Ys%, XLD M Dka S%L Iudcjd Ckrcfha .Eiü M %H: The Gazette of The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

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The Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
wxl 2"363 – 2023 foieïn¾ ui 15 jeks isl=rdod – 2023'12'15
No. 2,363 – friday, december 15, 2023

(Published by Authority)


(Separate paging is given to each language of every Part in order that it may be filed separately)
  Page Page
Proclamations, &c., by the President … — Government Notifications … … 3124
Appointments, &c., by the President … — Price Control Orders … … —
Appointments, &c., by the Cabinet of Ministers … — Central Bank of Sri Lanka Notices… … —
Appointments, &c., by the Public Service Commission — Accounts of the Government of Sri Lanka … —
Appointments, &c., by the Judicial Service Commission — Revenue and Expenditure Returns… … —
Other Appointments, &c. … … — Miscellaneous Departmental Notices … 3125
Appointments, &c., of Registrars … — Notice to Mariners … … —
Excise Ordinance, Notices … … —

Important Notice Regarding Acceptance of Notices

For Publication in the Weekly “Gazette”
Attention is drawn to the Notification appearing in the 1st week of every month, regarding the latest dates and times of acceptance of Notices
for publication in the weekly Gazettes, at the end of every weekly Gazette of Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
All notices to be published in the weekly Gazettes shall close at 12.00 noon of each Friday, two weeks before the date of publication.
All Government Departments, corporations, Boards, etc. are hereby advised that Notifications fixing closing dates and times of applications in
respect of Post-Vacancies, Examinations, Tender Notices and dates and times of Auction Sales, etc. should be prepared by giving adequate time
both from the date of despatch of notices to Govt. Press and from the date of publication, thereby enabling those interested in the contents of such
notices to actively and positively participate please note that inquiries and complaints made in respect of corrections pertaining to notification will
not be entertained after three months from the date of publication.
All Notices to be published in the weekly Gazette should reach Government Press two weeks before the date of publication i.e. Notices
for publication in the weekly Gazette of 05th January, 2024 should reach Government Press on or before 12.00 noon on 22nd December, 2023.

Electronic Transactions Act, No. 19 of 2006 - Section 9

“Where any Act or enactment provides that any proclamation, rule, regulation, order, by-law, notification or other matter shall be
published in the Gazette, then such requirement shall be deemed to have been satisfied if such rule, regulation, order, by-law, notification or other
matter is published in an electronic form of the Gazette.
Gangani Liyanage,
Government Printer.

Department of Govt. Printing,

Colombo 08,
01st January, 2023.

This Gazette can be downloaded from www.documents.gov.lk

3123 - B 82523 - 403 (12/2023)
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Government Notifications
My No.: RG/NB/11/2/88/2023/msgq$ie.

Notice under the Land Registers Reconstructed Folio Ordinance (Cap. 120)

01. I, hereby give notice under section 04 of the land registers Reconstructed Folio Ordinance (Cap. 120) that Land
Register folios, particulars of which appear in column 1 of the schedule hereto, affecting the Land described in
column 2, there of which have been found to be missing or torn, have been reconstructed in full in provincial folios
and relate to the connected deeds, particulars of which are shown in column 3 of the said schedule.

02. The Provisional folio will be opened for inspection by any person or persons interested there in at the office of the
Registrar of Lands Kandy, 15.12.2023 to 29.12.2023 between the hours of 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. on all working days.

03. Any person desirous of lodging any objection against any entry included in a provisional folio or against any of the
particulars contained in any such entry and any person desiring to make a claim for the insertion of any entry or of any
particulars alleged to have been improperly omitted from any entry must do so, by an objection or claim in writing
addressed to the undersigned which must be sent under registered cover and must reach the office of the Registrar
General not later than 05.01.2024. The matter in respect of which the objection or claim in made must be clearly and
fully set out in the objection or claim, and the objection or claim must be accompanied by all documentary evidence
relies upon the support of it.

W. R. A. N. S. Wijayasinghe,
Registrar General.

Registrar General’s Department,

No. 234/A3,
Denzil Kobbekaduwa Mawatha,


Particulars of Damaged Particulars of Land Particulars of Deeds Registered

Folios of the Land Registers

Folio Nos. 181 of volume 140 of All that allotment of land with the 01. Deed of Mortgage No. 9616 written
A Division of the Kandy Land building thereon bearing former and attested by W. Rajasingham,
Registry Kandy District. Assessment No. 538/4, Lot B depicted Notary Public on 05.03.1969.
Plan in 1356/50 and 07.04.1960 dated
situated at Peradeniya Road within the 02. Deed of Transfer No. 2653 written
Municipal Council Limits of Kandy and attested by W. Rajasingham,
Pattu in the District of Kandy, Central Notary Public on 06.01.1977.
Province and bounded on the,

North by : Land belongs to Mr. Backhouse;

East by : Lot “C” bearing Assessment
No. 538/5, Peradeniya Road;
I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'12'15

Particulars of Damaged Particulars of Land Particulars of Deeds Registered

Folios of the Land Registers
South by : Land belongs to Mr. Loos;
West by : Lot “A” bearing Assessment
No. 538/3, Peradeniya Road;
Extent : 00A., 00R., 23.6250P.


Gampaha District No. 2135/34 dated 06th August, 2019 under the
Pilgrimage Ordinance 175 in this regard.
Annual Feast of St. Sebastian’s National Shrine,
2. These publicity issued laws will be valid during the
Kandana - 2024
period of this ceremony.

It is hereby announced that the Annual Feast of Saman Darshana Pandikorala,

St. Sebastian’s National Shrine, Kandana will be held on District Secretary/Government Agent,
20th January, 2024 and the duration of the Feast will be Gampaha.
from 06.01.2024 to 31.01.2024 for the public to know.
At District Secretariat, Gampaha,
04th of December, 2023.
01. The attention of the general Public is drawn to
the Regulations published in Gazette Notification 12-357

Miscellaneous Departmental Notices

Bank of Ceylon Rs. 9,000,000.00 at the rate of 17.46% p. a. till the date
of payment on Primary Mortgage Bond No. 6304 dated
Notice under Section 21 of the Bank of Ceylon 14.07.2008 attested by Licensed Surveyor Athauda Notary
Ordinance (Chapter 397) as amended by Act, No. Public. Mortgage Bond No. 120 dated 02.12.2010 attested
by E. W. S. B. Ekanayake, Notary Public and Mortgage
34 of 1968 and Law, No. 10 of 1974 and Act, No. 54
Bond No. 856 dated 17.03.2014 attested by E. W. S. B.
of 2000 Ekanayake, Notary Public.
Mortgaged property at Asst. No. 15/2, 15/4, Pitakanda Road,
2. That in terms of Section 19 of the Bank of Ceylon
Mahaiyawa, Kandy for the liabilities of Hamza Trades Ordinance (Chapter 397) and its amendments Mr. M. H.
(Private) Limited of No. 310, Sri Sangaraja Mawatha, T. Karunarathna the Auctioneer of M/s. T & H Auctions,
Colombo 10. No. 50/3, Vihara Mawatha, Kolonnawa is authorized and
empowered to sell by Public Auction the property mortgaged
AT a meeting held on 08.11.2023 the Board of Directors of to the Bank of Ceylon and fully described in the Schedule
the Bank resolved specially and unanimously : hereunder, for the recovery of the said sum of Fifteen Million
Eight Hundred Forty Three Thousand Six Hundred Nine
1. That a sum of Rs. 15,843,609.08 (Rupees Fifteen and Cents Eight (Rs. 15,843,609.08) due on the aforesaid
Million Eight Hundred Forty Three Thousand Six Hundred Mortgage Bond No. 6304, 120 and 856 together with further
Nine and Cents Eight) is due from Hamza Trades (Pvt.) Ltd., interest as aforesaid from 17.10.2023 to date of sale and costs
of No. 310, Sri Sangaraja Mawatha, Colombo 10 on account and charges recoverable under Section 26 of the said Bank
of principal and interest outstanding up to 16.10.2023 on the of Ceylon Ordinance and that the Relationship Manager
permanent overdraft facility of Rs. 9,000,000.00 together (Recovery-Corporate) of the Bank of Ceylon Recovery Unit
with further interest to be accumulated from 17.10.2023 to publish notice of this resolution in terms of Section 21 of
on the capital outstanding of the said overdraft facility of the said Bank of Ceylon Ordinance.
3126 I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'12'15

Schedule Bank of Ceylon

01. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Notice under Section 21 of the Bank of Ceylon
Lot 03 depicted in Plan No. 4441B dated 18th May 2007 made
Ordinance (Chapter 397) as amended by Act,
by C. D. Adhihetty Licensed Surveyor out of the land and
premises called Tappington Estate situated at Mahaiyawa in
No. 34 of 1968 and Law, No. 10 of 1974
Grama Niladhari Division of Mapanawathura in Divisional
Secretariat of Gangawata Korale within the Muicipal AT a meeting held on 02.10.2023 the Board of Directors of
Limits of Kandy in the District of Kandy Central Province the Bank resolved specially and unanimously :
containing in extent Ten Decimal Three Nought Perches
(0A., 0R., 10.30P.) or 0.02605 Hectares and bounded on 1. That a sum of Rs. 18,014,883.79 (Rupees Eighteen
the North by retaining wall separating premises bearing No. Million Fourteen Thousand Eight Hundred Eighty-Three
19/1, Pitakanda Road, East by Lots 2 and 5 in the said Plan, and cents Seventy-Nine only) as at 18.08.2023 and the
South by Premises bearing Assessment No. 15/5, Pitakanda interest on the balance principal amount of Rs 13,118,092.42
Road and Road marked Lot 6 in the aforesaid Plan and West (Rupees Thirteen Million One Hundred Eighteen Thousand
by Lot 4 in the said Plan together with the everything else Ninety Two and cents Forty Two Only) at the rate of
standing thereon with the right of way marked Lot 5 in the Twenty Seven decimal Seventy Five per centum (27.75%)
said Plan and registered in A360/255 at the Land Registry per annum from19.08.2023 on the loan is due from Mr.
of Kandy. Lanka Geeganage Leel Susantha of No. 59/1, Weherayaya,
Ethiliwewa, Wellawaya Mortgage Bond No. 1382 dated
02. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked 17.09.2021 attested by Mrs. M. B. T. R. Siriwardhana,
Lot No. 4 depicted in Plan No. 4441B dated 18th May Notary Public.
2007 made by C. D. Adhihetty Licensed Surveyor out of
the land and premises called Tappington Estate situated at 2. That in terms of Section 19 of the Bank of Ceylon
Mahaiyawa aforesaid within the Municipal Limits of Kandy Ordinance (Chapter 397) and its amendments Mr. Thusitha
in the District of Kandy Central Province containing in Karunarathna the Auctioneer of T & H Auction, 50/3, Vihara
extent Eleven Perches (0A., 0R., 11P.) or 0.02782 Hectares Mawatha, Kolonnawa is authorized and empowered to sell
and bounded on the North by retaining wall separating by Public Auction the property mortgaged to the Bank of
premises bearing Assessment No. 19/1, Pitakanda Road, Ceylon and described in the Schedule hereunder, for the
East by Lot 3 in the said Plan, South by Lots 6 and 7 in the recovery of the said sum of Rs. 18,014,883.79 (Rupees
aforesaid plan and West by Railway Reservation of State Eighteen Million Fourteen Thousand Eight Hundred
together with the everything else standing thereon with the Eighty-Three and Cents Seventy-Nine only) due on the
right of way marked Lot 5 in the said plan and registered in said on Mortgage Bond No. 1382 dated 17.09.2021 attested
A360/256 at the Land Registry of Kandy. by Mrs. M. B. T. R. Siriwardhana Notary Public, together
with interest as aforesaid from 19.08.2023 to date of sale
Which said Lot 3 and Lot 4 are part and parcel of Lot and costs and monies recoverable under Section 26 of the
10 in Plan No. 967 dated 24th October 1970 made by N. S. said Bank of Ceylon Ordinance and the Branch Manager of
L. Fernando, Licensed Surveyor and Land depicted in Plan Ballaketuwa Branch of the Bank of Ceylon to publish notice
No. 969 dated 28th March 1970 made by N. S. L. Fernando of this resolution in terms of Section 21 of the said Bank of
Licensed Surveyor.
Ceylon Ordinance.
By order of the Board of Directors of Bank of
the Schedule reffered to the
mortgaged bond
A. C. H. Atukorala,
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
Senior Manager,
Recovery Corporate. Lot 05 depicted in Plan No. 1493 dated 13.09.1999 (but
registered as 13.08.1999) made by H. Siribaddana Licensed
Bank of Ceylon, Surveyor of the land called “Wedaralage Pitakoratuwa”
Recovery Corporate Unit, together with the buildings, trees and everything else
3rd Floor, standing thereon situated at bearing Assmt. No. 118/2,
No. 1, Bank of Ceylon Mawatha, Indipokunagoda Road situated at Indipokunagoa, within the
Colombo 01. Grama Niladhari Division of Indipokunagoda North – 270
within the Urban Council Limits of Tangalle in Giruwa Pattu
12-440 South in the District of Hambantota, Southern Province and
I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'12'15

which said Lot 05 is bounded on the North by Lot A of land Embilipitiya on Mortgage Bond No. 1273 dated 13.09.2018
known as Wedaralage Pitakoratwa, on the East by Road, on attested by Mr. I. T. Gamage, NP of Galle.
the South by Road and Lot 7 in the said plan and on the West
by Lot 4 in the said plan and containing in extent One Rood 2. That in terms of Section 19 of the Bank of Ceylon
and Eight Perches (0A., 01R., 08P.) according to the said Ordinance (Cap 397) and its amendments, Mr Mudugamuwe
plan No. 1493 and registered under G116/69 at the Land Hewawasam Thusith Karunarathne Auctioneer of T & H
Registry Thangalle. Auction, The auctioneer ofNo.182/3 (50/3) Vihara Mawatha,
Kolonnawa be authorized and empowered to sell by Public
By order of the Board of Directors of the Bank of auction the property mortgaged to the Bank of Ceylon
Ceylon, and described in the schedule hereunder, for the recovery
of the said sum of Rs.47,402,164.17 (Rupees Forty Seven
G. V. Kumara, Million Four Hundred Two Thousand One Hundred and
Manager, Sixty Four and Cents Seventeen only) on Jaya Isura Loan
Ballaketuwa Branch. and sum of Rs. 14,548,756.93 (Rupees Fourteen Million
Five Hundred Forty Eight Thousand Seven Hundred and
12-408 Fifty Six and Cents Ninety Three only) on Term Loan on
the said Mortgage Bond No. 1273 dated 13.09.2018 attested
by Mr.I.T Gamage NP of Galle and together with interest
as aforesaid from 13.10.2023 to date of sale, and costs and
monies recoverable under Section 26 of the said Bank of
Bank of Ceylon Ceylon Ordinance and the Manager of the Hambantota
Branch of the Bank of Ceylon to publish notice of this
Notice under Section 21 of the Bank of Ceylon resolution in terms of Section 21 of the said Bank of Ceylon
Ordinance (Chapter 397) as amended by Act, Ordinance.
No. 34 of 1968 and Law No. 10 of 1974
At a meeting held on 08.11.2023 The Board of Directors
1. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
of this Bank resolved specially and unanimously:
Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 3942/A/12 dated 12th January,
2012 made by S Ramakrishnan Licensed Surveyor of
1. That a sum of Rs. 47,402,164.17 (Rupees Forty Seven the land called Part of Modarawana Henyaya bearing
Million Four Hundred Two thousand One Hundred and Sixty Assessmenst No. 09CRR198A situated at Embilipitiya
Four and Cents Seventeen only) on account of the principle Udagama Village (as per Deed Udagama ) in Grama
and interest up to 12.10.2023 and together with further Niladhari Division of Udagama within the Urban Council
interest on Rs. 36,500,437.32 (Rupees Thirty Six Million Limits of Embilipitiya in Divisional Secretary’s Division
Five Hundred Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty Seven of Embilipitiya in Diyapotagam Pattu of Kolonna Korale
in the District of Ratnapura Sabaragamuwa Province and
and Cents Thirty Two only) at the rate of 13.5% (Thirteen
which Lot 1 is bounded on the NORTH by Paddy Field on
decimal Five per centum per annum) from 13.10.2023 till
the EAST by Road (from new Town - Udagama Junction)
the date of payment is due on Jaya Isura Loan and a sum of on the SOUTH by Land claimed by Ajith Tennakoon and
Rs. 14,548,756.93 (Rupees Fourteen Million Five Hundred S P Gamini Nawaratne and on the WEST by Land claimed
Forty Eight Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Six and by Gamini Tennakoon and containing in extent Two Roods
Cents Ninety Three only) on account of the principle and and Twenty Five decimal Two Perches (A0-R2-P25.2)
interest up to 12.10.2023 and together with further interest according to the said Plan No. 3942/A/12 together with
on Rs. 12,780,479.26 (Rupees Twelve Million Seven soil trees plantations buildings and everything else standing
Hundred Eighty Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy thereon. Registered in L 161/31 at the District Land Registry
Nine & Cents Twenty Six only) at the rate of 7.25% (Seven
decimal Two Five per centum per annum) from 13.10.2023 2. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
till the date of payment is due on Term Loan of M/S Lot A depicted in Plan No. 1351 dated 26th August, 2009
Elephant Trail of No. 35, Katupilagama, Ekamuthugama, made by I. Kotambage, Licensed Surveyor of the land called
Sewanagala,Sole Proprietor - Mr. Sedara Hettige Chaminda Part of Modarawana Henyaya bearing Assessment
Prabath Sedarahetti, of No. 666, Hospital Place, New Town, No. 03H1R16 situated at Embilipitiya Udagama Village (as
3128 I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'12'15

per Deed Udagama) in Grama Niladhari Division of Whereas Gammulle Gedara Vijitha Kumarihami and
Udagama within the Urban Council Limits of Embilipitiya Kahawalage Sarath Rupasingha Perera have made default
in Divisional Secretary’s Division of Embilipitiya in in payment due on Mortgage Bond No. 11637 dated
Diyapotagam Pattu of Kolonna Korale in the District of 28.12.2017, Mortgage Bond No. 11985 dated 19.03.2019
Ratnpaura Sabaragamuwa Province and which Lot A is and Mortgage Bond No. 12603 dated 19.03.202l attested
bounded on the North by Land claimed by G. T. Gewage, on by S. K. Abeykone, Notary Public respectively, and there
the East by Road, on the South by Land claimed M. K. M. is now due and owing to the People’s Bank a sum of
M. Maha Kumbura and on the WEST by Land claimed by Twenty Five Million Two Hundred & Twelve
K. G. Premaratne and containing in extent Thirty decimal Thousand Nine Hundred & Seventy Seven & Cents Six
Eight Four Perches (A0-R0-P30.84) according to the said Only (Rs. 25,212,977.06 ) together with further interest on
Plan No. 1351 together with soil trees plantations buildings the said Bonds.
and everything else standing thereon. Registered in L 149/62
at the District Land Registry Embilipitiya. The Board of Directors of the People’s Bank under the
powers vested in them by the People’s Bank Act, No. 29
1. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked of 1961 as amended by the Act, No. 32 of 1986 do hereby
Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 2125/05 dated 23rd October resolve that: the property and premises mortgaged to the
2005 made by S Ramakrishnan Licensed Surveyor of the said Bank by aforesaid Mortgage Bond. No. 11637 dated
land called MAILAGAHAYAYA situated at Timbolketiya in 28.12.2017, Mortgage Bond No. 11985 dated 19.03.2019
Grama Niladhari Division of Thimbolketiya in Pradeshiya and Mortgage Bond No. 12603 dated 19.03.2021 attested by
Sabha Limits of Embilipitiya in Divisional Secretary’s S. K Abeykone, Notary Public respectively, and morefully
Division of Embilipitiya in Tambagamu Pattu of Atakalan described in the schedule hereto be sold by Public Auction
Korale in the District of Ratnapura Sabaragamuwa Province by Shockman & Samerawickreme, Licensed Auctioneer,
and which Lot 1 is bounded on the North by Balance portion No. 24, Torrington Road, Kandy, for the recovery of a sum ,

of same land, on the East by Balance Portion of same land of Rupees Twenty Five Million Two Hundred & Twelve
on the South by Road and on the WEST by Balance portion Thousand Nine Hundred & Seventy Seven & Cents Six
of same land and containing in extent Thirty Six decimal Only (Rs. 25,212,977.06 ) together with further interest
Five Perches (A0-R0-P36.5) according to the said Plan to the rate of Thirty One Decimal Five Four (31.54%) per
No. 2125/05 together with soil trees plantations buildings annum on the sum of Rupees Three Million Seven Hundred
and everything else standing thereon. Registered in L 141/87 & Sixty-Three Thousand Ninety Five & Cents Thirty Only
at the District Land Registry Embilipitiya. (Rs. 3,763,095.30) from 22.05.2023 and af the rate.of
Fourteen Decimal Naught Four (14.04%) per annum cn the
Mr. E. H. M. Chinthaka, sum of Rupees Six Million Forty Thousand & Cents Sixteen
Manager. Only (Rs, 6,040,000.16) from 22.05.2023 and at the rate of
Eight Decimal Seven Five (8.75%) per annum on the sum of
Bank of Ceylon, Rupees Five Million Seven Hundred and Sixteen Thousand
Hambantota. Six Hundred & Sixty Six and Cents Sixty Seven Only
(Rs. 5,716,666.67) only from 22.05.2023 and at the rate
12-406 of Twenty Nine Decimal Four Four (29.44%) per annum
on the sum of Rupees Five Hundred & Three Thousand
Three Hundred & Thirty Three & Cents Twenty Eight Only
(Rs. 503,333.28) from 22.05.2023 and at the rate of Twenty
Nine Decimal Four Four (29.44%) per annum on the sum
The People’s Bank of Rupees Five Hundred & Thirty Thousand Nine Hundred
and Sixty-seven and cents Thirty only (Rs. 530,967.30)
from 22.05.2023 and at the rate of Twenty-six decimal
Resolution under Section 29D of the People’s
Nine Four (26.94%) per annum on the sum of Rupees Five
Bank Act, No. 29 of 1961 as amended by
Hundred & Nineteen Thousand & Forty Seven and cents
Act, No. 32 of 1986
Sixty Only (Rs. 519,047.60) from 22 05.2023 and at the rate
of Twenty Nine Decimal Four Four (29.44%) per annum on
It Is hereby notified that the following resolution was the sum of Rupees Three Hundred and Thirty-two Thousand
unanimously passed by the Board of Directors of the Three Hundred and Eight and cents Eighty-four Only
People’s Bank under Section 29D of the People’s Bank Act, (Rs. 332,308.84) from 22.05.2023 and at the rate of
No. 29 of 1961 as amended by the Act, No. 32 of 1986 at Twenty-nine Decimal Four Four (29.44%) per annum on
their meeting held 31.07.2023. the sum of Rupees Eight Hundred & Sixteen Thousand
I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'12'15

Six Hundred & Sixty-six cents Sixty-six (Rs. 816,666.66) Rs. 13,505,897.31 (Rupees Thirteen Million Five Hundred
from 22.05.2023 and at the rate of Twenty Nine Decimal Five Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety-Seven and Cents
Four Four (29.44%) per annum on the sum of Rupees Two Thirty One Only) at the rate of Twenty Five Decimal Two
Hundred and Ninety-two Thousand Three Hundred and Five per centum (25.25%) per annum from 20.10.2023 on the
Eighty-nine and cents Four only (Rs. 292,389.04) from Loan is due from Mr.Herath Mudiyanselage Indika Hasantha
22.05.2023 up to the date of sale and costs and moneys Thilakasiri of No. 30, New Depot Road, Hulandawa,
recoverable under section 29L of the said People’s Bank Monaragala on No. 269 dated 28.01.2015 attested by W. P.
Act, less payment (if any.) since received. G. S. N. Bootawatte, N.P., Mortgage Bond No. 560 dated
15.06.2016 attested by M. B. T. R. Siriwardhana, N.P and
THE SCHEDULE Mortgage Bond 438 dated 16.08.2017 attested by D. M. N.
S. Dissanayake, N.P.
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
as Lot No. 1 depicted in Plan No. 1870 dated 03.08.2003 2. That in terms of Section 19 of the Bank of Ceylon
made by A. M. Anuraratna, Licensed Surveyor, from and Ordinance (Cap 397) and its amendments Mr. Thusitha
out of the land called and known as Wewa Pamula situated Karunarathna the Auctioneer of T & H Auction, 50/3, Vihara
at Pallegama Village, in the Grama Niladari Division of Mawatha, Kolonnawa be authorized and empowered to sell
Pallegama in the Divisional Secretariat of Dambulla within by Public Auction the property mortgaged to the Bank of
the Pradeshiya Sabha limits of Dambulla, in the District of Ceylon and described in the schedules hereunder, for the
Matale, Central Province and which said land is bounded recovery of the said sum of Rs. 23,775,429.05 (Rupees
on the North by reservation bunt of Randeniya Tank, East Twenty Three Million Seven Hundred Seventy-Five
and South by reservation for Randeniya Waan Ela, on the Thousand Four Hundred Twenty Nine and Cents Five Only)
West by land claimed by D. W. Lokubanda and containing due on the said on Mortgage Bond No. 269 dated 28.01.2015
in extent within those boundaries One Acre and Ten Perches attested by W. P. G. S. N. Bootawatte of Badulla N.P,
(1A., 0R., 10P.) together with the buildings, trees, plantations Mortgage Bond No. 560 dated 15.06.2016 attested by
and everything else standing thereon and Registered under M. B. T. R. Siriwardhana N.P. and Mortgage Bond 438 dated
LDO/L/20/139 at the Land Registry of Matale. 16.08.2017 attested by D. M. N. S. Dissanayake of Badulla
N.P. , together with interest as aforesaid from 20.10.2023 to
By order of the Board of Directors, date of sale, and costs and monies recoverable under Section
26 of the said Bank of Ceylon ordinance and the Branch
Regional Manager, Manager of Badalkumbura Branch of the Bank of Ceylon to
People’s Bank. publish notice of this resolution in terms of Section 21 of the
said Bank of Ceylon ordinance.
Regional Head Office,
Matale. BONDS MB No. 269, MB No. 560 & MB No. 438

12-302 All that defined and divided allotment of land called

and known as “Egodawatta” situated at Muppane Village
in Buttala Wedirata Korale, in Grama Niladhari Division
BANK OF CEYLON—badalkumbura of 129 D - Moneragala, within the Divisional Secretary’s
branch Division & Pradeshiya Sabha limits of Monaragala in the
District of Monaragala Uva Province, and which said Lot
Notice under Section 21 of The Bank of Ceylon 1 depicted in Plan No. 1713/A dated 02.12.2012 made by
Ordinance (Chapter 397) as amended by D. M. W. B. Dissanayake, Licensed Surveyor and is bounded
Act, No. 34 of 1968 and Law No. 10 of 1974 on the North by Parts of Lot No. 02 and 01 in Plan No. 2180
made by D. M. Wilmot Silva, Licensed Surveyor and Lot
At a meeting held on 08.11.2023 the Board of Directors of No. 02 in Plan No. 804 made by D. M. Wilmot Silva
the Bank resolved specially and unanimously: Licensed Surveyor, on the East by Lot No.02 in Plan
No. 804 made by D. M. Wilmot Silva, Licensed Surveyor
l. That a sum of Rs. 23,775,429.05 (Rupees Twenty and Lot No. 03 in Plan No. 2180 made by D. M. Wilmot
Three Million Seven Hundred Seventy-Five Thousand Four Silva, Licensed Surveyor, on the South by Lot No. 03 in Plan
Hundred Twenty Nine and Cents Five Only) as at 19.10.2023 No. 2180 made by D. M. Wilmot Silva, Licensed Surveyor
and the interest on the balance principal amount of and reservation along Road (Lot No. 01B in Plan No. 804
3130 I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'12'15

made by D. M. Wilmot Silva, Licensed Surveyor and on the Ninety One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventeen
West by part of same land and containing in extent Three and Cents Eighty only) on account of principal and
Decimal Seven Nine Perches (0A., 0R., 3.79P.) and together interest up to 13.10.2023 together with further interest on
with everything else standing thereon and Registered under Rs. 30,000,000.00 (Rupees Thirty Million only) at the rate
A 13/89 at the Moneragala District Land Registry. Together of 28.75% (Twenty Eight decimal Seven Five per centum
with right of way over common road access. per annum) from 14.10.2023 on the Permanent Overdraft
facilities are due from Mr. Wannigamage Anil Uthpala
By order of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Abeywickrama No. 149, Rathnapura Road, Udagama,
Ceylon, Embilipitiya till the date of payment on Mortgage Bond
No. 370 dated 14th June, 2018 attested by T. K. Abeynaike,
H K D W M C J B Divarathna, and Mortgage Bond No. 1274 dated 13th September, 2018
Manager. and Mortgage Bond No. 1275 dated 13th September, 2018
and Mortgage Bond No. 1276 dated 13th September, 2018
12-441 all attested by I. T. Gamage, Notary Public of Galle.

2. That in terms of section 19 of the Bank of Ceylon

Ordinance (Cap. 397) and its amendments Mr. M. H. T.
Karunarathne, The Auctioneer of M/S T & H Auctions,
No 50/3, Vihara Mawatha, Kolonnawa, be authorized and
The Bank of Ceylon empowered to sell by public auction the property mortgaged
to the Bank of Ceylon and described in the schedule hereto,
Notice under Section 21 of the Bank of Ceylon for the recovery of the said sum of Rs. 117,430,125.45
Ordinance (Chapter 397) as amended by Act, No. (Rupees One Hundred and Seventeen Million Four Hundred
34 of 1968 and Law No. 10 of 1974 and Thirty Thousand One Hundred and Twenty Five
and Cents Forty Five only) on account of principal and
At a meeting held on 08.11.2023. The Board of Directors of interest up to 13.10.2023 together with further interest on
this Bank resolved specially and unanimously: Rs. 68,900,000.00 (Rupees Sixty Eight Million Nine
Hundred Thousand only) at the rate of 24.28% (Twenty Four
decimal Two Eight per centum per annum) from 14.10.2023
1. That a sum of Rs. 117,430,125.45 (Rupees One and a sum of Rs. 69,663,499.39 (Rupees Sixty Nine Million
Hundred and Seventeen Million Four Hundred and Six Hundred and Sixty Three Thousand Four Hundred
Thirty Thousand One Hundred and Twenty Five and and Ninety Nine and Cents Thirty Nine only) on account
Cents Forty Five only) on account of principal and of principal and interest up to 13.10.2023 together with
interest up to 13.10.2023 together with further interest on further interest on Rs. 52,956,363.05 (Rupees Fifty Two
Rs. 68,900.000.00 (Rupees Sixty Eight Million Nine Million Nine Hundred and Fifty Six Thousand Three
Hundred only) at the rate of 24.28% (Twenty Four decimal Hundred and Sixty Three and Cents Five only) at
Two Eight per centum per annum) from 14.10.2023 and a the rate of 13.50% (Thirteen decimal Five Zero
sum of Rs. 69,663,499.39 (Rupees Sixty Nine Million Six per centum per annum) from 14.10.2023 on Loan Facilities
Hundred and Sixty Three Thousand Four Hundred and Ninety and a sum of Rs. 32,527,945.19 (Rupees Thirty Two Million
Nine and Cents Thirty Nine only) on account of principal and Five Hundred and Twenty Seven Thousand Nine Hundred and
interest up to 13.10.2023 together with further interest on Forty and Cents Nineteen only) on account of principal and
Rs. 52,956,363.05 (Rupees Fifty Two Million Nine interest up to 13.10.2023 together with further interest on
Hundred and Fifty Six Thousand Three Hundred and Rs. 20,000,000.00 (Rupees Twenty Million only) at the rate
Sixty Three and Cents Five only) at the rate of 13.50% of 28.75% (Twenty-eight decimal Seven Five per centum
(Thirteen decimal Five Zero per centum per annum) per annum) from 14.10.2023 and sum of Rs. 48,791,917.80
from 14.10.2023 on Loan Facilities and a sum of (Rupees Forty Eight Million Seven Hundred and Ninety One
Rs. 32,527,945.19 (Rupees Thirty Two Million Five Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventeen and Cents Eighty
Hundred and Twenty Seven Thousand Nine Hundred and only) on account of principal and interest up to 13.10.2023
Forty Five and Cents Nineteen only) on account of principal together with further interest on Rs. 30,000,000.00 (Rupees
and interest up to 13.10.2023 together with further interest on Thirty Million only) at the rate of 28.75% Twenty Eight decimal
Rs. 20,000,000.00 (Rupees Twenty Million only) at the rate Seven Five per centum per annum) from 14.10.2023 on the
of 28.75% (Twenty Eight decimal Seven Five per centum Permanent over draft facilities on said Bond No. 370, Bond
per annum) from 14.10.2023 and a sum of Rs.48,791.917.80 No. 1274, Bond No. 1275 and Bond No. 1276 to the date of
(Rupees Forty Eight Million Seven Hundred and sales and costs and monies recoverable under section 26 of
I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'12'15

the said Bank of Ceylon Ordinance and that the Manager of Sabaragamuwa Province and which Lot 01 is bounded on
Hambantota Branch of the Bank of Ceylon to publish notice the North by SD Area of M. S. A. Sattar Lot 461 in F V P
of this resolution in terms of Section 21 of the said Bank of 922, on the East by SD Area of M. S. A. Sattar Lot 461 in
Ceylon Ordinance. F V P 922, on the South by Lot 325 in F V P 922 and Stream
and on the West by Lot 1 of Plan No. 165 alias Balance
THE SCHEDULE portion of the same land and containing in extent Thirteen
Acres One Rood and Thirty Five Perches (13A., 1R.,
01. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked 35P.) together with soil, trees, plantations, buildings and
Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 2272 dated 11th June, 2010 everything else standing thereon. Registered in K 04/111 at
made by K. G. Dharmarathna, Licensed Surveyor of the the District Land Registry Empilipitiya.
land called Jasinge Idama situated at Udagama in Grama
Niladhari Division of Udagama within the Urban Council E. H. M. Chinthaka,
Limits of Embilipitiya in Divisional Secretary’s Division Manager.
of Embilipitiya in Diyapotagam Pattu in Kolonna Korale
in the District of Rathnapura Sabaragamuwa Province and Bank of Ceylon,
which Lot 1 is bounded on the North by Land belonging Hambantota.
to P Sumanawathie, on the East by Remaining portion of
same land on the South by Reservation along Main Road 12-407
from Sooriyakanda to Udagama Junction and on the West
by Lot 1 in Plan No. 440/2008 and Land claimed by D. J. R.
Dissanayaka and containing in extent One Rood and Twenty
Three decimal Three Two Perches (0A., 1R., 23.32P.)
together with soil trees plantations buildings and everything
else standing thereon. Registered in L 20/130 at the District SAMPATH BANK PLC
Land Registry Embilipitiya. (Formerly known as Sampath Bank Limited)
02. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors
Lot 2 depicted in Plan No. 1711 dated 22nd September, of Sampath Bank PLC under Section 04 of the
2004 made by K. P. Dharmasena (more correctly made Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions)
by K. G. Dharmarathna) Licensed Surveyor of the land Act, No. 04 of 1990 amended by No. 01 of
called Jasinge Idama situated at Udagama aforesaid and 2011 and No. 19 of 2011
which Lot 2 is bounded on the North by Land belonging to
P. Sumanawathie and Road reservation along Rathnapura - W. A. C. Udayakumara.
Nonagama Road but more correctly Madampe - Nonagama A/C Nos.: 1085 5731 3977 / 0085 5000 8506.
Road, on the East by Land belonging to Dayananda
Dissanayake, on the South by Road reservation along the At a meeting held on 28.06.2023 by the Board of Directors
Road from Sooriyakanda to Udagama Junction and on the of Sampath Bank PLC it was resolved specially and
West by Land belonging to P. Sumanawathie and Lot 1 in unanimously:
Plan No. 1629 but more correctly Lot 1 of the land and
containing in extent Two Roods and Twenty Two decimal Whereas Witharana Arachchilage Chaminda
Eight Perches (0A., 2R., 22.8P.) (Excluding tomb) together Udayakumara in the Democratic Socialist Republic
with soil, trees, plantations, buildings and everything else of Sri Lanka as the Obligor has made default in the
standing thereon. Registered in L 14/134 at the District Land repayment of the credit facilities granted against the
Registry Embilipitiya. security of the property and premises morefully in the
Schedule hereto mortgaged and hypothecated by the
03. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Mortgage Bond Nos. 2060 dated 17th October, 2017 and
Lot 01 depicted in Plan No. 211 dated 23rd December, 1993 3217 dated 08th June, 2020 both attested by Charundi
(registered as 1992) made by K. A. Kapila Edirisinghe, Rangama, Notary Public of Kandy in favour of Sampath
Licensed surveyor of the land called Part of Lauderdale Bank PLC holding Company Registration No. PQ 144
Estate situated at Poddana in Grama Niladhari Division and having its Registered Office at No. 110, Sir James
of Poddana in Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Kolonna in Peiris Mawatha, Colombo 02 aforesaid and there is now
Divisional Secretary’s Division of Kolonna in Kolonnagam due and owing on the said Bond bearing Nos. 2060 and
Pattu in Kolonna Korale in the District of Rathnapura 3217 to Sampath Bank PLC aforesaid as at 08th June,
3132 I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'12'15

2023 a sum of Rupees Seventeen Million Two Hundred SAMPATH BANK PLC
and Fifty Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty Seven (Formerly known as Sampath Bank Limited)
and Cents Thirty Six only (Rs. 17,252,747.36) of lawful
money of Sri Lanka being the total amount outstanding Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors
on the said Bonds and the Board of Directors of Sampath of Sampath Bank PLC under Section 04 of the
Bank PLC aforesaid under the powers vested by the Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions)
Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, Act, No. 04 of 1990 amended by No. 01 of 2011 and
No.04 of 1990 do hereby resolve that the property and No. 19 of 2011
premises morefully described in the Schedule hereto
mortgaged to Sampath Bank PLC aforesaid as security K. G. Madivila.
for the said credit facilities by the said Bond bearing A/C No.: 1051 5741 3265.
Nos. 2060 and 3217 to be sold in public auction by
P. K. E. Senapathi, Licensed Auctioneer of Colombo At a meeting held on 28.06.2023 by the Board of Directors
for the recovery of the said sum of Rupees Seventeen of Sampath Bank PLC it was resolved specially and
Million Two Hundred and Fifty Two Thousand Seven unanimously:
Hundred and Forty Seven and Cents Thirty Six only
(Rs. 17,252,747.36) together with further interest on a sum Whereas Kasun Gamithri Madivila in the Democratic
of Rupees Fourteen Million Three Hundred and Twenty Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka as the Obligor has made
Six Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Six and Cents default in the repayment of the credit facilities granted
Three only (Rs. 14,326,786.03) at the rate of Fourteen against the security of the property and premises morefully
decimal Five per centum (14.5%) per annum and further in the Schedule hereto mortgaged and hypothecated by
interest on a sum of Rupees Eighty Four Thousand Seven the Mortgage Bond Nos. 2676 dated 28th July, 2017 and
Hundred and Seventy Eight and Cents Twenty One only 3256, 09th April, 2018 both attested by A. W. S. Kalhari,
(Rs. 84,778.21) at the rate of Four per centum (4%) per Notary Public of Kandy in favour of Sampath Bank PLC
annum from 09th June, 2023 to date of satisfaction of the holding Company Registration No. PQ 144 and having its
total debt due upon the said Bond bearing Nos. 2060 and Registered Office at No. 110, Sir James Peiris Mawatha,
3217 together with costs of advertising and other charges Colombo 02 aforesaid and there is now due and owing
incurred less payments (if any) since received. on the said Bond bearing Nos. 2676 and 3256 to Sampath
Bank PLC aforesaid as at 06th June, 2023 a sum of
Rupees Twenty Five Million One Hundred and Eighty
Four Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty Four and Cents
Fifty Seven only (Rs. 25,184,484.57) of lawful money
All that divided and defined allotment of Land marked
of Sri Lanka being the total amount outstanding on the
Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 71/04/2007 dated 26th April,
said Bond and the Board of Directors of Sampath Bank
2007 made by W. A. Piyadasa, Licensed Surveyor of the
PLC aforesaid under the powers vested by the Recovery
land called “Siyambalagahamula Watta” together with the
of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of
house, soil, trees, plantation, buildings and everything else
1990 do hereby resolve that the property and premises
standing thereon situated at Mahawatta in Grama Seva
morefully described in the Schedule hereto mortgaged
Division of Mahawatta East within the Pradeshiya Sabha
to Sampath Bank PLC aforesaid as security for the said
Limit of Kundasale in Divisional Secretariat of Kundasale
credit facilities by the said Bond bearing Nos. 2676 and
in Udagampaha Korale of Pathadumbara in the District of
3256 to be sold in public auction by P. K. E. Senapathi,
Kandy, Central Province and which said Lot 1 is bounded
Licensed Auctioneer of Colombo for the recovery of the
on the North by Lot 2 in said Plan, on the East by Lot C
said sum of Rupees Twenty Five Million One Hundred
in Plan No. 6009, on the South by Road from Arangala to
and Eighty Four Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty
Warapitiya and on the West by Lot 5 (Access) and containing
Four and Cents Fifty Seven only (Rs. 25,184,484.57) of
in Extent Twenty Three Perches (0A., 0R., 23P.) according
lawful money of Sri Lanka together with further interest
to said Plan No. 71/04/2007 and registered under Vol/Folio
on a sum of Rupees Fifteen Million Seven Hundred and
D 269/112 at the Land Registry Kandy.
Twelve Thousand Five Hundred and Eighty Eight and
Cents Ninety only (Rs. 15,712,588.90) at the rate of
By order of the Board,
Thirteen decimal Five per centum (13.5%) per annum,
Company Secretary. further interest on a sum of Rupees Six Million Nine
Hundred and Fifty Two Thousand Eight Hundred and
12-383/1 Thirty Nine and Cents Nine only (Rs. 6,952,839.09) at the
I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'12'15

rate of Five decimal Eight per centum (5.8%) per annum in Divisional Secretariat Division of Gangawata Korale in
and further interest on a sum of Rupees One Hundred and the District of Kandy Central Province and which said Lot
Twenty Two Thousand One Hundred and Forty Three and 04 is bounded on the East by Part of Heerassagala Estate
Cents Eight only (Rs. 122,143.08) from 07th June, 2023 depicted as Lot 09 in Plan No. 54 of A. Rajapakshe Licensed
to date of satisfaction of the total debt due upon the said Surveyor, on the South-east by Lots 05 & 06 in the said Plan
Bond bearing Nos. 2676 and 3256 together with costs of No. 210, on the South-west by Lot 01 in the said Plan No.
advertising and other charges incurred less payments (if 210, on the North-west by Lots 02 & 03 in the said Plan
any) since received. No. 210 and containing in extent Twenty Five Decimal
Five Perches (0A., 0R., 25.5P.) together with the soil, trees,
THE SCHEDULE plantations buildings and everything else standing thereon
according to said Plan No. 210 and registered in Vol/Folio A
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot 614/54 at the Land Registry, Kandy.
01 depicted in Plan No. J 3534 dated 02nd of March, 2015
made by R. L. K. Jayasundera, Licensed Surveyor of the Together with the Right of Way over and along Lot 09
land called “Heerassagala Estate” situated at Suduhumpola depicted in Plan No. 54 dated 14th October, 1981 made by
in Ward No. 22 - Siyambalapitiya in the Grama Niladhari’s A. Rajapakshe Licensed Surveyor.
Division of Suduhumpola within the Municipal Council
limits of Kandy in Divisional Secretariat Division of 12-383/2
Gangawata Korale in the District of Kandy Central
Province and which said Lot 01 is bounded on the North by
Heerassagala Estate Garden, Premises bearing Assessment
No. 119/8 marked Lots 02 & 03 in Plan No. 210 made
by N. B. D. Wettewa, Licensed Surveyor, on the East by
Heerassagala Estate (Road & Reservation for Road shown SAMPATH BANK PLC
in Plan No. 1346 made by N. B. D. Wettewa, Licensed (Formerly known as Sampath Bank Limited)
Surveyor and Heerassagala Estate (Road & Reservation for
Road shown in Plan No. 1346 made by N.B.D. Wettewa Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of
Licensed Surveyor) now occupied by D. S. D. Silva, on the Sampath Bank PLC under Section 04 of the
South by Heerassagala Estate Watte claimed by Bandula Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions )
Epa (Lots 05 & 06 in Plan No. 20 by N. B. D. Wettewa, Act, No. 04 of 1990 amended by No. 01 of 2011
Licensed Surveyor) and on the West by Heerassagala Estate and No. 19 of 2011
Garden, Premises bearing Assessment No. 119/9 (Lot 01
in Plan No. 210 by N. B. D. Wettewa, Licensed Surveyor) Ciluni International (Private) Limited.
and containing in extent Twenty Five Decimal Two Two A/C No.: 0205 1000 0553.
Perches (0A., 0R., 25.22P.) or 0.06380 Hectares together
with the soil, trees, plantations buildings and everything At a meeting held on 31.08.2023 by the Board of
else standing thereon and together with the Right of Way Directors of Sampath Bank PLC it was resolved
over and along the Road according to said Plan No. J 3534 specially and unanimously:
and registered in Vol/Folio A 614/128 at the Land Registry,
Kandy. (Remarks Column). Whereas Ciluni International (Private) Limited a
Company duly incorporated under the Companies Laws
Which said Lot 01 is a resurvey of Lot 01 in Plan of Sri Lanka bearing Registration No. PV 63999 in the
No. 1346 dated 22nd November, 1992 made by N. B. D. Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka as the
Wettewa, Licensed Surveyor and Lot 01 depicted in Plan Obligor and Don Wasantha Vipula Jayasinghe as the
No. J 1710 dated 28th September, 2002 made by R. L. K. Mortgagor have made default in the repayment of the
Jayasundera, Licensed Surveyor which in turn is a resurvey credit facilities granted against the security of the
of following land to wit:- properties and premises morefully described in the
Schedule hereto mortgaged and hypothecated by the
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot Mortgage Bond Nos. 2295 & 2299 both dated 27th
04 depicted in Plan No. 210 dated 30th of October, 1984 made February, 2017, 4946 dated 13th July, 2020, 5877 & 5879
by N. B. D. Wettewa, Licensed Surveyor of the land called both dated 21st October, 2022 all attested by A. W. S.
“Heerassagala Estate” situated at Suduhumpola in Ward No. Kalhari, Notary Public of Kandy and No. 81 dated 18th
22 - Siyambalapitiya in the Grama Niladhari’s Division of January, 2018 attested by C. L. Weralupitiya, Notary
Suduhumpola within the Municipal Council limits of Kandy Public of Colombo in favour of Sampath Bank PLC
3134 I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'12'15

holding Company Registration No. PQ 144 and having the District of Matale Central Province and which said Lot
its Registered Office at No. 110, Sir James Peiris 01 is bounded on the North by Lot 350 in B. V. S. P. 418
Mawatha, Colombo 02 and there is now due and owing & Forest-Crown, on the East by Forest Crown & Lot 352
on the said Mortgage Bonds bearing Nos. 2295, 2299, B. V. S. P. 418, on the South by Lot 352 in B.V. S. P. 418
4946, 5877, 5879 and 81 to Sampath Bank PLC aforesaid and Road, on the West by Road and Lot 350 in B. V. S. P.
as at 12th June, 2023 sum of Rupees Seventeen Million 418 and containing in extent Two Roods And Two Perches
Seven Hundred and Sixty Five Thousand Five Hundred (0A., 2R., 2P.) or 0.20738 Hectares together with soil, trees,
and Cents Seventy Seven only (Rs. 17,765,500.77) of plantations, buildings and everything else standing thereon
lawful money of Sri Lanka being the total amounts according to said Plan and registered in Vol/Folio L. 107/33
outstanding together with interest on the said Mortgage (in the Remarks Column) at the Land Registry, Matale.
Bonds and the Board of Directors of Sampath Bank PLC
aforesaid under the powers vested by the Recovery of Which said Lot 01 is a resurvey of following land to wit:-
Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990
do hereby resolve that the properties morefuliy described All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
in the Schedule hereto mortgaged to Sampath Bank PLC Lot 351 depicted in Plan No. S/ud/68 of B.S.V.P. 418
aforesaid as security for the said credit facilities by the authenticated by the Surveyor General of the land called
said Mortgage Bond Nos. 2295, 2299, 4946, 5877, 5879 “Yabarahena”, situated at Inamaluwa villege in the Grama
and 81 to be sold in public auction by P. K. E. Senapathi, Niladhari’s Division No. E 441 - Inamaluwa within the
Licensed Auctioneer of Colombo for the recovery of the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Dambulla in Inamaluwa Korale
said sum of Rupees Seventeen Million Seven Hundred and in the Divisional Secretariat Division of Dambulla in
and Sixty Five Thousand Five Hundred and Cents the District of Matale Central Province and which said Lot
Seventy Seven only (Rs. 17,765,500.77) together with 351 is bounded on the North by Lot 369 in the said Plan,
further interest on a sum of Rupees Sixteen Million Two on the East by Lot 352 in the said Plan, on the South by
Hundred Thousand only (Rs. 16,200,000.00) at the rate Lot 348 in the said Plan, on the West by Lot 350 hereof
of Fifteen decimal Five per centum (15.5%) per annum and containing in extent Two Roods and Two Perches
from 13th June, 2023 to date of satisfaction of the total
(0A., 2R., 2P.) together with soil, trees, plantations, buildings
debt due upon the said Bond bearing Nos. 2295, 2299,
and everything else standing thereon according to said Plan
4946, 5877, 5879 and 81 together with costs of advertising
and registered in Vol/Folio L. 107/33 at the Land Registry,
and other charges incurred less payments (if any) since
2. All that divided and defined allotment of and marked
Whereas the aforesaid Don Wasantha Vipula
Lot X 1/1 depicted in Plan 752A/2015 dated 08th of July,
Jayasinghe is the virtual owner and person who is in
2015 made by W R M Fernando, Licensed Surveyor of the
control of the aforesaid Ciluni International (Private) Limited
land called “Millagahawatte”, situated at Ihala Biyanwala in
in as much as aforesaid Don Wasantha Vipula Jayasinghe as a
the Grama Niladhari’s Division No. 269 A - Ihala Biyanwala
Director of Ciluni International (Private) Limited is in control
Central within the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Biyagama in
and management of the said Company and accordingly,
all negotiations generally and all transactions is with the Adikari Pattu of Siyane Korale in the Divisional Secretariat
company entered into and made by Don Wasantha Vipula Division of Biyagama in the District of Gampaha Western
Jayasinghe and the person aware of all borrowings, the fact Province and which said Lot X 1/1 is bounded on the
of default and liability to pay as aforesaid Don Wasantha North by Land of Dayarathne Wijerathne, on the East by
Vipula Jayasinghe is the actual beneficiary of the financial Remaining portion of Lot XI in the said Plan, on the South
accommodations granted by the Sampath Bank PLC to by Road (Ten Feet wide), on the West by land of Vipula
Ciluni International (Private) Limited. Jayasinghe and containing in extent Ten Perches (0A., 0R.,
10P.) together with soil, trees, plantations, buildings and
THE SCHEDULE everything else standing thereon according to said Plan
and registered in Vol/Folio N 389/44 at the Land Registry,
1. All that divided and defined allotment of land Mahara (previously at Gampaha Land Registry).
marked Lot 01 in Plan No. 2968 dated 27th of May, 2014
made by W. C. Dias, Licensed Surveyor of the land called Together with the Right of Way over and along Lot Z
“Yabarahena”, situated at Inamaluwa villege in the Grama depicted in Plan No. 4/1994 dated 15th day of January
Niladhari’s Division No. E 441 - Inamaluwa within the 1994 made by D. A. Katugampola Licensed Surveyor and
Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Dambulla in Inamaluwa Korale registered in Vol/Folio N 86/47 at the Land Registry, Mahara
and in the Divisional Secretariat Division of Dambulla in (previously at Gampaha Land Registry).
I fldgi : (I) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2023'12'15

3. All that divided and defined allotment of and marked Six Hundred and Twenty Six and Cents Sixty Five only
Lot A-l depicted in Plan No. 8623 dated 05th of December (Rs. 36,778,626.65) of lawful money of Sri Lanka being
2015 made by B. S. Alahakoon Licensed Surveyor of the the total amount outstanding on the said Bond and the
land called “YABARAHENA”, situated at Inamaluwa Board of Directors of Sampath Bank PLC aforesaid
villege in the Grama Niladhari’s Division No. E 451 - under the powers vested by the Recovery of Loans by
Inamaluwa within the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Dambulla Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990, do
in Inamaluwa Korale in the Divisional Secretariat Division hereby resolve that the property and premises morefully
of Dambulla in the District of Matale Central Province and described in the Schedule hereto mortgaged to
which said Lot A-1 is bounded on the North by Lots 369 Sampath Bank PLC aforesaid as security for the said
& 360 in F V P No.418; on the East by Lot 360 in F V P credit facilities by the said Bond bearing No. 4337
to be sold in public auction by P. K. E. Senapathi,
No. 418 & A-2 hereof, on the South by Lot A-2 hereof and
Licensed Auctioneer of Colombo for the recovery
on the West by Lot A-2 hereof & Lot 369 in FVP No.418
of the said sum of Rupees Thirty Six Million
and containing in extent Thirty Eight Decimal Eight Naught
Seven Hundred and Seventy Eight Thousand Six
Perches (0A., 0R., 38.80P.) 0.0981 Hectares together Hundred and Twenty Six and Cents Sixty Five
with soil, trees, plantations, buildings and everything else only (Rs. 36,778,626.65) of lawful money of Sri Lanka
standing thereon according to said Plan and registered in together with further interest on a sum of Rupees Twenty
Vol/Folio L 74/131 at the Land Registry, Matale. Four Million Eight Hundred and Nine Thousand Three
Hundred and Fifty Three and Cents Seventy Nine only
By order of the Board, (Rs. 24,809,353.79) at the rate of Fourteen per centum
(14%) per annum and further interest on a sum of
Company Secretary. Rupees Six Million Nine Hundred and Three Thousand
One Hundred and Sixty Five and Cents Thirty Six
12-383/3 only (Rs. 6,903,165.36) at the rate of Six decimal
Nine Three per centum (6.93%) per annum from
14th July, 2023 to date of satisfaction of the total
SAMPATH BANK PLC debt due upon the said Bond bearing No.4337 together
(Formerly known as Sampath Bank Limited) with costs of advertising and other charges incurred less
payments (if any) since received.
Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors
of Sampath Bank PLC under Section 04 of the THE SCHEDULE
Recovery of Loans by Banks ( Special Provisions )
Act, No. 04 of 1990 amended by No. 01 of 2011 and All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
No. 19 of 2011 Lot 01 in Plan No. 19003 dated 11th June 2010 made
by G R W M Weerakoon Licensed Surveyor bearing
Assessment No. 133 and 135 - Ampitiya Road situated
V. A. U. Hemasinghe.
at Ampitiya and in the Grama Niladhari’s Division of
A/C No.: 0007 5010 1607.
Ampitiya - North within the Municipal Council limits
of Kandy in the Divisional Secretary’s Division of
At a meeting held on 31.08.2023 by the Board of Directors Gangawata Korale in the District of Kandy Central
of Sampath Bank PLC specially and unanimously: Province and which said Lot 01 is bounded on the North-
east by premises bearing Assessment No. 123/1- Ampitiya
Whereas Vitharana Arachchilage Udesh Hemasinghe Road, on the South-East by premises bearing Assessment
in the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka as the No. 139 - Ampitiya Road, on the South-West by Drain
Obligor has made default in the repayment of the credit and on the North-West by Lot 02 in Plan No.719 by W. K.
facilities granted against the security of the property and M. M. Weliwita, Licensed Surveyor bearing Assessment No.
premises morefully in the Schedule hereto mortgaged and 131 and containing in extent Nine Perches (0A., 0R., 9.0P.)
hypothecated by the Mortgage Bond No. 4337 together with soil, trees, plantations, buildings and
dated 06th June, 2019 attested by A. W. S. Kalhari, everything standing thereon and registered Vol/Folio
Notary Public of Kandy in favour of Sampath Bank PLC A 681 / 124 at the Land Registry, Kandy.
holding Company Registration No. PQ 144 and having its
Registered Office at No. 110, Sir James Peiris Mawatha, By order of the Board,
Colombo 02 aforesaid and there is now due and owing
on the said Bond bearing No.4337 to Sampath Bank PLC Company Secretary.
aforesaid as at 13th July 2023 a sum of Rupees Thirty
Six Million Seven Hundred and Seventy Eight Thousand 12-383/4

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