Adjunct Appointments Procedure

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This procedure applies to the appointment of all adjuncts to the University. Such appointments are unpaid.

Monash University’s Associated Academic Workforce is comprised of four appointment categories - Adjunct, Emeritus, Eminent
Honorary and Sessional.
This procedure describes the process for appointing adjuncts and the responsibilities and expectations of adjunct appointees during their
time at the University.

Types of adjunct appointments

The following are teaching and research adjunct appointments:
• Adjunct Lecturer (Level B)
• Adjunct Lecturer (Practice) (Level B)
• Adjunct Senior Lecturer (Level C)
• Adjunct Senior Lecturer (Practice) (Level C)
• Adjunct Associate Professor (Level D)
• Adjunct Associate Professor (Practice) (Level D)
• Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor (Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences) (Level D)
• Adjunct Appointment as a Professor (Level E)
• Adjunct as a Professor (Practice) (Level E)
• Adjunct Clinical Professor (Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences) (Level E)
The following are research-only adjunct appointments:
• Adjunct Junior Research Associate
• Adjunct Research Associate (Level A)
• Adjunct Research Fellow (Level B)
• Adjunct Senior Research Fellow (Level C)
• Adjunct Associate Professor (Research) (Level D)
• Adjunct Appointment as a Professor (Research) (Level E)

Ordinarily only persons not already employed by the University will be considered for an adjunct appointment. However, an existing
staff member may be considered for an adjunct appointment where the eligibility criteria for an adjunct appointment as set out below
are satisfied and the adjunct appointment will not:
• create a conflict of interest for the staff member in their existing employment with the University; and/or
• adversely affect the staff member’s performance in their existing employment with the University
An example of when this may occur is when an academic staff member working within one of the central portfolios seeks an adjunct
position within a faculty for the purposes of being included in, and contributing to, the faculty’s research network.

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Eligibility for teaching and research adjunct appointments
To be eligible for a teaching and research adjunct appointment, the professional standing and specialist expertise of the proposed
appointee must be such that they will make a significant contribution to the teaching and research activities of a particular unit or
research centre in the University (or, in the case of a clinical adjunct appointment, in a hospital setting).
Level B and C teaching and research adjunct appointees must have achieved recognition in an area of the teaching and research
program of the unit in which the appointment will be held. Level D and E teaching and research adjunct appointees are expected to
have achieved eminence in the relevant area within the unit, with Level E adjunct appointees having an established international
reputation in the area.

Eligibility for research-only adjunct appointments

To be eligible for appointment as an Adjunct Junior Research Associate, a person must be a Monash University graduate research
student who is awaiting the outcome of the examination of their PhD thesis and is considered by the head of unit in which the
appointment is proposed to be making a significant contribution to the unit.
To be eligible for appointment to any other research-only adjunct appointment, the professional standing and specialist expertise of
the proposed appointee must be such that they will make a significant contribution to the research activities of a particular unit or
research centre in the University.
Levels A, B and C research-only adjunct appointees must have achieved recognition in an area of the research program of the unit in
which the appointment will be held. Level D and E research-only adjunct appointees are expected to have achieved eminence in the
research program of the relevant area within the unit, with Level E adjunct appointees having an established international reputation
for research in the area.

Adjunct appointments are for a set period of up to five years and are specific to a particular faculty (or area within the central
portfolios). Adjunct appointments are unpaid appointments.
An adjunct may, in addition to their adjunct appointment be employed by the university to perform paid work outside the scope of
their adjunct appointment.

Roles and responsibilities

Teaching and research adjunct appointees are expected to participate in the unit’s teaching, research and/or related activities
relative to their academic level. For further information, please refer to teaching and research position classification standards
(including supplementary descriptors for practice roles).
Research-only adjunct appointees are expected to participate in research and/or related activities of the unit relative to their
academic level. For further information, please refer to the research-only position classification standards.
An adjunct appointee must:
• ensure that there is no conflict of interest between their adjunct appointment at the University and any outside work or activities
or their employment or engagement with the University (if applicable);
• comply with the University’s intellectual property requirements as outlined in the letter of offer;
• acknowledge adjunct status in academic attributions related to the adjunct appointment; and
• attribute their academic publications to the University in accordance with the requirements of the University’s Research
Outputs and Authorship Policy and Procedures.
An adjunct appointee may:
• use the adjunct title provided to them, including on a business card and official correspondence; and
• supervise research higher degree students.
An adjunct appointee may not as part of their adjunct appointment:
• supervise the performance of a staff member under the University’s Performance development process: academic staff
• authorise the expenditure of University funds; and/or
• commit the University to any contractual or other legally binding agreement.

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Adjunct appointees are required to comply with applicable University policies and procedures, in particular:
• Research Outputs and Authorship Policy and Procedures;
• Integrity and Respect Policy and Procedures;
• Information Technology Use Policy – Staff and Other Authorised Users;
• Occupational Health and Safety Policies; and
• Equal Opportunity.

Adjunct appointments are not paid appointments.
Adjunct appointees can be provided with access to University services and support, as appropriate in particular appointments, e.g.
email, use of University computing hardware and software, library services, access to relevant research space (laboratory, studio),
reimbursement of pre-approved out-of-pocket expenses.
In exceptional cases, it can be recommended that an adjunct appointee receive an honorarium payment.

Concurrent employment and/or contractor engagements

Where an academic or organisational work unit proposes to engage an adjunct appointee to undertake the performance of work
outside the scope of their adjunct appointment, the unit will confer with their HR Business Partner.
In exceptional cases, it may be recommended that an honorarium payment be made to the adjunct appointee for the proposed
performance of work in accordance with 8.1-8.2 of this Procedure.
In other than exceptional cases and where the adjunct appointee does not already have a concurrent contract of employment with
the University, the HR Business Partner will assist the unit to determine whether the proposed performance of work should proceed
under a concurrent contract of employment in accordance with 3.2 of this Procedure or under a concurrent contractor engagement.
The criteria set out at will be applied to make that
Where the adjunct appointee does already have a concurrent contract of employment with the University, the Guidelines for
Contractor Arrangements at will apply and the HR Business
Partner will discuss the options available for payment of the proposed performance of work via Monash’s payroll system.
Where it is determined that the proposed performance of work should proceed under a concurrent contractor engagement and:
• the adjunct appointee does not already have a concurrent contract of employment with the University;
• the value of the work to be performed does not exceed $100,000 over a 12-month period; and
• the work to be performed is for other than the provision of “core services” as specified under the Guidelines for Contractor
the academic or organisational work unit may then apply to Procure to Payment Services for the concurrent engagement of the
adjunct appointee as a contractor.
Where the value of the work to be performed does exceed $100,000 over a 12-month period, the concurrent engagement of the
adjunct appointee as a contractor will be subject to the relevant procurement process as set out at unless formally exempted by Strategic Procurement.
Where the work to be performed is for the provision of “core services”, the proposed contractor engagement of the adjunct appointee
is also required to be referred to the Director, Workplace Relations for review and approval in accordance with the Guidelines for
Contractor Arrangements.

Appointment Approval Process

Head of unit proposes an adjunct appointment
When a proposed adjunct appointee is identified, the relevant head of unit will:
• ensure that there is no conflict of interest between the candidate’s work outside the University or employment within the
University and the proposed adjunct contribution to the activities of the unit (for further information on conflict of interest see the
Conflict of interest procedure); and
• ensure that the appointment is being offered at the appropriate academic level relative to the academic classification standard.
In addition, the head of unit must ensure that the candidate meets the eligibility criteria. For positions that involve teaching, this
includes a qualification of at least one Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) level higher than the program being taught, or
equivalent relevant academic and professional or practice-based experience and expertise.

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Where a candidate does not hold the appropriate AQF qualification, the head of unit must consider a range of matters when
determining equivalent experience, including (but not limited to):
• the extent to which the candidate’s professional experience demonstrates specific knowledge and skills, and their capacity to
establish the learning outcomes required of the relevant AQF level;
• the length of time the candidate has spent working in a relevant profession and their leadership and achievements in that field;
• alternative training and/or qualifications and/or awards that demonstrate the candidate’s leadership or expertise in the field of
Where required, the HR Business Partner will provide advice and assistance to the head of unit throughout the appointment process.

Head of unit initiates the appointment action

The head of unit or delegate will:
• enter information in support of the application to make an adjunct appointment in the Job Request in Rex; and
• upload the proposed appointee’s curriculum vitae (CV).

Monash HR finalises information

Monash HR will:
• complete the remaining information in the Job Request in Rex;
• confirm that the proposed appointee’s curriculum vitae (CV) is uploaded and all required information has been provided in
support of the appointment; and
• initiate the Rex Job Request for the relevant approvers.
Although the required approvals may vary between Faculty/Division, the table below summarises the approvals that are required for
all adjunct appointments at the University. Approvers may request additional information clarifying and supporting the case for

Approval of an adjunct appointment

All proposals for adjunct appointments at Level E must be recommended by the dean before being submitted to Monash HR for
approval by the Vice-Chancellor and President, following endorsement of the Provost and Senior Vice-President.

Academic Level Related Adjunct Titles Appointment Approver

Levels A to D Adjunct Lecturer Dean
Adjunct Lecturer (Practice)
Adjunct Senior Lecturer
Adjunct Senior Lecturer (Practice)
Adjunct Research Associate
Adjunct Research Fellow
Adjunct Senior Research Fellow (Level C)
Adjunct Associate Professor
Adjunct Associate Professor (Research)
Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor (Faculty of Medicine, Nursing
and Health Sciences)
Adjunct Associate Professor (Practice)
Level E Adjunct Appointment as Professor Vice-Chancellor and
Adjunct Appointment as Professor (Research) President, following
endorsement of the Provost
Adjunct Clinical Professor and Senior Vice-President
Adjunct Professor (Practice)

Issuing the appointment offer

If the appointment is approved, a letter of offer will be generated by Monash HR and forwarded electronically to the appointee.

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Honorarium payment
If during the period of an adjunct appointment, the head of unit wishes to recommend payment of an honorarium payment to the
adjunct appointee, the head can make such recommendation by way of written case to the Dean.
If the recommendation is supported by the Dean, the Faculty will forward the written case to their HR Business Partner who will
facilitate the approval by the:
• Group Manager, HR Business Partnering for payments up to $5,000,
• the Director, Workplace Relations for payments up to $20,000, or
• the Chief Human Resources Officer for greater amounts.

Renewal of adjunct appointments

Adjunct appointments may be renewed on the approval of the dean provided it has been less than 10 years since an Adjunct
Appointment Nomination has been completed and submitted to the appropriate authorities outlined in the table above.
If it has been 10 years since a nomination was fully considered and the head of unit wishes to retain the adjunct, a new Adjunct
Appointment Nomination must be completed and submitted in Rex for approval in accordance with the requirements of this
The HR Business Partner will facilitate the process for the renewal, non-renewal or reappointment of adjuncts.

Breach of procedure
We treat any breach of our policies or procedures seriously. We encourage reporting of concerns about non-compliance and
manage compliance in accordance with the applicable Enterprise Agreement or contract terms.

Adjunct appointee A person who is appointed to contribute their professional standing and specialist expertise to the
teaching and/or research activities of a particular department or research centre in the University.
Adjunct appointees can be teaching and research or research-only adjunct appointees. Adjunct
appointees are unpaid.

Conflict of interest The term ‘conflict of interest’ refers to a situation where a conflict arises for an individual between two
competing interests, which are often, but not exclusively, interests of public duty versus private
interests. Conflicts of interest may be reasonably perceived, potential or actual. Conflicts of interest
can involve financial or non-financial interests of the staff member and the interests of a business
partner or associate, family member, friend or person in, or has had a close personal relationship with
the staff member. For further information refer to Conflict of Interest procedure (including Conflict of
Interest in Research) and Examples of Conflicts of Interest and Guidelines for Action for further

Head of Unit Head of an academic or organisational work unit, for example head of school, head of department or
where applicable, a person acting as their nominee.

Honorarium payment An ad-hoc payment made in recognition of the contribution made by an adjunct appointee in their
adjunct appointment which is not a payment for “work performed”.

REX Recruitment Express, the University's online recruitment system. Rex is used to manage the end-to-
end recruitment and appointment process for all Monash staff, adjuncts and visitors. Rex is also used
to manage the on-line application process for other University programs and initiatives.

REX job request The on-line form used to communicate the requirements for a particular position to Monash HR for

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Parent policy Recruitment and appointment

Supporting schedules

Associated procedures Honorary appointments: Professional Staff

Legislation mandating

Category Human Resources

Approval Chief Operating Officer – 9 September 2019

Endorsement Chief Human Resources Officer - 9 September 2019

Procedure owner Director, Workplace Relations

Date effective 8 January 2020

Review date 20 November 2020

Version 11

Content enquiries or phone Monash HR on (03) 990 20400

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