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Copyright © acknowledgement http://www.cplusplus.

com/doc/tutorial/ adapted for use in

CPEN 333

Intro to C++ What’s wrong with just ‘C’

In ‘C’, programs are constructed simply from a set of variables and a set of global functions. The
variables hold the data that the program manipulates, while the functions contain the code and
algorithms designed to manipulate that data.

This is OK when programs are relatively small, but as they get larger, it becomes more difficult
to maintain, especially when several programmers work on the project because all the variables
and functions due to the global nature become visible to everyone on the team e.g.

// global variables

int a,b,c,d, i[10], x[5];

float x, y, s[100] ;
int myspeed, yourspeed, everyonesspeed ;

// global functions

void myfunc1(void) { . . . }
int getmyspeed(void) { . . .}
void setmyspeed( int newspeed) { . . .}
int getyourspeed(void) { . . . }
void setyourspeed( int newspeed) { . . . }

Sure, using the ideas of local variables and passing data between functions as arguments can
help maintain some sanity, but it’s still hard to manage for a team. For instance, as a
programmer you have to keep inventing unique variable and function names for your code to
avoid name conflicts with similar things created by other programmers in your team and it’s
difficult to keep track of which functions are related to (i.e. need access to) which variables.
Everything ends up in one big giant melting pot of global names.

These problems only get worse as the program grows in size. In simple terms we need a way to
manage the complexity and keep track of which code uses which variables so we can make
changes more easily if the need arises.
Simple ways to handle the complexity
In the past, in 'C', this complexity was kinda managed in a limited but not wholly successful way
using separate multiple source files. Here each programmer would isolate their own global
variables and functions and put them together in their own source files.

Programmers could chose to hide the things that they didn’t want other parts of the program
(or other programmers) to have access to (i.e. give them privacy) by prefixing them with the
word static. This meant that only the functions written within that source file could access
those elements. Things without static could be accessed by the whole program i.e. were public
to the outside world. Example
// variables
static int myspeed; // private to this source file

// functions
int getmyspeed(void) { . . .} // public to the world
void setmyspeed( int newspeed) { . . .} // public to the world
static void myprivateFn1( void ) { . . . } // private to this file

// variables JoesFile.c
static int yourspeed; // private to this source file

// functions
int getyourspeed(void) { . . .} // public to the world
void setyourspeed( int newspeed) { . . .} // public to the world
static void myprivateFn1( void ) { . . . } // private to this file

Now programmers could add variables and functions to their own source files without creating
name conflicts that could occur if everything was “global” e.g. both above source files could
now contain the private (static) function ‘myprivateFn1()’ without problem. The linker would
take the resulting object files produced during compilation and keep the static variables/fns
with the same names as separate variables.

Teams could now write and manage their own individual data and the functions that
manipulated them much more easily, since their variables and the functions that manipulated
them could be located within the same source file not scattered around a billion lines of code.
Hiding variables/functions away from programmers that did not need access to them (making
them private i.e. static) also made it easier to change code, since the effects of any change were
by definition limited to that source file. Object Oriented Programming (OOP) takes this privacy
concept one step further.

Classes (Part I)
C++ Classes are a better way of grouping together related variables and functions into one
place. Classes are defined using the keyword class, with the following example syntax:

class name {
some private variables and functions ;

some public variables and functions ;


Here name is the name of the class. The body of the class can contain public and private
members, which can be either variables or functions.

private members of a class are accessible only to the functions that are members of that class.
public members are accessible to everyone, including users of and designers of the class.

By default, all members of a class are private unless specified otherwise. For example:

class Rectangle {
int width, height;
void set_values (int x, int y) { … }
int get_area (void) { … }

declares a class i.e. a new data type (just like int and floats are data types) Rectangle. This class
contains four member elements: two variables of type int (width and height) with private
access (because private is the default access level) and two member functions with public
access: the functions set_values( ) and get_area( ).

Because width and height are private, only the member functions of that class, i.e. set_values()
and get_area() are allowed to access them, nobody else can even see those variables, certainly
not users of that class. The member functions are public, so anybody can call or use them to
indirectly get at and manipulate width and height.

Creating an Object from a Class

An object is an instance of a class. By analogy with traditional variables, a class introduces a
new data type, while an object would be the variable of a data type. For example, in C we might
say this to introduce instances of an integer variable:-

int a, b, c;

In C++, now that we have classes, we can write something similar like this:-

Rectangle r1, r2, r3;

Here r1, r2 and r3 are three instances of a Rectangle (i.e. they are Rectangle ‘objects’ or
variables of type Rectangle). That is, r1, r2 and r3 each have hidden within them, their own
unique member variables ‘width’ and ‘height’. In C++ we say that the class Rectangle
encapsulates (or forms a wrapper around) its member variables and functions.

Manipulating the Rectangle objects

Once we have a rectangle object, any of the public members of that object can be accessed as if
they were normal functions or normal variables, by simply inserting a dot ( .) between
object/instance/variable name and member name. This follows the same syntax as accessing
the members of ‘struct’ in C. For example we could say something like this in our code:

r1.set_values (3, 4);

r2.set_values (5, 6);

printf(“r1’s area is %d\n”, r1.get_area( ) ) ;

printf(“r2’s area is %d\n”, r2.get_area( ) ) ;
Here is a complete example of the class Rectangle and some code to illustrate using it:

#include <stdio.h>

class Rectangle {
int width, height;

void set_values (int x, int y) {
width = x;
height = y;

int get_area() {
return width * height;

int main ()
Rectangle r1, r2; // two rectangle objects

r1.set_values (3, 4); // initialise r1 with data for width and height
r2.set_values (5, 6); // initialise r2 with data for width and height

printf("r1's area is %d\n", r1.get_area() ) ; // displays r1’s area = 12

printf("r2's area is %d\n", r2.get_area() ) ; // displays r2’s area = 30

return 0;

Notice that the call to r1.get_area() does not give the same result as the call to r2.get_area().
This is because r1 and r2 have their own variables width and height and that is what the
functions are using, i.e. the functions get_area() and set_values() are manipulating the variables
of the object that invoked them. In this case the invoking objects are r1 and r2 in turn – this is
really important.

This means it was not necessary to explicitly pass r1 or r2 to the function get_area() to tell it
which object to manipulate. Instead the compiler makes sure that get_area() and set_values()
are implicitly given copies of r1 and r2 to work with at run time and thus have access to the
variables ‘width’ and ‘height’ from their respective objects r1 and r2. See the discussion on the
pointer ‘this’ later in these notes for explanation of how that works.
In the example above, we embedded the actual code for the functions get_area() and
set_values() inside the class definition itself. This is acceptable here because that code is simple
and small, but when those functions become large and there are lots of them, it becomes
unwieldy to do it this way. In general we separate out the code like this:-

#include <stdio.h>

class Rectangle {
int width, height;

void set_values (int x, int y) ; // a declaration of the class function
int get_area() ; // a declaration of the class function

void Rectangle::set_values (int x, int y) { // a definition of the class function

width = x; // width means width var of the invoking object
height = y; // height means height var of the invoking object

int Rectangle::get_area() { // a definition of the class function

return width * height; // return area of invoking object

int main ()
Rectangle r1, r2; // two rectangle objects

r1.set_values (3, 4); // initialise r1 with data for width and height
r2.set_values (5, 6);

printf("r1's area is %d\n", r1.get_area() ) ; // displays 12

printf("r2's area is %d\n", r2.get_area() ) ; // displays 30

return 0;

This example also introduces the scope resolution operator (::) two colons. It is used to say that
the functions set_values() and get_area() being defined above belong to the Rectangle class (as
opposed to any other class that might also define functions with those same names).

The only difference between defining a member function within the class or to just include its
declaration in the class and write the definition/code for it later outside the class, is that in the
first case the function is automatically considered an inline member function by the compiler,
while in the second it is a normal (non-inline) class member function. This causes no differences
in behavior, but only possible compiler optimizations such as size of compiled code – non-inline
functions lead to smaller compiled code.

Separating classes into header and source files

Taking this one step further, C++ wisdom dictates that the parts of the class be separated out
into a Rectangle.cpp source file (note the ‘.cpp’ suffix) and a Rectangle.h header file. It’s not
essential but it’s demonstrated below. You choose.

class Rectangle { Rectangle.h

int width, height;

void set_values (int x, int y) ; // a declaration of the class function
int get_area() ; // a declaration of the class function

void Rectangle::set_values (int x, int y) { // a definition of the class function Rectangle.cpp

width = x; p
height = y;

int Rectangle::get_area() { // a definition of the class function

return width * height;
#include <stdio.h>
#include “Rectangle.h” // IMPORTANT include header file for class

int main ()
Rectangle r1, r2; // two rectangle objects

r1.set_values (3, 4);

r2.set_values (5, 6);

printf("r1's area is %d\n", r1.get_area() ) ; // displays 12

printf("r2's area is %d\n", r2.get_area() ) ; // displays 30
return 0;
What about the private members – can we access them?

Members width and height have (by default) private access. By declaring them private, access to
them from outside the class is not allowed. This makes sense, since we have already defined the
member functions set_values() and get_area() to manipulate those variables for us. Therefore,
the rest of the main program does not need to have direct access to width and height. In fact if
you tried, it would not be permitted. For example, if we wrote this, we'd get a compile error.

int main ()
Rectangle r1, r2; // two Rectangle objects

printf("r1's area is %d\n", r1.width * r1.height ) ; // Compiler ERROR

printf("r2's area is %d\n", r2.width * r2.height) ; // Compiler ERROR

return 0;

Perhaps in such a simple example as this, it's difficult to see how restricting access to these
variables may be useful, but in bigger projects it is important from a maintenance point of view
that changes to code have limited and isolated effects.

Ideally then, classes present their external interfaces to the outside world, i.e. their public
member functions that will allow the outside world (you, me and joe public) to get and set the
members variables in ways that are appropriate e.g. sort and search functions etc. We don't
want the users of the object to write code that is dependent upon how the object implements
that algorithm.

For example, just like driving a car, you use the interfaces provided by the car designer (brakes,
accelerator, steering wheel etc.) and manipulate the car via those interfaces. You don't need to
know how the car works to drive it, that implementation stuff is hidden and is only of concern
to the car designer not the driver.

Furthermore, if all cars provide the same interfaces (as they generally do), then one car should
be interchangeable with another as far as the user is concerned since they only manipulate its
interfaces. The car designer is free to change things like the type of engine etc. and it shouldn't
make any difference to the user (you and I), as we only see the interfaces not the
implementation. This makes our software easier to maintain.

Exercise: Write 2 member functions to allow the outside world to get (i.e. return) the values of
the variables height and width. Now write 2 member functions to allow them to change these
two variables independently.
What would happen in the previous example if we called the member function get_area() before having
called set_values()? An undetermined result, since the object variables width and height would not have
been assigned an initial value. As programmers, it would be our responsibility to make sure we called
the function set_values() to initialise our rectangle as soon as possible after we create an instance of it.
If we forget, then we are setting up problems for ourselves later.

In order to avoid that, a class can include a special function called a constructor, which is automatically
called whenever a new object/instance of that class is created. The constructor can perform any actions
you like e.g. initialise variables, open files, turn on LEDs in a small embedded system etc., but typically it
is used to initialise the object variables. In a way, our set_values() function is already carrying out the
task of a constructor, but it’s not called automatically, we have to remember to call it ourselves.

A proper C++ constructor function is declared just like a regular member function, but with a name that
is identical to the class name (that’s how the C++ compiler knows which of our many functions is the
constructor for our class – it has the same name as the class). Constructor functions do not have a return
type, not even void.

The Rectangle class above can easily be improved by adding a proper constructor to replace the
set_values() functions e.g.

#include <stdio.h>

class Rectangle {
int width, height;

Rectangle (int x, int y) ; // a declaration of the class constructor function
int get_area() ; // a declaration of the class function

Rectangle::Rectangle (int x, int y) { // the constructor function taking values to initialise

width = x; // the member variables. Note NO void return type
height = y;

int Rectangle::get_area() { // the code to calculate the area

return width * height;

int main ()
Rectangle r1(3,4), r2(5,6) ; // 2 rectangle objects whose constructors
// are called to properly initialise them
printf("r1's area is %d\n", r1.get_area() ) ; // displays 12
printf("r2's area is %d\n", r2.get_area() ) ; // displays 30
return 0;
Notice how arguments are passed to the constructor at the moment at which the objects of this
class are created e.g. Rectangle r1(3,4). The ‘3’ becomes the argument ‘width’ and ‘4’ the
argument ‘height’ in the constructor function.

Now, class Rectangle has no member function set_values, but instead has a constructor that
performs a similar action. It initialises the values of width and height with the arguments passed
to it.

Summary: Constructors are executed automatically when a new object/instance of that class is
created. They should be declared with public: access (see above and verify this) to allow them
to be called. Constructors never return values, they simply initialise the object.

Overloading Constructors

Like any other C++ function (and unlike functions in simple C), a constructor can also be
“overloaded”. This means that you can have several functions in your class with the same name
as long as they have different numbers of arguments (or the same number, but different types
of arguments). The compiler will automatically call the correct constructor to match the
arguments used when the object is created. For example:

#include <stdio.h>

class Rectangle {
int width, height;

Rectangle () ; // a default constructor taking no argument
Rectangle (int x, int y) ; // another constructor taking 2 int argument
int get_area() ; // a class function to return the area

Rectangle::Rectangle (int x, int y) { // a constructor function taking 2 int’s

width = x;
height = y;
Rectangle::Rectangle () { // a 2 , default constructor taking no arguments
width = 0; // default initialisation of width and height to 0
height = 0;

int Rectangle::get_area() { // the area code

return width * height;

int main ()
Rectangle r1(3,4); // constructor with 2 int arguments called
Rectangle r2; // default constructor called

printf("r1's area is %d\n", r1.get_area() ) ; // displays 12

printf("r2's area is %d\n", r2.get_area() ) ; // displays 0
return 0;

In the above example we also introduced a special kind of constructor: the default constructor.
The default constructor is the constructor that takes no argument, and it is special because it is
called when an object is introduced but is not initialised with any arguments.

In the example above, the default constructor is called for r2. Note how r2 is not even
constructed with an empty set of parentheses - in fact, empty parentheses cannot be used to
invoke the default constructor:

Rectangle r2; // ok, default constructor called

Rectangle r2(); // ERROR, default constructor NOT called – looks like a function prototype

This is because the empty set of parentheses above would make r2 look like a function that
takes no arguments and returns a value of type Rectangle.

Member variable initialisation in Constructors

When a constructor is used to initialise the member variables of a class, the variables can be
initialised directly within the body of the constructor. For example, consider a class with the
following declaration:

class Rectangle {
int width, height; // private member variables

public: // public member functions

Rectangle(int x, int y); // constructor function
int area() { return width * height; }

The constructor for this class could be defined, as:

Rectangle::Rectangle (int x, int y)

width = x;
height = y;
But it could also be defined like this using a member initialisation list

Rectangle::Rectangle (int x, int y) : width(x), height(y)


Note how in this above case, the constructor does nothing more than initialise its member
variables, hence it has an empty function body, but you could put other code inside the body if
you wished.

For members of fundamental types e.g. ints, floats, chars etc. it makes no difference which of
the two styles of constructor initialisation you chose, however member variables whose type is
another class should be initialised using the member initialization list. For example:

// member initialization
#include <stdio.h>

class Circle { // a circle class

double radius;

Circle(double r) : radius(r) // constructor using a member initialization list

double get_area() {
return radius*radius*3.14159265;

class Cylinder { // a cylinder class

Circle base; // a member variable ‘base’ which is a circle
double height;

Cylinder (double r, double h) : base (r), height(h) // note constructor to initialise base (a circle)
{} // this has to be done using initialisation list

double get_volume() {
return base.get_area() * height; // get the area of the base variable (a circle)

int main ()
Cylinder c1 (10, 20); // call cylinder constructor

printf("c1’s volume = %f\n", c1.get_volume() ) ;

return 0;
The output from this program is: c1’s volume = 6283.185

In this example, class Cylinder has a member variable 'base' whose type is another class (a Circle).
Because objects of class Circle can only be constructed with a parameter (i.e. the only available
circle constructor is one that requires an int argument), Cylinder's constructor needs to call base's
constructor, and the only way to do this is in the member initialiser list.

Copy Constructors and References

A copy constructor is used to make copies of other class objects when a new one is created and
you want its member variables to be copies of the values of another existing object of the same
type. As an example of their use, suppose we had a cylinder object c1 in our code constructed
like this:-

Cylinder c1 (10, 20); // call cylinder constructor

Now suppose we wanted to create another cylinder c2 with exactly the same values as c1.
Remember c1 could have been changed by calling a member function after it was constructed,
but we don’t care, we simply want to copy its current value as it is now.

One way to create c2 as an identical copy of c1, is to create c2 (with or without some default
values) and then read the current values of c1 using functions like getbase() and getHeight() –
assuming they exist, and copy them to c2 using functions like setBase() and setHeight() – again
assuming they exist. However, what if those function don’t exist, or what if the variables inside
the new cylinder were marked as “const” meaning their values could not be changed after
default construction. If any of these were the case we would not be able to copy an existing
object when creating a new one. This is exactly what a copy constructor is designed to

Note if you do not supply a copy constructor explicitly in your code, the compiler will create
one for you automatically, and it will literally perform copying of all member variables in the
source object into their identical counterparts in the destination object, i.e. member wise
copying as it is called. Generally this default copy constructor works ok, but what if the object
we were copying had pointers in it, this default copy constructor would end up copying the
pointer values from the source object to the destination object – this may be what we wanted
but generally it’s not, since both objects would end up having pointers pointing to the same
“things”. If one of those objects were to destroy the “thing” in the future, what would the other
one be left pointing to?
How do we write a Copy Constructor?

A copy constructor for the Cylinder class would have the following signature and code. That is
because it’s a constructor, it will still have the same name as the class, i.e. Cylinder, it does not
return anything (i.e. no void return type) and it takes a single argument which is a reference
(the ‘&’ bit) to an existing cylinder object ‘theSourceObject’.

Cylinder::Cylinder (Cylinder &theSourceObject ) :

base (theSourceObject.base), // initialise new base with existing source object’s base
height (theSourceObject.height) // initialise new height with existing source object’s height
// anything else you want to do, put it here

Now, assuming the existence of a Cylinder object c1, we could now write the following code, to
“clone” that existing cylinder when creating a new cylinder “c2”

Cylinder c2( c1 ) ;

The copy constructor is called because the argument ‘c1’ is a Cylinder and that’s the argument
we used when we constructed c2, i.e. construct c2 based on a copy of c1.

Note that it’s also possible to write the copy constructor like this (provided the variables we are
copying to are not constant), where the copying is done inside the body of the constructor. This
is a little more readable.

Cylinder::Cylinder (Cylinder &theObjectToCopy )

base = theObjectToCopy.base; // initialise new base with other object’s base
height = theObjectToCopy.height; // initialise new height with other object’s height
References: The & operator in variable declarations

If you are unfamiliar with references (they don’t exist in C, only in C++), then think of them as
being very similar like pointers e.g. as if they were declared as Cylinder *C in the constructor
above – except that you cannot write the copy constructor to use a pointer in its signature, you
must use a reference ‘&” not ‘*’ – the language makes this a requirement for copy constructors.

References are just like pointers except that when you use pointers, you have to use ‘&’ to
make the pointer point to something and remember to use ‘*’ every time you want the
“something” pointed to by the pointer e.g. taking a simple example

char c ; // a simple char

char *cptr // a pointer to char (i.e. a char pointer)
cptr = &c; // initialise pointer to point to ‘c’

*cptr = 5; // set the value of ‘c’ to 5 using the pointer with the ‘*’

Using references is sometimes more convenient (or confusing if you like pointers)

char c ; // a simple char

char &cref // a char reference
cref = c; // initialise reference to refer to ‘c’ (note NO ‘&’ in initialisation)

cref = 5; // set the value of ‘c’ to 5 using the reference (note NO ‘*’)


A C++ class can also have a destructor function. It is declared with the same name as the class
but with a ‘~’ in front of its name. A destructor is automatically called whenever an object is
destroyed (e.g. it goes out of scope) or is deliberately destroyed.

A destructor can be used to “tidy up” any “loose ends” after an object is destroyed. For
instance, it could be used to close a file, or turn off an LED in an embedded applications. It
could also be used to release any memory back to the operating system that might have been
allocated. It really is up to you what you ask your destructor to do, you don’t have to have one
at all.

Destructor functions do not have a return type; not even void. Neither do they take any
arguments. For example, a destructor for the rectangle class might look like this:-
class Rectangle {
int width, height;

public: // public member functions

Rectangle(int, int); // constructor function
~Rectangle(); // destructor function (note the ‘~’ in the name)
int area() { return x*y; }

Rectangle::~Rectangle() // code for destructor (note placement of ‘~’)

printf("Rectangle Destructor Called….\n") ;

Pointers to Class Objects

Once a class has been introduced a class name becomes a new valid type, so we can create
pointers to that type of data. For example, the following statement declares that p1 is a pointer
to an object of class Rectangle. That is, it will eventually be initialised to point to an object in
memory which is a Rectangle.

Rectangle *p1;

As we have seen with plain data structures in ‘C’, the members of a structure can be accessed
via a pointer using the arrow operator (->). The same principle applies when a pointer is used to
access the members of a class. Here is an example with some possible combinations:

// example of using a pointer to a class object

#include <stdio.h>

class Rectangle {
int width, height;

Rectangle(int x, int y) : width(x), height(y) { } // constructor

int get_area(void) {
return width * height;

int main()
Rectangle r1(3, 4); // create a rectangle object
Rectangle *p1; // create a pointer to a rectangle

p1 = &r1; // make p1 point to object r1

printf("r1’s area = %d\n", r1.get_area() ); // print area using r1 directly

printf("r1’s area = %d\n”, p1->get_area() ); // print area indirectly using pointer p1

return 0;

Problem: Write the above code in main() to use a reference to a Rectangle instead of pointer.
The pointer “this”
We mentioned earlier that a class is created by defining its member variables and member functions,
however it’s important to realise that only the variables are allocated storage for each new object. For
example, referring back to our Rectangle class

class Rectangle {
int width, height;

void set_values (int x, int y) {
width = x;
height = y;

int get_area() {
return width * height;

Here we see the class contains two variable and two member functions. When we write this statement

Rectangle r1, r2, r3;

The only things created at that time are the variables width and height for each of the 3 rectangles. The
functions set_values() and get_area() are “shared” by all rectangle objects, that is, there is only 1 copy
of these two functions, but 3 copies of the width and height variables. When we write this code

r1.set_values(3, 4)
how does the function set_values() know that it has to set the variables of ‘r1’? There’s some “magic”
that goes on here via the hidden point “this”. In essence the statement above is actually translated into
by the C++ compiler into the C style statement

set_values( &r1, 3, 4);

That is, a hidden pointer to the invoking object (i.e. the address of or pointer to r1) is secretly passed to
the function set_values() as the first parameter. This means it can use that pointer to manipulate the
variables of the invoking object (r1). This is how a member function can be shared by all objects of that
class (which is just as well as making separate copies of the member function code for each object would
result in massive code bloat)

As a consequence of the above observation, it also means that all member functions have a hidden first
parameter, one we don’t declare, but which the compiler magically inserts for us. Thus the function
set_values(int x, int y) above is actually translated into
void set_values (Rectangle *this, int x, int y) {
this->width = x;
this->height = y;

That is, the compiler introduces a pointer called “this” which is initialised to point to the invoking
rectangle object and uses/dereferences that pointer to get at the width and height variables of the
invoking object.

Now even though the above explanation describes the hidden mechanics of how classes work, we can
nevertheless use the pointer “this” explicitly ourselves, e.g. as shown below, where we could write
either version of the function

void set_values (int x, int y) { void set_values (int x, int y) {

this->width = x; width = x;
this->height = y; height = y;
} }

Dynamic Memory Allocation: operators new and delete

In the ‘C’ language we could dynamically allocate storage for memory using library functions such
malloc, calloc, realloc and free, defined in the header file <stdlib.h> in C. The functions are
also available in C++ and can also be used to allocate and deallocate dynamic memory. But there is a
nicer way to do this in C++ using operators new and delete.

For example in C++, if we wanted to dynamically allocate memory for some variable, we could call the
operator new to make that allocation. This operator returns a pointer to the data that we allocated
storage for. As an example, we could allocate storage for 1 new int like this

int *p1 = new int ;

We could allocate storage for an array of 20 floats like this

float *p2 = new float [20] ;

We could then use the pointers to manipulate the data as we would have done in ‘C’, e.g.

*p1 = 5; // set the integer that p1 points to, to the value 5

for(i = 0; i < 20; i++)

p2[i] = (float)(i); // set all element in the array pointed to by p2 equal to ‘i’

When we have finished with the variables, we could deallocate their storage using operator delete (previously we
used free in C). For example, in C++ we could release the storage we allocated above like this:-

delete p1; // delete the single element pointed to by p1

delete [ ] p2; // delete the array of elements pointed to by p2

This new technique for allocating and releasing memory is useful when we introduce classes. For example, we can
easily dynamically allocate storage for class objects using a syntax like this. The advantage is the constructor for
the object gets called when we "new" it

int main()
Rectangle *p1 = new Rectangle(3,4) ; // create storage for a rectangle, call its constructor
// to initialise it with the values 3, 4 and then make
// p1 point to it
Rectangle *p2 ; // just a pointer at the moment

printf("area = %d\n", p1->get_area() ) ;

delete p1 ; // free up the storage

p2 = new Rectangle [10]; // allocate storage for an array of 10 rectangles

// default constructor called for each. You can
... // initialise them all individually using set_values() function
delete [] p2 ; // free up the storage allocated to the array.
return 0 ;

Class Inheritance

One of the main powers of classes is the ability to extend them, creating new classes by basing
them on existing ones. This process, known as inheritance, involves a base class and a derived
class. The derived class inherits all the member variables and functions of the base class (i.e. as
if you had written them all again yourself in the derivde class). You can also add new member
variables and functions to the derived class. This is important because it leads to "re-use" of
existing code. We can take something that somebody else may have written and add to it
rather than re-inventing the wheel from scratch each time.

Inheritance also allows us to override (or modify) something we inherited from the base class.
For example, we could write a new member function in our derived class which has the same
name as the function in the base class, but which will do something different, i.e. we can tailor
the behaviour of our new derived class to make it more suitable for our application.

For example, let's imagine a simple series of classes to describe two kinds of polygons:-
triangles and rectangles. These two polygons have certain common properties, such as the
values needed to calculate their areas. They both could be described simply with a height and a
width (or base) variable.

This could be represented in the world of classes with a class Polygon from which we would
derive the two other shapes: Triangle and Rectangle:
The Polygon (our base) class would contain the member variables and functions that are
common for both rectangles and triangles, in our case the variables width and height.
Rectangle and Triangle would be new derived classes, with specific features that are unique to
each type of polygon.
Classes that are derived from others inherit all the members of the base class. That means that
if a base class like Polygon includes a member variable or function A and we derive a new class
from it and then add a new member called B, to that derived class, then the derived class will
contain both member A and member B. Nothing can be taken out during inheritance, it is not
selective; you inherit everything from the base class. However, you can add to what you inherit.
Specifying Inheritance in C++
The new derived classes Rectangle and Triangle can be created by deriving them from the base
class Polygon using the following example syntax:

class Rectangle : public Polygon {


class Triangle : public Polygon {


For this course, we'll mostly stick with public inheritance (though if you look through the course
library, you will see others). This simply means that any method or variable that was public
in Polygon will remain public in both Rectangle and Triangle. The following is a definition for the
base class:
class Polygon {
int width, height; // private

Polygon(int w, int h) : width(w), height(b) {} // constructor
int getWidth() { return width; } // `getters'
int getHeight() { return width; }
void setWidth(int w) { width=w; } // `setters'
void setHeight(int h) { height=h; }

Now let’s create two new classes Rectangle and Triangle by deriving from the base class
Polygon and add a get_area() function to each

class Rectangle : public Polygon {

Rectangle( int x, int y ) : Polygon(x,y) {} // calls base constructor
int getArea() { return getWidth()*getHeight(); } // call inherited functions

class Triangle : public Polygon {

Triangle( int x, int y ) : Polygon(x,y) {} // calls base constructor
int getArea() { return getWidth()*getHeight()/2; } // call inherited functions

Notice how the Rectangle and Triangle constructors have to call the base
class Polygon constructor to initialize its members.

Note that since both width and height were declared as private (the default), only Polygon has
direct access to them. Even though both Rectangle and Triangle both have width and height
variables internally, the two classes can only get access to them through Polygon's
set() and get() type functions. Derived classes are constructed from the bottom-up, initializing
base class members first, so the base class constructor should be called in the member
initialization list.

Even though we never explictly wrote a getWidth() or getHeight() function in

either Triangle or Rectangle, both classes have these methods. They were inherited from
the Polygon class, allowing us to re-use them, which is the whole point. We don't want to have
to re-invent the wheel every time.
Let’s see how we can use them in an example program

int main ()
Rectangle r1(4, 5);
Triangle t1(5, 6);

printf("Area of rectangle r1 = %d\n", r1.get_area()) ;

printf("Area of triangle t1 = %d\n", t1.get_area()) ;
return 0;

Notice how the get_area() function for both Rectangle and Triangle call upon the get_width()
and get_height() functions from the Polygon class.

Overriding members and Polymorphism

If a base class X had a member variable or function A, and if we derive a new class Y from X and
add its own new member A, then the derived class will actually contain two members called A.
The one actually used depends on the specific type of the reference or pointer. Consider the
following. If we use the derived object directly (or a reference or a pointer to the derived
object) to invoke a function, then it is the one for the object that gets invoked. If we used a
base class pointer or reference, then the function for the base class is involved. See example
* Example of Overriding base class member function (no Polymorphism)
#include <stdio.h>

// Base class
class Animal {
void speak() { printf("grunt\n"); }

// derived class
class Dog : public Animal {
void speak() { printf("woof\n"); }

// derived class
class Cat : public Animal {
void speak() { printf("meow\n"); }

int main() {
Dog dog; // creates a new derived class dog
dog.speak(); // use derived object to speak. Result = "woof"
Cat cat; // creates a new derived class cat
cat.speak(); // use derived object to speak. Result = "meow"

Animal &a1 = dog; // base class reference to a derived class dog

a1.speak(); // use derived class reference to speak result = "grunt"

return 0;


Polymorphism refers to the ability to permanently redefine methods for a derived class. This
would let the dog bark, for example, regardless of whether we treat it as a Dog or an Animal. To
accomplish this, we introduce the keyword virtual. A virtual function is completely redefined in
the derived class. This ensures that the derived class's version is ALWAYS called for an object
regardless of the expression used. Modifying our previous example slightly,

* Example of Overriding using Virtual functions (WITH Polymorphism)
#include <stdio.h>

// Base Class
class Animal {
virtual void speak() { printf("grunt\n"); } // NOTE virtual function

// Derived Class
class Dog : public Animal {
void speak() { printf("woof\n"); } // overrides Animal's copy

// derived class
class Cat : public Animal {
void speak() { printf("meow\n"); } // overrides Animal's copy

int main() {
Dog dog; // creates a new dog
Cat cat; // creates a new cat

dog.speak(); // "woof"
cat.speak(); // "meow"

Animal &a1 = dog; // Animal type reference to derived class dog

a1.speak(); // "woof"

a1 = cat // Animal type reference to derived class cat

a1.speak(); // "meow"

return 0;
What important information do we take away from this use or inheritance and virtual
1. A base class pointer (or reference) can be initialised to point to either a base class object
or any object that is derived from the same base class.
2. When we use a base class pointer (or reference) to invoke a base class function, it will
be the derived class function that will be called. If the derived class function does not
redefine its own version of the base class function, then the base class function will be

This can be INCREDIBLY useful. For example, suppose we had a linked list of Animal pointers.
With such a list we could add either Dogs or Cats to it, since both are derived from – or can be
thought of as kinds of – animal, more to the point we could add other kinds of animals we
create in the future, e.g. rabbits, tigers etc

Afterwards, we could then iterate through the list asking each animal within it to “speak”
(without knowing what kind of animal it was – only that it was in fact some kind of animal). The
dogs in the list would say “woof”, the cats would say “meow”.

Virtual Destructors
The same principle of declaring virtual functions should also be applied to class destructors. For
example, consider this code
* Example of Overriding using Virtual functions (WITH Polymorphism)
#include <stdio.h>

// Base Class
class Animal {
virtual void speak() { printf("grunt\n"); } // NOTE virtual function
virtual ~Animal() { printf("Animal Destructor\n"); } // NOTE virtual destructor

// Derived Class
class Dog : public Animal {
void speak() { printf("woof\n"); } // overrides Animal's copy
~Dog() { printf("Dog Destructor\n"); }

// derived class
class Cat : public Animal {
void speak() { printf("meow\n"); } // overrides Animal's copy
~Cat() { printf("Cat Destructor\n"); }

int main() {
Animal *a1 = new Dog(); // creates a new dog
Animal *a2 = new Cat(); // creates a new cat

delete a1;
delete a2;

return 0;

When this program is run, the output looks like this

Notice how the derived class destructor is called first, followed by the base class destructor
even though the cats and dogs were “deleted” using only animal pointers. Without the
“virtual” keyword in the base class destructor, the output would look like this:-

Notice how the derived class destructors for cats and dogs were not called. So as a rule of
thumb, if you know your classes are going to serve as base classes for derived classes in the
future, then declare the base class member functions as virtual. There will be small penalty in
size of code and execution speed for doing this, but nothing significant.

Replacing printf() and scanf() with cout and cin

Of course there’s lots of other stuff related to C++ that we haven’t covered here, as this was
only intended to be a quick “get you up to speed” tutorial on object oriented programming in
C++, not a complete course.
For instance we didn’t use cin, cout and the “iostream” header file as a replacement for scanf(),
printf() and stdio.h (see http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/basic_io/ ). This is very easy to
use and you might want to experiment with this in conjunction with “namespaces”.

For more details on things such as how to set field width and field precision (analogous to using
a formatter such %6.2f for example) take a look here

A namespace is similar to the concept of a package in Java. It allows for the possibility of having
two global variables or functions with the same name but with each declared inside their own
namespace. For example cin and cout are in the standard library but within the sub-
library/namespace “std” inside the header file “iostream”. To gain access to them, we have to
declare that we are using namespace “std” as shown below

1st approach – add a “using namespace std” declaration to your source files

// i/o example

#include <iostream>
using namespace std; // use global fns/vars from “std” namespace

int main ()
int i;
cout << "Please enter an integer value: "; // cout and cin in “std”
cin >> i;

cout << "The value you entered is " << i;

cout << " and its double is " << i*2 << ".\n";

return 0;

Some programmers object to the “using namespace std” declaration in their code as it means
we end up bringing in ALL the names from the standard library and, by definition, once we have
told the compiler we are using that namespace, other namespaces become “invisible”.

2nd approach – prefix all names from the standard library with std::

Here we add a prefix all individual names from a library with their namespace. For example we
would have to prefix every use of cin and cout with “std::” as shown below.

// i/o example

#include <iostream>
// NOTE no namespace declared
int main ()
int i;
std::cout << "Please enter an integer value: ";
std::cin >> i;

std::cout << "The value you entered is " << i;

std::cout << " and its double is " << i*2 << ".\n";

return 0;

NOTE For the sake of brevity and because real-estate on a power point slide is limited, I’m
going to use the 1st approach where we explicitly include a “using namespace std” declaration

Why bother with cin and cout?

Because it now provides an extensible way to use the same “<<” and “>>“ operators to output
and input to our user defined types e.g. That is, we can provide a meaning for all of C++
operators for our new classes

For example, if we had a Rectangle class as declared previously, e.g.

Rectangle r1(5, 6);

We could NOT at the moment write

cout << r1 << "\n";

because C++ does NOT know how to interpret and apply the << operator to user defined
classes. However, we could write a function that tells the compiler how to interpret that
operator. An example is shown below based on the use of a friend function which is a global
function that can access the private members of a class, but is NOT a member of that class.
Note the name of the function is called “operator<<”. We could provide an implementation of
this operator (and indeed many other C++ operators: e.g. ++, --) for any of our user defined
classes. This is an example of a topic generally called “operator overloading”.

friend ostream &operator<<( ostream &o, const Rectangle &r )

o << "Width = " << r.width, << ", Height = " << r.height;
return o;

Here, because “<<” in C++ is a binary operator taking two operands, called with a syntax such as
cout << i; we need a “<<” function that takes two parameters. The first will be an instance of an
output stream, the second will be an instance of a variable that we want to output to the
Thus when the compiler see the statement cout << r1; the variable cout would be passed to the
function (by reference – see function code above) and become the parameter “o”, while “r1”
would become the 2nd parameter “r”. The function should also return the original ostream
object (cout in this example usage) to allow daisy chaining of the << operator
e.g. cout << r1 << r2 etc.

The result of cout << r1; is that we would see the following printed.

Width = 5, Height = 6

Further Reading
Template classes
Lastly template classes offer a very powerful way to specialise a class at compile time, which is
particularly useful with things like linked lists and other dynamic data structures. For example
we could say

List<int> L1
List<Rectangle> L2

Where “<xxx>” is the C++ syntax for creating specialised (typed) versions of a generic List class.
In this case we created L1 to be a List of int variables, but L2 to be a List of Rectangle’s. The trick
here is that the compiler uses the <T> bit (where T is a type: int or Rectangles in this example)
to replace our class variables and member function parameters with the “T” e.g. a basic List
class which might, without the aid of templates, have declared variables such as void *head,
could now be declared as T *head, that is, a specialised type.

When the compiler see the introduction of the variable L2 above, it substitutes Rectangle in
place of T in the class code and creates/compiles a whole new class to deal with Rectangles.
You can read about it here http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/templates/

The Standard Template Library

Using templates classes is so useful that a library of standard template classes has been created
(the STL or standard template library) that can be used in C++ programs and contains such
things as dynamically sizeable string, lists, vectors etc as well as algorithms on sorting and
searching etc. A tutorial on using this library in your programs can be found on Connect
beneath this lecture.

Don't get hung up if some of these more advanced concepts sound a little complicated, this
whole document gives quite a bit of the essential background (even though it's not complete)
to C++, we don't use half as much of this in CPEN 333 as you might think but it is useful to know
the background (and be able to put it on a resume), so read it, but don’t agonise over it if you
don't get it 1st, 2nd or even 3rd time through.

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