CHN - 1
CHN - 1
CHN - 1
August 2009
2. How will you prevent malnutrition among the under five children.
February 2011
[KY 1020] Sub. Code: 4719
Second Year
1. Epidemiology Triad.
2. Amoebiasis.
3. Census.
4. Cold chain.
5. Dynamics of diseases transmission.
1. Dimension of Health.
2. Food hygiene.
3. Prevention of life style related disease.
4. Protein energy malnutrition.
5. Methods of pasteurization.
6. Eugenics.
7. Obesity.
8. Women empowerment.
1. Noise control.
2. Oxidation pond.
3. Rabies.
4. Acts regulating food hygiene.
5. Intra uterine devices.
2. a) Define Epidemiology. 19 33 20
b) Explain the uses of Epidemiology.
c) Explain the methods of epidemiological investigation.
[LC 1020] FEBRUARY 2013 Sub. Code: 4719
(New Regulations for the candidates admitted from 2006-07 onwards)
Second Year
Q.P. Code : 664719
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
I. Essays: (2X20=40)
1. a) Explain the criteria of safe and wholesome water and describe the
purification of water on small and large scale .
2. Define epidemiology and its concepts ,aims, scopes and used of
[LD 1020] AUGUST 2013 Sub. Code: 4719
(New Regulations for the candidates admitted from 2006-07 onwards)
Second Year
Q.P. Code : 664719
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
I. Essays: (2X20=40)
1. a) Define malnutrition
b) Explain the common nutritional problems affecting public health in India
c) Role of community health nurse in nutritional programs
2. a) Define demography
b) Explain the population explosion and its importance on social and
economic development of country
c) Role of community health nurse in control of population in India.
[LE 1020] FEBRUARY 2014 Sub. Code: 4719
I. Essays: (2X15=30)
1. Epidemiological triad
2. Control and prevention of tuberculosis
3. Food hygiene
4. Iodine deficiency
5. Rabies
[LF 1020] AUGUST 2014 Sub. Code: 4719
I. Essays : (2X15=30)
1. Population explosion
2. Natural history of disease
4. Prevention and control of malaria
5. Obesity
[LG 1020] FEBRUARY 2015 Sub. Code: 4719
I. Essays : (2 x 15 = 30)
[LH 1020] AUGUST 2015 Sub. Code: 4719
1. Dimensions of health.
2. Women empowerment.
3. Measurements of mortality.
4. Protein energy malnutrition.
5. Intra uterine device (IUD).
1. Define demography.
2. List out four bactericidal drugs used for tuberculosis.
3. What is meant by mopping up?
4. Write the composition of reduced osmolarity Oral Rehydration Solution.
5. Write four approaches for prevention and control of hook worm infection.
6. Mention two methods to remove permanent hardness of water.
7. List any four surface infections.
8. Define epidemic with one example.
9. Classify the types of carriers.
10. Mention two methods to control Air pollution.
[LI 1020] FEBRUARY 2016 Sub. Code: 4719
[LJ 1020] AUGUST 2016 Sub. Code: 4719
I. Elaborate on : (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Vital statistics.
2. Descriptive epidemiology.
3. Cold chain.
4. Primary health care.
5. Indirect transmission of disease.
[LK 1020] FEBRUARY 2017 Sub. Code: 4719
1. Name some mosquito – borne diseases. Explain briefly about the mosquito control
measures and describe the role of a nurse in mosquito control measures.
2. Define epidemiology. List out the types of epidemiology and explain the uses of
1. Nutritional deficiencies.
2. Worm infestations.
3. Modern sewage treatment plant.
4. Rabies.
5. Natural history of diseases.
[LL 1020] AUGUST 2017 Sub. Code: 4719
1. Describe the epidemiology of Dengue fever and explain the role of the community
health nurse in the treatment, prevention and control of Dengue fever in the
1. Emergency contraception.
2. Explain the different types of nutritional deficiency diseases seen in the country.
3. Management and control of respiratory diseases in the community.
4. Status of elderly people in society.
5. Education as a determinant of health.
[LM 1020] FEBRUARY 2018 Sub. Code: 4719
2. a) Define malnutrition.
b) Describe the causes of malnutrition.
c) Role of community health nurse in nutritional programme.
1. Dimensions of health.
2. Prevention and control of dengue.
3. Epidemiological triad.
4. Parameters used to assess the nutritional status.
5. Demographic cycle.
[LN 1020] AUGUST 2018 Sub. Code: 4719
2. List out the various sources of refuse. Explain in detail any four methods of
disposal of waste.
[LO 1020] FEBRUARY 2019 Sub. Code: 4719
2. Define population explosion and write down the causes and consequences
of population explosion.
1. Define morbidity.
2. Enlist any four intestinal infections.
3. Write the causative organism of small pox and chicken pox.
4. List four methods of refuse disposal.
5. Two examples for second generation intra-uterine devices.
6. Define demography.
7. Write four biological effects of light.
8. Mention any four community nutritional programmes.
9. Prevention and control of hypertension.
10. Define death rate.
[LP 1020] AUGUST 2019 Sub. Code: 4719
1. Women Empowerment.
2. Iodine deficiency.
3. Epidemiological Triad.
4. Prevention of Food Adulteration Act.
5. Hook-worm infestation and the role of the community health nurse.
[LQ 1020] FEBRUARY 2020 Sub. Code: 4719