1MS - Monthly - Distribution - From Teacher Oumnia

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People’s Republic Democratic of Algeria

Ministry of national education

Tizi Ouzou Education Department

Spotlight on
Level :1Am Monthly plan English

First week Second week Third week Fourth week

:Pre-sequence :Sequence one
:greeting- .colours- numbers- I listen and do:
hello; hi; good( my favourite colour ( )from 0 to 13( - greet people
)..…;morning )..…………… is introduce myself -
personal pronoun I-
possessive adjective -

English - days and months give information/ -

: alphabet .school thing- my birthday is in( respondrespond to
discriminate ( my school bag is ( ) ..…… questions about me: my
between vowels )…black age; my class; and my
)and consonats .hometown
.present simple *

:Tutorial :Tutorial
use colours to - :Tutorial :Tutorial it’s all about me… fill in -
colour vowels the hidden picture- numbers words - the label
and consonant colours song - search
using a printed days song -
)alphabet months song -
.alphabet song-
Monthly plan
Level :1Am

First week Second week Third week Fourth week

! ? , . :punctuation- .name different jobs- first test-
‘ I learn to - definite article: -
pronunciation: /i/- integrate (a/an/the)
/; /ai/; /ei I think and write - Possessive
I read and do - : Sequence two numbers- ”express “likes-
P41 :I listen and do** )from 14 to 100(
ask and give * )use slates(
information about ordinal numbers-
one’s family
( parents / brothers
and sisters….)
demonstrative *
:Tutorial :Tutorial
I practise P40 - :Tutorial :Tutorial a song jobs-
!!! a song : i love you- write numbers in - I practise. P 57-
a game compete the- .letters
table: e.g: B-- numbers worksheet -
Monthly plan
Level :1Am

First week Second week Third week Fourth week

- I learn to -
pronunciation: integrate
/ ; //e/ ; /i:/ ; /ð I think and -
/ write

I read and do P59 Second test

:Tutorial :Tutorial
a song : do you like - I play P65-
?it I enjoy P 66-
Numbers worksheet -

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