Suggested Skit of God, Sage, Farmers and Potters For Showing Law of Karma

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Suggested Skit of God, Sage, Farmers and Potters for showing Law of Karma

(Two farmers, with turbans, walk on the stage, talking to each other.)
F1:- We are farmers and our whole income depends on the crop season. If we get good
rains we will get a very good crop.
F2:- But if this year also like the last year rains do not come then all our crops will be
F1:- Only God can help us.
F2:- Yes, we should pray to God. He will surely listen to our prayers.
(Both farmers exit praying with folded hands, looking up towards the ceiling).
"Oh, Lord! Please give us sufficient rains. So that we can have a nice crop in this
season. We are very poor and without rains we will not have enough money to feed our
families. Please help us.”
(Both the farmers start talking to each other)
F1:- I am sure the Lord will listen to our prayers.
F2:- Yes, this season by God’s grace we will have good rains then all our problems will
be solved.

(Two potters walk on the stage talking to each other)

P1:- We are potters and our whole income depends on how nicely our pots are made so
that we can get a good price for our pots in the market.
P2:- But for that we require good sunshine for our pots to dry nicely.
P1:- Yes! What if it starts raining ?
P2:- Oh! then there will be a great disaster because if our pots do not get dried now then
the market season will go and later on nobody will buy our pots.
P1:- Our only hope is to pray to God, I am sure He will help us.
P2:- Yes! We must pray to God to give us good sunshine.
(Both potters start praying to God with folded hands looking at the ceiling)
"Oh, Lord! Please give us good sunshine. Please do not sanction rainfall. If rain comes
our pots will not get dry and we will not have any money to feed our families."
(Both potters walked out talking to each other.)
P1:- God will surely listen to our prayers and we will have good sunshine this time.
P2:- Yes, God is our father he will surely listen to our prayers.

(God and one sage enter the stage)

Sage:- Oh, Lord! I am very perplexed, by hearing the prayers of your devotees. What are
you going to do now ? Some of your devotees are asking for sunshine and others are
asking for rains. How are you going to answer their prayers ?
God:- O great sage ! It is not very difficult to comprehend. As you have told, all my
children in this material world have various contradictory desires. Sometimes, like in this
case if I give rains, the farmers will be happy, but the potters will suffer and if I give good
sunshine, the potters will be happy and the farmers will suffer. To take care of this
problem I have created the 'Law of Karma' which rewards the good or bad results
according to each persons past activities. If they have done good deeds in the past, they
deserve good results. If they have done bad deeds they deserve bad results. According
to Law of Karma every action has an equal and opposite reaction - “As you sow so shall
you reap.”

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