Ys%, XLD M Dka S%L Iudcjd Ckrcfha .Eiü M %H: The Gazette of The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
Ys%, XLD M Dka S%L Iudcjd Ckrcfha .Eiü M %H: The Gazette of The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
Ys%, XLD M Dka S%L Iudcjd Ckrcfha .Eiü M %H: The Gazette of The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
(Published by Authority)
Whereas Wagawath Arachchige Asanka Premachandra Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of
as the Obligor has made default in payment due on Hatton National Bank PLC under Section 4 of the
Bond No. 5750 dated 11.10.2017 attested by P V N W Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions)
Perera Notary Public of Panadura in favour of Hatton Act, No. 04 of 1990 Acknowledgment
National Bank PLC and there is now due and owing to
the Hatton National Bank PLC as at 20.01.2019 a sum of Wagawath Arachchige Asanka Premachandra.
Rupees Seventy Million One Hundred and Fifty-seven Sole Proprietor of Senhiru Lands & Credit.
Thousand and Thirty-four and Cents Forty-seven only
At a meeting of the Board of Directors of Hatton National
Rs. 70,157,034.47 on the said Bond and the Board of
Bank PLC held on 01st March, 2019 it was resolved
Directors of Hatton National Bank PLC under the power
specially and unanimously.
vested by the Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special
Provisions) Act, No. 4 of 1990, do hereby resolve that
Whereas Wagawath Arachchige Asanka Premachandra
the property and premises more fully described in the
- Sole Proprietor of - Senhiru Lands & Credit as the
Schedule, hereto and mortgaged to Hatton National Bank
Obligor has made default in payment due on Bond
PLC by the said Bond No. 5750 be sold by Public Auction
No. 5515 dated 07.02.2017 Bond No. 5845 dated
by P Muthukumarana, Licensed Auctioneer of All Island
29.12.2017 both attested by P V N W Perera Notary
for recovery of the said sum of (Rs. 70,157,034.47
Public of Panadura in favour of Hatton National Bank
together with further interest from 21.01.2019 to date of
PLC and there is now due and owing to the Hatton
sale together with costs of advertising and other charges
National Bank PLC as at 20.01.2019 a sum of Rupees
incurred less payments (if any) since received.
Thirty-nine Million Two Hundred and Five Thousand
Two Hundred and Ninteen and Cents Sixty only
The schedule
Rs. 39,205,219.60 on the said Bonds and the Board of
Directors of Hatton National Bank PLC under the power
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
vested by the Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special
Lot 562A8C1 depicted in Plan No. 1020 dated 18th June,
Provisions) Act, No. 4 of 1990, do hereby resolve that
1979 made by P. R. Boteju Licensed Surveyor from and out
the property and premises more fully described in the
of the land called Kosgahawatta together with the buildings First and the Second Schedules, hereto has mortgaged to
and everything standing thereon situated at Kirullapona in Hatton National Bank PLC by the said Bond Nos. 5515
Railway Avenue Ward 9, Nugegoda South in the Grama and 5845 be sold by Public Auction by P Muthukumarana,
Niladhari Division of 519B - Nugegoda West within the Licensed auctioneer of All Island for recovery of the said
Municipal Council limits and the Divisional Secretariat of sum of (Rs. 39,205,219.60) together with further interest
Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte in Palle Pattu of Salpiti Korale from 21.01.2019 to date of sale together with costs of
in the District of Colombo Western Province and which said advertising and other charges incurred less payments
Lot 562A8C1 is bounded on the North by Lot 562A8C3 (if any) since received.
(Reservation for Road) and Lot 562A8C2, on the East by Lot
562A9 bearing Assessment No. 69 (Railway Avenue), on the The first schedule
South by Lot Y1 bearing Assessment No. 16 (Elwin Place)
and Lot X bearing Assessment No. 81 (Railway Avenue) All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot
and on the West by Lot 562A7AB bearing Assessment 10 depicted in Plan No. 1189 dated 24th July, 2016 made by
I fldgi : (I) fPoh ‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2019'04'05
C. Beneragama Licensed Surveyor from and out of the land At a meeting of the Board of Directors of Hatton National
called Horagasmulla & a Portion of ST Erena Estate together Bank PLC held on 28th June, 2018 it was resolved specially
with the buildings and everything standing thereon situated and unanimously.
at Dodangoda West in Grama Niladhari Division No. 800F
- Dodangoda West within the Pradeshiya Saba limits and in Whereas Sannasgama Mudalige Nandana Pramuk
the Divisional Secretariat of Dodangoda in Iddagoda Pattu alias Premuk Sannasgama as the obligor has made default
of Pasdun Korale West in the District of Kalutara Western in payment due on Bond No. 5377 dated 29th July, 2016
Province and which said Lot 10 is bounded on the North by attested by N. C. Jayawardena, Notary Public of Colombo
Ela and balance portion of the same land, on the East by Lot in favour of Hatton National Bank PLC and there is now
R1 (Reservation for Road 15ft wide), on the South by Lot R2 due and owing to the Hatton National Bank PLC as at
(Reservation for Road 12ft wide) and Lot 8 in Plan No.839 07th May, 2018 a sum of Rs. 11,989,683.86 (Rupees
and on the West by Horagasmulla Owita and containing in Eleven Million Nine Hundred and Eighty-nine Thousand
extent One Rood and Twenty Three Perches (0A., 1R., 23P.) Six Hundred and Eighty-three and cents Eighty-six only)
according to the said Plan No. 1189 and registered under
on the said Bond and the Board of Directors of Hatton
title B 112/18 at the Land Registry of Matugama.
National Bank PLC under the power vested by the
Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act,
The second schedule
No. 4 of 1990, do hereby resolve that the property and
premises morefully described in the Schedule, hereto and
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot
3A depicted in Plan No. 8704 dated 25th January, 2003 made mortgaged to Hatton National Bank PLC by the said Bond
by H P A Jayawickrama, Licensed Surveyor from and out of No. 5377 be sold by Public Auction by L. B. Senanayake,
the land called Delgahawatta together with the buildings and Licensed Auctioneer of Colombo for recovery of the said
everything standing thereon situated at Wekada in Grama sum of Rs. 11,989,683.86 together with further interest
Niladhari Division No. 687 C - Wekada North within from 08th May, 2018 to date of sale together with costs
the Urban Council limits of Panadura and the Divisional of advertising and other charges incurred less payments
Secretariat of Panadura in Panadura Talpiti Debadda of (if any) since received.
Panadura Totamune in the District of Kalutara Western
Province and which said Lot 3A is bounded on the North by The schedule
Lot 2 in Plan No.1233 dated 24th December 1968 made by
W Ahangama Licensed Surveyor on the East by Lots 8, 6, 5 All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
and 4 in the said Plan No.1233 on the South by Lots 3B and Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 5385 dated 21st September, 1999
3C in the said Plan No. 8704 on the West by Land at Presant (incorrectly registered as Plan No. 1999 dated 24.11.2014)
of M J Fernando and containing in extent Twenty Six Perches made by S. Wickramasinghe, Licensed Surveyor from and
(0A., 0R., 26P.) according to the said Plan No. 8704 and out of the land called “Wellampitiyawatta” together with
registered under D 206/118 at the Land Registry of Panadura. the buildings and everything standing thereon bearing
Assessment No. 669/02, Avissawella Road situated at
By Order of the Board of Directors, Wellampitiya within the Grama Niladari Division of No. 511,
Wellampitiya and within the Divisional Secretary’s Division
K A L T Ranaweera, of Kolonnawa and within the Urban Council Limits of
DGM (Legal)/Board Kolonnawa in Ambatalen Pahala Aluth Kuru Korale South
Secretary. in the District of Colombo Western Province and which said
Lot 1 is bounded on the North by Kumaradasa Place, on
04-37/5 the East by Lot 2B claimed by Jayasinghe, on the South by
Lot 2 hereof and Lot 6 in amended Survey Plan No. 1436
and on the West by Land C. Jayawardena and containing in
hatton national bank plc extent Twenty-three decimal Seven Five Perches (0A., 0R.,
panchikawatta branch 23.75P.) according to the said Plan No. 5385.
mortgage to Hatton National Bank PLC by the said Bond At a meeting of the Board of Directors of Hatton National
No. 5926 be sold by Public Auction by L. B. Senanayake, Bank PLC held on 01st March, 2019 it was resolved
Licensed Auctioneer of All Island for recovery of the specially and unanimously.
said sum of Rs. 178,904,887.73 together with further
interest from 04th January, 2019 to date of sale together Whereas Nageswaramoorthy Navajeevan Sole Proprietor
with costs of advertising and other charges incurred less of New Abirami Lumala Centre as the Obligor has
payments (if any) since received. mortgaged by mortgage Bonds No. 961 dated 16.03.2017
attested by R. Gayathiri, Notary Public of Batticaloa the
The schedule property more fully described in the Schedule hereto
in favour of Hatton National Bank PLC as security for
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked the payment of Term Loan Facility granted by Hatton
Lot 6196 depicted in Plan No. 1206 dated 10.12.1996 made National Bank PLC to Nageswaramoorthy Navajeevan
by K. P. Wijeweera, Licensed Surveyor from and out of and have made default the payment in a sum or Rs.
the land called Bulugahawatta together with the building
9,051,307.85 (Rupees Nine Million and Fifty-one
and everything standing thereon bearing Assessment
Thousand Three Hundred and Seven and Cents Eighty-
No. 82 Stratford Avenue situated at Kirillapone in Ward
five Only) as at 23.01.2019 on the said Bond and the
No. 45 within the Grama Niladhari Division of Pamankada -
Board of Directors of Hatton National Bank PLC under
East and Divisional Secretariat Division of Thimbirigasyaya
the powers vested by the Recovery of Loans by Banks
in the Palle Pattu of Salpiti Korale within the Muncipal
Council Limits and District of Colombo Western Province (Special Provision) Act, No. 4 of 1990, do hereby resolve
and which said Lot 6196 is bounded on the North by Lot that the property morefully described in the Schedule,
6195 depicted in Plan No. 1206, Road 17 ft. wide (Lot 929), hereto and mortgaged to Hatton National Bank PLC by
on the East by Lot 6195 depicted in Plan No. 1206 Road 17ft. the said Bond No. 961 be sold by Public Auction by I. W.
wide (Lot 926) and Lot 928 depicted in Plan No. 1342 dated Jayasuriya, Licensed auctioneer of All Island for recovery
18th June, 1981 made by A. P. S. Gunawardena - Licensed of the said sum of Rs. 9,051,307.85 as at 23.01.2019
Surveyor bearing Assessment No. 82/1C Stratford Avenue together with further interest from 24.01.2019 to date
and Lot X2 bearing assessment No. 43, Kaviratna Place, on of sale and with costs of advertising and other charges
the South by Road (Lot 3919) Lot 3914 bearing Assessment incurred less payments (if any) since received.
No. 92/1, Stratford Avenue Lot X2 bearing Assessment
No. 43, Kaviratna Place more correctly Lot 1874 bearing The schedule
Assessment No. 39, Kaviratne Place and Lot 1877 and on
the West by Road Lot 92H and Lot 6195 in the said Plan and All that divided and defined allotment of land depicted
containing in extent One Rood and Twenty-one Decimal Six in Plan No. AS/2014/268 dated 11.12.2014 made by
Six Perches (0A., 1R., 21.66P.) according to the said Plan A. Singarajah, L S of land bearing Assessment Nos. 95,
No. 1206 and registered under title SPE 6/14 at the District 95A, 95B, 95/1/1 situated at Bar Road in the village of
Land Registry of Colombo. Koddamunai, in ward No. 09, within the Municipal limits
of Batticaloa, in the Grama Niladhari Division of Arasady,
By order of the Board of Directors, in Manmunai North Divisional Secretary Division, in the
District of Batticaloa, Eastern Province bounded on the
K A L T Ranaweera, North by S. Uthayakumar, on the East by Bar Road, on
DGM (Legal)/Board Secretary. the South by P. Illango and on the West by Sureshkumar
and containing in extent 0.0210 Hectares or Eight Decimal
04-37/1 Three Zero Perches (0A., 0R., 8.30P.) This together with
the buildings and all rights therein contained and registered
under V/F E 0033/38 at Batticaloa Land Registry.
hatton national bank plc
Thandavanvely branch According to the more recent survey above land described
as follows.
Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of
Hatton National Bank PLC under Section 4 of the All that divided and defined allotment of land depicted
Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) in Plan No. AS/2015/92 dated 22.04.2015 made by
Act, No. 04 of 1990 A. Singarajah, L S of land bearing Assessment Nos. 95,
95A, 95B, 95/1/1 situated at Bar Road in the village of
Nageswaramoorthy Navajeevan Koddamunai, in ward No. 09, within the Municipal limits
Sole Proprietor of - New Abirami Lumala Centre of Batticaloa, in the Grama Niladhari Division of Arasady,
590 I fldgi : (I) fPoh ‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2019'04'05
in Manmunai North DS Secretary Division in the District Bank by Gunaratna Group of Companies (Private) Limited as
of Batticaloa, Eastern Province bounded on the North by the Obligor and Dimingu Vithanage Percy Gunaratna as the
S. Uthayakumar, on the East by Bar Road, on the South by Mortgagor by Mortgage Bond bearing No.1640 morefully
P. Illango and on the West by Sureshkumar and containing described in the Schedule hereto and for the recovery of
in extent 0.0210 Hectares or Eight Decimal Three Zero the said sum of Rupees Seven Million Seven Hundred and
Perches (0A., 0R., 8.30P.) This together with the all building Thirty Seven Thousand Seven Hundred and Nine and Cents
and all rights therein contained. Five (Rs.7,737,709.05) together with interest as aforesaid
from the aforesaid date to date of sale and costs and monies
By order of the Board of Directors, recoverable under Section 13 of the said Recovery of Loans
by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 4 of 1990 less
K A L T Ranaweera, payments (if any) since received;
DGM (Legal)/Board Secretary.
1. All that divided and defined Lot 8A depicted in Plan
No. 3736 dated 09.03.2016 made by R.S.Weerasekara
Licensed Surveyor of premises bearing Assessment
Cargills Bank Limited—matara No.422- Colombo Road, together with soil trees buildings
branch and everything else standing thereon, situated at Dadalla
within No.102-Dadalla West Grama Niladari Division,
Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of Four Gravets of Galle Divisional Secretariat Limits and
the Bank under Section 4 of the Recovery of Loans within the Municipal Council limits of Galle, Galle District
by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 4 of 1990 Southern Province, and which said Lot 8A is bounded on
the North by Lots 7 and A of the same land, East by Lots A
Name of the Customer : Gunaratna Group of and 9 of the same land, South by Lot 9 of the same Land
Companies (Private) Limited and High Road from Galle to Colombo and West High
At a meeting of the Board of Directors of Cargills Bank Road from Galle to Colombo and Lot 7 of the same land
Limited held on 22.02.2019, it was resolved specially and and containing in extent Six Decimal Five Two Perches
unanimously as follows; (0A., 0R., 6.52P.) or 0.0165 Hectares as per Plan No. 3736
and registered in Volume/folio Q 141/95 at the Galle Land
Whereas Gunaratna Group of Companies (Private)
Limited as the Obligor and Dimingu Vithanage Percy 2. All that divided and defined Lot 10A depicted in
Gunaratna as the Mortgagor have made default in Plan No.3736 dated 9.3.2016 made by R. S.Weerasekara,
payment due on Mortgage Bond No.1640 dated Licensed Surveyor of premises bearing Assessment
23.08.2016 attested by Rajeendra Narangoda, Notary No. 422- Colombo Road, together with soil trees buildings
Public, executed in favour of Cargills Bank Limited everything else standing thereon, situated at Dadalla
bearing Registration No. PB 4847; within No. 102 - Dadalla West Grama Niladari Division,
Four Gravets of Galle Divisional Secretariat Limits and
And Whereas there is now due and owing to Cargills within the Municipal Council limits of Galle Galle District
Bank Limited (hereinafter sometimes called as “the Southern Province, and which said Lot 10A is bounded on
Bank”) a sum of Rupees Seven Million Seven Hundred the North by Lots 9 and A of the same land, East by Lot A
and Thirty-seven Thousand Seven Hundred and Nine and of the same land and Dadalla Public Cemetery, South by
Cents Five (Rs.7,737,709.05) on account of principal Dadalla Public Cemetery and High Road from Galle to
and interest up to 10.12.2018 together with interest at Colombo and West High Road from Galle to Colombo
the rate of 19.53% per annum on Rs.7,333,333.44 from and Lot 9 of the same land and containing in extent Nine
11.12.2018 till the date of payment in full on the said Decimal Seven Six Perches (0A., 0R., 9.76P.) or 0.0247
Mortgage Bond bearing No.1640. Hectares as per Plan No.3736 and registered in Volume/
Folio Q 139/31 at the Galle Land Registry.
It Is Hereby Resolved:-
By Order of Directors
that in terms of Section 4 of the Recovery of Loans by
Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 4 of 1990, Thusith Chamila Abeysooriya,
Karunarathne the Licensed Auctioneer at No.182/3 (50/3), Head - Recoveries.
Vihara Mawatha, Kolonnawa be authorized and empowered
to sell by public auction the properties mortgaged to the 04-14
I fldgi : (I) fPoh ‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2019'04'05
No. 10890 be sold by public auction by Schokman and the mortgaged bond No. 17344, attested by Notary Public,
Samrawickrama, Licensed Auctioneer of Colombo for S. P. L. Wijesiriwardena.
the recovery of the said sum of Rupees Two Million Two
Hundred and Fifty Thousand (Rs. 2,250,000.00) and By order of the Board of Directors,
interest at 18.5% from 31.10.2017 to date of sale and
Regional Manager,
costs of sale and money recoverable under section 29L (Gampaha).
of the said People's Bank act less payments (if any) since
received. People's Bank,
Regional Head Office, Gampaha.
description of the Property mortgaged 131, Kandy Road, Belummahara, Mudungoda.
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
Lot 123 A depicted in Plan No. 4689 dated 17.11.2010 made
by K. N. A. W. Suriyaarachchi, Licensed Surveyor of the
land called Dangolla Estate situated at Webodagalla village, people’s bank—kantale (090) branch
within Pradeshiya Sabha limits of Attangalla in Grama
Niladhari Division - No. 349, Maduwegedara Divisional Resolution under Section 29D of the People’s Bank
Secretariat - Attanagalla, in Udugaha Pattu of Siyane Act, No. 29 of 1961 as amended by the Act, No. 32
Korale in the District of Gampaha, Western Province and of 1986
bounded on the North by Lots J and 115 in Plan No. 2250,
East by Lots 115 and 124 in Plan No. 2250, South by Lots it is hereby notified that the following Resolution was
124 and 128 in Plan No. 2250, West by Lots J and 128 in unanimously passed by the Board of Directors of the
People’s Bank under Section 29D of the People’s Bank Act,
Plan No. 2250 and containing in extent Fourteen Perches
No. 29 of 1961 as amended by the Act, No. 32 of 1986 at
(0A., 0R., 14P.) together with the buildings and everything their meeting held on 18.12.2018.
else standing thereon and registered under B 192/111 at the
land registry of Attanagalla. Whereas, Rahubadda Kankanamlage Sisira Kumara
of No. 100, Unit 14, Wendrasanpura, Kantale has
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked made default of payment due on the Mortgage Bond
Lot 124 A depicted in Plan No. 4688 dated 17.11.2010 made No. 5559 dated 26.12.2017 attested by Mr. Thilagaratnam
Thusyanthan, Notary Public of Trincomalee and on
by K. N. A. W. Suriyaarachchi, Licensed Surveyor of the
the Mortgage Bond No. 280 dated 30.03.2015 attested
land called Dangolla Estate situated at Webodagalla village, by Mr. Dissanayake Mudalige Prabath Sameera
within Pradeshiya Sabha limits of Attangalla in Grama Dissanayake, Notary Public of Trincomalee in favour
Niladhari Division - No. 349, Maduwegedara Divisional of the People's Bank and there is now due and owing to
Secretariat - Attanagalla, in Udugaha Pattu of Siyane Korale the People's Bank a sum of Rupees Four Million Five
in the District of Gampaha, Western Province and bounded Hundred Eighty-three Thousand Three Hundred Thirty-
on the North by Lots 128, 123 and 112, East by Lots 112 and three and Cents Thirty-five (Rs. 4,583,333.35) and a
sum of Rupees Seven Million Eight Hundred Thousand
125, South by Lots 12, Lot J and 123 more correctly Lots
(Rs. 7,800,000.00) on the said Bonds, the Board of
125 and J, West by Lots J, Lots 123 and 128 more correctly Directors of the People’s Bank, under the powers
Lots J and 128 and containing in extent Seventeen Perches vested in them by the People’s Bank Act, No. 29 of
(0A., 0R., 17P.) together with the buildings and everything 1961 as amended by the Act, No. 32 of 1986, do hereby
else standing thereon and registered under B 192/112 at the resolve that the property and premises mortgaged to the
land registry of Attanagalla. said Bank by the said Mortgage Bonds No. 5559 and
No. 280 be sold by public auction by Schokman and
Samarawickrama, Licensed Auctioneer of Kandy for the
Together with right of way in over and along (road
recovery of the said sum of Rupees Four Million Five
reservation) depicted in the said plan. Hundred Eighty-three Thousand Three Hundred Thirty-
three and cents Thirty-five (Rs. 4,583,333.35) and a
In addition to this loan, There is another facility of sum of Rupees Seven Million Eight Hundred Thousand
Rs. 3.75 mn in Performing Category secured by the (Rs. 7,800,000.00) with further interest thereon at a rate of
aforesaid property which was granted on 10.01.2011 under 21% and 16.5% per annum from the dates of 29.05.2008
I fldgi : (I) fPoh ‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2019'04'05
and 01.07.2018 respectively on the said sum of Rupees And registered in the Land Registry, Trincomalee in
Four Million Five Hundred Eighty-three Thousand Folios LDO/P/12/53 and LDO/P/20/182.
Three Hundred Thirty-three and Cents Thirty-five By order of the Board of Directors,
(Rs. 4,583,333.35) and a sum of Rupees Seven Million
G. R. S. Kodagoda,
Eight Hundred Thousand (Rs. 7,800,000.00) to the date Regional Manager.
of sale and together with monies and charges recoverable
under Section 29L of the said People's Bank Act less People's Bank,
Regional Head Office,
payments (if any) since received. Trincomalee.
Tel. No. :- 026-222281 5/026-2223047,
The Schedule Fax :- 026-2220395.
It is hereby resolved:-
containing in extent of One Rood (0A., 01R., 00P)
together with buildings, trees, plantations and everything that in terms of Section 4 of the Recovery of Loans by
else standing thereon. Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 4 of 1990, P. K. E.
594 I fldgi : (I) fPoh ‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2019'04'05
Senapathy, Licensed Auctioneer at No. 134, Beddegana that the following Resolution was unanimously passed at
Road, Kotte be authorized and empowered to sell by the meeting held on 27th February, 2019 by the Board of
public auction the property mortgaged to the Bank by Directors of Pan Asia Banking Corporation PLC.
Maharage Trini Rohan Chandana Perera as Obligor and
Attampola Arachchige Don Belindes Irosha Damayanti Whereas, Sarath Haputhanthri alias Sarath
as Obligor/Mortgagor by Mortgage Bond Nos. 5722 and Haputhanthrige and Janaka Dammika Kithulegoda as
6204, morefully described in the Schedule hereto and for the “Obligors” and Sarath Haputhanthri alias Sarath
the recovery of the said sum of Rupees Six Million Seven
Haputhanthrige as the “Mortgagor” have made default
Hundred and Eight Thousand and Eight Hundred Ninety-
eight and cents Fifty-three (Rs. 6,708,898.53) together with in payment due on Mortgage Bond No. 8037 dated
interest as aforesaid from the aforesaid date to date of sale 01.02.2017 attested by K. S. Abeyrathna, Notary Public,
and costs and monies recoverable under Section 13 of the of Rathnapura in favour of Pan Asia Banking Corporation
said Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, PLC bearing Registration No. PQ 48;
No. 4 of 1990 less payments (if any) since received.
And whereas there is now due and owing to the Pan
The Schedule Asia Banking Corporation PLC (hereinafter sometimes
called as “the Bank”) a sum of Rupees Nine Million
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked One Hundred and Fifteen Thousand Seven Hundred
Lot 01 depicted in Plan No. 4050 Surveyor (resurvey and Thirty-nine and cents One (Rs. 9,115,739.01) on
of divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot 02 account of principal and interest up to 31.01.2019,
depicted in Plan No. 2792 dated 17th August, 2000 made by together with interest at the rate of 29% per annum
S. M. Dissanayaka, Licensed Surveyor) dated 22nd August, on Rupees Nine Million One Hundred and Fifteen
2013 made by S. M. Dissanayaka, Licensed Surveyor Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty-nine and cents One
of the land called and known “Etambagahamulahena” (Rs. 9,115,739.01) from 01.02.2019 till the date of
situated at Gaiyala in Kabalawa Gramaseva Division payment on the said Mortgage Bond No. 8037.
No. 1177, in Divisional Secretary’s Division of Kuliyapitiya
West, Katugampola Hatpattu of Katugampola Korale It is hereby resolved:-
North, District of Kurunegala, North-Western Province and
aforesaid Lot 01 is bounded on the North by Pradeshiya that in terms of Section 4 of the Recovery of Loans by
Sabha Road, East by Land claimed by W. A. D. Fonseka, Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 4 of 1990, Thusitha
South by Land claimed by B. M. Podi Menike, West by Karunarathne, Licensed Auctioneer of No. 50/3, Vihara
Lot 01 in Plan No. 2792 and containing extent of Thirty- Mawatha, Kolonnawa be authorized and empowered to
eight Perches (00A., 00R., 38P.) and everything standing sell by public Auction the property, mortgaged to the Bank
thereon. The said land is registered at the Land Registry at which is morefully described in the Schedule hereto and for
Kuliyapitiya. the recovery of the said sum of Rupees Nine Million One
Hundred and Fifteen Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty-
nine and cents One (Rs. 9,115,739.01) together with the
By order of the Directors, interest as aforesaid from the aforesaid date, to the date of
sale and costs and monies recoverable under Section 13 of
Devika Halwathura, the said Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions)
Manager - Recoveries. Act, No. 4 of 1990 less payments (if any) since received.
decimal Nine Perches (0A., 0R., 10.9P.) or 0.02756 Hectares up to 15.01.2019 together with interest at the rate of 21%
together with the buildings, plantations and everything else per annum on Rupees Eighteen Million Nine Hundred
standing thereon and Registered in K 78/107 Rathnapura and Thirteen Thousand (Rs. 18,913,000) from 16.01.2019
Land Registry. till the date of payment on the said Mortgage Bond Nos.
14843 and 14845.
Which said land is a divided and defined portion from
and out of,
It is hereby resolved :
All that allotment of land being a defined portion of the
land called and known as Awaradeniya Megodahena situated that in terms of Section 4 of the Recovery of loans by
at Sri Khemananda Mawatha in Muwagama, Rathnapura Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 4 of 1990, Thusitha
as aforesaid and bounded on the North by Awaradeniya Karunarathna, Licensed Auctioneers of No. 50/3, Vihara
Megodahena Kebella, on the East by Land now belonging Mawatha, Kolonnawa be authorized and empowered to sell
to D. N. Karunathilake being a portion of Awaradeniya by public auction, the properties, mortgaged to the Bank
Megodahena, on the South by V. C. Road and on the West morefully described in the Schedule hereto and for the
by Portion of Awaradeniya Megodahena and containing recovery of the said sum of Rupees Nineteen Million Two
in extent One Rood (0A., 1R., 0P.) and registered under Hundred and Seventy Seven Thousand and Two Hundred
Volume/Folio B 336/171 at the Rathnapura Land Registry.
and Sixty Nine and Cents Fifty-six (Rs. 19,277,269.56)
By order of Directors, together with interest as aforesaid from the aforesaid dates
of sale and costs and monies recoverable under Section 13
Rajitha Karunathilaka, of the said Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special Provision)
Assistant Manager. Act, No. 4 of 1990 less payments (if any) since received ;
(00A., 00R., 9.50P.,) and registered in G 35/124 of the which said Lot 1 is bounded on the North by Lot D of the
District Land Registry, Matara. same Land, on the East by Lot 3 of the same Land (Plan
No. 5137), on the South by Lot 5 and Lot 4 of the same
Which Said land has been more recently resurveyed and Land and on the West by Dickwella Beliatta Old Road
is described according to the New survey as follows: and containing in extent Nine Decimal Five Perches
(00A., 00R., 9.5P.,) or 0.0240 Hectare.
All that the entirety of Soil, Plantations, Buildings and
everything else standing thereon of the divided and separated By order of the Board of Directors,
Lot 1 of Lot E of the land called Hapukapugewatta and
Avariyawatta depicted in Plan No. 2810 dated 09.04.2010 Rajitha Karunathilake,
made by B. G. Karunadasa, Licensed Surveyor situated Assistant Manager/ Recoveries.
at Old Beliatta Road Dickwella Village, aforesaid and 04-147/1
This is to notify our valuable customers and General Public that People’s Bank Queens Branch (033), at No. 38, D. R.
Wijewardana Mawatha, Colombo 10, will be merged with People’s Bank Head Quarters Branch (204), at No. 75, Sir
Chittampalam A. Gardiner Mawatha, Colombo 02, with effect from 08th April, 2019.
bank of ceylon Section 26 of the said Bank of Ceylon Ordinance and that
the Manager of Godakawela Branch of the Bank of Ceylon
Notice under Section 21 of the Bank of Ceylon to publish notice of this resolution in terms of Section 21 of
Ordinance (Chapter 397) as amended by Act, the said Bank of Ceylon Ordinance.
No. 34 of 1968 and Law, No. 10 of 1974
The Schedule
At a meeting held on 07.09.2018 the Board of Directors of
this Bank resolved specially and unanimously: 1. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
Lot 01 depicted in Plan No. 1451 dated 21.09.2007
1. That a sum of Rs. 16,707,167.97 (Rupees Sixteen made by K. A. K. L. Edirisinghe, Licensed Surveyor of
Million Seven Hundred and Seven Thousand One Hundred the land called Palledeniya and Palledeniye Koratuwa
and Sixty-seven and cents Ninety-seven only) on account of situated at Godakawela within the Grama Niladari
the principal and interest up to 31.07.2018 and together with Division of Godakawela in the Divisional Secretariat
further interest on Rs. 15,575,000.00 (Rupees Fifteen Million Division and Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Godakawela
Five Hundred and Seventy-five Thousand only) at the rate of in Meda Pattu of Atakalan Korale in the District of
Nine (9%) per centum per annum from 01.08.2018 till date Rathnapura Sabaragamuwa Province and bounded on
of payment is due on above loan from Mr. Kodithuwakku the North by Main Road, on the East by Assessment
Arachchilage Aruna Shantha of No. 99A, “Newsiri”, Main No. 99, on the South by Pansal Watta and on the West by
Street, Godakawela on Mortgage Bond No. 1792 dated Land Assessment No. 101 and containing in extent Five
25.05.2015 attested by S. A. D. S. K. Athukorala, N. P. decimal Three Seven Perches (0A., 0R., 5.37P.) together
with everything else standing thereon and registered in
2. That in terms of Section 19 of the Bank of Ceylon A 07/108 at the Embilipitiya Land Registry.
Ordinance (Cap. 397) and its amendments M/S Schokman
and Samarawickrama, the Auctioneer of No. 24, Torrington By order of the Board of Directors of the Bank of
Road, Kandy, is authorized and empowered, to sell by public Ceylon,
auction the property mortgaged to the Bank of Ceylon and
described in the Schedules hereunder for the recovery T. A. V. Ranjani,
of the said sum of Rs. 16,707,167.97 (Rupees Sixteen Assistant Manager.
Million Seven Hundred and Seven One Hundred and Sixty-
seven and cents Ninety-seven only) due on the said Bond Bank of Ceylon,
No. 1792 dated 25.05.2015, attested by A. D. S. K. Athukorala, Godakawela,
N. P. together with interest as aforesaid from 01.08.2018 29.01.2019.
to the date of sale and costs and monies recoverable under 04-327
I fldgi : (I) fPoh ‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2019'04'05
(All fractions of an inch will be charged for at the full inch rate.)
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The Schedule
Gangani Liyanage,
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