Adjunct Appointments Procedure
Adjunct Appointments Procedure
Adjunct Appointments Procedure
This procedure applies to the appointment of all adjuncts to the University. Such appointments are unpaid.
Monash University’s Associated Academic Workforce is comprised of four appointment categories - Adjunct, Emeritus, Eminent
Honorary and Sessional.
This procedure describes the process for appointing adjuncts and the responsibilities and expectations of adjunct appointees during their
time at the University.
Ordinarily only persons not already employed by the University will be considered for an adjunct appointment. However, an existing
staff member may be considered for an adjunct appointment where the eligibility criteria for an adjunct appointment as set out below
are satisfied and the adjunct appointment will not:
• create a conflict of interest for the staff member in their existing employment with the University; and/or
• adversely affect the staff member’s performance in their existing employment with the University
An example of when this may occur is when an academic staff member working within one of the central portfolios seeks an adjunct
position within a faculty for the purposes of being included in, and contributing to, the faculty’s research network.
Adjunct appointments are for a set period of up to five years and are specific to a particular faculty (or area within the central
portfolios). Adjunct appointments are unpaid appointments.
An adjunct may, in addition to their adjunct appointment be employed by the university to perform paid work outside the scope of
their adjunct appointment.
Adjunct appointments are not paid appointments.
Adjunct appointees can be provided with access to University services and support, as appropriate in particular appointments, e.g.
email, use of University computing hardware and software, library services, access to relevant research space (laboratory, studio),
reimbursement of pre-approved out-of-pocket expenses.
In exceptional cases, it can be recommended that an adjunct appointee receive an honorarium payment.
Breach of procedure
We treat any breach of our policies or procedures seriously. We encourage reporting of concerns about non-compliance and
manage compliance in accordance with the applicable Enterprise Agreement or contract terms.
Adjunct appointee A person who is appointed to contribute their professional standing and specialist expertise to the
teaching and/or research activities of a particular department or research centre in the University.
Adjunct appointees can be teaching and research or research-only adjunct appointees. Adjunct
appointees are unpaid.
Conflict of interest The term ‘conflict of interest’ refers to a situation where a conflict arises for an individual between two
competing interests, which are often, but not exclusively, interests of public duty versus private
interests. Conflicts of interest may be reasonably perceived, potential or actual. Conflicts of interest
can involve financial or non-financial interests of the staff member and the interests of a business
partner or associate, family member, friend or person in, or has had a close personal relationship with
the staff member. For further information refer to Conflict of Interest procedure (including Conflict of
Interest in Research) and Examples of Conflicts of Interest and Guidelines for Action for further
Head of Unit Head of an academic or organisational work unit, for example head of school, head of department or
where applicable, a person acting as their nominee.
Honorarium payment An ad-hoc payment made in recognition of the contribution made by an adjunct appointee in their
adjunct appointment which is not a payment for “work performed”.
REX Recruitment Express, the University's online recruitment system. Rex is used to manage the end-to-
end recruitment and appointment process for all Monash staff, adjuncts and visitors. Rex is also used
to manage the on-line application process for other University programs and initiatives.
REX job request The on-line form used to communicate the requirements for a particular position to Monash HR for
Supporting schedules
Legislation mandating
Version 11