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ISSN : 2277-3657
Review Article CODEN(USA) : IJPRPM
The objective of the present study focuses on the extraction of gum from Tamarindus indica which are naturally
abundant, biocompatible, biodegradable, and nonimmunogenic polysaccharides. Chhattisgarh are known to
harbour a rich wealth of medicinal plants and due to its geographical and environmental positioning has
traditionally been good source for such products. The industrial use of natural gums are expanded tremendously in
recent years in comparison to synthetic due to its vast availability, lower cost and having safe properties.
Tamarind derived drugs containing isolated pure active compounds used to treat various human diseases. Plant
polyphenolic Components, such as flavonoids isolated from the Seed of Tamarind using organic solvents which are
natural antioxidant used in nutrients. Plant material, Specially in pharmaceutical industries are using as binders,
thickening agent, bioadhesive, emulsifiers, film formers and suspending agents .All parts of these plant-gum, fruit,
seed, bark, leaves are several medicinal and pharmaceutical application. The potential application of valuable
utility for pharmaceutically and Value addition of the medicinal plants is very much essential for commercial
exploitation as well as the medicinal value of the raw drugs of this region. Above strategies for overall domestic
development of herbal drugs on aspects such as promotion of the use of herbal medicines in national health-care
delivery systems and steps towards improvement of agricultural and industrial production. The characterization and
standardization of gums and mucilage is initially achieved by only a multiple-technique approach. Standard
preparations need to be developed to improve quality, efficacy and effectiveness of the traditional drugs.
Key words: Natural Polymer, Tamarind Gum, Value addition, Pharmaceutical Excipients, Antioxidant activity
Today, the whole world is increasingly interested in natural medicines and there is a growing demand for plant
based medicines, health products, pharmaceuticals, food supplements, cosmetics, etc. in the national and
international markets. In a wider context, plant derived polymers have evoked tremendous interest due to their
diverse pharmaceutical applications in pharmaceutical industry as binding agents, disintegrants, sustaining agents,
protective, colloids, thickening agents, gelling agents, bases in suppositories, stabilizers and coating materials. These
polymers such as natural gums and mucilage are biocompatible, cheap and easily available [1]. According to World
Health Organization (WHO), over 80% of the world population relies on such traditional plant based systems of
medicine to obtain primary health care but in India (70%) are dependent on plant based medicines [2]. In India,
Chhattisgarh is famous as Herbal state with its beautiful natural resources of forests and agricultural fields and value
addition has been done so far in Chhattisgarh to maintain or improve the quality of the plants before the material
reaches the industry. Presently, the herbal industry in Chhattisgarh is not very organized. There are two source of
supply wild collection from forest of Chhattisgarh and cultivated by the farmers of Chhattisgarh. The main
Manmohan Singh Jangdey et al Int. J. Pharm. Res. Allied Sci., 2016, 5(2):323-334
marketing patterns in the states are Haat Bazaars in the tribal areas, but in the non-tribal areas the marketing is done
in the established Mandies. The manufacturing or processing units of medicinal plants in the state are very less. The
main units are established in the southern or eastern parts[3]. The units are mainly having the facilities of
distillation, pulveriser or disintegrator. Processing technology of medicinal plants includes cleaning, grading,
washing, drying, grinding, extraction, packaging, storage, etc. Such management is essential for getting maximum
product yield from the medicinal plants [4]. Gums are natural plant hydrocolloids, which are essentially cheap and
plentiful. Gums are translucent, pathological products and amorphous substances produced by the plants. Tamarind
(Tamarindus indica Linn.) a type of non-ionic polysaccharide and Family, Leguminosae.Tamarind gum is a versatile
natural polymer and its having molecular weight 52350 units and monomer of glucose, galactose and xylose in
molar ratio of 3:1:2[5]. Natural gum Tamarind is very common and commercially important large evergreen tree
that is grown abundantly in the dry tracks of Central and South Indian states, and also in other South East Asian
countries [6]. Generally all parts of these plant-gum, fruit, seed, bark, fruit pulp, stem, leaves, etc are several
medicinal and pharmaceutical applications. In C.G.,It is composed of Baster and Sarguja districts in rural areas. At
present tamarind is cultivated 54% countries of the world, 18 in it’s the native range and 36 other countries where it
has become naturalized. Now miscellaneous uses of fruit pulp and other parts of tamarind.
2.2 Antioxidant flavones Isolated from the Seed of Tamarind using organic solvents:-
The Soxhlet methanolic extracts will determine, and indicates that Tamarind may be an important source of
flavonoids antioxidant natural products in this region. After defatted by petroleum ether, the raw and processed
ground seed coat samples (50 g) were extracted by stirring with 250 ml methanol at 250 C for 48 h and filtering
Manmohan Singh Jangdey et al Int. J. Pharm. Res. Allied Sci., 2016, 5(2):323-334
through Whatmann No. 4 filter paper. The residues were reextracted with an additional 100 ml of methanol, for 3 h.
The solvent of the combined extract was evaporated under reduced pressure (34–36 kPa) using a rotary vacuum-
evaporator at 400 C and the contents were freeze-dried, respectively[8-9]. The remaining residues, after methanol
extraction and air drying, will extracted by stirring with 250 ml 70% acetone (v/v) at 250 C for 48 h and filtering
through Whatman No.4 filter paper [10]. The solvent of the extract was removed under reduced pressure (52–56
kPa) using a rotary vacuum-evaporator at 400 C and the contents were freeze-dried, respectively. The freeze-dried
extract thus obtained will use for the assessment of antioxidant polyphenolic flavones for nutritional foods[11-12].
2.3 Method
Tamarind seeds were collected and dried in sunlight. The kernels are then crushed to fine powder. 20 g of fine
kernel powder was added to 200 ml of cold distilled water to prepare slurry. The slurry obtained is than poured into
800 ml of boiling distilled water and are boiled for 20 min on a water bath; a clear solution was obtained which was
kept overnight. The thin clear solution was than centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 20 min to separate all the foreign
matter. Supernatant liquid was separated and poured into excess of absolute alcohol with continuous stirring.
Precipitates were obtained which were collected by a suitable method and washed with 200 ml of absolute ethanol
and dried at 50°C for 10 h. Store the polymer obtained in a dessicator[10,13].
2.4 Method
This method is patented in United States by Jones et al. It involves the separation of tamarind kernel powder on the
basis of their size distribution. Tamarind kernel powder was defatted by using C-6 or C-8 aromatic hydrocarbons or
C-1 or C-2 or above halogenated lower hydrocarbons or C-1 or C-5 mono or dihydroxy alcohols, e.g. ethylene
dichloride, heptanes, or toluene. (For defatting, Crude TKSP is suspended in suitable solvent to extract fat that is
mechanically recovered by filtration or centrifugation and dried.) After drying, HiSil or other silicaceous materials
like CaboSil improve the flow properties of powder. The powder is further grounded by using Hammer mill or Pin
mill that will reduce the size of the powder below 100 mm. The powder is further air classified by using suitable air
classifier (The Walther type 150 laboratory air classifier, The Alpine Mikroplex model 400, MPVI Air Classifier).
Three fractions of the powder were obtained after air classifications [14-15].
The World Health Assembly has emphasized the need to ensure the quality of medicinal plant products by using
modern control techniques and applying suitable standards. Value addition of the medicinal plants is very much
essential for commercial exploitation as well as the medicinal value of the raw drugs. Even authenticated plant
material may not be of desired quality and strength and not conforming to the physicochemical parameters or the
concentration of the active constituents or marker compounds as per the pharmacopoeial standards or the consumer /
industry requirements. Such material is liable to be rejected or accepted at very low price causing not only economic
loss to the cultivators or collectors of the medicinal plants but also entails doubtful efficacy or curtails the potency of
the raw drug in the alleviation of the human suffering[2,4] .
Chhattisgarh should exploit its strengths as a predominantly agrarian economy and a State rich in bio-diversity to
create more wealth for itself by developing value-added agro and forest based industries. The focus should be on
horticulture, food processing, gums, oil-seeds, cotton, sugar, cereals, spices and floriculture and on the forest based
industries like Sal, Tamarind, herb, olive, bran and amla Processing industries. The potential for the growth of agro
and forest based industries should be identified in each district of the State. This should be done considering the
climatic and the soil conditions. The bio-diversity of the forests should be mapped by the systematic classification of
the rare flora and fauna [17-18]. In the state of Chhattisgarh this is an area of lacunae as there are certain gaps which
need to be fulfilled in order to achieve value addition of medicinal plants. Direct value addition is not achieved
because of the following reasons
Manmohan Singh Jangdey et al Int. J. Pharm. Res. Allied Sci., 2016, 5(2):323-334
• Improper cleaning, packaging and storage
• Indirect value addition is also not achieved due to presence of moisture, foreign matter, ash content, extractives,
pesticide residue and microorganism.
Value addition of the medicinal plants can be achieved directly by improving the quality of the cultivated or
collected plant material and indirectly by quality assurance of the plant material or the semi-processing of the
material to a value added product [19-20].
Medicinal plant materials should be collected during the appropriate season or time period to ensure the best
possible quality of both raw materials and finished products. It is well known that the quantitative concentration of
biologically active constituents varies with the stage of plant growth and development. This also applies to non-
targeted toxic or poisonous indigenous plant ingredients. The best time for collection (quality peak season or time of
day) should be determined according to the quality and quantity of biologically active constituents rather than the
total vegetative yield of the targeted medicinal plant parts [22].
• Cleaning
Any soil, stones, sand, dust and other foreign inorganic matter must be removed before medicinal plant materials are
cut or ground for testing. In general, the collected raw medicinal plant materials should not come into direct contact
with the soil. In the case of underground parts of plants (such as the roots), any adherent soil should be removed
from the plants immediately after collection. Collected material should be placed in clean baskets, mesh bags, other
well aerated containers or drop cloths that are free from foreign matter, including plant remnants of previous
collecting activities [32-33].
Manmohan Singh Jangdey et al Int. J. Pharm. Res. Allied Sci., 2016, 5(2):323-334
• Packaging
The container and its closure must not interact physically or chemically in any way that would alter its quality. A
well-closed container must protect the contents from extraneous matter or from loss of the material under normal
conditions of handling, shipment or storage. Different categories of the plant material need different packaging
practices to prevent spoilage and also to maintain the quality [34-35].
• Storage
Medicinal plant materials must be stored under specified conditions in order to avoid contamination and
deterioration. Avoid formation of moulds, which may produce aflatoxins. Materials that need to be stored at
temperatures other than room temperature should be stored at low temperatures to avoid decomposition of phyto
constituents or deterioration of quality. Low humidity may be maintained using a desiccant in the container if
necessary. Medicinal plant materials requiring protection from light should be kept in a light resistant container or
the container may be placed inside a suitable light-resistant (opaque) covering [36-38].
While a large range of bacteria and fungi form the naturally occurring micro flora of herbs, aerobic spore forming
bacteria frequently predominate. Current practices of harvesting, handling and production may cause additional
contamination and microbial growth. The determination of Escherichia coli and moulds may indicate the quality of
production and harvesting practices.
• Moisture
An excess of water in medicinal plant materials will encourage microbial growth and also causes deterioration
following hydrolysis. This is especially important for materials that absorb moisture or deteriorate quickly in the
presence of water. The test for loss on drying can be carried out either by heating to 100-1050 C or in desiccators
over phosphorus pent oxide for a specified period of time[41].
• Foreign matter
Medicinal plants should not be collected in or near areas where high levels of pesticides or other possible
contaminants are used or found, such as roadsides, drainage ditches, mine tailings, garbage dumps and industrial
facilities which may produce toxic emissions. Apart from this, the collection of medicinal plants in and around
active pastures, including river banks and downstream from pastures, should not be done in order to avoid microbial
contamination from animal waste. Macroscopic examination can conveniently be employed for determining the
presence of foreign matter in whole or cut plant materials. However, microscopy is indispensable for powdered
• Ash Content
Ignition of medicinal plant material yields total ash constituting both physiological (from the plant tissue) and non-
physiological (extraneous matter adhering to the plant) ash. Acid insoluble ash represents sand and siliceous earth.
• Extractives
It is the amount of soluble constituents (active or otherwise) extracted using solvents like alcohol and water from a
given amount of medicinal plant material.
Manmohan Singh Jangdey et al Int. J. Pharm. Res. Allied Sci., 2016, 5(2):323-334
• Pesticide residues
Medicinal plant materials are liable to contain pesticide residues, which accumulate from agricultural practices such
as spraying and treatment of soils and fumigation during storage. Since many medicinal preparations of plant origin
have to be taken over long periods of time, the intake of residues from medicinal plants should not be more than 1%
of the total intake from all the sources including food and drinking water [43].
• Micro organisms
While a large range of bacteria and fungi form the naturally occurring micro flora of herbs, aerobic spore forming
bacteria frequently predominate, current practices of harvesting, handling and production may cause additional
contamination and microbial growth.
Gums and mucilages are highly viscous in nature. So, the rheological properties of excipients are important criteria
for deciding their commercial use. The flow behaviour of the samples is determined. Finally, gums and mucilages
are added to pharmaceutical formulations. So a compatibility study is important. The compatibility studies of
gum/mucilage/drugs are performed using spectrophotometry/FTIR/DSC [46]. There are following strategies given
for particular interest of gums and mucilages that
Impurity profile—testing for impurities must be carried out using suitable analytical techniques.
Determination of Solubility
One part of dry gum powder was taken with different solvents and the solubility was determined.
Melting point
The powdered sample of tamarind seed polysaccharide was transferred into a capillary tube and by using Besto
melting point apparatus melting point was determined [48].
Powder Compressibility
This property is also known as compressibility. The finely powdered mucilage (5g) was transferred into a measuring
cylinder and calculations were done using bulk density apparatus.
Manmohan Singh Jangdey et al Int. J. Pharm. Res. Allied Sci., 2016, 5(2):323-334
Swelling index
Swelling index of tamarind seed polysaccharide was determined by using modified method reported [48]. One gram
of TSP powder (#100 mesh passed) was accurately weighed and transferred to a 100mL stoppered measuring
cylinder. The initial volume of the powder in the measuring cylinder was noted. The volume was made up to 100
mL mark with distilled water. The cylinder was stoppered, shaken gently and set aside for 24 h. The volume
occupied by the gum sediment was noted after 24 h.
Swelling index (SI) is expressed as a percentage and calculated according to the following equation.
Where X0 is the initial height of the powder in graduated cylinder and Xt denotes the height occupied by swollen
gum after 24 h. The content from the measuring cylinder from the above test were filtered through a muslin cloth
and the water was allowed to drain completely into a dry 100mL graduated cylinder. The volume of water collected
was noted and the difference between the original volume of the mucilage and the volume drained was taken as
water retained by sample and was referred to as water retention capacity or water absorption capacity.
Thermal stability
A sufficient quantity of the powdered gum was taken in a petridish and exposed to successive higher temperatures
(30°C, 40°C, 50°C, etc.).The temperature at which the product showed a change in color was noted. For thermal
stability under liquid conditions, 1% solution of gum was exposed to successive higher temperatures (30°C, 40°C,
50°C, etc...) and the temperature at which the product showed a change in viscosity.
Micromeritic properties
Powders were characterized for Micromeritic properties, such as particle size, true density, tapped density,
compressibility index, and flow properties. The size was measured using an optical microscope, and the mean
particle size was calculated by measuring 600 particles with the help of a calibrated ocular micrometer. The tapping
method was used to determine the tapped density and percentage compressibility index as follows:
Where V and V0 are the volumes of the sample after and before the standard tapings, respectively. True density was
determined using a Helium densitometer
Angle of repose
The powder flow characteristics are measured by angle of repose. Angle of repose (θ) of the microspheres, which
measured the resistance to particle flow, was determined by the fixed funnel method.
Where, h = height of Pile, r = radius of the base of the pile, Ѳ = Angle of repose
Manmohan Singh Jangdey et al Int. J. Pharm. Res. Allied Sci., 2016, 5(2):323-334
insoluble in organic solvents and dispersible in hot water to form a highly viscous gel such as a mucilaginous
solution with a broad pH tolerance and adhesivety [52].
The chemical composition of amino acids, fatty acids, and minerals of tamarind plant parts have been reported.
Differences in values found in the literature are likely to be due to differences in genetic strains, stages of maturity at
which the plant parts were harvested, growing conditions (Glew et al., 2005), harvesting and handling techniques as
well as to differences in analytical methodologies. Nevertheless, a review of the phytochemistry will provide insight
into the relative value that this species provides when used [57].
Table 1. Chemical composition of tamarind seeds and tamarind fruit pulp powder [58]
Manmohan Singh Jangdey et al Int. J. Pharm. Res. Allied Sci., 2016, 5(2):323-334
pharmaceutical excipients applications. Many techniques have been used to manufacture the TSP-based delivery
systems [Table. 2], which makes it exciting and promising excipients for the pharmaceutical industry for the present
and future applications [59].
Table 2. Pharmaceutical applications or uses of natural Tamarind gum in CDDS / NDDS [51, 52]
Manmohan Singh Jangdey et al Int. J. Pharm. Res. Allied Sci., 2016, 5(2):323-334
7.2 Nutritional value of Tamarindus indica
The fruit of Tamarindus indica linn possess high nutritional value. Tamarinds in Indian cookery is an important
ingredient in curries and chutneys, and makes a delicious sauce for duck, geese and water fowl, and in Western India
is used for pickling fish, Tamarind fish being considered a great delicacy[59,60]. Tamarind Concentrates and other
Tamarind Products are used as a souring agent. It is food-grade and largely used in the manufacture of beverages,
seasonings, juices, to flavour confections etc. Indian dishes like vindaloo, sambar, rasam, curry, puliogare, panipuri,
many snacks, chutneys and sauces. Fish, meat, seafood preservation and as a taste enhancer for any food or
beverage[ 61].
Now-a-days, natural polymers play a very important role almost in all kind of formulations.
To achieve this objective the plant derived drugs to isolate a natural pharmaceutical excipients from tamarind and to
check its Valuable utility of versatile excipients for pharmaceutical formulations and Value addition of the
medicinal plants is very much essential for commercial exploitation as well as the medicinal value of the raw drugs
of this Chhattisgarh region and Thus, the modern social context and economic view of health services, the needs of
the pharmaceutical market and the recognition that research on medicinal plants used in folk medicine represents a
suitable approach for the development of new drugs. The traditional uses, its phytochemistry and pharmacognosy is
reviewed to provided with a particular orientation to its value in Chhattisgarh region. This can be tremendous
contribution to improving self reliance in primary health care for humans and gives supplementary income to the
livelihoods and prevent the loss of our traditional plants and heritage. Tree trunk is used as timber. Its taste is sour,
sweet, cool and astringent, due to its ingredients. Many parts of the Tamarind tree have been used in traditional
medicines to treat diseases as well as symptoms. Natural gums are promising biodegradable polymeric materials.
Many studies has been carried out in fields including food technology and pharmaceuticals using gums and
mucilages. It is clear that gums and mucilages have many advantages over synthetic materials. Various applications
of gums and mucilages have been established in the field of pharmaceuticals. However, there is a need to develop
other natural sources as well as with modifying existing natural materials for the formulation of novel drug delivery
systems, biotechnological applications and other delivery systems. Therefore, in the years to come, there will be
continued interest in natural gums and their modifications aimed at the development of better materials for drug
delivery systems. Considering the overall benefits of the plant, it can be advocated as a safe, highly important,
medicinal plant for mankind. It is maintaining the health of local communities, besides generating productive
employment for the poor with the objective of poverty alleviation in tribal and rural areas.
The authors acknowledge University Grant Commission-SAP, New Delhi, India, for financial assistance. Two of the
authors extend their gratitude towards the head of the cosmetic lab, Institute of pharmacy, Pt, Ravishankar Shukla
University, Raipur (C.G.) for providing facilities to carry out research work. Author also wants to thank library of
Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University for providing e-resources available through UGC-INFLIBNET.
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