Agro Climatic Zones in Maharashtra
Agro Climatic Zones in Maharashtra
Agro Climatic Zones in Maharashtra
Sr. Name of Geograph Geographi Climatic Averag Soil type Crop and
No the Zone ical cal spread conditio e cropping
. location of the ns annual pattern
zone / rainfal
Districts l
IV Sub Located on Spreads Average 700- Soils are Mainly
Montane eastern over 19 maximu 2500 reddish dominated by
Zone/Transi slopes of tahsils of m mm. brown to kharrif cereals,
tion Zone 1 Sahyadri five temperat Rains black groundnut &
ranges districts ure is receive tending sugarcane. Rabi
viz, nasik, between d to crops are taken
pune, 28-35 C mostly lateritic. where there are
satara, and from S- PH 6- deep soils &
sangli & minimu W 7.Well moisture
kolhapur. m 14-19 monso supplied holding
The area of C on. in capacity.
the zone nitrogen Vegetables-
measures but low potato, onion,
10,289 Sq in chilies, tomato
Km phosphor & brinjal.
ous & Fruits-mango,
potash banana, guava
cashew &
5. Transition Zone - 2
6. Scarcity Zone
Sr. Name Geogra Geograp Climatic Average Soil type Crop and
No of the -phical hical conditions annual cropping
. Zone locatio spread of rainfall pattern
n the zone/
VI Western - This Suffers from Less General Based on
Mahara zone very low than topography bimodal
shtra covers rainfall with 750mm is having distribution of
Scarcity geograph uncertainty & in 45 slope rainfall hence
Zone/ ical area ill days. between 1- two cropping
Scarcity of 73.23 distribution. Two 2%. systems are
Zone lakh ha. Occurrence peaks of Infiltration noticed. During
The of drought is rainfall, rate is 6-7 kharif shallow
gross & noted once in 1) mm/hr. The & poor moisture
net three years. June/Jul soils are retentive soils
cultivate Dry spell y vertisol. are cultivated.
d area is varies from 2- 2) Soils have Medium deep,
58.42 ad 10 weeks. Septemb montmorillo moisture
53.0 lakh Water er. nite clay. holding capacity
ha availability Bimodal Poor in soils are
respectiv 60-140 days. pattern nitrogen, diverted to rabi
ely. Which is of low to cropping. Kharif
affected due rainfall. medium in cropping 25-
to 1) delayed phosphate & 30%. Crops -
onset of well bajra, Jowar,
monsoon supplied in Groundnut,
2) early potash. safflower,
cessation of pulses etc.
monsoon. Productivity is
Maximum rather low in
temperature both the
41 C seasons.
-14-15 C
Sr. Name of Geographica Geographical Climatic Averag Soil type Crop and
No. the Zone l location spread of the conditions e cropping
zone/Districts annual pattern
and tahsils rainfall
VIII Central There are five The zone Maximum 1130 Black Cropping
Vidarbha sub- zones of includes entire temperature mm. soils patterns
Zone central Wardha, major 33-38 C derived Involves
/Zone of Vidarbha parts of Nagpur Minimum from Cotton,
Moderate zone based on Yavatmal 2 temperature basalt Kh.
Rainfall climate soil & tahsils of 16-26 C. rock. Jowar,
cropping Chandrapur & Average Medium Tur,
pattern parts of daily to heavy Wheat
Aurangabad, humidity 72 in texture other
Jalna Parbhani % in rainy alkaline Pluses &
& Nanded season, 53 in Oilseeds
districts. Largest % in winter reaction.
agro climatic & 35% in Low
zone summer. lying
encompassing areas are
49.88 lakh ha rich and
geographical fertile.
area & 35.73
lakh ha net
cropped area.
Sr. Name of the Geograph Geographical Climatic Average Soil type Crop and
No. Zone ical spread of the conditions annual cropping
location zone / rainfall pattern
Districts and
IX Eastern - Includes entire Mean 950 to 1250 Soils Paddy is
Vidharbha Bhandara & Maximum mm on derive predomina
Zone/High Gadchiroli and temperatur western from nt crop in
Rainfall parts of e varies side. 1700 parent Bhandara.
Zone with Chandrapur from 32 to mm on rock Rb.
Soils and Nagpur 37 C. extreme east granite, Pulses-
derived from districts. Minimum side No of gneisses, Gram,
parent Geographical temperatur rainy days and Lathyrus.
material of area is 32.7 e 15 to 24 59. schists. Paddy is
different lakh / Ha. And C. Daily Brown to followed
crops. There with almost humdity Red in by Rb.
are four sub 50% under 73% for colour. Jowar
zone based forest. Gross rainy PH 6 to 7 Pulses and
on climate, crop area 10.8 season 62 Oilseeds.
soil sand lakhs/Ha. winter &
crop pattern 35 summer