Can Can't: Ability Inability
Can Can't: Ability Inability
Can Can't: Ability Inability
Can is a modal verb used to express ability and possibility. However, can’t is a modal
verb used to express inability and impossibility. Read the examples below:
Can Can’t
Ability Inability
Possibility Impossibility
• You can learn to play basketball at a • You can’t learn to play hockey at a
summer camp. summer camp.
• We can go to the cinema in July. • Due to the covid-19 pandemic, we
can’t go to the cinema now.
Could is a modal verb used to express ability and possibility. However, couldn’t is a
modal verb used to express inability and impossibility. These are the past forms of can
and can’t respectively. Read the examples below:
Could Couldn’t
• I could swim well when I was a child. • I couldn’t swim well last summer,
• She could play computer games last but now I can.
summer, but now she must study for • He couldn’t speak English
the school exams. fluently some years ago.
• You could have learned to sky at • We couldn’t buy the tickets for the
Sierra Nevada last winter. concert, they had sold out.
• We could go to the cinema in • Due to the covid-19 pandemic, we
January. couldn’t go to the cinema in April.
Modal Verbs
Should is a modal verb used to give advice (aconsejar). Shouldn’t is also used to give
advice. Read the examples below:
Should Shouldn’t
Advice Advice
Must is a modal verb used to express obligation, while mustn’t is a modal verb used to
express prohibition. Read the examples below:
Must Mustn’t
Obligation Prohibition
Notice: can, could, should and must are modal verbs, so you don’t add “-s” to the third person
singular when using them (She plays the piano She can play the piano).
Notice: should is sometimes used as a polite version of must, so their meaning is similar
(You mustn’t smoke cigarettes You shouldn’t smoke cigarettes).
Modal Verbs
Choose one of the following modal verbs and fill in the blanks.
Should, can, can’t, must, mustn’t, couldn’t, can’t, can, could, shouldn’t
Write sentences about what you must and mustn’t do. Consider the
> fasten your seat belt (1) > drink alcohol (3) > study hard (5)
> watch TV a lot (2) > eat too much candy (4) > be polite (6)
Write sentences about what you can and can’t do. Consider the examples.
> speak Spanish fluently (1) > ride a bike (4) > play hockey (7)
> speak English fluently (2) > drive a car (5) > play football (8)
> bake a cake (3) > swim well (6) > play computer games (9)