subject
were but twelve in number and many of the present article. A later article will
conflicts of great importance to the be devoted to a description of the medals
patriot cause during that period, there awarded in connection with single ship
fore, lack memorials of this character. actions which are on the whole, of more
The series of awards granted by Con general interest than those awarded for
gress for distinguished military or naval military services during the period in
services during the War of 1812–15 was question. This is due to the fact that the
far larger and, therefore, more represen work of the Navy during the War of
tative of this conflict as a whole than was 1812–15 was exceptionally brilliant in
the corresponding series relating to the character and partook of the romance of
War of the Revolution. the sea life of that period, a feature of
The military meda's awarded by Con course entirely lacking in the military
gress in recognition of services during the service of the time. The medals of the
War of 1812–15, fall naturally into four greatest interest of all are perhaps those
groups: Medals awarded for services in connected with the fleet actions on the
* Photographs by L. C. Handy, Washington, of Medals in U. S. National Museum.
lakes which form a link between the two Detroit his base for an attack upon Upper
branches of the national service just men Canada. Compared to the difficulties
tioned and are in a sense both military with which he was faced Hull's capabili
and naval in character. ties were weak and puny. After invading
The outbreak of the War of 1812 Canada and making a half-hearted at
found the United States ill prepared for tempt to capture the British fort at
the conflict, and particularly was this the Malden, he retreated to Detroit, and soon
case in the Northwest, where the Indians after surrendered the fort and his entire
were ready and waiting to attack the force to the combined army of British
Americans as soon as the British gen and Indians led by Major General Isaac
erals gave the word. The old British Brock, one of the ablest commanders on
fort at Detroit, the key to the defense of the English side during the war.
AUGUST 2, 1813.
this entire section, was garrisoned by a The task of retrieving Hull's failure in
little over one hundred men, and invited the northwest and of reclaiming the ter
immediate assault on account of its prox ritory which fell to the British through
imity to enemy territory. The task of his surrender of Detroit was entrusted
striking the first blow in this vicinity on to Major General William Henry Harri
behalf of the United States was entrusted son, the victor of the battle of Tippecanoe
to Brigadier General William Hull, who in 1811, where the Indians of the North
had been civil governor of Michigan west had been temporarily subdued.
Territory since 1805. The choice was an General Harrison was placed in com
unfortunate one as General Hull was in mand of the American forces in the
capable of realizing the hopes based upon Northwest in September, 1812, and so
him. In May, 1812, he took command of popular was he and the public estimate
his troops at Dayton, Ohio, and pro of his military talent so high that imme
ceeded northward with a force of about diate results were expected from this
two thousand men with a view to making appointment. The difficulties which con
fronted him, however, were enormous, this time aid to General Harrison, was in
consisting mainly in the problems of command of the garrison of 150 men
transporting and supplying his army and when the fort was attacked by a strong
in overcoming the British naval force force of British and Indians under the
on Lake Erie. Not until these three command of Colonel Henry Proctor.
problems were disposed of could he Colonel Croghan had been instructed by
undertake an invasion of Canada with a General Harrison not to attempt to hold
fair chance of success, and more than a the fort against a superior force but to
year elapsed after his appointment be withdraw his troops to a safer location
fore his task was completed, by the in in the event of such an attack. He
vasion of Canada and the defeat of the judged himself capable, however, of mak
British forces at the battle of the Thames. ing a successful defense and refused to
- º of twº ºrnames
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OCTOBER 5, 1813.
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General Harrison, as already stated, was the Indian Chief, Tecumseh, who had
placed in command of the American been the life and soul of the warfare
forces in the Northwest in September, upon the American forts in the North
1812, and entered with his usual enthusi west, was killed.
asm and energy upon his important task. By Act of Congress, approved April
Owing to difficulties, however, in trans 4, 1818, it was resolved:
porting supplies, in repelling the attacks
“That the thanks of Congress be, and
of the enemy and driving him from Lake they are hereby, presented to Major General
Erie, it was more than a year before the William Henry Harrison, and Isaac Shelby,
long contemplated invasion of Canada late Governor of Kentucky, and through
them to the officers and men under their
could be attempted. Meantime, Harrison command, for their gallantry and good con
was perfecting his preparations and com duct in defeating the combined British and
Avº º
pleting his lines of communication by the Indian forces under Major General Proctor,
on the Thames, in Upper Canada, on the fifth
fortification of Fort Meigs and its de day of October, one thousand eight hundred
fense against British attack. The vic and thirteen, capturing the British Army,
tory of Commodore Oliver H. Perry, with their baggage, camp equipage and artil
lery; and that the President of the United
September 10, 1813, to which more de States be requested to cause two gold medals to
tailed reference will be made later, be struck emblematical of this triumph and
cleared Lake Erie of the enemy and presented to General Harrison and Isaac
Shelby, late Governor of Kentucky.”
opened the way for the long-planned in
vasion of Canada. The Americans now The medal awarded to General Har
crossed the lake and the British and In rison bore on the obverse the bust of the
dians retreated before them. The fugi General, to the right, in military uniform
tives were overtaken on the banks of the surrounded by the inscription “Major
river Thames and defeated with heavy General William H. Harrison.” The re
losses October 5, 1813. The British com verse design showed America personified
mander escaped by ignominious flight but by a maiden wearing a chiton, with her
right hand resting on the United States admirably the part played by American
shield, and with her left placing a laurel troops in the West during the War of
wreath upon a trophy of arms from which 1812. The engagements illustrated are
hangs a shield inscribed “Fort Meigs" typical of the warfare which disturbed
and “Battle of the Thames.” Above this section of the country for a long
appears the inscription “Resolution of period. The successful defense of Forts
Congress, April 4, 1818, and below “Bat Meigs and Stephenson taught the British
tle of the Thames, October 5, 1813.” and their Indian allies a lesson which the
The part played by Governor Shelby, victory at the Thames thoroughly drove
both in the preparation for the battle home. The latter engagement closed the
and in the conflict itself, was a very im war in this section and the volunteer
portant one and strictly in accordance troops which formed a part of General
Nº tº ºt. As sº º
ººm-tº- º
º -
ºº --
sº º
coöperating with the army opposing Gen boat from the one ship to the other has
eral Harrison. The two fleets assembled been featured as one of the most pic
as the result of the work of these two turesque episodes in American history
contenders for naval supremacy on Lake and has rendered the name of Perry
Erie met at Put-in-Bay on September 10, familiar to every school boy throughout
1813. The American flotilla consisted of the country. The entire British fleet of
nine vessels, the British of six, and the six vessels was captured and Commodore
armament of the contending forces Perry forwarded to General Harrison
varied in about the same ratio. The his famous message, “We have met the
Americans were, however, unable, enemy and they are ours—two ships, two
through some misunderstanding or neg brigs, one schooner, and one sloop.”
ligence on the part of Captain Jesse D. By an act approved January 6, 1814,
Elliott, to bring their entire force to bear Congress resolved:
upon the British line and for a time there “That the thanks of Congress be, and the
was danger that the enemy would succeed same are hereby, presented to Captain
Oliver Hazard Perry, and through him to the an entire fleet.” The reverse design
officers, petty officers, seamen, marines, and in
fantry serving as such,” attached to the squadron
showed a spirited view of the battle of
serving under his command, for the decisive Lake Erie with the American ships to
and glorious victory gained on Lake Erie, windward breaking through the British
on the tenth of September, in the year 1813.
over a British squadron of superior force,”
line. Above appears the inscription
and “That the President of the United “Viam invenit virtus aut facit’’ or
States cause gold medals to be struck “Valor finds a way or makes one" and
emblematical of the action between the two
below “Inter class. ameri. et brit. die x
squadrons, and to present them to Captain
Perry and Captain Jesse D. Elliott, in such sep. MDCCCXIII" or “Between the
manner as will be most honorable to them; American and British fleets, September
and that the President be further requested 10, 1813.” The medal awarded to Cap
to present a silver medal, with suitable
emblems and devices, to each of the com tain Elliott bore upon the obverse the
º º
ºsº tº 2.
º E. Gov. º
missioned officers, either of the navy or bust of this officer to the right in naval
army, serving on board, and a sword to each
of the midshipmen and sailing masters who
uniform, with the inscription “Jesse D.
so nobly distinguished themselves on that Elliott nil actum reputans si quid superes
memorable day.” set agendum ” or “Jesse D. Elliott, con
The medal awarded to Commodore sidering nothing done if aught remained
to be done.” The reverse of the medal
Perry in accordance with this act, of
which the silver medals noted above were awarded to Captain Elliott was the same
copies, bore on the obverse his bust in in design as that awarded to Commo
naval uniform to the right, surrounded dore Perry.
by the inscription “Oliverus H. Perry In addition to the medals just de
princeps stagno eriense classim totam scribed the State of Pennsylvania
contudit" or “Oliver H. Perry, Com awarded a gold medal to Commodore
mander in Chief, destroyed on Lake Erie Perry in recognition of his achievement
on Lake Erie and a number of silver
* Thus the army as well as the navy par
ticipated in this memorable engagement. medals to the Pennsylvania volunteers
who served with the American fleet dur General Harrison, “We have met the
ing this engagement. The medal awarded enemy and they are ours,” and below,
to Commodore Perry in this connection “British fleet on Lake Erie captured
bore on the obverse his bust to the right September 10, 1813.” The medals
in naval uniform with the inscription awarded in the same manner to the Penn
“Oliverus Hazard Perry pro patria sylvania volunteers bore upon the ob
vicit" or “Oliver Hazard Perry con verse the same design as that of the
quered for his country,” above, and medal awarded to Commodore Perry and
Nº! Nº ºn cºssº ºn 2
ºr sºlº on tº sº. -
Drawings by
Zoé Lee H. Anderson
l (ſhupline
The name “Chapline" is said to have had This name is variously spelled Prat, Pratt.
its origin in the highly prized flag of St. Pratte and is a surname, derived, like so many
Martin's, the standard of the French nation of the Norman and Saxon names, from a lo
for over six hundred years. It was made of cality. Latin, Pratum a meadow, French, Preux
one-half of the saint's blue mantle, which prairie.
remained to cover him after dividing with Pratt appears as the designation of several
the freezing beggar, at the gate of Amiens. persons in France and in the south of Europe,
This half of the cloak, as the legend runs, one possessing the Barony of Pratella, near
never showed any signs of decay, during the Rouen, in Normandy, whose Lord in 1066 is in
succeeding centuries, even the moths of the the Roll of Battle Abbey, as accompanying
monastery never thinking of attacking so William the Conqueror to the Battle of
sacred a relic. Hastings is designated “Le Sire de Preux.”
The oratory, in which the cloak was Le Sire de Preux and the knights of his
placed, was called “Chappelle" and the family were great and powerful persons, and
guardian “Chaplain,” hence the origin of ancient titles and large estates in France still
the name. attest the position of the descendants of these
The English Chaplines, being of im barons. In 1096 Le Sire de Preux accompanied
portance in Lincolnshire, derive their descent Duke Robert Hare of Normandy, to the
from Sir Francis Chapline, Knight Alderman first Crusade.
of London, in the time of Charles II, and The name c : Pratt occurs among the earliest
their Coat-of-Arms was granted in 1593. English surnames. John de Pratellis was a
His descendant, Isaac Chapline, who was born favorite minister of Richard Coeur de Lion, and
in England, was a member of the King's Coun he and his brother Peter, hereditary Standard
cil and ensign in the Royal Navy. He married, Bearer, with the Archbishop of Canterbury, and
in England, Mary Calvert, a cousin of Lord others, were witnesses to a Charter granted at
Baltimore. They came to Virginia in 1610. Rodley in 1199.
Their son William, born 1623, near Leonard In 1191 William de Pratellis accompanied
Creek, Calvert County, Maryland, married Mary King Richard to the Holy Land, and was
Hopper. knighted for his valor in saving the King's life.
Their descendants gave valued services in The motto belongs to the Pratts of Ryston
both the French and Indian and Revolutionary Hall, in Norfolk, alludes to the etymology of
Wars, their great-grandson Samuel Chapline the name, “The flowery meadows smile.”
being publicly thanked by General Washington Not only the New England Pratts use this
for his bravery at the Battle of Cowpens. Coat of Arms, but wax impressions of the
The Chaplines intermarried with the Lees, of letters dating 1724, of the Pratt family of
Virginia; the Catons, of Maryland, the Cald Gloucester County, Virginia, also correspond
wells, descendants of the Bruces of Scot with the Arms of Pratt of the County
land, and with other distinguished families. of Norfolk.
manic Chamber, which proved to be its that time revealed the details of the
tomb for one hundred years. At least ceremonies.
there it was found one day recently when The act of examining this long forgot
Commander McCandless, of the U. S. ten and neglected historical relic was a
Navy, applied to the Art Commission for ceremony in itself. The flag was found
permission to take a photograph of the to be a mere remnant of its former state,
“Washington Flag.” Thus was it res and showed nothing at all of its past
cued from oblivion. The search for city brilliant color except at the staff where
records concerning it availed little, but it was fastened, and there it was found to
at the New York Historical Society a be a firm, heavy texture of silk and the
copy of the Commercial Advertiser of color a rich red, the customary color of
The National Society, Children of the Amer Ariz., Mrs. C. H. Davidson, W. Jefferson
ican Revolution was organized in 1895, and to St., Phoenix. Ark., Miss Stella P. Hardy,
date has approximately 17,000 members. All Batesville. Calif., Mrs. Theodore Gray, 2540
officers, State Directors and local Presidents are Benvenue Ave., Berkeley. Conn., Mrs. Fred
required to be members in good standing of the erick Bostwick, 220 Lawrence St., New
Daughters of the American Revolution. Haven. Del., Mrs. John Kerr, The Char
The official representative of the C.A.R. in lotte, Wilmington. D. C., Mrs. Helen M. Stout,
each State is the State Director. All matters 2627 Adams Mill Road, Washington. Fla., Mrs.
relating to the organization of local societies M. W. Carruth, 412 W. Lafayette St., Tampa.
should be presented through and by its State Ga., Mrs. John C. Sage, 295 Gordon St., Atlanta.
Director to the National Organizing Secretary, Ill., Mrs. Lewis Barrack, Effingham. Ind., Mrs.
for confirmation by the National Board. Where John D. Johnson, 20 E. 18th St., Indianapolis.
there is no State Director, application should be Iowa, Mrs. Ned Young, Ft. Dodge. Kan., Mrs.
made direct to the National Organizing George S. Linscott, Holton. Md., Miss Virginia
Secretary. Taylor, 922 N. Charles St., Baltimore. Mass.,
We feel it is so important for our children, Mrs. William Rand, 31 Parker St., Newton
descended from Revolutionary patriots, to know Center. Mich., Mrs. James C. McDowell, 68
about their ancestors; to be taught patriotism Erskine St., Detroit. Minn., Mrs. W. T. Moore
and to be grouped together as true Americans heart, 216 Grove St., Mankato. Miss., Mrs. Sue
that we urge Daughters of the American Revo Stuart Brame, 528 N. President St., Jackson.
lution chapters to encourage the organization Mo., Mrs. Arch McGregor, Springfield. Mont.
of Children of the American Revolution so Mrs. H. G. McIntire, 719 Harrison Ave.,
cieties and thus prepare the children for Helena. Neb., Mrs. G. E. Mickel, 110 S. 51st
future citizenship. St., Omaha. N. Mex., Mrs. S. M. Ashenfelter,
Girls who are Children of the American 707 Bayard St., Silver City. N. J., Mrs. G. W.
Revolution members and have reached the Yeandle, 4 E. High St., Bound Brook. N. Y.,
age of eighteen and boys who are twenty-one Mrs. John P. Mosher, 334 West Ave., Rochester,
years old are granted transfers to the N. C., Mrs. Thomas McGee, Goldsboro. Ohio,
Daughters of the American Revolution and Mrs. F.S. Hoskins, 1944 E. 66th St., Cleveland.
Sons of the American Revolution chapters Okla., Mrs. Lee Clinton, Tulsa. Ore., Mrs. A.
without the regular initiation fee. H. Workman, Portland. Pa., Miss Emma
Annual dues in the Children of the Ameri Crowell, Oak Lane. S. C., Mrs. H. B. Carlisle,
can Revolution are fifty cents. Spartanburg. S. D., Mrs. E. E. Maynard, 308
A campaign for 3,000 new members is now in S. Summit St., Sioux Falls. Tenn., Mrs. W. M.
progress. Berry, 1355 Agnes Pl., Memphis. Tex., Mrs. J.
LELIA D. EMIG, C. Canty, 1117 Ave. I, Galveston. Va., Mrs.
J. E. F. Cassell, Staunton. Wash., Mrs. Howard
National Organizing Secretary.
Hanson, Seattle. Wis., Mrs. Wilson Masden, 292
38th st., Milwaukee. Wyo., Mrs. B. B. Brooks,
State Directors of the Society of the Casper. Cuba, Miss Mary Springer, 70 Linea
Children of the American Revolution are: St., Havana.
wor K of the Cl
To Insure Accuracy in the Reading of Names and Promptness in Publication
chapter Reports must be Typewritten EDITOR
the year, and the records of eight soldiers by the members of Enid Chapter took place on
buried within the county have been verified. The July 4, 1921. The program was opened by in
names of these men are Nathaniel Wyatt, Frazer vocation by the Rev. A. G. Smith, pastor of the
Gray, James Swinnerton, Barnabas Otis, Eben Central Christian Church of Enid, after which
ezer Ballentine, Joshua Van Fleet, Joseph the speaker of the morning, Judge J. B. Culli
Gillette and Andrew Hyde. On the same lot son, was introduced by the Regent, Mrs. John
where James Swinnerton is buried, in beautiful Curran. Judge Cullison spoke at length of the
Brush Ridge Cemetery, seven miles north of work being accomplished by the Daughters of
Marion, are the graves of Major Samuel N. the American Revolution, and he also gave a
Titus, veteran of the Civil War, and Major Fred brief history of the park. Following Judge Culli
Swinnerton Titus, second lieutenant in the son's speech, the Woman's Relief Corps gave
Spanish-American War and captain in the
World War. These three soldiers are the great
grandfather, father and brother of Katherine
Titus Baumert, a member of our Chapter.
Thirteen of our members have relatives who
served in the World War, and the work of col
lecting these records is nearing completion.
The MAGAZINE Chairman reports thirty-two
subscriptions up to the present time to the
MAGAZINE. At a meeting of the Board of Man
agement our Constitution and By-laws were CUVERNMENTSPRINCS
revised and the Chapter has had a number A CAMPINº PLACE
printed in booklet form and one placed in the ULD CHISHULM TRAIL
hands of each member. We have also had a ºf DºE AND AFTER tºº
copy of the Flag Code framed and hung in the
Public Library.
In February we entertained about three
hundred guests at a reception. The table in the
dining-room had as a centerpiece a miniature ERECTED BY THE
Mayflower on a mirror banked with ferns. - END CHAPTER
Music added much to the enjoyment of the REVOLUTION
evening. JULY 4, 1321
On Flag Day, our annual guest day, a garden
party was given at the home of Mrs. Alice
Conklin McMurray. Mr. Bradford Hunt, of
New York, sang several selections, among
them Kipling’s “Recessional.” Mrs. Florence
Shaw Rutherford, a member of our Chapter,
sang “Stand Up, America” and “A Song to
the Flag.”
A luncheon, charming in all its appointments,
was also given by Mrs. Harriett Webb McMur
ray, our organizing and honorary Regent, in
honor of our Regent, Mrs. Robinson, and in BOULDER UNV El LED by MEM bers OF EN ID CHAPTER
cluding all officers of the Chapter. Armistice AT GOVERNMENT SPRINGS PARK, OKLAHOMA, JULY 4,
Day was fittingly celebrated by a musical pro
gram. Some very interesting papers have been an impressive Flag drill. Troop 1 of the Girl
read on the topic for the year, which was “The Scouts sang a group of scout songs, while the
Eve of the Revolution.” Boy Scout Band furnished the music. Miss
Our Chapter is justly proud of the spirit of Margaret Kruse and Miss Margaret Krantz
harmony which has always been its keynote, unveiled the marker.
and every member wishes heartily to coöperate The marker, in the form of a huge boulder,
with our able Regent in good work for the bears the following inscription: “Government
coming year. Springs, a camping place on the Old Chisholm
(MRs. FRED) GRACE G. Hoch, Trail, Before and after 1865; erected by the
Historian. Enid Chapter of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, July 4, 1921.” Below is written:
Enid Chapter (Enid, Okla.). The unveil “Though the pathfinders dic, the paths remain
ing of the marker at Government Springs Park open.”
the George Washington prize on our national
It was through the generosity of the Pellow
Brothers, of the Granite Monument Works, holiday.
Granite, Oklahoma, that the Daughters were Regent.
able to obtain such a beautiful marker. Mrs.
Carl Kruse and Mrs. John Curran as repre
sentatives of the D.A.R., selected the boulder Major Hugh Moss Chapter (Modesto,
Calif.). Our membership is complete, and our
with the assistance of Charlie Campbell, a
meetings have been filled with interest and
former resident of Enid, who now resides at
Granite. After the marker arrived in Enid,
pleasure, the distinctive social meetings of the
the Pellow Brothers took it in charge and
year being held on Washington's Birthday and
placed it at the entrance of the park at their Flag Day.
own expense.
Our observance of Washington's Birthday
In addition, a beautiful flag staff has been in 1920 was the customary annual Colonial
placed south of the marker, which was given breakfast. This was also the last official
by V. E. Bolen. It stands fifty-two feet above meeting of our retiring Regent, Mrs. Katherine
the ground and is placed in a seven foot con Evans, who was soon to leave for Washington
crete foundation. The flag was donated by as our delegate to Continental Congress, Mrs.
John R. Clover, of Enid. Mary Sanders presented her, in behalf of the
Chapter, with a basket of beautiful spring
Havana Chapter (Vedado, Havana). The flowers, at the same time expressing the feel
first social meeting of the season was cele ings of all present when she spoke of the
brated by the Havana Chapter at the residence faithful and sincere work of Mrs. Evans as
of U. S. Vice Consul Springer on December Regent.
8, 1920. An issue of the New York Herald (Paris
The Historian, Miss Ines Virginia Springer, Edition), was brought to the meeting, which
had prepared an interesting program and pro contained an account of the ceremonies held in
pounded three historical queries. The prize Paris by resident Americans in commemora
was awarded to the Secretary, Mrs. Edward tion of Washington's Birthday, when they gath
Gibson Harris, and consisted of the Regent's ered around his statue in one of the public
last work, “Dolly Madison.” Copies of the squares and paid gracious homage to his mem
“Apostrophe to the Flag,” by Maria Sanford, ory. Among the many flowers and wreaths of
delivered before the Twenty-ninth Continental greenery reverently placed that day on the base
Congress, April 19, 1920, were given as of the monument, was a bunch of violets pre
souvenirs to members and guests. The Reg sented in the name of Major Hugh Moss Chap
istrar, Mrs. Adolf Horn, read a paper entitled, ter, D.A.R. For this distinction we are in
“The Wives of the Presidents of the United debted to Mrs. Georgia Ferris, one of our
States.” members, then sojourning in France.
On Washington's Birthday a social meeting The first serious work of the year was the
was held at the residence of the Regent, Miss compiling of the Honor Roll by the Historian.
Springer. The souvenirs were cards with a This roll contains fourteen names, and the war
picture of George Washington and of For: record of each is given in detail and will be
Washington at Washington Heights. carefully preserved.
The annual prize for the best essay on In June 1920, the following officers were
George Washington was won by Miss Elvira elected for the ensuing year: Regent, Miss
de la Vega, the twelve-year-old daughter of Estella F. Smith; Vice Regent, Mrs. Georgia
the Cuban Minister to Argentina, who is a M. Ferris; Recording Secretary, Miss Wilma
student at the Cathedral School in the Vedado. McFarland; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs.
The Salute to the Flag was rendered in a Blanche L. Steele; Treasurer, Mrs. Mabel P.
spirited manner by both the American and Stone; Registrar, Mrs. Genevieve E. Cressey;
Cuban pupils. Historian, Mrs. Ella G. Chamberlain.
Marion Field in the name of the Cathedral The following is a list of our principal
School, thanked the Regent for having selected accomplishments:
their school for the annual George Washington Contributed to the Tomassee Industrial
prize. An excellent program was ended by school, $10; contributed to the aid fund of an
the singing of the “Star Spangled Banner" ex-service man, $10; to the Herbert Hoover
and the “Bayames Hymn.” Dean Myers, of Near East Relief Fund, $55; to the Chinese
the Holy Trinity Cathedral, pronounced the Relief Fund, $10.
benediction. And all withdrew, greatly pleased We have placed in the public schools 250
with the patriotic spirit evinced by the teachers American Creed Cards and we have given a
and pupils. gold medal to the eighth grade pupil who re
This was the ninth year the Chapter awarded ceived the highest marks in American history.
cure one of earlier date. “Betsy Ross Making the gram outlines we have included the study of
First U. S. Flag" was the next picture, which history.
was posed by Mrs. Jack Ross as Betsy Ross, and On May 12, 1921, new officers were elected
Mr. James Flanagin as Washington. The fourth to succeed those elected at the organization
was “Washington Bidding Farewell to his meeting, Mrs. Arthur D. Barber succeeding
Mother ” by Mr. James Flanagin and his Mrs. John Edward Carver as Regent.
mother, Mrs. Duncan Flanagin. The last pic NAN A. WiLLIAMs.
ture, and perhaps the most beautiful was Secretary.
“America,” posed by Miss Elizabeth Sloan,
granddaughter of the Regent. The accom Nathaniel Greene Chapter (Greenville,
panying picture shows the pose with the elec S. C.). The year just ending has been the
tric torch of Liberty. At the close of the banner year in the Chapter's history, having
program brick ice cream and cakes were served. led all Chapters in the State in membership
(MRs. THoxt As) ANNA LUMPKIN SLOAN, (representing $2000) in Chapter Foundership
Historian. for Tomassee, South Carolina's D.A.R. Indus
trial School in the foothills of the Blue Ridge
The Golden Spike Chapter (Ogden, Utah) Mountains. Credit for this is due Mrs. John
was organized in October, 1919. The year 1919 Carey, Chairman of the Ways and Means
was the fiftieth anniversary of the completion Committee, and to her Tomassee quilt.
of the Union Pacific and Southern Pacific It was decided to send this quilt to Tomassee
Railroads, and on May 10th of that year, 1869, to be kept there. The quilt is a copy of one of
the Golden Spike was driven at Corinne, Utah, the quaint patchwork designs of by-gone days;
a small town near Ogden, which connected the the colors are deep blue and white, making a
East with the West. In commemoration of this most attractive covering. Mrs. Carey hopes
—the most important railroad wedding in the it to be the cornerstone of the Arts and Crafts
world—the Golden Spike Celebration was held Building; these quilts are to be made by the
in Ogden May 9, and 10, 1919. As this was the Chapter, each member making a square and
year of the organization of our Chapter we se getting interested members to cover the
lected this name. squares with twenty-five cent pieces. The
On September 23, 1920, a State Conference Chapter raised $114 on its quilt; one member,
for Utah was organized in Salt Lake City, Mrs. Frank Martin, getting $31 in 25-cent
which included the Golden Spike Chapter of pieces. The money for these founderships was
Ogden, and the Spirit of Liberty Chapter of raised by bridge tournaments, a sale of flowers
Salt Lake City, with Mrs. George H. Dern, of and shirts, etc. The Chapter also contributed
Salt Lake City, as State Regent. $10 to Georgetown Industrial school, $5 to the
On March 29, 1921, the First State Confer French orphans, and paid $1 per capita on
ence convened in Ogden, at the Weber Club, seventy-five members for the Liberty Loan,
with Mrs. Frank N. Bletcher, of the Golden thus acquiring a place on the State Honor Roll.
Spike Chapter, as hostess. We aided the Red Cross in the sale of Anti
On April 5, 1921, an oratorical contest was Tuberculosis Christmas seals, taking in on that
held at the new Central Junior High school, in day $145.42.
Ogden, when the Golden Spike Chapter Nathaniel Greene Chapter was the first in the
awarded two prizes of $15 and $10, respect State to celebrate Flag Day. This year the
ively, to high school students for the best program was unusually interesting. The
oration on some patriotic subject, the students opening number was the song “America,” after
choosing their own subjects. The subject of the which every one present responded with a quo
first prize was “The Adjusted Compensation tation relating to the flag, followed by the Salute
Bill,” and of the second prize, “Theodore to the Flag. The Regent then explained the
Roosevelt.” origin of Flag Day. The feature of the after
Eleven War Record blanks have been distrib noon was a scholarly and patriotic address by
uted among our members, to be filed with the Dr. W. J. McGlothlin, President of Furman
Smithsonian Institute. University. In his address Dr. McGlothlin
Our membership to date is thirty-one, with paid a beautiful tribute to George Washington,
twenty-eight applications yet to be completed. William Pitt, LaFayette, and Arthur Balfour,
We me t the second Friday of each month, the latter during the recent war having made a
opening with prayer, singing “America,” fol pilgrimage from England to Mt. Vernon for
lowed by the Salute to the Flag. After the the purpose of placing a wreath on Washing
business session a short program is given and ton's grave.
refreshments served by the hostess. The Chap Two recommendations of the Regent were
ter board of management meets a half hour unanimously passed upon : first, that a letter be
previous to the regular meeting. In the pro written to Mrs. Duvall, retiring State Regent.
thanking her for many kindnesses, and express candles, brought a highly successful birthday
ing regret at her leaving us; second, another party to a close.
letter to Mrs. Cain, incoming State Regent. JENNIE BETts HARTswick,
pledging to her our loyalty and support in her Historian.
The Chapter has eighty-three members. Chief Taughannock Chapter, (Trumans
(MRs.) MARIE GILREATH RICHARDSON, burg, N. Y.) began a series of social gatherings
Regent. on November 16th, with Mrs. Anna Staples as
Organizing Regent. On January 15th, we held
Susquehanna Chapter (Clearfield, Pa.) our organization meeting. Mrs. Charles W.
celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary on the Nash, New York State Regent, was with us
evening of June 21st at “Wayside,” the beau and outlined the duties and responsibilities of
tiful home of Mrs. Frank B. Reed on Old the officers. Another guest at this meeting was
Town Road. The house and grounds, lavishly Mrs. Theron C. Brown, a past Regent of the
decorated with flags and flowers, made a per Gan-e-o-diga Chapter, who presented us with
fect setting for such an occasion and Master a gavel. It is to her untiring efforts that we
Fred B. Reed, Jr., a diminutive George Wash owe our initial enthusiasm. We had twenty-two
ington in complete Colonial costume, greeted names on our organization papers; in addition
the guests at the door as they arrived. to these, there were several accredited members
The Chapter, which was formed in March, who were not present. We think about thirty
1896, through the earnest efforts of Mrs. A. B. three papers have been accepted, and over sev
Weaver, its first Regent, has expanded from an enty papers have been sent to Washington.
original membership of 14 to a flourishing Three of these are real granddaughters. We
organization of 73 names upon its roll, and a were represented at the 30.h Continental Con
record of patriotic service both locally and gress by our Regent, Mrs. Staples, who gave
throughout the State of which its founder may an interesting report at our May meeting. The
well be proud. large membership in a village of only 1200 in
Mrs. Anthony Wayne Cook, of Brookville, habitants can be partially accounted for. This
Vice President General, and Mrs. Edwin Erle section, opened up by Sullivan's army in 1779,
Sparks, State Regent of Pennsylvania, were was later surveyed into lots of 600 acres each
the honor guests. and became a military tract. This tract was
Mrs. J. Frank Snyder, Regent of the Chap largely taken by Revolutionary soldiers, who
received grants of land in lieu of bounties.
ter, welcomed the visitors, brief but enter
Many of our members are descendants of these
taining responses coming from Mrs. Cook, first settlers, some still living on the farms
Mrs. Sparks, and Mrs. J. P. O'Loughlin, Vice developed by their ancestors.
Regent of the Chapter. A short distance from Trumansburg is a deep
Miss Virginia Bigler, Corresponding Secre ravine and waterfall, the highest sheer fall east
tary, read a number of communications from of the Rockies. This is known as Taughan
various absent “Daughters.” Among these let nock, and is noted alike to the tourist, the
ters was a graceful message from Mrs. Alex geologist and the geographer. Taughannock is
ander Ennis Patton, a former State Regent situated in the heart of the territory occupied
and Vice President General. Much of the Chap by the Cayuga Indians when the Iroquois Con
ter's success is due to the unflagging interest federacy was at the height of its power. The
and whole-hearted devotion of Mrs. Patton, and name, curiously, is a Delaware name meaning
it was deeply regretted that she was unable to “the great fall in the woods.” It was the
be present to take a leading part in its anni name of a race of chieftains who ruled the
versary celebration. Delawares long before they were overthrown
Following the preliminary formalities the by the Iroquois. In time a controversy arose
“Marseillaise” was sung by Mrs. E. C. Reeve between the Governor of Pennsylvania and
and the Chapter and its guests were delight some remaining Delaware chiefs over the trans
fully entertained by a one-act play entitled fer of land. When the Iroquois were appealed
“George Washington's First Defeat.” The to in order to settle the dispute, Canassatego, a
three members of the cast, Miss Laura Fulford, chief of the Onondagas, was sent to Philadel
Mrs. G. B. Reed and Mrs. E. C. Reeve, acquit phia with the decision. He denounced the
ted themselves admirably, and amply deserved Delawares with taunts and rebukes and com
the generous applause which greeted their inter manded them to deliver the land to the white
pretation of the spirited dialogue. people. A young chief of the ancient line of
Refreshments, plentiful and palatable, of Taughannock who was in the company was
which the crowning feature was a sumptuous roused to vengeance by the sarcastic, haughty
cake radiant with the glow of twenty-five scorn of the Onondaga chief. He collected a
small band of warriors and traveled with them in October (1920) for a birthday party on the
through mountains and forests to raid the can Chapter's twenty-fifth anniversary.
ton of the Cayugas, one of the strongest of the We gave as birthday gifts $100 to the Foun
Six Nations. Avoiding some of the larger dership Fund to the Industrial School at
Indian settlements, these warriors reached the Tomassee, and $50 to the American Inter
country between Seneca and Cayuga Lakes. national College. The Tomassee gift was
Here they met resistance from a small com made in the name of the founder of the Milford
munity, the Ganunguenguch (Senecayuga). This Chapter, D.A.R., Mrs. Susan A. Bartlett. Our
was the name of the chief, the settlement, the hostesses were Mrs. Clara Patch and her niece,
people, the stream and the falls. When the Miss Annabell Secombe. A stimulating talk
Ganunguenguch found themselves unable to was given by Mr. Charles W. Tobey on the
stop Chief Taughannock, they sent messengers “Challenge of Today to American Women.”
to their friends and allies. Assistance gathered The new officers are Mrs. Grace M. Rotch,
from all sides, even Chief Canassatego from Regent; Miss Fanny S. Guild, Vice Regent:
the Onondago country, helped to push the Mrs. Gertrude G. Wilkins, Treasurer; Mrs.
Delawares back. They were driven to the Louise R. Powers, Secretary.
stream and down the left bank to the falls. In November, 1920, we celebrated the Ter
Here the last encounter took place. Young centenary with an address by the Rev. Charles
Chief Taughannock and his band fought des A. Reese on our “Pilgrim and Puritan Ances
perately, but were finally overpowered; not, try.” Old hymns were sung by the Chapter; old
however, until he had killed Chief Ganunguen time dainties were served. Old time dresses of
guch and revenged himself on Canassatego. the Puritan fashion were worn, and it was a
Tradition says that Taughannock was tortured
on the brink of the falls—but sang his death profitable meeting, socially and spiritually.
song, defied his tormentors, rejoiced that he Another interesting meeting was one held in
had killed so many enemies, and died with a December and devoted to “The Mountain
bravery as savage as that of his torturers. He Whites.” Appeal was made for “Lisbeth " by
and most of his followers were thrown over Miss Berry, of the Berry school, and the result of
the precipice which still bears his name—a that appeal was a gift of $10 sent to aid that
Delaware name in the heart of the conqueror's little helpless child. Dialect poems were read
country. by several members, and a description of the
mountain music written by Winifred Kirkland
FLORENCE KING, opened the program. The history of the dol
Historian. lars saved in various ways by members was
told brightly, and netted us $45 for the work
Milford Chapter (Milford, N. H.). In planned at the October meeting.
April, a talk was given by Mrs. Herbert Gurney Valiant service was given on “Doughnut
on the thrift question. It was on “How to Day.” We think of setting a brass plate into the
Spend the Family Income.” The presence floor commemorating the patience, courage and
of many guests as well as D.A.R. members, fortitude of the women who fried and sold
showed that the interest was shared. In doughnuts that day.
May, Mrs. Frank B. Hall, Vice President In January, a public meeting was held and
General of Massachusetts, and our District all women's organizations were especially in
Superintendent of schools, gave construc vited and did attend to hear Mr. Maro Brooks
tive talks on Americanization. on “America for Americans.” He talked on
During the year 1920, the following contri the new school law and the necessity of such a
butions were made. Thirty-six dollars for law as the one now being tried out. He spoke
French orphan for one year; $15 for Near East of the need of the true spirit of America in
relief; $50 scholarship to the American Inter dealing with aliens and our own countrymen
national College. as well.
Following the annual custom of the Chapter, We have held a well patronized food sale and
the graves of Revolutionary soldiers were added enough money to pay the 25 cents per
decorated on Memorial Day. This means care capita tax for the Manual for Foreign Women.
in several cemeteries that lie far apart. Seven GRACE M. Rotch,
yards are visited each year. Regent.
The June meeting was an all-day gathering
at the home of Mrs. Nellie Jennison. There Quaker City Chapter (Philadelphia, Pa.).
was much interesting business attended to, and This Chapter reports a membership of 220, with
the new officers were inaugurated. A little play seven papers in Washington. On December
and several songs were in the afternoon's pro 7th, the Chapter will mark its twenty-third
gram and the Chapter separated to convene birthday. Meetings have been held on the third
Friday of each month from September to May, otic Education, Mrs. John J. Stein, three slides,
inclusive. supplied by the National Committee, were pro
Funds have been distributed as follows: cured. Thus armed, Mrs. Stein, on March 15th,
Americanization (Mrs. John M. Stein), $4; visited Philadelphia's leading “movie” theatre
Stille Testimonial, $5; support of French and was directed to the office of Mr. F. W.
orphan, $36.50; support of one Armenian child, Buhler, of the Stanley Booking Agency, who
$60; Boy Scout flags, $50; Meade Post Me became enthusiastic over her plan. Through
morial Day, $15; Lora Haines Cook scholar Mr. Buhler, Mrs. Stein was placed in communi
ship, $5; Girl Scout Fund, $10; Pennsylvania cation with Mr. Van Buren, who wrote that it
Branch Shut In Society, $5; Navy Yard Christ was “a privilege and honor to send this Creed,
mas, $5; Martha Berry school, $50; Sarah like a good sermon, all over the nation to assist
Thatcher Guernsey scholarship, $25; Ameri in the making of thorough Americans.” With
canization Committee, Germantown, $10; Im fine spirit and generosity the films were made
migrant Manual Fund, $53,75; painting for without cost to the Quaker City Chapter and
War Museum, Paris, $22.10; memorial to Pil sent broadcast throughout the length and
grim mothers, $55.25; Near East relief (No. breadth of the United States on the Stanley
4679), $60. and Keith circuits
Various members of the Chapter have en The Chapter is still “carrying on ” its cam
gaged in the following post-war activities: paign, and acknowledges with grateful thanks
Red Cross work, general; Red Cross work, all who have so nobly assisted.
home service; Child Welfare work; Munici Mrs. Joseph M. CALEY,
pal Court Work; Housing; Salvation Army Regent.
drive for funds.
Our Service Flag at this date has forty Mt. Sterling Chapter (Mt. Sterling, O.).
patriots to its credit. A letter from the French The year's work began October 10, 1920, with
orphan adopted by the Chapter was read at an Autumn luncheon at the country home of
the September meeting, its quaint, stilted Mrs. Arthur Dunlap. Our Chapter numbers
language of grateful appreciation being very 107, with six applications before the National
appealing. The history of the Chapter to date Board.
has been written by Mrs. H. H. Fisher, Honor We have seventeen subscriptions to the
ary Historian. DAUGHTERS of THE AMERICAN REvolution
Committee chairmen have read papers at MAGAZINE.
Chapter meetings on Patriotic Education, The Chapter contributed $50 to Schauffler
Desecration of the Flag, Old Trails, Philippines school; $1 per capita was given to Annette
scholarship, Conservation, Preservation of Phelps Lincoln Memorial scholarship, Philip
Historic Spots. pine scholarship and Epiphany Mission; a
An effort has been made to have well Chapter member gave $10 towards American
known speakers address the members on sub ization work, and $10 was given to the Wash
jects approved by the National and State So ington Memorial. Twenty-five cents per capita
cieties, as follows: “Women in War Work,” was sent to help defray the expense of “Man
Mrs. E. A. Cassavant, in charge of the Air ual for Immigrants to the United States.” The
craft Factory at League Island and Club Edi latter part of March Mrs. C. A. Holton, of
tor of Philadelphia Record; “Conservation and London Chapter, accompanied by a little moun
Future Foods,” Mrs. Nevada D. Hitchcock, tain girl, gave a talk on Pine Mountain schools;
State Chairman, Home Economics of the Na $35 was given this school.
tional League of Women's Service; “Women's January 3, 1921, the Chapter presented a
Service,” Mrs. Rudolph Blankenburg, widow birthday cake decorated with one hundred blue
of the reform Mayor of Philadelphia and well and buff candles, to Mr. John Durham on the
known throughout the U. S. as a leader in one hundredth anniversary of his birth. The
women's works; “Americanization,” Mrs. cake, which had three layers, was baked by
George P. White, State Treasurer, D.A.R.; Miss Myrtle Young. Mr. Durham is the
“Y.M.C.A. Work in France,” Mr. John L. grandson of John Durham, a young musician
Craig. of North Carolina during the Revolutionary
During Continental Congress week in Wash War, and a soldier from Virginia during the
ington last year, “The American's Creed " was War of 1812. He was born five years before our
shown upon the screen in several moving picture town was founded, so remembers this com
houses through the courtesy of Mr. A. J. Van munity from its infancy.
Buren, of the Timely Films Company, Inc., of Mount Sterling Chapter placed a bronze
New York. The Quaker City Chapter records marker upon the grave of John Durham, the
this as its greatest work during the year 1920. grandfather, who is buried in a country bury
Through its Chairman of Committee on Patri ing ground in Pickaway County, Ohio. Martha
Durham Walters, a daughter of Mr. Durham, cake at the Soldiers' and Sailors' Club from 10
was a charter member of Mount Sterling o'clock in the morning until 10 o'clock in the
Chapter. evening. A musical program was given in the
On February 22nd, a community meeting, afternoon.
largely attended, was held. On June 14, 1921, the Mrs. Elizabeth D. Preston has given a series
Chapter members and their families celebrated of six talks on United States History at the
Flag Day and our sixteenth anniversary with regular Chapter meetings. The leading musi
a picnic at the country home of Mrs. R. Tipton cians of the city have contributed to our pleas
Dennis. ure at these meetings.
STELLA MILLER, During the year the following gifts and con
Historian. tributions have been reported: $50 for a scholar
ship in the International College at Spring
Kinnikinnik Chapter (Colorado Springs, field: five cents per capita toward the Guernsey
Colo.). Kinnikinnik Chapter has had a suc scholarship has been paid; a payment of sixty
cessful year under the leadership of Mrs. Justus cents per capita for the Manual for Immigrants,
R. Friedline, Regent. the “Fountain.” and the “Painting”; $10 for
The first meeting of the year, on October milk for underfed children in the schools; $20
9th, was a luncheon given at the Elks' Club toward the Pueblo relief fund.
House, at which a group of the members enter At this date, July 1, 1921, the Chapter has a
tained the entire Chapter. Mrs. Russell Hunter total of 101 members.
acted as toastmistress and toasts were responded (MRs.) MARG ARET ANDERSON,
to by Mrs. W. H. R. Stote; State Regent, Mrs. Historian.
Justus R. Friedline, Regent; Mrs. Frank L.
Stevens, Mrs. Robert B. Wolf, and by Mrs. John Paul Jones Chapter (Boston, Mass.)
Edward L. Preston. has had a year of activity and accomplishment
At the November meeting an interesting talk and has responded to all calls from the National
on “Social Life in China,” was given by Clar Society and for State work. It has admitted
ence K. Young, an honor student sent by the twenty-five associate members, chiefly regents
Chinese Government to Colorado Springs. or ex-officers of other chapters, who bring to
“American Wit and Humor,” by Mrs. Russell the meetings valuable contributions regarding
P. Hunter, was a feature of the December the work in their respective chapters.
meeting. Mrs. H. H. Seldomridge read a paper In the Fall of 1920 at the suggestion of the
entitled “Colorado Pioneer Days,” at the Jan Regent, it was voted to present its relics re
uary meeting. lating to the Revolutionary or Colonial period
The play, “Betty's Ancestors,” given on to the Museum of Memorial Continental fall,
February 22nd, was a joint celebration of the and the Regent took these to the Continental
Zebulon Pike and Kinnikinnik Chapters. The Congress in April. They included a cane made
members were assisted by several from the of wood from the ship Alliance, built by Con
James Noble Chapter of the C.A.R., and critics gress and once a part of the fleet of John Paul
considered it one of the best amateur plays ever Jones. The cane, made in Essex, where the
held in the city. ship was launched, was presented to Captain
In March, Kinnikinnik and Zebulon Pike Shillaber, who in turn presented it to his
Chapters entertained the State Conference. brother, P. B. Shillaber, who willed it to his
A framed copy of the Constitution was given family, a member of which presented it to Miss
to the Soldiers' and Sailors' Club on Constitu Brazier. She gave it to the Chapter. Among
tion Day. Editorials were given in the local other relics are buttons worn on a naval
papers, and the public schools, Boy and Girl officer's coat in 1776; replica of the bronze
Scouts, Y.W.C.A. and Y.M.C.A. were asked to medal given to Jones by Congress in recognition
observe the day by suitable programs. of his nine years' service without pay : a piece
In the Community Celebration of the Ter of the Charter Oak; nails from Faneuil Hall;
centenary Landing of the Pilgrims, a group of and a piece of oakum from the Constitution.
our daughters in Colonial costume gave the Several open meetings of a patriotic nature
Salute to the Flag. - have been held with many guests. Annually the
On Flag Day, Kinnikinnik Chapter and the Chapter contributes to the International College
James Noble Chapter, C.A.R., enjoyed a picnic at Springfield, Mass. Its membership is small,
luncheon in Monument Valley Park, which several residing in distant States, but has in
was followed by an appropriate program, the creased in numbers during the past six months.
leading feature of which was the “History of During the World War the Regent sent more
the Flag,” read by Dr. Fred Staff. than 5,000 Books of Cheer for the very ill in
On July 4th Kinnikinnik and Zebulon Pike the hospitals in France and elsewhere, and she
Chapters joined forces and served ice cream and still continues that work for the Army of Occu
pation in Germany. She gave one hour to the tea and wafers. We are planning now to have
making of each book, and has received count a sale of baskets, coverlets and rugs from Hind
less letters of appreciation from army and navy man Industrial school, as well as chairs and
men of several nationalities. A framed certifi stools from the Frenchberg school.
cate was presented to her signed by former (MRs. J. H.) MAUDE B. DEIBNER,
President Wilson and heads of the Red Cross, as Regent.
this work was unique. She was made honorary
member of one of the American Legion posts The Governor William Paca Chapter
of Boston. Other members contributed along (Bel Air, Md.) bears the name of Maryland's
lines where service counted. son, William Paca, born in Harford County,
The Chapter has several honorary members, October 31, 1740, Signer of the Declaration of
the latest being. Mrs. Warren G. Harding, who Independence, Governor of Maryland, and at
has sent a letter of appreciation. On this list the time of his death, Judge of the District
are Mrs. Frank D. Ellison, Librarian General; Court of Maryland. Organized September 13,
Mrs. Ellen Spencer Mussey, of the District of 1916, with 12 loyal charter members, the Chap
Columbia; Mrs. William Cumming Story, and ter has grown to an active one of 30 members,
Mrs. Franklin P. Shumway, present State and now offers its first report to the Magazine.
Regent. The Chapter was formed on Flag Day, The Chapter's first work was to erect a suit
1898, but was re-named and reorganized in 1907, able enclosure for the preservation of a boulder
changing its name from Paul Jones to John on the Post Road between Baltimore and Phila
Paul Jones. -
delphia, marking the spot on which stood the
MARION HowARD BRAZIER, old Court House of Harford County, Md. Here
Historian. the resolution known as the “Bush Declaration”
was signed March 22, 1775. The next work
Ladies of the Lake Chapter (Spirit Lake, was to present a large American flag to the
Iowa) has a membership of fifty-seven. We county's own Co. D, 1st Md. Regiment, Mary
have taken in six new members this year— land National Guard. Garments have been
four by application and two by transfer. made by the members for the French, Red Cross
We keep our official magazine in the Public and Near East Committees. Forty-five dollars
Library. Five members take the DAUGHTERS have been contributed for the Belgium Relief
of the AMERICAN REvolution MAGAZINE.
and a donation made to the Tilloloy Fund.
We sent $100 to Tomassee Industrial school Many members subscribe to the DAUGHTERs
for Foundership fund, in memory of our de of THE AMERICAN REvolution MAGAziNE, and
ceased members. We sent clothing and shoes a yearly subscription is given to the Harford
to Piney Woods school. County Public Library, thus placing the
The most important social event of the year Society's official publication in the hands of
was the luncheon given by our Chapter in honor the public.
of our State Regent, Mrs. Frederick E. Fris During the past year the Chapter's work
bie, and our State Treasurer, Mrs. Hugh S. progressed under what might be termed four
Greig, at the home of our Regent, Mrs. John definite lines: Educational, benevolent, histor
H. Deibner. Mrs. Frisbie gave a splendid talk ical, and patriotic. Contributions have been
on the work of our organization. made to the Elizabeth Guernsey scholarship,
We sent $2.25 to the Lincoln Memoral Uni the Maryland State scholarship at Springfield
versity in Tennessee, and we have offered $7 for the education of an Italian girl; fund for
in cash prizes to the pupils in our high school D.A.R. work among the aliens; $5 gold piece
and in junior high school for the best original was presented for the best essay on American
plays laid in the time of the Revolution. ization written by a senior high school scholar
Last Decoration Day our Chapter helped in the county; $10 to the Near East fund; $5 to
decorate the graves of the old soldiers and the the State Bed at the University of Maryland
veterans of the World War. Every Memorial Hospital.
Day our Chapter gives a dinner to all of the George Washington's Birthday was observed,
Old Soldiers, their wives and widows. and on this occasion the Chapter announced its
Our Chapter signed the State flag resolu purpose of erecting a memorial tablet to the
tions and had them signed by the War
boys of Harford County who made the supreme
Mothers and the Service Star Legion and sent sacrifice in the World War.
to our Senator and Representative.
To make money for our year's work, we put L. Goldie M. SMITH,
on the New England play “Shore Acres" at Historian.
the movie theatre, at which we cleared $110.
Shortly before Christmas we had a Japanese Commodore Richard Dale Chapter
exhibit and sale, invited our friends and served (Albany, Ga.). The April meeting of the Chap
ter was held at the home of Mrs. M. M. Shaw, have established a Sunday-school in the Com
with Mesdames George Gardiner and J. P. munity House, where the American's Creed
Champion as joint hostesses. The meeting is taught, as well as the Bible. To this work
marked the first birthday anniversary of this the Chapter has contributed for the first year,
Chapter, and the birthday idea was emphasized beginning February, 1921, $80. Have contri
by each member bringing a penny for every buted seventy-five books to circulating library
mile-stone passed in her own life. The Regent, at Cotton Mill.
Mrs. John D. Pope, presented the Chapter with a We have twenty-six subscribers to the
scrap-book for the preservation of the memoirs DAUGHTERs of the AMERICAN REvolution
of the organization. After the regular routine MAGAZINE.
of business the Regent read the report which
she made at the recent State meeting at Dalton, (Mrs.) CLIFFORD BLUE FREEMAN,
which report was selected as the model for the
State. She also presented to the Chapter the
$10 in gold awarded for the largest percentage Joseph Spencer Chapter (Porstmouth,
of new subscribers to the DAUGHTERs of THE Ohio), celebrated Flag Day with a picnic
AMERICAN REvolution MAGAZINE. Feeling the dinner at the summer home of one of our
wonderful success of the Commodore Richard newest members. This home is pictur
Dale Chapter was largely due to the untiring esquely situated on a branch of the Sciota
efforts of the Regent, coupled with her uniform River, about ten miles from Portsmouth.
generosity, she was given a rising vote of thanks The trip was made by motor early in the
and also the Chautauqua salute. afternoon. On the spacious lawn croquet,
The Chapter is cne year old, has 32 members,
2 life members, 7 non-resident members and 6
applicants' papers in Washington, with one
transfer to organize in Sylvester.
Dues from organizing members amount to
$29; dues for 1921, $36; cash for entertain
ments, $568.95; cash donations, $238.45; State
dues, 15 cents per capita, $4.80; to Memorial
Scholarship fund, Athens, Ga., $32; to Meadow
Garden, Augusta, Ga., $2; to Georgia Bay,
Valley Forge, $25; to Near East Fund, $14; to
French orphan, $36.75; to Immigration Manual,
Pilgrim Mother's Memorial and Convoy
Painting, $19.20; to St. John's Haven, home for
little boys, St. Simons, Island, Ga., $10, and two
boxes of clothing (valued at $50); to State
Librarians, The Biography of Patrick Henry,
$1; to books for Everybody Committee, $5;
box of jellies and magazines sent to State Chair REGENT AND MEMBERS OF THE JOSEPH SPENCER CHAP
man of Hospital Work, Fort McPherson, Ga.; TER. PORTSMOUTH, OH.10.
1. Names and dates must be clearly written or typewritten. Do not use pencil.
2. All queries must be short and to the point.
3. All queries and answers must be signed and sender's address given.
4. In answering queries give date of magazine and number and signature of query.
5. Only answers containing proof are requested. Unverified family traditions will not be
u blished.
All §. to be forwarded to contributors must be unsealed and sent in blank, stamped
envelopes accompanied by the number of the query and its signature: The right is reserved
to print information contained in the communication to be forwarded.
Mass. Soldiers & Sailors says that Kellogg that Co., N. Y., who d 1782. Their ch. were Jacob
was in Harris' Co enlisted Oct. 12, 1780, which & Wm.
was three years after the battle of Bennington. (a) PATCHIN.—Wanted, gen & Rev rec of
Can he or anyone else furnish documentary father of Charles Patchin, of N. Y., b 1802, m
proof that this Samuel Kellogg actually had Laura Barney in Ohio, formerly of Vt.
Rev. serv, for I have been for several yrs trying (b) BARNEY.—Wanted, Rev. rec & name &
to establish this fact & have been unable. It is dates of w of Solomon Barney, of Vt.—M. P. D.
traditional that this Kellogg was one of sixteen 101.39. McCABE.—Wanted, gen & Rev rec of
who arrived at Bennington after the battle was Oakey McCabe, of Warren Co., O., who m —
over. Can this tradition be established by Horner. They had dau Ann, b in Warren Co.,
proof?—C. F. P. May 3, 1828, d Lewisville, Ind., Jan. 9, 1864, m
10132. STURMAN.—Wm. & Martha (Cridle) Wm. Brinkley Gray.
Sturman lived in Bedford & later in Campbell (a) Hopper.—Wanted, Rev rec of Levi
Co., Va. Their ch were John, Vintner, Anne, Hopper, of N. J., & of his s Samuel, who m
Wm., Jr., b abt 1784; Valentine, Frankey, Thos., Ruth Ward. Their dau Mary, b Apr. 3, 1797,
Joel & Nancy. Wm., Jr., m Sarah, dau of John d Apr. 8, 1847, m James Gray, b Jan. 16, 1794,
& Nancy Hancock Dabney, abt 1810. They settled d Oct. 21, 1875.
in Nashville, Tenn. Their ch were Nathan (b) Elwell.—Wanted, parentage of Eli
Dabney, Wm. Mathison, Martha Cridle, John, Elwell, b in Dutchess Co., N. Y., Sept. 1, 1789, d
Nancy Hancock, Alex Martin, Sarah, James in Milton, Ind., m Elizabeth Decamp, Onandago
Richey, Andrew Jackson, Anne & Mary: Prior Co., N. Y. She d 1887, Milton, Ind.
to 1830 the fam moved to Ill. Wm. Sturman, (c) ForgAsoN.—Wanted, gen. of James or
Jr., served in Black Hawk War there. Did his Samuel Forgason, b June 9, 1758, d in Butler Co.,
father have Rev rec? O., Feb. 20, 1814, m Eliz. Crooks 1787–8, d Cum
(a) PHillips.-Wanted, parentage & Rev berland, Ind.—O. E. H.
rec of father of Eliz. Phillips, b in Mø. Oct. 22, 10140. FREEMAN.—Wanted, places & dates of
1762. Had a bro Thomas. Her father m 2nd b and d of Alexander Freeman, Rev sol, of N. J.
time. He came from Eng. before the Rev. —A. C. K.
About 1780 Eliz. m. Robt. Allison, a soldier in 101.41. THoMAS.–Wanted, gen of both Not
the Rev. ley Thomas, b 1722, d May 26, 1767, & his w
(b) Davis.-Wanted, Rev rec & name of w Rebecca Thomas, b Dec. 25, 1729, d Oct. 13,
of Nehemiah Davis who had s Nehemiah, b 1810. Their s Anthony Thomas was in Rev.
1778, prob in Maine or N. H., m Mary, or Polly Was Notley Thomas from Pa. ?—M. E. W.
Allison, dau of Robt. & Eliz. Phillips Allison, & 10142. MILLER.—Wanted, given name of
had 12 ch.-A. B. Miller or Mueller, & maiden name of his w, who
101.33. HYDE.—Wanted, Rev rec & name of w lived in Orange or Westchester Co., N. Y., abt
of John, s of Jonathan Hyde, b 1707, d. 1807, 1775. Their ch were Aaron, m Sophia Point;
Canterbury, Conn. He & his fam moved to Moses, m Ann Compton; Isaac, m Polly Hurley;
Wilkesbarre, Pa. His oldest child, Wm. Hyde, Morris, m Luker or Looker or Lucas; Sally, m
was b 1764, m Oct. 9, 1822, Catherine Hurlbut, Reuben Compton; John d unmarried. These
dau of Deacon John Hurlbut, of Hanover, Pa. people were in Thomkins Co., N. Y., abt 1800 &
Was he a Rev sol. 2–C. R. LaB. in Summit Co., O., aft 1809.-L. H. R.
10134. GEORGE.-Wanted, the name of father 101.43. MoRGAN.—Wanted, information of
of Ann George, who m Michael Courtney. Her John Morgan & fam. He m Lucy Woods. In
mother was Susanna Roy George, & she was a 1783 there were no Morgans in Chesterfield Co.,
slave holder in Va.-C. S. D. Va. Later John Morgan & fam lived there. His
101.35. BAxtER.—Wanted, names of w & ch of ch were Sallie, Nancy, Rebecca, one of whom
Col. John Baxter, who was in Marion's m — Paul; Lucy, m — Adkins; Wm., m Nancy
Brigade. —; Keturah, b 1792, in Chesterfield Co., Va., m
(a) TERRY.—Wanted, name of w and ch of 1812 Major Horner; Eliz. Richerson, b 1795,
Col. Joseph Terry, who was killed at Battle of m Jonathan Crawley.—L. H.
Kings Mountain. His dau Sarah m David 10144. AYERs.-Wanted, gen & place of birth
Smith.-M. E. G. W. of Seymour Ayers, b 1802, d. 1867, in Argenta,
10136.-McLEAN.—Wanted, name of w and Ill., where he is buried. He lived in Essex Co.,
date and place of m of John McLean, Rev Sol, b N. Y., till abt 1835, & in Marion, O., abt 1849.
1748, d 1841, m Sarah —. Also data of their Had bros John & Wm. & sis Lucy. He m Alzina
s Wm., b 1770. Slater & had ch Nathaniel, Martin, Seymour,
(a) Steely.—Wanted, Rev rec of Gabriel Andrew, Curl, Jane, Sallie, Ruth, Millie, Eliza
Steely.—G. S. beth, Lucy, Maybelle & Luhana Lavina. When
10137. DiEtz.—* * * Wanted, dates of b & m & where were they m?—J. O. M.
& name of w of Johannes Dietz, of Schoharie 101.46. CARR.—Wanted, name of w & dates &
place of m & d of Peter Carr, b 1747, served in Rebecca & Diana Hyder. Wanted, all dates of
Rev from N. J. His s Wm. was b Aug. 8, 1801, Capt. Parsons & his w.
in Newark, N. J. - (a) UNDERwood.—Wanted, parentage of Wm.
(a) EveRHART.-Wanted, places of b, m & d & Underwood, b May 1, 1780, & of his w, Hannah
date of m of Frederick Everhart, b Feb. 7, 1753, Willis, b Oct. 19, 1780. They were m May 23,
d Sept. 7, 1832, m Nelly Lyst, b Feb. 28, 1757, d 1805, & set in Tyler Co., W. Va. Did either
Aug. 13, 1831. Wanted also, Rev rec of father give Rev ser?
Frederick. (b) PRAtt.—Wanted, Rev ser, dates &
(b) ARMSTRONG—McCoRMick. — Wanted, name of w of Wm. Pratt, who came from Va.
dates of b, m & d & Rev rec of Wm. Arm & set nr Annettsville, Monongalia Co., W. Va.
strong, who m Ann —, in Bedford Co., Va., 1783. His ch were Wm., Thomas, John, Mary &
Their dau Fannie, b Aug., 1785, Northampton Fanny.—S. A. P.
Co., Pa., d Dec. 26, 1843, m George McCormick. 10152. WILLIAMs.-John (3) Williams
Their dau Fannie, b Feb. 19, 1818, at Columbus, (Peter 2 John 1), of New London, Conn., b
O. Wanted, gen with dates of George Mc Oct. 29, 1715, d Aug. 12, 1796, father of Capt.
Cormick, one of the earliest set. of Columbus, O. John (4) slain at Fort Griswold, Conn. Did
(c) DEFFENBAUGH or DIEven BACH.-Wanted, this John (4) Williams have Rev rec?
gen with Rev rec of ances of Jacob Deffenbaugh, (a) BAILEY.—Wanted, proof that Obadiah
b 1799, Bedford Co., Pa., m Weirick. Bailey, b Aug. 23, 1750, d. 1843, served in Rev
N. G. C. D. from New London, Conn. & was sent home with
10147. TURNER—PATTERSoN.—Wanted, gen an injured hand.—S. B. C.
back to the founders of Wm. Wyndham Turner 10153. CARLIN–Owen.—Any information of
& w Anne Patterson. Their ch were John, the Carling or Owen families greatly desired.
Thomas, Philip & others. They lived in Mol. Annie Dewey Carling, of N. J., m 1842 John D.
prior to Rev & later moved to Va., perhaps Naisby, of Phila. She was the dau of John
Fauquier Co. His s John moved to Yadkin Carling & his w Atlanta Owen. John Carling, a
Valley, Rowan Co., N. C., & served from there Quaker, was the owner of a button factory in
in Rev. He m Rebecca Patterson & moved to N. J., place unknown.—E. F. G. -
Madison Co., Ky., abt 1786, where he d 1813– 10154. PENNY.—Wanted, parentage of James
R. M. T. T. Penny, wounded in the battle of New
10148. CLEMENs – CLEMONs – CLEMENTs. Orleans & also of his w Martha Ann —, whom
Wanted, dates of b, m & d & names of w & ch he m at Lebanon, Tenn., Aug. 10, 1836.
of Casper Clemens, who served as F. L. R. in (a) PAYNE-BRITToN.—Information wanted
Va. Militia under T. Rankin, Augusta Co., Va., of Lewis Green Payne & of his w Charity Brit
& was mustered out May 8, 1779. His s John ton, of N. or S. C.—T. M. T.
Douglass Clemens, m Susanna Slagle at Weyers 101.55. McMURTRY.-Wanted, gen of Sarah
Cave, Augusta Co., Oct. 16, 1815, & left for Ellen McMurtry, who m Samuel Jenings abt
Ohio next day.—M. G. P. 1814, nr Nashville, Tenn., later moved to Clay
10149. DAVENPORT.-Wanted, given name of Co., then to Woodford Co., Ill., abt 1840. The
w & date of m of Chas. Davenport, of Canter McMurtry's, Scotch-Irish, are said to have emi
bury, Conn.,b 1717, d. 1779, m — Waitstill. Their grated to Pa. or N. J. -
dau Mary Davenport, b Sept. 14, 1751, d. 1838, (a) LEwis—MALEVIUS.–Wanted, parentage
wanted name of her husband. Tradition is that of Messenger Lewis, b Aug., 1762, nr Green
she m a Davenport. Wanted also, dates of wich, Conn., & gen of his w, Miss Malevius, of
Thirza Davenport & husband, Benj. Cheney.— Maine. He volunteered in Rev 1778 under Capt.
E. F. G. Jeremiah Nap, in Conn., later he was a Highland
10150. WINNE.—Cornelius Winne, b Aug. 15, Ranger under Col. Phillips. Was disch. at end
1762, at Kingston, N. Y., d 1842, m Elizabeth of War, moved to Clay Co., Ky., where he was
Martha Motte, b 1768, in Carlsruhe, Baden, d pensioned for services in 1833.
1828. Cornelius Winne was a Deacon in the (b) LoNG-FUNK.—Wanted, gen of Capt
Shokan Dutch Reformed Church, Ulster Co., Wm. Long & name & gen of his w & names of
in 1808, & some of his ch were bapt there. The their ch. One s, Jacob Long, b Chester Co., Pa.,
ch were Hannah, Polly, Cornelius, Christian, enlisted in Rev at Tawneytown, Berks-Co., Pa.,
Annetje, Henry, Benjamin & Sally. Wanted, he m Eve Funk, Sept., 1794, in Loudon Co., Va.
date of their m and name of church in which Wanted, parentage of Eve Funk. -
the m took place. Cornelius Winne served in 10156. Joh Nson.—Wanted, gen of Phoebe
Rev & was given a pension for services.—F. S. Johnson Clark, b at Middletown, Conn., m
10151. PARSoNs.—Wanted, Rev rec & name Rhuben A. Clark. Their daus were Kate Clark
of 2nd w of Capt. James Parsons of Hardy Co., & Julia A. Whipple. Wanted, gen of Wm.
Va., who m 2dly Sarah —. Their ch were Isaac, Johnson, of Middletown, Conn., in later life a
Solomon Johnothan, James, Betsy Amanda, farmer in Erie Co., Pa., d aged 86. -
Belden, who lived in Berlin or East Berlin, Wm. Pickens, whose dau Margaret m John
Conn., & m Mary Lewis, Dec. 24, 1823, & d Morrison in 1788.
Mch. 30, 1833, aged 36. He had a sister Polly (a) HasseBERGER.—Wanted, gen & proof of
& Bros John, James & Wm. Some of these Rev ser of John Hasseberger, who m Maria
bros went to Ky. Magdalene —. They lived in Lincoln Co., N. C.,
(a) GoFF.—Wanted, any information of migrating from N. Y. or Pa.
Lydia Goffe, of Wethersfield, Conn., who m as (b) Kitch ELL–FAIRCHILD.—Aaron Kitchell,
his 3rd w, John Taylor, abt 1725, d. 1734.— of N. Y., 1774–1820, m a dau of Abraham Fair
E. W. B. child, 1754–1843. Wanted, Rev rec of either
10171. HADEN.—Wanted, names of ch & Rev line.—E. W. L.
rec of Joseph Haden, of Va. 10178. THORNBURGH.—Wanted, parentage of
(a) MARSHALL.-Wanted, names of ch of Thomas Thornburgh, b 1765, in Lancaster or
Col. Wm. Marshall, of Mecklenburg Co., Va., Berks Co., Pa., m Rebecca Arbuckle, b 1770.
who is buried at Henderson, Ky. Was he the s of Joseph Thornburg who m Re
(b) Porter.—Wanted, parentage of Nancy becca Miller, & was Major of Berks Co. Bat
Ann Porter, who was b in Va. & removed to talion of Foot, Pa. Militia?—J. M. M.
Bowling Green, Ky., & d abt. 1810.-X. Y. Z. 10179. BURKETT-Bon NER.—Joseph Burkett
10172. WILLIAMs.-Wanted, Rev ances of comes of old Swiss Huguenot family named
Nancy Ann Williams, w of Wm. Cantwell, b Burckhardt–Burkhart—Burkart, from Canton of
1779 & m in Brooke Co., Va., now W. Va., Lucerne, Switzerland, which settled in N. C.
Nov. 30, 1797. some time prior to the Rev. His s John, b Dec.
(a) CANTwelL.—Wanted, information & 17, 1780, m Mary Bonner, dau of Lewis Bonner
Rev recs of the following. Barney Cantwell, & Anna, b Aug. 31, 1779. Wanted, birthplace of
a res of Bart Township, Lancaster Co., Pa., John Burkett & Mary Bonner, & place of m,
1792; Matthew Thos. Cantwell & of his w Mary somwhere in N. or S. C., also any Rev rec.
Pugh, who set in Cecil Co., Md., in 1800, & left (a) WAGGONER – WAGGINER – WAGNER.—
5 sons; Thomas Cantwell, 1790–1830, m Jemima Wanted, parentage of John Wagginer, b Jan. 22,
Kelley. Would like to correspond with anyone 1775, m 1801 Mary Magdalene Mast, b Mar. 20,
who knows abt the Cantwell fam. Can give 1772, dau of John Mast & Barbara — Wanted
some details of their Irish hist back to 1172. also birthplace of John Wagginer & surname of
E. H. C. his mother, Mary —. Prob all res of Ran
10173. PALMER.—Wanted, gen & any infor dolph Co., N. C., until Quaker exodus in Miami
mation of Tirzah Palmer, b 1802, in Vt., m Peter Valley, O., 1800–1805.-X. P. B.
Dorset in 1830. She was an orphan & lived 10180. GoRE–GARDINER.—John (2) Gager, of
with her sis Huldah, who m Osee Allen. Was New London & Norwich, Conn., m Eliz. Gore,
she a desc of Walter Palmer, of Stonington, dau of John & Rhoda Gardiner Gore. Infor
Conn. 2 mation wanted of the Gore & Gardiner families.
(a) DoRSET-U. S. 1790 Census lists Joseph (a) STREET.—Wanted, patriotic rec of James
Dorset, w & 5 ch in Hampton, Wyndham Co., (4) Street, b Feb. 10, 1708, m Kesiah Haynes.
Conn. Wanted, any information of this fam.— (b) THURBER—LEwis.-James Thurber, b
H. D. 1680, m Dec., 1706, Hepsibah Lewis, dau of
10174. WRIGHT.-Was Richard Wright, of Thomas Lewis, of Swansea, & later of Bristol,
Antrim Twp., Franklin Co., Pa., who d 1786 & R. I. Was he a s of Thomas (2) John (1) of
is buried in Brown Mill Graveyard, nr Green Swansea, Mass. ? Further information of these
castle, Pa., the father of Frederick Wright who families desired.
was killed in the War of 1812?–H. W. D. (c) LESTER—ALLYN.—Thomas Lester, bapt.
10175. WARREN.—Wanted, any information Oct. 10, 1731, d. Jan., 1788, m Mary Allyn Feb.
of the Warren fam. for whom Warrensburg is 8, 1754. They lived in Groton, Conn.—I. M. L.
named, and all dates. Emma Warren m Col. 10181. STEVENSON–HoNEY WELL.-Can it be
Alonzo W. Morgan, Jan. 7, 1799–May 29, 1889, proved that Mary, w of Isreal Honeywell, of
& lived at Glen Falls, N. Y. Her father was Westchester Co., N. Y., was the dau of Ed
killed while handling logs on the river & his ward (Thomas 1) Stevenson & his w Charity
wid raised her fam & conducted a tavern at Jennings, of Newtown, L. I. 2 Isreal Honeywell,
Warrensburg, known as “Widow Warren's 1660, m 1684, & his dau, Mary Honeywell Bax
Tavern.” Wanted, her Rev ances.—E. O. W. ter, gave her ch the names of Stevenson &
10176. KIRKPATRICK.—Wanted, gen of Fran Charity Stevenson, & both these names were
cis Kirkpatrick, b Apr. 9, 1734, m Robt. Dixon. repeated in following generations. Was David
Their ch, Sarah, b Sept. 9, 1750; Rebecca, b Honeywell, living at Fredericksburg, N. Y.
Sept. 21, 1752, m John Graham, Rev sol.; Ann, (Dutchess Co.) the father of Rice Honeywell,
b Dec. 15, 1754; Margaret, b Mar. 15, 1757. b there Jan., 1760? Was Marie Bullock Ber
10177. PICKENs.-Wanted, gen & Rev rec of nard m by Thomas Stevenson in 1745, the
mother of his ch John, Thomas, Edward, Abi m Eliz. Gornier at Fredericktown, Md., July 11,
gail & Sarah : If he had an earlier w, what was 1793. They moved to Montgomery Co., O., 1816,
her name: & he d there 1824. When & where was he b, &
(a) DAMoN.—Wanted, name of 1st w of did he have Rev rec?
Noah Damon whom he m abt 1780 nr Milton, (a) GoRNER.—Eliz. Gorner Brandenburg was
Mass. They removed after the war to Wood the dau of Paul & Margaret Gorner. In 1771
stock, Vt., & later to Eaton, Canada, where she they were living in Georgetown, D. C. Paul d
d. When an old man Noah m Esther Sumner, & was buried in Bankstown, where the City of
at Bridgewater, Vt.—H. J. M. Washington now stands. Was he a sol in the
10182. RANDALL-Wanted, gen & Rev rec of Rev 2 Where & when was he b & when did he
father of Elijah Randall, of Easton, Mass., b die.—I. O.
Nov. 25, 1772, d June 30, 1850, m 1st 1802, Bath 10191. GLADIs H.—Wanted, Rev rec & all dates
sheba Shepard, their ch. Bathsheba, b 1805; of Richard Gladish, b in Eng., who came to
Isaac, b 1805. He m 2nd Betsey, b, 1787, dau America bef. the Rev. & set in N. C., a carpenter
of Jesse & Sarah Briggs Smith. Ch, Lemuel, b by trade. His ch were John, James Wright,
1810; Mary Blake, b, 1813, & Elijah, b 1817– Richard, Gilane, Isaiah and Jeremiah, who
B. A. S. moved to Ky., m & lived nr Bowling Green, Ky.,
10183. Du No AN.—Wanted, Rev rec & any in removed to Pike Co., Ind., & d there.—A. E. H.
formation of George Duncan, whose dau Eliza 10192. MURRAY.-John, bro of Gen. Francis
m Rev. James Cofer, of Buckingham Co., Va. Murray, came from Ireland & set in Pa. or nr.
A. V. D. P. Elkton, Md. He d Apr. 16, 1790, abt 50 yrs old.
10184. T Hoyſ As-Wanted, Rev rec of Nich He m Elizabeth Syng, b Feb. 20, 1739, d Mar.
olas Thomas, of Eden, Maine, supposed to have 16, 1788. Both are buried on banks of Big Elk
been a sol under Col. Jno. Allen.—M. E. L. Creek nr Elkton, Md., tombstones still in good
10185. SPENCER—AYERs.-Wanted, parentage condition in 1832. Ch, Abigail, b Mar. 28, 1773,
of Moses Spencer & his w Judith Ayers, whom in Pa., d Oct. 29, 1866; James Syng, one of the
he m in Buckingham Co., Va., Jan. 5, 1786. Signers of a Declaration of Sympathy & Pro
(a) Hobson-Eva Ns.-Wanted, parentage of test, antedating by more than a yr the Declara
John Hobson & of his w Susanna Evans, who tion of Independence. Wanted, Rev rec & date
lived in Cumberland Co., Va.-J. A. H. of m of John Murray.
10186. HUEY-FoRD.—Wanted, parentage of (a) RUDULPH.-Col. Michael Johannes Ru
Robt. Huey & of his w Katherine Ford. Their dulph, b on Prussian part of Rhine, ser 7 yrs
dau Rebecca Huey, b Bedford Co., Pa., June 6, in army of Frederick the Great, emig. with w
1819. m. Jacob Ruffner, b 1820, son of Daniel, Anna, to Amer. & set at Elkton, Md. Ch. To
b 1794. -
bias, Zebulon & Jacob, b Sept. 8, 1726, at Elkton,
(a) HUFF MAN.—Wanted, parentage of Eliz. d July 18, 1800, m 1st Rachel Johnston & had
Huffman, b Huntingdon Co., Pa., June 10, 1798, ch Thomas, Rebecca, Michael, who was Capt.
d Indiana Co., Pa., 1882, m Daniel Ruffner, b in “Lee’s Legion,” Mary & John, who was the
1794, s of Henry, b 1722, s of Philip, who d 1784. grandfather of Mrs. Lucretia Garfield. Jacob
Wanted also, Rev rec of Philip.–R. E. L. m 2nd Frances Broom, nee Jacob, b. July 2, 1739,
10187. Robinsox. —Wanted, parentage of d Dec. 16, 1814. Ch, Zebulon, Jacob, David,
Jacob Robinson, of New Haven, who m 1690 Tobias. Wanted, Rev rec of Jacob Rudulph &
Sarah Hitchcock. Their dau Sarah, b Dec. 24, date of m with Frances Broom.—C. M. G.
1695, m Samuel Bradley, Jan. 27, 1715.—I. A. B. 10193. JETER.—Wanted, parentage & places &
10188. FARN HAM–FARNA.M.–Peter Farnam, dates of b, m & d of Wm. Jeter & also of his w
of Killingworth, Conn., was Lieut. of the Kill Margaret —. They lived in Amelia or Caroline
ingworth, Mil. He d 1777. Wanted, date of his Co., Va. during Rev. Their s Cornelius m
commis. His 2nd w was Mercy Wright, wanted Sarah Lovelace & lived in Ga. nr Conyers or
ther parentage. Peter Farnam was the s of Social Circle; & James, b Jan. 15, 1759, enlisted
Sergeant Peter Farnham & Hannah Wilcox of from Chester Dist., S. C., & d Aug. 12, 1840, in
Wilcoxson. Lieut. Peter dropped the “h” from Union Co., S. C., m Mary Crosby, of Fairfield
Farnham.—J. H. F. -
Dist., S. C. Jesse Lovelace Jeter, s of Cornelius,
10189. Rodgers.-Wanted, ances with Rev m Sarah Crosby, dau of James. Wanted, names
rec of James Rodgers, b May, 1773, in Va. or & dates of other ch of Wm. Jeter.—V. J. W.
MG.,d July, 1842, in McMinnville, Tenn. Mar. 2nd 1019.4. BUs H.NELL.-Wanted, names of ch of
1811, Margaret Campbell, in Tenn. Had 2 sons Alexander & Chloe Wait Bushnell. They were
by his 1st m & 3 daus by his 2nd. He was a m in 1761–7, he fought in Rev. Their grandson
surveyor in Va. & afterwards practised law in Thos Bushnellmar. Betsy Spencer.—E. M. S. P.
Tenn. Was related to Com. Rodgers of the 10195. HUFF.—The records of Mass. soldiers
War of 1812–A. N. who served in the Rev show one Moses Huff.
10190. BRANDENBURG.—Henry Brandenburg pvt in Capt. John Blunt's Co., Mar. 6, 1780–Sept.
6, 1780, raised for the defense of eastern Mass. 10009a. MEYER.—John Jacob Meyer b at
He also served in Capt. Lemont's Co. from July Muhlbach, Lancaster Co., Pa. d nr Jersey Shore
1, 1781–Dec. 1, 1781, in the vicinity of the Penob 1815 & is buried in Pine Creek grave yard where
scot River. Was he the s of George Huff?. He his grave has been marked by Fort Antes Chapter
moved to Bowdoin, Maine, & raised a large D.A.R. He was the 4th ch of Jacob Meyer b
family. Wanted, any information on this sub Muhlbach 1732 d Freeburg 1807 who m Susan
ject.—F. H. W. Ream, & had 8 ch John Jacob Meyer m Julia
10196. MARSHALL-DIGBY-Wanted, gen & Morr, dau of Andrew Morr or Moor of Lanc
Rev rec of ances of Wm. Lucky Marshall, who aster Co. who was a soldier in Capt. Thomas
m Miss Digby bef the Civil War. Wanted also, Militia 1781; also in Capt. Boggs' Co. 1782.
Digby gen.—F. F. Robinson's Co. 3rd Co. 7th Bat. Lancaster
10164. HAMILTON.—PAYNE.—Wanted, parent See Pa. Arch. vol. 7 series 5, pp 687, 700, 738
age & Rev rec of father of Sally Hamilton, who John Jacob Meyer served in 3rd Co., and Bat.
lived nr Sedalia, Mo., & m Wm. Payne or Paine, Lancaster Co. 1782. His father, John Jacob,
whose father moved from Va. to Ky. Wanted, Sr. also served, See 7th Co. Pa. Arch. 5th
his parentage. They had dau Sarah Ann, who m Series p 140, of Central Pa. Commemorative
1st Wilbur Baldwin. Did he have Rev ances? Record, pub. 1898, gives a good history of
2nd, John Loomis Smith. Wilbur Baldwin had Meyer fam. The will of John Jacob, is on the
dau Elizabeth Ann, who m Wm. Lewis. probate record of Lycoming Co. It bequeaths
E. B. K. to “loving w, ..sons Jacob & George.” Will
made 5 Nov. 1815, rec. Nov. 18, 1815. Will
ANSWERS Book 1, p 97. These notes are correct as far as
they go, but merely came to my knowledge in
10008. TeRREL.—Robert Terrel was the s of locating the grave of John Jacob Meyer as a
Sir Timothy Terrel, Gent. of the privy councils Revolutionary soldier.—J. C. P. Krom Regent,
of Charles I, born, 1696. His s Edmond Terrel, Fort Antes Chapter, D.A.R.
to whom he willed large tracts of land in Cul 10011. STROTHER-Eva NS-ColeMAN.—French
pepper Co., Va. lived there & raised 7 or 8 ch. Strother d 1800, of Culpeper Co., Va. was, for
according to Landrum's History of South Caro his patriotic services & utterances during the
lina. His dau Elizabeth Terrel m Wm. Wilkins
Rev. called by Grigsby “The Fearless.” He
& settled on Goncher Creek prior to Rev. The was for more than thirty years a representative
King having given him a large tract of land, of of his Co. He was also County Lieutenant,
course, he did not take up arms against the King. Member of the Committee of Safety etc.
His house is still in a good state of preservation & during the Rev. I do not find that he actually
is situated abt. 12 miles from Gaffney. Wm. & bore arms during the War but his other ser
Eliz. Terrel Wilkins & their 16 ch are buried
vices would entitle desc to membership in
near the house & their graves are marked & the S.A.R. & D.A.R. See Croziers “Buckners
still cared for. For possible further data on of Virginia”; Publications of the Southern
the Terrel family would suggest you write to History Association, vol. 2, number 1898; List
“Editor Genealogical Department.” c/o The of Revolutionary Soldiers of Virginia, issued
State. Columbia, S. Car.—Mrs. W. J. Wilkins. by the State Library, Richmond. Eliza (beth)
Gaffney S. C. French Strother, dau of French & Lucy Cole
10018. INGRAHAM.—Nathan Ingraham, Sr. m man Strother m Nimrod Evans but d without
Mary Pitts, Apr. 17, 1744 (Hebron V. R. vol. 1, issue, according to the records of Judge P.
p 50) ch Mary b Aug. 20, 1745; Waitstill b W. Strother of Petersburg, Va. an authority
March 12, 1747; Sarah b. May 9, 1749; Nathan on this family. Commander French Chadwick,
b Aug. 23, 1751; Samuel b Apr. 2, 1754; John b U. S. N. is a grs of Capt. John Evans & Gillie
June 22, 1756; Hannah b Oct. 3, 1758; Joseph Coleman Strother, dau of French & Lucy
b Sept. 15, 1760; Rhoda b May 2, 1763; Lidea b Coleman Strother.—J. B. Nicklin, Jr. 516
May 4, 1765.-Mrs A. II". Mann. Onawa, Iowa. Poplar St. Chattanooga, Tenn.
In this Honor Roll the list of membership in each State is shown in the
outer rim, and the list of subscribers according to States is in the inner circle
President General
Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D. C.
Vice Presidents General
(Term of office expires 1922)
1706 Cambridge Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. Highland Ave., Haddonfield, N. J.
MRs. Isaac LEE PATTERson, Mrs. JAMEs Lowry SMITH,
Eola Road, Salem, Ore. Amarillo, Tex.
902 Westover Ave, Norfolk, Va. 1720 22d St., Rock Island, Ill.
Miss Louise H. CobURN, Skowhegan, Me.
(Term of office expires 1923)
MRs. Cassius C. Cottle, MRs. CHARLEs S. WHITMAN,
1502 Victoria Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 54 East 83d St., New York, N. Y.
6719 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. McCleary, Wash.
2101 Blaisdell Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Cooksburg, Pa.
MRs. Edward P. SCHOENTGEN, 407 Glenn Ave., Council Bluffs, Ia.
(Term of office expires 1924)
Mrs. John TRIGG Moss, Mrs. C. D. CHENAULT,
6017 Enright Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Lexington, Ky.
Heathcote, Charlotte, N. C. 316 Willow St., Ottawa, Kan.
8 Park Place, Brattleboro, Vt. 226 Blackstone Boulevard, Providence, R. I.
Mrs. HowARD L. HoDGKINs, 1830 T St., Washington, D. C.
Chaplain General
2123 California St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
Recording Secretary General Corresponding Secretary General
Memorial Continental Hall. Memorial Continental Hall.
2005 Scott St., Little Rock. 2331 CHESTNUT St., New ORLEANs.
817 W. 5th Ave., PIN E Bluff. ALEXANDRIA.
269 MATHER St., Oak LAND. 282 MAIN St., WATER ville.
1240 W. 29th St., Los ANGELEs. 122 Goff St., Aubun N.
MRS. IIERBERT B. II AYDEN, 2224 N. CALvent St., Baltimore.
803 Spit Uce St., IBou I, Dr.It MRS. REX CORBIN MAUPIN,
1145 LoGAN St., DENVER.
1012 W. MAIN St., IKA LAMAzoo.
MRS. FRANCIS A. ST. CLAIR, 1906 KEN wood PAltkway, MINNEApolis.
1319 T. St., N. W., W AsiiiNgtoN. MRS. L. C. JEFFERSON,
119 5th St., N. E., W AsiiiNgtoN.
MItS. J. A. CRAIG, 850 N. JEFFERSoN St., JAckson.
233 W. Duval, Sr., Jacksonvili.e.
MRS. MAX E. LANI), Chillicotli E.
305 14th Ave., Coirpri, E. MRS. HENRY W. HARRIS,
MRS. HERMAN HUGO, 420 S. IDAho St., Dillon.
P. O. Box 248, IIonolulu. MRS. E. BIROOX MARTIN,
814 S. CENTRAL Ave., Bozem AN.
MRS. lx ENNEDY l'ACIN A It l), 604 W. A. St., North Platte.
421 2ND Ave., E., Twis Falls. CHAdlton.
Git AND WIEw Av. E., l'Eoiti A. PLYMoUTh.
Roch Esten.
1011 N. l’ENN ST., INDIANA polis. 448 Ridge St., New ARR.
3128 FAIR FIELD Ave., Fott WAYNE. 1308 WATCH UNg Av E., PlaiNField.
“FA in 111 Ll,” SHELLon. Roswell.
Makers of D. A. R. Insignia
Souvenir Spoons
Memorial Tablets and Stationery
IN 1777 Valley Forge Chapter
was awarded the
With Map and Nearly One Hundred Illustrations
Compiled by
Washington Medal
Under the Authority of for Americanization
The pitiful narrative of this camp of starving, almºst naked. Valley Forge
heroes, constitutes one of the most º and pathetic
chapters in the history of the republic. Gifted pens through Historical Society
many generations have rendered its details, familiar to the
public. It has remained for Mr. Taylor to set forth the
moving and dramatic story in concise and consecutive his -
orical form, sº that its pregnant and patriotic lessons may
inspire generations yet to come. -
I have read your book entitled “Valley Forge" with very REV.W. HERBERT BURK, D.D.
much interest and profit, and hope that a copy of it will find WALLEY FORGE, PA.
its way into every library, and patriotic American household.
You have done a good work in preserving this reliable
account of the most trying time of our Forefathers that
occurred º: the war of the Revolution. The story is
well told, and the illustrations are excellent, all of which I
*º ºº: and educational.
ing you abundant success,
when writing advertisers please mention Daughters at the american Revolution ºne
The Objects of this Society are
(1) To perpetuate the memory and spirit of the men and women who
achieved American Independence, by the acquisition and protection of
historical spots, and the erection of monuments; by the encouragement
of historical research in relation to the Revolution and the publication
of its results; by the preservation of documents and relics, and of the
records of the individual services of Revolutionary soldiers and patriots,
and by the promotion of celebrations of all patriotic anniversaries.
(2) To carry out the injunction of Washington in his farewell address
to the American people, “to promote, as an object of primary impor
tance, institutions for the general diffusion of knowledge,” thus develop
ing an enlightened public opinion, and affording to young and old such
advantages as shall develop in them the largest capacity for perform
ing the duties of American citizens.
(3) To cherish, maintain, and extend the institutions of American
freedom, to foster true patriotism and love of country, and to aid in
securing for mankind all the blessings of liberty.
VOL, LV NOVEMBER, 1921 No. 11
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vol. Lv Contents No. 11
Publication Office, 227 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Chairman, Magazine Committee, Southington, Conn. Editor, Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D. C.
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ENTERED DECEMBER 13, 1917, AT THE PHILADELPHIA, PA., Post office as second class MATTER UNDER
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copyRIGHT, 1921, BY THE NATIonAi. society DAt-GHTERs of THE AMERICAN REvolution
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WOL. LV, No. 11 NOVEMBER, 1921 WHOLE NO. 351
town meeting had early trained its hun nized by any legal sanction, was difficult
dreds to an understanding of community and dangerous as well. So dangerous
action and the South was not inept in was this that the Boston committee felt
managing its own domestic affairs. The it wise to bind its members by oath not
committee system was not an untried de to divulge its proceedings. The towns of
vice in the colonies, the assemblies had Massachusetts followed Boston's exam
had experience in dealing with civic man ple and recommendation and the commit
agement through committee formation tee organization in that colony gradually
and, in blocking the legal, natural chan developed strength and efficiency. These
nels of protest and remonstrance the committee efforts, the protests of the
royal governors and other crown officers Stamp Act Congress and the support of
virtually instigated cooperative protest: friends of America in England proved
committees of protestors were the result. successful; the hated Stamp Act was re
After the French and Indian War the pealed and the committees then gradually
trade discomfort caused by the so-called disintegrated as there appeared to be no
Sugar and Navigation Acts of the British further need of effort. Only in Massa
Parliament led to the formation of com chusetts were the organizations kept up.
mittees of merchants in Massachusetts, The increasing pressure upon the Colo
Rhode Island and New York. Through nies was irksome, but the irritations
correspondence these committees planned appeared to rest unevenly and it was not
an uniform method of protest and opposi until the exasperated Rhode Islanders
tion by memorials to the provincial wreaked their vengeance upon His
assemblies and by sending special repre Majesty's revenue schooner Gasped by
sentatives to England to remonstrate burning her to the water's edge that the
against these acts. Thus early the lesson need of an united protest against despotic
was being learned that unity of protest power was made clear. The royal in
is more effective than unrelated objec structions sent from Britain were to find,
tions. But the results of these early seize and transport to England for trial
efforts were disappointing. The General the men who had burnt the Gasped. The
Court of Massachusetts, as that legisla outburst of rage that greeted these in
ture was called, then appointed a commit structions, when they became known,
tee of five, of which James Otis was was more universal than any that had
chairman, to continue the opposition to occurred in the Colonies before. The
the Sugar Act during the recess of the sacred right of trial by a jury of peers
Court, to write to the other Colonies, to was here overridden by the King's minis
inform them of the measures taken by ters. It mattered not that no single cul
Massachusetts to obtain the repeal of the prit had been captured; the intent was
act and to prevent the passage of the there, plain to be read by every reading
then pending Stamp Act. Unity of re man and the colonists were both reading
sistance is ever bred by usurpation and and thinking men. The Gasped offenders
aggression that menaces or injures im were known to every patriot in Provi
partially and the other Colonies were dence and though not a single name was
asked to join with Massachusetts in ever revealed to the crown officers Rhode
adopting similar measures. Island felt the menace of this display of
To establish a political machine of this arbitrary power and turned to Samuel
character, extraneous to and unrecog Adams, of Massachusetts, for advice.
His advice was sound. Send, said he, a the New England Colonies were solidly
circular letter to every one of the Colon organized into committee groups, with
ies and ask for assistance. Rhode Island rumors of like activity coming in steadily
took this advice and issued a call for from the southward. The Royal Com
aid. It came as the rising tide and as mission investigating the burning of the
irresistably. Under the conviction that Gasped thought it prudent to pause. The
all the Colonies must come to a common gathering storm clouds appeared more
understanding as to the British claims to ominous than the destruction of a dozen
authority over them, which were a com Gaspees and the Commissioners hastened
mon menace to all and must be met by to render an innocuous report that con
unity of action, the Virginia House of cerned itself more with the conduct of
Burgesses resolved that a communication the commander of the Gasped than with
of sentiments between all the Colonies that of the unknown men who had de
was necessary and that a standing Com stroyed her. No one was seized, no one
mittee of Correspondence and Inquiry be was brought to trial and the formidable
appointed. This committee was to ob ministerial attempt to punish, by overrid
tain the earliest authentic intelligence of ing justice and right, ended in complete
all acts and resolutions of the British Par failure; and more than failure, for it
liament or administration which might accomplished for the Colonies what they
affect America; it was to open and main had not been able to accomplish for them
tain a correspondence with all the other selves. The Virginia resolves of March
Colonies respecting these matters and to 12, 1773, were the signal for an inter
lay this correspondence and its proceed colonial unity of action never before
ings thereon before the House of Bur obtained. Before a year had passed,
gesses from time to time. The commit every Colony, except Pennsylvania, re
tee was to enquire particularly into the sponded with a committee organization.
constitutional authority and principles by Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Connecti
which inhabitants of Rhode Island were cut and Massachusetts formed Commit
to be transported beyond the seas for trial tees in May, 1773; South Carolina in
and the Speaker of the House was to July; Georgia in September; Maryland
transmit copies of these resolutions to and Delaware in October; North Carolina
the different Assemblies and to request in December; New York in January,
those Assemblies to communicate, from 1774, and New Jersey in February. That
time to time, with the Virginia Commit the movement, once launched, swept
tee. When the Governor of Virginia onward, though the actual reason for it
learned of these resolutions he promptly had disappeared, is evidence that the
dissolved the House, but the members colonists were looking to the principles
reconvened at a tavern and agreed upon at stake rather than at any specific case
a circular letter which Peyton Randolph, of aggression. It was this group organ
the Speaker of the House, was to send, ization that controlled at the outbreak of
with the resolves, to the different colonies the hostilities of the Revolutionary War,
as planned. This bold questioning of and it held steady the reins of govern
Britain's authority met with almost en mental power and authority until the
thusiastic support; Virginia's ringing call royalist machinery was shaken loose and
to action echoed up and down the Atlantic democratic governments set up and set in
coast and before two months had passed motion. In the rosters of these commit
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teemen of 1773 are to be found the names value. The Boston Committee held con
of nearly every Revolutionary patriot ference with those of the neighboring
most familiar to us. The Massachusetts' towns and addressed a circular letter to
list shows three signers of the Declaration all the Colonies. The one sent to the
of Independence, a delegate to the Con Virginia Committee is shown in illustra
tinental Congress and a major general of tion here with. The armed pressure im
the Continental Army; Rhode Island's a posed upon Boston was a fatal misstep.
Signer and two delegates to the Con The Committees worked feverishly and
gress; Connecticut's a major general, a the First Continental Congress was
commissary general and a commissioner the result.
to France; Maryland's two Signers and Up to the time of the calling of this
three delegates to the Congress; Dela Congress the Committees had been those
ware's three Signers; North Carolina's of Correspondence, of Observation, of
two and Virginia's seven Signers, one of Inspection and of Intelligence, or a
whom was the author of the Declara combination of these titles such as
tion itself. Intelligence and Observation, of Corre
In the natural and justifiable exultation spondence and Inspection, or of Corre
over their victory the colonists again re spondence, Intelligence and Inspection.
laxed their efforts to some extent and Their functions were to write to the
Governor Thomas Hutchinson, of Massa other Colonies; report conditions; keep
chusetts, wrote to the home government watch over the non-importation resolu
in 1773 that: “I had the fullest evidence tions and see to the punishment of vio
of a plan to engage the colonies in a con lations; discuss and initiate protests and
federation against the authority of Par remonstrances to be forwarded to
liament. The towns of this province Parliament through the Colonial Agents
were to begin; the assembly to confirm in London, where such action, through
their doings and to invite the other colo the provincial assemblies, was blocked by
nies to join.” the royal governors. By 1774 a new
The so-called Tea Act and Declaratory type of Committee was coming into exist
Act were next enacted by a Parliament ence; that of the Committee of Safety.
intent upon enforcing entire submission to This Committee rapidly became the most
its will and, hard upon their heels, the important of all. The titles now changed
Boston Tea Party flaunted its defiant again and there were Committees of
opposition in the face of the royal gov Safety and Correspondence, of Safety
ernment just as the burning of the Gaspeč and Observation, of Safety and Inspec
had flashed the self same warning a year tion; but in all the combinations the word
before. But the Gasped were merely a “safety " took precedence. There was
mob assault upon an unpopular police something ominous in the appearance of
man; the Tea Party was open defiance of this word. It seemed to assume that the
the law itself. The punishment was swift danger of a resort to force of arms might
and drastic | The Boston Port Bill closed not be far distant.
the harbor of Boston to all commerce; a The method of forming these commit
British squadron blockaded the port and tees was not always uniform in the dif
British regiments were landed in the ferent colonies. The central, or main
town. Immediately the Committee or Committee of Correspondence of the
ganization commenced to demonstrate its Colony was generally elected by the pro
vincial assembly; the town and county colonies to establish such further regu
committees by open convention of free lations as they may think proper for
holders and inhabitants; these local com carrying the Association * * * into exe
mittees, in turn, sometime elected cution. If you like it better, choose your
delegates from their membership to the committee or suffer it to be chosen by
main or central committee. In most half a dozen fools in your neighborhood;
cases, however, the central Committee of opening your doors to them—let them
Correspondence of the province was examine your tea canisters and molasses
chosen by the assembly and the personnel jugs, and your wives' and daughters'
of the Committees of Safety well-nigh petticoats—bow and cringe and tremble
universally so. As they were to act for and quake—fall down and worship our
the assembly, when prorogued, or be sovereign Lord, the Mob!” This was
tween sessions, the membership was, the production of the rector of St. Peter's
invariably taken from that of the assem Episcopal Church in Westchester county,
bly itself. For this reason and also New York. He declared he would not
because the tenure of office of the Com submit to any such domination and if
mittee was limited to the interim when “any pragmatical committee gentleman
there was no legislature, there was never come to my house and give himself airs,
any conflict of power or question of I will show him the door, and if he does
authority between the Committees of not soon take himself away, a good hick
Safety and the legislatures. ory cudgel shall teach him better man
Of the twelve colonies represented in ners.” This excited author, the Rever
the First Continental Congress, four of end Mr. Samuel Seabury, was shocked
them—Connecticut, New York, New and horrified at a people taking matters
Jersey and Maryland—chose their dele into its own hands. The Declaration of
gates through their Committees of Corre Independence had not then been written
spondence; in one—Delaware—the dele and he could not, evidently, conceive of
gates were chosen by a convention of the principle, laid down therein by Jeffer
inhabitants, called by the Committees and son, that “the legislative powers, inca
all the rest were either elected or ap pable of annihilation, have returned to
pointed by the legislatures or at a general the people at large, for their exercise.”
meeting of the inhabitants. This First And their exercise, in Massachusetts,
Continental Congress met in Philadel where the Ministerial troops held the pro
phia, September 5, 1774, and its non vincial capital by the throat, was directed
importation resolution, adopted Septem in a fashion succinctly displayed by the
ber 22, 1774, drew forth opposition which printed circular letter sent out from the
is of value to an understanding of the Boston Committee of Correspondence to
committees' work. Certain anonymous the Committees of the nearby towns,
publications, entitled “Free Thoughts of February 25, 1775, two months before the
a Westchester Farmer,” asked: “Will battle of Lexington: “The following pro
you submit to this slavish regulation? ceedings and votes of the joint Commit
You must. Our sovereign lords and tees of this and several other towns are
masters the high and mighty delegates in conveyed to you by their unanimous re
Grand Continental Congress assembled, quest. The importance of the subject at
have ordered and directed it! They have this critical time when our enemies are
directed the committees in the respective aided by some of our deluded fellow
citizens, must strike you forcibly. We teamster can produce from the Committee of
Correspondence for the town, where he loaded, an
do not doubt but you will adopt the fol instrument, certifying his name, place of abode,
lowing or some similar plan as your sal the particulars of his load, the person who
vation depends upon it. What you must sends, and to whom to be delivered in Boston,
and that said certificate ought to be delivered
do must be done soon, or it will be in to one or more of the Committee of Corres
effectual. The army [British in Boston] pondence for Boston before the teamster pre
sumes to unload.”
by the number of wagons which they
have engaged must be in want of a num It is impossible to withhold admiration
ber of horses and cattle, it is wholly with from action such as this. It was sabo
our friends in the country to prevent tage; but sabotage boldly and publicly
their supply, but we need not dictate to recommended in the face of the bayonet.
them the mode. The cannon and baggage The memorials, petitions and addresses
of the army must remain here unless you to the King, Parliament and the people
supply them with horses and cattle, but of Great Britain, of this First Continental
on your firmness and resolution we de Congress went for naught and the Second
pend. We have a good cause, the thought Continental Congress assembled in Phila
is animating, take courage, and rely delphia a few weeks after the first shots
upon a kind Providence for protection of the war had been fired at Lexington.
and success in your resistance, in case it It recommended, on July 18th, to the
becomes necessary by your being various Colonies that each one appoint
attacked.” This was signed by William a committee of safety to superintend and
Cooper, Clerk of the Committee. Below direct all matters necessary for the secur
it was printed the proceedings of the ity and defense of their respective Colo
meeting referred to: nies in the recess of their assemblies and
conventions. This was placing the seal
“At a meeting of the Committees of Corres of approval of the United Colonies upon
pondence of, the several towns of Boston,
Charleston, Cambridge, Medford, Lexington, the Committee of Safety system. Hos
Watertown, Brookline and Concord— tilities had begun and a war demands con
“Whereas the representative body of this tinuous and sustained effort that cannot
Province in Congress, in Cambridge, consider
ing that certain persons were employed in diverse wait upon the established routine of
kinds of work for the army, in order to enable peace time custom. Early in 1775 Joseph
it to take the field and distress the inhabitants of Galloway, of Pennsylvania, came for
the country, did strongly recommend to the Com ward in his “Candid Examination of the
mittees of Correspondence and Inspection in the
several towns and districts in this province, to Mutual Claims of Great Britain and the
see their resolves of the 7th instant, relative to Colonies” and paid his respects to the
supplying the troops now stationed in Boston,
with timber, boards, spars, pickets, tent poles, committee system with the bitterness of
canvas, bricks, iron, wagons, carts, carriages, excited toryism. He labelled the Con
intrenching tools or any materials for making gress illegal and called upon the people
any of the carriages or implements aforesaid, to dissolve their inferior committees–
strictly and faithfully adhered to.
In compliance with the above recommenda their instrument to trample on the sacred
tion and from a conviction of its being our duty laws of their country and its invaluable
to prevent such supplies. Voted, That the fol.
lowing methods, if strictly adhered to will, in rights. It was plainly evident to Gallo
our opinion, be effectual, viz. That no teams be way that the committees were engines of
suffered to load in, or after loading to pass power and accomplishment sufficient in
through, any town in this province for Boston, if
their load in whole or part, consists of any of themselves to overturn the royal govern
the above mentioned articles, or oats, except the ment in the Colonies. The fact that these
of matters, the enemy are upon the point of attention should first be caught by the
making some capital move. I would therefore
wish, if it can be done with propriety, that before
high lights and brilliant color of the ex
your Board is dissolved, you would extend this citing events of the military conflict, or
power of calling out the militia to Genl. Clin the romance of the diplomatic scenes to
ton, or some other person, till such time as you
may reasonably expect the New Legislature will the exclusion of the commonplace, every
have met and proceeded regularly to business. day efforts of the average citizen; but a
I mention Genl. Clinton or some other per closer study of such phases of that strug
son, because as he will enter into his office
of Governor of the State upon the 1st of Aug gle as this committee organization sug
ust, he cannot probably attend to the Business gests will well repay the effort involved.
of calling out the Militia. If you are of opin For here and elsewhere we will find in the
ion that he can, I would prefer him to any other.
I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, picture that unrolls before our eyes, the
Your Most Obdt. and Humbl. Servt. practical workings of a democracy at its
best, which holds for all of us the inspira
In studying the history of our Revo tion that is so valuable a part of our great
lutionary War it is but natural that our heritage from the American Revolution.
To insure receiving copies of the cur been unable to supply the desired copies.
rent issue of the DAUGHTERS OF THE Make your renewal promptly. It
AMERICAN REVOLUTION MAGAZINE, sub may be sent to the local Chapter Maga
scribers should send in their names zine Chairman or to the Treasurer Gen
without delay. Make all checks and eral. A colored renewal slip in the
money orders payable to the Treasurer magazine notifies you when your sub
General, N. S. D. A. R. scription is out. Look for it.
With the ever rapidly increasing cir The subscription price of the magazine
culation of the magazine we have diffi is two dollars a year.
culty in filling the frequent orders for Eva V. M. BISSELL,
back numbers, and in many cases have Chairman Magazine Committee.
The attention of the organization is again called to The American's Creed. This concise
and eloquent statement of American principles should be in use in our schools all over the
land. Copies of the Creed tastefully printed are available for distribution at the price of $4.00
per hundred and $30.00 per thousand. The Book of The American's Creed has been tastefully
printed and can be furnished at 35 cents per volume, if ordered in lots of three or more. The
book amplifies the teaching of the Creed and explains the circumstances under which it was
adopted. Compatriots are requested to coºperate in placing the book in the hands of teachers
and the Creed in the hands of students in our schools. Any child who has learned to recite
this Creed from day to day as a part of his school curriculum will in all probability be and
remain a good American to the end of his life. Full information on the subject can be
secured from Compatriot Matthew Page Andrews at 840 Park Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland.
N this month of November all eyes Sir Auckland Geddes, The British Ambassa
are turned to the Conference on the dor, in addressing our last Congress, said very
Limitation of Armaments, which con truly, “there is no question that can arise
venes in Washington on Armis between our nations that cannot be settled by
tice Day. sensible men sitting around a table to talk it
Our Society has again had the over.” If this can be true—and it is true of
opportunity to be of great service to England and America—it can be true of all
our Government by placing Memorial Conti other nations. We must help to make them
nental Hall at its disposal for this momentous think it is true. We must bring about this
occasion. Our offer has been accepted, and the change of heart through education, for we
meetings of the Conference will be held in our cannot expect any nation to disarm, or even
Hall which will thus go down in history linked to reduce its armament, in the face of a deadly
with an event which may be epochal in its issues. peril across its borders. There can be no
It would be most appropriate at this time for safety or security while one nation—there is no
our chapters to follow the proceedings of the need to name it—breeds hatred in its children
Conference closely, in order to gain an intelli for another and lives and plots for the coming
gent grasp of the questions at issue. Public “war of revenge.” And, without security there
opinion will need careful and wise guidance, can be no real end to wars, for the right of
else it may befog the issues by bringing ill self-defense is born in us all. Pacifist senti
considered pressure to bear upon the delibera mentalism will not solve the problem. Educa
tions of the Conference. Organizations are tion and mutual understanding, will go a long
already planning their “nation-wide demon way toward its solution.
strations.” Let us try to keep cool heads and In this crisis, for it is a crisis, as acute, per
a sane, calm attitude ourselves, and impart haps, as that which faced the Peace Con
them to others. Let us trust the members of ference at Versailles, America has a grave re
the Conference to handle their business with sponsibility. She has also a splendid oppor
wisdom. There is likely to be a great deal of tunity. She can settle and stabilize the world,
sentimentality let loose by those who make hue not by “entangling alliances " that bugbear of
and cry for “peace and disarmament,” with irreconcilables, but by letting it be thoroughly
out an intelligent consideration of the hard well-known that her full power and influence
would stand arrayed against any repetition of
facts of the situation. Our hearts cry out for
the crime of 1914. I found in talking with
the end of the war; we know that the next
many abroad, that safety, security against ag
war would probably mean the wiping out of gression or world-revolution, is all that Europe
our civilization, and perhaps the extinction of longs for; she longs for a chance to work and
the race. Every argument there is, is against live in peace. If America can but awaken to
war, yet we cannot argue war out of existence, her duty in an association of nations against
nor end it by disarmament. Nations may agree war she can guarantee Europe that chance: she
on paper not to fight, but as long as even one can stabilize Europe and the world. Then, and
predatory nation with a “will to power" re then only, the nations can disarm to the mini
mains unchanged at heart, these arguments may mum. No robber nation or fanatic Bolshevik
be worth only “scraps of paper.” would dare start war or world revolution in
Peace must come before disarmament, and defiance of America. Without the power and
peace cannot come without a renewal of confi influence of America this security cannot
be attained.
dence and the birth of friendly feelings between
the nations. Behind any conference of this We can lead American thought into these
kind there must be education of the nations. channels. We can help America to realize
that “splendid isolation" is a thing of the past;
Nations must be taught that in the long run that it cannot and will not secure the peace of
justice and right and the “square deal" are Europe with which we, also, and our own
the best policies, and lead to those most interests, are indissolubly linked.
enduring and permanent settlements that go ANNE Rogers MINOR,
toward making a lasting peace. President General.
( 21
By J. P. Cranke
STEER'S horn and an old gun, photograph of the horn and gun. Here
minus its flintlock, under a he lived and died, full of years and honor,
glass case in the home of the the neighbors always according him a
proud owner, George Fitz place of supreme distinction, not only
ºf hugh, of McKinney, Texas, because of his great age, but rightfully
handed down from his great belonging to the hero who has done and
grandfather, John Abston, one-time pri dared greatly for the welfare of mankind.
vate soldier in the regiment of Colonel The following is from the pension rec
William Washington, both played an ords of the United States of America:
important part in the battle of Kings
JOHN ABSTON.—Only soldier of the Revo
Mountain, October 7, 1780. The horn is lutionary War by name of Abston. Date of en
from the steer that furnished Colonel listment—1779. Length of service—two years.
Washington's men their breakfast and Rank—Private. Captain—John Ellis Rose.
Colonel—William Washington. State—Vir
the gun was the weapon used by Abston ginia. Battles engaged in—Kings Mountain.
with deadly effect upon Ferguson's men Residence of soldier at enlistment—Pittsylvania
in the battle. county, Virginia. Date of application for pen
sion—February 4th, 1857. Residence at date of
John Abston died in Collin county, application—Collin county, Texas. Age at date
Texas, about the time of the Civil War, application—96 years. Born January 2nd., in
at the age of 109 years. His remains rest Pittsylvania county, Virginia.
REMARKS-He was son of Joshua Abston,
in the cemetery at the little town of captain of Virginia militia. This claim was re
Lavon in the southeastern part of the jected on the ground that the claimant was un
county and a monument, erected by the able to furnish documentary evidence or testi
mony of comrades in proof of his service, as
Daughters of the American Revolution, required by the act of June 7th, 1832, under
marks the spot. which he applied.
After the Revolution, like myriads of (Signed) J. C. Davenport.
other empire builders from the Atlantic September 27th, 1911,
States, he turned his face toward the Mr. George Fitzhugh,
West. He first went to the region of McKinney, Texas.
what is now Missouri, and then dropped Documentary evidence after the
down to Kentucky. Kentucky becoming seventy-seven years! Testimony of com
too thickly settled for him, according to rades when a man has reached the age
the ideas of the time as to the proper of ninety-six
amount of space a gentleman's estate The story of the incidents before and
should occupy, he came to Texas about during the battle, handed down in the
the time Sam Houston was carving out Abston family, and which were listened
that virile and ambitious Republic from to by men still living in Collin county as
Mexico. It was a land after his own the tale was unfolded by the old revolu
heart, boundless in space and teeming tionist himself, is as follows:
with game. It was to support his family, The detachment of Colonel Washing
largely by hunting, that the flintlock was ton had marched steadily for two days
taken from the old rifle and the percus and nights with the balance of the moun
sion cap lock substituted, as shown in the taineers from the slopes of the Alleghe
nies. They had very little to eat during Then, with much dignified ceremony,
this last forty-eight hours, having already there in the presence of the enemy which
consumed the rations with which they they were about to assail, William Wash
had supplied themselves before starting ington presented to John Abston one of
from their homes. The morning they the horns of the steer as a memento of
came up with the enemy they were all but the occasion and the signal service he had
famished, and Washington, knowing the performed. He carried it with him
necessity of having his men fed before through the battle, and after the close
going into action, was much concerned. of the struggle, preserved it as a remem
It was the good fortune of John Abston brance of his gallant colonel.
to save the day and relieve the anxiety There were but few trained soldiers in
of his commanding officer. the detachment that went into the battle
He was scouting in advance of the of Kings Mountain. John Abston was
main body and luckily ran upon a fat one of the few who had received the
steer in the woods, one of the few that
training of a soldier, he having enlisted
had escaped the British foragers. He
in 1779, and engaged in a number of skir
immediately transformed himself from
mishes, marches and manoeuvres before
scout to commissary and drove the steer
this action that was to have such far
back to his command, where he was re
ceived with shouts of delight by the men. reaching effects on the final outcome of
The beef was quickly butchered and the the Revolution. However, the men were
men cooked and ate their breakfast. trained to fight Indians, if not British
soldiers, and their Indian tactics proved the lords and dukes in the Wars of
sufficiently effective. the Roses.
Cornwallis had detached Colonel Fer Shelby, Campbell and Sevier assembled
guson with 1200 men for a foray of de their men at the Sycamore Shoals on the
struction and to rally and enlist the Watauga, September 25th. An old Pres
Tories. Ferguson first encountered Mac byterian minister, who was, doubtless,
dowell, who had only 160 militia, and anything but a pacifist, prayed over these
pursued him to the foot of the Alleghe fighting backwoodsmen as they stood in
nies. Having no other line of retreat a great grove, bowed over their rifles,
save across the mountains, the small de and conjured them vehemently, by all
tachment scattered and, once upon the they held sacred, to smite the foe with
Western slopes, they found a temporary the sword of the Lord and of Gideon.
asylum from further pursuit. They Old John Abston used to say there was
brought to these backwoodsmen, who had an iron grin on the faces of these men
heretofore lived in safety beyond the as they listened to the prayer of the good,
outer fringes of the war, the stories of old preacher. It was not irreverence but
burnings and murder, and crimes un a smile of amusement at the idea that they
speakable which stained the name of Brit needed any urging.
ish soldiers in all these forays through When they joined Colonel Cleaveland
out the Carolinas and Georgia. These the little army numbered 1500 men.
same stories roused the mountaineers to Colonel Campbell was chosen comman
the imminence of their own danger, for der over the whole, each chief being left
there was a threat that Ferguson would in immediate command of his own fol
cross the mountains and visit upon their lowers. There was no such thing as
heads the outrages he had heaped upon military discipline, as known in regular
other portions of the country. In fact, armies, but the mountaineers were
trained in a school that fitted them in an
he had the effrontery to send them word
he was coming with fire, sword and eminent manner to accomplish the mis
halter. Here was the wolf howling at sion on which they had started. They had
their very door. been inured to hardship and danger inci
dent to a frontier existence from their
Macdowell's men proved to be elo
earliest years and they had learned to
quent recruiting officers. Along the
track and hunt down the savage warrior
Watauga a regiment was quickly assem
and best him at his own game.
bled under Isaac Shelby and John Sevier. As for leadership, the names of their
Shelby sent word of Ferguson's threat chieftains is a roll of the early states
to his friend, William Campbell, at the men and warriors who founded Com
forks of the Holston. He also dispatched monwealths and carved an empire out of
a messenger to Colonel Cleaveland to the wilderness: Campbell, Macdowell,
bring on his followers to the hunt, the Shelby, Sevier, William Washington,
hunting being good just at that time. Cleaveland. The latter was, perhaps, the
The rendezvous was the Burk county coolest and most astute Indian fighter
court house on the Catawba. These spur that ever lived, and now he was smarting
ring messengers, “fiery red with haste,” under private wrongs perpetrated by
this rapid rallying of armed men, remind the British.
one of the assembling of the powers of Colonel Shelby made a speech to the
assembled mountaineers in which he the north was a steep declivity, not easily
urged them to fight Indian fashion, “give assailable. From prisoners they secured
them Indian play,” as he expressed it. further particulars about Ferguson's en
Until victory, utter and absolute, no man campment, and the next morning a neigh
was to leave the field under any circum boring hillsman came into camp and gave
stances. Then the march was resumed them an exact description of the lay of
toward Gilbertown where they expected the land. He also described Ferguson
to come up with Ferguson. and the uniform he was wearing.
The British leader suddenly realized he When within a mile of the mountain
had kicked over a hornet's nest with his Campbell halted his command and made
maraudings, burning and killing, for now his dispositions. Ferguson was en
he learned from his scouts that this band trenched in a naturally strong position,
coming up like a cyclone was composed easily defended, and with a force of con
of the very men to whom he had sent his siderable superiority in numbers, but
message of vengeance. He had aroused Campbell never hesitated for a moment.
the natives as the advance of the British He and Shelby took the centre to make
had done at Concord and Lexington. He the frontal attack, while the right wing
appealed to Cornwallis for reinforce was under Sevier and the left led by
ments and then began twisting and doub Cleaveland. The two latter were to pass
ling and turning to gain sufficient time on by the sides of the ridge until they un
for the new troops to reach him and also covered and then wheel to left and right,
for the local Tory militia to assemble. respectively, and advance, thus attacking
He was familiar with this guerrilla war on three sides at once.
fare of the South and his manoeuvres Campbell gave the word, “Buford,” as
would, doubtless, have enabled him to the countersign, a thing sinister to Fergu
elude a regular force; but when he began son had he known it. It was the name
these antics they were perfectly under of the commander at the Waxhaw whose
stood by the Indian-tracking backwoods men had been massacred by Tarleton
men and they followed his trail like after they had surrendered. The orders
hounds upon a fresh scent. were simple: “ Follow their officers; fall
At Gilbertown it was discovered that back when pressed by the bayonet, but
many of the horses were broken down by never leave the field. All the time let the
the terrific march and Campbell selected foe have Indian play.”
the men with the freshest horses, to the The movement of the Americans had
number of seven hundred and fifty, and been so swift and silent that Ferguson
resumed the pursuit. was surrounded and rifle balls singing
The pursuit lasted until October 6th, about his ears before he realized his
when the American scouts reported Fer situation. Suddenly the three hillsides
guson halted on a spur of Kings Moun blossomed with a crop of armed men and
tain, and already intrenched. This was a deadly fire poured into his entrench
joyful news to the pursuers. The scouts ments. Quickly his silver whistle was
described the camp as fixed on a rocky heard by the mountaineers and a formid
ridge some seven hundred yards long, able body with fixed bayonets drove down
with three sides sloping away from the against Campbell's men. There was not
summit and the hillsides covered with an a bayonet within the American ranks.
open forest glade while the fourth side on Campbell's men promptly fell back be
fore the British onslaught and the latter Although the battle of Kings Moun
pursued eagerly. A few strides further tain was a small engagement and fought
and their flank was uncovered and now in an obscure region, it yet proved to be
was Shelby's opportunity. His men one of the decisive actions of the Revo
poured in a brisk fire and the British, lution. It turned the tide in the South.
obedient to Ferguson's whistle, turned to The spirits of the patriots everywhere
give Shelby the bayonet and Shelby, per in the South rose to a high pitch of en
force, gave way. But this turn of the thusiasm, while those of the British cor
British again exposed their flank and
respondingly sank. The loss of Ferguson
Campbell was not defeated by any means.
was a grievous loss. It had wiped out
He again quickly advanced and poured
the only force Cornwallis had for this
in his fire. The mountaineers were doing
it “Indian fashion ” as abjured by Shelby guerrilla warfare and it had sent to the
before the battle opened. The whole bat grave his ablest subordinate. It stopped
tle, which lasted hardly an hour, was instantly his movement northward against
waged by these charges and counter Virginia and he began that sullen retreat
charges of the combatants. But at every that was to end only with the sea coast
fresh advance the Americans gradually and the surrender at Yorktown.
came nearer the summit and on a level George Bancroft says:
with Ferguson's entrenchments, picking “The victory at Kings Mountain,
off their victims with deadly accuracy. which in the spirit of the American sol
Ferguson directed his men from horse diers was like the rising at Concord, in its
back but owing to the contour of the effects like the successes at Bennington,
ground he could not be spotted while the changed the aspect of the war. The
Americans were still far down the hill.
loyalists of North Carolina no longer
Now, Sevier was mounting from the
dared rise. It fired the patriots of the
right and no sooner had his men reached two Carolinas with fresh zeal. It en
the crest than they caught sight of Fer
couraged the fragments of the defeated
guson's gallant figure galloping madly
about encouraging and directing his men. and scattered American army to seek
The whole line fired almost simulta each other and organize themselves anew.
neously and Ferguson fell dead from his It quickened the North Carolina legisla
horse. De Peyster, next in command, did ture to earnest efforts. It inspired Vir
all that an able subordinate could to stem ginia to devote her resources to the
the tide of defeat. He commanded, im country south of the border. The appear
plored and endeavored to lead the British ance on the frontiers of a numerous
forward again; but they had had enough enemy from settlements beyond the
for one day. Quickly the white flag was mountains, whose very names had been
hoisted and the detachment surrendered. unknown to the British, took Cornwallis
There were nearly four hundred dead by surprise, and their success was fatal
and wounded British soldiers. The bal to his intended expedition. He had hoped
ance of the command, about eight hundred to step with ease from one Carolina to
men, surrendered unconditionally. The the other, and from these to the conquest
Americans had lost in killed and wounded of Virginia, and he had now no choice
one hundred and twenty patriots. but to retreat.”
OF THE WAR OF 1812-15
By Theodore T. Belote
Curator of History, United States National Museum
MERICAN military movements Americans having crossed the Niagara
in the East, during the War of river and captured the British defences
1812–15, centred in the efforts opposite Buffalo, known as Fort Erie,
of the American forces to in on July 3rd defeated the enemy two days
vade Canada along the Niagara later in the battle of Chippewa after a
frontier. Little was accom severe struggle. The next engagement
plished in this connection during the first which occurred at Lundy's Lane, near
two years of the war and the victories Niagara Falls, from which it has also
gained in this section in 1814, while been termed the battle of Niagara, was
greatly influencing the course of the war fought on July 25th. Neither of these
as a whole, were of small permanent engagements was decisive and the Ameri
value in the above connection on account cans withdrew to Fort Erie, where they
of the fact that the British were con were assaulted on August 15th by the
stantly receiving reinforcements which British who were, however, repulsed with
fighting on their own ground nullified severe losses. Learning that the enemy
the attempts of the Americans to advance were about to repeat their attack, the
into the interior. The medals awarded Americans made a sortie on September
in recognition of services during this 17th and repulsed them to the neighbor
campaign may be divided into two hood of Chippewa. This contest virtually
classes: the first including those awarded closed the campaign in this vicinity and
for the most notable engagements of as the result of these successes by an act
the entire campaign; the second those approved November 3, 1814, Congress
awarded for individual engagements. resolved “That the thanks of Congress
These were all awarded in accordance be, and they are hereby presented to
with an act of Congress approved No Major General Brown, and through him
vember 3, 1814. Medals for engage to the officers and men of the regular
ments of the entire campaign were army, and of the militia under his com
awarded to Major General Jacob Brown, mand, for their gallantry and good con
the commander in chief during this duct in the successive battles of Chip
period; to Major General Peter B. pewa, Niagara, and Erie in upper Canada
Porter; to Brigadier General Eleazer W. in which British veteran troops were
Ripley, and to Brigadier General James beaten or repulsed by equal or inferior
Miller. Medals for individual engage numbers; and that the President of the
ments were awarded to Major General United States be requested to cause a
Winfield Scott and to Major General gold medal to be struck emblematical of
Edmund P. Gaines. During the cam these triumphs and presented to Major
paign four major engagements were General Brown.” The same act provided
fought in the following order. The for the award of medals to the generals
mentioned above who had participated in taught school and later engaged in sur
the campaign under General Brown's veying public lands in Ohio. He settled
leadership. in New York State in 1798, where he
- - - * -
tºº crºss ºne.
During the entire progress of this conducted a school, studied law, and
campaign the central figure was the wrote articles for the press. In 1809 he
Commander in Chief, Major General was made colonel of militia, and in the
Jacob Brown, one of the prominent mili- following year was advanced to briga
tary leaders during the War of 1812, dier general. After having conducted a
who was born of Quaker ancestry in number of minor military undertakings
Pennsylvania in 1775. In early life he with success, in January, 1814, he was
given command of the American forces Brigadier General Ripley, Brigadier Gen
on the Niagara frontier, with the rank eral Miller, and Major General Porter, in
of major general. At the close of the testimony of the high sense entertained
War of 1812 he was retained in com by Congress of their gallantry and good
mand of the Northern Division of the conduct in the several conflicts of Chip
Army, and in 1821 became commander pewa, Niagara, and Erie.”
in chief of the army. The medal The first mentioned of these officers
awarded to General Brown bore on the was born in New Hampshire in 1782,
obverse his bust to the right surrounded graduated at Dartmouth College in 1800,
by the inscription “Major General Jacob and began the practise of law in Port
Brown.” The reverse bore a design land, Maine. He was a member of the
showing a trophy consisting of a column Massachusetts Legislature 1810–12, and
surrounded by British arms and stand in the latter year received an appointment
ards with the American eagle in the fore as lieutenant in the twenty-first United
ground crouching over the Union Jack. States infantry. Showing great military
The column is encircled with a laurel ability he was soon promoted, and in
wreath from which depends three tablets April, 1814, was made brigadier general
inscribed, respectively, Niagara, Erie and and placed in command of the second
Chippewa. Above appears the inscrip brigade of General Brown's army on the
tion “Resolution of Congress November Niagara frontier. He served throughout
3, 1814,” and below “Battle of Chip the campaign just described with the
pewa, July 5, 1814; Niagara, July 25, greatest gallantry and was twice
1814, and Erie, September 17, 1814.” wounded. The part played by General
By the same act which provided for Ripley in the various engagements will
the award of the medal to General Brown be mentioned later in connection with the
it was resolved “that the President of description of these engagements. The
the United States be requested to cause gold medal awarded to him in accordance
gold medals to be struck with suitable with the act of Congress quoted above
emblems and devices and presented to bore on the obverse his bust to the right in
military uniform surrounded by the in- Niagara, July 25, 1814; Erie, Aug. 15,
scription “Brigadier General Eleazer Sep. 17, 1814.” In addition to this
Wheelock Ripley.” The reverse design medal the recipient received the brevet of
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NiAGARA, JULY 25, 1814
her left hanging upon a palm tree a shield for the award of a gold medal to Briga
inscribed “Chippewa, Niagara, Erie.” dier General Miller, who was perhaps the
Below the design appeared the inscrip- most picturesque figure of the Niagara
tion “Battles of Chippewa, July 5, 1814; campaign. General Miller entered the
army in 1808, served under Harrison in closed by a sortie of the Americans from
the West and commanded the Twenty Fort Erie on September 17th and on this
first Infantry at both Chippewa and occasion one column was led by Major
Niagara. During the latter engagement General Peter B. Porter. Under cover
the efforts of the Americans to break the of a heavy rainstorm this force number
British centre were being nullified by a ing about sixteen hundred men, surprised
battery of artillery at this point. When a blockhouse which protected the British
General Miller was asked by General line and captured a battery of artillery.
Scott whether he could take this battery, A second column, led by General James
he replied “I’ll try,” and led his men to Miller, also penetrated the British lines
the attack with such energy and courage and joined the forces of General Porter
that the British were thrown back in con in the attack. The British line was now
fusion and the guns captured. The gold reinforced at this point and a sharp en
w Iº
- -
medal awarded to him bore on the ob gagement followed before the American
verse his bust to the right in military troops could be reinforced by General
uniform, surrounded by the inscription Ripley's reserve and withdrawn.
“Brigadier General James Miller,” and In recognition of his services on this
immediately below “I’ll try.” This brief occasion and his previous achievements
phrase has become proverbial in Ameri during the campaign Major General
can military history and the flags of the Peter B. Porter received the medal
Fifth regiment now carry the inscription. awarded to him by the act of Congress
The reverse of the medal awarded to of November 3, 1814, already quoted.
General Miller bore a spirited and stir General Porter was a member of Con
ring view of the charge of his command gress when the War of 1812 commenced
upon the British guns at Niagara and and resigned to become a participant in
the same inscriptions as those used on the struggle. He figured prominently in
the medals just described. - the entire Niagara campaign and distin
The Niagara campaign was practically guished himself particularly in the bat
tles of Chippewa, Niagara and Fort Erie. and with a spray of palm in her right.
The medal awarded to him bore on the Above appears the inscription “Resolu
obverse his bust to the right in military tion of Congress, November 3, 1814,” and
*º a sº
female figure of Victory standing before The two medals awarded by Congress
the muse of History with three flags up- for individual engagements during this
held in her left hand inscribed, respec- campaign were awarded, respectively, to
tively, “Erie, Chippewa, and Niagara,” Major General Winfield Scott and Major
AND ERIE, 1814
capacity he received a gold medal com ley's command was at this time in the
memorating the first two engagements of rear, and the brunt of the engagement
the Niagara campaign, Chippewa and now fell upon the troops of General
Niagara in accordance with the following Scott, who advanced to the attack with
clause of the act quoted above: “That the steadiness and precision of veterans.
the President of the United States be re Before this assault the British forces
quested to cause a gold medal to be struck melted away, leaving the Americans in
with suitable emblems and devices and possession of the field after a sharp en
presented to Major General Scott in tes gagement, which lasted less than an hour.
timony of the high sense entertained by It had been fought by two bodies of
Congress of his distinguished services in hostile troops, face to face, on an
the successive conflicts of Chippewa and open plain, and the Americans had
Niagara and of his uniform gallantry and emerged victorious.
good conduct in sustaining the reputation The British forces now retreated to
of the arms of the United States.” Be Fort George, at the mouth of the Niagara
river, and the Americans advanced in awarded to General Scott for his part in
that direction as far as Queenstown, the battle, although the conflict is com
where they passed the next two weeks, monly called by the name of the lane near
a 3
part attacking the British forces and of the General to the right in military uni
pushing them back with heavy losses. In form, surrounded by the inscription
spite of Scott's utmost efforts to break “Major General Winfield Scott.” The
the British centre, however, it seemed reverse bore within a circle formed by a
impossible to do so, and by nine o'clock serpent swallowing its tail, the emblem of
at night his troops were almost exhausted immortality through glory and victory
by their labors and yielded place to and draped within a wreath of laurel and
General Ripley's brigade, which came palm the inscription in eight lines “Reso
into action on the run. Under the com lution of Congress, November 3, 1814.
mand of the latter the British centre was Battle of Chippewa, July 5, 1814;
broken and thrown back with the loss of Niagara, July 25, 1814.”
several guns captured by the troops of Following the battle of Niagara, or
General Miller. When a lull came in the Lundy's Lane as it is more commonly
battle Ripley's brigade held the eminence called, the American troops fell back to
upon which the British guns were located the defenses of Fort Erie on the Cana
and the entire length of Lundy's Lane dian side of the Niagara river, nearly
to the highway on the east. At this junc opposite Buffalo. Here they were
ture a small reinforcement of fresh troops attacked by the enemy in force on August
would have enabled the Americans to 15th, but so well had the Americans for
win a decisive victory. These were not tified their positions and so careful were
available, however, and after a long in they to guard against surprise that under
terval the British reattacked and were the leadership of Major General Edmund
driven back three times in succession. P. Gaines and Major General Eleazer W.
General Scott was severely wounded, as Ripley they repulsed the British attack
was also the commander in chief, General with heavy loss to the enemy. In recog
Brown. The American troops were ex nition of his services on this occasion the
hausted and had met with heavy losses. act of Congress already quoted resolved
Under these circumstances it was deemed “That the thanks of Congress be, and
best to retreat, a movement which was they are hereby presented to Major Gen
executed in good form and absolutely eral Gaines, and through him to the offi
without molestation by the enemy. The cers and men under his command for
battle had been fiercely fought on both their gallantry and good conduct in de
sides, and the Americans had exhibited feating the enemy at Erie on the fifteenth
the greatest bravery and steadiness under of August, repelling with great slaughter
the most trying circumstances, and all the the attack of a British veteran army
danger of the field had been faced by the superior in numbers; and that the Presi
generals in common with their men. dent of the United States be requested to
General Scott's wounds proved so serious cause a gold medal to be struck em
as to prevent him from resuming his blematical of this triumph and presented
command during the war. The British to Major General Gaines.” The medal
generals, Riall and Drummond, the latter awarded in accordance with this resolu
of whom had commanded toward the tion bore on the obverse the bust of Gen
close of the battle, were also wounded. eral Gaines in military uniform to the
The medal awarded to General Scott right surrounded by the inscription
in recognition of his part in these two “Major General Edmund P. Gaines.”
engagements bore on the obverse the bust The reverse bore a winged female figure
of Victory standing upon the British or captured and the British army,
shield and placing a wreath upon a can although largely outnumbering that of
non standing upright and inscribed the Americans, was unable to make any
“Erie.” Surrounding the cannon are headway against the American defenses.
shown a British standard, a sword, and A number of desperate attempts to cross
helmet, a mortar, and cannon balls. the Saranac river, which flows into Lake
Above appears the inscription “Resolu Champlain just south of the town, were
tion of Congress November 3, 1814,” and repulsed by the Americans under General
below “Battle of Erie August 15, 1814.” Macomb. With the defeat of the British
In many respects the most remarkable fleet the hope of a successful invasion of
engagement fought during the War of the United States at this point was at an
1812 was the battle of Plattsburg, New end and General Prevost began a precipi
York, during the progress of which tate retreat.
occurred in full sight of both armies the The medal awarded to General
engagement between the British and Macomb by Congress in recognition of
American fleets, known as the battle of his services on this occasion was struck
Lake Champlain. The battle of Platts in accordance with the act so often
burg was the outcome of one of the most quoted which granted the medals for the
important British invasions of the United Niagara campaign. The clause awarding
States during the war in the northern the medal to General Macomb read as fol
section of hostilities. Sir George Pre lows: “Resolved that the thanks of Con
vost, Governor General of Canada, with gress be, and they are hereby presented
a formidable army of about eleven thou to Major General Macomb, and through
sand men, in 1814, planned the invasion him to the officers and men of the regular
of New York along the same route pur army under his command, and to the
sued by Burgoyne during the Revolution. militia and volunteers of New York and
Having crossed the line the first of Sep Vermont, for their gallantry and good
tember and captured the town of Cham conduct in defeating the enemy at Platts
plain, he impressed all the available burg on the eleventh of September, re
wagons and teams for use in his march pelling with one thousand five hundred
south, at the same time issuing proclama men, aided by a body of militia and volun
tions urging the inhabitants of the county teers from New York and Vermont a
to furnish his army with supplies. To British veteran army greatly superior in
oppose him Major General Alexander numbers; and that the President of the
Macomb, in command of the American United States be requested to cause a gold
troops at Plattsburg, had only about medal to be struck emblematical of this
fifteen hundred men. He set to work, triumph and presented to Major General
however, with a view to making as strong Macomb.” The medal awarded in ac
a defense as possible, fortified the town cordance with this resolution bore on the
of Plattsburg to the best of his ability obverse the bust of General Macomb in
and waited for the British attack. With military uniform to the right surrounded
the arrival of the British fleet on Septem by the inscription “Major General Alex
ber 11th the battle raged on land and ander Macomb. The reverse design
lake. The American flotilla was vic showed a spirited view of the battle with
torious and the American land forces no the American fortifications in the fore
less so. The British fleet was destroyed ground, the town of Plattsburg in flames
on the left and the naval engagement in tember, in the year one thousand eight
progress on the right. Above appears hundred and fourteen, over a British
the inscription “Resolution of Congress squadron of superior force" and “That
November 3, 1814,” and below “Battle the President of the United States be
of Plattsburg September 11, 1814.” requested to cause gold medals to be
The defeat of the British fleet on Lake struck, emblematical of the action be
Champlain by the American fleet, com tween the two squadrons, and to present
manded by Commodore Thomas Mac them to Captain Macdonough and Cap
donough, coincidently with the battle of tain Robert Henley, and also to Lieuten
Plattsburg, may logically be compared in ant Stephen Cassin, in such a manner as
a military sense with the defeat of the may be most honorable to them; and that
British fleet on Lake Erie a year before. the President be further requested to
In both cases the naval victory was the present a silver medal with suitable em
deciding factor in a campaign of great blems and devices to each of the commis
importance to the American nation. sioned officers of the Navy and Army
Perry's victory of 1813 enabled General serving on board and a sword to each of
Harrison to regain possession of the the midshipmen and sailing masters, who
Northwest for the United States and so nobly distinguished themselves in that
Macdonough's victory of 1814 resulted in memorable conflict.”
the discomfiture and retreat of an invad The obverse of the medal awarded to
ing British army which threatened Commodore Macdonough in accordance
serious injury to the American cause. with this resolution bore the bust of this
Had the British been able to maintain a officer to the right in naval uniform
naval force on Lake Champlain there is with the inscription “Tho. Macdonough
every reason to believe that ultimate suc stagno. Champlain clas. reg. Brit. Super
cess might have crowned the efforts of avit" or “Thomas Macdonough defeated
General Prevost and rendered far more the royal British fleet on Lake Cham
severe the peace terms which the British plain.” The design of the reverse showed
commissioners were willing to accept the engagement between the two fleets
later on in the same year. The impor with the inscription “Uno latere percusso
tance of the services rendered by Mac alterum impavide vertit.” or “Beaten on
donough and his associates were real one side he fearlessly turns the other.”
ized by the American public and by an and “Inter class. ameri. et brit. die XI
act approved, October 20, 1814, Con Sept. MDCCCXIIII" or “Between the
gress resolved “That the thanks of Con American and British fleets September
gress be, and the same are hereby, pre 11, 1814.” The first inscription on the
sented to Captain Thomas Macdonough, reverse referred to the skill and foresight
and through him to the officers, petty of Macdonough in so mooring his flag
officers, seamen, marines, and infantry ship the Saratoga as to be able during
serving as marines,” attached to the the height of the engagement to warp her
squadron under his command, for the around and thus bring fresh broadsides
decisive and splendid victory gained on to bear on the enemy.
Lake Champlain, on the eleventh of Sep By the act quoted above gold medals
were also awarded to Captain Robert
* Thus in the case of this naval engagement
as in that of Lake Erie the Army as well as
Henley and Lieutenant Stephen Cassin
the Navy participated. in recognition of their services during the
engagement. The reverses of these two saved the bloodshed in the attack and
medals were the same as that of the one defense of this very important portion of
presented to Commodore Macdonough. American territory. The victory, how
The obverse of the medal awarded to ever, was joyfully received by the Ameri
Captain Henley bore his bust to the right can public, keenly disappointed as they
in naval uniform surrouned by the in had been with the lack of success in other
scription “Robert Henley Eagle praefect. fields of American military endeavor
palma virtu per aeternit florebit" or during this trying period. In recognition
“Robert Henley commander of the of his services in connection with the de
Eagle. The palm of bravery will flour fense of New Orleans, Congress, by an
ish forever.” The obverse of the medal Act approved February 27, 1815, resolved
awarded to Lieutenant Cassin bore the as follows: “That the thanks of Congress
bust of this naval officer to the right, sur be, and they are hereby, given to Major
rounded by the inscription “Stephanus General Jackson, and, through him, to
Cassin Ticonderoga praefectus. Quae the officers and soldiers of the regular
regio in terris nostri non plena laboris" army, of the militia and of the volunteers,
or “Stephen Cassin, commander of the under his immediate command, and to
Ticonderoga. What region of the earth the officers and soldiers charged with the
is not full of our works.” defence of Fort St. Philip, for their uni
The most famous battle of the War of form gallantry and good conduct, con
1812 and in many ways one of the most spicuously displayed against the enemy,
famous in American military history, was from the time of his landing before New
the engagement before New Orleans on Orleans until his final expulsion from the
January 8, 1815, when an attacking force State of Louisiana, and particularly for
of eight thousand British veterans, com the valor, skill, and good conduct on the
manded by Sir Edward Pakenham, were eighth of January last, in repulsing, with
defeated by three thousand Americans great slaughter, a numerous British
under the command of Major General army of chosen veteran troops, when at
Andrew Jackson. The Americans were tempting by a bold and daring attack to
very strongly entrenched and the British carry by storm the works hastily thrown
essayed a frontal attack in close forma up for the protection of New Orleans,
tion which ended in their being repulsed and thereby obtaining a most signal vic
with terrible losses in killed and tory over the enemy with a disparity of
wounded. Among the former were the loss, on his part, unexampled in mili
commander of the expedition and many tary annals;” and “that the President
other officers of high rank. This victory of the United States be requested to cause
was due largely to the energy and fore to be struck a gold medal, with devices
sight of General Jackson in preparing an emblematical of this splendid achieve
almost impregnable position and to the ment, and presented to Major General
extraordinary confidence with which his Jackson, as a testimony of the high sense
personality inspired his men. New entertained by Congress of his judicious
Orleans was the last major engagement and distinguished conduct on that
of the war. It was fought after the memorable occasion.
treaty of peace had been signed at Ghent, The medal awarded to General Jack
and had the Atlantic telegraph cable been son, in accordance with this resolution,
in existence at the time it might have bore on the obverse his bust to the right,
The English edition of the Manual for Immigrants is now ready. Italian and
Spanish editions are in process of preparation.
According to the vote of the Thirtieth Continental Congress, Daughters of the
American Revolution, the Manual is to be given free to immigrants at ports of
entry, but sold to chapters and educators desiring it for teaching purposes.
Single copies of the English edition. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 20 cents each
In lots of 25 or more. . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - 15 cents each
- - - - - - - - - -
w or 1 d-wide credentials is
recognition of submitted to
the wom a n the Interna
whose name is tional Commit
1 in k ed irre tee of the Red
vocably with C*-R Cross at Gen
the profession
~~: * -------"
Céa, ºeſºn Scott
- -
t in guish ed Nightingale
themselves in m e d a l sh e
Alma E. Foerster, of Chicago, Ill., and during the World War, so many were
Mary E. Gladwin, of New York City. the women especially distinguished
Although more than three years have for bravery in face of danger that the
elapsed since the signing of the Armistice, selection of the six American recip
Miss Helen Scott Hay still is attending ients of the Florence Nightingale
to her Red Cross duties in Paris as chief Medal was indeed a difficult task.
More than 222 American nurses have of a group of American nurses on the
been decorated by the Allied Gov Red Cross ship. She was appointed chief
ernments for supreme devotion to duty nurse of Unit C, located at Kiev, Russia,
and conspicuous service. Yet above during that same year.
their records, the performance of Before the declaration of war, prepa
these six American women was one rations had been made for the establish
of the outstanding features in the work ment of a training school for nurses in
of the nursing corps. Length and charac Bulgaria under the patronage of Queen
ter of service performed entered largely Eleanora and conducted under American
in the selection. And it is worthy of standards. The suddenness of the War
mention that the selection of these six necessitated a postponement of these
women meets with the views of Red Cross plans. Later, Miss Hay, who was to
officials who were in a position to place establish the school, was transferred from
a true valuation Russia to Bul
on the service garia, where
rendered. she engaged in
Aside from public he alth
her Red Cross nursing and re
duties, M is s lief work at
Hay is one of Philippopolis.
the most con In M a y ,
spicuous nurses 1917, shortly
in America. a fter the
Her rec or d United States
shows long and began its active
intensive ser preparations
vice in this for war work,
country and Miss Hay re
since those turned to this
early dark days country to re
of 1914. ceive the ap
Miss Hay pointment as
was one of the Director of the
pioneer nurses Bureau of In
to heed the struction, De
rallying call to p a r t ment of
woman hood N u r s in g ,
throughout the American Red
world at the Cross. One of
outbreak of the her most im
War. A vol portant services
unteer of the was rendered
first order, she in assisting the
Went OVerSeaS Surgeon Gen
in September, er a 1 of the
Army to or
ganize the Army School of Nursing for representative of the Red Cross Nursing
the War Department. Service in France, Miss Russell paved
Active service at the front again called the way for the great organization built
her. She sailed October, 1918, as chief up within the American Expeditionary
nurse of the Red Cross Commission to Forces. She saw the nursing activities
the Balkan States. There she struggled grow from a group able to care for only
against every a few thou -
sort of obstacle. sands of men
Finally, in in to a v a st
May, 1919, in army of nurses
recognition of for n e a r ly
her genius for three millions
organization, of soldiers. She
Miss Hay was served con
appointed chief spicuously with
nurse of the the Atlantic
Red Cross Division, De -
Commission in partment of
Europe, a posi Nursing, in the
tion which she s um me r of
still retains. 1918, and was
Two nations rel e a se d in
have joined in September,
honoring this 1918, owing to
woman. Rus failing health,
sia decorated to return to
her with the this country.
Gold Cross of Later she be
St. A n n c. came associated
Later, Queen with the insti
Eleanora of t ution at
B u 1 g a r i a Boulder.
pinned on her Miss Russell
breast the Bul is one of the
garian Royal finest type of
Red Cross in trained nurse.
recognition of A graduate of
vice done in H o s p i t a l
the fulfillment of her profession.” Training School for Nurses in 1894, Miss
Another executive nurse whose career Russell has experienced practically every
overseas is no less conspicuous than that line of duty that falls to the lot of a
of Miss Hay is Miss Martha M. Russell, nurse. She rose to be the head nurse in
at present superintendent of nurses at the Medical Hospital, New York, and the
the University Hospital, Boulder, Colo. Norton Infirmary, Louisville, Ky. Her
Sent overseas in July, 1917, as the first duties have connected her in various
dreds of thousands, she worked with all tically no American nurse assigned to the
the might and main of her rare Western difficult Serbian field has done so much to
vitality as a nurse in the famous “Unit relieve suffering as Miss Gladwin. She
H.” Later, in 1917, she served under remained there continuously throughout
the Red Cross Roumanian Commission the war until January, 1919.
and left that to go to distant Archangel Miss Gladwin is a graduate of the Bos
when the American forces first made ton City Hospital and was at one time
their appearance in Siberia. superintendent of nurses at the Woman’s
It was during the Ohio floods in 1913, Hospital, New York City. Like Miss
that Miss Foerster first became known to Foerster, the call for volunteer nurses at
the Red Cross through her efforts in car the time of the Ohio floods found her
ing for the destitute and injured. She is ready to respond. Her services during
a graduate of the Presbyterian Hospital that emergency evoked high praise from
T r a in in g the Red Cross.
School for One of the
Nurses, at Chi real executives
cago, and en devel oped
tered imme a m on g the
diately upon a women of the
career of pub country during
lic nursing. the war w a S
dering such services to them as her posi served abroad, perhaps Miss Linda
tion as director enabled her. Her service Meirs' career is more filled with color
in this connection is regarded at Red Cross and war romance than that of any
headquarters as one of the conspicuous of her associates. Most of her work
nursing achievements of the late war. was done within the sound of roar
Miss John ing guns at
son is a grad the front. She
uate nurse of came through
wide and use her first bap
ful experience. t is m of fire
Combining the with a spirit
training of a only made the
college grad m or e deter
uate with the mined to en
practical train dure hardships
ing of a pro an d sacrifice
fessional nurse, all things. She
Miss Johnson was the kind of
has ably dem person to in
on strated a spire soldier
natural supe patients with
riority that a we, admira
made her a tion and affec
notable figure tion.
in Red Cross Miss Meirs
work. She is a le a r n ed her
graduate of first lesson of
Smith College hospital disci
and upon com- pline on the
pl et i ng a field while
course at the serving in Ger
New York many during
T r a in i ng 1914, at the
School for high tide of
al Career
O f
Nightingale Medal. MEDAL was swººpep by rig ºper
c ee sSs.e r “She
d V e S
public service that placed her fore special mention for faithfulness, ability
most among the women of her pro and untiringness” was the report of
fession. Her services have associ
her chief. So effectively did she
ated her with such institutions as
render service that on February, 1915,
Cornell University, New York Uni
versity, and the Bellevue Medical a report from the front declared that
School Dispensary, of New York. she had been named “as one of three
But of all the American nurses who nurses who had distinguished themselves
for their excellent and faithful service.” fighting up to the Armistice, which began
Miss Meirs was assigned under the to tell so heavily on the American armies,
Red Cross Commission to Roumania in Miss Meirs struggled night and day with
October, 1917, and after an arduous win the dying and wounded as they were
ter was transferred in the following brought in from the front. “In all these
June to Paris; there she was assigned as situations she showed the highest degree
chief nurse of Hospital No. 23, Jouy of proficiency as an organizer and execu
sur-Morin. It was at Jouy-sur-Morin tive under the most difficult circum
that Miss Meirs won conspicuous recog stances,” the report stated.
nition for bravery under fire. She had How eagerly the women of America
converted an old chateau into a tem responded to the call for service, history
porary field hospital and received patients proudly relates. More than 35,000
direct from the front. This hospital was trained nurses enrolled for military ser
bombed by airplanes and a number of the vice. The women of America indeed
staff and patients were wounded. During were aroused as never before. A million
those anxious days Miss Meirs showed others engaged in voluntary labors—all
utter disregard for her personal safety striving with might and main to help win
and was the pivot about which the whole the war in whatever capacity they could
organization revolved. The report of serve. Nearly 20,000 nurses wore the
Miss Julia Stimson, superintendent of caps that distinguished them for active
the Army Nurse Corps, who, by the way, service; 18,000 as members of the Army
has been appointed a major by special Nurse Corps, braved the submarine zone;
act of Congress, refers in glowing terms 1000 served with the Navy, another thou
to the services performed by Chief sand with the American Red Cross Com
Nurse Meirs. missions to Europe to care for the sick
The report goes on to say: “When her and helpless, the fatherless children
organization was removed to A. R. C. and widows.
Hospital No. 111, at Chateau Thierry, in Wherever they went these women car
August (when the American counter ried with them the ideals of Florence
offensive commenced), she was under Nightingale, spreading broadcast her
fire again and showed the greatest brav doctrine of self-sacrifice, cleanliness,
ery, efficiency and ability to inspire not order and peace. Records of the War
only her staff but the officers and men. Department show that twenty-eight
She combines self-forgetfulness, effi American Red Cross nurses wear the
ciency, ability to bear extraordinary long Croix de Guerre of France; two the
hours of duty and lack of comforts and British Military Medal, fifteen the Brit
a power to inspire in her assistants a ish Royal Red Cross, first class; and fifty
remarkable state of morale and devotion two the British Royal Red Cross, second
to duty to a greater extent than is often class. Sixty-seven of these nurses have
exhibited in one person.” These are been decorated with the Medaille
warm words of praise from one's super d'Honour des Epidemics and two with
ior. In September Miss Meirs and her the Medaille de la Reconnaissance of
faithful staff were moved to Evacuation France. One nurse wears the Medaille
Hospital No. 114 at Toul and then once de la Reine of Belgium, three the Silver
more followed the advancing troops to Cross of St. Anne of Russia, while the
Fleury-sur-Aire. During that terrific Distinguished Service Cross of our own
country has been conferred upon three Medal, rests among the rows of Ameri
others and the Distinguished Service can dead.* Other graves there are, too,
Medal upon two American Red their simple white crosses dotting here
Cross nurses. and there the fields of France, with the
Sir Douglas Haig's list of mentions for poppies once more peeping up from
gallant service on the Western front in green blades of grass no longer trodden
cludes the names of thirteen American beneath the heels of tramping armies.
nurses; five others have received the Mute testimony they bear of sacri
British Certificate of Merit, while Gen fices made.
eral Pershing has cited thirty-four for It may be that the spirits of Florence
distinguished service and unusual bravery Nightingale and Jane Delano once more
under fire.
may be called upon to lead in war the
High above the tablet dedicating to the mothers and the sisters of men. But
use of the American Red Cross the white
should the day ever come when the
marble building in Washington, erected women of America again are put to the
“by a grateful Government in memory
test, the story of those sleeping now on
of the heroic women of the Civil War,”
the fields of Europe will tell in what
hangs the service flag of the Department
spirit it shall be faced. Where others
of Nursing. It is put there that those
failed, a million hands outstretch to grasp
who come may witness the record of
American womanhood. the falling torch—be theirs to hold it high
One hundred and fifty-three gold ser so it might not be said in future years
vice stars, placed by loving hands in mem that those countless thousands who gave
ory of those who have made the supreme their lives that lasting peace might put
sacrifice, burn on this flag, while in a an end forever to war's mad career, died
military cemetery at Base Hospital No. only in vain.
69, nestling in the little village of
Savanay, France, Jane A. Delano, organ * Since this article was written Miss Delano's
body has been brought to this country and
izer of the Department of Nursing, interred in Arlington Cemetery, Va., with full
founder of the Florence Nightingale military honors. Editor.
Drawings by
Zoé Lee H. Anderson
The Maryland Cromwells are direct descen The first person whom we find by this name
dants of Morgan Williams. The name Will is Reginald de Peyton of Peyton Hall in Box
iams is very ancient and of Welsh extraction ford, and Stoke Neyland, son of Walter, Lord
and probably extends throughout the civilized of Sibton in Suffolk, in the reign of Henry 1st,
world. Burke in his Peerage and Baronetage who died 1136.
says of Sir Robert Williams, 9th Baronet of After him came six generations of men fam
the House of Williams of Penrhyn, that his ous for their large estates and the positions
family is lineally descended from Marchudel of honor which they held, chief among them
of Cyan, Lord of Abergelen in Denbighshire, being the Crusader, Sir John de Peyton who
of one of the fifteen tribes of North Wales, who lived in 1270.
lived in the time of Roderic Maur, King of Nine generations later we find Sir Robert
Britons about 849. Peyton, Kt. of Iselham born 1498, High Sheriff
Quoting from another authority. “This most of Cambridge, Groom of Privy Chamber to
ancient family of the Principality of Wales, Henry 8th, who was with the King at Green
deduces its pedigree from Brutus, 1st King of wich, when he went to meet Anne of Cleves.
this Island, who began to reign 1100 years be He married Frances, granddaughter of Sir
fore the birth of Christ. William Calthorpe, Kt. and it is through him
Morgan Williams or Morgan ap Williams, that the descendants of Sir Robert Peyton
son of William ap Yevan, married Elizabeth, claim Royal lineage.
sister of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, afterwards Later Sir Christopher Peyton, Kt. of St.
Earl of Essex, through whose powerful influ Sepulchre, London, knighted by James 1st, was
ence at Court Morgan Williams obtained his Auditor of Ireland in 1610.
rank and wealth. Major Robert Peyton of “Roughan, Co., Nor
In compliance with the policy of Henry 8th folk, England, and “Iselham", Co., Gloucester,
to abolish all distinction between the Welsh and Virginia, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Yelver
English, his Majesty suggested that Morgan ton Peyton born circa 1640, came to Virginia
Williams' son Richard assume the surname of 1676, named his estate “Iselham" from the Pey
his uncle “CROMWELL" so he was known ton estate in Cambridge, England, is the head
as Sir Richard Cromwell, alias Williams. He of the Gloucester County Peytons, while Colo
always used the name of “Cromwell” after this nel Valentine Peyton of Nominy is the ancestor
and the oldest member of the Cromwell family of the Westmoreland and Stafford County, Vir
was called William, to perpetuate the name. ginia Peytons. He was the son of Henry of
Sir Oliver Cromwell of Hinchen Brook, “Lincoln's Inn, Middlesex Co., Arminger.”
grandson of Sir Henry Cromwell, grandson of Sir Edward Peyton, Bart, in 1633 acknowl
Morgan Williams, was the uncle of Oliver edges said Henry to be his relative, branched
Cromwell the Lord Protector of England out from his family, and accorded to him the
and grandfather of William Cromwell who use of the Peyton Arms with a difference of
purchased land in Maryland prior to 1671. the “Bordure, Erm.”
i . All queries and answers must be signed and sender's address given.
. In answering queries give date of magazine and number and signature of query.
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to print information contained in the communication to be forwarded.
1800 & is bur at Fredericksburg. His w was 8883. Houston. Eagle's Pennsylvania Genea
Lucy dau of Robert Coleman d 1795, of Caro logy, p. 528.
line Co. Their ch were Margaret French “Jane Houston of Silver Springs, Pa. m.
Strother m Capt. Phil Slaughter; Gilley m Col. John Creigh. John Creigh b. Aug. 25, 1741 in
John Evans; Lucy, unmarried; Elizabeth m Ireland, d. Feb. 17, 1813, at Carlile, Pa. He
Nimrod Evans; Mary m Daniel Gray, her 1st served in Jersey Campaign of 1776, administered
cousin; Daniel French m Fannie dau of Judge the Oath of Allegiance. They were m Aug.
John Thompson, of Louisville, Ky; George 25, 1776. Jane Houston Creigh d. Oct. 31, 1808,
French m Sarah Green Williams, dau of Gen. dau of Samuel Houston of East Pennsboro,
James Williams of Orange Co. Ref. “William Cumberland Co., Pa. Ch of Jane Houston and
Strother of Va. and His Descendants.” by John Creigh : Isabella to Samuel Alexander (2)
Thomas McAdory Owen. pp. 50–51.-Mrs. L. Robert Evan; Thomas unm; Samuel m Martha
H. Chapman. Quitman, Georgia. Hunter (2) Jane Mahon; John; Mart m John
6186. HYDE.—Ebenezer Hyde's father was Kennedy; Elizabeth m Samuel Duncan.”—Miss
Ebenezer, not Jonathan. Ebenezer Hyde, Sr. T. C. Houston, Mexico, Missouri.
was b Apr. 12, 1719 m Apr. 12, 1742, Mercy 8952. CARR.—In “Carr Family Records" on
Thatcher. Their s Ebenezer was b Jan. 13, p 53. Caleb Carr, b in Jamestown, R. I. Nov.
1743. Will be glad to help you further with this 6, 1702 d in West Greenwich, R. I. in 1769, was
line.—Mrs. Catherine L. Greer. 1401 Linden the father of Thurston, Carr b July 2, 1756 in
St. Pine Bluff, Arkansas. West Greenwich, R. I., settled in Steplentown,
6082. ALLEN.—The following Allen notes N. Y. and d there in 1812. Sarah—w of Caleb
were sent the writer by a correspondent of the Carr came from R. I. with her ch after her hus
gen. dept. of the Boston Evening Transcript. bands d, & lived in Steplentown, N. Y. and the
“Samuel Allen (Nehemiah (2) Samuel (1), adjoining town of Hancock, Mass. Her grave
had sons Samuel (4) & Joseph (4) & others. is in Hancock, Mass. She was b November 8,
Samuel (4) had Col. Ebenezer & other ch; and 1711 and d Nov. 1798.
Joseph (4) had Col. Ethan and other ch. Col. DUTCHER.—Catherine Dutcher was b Sept.
Ebenezer Allen was b in Northampton, Mass. 17, 1749, bapt. at Athens, N. Y. m. William
Oct. 17, 1743, when young went with his parents Wolcott or Woolcutt. She was the dau of
to Marlboro, Mass.; m 1762 Lydia Richards; Gabriel Dutcher b Feb. 2, 1720 bapt. at Athens,
removed to Bennington, Vt. 1768; to Poultney N. Y. m Dec. 1738/39, at Salisbury, Conn.
1771, then to Tinmouth, Vt. He was Lieut. in Elizabeth, dau of Cornelius Knickerbocker, bapt.
Col. Warner's Regiment of Green Mountain Jan. 7, 1722 d at Dover, Dutchess Co., N. Y.
Boys; was with Col. Ethan Allen at Ticonde April 23, 1793. In 1742 Gabriel, was taxed at
roga; removed to South Hero, Vt. 1779 & Weatogue, Conn. See History of Litchfield Co.,
1800 to Burlington, Vt. where he d.” His sister Conn. p. 521. He was a farmer & after his w's
Hannah Allen b Aug. 11, 1753, d in Middletown death lived with his s John in Cherry Valley.
Springs, Vt. Feb. 28, 1838, m Abt 1775 Benja His ch were Lawrenze born 1740 m Gertrude
min Coy, a sol of the Rev. from Vt.—Miss Wheeler; at Armenia; Roelof bapt. August 24,
Jennie M. Patten. Yuma, Colo. 1741; Maritje m Edward Wheeler; Benjamin
8878. SMITH-Burton Smith occurs in my bapt. January 29, 1744 m. Thankful Benson;
Chart as follows;–John Curlee, Rev. sol, b Cornelius bapt. May 24, 1746; Christoffel bapt.
1781 Mary Barber. Their ch were Elizabeth, January 3, 1748 m his cousin Mary Belden;
Tabitha, Cullen, Calvin, Anne who m 1st Noah Catherine b Sept. 17, 1749 m Wm. Wolcott:
Smith & had 3 ch, she m 2nd Burton Smith & Elias b October 11, 1755 m Mary Rose; Jannet
had ch. They lived in Tipton Co. Tenn. after jie m John Hoffcutt; John b Jan. 5, 1759 m Syl
leaving Rutherford Co., Tenn. John Curlee, via Beardsley. Gabriel was the s of Roelof
father of Anne d in Rutherford Co. Tenn.— Dutcher b at Marbletown, Ulster Co., N. Y. d
Mrs. Shelby Curlee. Buckingham Hotel. D. St. Jan. 19, 1737 m bans published Nov. 17, 1700,
Louis, Mo. Jannetjie Bresie, dau of Christopher Bresie, of
J. D. D. Willis-On p 81 of the book the jurisdiction of Albany, & later of “Rulphian
“Mother of Washington" by Mrs. Roger A Kill" near Livingston Manor, Columbia Co., N.
Pryor is the following:—“Mildred Washington Y. and his w Christina Claeszen dau of Nicho
married a man by the name of Lewis, then she las. Roelof Dutcher's will was drawn in Eng
married Richard Gregory, then Henry Willis. lish, Roelof making his mark. His widow d
She had three daus by Gregory who all mar July 26, 1749. He was the s of Jan Willemszen
ried Thorntons. She had one son by Willis de Dutcher (De Deuyster) who m Grietje
whom she named after her 1st husband, Lewis Cornelise. In 1687 Jan was a “fottmen” in the
Willis. He had a son Byrd C. Lewis who had militia. Jan was the s of Wilhelm De Deuyster
a dau. Catherine Lewis."—Mrs. A. H. Hyde. “van Hardeen" & in Dec. 1654 m Leentje Mar
1038 Clayton St. San Francico, Calif. tens, widow of the patriotic Jochem Pieterszen
Kuyter, who was slain by the Indians 1654. Sarah b. Mar. 21, 1753 m Ebenezer Potter:
She was massacred by the Indians Septem Joseph b May 19, 1755 d Feb. 9, 1777, Mary b
ber 15, 1655.-Miss Jannette Burlingham. April 25, 1757 m Joseph Stone; Mitty b July
Shullsburg, Wis. 29, 1759 d. Dec. 14, 1788; Benj. b Feb. 14, 1762
8984. CALKINs.-Simon Calkins, s of John d Feb. 9, 1788 m Oct. 31, 1785 Priscilla Platts;
‘Calkins 3rd, & Sarah Huntington was b in Anna b Mar. 28, 1764 d in infancy; Anna b. Oct.
Dutchess Co. (Phillips Precinct, now Putnam 22, 1766 m. Abel Byam; Stephen b Feb. 25.
Co.) N. Y. March 9, 1737. His parents appear 1769; Purchase bapt. Dec. 15, 1771 d Jan. 21,
to have settled there but a short time before his 1777. For ances of Stephen Harris & w try
birth, whither they came from Lebanon, Conn. History & Vital Statistics of Framingham.
and there his birth is recorded. (Vital Records ANGIER.—Joseph and Eliz. Angier had s Ben
Old Book p 45) the family continued to live jamin b June 22, 1704, m Sarah—. Their ch b
in Phillips Precinct, now Southeast, Putnum in Marlboro, Mass. & Framingham were, Sarah
Co., until the Rev. During the French & b Sept. 25, 1729; May b Oct. 24, 1731 m Stephen
Indian War, Simon Sr. was at different times Harris; Benj. b 1735; Silas b 1737; Timothy
a soldier & in 1759 served as 2nd Lieut. in Capt. b Feb. 28, 1740 m Mercy Haver; John bapt.
Jacobus Swartout's Co. of N. Y. troops. June 29, 1746; Sarah b. July 24, 1747. Try Vital
He seems to have retained the title of Lieut. Statistics for Framingham for names & dates
throughout life. An old family Bible in the note recorded in the History of Fitzwilliam,
possession of A. E. Calkins, of Allegan, Mich. N. H.-L. H. J.
refers to him as follows: “Lieut. Simon 9927. Riley.—I have been compiling the gen.
Calkins b 1739 d Feb. 1820". While the date of the Riley fam. descending from John Riley,
of birth is not the same here there can be no who was in Wethersfield, Conn. in 1646 & who
doubt that it refers to the same one. His first founded the only English Riley fam. continuing
w's name appears to have been Selah, surname in New England. His English origin is not
unknown (B. 13, p163 Deeds at Pittsfield, Mass.) definitely kown but his coat-of-arms differs
In 1768 Simon Calkins was a resident of Tyring completely from that of the Lancaster Ryley's.
ham, Berkshire Co., Mass. In 1772 he pur It may be possible that he may have been related
chased land in Hartford. In receiving deed to to the Riley family which came early to Va.,
this land he is mentioned as “Lieut. Simon Cal concerning whom I have the following notes:
kins of Tyringham" (Pittsfield Deeds B. 11 p “Elizabeth Riley 18 years, transported to Va.
148). In 1774 & 1777 he appears among others embarqued in the Transport of London, Edward
of Hartford promoting the incorporation of the Walker, M. P. certificate from the Minister
town of Lee, which was incorporated Oct. 21, of Gravesend of their conformity to the order
1777. Lieut. Calkins was a member of the and description of the Church of England.” Hen
Committee appointed by Lee, Dec. 22, 1780 to ry Riley (or Rowley) was granted 2 free-holds
raise men for the Continental Army. Between in the foundation of Rowley 1677. Henry Riley
1784 & 1788 he m Abligail, widow of Miles Hall settler of Essex and Old Norfolk (Rowley)
& removed to Lenox, Berkshire Co. In the 1670, d. 1710, ae. 82. James Riley owned 50
printed Vital Records of Tyringham, is given acres in Hempstead 1685. Garrett Riley (24)
the birth April–1768, of Sarah Caulkins, & Miles Riley (20) were passengers for Vir
ch of Simon. Also the m Dec. 20, 1774 of ginia 1635. Mary Rilie & ch are mentioned &
Cybel Calkin & Amos Rice. I note the query bequeathed all his goods & lands in ould Eng
mentions “Simon Calkins, June 10, 1736–1820.” land, Jan. 6, 1644, by Wm. Ffrost.” Do you
“who had s Abram Calkins 1761” etc. Vital know anything of the origin of the Riley's
Records of Lebanon, Conn. give the following of Va. ?
“Simon Calkin, s of John Calkin & Katherine 99.29a. GoodRICH-CLARK.—John Riley was in
Foster, b June 10, 1736.” This Simon m Ruth Wethersfield, Conn. in 1646. His 5th ch Grace
Alger at Sharon, Conn. April 4, 1755, but they b 1661 m Nov. 22, 1680, Lieut. Wm. s of
were not the parents of Abraham Calkins.— Ensign Wm. Goodrich, b Feb. 8, 1661. Their
A. E. Calkins, Mason, Mich. 5th s Isaac Goodrich b Aug. 18, 1693 m Nov.
99.21. HARRIs–ANGIER.—Try for Worster un 9, 1718 at Southhold, L. I. Mary, dau of Sam
der spelling Worcester, in Vital Statistics & uel Butler, formerly of Wethersfield. I have
History of Jaffrey, N. H. might try also Rich record of the birth of their dau Mary on Sept.
mond & Troy. Stephen Harris came to Fitz 26, 1719 who m June 28, 1743 Johnathan Gip
william, N. H., from Framingham, Mass. Mar. son, s of Deacon Samuel. Isaac d at Wethers
1771, with his w & ch on an ox-sled. He m field, Dec. 12, 1727 or 1737. Is your Isaac his
May 27, 1752 Mary, b Oct. 24, 1731 d Jan. 26, grandson?—Mrs. F. E. Squires. Livonia, N. Y.
1829, dau of Benj. & Sarah Angier of Framing 9959 DRAKE..—I have from Old Northwest
ham, Mass. He d Nov. 4, 1819, aged 94 years. Genealogical Quarterly abt 1910 (actual data
8 ch were b in Framingham & 1 in Fitzwilliam : still in rough notes, unclassified) this Drake
Lineage. “Devonshire From Ashe, English from Greenbrier Co., Va. He was pensioned
family. Contemporary: John Drake, immigrant for service & his application states that he was
to Windsor & Thomas Drake, Weymouth. Rob b 1754 at Rockfish Gap, Amherst Co., Va. This
ert Drake from Colchester, Essex Co., Eng. seems to establish his desc from Wm. & Mary
American immigrant, his s Capt. Francis Drake Blair who made a number of transfers of land
d 1687 m Mary—d Piscataway, N. J. Their s in that locality. I take it that the Wm. Blair
Rev. John Drake b Portsmouth, N. H. 1665 d & w Mary mentioned in the Agreement, were s
1739/40. Will probated April 7, 1840, m Rebec & dau-in-law of the older Wm. & Mary Blair
ca Trotter at Elizabeth, N. J. dau of William who lived at Rockfish Gap. From the date of
& Catherine Gibbs Trotter, from Newberry, Allen Blair's birth 1754, it may be his father
Mass. to Elizabethtown, N. J. Their dau Sarah was of an age to serve; the father did not die
Drake, 1683–1758, m Ensign Benj. Hull b 1680, till after 1787 (see record).--Dr. E. M. H.
d Piscataway. Can you tell the relation bet. Moore. 1708 Race St. Philadelphia, Pa.
this line & these two others? Mercy Drake m 9957. BRoyLEs.-G. T. H. may be able to get
1739 Rev. Benj. Stille. She was the dau of the desired Broyles information by writing to
George & Mary Ohner Drake, & her dau Su Prof. A. L. Keith, Carleton College, North
sannah m Judge Joseph Hull b abt. 1706 d 1768. field, Minn. who has made a study of the Broyles
Their s Lieut. Isaac Hull m Ann Dunham, dau family.—Mrs. H. N. Rupp. 304 S. Main St.
of John Dunham b July 8, 1705 Piscataway, Monmouth, Ill.
N. J. m. Mar. 17, 1734 Mercy Drake, dau of 9965. Cole–MILLER.—Annals of Newbury,
Judge Joseph Drake & his w Anne Pyatt, s of pp. 142, 144, & History of Hardin Co., Ky.
Rev. John Drake who m Anne,—Miss L. Melin “Christopher Miller of Hardin Co., Ky was
da Earl, The Elms, Attica, Ind. taken prisoner by the Indians 1773, when abt.
995.3a BLAIR.—Addenda to answer pub. May, 15 years of age.” He was rescued by Gen.
1921. Court Record, Lexington, Va. July 1, Wayne. His older bro Henry had also been
1793. Agreement bet Wm. Blair & Mary, his captured. I think these men were bros of your
w of Greenbrier Co., Va. & Wm. Anderson & Elizabeth. John Cole for 35 yrs pastor of the
Catharine, his w (late Catharine Blair) heirs Bashuri Church passed away 1816. Elizabeth
of Wm. Blair, dec of the County of Fayette, Cole his gr dau b 1828 dau of John Cole &
State of Kentucky, parties of the 1st part, & Susannah Dukes, d in Des Moines, Iowa June,
James Caruthers of Rockbridge Co., Va. of the 1920.-Almeda Brenton Harpel. 1125 21st St.
2nd part + 4 + said Wm. Blair having de Des Moines, Iowa.
parted this life intestate after the commence 9994. GILLIAM.–If L. G. A. will correspond
ment of the Law in the year 1787 directing the with Dr. Marguarite Squires, Carrollton, Ill. I
course of descents previous to which time he am sure she will get valuable information con
had sold said lot (No. 22, Town of Lexington) cerning the Gilliam family.—Malissa Widaman
but made no legal conveyance thereof & the Winsheimer. 302 Jefferson St. Greensburg, Pa.
10006. SIM Mons.—Moses Simmons came
said James Caruthers who desires his title by
purchase from John Gray & Wm. Scott who 1621 in “Fortune” & settled in Duxbury. Their
through sundry intermediate purchases from s Moses, Jr. m. Sarah—& had John who m
the said Wm. Blair as appears by a decree of Mercy Pabodie in 1670 & had s John Jr. My
the said Court in favor of James Caruthers line says Joseph Trofton m 1727 Hannah Sim
against the heirs of Wm. Blair, dec by virtue mons dau of John Simmons who m abt. 1694
of which and for and in consideration of the Hannah Hathaway. Can you give me any help
sum of 500 pounds current money paid by in connecting these two Johns —Miss Alice
James Caruthers to them * * * the said Wm. Trofton Smith, 302 Smith St. Tennile, Ga.
Blair (Jr.) & w Mary * * * Wm. Anderson & 10048. Gw Atki N.—Col. Chas. Gwatkin (per
Catharine his w hath bargained & sold unto said haps the same as Gwatkin) from Bedford Co.,
James Caruthers, his heirs etc., etc. Witnesses: Va. m. 1767 Mary Calloway. Their ch were
John Bowyer; Polly Bowyer; James Grigsby; Lucinda m James Campbell; Margaret m Waddy
James McDavitt; James Dryden. Showing that Cobbs; Catharine m Thos. Logwood; Frances
the father of Catharine (Blair) Anderson was m Simon Noel; James m Mary Thorp; Edward
Wm. Blair. Search for the desc of Allen Blair m Mary A. J. Otey; Charles m Catharine Clay
who d 1835 in Amherst Co., Va. shows that he ton; Elizabeth m Jeffrey Cobbs.-Mrs. Arthur
enlisted in a Va. regt. in the Rev. War McCluer, O'Fallon, Missouri.
WORK of the CH
ToInsure Accuracy in the Reading of Names and Promptness in Publication
chapter Reports must be Typewritten EDITOR
Caroline Scott Harrison Chapter (Indian Americanizing the foreigners in our country.
apolis, Ind.) closed the season of 1920-21 The program for Washington's Birthday
with a membership of 627, and with fifteen opened with the singing of “America,” after
application papers pending in Washington. which the Chaplain offered a short prayer,
The Chapter has been 100 per cent. per which was followed by the concert reading
capita on all obligations to the National of “A Prayer by George Washington,”
Society, the amount totaling $417.20. All printed copies of which had been presented
State obligations have also been met and to the members of the Chapter by our Sec
contributions made to the Berry, Hindman, ond Vice Regent, Mrs. Eugene Darrach.
and Tomassee Mountain schools. The an An historic gavel made from the wood of a
nual report of the treasurer showed that wild cherry tree at Mount Vernon was
$742 was credited to the patriotic work of then presented to the Chapter by one of its
members, Mrs. Benjamin D. Walcott, who
the Chapter.
The season has been a notable one for con is also Indiana's Vice Regent of the Mount
Vernon Ladies' Association. The informal
structive work accomplished and good times
enjoyed. Our Regent, Mrs. Wilbur John address given by Mrs. Walcott on Ann
son, sailed for Europe in September, and Pamela Cunningham, the Founder of the
was ill for many weeks after her return in Mount Vernon Ladies' Association, and on
December, but the work for the year had the past and present history of Mount
been so well outlined by her that under the Vernon was delightful.
able leadership of our First Vice Regent, Before the close of the meeting word was
Mrs. Hodges, the programs were given as brought of the defeat of the bill before the
published in the Year-book, and an addi State Senate that German should again be
tional number of social meetings were held. taught in the schools. The Caroline Scott
The Mayflower Tercentenary and Armis Harrison Chapter had adopted resolutions
tice Day were jointly celebrated on Novem of vigorous protest against this bill, copies
ber 11th. Ushers and small girls dressed in of which had been sent to the Legislature.
Pilgrim costumes took silver offerings for and much individual work had been done by
the mountain schools. The story of the members to prevent its passage, so that
Pilgrim settlers as written by Dwight news of its final defeat was enthusiasti
Hillis, and illustrated by stereopticon views, cally received.
was given by a reader also in Pilgrim cos Several beautiful social events marked the
tume, after which a group of old English season, chief among them being the recep
songs were rendered. The second part of tion given by Mrs. Darrach in the name of
the program included a short address by the Chapter in honor of the wife and daugh
Lieutenant Colonel James K. Parsons on ters of our new Governor, Warren T. Mc
the “Future of Our Army,” a talk by Dr. Cray, and Mrs. S. E. Perkins, State Regent.
Charles Myers, of the American Legion; and a May Party given in Sculpture Court,
the singing of patriotic songs, and the fold at the Herron Art Institute. The Chapter
ing away of our Service Flag, which had also assisted at a meeting at the State House
been displayed on the stage. at which a number of foreigners were ad
Americanization Day was observed De mitted to citizenship and in the public
cember 2nd, Professor J. J. Pettijohn, of Memorial Day services.
Indiana University, giving an interesting Through the generous gift of our retiring
address on the necessity of restricting Regent, Mrs. Johnson, prizes amounting to
immigration as well as the necessity for the sum of $30 were offered in the name of
the Chapter to the students of the three High are held in night school and prepared for
schools of the city for the best essay on graduation in citizenship. Washington's
American Citizenship. Birthday is always observed for them, when
Our newly elected Regent, Mrs. Eugene a program is given and refreshments served.
Darrach, comes into office with the same en The class this year under the leadership of
thusiastic support of the Chapter that was Mrs. Maynard Force Thayer was over
given the retiring Regent during her term 100 members.
of office. Our beloved Regent, Mrs. Louis Jones,
The retiring Historian acknowledges with under whom the Chapter was so success
gratitude the privilege it has been to serve fully progressing, was obliged to leave us
in that capacity. before finishing her year, on account of the
Joseph INE Robinson, death of her son's wife. The Vice Regent,
Historian. Mrs. J. H. Breyer, carried on the work.
Pasadena Chapter (Pasadena, Calif.) was The flag is carefully protected and cases
organized February 23, 1906, and chartered of desecration are promptly protested.
August 20, 1906, National number 689, chap This Chapter gave to the service of our
ter limited to seventy-five members. Mrs. country twenty-three husbands and sons
Robert Burdette was our first Regent. and two daughters. Only one made the
Of the twelve charter members four supreme sacrifice. A carefully compiled
only remain. Roll of Honor has been prepared and pre
Our first public work was assisting at the served by the Chapter Historian in
dedication ceremony of the Soldiers' Monu commemoration.
ment at Library Park, at which time we (MRs.) HULDA Loomis Rich ARDS,
placed on the monument a beautiful floral Historian.
wreath with inscription, “From the Daugh
ters of the American Revolution to the Sons Mary Chilton Chapter (Sioux Falls, So.
of their Fathers.” Dak.) has had a splendid year of work under
During the war the Chapter became an the leadership of our Regent Mrs. Hayward
auxiliary of the Red Cross, giving not only Marshall. Ten regular and two special meet
money, knitted garments, food, etc., but ings have been held. Flag Day was celebrated
time and labor, the labor of love. The work by the Chapter at a luncheon in the home of
was one of intense strain and anxiety to all Mrs. Brenner in Hartford. The Tercentenary
members, and especially to those upon of the Landing of the Pilgrims was made a
whom fell much responsibility. Not only “guest day.” An address was given by Dr.
did the Chapter contribute to the Red Cross Parsons on “The Pilgrim Doctor.” Lincoln's
work, but largely to other benevoiences as Birthday was observed by an appropriate pro
well. Seven hundred dollars was sent to the gram. The address was by Mr. C. O. Bailey
Belgian sufferers, $156 for a hospital box on “Lincoln as a Man.” Washington's Birthday
containing equipment for nine patients, 100 was the occasion of the annual tea, with in
comfort bags to our boys in France. Our vited guests.
full quota for the restoration of the village The year's study was started with a paper
of Tilloloy, and $1 per capita for the “Our Charter of Liberty,” dealing with events
National Liberty Bond. Twenty thousand which led up to the adoption of the Consti
dollars from the Chapter and members were tution. At the following meetings the study
invested in Liberty Bonds. Nine French of the “Catechism of the Constitution of the
orphans and one Armenian were cared for United States" was taken up.
by the Chapter and members. Our Chapter has been especially interested
Annual contributions are made as follows. in Americanization work. First and second
To the Day Nursery, the Welfare Bureau, prizes of $3 and $2 were offered in the seventh
the Orphans' Home, the Edna Alter Home and eighth grades for the best essays on “Correct
for Mexicans, the Junior Republic Home for Use of the Flag" and the “Monroe Doctrine.”
Boys. We subscribe to the DALGHTERs of Pupils of these grades from six of our schools
THE AMERICAN REvolution MAſ; v21xE. Our met at the coliseum to hear the best essays read
limit of membership has been removed. and the prizes awarded. Honorable mention
The work of the present year has been and a little silk flag were also given to one
Americanization. Five of our members have pupil from each school. The High School
availed themselves of the privilege and Orchestra and our D.A.R. furnished a very
taken the course given by the Southern interesting program.
California University Extension. Already One of our members is a teacher in the night
this Chapter feels the broadening influence Americanization school. The Chapter has fur
of their generosity. Classes for foreigners nished fifty copies of “Lessons on the Consti
tution" and twenty-five copies of “Our Char necessary to feed all the girls for one day in
ter of Liberty,” also Flag Codes and other the Pine Mountain school. Mrs. H. H. Dow
literature for use in this school. An afternoon made a gift of $25 to the Chapter, which paid
party was given by our Americanization Com the yearly dues for the use of club rooms in
mittee to a number of foreign women who are the Board of Commerce.
studying our language with home teachers. For six consecutive years the Chapter has con
Two of our members are active workers on ducted a Flag Day celebration (with the excep
the Soldier's Hospital Committee under the tion of last year) when a celebration for
Home Service Department of the Red Cross. returned soldiers was given which took the
A Merry Christmas with warm clothing, books place of our annual Flag Day. The celebration
and toys, was furnished for children of a needy was resumed this year. An average of four
Mission school who otherwise would have had thousand school children (public and parochial)
no Christmas gifts. marched in a parade carrying eighteen inch
Our charity ball, lawn party and several flags. The children were led by the Fife and
rummage sales have made it possible for us to Drum Corps and Veterans of the Civil War,
contribute to some of the causes in which we followed by the Spanish Veterans, which made
are especially interested. Ten dollars was given a most inspiring parade that ended at Wenona
to the Family Welfare Association of Sioux Park where an impressive ceremony was held,
Falls; $100 was sent to the Near East Relief dedicating a new flag, which is given each year
in December. Later we observed Self-Denial to the City by the Chapter. This forty foot
week for the benefit of Near East Relief and flag is always carried outstretched at the head
realized $32.50. Piney Woods school of Brav of the parade by the Boy Scouts. Dedication of
ton, Mississippi, received $50 and $20 was given the flag follows with patriotic addresses and the
to Berry school of Mount Berry, Georgia, and exercises close with the singing of “America.”
Tomassee school of South Carolina; $10 was These Flag Day exercises have become
sent to Schauffler Teacher's Training school, Americanization and patriotic educational work
$10 donated for patriotic literature for the of most important character in this city on
Daughters' booth at the State Fair. We have account of the foreign population. The Chap
met all assessments of the National Society and ter has presented two beautiful large silk flags,
through the State organization we donated $269 with gold eagles upon the staffs, to the schools
to the Soldiers, Sailors and Marine Endowment having best formed ranks and largest atten
fund, and $75 toward a scholarship in Spring dance, and these flags have been held as tro
field International College. phies until some other school could win them
Our membership has grown during the year away, but the school securing this prize three
from 97 to 115, 28 of whom are non-resi consecutive times, made it the property of that
dent members. school. One Polish school has already won
MARION W. WATERBURY, cne of these flags, which was presented to them
Secretary. by the Chapter with due ceremony.
The Anne Frisby Fitzhugh Chapter is the
Anne Frisby Fitzhugh Chapter (Bay City, proud possessor of a twelve foot flag which
Mich.), has had a very pleasant and profitable greeted eight thousand Michigan soldiers and
year with Mrs. Irene Pomeroy Shields as Reg sailors returning from service overseas, at the
ent. The Chapter has supported and financially Michigan Military Bureau of Relief which was
aided all the various objects of Michigan and maintained by the Michigan War Board in New
contributed to as many as possible of the national York City on Forty-first St. near Fifth Ave
projects. One French orphan and three Ser nue. One of our members who visited the
bian orphans have been cared for and supported Bureau found no flag to greet our return
this year. ing men so reported it and the Chapter made a
A standing committee, with Mrs. L. A. Pratt generous response and immediately sent this
as chairman, attends each naturalization class flag which was personally presented by Mrs.
and after the men are accepted as citizens the Selwyn Ramsey, a visiting member, and dedi
committee pins small American silk flags on cated to our loyal men with a ceremony at the
their coats. Bureau. Some months after the signing of
Mrs. Walter D. Young has presented our the Armistice the Bureau was discontinued and
Chapter with a valuable parchment being an the flag returned to our Chapter with an inter
original deed of transfer of lands to one of her esting letter telling of its service. It is a highly
ancestors, signed by Livingston and Burr. The prized war relic and will hang in the new li
document will be framed at her expense and brary building soon to be erected in our city.
hung in the Michigan room of Memorial Con Our Regent, Mrs. Irene Pomeroy Shields, pro
tinental Hall. Mrs. Young also gave $27 in posed and planned a municipal flag, which has
the name of our Chapter, which is the amount been adopted by the Council. It has a field of
blue, separated by a field of white, representing Tennent Chapter (Deal Beach, N. J.) It
the Saginaw river which flows through our has been said that one cannot walk on the soil
city. In the white field is the seal of the city of the County of Monmouth in the State of New
and beneath this two clasped hands, symbolic Jersey unless he walks upon ground hallowed
of the good fellowship of the citizens of both by memories of the American Revolution.
sides of the river and the city motto also, Within the boundary of this county, near old
which is “The Glad Hand Town.” One of Freehold town, stands an old church. This
these municipal flags will fly from the city hall church, with its cemetery, is as widely known
and one from the flag pole in Wenona Park. as any place of its kind in the United
At the February meeting a luncheon was given States. Visitors from various parts of this
at the Board of Commerce and Judge G. A. country and from other lands come here with
Houghton gave a very instructive address. Mrs. interest and with great reverence. It was
W. W. Williams, who spends her summers in a built, as now seen, in the year 1751, and was
lumber village in Canada, reported what she named after a most holy and patriotic man
had done to be of value in that community, for the Reverend William Tennent.
her D.A.R. work. In the month of February, in the year 1915,
Last month our Chapter was entertained in in the county of Monmouth, New Jersey, was
Saginaw with a luncheon at the Canoe Club, organized a Chapter of the Daughters of the
American Revolution. The name chosen for
when Miss McDuffee, our State Regent was this Chapter was the name of this old church
guest of honor.
—Tennent Chapter.
The Anne Frisby Fitzhugh Chapter felt hon Many remarkable services in far away times
ored in being invited to send a page to this Con have been held within this building. Around
gress and Mrs. Volney Young, who has been it has hung the heavy smoke of battle, within
a most faithful daughter filled this place. its doors have been carried men wounded unto
(MRS. W. W.) Elle N Ross MAN WILLIAMs. death. Events have occurred around its walls
that have helped to make the history of this of Tennent Chapter, Mrs. Joseph A. Reid, in
nation, yet today it stands in quiet dignity, a a most fitting address. Mrs. Reid spoke of
forcible reminder of a holy and patriotic past her great reverence for the place in which we
and an incentive for loyalty to our country were assembled, of its ancient memories, the
during these present days and the coming years. deeds of valor performed on these grounds
Interesting special services are still held here and the benefits thereof which have been our
from time to time. A dignified service was heritage. She spoke of the pride of the Chap
held on Flag Day in the year 1921. The ter in having a name suggestive of courage and
occasion was the endowment by Tennent Chap devotion to national principles and of our happi
ter of a pew in Old Tennent Church in memory ness as our first memorial work, to contribute
of George Washington. There were repre to the fund for the permanent preservation
sentatives from many Chapters throughout the of this historic building and the high honor
State of New Jersey—the Jersey Blue, Camp given us as a Chapter, in being privileged to
Middlebrook, Nove Caesarea, Monmouth, West mark as our memorial pew, the original Ten
field, Francis Hopkinson, Orange Mountain nent pew, in memory of our great American
and Ellen Hardin Walworth of New York leader, George Washington, who was in com
City, all sending representatives, as did also, mand of the American forces at the Battle
the Sons of the American Revolution. The of Monmouth.
State Regent of New Jersey was present. There The endowment was accepted by the presi
was an interesting program composed of greet dent of the Board of Trustees of the church,
ings from the Regent of Tennent Chapter; a who expressed the appreciation of that body
message from the State Regent; patriotic reci and of the congregation.
tations and singing. An impressive part of the service was the
The presentation of the endowment fund, address made by Mrs. Henry S. White, Regent
composed of Liberty Bonds to the amount of of Monmouth Chapter. Her eloquent and
Five Hundred Dollars was made by the Regent patriotic words were as a call from the spirits
of the long buried soldiers of the Revolution, diers of the American Revolution who lived in
who fell on the field of Monmouth and also that vicinity. During this time also, many con
from the spirits of the brave young dead of tributions were made to Memorial Continental
the late great war whose bodies are buried Hall, then in the course of erection, and
overseas, but whose names are inscribed on the other calls responded to as far as possible.
memorial monument in Old Tennent Cemetery, We have been interested in the work for the
and the call was to us to be loyal to our coun Southern schools. Early in 1904 Mrs. Ida
try, to love our flag and be true Americans. Vose Woodbury told us of her personal experi
Rev. Frank R. Symmes, Pastor-Emeritus and ences among the mountaineers, and emphasized
Historian of Old Tennent, made a fitting address the urgent need of help for them along edu
in which he assured sanctity to the surroundings cational lines. Shortly after we sent a con
of the church and that its hallowed memories tribution of $25 to the Williamsburg Academy,
should be cherished. Kentucky, to be used to furnish a room in the
An “Ode to the Flag" was given by the new dormitory; there was also a gift of flags
author, James MacMaster, of Trenton, closing and a picture of Lincoln. Work for other
a service greatly enjoyed by all. schools followed—Marysville College, the Mar
A certain writer once said no person is ever tha Berry school, the school at Tallulah Falls,
really dead until he is forgotten. Thus, chap Georgia, and other Georgia schools of particular
ters of the Daughters of the American Revo interest to us; and besides money we sent books
lution, here and there throughout our great and a Christmas box.
country, place their memorials, that the memory For a number of years we have been inter
of great deeds perish not among the people. ested in the American International College,
SARAH R. ERRICKSON, and have sent them contributions of money,
Historian. clothing and tablecloths. A young Italian who
had been a student at International College
Mary Draper Chapter (West Roxbury, gave a talk to our Chapter lately which was
Mass.) On Lincoln Day, February 12, 1921, our very illuminating—and we have had the plea
Chapter celebrated its twenty-fifth birthday in sure of listening to the Dean of the College,
the New England Women's Club rooms in Doctor McGowan.
Boston. There were present the National Vice During the fall of 1920, the members met in
President General, Mrs. Frank B. Hall, the an all-day session to make clothing for their
State Regent, Mrs. Franklin P. Shumway, mem French war orphan, adopted a few years ago.
bers of the State Board and Chapter Regents, We also sent her a Christmas box. During
also the Chapter's former Regents. Miss Helen the war we had many all-day meetings for
M. Winslow was the first Regent and Founder sewing and knitting.
of the Chapter and Mrs. Emma F. Allen the We began our Chapter with nineteen mem
first Vice Regent and Sponsor—having all the bers and we now have sixty-three, with others
early meetings at her home. She was Historian about to join. One of our members, Mrs.
for many years. Schuerch, is a great, great granddaughter of
The meeting was presided over by the Regent, Mary Draper, and last year at the exhibition
Mrs. Harold C. Spencer, and opened with the of portraits of ye Olden Time, she posed fo
singing of America and the salute to the flag. the portrait of her ancestress. -
The Regent then welcomed the visitors and We are proud of all our members. They
guests, after which there was interesting speak have been such willing workers—responsive to
ing along the lines of Americanization and in the wishes of the National Society—cooperat
memory of Lincoln—and a short sketch of the ing most harmoniously with each other and
Chapter, by the Historian, which was followed with sister chapters—looking forward with hope
by a delightful social hour during which re to the future, with courage to meet whatever
freshments were served. demands may come, holding always in mind
In the earlier years of the Chapter our ac our Chapter motto, “Our Country, to be cher
tivities included the erection of a drinking ished in all our hearts, to be defended by all
fountain on the main road to Boston, in honor our hands.”
of Mary Draper who lived on this same high ABBIE M. LovEJoy,
way; and who gave soldiers on their way to Historian.
Lexington, food and drink. She also made
bullets for them from her pewter dishes, and D.A.R. Chapters of Maine. A handsome
shirts from her homespun sheets, and blankets, bronze tablet, appropriately inscribed, was un
and petticoats. The work of Mary Draper has veiled at Cape Porpoise August 10th, under
been an inspiration to the Chapter members. the auspices of the Maine State Council D.A.R.
In 1909 a boulder with bronze tablet was State officers, representatives from various chap
placed in Jamaica Plain in memory of the sol ters and visitors were present. The tablet com
memorates a battle August 8, 1782, between Francis G. Blair, State Superintendent of Pub
Englishmen, who came in a brig and anchored lic Instruction, and Attorney John A. Barber:
between Goat and Trott Islands, and the settl an historical sketch and presentation of the
ers. The Englishmen came ashore intending tablet to the city by Mrs. Edward H. Grunen
to drive away the settlers, but were defeated dike, and acceptance of the tablet by Mr. H. E.
with loss of seventeen men. The settlers had Hemenway representing Mayor Baumann.
one killed, Lieut. James Burnham, and one The tablet was unveiled by Marjorie Sprink
man wounded. The enemy was forced to re ell, Rodman Charles Matheny, Charles Edward
treat to the brig and sailed away. Mrs. Ella F. Phillips, Mary Louise Souther, Betty Souther.
Dow, Regent of the Rebecca Emery Chapter, Howard Chase Souther, Polly Souther, Henry
had charge of the day's program. Mrs. Ina Dickerman, Mary Esther Dickerman. These
children are descendants of the first county
officers, and early settlers.
The Bible used by Rev. Rotherberger on
this occasion was brought to the county court in
1830 and for a long period was used in swear
ing in witnesses and in administering the oath
to county officers. The Bible now belongs to
Attorney Robert Matheny of Springfield. grand
son of Charles R. Matheny, first circuit clerk
of Sangamon County.
Mrs. Edward H. Grunendike, a great-great
granddaughter of Isaac Booth, one of the
first settlers in the county, is the able chairman
of the committee which secured the marker and
made all the plans for the successful dedi
catory exercises.
In her historical sketch read at this time
TeRS OF MAINE “Sangamon County was organized by an act
of the Illinois State Legislature approved Jan
Wood, chairman historical spots, welcomed all uary 30, 1821. The first county commissioners
present. Mrs. Lucy Woodhull Hazlett, past were elected April 2, 1821 at the home of John
State Regent and state chairman of preservation Kelley, the first settler on the site of the pres
of historic spots, responded. The tablet was ent city of Springfield. The house was close
presented to the town by Miss Maud A. Mor
rick, State Regent. The tablet contains a brief
history of the battle and name of the settler
who was killed.
(Mrs. E. C.) Lucy GookIN CARLL,
Chairman, State D.A.R.
Publicity Committee.
in 1839. A week later, on April 10th, the com to our mountain school at Devils Fork, and
missioners held their second meeting when they still continue this work. We have also given
proceeded to fix a temporary seat of justice two medals, costing $17, for the best patriotic
for the county. They decided upon a point in paper, written by high school boys and girls
the prairie near John Kelley's field, on the each year. Last year we gave $10 to Jewish
waters of Spring Creek, at stake marked Z.V.D., Relief and $20 to Armenian Relief. We enter
and added, “we do further agree that the said tained U.D.C. with a beautiful luncheon.
county seat shall be called and known by the Erected Deaver Memorial Tablet at a cost of
name of Springfield.” The point described is $230.67, and for the Deaver Mission in Brazil,
now the northwest corner of Second and Jef we contributed $5.
ferson streets in Springfield, and is the place
where the first courthouse was located.
“At this meeting held on April 10th, they N MEMORY -
entered into a contract with John Kelley to OF
construct a building to be used as a court JOHN ALEXANDER DEAVER. CHAPLAN
house by the following specification: The logs ST LIEUT. 3RD BATTALION. 61ST INFANTRY
to be twenty feet long, the house one story AºNº
high, plank floor, a good cabin roof, a door
and window cut out, the work to be completed
by the first day of May next, for which Mr.
OCT 13TH 1918
Kelley was to receive $42.50. As this part of ACED 33 YEARS
the work approached completion the com
missioners entered into a further contract with SORROW. *::: AND PRIDE
Jesse Brevard to finish the courthouse in the THE
following manner, to wit: “To be chinked out lºcºsº N-MADISQN CHAPTER -
The meetings consist of a program, followed Blue china in keeping with the woven, braided
by refreshments and a social hour in the homes and crochet rugs and the furniture has
of members, once a month. been added.
We have a large out of town membership, and The House was formally opened at the Chap
planned to meet with these members in their ters' 25th anniversary when the officers, past
respective homes during the summer months. regents, house committee and members received
(Miss) Evely N PEGUEs, the various town club members and officers of
Regent. the neighboring Chapters at an afternoon re
ception. A colonial tea was held on Washing
Anne Washington Chapter (Mount Vernon, ton's Birthday. The dresses worn by the Daugh
Wash.), organized in January, 1921, is the ters together with the powdered hair portrayed
youngest Chapter in the State. The installation the colonial period. A military euchre was
of the Chapter took place in the home of Mrs. given. Both of these events aided in raising
Roger Hannaford, overlooking the famous La money for the Chapter's work.
Couner Flats. Eighteen representative women The full quota was subscribed to the Tilloloy
whose papers had been accepted were present. Fund and the National Liberty Bond. Two
Mrs. A. E. Johnson, of Everett, the Vice Regent, French Orphans and one boy in a southern
installed the Chapter and gave an address on mountain school have been supported for
D.A.R. work. Mrs. Adda Hulbert Gaches, our several years.
Organizing Regent, then appointed the following Twelve trees in memorial to our recent war
officers for the year: Mrs. Glen Fisher Berger, heroes have been planted on the campus of our
1st Vice Regent; Mrs. Sarah McDowell Mee new high school building.
han, 2nd Vice Regent; Mrs Josephine Hanna Following the custom of several years a prize
ford Spratley, Recording Secretary; Miss Carrie was given to an eighth grade boy and girl who
Griffith, Corresponding Secretary; Miss Irene attained the highest percentage in history.
Sears, Treasurer; Mrs. Elizabeth McMeekin, A memorial fund to Mrs. Eugenia H. Mc. F.
Chaplin; Mrs. Maude Stewart Beagle, His Balch was presented by her husband, Edwin
torian; Mrs. Florence Holmes Rafter, Cus Swift Balch, to the Chapter.
todian. The name most desired for the Chap The year's work ended in June. The Regent
ter was Mount Vernon, as our city was named was untiring in her effort to bring the Chapter
for the home of Washington, but this was up to its highest aims.
rejected because a Mount Vernon Chapter al EDNA M. SMILEY,
ready existed. The name “Lady Washington " Historian.
was also considered, it being the name of the
first ship to carry the American flag in Puget The Rev. James Caldwell Chapter, (Jack
Sound. It was particularly desired by all mem sonville, Ill.). The report from our Chapter,
bers to have some name connected with published last year, giving an account of the
Washington's family and so the name of purchase of the Duncan Memorial, led to inter
“Anne Washington " was finally chosen. esting correspondence, and brought to us several
new names for memorial tablets. The work of
Anne Washington was the grandmother of
George Washington. the Chapter this year has been a continuation of
The meetings are held on the second Tues that begun last year. Our membership has
day of each month, and the Chapter now exactly doubled in two years, increasing from
numbers 36 members. Our Chapter has received 106 to 212. Among our newer members are four
one visit from State Regent Mrs. Goebel, who who represent as many different generations;
was most enthusiastic about our work. Mrs. Mary Goodpasture aged 94, her daughter
So far, little has been done except the work Mrs. Mary Hamm, granddaughter, Mrs. Lydia
of organization, and a special Flag Day pro Moss, and great granddaughter Miss Marie Moss.
gram at the home of Mrs. Beagle. We sent one The Tablet Committee is still active, and new
delegate to the State Convention in Spokane. tablets are being secured from time to time.
A silk flag was presented by two of our state Owing to the high price of marble, the pur
officers, Mrs. Goebel and Mrs. McCleary. chase of these has been deferred hence the
(MRs.) MAUD STEwART BEAGLE, Home has not yet been dedicated, although, in
Historian. constant use. The members are now obtaining
equipment, more especially for the dining room
George Clymen Chapter, (Towanda, Pa.) which is in demand for social functions, and
for two years has anticipated the occupation when fully furnished will be a source of con
of their Chapter House. The House was first siderable income.
opened at the regular meeting in November, To raise funds with which to entertain the
1920. The rooms are tastefully furnished with State Conference, a Benefit Committee, was
valuable old furniture and the walls hung with appointed last Fall. This Committee with
pictures and flags, gifts from various members. Mrs. W. Barr Brown, as chairman, gave two
concerts, the first at the Duncan Memorial, and grades, in all the city schools of Spokane, and the
the second at the Woman's College, where Mrs. county of Spokane schools, and in the night
Grace Wood Jess gave a program of folk schools, and to soldiers of Fort George Wright.
songs. Later, also a successful thrift sale was To the Social Service, we have given five
conducted, in charge of Mrs. J. F. Strawn. dollars toward the milk fund, several dinners at
The State Conference, held here March 22nd the holiday season, and have, from time to time,
24th, brought one hundred visitors, with a voting made numerous garments for that very deserv
membership of 99. Mrs. H. E. Chubbuck, State ing charity. The Chapter has been represented
Regent, presided at all sessions. The Confer at each session of the Naturalization Court.
ence was fortunate in having as guests our Presi Our Regent donated a set of “The Real Ameri
dent General, Mrs. George Maynard Minor, ca in Romance” to the Hutton Settlement Li
Mrs. George Thacher Guernsey, Mrs. William brary in the name of Esther Reed Chapter. Also,
Henry Wait, Mrs. Frank Bahnsen and Mrs. individual members sent books to this library.
Robert Bradford Wiles. The work of the War Questionaires has
Much interest was manifested in the report, been completed most satisfactorily. Esther
by Mrs. F. E. Grassly (formerly of Jackson Reed Chapter was represented during the Great
ville) of the New America Shop, established by War, by 37 men and one woman in the Service
the D.A.R. in Chicago. The Shop is in the and your Historian has been able to turn in
Stevens Building and offers a place where 34 complete records of that Service—one for
our foreign-born women may exhibit and sell preservation in our own files, one for the files
their handiwork. of the State Historian, and one for the National
Mrs. Wait, Vice President General from D.A.R. files in Washington, D.C.
Michigan, presented the Conference with a We have fulfilled all our State and National
manuscript copy of Illinois history prepared by financial obligation, the latter consisting of a 60
her father. Miss Lottie Jones gave a report in cent per capita tax for the following specific
regard to highway marking, which is one of the purposes: The Immigrant Manual Fund, Me
lines of work in which Illinois Daughters are morial Fountain at Plymouth, Painting to be
interested. The Conference voted that a tab given to the French Government, and we also
let be donated to the Duncan Memorial in hon paid the 5 cents per capita tax for the Sarah
or of Mrs. Ellen Hardin Walworth, daughter Thatcher Guernsey Scholarship Fund. We
of General Hardin. are 100 per cent on Liberty Bonds and on the
The delegates were interested in the Duncan Tilloloy Fund.
Memorial. Many were the queries as to “how We have ten new subscriptions to the DAUGH
we did it", and numerous letters have come to our TERS of THE AMERICAN REvolution MAGAZINE,
Secretary asking for further details. One other and four renewals so far this year.
chapter, at Lewiston, Ill., has followed our ex We have a membership of 119. Have gained
ample and purchased an old colonial house for 12 members, and lost by transfer, 6, and have
its use.
pending, 4.
(Mrs. E. P.) MINNIE W. CLEARY, Perhaps the most important work of the year,
has been the collection of the official Lineage
Books of the D.A.R. The full set has been pre
Esther Reed Chapter (Spokane, Wash.) One sented to the Carnegie Public Library, where it
of the important accomplishments of this Chap will be bound and ready for reference. This
ter during the year, was the publication and dis collection are the best reference books of the
tribution of 500 copies of a pamphlet on the kind to be found in the Northwest.
Whitman massacre, this written by Mrs. Matilda The event of the year in social and business
Delaney a survivor, work was originated and importance, was the entertainment of the State
sponsered by Mrs. L. F. Williams our Regent Conference by this Chapter. Much planning
for 1919-1920. The entire proceeds of this and forethought was necessary, both on the
pamphlet, after payment of bills for publication part of the State Regent and her Committees,
and distribution, have been turned over to Mrs. and on the part of the Chapter Regent and her
Delaney. We feel that future Historians will Committees, and, indeed upon the part of all
be greatly indebted to Esther Reed Chapter for the members of the Chapter.
the preservation in book form, of the details of The Conference was honored by the presence
this event. of Mrs. Henry McCleary, of McCleary, Vice
We are also publishing and distributing in President General; our own Mrs. George H.
collaboration with the Sons of the Revolution Goble, State Regent; and Mrs. William Sher
and the Constitutional Government League, man Walker of Seattle, the newly elected
10,000 copies of the Official “American's Creed.” State Regent.
These copies have been sent to the 7th and 8th HARRIET A. PIN. KHAM.
souts can
In this Honor Roll the list of membership in each State is shown in the
outer rim, and the list of subscribers according to States is in the inner circle
President General
Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D. C.
Vice Presidents General
(Term of office expires 1922)
1706 Cambridge Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. Highland Ave., Haddonfield, N. J.
Eola Road, Salem, Ore. Amarillo, Tex.
902 Westover Ave, Norfolk, Va. 1720 22d St., Rock Island, Ill.
Miss Louise H. CobURN, Skowhegan, Me.
(Term of office expires 1923)
MRs. Cassius C. Cottle, MRs. CHARLEs S. WHITMAN,
2272 Harvard Boulevard, Los Angeles, Calif. 54 East 83d St., New York, N. Y.
6719 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. McCleary, Wash.
2101 Blaisdell Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Cooksburg, Pa.
Mrs. Edward P. SchoeNTGEN, 407 Glenn Ave., Council Bluffs, Ia.
(Term of office expires 1924)
Mrs. John TRIGG Moss, Mrs. C. D. CHENAUlt,
6017 Enright Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Lexington, Ky.
Heathcote, Charlotte, N. C. 316 Willow St., Ottawa, Kan.
8 Park Place, Brattleboro, Vt. 226 Blackstone Boulevard, Providence, R. I.
MRS. HowARD L. HoDGKINs, 1830 T St., Washington, D. C.
Chaplain General
2123 California St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
Recording Secretary General Corresponding Secretary General
Memorial Continental Hall. Memorial Continental Hall.
ARIZONA Kentucky
Bisbee. 539 GARRARD St., CovingtoN.
394 N. 3rd St., PhoeNix. FRANkfont.
2005 Scott St., Little Rock. 2331 CHESTNUT St., NEw Orleans.
817 W. 5th Ave., PIN E Bluff.
282 MAIN St., WATER ville.
122 Goff St., Aubuis N.
1240 W. 29th St., Los ANGELEs.
MRS. HERBERT B. HAYDEN, 22:24 N. CALv ERT St., Baltimore.
803 Spituce St., Bou in ER. MRS. REX CORBIN MAUPIN,
1145 Log AN St., DENVER.
1012 W. MAIN St., KALAMAzoo.
Mits joiiN. W. CEifios, 143 Lafayette Ave., N. E., GRAND Rapids.
MRS, FRANCIS A. ST. CLAIR, 1906 KEN wood Parkway, MINNEApolls.
1319 T. St., N. W., WashingtoN. MRS. L. C. JEFFERSON,
119 5th St., N. E., WashingtoN.
MRS. J. A. CRAIG, 850 N. Jefferson St., Jackson.
233 W. Duval, St., JAcksonville
MRS. MAX E. LAND, Chillicotii E.
305 14th Ave., Corder. E. MRS. HENRY W. HARRIS,
MRS. HERMAN HUGO, 420 S. IDAho St., Dillon.
P. O. Box 248, Honolulu. MRS. E. BROOX MARTIN.
814 S. CENTRAL Ave., Bozem AN.
Box 324, Good! Ng.
604 W. A. St., North Platte.
421 2ND Av E., E., Twin FALLs. CHADRox.
Makers of D. A. R. Insignia
Souvenir Spoons
Memorial Tablets and Stationery
and their marriages for two genera Valley Forge Chapter
tions after the landing, with dates
of births, deaths, etc.; 30 pp. like D. A. R.
this. Valuable in tracing your con
nection. Price $2.50. Bureau of
Military and Civic Achievement. was awarded the
Washington, D.C.
NOTE: Professional services through
Department of Extension may be ob
tained for supplying missing links,
Washington Medal
connecting up and running out lines, for Americanization
and for expert Heraldic work.
by the
Valley Forge Valley Forge
Witch Brooms
--~ * Historical Society
for the fireplace
Old-fashioned natural wood
stick, artistic and durable.
Three or four feet long. Do you want one for your Chapter?
Ideal gift. Send £2.55.
Delivered Parcel Post free
in United States. Write at once to
President of the College Delicious in taste, absolutely
E. G. SWEM pure, exceptionally high in food
Librarian of the College value—that is
When writing advertisers please mention Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine.
The Objects of this Society are
(1) To perpetuate the memory and spirit of the men and women who
achieved American Independence, by the acquisition and protection of
historical spots, and the erection of monuments; by the encouragement
of historical research in relation to the Revolution and the publication
of its results; by the preservation of documents and relics, and of the
records of the individual services of Revolutionary soldiers and patriots,
and by the promotion of celebrations of all patriotic anniversaries.
(2) To carry out the injunction of Washington in his farewell address
to the American people, “to promote, as an object of primary impor
tance, institutions for the general diffusion of knowledge,” thus develop
ing an enlightened public opinion, and affording to young and old such
advantages as shall develop in them the largest capacity for perform
ing the duties of American citizens.
(3) To cherish, maintain, and extend the institutions of American
freedom, to foster true patriotism and love of country, and to aid in
securing for mankind all the blessings of liberty.
VOL. LW DECEMBER, 1921 No. 12
Official emblem for daily use, war tax included........................ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Volume 1, reprint, Volumes 11 to 43, $1.15 each, including postage.
Volumes 12, 27 and 37, out of print.
Volumes 43 to 54 inclusive. free, to Chapters except for $.15 postage
Volumes 7 to 10, inclusive, $3.15 each, including postage.
| Volumes 55, 56, and 57, $3.00 each, including postage.
Official ribbon for suspending badges, price 35c a yard. Rosette buttons, 25c.
Proceedings 19th to 28th Continental Congresses. Price, per volume...... 50c, postage additional
Proceedings 29th Continental Congress ....... .................... $1.50, including postage
Proceedings 30th Continental Congress .............................. $1.25, including postage
First Report to the Smithsonian Institution 25c Fourteenth Report............... - - - - - - - 20c
Fifth Report .......................... 75c Sixteenth Report............. - - - - - - - -- - 25c
Sixth and Seventh Reports, each........ 50c Seventeenth Report............. . . . . . . . . 50c
Eighth and Tenth Reports, each......... 25c Eighteenth Report..... . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - 35c
Eleventh Report....................... 30c Nineteenth Report.............. - - - - - - - - 35c
Twelfth Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30c Twentieth Report....................... 25c
Thirteenth Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c Twenty-first Report .................... 30c
OFFICIAL STATIONERY, bearing as a water-mark the emblem of the Society in enlarged size,
and by order of the National Board made the official stationery for the use of the members,
may be obtained only from the Official Jewelers, J. E. Caldwell & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
vol. Lv Contents No. 12 =
- Publication Office, 227 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Chairman, Magazine Committee, Southington, Conn. Editor, Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D.C.
Genealogical Editor, Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D. C.
ENTERED DECEMBER 13, 1917, at The Philadelphia, PA., post office as second class MATTER UNDER
THE Act of March 3, 1879.
Subscriptions should be sent to the Treasurer General, Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D. C.
Single Copy, 25 Cents Yearly Subscription, $2.00 Foreign Postage, 50 Cents Additional
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WOL. LV, No. 12 DECEMBER, 1921 WHOLE No. 352
Immediately work was begun in our March, 1918, and not one house was left
Society to ameliorate conditions at Tillo standing. The plight of the villagers was
loy. Mrs. Guernsey appealed to the chap pitiful. The Baroness de La Grange kept
ters to raise a fund of $50,000 for Tillo in touch with the few people who still
loy, by contributing a per capita tax of wished to go back to their homes, and
50 cents, almost all of which was raised with her work and that of Mr. Godwin,
during her administration. Mademoiselle d'Hinnisdael and the lat
Many of the chapters wished to build ter's father (who had been mayor of Til
the little houses in the name of the loloy for over forty years) and their
Government decided that for us. We did well, a large reservoir, windmill, ten or
not have money enough to completely twelve small hydrants along the roads,
rebuild the village, as we had hoped—the two fire hydrants, and two watering
French Government would do that with troughs for animals, one of which was
the money which is being paid to them to be a decorative fountain.
by the Germans, their war indemnity— Early in June 1920, the Baroness de La
so it was suggested to our President Gen Grange came to the United States to con
eral that the National Society put in a fer with our present President General.
TilloloY, AUGUST 23, 1921 -
complete water system in the village. It Mrs. George Maynard Minor, and submit
was something the French Government to her plans and estimates for the work
could not do, and would be a fitting and at Tilloloy. After a few suggestions and
lasting gift from the Daughters. alterations Mrs. Minor approved the
In all the villages on the battle-front plans and gave the Baroness the necessary
the water supply was cut off; reservoirs written authority to proceed with the
and wells were polluted and poisoned, actual work of construction which was
and whole systems demolished. Without thereafter carried on in constant con
question water was the greatest need, and sultation by letter with Mrs. Minor. The
so it was decided that the Daughters of Baroness while here also suggested that
the American Revolution would put in a it might be advisable to have a member of
complete system, consisting of an artesian the National Society residing in Paris
coöperate with her, and at the National rick, the attachés of the American Em
Board meeting of that same month it was bassy, the French Ambassador to the
unanimously voted “that Mrs. Roy United States, M. Jules Jusserand, the
Gould Harris be appointed by this Board Minister of Labor, M. Daniel Vincent;
to act with Baroness de La Grange in M. Klotz, deputy of the Somme, and
carrying out our work for Tilloloy.” other notables read as follows:
The actual work did not commence in
“The Mayor of Tilloloy and the Committee
Tilloloy until November, 1920. From in Charge, invite you to be present at the in
November until August, 1921, when the auguration of the water system at Tilloloy,
the gift of the National Society, Daughters of
water system was completed, the time the American Revolution, to the people of that
seemed long, but many obstacles had to village on Tuesday, August 23rd. The cere
be overcome; permission had to be ob mony will be at twelve o'clock and will be
tained to dig up the roads, and a layer followed by a luncheon.”
Madame la Baronne de La Grange,
of stone, which took a month to penetrate, Mrs. Roy Gould Harris,
was encountered in drilling for the well, Committee.
all of which caused delay. But finally the
date, August 23, 1921, was chosen for the We were honored on that day by hav
installation and our President General ing Monsieur and Madame Jusserand as
went to France to attend the ceremony. our guests; M. Daniel Vincent, Minister
The invitations sent to Ambassador Her- - of Labor, who represented M. Lucheur,
GERMANS in NOVEM be R, 1914
lutely—there will always remain on her face, “I could not let this occasion pass without
the brilliant smile which your kindness has giving the utmost credit to Baronesse de La
brought there. Grange who has had supervision of this work
“In this little village of Tilloloy, in the still and to express our appreciation both to her and
devastated landscape of the Somme, where your Mrs. Roy G. Harris who has so ably assisted
presence and your work are the sign and pledge her. Both women have given efficiently and
of coming renaissance, a stimulant to our brave untiring effort, and in behalf of our Society I
compatriots, as you have seen, I am most re heartily thank them. The Committee for the
spectfully bringing the evidence of our fidelity Devastated Regions has most kindly loaned us
to you, the affection of all our country for their community house in which we are to have
yours, which, during the darkest days has our luncheon, and which has been decorated
helped us—as a sister.” through the generosity of the director. To
After Monsieur Vincent had con their hearty coöperation we owe the successful
completion of this work.
cluded, our President General spoke It is with deep emotion that I find myself for
as follows: the first time in the presence of the people of
“Mr. Mayor, Mr. Ambassador, Mr. Minis Tilloloy. With great pleasure I have met for
ter of Labor, People of Tilloloy and ladies the first time your honoured Mayor, M. le Comte
and gentlemen: d'Hinnisdael. To you who have suffered and en
“As President General of the National So dured so much, I bring America's love and
ciety of the Daughters of the American Revo sympathy and unending friendship. I bring you
lution, I desire first of all to express our ap America's gratitude. To the heroism of wonder
preciation of the honor conferred upon our ful, glorious France, the world owes a debt of
Society in the presence here today of Mr. deepest gratitude it can never repay. We hon
Jusserand, Ambassador to the United States; our the brave poilus of France who stopped the
of Mr. Daniel Vincent, Minister of Labor, and savage German beasts at the Marne and at
also of these other distinguished guests. Mr. Verdun. Our hearts were filled with sorrow
Duchéne, the architect who designed the water and wrath when we heard of your beautiful
fountain, and Mr. Lancelot, the contractor for villages being laid waste, devastated, beaten into
the water system, deserve our sincere thanks ruins like your beloved Tilloloy. The heart of
for they have taken infinite pains to have this the American people burned with indignation
water system as perfect as possible. at the horrors committed by Germany against
the assaults of Germany upon Belgium and honour, the high regard in which Farnce is
France. They hailed the entrance of America held by every Daughter of the American Revo
into the war with a great thankfulness that lution. These waterworks betoken the friend
our country was doing what honour and hu ship, the gratitude, the love which our Society
manity demanded of her. They mobilized the bears to France today, and which our ances
entire Society in war relief work for France tors bore to Lafayette and to the France of
and our other Allies. But for France, as I long ago. The streams of living, purifying
said, they wanted to do some one special thing. water which will be conducted throughout your
And so it came about that your despoiled and village will, we hope, help to wash away the Ger
devastated village of Tilloloy was brought to man stains of desecration. May they wash away
our attention through a letter from the daugh as far as is possible in this world the memories
ter of your Mayor to Baroness de La Grange, of the horror and the suffering you have been
and from her to Mrs. Scott, Honorary Presi through. May they be like the river of life of
dent General and Chairman of our War Re the blessed Scriptures, which flows for the heal
lief Committee. ing of the nations. May they recall to your
“It has been our hope and wish to rebuild minds the American women who love and hon
your village as it was before the Germans our you and your beautiful France. May they
ruined it. But we learned that your own Gov ever keep fresh and renewed the ancient friend
ernment had promised to do this. So we agreed ship of America and France, and may they
to do what we were advised would be the next water the deep roots of that wider friendship
best help, and that was the system of water between nations which kept our allies together
works which I have come to present today to in the great war, and which, please God, will
your village in the name of our Society. It keep them forever together in the maintenance
has been a great privilege to have had the of peace. For I want to emphasize this thought
opportunity to do this thing for you and for in closing; the nations who fought together in
France. Everyone of our hundred and twenty the Great War must keep together now and
thousand members has had a part in it. Every hereafter if they are to preserve the fruits of
State of the United States has given its con their victory and maintain the peace and safety
tribution toward it. It has been my peculiar of the world—England, France, Belgium, Italy,
privilege to carry on to completion the work America—all the Allies must remain Allies still,
begun by my predecessor in this office of Presi if Germany is to be made to pay the penalty
dent General. In presenting this gift from of sin. And to the last sou Germany must
our Society, I am expressing the love, the be made to pay, to make reparation for the
wrong she has done to France and the world. la grande guerre, et avec de désir de se
We must all remain Allies, so that never again
shall such a war devastate the world. We must rendre utiles, cette fontaine et l'adduc
remain Allies in order that friendship, coopera tion d'eau pour le village sont offertes à
tion, good will, may all be promoted between Tilloloy par la Société Nationale des Filles
the nations, for where these sentiments abound
there can be no war.
de la Revolution Américane des Etats
“Therefore, let this fountain and waterworks Unis.” On each side of the inscription is
forever signify to you the sentiments, which our insignia with the letters in English.
are echoed in the hearts of the Daughters of
the American Revolution. The English translation reads as follows:
“And now in behalf of the National Society, “As a token of sympathy for the cruel
Daughters of the American Revolution, I have sufferings endured by the people of
the honour to present these waterworks to the
people of Tilloloy in recognition of their he France during the Great War, and with
roic sacrifices in the Great War, and in ever the desire to make ourselves of use, this
lasting remembrance of the love and sympathy
and honour which we bear to France and fountain and this water system for the
her people.” village are given to Tilloloy by the
After Mrs. Minor had concluded, her National Society Daughters of the Ameri
speech was read in French by Monsieur can Revolution of the United States
Villeneuve-Bargemont, the cousin of the of America.”
Count d'Hinnisdael. It called forth much Though no provisions have been made
applause. The Mayor thanked Mrs. for running water, other than the street
Minor and the Daughters of the Ameri faucets, watering troughs and fire hy
can Revolution in the name of the village. drants, Tilloloy may well boast of one of
At the close of the ceremony, Mon the finest water systems of any village of
sieur Jusserand presented Mrs. Minor, its size in France. Already people from
Mrs. Guernsey, our Honorary President neighboring villages wish to share in her
General, Mrs. Hunter, our Treasurer good fortune, and walk the few necessary
General, Mrs. Robert Johnson, the Ex miles uncomplainingly. Our little village
Treasurer General, and Mrs. Roy Gould may eventually become a town, and cer
Harris, with the medal of the Reconnais tainly our water system is one of the big
sance Française in recognition of their things in its rejuvenation. Tilloloy has
services in the interests of the Society's recently been given the Croix de Guerre
work for Tilloloy. by the Government in recognition of
Turning to Mrs. Minor, who was sur her re-birth.
rounded by her loyal Daughters, and by At the conclusion of the dedication
the people of the village, Monsieur Jus ceremonies a luncheon was served in the
serand said, “And now, Madame, raise little community house of the Secours
your magic finger and command the d'Urgence, which was in gala array for
waters to flow.” At the signal from Mrs. the occasion. There were seventy people
Minor the complete water system was put at the table. During the luncheon Count
in motion. The water gushed from the d'Hinnisdael spoke again and Captain
three bronze lions' heads set in the white Upham, our Naval Attaché, who repre
stone of the fountain. Everyone could sented Ambassador Herrick, said in part:
read the inscription above them, the in “I consider it a great honour to represent
scription translated into French by Am the United States of America here today at the
bassador Jusserand—“Comme marque de dedication of this gift of the Daughters of the
American Revolution to the village of Tilloloy.
Sympathie pour les cruelles souffrances The great friendship which exists between the
cmdurées far le peuple de France pendant sister republics is being well demonstrated just
now by the tour of the American Legion Cleveland, Ohio; Miss Dorothy Hunter,
through France. Everywhere this love and
affection is shown. Our hope and trust is Tidioute, Pennsylvania; Mrs. John
that it will endure through the ages.” Jamison, Philadelphia, Pa.; Mrs. James
He greatly complimented the Society Harvey Williams, New York City; Mrs.
on giving the village such a necessary Hugh Reid Griffin, Paris; Mrs. Arthur
commodity as a water system, because the Churchill Roberts, Galesburg, Ill.; Mrs.
question of fresh water had been one of Louisa Van Rensselaer, Albany, N. Y.;
the hardest problems which the French Mrs. Chas. Drake Wescott, Washington,
Government has had to face. D. C.; Mrs. Janet Todd Moffett, Water
After the luncheon a tour of Tilloloy town, N.Y.; Miss Katherine Paxton, San
was made by the villagers and their guests. Francisco, Calif.; Mrs. Adolphus Bart
There were representatives from Chapters lett, Chicago, Il..; Mrs. H. L. Milward,
in the Society from Connecticut to Cali Lexington, Ky.; Mrs. Eula W. Griffin,
fornia. Following is the list of Daughters Atlanta, Ga.; Mrs. Louise Taylor Con
represented: Mrs. George Maynard nery, Fort Worth, Texas; Miss Alice
Minor, President General, Waterford, Johnston Foster, Cooper County, Mo.;
Connecticut; Mrs. Edward L. Harris, Mrs. Ansel G. Cook and her daughter
Vice President General, Cleveland, Ohio; Eleanor, Hartford, Conn.; Mrs. James
Mrs. Livingston L. Hunter, Treasurer G. Penn, Danville, Va.; Miss Maud S.
General, Tidioute, Pennsylvania; Miss Squires, New York City; Mrs. George
Lillian M. Wilson, Reporter General A. Plimpton, Buffalo, N. Y.
to Smithsonian Institution, Lincoln, Little Miss Lucile Harris, daughter of
Nebraska; Mrs. John Laidlaw Buel, Mrs. Roy Gould Harris and grand
State Regent of Connecticut; Mrs. daughter of Mrs. Edward L. Harris,
Charles H. Bissell, State Vice Regent represented the Children of the American
of Connecticut; Mrs. Kent Hamilton, Revolution, and Mr. Edward L. Harris
Toledo, Ohio; Mrs. Roy Gould Harris, the Sons of the American Revolution.
The January, 1922, DAUGHTERs of THE AMERICAN REvolutiox MAGAZINE will contain an
account of the public sessions of the Conference on the Limitation of Armament which are
being held in Memorial Continental Hall. The articles will be illustrated by photographs of
the Conference dignitaries and views of Memorial Continental Hall.
This number of the MAGAZINE will be an accurate reference of a momentous event in the
history of the world.
Editions are sold out quickly. Send in your subscriptions to the Treasurer General, N.S.
D.A.R., Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D. C.
Subscription price, $2.00 a year. Single copies, 25c.
g|J's L |||s||
D. >
iº Tº *Ty |Tº
ſº-S I announced in my last Message,
* A 3. '
repudiated pacifism and all its visionary folly;
our offer of Memorial Continental it has stood for friendship and good will among
Hall to our Government for its use in the Allied nations who alone are the bulwarks
connection with the meetings of the of liberty and civilization. It can exert a
Conference on Limitation of Arma powerful influence for good throughout the
ment has been accepted by the De country along these lines. It can lend its moral
partment of State for the public meet and spiritual backing to the Conference that is
ings of this historic and momentous meeting in our Hall, and in the spirit of the
Conference. The marked distinction which this resolution adopted by the October Board meet
event brings to our Society cannot fail to be ing and published in its minutes in this issue
recognized with pride by every Daughter, nor can of the Magazine, it can stand staunchly back
of the President in all his efforts to secure
it fail to be a source of deep satisfaction that we
are thus able to be of such material service to world stability and peace.
our Government. One other matter I want to call to your
Christmas time is again at hand. The old, attention in this Message: it is in the nature of
old story of “Peace on earth, good will to
a warning. So many organizations are seek
ing our aid through affiliation or financial assis
men" takes on a new significance now that tance that we are in danger of losing sight of
the world is anxiously watching the proceedings our own specific D. A. R. work by trying to
of this great Conference. But there is danger respond to these appeals. We cannot legally
of our expecting too much from it through affiliate with other organizations, and we ought
a misunderstanding of its purpose. It aims to conserve our financial resources for our
only to limit armaments, not to disarm the own work instead of merging our efforts in the
nations concerned, as some seem to think. A work of other societies which receive all the
clear understanding of the objects to be at credit for it. Chapters are sometimes led into
tained and a promotion of the spirit of friend helping other societies erect memorials, for in
liness and “good will" between the conferring stance; or they merge themselves with purely
nations, will help them to attain the objects philanthropic organizations which are not in line
which will result in enduring peace. Every with our specific patriotic objects. Coopera
Daughter can do her share in moulding the tion with, or assistance given other organiza
spirit of her own community and circle of tions should be very carefully considered
friends. It is the spirit alone that counts— before being accorded, else we shall be com
the spirit that animates the Conference, and pletely swamped by these numberless appeals
and diverted from our own purposes. That
the spirit that animates public opinion in the unselfishness which is a virtue in an individual
nations back of the Conference. If this spirit becomes a detriment to an organization if it
is friendly, sincerely desirous of serving the
operates to defeat the high purposes for which
good of all and not grasping for selfish advan that organization was formed.
tage, we may reasonably hope for true “peace Let us as a Society go forward into the New
on earth, good will to men.” Year with a new consecration of purpose. We
Let us remember that the aims of the Con are living in critical times, full of the possi
ference are only the limitation of armaments to bilities of infinite good or of infinite calamity.
a minimum consistent with national defense— Our powerful influence will do much to turn
our own and other nations—and the settlement the scales toward good, by adding to the
of the questions that might lead to war. Re weight of the things that make for righteous
member that peace does not lie in the direction ness and justice, for “peace on earth, good
of pacificism. Pacificism cares nothing for will to men.”
national defense. Pacificism is willing to see I wish you all a happy Christmas and a glad
the world stand defenseless before a nation New Year with a great hopefulness for the
that is still obsessed with the passion of mili future and with faith in the constant guidance
tarism and the policy of “blood and iron.” of God, in whose hand lies the world's return to
The world cannot yet dispense with the police. peace, happiness and right living.
Our Society has stood consistently for years ANNE Rogers MINor,
for a wise policy of national defense; it has President General.
SIMPLE ceremony marked the “Our Honorary President General, Mrs.
George Thacher Guernsey, and Chairman of
laying of the corner stone of the the Committee on Erection of the Administra
Administration Building now tion Building, will now address us. It was
Mrs. Guernsey's recommendation to the 29th
being erected in Washington be Continental Congress that started us on the
hind Memorial Continental Hall practical carrying out of the plan of having an
administration building. Mrs. Guernsey needs
by the National Society, no introduction to Daughters of the American
Daughters of the American Revolution. Revolution, but I take pleasure in introducing
The date selected for the event was Oc her to others than Daughters who are here.”
tober 19th, the 140th anniversary of the Applause greeted Mrs. Guernsey as she
surrender at Yorktown, Virginia, of Lord stepped forward and began her speech:
Cornwallis to the victorious Continental
Army commanded by General George “This morning we have arrived at another
Washington. Members of the National stepping stone in our national history. To-day
there are three outstanding things for which
Board of Management, who had come to we are thankful; first, our thanks are due
the National Capital to attend the Oc to our Heavenly Father for giving us this
perfect day to lay the corner stone of this
tober meeting of the Board, remained building; second, that our United States
in the City to witness the laying of the Senate has ratified the treaty and we are now
COrner Stone. at peace with the world; third, that we have
here with us this morning to be present at the
Promptly at ten o'clock in the morning laying of the corner stone the dear little lady
the National Officers, Vice Presidents whom we call the “Little Mother of our Socie
ty,” Mrs. Lockwood made the first resolution
General and State Regents, led by Mrs. in any of our gatherings that we should have
Willoughby S. Chesley, bearing the a building of this kind.” -
“Mrs. McLean, who followed Mrs. Fair tration, also, that the final payments on the
banks, suggested the plan of bonding the Hall, bonds placed by Mrs. McLean were made.
so making it possible to carry its erection to “In my administration more land was pur
completion. The motion to bond the building chased until the Society owned all but a small
was made by Mrs. Lockwood, whose great hon corner of the entire block between 17th and
or it was to offer the original resolution that 18th Streets, C and D Streets and all the land
the Society erect a building for its headquarters. was paid for.
“During the Presidency of Mrs. Scott the “At the Congress of 1920, with the approval
offices of the Society were moved into the Hall of my successor, I recommended that work be
and the payment was carried on. Very soon gin on the new building. In pursuance of the
are on guard against radicalism in all its insidi thereof. Mrs. George Thacher Guernsey,
ous forms. Because of this we have won the President General.
recognition of our Government and the respect DAUGHTERs of THE AMERICAN REvolution
of the public, and have attracted loyal and patri MAGAZINE : Issues of December, 1917, wherein
otic American women to our ranks in ever appears resolution of Board to rebuild the vil
increasing numbers. With the greater facili lage of Tilloloy and to establish Liberty Loan
ties offered by this building, our Society enters Fund. May, 1920, pictures of members National
upon a new era of progress and usefulness. Board of Management, 1920-1921. June, 1920,
No longer cramped in the conduct of its busi installation ceremony 29th Continental Congress.
ness and its patriotic work, it will proceed to September, 1920, photographs of rooms in Me
larger and larger fields of service for “Home morial Continental Hall. April, 1921, cut of
and Country.' the President General, Mrs. George Maynard
“Standing on the threshold of this new era, Minor, and also cut of Administration Build
we look forward to this future service with a ing. June, 1921, cut of gifts presented to the
renewed spirit of consecration. It is indeed Society by France in appreciation of aid given
lution. It is an occasion which impels me to during World War. October, 1921, latest issue.
say again to the Daughters assembled here, Reports of Treasurer General, from 18th Con
a solemn moment—an occasion of deep signifi gress to date.
cance for all Daughters of the American Revo Publications of National Society: National
what I said to the last Congress: ‘There is a Committee Lists 1913-1921, Programs Conti
certain solemnity in facing an audience of nental Congress 18th, 22nd, 24th, 27th, 29th, and
Daughters of the American Revolution. One 30th. Report of War Work, World War.
sees not only the visible audience. One sees Lineage Book, Vol. 57.
the generations of American lineage back of it. Publications, 1921 : Constitution and By-Laws,
One seems to be facing America itself—our Smithsonian Report, Program, 30th Congress,
America, as the generations back of us have Committee List, Book of Remembrance, Man
moulded it. You of unbroken descent from ual for Immigrants.
the forefathers of the Revolution and the fore Photograph of Fountain at Tilloloy, and
fathers back of them—you stand for America; floral decorations for dedicatory ceremony.
you are the embodiment of America's past; you Photograph of Administration Building, com
and your children are the hope of America's pleted. Photographs of Mrs. George Maynard
future." Let that hope be firmly built on the Minor, President General, and of Mrs. George
foundations of your devoted patriotism.” Thacher Guernsey, Honorary President General
and Chairman of Committee on Erection of
Mrs. John Francis Yawger, Recording Administration Building. -
Secretary General, read the following list Copies of addresses by Mrs. George Maynard
of articles enclosed in the corner stone: Minor, President General, to the Thirtieth Con
tinental Congress, and “The Deeper Meaning
Proceedings of 17th Congress, containing of our D.A.R. Organization.” Copy of address
resolution adopted covering bonding plan for of Mrs. George Thacher Guernsey to 29th
completion of work on Memorial Continental Continental Congress, May Magazine, 1919.
Hall. Mrs. Donald McLean, President General. Handbook of Memorial Continental Hall.
Proceedings of 21st Congress, containing Apostrophe to the Flag. Autographs of Na
resolution authorizing the National Board of tional Officers and State Regents. The Ameri
Management to arrange for purchase of land can's Creed. Autographs of Committee on
adjacent to Memorial Continental Hall for Erection of Administration Building. Auto
erection of office building. Mrs. Matthew T. graphs of Clerical Employees. Autographs of
Scott, President General. Employees of Memorial Continental Hall.
Proceedings of 25th Congress, containing Report of President General on Dedication of
report of option secured on land, and authoriza Water-works at Tilloloy, August 23, 1921.
tion to proceed with transaction as recom Newspapers of current date.
mended. Mrs. William Cumming Story, Presi
dent General. After the laying of the corner stone by
Proceedings of 29th Congress, containing Mrs. Minor and Mrs. Guernsey, a
resolution adopted authorizing erection of office dedicatory prayer was given by Miss
building on land, in rear of Memorial Conti
mental Hall, and empowering the National Elisabeth Pierce, former Chaplain Gen
Board of Management and the officers of eral, and the ceremony closed with the
the Society to provide for the financing singing of “America” by the audience.
By Frank J. Brunner
VOLUTION is a slow process, pole projecting from its bow, and to this
even in our progressive United pole, or boom, the torpedo was lashed.
States Navy; but if it is slow it In attacking an enemy ship the launch
is also sure. One reason for got under way and when put on a straight
slow growth is that peculiar course aimed at the “target,” the one man
American trait of caution in operating the launch, depending upon a
adopting home-grown new ideas. There life-preserver, simply dropped overboard
are several outstanding examples for and, if fortunate, was picked up by the
illustrations: The first, the long-sought crew of the larger ship launching the tor
recognition for which John Holland pedo attack.
strove to secure the adoption of his sub This crude mechanism led easily to the
marine boat; the second, the struggles next step, the invention of the tube from
of Wilbur and Orville Wright for gov which torpedoes were projected by use of
ernment consideration of their flying compressed air. The range of the float
machine. Holland clung tenaciously to ing torpedo was necessarily short when
his idea and fought for the adoption of fired by this method. The need of
his submarine. He prevailed over scep greater range resulted in the Navy
ticism by urging his invention as a means Bureau of Ordnance designing a speed
of supplying economical coast defense; boat fitted with the new tubes which
but the Wrights had to go to France to would supply greater range, and which
prove their leadership in the new science also had a chance of striking the torpedo
of aeronautics. Strangely enough, the blow and getting away safely. The act
nation against which the United States of Congress of March 3, 1887, authoriz
was to make the greatest military effort ing the first torpedo boat, may be accepted
of her history in the war for world free as the basic law upon which is founded all
dom had adopted both the Holland and the development that has culminated in
the Wright inventions and had developed the modern destroyer, a type still desig
them as destructive weapons far beyond nated in Navy construction data as the
the dreams of their originators. “torpedo-boat destroyer.”
The hornets of modern sea warfare— The initial tube-equipped boat, named
the swift, business-like craft now gener Stiletto, was constructed of wood, and
ally termed “destroyers ”—are an evolu with her low, rakish, black hull and black
tion from a Civil War idea which was smoke belching stack, darting about rivers
simplicity itself. The torpedo as an in and harbors, she aroused the intense curi
strument of marine offense antedated the osity of both landsmen and mariners.
Civil War, but it was merely a cleverly Nothing like this “demon of the Navy"
devised mine without self-propelling had ever been seen before. The Stilet to
power. Schemes of propulsion finally re was built by the Herreshoffs of Bristol,
sulted in the adoption of the steam launch. R. I., at a cost of $25,000. The boat had
This tiny craft was equipped with a long two torpedo tubes and in tests at the New
port, R. I., torpedo station proved so About the time the Stiletto appeared,
satisfactory that the general principles rebellious Cuba was drawing the United
of the design were adopted for larger States toward the task of freeing the un
craft of her type. The Stiletto was eighty happy island from Spanish domination,
eight feet long, eleven feet broad, with hence torpedo experimenting never re
a draft of only two feet, displacing thirty laxed. Coast and harbor defense became
one tons. She developed 18.22 knots, or a most important study, for Spain was no
about twenty-one and one-half land miles mean power by comparison with our own
an hour, with a single screw propelled by naval strength. During these pre-war
a steam engine generating 360 horse years our Navy also turned its attention
power. She was the swiftest thing afloat to the under-water problem, and in 1893
of her size, and her lines for some years the Holland “submarine torpedo boat”
influenced the design of privately-owned Plunger, equipped with two torpedo
power boats. New York yachtsmen took tubes, was authorized. This boat was a
to her enthusiastically, and the Herre failure because steam power was specified
shoffs were kept busy building Taran and Holland could not adapt this power
tulas, Scorpions, Sharks, etc., to “ferry" successfully. But before the Plunger
important financiers from the foot of came off the ways, Holland had built the
Wall street to their country estates along submarines Fulton and Holland which
the lower Hudson river in the then fast were fitted with gas engines. On the
developing Westchester section. All were strength of the success of these two boats,
built on the Stiletto model, and even her the government authorized the building
name influenced the yachtsmen in picking of six Holland-type boats. These were
designations for their speed craft. named Adder, Grampus, Moccasin, Pike,
Porpoise and Shark, some of which are naval thought was focused upon improve
still in service in the Philippine Islands. ment of the swift, surface torpedo-carry
Holland also took over the Plunger from ing boat. Congress in the years 1890 to
the Navy, redesigned and rebuilt her, and 1894 authorized the building of larger
this type is now known in the Navy as units, the Cushing and Ericsson being the
the A-1. All these boats had one torpedo first of the new type, with a displacement
tube each, and none was completed in of 120 and 142 tons, respectively, and a
time for defensive use in the war with speed of twenty-four knots. These were
Spain. Meanwhile, another American followed by the Foote, Rodgers and
genius, Simon Lake, failing to gain recog Winslow, of the same general propor
nition for his submarine, was forced to tions. Then, under the act of June, 1896,
sell his invention to Russia, thus initiating came the Porter, Dupont, Rowen, Dahl
the use of under-sea boats in Europe, and gren, T. A. M. Craven, Farragut, Davis,
which was destined to reach a stage of For, Morris, Talbot, Gwin, McKenzie
destructiveness of shipping that spread and McKee. This group were advanced
fear in the hearts of the free world. in size to tonnage displacement of 146 to
American genius, meanwhile, was 279, and equipped with power plants to
evolving still another floating terror. steam at twenty-eight knots, or nearly
The submarine was not accepted with thirty-three land miles an hour.
seriousness, but a more destructive unit The naval idea was still concentrated
than the surface torpedo boat was sought, upon the torpedo for major destruction,
designed for both land and sea attack. to be delivered from a high-speed boat
Activity finally brought about the con capable of running away after an attack
struction of the dynamite cruiser Vesu and of outdistancing any battleship or
vius, which was larger but similar in cruiser afloat. The idea had another
design to the Stiletto. This vessel was variation, for the model of the old battle
equipped with three Zalinski pneumatic ship Texas, now in the Smithsonian In
guns, fixed in the hold of the boat at an stitution at Washington, shows two one
angle of about forty degrees, capable of man operated torpedo boats lashed to the
hurling great charges of dynamite. The deck. The plan was to use these torpedo
range was not great, but the speed and hornets in battle at sea, drop them over the
shallow draft of the Vesuvius were esti ship's sides and speed them against the
mated to supply any deficiency in range. enemy's battle craft. The plan was never
The boat was employed in Cuban waters, put to a practical test, and in the first
and if her gun-power did little damage clash of modern steel warships, big guns
to physical property, the charges of dyna alone were effective, both in the battle
mite hurled shoreward shattered Spanish of Santiago and in Manila Bay.
morale. The soldiers of Spain, holding Naval policy of developing fighting
the fringe of the island of Cuba, simply craft auxiliary to larger ships to furnish a
collapsed in terror of the monster. Al protective screen began to assert itself
though the Vesuvius proved a failure as a through the influence of studious naval
major marine weapon, the experiment officers, who saw in the small, swift sur
and its cost was regarded as amply justi face torpedo boat a problem which would
fied in the results. have to be solved with faster and more
All the while the submarine was powerful units. The result was the
demonstrating its potentialities, however, authorization in 1897 of the Stringham,
Bailey and Goldsborough, of 340,280 and of wide cruising radius. The emergency,
255 tons displacement, respectively, and ºtherefore, hastened design and develop
the unprecedented speed of thirty knots. ment of the destroyer type which had its
Naval opinion was divided over the util genesis in the little, wooden Stiletto, and
ity and safety of small vessels developing also brought about the most stupendous
a speed of thirty-five land miles an hour, warship building accomplishment the
but these three boats were finally con world has ever known. The destroyer as
º -
-------- --
structed and they justified the foresight a check to the menace of the torpedo boat,
of their designers. They proved to be the however, had been adopted for naval
forerunners of the great and effective offensive power during the war with
“destroyers ” of today. Spain. The act of Congress of May 4,
Strange as it may seem, not until the 1898, therefore is regarded as marking
conflagration which enveloped the world final stages in the evolution of the de
in arms in 1914 was the development of stroyer from the one-man torpedo boat
the destroyer predicated upon other with its projecting pole of Civil War days,
necessity than a purpose to conquer the for this law authorized the building of
surface torpedo boat. The menace of the sixteen craft designated in the law as
submarine was taken lightly until Ger “torpedo-boat destroyers ”—the first use
many produced under-water boats capable of the word “destroyer" in law. These
were boats of 420 tons displacement and These modern hornets of the sea are
twenty-eight knots speed, bearing these equipped with four torpedo tubes firing
historic names: Bainbridge, Barry, Chaun three torpedoes each. They have a main
cey, Dale, Decatur, Hopkins, Hull, Law battery of four 4-inch guns of great range.
rence, MacDonough, Paul Jones, Perry, Two 3-inch anti-aircraft guns are also
Preble, Stewart, Tru.rtun, Whipple and mounted, and for U-boat hunting in the
Jſ' orden. The Navy was not, however, war zone the boats were fitted with the
abandoning prior policy, for this same act famous “Y” gun for hurling the “ash
of Congress also provided for the build can " depth charges over either side.
ing of twelve torpedo boats of 175 tons From the $25,000 Stiletto of the early 90's
and twenty-nine knots, which were named to the $1,215,875 destroyer of today is a
Bagley, Barney, Biddle, Blakely, DeLong, far cry—but it has been spanned with
Nicholson, O'Brien, Shubrick, Stockton, credit to the Navy and lasting renown to
Thornton, Tingey and Wilkes. the nation. All this is aside from our tre
Almost nineteen years had elapsed mendous effort in building other types of
from the date of the law authorizing the small auxiliary naval craft, and it is well
first boats designated destroyers until the to remember the war production of 450
United States declared war on Germany. submarine chasers at a total cost of
England had evolved a heavy type of $24,544,032—a revival of the small,
destroyer, but our Navy was not idle and wooden torpedo boat design—also the
had designed a superior type provided fabrication of 112 Eagle boats, which
follow destroyer design in many particu
for in the so-called three-year building
lars, but are designated patrol vessels,
program of 1916. When the World War
each of which cost $167,854. This is a
broke, one of the first calls upon emer
total of 805 boats—the Navy's answer to
gency appropriations allocated to the the Allies' despairing cry for succor and
Navy was for a tremendous expansion of delivery from the German unrestricted
destroyer types. The paramount reason submarine horror.
for this demand was pressed by England, An English naval officer, watching our
France and Italy, all suffering grievously destroyers approach the coast of Ireland
from the depredations of the German sub after steaming the unheard of distance of
marines and raiders. The Allies then nearly 3000 miles, remarked upon their
wanted no heavy fighting ships, their need frailty: “They seem almost feminine,”
was for destructive sea weapons capable he exclaimed. The American answer was
of swiftest action to overcome the very a quotation from Kipling: “The female
real menace which threatened to finally of the species is deadlier than the male.”
cut off all supplies of war material and The aptness of this rejoinder is written
food transported in merchant ships. The in the record of American destroyer
Navy was ready to meet the demand and, accomplishment in hunting U-boats and
speeding its available destroyers overseas, in convoying safely our own and British
began the task of a “brigade of ships" supply and troop ships through sub
of this type. When the war ended there marine infested waters. At the close of
had been added to the Navy 243 de hostilities there were seventy-nine Ameri
stroyers of about 1200 tons displacement can destroyers in European waters and
and a speed of thirty-five knots, at a cost the forces based on Queenstown, Ireland,
of approximately $1,217,875 each. and Brest, France, had escorted forty per
cent. of all ships from North Atlantic Fleet which, eighteen days after the
ports through the war zone. Of the 205 declaration of war, put out of Boston and
German submarines destroyed, thirteen arrived at Queenstown on May 4, 1917–
are credited to American destroyers. a historic incident preserved in the
It is fitting to conclude this narrative famous painting, entitled “The Return
of the evolution of the destroyer with the of the Mayflower.” The division was
words of Vice Admiral Sir Lewis Bayly, greeted with a signal from the British
commander-in-chief of the British forces destroyer Mary Rose: “Welcome to the
American colors.” Commander Joseph
operating on the Irish coast, occasioned
K. Taussig replied from his flagship
by the anniversary of the initial arrival
IWadsworth: “Thank you; I am glad of
of six of the American destroyers at your company.” The division, besides the
Queenstown. His was a perfect tribute Iſ 'adsworth, was composed of the Coyng
conveyed to the United States Navy on ham, Commander Alfred W. Johnson;
May 4, 1918, stating: “On the anniver Porter, Lieutenant Commander Ward K.
sary of the arrival of the first United Wortman; McDougall, Lieutenant Com
States men-of-war at Queenstown, I wish mander Arthur P. Fairfield; Davis, Lieu
to express my deep gratitude to the tenant Commander Rufus F. Zog
United States officers and ratings for baum; Iſ’ainwright, Lieutenant Conn
skill, energy and unfailing good nature mander Fred H. Poteet. Asked by
which they have all consistently shown Sir Lewis Bayly, “When will you be
and which qualities have so materially ready to go to sea?” Commander
assisted in the war by enabling ships of Taussig replied: “We are ready now, sir;
the Allied Powers to cross the ocean in that is as soon as we finish refuelling.”
comparative freedom. To command you This readiness for the serious business of
is an honor, to work with you is a pleas war made a deep impression upon the
ure, to know you is to know the best traits English naval authorities and they opened
of the Anglo-Saxon race.” their hearts to the Americans who,
Sir Lewis in his tribute was referring throughout the war, never swerved from
to the six units comprising the eighth exhibiting “the best traits of the Anglo
destroyer division of the U. S. Atlantic Saxon race.”
Drawings by
Zoé Lee H. Anderson
From the ancient Stafford line of de Ruggele, The Ridgway family is an ancient Saxon
dating from the twelfth century, descended the one, dating to the Earls of Mercia and Seofric,
from whom all of the name are descended.
Rugeley family of Stafford, Warwick & Lei
cester, and the Ruggles race of Essex, Suffolk William, Lord of Rydeware, of King
and Kent, of New England and Canada. Stephen's time, named for his father, who
William de Ruggele, of Stafford, thirteenth was through the maternal side, grandson of
century, was banished by his sovereign, having William The Conqueror, was granted the
killed in a duel a man held in high regard by manor of Rydeware, which had belonged to
the king. He went to Flanders and there re his ancestor, Edwyne, thus the name Ridg
mained, though Edward 1, for his great deeds way followed.
in war, soon revoked the edict of banishment. On May 4th, 44th of Queen Elizabeth a new
Three of his sons felt the call of the homeland, Coat-of-Arms was granted to Sir Thomas
if not of their native county of the north, and Ridgway of Lovre Abbey, Devonshire, Eng
they settled, for reasons not apparent, in Essex. land, and he was created Earl of Londonderry
Another son went to Switzerland. on August 23, 1622. This member of the fam
The name de Ruggle, became in time, Ruge ily had owned and commissioned a private
ley, in Stafford and Flanders, and in Essex ship of War in 1597, which was employed
and Switzerland, Ruggle. during the capture of Fayal with Sir Walter
The name Rugeley is now extinct in England, Raleigh and the Earl of Essex. Sir Thomas
also commissioned a ship of War which was
being represented only in the family bearing
one of those to repel the Spanish Armada.
the Ruggles name; there are, however, families
Through intermarriage with heiresses, th:
in South Carolina, Louisiana and Texas named Ridgways can claim a much greater number
Rugeley, whose ancestor was Colonel Henry of quarterings than the sixteen essential to
Rugeley, Loyalist, of South Carolina, who royalty, and some of these are cut upon
served under Cornwallis and Rawdon. the Ridgway monument in Torre Church,
The illustration of the Coat-of-Arms is from Devonshire.
one in the Library of thé Ontatian Parliament Richard Ridgway, grandson of Robert, 2nd
in Toronto, Canada. This same arms is en Earl of Londonderry, was born in England
graved (as the Arms of John Ruggles) upon 1654, married 1676 Elizabeth Chamberlayn &
a silver vessel of the Communion Service in came to America with his family on the ship
Christ Church in Philadelphia. The blazon, as “Jacob and Mary " in 1679 and settled on
quoted from John S. Hawkins’ “Life of George the western side of the South River—now called
Ruggles,” a prominent member of the Virginia the Delaware. He acquired a tract of 218
Company, which was printed in England acres in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, making
in 1787. the first English settlement in that State.
(Used through the courtesy of Henry Rug (Used through the courtesy of Mary Racey
gles, Wakefield, Mass.) Ridgway, Bronxville, N. Y.)
% º y >
* --
The Chapter is gradually acquiring a library. from the boys, for a flag have been received.
We have the Lineage books to the present date The school board furnish light and janitor ser
bound; all of the Smithsonian reports with the vice. During the vacation Mr. Well spent $3231
exception of the 15th and the last two reports; the Signal Electric Company, $250; Mr. Rawls,
three years issue of the “New England His the wireless operator, $150; Light and Traction
torical and Genealogical Register"; two years Company, $100; Mr. G. E. Petersen Radio
of the “Journal of American History”; three instructor, cheerfully gives three nights a week
years of the genealogical issue of the “Boston to the boys.
Transcript" and many years of the DAUGHTERS Every Thursday night, educational films are
of THE AMERICAN REvolution MAGAZINE. We shown and an occasional comedy, which is fur
take a copy of the DAUGHTERs of THE AMERICAN nished by the Woman's Club of the city. The
REvolution MAGAZINE for the public library Chapter has given two moving picture enter
and four copics are taken by members. tainments for the public, the proceeds amount
During the year, $59 have been sent to the ing to $132 being used for the Club.
National Society; $34 to the State budget; $24 An essay contest with prizes of $5 for each
for Year-books; $14 for the magazines referred squad, on the subject “Why I love my Country
to ; $52 for basket balls for the Boys' Club; and my Flag," was participated in by 60 com
$22 for official stationery for the Boys' Club; petitors. The American spirit was so promi
$3 for a flag; $21.19 for up-keep of the Club nent in all, the judges Mr. Trudell and Mr.
and $25 for the Near East Relief. Prescott not only awarded the $5 prize to one
Our Flag Committee, Mrs. Harmon, secured in each squad, but gave $1 each to ten others
twenty subscribers at fifteen cents each to the and honorable mention to the remaining fifty,
Betsy Ross Memorial Association, thus gaining Mr. Trudell furnishing $15 and Mr. Prescott and
a picture of “Betsy Ross making the Flag" Mr. Smith $10.
which is hung in the reading room of the Boys' Mr. Lloyd, known all over the country by
Club. The Chapter owns two $50 Liberty Bonds. his inventions of hollow steel tubing and reed
A State essay contest for the tenth and elev work, offered a prize of $5 to every boy under
enth grade pupils on the subject “Men and 14 years of age who for six months would daily
Women in the service of the United States” was record some important thought; and to foster
conducted under the joint auspices of the State system, offered the best bicycle to the boy who
Historical Society and the State D.A.R. last would make the best record in the arrange
Spring, with the Regent of the D.A.R., Mrs. ment and care of his personal belongings, for
Trudell, the President of the Woman's Club, a like period, and five boys received each S5
Mrs. H. Roper and the Superintendent of and one little cripple received both bicycle
schools, Mr. Silverdale as judges. The essays and $5.
of two pupils, Jean Worth and Gertrude Hos Gifts of money from the Chapter made it
kin were considered of sufficient merit to be possible for four boys to attend the Upper penin
sent to the State Historian. sula Boys' Conference at Negaunee in April, thus
The program committee continued the line of furnishing them with inspiration for better
study followed last year, this year being the living as they listened to talks of men on topics
Tercentenary of the Landing of the Pilgrims. vital to the best interests of boys.
The Americanization work of the Chapter One of the advances made during the year is
has been concentrated on the Boys' Club, now the organization of a Big Brothers' Club among
in its 6th year of existence. It numbered 512 the older boys.
boys last June and there are probably 550 now. Our Chairman, Mrs. Vennema, in November
Mr. J. W. Wells, who has done so much for the took a four weeks' intensive training course for
Club, practically gave the Chairman, Mrs. Ven Boys' Club Workers, at Columbia University,
nema, carte-blanche this spring and as a result N. Y. She enjoyed the distinction of being the
the building has been decorated, new front only woman in the class of 16; her diploma as
porch erected, yard repaired and large brick Director of Boys' Work, adorns the wall of the
fireplace put in the reading room. The Steinway reading room. It seemed to these men almost
player piano presented last year has been re incredible that a Boys' Club could be organized
modeled, new records purchased, moving pic and managed by women without any money
ture equipment added and a complete wireless except such as interested individuals donated.
station and laboratory furnished. Gifts of two (MRS. A. W.) HARRIET W. BILL,
floor lamps and a table lamp, 50 steel tubing Historian."
chairs, fire set and screen for fireplace, two
deer heads and horns for fireplace ornaments, Oakland Chapter (Oakland, Calif.) This
tables, desk, bookcase, rockers, games, very Chapter was organized June 23, 1897, with
many books, new victrola and records, also, in twenty charter members, and is the third larg—
money from four individuals $51, and $12.91 est chapter in Northern California.
A limit of seventy-five on membership was used in unveiling the tablet that was placed
maintained until last year, when this limit on her gravestone.
was removed. This flag was made by hand when Mrs. Hills
Twelve members are non-residents. was past eighty years old, and is a prized relic
It has been the custom in the past to meet at of the Chapter. Present during this ceremony
the homes of the various members until this were the children, grandchildren, and great
last year, when the Chapter tried as an experi grandchildren of this noble woman, who list
ment to meet at the Y.W.C.A. Hall. This ened with reverence to a sketch of her life. Her
experiment was not altogether satisfactory so father entered the Revolutionary service when
the former plan has been resumed. but a lad of 15 and served throughout the
The book “History of Napa County", that the struggle. Mrs. Hills was the youngest member
Chapter was called upon to supply, although of a family of 15 children.
rare and out of print was found and purchased A befitting tribute is due Miss Alice Flint
and with another California work “Sixty Years whose services to the Chapter as Regent for the
of California Song", donated by one of the past past two years has endeared her to all.
Regents, were placed in the California room at (MRs. J. V.) JEssie STILLw ELL CHow N,
Continental Memorial Hall at Washington. Historian.
The Chapter has come forward with its full Granite Chapter (Newfields and Newmarket,
per capita quota towards the George Washing N. H.) unlike most Chapters this organi
ton Monument Fund; the Pilgrim Mothers Me zation holds regular meetings each month in
morial Fountain; the painting representing the the year excepting December and February–
U. S. Transports, America's gift to France; because a large number of our members are
and other donations covering the work of non-resident but are with us in the Summer
the organization. so our meetings then, have a larger attendance
Flag Day is always celebrated with dignity than in the cooler months of the year.
and propriety and is always the great guest day Our July meeting was held at the home of
of the year. our oldest member, Mrs. Mary R. Pike, widow
The Birthday party, which is celebrated on of Rev. James Pike, of Newfields. Mrs. Pike
the first meeting day after summer vacation was born September 11, 1815, the daughter of
always calls out the largest attendance and is Rev. John and Mary (Dodge) Brodhead. Her
enjoyed to the utmost. The birthday cake, grandfather, Capt. Luke Brodhead, served on
which now requires twenty-four candles is al the staff of General LaFayette.
ways made from the receipt of the Martha Mrs. Pike at the age of 106 years is active
Washington fruit cake. in mind, keen and witty in conversation and
Programs have covered patriotic, educational, gracious in manner. A few years ago this
historical and musical topics, and have followed MAGAZINE published a likeness of Mrs. Pike
closely the lines of advance as prescribed by which holds goods. She seems not to have
the National Organization, among them being changed mentally or physically except that a
The Shantung Situation, by Dr. N. Poon Chew; recent fall has confined her to her room.
The Rights of Small Nations, by a N. C. pro Her health is good, she is cheerful and strong
fessor; Pilgrims Tercentenary Observances; in her faith in God, and in her love for hu
Musicale, by students from Mills College; manity. Granite Chapter would like to know if
any other Chapter can claim so old a Daughter.
A loan exhibit of rare and ancient articles
of Revolutionary days, including household Historian.
furniture, silver, miniatures, fabrics, laces and
embroideries, spectacles and purses, was held. On Onawa Chapter (Onawa, Iowa). On Aug
this occasion a group of songs of “the days of ust 9, 1921 a granite marker and bronze tablet
old" were sung by members the accompaniment were dedicated upon the site of the second
for which was played on an old, but sweet camping ground in Monona County of the Lewis
toned harmonium of very early design. Very and Clark expedition in their voyage up the
many members on this occasion wore Colonial Missouri river in 1804.
costume, which added more gayety to the Ever since our organization in 1910, we have
already festive affair. planned to mark this site as soon as funds could
The Chapter recently placed memorial tablets be secured. Onawa Chapter has always been
in honor of Haskell Waterhouse and Egbert loyal in the State and National work, not only
Beach, two officers who lost their lives in the by coºperation along the various lines of work,
World War, and on the grave of Mrs. Harriet but we have responded to every call for money
A. Hills, a Real Daughter. A large bunting and have been 100 per cent in every effort for
flag that she herself had made in her last funds. A Chapter with such a record cannot
days and presented to the Chapter, was do all it would like to locally. This year the
State Society made it possible to do this long engineer of Onawa. He was a friend of Dr.
desired work by furnishing the bronze tablet— Elliott Cous of the Smithsonian Institution. and
the stone and all other expenses borne by through his kindness had access to data not pub
the Chapter. lished in the Lewis and Clark journals. Dr.
August 9th was selected because it was the Cous' map of the course of the Missouri in
117th anniversary of the camp. The State Reg 1804 was also authentic. The river is now
ent, Mrs. F. E. Frisbee dedicated the marker
several miles west of its course at that time
and tablet in the name of the Iowa Society and
The old river bed at this point is known as
Onawa Chapter. During the address, Mary
Blue Lake.
Moen, ten year old daughter of Mrs. E. C.
Moen, drew aside the flag. Onawa Chapter and the community are proud
Preceding the dedication, a historic page to have such an historic site so near us and all
ant was staged in an amphitheater on the shore are pleased to have it marked. The Pageant
of Blue Lake. The narrative was written by and dedication have helped us to realize
a former State Regent, Mrs. A. W. Mann, and history and it has proven beyond question
staged by Mrs. J. A. Prichard and Mrs. George in this locality that we stand for Educa
E. Allen. It opened with “the Spirit of '76”, tion and Patriotism.
and included the landing of the expedition, the (MRs. C. E.) MINNIE W. UNDERHILL.
Mormon train, arrival of the Pioneers in a Regent.
prairie schooner, the founding and naming of
Onawa, and closed with an apostrophe and salute Deborah Avery Chapter (Lincoln, Nebr.)
to the flag and the singing of the Star Spangled has celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary.
Banner. The song, “Iowa Beautiful Land", There were women in Lincoln who were greatly
was sung as a solo with a fine chorus, also interested in the D.A.R., of which compara
“Onawa, Awake My Beloved,” from Hiawatha. tively little was known in Nebraska at that
The minuet and Spirit of the Prairie date, and, after several meetings of those who
were danced. believed themselves eligible, the present Chap
Besides the State Regent, three other State ter was formed with nineteen members. By
officers were present, also Daughters from Sioux good fortune this meeting was held in the very
City and elsewhere. house in which it was to celebrate its twenty
Proof of the site was established through fifth anniversary, the home of one of its most de
notes of the late Mitchell Vincent, a pioneer voted members, and twice State Regent. And so
on Friday May 13th, (the correct date, the Abigail Bartholomew Chapter (Daytona,
15th falling on Sunday) over two hundred Fla.), comprising about thirty-five members,
members gathered for the homecoming, when placed two markers this year, one on the spot
bidden by three charter members, Mrs. S. B. where the “Old King's Highway" touched
Pound, Mrs. Willis Rankins and Mrs. George the Halifax river at Daytona, and the other
O. Smith, we gathered at the home of Mrs. honoring the East Volusia County boys who
Pound to celebrate not only the birthday of the gave their services to their country, and those
Chapter but hers as well. who made the supreme sacrifice during the
late war.
The program was planned so far as possible
to carry out the spirit of that early meeting, so Mrs. W. E. Hitchcock, Regent of the Chap
our hostesses were also our entertainers. Mrs. ter, in presenting the marker on the King's
Pound, one of the oldest members, gave the Highway, to the City Officials of Daytona, said:
“This beautiful State of ours enjoys an un
early history of the Chapter. Mrs. Rankins told
of the early members, many of whom are no usual distinction, that though it is one of the
younger states of our Union, still it is the
longer with us. Mrs. George Smith gave an
account of the first year's work. Mr. George oldest in point of settlement.
Smith, who had sung at some of the first meet “Fortunate indeed are we Daughters of the
ings, now sang : Twilight in the Forest, Wm. American Revolution that to-day we are able
Blair; Night in the Desert, Gertrude Ross; to do our bit by marking the highway which
Ode from Ossian's Poems, Francis Hopkin the English during the Colonial period had con
son; By the Waters of Minnetonka, Thurlow structed, sometime before our Fathers fought
Lieurance. It was the first time the members to make this, the “Land of the Free.'
had had an opportunity of hearing this Ode “We have consulted old pamphlets, old
from Ossian's Poems, written in 1745 by Fran settlers, and histories, both in Washington and
cis Hopkinson, the signer of the Declaration St. Augustine, that we might bring you some
of Independence, and which has been recent thing authentic about ‘The Old King's Road,'
ly republished. but little is to be found save this, that the trail
June 17th was charter day and the members was first blazed by the Spaniards in 1632. In
were enthusiastic in celebrating that day as well. 1763 Spain ceded the title of Florida to England
A luncheon was given in its honor at the Lin in exchange for Cuba and Havana, and on
coln Hotel to which the State Officers, past October 7, 1763, General James Grant was made
State Regents and other guests were invited. first Colonial Governor, and the state was
The informal program was presided over by our divided into East and West Florida. Through
Regent, Miss Katharine Green, who is also the his efforts the attention of the King was
State President of the Daughters of Patriots brought to Florida and immigration began.
and Founders of America. The short program “The most important improvement during the
was followed by a musicale. English occupation was the building of the
Deborah Avery can well be proud of her • King's Road,” in 1768, a highway built north
record of these twenty-five years. She has of St. Augustine to St. Nicolas on the St.
been represented on the National Board and John's river opposite the site of Jacksonville,
many times on the State Board, has during these and on to King's Ferry on the St. Mary's
years contributed her quota to the National river, and the King's Road' from St. Augus
Society as well as placed memorials, planted tine southward to New Smyrna. This was
memorial trees, and contributed to many funds thirty feet wide with high banks, built through
for education, Americanization, and other phi a country which must have seemed almost im
lanthrophies of the Society. penetrable by man. At certain distances the
During the past year the program has been road came in the river, I suppose for con
a series of lectures by several of the State venience sake, in our own locality, to a point
University Professors and others of our towns in Ormond Village, then back in the forest,
men on topics on which they are authorities and where you may see that straight line of
we also have enjoyed several delightful musicales Palmettoes from the Tomoka Bridge near Sun
one a program of Indian songs, with a talk on set Park, then southward, where it comes out
some interesting Indian relics by the singer. to the river at this point, then back west in the
Another was a program of Civil War songs. forest again to the Old Stone Wharf. This
With the coming of the State Regent, Mrs. evidently accounts for the “Old Mission' be
Charles F. Spencer, to live in our city this ing back from the river as it is. Later the
winter, Deborah Avery starts on the new year road was built on to Ft. Pierce, when it turned
full of an enthusiasm which betokens another west again and on to the Gulf of Mexico.
twenty-five years of even greater service. “To us of to-day, who comfortably ride over
ALETHEIA H. BUCK, our splendid roads, it means much that one
Historian. hundred and fifty-three years ago strong
hearts labored to blaze our trail. It gives me who made of themselves a bulwark of defence
great pleasure, as the Regent of Abigail Bar for civilization, and the liberty of the world.
tholomew Chapter, Daughters of the American “As Daughters of the American Revolution
Revolution, to present from them to this com who pledge ourselves to love and protect the
munity this Tablet, which marks the most his American flag forever, we esteem it a supreme
toric spot in our Triple Cities.” honor, to plan and choose this simple memorial
Memorial day was chosen as especially ap for our own heroes, of Halifax County.
propriate for the unveiling of the marker, “Therefore, to-day we unveil a coquina boul
honoring the soldier boys. der, typical in its enduring quality of the ulti
Mrs. C. W. Raynor, ex-Regent of the Abi mate triumph of the ideals for which these lads
gail Bartholomew Chapter, spoke as follows: fought; its bronze tablet strong and unyielding,
“Madam Regent, Daughters of the American to the bravery and devotion of the vast army
Revolution, and Fellow Citizens: We have as their devotion to duty that carried them
assembled to-day to give loving tribute to the over the top. Here by the beautiful Halifax
loyal valor of the young men of the Triple River we have placed this memorial, and now
Cities and adjacent towns, who participated in Mr. Mayor, as chief representative of our
the great war. These men by their unswerv City, we place it in trust in your hands, that
ing devotion to duty, their love for their coun in the years to come, future generations may
try, and absolute unselfishness, in following the know that when the bugle sounded our boys
glorious ‘Stars and Stripes, have blazoned were there, and when the tragic end had come,
their names as true patriots on the pages of alas, some had met the supreme sacrifice with
history, and with many others have written their earthly bodies, but my friends, today their
them, with their life blood, in the hearts of spirits are still marching on, a shining exam
their countrymen. ple to those who are to come.”
“In all lands torn asunder by the war, as well MRs. J. P. Esch,
as our own, suitable recognition is being given Past Regent.
Stevens Point Chapter (Stevens Point, struggling to equal the eloquence of the smail
Wis.), under the enthusiastic leadership of our American born contestants. And the little for
Regent, Mrs. W. W. Mitchell, at whose home eigners carried off half the prizes, too. The
our meetings are always held, feels that it has contest was held on Patriot's Day; and the
accomplished some really worthwhile work prizes were savings accounts commenced in the
along the lines of Americanization during the local banks, story books along the lines of
past two years. As our city is decidedly for American history, patriotism, hero wor
eign in its population we have a fertile field ship, etc.
for this work. We offer a yearly prize of a Our Chapter is glad to have had the oppor
five-dollar gold piece to the student making the tunity to appropriate a sum to insure the per
best grade in United States history in our petual care of our Real Daughter's grave in our
grammar schools. Together with the money local cemetery. We have also contributed to
a copy of the flag code and of the American's the fund being raised to mark Wisconsin's
Creed is given. original Indian Trails. We also have under
This last year we arranged for another con consideration a plan to mark the site of the
test to inspire patriotism. A very generous first settlement in Stevens Point, on the banks
number of prizes were offered by our Chapter of the Wisconsin River.
as a whole and as individual members, to stu Miss Katherine Rood, our Historian, whose
dents in the public, and in the trade, and con father, Dr. Galen Rood, was one of our pio
tinuation schools for the best recitation of, and neer physicians, has been very active in helping
the best written copy of, the American's Creed. us to gather up a great deal in the way of
Mrs. Emmons Burr was in charge of this work souvenirs and literature commemorative of the
and its perfect success was entirely due to her early history of Stevens Point. An interesting
guiding inspiration. The contest was open to part of this work is our collection of the photo
the general public as audience and it brought graphs of all our mayors since the city's incor
tears to more than one pair of eyes to hear poration, its earliest buildings and land
some of our little Polish boys and girls proudly marks, etc.
Our Chapter has a membership of forty-two. Berry School, the American Indian Institute
Flag Day is chosen as the date of each year's and the International College for Immigrants
closing meeting and an appropriate program and has made the first payment on a $100.00
carried out. Although we open our monthly foundership at Tomassee.
meetings with the formal recitation of the Locally, we have cooperated with the Amer
American's Creed, our meetings are decidedly ican Legion in patriotic celebrations and have
informal—very much like the friendly reunion given a flag to the Neighborhood House in the
of a big family gathered together to spend the near-by village of Tuckahoe, where there is a
afternoon, each one anxious to make some large Italian colony. A subscription to the
suggestion as to the manner in which we may DAUGHTERS of THE AMERICAN REvolt TION
best carry out the ideas and ideals laid down MAGAZINE has been given to the village Library.
by our national organization. Although Anne Hutchinson lived and died
CoRA HINCKLEY AT well, long before our Revolution, she is so associated
Press Agent pro tem. with the history of this immediate neighbor
hood it was thought most appropriate to name
Anne Hutchinson Chapter (Bronxville, our Chapter in her honor. She was “a woman
N. Y.) is still in its infancy as it came into of singular elevation of purpose and rare men
existence on December 17, 1919, when the tal powers ” who came from England to the
National Board confirmed the organization of Colony of Massachusetts Bay in 1634. Her
the Chapter which had been begun by Miss religious beliefs were regarded as heretical and
Sophia Wells Williams, Organizing Regent, her criticism of the leaders was so keen that
the previous September. Our Chapter is a she was banished from the colony in 1638 and
sturdy infant, with a membership, in less than she and her followers established a settlement
two years, of 81. We have also provided for in Rhode Island. Four years later, she and
an Associate Membership. Our present Regent her family moved down the shores of Long
is Mrs. Herbert Durand. On the first anniver Island Sound and made their home near what is
sary of the founding of the Chapter the State now New Rochelle. In 1643 she and the chil
Regent, Mrs. Charles White Nash, visited dren who were with her were, with the excep
Bronxville and presented the charter, inscribed tion of one daughter, killed in an Indian
with 69 names. -
uprising. Among the charter members of the
The Chapter has responded to all appeals Bronxville Chapter is a descendant of
from the National Society, through the State, Anne Hutchinson.
and is 100 per cent. on its quota for the Hand Anne Hutchinson's home was only a few
book for Immigrants, the Memorial Fountain miles from the site of the present Bronxville,
at Plymouth, the Painting and the Guernsey and in the earliest days the town of Eastchester
Scholarship, has contributed toward the New of which the village of Bronxville is a part,
York State building at Tomassee and the gift was called Hutchinson.
for the Schuyler Mansion and has given to the MARY GAY DANIELs.
Roosevelt Memorial Association, the Martha Historian.
Clarissa.-Mrs. F. G. Carter. Milwartkee, Wis. Doolittle b Jan. 21, 1754. She m at New
10101. WIN sº ow-WoREEN.—If the Mary who Haven. Conn. Feb. 13, 1777, John, s of Daniel
m Peter Worden, s of Peter, was a Winslow. & Mchitable Brown Trowbridge, b June 1.
she was not a dau of the Mayfloroer Winslows 1748. He was a Captain in the Rev. & was
nor was she a sister of theirs. Peter Worden. stationed at West I'oirºt. He d in New York
Sr. had a dau Eleanor & s Peter. In his Will City Sept. 7, 1791. Thankful d Feb. 14, 1827.
dated Feb. 9, 1639, prob. March 9, 1639, he gives Their ch were John Todd Trowbridge b Oct.
all property, lands & buildings in Cheshire. Eng. 23, 1780 m Polly—; Miles d at Racine, Wis.
& in Mass. to his only s Peter. Peter Worden. May 3, 1858: Julia b 1782 d Sept. 29, 1783:
Jr. was b in Eng. in 1609, his Will was dated Charles, E. b Feb 27, 1784 ºn Mary Bailey;
Jan. 9, 1680 & prob. Mar. 3, 1681. His w Mary Iºlihu b 1786; Julia bapt. 1789; Elias bapt.
survived him as her Will dated March, 1686 was 1795 m IIarriet Hunti:gton, d Sept. 17, 1862.
prob. May, 1687. Their ch were Mary b 1639, Ref. p. 192, “ Dºolittle Genealogy."—ºſrs. Anºia
Mercy b 1641, Martha b. 1643 & Samuel b 1646. L. Hai'i'uºd, 308 Glen St., Glens Falls, N. Y.
Mercy m Sept. 23, 1667, Kenelm Winslow b 10110. Doolitti E.-This cue y was also an
1635 d Nov. 11, 1715, and she d 1688. Edward swered by N. C. Sºith. Cheshire, Conn., the
Winslow was m in Eng. Nov. 3, 1594 to Mag answer tallying with the one given above.
dalen—. Their ch were Edward b Oct. 19,
1595, John b Apr. 1597, Kenelm b Apr. 29, QUERIES
1599, Gilbert b Oct. 1600, Josiah b. Feb., 1605. 10.198. GoRHA M-Ponix E. –Wanted parentage
Edward & Gilbert came in the Mayflower, Ken of Nathan Gorham who tº Tryphena Harmon.
elm & Josiah came later. The following are They lived in Fibridge, N. Y. but prob came
Rev records of Peter Worden, of whom there from Conn. Would like to correspond with
were three all from the same place. Peter members of the Gorham fam. Wanted also
Worden, Sr., was a private in Capt. Samuel parentage of Francis Dodi e b in N. Y. City
Low's Co., Col. Benj. Simond's Regt. (Berk July 5, 1764, did he have Ikev rec?–L. R. L.
shire Co.) Entered service Oct. 13, 1780, dis 10199. MERSERE AU –Wanted parentage &
charged Oct. 17, 1780, service 5 days. By place of birth of Ann Merscreau b Sept. 13.
order of Gen. Fellows on an alarm at the 1795 m Joseph F1'rilee abt 1813/14 d abt
Northward. Ref. Mass. Soldiers and Sailors. 1852 at Vestal, Broore Co., N. Y. Had bro
Vol. 17, p 887. Peter, Corporal in Capt. Sam Cornelius. Would like to correspond with
uel Low's Co. Col. Benj. Simond's Regt. (Berk so: “e of 1- or Cesc.—- C. L. T.
shire Co.) Entered service Oct. 13, 1780, dis "20 . Wilkiss –Wan'ed in of ch of John
charged Oct. 21, 1780, service 9 days. By order Wilkins who m Sarah Droºl: ***, IN; 1 thrºw
of Gen. Fellows on alarm at the Northward. have dau Sarah who m Levi Phillips abt 1912
Peter Worden, private in Capt Samuel Clark's & lived in Campbell Co., Ga. ?
Co. in a detachment from Col. Barnabas Sears' (a) WEBB-WATERS.–Wanted parentage of
Regt. Enlisted July 18, 1781, discharged Nov. Austin Webb & of his w Ailsey Waters, whom
2, 1781, service 3 months, 21 days, including 5 he m in Wilkes Co., Ga. April, 1783.
days (100 miles) travel home. Company raised (b) JENNINGs.-Would like to correspond
for three months. Roll sworn to at Berkshire with anyone tracing the Jennings line, espe
Co. Ref. Mass. Soldiers & Sailors, Vol. 17, p cially William the s of Wm. Jennings who m
887.-Miss Nellie M. Longfellow, White St., Agnes Dickerson.—E. C. A.
Raynham Center, Mass. 10201, GRIFFIN-GRIFFING-Wanted date of d
10110. Doolittle.—Ambrose Doolittle (Abra of John Griffin who ser as a marine on the
ham, Abraham, Abraham) s of Abraham & ship Oliver Cromwell during Rev.–E. C. F.
Mary Lewis Doolittle was b at Cheshire, Nov. 10202. DIN's MoRE.—Wanted parentage & dates
23, 1719, he m Martha dau of Wm. & Rebecca & places of b, m & d of Adam Dinsmore who
Munson, of Cheshire, b Apr. 2, 1729. Am m Margot Findley & lived in North East, Pa.
brose d Sept. 25, 1793 & is b at Cheshire. His from 1805 to 1832. He fought in the War of
ch were Ambrose b Dec. 27, 1751: Amos b May 1812 at Erie. Their ch were Isabel m Lorenz
8, 1754; Martha b. Aug. 30, 1756; Eunice b Austin: Wm., Nancy m Bailey & McCumber:
June 21, 1758 m Joseph Morgan: Abner b Alex. Findley b 1814: Thomas, Diantha b. 1820.
July 27, 1760; Samuel & Silas, twins b Mar. Eliza b 1809 m Densmore; Mary Jane b 1829
28, 1763; Ruben b May 1, 1766: Lowry b June m James McCartney bro of Robt.
9, 1760 m Rufus Hotchkiss : Mary Ann b Feb. (a) FINDLEY. —Wanted parentage of Alex,
23, 1771; Eliakin b Aug. 29, 1772; Lois & Thank Findley b in Ireland 1759 & of his w Nancy
ful m Capt. Solomon Doolittle. Ref. History Carson b 1761. Where were they m? He came
of the I)oolittle Family, by Dr. Wm. L. Doo to America with his father in 1762. Was there
little. Cleveland, Ohio. Rev ser in either line 2–B. McC.
Thankful Doolittle (Isaac, Capt. Joseph, 10203. TURNER.—Wanted parentage of Mary
Abraham) was a dau of Isaac & Sarah Todd Turner who m West Harris of Isle of Wight,
Va. 1s this the same fam of Turner as that of tombstone indicated her b date as 1772–G. T. K.
Capt. Jacob Turner of Bertie Co., N. C., who 10212. D'Ave NPORT.-Charles Davenport b
was killed with Gen. Nash in 1777?–V. D. A. 1717 in Canterbury, Conn. m Miss Waitstill of
10204. Pollick-Polk-Wanted parentage of same town. Their dau Mary 1751-1838, is
Anne Pollick, later spelled Polk, who was b in supposed to have m a Mr. Davenport. Wanted
Carlisle, Pa. in 1743. In 1760 she m Major Christian name and all dates of her husband.
John Allen.— M. C. McC. Their ch were Thirza who m Benjamin Cheney
10205. Pi U M M ER—Wanted parentage & dates & Polly who m Noah Palmer. Wanted all
of Kemp Plun.mer b 1769 & of his sis Hannah. dates of these ch and would also like to com
–M. P. municate with desc of Chas. Davenport.
10206. CI.ARI. --Wanted in formation as to (a) FAILING-Wanted parentage & dates of
which was matc of the Mayflower, John or John Failing b abt 1770 & of his w Nancy
Thomas Clark. Wanted also parentage with Klock. She came from Milton, Montgomery
dates of Wm. Clark who m IIannah Peck. Co., N. Y. They had 13 ch & lived in Madison
Derby Hist, p 710 claims be came from Lyme, Co., N. Y.—E. F. G.
Conn. to Derby abt 1735.-E. J. S. 10213. LEONARD.—Abial Leonard, son of Tim
10207. CRockCR-McRGAN.—Wanted parentage othy, of Mansfield, Mass., m Elizabeth Ann
with dates & Rev. Scr. of James Crocker & of able—April 25, 1820. Wanted her maiden
his w Rebecca Morgan whom he m abt 1810. name. Tarcºtage & place of birth.-J. L. M.
They were living in Lebanon, N. H. 1817. 10214. TURPIN.—Wanted names of ch of
(a) IIIN MAN-BUELL-Wanted parentage with Horatio Turpin. of Va. who d in Gallitin Co.,
dates & Rev ser of Justus Hinman and his w IKy. 1826. In 1803 he m in Cumberland Co.,
Ruth Buell whom he m abt 1810. Living in Va. Mary Ann dau of Dr. Daniel & Mary Ann
Hartwick, Otsego Co., N. Y. 1813. Vaniiet Pancroft. iiis wid applied for pen
(b) Was there an Association Test in Conn. sicn in 1856, res Gallitiºn Co, Ky., age 68 years
in 1776. If so where are these records to be Did they have a dau Mary Eliz. Turpin who m
fottºnd 2–A. L. C. George Wood s of Drury & Melinda Carr
10208. PAI.L.-Wanted any informaticn of Wood b in N. Car. & moved to Hardeman Co.,
William Co:ldon Bail who m Nellie Arnold of Tenn. & was m in Salem, Washington Co.,
Va. Or Mol. He was a cousin of Mary Ball Ind. 1821 2–T. S. W.
Washington. Also information of the Condon 10215. Lewis-SAM Psox – Wanted date of m
far – O. A. B. S. of Joseph Lewis to Ann Sampson.—B. G. K.
10209. HAys.— Warted parentage of Leah 10216. Holy Es—John Holmes b abt 1736 d
Hays who m Jonathan Gerrard. Was she a April 22, 1814, his w Ruth d Mar. 28, 1822
dau of Wm. Hays who served in Rev as a age 91 yrs. Their graves are in Pine Grove
soldier in Capt. Wm. Cunningham's Co., 1st Cemetery, Charlton, Saratoga Co., N. Y. John
Va. Regt & was transferred in 1778 to Lieut. Holmes was an early set of Charlton or Ball
Col. Burgess Ball's Co. —I. C. -
(b) Moss.-James Moss came from Eng. of f of Nicholas Border b 1766 d in O. m. Eliz.
abt 1719 to Va. where he m Eliz. Henderson. Kepler b 1774. Lived at time of Rev nr Har
Did they have a dau who m Thomas Lewis: per's Ferry, W. Va.-G. D. M.
Their s Hugh, Capt. in Va. Mil in Goochland 10224. YEISER.—Wanted dates of b & m of
1760 & Maj. in Continental Line 1776, d of Frederick Yeiser who d 1763, m Catherine, dau
wounds 1780 m Jane dau of Thomas & Keturah of Emanuel Carpenter, Sr. of Lancaster, Pa.
Wynne Ford. Did Thomas & Keturah Ford Their ch were Philip m 1775 Catherine, 1754
have s John who m Rachel Spencer 2 Wanted 1836, dau of Jacob & Mary Spengler Doudel:
parentage of John Ford. Frederick m Susannah Carpenter, his cousin
(c) Woodsox. —Wanted parentage of Susan Fnglehardt m Catherine dau of Melchoir
Woodson b 1740 m 1759 Joseph Morris 1736 Keenor, of Balto., Md. Were there other ch?
1778, col. in Capt. James Quarles Co., Col. Gre Catherine Carpenter Yeiser m 2nd Adam Reig
gory Smith's Regt of Va. Mil. Their s George ert, wanted n of their ch. Did Philip Yeiser
Woodson Morris, 1775-1863, m 1798 Mary, or Jacob Doudel have Rev rec.—H. S. F.
1780–1859, dau of Capt. Robt. Smith b 1749 & 10225. SHEPPARD.—Wanted county from
his w Mary Jarrett b 1758. Wanted Smith & which he came, Rev rec & n of w & ch of
Jarrett gens.—L. F. R. John Sheppard of Scotch-Irish desc. who lived
10220. JAcoby.—Bartholomew Jacoby b 1741 in N. C. later moving to Ga. He served on
m R. Deihl, was in Pinegrove Twp, Berks Co. 1st Grand Jury of Washington Co. & repre
Pa.. from 1771 to 1792. In 1799 he was 12 miles sented Wash. Co. in the Legislature when the
above Wheeling, W. Va. & from there took State Capitol was at Louisville.—M. S. B.
boat down Ohio & Miss, rivers to Natchez, 10226. LockwooD-AYREs—Zalmon Carter m
arriving June 1, 1800. There the name was Aug. 20, 1820 Harriet Ayres b Jan. 2, 1801 d
changed to James, its Eng equivalent. Now the Feb. 27, 1856, dau of Jared Ayres &–Lockwood
Miss. desc go by the n of James & the Pa. desc of New Canaan, Conn. Wanted Ayres gen. &
by the n of Jacoby. Bartholomew d aft 1816, given n & gen of his w —Lockwood.—M. M.
as did his w & they are prob, buried in Pike 10227. MEAD.—Wanted dates of John Mead
or Copiah Co., Miss. Wanted gen. & other of Va. Sol in Rev b Ireland d nr Campbells
information of either fam.—H. F. J. burg, Kentucky abt 1821. Also dates and n
10221. JAcksox.-Wanted parentage of Jo of w and ch.-J. A. B.
seph Jackson of Cumberland, R. I. who m Jan. 10228. CRoCRETT.—W anted Crockett gen
28, 1730-1 Zipporah, dau of Benj. & Deborah Frank Newell Russel S of W. E. Russell and
Whipple Tower of Attleboro, Mass. Their Trissa, dau of Robt and Evalina Newell, Dan
ch were Mary b May 1732 m Perez Bradford; venport. Evalina dau of John Newell and Mar
Joseph m Eliz. Newall; Benj. m Lydia Peck; tha Crockett d in South Bend, Ind. abt 1864.
Chloe m Wm. Ross of Providence, R. I.; Jere Other ch Mary, Rob., John and three others.
miah m Phebe Murray of Woodstock, Conn. Martha Crockett's f was a desc of either David
Zipporah, Morris m Lucena—; Neamiah m or Robt of Rev fame.—F. K. N. R.
Esther Abbott: Eleazer, Michael m Deborah 10229. HERRICK.—Wanted Rev rec of Henry
Jencks; & Ruth. Herrick b 1741 and d 1820 m Nov. 21, 1765
(a) MURRAY. —Wnm. Murray came from Mary Foster lived in Beverly, Mass. s of Wm.
Scotland to Londonderry, N. H. 1720 bringing Herrick b 1709 d 1783. We have paper from
his 10 yr old s Mathew. In 1723 Wm. Murray Israel Hutchinson, Esq. Com. of the 19th Regt
m 2nd Hannah Dickinson of Hadley, Mass. of Continental Army to Henry Herrick Capt
His s Mathew m 1st in 1737 Eliz. Abbott of John Lawes Co., making him a sergeant in said
Woodstock, Conn. He & his w both d in Pom company. Will this record be accepted by D.
fret, Conn. Would like to correspond with A. R.?–J. S. R.
someone who could give me information of 10230. DENNIsoN.—Wanted parentage and n
these families.—L. A. J. M. of sis and bros of Wm. Dennison b April 1, 1780,
10222. CoMFORT-BRUMMETT.—Wanted gen & Eatontown, N. J. d Dec. 8, 1863 Columbus, O.
Rev rec of ances of Eliz. Comfort Brum who m Mary Carter b Mar. 8, 1789 Amherst,
mett 1790–Feb. 23, 1835, in S. Car. She m N. H. d Jan. 21, 1853 Cincinnati.
1st John Lewis, who d & left 4 ch she m 2nd (a) GooDALF.—Wanted parentage of Albert
abt 1824 Thomas McMeekin.—F. McM. G. Goodale b July 15, 1807, N. Y. d Jan. 11, 1881
10223. Col.F.—Wanted gen & any data of Ill. m. Sarah McCurdy.
Ezra Cole b 1791, R. I. m abt 1812 Julia Allen (b) McCURDY.—Wanted names and dates of
b 1790 of Dadham or Dover, Mass. Both d in w and ch of Alex. McCurdy of Pa. a sol in the
Winchester, N. H. Rev-J. A. B.
(a) DYE.—Wanted parentage, dates & Rev 10231. MINOR-HART.—Wanted parentage of
rec of Enoch Dye b N. J. m Rebecca Leet b Ephraim Hart of Va. who had the following ch
1754. Aft m lived and d in Washington Co., Pa. Malinda, who m Wm. Minor; Amos, Bryant,
(b) Border.—Wanted parentage & Rev rec Levi, Sally, Elizabeth and Mary. Wm. Minor
bros Adam, Samuel, Isaac Andrew and John, Logan and Sarah Chambers, (parentage of
sis Jane. Wanted any Rev ser in these lines. Joseph, above) were m July 12, 1827 ch: Wm.
Did Ephraim Hart have Mayflower ances. ?— Wethington, Sarah Ann m John Friedley;
H. C. N. Delila m Milton Robertson; James L., Rebecah
10232. FARRINGTON.—Wanted parentage of T., Joseph L., John L., Calvin R., Eliza Jane,
John Putnam Farrington b abt 1810 his f came Thomas J., Julian A., George M., Jonathan H.
from one of the N. E. States prob Conn. his Wanted gen and any information of Thomas
m came from Cheltam twp nr Phila. prob dau Jackson and Delila Wethington.
of John Sling luff wanted also Slingluff gen.— (c) Robertsox-SPEAKs.—Nathan Robertson
L. C. L. b 1751 or 52 (name and age 24 appear in 1776
10233. WHITE–FoRGAsoN-HEATON.—HoPPER. — census of Lower Potomac Hundred, Frederick
Wanted any data of the following men and Co. Mol.) m Elizabeth Speaks 1771. Moved
their Rev. ances. Joseph White b 1772 nr Balto. in 1787 to Bourbon Co., Ky., and in 1799 or 1801
Md. d Aug. 2, 1858. James or Samuel Forga to Clark Co., Ind. Nathan had two bros, Robt.
son b June 9, 1758, d Feb. 20, 1815. Daniel who accom him to Ky. and Wm. who went to
Heaton, b Conn. 1713 d 1796. Ebenezer Heaton Ga. and was never again heard of. Ch Robt. m.
b June 26, 1750, N. J. Samuel Hopper who m Susan Jones; Middleton m Cassandra Tucker;
Ruth Ward, Levi Hopper f of Samuel. Henry Eli m Elizabeth Shawhan, Zepheniah m Eliza
Williams b nr Phila. 1752.-O. E. H. beth Tucker; Nancy m Andrew Hughes; Heza
10234. HINDMAN.—Wanted gen and d of kiah m Sally Rucher; Elizabeth m Thomas
James Hindman who served thru Rev with Gassaway; James m Nancy Tucker; Mary m
Cumberland Mil. (Now Franklin, Penna.) from Samuel Harrod. Wanted gen and other infor
1776-1778. Ref. pp. 287, 312, 318, vol. 6 Pa. Arch. mation concerning Nathan Robertson and Eliza
fifth series.—T. J. H. beth Speaks.—E. P.
10235. BAKER-WADE-Benjamin Baker m 10236. PETTU.S.—Wanted Rev ances of Dr.
Abigail—ch Anna b May 19, 1792, d Dec. 1869; John Stokes Pettus whose parents moved from
other ch Clarissa m —Blood Lucy m —Bron Va. to Ala. early in 1800. He had bro Thomas
son, James and Edward Anna Baker (above) and sis Mary Virginia. Wanted also names of
m Jacob Wade b July 17, 1793 d May 16, 1870. w and ch of Thomas Pettus, Lunenburg Co.
ch 1. Lucy Adaline m Smith. 2. Royal D. m. Va. who m Nov. 10, 1735.-M. H.
Myers. 3. Clarissa m Martin. 4. Anna Eliza
10237. Polk-Wanted gen of Capt. Wm.
m Prosser. 5. Jacob. 6. Abner Alden m Bean.
7. Stephen Florence. 8. Walmon. Wanted gen Polk who m Jan. 25, 1764 Sabra Bradford b in
Accomac Co. Va.-F. B. L.
and other information of Benjamin Baker and
w Abigail—, also of Jacob Wade. Benj. 10238. Holt.—Wanted Rev rec of Samuel
Baker was (the last 3 fought in Rev for Am; Holt, Ca. also his gen.
Benj. J. for Eng. Jacob never m) descended (a) REED.—Wanted information of —Reed
of one of the 4 bros who came from France. whose name is on monument at Concord and
Benj. J. Jacob, Geo. Henry. who fell in battle 1776.-M. S.
(a) LoGAN-CHAMBERs.-Joseph Logan b 10239. NILES-MARTIN.—Wanted parentage
June 15, 1772 d May 10, 1833 (s of Rebecah & and Rev rec of f of Ira Niles b in Plainfield,
Wm. Logan, Capt. 1st Battalion, Somerset Co N. Y. m. abt 1815 to Kathrin Martin. Wanted
N. J. in Rev) m Sarah Chambers b Oct. 6, parentage of Kathrin Martin or St. Martin b in
1773 d June 19, 1858, ch Phebe C. b Mar. 26, Plainfield N. Y and raised by the Chamber
1795 d Jan. 7, 1821 m Innis B. Payne; Rebecah lain family.—M. T.
b Oct. 22, 1798 d Aug. 22, 1877 m Hannibal 10240. Powers.-Wanted gen, Rev rec and
Troutwine; Wm. C. b May 15, 1801 d July maiden n of w of Jacob Powers who m Eliza
13, 18882 m Peggy Tomas; Benjamin C. b Feb. beth—and lived in Essex Co., N. J. June, 1776.
23, 1804 d 1846; James C. b Oct 28, 1806, d (a) FARMER.—Wanted gen, Rev rec and
Aug. 9, 1885 m Mary Alexander; Mary Ann b maiden n of w of George Farmer who m Na
June 8, 1809 d Sept. 25, 1881 m Aquille Jack omi—and lived in Westmoreland Co. Pa. Aug.
son; Alexander A. S. b Jan. 21, 1812 d Sept. 1774.
27, 1870 m Pamela McColm; Eliza Jane b Mar. (c) John and Leah Skelton had s Robt. b
3, 1815 d Aug. 5, 1886, m John Jackson; John July 9, 1794 m Susan Potts b Aug 25 1799.
C. b June 13, 1819 d Sept. 6, 1839. Wanted gen They were living in Morrisville Buck Co. Pa
and other information of Wm. Logan, Capt in 1895. Did John Skelton have Rev rec?
also Sarah Chambers who had rel — Chambers, (d) Do the names of John b 1709 and Altia
who was aide de camp to George Washington. Barcalow Wykoff appear on the Association
(b) Jackson-WETHINGTON.—Equilla Jack list in Monmouth or Hunterdon Co., N. J. 2–
son s of Thomas & Delila Wethington. Jack E. C. M.
son was b May 15, 1803 and Mary Ann Logan 10241. SLACK.—Wanted gen of Wm Slack
b June 8, 1809 d Sept. 25, 1881 dau of Joseph whose s Wm. served in War of 1812 and later
emig to Ill abt 1818 from Ky. also his Rev rec.
—P. T. C. –Would like to correspond with anyone be
10242. MAxwell.—Wanted parentage of Lt. longing to these clai New England families.—
Anthony Maxwell 1754 d 1825. I. M. C. F.
(a) VAN VALKENBURG.-Wanted names of 10249. PRESSLEy-BURNS.–Warted gen and
w and ch of Lt. Bartholemew Jacob Van Val Rev rec of ances of Robt. Pressley a sol in the
kenburg who d Aug 4, 1831. War of 1812 belonging to Co. from Due West
(b) LEGGETT.—Wanted names of w and ch of and Abbevile, S. C. which marched into Ohio.
Lt. Abraham Leggett who d 1842–E. S. Y. Also name of his w. Wanted also gen of Sarah
10243. STORM.–Wanted parentage of Rachel Stuart Burns of Chester. S. C.— M. P.
Storm who m Benjamine Hasbrouck. They 10250. SALISBURY-SALSBURY.—Wanted gen of
lived in the old stone house built 1755 nar Hope Job Salisbury b in R. I. m Hepsibah Pierce at
well, Dutchess County, N. Y. Guilford, Vt. came to N. Y. 1760 and lived in
(a) Ho-AGLAND.—In my grandmother's Bible what is now Newport Herkemer Co. N. Y. d
are these two records Edward Hoagland s of here in 1812. His ch were Martin, Nathaniel,
Peter and Phoebe Hoagland b Oct. 29, 1804 d Stephen, James, Samuel and two daus. Did
Fishkill 1840 m 1839 Diana Hasbrouck b July Job have Rev rec?–S. H. S.
1808 dau of Benjamin Hasbrouck and Rachel 10251. Cook-ACKERMAN.—Wanted proof of
Storms and Wm. A. Hoagland s of Peter and Rev service of John Cook and John Ackerman
Phoebe Hoagland b town of Fishkill Dutchess who enlisted in N. J. and are supposed to have
Co. N. Y. Feb. 6, 1812 d 1840. When Peter been in the battle of Monmouth, N. J. and at
Hoagland's estate was settled he lived at Skene Valley Forge, Pa. After Rev removed to Bed
ateles, N. Y. is this Peter Hoagland the same ford Co., Pa.-B. E. F.
Peter Hoagland of p 277 of the Ryerson gen 10252. BLAIR.—Wanted gen and Rev. rec of
pub by W. A. Ryerson 1916 where he gives this Major Thomas Blair, Gilford Co., N. C.—B. C.
second Frenent; (Phoebe) Adriane b 1772 m 10253. Johnstox. —Wanted maiden no of w of
Peter Hoagland of Skeneateles Union, N. Y. Col. Thomas Johnston whose dau Martha
with this birth rec of one ch William Hoag and (called Patsy) m Edwin Young of Shenen
b Feb. 6, 1812? doah Valley. Their ch Tavener Beale Young
(b) VLIET-To which emig, family did Jºhn and Thomas Johnston Young. She m second
Van Vliet who m Margaret Bronson abt 1710 Reuben Duncan of Albemarle Co. Va. removed
belong 2 Their ch were John, Frances, Mary, to Ky. with two s “Young " and several
Ann, William and Daniel.-M.B.N. “ Duncan.”
10244. STARK.—Wanted gen, dates and all 10254. Mostdox1FRY. —Wanted dates of Capt.
data concerning Gen. John Stark and of his w Samuel Montgomery b in Lancaster Co. Pa.
Mollie Stark.—R. W. P. 1754 and of his first w Elizabeth McElroy.
10245. WILLIAMs.-Wanted Rev ances of (This part of Lancaster Co., became Cumber
Martha Williams who m Joel Terell Jr. They land Co. in 1759). He m secondly in Carlyle,
moved from Va. to Rutherford Co., N. C. Did Pa. May 1, 1793 Polly Ramsey. ref. Pa. Arch.
Joel Terrell Sr. have Rev rec? second series vol 8 p. 252. Samuel Montgomery
(a) BLACK.—Wanted parentage of Joseph entered Rev ser as Ensign Jan. 9, 1776 promoted
M. Black b July 2, 1782 in Lincoln Co. N. C. to 2nd Lt. June 1, 1776. Capt. Mar 20, 1777.
m Oct 3, 1805 Sarah dau of James and Mary Capt in 4th Regt Jan. 17, 1781. Shot thru the
Miller. Did James Miller have Rev recº–A. G. foot July 6, 1781, returned home, recovered and
10246. SICKLES.—Roberts “ N. Y. in the reentered ser transferred to 3rd Pa Regt Jan.
Rev" gives the rec of four men named Zacha 1, 1783, ref Pa. Arch. Second series, vol 10 pps.
riah Sickles who served in the War. Wanted the 171, 174, 452, 493, 602, 618, 625-B. M. K.
rec of the Zachariah Sickles who m Rachel 10255. CHAPMAN.—Wanted Rev rec of John
Ferris of Troy N. Y. and moved to Bennington, Chapman Sr, who removed from Amelia Co
Vt. prior 1789. Wanted also his dates of b and Va. to Spartanburg Co., S. C. abt 1790, m first
m.—E. J. MacC. Miss Dodson and had two ch. Fºln:ond, and
10247. PRICE.-Wanted gen, dates and Rev Elizabeth who m Moses Richardson of Amelia
rec of Richard Price of W. Va. Wanted also Co. Va. Wanted parentage of Moses Richard
gen of James Morgan of Monongalia Co., W. on. John Chapman m second Polly Seay of
Va.-L. F. R. S. C.—A. H. B.
south c
--one Islam
In this Honor Roll the list of membership in each State is shown in the
outer rim, and the list of subscribers according to States is in the inner circle
village of Tilloloy by the President General Under Secretary of State, and Sir John Henry,
herself, with suitable official ceremony in behalf head of the Board of Trade, letters of intro
of our Society. August 23rd was settled upon duction having been given to her by the Brit
as the earliest possible date that would allow ish Ambassador.
of its complete installation. Accordingly she Through the kindness of Sir Cecil Harms
set sail July 16th, as stated, wishing to take worth an arrangement was made with the Dean
some personal trips in England and France of Westminister to place a wreath on the grave
before the ceremonies at Tilloloy. Before sail of the unknown British Soldier in the Abbey.
ing, your President General had been honored Your President General felt that our Society
as your representative with an official invitation should be represented among the tributes con
from the French Ambassador, Mr. Jusserand, stantly being offered at this simple grave stone
to attend the review at Metz in honor of the in the floor of Westminister Abbey's great nave,
American Legion, the guests of France, and the and we had seen no American tribute at the
presentation of the monument in their honor time we first visited the grave.
at Flirey, in the hope that she could make her Accordingly she had a chaplet of palms made
stay in France coincide with the dates of these and decorated with an American flag and a
events, to be announced to her later She ar piece cut from her official ribbon, as we had no
ranged her trip therefore with this in view other colors of the Society. In the center was
as far as possible. a card with this inscription: “ In grateful re
It is a pleasure at this point, to express deep membrance of Great Britain's glorious dead.
est appreciation for the many courtesies ex The National Society, Daughters of the Ameri
tended to your President General by Mr. Jus can Revolution, United States of America.”
serand, not only in this invitation and its not Together with Mrs. Buel and Mrs. Bissell
able and pleasurable results but also for a letter your President General went with the wreath
given to her by him addressed to “All French to the Dean's house at the hour appointed, 10:45
Authorities” which smoothed the path of travel A.M., and was conducted by his Secretary to
in many ways. Similarly it is a pleasure to the Abbey where a service was just drawing to
express sincere appreciation to the British Am a close in the choir. The public had not yet
bassador, Sir Auckland Geddes for letters of been admitted to the nave, where the soldier
introduction which brought many memorable lies under a simple slab near the great west
courtesies from the English authorities and door, surrounded by wreaths and floral tributes.
eminent people to whom they were addressed. The sunlight streamed from the high clerestory
To our own Secretary of State, Mr. Hughes windows into the great empty nave, where only
appreciation is expressed for similar courtesies the Secretary and ourselves waited for the sub
in expediting the securing of sailing permits dean to come out from the choir at the con
from the custom officials cn this side. clusion of the service. Soon the notes of the
We landed at Plymouth July 24th and spent organ resounded from the choir in the conclud
one night there visiting the dock from which ing hymn. The signal was given for us to
the Mayflower sailed in 1620 and where the stand by the grave, the gate of the choir swung
first American aviator to fly across the Atlan open and the long procession of choir-boys in
tic landed in 1920 just 300 years later. From white surplices over red gowns came out chant
here we went to Salisbury where we remained ing the hymn, followed by the sub-dean and
for about ten days taking trips through the New head-verger. When they reached the center of
Forest to many points of historic interest. the nave they parted and halted in two lines
Among them was a visit to Winchester Cathe facing one another. The sub-dean and verger
dral where we were deeply touched to find this passed between them to the head, the chant still
inscription on the south wall of the massive continuing ; here the sub-dean turned back facing
nave under one of the great windows: “This the far distant altar and offered a brief prayer
window and these panels have been reserved by for our Society, the donors of the tribute; the
the Dean and Chapter for the dedication of a choir boys retired in slow recessional and when
perpetual memorial to be erected by the Brit the last had disappeared the sub-dean came for
ish Nation to those Gallant Americans who ward to the grave and opened the gate of the en
have given their lives for the cause of freedom closure for your President General to enter.
in the Great War 1914-191–.” We noted that Silently and with deep reverence she laid the
the second date was blank showing this tribute wreath just within the railing in the middle
was planned while the British Nation was still of the enclosure, between the wreaths of King
in deadly struggle with Germany. Yet this is Albert and Queen Elizabeth, of Belgium, in one
but one proof among many of British friendli corner, and of the Canadian Teachers' Associa
ness towards America. tion in the other. Among other wreaths that
While in London it was your President Gen lay around the stone were the Abbey wreath
eral's privilege to meet Sir Cecil Harmsworth, at its head and that of King George next, the
British Union Jack at its foot, then a little fulness; the redeemed land in the midst of the
wreath made of flowers from the cemetery of desolate waste of the battlefields; the growing
Ypres. The flag had been carried through the crops, the peasants at work early and late plow
war by an army chaplain; it was shot through ing here and harvesting there.
and blood-stained; it had been used for the cof And the tragedy of these cities of ruins, Ver
fins of the dead on the battle fields and last of dun, Rheims, Soissons—ruins like those of Rome
all for this unknown boy during the ceremony and Pompeii—yet the streets all alive with the
of interment. It was then given by the chaplain activities of a modern city, and “business as
for the grave. The soldier is buried deep down usual " in the houses that could be patched up
under the Abbey in the white sand of the and shored up safely enough to be livable. Over
Thames, where no one has ever lain before, and all loomed the great cathedrals at Rheims and
over him was poured thirteen sacks of French at Soissons, stately and majestic still in their
soil. The inscription on the unornamented slab ruins. Shall not the Germans be made to pay
reads as follows: “A British Warrior who fell All through the three days we passed ceme
in the Great War 1914-1918 For King and Coun teries of white and black crosses, white for the
try—Greater Love Hath No Man Than This.” French and Allies, and black for the Germans,
After the laying of the wreath our brief but lying next them in sinister rows. We visited
impressive ceremony ended. The public were several large American cemeteries, whose peace
admitted to pass in constant streams all day, ful beauty, lovingly cared for by the French
and every day, around the grave. This was on as well as Americans should be a comfort to
August 9th and on the 12th we crossed over to sorrowing families, and also an appeal silent and
Paris, which we made our headquarters for forceful, to let our boys lie quietly in the soil
the next two weeks. made sacred by their sacrifice. In the eyes of
On the 15th your President General and party those who care for these consecrated places the
attended a meeting arranged in her honor by wholesale disinterments that have taken place
a group of Daughters of the American Revo are a desecration. We have seen the land
lution residing in Paris and delivered an ad fought over by our troops from Belleau Wood
dress. This little group is about to form a to St. Mihiel. There let them lie with the white
chapter in Paris. On the 16th we started on crosses unchanged and the American Flag above
a three days' motor trip through the battlefields them. In the opinion of our party, no granite
of the southern front, accompanied by Mrs. Ed stones erected by our Government will ever have
ward L. Harris, Vice President General from the simple grandeur of those rows of wooden
Ohio, and her husband. Suffice it to say that we crosses gleaming white in the sun, cared for
visited Belleau Wood, Chateau-Thierry, Ver by loving hands, watched over by the flag.
dun, Rheims, the Argonne, Chemin des Dames, We returned to Paris on the 18th of August
Soissons and many another ruined town and and the invitation to go to Metz and Flirey
village in the southern sector, and saw all the with the American Legion having arrived.
ghastly desolation of the battlefields. As far as setting the dates for the 20th and 21st, we
the eye could reach at every place and on every were soon off again to these other battlefields,
side there was desolation—trenches, dug-outs, the scene of Pershing's drives.
barbed-wire entanglements zigzagging in every Our party this time consisted of Mrs. Hunter,
direction; shell holes so close together one could Treasurer General; Mrs. Harris, Vice Presi
hardly step between without falling in on either President General, Miss Wilson, Reporter Gen
side; broken, dead and shattered trees and eral to the Smithsonian Institution, Mrs. Buel
stumps, splintered into tooth-picks; the earth and Mrs. Bissell. All had free passes to Metz and
churned up everywhere into the ghastly, chalky return, as guests of the French Government,
whiteness of the up-turned sub-soil; and villages which was entertaining the Legion on its
oh, the villages, shot into shapeless heaps of twenty-one days' tour through France, in the
stone and crumbling walls standing like skele interests of Franco-American friendship. Your
tons against the sky; many times nothing but President General was honored by an invita
cellars or sign posts to mark the spot where once tion from Marshall Foch to be his guest in his
a prosperous village had stood. In these ghost private car on the Metz train, together with
like towns the inhabitants are back again, living M. and Mme. Jusserand, Mrs. Douglas Robin
in temporary wooden or tar paper huts or in son, and one or two others. The party was
what was left of their ruined homes, if there received at Metz with military honors and con
was wall enough left standing to hold up a lean ducted from the station to the esplanade out
to roof for shelter. Courageously they are side where the review began at once. French
everywhere clearing up the fields getting them troops were drawn up around this square open
back into cultivation and waiting for Germany space, and a band played the Marseillaise and
to be forced to pay for their shattered houses. the Star Spangled Banner as Marshall Foch
The marvel of it all is their courage and cheer and his party appeared. We then marched
around the square “inspecting ” the troops vastation, the barbed-wire entanglements still
standing at attention, and, arriving once more untouched; the trenches that were American.
at the exit from the station, stood there to re Before reaching Flirey a halt was made at the
view the troops and the Legion as they marched American Cemetery of Thiaumont, where the
by, your President General stationed at the right Legion delegates placed a wreath on the grave
of Marshall Foch, and afterwards proceeding of the first American artilleryman to fall. This
with him and his guests to the Hotel de Ville, cemetery has a vast expanse of white crosses,
where there were speeches of welcome. The soft green grass and again the American
city was everywhere decorated with French and flag floating above—a peaceful, beautiful, sanc
American flags all flung out, I noticed from tified spot amidst the ruins of war. Arrived
flag staffs, none used as drapery. From the at Flirey, we found a great crowd of villagers
Hotel de Ville we were taken in motors to gathered around the monument, French troops
visit the great fortress of St. Quentin, the drawn up along the street, cavalry, infantry,
strongest fortress in Europe, commanding the artillery, and a detachment of American sol
city and surrounding country from the summit diers among them. There, also, were the ruins
of a precipitous hill, enclosed with tier after of the village all around the hill-top on which
tier of fortifications. Metz and the fortress the monument stands. On the monument there
had been in German hands since 1870 and until is a fine bronze base relief, life size of a “dough
they evacuated it as a result of the American boy” and a marine. Flags of France and Ameri
advance towards Lorraine. As we climbed the ca floated from ruined walls, and were held high
last turn of the road at the summit we saw aloft in the hand of the troops and the Legion.
the American flag flying alone from a staff Speeches by the French Minister of War, by the
on the highest point of the fortress except the Maire of the village, by Mr. Jusserand, Mar
observatory tower itself. As soon as Marshall shall Foch, and Colonel Emery, the National
Foch and party reached the topmost point of Commander of the American Legion, with their
the observatory tower, the Sar Spangled Ban translations, took all of the morning. Colonel
ner struck up, guns (the famous 75s) fired Emery had led his troops over the top from
salutes and the party were given a few minutes that place. He was decorated in the name of
to enjoy the wonderful panorama below—the the French Government. It was a spectacle
valley of the Moselle and the country which never to be forgotten as the French troops
saw the American advance and the rapid re marched by in their horizon blue uniforms and
treat of the Germans from Metz, which they the flags of France dipped in salute to the
had evacuated without firing a shot, but leav American colors held high aloft by the Ameri
ing their guns dismantled and lying where we can Legion, followed by the khaki-clad American
still saw them in the roads around the sum boys and the Stars and Stripes. From Flirey all
mit. After this, Marshall Foch and the Ameri proceeded at once to St. Mihiel for luncheon.
can Legion were greeted by speeches and more We passed village after village completely
music and each lady of Marshall Foch's party wiped out, but indentified by a sign post with
was invited to fire a shot from the guns, and to the name. Only feeble attempts at redemption
accept the empty shell as a souvenir all hot have been made in this blasted region. At St.
and smoking. Your President General took hers Mihiel the motors were received by the waiting
proudly home, the visible token of this thrilling troops, lining the streets, with flourish of
and impressive occasion. In the evening she trumpets and the strains of the Star Spangled
was a guest at a banquet given by General Ber Banner. Again the tragic ruins of shattered
thelot, Governor General of the city, in honor houses and shapeless heaps of stone that had
of the American Legion and the Marshall once been homes. Each car was stopped at the
of France. town hall, still standing secure though riddled
The next day we proceded to Flirey where with shot and shell, and the occupants were
a monument was to be presented by Lorraine greeted by the Maire and other town digni
in grateful memory of Pershing's drive, which taries and their wives. They were conducted
began there and resulted in the liberation of within where champagne was served—France
Lorraine. The journey was taken in motors and America were toasted and speeches were
along the beautiful valley of the Moselle. As delivered. Then all marched on foot through
we neared the battle area of Flirey, St. Mihiel the narrow, war-torn street lined with troops
and other towns, the terrible devastation once and cheering villagers to the Hotel Carnot, where
more came into view such as we had seen along lunch was served to all of us. Such a good
the other fronts, but without their ghastly French lunch in he midst of the desolation, and
whiteness, as this soil was a different hue. such French cheerfulness and brave hospitality
Around Metz, which had been German terri in the midst of ruin' The Maire told us of
tory, not even a flower had been hurt; they had how not one of the 2000 inhabitants would
hoped to return to their booty of 1870-71. But abandon the town during the fighting, but stuck
around Flircy and beyond lay unspeakable de to their homes through every privation, many
dying from want, his own father-in-law among the ceremonies took place immediately in front of
them. From here the Legion and guests drove the fountain, beginning with the presentation
to the village of Etain, where a monument was of bouquets of flowers to your President Gen
unveiled in memory of nineteen civilians, old eral and attendant officers of the Society by a
men and fore-most citizens of the place, who group of pretty young girls in a graceful speech
had been huddled into a group and shot down by their spokeswoman. Many members tempo
in cold blood by the Germans. Poincare, the ex rarily residing in Paris were present, and repre
president of France, was the principal speaker, sentatives of the American and French gov
and Colonel Emery again gave voice to Ameri ernments. After greetings from the Maire, M.
can friendship. Relatives of the murdered men le Comte d'Hinnisdael, and speeches from Mr.
were gathered about the monument, which was Daniel Vincent, French Minister of Labor, and
blessed by the village priest, an old man with a Mr. Jusserand, your President General made
beautiful, spiritual face. The National hymns the formal presentaujon of the fountain, after
of France and America were again played by which a French translation of her speech was
the bands of the attendant troops, after which read. The fountain was then accepted by the
the Legion proceeded to other towns, and we Maire. Then followed a speech from M. Jus
drove back to Metz, our patriotic pilgrimage serand which ended with something that struck
with them being ended. The next morning your President General quite dumb with sur
the 22nd, we returned by train to Paris. prise—her decoration with the silver medal
On the 23rd came the great event at Tilloloy. known a the “Reconnaisance Francaise.” Mrs.
All left Paris by motor to drive the 80 miles, as Guernsey, your Honorary President General,
train connections were bad. Your President Mrs Hunter, Treasurer General. Mrs. Robert
General took M. and Mme Jusserand and Mrs. Johnston, former Treasurer General, and Mrs.
Roy G. Harris in her car, the National Officers Roy Harris, were also decorated, the three
were in another, and Mrs. Buel, Mrs. Bissel and latter with the bronze medal. After this M.
Mrs. Kent Hamilton, ex Vice President General Jusserand asked your President General to
from Ohio, in a third. The Baroness de La “raise her hand and bid the waters flow," at
Grange had gone on in advance to complete which signal the water was turned on and
arrangements. The route lay through Chantilly flowed through the mouths of the three bronze
and Senlis, once occupied by the Germans, and lions into the trough, amidst the cheers of
the all too familiar devastation appeared as we the spectators.
drove farther and farther northward toward On the fountain is the following inscription
what was once the blooming region of the in French, with the insignia of our Society
Somme. Reaching Tilloloy about 12:30 we cut at each end of it: “As a token of sympathy
were greeted by groups of smiling, cheering for the cruel sufferings endured by the people
villagers lining the streets, which they had deco of France during the Great War, and with the
rated with flowers and French and American desire to make ourselves of use, this fountain
flags, and arches of grain and vines carrying the and this water system for the village are given
motto, “Blessed be the Daughters of the Ameri to Tilloloy by the National Society, Daughters
can Revolution " in French. Flags were flown of the American Revolution, of the United
from the top of the big concrete water tank, States of America."
and from the double wheel of the great wind The ceremonies were followed by a delight
mill. Flowers draped every one of the eleven ful luncheon served in the community house, an
small fountains or places for drawing water and inspection of the schoolhouse where we were
a beautiful fence of tall green broom simply received by the school children with another
decorated with two rows of red and yellow little speech addressed to your President Gen
paper roses and surmounted by flags formed eral, and a walk through the ruins of the town
a most artistic background for the great stone to the chateau of le Comte d'Hinnisdael, who is
fountain in the village center. Back of it were living with his family in some wooden barracks
the ruins of the church and around it the tem just opposite its empty, skeleton-like walls. Too
porary shelters and ruined homes of the inhabi much cannot be said in praise of Baroness de La
tants, who had thought of and planned the deco Grange for her successful handling of this big
rations entirely on their own initiative. The work and carrying it to its triumphant comple
whole village was out in gala attire, men, women tion. To her clearheaded efficiency and busi
and little children with bright expectant faces, ness ability our Society owes a debt of grati
all showing their genuine gratitude and happi tude and appreciation. Her labors have been
ness over the gift that had come to their town. untiring and unceasing, and devotion to the
All gathered around the fountain as we reached interests of our Society have governed all her
it, and the ceremonies began. A full account of transactions. Great credit is also due to her
the exercises with illustrations will appear in able assistant, Mrs. Roy G. Harris, whose
our MAGAZINE. It is sufficient to report here that interest and activity in our behalf have been
unceasing and to whose kindness and many a wreath on the grave of the unknown soldier of
courtesies we all of us owed a most comfortable France, who lies under the Arc de Triomphe.
and delightful stay in Paris. No ceremony was connected with this event
It is just cause for pride and pleasure that as in England. We simply assembled there
our ceremonies at Tilloloy were honored by and quietly laid the wreath on the head of the
the presence of M. and Mme. Jusserand, of slab which lies flat in the pavement under the
M. Daniel Vince: it, the French Minister of center of the arch. Again your President Gen
Labor, who rarely graces such occasions, of the eral cut off a piece of her ribbon and placed it
Prefect of the Somme District, of the Council with the American flag on the wreath of laurel,
lor of Montclidier of Maire d'Hinnisdael, of “ith the same inscription as that used to honor
Captain Brooks Upham, and another attache the British soldier. With these two memorable
representing the American Embassy, and of events our last day in France ended.
Major Charles D. Westcott, American Econo On the 28th we left for another brief stay in
mist Consul. England, and among other places visited Sul
Your President General is glad to report her grave Manor the ancient home of the Washing
entire satisfaction with the work of the archi tons, then sailed for home on September 3rd.
tect and builder of the water-system which she Before concluding her report the President
thoroughly inspected before leaving the village. General has several other items to present, which
We left after a day that had been infinitely are of interest. Just before leaving for Eu
thrilling, touching and inspiring, because of rope notes were signed by your Recording
the brave, high spirit of Tilloloy and its people. Secretary General and your President General,
Tilloloy is one of the villages that has been to be used as payments became due on the new
decorated by the French Government for its administration building; these amounted to
progress in self-reconstruction. $84,000, a detailed report of which will be given
Twice after this your President General and by the Treasurer General.
attendant officers were honored by official invi Word came to your President General that
tations from the French Government to attend a visit had been paid to Memorial Continental
ceremonies in honor of the visiting delegation of Hall during her absence by representatives of
the American Legion. The first was an invita the State Department, with a view to ascertain
tion to attend the reception tendered the Legion ing what the prospects might be for using the
at the Hotel des Invalides, where the War Mu building for the Conference on the Limitation
seum was inspected and the tomb of Napoleon of Armament, and, immediately upon landing
was visited, on which occasion we were all ad she officially placed at the disposal of the Gov
mitted to the lowest corridor or crypt surround ernment the auditorium and such rooms of the
ing the massive sarcophagus, where the public Hall as are available. This offer was accepted
are never admitted. They are only allowed to by the State Department.
look down from above on the tomb. On September 6th your President General
It was thrilling to see the American flag had a suitable wreath placed upon the statue
carried for the first time into this tomb and to of General Lafayette, in this city, as has been
hear the speeches in the presence of the old bat customary on his birthday, bearing the colors
tle flags and the sword and hat of Napoleon. of the Society and an inscription card.
The second invitation was from the Presi The Lafayette-Marne Society of New York
dent of the Republic and Madame Millerand, and the District branch of that organization
to attend a reception given in honor of the Leg extended to this Society through your Presi
ion at their summer home, the Chateau de Ram dent General an invitation to participate with
bouillet, on Saturday afternoon, the 27th of other patriotic organizations in exercises to be
August. This was preceded by a farewell held at Mount Vernon upon the afternoon of
banquet in honor of the Legion, given by the September 6th, to celebrate the 146th anniver
French Government at the Hotel Palais d'Or sary of the birth of Lafayette and the 7th
say to which your President General was also anniversary of the Battle of the Marne. Mrs.
invited as your representative. At the con Howard L. Hodgkins, Vice President General
clusion of the banquet, she was called for by from the District was asked to represent the
the others of her party and all drove to Ram President General, which she very kindly and
bouillet where we were most cordially received acceptably did, attending the committee meet
by President and Madame Millerand, whose sim ings called previously to arrange details. At the
ple and unaffected hospitality was the greatest conclusion of this report the President General
charm of a very impressive and lovely occasion. will ask Mrs. Hodgkins to tell the Board some
In the morning of the same day your Presi thing about the exercises at Mount Vernon.
dent General, attended by the National State The Manual for Immigrants has been printed
officers who were in Paris, and several mem and is ready for distribution; the Remembrance
bers of he Paris group of Daughters, placed Book, Committee Lists, and Proceedings of
Congress also have been printed and are by the printer to the members of the National
in circulation. Board, Chapter Regents, and Chairmen of Na
Your President General has visited, since tional Committees.
her return from Europe the Connecticut State Certificates of membership amounting to
meeting, at Milford, Connecticut, the New Jer 4000 have been issued.
sey State meeting at Elizabeth, October 6th, a Five hundred and seventy-four orders for
group of chapters in Trenton, New Jersey. the Block certificates have been filled, bringing
October 7th, the State Conference of Wiscon that work up to date.
sin, at Oshkosh, October 10th, and the Indiana RITA A. Y. Awder.
State Conference, in Indianapolis, October 11th - Recording Secretary General.
and 12th, all of which were interesting and There being no objection, the report was ac
inspiring meetings. She returned to Washing cepted.
ton on the 14th to prepare for the meeting of Miss Strider then read her report.
the Board, the laying of the corner-stone of Report of Registrar General
the new building and to attend to such other
Madam President General and Members of
business as needed attention.
the National Board of Management:
Respectfully submitted,
ANNE RogFRs MINoR, I have the honor to report as follows: 2298
President General. applications presented to the Board and 1200
Mrs. Yawger moved that a full history of supplemental papers verified; 3498 total num
the project for Tilloloy, commencing with its ber of papers verified. Permits issued for 750
inception by Mrs. Scott, its successful prosecu insignias, 400 ancestral bars and 800 recogni
tion by Mrs. Guernsey, and the completion of tion pins. Papers examined and not yet ap
the plan by Mrs. Minor, be written and placed proved : 789 originals and 549 supplementals.
in the library of the National Society. This Papers returned unverified: 25 originals, 63 sup
was seconded by Mrs. Fitts and Miss Temple plementals. New records verified: 814.
and carried. Moved by Mrs. Morris, seconded Your Registrar General, to whom was re
by Mrs. Whitman and Mrs. Cook and carried, ferred the matter of admitting descendants of
that a vote of thanks be sent to Madame de La the Galvez soldiers of Louisiana, has examined
Grange and Mrs. Roy Harris for their untir carefully the historical data submitted by the
ing work and happy consummation of the work Louisiana Society, Sons of the American Revo
done for Tilloloy and for France for the N. lution, and has had the benefit of the opinion
.S. D. A. R.
of several historians of national reputation. The
Mrs. Yawger read her report as follows:
historical facts cited in the documents presented
Report of Recording Secretary General are undoubtedly correct, but I find that the de
Madam President General and Members of scendants of the Galvez soldiers, who fought
the National Board of Management: in Louisiana and Florida, are not eligible for
The routine work of the office has gone for
membership in the National Society, Daughters
ward as usual. The minutes of the June Board of the American Revolution, under Article III
meeting were prepared and turned over to the of the Constitution, which provides that only
editor of the MAGAZINE and proof read. Cop a woman descended from an ancestor whose
ics of the rulings of this meeting were sent to
Revolutionary service was rendered “in one of
all offices, and the notification cards, signed by the several Colonies or States, or of the United
your Recording Secretary General, were mailed Colonies or States, is eligible for membership
before the first of July to the 2588 members in the National Society, Daughters of the
admitted at the June 8th Board meeting. The
American Revolution.”
official notices, letters of sympathy, regret, and
Respectfully submitted,
condolence, in connection with the meeting were EM M A T. STRIDER.
duly sent out. Registrar General.
Notices of appointments on National Com
Moved by Miss Strider, seconded by Mrs.
mittees were mailed, and the acceptances and
White, and carried, that 2298 applicants be ad
regrets noted and filed; the copy for the Com mitted to membership. Mrs. Guernsey moved
mittee list was prepared for the printer and
that the Recording Secretary General cast the
the proof read. A list of her Committee was
sent to each National Chairman.
rote for the admission of these members.
The notices to members of the Board of the Seconded by Mrs. St. Clair and carried. The
October Board meeting were sent out in July
Recording Secretary General announced the
in order that members might make their ar
casting of the ballot and the President General
declared the 2298 applicants members of the
rangements to be present.
The material for the Proceedings of Con National Society.
Mrs. Hunter read her financial report as
gress was put in shape for the printer, the
proof read, the index made, and the book sent
$ 68,798.32
$ 72.930.05
Balance ....... ..... . ......... .. .......... ........ .. ....... ... .... $ 5,533.85
Disbursements—Liberty Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18376
Disbursement (Refund, Md.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.25
Disbursements ... ..... ................... ......................... 77.90
Balance ...... . .... .. .... ... .. ... ... .. .. .. . .. . .. ... . ..... .... ... .. 5,023.34
Balance ............. .... ... ...... ......... . .... .......... .... .... 15,509.45
Receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 11,568.69
Disbursements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,568.69
Disbursements—Liberty Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250.00
Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Disbursements .................................................... 100.00
Receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 284.43
Disbursements ... .......... ................... .... .......... ...... 221.00
Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63.43
Funds Bal. 5-31-21 Receipts Disbursements Bal, 9-30-21
Current ............ ................ ......... $ 43,697.68 $ 25,100.64 $ 41,720.76 $ 27,077.56
Permanent . .. .. . . . . . . . . ... . . .. . . . . ... .. .... . 12,219.70 60,710.35 67,396.20 5,533.85
Petty Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500.00 500.00
Life Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.00 100.00 183.76 16.24
Immigrants Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,234.54 2,472.43 7.25 18,699.72
Painting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,042.20 959.04 77.90 5,923.34
Pilgrim Mothers Memorial Fountain . . . . . . . . . 13,093.12 2,423.58 7.25 15,509,45
Patriotic Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,568.69 11,568.69
Philippine Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166.58 99.58 250.00 16.16
Preservation of Historical Spots . . . . . . . . . . . . 121.00 100.00 100.00 121.00
Relief Service ............. ................. 284.43 221.00 63.43
Balance, National Metropolitan Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 72,960.75
Petty Cash (In Treasurer General's office) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500.00
(MRs. Livingstox L.) LII.LIAN A. Hu'NTER.
Treasurer General.
Mrs. White, as Chairman of Finance Com Bonds. Moved by Miss Temple, seconded by
mittee, read the report of that Committee. Mrs. Guernsey, and carried, that recommenda
tion number one made by the Chairman of Fi
Report of Finance Committee
nance Committee be accepted. The second
Madam President General and Members of recommendation, that when the current fund is
the National Board of Management: of sufficient amount, that $20,000 be transferred
During the past four months vouchers have from that fund to the permanent fund, was
been approved to the amount of $120,790.15, of then read and it was moved by Mrs. Guernsey,
which $11,568.69 represents contributions re seconded by Miss Temple, and carried, that
ceived for Patriotic Education.
recommendation number two made by Chairman
Three payments have been made to the con of Finance Committee be accepted.
tractors of the new office building amounting Miss Coltrane read her report as Historian
to $57,000; and $8,000 was paid to the archi General as follows:
tects for professional services in connection
Report of Historian General
with the building.
Others large amounts expended were for : Madam President General, Officers and Na
Clerical service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16,615.82 tional Board of Management of the Daugh
Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,555.77 ters of the American Revolution:
Employees of the Hall . . . . . . . . . 3,356.00 It is my pleasure to report that our historical
Insurance on building and furniture 1,561.00 work, although not carried on in great activity
Postage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,061.76 during the summer months has been in no
Balance of Notes Payable, Liberty wise dormant.
Loan with interest ......... ... 817.70 Your committee hoped that our evening of
Support of Real Daughters . . . . . . 704.00 Historical Women would prove an inspiration
Miscellaneous as intemized in the to study our program on American Woman in
Treasurer General's report . . . . . . 8,549.41 History, as we reported at the June Board
The Finance Committee makes the following Meeting and I am most pleased to report re
recommendations: sults are being obtained. Many inquiries fol
1. That the Treasurer General be authorized lowed and we are very gratified to find many
to exchange the U. S. Victory Bonds held by are studying our program and trying also to
the Society which fall due May 15, 1923 for collect and preserve the history of their women
longer term Liberty Loan Bonds. who have been prominent in the state. We have
2. That when the current fund is of suf found a remarkable revival of interest in our
ficient amount, that $20,000 be transferred from historical work and feel sure much inspiration
that fund to the permanent fund. will be gained by the end of the year from
Respectfully submitted, our study.
(MRs. GEORGE W.) Louis E. C. W. HITE, With the combined efforts of my three Vice
Chairman. Chairmen, Miss Florence S. Marcy Crofut,
The report of the Auditing Committee was Hartford, Conn., Miss Catherine Campbell of
read by Miss Coltrane, Chairman. Ottawa, Kansas and Miss Amelia D. Campbell
Report of Auditing Committee of New York City and our splendid State His
Madam President General and Members of the
torians, we hope by Congress to accomplish
a great deal. Through an error, Miss Cathe
• National Board of Management: rine Campbell's name was omitted from the
I have the honor to report that the Auditing committee list and I wish to call attention to
Committee has met monthly since the last Board the fact of her appointment.
Meeting, the reports of the Treasurer General Our letter of suggestions for work was sent
up to and including September 30, 1921, and out in May and we have endeavored to have
the audit thereof, by the American Audit Com the state officers plan their work from these
pany, have been compared, found to agree and suggestions, and to date, about half have given
placed on file. us their outline for the year's work.
Respectfully submitted, Work on the Lineage Books has progressed
JENN WIN slow ColtRANE, more rapidly than usual. Volume 57 is ready
for distribution, 58 is on the press, 59 and 60
Moved by Mrs. Moss, seconded by Miss Tem are ready for the printer and volume 61 is well
ple, and carried, that the report of the Audit along. These volumes contain the records of
ing Committee be accepted. members who entered the Society in 1906 and
Mrs. White read the first recommendation 1907. Since April 1st to date, 1,638 volumes of
of the Finance Committee, that the Treasurer the Lineage Book have been sold. Due to the
General be authorized to circhange the U. S. fact that an increased charge has been made
l'ictory Bonds held by the Society which fall for these books, letters have been written to
due May 17, 1943, for longer term Liberty Loan 24 libraries asking them if they wish to con
tinue taking volumes at the present rate $3.00 History of Con, cuh County, 4 la: B. F. Riley. 1881.
per volume and 21 have replied in the affirmative. Political and Military History of the Campaign
We have also made progress with our War of Wat, rloo. S. V. Benet. 1853. Both present d by
Service Records. Up to the June Board Meet Miss Emily C. Adams.
Life of Zebulon B. Vance. C. Dowd. 1897. Presented
ing only 19 states had sent in their bound records, by Mrs. R. G. Cobb. ---
making 47 volumes, which contained 6,476 Gen, alogy of the Burgamy and Purefoy Families.
(Typewritten) Presented by Miss Alma Burgamy.
records. Since then the following volumes
have been bound and are ready to present to
the Society—Michigan, 3 volumes, North Caro Publications of The Arkansas Historical Association.
lina, 2; South Carolina 1, Utah 1, Rhode Is Vol. 4, 1917.
land 1, New York 12, Oklahoma 1, Kentucky Arkansas History Commission Bullet in of Informatiºn.
1912-16. 3 vols. All presented by the Mary Fuller
1, Arizona 1, New Mexico 1, and Wyoming 1. Percival Chapter.
This gives us the War Records of 29 of our
states and I have reports from 7 more that
are nearing completion and which we hope will Santa Barbara and Montecito, Past and Present.
be finished before our February meeting, with J. R. Southworth. 1920. Presented by Santa Barbara
a 100 per cent. record, for Congress. tfistory of Napa and Lake Counties, Calif. , L. L.
One of my greatest inspirations has been Palmer. 1881. Presented by Oakland Chapter through
Miss Alice Flint.
a visit to a few of our chapter and state con
ferences. It is with keen interest I find our CoLoRADo
historical work is being pushed much more
vigorously than it was last year. Michigan is Genealogy of the Parsons-Hoar Family. Lewis B.
Parsons. 1900. Presented by Miss Julia Parsons,
laying great stress on the work and it was my Arapahoe Chapter.
pleasure, at the conference, to give an address Black Hawk's Autobiography. 1912. Presented by
Mrs. Jesse H. Hayden, State Regent.
on Woman's Inspiration derived from the Study The Indians of the Pike's Peak Region. Irving
of History. Missouri followed our examp'e Howbert. 1914. Presented by Zebulon Pike Chapter.
at Congress by having a historical evening at Coxx Ecticut
their conference, from which, I am sure, we
The Women of the Mayflower and Women of
will see even greater results in their splendid 1°lymouth Colony. Ethel J. R. C. Noyes. 1921.
work. Indiana is quite as vigorously carrying Presented by the Anna Warner Bailey Chapter.
on the work. The following five volumes presented by Miss Natalie
Sumner Lincoln. The Story of the City of New York.
In seeking for greater coºperation between the C. B. Todd. 1895. History of Western Massachusetts.
historical work of our states and the Daughters J. G. Holland. 1855. Ilistory of Gardner, Massachusetts.
of the American Revolution I was especially Lewis Glazier. 1860. History of the Town of Gardner.
Rev. W. D. Herrick. 1878. Life and L ters of Joel
pleased to learn through the State Regent of Isarlow, LL.D. 1886. C. B. Todd.
Illinois that she had secured a $3,000 ap
loistrict of Colt MBIA
propriation from the state to be spent in
promoting historical study and work among IIistory of Steele Creek Church, Mecklenberg Co.
the school children. V. C. John Doulgas. 1901.
House in which Thomas Jefferson Wrote the Declaration
We feel our work has advanced decidedly of Independence. Thomas Donaldson. 1898.
this year and we hope through history's inspi Family R, m inscences. L. M. Jones. 1894. The last
ration to give greater service as well as even 3 presented by Eleanor Wilson Chapter,
Spirit of '76. 10 vols. (unbound) 1894-1904. Pre
greater joy in serving. sented by Miss Ethelwyn Hall.
United States (9th cial Postal Guide, July, 1921. Pre
Respectfully submitted, sented by Miss Lillian Norton.
JENN WINSLow ColtRANE, Barnes Popular History of the United States. 1878.
Historian General. I’resented by Mrs. C. W. Allen.
Report accepted. Georgia
Mrs. Ellison gave the total number of ac
Proceedings of the 23rd State Conference of the Georgia
cessions to the library and requested that her Chapters, N.S.D.A.R. in Georgia- 1921. Pre
report in detail be published as usual. sented by Georgia Daughters through Mrs. S. J. Jones.
Wiregrass Stories. W. I. MacIntyre. 1913. Pre
Report of Librarian General sented by Ochlocknee Chapter of Georgia.
Madam President General and Members of the National ILLINois
Board of Management:
I have the honor to report the following accessions Proceedings of the 25th State Conf. renee Illinois N.
to the library since the meeting of June 18th. The
list includes 220 books, 78 pamphlets, 48 periodicals, S.D.A. 12., 1921. Presented by the Illinois Daughters.
2 genealogical charts, and 6 bookplates. INDIANIA
Family History of Joseph Converse of Bedford. Mass.,
ALABAMA 1739-1s28. J. J. Putnam. 1897. Presented by Miss
C. E. Ford of John Paul Jones Chapter.
Through the State Librarian Miss Mary Carter Indiana Historical Society Publicatiºns. 1895. 6
Thurber, the follºwing 4 volumes were received: vols. Presented by Mrs. M. C. Wilson, State Librarian.
Missot: RI Ohio
Aſ issouri South rest, rn Dirision of American Red Ohio Archiological and Historical Publications. 6
Cross, I'ernon County Chapter. 1919. Presented by vols. 1898. Trauger. Presented by Fort Mc
Elizabeth Carey Chapter. Arthur Chapter.
History of Callaway County, Missouri. 1884. Pre History of Hancock County, Ohio. 1881. D. B.
sented by Mrs. O. S. Wilfey. Beardsley. Presented by Ft. Findlay Chapter.
The Huguenots Society of Pennsylvania, Proceedings Historical Sketch, s of the Town of Moraria. N. Y.
for 1918-1920. Present d by Berks County Chapter. 1791-1918. J. A. Wright. Presented by author.
History of Clearfield County, Pa. L. C. Aldrich. Goternor Eduard ("oles. C. W. Alvord. 1920. Pre
1887. , Presented by Susquehanna Chapter. sented by Illinois State Historical Library.
Early Philadelphia, Its People, Life, and Progress. The Story of a Poet : Aſ a dison. Curwein. Otto A.
H. M. Lippincott. 1917. Presented by Merion Chapter. Rothert. 1921. Presented by Filson Club.
The Story of Kennett. Bayard Taylor. 1904. Pre Report of Old Fort Nassau Colonial Monument Com
sented by Chester County Chapter. mission of New Jersey. 1920. Presented by the
Father Penn and John Barleycorn. H. M. Chalfant. Commission.
1920. Early Settlers, Marriages, etc., Midway Church, Lib
“Pennsylvania Dutch”. P. E. Gibbons. 1882. The erty County, Ga. 1746-1865. Presented by Mr.
last two presented by Mrs. George H. Stewart. Benjamin Grady.
La Rue and Allied Families. Otis M. Mather. 1921.
Quaker City Chapter sent the following five volumes:
The West Brook Drives. H. Payne-Westbrook. 1902. Presented by Mrs. Theodore H. Ellis.
IIistory of the “Bucktails” Kane Rifle Regiment of
Life and Times of Henry Antes. Edwin McMinn. Pennsylvania Reserves. Thomas and Rauch. 1906.
The Jews in America. M. C. Peters. 1905.
Fiftieth Anniversary of Battle of G, tysburg and 26th
Building of a Monument. History of the Mary Wash Reunion of the “Old Bucktails.” 1913.
ington Association. S. R. Hetzel. 1903. The last two presented by Dr. Sallie Jones Jagers.
Early days of Washington. S. S. Mackall. 1899. Gold Star Honor Roll of Indiana. 1914-1918. 1921.
Bird Day and Arbor Day Manual. March & Dennis. Presented by Indiana Historical Commission.
1917. Presented by Chester County Chapter. Les Bretons et l'Independance Americaine. 1920.
Following three volumes presented by Mrs. E. B. Wiest. Henry d’Yrignac. Presented by Mrs. Nyle Colquitt
ling, Franklin County Chapter. Andrew Meade of Ireland and Virginia. P. H. Basker
Mºn of Mark of Cumberland Wall, y, Pa. 1776-1876. vill. 1921. Presented by author.
A. Nevin 1876. Archires of Maryland. B. Christian Steiner. Vols.
History of Falling Spring Presbyterian Church. H. 3S & 39. 1919. Presented by Maryland Historica.
R. Sch, inck. 1894. Society.
Historical Sketch of Franklin County, Pa. I. H. History of the New York Times. 1851-1921.
M'Cauley. 1878. Presented by The New York Times.
The two following volumes presented by the Connecti
TENN Essee cut State Library.
* Connecticut State Register and Manual. 1921.
The 2 following volumes presented by Judge David Annual Report of the Connecticut Historical Society.
Campbell Chapter. 1921.
The Southern Highlander and II is Homeland. John Proceedings of the New York State Historical .1ssoci
C. Campbell. 1921. ation. Vol. 17.
The Autobiography of Martin Van Buren. John C. Genealogy. Vols. 8 & 9.
Fitzpatrick. 1920. Maryland Historical Magazine. Vol. 15.
Mayflower Descendants. Vol. 22.
When Mox T South Carolina Historical Magazine. Vol. 19.
Sprague's Journal of Maine History. Vol. S.
The 3 following volumes presented by Ethan Allen Proceedings of the Continental Congress. N.S.D.A.R.
A. R. 1920.
Geography and History of Vermont. S. R. Hall. 1870. D.A.R. Magazine. Vol. 54.
Lineage Book, N.S.D.A.R. Wols. 11, 15, 20, 26,
Gazatteºr and Business Directory of Addison County, 56 (2 copies), 57 (2 copies).
W’t. for 1881-1882. Hamilton Child. 1882.
Comprehensive Geography and History, Ancient and Report of the N.S.D.A.R. to the Smithsonian Insti
Modern. S. G. Goodrich 1855. tution. Wols. 22 & 23.
Vermont Brigade in the Shenandoah Valley. 1864. Chapter Year Books, 1919-1920. 3 vol.
A. F. Walker. Presented by Mrs. George E. Lamb, Year Book of the Carnegie Endowment for Inter
national Peace. 1920
Green Mountain Chapter. 14 vols.
Pennsylvania Archives, 6th Series.
Pennsylvania Archives, 7th Series. 5 vols.
Inder to Fifth Series. 2 vols.
The 21 vols. compiled and presented by Thomas Lynch
Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Indo Montgomery, State Librarian of Pennsylvania.
pºnd, nee. Vol. 4. R. W. Pomeroy. 1823. Presented The Family Tree of Daniel Morton. of St. Joseph, Mo.
Dorothea Henry Chapter. 1920. I aniel Morton. Presented by author.
History of the City of Fredericksburg, Va. 1908. S. Proceedings of the 30th Continental Congress. N.S.D.
J. Quinn. Presented by Mrs. W. W. Richardson, A. P. 1921.
State Librarian. William Swift of Sandwritch and Some of II is Des
cendants. G. H. Swift. 1900. Presented by Mrs. Mark
WASHINGTON D. Batchelder.
Anthology and Bibliography of Niagara Falls. C. M.
Sherman's Recollections of Forty Years, in IIouse, Sen. Dow. 2 vols, 1921.
ate and Cabinet. 1895. 2 vols. Presented by Mrs. Mayflower Descendants in Cape May County, 1620
Stella H. Corbin. 1920. P. S. Howe. 1921.
Life and Works of Washington Irving. R. H. Stod
dard. 3 vols. Presented by Mrs. Ettie I. Griggs. PAMPHLETS
W. Est Virgi Ni A
Life and Letters of General Thomas J. (Stonewall) Bullet in of Information of the Arkansas History Corn
Jackson. T. J. Arnold. 1916. Presented by author mission. 2 nos. Presented by Mary Fuller Percival
through John Hart Chapter. Chapter.
Society of Mayflower Descendants in the District of The Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society. March,
Columbia. 1921. Presented by Mrs. Bertha M. Robbins. 1921. Presented by Miss Lillian G. Applegate.
Old Colonial Doorways of New England. 1912. Pre R. miniscences of Mrs. James Patterson. Mrs. R. O.
sented by Old State House Chapter. Dunbar.
IIistory of the Wenatchee Paltry. Kate Hotchkiss.
Miciiig AN History of Island County, Washington. Mrs. F. A.
P. Engle.
The First Bank in Michigan, The Detroit Bank. The Last three presented by John Kendrick Chapter.
W. L. Jenks. 1921.
Patrick Sinclair. W. L. Jenks. 1914. The above two Wiscoxsix
presented by author through Mrs. P. R. Cleary,
State Librarian. The seven following pamphlets presented by Miss
History of Saint Clair River. 1921. Emaline Jenks Constance Beckwith, Elkhorn Chapter.
Crampton. Presented by author. Beck with Notes, 1889-1907. 6 nos. A. C. Beckwith.
Sourcnir Program of Saint Clair County. 1821-1921. Genealogical Notes on the Families of Lane and Gris
Presented by Mrs. B. F. Crampton. wold. Lane and Beckwith.
A Souvenir of Sand Beach, Mich. Early Menomonie. C. E. Freeman. Presented by Mrs.
The Indian School Journal, May, 1921. Jessie Moore Weinfeld.
The above two presented by Mrs. P. R. Cleary. The American Sketch Book. Mrs. Bella French. 5
“Tell Me,” “Patches.” Smiles,” “The Story of old nos. Presented by Mrs. George W. Williams.
Glory The Flag We Lore.” Will Callahan. Presented
by the composer through Mrs. D. H. Hinkley.
Bay Vieu, Magazine. 8 nos. Presented by Prof. Oth ER Sources
Carl Pray through Ypsilanti Chapter.
Annual Report of Director of the Dirision of Economics
Mixx EsotA and History. 1921.
Saint-M, mins Engrarings of Famous South, rners.
The Kinairee Independent. , 1881. Presented by Mrs. 1921. Dolores B. Colquitt. Presented by author.
M. C. Howard Wells, Colonial Chapter. Supplement to White marsh Genealogy. N. W. Bates.
1921. Presented by author.
A Declaration of Dependence and Independence.
NEw JERSEY Lewis Turner. Presented by author.
Addresses by Albert J. Bereridge. February 22, 1921.
Year Book 1921-1922. D.A.R.N.J. Presented by Presented by the S. R. in New York.
New Jersey “Daughters.” Manual of the United States for the Information of
Immigrants. Published by the N.S.D.A.R. 1921.
NEw York Inder to Mrs. Cabell's “Sketches & Recollections of
Lynchburg.”. W. F. Holcombe.
The Churches and Cleroy of the Pioneer Period in
Chautauqua County. 1902. Chalon Burgess. PERIODICALS
History of the Forestrille Baptist Church, 1817-1907.
Elizabeth Dennison. 1907. Both presented by Major Louisiana Historical Quarterly. July
Benjamin Bosworth Chapter. Annals of Iowa. April.
Short History of Morris, N.Y. Compiled and pre D.A.R. Magazine. July–October.
sented by Mrs. L. W. Dietz, Tianderah Chapter. Essºr Institute IIistorical Collections. July, October.
Genealogical Irecords of Miss Janie Mikell Sumter, Genealogy. July, August, October.
S.C. Presented by compiler, Mrs. Robert A. Molyneux. Iowa Journal of History and Polities. July, April.
Lake Champlain Tercentenary, July, 4-10, 1909. Pre Maryland II istorical Magazine. June, September.
sented by Owasco Chapter. Mayflower Descendant. October, January, April.
Missouri II istorical Review. April, July.
North CARollix A National Society U. S. Daughters of 1812 News
Letter. June.
Following four pamphlets presented by Col. Frederick National Society S.A. R. Bulletin. June.
Hambright Chapter. New England Historical & G, nealogical Register.
German Settlers in Lincoln County and Western North April, July.
Carolina. J. R. Nixon. 1915. N, w Jersey IIistorical Society Proceedings. July.
History of Lincoln County. Neu! York Genealogical & Biographical Irecord.
Mauney Family 12, union. July, October.
Battle of King's Mountain. B. E. Maunºy, -
New York Public Library Bull, tin. June, July, August.
N, w York Historical Soci, ty Bull, tin. July. pastor of church in Ipswich, 1749. Born 1720.
Palimps, st. June–October.
Spragu, 's Journal of Maine History. Nos. 2 & 3. died 1820. He was a great-great-grandfather of
N, uport Historical Soci, tº Bullet in. July donor Mrs. C. C. Reed, Nathan Perry Chapter.
Tylºr's Quart, rly Historical & Genealogical Magazine. PEN N syſ.v.A.N.I.A.: Oval silver teapot and tray.
Tºro in a Magazine of History and Biography. said to have been made from shoe buckles.
April, July.
iſ lliam and Mary College Quarterly. July. sword trappings, and buttons, taken from cap
H. ntucky, State Historical Society Register. September. tured British officers which bear engraved ini
111 nº Stat. Historical Journal. January, April. tials “T. M. P.” The teapot and tray was
Michigan History Magazine. Nos. 1 & 2. 1920.
National (, , n, alogical Society Quarterly. April. presented to Margaret Marshall, daughter of
N, w York Historical Society Bullet in. October. Benjamin Marshall, as a bridal gift on her mar
South Carolina Historical & Genealogical Magazine.
April. riage to Hugh Morrison, by Dolly Payne, one
of the bridesmaids, afterwards the wife of
President Madison. Silver sugar bowl, a sil
Mortºn Family of Ipswich, Mass. ver tea strainer, silver sugar tongs. Mrs. W. F.
Wild, s Family of Burlington County, N. J. Simes great-granddaughter of the bride, who
The two charts compiled and presented by Charles
Shepard. inherited these gifts, directed her daughter. Mrs.
Jennie L. Wyndham, to send them to the Dolly
Book plates received as follows:
Mrs. Cyrus I). Lloyd, 1, Mrs. F. D. Anthony, 4, and Madison Chapter, D. C. This Chapter gave
Nelson F. Adkins, 1. them to the Museum. Bohemia cologne bottle,
Respectfully submitted, presented by Mrs. John F. McCoy, Independ
Axxie C. Ellisox, ence Hall Chapter.
Librarian General.
VERMoxt : Small powder horn. Yellow flax
Report accepted.
raised in Vermont before 1800 by Ann Story.
Mrs. White read her report as Curator Gray flax raised before 1800 by the Holden
General as follows: family of Vermont. Gold watch key on a silver
fob ring. Iron bullet mould, hand made. Gun
Report of Curator General cleaner. Iron spike, taken from boat Revenge,
which was raised at Ticonderoga. Large linen
Madam President General, Members of the Na handkerchief. One figured silk handkerchief.
tional Board of Management: Wooden paper cutter, from a log from the
I have the honor to report the following ac Float Bridge across the Lake at Ticonderoga.
cessions since the Board Meeting in June, 1921 : Quill pen used by Samuel Griswold, ancestor
ILLINois: Brocade, from wedding gown of of donor, and metal powder flask. Two hand
Rose, first wife of Miles Standish, presented run bullets (conical shape) of Revolutionary
by Mrs. W. H. Robb, through Mrs. John time. Snuff box inlaid with silver, in the Gris
H. Hanley. wold family before the Revolutionary time.
MAINE : Silver watch reversable, belonged in These 16 articles presented by Miss Flora
family of donor. Ulster Gazette, printed in A. H. Griswold, Ascutney Chapter.
1800, presented by Mrs. Wilfred G. Chapman, Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Wadsworth Chapter. Louis E. C. WHITE,
MAssachusetts: Musket used by Jonathan Curator General.
Clark, of New Hampshire, at Lexington, April
19, 1775, presented by Mrs. Arthur Lee King, There being no objection, the report was
Lydia Patridge-Whiting Chapter. accepted.
NEBRAsKA: Wooden butter bowl, paddle, iron Mrs. Elliott then read her report.
bread toaster. Stone button worn at Valley Report of Corresponding Secretary General
Forge, wooden darner, pair of silvered glass Madam President General and Members of
curtain holders. A combination metal case for the National Board of Management:
powder and bullets. Heirlooms from donor's I have the honor to submit the following re
family, presented by Mrs. Marie Armstrong port of the work done in the office of the Cor
Harmon, Omaha Chapter. responding Secretary General since June 1st.
Ohio: The following articles, brought from Thirteen hundred and forty-three letters were
Massachusetts to Ohio in 1811 by donor's great received and twelve hundred and forty-two were
great-grandmother, Sarah Gifford, wife of Jede written. The 1921 Committee Lists and the
diah Crocker, who served in the Revolutionary July issue of the Remembrance Book were sent
War are presented by Mrs. C. C. Reed. Iron to the National Board of Management and
snuffer, foot stove, hand woven linen towel, Chapter Regents, and 2,200 copies of the printed
pewter teapot and cup. Religious book, with “Lists of Papers " of the Historical and Liter
catechism published in 1745 by Benjamin Frank ary Reciprocity Committee were mailed.
lin, and used in Revolutionary War by Chaplain The many requests which came to this office
Nehemiah Porter ordained in Massachusetts as for copies of the President General's address
to the last Congress received prompt attention. ters in patriotic education, Mrs. Harris sug
gested that each state historian keep a card
Supplies sent out consisted of: catalogue of the work under this head done by
Application blanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,130 each chapter in her state. Why not extend this
Leaflets “How to Become a Member" 1932
Leaflets of General Information . . . . . . 1,838 card catalogue, making it include all patriotic
and philanthropic as well as educational work
Constitutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 967
done by the chapters? The information would
Transfer cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 894
I very much regret that the members were then be at hand for the Smithsonian report, and
not able to get their application blanks as could be easily passed on to the succeeding
state officer.
promptly as they desired, but all orders were Second: There seems to be an impression
filled from this office as soon as the blanks were
furnished the Corresponding Secretary General. that the chapter officers are to report to the Re
Respectfully submitted, porter General instead of to the state regents
L. Tyson Elliott,
and state historians. As you have opportunity
will you kindly correct this impression?
Corresponding Secretary General. Third: The lists of Revolutionary soldiers'
Report accepted. graves located are often inaccurate and incom
Miss Wilson reported as follows: plete. The name of the cemetery and its loca
Report of Reporter General to Smithsonian tion are often omitted. Sometimes the list
Institution includes the soldier's name and report of his
his service, with the statement that he is known
Madam President General, and Members of to be buried in a given county, but exact place
the Board of Management: not known. Now such a statement can only be
The report of the Reporter General must, of tradition, and is not admissible to the report.
necessity, lack the vividness and color which In order to be acceptable, these lists must be
characterize the reports of the other officers. complete and accurate and in each case the
Her bouquet is made up of your flowers and she name of the person or chapter locating the
can only claim the string that binds it as her grave must be given.
own. At this time, only a few details of prosaic Respectfully submitted,
clerical work can be reported. LILLIAN M. Wilsox,
The blank forms for the reports of the state Reporter General to the Smithsonian Institution.
regents and state historians were ordered early
in the summer, and those to the state regents There being no objections, the report was
were mailed in July, and those to the state his The Treasurer General here presented the
torians were sent as soon as their names and
addresses could be obtained. For the most part, following report regarding the Tilloloy project.
the blanks are being filled out and returned Report of Treasurer General
with gratifying promptness, so that the actual Madam President General and Members of the
work of preparing the manuscript of the report National Board of Management:
can be begun the first week in November. It is In bringing to you a report of the work of
important that the work be not delayed beyond Madam de La Grange to whom the National
this date, since according to a ruling of the Society, Daughters of the American Revolution
Smithsonian Institution, the manuscript must be gave power of Attorney to sign contracts and
in the hands of the Secretary of that institution draw checks on the Tilloloy Fund, necessary
not later than January first, if it is to be printed in the construction of the Memorial Fountain
without delay. and Water Plant, I wish to say that your Treas
May I take this opportunity to make a few urer General, with Madam de La Grange, care
suggestions, though like most exhortations, this fully compared all the bills, checks and receipts
one will be addressed those who do not need it, in connection with the construction of the Plant,
since the state officers here present have, I am as well as the statement of the Paris Guaranty
sure, fulfilled their obligations to the Smith Trust Company, where the funds were de
sonian report. But perhaps you may be able posited, and that she found the accounts had
to assist me in carrying the message to others. been kept in perfect order, so clear and accu
First: Will you not kindly see that the state rate one could easily follow every detail of
historians and yourselves turn over to your suc the construction.
cessors all the data you have for the succeeding The statement, with all vouchers of the work
Smithsonian report : It often happens that an completed and paid for up to September 9th,
incoming state regent or state historian com are on file in the Treasurer General's office.
plains that she has no data from which to make Certain portions of the contract price were at
her first report, as nothing was turned over to that time still unpaid, because of the pro
her by her predecessor. Last evening in dis vision in the contract withholding a portion
cussing the report of work done by the chap until the Plant was thoroughly tested, also some
odd bºſs for freight 2:3 drayaze. As our Presi itz has been 32 by ºr c== fºre ºf --
dent (, eteral has 42:4. to Madam de La Grange pºoyes without extra exº~se to the
we owe a great dº,” of zra‘it::e for the splen their time 2nd wºrk m2-2 ged 2-3 directed by
did way in which she has so aº!y conscienti the Sºeri-te-fert
ously and ur, selfishly given her time and strength On 2ccºrt of the noise 2nd dist in cº
and endured hard-hips in ºrvising the build nection with the work or the new cºre 5:li
ing of our Water Works Plant and Fountain ing, the clerks in the cºre of the Treas:-er
at Ti!!oloy. General and Registrar Ge-eral were Inc.wed to
To Mrs. Roy Harris who has so ably and the museum and library respectively. This
and untiringly assisted Madam de La Grange move was graciously acceded to by the Cºrator
we also owe a debt of gratitude. and Librarian General and added rºch to the
Madam President General, in recognition of comfort of the clerks during the hºt mºnths.
and as an expression of our sincere gratitude. More than 50 0 visitors have been shown
I move that we give a rising vote of thanks to through our building by the guides ºri-g the
Madam de La Grange and to Mrs. Roy Harris, past four months.
and that a letter of appreciation of their great The typewriter authorized for the office of
service to our Society be sent to them. the Organizing Secretary General has been pur
LILLIAx A. H1’ xTEz. chased and placed.
Treasurer General. As the new office building has large stor
Moved by Mrs. Cook, seconded by Mrs. Mor age space for coal and this was ready for use.
we have been able to store 200 tons of coal.
ris, and carried, that this report be accepted.
In the summer bids were received and the
The motion of Mrs. Hunter, duly seconded, was
contract awarded to the lowest bidder, R. and
carried by a rising vote. Mrs. Guernsey said
that prompted by a suggestion made by the M. Gracie Washington, D. C. at $12.45 per
ton. The Committee feels that this was not
President General, I move that if it is found
by the Registrar General that the Baroness de only a good business arrangement but a wise
Le Grange is eligible to the N.S.D.A.R., that measure as well owing to the uncertainty of
labor conditions.
she be presented with a life membership, insig
nia, and ancestral bar. Seconded by Mrs. St. The new flags presented at the Congress have
Clair and carried. Mrs. Hunter moved that been hung in the auditorium and the old flags
cared for as directed.
the Treasurer General be authorized to pay for
the wreaths which were placed by our President The following gifts to the Hall have been
General upon the graves of the English and accepted by the Art Committee:
For the Kentucky room: A set of Giron
French unknown soldiers in the name of the
Daughters of the American Revolution. This doles from the home of Stephen Foster, pre
was seconded by Mrs. Elliott and carried. sented by the Paducah Chapter. It is interest
ing to note that Stephen Foster was the com
Mrs. Hanger read the report of the building
and Grounds Committee as follows: poser of “My Old Kentucky Home,” “Old
Black Joe,” “Old Folks at Home" and many
Report of Building and Grounds Committee other familiar Southern songs.
Madam President General and Members of the Copies of the Columbia Magazine (5 vol
National Board of Management: times) covering a period from 1844 to 1848,
The Building and Grounds Committee begs published by John S. Taylor of N. Y. and pre
leave to submit the following report: sented by Mrs. George A. Herring of George
Memorial Continental Hall has been carefully town, Ky.
cared for during the summer months by the A pastel portrait of Mrs. Charles J. Goff
Superintendent, Mr. Phillips. first State Regent of West Virginia presented
Our entire building and grounds have again by her daughter Mrs. Sprigg D. Camden to
been put in order--this means that walls and be hung in the West Virginia room.
woodwork in all rooms and halls, including Mrs. Williard T. Block has presented a filing
the basement have been washed; summer cover case for the Block certificate work.
ings for the auditorium removed, seats and Your Committee has requested the President
walls (lusted and made ready for use; the General to appoint a Committee to decide upon
east portico cleaned ; furniture and floors pol the pattern for the flat silver for the Ban
ished; floors in the office of the Treasurer quet Hall.
General and Registrar General varnished and The War Department through Lieutenant
waxed and the grounds kept in their usual Colonel Sherrill has requested that a set of
good order. flags of the following nine nations, England,
Your Committee feels proud of this general France, Italy, Japan, China, Belgium, Portu
condition of the hall and grounds, realizing gal, Holland and the United States be displayed
as it does that this tremendous amount of clean on our building during the Conference on
Limitation of Armament. It is planned that showed the place at the front wall where the
this set of flags be displayed on all buildings tablet would be placed, and showed a blue print
along 17th Street from the War Department of the actual lettering that would be used if
to B Street, and that they harmonize in size the Board approved the idea. Motion adopted.
and manner of display. The Government sent The suggestion with regard to new doors to
us bids as received by them, the lowest bidder the auditorium was then taken up and dis
being William E. Horstmann Co. Philadelphia. cussed. Moved by Mrs. Guernsey, seconded
Pa. The order for these flags has been placed by Miss Temple, and carried, that the old doors
by your Committee. be used for the next Congress.
We recommend that the Treasurer General Miss Lincoln here presented her own report
be authorized to pay this bill when presented. as editor, including with it the report for the
Your Committee after consultation with Miss Chairman of MAGAZINE Committee, Mrs. Bissell,
Nettleton, Chairman of House Committee for who had been unable to attend the meeting
Congress, believes that it would be advisable owing to the illness of her husband.
to have three new sound proof doors made for Report of Editor of Magazine
the entrances to the auditorium from the
Madam President General and Members of the
Lobby. These doors to be ready for the com
National Board of Management:
ing Congress. The Committee feels that the In the absence of Mrs. Bissell, our MAGAZINE
old doors do not assist materially in keeping
chairman, who is detained at her home by the
out the noises in the lobby, and are unsightly. serious illness of her husband. I will give
Estimates have been obtained and the con
briefly some facts pertaining to the business
struction carefully planned. We find that the side of the MAGAZINE before telling you the
cost of the doors will be $681.
editorial out-look.
We submit this proposition for the opinion
of the Board. Since the opening of the new year, that is from
The Committee advocates the purchase of a January 1, 1921, to September 30th, we have
paper cutting machine in connection with our
had 8,962 subscriptions expire, and received
13,523 subscriptions—a gain of 4,561 subscrip
multigraph machine. We are now dependent tions in nine months over what we lost.
upon our neighbors, the Pan American Build
To date our subscriptions total 16,161.
ing and Red Cross to cut all our paper and
cardboard which is not stock size.
The Business Office reports that from April
1st, to this date 529 single copies of the MAGA
We recommend that a paper cutter be pur z1 NE have been sold. This beats all previous
chased to cost $205. records and shows that the MAGAZINE is ad
That our Building may be recognized as be
vancing in public interest. The Business Office
longing to the National Society, Daughters of has been unable to fill many orders for copies
the American Revolution, we recommend that
of the April, July, and October, 1921 MAGA
two bronze tablets, marked National Head z1NEs, as these editions are sold out.
quarters Daughters of the American Revolution,
The J. B. Lippincott Company, who handle
Memorial Continental Hall be placed on the our advertising as well as printing the MAGA
front of the low marble wall. This wall ad
zi NE, have sent in their check for $1747.50 in
joins the East Portico. These two (2) tab payment for advertising space during the past
lets not to cost more than $225 for both. six months—April 1, 1921, to September 30th
Respectfully submitted: inclusive. This is more than we received for
LUCY GALT HANGER, the same period last year, our receipts then
Chairman, Building and Grounds Committee. having been only $1177.50.
The Lippincotts have again generously sup
The report was accepted without its recom plied us, without cost, MAGAZINE circulars,
mendations. Moved by Mrs. Hanger, seconded subscription blanks, and return addressed enve
by Miss Strider, and carried, that the Treasurer lopes to send to newly admitted members. We
General be authorized to pay bill for eight for are glad at all times to supply these circulars
eign flags, these flags for display on our Building and sample copies of the MAGAZINE to state
during Limitation of Armament (Conference) and chapter chairmen of MAGAZINE com
according to Government request. The motion mittees to aid them in their campaigns to se
that a paper cutter be purchased to cost $205 cure subscriptions.
was made by Mrs. Hanger, seconded by Mrs. At the end of June and just before the new
White, and carried. Mrs. Hanger also moved subscription rate of $2 went into effect sub
that two bronce markers be placed on front of scriptions poured into the Treasurer General's
loze, marble wall at each eartreme end—this wall office at the rate of 400 and 600 a day, and Miss
joins the East Portico—not to erceed $225 for Bright, who so capably handles our MAGAZINE
the two, which was seconded by Miss Strider. subscription lists, deserves much praise for her
Mrs. Hanger passed around a photograph which efficient and untiring work.
In spite of the notices of the increased rate contained twice or three times as much matter.
going into effect on July 1st many subscriptions The articles in the MAGAZINE are well worth
are still being received at the old rate of one reading, and especially to those who are inter
dollar a year, which necessitates the return of ested in the history of the greatest country
the money with a letter from the Treasurer God ever let the sun shine on.
General calling attention to the advance in price, “If you would increase the amount of gene
and in nearly every instance an answer has come alogical data it would be of great benefit to the
enclosing $2.00. A case in point is the follow horde of people who are looking for data on
ing message from Mrs. W. S. Stratton of Bis their families, and I would be willing to pay
marck, North Dakota, who sent in one dollar $5 a year for the MAGAZINE.
and on being notified that the present price is Yours truly,
two dollars, immediately sent the additional J. M. C. Usher.”
dollar, saying: “The MAGAZINE is worth two Mr. Usher, who is treasurer of the Trans
dollars to me.” portation Club of Tulsa, voices the opinion
Among the hundreds of commendatory letters expressed by many of our subscribers. The
to the Treasurer General from subscribers, I Genealogical Department is growing in popu
have taken the following extracts: larity and in value. It is the desire of Mrs.
June 16, 1921. Ramsburgh, our Genealogical Editor, and my
“Dear Madam : self to meet the demand for greater space in
Find enclosed my MAGAZINE renewal. The the MAGAZINE. It has been lack of space only
MAGAZINE has grown to be a splendid periodi which has kept down the number of pages de
cal and I do not wish to miss a single copy. I voted to the Genealogical Department and when
have subscribed since 1895—as a duty— but in ever opportunity permits I increase the num
the last few years it has also been a pleasure. ber. Mrs. Ramsburgh has always not only had
Cordially yours, her material ready far ahead of publication
Dora Harvey Develin, but prepares far more each month than is de
Bala, Pa. manded of her.
Another reads: The genealogical work for the MAGAZINE is
North Stonington, Conn. exacting and requires a thorough knowledge
June 27, 1921. of the subject. The salary of $30 a month
“Dear Madam : which is paid to the Genealogical Editor is an
Your letter received and in reply enclose my inadequate compensation for the work accom
check for $5 to pay for five years' subscrip plished and I earnestly hope that the members
tion for the DAUGHTERs of THE AMERICAN of this Board will seriously consider the jus
REvolutiox MAGAZINE, Since I wrote you last tice of increasing the amount which was set at
Tuesday our immense barn, garage, small ten the present figure fifteen years ago by the Na
ant house, and one end of my house were burned tional Board at its meeting on June 5, 1906,
and we had only a small insurance. This big during Mrs. McLean's administration.
fire and loss has about prostrated me and we Among our new contributors to the MAGA
hardly know what to do. I like the DAUGHTERs z1NE are Frank J. Brunner, for many years
OF THE AMERICAN REvolution MAGAZINE and editor of the Army and Navy Journal: Mrs.
my husband likes to read it so much that fire or Dolores Colquitt, who writes of the St. Memin
no fire we must have the MAGAZINE. Miniatures and Revolutionary Heroes of the
Yours truly, South, and Lieutenant Commander Edward
Breck, U. S. Navy.
Abbie L. Phillips.”
Of the sum of $500 generously appropriated
Mrs. A. P. Ameker, of Columbia, S. C., by this Board at the June meeting to pay for
wrote on June 21st, when enclosing her sub MAGAZINE articles and photographs there is
scription: “Personally I have taken the MAGA left in the treasury $151.75. Articles already
ZINE for one year only, but in that year I have paid for are yet to appear in the November,
gained information of several ancestors, and December, and January MAGAZINEs, thus the
find the MAGAZINE very interesting and edu money Spent covers a period of six months.
cational. I intend to preserve each issue for We pay for articles upon acceptance and not
my children.” upon publication, in this way we are able to
Here is a message from Tulsa, Oklahoma: secure excellent articles at reasonable rates.
June 28, 1921. As articles have to be purchased sometimes
“My dear Madam : far in advance of publication, may I recom
I am enclosing herewith check for $2.00 to mend to the Board that $300 be set aside for
cover the renewal of my wife's subscription. the future purchase of articles. Last year the
We read with avidity each number of the MAGA Board at its meetings in April and October
ZINE and only wish that they came oftener and appropriated a total of $1000 for articles; this
year I am asking for two hundred less than contributions for the rooms which they are
that sum. planning to take, Mrs. Guernsey spoke of the
Before closing, I desire to express by sincere use being made of the Block certificates and
thanks for the splendid coöperation and support moved that the Board approve States and chap
which you have given to every plan for the ters offering the Block certificates to every
betterment of the MAGAZINE. member who makes a contribution of $1.00 or
Respectfully submitted, more to the Administration Building. This
NATALIE S. LINCOLN, was seconded by Mrs. St. Clair and carried.
Editor. Following this report Mrs. Hunter moved that
the proper officers be authorized to borrow as
Moved by Mrs. Heath, seconded by Mrs. the need requires the remaining $70,000 of the
Buel and carried, that $300 be set aside for the $200,000 voted by Congress toward the con
purchase of articles for the Magazine. Moved struction of the Administration Building. Sec
by Mrs. Harris, seconded by Mrs. Chenault and oned by Mrs. White and carried. '
Mrs. Yawger, and carried, that the salary of Mrs. Yawger read a telegram from Mrs.
the Genealogical Editor be increased to $50.00. Sherrera regretting that illness in her family
Mrs. Yawger moved that a telegram be sent prevented her attendance at the meeting.
to Mrs. Bissell erpressing our sympathy on The Recording Secretary General read the
account of the illness of husband and deep re following recommendations of the Executive
gret she cannot be with us. Seconded by Mrs. Committee:
White and carried. Recommendations of Executive Committee,
The Chairman of the Committee on the Erec June 16, 1921.
tion of the Administration Building reported That when found necessary the Chairman of
informally that a meeting of the Committee had Building and Grounds Committee be empowered
just been held to consider the estimates furnished to purchase an Underwood typewriter for the
by the architect as to the prices which the va Treasurer General's office.
rious states would have to pay for the finishing That the record of the meeting of Memorial
of the different rooms which they might elect to Continental Hall Committee of April 7, 1909,
take, and for the few special features in the at which the gift was announced and accepted,
building available as memorials. Departing showed that the furniture was a gift to the
from the custom which obtained with regard National Society by Miss Vining, it is not with
to Memorial Continental Hall, the Committee in the power of the Executive Committee to
decided to permit both chapters and individuals authorize its disposal.
to select such features as they might wish as That Mrs. Ramsburgh will do the work in
memorials. Mrs. Guernsey stated that North connection with compiling of the Remembrance
Carolina had already made a request to finish Books for the Chaplain General at the same
and furnish the Historian General's office, Ne price paid Mrs. Ezekiel, who had resigned from
braska the office of the Reporter General to connection with that work.
the Smithsonian Institution, Connecticut wished Moved by Mrs. Guernsey, seconded, and car
to furnish some part of the President General's ried, that the recommendations made by the Er
suite, New Hampshire had requested a room. ecutive Committee be approved.
and the request had come from a member of The Recording Secretary General also read
the Mercy Warren Chapter for some special the report of the Printing Committee as fol
feature costing about $1,000; the announce lows:
ment had already been made that the National Report of Printing Committee
Officers Club would assume the construction Madam President General and members of the
and furnishing of the Assembly Hall, Wash National Board :
ington and Oregon were considering taking a I have to report that the new application
room together, and the C. A. R. wanted a room. blanks have been printed, and the proceedings
While no one was to be solicited to contribute of the 30th Congress and the National Com
toward the finishing and furnishing of this mittee List published. Since the first of July
building, all contributions would be welcomed, the printing has beeen handled in the Busi
and those states especially who had not been ness Office, for which your Chairman makes
able to get rooms in the Hall would be given no report.
an opportunity to select some room, with the I wish her to express my appreciation for
understanding that all obligations must be met the services of Mrs. Ezekiel, who has for the
to the National Society by January 1, 1923. past five years served the Printing Committee
Among the special features were four marble as clerk, but who has now resigned from
columns supporting the roof of the record room this connection.
at $250 each. In connection with the effort GRACE M. PIERCE,
being made by states and chapters to secure Chairman, Printing Committee.
There being no objection, the report was that there was only one-third of an acre taken
accepted. over by the Government to commemorate
Mrs. Nash announced that the State His Revolutionary events and the Civil War had
torian of New York, had offered to the Re 14,000 acres that the Government took care of,
gents of every State, to be the property of the aside from two battlefields making a very large
State Society, a copy of the Archives of New area commemorating Civil War events which
York, which is the New York roster of men the Government was caring for.
in the Revolution. These books could be ob Mrs. Harris, as Chairman of Patriotic Fou
tained by writing to Dr. James Sullivan, State cation Committee, made a plea for member
Historian, State Education Building, Albany, ships for the National Security League, and
N. Y., and they would be sent, expressage col urged every State Regent especially to become
lect. The President General voiced the thanks a member. She called attention to the slides
of the Society for this gift by the New York just gotten out by the League which she felt
State Historian. should be shown very generally all over the
Mrs. Nash moved that General Winfield Scott country in the interest of the work on Ameri
Chapter, West Winfield, N. Y., be given per canization and patriotic education?
mission to incorporate in order to hold prop Miss McDuffee, as Vice Chairman on Ameri
erty, a chapter house having been presented to canization, spoke of the interest manifested by
it. Seconded by Mrs. W. O. Spencer and car the chapters in responding to literature sent out
ried. The Recording Secretary General moved by the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the
that permission be granted the Sachem Sequo Committee, and read a letter from the secre
yah Chapter of Oklahoma to incorporate in tary of the National Security League express
order to buy and restore an old courthouse ing her commendation of the additional evi
used by the Choctaw Indians as a tribal court dence of the true patriotic spirit animating the
house, the chapter wishing to restore this his Daughters in their work.
toric spot. Seconded and carried. Mrs. Buel repeated the announcement made
The President General on behalf of herself by the President General in her message in the
and the other active National Officers extended MAGAZINE that the Manuals were ready for
an invitation to the members of the Board for distribution, a copy of which she had for each
luncheon in the banquet hall, and recess was State Regent and National Officer for use in
taken at one o'clock. presenting it to their states and to educational
The afternoon session was called to order at agencies which they thought might find it of
2.30. At the request of the President General, use. Mrs. Buel gave the prices at which the
Mrs. Hodgkins gave an account of the meeting book could be obtained from the Business Of
held at Mt. Vernon, September 6th, Lafayette's fice and stated that the Spanish edition would
birthday and the anniversary of the Battle of soon be off the press, the Italian edition was
the Marne, at which she represented the Na ready for the press, and the end of the month
tional Society by appointment of the Presi would see both of these editions delivered at
dent General. Memorial Continental Hall ready for distri
Mrs. Fitts moved that we crpress our keen bution, and the other languages would be gotten
appreciation of the pleasures afforded us by out as fast as the translations were completed.
the President General and the active officers, Mrs. Buel said that the printer had just told
for the beautifully appointed luncheon and its her that the National Society would be given
attendant pleasures. Seconded by Mrs. Heath the benefit of the drop in the price of paper,
and carried. notwithstanding the contract had been made for
The President General announced to the Board a stated sum. The point was brought out
that the U. S. Government would make use of through questions asked that the receipts from
the auditorium in Memorial Continental Hall the sale of the books could not pay entirely for
for all the public meetings of the Limitation future editions, but money would have to be
of Armament Conference, and requested that forthcoming for these after the first edition in
this information be held in confidence until any of the languages was exhausted. There
word was given out by the Secretary of State. being no objection, the various reports as given
Mrs. Morris reported informally on the were accepted.
Yorktown project, urging that all members of The President General reported the amounts
the Society write their own representatives in then in hand for the three national projects
Congress to use their influence for the bill, and the chapters had been called on to contribute
not to communicate with the senator and re to, and urged that all states make themselves
presentative who had introduced the bills in 100 per cent, as quickly as possible. The paint
the two houses of Congress, as they were al ing ordered by the Society to present to France
ready pledged to do all in their power for the had been placed on exhibition in the Board
project. Mrs. Morris brought out the point Room. A vote of thanks to Mr. Frederick J.
Waugh and that a letter be sent him which shall have the final decision as to which measures
express the appreciation of this Society for the shall stand as the expressed and special desire
masterly and beauiful way he has erecuted the of the Daughters of the American Revolution,
order for the painting “ United States Troops during any one session of the U. S. Congress."
Bound for France " was moved by Mrs. Har Under this resolution it becomes the duty of
ris, numerously seconded and carried. this committee to recommend “a small num
Referring to a ruling of the Organizing Secre ber " of these measures as those upon which
tary General regarding the appointment of of we shall concentrate our legislative efforts. In
ficers by Organizing Regents, which the Board making this recommendation it is understood
sustained, Mrs. Buel moved, that all officers that it is advisory to the chapters, simply point
appointed by the Organizing Regent must be ing out to them which measures are at this
from among the organizing members. This time most important, and most likely to secure
was seconded by Mrs. Moss and carried. Mrs. favorable action by the U. S. Congress, if
Hanger then moved, that in future that Chap supported by public opinion. The chapters re
ters be confirmed by National Board before be main free to choose any one of the endorsed
ing cntitled to function legally. Seconded by measures for special effort on their part, but
Mrs. Hunter and carried. - -
it is evident that concerted effort for a few bills
The Treasurer General reported that since is more likely to be effective.
the last meeting of the Board the Society had The Continental Congress itself placed three
lost 353 members by death, resignations 94, measures in the following order:
1. Consolidation of the three bureaus deal
dropped 1199, and that there had been received
from members who had been dropped and ing with men disabled in war . . . and gener
those who had previously resigned applications ous appropriations for the comfort, and the
from 330 who have complied with the rulings restoration to health and usefulness of all such
of the constitution, paid their dues, and wished men. The committee is most happy to report
to be reinstated, and she therefore moved that that this has been done by Congress in gener
the Recording Secretary General be instructed OuS measure.
to cast the ballot for the reinstatement of these 2. An appropriation for a fireproof Archives
330 applicants. Seconded by Mrs. White and Building in the City of Washington.
carried. The Recording Secretary General an 3. Exemption from taxation of our lately
nounced the casting of the ballot and the Presi purchased office lots. The President General
dent General declared these 330 former mem has kindly assumed charge of this bill.
bers reinstated in the National Society. 4. Of the remaining thirteen bills, your com
Mrs. Wiles, Chairman of Legislation in mittee considers the most important to be the
United States Congress, was invited in to give Towner-Sterling Bill for a Department of
her report. Education, with its head a member of the
cabinet. This is the most fundamental prin
Committee on Legislation in U. S. Congress ciple underlying the bill, but in addition the
bill provides for federal aid to the states, for
Sixteen resolutions were adopted by the physical education, for Americanization of im
Continental Congress of 1921 which require migrants, for the stamping out of illiteracy,
action by the U. S. Congress. and for the better training of teachers, all
The principles underlying bills were adopted, strictly under the supervision of the states, or
not the bills themselves in detail. of the local authorities.
A resolution was adopted as follows, and is 5. The Sheppard-Towner Bill for the public
the reason for my appearing before you at protection of maternity and infancy your com
this time: “The endorsement of a federal bill, mittee places next on its list, not only because
or of the principles underlying it, shall mean of its importance, but because a little more
only that the Daughters of the American Revo effort will secure its enactment. It has already
lution approve the measure, and are willing to passed the senate and awaits favorable action
be so quoted, but that all measures thus ap in the interstate and foreign commerce com
proved by the Continental Congress shall be mittee of the House.
referred to this committee (legislative) with 6. The bill for the acquisition of Yorktown
instructions to select a small number of these as a military park is the bill of one of our own
measures as those which this Society shall urge, D. A. R. committees, and it might well be
and upon which it shall concentrate its efforts
urged at this time as a form of public
for legislative passage, with preference given work which would provide for some of
to measures for physical training of the youth the unemployed.
of this country, for Americanization, and for 7. The same may be said of the Old Trails
the stamping out of illiteracy. The committee Road bill. Let each state through which the
shall report to the executive board, which shall Old Trails Road passes make sure that the
improvement of this road and its proper mark the National Board two matters which are of
ing be included in the state appropriations for importance to the completion of the National
good roads. Old Trails Road work. -
The committee recommends the above six First, I would ask the approval of the Board
bills (No. 1 having been already secured) as for the issuance of a new road map. Those
those upon which the National Society shall maps which I inherited from the last chair
lay greatest stress at the present time. man have been exhausted. Further, I would
The additional nine bills whose underlying ask that we display only the National Old
principles were endorsed by the last Continental Trails Road. While the real historic value of
Congress are named in the order of their en the other roads is fully appreciated, it is a
dorsement. They are all desirable, and we fact that the road selected for our memorial
wish their enactment, but we urge that no Chap to the pioneers was the only road authorized
ter shall diminish its influence by urging more and financed by the United States Government.
than “a small number " at one time. In the title we preserve its national charac
8. Measures to protect the national parks ter, and the other fact that the idea originated
from the invasion of commercialism.
in the Daughters of the American Revolution
9. The adoption of the Star-Spangled Ban
ner as the national anthem. justifies the placing of our insignia and name
10. A national law to protect the U. S. Flag upon our road signs.
from improper use. I recommend further that we retain upon
11. To better conditions at Ellis Island. our new maps the “key,” but that all other
(Much has been done.) printed matter be eliminated, except the title
National Old Trails Road Ocean to Ocean
12. To secure the release of Captain Kil
patrick from imprisonment in Russia. (He Highway, as endorsed by the Daughters of the
has been released.) American Revolution. The reason being that
13. To stay the destruction of all public they can be printed in larger quantities, and
records and documents which may have his used during succeeding administrations.
torical value. The second matter is of vital importance to
14. To construct a national road from the our work if we are to advance.
birthplace of George Washington in Virginia We must concentrate all of our energy upon
to the nearest state highway. our memorial, and some method for raising
15. An embargo on German dyes. A tem funds must be adopted by which all of the
porary embargo has been laid. forty-eight states will unite—all share the
16. Indian welfare and protection. honors and all should share the responsibility.
I have tried to find how our committee was
Respectfully submitted,
authorized to “take over all of the old traces,
HARRIET C. Tow NER, trails and roads" in the country, and to learn
what was embraced in the next statement to
ALICE Louise McDUFFEE, plat their routes and record their history. I
ALICE BRADFord WILEs, have found no authority for this committee to
Chairman, expend any funds marking local trails.
Committee on Legislation in U. S. Congress. I am sorry to add that I do not find that all
of the states have caught the vision | The
There being no objection, the report was twelve states which are crossed by the Na
accepted. Moved by Mrs. Nash, seconded by tional Old Trails Road, having a membership
Mrs. Buel, and carried, that the National Board of about 40,000, are working for our road, but
what I want to know is, what have the other
of Management, D. A. R., endorse Senate Bill
thirty-six states, with a membership of about
No. 2,351 introduced by Senator Calder and the 82,000, done for this road 2
House bill of Representative James R. Parker
in U. S. Congress for the survey of Saratoga
Many of these states are searching out their
pioneer trails and marking historic points, but,
battlefield at a cost of $10,000 with a view to its
if all of the other states continue signing their
acquisition by the U. S. Government for its
pioneer trails our work will be so long drawn
preservation for historical and other purposes.
Mrs. Talbott, Chairman of National Old out that the great value of this memorial
diminishes—we must maintain the integrity
Trails Road Committee, was also granted per
of our road or we lose our identity. The
mission to report to the Board.
National Old Trails Road Committee, as its
Report of Chairman of National Old Trails
name indicates, was organized for the specific
Road Committee purpose of signing the National Old Trails
Road, which road is a separate and distinct unit,
Madam President General : and does not include many of the intersect
I appreciate this opportunity of presenting to ing trails which, of great historic interest; are
not proper to be signed by this committee as and carried, the President General stating that
parts of this, our road. this would be submitted to all the chapters
At a meeting of the Old Trails Road Com at the proper time to be voted on at the
mittee in April, a motion was adopted author next Congress.
izing me to ask the approval of the National The Treasurer General moved that $100 be
Board to call for a per capita tax of 25 cents. appropriated for the use of the Lantern and
This would give us sufficient to begin, and in Slides Committee for the current year. Sec
two years enough to complete our work. onded by Mrs. Hanger and carried. Mrs. Hun
This is the only fair method of adjustment. ter moved also that $100.00 be appropriated for
Our road is 3050 miles long, divided thus: the use of the Historical and Literary Reciproc
Maryland, 172 miles; members, 1025. ity Committee for the current year, in addition
Pennsylvania, 82 miles; members, 8340. to the amount of the bill for the publishing of
West Virginia, 16 miles; members, 1331. the Lists of Historical papers. This was sec
Ohio, 232 miles; members, 6209. onded by Miss Strider and carried.
Indiana, 152 miles; members, 3835. Miss Strider read her supplemental report
Illinois, 172 miles; members, 7085. as follows:
Missouri, 302 miles; members, 4999.
Kansas, 504 miles; members, 1982. Supplemental Report of Registrar General
Colorado, 195 miles; members, 1829. I have the honor to report 747 applications
New Mexico, 450 miles; members, 202. presented to the Board, making a total of 3047.
Arizona, 421 miles; members, 113. Respectfully submitted,
California, 302 miles; members, 2952. (Miss) EMMA T. STRIDER,
Give me the right to lay this matter before Registrar General.
our State Regents, and State Chairmen of my Moved by Miss Strider, seconded by Mrs.
committee, and I will show you results—and White, and carried that the Recording Secre
remember that no funds must be sent to the
tary cast the ballot for 747 applicants for
National Chairman but through your State membership. The Recording Secretary Gen
Treasurer to the Treasurer General, and by eral announced the casting of the ballot, and
her disbursed. the President General declared the 747 appli
BERTHA HALL TALBOTT, cants members of the Society.
National Chairman. Mrs. Hanger now read her report as Organ
izing Secretary General.
Moved by Mrs. Guernsey, seconded by Mrs.
Heath, and carried, that the Chairman of Report of Organizing Secretary General
National Old Trails Road Committee investi
Madam President General and Members of the
gate the cost of a new map and take the matter
National Board of Management:
up with the Chairman of the Printing Com I have the honor to report as follows:
mittee, who, in conjunction with the Erecutive Mrs. Nettie Lou Scott was duly elected
Committee, will decide whether it is wise and State Regent of Hawaii, June 17, 1921. I now
feasible to have the new map made. Moved ask for her confirmation by the National Board.
by Mrs. Chubbuck, seconded by Mrs. Smith and Through their respective State Regents the
carried, that State Regents refer the question following members at large are presented for
of ea'pense of placing the D. A. R. markers upon confirmation as Organizing Regents:
the Old Trails Road in the twelve states through Mrs. Ezra Robins Bonner, Camden, Ala.;
which that road passes, to their respective Mrs. Sarah C. Sanders Moss, Guntersville,
State Legislatures. Ala.; Mrs. Nellie D. Osborne, Fresno, Calif.;
The Chaplain General moved that we recom Mrs. Jessie Brainard Abbe, Enfield, Conn.; Mrs.
mend to the 31st Congress that the action of the Cornelia Brown McCall, Lebanon, Conn.; Mrs.
25th Congress be rescinded, and that hereafter Edmonia Heald McCluer, Felsmere, Fla.; Mrs.
the Remembrance Book shall be prepared under Mary Louise Patton Napier, Vidalia, Ga.; Mrs.
the direction of the Chaplain General, and shall Ida Phillips, Monticello, Ga.; Mrs. Henry
be kept among the archives of the Society to be Whitehurst, Jeffersonville, Ga.; Mrs. Virginia
accessible to all the members, and shall not Hill Wilhoit, Warrenton, Ga.; Miss Jessie Kate
hereafter be published unless by order of the Morrison, Centralia, Ill.; Mrs. Mary A. Bayliss
National Board of Management. Seconded by Lauderbach, Augusta, Ky. ; Mrs. Anne Musgrave,
Mrs. Buel and carried. Mrs. Spencer also Laurel, Md. ; Mrs. Anna Belle Jenks Scranton,
moved that the Board propose that Article III, Harbor Beach, Mich. : Mrs. Maude Levering
Section 3, last clause, be amended by striking Lawrence, Minneapolis, Minn.; Mrs. Evaline
out the words “direction of the publication * Gilmore, Marceline, Mo.; Mrs. Etta Brown
and substituting the word “charge " in lieu Dudley, Niagara, N. Y.; Mrs. Jessie Edith
thereof. This also was seconded by Mrs. Buel Bardwell, Penn Yan, N. Y.; Mrs. Kate Candee
Knickerbocker, Syracuse, N. Y.; Miss Blanche Ada Clark Merrell, Ripon, Wis.
Paddison, Burgaw, N. C.; Mrs. Jeannette Cory Through the State Regent of North Caro
Chamberlin Ash. Fostoria, Ohio; Mrs. Blanche lina, the Thomas Polk Chapter of Charlotte
Mooney Campbell, Toronto, Ohio; Mrs. Lena has requested official disbandment. This re
Sappington Janes, Walters, Okla.; Mrs. Ma quest was made on account of the Chapter
lissa Burley Evans, Hollidaysburg, Penna. ; members moving away from Charlotte, N. C.
Miss Aleen M. Fell, State College, Penna. (to The following chapters were automatically
form a chapter of college girls); Mrs. Marie disbanded by the Treasurer General July 1, 1921,
Chatham Phillips, McElhattan, Pa.; Mrs. Ma being below the legal membership for over a
mie Fuller Cook, Erwin, Tenn.; Miss Margaret year. See Constitution and By-laws. Article 9,
Ellen Williamson, South Pittsburgh, Tenn.; Section 17:
Mrs. Ethelia Rush Harrell, Cisco, Texas; Mrs. Road to Paradise at Grant City, Mo.; David
Mary Field Taliaferro, Calvert, Texas; Mrs. Conklin at Callaway, Nebr.
Lucinda H. Bailey Heron, Cathlamet, Wash.; The following chapters have reported organ
Mrs. Rose M. McCroskey, Colfax, Wash.; Mrs. ization since the last Board meeting:
Abbie Harley Dixon, Piedmont, W. Va.; Mrs. Bakersfield at Bakersfield, Calif.; Chapter at
Anna Jacquelin Morgan Getzendanner, Charles Abbeville and the Col. John McIntosh at Con
Town, W. Va.; Mrs. Anna Marie Gleaves Rich, yers, Ga.; chapters at Charleston and Roseville
Princeton, W. Va. and the Du Quoin Chapter at Du Quoin, Illi
Authorization is requested of the following nois; Joseph Hart at Columbus and Maj. Hugh
Chapters: Dinwiddie at Knightstown, Ind.; “Parson
De Queen, Arkansas; Aledo, Mount Sterling, Roby,” Saugus, Mass.; Amos Wheeler
Rockport and Sherrard, Illinois; Easley, Gar at North Branch and Capt. Samuel
nett, Johnsonville, Mt. Carmel, Mullins and Felt at Dowagiac, Mich.; Chapter at Austin,
Troy, S. C.; Bristol, Columbia, Dandridge, Minn.; Arrow Rock at Arrow Rock and Eliza
Gallatin, Jellico, Jonesboro, Kingsport, Lafol beth Cleveland Gillespie at Perry, Mo.; Cotton
Gin Port at Amory, Miss.; Carantouan at
lette, Lenoir City, Newport and Pulaski, Tenn.
Waverly, Jacobus Roosevelt at Rye, Koo Koose
The State Regent of Florida reports the
at Deposit and Saghteekoos at Bayshore,
resignation of Mrs. Clementine Coryell Shel
N. Y.; Aaron Olmstead at Kent, the Chapter
don Hess as Organizing Regent of West Palm at Cuyahoga Falls and the Steubensville
Beach, Florida. Chapter at Steubensville, Ohio; Mandan at
The following Organizing Regencies have Mandan, North Dakota: Chapter at Brookings,
expired by time limitation: South Dakota; Ralph Ripley at Mineral Wells,
Mrs. Annie Lund Meriam, Chico, Calif.; Mrs. Texas; Chapter at Hillyard and Samuel Elgin
Catherine Agnes Price Auld, Shelbyville, Ill.; at Hanford, Washington; Elizabeth Cummins
Mrs. Hattie Cornelia Kinney, Mt. Carroll, I11.; Jackson at Grafton and Potomac Valley at
Mrs. Gertrude Lee McKelvey, Sparta, Ill.; Keyser, W. Va.
Mrs. Elizabeth Hindman, Humboldt, Kan. ; Charters issued, 15; Organizing Regents noti
Mrs. Emily Barnes Kelly, Olathe, Kan. ; Miss field, 15; permits issued for National Officers'
bars, 5; permits issued for Regents and ex
Willie G. Abbay, Tunica, Miss.; Mrs. Lucy Regents' bars, 174.
Allen Smart, Forest Hills Gardens, N. Y.; The Correspondence since the last Board
Mrs. Mary Herring Hudson, Forman, N. D.;
meeting has been unusual in its necessity for
Miss Margaret Snell, Tacoma, Wash.; Mrs. detailed attention and I feel in justice to my
Ada Clark Merrell, Ripon, Wis.; Miss Anna M. office that I would like to state that it has been
Riddick, Suffolk, Va. answered as promptly as consistent with care
Through their respective State Regents the ful work. I have spared neither my clerks nor
reappointments of the following Organizing myself in the endeavor to be of assistance.
Regents are requested: I recommend that no Chapter be allowed
Mrs. Annie Lund Meriam, Chico, Calif.; Mrs. recognition at the Continental Congress unless
Nettie Smith Whitfield, Pensacola, Fla.; Mrs. report of organization is received by the
Catherine Agnes Price Auld, Shelbyville, Ill.; Organizing Secretary General ten days prior to
Mrs. Hattie Cornelia Kinney, Mt. Carroll, Ill.; the opening of the Continental Congress.
Mrs. Gertrude Lee McKelvey, Sparta, Ill.; I recommend that in future all reports of
Mrs. Elizabeth Hindman, Humboldt, Kan. ; Chapter organization be sent to the Organizing
Mrs. Emily Barnes Kelly, Olathe, Kan. ; Mrs. Secretary General so that the report of organ.
Mary Sutton Pierce, Naples, N. Y.; Mrs. Sue ization for State Regents will agree with the
neita Meriwether Turner, Laredo, Texas; Mrs. report of organization filed with Chapter rec
Winnie Huntington Quick, Castle Rock, Wash.; ords in the office of the Organizing Secre
Miss Margaret Snell, Tacoma, Wash.; Mrs. tary General.
I recommend that when chapters are named Mrs. Yawger, seconded by Mrs. Cook and
for persons and events, those names and events carried, that the rulings of the Organizing
must have been of Revolutionary significance, Secretary General regarding Chapter names
also that chapters may take the name of the which were not of Revolutionary significance
city or town in which they are located. These be sustained.
names to be officially granted by the Organizing Another matter which the Organizing Secre
Secretary General. tary General brought to the Board was the
I further recommend that the price of the list question raised by some members of the
of Chapter Regents—the official D. A. R. mail Society who insisted they were organized into
ing list—be increased from $5 to $10. a Chapter when, according to the constitution,
Respectfully submitted. they had no right to be, and the ruling was
(MRs. G. WALLACE W.) LUCY GALT HANGER, so made by the Organizing Secretary General.
- Organizing Secretary General. The second chapter in the town, thinking to
bring their membership up to the required
The adoption of my report without its recom fifty, in order that the third chapter might be
mendations was moved by Mrs. Hanger sec organized, voted in enough applicants to bring
onded by Mrs. Yawger and carried. Mrs. this about, but the papers of these prospective
Hanger moved that all future reports of Chap members were still in the office of the Regis
ter organization be sent to the Organizing trar General and the Chapter actually numbered
Secretary General so that the report of organ only 41 members when the organizing Regent
ization for State Regents will agree with the organized the new Chapter and maintains that
report of organization filed with Chapter rec it has a right to be recognized. Mrs. Moss
ords in the office of the Organizing Secretary moved that the action of the Organizing Secre
General. Seconded by Miss Strider and car tary General be sustained. This was seconded
ried. Mrs. Hanger referred to the splendid by Mrs. Davis and carried.
working out of the ten days' time limit in force Miss McDuffee reported that the Vice Presi
in the office of the Registrar General with dent General from Michigan, Mrs. Wait, had
regard to the examination of papers of pros been ill all day at the hotel, and moved that
pective members, and the ten days' rule in the Recording Secretary General send her a
force in her own office with regard to the note of sympathy and regret that she was not
presentation to the Board of names of organ able to be at the meeting. This was seconded
izing Regents for appointment and therefore and carried.
moved that no Chapter be allowed recognition
Mrs. Shumway moved that as the State Re
at the Continental Congress unless the report
gent of Delaware, Mrs. Council, passed away
of organization is received by the Organizing
Secretary General ten days prior to the opening in July, that a letter of sympathy be sent from
of the Continental Congress. Seconded by this National Board to the family. Seconded
Mrs. White and carried. Moved by Mrs. by Mrs. Yawger and carried.
Hanger, seconded by Miss Strider and car Moved by Mrs. Moss, seconded by Mrs.
ried, that when chapters are named for persons Wilson, and carried, that the Independence Pio
and events those names and events must have neers Chapter of Independence, Missouri, be
been of Revolutionary significance, also that allowed to incorporate to own property.
chapters may take the names of the city or The following resolution was moved by Mrs.
town in which they are located; these names Buel, seconded by Mrs. Moss, Mrs. Morris, and
to be officially granted by Organizing Secre Miss Temple, and carried :
tary General. Resolved, That the N.S.D.A.R., through its
The adoption of the recommendation that the National Board assembled in session October
price of the list of Chapter Regents—the official 18, 1921, offer its stanch support to President
D. A. R. mailing list—be increased from $5 to Harding in his efforts to bring about a limita
$10, was moved by Mrs. Hanger, seconded by tion of armament; and
Miss Wilson, and carried. Resolved, That we are in cordial sympathy
Mrs. Hanger referred to the discussion that with the sentiments expressed in the President's
had been pending in her office over the granting warning to the nation to the effect that uni
of Chapter names, in which she had taken the versal disarmament is not the object of the Con
stand that names for chapters should have ference on Limitation of Armament and must
Revolutionary significance, that Daughters of not be so understood; and
the American Devolution, as a Chapter, should Resolved, That we go on record as being of
wish to have a name that was Revolutionary in the opinion that universal disarmament is not
its significance, but this attitude had been ques safe, practicable or desirable at the present
tioned by these chapters and persons, and she time; and
therefore brought the matter to the Board and Resolved. That a copy of these resolutions
asked that her rulings be sustained. Moved by be transmitted to the President.
The President General brought before the Carolina, who, when she lived in Georgia, de
Board a poster that was sent to her for Memo signed a pin or medal that met with much favor
rial Continental Hall by Mrs. Hugh Reid for use by the chapters as prizes in historical
Griffin, one of the three preserved of all the contests in the public schools, for permission to
thousands that were made to be used to protect sell this pin to members in other states. Moved
Americans and their homes when the German by Mrs. St. Clair, seconded by Mrs. Cook, and
army should take possession of Paris, in the carried, that the request of Mrs. Sweeney be
dark days when this seemed as if it might hap granted to sell the pin to those in other states.
pen. Miss Temple moved that a vote of thanks The Recording Secretary General read the
be sent to Mrs. Griffin for her gift of the poster. minutes of the meeting, which were approved
Seconded by Mrs. Heath and Mrs. Yawger as read, and on motion duly seconded, the
and carried. Board adjourned at 6:30 P.M.
Mrs. Guernsey brought up a request from a RITA A. YAwgER,
member of the Society now living in South Recording Secretary General.
Charter Member and First Surgeon General, National Society,
Daughters of the American Revolution
By Grace M. Pierce
Former Registrar General, N. S. D. A. R.
The town of Oxford, Massachusetts, is this general, a recognition of special service ren
month commemorating the centenary of the dered to the Society, which position she held
birth of its most distinguished citizen—Clara until her death.
Barton. As the first president of the American Miss Barton's ancestors had been connected
Red Cross, with which her name is indissolubly with the development of the State of Massa
linked, and a philanthropist of world-wide fame, chusetts from the early days, and from them
it is not fitting that this issue of the DAUGH she inherited her courage, her indomitable
TERs of THE AMERICAN REvolution MAGAZINE energy, her loyalty, and the patriotism which
should pass without mention of her association made her one of the great and unique figures
with the Daughters of the American Revolu of American history.
tion. A charter member of this Society (na Born on Christmas Day, 1821, one wonders
tional number, 160) she was elected its first if the hallowed memories that cluster around
surgeon general (an office which was abolished that date caused her to possess a more than
in 1897) and served as such during the years ordinary impulse to devote her life to the relief
of 1890, 1891, 1892. In 1896 she was elected of human suffering and thus carry forward
one of the thirteen honorary vice presidents the spirit of the Christ.
President General
Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D. C.
Vice Presidents General
(Term of office expires 1922)
1706 Cambridge Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. Highland Ave., Haddonfield, N. J.
Eola Road, Salem, Ore. Amarillo, Tex.
902 Westover Ave, Norfolk, Va. 1720 22d St., Rock Island, Ill.
Miss Louise H. CobURN, Skowhegan, Me.
(Term of office expires 1923)
Mrs. Cassius C. Cottle, MRs. CHARLEs S. WHITMAN,
2272 Harvard Boulevard, Los Angeles, Calif. 54 East 83d St., New York, N. Y.
6719 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. McCleary, Wash.
2101 Blaisdell Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Cooksburg, Pa.
Mrs. Edward P. ScHoeNTGEN, 407 Glenn Ave., Council Bluffs, Ia.
(Term of office expires 1924)
Mrs. John TRIGG Moss, MRs. C. D. CHENAUlt,
6017 Enright Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Lexington, Ky.
Heathcote, Charlotte, N. C. 316 Willow St., Ottawa, Kan.
8 Park Place, Brattleboro, Vt. 226 Blackstone Boulevard, Providence, R. I.
MRs. HowARD L. Hodgkins, 1830 T St., Washington, D. C.
Chaplain General
2123 California St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
Recording Secretary General Corresponding Secretary General
Memorial Continental Hall. Memorial Continental Hall.
2005 Scott St., Little Rock. 2331 CHESTNUT St., New ORLRANs.
817 W. 5TH Ave., Pink Bluff. ALEXANDRIA.
269 MATHER St., OAKLAND. 282 MAIN St., WATER ville.
1240 W. 29th St., Los ANGElks. 122 Goff St., AUBURN.
803 Spruce St., Boulder. MRS. REX CORBIN MAUPIN,
1145 LogAN St., DENVER.
1012 W. MAIN St., KALAMAzoo.
143 LAPAYEtte Ave., N. E., GRAND RAPIDs.
MRS. FRANCIS A. ST. CLAIR, 1906 KEN wood PARK way, MINNEApolls.
1319 T. St., N. W., WashingtoN. MRS. L. C. JEFFERSON,
119 5th St., N. E., WAshingtoN.
MRS. J. A. CRAIG, 850 N. JEFFEitson St., JAckson.
233 W. Duval, Sr., JAcksonville
305 14th Ave., Connel, E. MRS. HENRY W. HARRIS,
MRS. N. L. SCOTT, 420 S. IDA Ho St., Dillon.
The Court LAND Hotel, HoNolulu. MRS. E. BROOX MARTIN,
814 S. CENTRAL Ave., Bozem AN.
GRAND View Ave., PEoria. PLYMOUTH.
1011 N. PEN N St., INDIANA Polis. 448 RIDGE St., New ARx.
31.28 FAIRFIELD Ave., FoRT WAYNE. 1308 WATCHUNg Ave., PLAIN field.
“FAIR Hill,” SHELDoN. Roswell.
431 N. Detroit St., KENton. 302 PLEAsANT ST., BENNINGton.
903 Johnston E Ave., BARTLEsville. ALEXANDRIA.
231 S. 13th St., Muskog EE. 915 ORchARD HILL, RoANOKE.
8 St. HELEN’s Court, Portland. 1804 15th Ave., SEAttle.
807 S. FERRY ST., ALBANY. 724 7th St., Hoquiam.
STATE College. BUckHANNoN.
II Adston, LINDEN Ave., Pittsnurgh. 100 12th St., WHEELING.
WESTERLY. 4001 High LAND PARK, MilwauxEE.
4 SUMMIT ST., PAwtucket. 330 S. 6TH ST., LA CROSSE.
D. A. R. Emblems
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