Two Categories of Forms of Energy
Two Categories of Forms of Energy
Two Categories of Forms of Energy
It is the potential of a
substance to undergo a
transformation through a
chemical reaction to
transfer other chemical
substances. This applies It is the potential
to lighting candles, energy of magnetic
batteries, and etc. fields and basically
comes from magnets
use to generate
It is an energy in the
nucleus, or core of an
It is a form of mechanical atom. It comes from
It is the process of creating energy and produced when an splitting atoms in a
electricity using the wind, or air object vibrates. The sound reactor to heat to
It is a form of energy resulting
flows that occur naturally vibrations cause waves of generate electricity. This
from the flow of electric
through air flows. It is basically pressure that travel through a is commonly harnessed
charge. This applies to
applying to wind mills, but medium. For instance, listening in nuclear power plants,
charging cellphones,
anemometer use also its energy music in your earphones and specifically to its nuclear
operating electric generators,
to determine wind’s speed. playing drums. reactors.
lightning strikes and etc.