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Digital Communication Credits: 04: Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme

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Faculty of Engineering Savitribai Phule Pune University

304181 Digital Communication

Credits: 04
Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme:
Lecture : 04 hr/week In-Sem : 30 Marks
End-Sem: 70 Marks

Course Objectives:
 To understand the building blocks of digital communication system.
 To prepare mathematical background for communication signal analysis.
 To understand and analyze the signal flow in a digital communication system.
 To analyze error performance of a digital communication system in presence of noise and
other interferences.
 To understand concept of spread spectrum communication system.
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, student will be able to

1) Understand working of waveform coding techniques and analyse their performance.

2) Analyze the performance of a baseband and pass band digital communication system in terms of
error rate and spectral efficiency.
3) Perform the time and frequency domain analysis of the signals in a digital communication system.
4) Design of digital communication system.
5) Understand working of spread spectrum communication system and analyze its performance.

Course Contents
Unit I : Digital Transmission of Analog Signal (8 Hrs)
Introduction to Digital Communication System: Block Diagram and transformations, Basic Digital
Communication Nomenclature. Digital Versus Analog Performance Criteria, Sampling Process,
PCM Generation and Reconstruction, Quantization Noise,Non-uniform Quantization and
Companding, PCM with noise: Decoding noise, Error threshold, Delta Modulation, Adaptive Delta
Modulation, Delta Sigma Modulation, Differential Pulse Code Modulation, LPC speech synthesis.
Unit II :Baseband Digital Transmission (7Hrs)
Digital Multiplexing: Multiplexers and hierarchies, Data Multiplexers.Data formats and their spectra,
synchronization: BitSynchronization, Scramblers, Frame Synchronization.Inter-symbol

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Faculty of Engineering Savitribai Phule Pune University

Unit III : Random Signal & Noise (8Hrs)

Introduction, Mathematical definition of a random process, Stationary processes, Mean, Correlation
&Covariance function, Ergodic processes, Transmission of a random process through a LTI filter,
Power spectral density, Gaussian process, noise, Narrow band noise, Representation of narrowband
noise in terms of in phase & quadrature components.
Unit IV : Baseband Receiver (8Hrs)
Signal space representation : Geometric representation of signal, Conversion of continuous AWGN
channel to vector channel, Likelihood functions, Coherent Detection of binary signals in presence of
noise, Optimum Filter, Matched Filter, Probability of Error of Matched Filter, Correlation receiver.
Unit V : PassbandDigital Transmission (8Hrs)
Pass band transmission model, Signal space diagram, Generation and detection, Error
Probabilityderivationand Power spectra of coherent BPSK, BFSK and QPSK.
Geometric representation, Generation and detection of - M-ary PSK, M-ary QAM and their error
probability, Non-coherent BFSK, DPSK.
Unit VI : Spread Spectrum Modulation (7Hrs)
Introduction, Pseudo noise sequences, A notion of spread spectrum, Direct sequence spread spectrum
with coherent BPSK, Signal space dimensionality & processing gain, Probability of error, Concept of
jamming, Frequency hop spread spectrum.
Text Books:
1. A.B Carlson, P B Crully, J C Rutledge, ―Communication Systems‖, Fourth Edition, McGraw
Hill Publication.

2. Simon Haykin, ―Digital Communication Systems‖, John Wiley&Sons, Fourth Edition.

Reference Books:
1. P RamkrishnaRao, Digital Communication, McGrawHill Publication
2. Ha Nguyen, Ed Shwedyk, ―A First Course in Digital Communication‖, Cambridge
University Press.
3. B P Lathi, Zhi Ding ―Modern Analog and Digital Communication System‖, Oxford
University Press, Fourth Edition.
4. Bernard Sklar,Prabitra Kumar Ray, ―Digital Communications Fundamentals and
Applications‖ Second Edition,Pearson Education
5. Taub, Schilling, ―Principles of Communication System‖, Fourth Edition, McGraw Hill.

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