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Earth: Structure and Subsystems

John Aldrich G. Cortez, RN

Earth: The Living Planet
• Earth has a unique structure consisting
of different layers and interacting
Earth: The Living Planet
• Earth is considered as a home of simple
single-celled organisms up to the most
complex life forms including humans.
• It is undeniable that the planet we live in is
a rare planet as it is the only planet in our
solar system that permits life.
• The different characteristics of Earth are
responsible for the proliferation of life.
Earth: Structure and Subsystems
• Our planet is dynamic, and each
part of the Earth are
interconnected and continuously
interact with one another. The
interactivity parts that form a
complex whole define a system.
Earth: Structure and Subsystems
• Subsystem – the interacting parts in
the Earth’s system.
➢ Lithosphere
➢ Atmosphere
➢ Hydrosphere
➢ Biosphere
Earth: Structure and Subsystems
Earth: Structure and Subsystems
• Lithosphere – refers to the solid
parts of the Earth. It is used along
with atmosphere, hydrosphere,
and biosphere to describe the
systems of the Earth.
Earth: Structure and Subsystems
• Lithosphere is not a continuous
layer. It is divided in to large
number of plates that move in
relation to one another.
Earth: Structure and Subsystems
• Pangaea – a huge landmass
were all continents are locked
up into as proposed by Alfred
Earth: Structure and Subsystems
Earth: Structure and Subsystems
The plates drift
sideways at the rate of
12 cm per year. This
seem to be slow but
imagine how much the
plates have moved in
100 years, 1000 years
or even 1000000
Earth: Structure and Subsystems
• Plate Tectonic Theory
➢The lithosphere is divided into
major plates and smaller plates
resting upon the soft layer called
Earth: Structure and Subsystems
Earth: Structure and Subsystems
There are 15 tectonic
plates. However,
experts today count
more than 50 plates.
The Philippine plate
which the Philippine
rests on has been
renamed to Philippine
Sea Plate.
Earth: Structure and Subsystems
• Boundary – the border between
tectonic plates.
a. Convergent
b. Divergent
c. Transform
Earth: Structure and Subsystems
a. Divergent
b. Convergent
c. Transform
Earth: Structure and Subsystems
• Atmosphere – the thin gaseous
layer that envelopes the
lithosphere. Greek roots atmos
which means gas, and sphaira
which means globe or ball.
Earth: Structure and Subsystems
Earth: Structure and Subsystems
• Layers of the Atmosphere
a. Troposphere
b. Stratosphere
c. Mesosphere
d. Thermosphere
e. Exosphere
Earth: Structure and Subsystems
Earth: Structure and Subsystems
a. Troposphere – extends to about 14.5
km above the Earth's surface. It is the
lowest layer where the weather forms.
b. Stratosphere – found 14.5 km to 50 km
above the Earth's surface. The ozone
layer that protects the Earth from the
Sun's harmful UV radiation is found in
this layer.
Earth: Structure and Subsystems
c. Mesosphere – extends from 50 km to 85 km
above the Earth's surface. It protects the
Earth from the impact of space debris.
d. Thermosphere – found 85 km to 600 km
above the Earth's surface. It has charged
particles that are affected by the Earth's
magnetic field. The particles create the
Auroras or Northern and Southern lights.
Earth: Structure and Subsystems
e. Exosphere – the farthest layer. It
extends to about 10 000 km above the
Earth's surface.
Earth: Structure and Subsystems
• Hydrosphere – composed of all the water on
Earth in any form: water vapor, liquid water,
and ice.
• It is comprised of 97.5% saltwater and 2.5%
• It includes all bodies of water such as oceans,
lakes, rivers, and marshes. Clouds and rain
are also part of the hydrosphere.
Earth: Structure and Subsystems
Earth: Structure and Subsystems
• Biosphere - comprised of all living things. It
includes all microbes, plants, and animals.
• It extends to the upper areas of the
atmosphere where insects and birds can be
• It also reaches the deep parts of the oceans
where marine organisms can still survive.
Earth: Structure and Subsystems
• Matter and energy move and cycle
between the four different subsystems.
These cycles make life on Earth
Earth: Structure and Subsystems

Nitrogen Cycle
Earth: Structure and Subsystems

Carbon Dioxide - Oxygen Cycle

Earth: Structure and Subsystems

Water Cycle
“As surgeons, we rely on cycles. Heartbeats.
Cell regeneration. Circadian rhythms. We know
something's wrong when the cycle is broken. Our duty
is to fix it. To force the cogs back in line. But that break
can also be useful, like a warning shot.“
-Dr. Meredith Grey

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