CLUP - Vol1 - Chapter 3
CLUP - Vol1 - Chapter 3
CLUP - Vol1 - Chapter 3
Chapter 3
The Comprehensive Land Use Plan
3.1 Introduction
The Cagayan de Oro City2013-2022 Comprehensive Land Use Plan was prepared
pursuant to the Local Government Code of 1991 (RA 7160), which mandated the
Local Government Units, to “prepare their comprehensive land use plans and
enact them through zoning ordinances”.
The Plan is meant to guide the city physical development and to steer the city’s
growth as the business and trading center of Southern Philippines. It provides a
framework of goals, objectives, strategies and actions required for achievement of the
city/s future “CdeO 2022”.
3.2 Vision
Increased no. of decent and resilient housing for ISFs and formal
sector in identified high risk areas in brgys
Effective & efficient delivery of social welfare services to affected
families in times of calamities
The projected urban land requirement is based on the current land uses and
the population trends. The different sizes of lots used as basis for computation
was taken from prevalent size of lot in the city and which are considerably
acceptable. For residential projections, a minimum lot size of 80 square meters
per housing unit was used for computation.
Identification of land available was taken from the result of thematic mapping.
Land available are those potential growth areas which are the remaining areas
after deducting all development constraints. Agriculture
For livestock and poultry, backyard production specifically for swine, goats and
cattle will be regulated in the hinterland barangays. Forest
The forest areas in the hinterland barangays on the south abutting the
provincial boundary of Bukidnon and Lanao del Norte, i.e. Cugman, FS
Catanico, Tablon and Balubal will be retained/conserved. Premium and
To sustain the National Greening Program, tree growing for reforestation at the
barangays shall be constantly enforced requiring NSTP to facilitate such
Open grassland will be devoted to fruit trees so as to protect the area from
further erosion. Tourism
The current development thrust for the City of Cagayan de Oro identified Eco-
tourism as a priority. It has identified the development of Cluster 1 which
includes the Calabera Cave located in Indahag and Huluga Cave in Taguanao,
this City. It covers approximately 175 hectares comprising the Macahambus
Cave and Gorge as well as Historical Heritage sites located in Barangays
Lumbia and Bayanga. Total tourism area proposed within the planning period
summed up to 1,305.40 hectares.
For the planning period, proposed total urban land use of the city summed up
to 13,900.78 hectares.
The following tables show the proposed general land and water use and the
comparative general land use of the City within the planning period.
Table 3.1
Proposed General Land and Water Use
Cagayan de Oro City
% to total
Land/Water Use Categories Area (hectares)
Agricultural 12,621.32 21.82
Forest 27,906.46 48.24
Tourism 1,305.40 2.26
Urban Land Use 13,900.78 24.03
Roads, Utilities, etc. 2,117.04 3.66
Total Land Area 57,851.00 100.00
Production Water 10,187.89 85.24
Protection Water 1,763.43 14.76
Total Water Area 11,951.32 100.00
Table 3.2
Comparative General Land and Water Use, Existing and Proposed
Cagayan de Oro City
The proposed settlement areas are the major and sub-nodes sited along east-
west stretch of the city towards the southern escarpment areas. There will be
strong linkages of these nodes to the CBD.
Major linkages in the east are the Agusan-Balubal Road and the national
highway. The J.R. Borja Road will be extended up to Agusan traversing
Cugman and Tablon. The Eastern Coastal Highway shall be completed to
decongest traffic along Iligan-Cagayan-Butuan Highway.
For the western nodes, Western Coastal Highway will be fast tracked for
Within the planning period, residential areas remain the highest allocation
estimated at 11,177.49 hectares of the total urban land area of Cagayan de
Oro. This would dominate the land uses. Significant areas are the relocation
sites in Indahag, Calaanan, Camaman-an, Canitoan, Balubal and Pagatpat.
Medium-rise residential buildings are expected to be adopted for the lack of
space vis-à-vis the increase of households. Residential areas are planned to be
2019-2027 Industrial
Cashew and Cashew Nuts Production at Lumbia will be intensified for cashew
industry development, as well as product Innovation and promotion. Institutional
Salient feature is the proposed Isla de Oro River Walk with the urban renewal
activity in Burgos Area. It features low-impact development and landscaping.
Beautification and urban greening in major thoroughfares will be implemented
and maintained.
Escarpment areas are for tree planting/growing and greening Cagayan de Oro
Green-belt areas and forest parks in various islets in Cagayan de Oro River will
be identified and established.
Additional parks and playgrounds shall be developed while the existing shall be
2019-2027 Mangroves
Mangroves in the city are located in the coastal floodplains of Bulua, Bayabas,
Bonbon, Lapasan, Agusan, Bugo, Puerto, Tablon andalong the riverbank of
Kauswagan. These are the same areas currently subjected to mangrove
reforestation activities of the city government in partnership with the fisherfolks
associations of respective barangays.
Table 3.3 shows the proposed urban land and water use of the City within the
planning period, while the comparative urban land and water use is shown in
Table 3.4.
Table 3.3
Proposed Urban Land and Water Use
Cagayan de Oro City
Table 3.4
Comparative Urban Land and Water Use, Existing and Proposed
Cagayan de Oro City
This growth node serves as the entry and exit points from and to Laguindingan
Airport and other parts of the country. This also serves as the major
convergence point for people, goods and products, as well as transport service
to and from other parts of the region.
Existing Facilities
1. Integrated Bus and Jeepney Terminal
2. Fish and vegetable landing
3. Coastal road passing through barangays Gusa, Lapasan,
Kauswagan, Bayabas, Bulua and Iponan
Proposed Development
1. Commercial mixed use medium to high density pedestrian friendly
center for Cagayan de Oro City.
2. Commercial areas along Western Coastal Highway-Kauswagan,
Bayabas, Bulua
3. Completion and widening of western coastal highway
4. Establish/construct main drain (canal)
5. Waste water treatment for subdivisions
6. Preservation and expansion of wetlands in Bulua, Bonbon and
7. Provision of multi-purpose and socio-economic centers (reading
centers, parks, and the like)
will decongest the present major urban center/city core and shall provide more
opportunities for socio-economic activities.
The Lumbia Airport shall be converted into an industrial area/economic zone
which shall then become a major provider of employment for the people in the
Existing Facilities
1. Macapagal Highway Extension connecting to the western coastal
2. An established residential and commercial areas and
neighborhood centers such as; Pueblo de Oro Township, Camella
and Xavier Estate.
3. SM Shopping Mall
4. Xavier University IT Park
Proposed Development
1. Development Master and Urban Design Plan
2. Road Network Development
3. Establishment of green belt areas
4. Establishment of parks and open spaces
5. Establishment of tree parks in subdivisions
6. Strict implementation of tree planting strips in major thoroughfare
including subdivision major roads
7. Establish main drain from airport going to Calaanan Creek
8. Waste water treatment for subdivisions
9. Establishment of retention basins
10. Rain harvesting for commercial establishments and residential
11. Establishment of retirement community
12. Provision of multi-purpose and socio-economic centers (reading
centers, parks, and the like)
This area is linked to the other major urban centers through the Pelaez
Highway that also connects to the West-Uptown Development Area.
Existing Facilities:
1. Convention Center (on-going construction)
2. Camp site for Boys Scouts of the Philippines
3. High end residential subdivisions
4. Heritage area (Huluga Cave in Indahag)
5. City relocation site (Indahag)
6. Private Schools
Proposed Development
1. Slope protection/regulated development
2. Establishment of green belt areas
3. Establishment of tree parks in subdivisions
4. Strict implementation of tree planting strips in subdivisions
5. Establishment of retention facilities
6. Waste water treatment for subdivisions
7. Rain harvesting for commercial establishments and residential
8. Provision of multi-purpose and socio-economic centers (reading
centers, parks, and the like)
Existing Facilities:
1. Sayre Highway which has recently been upgraded with a fly-over
to ease traffic congestion at the intersection provides linkage to
the Provinces of Bukidnon and Cotabato
2. Iligan-Cagayan-Butuan Super Highway links the area to the
Provinces of Davao, Agusan, Surigao and Sarangani
3. Puerto Public Market serves as trading center for goods and other
products from adjoining areas.
Proposed Development
1. JR Borja Extension shall be connected to Agusan, Balubal and
2. Concreting from Agusan to Manolo Fortich Highway
3. Waste water treatment for subdivisions
4. Establishment of green belt areas for subdivisions with slope
18deg and up
5. Establishment of tree parks in subdivisions
6. Strict implementation of tree planting strips in subdivisions
7. Rain harvesting for commercial establishments and residential
8. Slope protection/regulated development
9. Regulate/Limit industrial land use along coastal area at Tablon
10. Harmonize the various land uses in Tablon and enhance the
ecology (mangrove reforestation)
11. Livelihood improvement for the marginal fisherfolks affected at
the same time retain the industrial base
12. Provision of multi-purpose and socio-economic centers (reading
centers, parks, and the like)
13. Agro-Tourism development at Sitio Palalan in Tablon (piped
irrigation system for farm lots watering)
14. Secondary Road (20m) Network for Sitio Palalan in Tablon
Proposed Development
1. Develop an expanded downtown master plan
2. Provision of new Transportation Master Plan with the introduction
of new traffic scheme
3. Downtown check-in and shuttle for airport passengers from
Cagayan de Oro to Laguindingan Airport (Fast craft or utility
4. Provision of sidewalks and pedestrian lanes
5. Establishment of interceptors from city hall to Isla Bugnaw
6. Establishment of green belt areas at Islas de Oro, Bugnaw,
7. Installation of rain harvesting facility for commercial
establishments and residential buildings
8. Establishment of tree parks in subdivisions
9. Strict implementation of tree planting strips in subdivisions
10. DEWATS (Waste water treatment facility) baffled with planted
gravel filter.
11. Waste water treatment for subdivisions
12. Urban renewal for blighted areas
13. River front development project
14. Urban greening of Divisoria
15. Provision of vertical parking space
16. Provision of multi-purpose and socio-economic centers (reading
centers, parks, and the like) Conservation and protection of natural sites and heritage i.e. gorges
caves, wetlands and river systems. (Barangays Lumbia, FS Catanico,
Cugman, Agusan, Bayanga, Mambuaya, Dansolihon, Macasandig,
Agusan and Bonbon.)
2019-2027 Divisoria Poblacion
2019-2027 Poblacion Isla de Oro (8.85 has.), Isla Bugnaw (4.1 has.), Isla
Baksan (2.3 has.) with total area of 15.25 has.
2019-2027 Allocate industrial zone area for future expansion, new plants
and possible relocation of industries inappropriate to their
existing location (within residential areas) area: 100 hectares
within Tablon to Palalan
existing waterways.
Adaptation Mitigation
Non preservation Lose identity of the city Identification, survey and Preservation and
of old evaluation of existing old enhancement of
identity/structure structure and heritage site approved cultural
of the city’s both natural and built with heritage sites and
cultural/heritage historical accounts structures
Implementation of heritage
act pursuant to RA 1601
Lack of Non compliance of Review of existing policies/guidelines on issuance of tenurial instruments to timberland areas
consistencies in requirements and submit findings and recommendation to harmonize the implementation of the IPRA law.
the (Adaptation-Non structural)
implementation of Duplication of claims of
IPRA law and awarded ancestral domains
existing policy on
Arising tribal wars
tenured timberland
Degraded coastal Loss of fish habitat Adoption and implementation of the city integrated coastal management (ICM) plan pursuant
areas to EO 53
Low productivity of coastal/ Enactment of local fishery code in conformity with ra8550
marine resources
Reduction of income of
Creation of Bantay
Kalikasan task force at
Brgy level
Denuded forest Extreme flooding in urban and Reforestation and Establishment of Enforcement of
due to illegal rural areas rehabilitation of denuded greenbelt areas mining laws
mining activity forest areas
Timber poaching Denuded forest Provisions of livelihood project in the upland barangays
in the hinterland
barangays Tree planting and growing
Strict regulation on
pesticide use
Promotion of organic
Unregulated Depletion of ground water, Creation of city Strict regulation in putting Require owners of deep Monitoring of
extraction of salt water contamination water resources up of deep wells ( NWRB wells to plug deep wells
ground water (salinity intrusion), and ground board to look into permit) abandoned wells in
subsidence deep wells order to prevent further
contamination of
neighboring deep wells.
Lack of area for Congested and flood prone Multi-storey or Establish public
public burial sites burial site multi-level crematorium and
entombment columbarium
High cost of private burial
sites Identify additional burial
sites not prone to
Poor sanitation flooding
Lack of parks and Low performance on basic Improvement of Development of Identify area for
playgrounds, education indicators existing facilities additional facilities the construction of
sports, camping sports dome and
grounds and other High incidence of life-style its facilities
recreational diseases