Response To The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster
Response To The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster
Response To The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster
2015 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.
The analysis revealed that Sendai city’s multiple protection measures for Level 2 tsunami will 2
contribute to a substantial reduction of the tsunami inundation zone and potential losses,
combined with an effective tsunami evacuation plan.
2. Pre-2011 paradigm
(a) History of Sanriku Tsunamis
The Sanriku Coast lies on the north-eastern side of the island of Honshu (in the Tohoku region),
corresponding to Aomori, Iwate and Miyagi prefectures. The Sanriku coastline is particularly
vulnerable to tsunamis because it has many V-shaped bays, which cause tsunami energy to focus
and amplify.
During the night of 15 June 1896, the Meiji Great Sanriku Tsunami hit the Sanriku Coast. The
highest tsunami run-up height was 38 m at Ryori Shirahama in Iwate prefecture. The earthquake
was a typical ‘tsunami earthquake’ that had negligibly weak ground shaking, and, therefore, no
residents tried to evacuate. This resulted in the death toll of 22 000. The economic losses reached
about 10% of the national budget of the time [4]. After this tsunami, several villages were relocated
with estimated inundation zones, the list of shelters where people could evacuate and instructions
on how to survive a tsunami. In many coastal communities, people have conducted regular
evacuation drills and have held workshops to learn which areas are at risk, by referring to a
hazard map prepared by the local government. Figure 1 contrasts one hazard map for Kesennuma
city, in Miyagi prefecture, with the actual extent of inundation in the 2011 tsunami. The maps seem
quite similar in terms of the tsunami inundation extent.
In addition, in Sanriku coastal communities, people were taught the lesson or maxim of
‘Tsunami Tendenko’, which means that people should run without taking care of others, even
family members [16]. This phrase encourages people to escape by making individual decisions
and taking personal responsibility; every individual effort increases the possibility of surviving.
Note that ‘Tsunami Tendenko’ is not an egoistic maxim, with the importance of trust among loved
ones to achieve the aim of maximizing the number of lives saved [17].
The 2011 tsunami disaster also implied that hazard maps have two functional aspects. One
is to inform people that they are at risk. It is through such opportunities to know their risk that
people learn that they must try to escape an at-risk area as soon as possible, when they feel strong
ground motion or hear the tsunami warning or evacuation order issued. On the other hand, a
hazard map can function to assure residents living outside of the expected inundation zone that
their area is NOT at risk. This is one negative aspect of relying heavily on a hazard map. In the
2011 event, hazard maps failed to offer accurate predictions in some areas and may have increased
the number of fatalities, as people believed that they did not have to evacuate immediately, even
though these maps indicated the uncertainty of estimations based on past events and state-of-the-
art computer simulations.
3. Response to the 2011 event 6
41° N
run-up (m)
40° N 0.1 – 1.0
1.1 – 2.0
2.1 – 3.0
3.1– 4.0
4.1– 5.0
39° N 5.1– 6.0
6.1– 7.0
7.1– 8.0
8.1– 9.0
38°0´ N
38° N 9.1– 10.0
0 10 20
37° N
36° N
2011 Tohoku
1933 Showa
1896 Meiji
1611 Keicho
35° N
0 10 20 30 40
tsunami height (m)
Figure 2. (a) The measured heights of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami [22] and historical Sanriku earthquake tsunamis (1611, 1896
and 1933 events). The historical tsunami data were provided by Japan Tsunami Trace Database [24] maintained by Tohoku
University and the Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization (JNES). Black dots on the coastline indicate the points of the 2011
tsunami height measurement. The tsunami run-up height reached up to 40 m in Iwate prefecture. (b) The extent of the tsunami
inundation zone with the measurement of the run-up heights at tsunami inundation limit in Sendai Coast [23].
significant feature of the 2011 tsunami was the wide extent of the inundation zone; for example,
on the Sendai plain (figure 2b), the tsunami inundated more than 5 km inland, causing devastating
damage to populated areas and rice fields. These features implied that the 2011 earthquake
was probably a combination of the 1896 Sanriku ‘tsunami earthquake’ and a Jogan-type deeper
interplate earthquake [14].
Tsunami inland penetration with strong inundation flow causes damage to infrastructures,
forests, buildings and humans. Measurements of tsunami inundation flow velocities on land were
quite rare, and it was thus difficult to understand what really happened in the devastated area
and to identify the cause and mechanisms of structural destruction by tsunami inundation flow.
Thanks to the recent advances of hand-held video cameras and mobile phones, however, many
tsunami survivors have attempted to capture the moment of tsunami attack on their communities
and have uploaded videos to the Internet (we should note that taking photos or videos of a
tsunami should only ever be done from a position uphill, never from a beach). Applying a video
analysis technique, the tsunami flow velocity can be determined to understand the characteristics
of tsunami inland penetration and impact on structures [25–30].
In Kesennuma Bay, Fritz et al. [26] analysed survivor videos and measured flow velocities
of about 10 m s−1 for the inundation flow that penetrated through the city [26], and produced
a hydrograph of the tsunami. Another video was taken from the roof of a building in Onagawa
damage probability
damage probability
damage probability
0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
Okushiri (1993)
0.2 Banda Aceh (2004) 0.2 0.2 0.2 Higashi-
Miyagi (2011) Kesen-numa (2011) Minami-Sanriku (2011) Matsushima (2011)
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12 0 2 4 6 8 10
flow depth (m) flow depth (m) flow depth (m) flow depth (m)
damage probability
damage probability
damage probability
0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
flow depth (m) flow depth (m) flow depth (m) flow depth (m)
1.0 1.0
damage probability
damage probability
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
Watari (2011) Yamamoto (2011)
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
flow depth (m) flow depth (m)
Figure 3. Tsunami fragility curves for structural destruction (washed-away structures) [39]. The solid lines are obtained from
the devastated municipalities of Miyagi prefecture (from the 2011 event) and the dashed one is from Banda Aceh, Indonesia (the
2004 Indian Ocean tsunami) [37].
Figure 4. Conceptual image of tsunami-prevention facilities in Sendai city [49]. The seawall was designed for Level 1 tsunami
(the height equivalent to the historical tsunami heights in the past 150 years and storm surge heights in the past 50 years).
The other measures secure multiple protection. (Online version in colour.)
scenarios [47,48]. The nonlinear shallow water equations are discretized by the staggered
leap-frog finite difference scheme with bottom friction in the form of Manning’s formula
according to the land-use condition [37]. The inundation model results are validated through
the comparison with field data in terms of local inundation depths, inundation heights [22,23].
Under the limitations and uncertain conditions of funding, prefectural and local governments
have developed their own recovery and reconstruction plans, which require 10 years to be
completed (National budget is allocated for the first 5 years). These plans consist of the
combination of structural prevention/mitigation, urban planning, preparedness and provide
suggestions for land-use management, relocation, housing reconstruction and tsunami disaster
mitigation plans. The key role of academia, from the engineering point of view, is to verify and
evaluate if these plans will really work for future disaster reduction. For instance, based on the
findings regarding the structural vulnerability (figure 3), Sendai city determined a reconstruction
plan [49] to reduce the tsunami flow depth to less than 2 m in the populated area with a conceptual
image of multiple coastal protection (figure 4). A significant feature of Sendai city’s reconstruction
plan is integrating several coastal protection facilities, such as seawalls, coastal forests, park
(artificial hill) and elevated roads to minimize the potential losses. Figure 5a indicates the plan
view for the multiple protection of Sendai city with a 7.2 m seawall and river dyke and 6 m
elevated prefectural road. The seawall’s height was determined by considering historical tsunami
heights in the past 150 years and storm surge heights in the past 50 years (Level 1). For the largest
possible tsunami (Level 2), the city secures multiple facilities of coastal forest, artificial hill, raised
road and evacuation sites to protect citizens’ lives.
To evaluate how these protection measures will work in terms of tsunami disaster reduction,
we conducted tsunami numerical modelling with the 2011 tsunami source scenarios, namely
‘Level 2 tsunami’ scenarios of the largest-possible tsunamis, and the present reconstruction plan.
Figure 5b shows one example from preliminary results. As indicated in the figure, we found that
the multiple protection measures for Level 2 tsunami will contribute to substantially reduce the
tsunami inundation zone and flow depth on Sendai plain especially at the western side of 6 m
elevated prefectural road. Using this result, Sendai city determined the land-used plan and the
area of housing reconstruction and relocation. However, note that the tsunami (the 2011 scenario)
will overtop even a 7.2 m seawall (designed for Level 1 tsunami) and the 6 m elevated road, and
the model assumes no destruction of structures. In this sense, the model cannot reproduce all the
aspects of tsunami inland penetration. Coastal infrastructure such as breakwaters and seawalls
cannot always protect life and property. Seawalls or coastal structures should be designed with
the assumption of overtopping and resiliency, and communities should not rely on coastal
infrastructures alone for protection. Based on this new reconstruction plan in the tsunami-affected
area, Sendai city has formulated its tsunami evacuation plan [50] to protect lives.
(a) (b)
elevated road (6 m)
Sendai City
seawall (7.2 m)
flow depth (m)
0.2 – 2.0
2.1 – 4.0
4.1 – 6.0
6.1 – 8.0
Natori 8.1 – 10.0
10.1 – 12.0
City 12.1 – 14.0
Natori Rv. 14.1 –
0 5
river dyke (7.2 m) km
0 5
Figure 5. (a) Setting of tsunami prevention facilities in Sendai city reconstruction plan [49]. (b) Result of tsunami numerical
modelling to evaluate the effect of the proposed reconstruction plan in Sendai city (maximum flow depth).
5. Conclusion
The devastating tsunami followed by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
left many lessons to be learned that have led the paradigm shift of Japan’s tsunami disaster
On tsunami hazard maps, knowing which areas are at risk is critical, but one must
also recognize the predictive limits of science and technology; hazard maps cannot always
accurately predict areas at risk. Governments can reduce risk, but communities must not become
complacent. Even now, numerical simulations cannot predict everything that will happen in a
disaster. Hazard maps have two functional aspects. One is to tell people that they are at risk.
On the other hand, a hazard map can function to assure residents living outside of the expected
inundation zone that their area is not at risk. This is one negative aspect of relying too completely
on a hazard map.
Coastal infrastructure such as breakwaters and seawalls cannot always protect life and
property: even great seawalls can fail. Seawalls should be designed with the assumption of
overtopping and destruction, and communities should not rely on coastal infrastructures alone
for protection. A new paradigm of coastal structural design has caused significant arguments in
some Sanriku coastal communities. The design policy of coastal defence structures sets the height
of seawalls to ensure their performance to a potential tsunami level of up to approximately the
150 year recurrence interval (Level 1 or ‘Prevention Level’). However, when implementing, this
design paradigm has triggered conflict and debate. Even when protected by great seawalls of 8–
10 m, the government often prohibits the lower part of town to redevelop as a residential area,
as the low land is reserved for commercial and industrial purposes. Many coastal communities
on low-land devastated areas are thus moving uphill by applying for relocation and buy-out
programme. Scattering residential areas will isolate people and weaken community connections,
and consequently, undermine the community’s sustainability with shrinking population in rural
areas. Then the question is ‘what are the great seawalls for?’. This problem is not yet solved.
As observed in devastated areas in Japan, tsunami flow depths over 2 m have the potential to
severely damage houses. High rise RC buildings with robust columns and walls can withstand
tsunami flow depths over 2 m and can be used for vertical evacuation. However, at the same
time, at least eight RC or steel construction buildings have been found overturned or washed
away. This fact led to a revision of the requirement for structural design of tsunami evacuation
buildings [51], specifically focusing on the tsunami loading effect. School buildings should
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