International Sociology: Untouchability in Modern India
International Sociology: Untouchability in Modern India
International Sociology: Untouchability in Modern India
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What is This?
Lakshman Gaikwad, a school child, once wrote a letter to the then Prime
Minister of India, Indira Gandhi: ‘Is it because of the reason that I was
born as an Uchalya I do not have good clothes, not getting any food, or
not even a good look from others?’ Attired now in beautiful clothes and
enjoying the food that was once denied to him, this Dalit boy was later to
become an eminent Marathi writer, activist and a recipient of the Kendra
Sahitya Academy, a prestigious award for literature in India.
Untouchability, prescribed and practised as part of the age-old institu-
tion of the caste system, is thriving in the largest democracy in the world.
The caste system is a very complex institution consisting of innumerable
Hindu ideas rooted in pollution, purity, social units of jatis, varnas and
dharmas.1 The caste system maintains its hold over the prevailing social
structure and is manifest, both covertly and overtly, in several realms of
social intercourse (Sooryamoorthy, 2006). As a non-comparable form of
racial stratification, the caste system divides the society into permanent
groups that are specialized, hierarchically arranged and separated in matters
Dalits Today
Dalits constitute about 170 million people, 17 percent of the Indian popu-
lation. Over three-quarters of them live in rural areas of India.5 This num-
ber is more or less equal to that of the upper-caste Hindus in rural India
who suppress, oppress and subjugate Dalits relentlessly. Dalit settlements
are usually located west of the main village where the sun sets. The cul-
tural geography of the Indian village, as Gorringe quotes, is laid out to
assign to Dalit dwellings the lowliest and least desirable areas such as
those close to the most polluted areas.
Shah et al., covering a large sample, find that Dalits make up about 27
percent of the people living below the poverty line in rural India as
against 10 percent of the upper caste in the same category. Remaining
poor, they lack essential resources to accumulate wealth and are to be
engaged in low-paid and low-mobility occupations. Shah et al. call this
‘occupational segregation’, a consequence of their social segregation.
Low-paid or underpaid jobs do not assure them regular employment
either. Compared to any other social group in India, Dalits have one of the
highest rates of unemployment in the country.
Drawing the forms and types of untouchability from the list of the Anti-
Untouchability Act and the Protection of Civil Rights Act, which range from
the denial of access to public places to non-supply of goods from general
shops, Shah and his team capture the more overt and observable forms of
untouchability. The team judiciously chose the forms of untouchability in
three main spheres, namely, the secular public sphere, the religious-cultural
and personal sphere, and the economic sphere. Untouchability is firmly
grounded in economic and political inequality and consistently perpetu-
ated by the ideology of Hinduism and its caste hierarchy. It is expressed in
a wide diversity of forms as they appear in the Dalit–non-Dalit relationship,
which is shaped by both material and non-material factors. Shah et al. select
five pertinent factors for their analysis: economic and political relations
between different social groups; competing cultural values; resistance to
discrimination by Dalits; legal prohibitions and perceptions about untouch-
ability; and the degree of social legitimacy that the practices command.
Investigations by Shah and his team show that untouchability is exten-
sive and practised mostly in the interpersonal and cultural-religious
spheres, such as discriminatory prohibitions on entry of Dalits into the
homes of non-Dalits (in 70 percent of the villages studied), on food shar-
ing and temple entry and ill-treatment of Dalit women by non-Dalit
women. In 30–40 percent of the villages Dalits are refused entry to shops
or are seated separately in teashops and restaurants. They are not allowed
to enter village shops in at least one-third of the villages, or they cannot
come close to a shop-counter but have to stand away from it even if they
Daltis are invariably paid less than the market wage or the non-Dalit
wages (in 25 percent of the villages). Delayed payments, receiving wages
from a distance or having them thrown at them to avoid direct contact, phys-
ical abuse and violence at workplaces are common. Enterprising Dalits who
try to own and cultivate agricultural land are faced with the hostile and
aggressive attitude of the upper caste in the same way as when the public
land is used for building colonies for them. In about one-third of the villages,
Dalits cannot sell any goods in the local markets and are excluded from the
sale and purchase of essential commodities like milk (47 percent of the vil-
lages). Dalits are denied space along with non-Dalit vendors, particularly
when they are selling the same products. The authors note that these are the
upper-caste techniques to profit from the vulnerability of Dalits.
Women are the worst affected among Dalits even though they have
relatively greater autonomy in their homes than their upper-caste counter-
parts. Both studies devote space to examining the position of women in
the society and in movements. Women make up the majority of landless
labourers and scavengers. They are the ‘oppressed of the oppressed’. In
addition to the sufferings that any Dalits in modern India are subjected to,
Dalit women live under the patriarchal power of both the upper caste and
their own men, while being exposed themselves to specific forms of
untouchability including sexual oppression. Women are always an easy
target for the upper caste; they are brutally raped and killed at the slight-
est provocation of conflict. For the same job, women are paid less than
men. Often they are given the hardest work. In the workplace, a clear divi-
sion between Dalit and non-Dalit women is obvious; they sit and eat
separately, and are careful not to touch any non-Dalit women because this
might spark a stream of verbal abuse and humiliation.
Dalit women report that non-Dalit women, as against non-Dalit men, are
more rigid in practising untouchability. Sharing their experiences, a few
women in Kerala revealed that while working in the households of the
upper caste they had to give in to upper-caste men’s sexual urges. In Bihar,
while Dalit women sell bamboo products from door to door, upper-caste
men waylay them and propose a price not for their goods but for sexual
favours. Ironically, pollution due to contact is not an issue at all when Dalit
women are exploited for the sexual needs of the upper caste. Women in
Tamil Nadu and Kerala are used to adopting a humble demeanour: bend-
ing their heads, speaking in a low voice and posing in submission, before
the upper caste. Like their men, Dalit women face restrictions on entering
public places like temples, hotels, eating places and shops. In the political
realm too, their presence is deliberately prevented. Elected Dalit women are
excluded from caste councils and village panchayats. On those rare oppor-
tunities of getting government employment, women are still discriminated
against by their colleagues and the public alike.
with violence. Being aware of the existence of laws that protect them from
discrimination and violence, Dalits are taking to peaceful legal means.
The works of Gorringe and Shah et al. agree with the current literature on
Dalits that emphatically remind us that despite constitutional provisions
and legislation they are still savagely attacked in the vast rural courtyards
of India (Ghose, 2003). This socially, economically and politically powerless
people are the targets of the upper caste and thousands of them are killed
every year as a result of atrocities. Dalits continue to engage in inhuman
occupations. Despite being a criminal offence under the law, untouchability
is practised widely. A ‘two-glass’ system in teashops is not the exception but
the rule. Dalits have not gained the basic freedom to wear clothes or
footwear whenever they want to. Access to public spaces such as roads,
common lands available in the villages, cremation and burial grounds and
water points, available to any other citizen in the country, has not been
granted uniformly in rural India. Thorat’s (2002) explanation that it is the
continued belief of the upper-caste Hindus in the sanctity of the caste sys-
tem and untouchability and the continuity of the traditional social order
that govern the thought process and behaviour of the majority of the
Hindus makes sense. The words of one of the respondents in Gorringe’s
study are enough to portray the present situation of Dalits in India today:
We are still suppressed. We have not been liberated or granted our independ-
ence yet . . . Gandhi got everyone independence but he didn’t give any to us. It
has been 50 [sic] years since Indian independence but we still do not know
what it means. (p. 72)
Nadars of Tamil Nadu and the Ezhavas of Kerala have successfully blurred
the boundary of untouchability.
Dalits are now becoming confident in asserting their rights. Heightened
awareness about injustice and their incessant resistance, protests, struggles
and political participation have resulted in substantial improvement of
their position in India. Human rights organizations and NGOs extend sup-
port to them. Dalits are now able to demand services from priests, washer-
men or barbers that were once denied to them. In one instance, the village
priest did not agree to do a pooja at the home of a Dalit. When the priest
needed the same Dalit to remove a dead animal, the Dalit refused but
agreed on the condition of the priest performing the pooja at his home.
No one would disagree with the authors, who conclude that the pres-
ence of untouchability in society is a crime against humanity. Like
Dhanalakshmi in Gorringe’s study, there are thousands of Dalits who are
convinced that their ‘day will come, and not in the distant future . . .when
we will gain our independence day . . . our freedom day’ (p. 20).
1. The caste system is not unique to Hindus but is common among Muslims,
Christians and Jews with their own variants. The traces of it can be seen in
other societies too: the Spartan division into citizens, helots and slaves; patri-
cians, plebeians and slaves in the Roman empire (Kroeber, 1930); caste-like
groupings in China and Madagascar (Bayly, 2000); seven classes of outcastes in
Burma under the Burmese monarchy (Hutton, 1946); warriors (samurai), com-
moners, merchants and untouchables in Japan (Bayly, 2000); outcaste classes of
Tomal, Yebir and Midgan in Somali, East Africa; and groups of Tussi, the Hutu
and Twa in Rwanda and Burundi (see Sooryamoorthy, 2006).
2. Theories on the origin of the caste system abound in the literature. To take a
sample, the varna theory postulates that the four varnas originated from differ-
ent parts of the body of the deity while another explanation finds a basis in the
occupation of the caste (Hutton, 1946; Nesfield, 1885). Racial theories observe
that the touchables were ‘white’ Aryans who invaded and conquered the black,
native race (Risely, 1908).
3. The sample states are Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala,
Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa and
Bihar, representing all regions of India.
4. Gandhi and Ambedkar were at opposing poles in regard to the question of the
Untouchables. Gandhi, for whom Hinduism and the caste system were not
negotiable, believed that untouchability is an evil within Hinduism, to be
reformed by Hindus. Ambedkar rejected both Hinduism and the caste system
and wanted caste to be completely purged from Hinduism (Keer, 1990, cited in
Ghose, 2003).
5. Dalits are in most states. For instance, as per the 1991 Census, they are in
Punjab (28 percent), West Bengal (24 percent), Uttar Pradesh (21 percent), Tamil
Nadu (19 percent), Rajasthan (17 percent), Andra Pradesh (16 percent) and in
Maharashtra (11 percent).
Bayly, S. (2000) Caste, Society, and Politics in India. New Delhi: Cambridge
University Press.
Charsley, S. (2001) ‘“Untouchable”: What is in a Name?’, Journal of the Royal
Anthropological Institute (new series) 2: 1–23.
Dumont, L. (1970) Homo Hierarchicus: The Caste System and its Implications. London:
Vikas Publications.
Gandhi, M. K. (1931) ‘The Future of India’, International Affairs 10(6): 721–39.
Ghose, S. (2003) ‘The Dalit in India’, Social Research 70(1): 83–109.
Hutton, J. H. (1946) Caste in India: Its Nature, Functions and Origins. London:
Cambridge University Press.
Kavoori, P. S. (2002) ‘The Varna Tropic System: An Ecological Theory of Caste
Formation’, Economic and Political Weekly 23 March: 1156–64.
Kroeber, A. L. (1930) ‘Caste’, in Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences, pp. 254–6. New
York: Macmillan.
Nesfield, J. C. (1885) Brief View of the Caste System of the North-Western Provinces and
Oudh. Allahabad: North-Western Provinces and Oudh Education Department.
Omvedt, G. (2004) ‘Untouchables in the World of IT’, Contemporary Review
284(1660): 286–8.
Risley, H. (1908) The People of India. London: Thacker and Co.
Sooryamoorthy, R. (2006) ‘Caste Systems’, in Thomas M. Leonard (ed.)
Encyclopedia of the Developing World, Vol. 1, pp. 252–6. New York:
Routledge/Taylor and Francis.
Thorat, S. (2002) ‘Oppression and Denial: Dalit Discrimination in the 1990s’,
Economic and Political Weekly 9 February: 572–8.
Venkateswarlu, D. (1990) Harijan-Upper Class Conflict. Delhi: Discovery.
Zelliot, E. (1996) From Untouchable to Dalit. New Delhi: Manohar.