Research On The Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks Based On Genetic Algorithm

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Research on the Routing Protocol in Wireless

Sensor Networks Based on Genetic Algorithm

Gang Xin
Information Engineering Department
Jilin Business and Technology College

Abstract—Regardless of the traditional network, or wireless need of routing information maintenance due to the simple
sensor networks, routing algorithms is the key support for node function, cluster topology structure is in favor of
network transmission technology.This paper focuses on the distributed algorithm and easy to manage, network delay
combination of GA and WSN routing algorithm, and analyzes caused by the large amount of nodes through which the
the problem about hierarchy routing algorithm based on monolayer network transmission route goes is reduced and
GA.Thus, this paper improves hierarchy routing algorithm the data transmission amount is reduced and power wastage
using GA.The experiment result show that the performance of is decreased in the result of cluster data fusion. The main
two phases GA using really nodes is better than the previous agreements of hierarchical routing agreement include
hierarchy routing algorithm based on GA.Meanwhile,the
LEACH [1], TEEN [2], APTEEN [3], PEGASIS [4] and so
algorithm in this paper can save power,and enhance network
on. This paper employs the LEACH agreement.
life cycle which meets the precedent power requirement of
wireless sensor networks routing agreement. Leach’s full name is Low Energy Adaptive Clustering
Hierarchy. This agreement employs the way of equiprobable
Keywords-wireless sensor networks; genetic algorithm; random circle choice of cluster and puts forward the concept
hierarchy routing algorithm; relay node of 'ring' so that it can distribute the energy load made during
the data transmission averagely to each sensor node in the
With the rapid development of information society,the network. Through the sensor node in the network, it shares
communication technology,embedded computing technology the relay communication operation and thus the energy
and sensor technology become gradually mature.According wastage is reduced and the network lifecycle is
to the development and combination of these lengthened.Therefore, it also makes data fusion at cluster
technologies,people manufacture wireless sensor nodes to reduce the communication traffic.
networks(WSN) with the ability of handling apperceivingˈ But there are still some disadvantages of the LEACH
calculating and communicating. The WSN focuses on the agreement. The nodes which locate far away from the Sink
data and mainly gains and collects information under the nodes waste energy fast because of large communication
environment which the human being couldn't approach to. distance so that the node death is quickened up. This
So the sensor node energy source is unable to be agreement requires the sensor nodes to have a large
changed.Thus, currently it has been the core issue for WSN communication power, thus it has a weak expansibility and
to design effective strategy to lengthen the network is not suitable for large-scale network. The LEACH
lifecycle.Meanwhile, there are new technology challenges in agreement will elect clusters frequently, which will cause
the research field of sensor network, such as limited sensor energy wastage of nodes.
network width, sensor node's not strong ability to handle and
transfer data, big possibility of node invalidation and features II.GENETIC ALGORITHM APPLICATIONS IN WSN ROUTING
and limitation of rapid change in network topology. ALGORITHM
In the early 1960s,professor J.H.Hollnad,who teaches in
I.WSN ROUTING AGREEMENT Michigan university in America, put forward the genetic
The most important part of WSN research is the routing algorithm using the basic thought of Darwin's theory of
agreement. Its main function is to direct the groups to the evolution and Mendel's genetics. The genetic algorithm has a
right destination node through communication subnet. low requirement for majorized function and it doesn't rely on
According to the manner of topology structure, WSN routing specific problem field either. Also it has a strong robustness
agreement can be classified into plane model routing to different kinds of problems. So it is applied widely in the
agreement and grade routing agreement. Compared with field of engineering, computer science, social science and so
plane model routing agreement, hierarchical routing on. For example,Jin[6] employs the genetic algorithm to
agreement has some main advantages such as there is no optimize the energy of WSN.

978-1-4577-0536-6/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE

In many WSN communication model,the communication cluster head nodes.In the growth stage of the initial
radius between sensor nodes is big.Single nodes in the population,some cluster heads will be created randomly
network can all communicate with Sink nodes directly.This according to a certain proportion.Other nodes will decide the
kind of communication model is able to assure good data cluster to which it will belong according to the distance.
communication among the whole network.But it needs to To figure the sensor network which has a node amount of
pay a high price for this.In the LEACH agreement,it n as a numeric string with a length of n.Each gene position in
prescribes that the communication energy wastage should be the string is corresponding to a node.0 stands for noncluster
in direct ratio to the square of distance of nodes in a certain head node and 1 stands for cluster head node.The successive
distance.When the nodes' distance is more than a certain carry in the string is corresponding to the nodes' natural
numerical value,communication energy wastage will be in number in the network.As it shown in Figure 2,it is a sensor
direct ratio to the biquadratic of distance of nodes.So nodes network with 12 nodes.It can be coded as 000010000010.
which locate much more far away from the Sink nodes will
waste more energy during communicating.If there is much B. Waypoint Choosing Stage
nodes communication energy wastage,the energy of nodes After the first stage of dividing clusters,choose nodes
will be waste up so that the nodes will die.Overfull nodes which have appropriate location from the cluster head nodes
death will lead to the result of shortening network life.With to transmit data for distal cluster head nodes.Cluster head
the fall of network capability,it is likely to have undesirable nodes which is much closer to the Sink node can directly
influence to the application of some certain fields. transmit data to the Sink node.
Based on this problem,this paper not only puts forward Genetic algorithm of this stage employs the manner of
the idea of remaining the application model of genetic real number coding.According to the known geographic
algorithm in the hierarchy routing algorithm but also chooses information,choose some possible waypoints for each cluster
appropriate waypoint for the nodes which are far away from head node.The standard is as follows:the waypoint should be
the Sink nodes.Thus the waypoint will transmit the data so as much closer to the Sink node than this cluster head and two
to reach the goal of economizing energy wastage and different cluster head nodes is not far from each
lengthening network lifecycle.This paper will employ two other.Through this manner of choosing,each cluster head
stages of the genetic algorithm.The main work for the first node may gain an address list.Pick the target nodes in each
stage is to divide the clusters.A cluster head will be chosen cluster head node's address list to correspond to the number
from each cluster.The main work for the second stage is to in the list as coded value when coding.As the cluster head
choose waypoints for each cluster head.When the cluster is nodes which is nearer to the base station directly transmit
far away from the Sink node in an appropriate distance,data data to Sink nodes,the coded value is set up for 0.In Figure
will be transmitted to the Sink node without taking the way 3,cluster head nodes use arrowhead manner to express the
through the waypoints.The algorithm flow is as shown in address list.The real line arrowhead expresses nodes we
Figure 1: have chosen in fact.

Figure 2. Coding Sketch Map Figure 3. Network Sketch Map

Figure 1. Flow Chart
A.Division Stages of Clusters This paper will choose 100*100 area among random and
different scaled network of grid manner construction and
The main goal of the first stage of genetic algorithm is to employ these networks to validate the capability of
divide the nodes in WSN into several clusters and to choose algorithm.This paper will produce sensor node coordinate
a cluster head from each cluster.Then the client node in the randomly by the program.The minimum node coordinate in
cluster will transmit the data it apperceived to the cluster the network is (0,0) and the maximum is (100,100) without
head node and make data fusion through the cluster head appearance of repeated nodes.And the algorithm in this
node.Data fusion is aimed at reducing data transmission paper will also do model experiment among grid WSN.The
quantity. distance between nodes in the grid monitor region is a fixed
Genetic algorithm in this stage applies the manner of value.Nodes in the network form the grid and assure that the
{0,1} coding.0 stands for client nodes in the cluster and 1 for

coordinate of x-axis or y-axis differs for 10.In this paper,we influence to the network lifecycle made by the
will employ model of communication energy wastage from algorithm.The experiment randomly creates 100 nodes as
the LEACH agreement during the experiment.The formula nodes in the network.Among them,the coordinate of Sink
is as follows: node is (50,175).Do model experiment in the network with
two-stage genetic algorithm in this paper and Jin's genetic
ET = l × E ε + l × ξ l × d 4 (1) algorithm and then record the network lifecycle.Figure 5
and Figure 6 are the experimental results.
ET = l × Eε + l × ξ s × d 2
E r = l × Eε + l × E bf
ET expresses the energy wastage during the node's
transmitting data,l the bat quantity of data transmission,ȟl the
parameter of long-distance communication energy wastage
and ȟs the parameter of short-distance communication
energy wastage.When d is more than 87.7,formula 1 will be
applied.While when d is less than 87.7,formula 2 will be
employed.The value of each parameter is as follows:
ξ l = 0.0013pJ/bit/m 4 ˈ ξ s = 10pJ/bit/m
ˈ Figure 4. Network Node Figure 5. Network Lifecycle
E e = 50nJ/bit E bf = 5n J/bit Distribution Curve in Experiment 1
During the experiment,it will create randomly energy From Figure 5 we can see that the network lifecycle
value of initial node energy through the program.The gained from the two-stage genetic algorithm in this paper is
maximum node energy should not be over 1 Joule.For two better than that of Jin's genetic algorithm.As the algorithm
types of network,we fire two stages of genetic in this paper adds waypoints during the two stage,it can help
algorithm.Take the optimal result gained from choosing two- cluster head which is further away from the Sink node
stage algorithm as route through which the nodes transmit transmit data.Thus it reduces long-distance data
data.The cluster head nodes have the function of data transmission.So it means to reducing the energy wastage of
fusion.They can compress the data value they have the whole network and increasing the network lifecycle.
collected.Meanwhile,when the survival node's quantity in the
network is less than 25,the algorithm will be ended.

Digital camera has a high affinity among users and it can
gain complete images without fixing the palm at a high
speed. So it is chosen to obtain initial image. During the
experiment, 50 teachers and students’ handprint images
whose resolution ratio is 150dpi and size is 418×512 are
collected. The images should be firstly pretreated by the
method of denoising and gray making with gauss low-pass Figure 6. Energy Wastage Sketch Map
filter. Since the users’ palms have not been fixed during the
process of image collection, there are problems we have to Figure 6 expresses the energy wastage of WSN during
face such as translation and circumrotation of the palm the process of each data transmission.Among them,the
images that have obtained. In order to overcome it, it is longitudinal coordinates express the energy value that has
necessary to locate the images. At first, deal the images with been used up during the process of transmission and its unit
boundary following to locate the key points of palm exactly. is mJ.From the figure we can see that compared with Jin's
Then employ A, B and C to mark contour feature points. algorithm,the algorithm in this paper has a lower energy
Next set up a coordinate system that takes link of A and C wastage during data transmission.As algorithm in this paper
for X-axis and beeline which both passes through B and can find an appropriate waypoint for the far-end cluster head
perpendiculars to X-axis for Y-axis, as figure 2 shows. nodes in the second stage,it can save more energy when
According to this coordinate system, extract the next area of transmits data and effectively lengthen the network
interest from the palm image. lifecycle.
A. Comparison of Capability Between This Algorithm & Jin B. Comparative Test Between Grid Nodes & Random Nodes
As the type of grid network is entirely different from the
Experiment 1 will compare the capability between random node network,doing model expriments among
algorithm in this paper and Jin's genetic algorithm.It can different types of network can preferably validate validity of
prove the effect of the improved algorithm through the algorithms.The two kinds of network nodes have the same

initial energy value.From figure 7 we can see that the amount is 300 it has the best algorithm result.But in the 100-
capability of algorithm depends on the network structure.In node network,lifecycle has a large decreasing amplitude
random network,the transmission quantity can reach over with a transmission quantity of less than 18000.Thus it
9000,which is a little more than that of grid nodes. proves that this algorithm has a better capability in large
scale networks.
This paper focuses on researching the application of
genetic algorithm in hierarchy routing algorithm and puts
forward a two-stage algorithm aiming at the disadvantages
of large energy wastage during communication and short
network operating cycles made by nodes which are further
away from Sink nodes.Thus it not only manage reducing the
energy wastage of data transmission but also reach the goal
Figure 7. Result Chart in Experiment 2 of lengthening network lifecycle.At last,this paper does the
model experiment of algorithm and reaches the expected
ideal impact.
C. Location Change of Sink Nodes
Experiment 3 will change the location of Sink nodes and REFERENCES
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