Quizlet Hoa 3 Table Style

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1. 984 ft. Eiffel tower I Paris stands. 15. Burma Also known as Siam (before 1993) and was
named, meaning "land of the free"
2. Alexander "The first Frankish king who became roman
emperor, was crowned in 800 at Rome by the 16. buttress "An arch starting from a detached pier and
pope, and ruled over the franks, which abutting against a wall to take the thrust of the
included central Germany and northern France vaulting.
" "
3. Alexandre "Is the most famous for the eye catching tower 17. campanile Is a circular tower 16 m ( 52 ft. ) in diameter
Gustav he constructed in Paris for the exposition rising in 8 stories of encircling arcades.
Eiffel universally of 1889 work of Eiffel tower.
18. Castle Secular architecture
19. cella The sanctuary of a classical temple, containing
4. Alocabaca, Finest or Romanesque castles in Spain is at ____
the cult statue of the God.
20. Charles "Scottish architect and designer who was
5. Altars A secluded place
Mackintosh prominent in the arts and crafts movement in
6. ambrogio "Roughly carved of men and beasts used as Great Britain.
support columns of projecting porches and of "
bishops throne.
21. cherubin "One of the winged heavenly beings that
support the throne of god or act as guardian
7. antiquarian "The phase in western European renaissance spirits, or chubby, rosy- faced child with
archre 1750-1830, when renewed inspiration was wings.
sought from ancient Greek and roman "
22. Church "The most important of the distinctive
bldgs. characteristics of mature Spanish Romanesque
8. Antonio "Spanish architects, one of the most creative architecture
Gaudi practitioners of his art in modern times.His "
style is often described as a blend of neo-
23. cimborio The screen/ ornamental work rising behind the
gothic and art nouveau, but is also has
surrealist and cubist elements.
" 24. Cluniac "In Romanesque arch're a period where an
order founded by St. Bruno in 1806 is notably
9. bailey "A squared timber used in bldg. construction or
severe and adorned
a low ridge of earth that marks a boundary line
25. crocket "A projection block or spur of stone carried
10. battlement "A parapet having a series of indentions or
with foliage to decorate the raking lines
embrasures, between which are raised portions
formed by angles of spires and canopies.
known as merlons
26. crypt "A space entirely or partly under a building in
11. Brunelleschi Famous architect in Florence renaissance
churches generally beneath the chancel and
used for burial in early times.
12. Buckminster "One of the world's 1st futurist and global "
Fuller thinkers. His 1927 decision to work always and
27. domestic "Architecture was marked by copy roofs which
only for all humanity led him to address the
frequently had more storey than the walls, and
largest global problems of poverty,disease
were provided with dormer windows to make
and homelessness.
through current of air for their use as a drying
ground for the large monthly wash
13. Buckminster Starting with holes" belongs to architect "
28. Donato Known architect in early renaissance.
14. Buckminster "He was the architect in his time that receives Bramante
Fuller his license as award at his 60's or at the age of
29. Erich "His first designs were drawings of fantastic
60 yrs. old.
Mendelsohn architectural visions in steel and glass as well
as costume and poster design.
30. expressionism "The selection of elements from diverse 43. intercolumnation Space between the columns.
styles for architectural decorative
44. Islamic Architectural style characterized by
designs,particularly during the 2nd half of
Friezes and Crestings
the 19th century in Europe and USA.
" 45. Kahn, Louis "Much of his works has been described as
post modern, since he rejected the
31. eyebrow "A long dormer on the slope of a roof, it has
excessive abstractionism of architects
no sides, the roofing being carried in a nave
such as Le Corbusier and strove instead
to incorporate the valid elements of older
32. finial Term applied to a tower crowned by a spire. "
33. Florence The largest medieval cathedral and is 46. Kenzo Tange A city is subjected to growth, delay and
Cathedral somewhat German in character in north Italy. rebuilt"
34. fortification A civil settlement under the protection of a 47. Kibla Sacred enclosure found at walls of
castle. Damascus great mosque
35. Fortress Sited and designed to secure the routes from 48. kibla Originally the minaret of the mosque.
coastal ports to Jerusalem
49. Le Corbusier A house is a machine to live in"
36. Francisco Architect who leads the development of the philosophy belongs to
Manosa 'Quezon Memorial Circle" in Quezon City.
50. Louis Henry "One of the pioneers of the modern
37. Francisco "In his practice he explores the use of Sullivan movement in American architecture. Work
Manosa indigenous materials infused with current auditorium building, U.S.
technological trends to bring a new "
dimension in designs.
51. Lucio Costa French-born, Brazilian architect and urban
planner. This famous axiom "Each one
38. Francisco "He has actively promoted the use of native sees whatever he wishes to see" belongs
Manosa architectural forms and indigenous nationals to,
such as bamboo and thatch, in the creation
52. Lucio Costa Father of modern architectural movement
of a distinctively Filipino architecture.
in Brazil.
53. machicolations "A projecting wall or parapet allowing
39. Frank Gehry "In 1989 he received the prtzker prize
floor openings, through w/c molten lead,
commonly referred to as "The Noble of
pitch, stones were dropped only on an
Architecture" the loftiest recognition. It is a
enemy below.
lifetime achievement award granted to living
architect whose body of work represents a
superlative contribution to the field. 54. mannerists "A term coined to describe the
" characteristics of the output of Italian
renaissance architects of the period 1530-
40. fretwork "An ornament in classic or renaissance archre
1600. Characterized by unconventional
consisting of an assembly of straight lines
use of classical elements
intersecting at right angles of various
patterns. Also called key pattern
" 55. Masjid A mosque principal place of worship, or
use of the bldg. for Friday prayers
41. Gustave Eiffel "Afterwards became deeply involved in the
design and building of French railways and 56. merlons "The upstanding part of an embattled
bridges. He worked on structures such as parapet, between two crenels/ embrasure
bridge across the Garonne River, train openings.
stations at Toulouse and again in France. "
" 57. Mies van de "He paid great attention to the detailing
42. Helm Roof "Type of roof in which 4 faces rest Rohe of the structure, which he attributed to his
diagonally between the gables and father's teachings about craftsmanship.
converge at the top "
" 58. mouldings Leafed ornament.
59. Muenzzin Man who leads the congregation at a prayer 74. presbytery "The actual sanctuary of a church beyond the
choir and occupied only by the officiating
60. Mullion Vertical members dividing windows into
different numbers of lights.
61. Nervi, Pier "His solutions to building problem were
75. pulpitum A stone gallery over the entrance to the choir
Luigi always direct, transmitting to the ground by
of a cathedral or church.
the shortest path the stresses developed
within the structures. 76. reja "A vertical steel support cast iron was used
" until relatively cheap steel became available.
62. newel "Central shaft of a circular staircase also
applied to the post in which the handrail is 77. Reliquary A light portable receptacle for sacred relics
78. Renaissance "A movement which begun in Italy in the 15th
century created a break in the continuous
63. nymphaneum "A room decorated with plants, sculpture and revolution of European times.
fountains (often decorated with nymphs) and "
intended for relaxation.
79. retablo A ledge or shelf behind an altar for holding
vases or candles.
64. Oscar His contributions where the advocacy of the
80. Richard "One of his stylish choice which are circles
Niemeyer idea of planning rooms by volume.
Meier and squares were used in his design solutions.
65. pailou Chinese monumental gateway. "
66. Palladian In renaissance archre, which is logically staid 81. Robert "An important Scottish architect who was
and serene architectural style? Adam particularly known for his interiors based on
classical decoration.
67. pantry A room, where food is stored in a manor
82. rocaile France generally describe rococo as
68. Peter "He was called "Masters master" where his
Behrens students are architects like Gropius, Breuer 83. Rustication "A method of forming stonework with
and Van de Rohe roughened surfaces and recessed joints,
" principally employed in renaissance buildings
69. Piano Noble "The principal floor of an Italian palace,
raised one floor above ground level and 84. scroll "An ornament consisting of a spirally wound
containing the principal social apartments. band, either as a running ornament or as a
" terminal.
70. pilaster strips "A rectangular feature in the shape of a pillar,
but projecting only about one sixth of its 85. Shah-Jehan "Erected to the memory of his favorite wife
breath from wall Mumtaz Mahal, it was the culminating work in
" the life of the emperor.
71. pitakat-taik Burma's term for monasteries.
86. shwe dagon "Reflects Burma's cultural connections with
72. polychromy "A term originally applied to the art of
pagoda China and India, built over older foundations
decorative painting in many colors, extended
(16th-17th century) at Rangoon.
to the coloring of sculpture to enhance
naturalism, also described to the application
of variegated materials to achieve brilliant or 87. sixtite Vaulting compartment into six parts known as
striking effects
88. skylight "The central rounded of a pattern or ornament,
an oculus, one at the summit of a dome.
73. Portugal "Is well endowed with medieval military "
achre and grand castles are particularly
89. sober & General characteristic of the Romanesque
numerous in castle
dignified empire was
90. Steve A Scandinavian wooden church with vertical
church planks forming the walls
91. strapwork "A type of relief ornament or cresting resembling studded leather straps, arranged in geometrical and sometimes
interlaced patterns; much used in the early renaissance archre in England.
92. Tomas "Received the "Patnubay ng Sining at Kalinanagan "award for the city of manila, who is the architect?
Mapua "
93. tracery Vertical tracery members dividing windows into different numbers of lights.
94. transept " A circular or polygonal apse when surrounded by an ambulatory of which are chapels.
95. transom Horizontal divisions or crossbars of windows.
96. tudor "An architectural style which in its period is the English equivalent of the high gothic of northern France first pointed.
97. viharas A stupa in a form of a corn cob.
98. West Single and most important building in Britain.
99. wreath "A twisted band, garland or chaplet, representing flowers, fruits, leaves often used in decoration.
100. Yamasaki Arch of the famous Twin Tower World Trade Center.
and Roth

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