Adjunt Faculty Handbook
Adjunt Faculty Handbook
Adjunt Faculty Handbook
Foreword ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction to UHCL ..................................................................................................................... 4
Mission Statement ........................................................................................................................... 5
Contractual Matters ......................................................................................................................... 5
Philosophy .......................................................................................................................... 5
Qualifications ..................................................................................................................... 6
Equal Opportunity .............................................................................................................. 6
Academic Freedom............................................................................................................. 6
Initiating Application Process ............................................................................................ 6
Contractual Agreement....................................................................................................... 7
Office Hours ....................................................................................................................... 8
Fringe Benefits ................................................................................................................... 9
Evaluation and Renewal ..................................................................................................... 9
Salary .................................................................................................................................. 9
Teaching Responsibilities................................................................................................... 9
Receiving Checks ............................................................................................................... 9
Direct Deposit of Payroll .................................................................................................... 9
Teaching Assignments .................................................................................................................. 10
Course Schedule ............................................................................................................................ 10
Course Syllabus ............................................................................................................................. 10
Academic Honesty Policy ............................................................................................................. 11
Student’s Attendance ..................................................................................................................... 11
Grades............................................................................................................................................ 12
Grading Procedures ....................................................................................................................... 13
Auditing Courses ........................................................................................................................... 15
Withdrawal from a course ............................................................................................................. 15
Absence from class ........................................................................................................................ 15
Textbook Selection ........................................................................................................................ 16
Coursepacks................................................................................................................................... 16
Classroom Assignment .................................................................................................................. 16
Suite Assignment ........................................................................................................................... 16
Access/Key Requests .................................................................................................................... 16
Id Card ........................................................................................................................................... 17
Parking........................................................................................................................................... 17
Library ........................................................................................................................................... 17
Computing and Telecommunications ............................................................................................ 18
Math Center ................................................................................................................................... 18
Writing Center ............................................................................................................................... 18
Student Success Center ................................................................................................................. 19
UHCL Adjunct Faculty Handbook – November 2018 2
Student Assistance Center ............................................................................................................. 19
Student Financial Aid .................................................................................................................... 19
University Police ........................................................................................................................... 19
Separating from the University ..................................................................................................... 20
Student Conduct ............................................................................................................................ 20
University Policies ........................................................................................................................ 21
Student Affairs .............................................................................................................................. 22
Safety and Emergency .................................................................................................................. 25
College of Business Policies ......................................................................................................... 26
College of Education Policies ....................................................................................................... 27
College of Human Sciences and Humanities Policies ................................................................... 27
College of Science and Engineering Policies ................................................................................ 28
The University of Houston-Clear Lake Adjunct Faculty Handbook has been developed as an
information resource and guide for UHCL adjunct faculty. Although it is not a comprehensive
document, it has been designed to provide resource and policy information related to UHCL. This
publication does not supersede any Federal, State or local law, nor University policies or catalogs. We
are releasing it for general guidance, but it is not a contract, and University policies, for good and
sufficient reason, must reserve the right to deviate from the conditions and procedures described
Specific questions arising regarding current policies, interpretation of policies or information not
covered in this document should be directed to the Office of the Dean in the individual Colleges or the
Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost. Suggestions for revisions of
this document should be directed to the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs.
The establishment of UHCL was authorized by the 62nd Texas Legislature in 1971. The measure was
the result of a 1968 report by the Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System (now the
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board), which called for a second University of Houston
campus to provide upper-level and graduate programs. In 1973, the Texas Senate authorized
construction of a permanent campus at Clear Lake.
Construction began early in 1974 with the first phase of the Bayou Building, the largest of the
university’s five principal buildings. September 1974 marked the beginning of regularly scheduled
classes on the UHCL campus under the leadership of founding chancellor, Alfred R. Neumann.
Opening-day enrollment totaled 1,069 students. Charter faculty included 60 professors. Today, the
university has approximately 8,900 students, and more than 600 full-time and adjunct faculty.
In fall 2014, UHCL welcomed its first-ever freshman class. The university received approval from the
state in 2011 for downward expansion, which allowed the university to add freshman and sophomore-
level courses to its roster.
UHCL is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and
Colleges (1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097: Telephone number 404-679-4500) to
award baccalaureate, masters’ degrees and doctorate degrees. The university also has individual
accredited programs. The College of Business (BUS) maintains accreditation by the Association to
Advance Collegiate Colleges of Business (AACSB International). College of Business accounting
programs also maintain separate AACSB accounting accreditation. The College of Education (COE) is
accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), 1140 19th Street, N.W.
Suite 400, Washington, D.C. 20036, phone 202-223-0077 This accreditation covers all of the
institution's initial teacher preparation and advanced educator preparation programs. COE is also
UHCL Adjunct Faculty Handbook – November 2018 4
accredited by the Texas State Board for Educator Certification. The College of Human Sciences and
Humanities (HSH) is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy
Education, the Association for Behavior Analysis International, the Council on Social Work Education,
and Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing and , the Human Factors and Ergonomics
Society. HSH’s School Psychology Program is approved by the National Association of School
Psychologists. In addition, the National Strength and Conditioning Association has recognized the
Fitness and Human Performance curriculum as preparing students for successful entrance into the
career field.
The College of Science and Engineering (CSE) is accredited by the Accreditation Board for
Engineering and Technology (ABET) Inc., and the American Chemistry Society.
The University is authorized by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to offer
undergraduate, graduate majors, professional certificates as well as specializations and minors. See the
UHCL Catalogs in the General Program Requirements section for a list of degrees.
Known for its excellence of instruction and service to adult learners, the University provides education
to a diverse student population from the state, the nation and abroad by offering programs on and off
A university is known and evaluated by the quality of faculty it hires. Likewise, the outcomes of
courses undertaken are determined by the quality of material presented to the students. The University
of Houston-Clear Lake commits to the highest quality of education possible by enhancing the critical
and creative skills of adult students through study in the arts, sciences, and professions. Intellectual
breadth and depth are strongly emphasized in the curriculum of all Colleges throughout the university.
The Southern Association of Colleges and Colleges requires that all faculty at an accredited University
teaching graduate courses must hold a terminal degree. The majority of faculty teaching at the
undergraduate level at UHCL holds the Ph.D., EdD, or other appropriate terminal degree. In some
instances, highly qualified or specially credentialed instructors with a significant number of graduate
courses in the area taught are on the UHCL faculty. In all instances, adjunct faculty teaching must hold
at least a master's degree with at least 18 graduate semester hours in their teaching field.
Equal Opportunity
The University of Houston-Clear Lake commits to providing equal educational, programmatic and
employment opportunities for all persons regardless of race, color, gender, age, religion, national
origin, veteran's status, disability or sexual orientation. Inquiries concerning laws and regulations
governing employment should be directed to the Office of Human Resources.
Academic Freedom
All faculty shall have certain privileges and responsibilities under the right of academic freedom in
keeping with The University of Houston System Board of Regents Policies. This right entitles the
teacher to freedom in the classroom in discussing subject matter, but likewise be careful not to
introduce into teaching controversial matters that have no direct relation to the subject. The college or
university teacher is a citizen, a member of a learned profession and an officer of an educational
institution. When teachers speak or write as citizens, they should be free from institutional censorship
or discipline, but their special position in the community imposes special obligations. As people of
learning and educational officers, teachers should remember that the public may judge the teaching
professionals and their institution by the teachers' utterances. Hence, they should at all times be
accurate, should exercise appropriate restraint, should show respect for the opinions of others and
should make every effort to indicate that they are not institutional spokespersons.
The application process is initiated in the College in which the adjunct professor will be teaching. The
College will contact prospective adjuncts to complete required forms. All members of the University
faculty must have submitted the following documentation - faculty candidate profile, current
curriculum vitae, and three letters of reference noting experience in subject area and teaching discipline.
It is the responsibility of the adjunct faculty member to contact the references and ask that the letters of
recommendation be sent directly from the institution to the office of the dean or associate dean.
Official transcript showing confirmation of the highest degree obtained, to be mailed directly to the
appropriate College administrative office.
The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 requires all prospective employees show acceptable
proof of identity and authorization to work upon becoming employed. Failure to provide acceptable
documentation will delay hiring. Prospective employees are directed to the Temporary/Part-Time
Employment Manual for definitions of acceptable documentation that must be provided It should also be pointed
out that this documentation must be completed prior to the first class period. Failure to complete this
documentation may result in cancellation of the offer to teach.
All questions regarding inclusion on the payroll should be directed to the associate dean in the
respective college unless otherwise directed.
A person who has previously served as an adjunct and who is returning following a break in service to
UHCL adjunct employment may be required to repeat the application and immigration documentation
process in compliance with federal law. The employing college is advised to check the I-9 status of any
prospective adjunct by calling the Office of Human Resources prior to the adjunct's first day of work.
Transcripts and reference letters used in the application process are kept only 5 years. An adjunct
whose break in service is 5 or more years may be required to submit original transcripts and new
reference letters.
Contractual Agreement
Each adjunct faculty will be offered a contract in the form of a contractual letter. This letter will extend
a conditional offer for a part-time position at the University of Houston-Clear Lake to teach a specific
course or courses. It will clearly state the course or courses to be taught along with the remuneration to
be received for each course. The University is permitted to employ adjunct faculty only after all full-
time faculty members' schedules have been filled. Adjuncts may teach a maximum of two courses per
semester. Adjunct appointments must be considered conditional until student registration for the
current semester has been concluded. The adjunct faculty appointment will be for the duration of the
indicated semester and does not carry a standard university rank for the purpose of accumulating credit
toward tenure. All appointments will be made by the dean or the dean's designee of the college
responsible for the course offering, but will be subject to approval by the Senior Vice President and
Upon receipt of the contractual letter, the adjunct faculty must sign one copy of the letter in
confirmation of their acceptance of the stated terms. The signed letter should be returned to the dean or
dean’s designee as soon as possible to facilitate the hiring process. If the new adjunct faculty member is
presently employed by another State agency, this fact should be noted on the face of the letter. In this
case, it is necessary to complete a Consulting and Paid Professional Services Form to assure
compliance with state regulations. No adjunct may begin teaching a class without submitting a signed
College of Education
Each semester the College of Education holds an orientation session for new and returning adjuncts to
outline the College’s policies and procedures and to answer questions pertaining to the courses they
teach. In addition, adjunct faculty are invited to attend college and program meetings and to provide
input on curriculum development and academic policy.
In order to be in compliance with UHCL policies and the accreditation agencies requirements, all
syllabi must comply with the checklist sent out at the start of each semester and submitted by the due
These forms must be completed for all students. Forms are online and must be made accessible to
Technology Forms
On the Unit Assessment System click the Manage Course Technology button and describe the
technology you and your students will be using in your course.
Disability Services
In the Faculty Center, click the button next to the student’s name in your class roster.
State your concerns.
You can contact Tim Richardson in the Student Success Center (
center) who will contact the student.
A grade of Incomplete (“I”) may be given to students who are making satisfactory progress at the
discretion of the instructor for emergency situations which occur after the withdrawal date but prior to
the end of the semester, and which prevent the student from completing course requirements.
Texas Education Agency (TEA) now requires that all individuals involved in preparing educator
candidates and the candidates themselves, must annually be formally trained in and adhere to the
Texas Educators’ Code of Ethics. You can access the training on our website at Texas Educators Code
of Ethics Training ( Adjuncts receive an email about
completing the training.
Office Hours
Every class shall normally require two office hours, although the actual number of office hours will
vary depending on the nature of the faculty member’s assignment. At least one third of the total hours
per week are to be face-to-face in faculty’s assigned office, except part-time faculty members who are
teaching only on-line courses. Up to two-thirds of the total hours per week should reflect the faculty
member’s teaching assignment.
UHCL Adjunct Faculty Handbook – November 2018 8
Adjunct faculty members are expected to schedule two office hours per week for each course taught.
This may be handled by pre-arrangement with the student or students, through e-mail consultations or
office hours. The adjunct faculty member should be accessible for student consultation at hours close
to class times.
Fringe Benefits
Adjunct faculty members are not eligible for fringe benefits, such as insurance, retirement or sick
leave. Adjuncts currently enrolled in Teacher Retirement System (TRS) through a school district must
notify the benefits coordinator in the Office of Human Resources and are required to contribute to
All instructors are required to provide access to teaching evaluation to each class near the end of the
semester. Evaluations are available for review, upon request, after semester's end. These evaluations
are retained in the appropriate College’s administrative office and are considered as part of the contract
renewal process. If an adjunct faculty member is to be retained to teach during subsequent semesters he
or she must have satisfactory reviews. Each semester of employment requires a new contractual letter.
Salaries vary from course-to-course and College -to-College, depending upon such factors as demand
of the discipline, credentials and length of employment.
Teaching Responsibilities
Adjunct faculty members are responsible for the instructional quality and the overall conduct of the
courses which they teach. This responsibility includes, but is not limited to, the conduct of lectures and
or laboratory sessions, evaluation through examinations or other appropriate methods, recitation
sessions and homework. Course content should reflect the focus described in the catalog course
description. All faculty should be mindful of cultural and gender sensitivities and of the needs and
sensitivities of the disabled. The final assignment of grades remains the sole responsibility of the
individual faculty member responsible for the course. Please refer to the policies and procedures in
the Student Life Policies Handbook and in the UHCL Catalogs or seek assistance from the appropriate
administrator in the College for guidance on academic issues.
Receiving Checks
In long semesters, adjunct faculty salaries are paid over a period of four or five months for each
Fiscal considerations compelled the University of Houston System to adopt a policy of mandatory
direct deposit of payroll checks on September 1, 1992. Any individual who is unable to establish a
direct deposit of their payroll check must contact the Office of Human Resources.
It generally takes two pay cycles for direct deposit to begin. Prior to direct deposit taking effect, a
message appears on the paycheck stub indicating the direct deposit account number. This number
should be verified immediately. If any discrepancies exist, contact the Office of Human Resources. At
Teaching assignments are made by the faculty chair or associate dean and are specified in a contractual
All classes meet as scheduled. Instructors should begin and end classes at the designated time to
provide students the required number of hours of instruction. Instructors should utilize the entire class
period. Official holidays are published in the schedule of classes for each semester. Instructors are
expected to respond to fire drills along with their students by vacating the building via the closest
stairwell and continue to the nearest parking lot.
A syllabus clarifies the structure, organization and content of the course. A copy of the syllabus should
be distributed to each student during the first or second class period and available online in Blackboard.
Colleges require that a copy also be sent to the Associate Dean and may require that the syllabus be
submitted for review and approval prior to distribution.
Instructors should state their class policies clearly and completely. Any revisions to the syllabus
should be reissued in written form or prominently posted in Blackboard.
If you need assistance in writing a syllabus, you should contact your College administrators.
Academic honesty is the cornerstone of the academic integrity of the university. It is the foundation
upon which the student builds personal integrity and establishes a standard of personal behavior.
Because honesty and integrity are such important factors in the professional community, you should be
aware that failure to perform within the bounds of these ethical standards is sufficient grounds to
receive a grade of "F" in the course and be recommended for suspension from UHCL.
The Honesty Code of UHCL states "I will be honest in all my academic activities and will not tolerate
The Academic Honesty Policy and its procedures must govern all alleged violations. The complete
policy and procedures can be found online and in, the Student Life Policies Handbook and the Faculty
Adjunct faculty members are expected to adhere to the same standard of conduct as full-time faculty.
After becoming familiar with the policy, adjunct faculty should direct further questions to the
Associate Dean of their respective College.
Regular class attendance is expected of all students. What constitutes an acceptable rate of class
attendance is a matter between students and their instructors, although the university expects
instructors to maintain reasonable standards.
Grade Changes
Grade changes are allowed for only one of the following three reasons:
a) Removal of an incomplete grade
b) Result of a grade appeal or hearing
c) Correction of instructor error
Other than removing an incomplete grade, grades will not be changed on the basis of extra work
submitted after final grades are assigned.
Grade changes may be made by the instructor or the appropriate Associate Dean in the absence of the
instructor. After one long semester, a grade change submitted by an instructor must be approved by the
Associate Dean of the College in which the course is located. Grade changes must be completed within
one year after the initial grade is posted.
After one year, permission of the Associate Vice President of Enrollment Management is required
on grade change requests. The grading system and descriptions of letter grades are also available in
the UHCL Catalogs. Grade changes resulting from the completion of In Progress (“IP”) or
Incomplete (“I”) work may only be initiated by the instructor of record or the Associate Dean.
The preferred method of changing a grade is from the Faculty Center in E-Services. This ensures a
quick and timely update to the student’s record. However, Grade Change Forms are available from
the Associate Deans' Offices and the Office of the Registrar. When the form is processed, the
Registrar's staff will compare the instructor's signature on the form to their signature on file. If the
signatures match, the grade is changed on the student's permanent record electronically and thereby
noted on the grade roster. The student and faculty member is notified once a grade change has
The University grading system uses 16 marks to record the performance of students in courses. Letter
grades of A, B, C, D, and F with marks of plus or minus are acceptable. Exceptions are the grades of
A+, F+ and F-, which are not valid. These marks are used in grade reports and transcripts and are
further defined in the Catalogs.
Grade distribution reports are available in the associate dean's office so that faculty may compare their
grading standards with those of other instructors or those teaching the same course.
Performance in the range of "A" represents exceptional scholarship and intellectual initiative in
accomplishing course goals and objectives.
Performance in the range of "B" represents solid or significant achievement in accomplishing course
goals and objectives.
Performance in the range of "D" represents the minimally acceptable performance in accomplishing
course goals and objectives.
Grades of “+” or “-“are refinements of the letter grades, represent grade point variations and may be
used at the discretion of the instructor.
Performance in the range of "A" represents exceptional scholarship and intellectual initiative in
accomplishing graduate level course goals and objectives.
Performance in the range of "B" represents competent achievement in accomplishing graduate level
course goals and objectives.
Grades of "+" or "-" are refinements of the letter grades described above and represent grade point
variations and may be used at the discretion of the instructor.
Class Roster
Class rosters are available via E-services in the Faculty Center. The first day class roster is available
on the first day of class. It contains the name of each student officially registered in the class. Students
not listed on the roster should be referred to the Office of the Registrar immediately to resolve their
schedule discrepancy problem.
Grade Rosters
Grade Rosters constitute the official record of grades reported by instructors for all students officially
enrolled at the University. Semester Grade Rosters are produced electronically by the Office of the
Registrar and are made available online for a specified period of time before the grading deadline. This
window of opportunity varies. Approximate time for spring is 3 weeks, for summer 9 days, and for fall
2 weeks. Only faculty who are the official instructor of record will be allowed to enter grades online.
Once grades are entered and saved, print out a copy of that roster online for future reference and
confirmation of grades. An online grading document will be provided by the Office of the Registrar
when grade rosters are made available online. The document includes the dates for online grading
availability and contact information for assistance with grading issues or questions. Those dates will be
announced mid-semester by the Office of the Registrar.
The Grade Roster is available via the Faculty Center in E-services by the official instructor of record.
The Online Grading Documentation will be provided by the Office of the Registrar each semester. The
input of grades period and grading deadlines will be published in the Online Grading Documentation
and will be strictly adhered.
Grades of In Progress ("IP") are only valid for Master's Thesis, Project, Dissertation Residency and
Internship classes that are still in progress. Grades of Incomplete ("I") are given only under special
circumstances within the framework of an agreement worked out between the student and the
instructor. The Incomplete Grade Contract must then be submitted to the Associate Dean's office of
your College. Faculty should review the grades they submitted. Grades can be reviewed from the
Faculty Center in E-Services. If discrepancies are found, the faculty member should notify the Office
of Academic Records immediately.
To help undergraduate students monitor their academic performance, faculty members teaching1000
and 2000 level courses will provide six-week progress grades for students with unsatisfactory
performance. Six-week progress grades are provided in fall and spring semesters only. Interim grades
are advisory grades and are not recorded on the student’s permanent record.
Faculty will report grades of “D” or “F” through E-Services. Interim grade rosters for 1000 and
2000level courses will be available starting the Monday of the sixth week of class through Tuesday of
the seventh week of class. The Office of the Registrar will notify faculty of the availability of interim
grade rosters and the reporting deadlines each spring and fall semester. Students will be able to view
interim grades in E-Services once the faculty deadline to enter grades has passed. Interim grade
reports will be provided to academic advisers who will contact students experiencing difficulties.
Incomplete Grades
A grade of Incomplete ("I") may be given at the discretion of the instructor to students who are making
satisfactory progress in a course. Incomplete grades are typically given for emergency situations which
occur after the withdrawal date but prior to the end of the semester, and which prevent the student from
completing course requirements. When assigning the grade of "I," instructors provide students with an
Incomplete Grade Contract which outlines the work to be accomplished before the "I" can be
Students on academic probation, who have outstanding "I" grades, will remain on probation until all
incomplete grades are resolved. "I" grades are not calculated in the GPA. An "I" which has been
changed to a grade or has been converted to an "F" will be recorded and academic action taken during
the semester of the grade change.
Students may audit courses if they meet the admission requirements of the University and have the
permission of the course instructor. Application forms to audit a course may be obtained from the
appropriate Dean's office. Registration to audit a course is on a space-available basis. Only after all
registration for a Semester has been completed, and after determination is made that space is still
available - will individuals be assigned to particular courses for auditing purposes.
Students who audit a course are eligible to attend class only. Auditing does not include any further
participation in class and does not provide a grade for the course. No official registration at the
University is noted on the student's record; the student is not on the official class roll; and the student
will not appear on the Semester Grade Roster. Auditors, except for senior citizens, pay regular tuition
and fees.
The University has policies governing voluntary withdrawal, administrative withdrawal and the
assigning of the withdrawal mark. These policies can be found in more detail in the General Program
Requirements section of the Catalogs. Students who drop a class or withdraw from all classes after the
semester census date of the semester or session, but no later than the withdrawal deadline as stated in
the Academic Calendar will receive one of the following grades: “WQ” (Student-initiated drop, No
Evaluation) or “WX” (Administrative Drop or Withdrawal, No Evaluation). These grades imply no
evaluation of students’ performance prior to the withdrawal. Students who do not withdraw prior to the
deadline will be given a final grade by the instructor based on performance.
The University expects each class to meet as scheduled. If an instructor needs to be absent, the
Associate Dean's office should be contacted. This contact should be made in a timely manner in order
to facilitate making alternative arrangements for the instruction of the class and to notify students.
Regular class attendance is expected of all students. What constitutes an acceptable rate of class
attendance is a matter between students and their instructors, although the university expects instructors
to maintain reasonable standards.
If you wish to know if the University has been closed due to bad weather, please contact the University
Hot Line (281-283-2221).
Adjunct faculty should check with the academic program administrator concerning the textbook
selection process for the assigned course. It is common practice, in multiple section courses, for all
adjunct faculty members to use the same textbook. In this case, it is likely that the textbook you use has
already been selected. Your academic program administrator can give you relevant course information,
and help you in processing book order forms for the University Bookstore. The bookstore does not
supply desk copies of textbooks.
Desk copies can be obtained from the academic program administration. Book orders should be
processed through the Associate Dean’s or division chair’s office. Please do not directly contact the
University Bookstore.
The University of Houston-Clear Lake strictly adheres to US copyright law. Adjunct faculty who
wish to assemble materials to be distributed to classes and have them copied and sold in the
University Bookstore must obtain a Print Request form either from the Associate Dean's or Division
Chair's office or from the University Bookstore. Permission to publish copyright clearances must be
obtained by the instructor and submitted with the form or by the University Bookstore. All Print
Request forms must be signed by the Associate Dean of the appropriate College.
Classrooms are assigned during the scheduling process. Should your classroom be inappropriate for the
course you are instructing, contact the Associate Dean in the College in which you are teaching.
Adjunct faculty will be assigned a workspace in a faculty suite to conduct office hours and prepare for
class or to perform other duties associated with teaching. Secretarial support will be available through
the suite secretary in the assigned suite. Computers are available in computing labs and with limited
access in the suites. A UHCL account is the University's official vehicle for communications with
adjunct faculty. A Computer Account Application form should be included in your orientation packet.
You must complete and return the form to open an account. If you did not receive a form in your
packet, please see the Associate Dean to request a form. The account may be renewed each subsequent
semester with notification from the Associate Dean to Computing. However, if there is a semester
break in your employment, the account will be closed and you must submit a new form to open a new
account. Mail and telephone messages may be forwarded to the suite secretary and office suite to
which you are assigned. Check with the suite secretary for telephone and post office box numbers to be
used. You also will have a faculty liaison appointed with whom you can discuss any academic
concerns such as syllabus preparation, course content, and grading standards.
Access Cards and Key Requests for assigned office are only accepted via the online form at this link -
Parking regulations require that all employees display a parking permit on the inside rear view mirror
of their automobile. Permits are transferable to any vehicle you operate and park on campus. Adjuncts
receive a reduced rate on parking. The pay schedule is as follows: $20.00 per long semester/$15.00
summer/$40.00 annually. To purchase a student, faculty of staff permit, visit Guest passes may be purchased at kiosks located throughout
campus. For more information, contact the Parking Department at 281-283-2277, email
UHCL's Alfred R. Neumann Library, named after the university's founding chancellor, provides
students with online access to thousands of books, journals and scholarly resources. UHCL librarians
offer personal research assistance to students via online chat or face-to-face at the library reference
desk and tips on navigating search interfaces, retrieving information and evaluating information for use
in scholarly research. Visitors can receive help formulating effective search queries, becoming familiar
with controlled vocabulary searching and identifying the best online resources out of a collection of
more than a 100 subscription-only databases - most with full-text articles. Classes are available in
research procedures tailored to particular courses. Students may also make appointments with
librarians in a comfortable one-on-one environment to explore more in- depth instruction on library
research strategies.
UHCL students, faculty and staff may also borrow books from UH and UH-Downtown quickly and
easily through the shared catalog. The Texshare card, available upon request in Neumann Library,
allows a UHCL student to go to any academic or public library in Texas and check out a book, which
can then be returned to Neumann Library. The library's interlibrary loan service will borrow requested
materials from any library in the country through a national interlibrary loan network. Neumann
Library offers 43 fixed computer workstations and for student use.
The library occupies approximately 80,000 square feet in the Bayou Building and contains
collaborative study spaces, lap-top friendly study space and a soundproof quiet study room. The library
houses more than 510,000 volumes, and 315 ebooks, and provides access to 78,600 electronic
periodicals. The library has a collection of international films on DVD, and subscribes to several
educational video databases which offer up to 38,000 streaming videos. A curriculum library for
education students contains K-12 textbooks, classic children's literature and a review center for recent
children's literature. Neumann Library also includes university archives, which houses the NASA
Johnson Space Center History Collection in addition to the university collections.
The University Computing and Telecommunications (UCT) Support Center serves as the first point of
contact for all computing and telecommunications needs. The center is open Monday through
Thursday, 8 a.m. − 10:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday, 8 a.m.− 5 p.m. in Suite 2300 of the Bayou
Building. Contact the Center by phone at 281-283-2828 or email at Visit for details on holiday hours and available services, including documentation, self-
help guides, and policies.
Email accounts
Various Technology orientations and training programs including online software training,
student lab orientation, new student, faculty, and staff orientations, computer use training,
faculty orientation for classroom technology, and Blackboard training for faculty
Up-to-date computing hardware and software, including industry-recognized applications to
block spam and intercept virus attacks on all university-owned computers
Media equipment for classroom and student activities. Multimedia classrooms with various
levels of technology are available in all classroom buildings
Wireless-equipped laptops may be checked out for free from several convenient locations on
Academic computing labs in multiple locations open daily including weekends. Printers and
photo/document scanners available in all labs. Lab hours, locations, and available software can
be found at
Specialized teaching labs, including labs for students to work in teams, a high-performance lab
for special graphic applications, and a lab equipped with large screen displays for video
editing/creating, digital graphics and photography classes
University classrooms equipped with integrated video and audio technology
Support for faculty and students using the Blackboard online course management system
Support for faculty in instructional design of online courses as well as for web- enhanced
Content management system, utilized for the creation, maintenance, and security of the
University's web presence (
Public and secure private wireless access in and around all campus classroom buildings
High-speed network for data, video and Internet access
Secure remote access to campus resources via Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Strong commitment to software engineering and relational database technology
Siemen's telecommunications system for voice communications, including voicemail and fax
service for faculty and staff.
The Mathematics Center located in B2107, is an instructional facility that serves the
educational needs of UHCL's students enrolled in mathematics or statistics courses especially
elementary College certification candidates who wish to strengthen their understanding of
mathematical concepts and skills. Resources include one-on-one assistance, software, instructional
videos, reference books construction tools and manipulatives. The Mathematics Center also
teams with the Office of Career and Counseling Services to provide Math Success Workshops.
Contact the Mathematics Center at 281-283-3883 or
The Writing Center located in SSCB 2105, is an instructional facility designed to assist the university
community with writing skills. Peer tutors are trained to work with writers by teaching a range of
strategies for understanding assignments, planning texts, organizing discussion, writing strong
arguments, revising for meaning, learning documentation styles, and developing editing skills. Tutors
use collaborative techniques to explore with writers the requirements and possibilities of academic
discourse. The Writing Center also offers COLT, an online tutoring service with phone chat, IM chat
and email response options for currently registered students. For more information, contact the Writing
Center at 282-283-2910
UHCL Adjunct Faculty Handbook – November 2018 18
The Student Success Center located in SSCB 3102, is a comprehensive academic resource for the
UHCL student community, which includes peer tutoring, supplemental instruction, and academic
coaching. The focus of the center and its services is to help students enhance their academic skills for
a particular course. Moreover, the Center helps students more effectively manage information by
using experience and guided practice exercises designed to building confidence and competence in the
The Student Success Center works cooperatively across the university (i.e. in conjunction with the
Writing Center, Math Center, Disability Services, Career Services, Counseling Services, academic
departments, students, faculty and staff) in an effort to maintain a strong consortium of resources
aimed at increasing student success, retention and persistence. The Center is open and free of charge to
all UHCL students. For more information, contact the Student Success Center at 281-283-2620 or
The Student Assistance Center (SAC) located in SSCB 1102, is a unit of the Office of the Dean of
Students and provides assistance relating to registration, student financials, admissions,
financial aid, student records, transcripts, E-Services, and academic and administrative issues. SAC
provides support and general information to students, faculty, staff and the UHCL constituencies.
Students may seek financial assistance in the form of loans, grants, scholarships and part- time
employment through the Office of Student Financial Aid. Financial aid is predicated on demonstrated
need as determined by federal and state regulations and is available to those who quality and meet the
requirements as long as funds are available. Students eligible to receive Veterans' education benefits
should also contact the Office of Student Financial Aid.
Students will be notified regarding missing information, awards offered, etc. via their UHCL email.
Students should check their UHCL email accounts regularly to receive information from the Office
of Student Financial Aid as well as other university offices. The Office of Financial Aid is located
in SSCB 1105,, 281-283-2480.
The University Police Department located 700 Bayou Road, is responsible for law enforcement,
security and emergency response. The UHCL Police serve the university community and visitors alike
through law enforcement, crime prevention, traffic control and public assistance programs. The
department enforces all university regulations as well as local and state laws. Police and security
services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Trained, professional police and
communications officers staff the department. Services provided by the University Police include lock
shop services including the issuance of codes and keys, vehicle unlocks, vehicle jumpstarts, airing
deflated tires and safety escorts to your vehicle. To report a crime or emergency, call the University
Police Department at 281-283-2222 from off-campus telephones or 2222 from on-campus telephones.
For special announcements, emergency closing and other information, call the UHCL Information
Hotline at 281-283-2221 or visit
health-safety/emergency-safety . For complete overview of the university Police Department and its
services, visit
Just as there is a formal procedure for becoming a UHCL employee, there also is a formal procedure
for leaving our employ; we call this latter procedure "terminal clearance." If you are continuing
employment from one semester to the next, then you are exempt from terminal clearance for that
semester, but if you are not continuing your appointment for the next semester or summer session, then
you are required to complete terminal clearance. The procedure is as follows:
Obtain the Separation Packet from the Office of Human Resources (B2537) and online. You are
required to turn in your ID card. Turn in your office and any other keys and receive a refund of your
key deposit from the University Police Department.
Return all university property to the department or facility including all borrowed materials,
identification cards, tools, uniforms, equipment, credit cards, training manuals, all keys, and library
books and pay any outstanding fines.
Return completed Separation Form to the Office of Human Resources. Each of these offices must sign-
off on the Terminal Clearance Form, even if you have not had dealings with the particular office.
Please do not go through Terminal clearance on Friday afternoon, when many offices are closed.
Student Conduct
Policies and procedures concerning student conduct may be found in Student Life Handbook at
AIDS Policy
The University has a policy on AIDS to address the issue of Acquired Immune Deficiency
Syndrome (AIDS) and to establish guidelines for responding to AIDS within the campus
community. The university acknowledges its responsibility to promote a safe, healthy, and
supportive campus community. The complete policy can be found online in The Student Life Policy
ADA Policy
The UHCL ADA Policy establishes guidelines for ensuring compliance with the American with
Disabilities Act. The complete policy can be found online in The Student Life Policy Handbook and in
the online Faculty Handbook. The Disability Services Coordinator in the Office of Health and
Disabilities Services assists faculty in implementing this policy.
The University is committed to enforcing the provisions of the Drug Free Workplace of Act of 1988
and the Drug-Free Colleges and Communities Act of 1989 and believes these acts and their regulations
provide a proper framework for the drug and alcohol abuse policies of the university. It is the policy of
the university that illicit drug use, including the manufacture, sale, distribution, dispensation,
possession, or use, is prohibited in the workplace on the campus, or as part of any university activities.
The complete policy can be found online in The Student Life Policy Handbook and in the online Faculty Handbook.
UHCL Adjunct Faculty Handbook – November 2018 20
Non-Discrimination Policy and Grievance Procedure
UHCL prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability,
veteran status, genetic information and sexual orientation. The purpose of this procedure is to provide
the primary process for addressing allegations of illegal discrimination by employees and students at
UHCL. The complete policy can be found online in the Student Life Policy Handbook and in the
online Faculty Handbook.
UHCL is committed to upholding the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)
which is a federal law stating (a) that a written institutional policy must be established and (b)
that a statement of adopted procedures covering the privacy rights of students be made available.
The law provides that institutions will maintain the confidentiality of student education records. The
complete policy can be found online in the Student Life Policy Handbook and in the online Faculty
Sexual Misconduct
UHCL is committed to providing a professional working and learning environment free from sexual
assault and to providing training to educate the staff, faculty and students about sexual assault. This
policy outlines the definitions of sexual assault, procedures for filing complaints, and campus and
community resources. The complete policy can be found online in the Student Life Policy Handbook.
UHCL has a Sexual Misconduct Policy and Complaint Procedures and will not tolerate any form of
sexual misconduct. The complete policy and procedures can be found in the online Faculty Handbook 8.7 Sexual Misconduct Policy
See Office of Human Resources link for more information
Student Travel
This document outlines the policy to minimize risks of liability connected with travel by students of
component universities. This policy applies to travel in excess of 25 miles that is undertaken by one or
more students presently enrolled in a component university that is organized and sponsored by the
component university and that is travel funded by the institution and using vehicles owned or leased by
the institution or travel required by a student organization registered at the institution.
Faculty must file the appropriate paperwork in the Travel Office, the Office of Risk Management, and
the Dean of Students. The complete policy and procedures can be found online in the Student Life
Policies Handbook.
UHCL will endeavor to provide facilities for groups and/or organizations on a space available, first-
come, first-serve basis. In order to provide facilities, a completed Facility Request form must be filed
with the Office of Scheduling and Space Planning (OSSP) stating the date(s), duration, type of
room(s), and number(s) of persons involved, as well as the official name of the organization or
Workplace Violence
UHCL will not tolerate workplace violence of any type, from any source. This includes, but is not
limited to, threatening, destructive or violent actions directed against employees, students, visitors, or
University buildings, equipment, or property. The complete policy and procedures can be found online
in the online Faculty Handbook and in the Student Life Policy Handbook.
Student Affairs
Student Affairs division of the University offers support services for students; enhances student
learning and promotes student participation in social, cultural, recreational and governance programs.
The quality of student life and of campus involvement outside the classroom is important aspects of the
total academic experience. The Student Services division consists of the offices listed below.
The Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs (VPSA) provides support and leadership for the
Offices of Career and Counseling Services, Dean of Students, Disability Services, Health Services,
Orientation and New Student Programs, Intercultural and International Student Services, Conference
for Research and Creative Arts, Student Housing, Student Housing, Student Life, and Student
The Office of the VPSA provides students with advocacy, information and assistance in all phases of
campus life. The AVPSA is responsible for interpreting and implementing student life policies,
resolving disputes and disciplinary problems and handling student complaints. The rights and
responsibilities of students are published in the Student Life Policy Handbook. Standards of student
conduct are enforced to ensure the safety of individuals, protection of property and the continuity of the
educational process. Copies of Student Life Policy Handbook are available from the offices of the
VPSA, Student Life, Dean of Students and online at under the “Students” tab. The
Office of AVPSS is located in B2523; 281-283-3025.
Counseling and Testing Services are designed to assist students in improving personal, academic and
professional skills related to academic success. The professional staff helps students in meeting these
needs by providing short-term individual counseling sessions, seminars, workshops, academic skills
training, entrance exams (THEA), vocational testing and counseling and small group experiences. Most
services, including individual and group counseling, are free of charge and strictly confidential.
Career Services
Career Services assists students in establishing and/or advancing careers in their degree fields and in
finding jobs while they are enrolled in school. Career Services offers job search assistance, mock
interviews and resume critiques, resume referrals, online job listings, on campus interviewing,
cooperative education, and online job listings and multiple job fairs and networking events.
Dean of Students
The Office of the Dean of Students provides a variety of programs and services designed to support
students in both academic and personal success. The office staff serves as both advocates and liaisons
for all students and are available to assist faculty, staff and parents in any way possible.
The primary services directed by the Dean of Students include the following:
Health Services
The Health Center serves students, staff and faculty by fulfilling two primary functions: (1) programs
and services encouraging the prevention of illness, promotion of health and participation in the
university experience and (2) providing emergency services and short-term medical treatment.
Health Services has a women’s health care clinic and a medical clinic. Medical evaluations with
physicians are available by appointment only. Complete laboratory services and a limited pharmacy
are available. Prevention programs include screenings and health education on various medical
issues. Chiropractic clinic is available by appointment.
The goal of Disability Services is to provide full participation and a fully integrated university
experience to all members of the campus community. Disability Services actively addresses and
promotes disability awareness within the UHCL campus community through programs and services
designed to meet the academic and professional needs of individuals with disabilities. Services include
accommodations, alternative testing, assistive technologies, scholarships and advocacy. To be eligible
for services, a student must submit the online application form, speak with a staff member about
their disability, and provide appropriate documentation which validates their request. Prior to the
beginning of the semester, students should contact Disability Services to request their
accommodations so they can be provided in a timely manner. Any faculty needing help in requesting
accommodations for a student with a disability may consult with Disability Services. Disability
Services is located in SSCB1302, Telephone: 281-283-2648.
(SDEI) provides advocacy, guidance, and support to enhance student success. SDEI promotes the
retention and empowerment of a diverse student population, including racial/ethnic groups; and first
generation, women, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, international and under-represented students.
Through educational programs and services, SDEI facilitates the growth of culturally competent,
respectful and well-rounded global citizens. Programs and services available at no cost to UHCL
students include: the Cultural Resource Center, the Women's Resource Center, the Student
Ambassador Program, cultural programs, festivals and student organizations, academic advising, the I-
Start, Generation One, Transition and Retention Programs, and the Friendship Family Program and
Strictly Speaking.
The Student Life Office provides programs and services that enrich and support students' educational
experiences by giving them the opportunity to express ideas, develop leadership skills and meet new
people. Services provided include locker rentals, student ID cards, ticket sales to various university
events, posting approval and the UHCL shuttle van. The Student Life Office is comprised of the
following components: Orientation; Student Organizations, Student Government Association, Special
Events Programs; Campus Recreation and Wellness, Honor Societies and the Student Leadership
Student Publications
The SIGNAL, the student online newspaper, provides news, features, entertainment and opinion pieces
concerning university events and issues. Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to submit story
ideas and comments to the SIGNAL.
The SIGNAL has received numerous state awards from the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association and
numerous national awards from The Columbia Scholastic Press Association over the past several years.
Student Housing
The University Forest Apartments (UFA) is located on the UHCL campus. UFA accommodates a
community of 288 students and offers apartment style living with three floor plans, either private or
semi-private to fit residents housing needs. UFA strives to create a total residential living experience
that enhances university life and creates a supportive community for residents during a key stage of
their personal and educational development. For more information, please call 281-286-5959, email
Math Center
The Math Center is an instructional facility that serves the educational needs of UHCL students
enrolled in Mathematics or statistics courses, especially elementary school certification candidates who
wish to strengthen their understanding of mathematical concepts and skills. Resources include one-on-
one assistance, software, videos, reference books and manipulatives. The Math Center also teams with
the Office of Career and Counseling Services to provide math success workshops.
The Student Success Center is a comprehensive academic resource for the UHCL student community,
which includes peer tutoring, supplemental instruction, academic coaching and peer mentoring. The
The Student Success Center works cooperatively across the university (i.e. in conjunction with the
Writing Center, Math Center, Disability Services, Career Services, Counseling Services, academic
departments, students, faculty and staff) in an effort to maintain a strong consortium of resources aimed
at increasing student success, retention and persistence. The Center is open and free of charge to all
UHCL students. SSCB 3102, 281-283-2643
Each employee has the responsibility to prevent accidents and injuries by observing established
operating rules. No employment or research objective is so important that it will be pursued at the
expense of safety, as outlined in UH System Administrative Memorandum 01.C.07. Employees are
expected to report potentially unsafe conditions to the Environmental, Health and Safety Office or
anonymously through.
All accidents and near misses must be reported as well. Accidents should be reported on the Workers
Compensation First Report of Injury Form and submitted within 24-hours to HR and the Emergency
Management and Fire Safety Department at
offices/environmental-health-safety/form. Form:
During an evacuation, adjunct faculty should be prepared to assist or to organize assistance for
students needing special help. Instructors and their students are expected to respond to fire alarms by
vacating the building via the closest stairwell and continue to the nearest parking lot. Fire alarms
should always be treated as a fire and not a drill, as the inconvenience could cost minutes of time
rather than the potential loss of life. Laboratory faculty members are responsible for ensuring the safety
of students in the laboratory. The University and laboratory faculty have legal obligations to provide
general and specific safety training, provide and enforce safety procedures, and enforce wearing of
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Failure to provide hazards and emergency information,
adequately train, and provide a safe environment for students can result in civil and/or criminal charges
for the University and/or individual faculty member(s).
The University Police Department is responsible for law enforcement, security and emergency response
at UHCL. The UHCL police serve the university community and visitors alike through law
enforcement, crime prevention, traffic control and public assistance programs. The department enforces
all university regulations as well as local and state laws.
The department is located at 700 Bayou Road, across from Parking Lot D, behind the Bayou Building.
Police and security services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling 281-283-2222.
Trained, professional police and communications officers staff the department. The university police
provide the following services: lock shop services including card access and keys, vehicle unlocks,
vehicle jump-starts, airing deflated tires and safety escorts to your vehicle.
To report an on-campus crime or any emergency, call the University Police Department at 281-283-
2222 from off-campus telephones or 2222 from on-campus telephones. For special announcements,
emergency closings and other information, call the UHCL Hotline at 281-283-2221 or visit a
complete overview of the University Police Department and its services, visit
In order to be in compliance with various accrediting bodies' accreditation guidelines and various
UHCL academic policies and guidelines, the following components should be present on all syllabi:
Course number and title; Instructor; Semester; Instructor's weekly office hours and/or e-mail address;
prerequisites (as stated in the UHCL Catalog); required materials: textbook and other necessary
materials; objectives and learning outcomes-what the instructor expects the students to achieve by
course completion; course format-methodologies by which the course is taught such as discussion,
lecture, role-playing, simulation; method of evaluation-criteria for determining student grades; number
of examinations; written papers; oral presentations; and the weights assigned to each; final grade
Academic honesty policy Suggested Statement: The Academic Honesty Policy at UHCL (found in the
University of Houston-Clear Lake Catalog) states:
“Academic honesty is the cornerstone of the academic integrity of the university. It is the foundation
upon which the student builds personal integrity and establishes a standard of personal behavior.
Because honesty and integrity are such important factors in the professional community, you should
be aware that failure to perform within the bounds of these ethical standards is sufficient grounds to
receive a grade of "F" in this course and be recommended for suspension from UHCL. The Honesty
Code of UHCL states "I will be honest in all my academic activities and will not tolerate dishonesty."
Last day to withdraw from course (this is a university prescribed date and can be found in the semester
schedule). Attendance policy (if there is one that impacts student grade) and any other relevant policies
Differential expectations for graduate students (if class is cross-listed graduate/undergraduate)
Schedule of specific assignments for each class period during the semester. Check with your program
coordinator for the appropriate detail that needs to be included in this section. Outside accrediting
agencies review course syllabi and a determination of course, program, College and their view of
university quality is influenced by the actual syllabi distributed to students.
The Center for Professional Development of Teachers Suite 1231, Bayou Building,
Program Coordinator II, Bayou Building 1529, 281-283-3307 – Contact regarding Adjunct Files and
Contracts, Schedule Entry and Revision, Room Changes.
HSH Business Office, Bayou 1615, 281-283-3350 – Contact regarding Payroll Issues and Other
Budgetary Matters
Office of the Dean, Bayou Building, Rm. 3611, 281-283-3700
Office of the Associate Dean, Bayou Building, Rm. 3611, 281-283-3700
Engineering Department
Department Chair in Delta Building, Rm 101
Secretary to the department: phone: 281-283-3850
Teaching Assistants
Many adjunct faculty members serve as supervisors to graduate teaching assistants. Please attend the
orientation for TAs and supervising faculty held each semester. If that is not possible, a meeting with
the Division chair should be arranged to discuss the matters covered during orientation.
Incoming Mail
Inter-College mail including, requests, course evaluations, and general information will be placed in
your mailbox. Please check the box weekly.
Retroactive Withdrawals
Students who request retroactive withdrawals must satisfy one of the three following criteria and must
provide written documentation addressed to the Associate Dean to substantiate their request.
If the request is granted, the student will be withdrawn from all courses for which he/she is registered
during the semester in which the course in question appears. In effect, a request for a retroactive
withdrawal in any class is a request for a retroactive withdrawal for the entire semester. The petition
must be received no later than 14 days prior to the last class day of the semester for which the
withdrawal is being requested. Please announce this to your class.
Registration Information
Information regarding your class, including size and location, can be obtained by calling the suite
secretary during the registration period. Classroom assignments are subject to change up to the last