CLUP - Vol1 - Chapter 3

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Cagayan de Oro City Comprehensive Land Use Plan


Chapter 3
The Comprehensive Land Use Plan

3.1 Introduction

The Cagayan de Oro City2013-2022 Comprehensive Land Use Plan was prepared
pursuant to the Local Government Code of 1991 (RA 7160), which mandated the
Local Government Units, to “prepare their comprehensive land use plans and
enact them through zoning ordinances”.
The Plan is meant to guide the city physical development and to steer the city’s
growth as the business and trading center of Southern Philippines. It provides a
framework of goals, objectives, strategies and actions required for achievement of the
city/s future “CdeO 2022”.

3.2 Vision

A city managed through good governance, empowering its citizenry to thrive in

a highly competitive economy and a sustainable environment nurturing its
diversity and multi-cultural heritage towards a resilient, progressive, and
inclusive future.

3.3 Goals, Objectives, Strategies

Goals & Objectives

Upliftment of socio-economic condition by empowering the

citizenry for a safe, healthy and secured community integrating the
principles of DRR-CCA

 To promote safe, peaceful, orderly, healthy and CCA+DRR resilient

 To improve the quality of education
 To Implement housing and urban development-related initiatives
 To promote values formation in the community
 To promote skills development and technology transfer
 To provide livelihood opportunities
 Maximize utilization of safe and secure settlement areas to
accommodate demand in housing
 To improve water production capacity in order to serve other areas
and for future demands
 Improved health services and minimize climate change and disaster
related diseases

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 Increased no. of decent and resilient housing for ISFs and formal
sector in identified high risk areas in brgys
 Effective & efficient delivery of social welfare services to affected
families in times of calamities

An efficient and responsive governance

 To strengthen government-private/NOGs/CSOs collaboration

 To strictly implement environmental and other laws and ordinances
 To improve efficiency in fiscal management
 To formulate and promote policies, laws and ordinances on resiliency
to CC/DR impact with transparency and accountability
 To promote efficiency in fiscal management thru sufficient allocation
of funds for the DRR/CCA plans and programs
 To equip city and barangay officials with capacity for effective and
responsive urban environmental governance
 Increased resiliency of academic institutions to climate change and
disaster related events
 Increase involvement of the private sectors and CSOs in the
implementation of projects and programs
 Increase awareness and knowledge on the impacts of CCA/DRR

A sustainable development for the protection and utilization of

natural resources for inclusive growth

 To preserve natural tourist attractions and cultural heritage sites

 To improve the quality of inland, coastal, surface, and ground waters
according to their designated classification
 To protect and conserve the integrity of fresh water resources.
 To ensure effective solid and liquid waste disposal
 To arrest degradation and rehabilitate denuded forest areas
 Provide natural flood abatement facilities
 To promote sustainable use of mineral resources
 To protect wildlife and vegetation and preserve biodiversity
 To minimize occurrence of flooding in the low lying areas and along
the riverbanks and its adjoining areas
 To reduce soil erosion and improve soil fertility
 To minimize air pollution in the urban areas
 To protect and conserve ground and surface water
 Maximize use of land in urban areas
 Increase percentage of open spaces
 To improve existing and develop road network to hasten

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development in new growth areas in the hinterland barangays

 To formulate a comprehensive transportation masterplan
 To protect and conserve ground and surface water
 To rehabilitate Mangrove and inter-tidal vegetation (coral reef and
sea grass areas) in 5 years
 To develop and provide legislated protection to wildlife sanctuary
 Establish updated environment planning database
 To optimize agricultural production/productivity and sustain/increase
yields by 10%:
- crops
- fishery
- livestock & poultry
- forestry
 Preserve, protect and enhance natural and heritage tourism sites and
indigenous peoples’ way of life

Investment Enabling City

 To maintain good peace and order condition

 To promote green and disaster resilient infrastructure
 To provide infrastructure facilities and utility support
 To organize and develop alternative livelihood system
 To provide adequate supply of potable water
 To strengthen human resources development
 To promote private-public partnership
 To ensure reliability and sustainability of power supply (power
generation, power distribution thru N+1 supply mode, renewable
energy program)
 To develop and enhance drainage and sewerage system
 To establish efficient and effective information and communication
 To promote eco-friendly investment opportunities to generate
 To ensure unhampered business operations year-round through
proper implementation of existing laws and regulations and
provision for infra-support facilities.
- Industry
- Trade/Commerce
- Services (e.g. tourism, ICT etc.)

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Employment & Livelihood

 Livelihood program (home and community-based) to augment
 Implementation of regular training program for skills development
and enhancement (entrepreneurship development program)
 Compliance with standard ration of social services

Housing & Resettlement

 Provision of funds for housing
 Relocation for dwellers within the hazard areas
 Provision of decent, affordable housing on environmentally safe
 Adopt community mortgage program for informal settlers
 Application of urban renewal in onsite relocation
 Encourage housing developers to participate/engage in socialized

Sports and Recreation

 Establishment of sports complex

Disaster Risk Reduction & Mitigation

 Establishment of evacuation center
 Introduction of alternative livelihood projects
 Conduct IEC/drills of disaster preparedness and implementation of
 Organization of community disaster response team
 Regular health care and supplemental feeding for malnourished
 Rescue and emergency drill in community, schools, offices at risk
 Disaster preparedness programs
 Proper utilization of DRRM Fund
 Construction of multi-storey schools and other public buildings in
safer areas within the barangay
 Improvement of educational facilities
 Promotion of Technical/Vocational Courses
 Medical Emergency and health services
 Promote the concept of cremation
 Identify possible burial sites
 Promote multi-interment
 Improvement of jail buildings with facilities

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 Construction of additional police sub-stations

 Establishment of central fire station and its facilities
 Daycare Centers in all relocation sites
 Landbanking
 Establishment of city social welfare services complex
o Center for street children
o Vocational and Development Center for Person/Children with
o Day Center for Senior Citizens
o Center for Women
o Center for Mentally Challenged Persons


 Expand areas for urban greening

 Streamlining business registration process and lowering business
transaction costs
 Strengthen investment promotion
 Establishment of high-density commercial district in the new
growth areas
 Pedestrianization of commercial districts and in cultural heritage
 Promotion of Agricultural Technology in selected rural areas
 Provision of alternative livelihood projects/activities
 Implementation of integrated coastal management plan (11
coastal barangays)
 Development of rural road network linking to primary farming
 Establishment of post-harvest facilities
 Enhancement of Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Plan
 Development of tourism sites
 Development of comprehensive tourism programs
 Encourage farmers/fisherfolks to insure crops, livestock and
fishery with PCIC
 Conservation and protection of cultural, natural sites and heritage
 Maintenance of identified natural sites for eco-tourism
 Installation of irrigation facilities (SWIS)


 Provision, rehabilitation and establishment of quality infra-support

(river dikes, protection wall, upgraded drainage canal)

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 Formulation of Comprehensive Drainage Master Plan

 Encourage solar energy as alternative source of power
 Improvement of road network
 Establishment of by-passed roads
 Pedestrianization (Divisoria)
 Establishment of bicycle lanes
 Tap alternative sources of potable water
 Establishment of sewerage system
 Promote water conservation practices
 Modify water supply facilities to be hazard resilient
 Dredging of rivers
 Implement/enforce Clean Water Act and other pertinent laws and
 Retrofitting of bridges
 Adoption/integration CCA-DRR plan into urban development.
 Adopt disaster-resilient telecommunication facilities/system.
 Adopt Shift Improve and Avoid policy
 Formulation/development of a Comprehensive Transport Plan
 Promote carpooling and use of public utility vehicles
 Discourage importation of surplus vehicles
 Introduction of rain-harvesting system and other water
impounding facilities in big business establishments
 Provision of retaining walls/flood control dikes
 Improvement of river channel
 Shift/influence development from hazard prone to hazard free
 Adoption of Geo hazards Consideration in planning and
-Encourage structures on stilts
 Modification of public offices/buildings to be disaster resilient

Land Use and Environment

 Promotion of urban gardening

 Passage of ordinance for no build zone areas
 Strict implementation of traffic rules and regulation
 Strict implementation of legal easement as provided by law
 Implementation of project NOAH/warning system in coordination
with DOST
 Adoption of River Basin/Watershed Approach in Planning
 Implementation of DRR Management Plan
 Implementation of river basin planning system approach
 Establishment of buffer zones in danger areas

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 Implementation of National Greening Program (upstream brgys)

 Utilization of existing springs for potable water supply
 Harmonization of policies between LWUA,NWRB and Local
Water Providers
 Regulation of the extraction of underground water
 Implementation of septage management ordinance (short term
 Implementation of Water Quality Management Area
 Regulate Mining Activities
 Strict implementation of RA 9003
 Strict implementation of the Water Code, particularly on easement
as provided by law
 Rehabilitation of denuded areas
 Landbanking
 Urban Greening Projects
 Greenbelt Establishments
 Strict enforcement of mining and other environmental laws
 Strengthening of Task Force Iponan River
 Identification of mining areas
 Involvement / deputation of Barangay Officials in the enforcement
of mining and other environmental laws
 Creation of the City Mining Regulatory Board
 Regular monitoring, control, and surveillance (MCS)
 Empowering the local residents in safeguarding the environment
 Strict implementation of the ordinance regarding internet cafes
 Establish warning system devices in every school

3.4 The Concept/Structure Plan

The structure plan of the City of Cagayan de Oro focuses on the

priority development for the next ten years. This includes the following:

 Conservation and preservation area in Barangays Macahambus,

Mambuaya, F.S. Catanico, Malasag, Dansolihon, Bayanga,
Cugman, Agusan, Indahag, Balubal
 Heritage Sites in Barangays Poblacion, Divisoria, and Taguanao
 Urban Greening Area in Barangays Poblacion, Isla de Oro and
along riverbanks
 Reforestation Area in Barangays Bayanga, Lumbia, Agusan,
Baikingon, Besigan, Camaman-an, Canitoan, Carmen, Taglimao,
Pigsag-an, Balulang, Tignapoloan and Dansolihon
 Light-Medium Industrial Area in Barangays Tablon, Cugman,
Agusan, Bugo, Puerto and Lumbia

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 Mangrove Reforestation in the coastal barangays of Bayabas,

Bonbon, Agusan, Tablon, Cugman, Bugo, Puerto, Bulua
 Agricultural and Forest Areas in the southernmost barangays of
the city
 Western Urban Development in Barangays Bulua, Patag,
Kauswagan, Bonbon and Bayabas
 West Uptown Development in Upper Carmen, Canitoan, Lumbia
and Pagatpat
 East Uptown Development in Gusa, Indahag, Macasandig and
 Eastern Urban Development in Upper and Lower Puerto, Bugo,
Agusan, Balubal, and Tablon
 Downtown Development in Poblacion (CBD), Carmen, Lapasan,
Puntod and Macabalan

3.4.1 Preferred Development Thrust

Commercial and Light-Medium Industrial Development

The City opted for commercial and light-medium industrial

development. The chosen thrust was evaluated through Goal
Achievement Matrix (GAM) Analysis. GAM results are presented in
Annex A.

3.4.2 Major Spatial Development Strategies

1. Entice development in identified growth areas through the provision

of basic and excellent facilities (west uptown-Carmen, Canitoan
and Lumbia; downtown-Divisoria, Cogon, Carmen, Lapasan,
Macabalan, Puntod and Poblacion CBD; western urban-Bulua,
Patag, Kauswagan, Bonbon, Bayabas (BULPATKABONBAY); east
uptown-Gusa, Indahag, Macasandig and Camaman-an; eastern
urban development-Puerto, Bugo, Agusan, Balubal and Tablon)

2. Conservation and protection of natural sites and heritage i.e.

gorges landscape, critical habitat, wetlands and river system
(Macahambus, Mambuaya, FS Catanico, Malasag, Dansolihon,
Bayanga, Cugman, Agusan, Indahag, Balubal)

3. Incorporate provisions of pedestrian (walkways, bicycle lane) on

proposed road right- of- way (Divisoria, Poblacion)

4. Identify and legally declare built heritage sites in Divisoria,

Taguanao and Poblacion and regulate building heights,

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architecture and color for historical-cultural tourism

5. Intensify and sustain urban greening in Poblacion, Isla de Oro and

along riverbanks

6. Establish new sanitary landfill in Pagatpat/other suitable alternative


7. Enforce the setback requirements along public roads for yield

points/loading-unloading bay

8. Intensify greening and fruit tree growing in sloping areas of

Barangays Bayanga, Lumbia, Agusan, Baikingon, Besigan,
Camaman-an, Canitoan, Carmen, Taglimao, Pigsag-an, Balulang,
Tignapoloan, and Dansolihon

9. Light-Medium Industrial Areas – Tablon, Cugman, Agusan, Bugo,

Puerto, Lumbia

10. Mangrove reforestation - Bayabas, Bonbon, Agusan, Tablon,

Cugman, Bugo, Puerto, Bulua

11. Provision of structural mitigation measures (special land use

planning) for hazard prone areas

12. Provision of housing for settlers in blighted areas

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3.4.3 The Structure Plan

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3.5 The Land Use Plan

3.5.1 Urban Land Demand

The projected urban land requirement is based on the current land uses and
the population trends. The different sizes of lots used as basis for computation
was taken from prevalent size of lot in the city and which are considerably
acceptable. For residential projections, a minimum lot size of 80 square meters
per housing unit was used for computation.

3.5.2 Land Supply

Identification of land available was taken from the result of thematic mapping.
Land available are those potential growth areas which are the remaining areas
after deducting all development constraints.

3.5.3 Proposed General Land and Water Uses Agriculture

The Strategic Agriculture and Fishery Development Zone (SAFDZ) and

Comprehensive Agrarian Reform (CARP) areas shall serve as the development
framework for agriculture. Areas devoted to crops, i.e. corn, bananas, fruits &
nuts and vegetables will be retained in the rural barangays while crop
production and productivity will be intensified.

For livestock and poultry, backyard production specifically for swine, goats and
cattle will be regulated in the hinterland barangays.

Sustenance fishing (inland) shall be developed to augment fishery productivity

in potential areas where there are rivers, lakes and fishponds.

Proposed agricultural areas within the planning period summed up to 12,621.32

hectares; roughly 63 percent of which is intended for production, while the
remaining 37 percent more or less will be for protection. Forest

The forest areas in the hinterland barangays on the south abutting the
provincial boundary of Bukidnon and Lanao del Norte, i.e. Cugman, FS
Catanico, Tablon and Balubal will be retained/conserved. Premium and

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introduced species will be used in the reforestation of these identified


To sustain the National Greening Program, tree growing for reforestation at the
barangays shall be constantly enforced requiring NSTP to facilitate such

Open grassland will be devoted to fruit trees so as to protect the area from
further erosion.

Proposed forest areas within the planning period summed up to 27,906.46

hectares. Around 46 percent of which will be devoted to production, while 54
percent is protection forest. Tourism
The current development thrust for the City of Cagayan de Oro identified Eco-
tourism as a priority. It has identified the development of Cluster 1 which
includes the Calabera Cave located in Indahag and Huluga Cave in Taguanao,
this City. It covers approximately 175 hectares comprising the Macahambus
Cave and Gorge as well as Historical Heritage sites located in Barangays
Lumbia and Bayanga. Total tourism area proposed within the planning period
summed up to 1,305.40 hectares. Urban Land Use

For the planning period, proposed total urban land use of the city summed up
to 13,900.78 hectares. Water Use

Appropriate Coastal Use Zone shall be identified and delineated (e.g.

recreational areas, mariculture areas, marine protected areas, marine parks,
marine reserves, navigational lanes, fishing grounds, eco-tourism destination
sites, docking areas).

The following tables show the proposed general land and water use and the
comparative general land use of the City within the planning period.

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Table 3.1
Proposed General Land and Water Use
Cagayan de Oro City

% to total
Land/Water Use Categories Area (hectares)
Agricultural 12,621.32 21.82
Forest 27,906.46 48.24
Tourism 1,305.40 2.26
Urban Land Use 13,900.78 24.03
Roads, Utilities, etc. 2,117.04 3.66
Total Land Area 57,851.00 100.00
Production Water 10,187.89 85.24
Protection Water 1,763.43 14.76
Total Water Area 11,951.32 100.00

Table 3.2
Comparative General Land and Water Use, Existing and Proposed
Cagayan de Oro City

Area (hectares) % to total

Land Use Categories
Existing Proposed Existing Proposed
Agricultural 19,504 12,621 33.71 21.82
Forest 24,653 27,906 42.61 48.24
Tourism - 1,305 0.00 2.26
Urban Land Use 12,080 13,901 20.88 24.03
Roads, Utilities, etc. 1,615 2,117 2.79 3.66
Total 57,851 57,851 100.00 100.00

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3.5.4 Proposed Urban Land and Water Uses


The proposed settlement areas are the major and sub-nodes sited along east-
west stretch of the city towards the southern escarpment areas. There will be
strong linkages of these nodes to the CBD.

Major linkages in the east are the Agusan-Balubal Road and the national
highway. The J.R. Borja Road will be extended up to Agusan traversing
Cugman and Tablon. The Eastern Coastal Highway shall be completed to
decongest traffic along Iligan-Cagayan-Butuan Highway.

For the western nodes, Western Coastal Highway will be fast tracked for

Major linkage in the southern portion is the Iligan-Bukidnon Lateral Highway. Residential Areas

Within the planning period, residential areas remain the highest allocation
estimated at 11,177.49 hectares of the total urban land area of Cagayan de
Oro. This would dominate the land uses. Significant areas are the relocation
sites in Indahag, Calaanan, Camaman-an, Canitoan, Balubal and Pagatpat.
Medium-rise residential buildings are expected to be adopted for the lack of
space vis-à-vis the increase of households. Residential areas are planned to be
pedestrian-friendly. Commercial Areas

Mixed uses of commercial areas will be established in Poblacion, Carmen,

Lapasan and Gusa that would cater to offices, malls, and
shopping/retail/trading services.

New growth/expansion areas will be developed as follows:

 Western Urban Development (covering BULPATKABONBAY)

 West-Uptown Development Area (Barangays Carmen, Canitoan,
and Lumbia)
 East-Uptown Development Area (Barangays Gusa, Indahag,
Macasandig and Camaman-an)
 Eastern Urban Development Area (Upper Puerto, Lower Puerto
and Bugo, Agusan and Balubal, and Tablon)

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 Downtown Development Area – Poblacion (CBD), Carmen,

Lapasan, Puntod and Macabalan

Infrastructure support facilities and amenities such as ample parking areas,

upgraded drainage system, developed sewerage system, and improved
telecommunication network facilities will be provided in these growth areas

Commercial area within the planning period is estimated at 792.03 hectares. Industrial

Areas along Tablon would be processing of agricultural products while this

would be mixed to wood-based industries.

Lumbia Airport will be converted into Industrial Economic Zone.

Agro-industrial development will take place at Upper Puerto.

Light-medium industries will be developed at Lower Puerto, Bugo and Tablon.

Tourism Infrastructure and Economic Zone will be established at Cugman,

along with development/expansion of industrial warehousing facilities.

Cashew and Cashew Nuts Production at Lumbia will be intensified for cashew
industry development, as well as product Innovation and promotion.

Proposed industrial areas within the planning period summed up to 290.34

hectares. Institutional

Barangay centers, schools, churches and government centers are the

institutional uses with location dispersed throughout the locality.

Youth centers will be constructed in four strategic areas, namely: Lumbia,

Carmen, Nazareth and Lapasan.

A sports complex equipped with world-class facilities will be constructed at

Barangay Lumbia.

Within the planning period, proposed institutional areas summed up to 405.93


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2019-2027 Agro/Eco-Tourism/Heritage Area

Natural/heritage sites such as gorges, caves, wetlands as well as the river

systems shall be rehabilitated, conserved and protected. These are located in
Barangays Lumbia, FS Catanico, Cugman, Agusan, Bayanga, Mambuaya,
Dansolihon, Macasandig, Agusan and Bonbon.
Built heritage sites are located in Divisoria and the area stretching to St.
Augustine Cathedral. Building heights, architecture and color shall be regulated
for historical/cultural tourism. Approved cultural heritage sites shall be
preserved and enhanced.

Agro-Tourism will be developed at Palalan, Tablon with piped irrigation system

for farm lots watering. Other Barangays identified are Lumbia, Pagalungan,
Bayanga, Mambuaya, Dansolihon, Taglimao, Tagpangi, Tignapoloan, Tuburan,
Tumpagon, Pigsag-an, Besigan
Downtown check-in lounge and shuttle shall be established to ferry airport
passengers from Cagayan de Oro to Laguindingan Airport and vice versa. An
alternative fast craft ferry system to Laguindingan Airport will be established.
Regular Maintenance and Enhancement of existing historical landmarks in the
city will be done. Parks and Open Space

Salient feature is the proposed Isla de Oro River Walk with the urban renewal
activity in Burgos Area. It features low-impact development and landscaping.
Beautification and urban greening in major thoroughfares will be implemented
and maintained.

Escarpment areas are for tree planting/growing and greening Cagayan de Oro

Green-belt areas and forest parks in various islets in Cagayan de Oro River will
be identified and established.

Additional parks and playgrounds shall be developed while the existing shall be

The City Amphitheater will be re-developed as modern public amusement and

recreational center with basement parking area.
Areas for parks and open spaces summed up to 332.57 hectares within the
planning period.

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2019-2027 Mangroves
Mangroves in the city are located in the coastal floodplains of Bulua, Bayabas,
Bonbon, Lapasan, Agusan, Bugo, Puerto, Tablon andalong the riverbank of
Kauswagan. These are the same areas currently subjected to mangrove
reforestation activities of the city government in partnership with the fisherfolks
associations of respective barangays.
Table 3.3 shows the proposed urban land and water use of the City within the
planning period, while the comparative urban land and water use is shown in
Table 3.4.

Table 3.3
Proposed Urban Land and Water Use
Cagayan de Oro City

Land Use Categories Area (hectares) % to total

Agro-Industrial 822.55 5.92

Commercial 792.03 5.70
Industrial 290.34 2.09
Institutional 405.93 2.92
Open Space/Vacant Land 332.57 2.39
Residential 11,177.49 80.41
Swamp/Marshland 79.87 0.57
Total 13,900.78 100.00

Table 3.4
Comparative Urban Land and Water Use, Existing and Proposed
Cagayan de Oro City

Area (hectares) % to total

Land Use Categories
Existing Proposed Existing Proposed
Agricultural 8,065.10 - 33.82 -
Agro-industrial 14.07 822.55 0.06 5.92
Commercial 317.31 792.03 1.33 5.70
Forest 591.69 - 2.48 -
Industrial 175.58 290.34 0.74 2.09
Institutional 383.25 405.93 1.61 2.92
Mining and Quarrying 31.12 - 0.13 -
Open Space/Vacant Land 3,136.41 332.57 13.15 2.39
Residential 10,911.61 11,177.49 45.76 80.41
Swamp/Marshland 102.53 79.87 0.43 0.57
Utilities 118.04 - 0.49 -
Total 23,846.71 13,900.78 100.00 100.00

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3.5.5 Development Directions/Guidelines/Policies Urban Development-Growth Areas Urban Expansion Area # 1

(Western Urban Development Area)

Western Urban Development covers Barangay Bulua, Patag, Kauswagan,

Bonbon and Bayabas.

This growth node serves as the entry and exit points from and to Laguindingan
Airport and other parts of the country. This also serves as the major
convergence point for people, goods and products, as well as transport service
to and from other parts of the region.

 Existing Facilities
1. Integrated Bus and Jeepney Terminal
2. Fish and vegetable landing
3. Coastal road passing through barangays Gusa, Lapasan,
Kauswagan, Bayabas, Bulua and Iponan

 Proposed Development
1. Commercial mixed use medium to high density pedestrian friendly
center for Cagayan de Oro City.
2. Commercial areas along Western Coastal Highway-Kauswagan,
Bayabas, Bulua
3. Completion and widening of western coastal highway
4. Establish/construct main drain (canal)
5. Waste water treatment for subdivisions
6. Preservation and expansion of wetlands in Bulua, Bonbon and
7. Provision of multi-purpose and socio-economic centers (reading
centers, parks, and the like) Urban Expansion Area #2

(West-Uptown Development Area)

Covering Barangays Carmen, Canitoan, Lumbia and Pagatpat. This will be a

medium to high-density, mixed-use pedestrian friendly center with high end,
low-density type of development for residential and commercial uses. This area

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will decongest the present major urban center/city core and shall provide more
opportunities for socio-economic activities.
The Lumbia Airport shall be converted into an industrial area/economic zone
which shall then become a major provider of employment for the people in the

 Existing Facilities
1. Macapagal Highway Extension connecting to the western coastal
2. An established residential and commercial areas and
neighborhood centers such as; Pueblo de Oro Township, Camella
and Xavier Estate.
3. SM Shopping Mall
4. Xavier University IT Park

 Proposed Development
1. Development Master and Urban Design Plan
2. Road Network Development
3. Establishment of green belt areas
4. Establishment of parks and open spaces
5. Establishment of tree parks in subdivisions
6. Strict implementation of tree planting strips in major thoroughfare
including subdivision major roads
7. Establish main drain from airport going to Calaanan Creek
8. Waste water treatment for subdivisions
9. Establishment of retention basins
10. Rain harvesting for commercial establishments and residential
11. Establishment of retirement community
12. Provision of multi-purpose and socio-economic centers (reading
centers, parks, and the like) Urban Expansion #3

(East-Uptown Development Area)

Located in Barangays Gusa, Indahag, Macasandig and Camaman-an. This

area will have the same function as that of the West-Uptown Development
Area with the presence of high-end subdivisions like the Fil-Estate Subdivision
and Alegria Hills.

Chapter 3 – The Comprehensive Land Use Plan 105

Cagayan de Oro City Comprehensive Land Use Plan


This area is linked to the other major urban centers through the Pelaez
Highway that also connects to the West-Uptown Development Area.

 Existing Facilities:
1. Convention Center (on-going construction)
2. Camp site for Boys Scouts of the Philippines
3. High end residential subdivisions
4. Heritage area (Huluga Cave in Indahag)
5. City relocation site (Indahag)
6. Private Schools
 Proposed Development
1. Slope protection/regulated development
2. Establishment of green belt areas
3. Establishment of tree parks in subdivisions
4. Strict implementation of tree planting strips in subdivisions
5. Establishment of retention facilities
6. Waste water treatment for subdivisions
7. Rain harvesting for commercial establishments and residential
8. Provision of multi-purpose and socio-economic centers (reading
centers, parks, and the like) Urban Expansion #4

(Eastern Urban Development Area)

This area is composed of the following sub-nodes, namely: Upper Puerto,

which is identified as an Agro- Industrial Area; Lower Puerto and Bugo which
are existing industrial and residential areas; Agusan and Balubal, which are
hosts to high-end subdivisions; Tablon, which is an existing industrial area;
and, Palalan, Tablon, which is identified for Agro-Tourism.

 Existing Facilities:
1. Sayre Highway which has recently been upgraded with a fly-over
to ease traffic congestion at the intersection provides linkage to
the Provinces of Bukidnon and Cotabato
2. Iligan-Cagayan-Butuan Super Highway links the area to the
Provinces of Davao, Agusan, Surigao and Sarangani
3. Puerto Public Market serves as trading center for goods and other
products from adjoining areas.

Chapter 3 – The Comprehensive Land Use Plan 106

Cagayan de Oro City Comprehensive Land Use Plan


 Proposed Development
1. JR Borja Extension shall be connected to Agusan, Balubal and
2. Concreting from Agusan to Manolo Fortich Highway
3. Waste water treatment for subdivisions
4. Establishment of green belt areas for subdivisions with slope
18deg and up
5. Establishment of tree parks in subdivisions
6. Strict implementation of tree planting strips in subdivisions
7. Rain harvesting for commercial establishments and residential
8. Slope protection/regulated development
9. Regulate/Limit industrial land use along coastal area at Tablon
10. Harmonize the various land uses in Tablon and enhance the
ecology (mangrove reforestation)
11. Livelihood improvement for the marginal fisherfolks affected at
the same time retain the industrial base
12. Provision of multi-purpose and socio-economic centers (reading
centers, parks, and the like)
13. Agro-Tourism development at Sitio Palalan in Tablon (piped
irrigation system for farm lots watering)
14. Secondary Road (20m) Network for Sitio Palalan in Tablon Urban Expansion Area #5

Downtown Development Area – Poblacion

(CBD), Carmen, Lapasan, Puntod and Macabalan

This Downtown Development Area is going to be a high density commercial

district comprised of the Poblacion or CBD and Barangays Carmen, Lapasan,
Puntod and Macabalan.

 Existing Commercial and Residential Areas

1. Presence of big business establishments like Limketkai Mall,
Gaisano City Mall, Pure Gold and Centrio Mall and Tower
2. Macabalan Port
3. Integrated Bus and Jeepney Terminal (Agora, Lapasan)
4. Public Markets (Cogon, Carmen and Agora)
5. Recreational Sports Facilities (Sports Center)
6. Institutional Facilities (Academic and Government)

Chapter 3 – The Comprehensive Land Use Plan 107

Cagayan de Oro City Comprehensive Land Use Plan


 Proposed Development
1. Develop an expanded downtown master plan
2. Provision of new Transportation Master Plan with the introduction
of new traffic scheme
3. Downtown check-in and shuttle for airport passengers from
Cagayan de Oro to Laguindingan Airport (Fast craft or utility
4. Provision of sidewalks and pedestrian lanes
5. Establishment of interceptors from city hall to Isla Bugnaw
6. Establishment of green belt areas at Islas de Oro, Bugnaw,
7. Installation of rain harvesting facility for commercial
establishments and residential buildings
8. Establishment of tree parks in subdivisions
9. Strict implementation of tree planting strips in subdivisions
10. DEWATS (Waste water treatment facility) baffled with planted
gravel filter.
11. Waste water treatment for subdivisions
12. Urban renewal for blighted areas
13. River front development project
14. Urban greening of Divisoria
15. Provision of vertical parking space
16. Provision of multi-purpose and socio-economic centers (reading
centers, parks, and the like) Conservation and protection of natural sites and heritage i.e. gorges
caves, wetlands and river systems. (Barangays Lumbia, FS Catanico,
Cugman, Agusan, Bayanga, Mambuaya, Dansolihon, Macasandig,
Agusan and Bonbon.) Dansolihon/Bayanga/Mambuaya–Cave System

Bayanga/Lumbia - Macahambus Cave & Gorge (Natural sites
and heritage)
Malasag, Cugman - Protection of natural sites for forest
Taguanao, Indahag -Natural sites and heritage

 Clarification of the status of land ownership

(DENR declaration as Forestal Area)
 Regulate/ limit settlement in the area to preserve its natural
 Non issuance of land title/tax declaration Mambuaya-River system for tourism particularly river

Chapter 3 – The Comprehensive Land Use Plan 108

Cagayan de Oro City Comprehensive Land Use Plan


rafting; Cugman-River system; Agusan- River

system; Cagayan de Oro River – protected area

 Prohibit settlements within the legal easement along the

riverbanks by strict implementation of existing national &
local laws.
 No build zone and restriction of development along the
area FS Catanico- Natural sites for tourism;

 Development and improvement of the identified natural

sites for tourism Incorporate provisions of pedestrian network (walkways,

bicycle lane) on proposed road right-of-way (Divisoria,
Poblacion) Divisoria

 Provide 1.20 m. width both sides for bicycle parking

 Amendment of existing City Ordinance pertaining parking
areas at Divisoria Poblacion

 Propose bicycle lane of 1.20m width at the left side of the

 Identify specific locations of ramp for compliance of BP 344
 Sidewalks alignment for safety Identify and legally declare built heritage sites in Divisoria,

Taguanao and Poblacion and regulate building heights,
architecture and color for historical-cultural tourism For16m wide road allow construction of 4 store building. For

32m wide road allow construction of 8storey building.

 Strict implementation on the provisions of the NBC and

Zoning Ordinance of the city
 Adaptation of the framework plan

Chapter 3 – The Comprehensive Land Use Plan 109

Cagayan de Oro City Comprehensive Land Use Plan

2019-2027 Intensify and sustain urban greening in Poblacion, Isla de Oro

and along riverbanks Poblacion

Identified greenbelt area/urban greening at Poblacion: Capistrano

St., Velez St., Corrales Ave., JR Borja St., Osmeña St.,
Gaabucayan St. with total area of 13.5 hectares

 Establishment of greenbelt areas/urban greening

 Maintenance of existing planted trees
 Additional areas to be planted with ornamental plants in
planter boxes Isla de Oro (8.85 has.), Isla Bugnaw (4.1 has.), Isla
Baksan (2.3 has.) with total area of 15.25 has.

 Develop forest park specially in no build zone identified

 Establish river protection dikes and planting of bamboo
trees, talisay trees, lambago trees and pagatpat trees
along the riverbanks
 Planting of endemic/hardwood trees for future seedbank
and tree repository Riverbanks- Cagayan de Oro River, Iponan

River, Umalag River, Bigaan River, Tablon
River, Agusan River, Puerto River, Besigan
River, Tignapoloan River, and Cugman
River with a total area of 225 linear kilometers

 Strict implementation of the National Greening

 Adoption of watershed characterization and
management plan
 Require NSTP to facilitate tree growing for all
freshmen students
 Intensify rehabilitation and establishment of
riverbank vegetative measure Development of Pagatpat Sanitary Landfill (area: 41 has.)

1. Land use conversion from CBFM to Sanitary Landfill (for

conversion to special land use)

Chapter 3 – The Comprehensive Land Use Plan 110

Cagayan de Oro City Comprehensive Land Use Plan


 Continue the re-compensation of the improvements

of the surface claimant/affected areas (City
2. Conduct Hydro Geologic and Geotechnical studies of the
area to determine its feasibility
3. Preparation of site development plan
 Actual zoning/allocation of area as to waste
segregation, waste special waste, reuse, recycle
and research
4. Contain tributaries creeks within the subject area and
provide peripheral canal/drainage
5. Provide monitoring wells in strategic location to monitor the
possible leachate seepage and percolation Enforce the setback requirements along public roads for
yield points/loading-unloading bay-nodal growth areas

 Enforcement of the NBC and the RTA regulation

 Define road width, type of occupancy, historical sites
 Assign overseer on the growth areas depending on the
development concern of each growth center
o West Urban Center - 30 m. RROW
o West Uptown Urban - 30m. RROW
o East Uptown Urban Center -15m. RROW
o Urban Center J.R Borja - 12m. RROW
o East Urban Center - 12m. RROW Intensify greening and tree growing in sloping areas of

Barangays Bayanga, Lumbia, Agusan, Baikingon,
Besigan, Camaman-an, Canitoan, Carmen, Taglimao,
Pigsag-an, Balulang, Tignapoloan, Dansolihon

 Implement reforestation (premium and introduced species)

for domestic use in the identified areas
 Require NSTP to facilitate tree growing for all freshmen
students Light-Medium Industrial Areas – Tablon, Cugman,

Agusan, Bugo, Puerto, Lumbia Allocate industrial zone area for future expansion, new plants
and possible relocation of industries inappropriate to their
existing location (within residential areas) area: 100 hectares
within Tablon to Palalan

Chapter 3 – The Comprehensive Land Use Plan 111

Cagayan de Oro City Comprehensive Land Use Plan


 Relocation on light-medium industries within the residential

area (e.g. Barangay Cugman)
 Strict monitoring of industrial plants in compliance to
environmental requirement (e.g. ECC)
 Industrial Zone area for relocation/transfer
 Improvement of private ports and open the facilities for
other industries to cater shipments of products and raw
 Existing light to medium industries along the coastal areas
will be required to plant mangroves Light-Medium industrial area at Lumbia

 Enhance/improve cashew nuts production.

 Establish backyard-type cashew plantation.
 Conduct capability enhancement program related to
cashew production. Mangrove reforestation - Bayabas, Bonbon, Agusan,

Tablon, Cugman, Bugo, Puerto, Bulua

 Inventory/Assessment and reversion of abandoned

fishpond areas to mangrove (RA 8550)
 Rehabilitation of mangrove areas
 Preservation of wetland areas
 Strict implementation of the Wild Life Conservation
Program pursuant to RA 9147 (Wild Life Act)
 Inventory and enhancement of flora and fauna
 Identification, protection and conservation of critical
habitats (caves, wetlands, river systems, natural and built
heritage areas)
 Enforcement of beach rehabilitation program pursuant to
EO 533
 Adaptation and implementation of the City Integrated
Coastal Management (ICM) Plan pursuant to EO 533
 Implementation of water easements (3m in urban, 20m
agro areas as per Water Code 1067
 Declaration and management of marine protected areas
 Enactment of Local Fishery Code in conformity with RA
 Enactment of Coastal Zoning Ordinance and integration to
CLUP Provision of structural mitigation measures (special land use

Chapter 3 – The Comprehensive Land Use Plan 112

Cagayan de Oro City Comprehensive Land Use Plan


planning) for hazard prone areas Establishment of Retention Basins at (strategic
areas similar to MMDA)

 Conduct study to determine appropriate area for retention

basin. (Gaisano Mall, KetKai, and MUST)

 Require the industries /establishments to maintain

retention basins Dredging of rivers, creeks waterways Adopt the 20m easement of no build-zone and utilize it for

research and forestry development, agriculture, fishery,
plantation, and sanctuaries

 Strict implementation of guidelines for sand and gravel

extraction and provide protection measures along the
banks of the area applied

 Contribute to the long term plan in establishing dikes for

systematic quarry operations

 Formulate guidelines/with penalties for strict

implementation on the maximum depth/allowable for sand
and gravel extraction which is more or less 2.00 meters
and succeeding extraction will be based on replenishment
capacity of the river.
 Quarry permits/operators that fall at meandered sections of
the river shall be directed to include straightening of the
river and shall form part of their development plan. Straightening/Rechanneling of severely meandered

sections of Iponan River and other areas to increase
the discharge capacity since obstruction are already

 Coordination of the government agency as to the private

lots that maybe affected by said rechanneling/straightening Formulation of drainage master plan Enact an ordinance requiring land developments to provide

retention basins to delay discharge of surface run off to

Chapter 3 – The Comprehensive Land Use Plan 113

Cagayan de Oro City Comprehensive Land Use Plan


existing waterways.

 Strict implementation of guidelines for drainage system of

land developments/subdivisions. Area declared as no build zone (from shoreline to Pagatpat

more or less 90 has., from shoreline to Balulang more or
less 50 has., more or less 15.25 hectares comprising Isla
de Oro, Bugnaw, Baksan) shall be utilized for plantation,
propagation of premium trees, research for forestry,
agriculture, fisheries and wild life and recreation.

 Establish the perimeters and boundaries of the No Build

Zone area in accordance with the existing city ordinance.

Chapter 3 – The Comprehensive Land Use Plan 114

Cagayan de Oro City Comprehensive Land Use Plan


3.6 Land Use Sector Policy Options

Issues/Concerns Implications Policy Options/Recommendations

Adaptation Mitigation

Structural Non-structural Structural Non-structural

Difficulty in Residents returning to their Enactment of city Delineate no build

implementing the former residences identified ordinance to implement zones
no build zone as hazard areas the no build zone policy in
policy due to lack geohazard areas and Development of forest
of implementing New occupants/informal heritage areas park particularly in no
guidelines settlers on hazard areas build zone identified
Implementation of Early areas
Warning system at the
Brgy level

Encroachment of Increase frequency Enactment of city Removal/relocation of Enforcement of

private claims in Flooding/Obstruction of ordinance to implement informal settlers. pertinent local and
Legal Easements waterways and reduction of legal easement national laws on
along coastal, absorption capacity of Demolition of illegal illegal structures
deltas and beaches and shores structure after due
riverbanks process Strict monitoring
Potential risk to lives and and coordination
properties in case of flooding, among RLAs and


Chapter 3 – The Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Cagayan de Oro City Comprehensive Land Use Plan


storm surge and fire law enforcers

Prevent public access

Non preservation Lose identity of the city Identification, survey and Preservation and
of old evaluation of existing old enhancement of
identity/structure structure and heritage site approved cultural
of the city’s both natural and built with heritage sites and
cultural/heritage historical accounts structures
Implementation of heritage
act pursuant to RA 1601

Integration to the strategy

of the Tourism program of
the city

Lack of Non compliance of Review of existing policies/guidelines on issuance of tenurial instruments to timberland areas
consistencies in requirements and submit findings and recommendation to harmonize the implementation of the IPRA law.
the (Adaptation-Non structural)
implementation of Duplication of claims of
IPRA law and awarded ancestral domains
existing policy on
Arising tribal wars
tenured timberland

Degraded coastal Loss of fish habitat Adoption and implementation of the city integrated coastal management (ICM) plan pursuant
areas to EO 53


Chapter 3 – The Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Cagayan de Oro City Comprehensive Land Use Plan


Low productivity of coastal/ Enactment of local fishery code in conformity with ra8550
marine resources

Reduction of income of

fisher folks and business


Loss of natural protective

covers of shoreline areas and
loss biodiversity

Conflicting uses of Loss of recreational Implementation of legal easement on coastal areas

coastal use zone areas/mangroves/maricultures
Identification and designation of appropriate Use Zone ( ex. Recreational, mariculture areas,
Loss of biodiversity marine protected areas, marine parks, marine reserves, navigational lanes, fishing grounds,
eco-tourism destination sites, docking areas) and formulate coastal use management plan to
No designated docking areas be integrated in the CLUP
for fishermen
Implementation of coastal use management plan integrated in the CLUP
Reduction of fishing grounds
Reversion of abandoned fishpond areas to mangrove rehabilitation areas


Chapter 3 – The Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Cagayan de Oro City Comprehensive Land Use Plan


Degradation of Flooding downstream Preparation and adoption Reforestation/protection Coordination with

watershed areas of Watershed in watershed areas to LGUs within the
Siltation of rivers due to Management Plan improve vegetative watershed areas
agriculture and mining cover
activities Adoption of NIPAS law in
critical watershed areas Establishment of
protected areas
Restore water quality
based on its most
beneficial use/designated

Formulation of CdeO and


River Rehabilitation Plan

Loss of wetland Reduced fish catch Conduct massive Mangrove reforestation

areas due to assessment and inventory
continued urban Loss of bio diversity of abandoned fishpond
development and enact ordinance on
Loss of grain production
conversion of the same to
areas (rice fields)
mangrove area

Presence of illegal Siltation due to illegal mining Strict Implementation of

mining operations activity mining laws

Creation of Bantay
Kalikasan task force at


Chapter 3 – The Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Cagayan de Oro City Comprehensive Land Use Plan


Brgy level

Denuded forest Extreme flooding in urban and Reforestation and Establishment of Enforcement of
due to illegal rural areas rehabilitation of denuded greenbelt areas mining laws
mining activity forest areas

Timber poaching Denuded forest Provisions of livelihood project in the upland barangays
in the hinterland
barangays Tree planting and growing

Conversion of Reduced agricultural Strict

prime agri-lands to production and productivity implementation of
residential RA 8435

Pollutive Contamination of water Enactment of septage Require all hotels,

discharges from bodies management ordinance. malls, hospitals, and
agricultural, similar commercial
residential, Decrease productivity of Strict enforcement of PD establishments to put
commercial and marine and aquatic resources 1096 and other related up their own sewerage
industrial laws that require all treatment (as a
Potential risk to health hotels, malls, hospitals,
establishments. requirement in building
and similar commercial permit issuance).
and industrial
establishments to put up Provision of septage
their own sewerage management facility
treatment as a (interim) to cater
requirement in building individual residential
houses and commercial


Chapter 3 – The Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Cagayan de Oro City Comprehensive Land Use Plan


permit issuance establishments.

Require plantations and Provision of city

individual farms to sewerage treatment
implement best system
management practices

Strict regulation on
pesticide use

Promotion of organic

Absence of Bacterial contamination and Strict enforcement of Relocation of informal

sanitary facilities pollution of water bodies sanitation code (thru settlers
(open defecation) barangay enforcement)

Disposal of animal Bacterial contamination and Strict enforcement of Owners to provide

wastes in water pollution of water bodies sanitation code (thru septic tanks for animal
bodies barangay enforcement) wastes

Unregulated Depletion of ground water, Creation of city Strict regulation in putting Require owners of deep Monitoring of
extraction of salt water contamination water resources up of deep wells ( NWRB wells to plug deep wells
ground water (salinity intrusion), and ground board to look into permit) abandoned wells in
subsidence deep wells order to prevent further
contamination of
neighboring deep wells.


Chapter 3 – The Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Cagayan de Oro City Comprehensive Land Use Plan


Unregulated Siltation and contamination of Strict enforcement of

mining and rivers mining laws by LGU and
quarrying activities MGB
in rivers of
Cagayan de Oro Deputize barangay
officials to enforce mining

Indiscriminate Contamination of groundwater Establishment of Strict enforcement of Improve collection

disposal of solid and health risk MRF for every Ecological Solid Waste of garbage
waste and barangay or Management Ordinance
hazardous waste cluster of Enforce waste
barangays to IEC on SWM segregation at
include hazardous source (no
Create Solid-Waste segregation, no
wastes (busted
Management Board collection policy)
lamps, used
batteries, etc) .

Open burning of Increased carbon emission Passage of an ordinance Enforce open

garbage in accordance with RA burning
Increased potential risk to 9003 and enforcement of
health ordinance at the barangay Intensify the
level. conduct of IEC on
effects of open


Chapter 3 – The Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Cagayan de Oro City Comprehensive Land Use Plan


Proliferation of Increased carbon emission Intensify anti smoke Strengthen motor

smoke belching belching drive to be vehicle inspection
vehicles Increased potential risk to undertaken by LGU (by system (MVIS)
health entering into a MOA with thru LTO to check
LTO). vehicle condition
prior to
Operationalize multi- registration.
sectoral CdeO Airshed
Management (RA 8749- Collaboration of
Clean Air Act) LTO and LGU in
monitoring smoke
Conduct Carbon belchers
Reduction Initiative

Lack of area for Congested and flood prone Multi-storey or Establish public
public burial sites burial site multi-level crematorium and
entombment columbarium
High cost of private burial
sites Identify additional burial
sites not prone to
Poor sanitation flooding

Lack of parks and Low performance on basic Improvement of Development of Identify area for
playgrounds, education indicators existing facilities additional facilities the construction of
sports, camping sports dome and
grounds and other High incidence of life-style its facilities
recreational diseases


Chapter 3 – The Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Cagayan de Oro City Comprehensive Land Use Plan


Inadequate area Congestion results to Identify

for the sickness/illness of inmates appropriate areas
construction of for protective and
protective and Low efficiency rate in social welfare
social welfare providing police services services
services buildings
Delayed response to
and facilities
emergency call

Deprivation of senior citizen’s

need for socialization and
active community involvement

Lack of technical skills

Absence of Health Inadequate/poor health Establish health center

Center in some services rendered within the area of city
poblacion health office
Poor health ambitions and Establish health center
barangays and
vulnerability to diseases in all relocation sites
relocation area

Inaccessible health services

Absence of Youth Deprivation of out of school Identify areas for youth

Center youth to acquire knowledge centers in four (4)
and opportunities for self strategic areas;
advancement Lumbia, Carmen,
Nazareth, Lapasan.


Chapter 3 – The Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Cagayan de Oro City Comprehensive Land Use Plan


3.6 Integrated Land Use and Environment Priority Programs and


3.6.1 Land Use Sector

 Delineation of 20-m legal easement along riverbanks

 Increase bulk density regulation
 Increase open space requirements in complex subdivisions
 Establishment of green belt areas
 Delineation of "No Build Zone" areas
 Intensification of the city's land banking program
 Initiate updating of the Land Classification Map of the city

3.6.2 Environment Sector

City Forest Resources and Flood Control Facilities Development


 Hinterland Barangays Reforestation Project (including the

implementation of the Forest Land Use Plan)
 Industrial Tree Plantation Project
 Forest Communities Livelihood Support Project (livestock
production, handicrafts, gardening, seedling, and indigenous
industries development)
 Agro-Forestry Development Projects (nursery establishment,
rattan and bamboo plantation, tree orchards, and botanical park
 Implementation / Integration of CDORBMC Programs and
Projects into the city CLUP PPAs
 City Flood Dissipators / retention/ abatement Projects

City Coastal and Marine Resources Development Program

 CDO Riverine Barangays Wildlife Sanctuary and Mangrove

Reforestation Project (including all no-build-zones within
JICA/WB /CDO Project delineation)
 Coastal Mangrove Reforestation Project
 Establishment of Aquatic Conservation Nursery Centers
 Enactment of City Ordinance converting all no- build zone areas
along rivers, and creeks into Barangay Ecotourism and
Protected Wildlife Sanctuary Areas
 Enactment of Ordinance addressing conversion of abandoned
fishpond areas to mangrove areas

Chapter 3 – The Comprehensive Land Use Plan 124

Cagayan de Oro City Comprehensive Land Use Plan


Environmental Governance Capability Building Program

 Enactment of ordinance providing Off-campus Environmental

Management Training Courses for all City and Barangay
 Formal off-campus Capability-Building for all City, and Barangay
Officials for Environmental Management Courses (Voluntary
 IEC on urban greening along the riverbanks and coastline areas,
green belt areas, tree parks and green strip in subdivisions and
all open public places.

Planning Research and Development Program

 Establish Database for Shoreline Tracing / Coastal trending

 Establish Ecological Baseline Data, and conduct river
assessment particularly on water quality, volume of river
discharges, tidal variation data, and extent of water pollution
after flooding.

Urban Fresh Water Resources Management Program

 Installation of rainwater harvesting facility and water impounding

 Metering of Ground Water Project

City Liquid Waste Management Program

 Enactment of Septage Management Ordinance (for both urban

and rural barangays)
 Establishment of Septage Treatment and Disposal Facility for
city barangays
 Enactment of Integrated Urban Drainage and Combined
Septage-Sewerage Master Plan
 Enactment of Ordinance for Waste Water/Septage Treatment
and Disposal facilities among subdivisions (1% of project area
taken from the 5% of the open space)
 Enactment of City Ordinance establishing the City Sewerage
 Sewerage Treatment and Disposal System Project
 Liquid Waste Monitoring and Disposal Capability- Building /
Training Project

Chapter 3 – The Comprehensive Land Use Plan 125

Cagayan de Oro City Comprehensive Land Use Plan


City Solid Waste Management Program

 IEC on Solid Waste Management (SWM)

 Strengthening of City Solid Waste Management Board
 Establishment of Sanitary Landfill
 Transfer Station /MRF Project

City Air Quality Management Program

 Enactment of local ordinances implementing Clean Air Act in the

city Enactment of local ordinances implementing Clean Air Act in
the city
 Air Quality Monitoring Capability- Building /Training Project
 Air Quality Monitoring and Testing Facility Project

Chapter 3 – The Comprehensive Land Use Plan 126

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