Trans GNN

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TransGNN: Harnessing the Collaborative Power of Transformers

and Graph Neural Networks for Recommender Systems

Peiyan Zhang∗ Yuchen Yan∗ Chaozhuo Li
Hong Kong University of School of Intelligence Science and Microsoft Research Asia
Science and Technology Technology, Peking University Beijing, China
Hong Kong Beijing, China

Senzhang Wang Xing Xie Sunghun Kim

arXiv:2308.14355v2 [cs.LG] 30 Jan 2024

Central South University Microsoft Research Asia Hong Kong University of

China Beijing, China Science and Technology Hong Kong
ABSTRACT infer the user preference, encoding user and item informative rep-
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged as promising so- resentations is the core part of effective collaborative filtering (CF)
lutions for collaborative filtering (CF) through the modeling of paradigms based on the observed user-item interactions [18, 32]. Re-
user-item interaction graphs. The nucleus of existing GNN-based cent years have witnessed a proliferation of development of graph
recommender systems involves recursive message passing along neural networks (GNNs) for modeling graph-structural data [41, 42].
user-item interaction edges to refine encoded embeddings. Despite One promising direction is to perform the information propagation
their demonstrated effectiveness, current GNN-based methods en- along the user-item interactions to refine user embeddings based
counter challenges of limited receptive fields and the presence of on the recursive aggregation schema [17, 40, 46].
noisy “interest-irrelevant” connections. In contrast, Transformer- Notwithstanding the effectiveness of the existing graph-based
based methods excel in aggregating information adaptively and CF models, several fundamental challenges remain inadequately
globally. Nevertheless, their application to large-scale interaction resolved. First, the message passing mechanism relies on edges to
graphs is hindered by inherent complexities and challenges in cap- fuse the graph structures and node attributes, leading to strong
turing intricate, entangled structural information. In this paper, we bias and potential noise [3]. For example, recent studies on eye
propose TransGNN, a novel model that integrates Transformer and tracking demonstrate that users are less likely to browse items
GNN layers in an alternating fashion to mutually enhance their that are ranked lower in the recommended lists, while they tend
capabilities. Specifically, TransGNN leverages Transformer layers to interact with the first few items at the top of lists, regardless of
to broaden the receptive field and disentangle information aggrega- the items’ actual relevance [22, 23]. Hence, the topological connec-
tion from edges, which aggregates information from more relevant tions within interaction graphs are impeded by the aforementioned
nodes, thereby enhancing the message passing of GNNs. Addition- positional bias, resulting in less convincing message passings [6].
ally, to capture graph structure information effectively, positional Besides, users may interact with products they are not interested in
encoding is meticulously designed and integrated into GNN layers due to the over-recommendation of popular items [50], leading to
to encode such structural knowledge into node attributes, thus the formation of "interest-irrelevant connections" in the user-item
enhancing the Transformer’s performance on graphs. Efficiency interaction graph. As such, the graph generated from user feedback
considerations are also alleviated by proposing the sampling of towards the recommended lists may fail to reflect user preference
the most relevant nodes for the Transformer, along with two effi- faithfully [10]. Worse still, the propagation of embeddings along
cient sample update strategies to reduce complexity. Furthermore, edges can exacerbate noise effects, potentially distorting the encod-
theoretical analysis demonstrates that TransGNN offers increased ing of underlying user interests in GNN-based models.
expressiveness compared to GNNs, with only a marginal increase Second, the receptive field of GNNs is also constrained by the
in linear complexity. Extensive experiments on five public datasets challenge of over-smoothing [27]. It has been proven that as the
validate the effectiveness and efficiency of TransGNN. GNNs architecture goes deeper and reaches a certain extent, the
model will not respond to the training data, and the node represen-
KEYWORDS tations obtained by such deep models tend to be over-smoothed
and also become indistinguishable [2, 5, 9, 26]. Consequently, the
Graph Neural Networks, Transformers, Recommender Systems
optimal number of layers for GNN models is typically limited to no
more than 3 [17, 40, 46], where the models can only capture up to 3-
hop relations. However, in real world applications, item sequences
Recommender systems play vital roles in various online platforms, often exceed a length of 3, suggesting the presence of important
due to their success in addressing information overload challenges sequential patterns that extend beyond this limitation. Due to the
by recommending useful content to users [14, 49]. To accurately inherent constraint of the network structure, GNN-based models
∗ Both authors contributed equally to this research. struggle to capture such longer-term sequential information.
Conference acronym ’XX, June 03–05, 2018, Woodstock, NY Trovato and Tobin, et al.

Fortunately, the Transformer architecture [37] appears to pro- graph structure to capture rich topology information. Efficient re-
vide an avenue for addressing these inherent limitations. Owing trieval of more relevant node information from neighborhoods
to the self-attention mechanism, every items can aggregate infor- is also facilitated by the message-passing process. Furthermore,
mation from all the items in the user-item interaction sequence. we propose two efficient methods for updating attention samples,
Consequently, Transformer can capture the long-term dependency which can easily be generalized to large-scale graphs. Finally, a
within the sequence data, and has displaced the convolutional and theoretical analysis of the expressive ability and complexity of
recurrent neural networks to become the new de-facto standard TransGNN is presented, demonstrating its enhanced expressiveness
among many recommendation tasks [13, 21]. Nevertheless, while compared to GNNs with only marginal additional linear complexity.
Transformers exhibit the capability to globally and adaptively aggre- TransGNN is extensively evaluated over five public benchmarks,
gate information, their ability to effectively utilize graph structure and substantial improvements demonstrate its superiority.
information is constrained. This limitation stems from the fact that Our contributions can be summarized as follows:
the aggregation process in Transformers does not rely on edges, re- • We introduce a novel model, TransGNN, wherein Transformers
sulting in an underestimation of crucial historical interactions [29]. and GNNs synergistically collaborate. Transformers broaden the
In this paper, we inquire whether the integration of Transform- receptive field of GNNs, while GNNs capture essential structural
ers and GNNs can leverage their respective strengths to mutually information to enhance the Transformer’s performance.
enhance performance. By leveraging Transformers, the receptive • To mitigate the challenge of complexity, we introduce a sampling
field of GNNs can be expanded to encompass more relevant nodes, strategy along with two efficient methods for updating relevant
even those located distantly from central nodes. Conversely, GNNs samples efficiently.
can assist Transformers in capturing intricate graph topology infor- • We perform a theoretical analysis on the expressive capacity and
mation and efficiently aggregating relevant nodes from neighboring computational complexity of TransGNN, revealing that Trans-
regions. Nevertheless, the integration of GNNs and Transformers GNN exhibits greater potency compared to GNNs with small
for modeling graph-structured CF data poses significant challenges, additional computational overhead.
primarily encompassing the following three core aspects. (1) How • We conduct comprehensive experiments on five public datasets
to sample the most relevant nodes in the attention sampling module? from different domains, where TransGNN outperforms compet-
As the user-item interaction graph may contain “interest-irrelevant” itive baseline models significantly and consistently. In-depth
connections, directly aggregating information from all interaction analysis are provided towards the rationality of TransGNN from
edges will impair the accurate user representation. Meanwhile, con- both technical and empirical perspectives.
sidering the most relevant nodes not only reduces computational
complexity but also filters out irrelevant information from noisy
nodes. (2) How can Transformers and GNNs be effectively coupled in 2 RELATED WORK
a collaborative framework? Given the individual merits inherent to Recap Graph Collaborative Filtering Paradigm. Graph-based
both Transformers and GNNs, it posits a logical progression to en- collaborative filtering paradigm introduce graph structures to rep-
visage a collaborative framework where these two modules engage resent the interactions between users and items. Given I users and J
in a mutual reinforcement within user modeling. (3) How to up- items with the user set U = {𝑢 1, ..., 𝑢 I } and item set V = {𝑣 1, ..., 𝑣 J },
date the attention samples efficiently to avoid exhausting complexity? edges in the user-item interaction graph G are constructed if user
The computation of self-attention weights across the entire graph 𝑢𝑖 has interacted with item 𝑣 𝑗 . Through the incorporation of the
dataset for each central node entails a time and space complexity user-item interaction graphs, graph-based CF methods manage
of 𝑂 (𝑁 2 ), posing challenges such as the out-of-memory problem to capture multi-order connectivity information, leading to more
with increasingly large graphs. Hence, there exists an imperative accurate recommendation outcomes.
to devise efficient strategies for updating attention samples. Recommendation with Graph Neural Networks. Recent works
To tackle aforementioned challenges, we introduce a novel frame- have embarked on formulating diverse graph neural architectures
work named TransGNN, which amalgamates the prowess of both to model the intricate user-item interaction landscapes via em-
GNNs and Transformers. To mitigate complexity and alleviate the bedding propagation. Using the message passing schema, both
influence of irrelevant nodes, we first propose sampling attention users and items are transformed into embeddings that retain the
nodes for each central node based on semantic and structural infor- information from multi-hop connections. Notably, PinSage [46]
mation. After that, we introduce three types of positional encoding: and NGCF [40] anchor their foundations on the graph convolu-
(i) shortest-path-based positional encoding, (ii) degree-based po- tional framework within the realm of the spectral domain. Subse-
sitional encoding, and (iii) PageRank-based positional encoding. quently, LightGCN [17] advocates for a more streamlined approach
Such positional encoding embed various granularity of structural by sidelining intricate non-linear transformations and endorsing
topology information into node embeddings, facilitating the extrac- the sum-based pooling applied to neighboring representations. Al-
tion of simplified graph structure information for Transformers. though GNNs have achieved state-of-the-art performance in CF, the
Then, we devise the TransGNN module where Transformers and limited receptive field compromises their power. Shallow GNNs can
GNNs alternate to mutually enhance their performance. Within the only aggregate nearby information, which shows strong structure
GNN layer, Transformers aggregate attention sample information bias and noise, while deep GNNs suffer from the over-smoothing
with low complexity to expand GNNs’ receptive fields focusing on problem and aggregate much irrelevant information [30].
the most relevant nodes. Conversely, within Transformers, GNNs’ Recommendation with Transformers. Recently, attentive mod-
message-passing mechanism aids in fusing representations and ules are extensively studied in the recommendation venue, resulting
TransGNN: Harnessing the Collaborative Power of Transformers and Graph Neural Networks for Recommender Systems
Conference acronym ’XX, June 03–05, 2018, Woodstock, NY

in extraordinary performances [21, 24]. Self-attention models, in the semantic similarity matrix:
particular, have garnered substantial attention due to their capacity
S = XX⊤, (1)
for point-to-point feature interactions within item sequences. This
mechanism effectively addresses the challenge of global dependen- where X ∈ R𝑁 ×𝑑 consists of nodes’ attributes. However, through
cies and enables the incorporation of longer sequences enriched S we can only get the raw semantic similarity, overlooking the
with a wealth of information [25, 28]. Many existing works exert structural intricacies of user preferences. Recognizing that a user’s
their efforts to generalize the Transformer architecture to graph preference for one item might influence their affinity for another
data. However the main problems they encounter are: (1) The design (due to shared attributes or latent factors), we refine our similarity
of node-wise positional encoding. (2) The computational expensive measure by considering the neighbor nodes’ preference before
calculation of pairwise attention on large graphs. For positional sampling. We use the following equation to update the similarity
encoding, Laplacian Encoding [12], and Random Walk have been matrix to incorporate the preferences of neighboring nodes:
studied both theoretically and empirically. With respect to the scal-
ability problem, some work try to restrict the receptive filed from S = S + 𝛼 ÂS, (2)
global to local, for example, ADSF [48] introduces random walks where 𝛼 is the balance factor, and in this paper, we set 𝛼 as 0.5.
to generate high order local receptive filed, and the GAT [38] is the  = A + I where A ∈ R𝑁 ×𝑁 is the adjacent matrix and I is the
extreme scenario where each node only sees its one-hop neighbor. identity matrix. Based on the new similarity matrix S ∈ R𝑁 ×𝑁 , for
every node 𝑣𝑖 ∈ V in the input graph, we sample the most relevant
3 METHODOLOGY nodes as its attention samples as follows:
This section begins with an exposition of the TransGNN frame- Attention samples: Given an input graph G and its similarity
work, followed by a detailed elucidation of each constituent com- matrix S, for node
 𝑣𝑖 in the graph, we define its attention samples as
ponent. Subsequently, we delve into a theoretical examination of set Smp(𝑣𝑖 ) = 𝑣 𝑗 |𝑣 𝑗 ∈ 𝑉 and 𝑆 (𝑖, 𝑗) ∈ top-k(𝑆 (𝑖, :)) where 𝑆 (𝑖, :)
TransGNN’s expressive capacity and conduct an analysis of its denotes the 𝑖-th row of S and the 𝑘 works as a hyper-parameter
computational complexity. which decides how many nodes should be attended attention.

3.1 Model Framework 3.3 Positional Encoding Module

The framework of TransGNN is shown in Figure 1, which consists User-item interactions in recommender systems embody intricate
of three important components: (1) attention sampling module, (2) structural information, critical for deriving personalized recom-
positional encoding module, (3) TransGNN module. We first sample mendations. Unlike the grid-like data where the sequential patterns
the most relevant nodes for each central node by considering the se- can be easily captured by Transformer, interaction graphs present
mantic similarity and graph structure information in the attention a more challenging topology to navigate. To enrich Transform-
sampling module. Then in the positional encoding module, we cal- ers with this topological knowledge, we introduce three distinct
culate the positional encoding to help the Transformer capture the positional encodings tailored for recommendation scenarios: (i)
graph topology information. After these two modules, we use the Shortest path hop based positional encoding. (ii) Degree-based po-
TransGNN module, which contains three sub-modules in order: (i) sitional encoding. (iii) PageRank based positional encoding. The
Transformer layer, (ii) GNN layer, (iii) samples update sub-module. first two encoding signify the proximity between users and items,
Among them, the Transformer layer is used to expand the receptive emphasizing the diversity and frequency of user interactions or
field of the GNN layer and aggregate the attention samples informa- the popularity of items. Meanwhile, the last encoding indicates the
tion efficiently, while the GNN layer helps the Transformer layer significance determined by the graph topology.
perceive the graph structure information and obtain more relevant
3.3.1 Shortest Path Hop based Positional Encoding. User-item prox-
information of neighbor nodes. The samples update sub-module is
imity in interaction graphs can hint at user preferences. For every
integrated to update the attention samples efficiently.
user, the distance to various items (or vice versa) can have distinct
implications. We encapsulate this by leveraging shortest path hops.
3.2 Attention Sampling Module
Specifically, we denote the shortest path hop matrix as P and for
Calculating attention across the entire user-item interaction graph each node 𝑣𝑖 ∈ V and its attention sample node 𝑣 𝑗 ∈ Smp(𝑣𝑖 ) the
presents two notable challenges: (i) The computational complexity shortest path hop is 𝑃 (𝑖, 𝑗), we calculate the shortest path hop based
of attention calculation scales quadratically (𝑂 (𝑁 2 )), which be- positional encoding(SPE) for every attention sample node 𝑣 𝑗 as:
comes impractical for large-scale recommender systems. (ii) Under
the global attention setting, irrelevant user-item interactions are SPE(𝑣𝑖 , 𝑣 𝑗 ) = MLP(𝑃 (𝑖, 𝑗)), (3)
also incorporated, leading to suboptimal performance. where MLP(·) is implemented as a two-layer neural network.
In the context of recommender systems, we posit that it is unnec-
essary to compute attention across the entire graph for each node. 3.3.2 Degree based Positional Encoding. The interaction frequency
Instead, prioritizing the most relevant nodes is sufficient, thereby of a user, or the popularity of an item, plays a pivotal role in rec-
reducing computational complexity and eliminating noisy node ommendations. An item’s popularity or a user’s diverse taste can
information. Consequently, we advocate for sampling the most be harnessed using their node degree in the graph. Therefore, we
pertinent nodes for a given user or item node within the attention propose to use the degree to calculate the positional encoding. For-
sampling module. To facilitate this, we commence by computing mally, for any node 𝑣𝑖 whose degree is deg𝑖 , we calculate the degree
Conference acronym ’XX, June 03–05, 2018, Woodstock, NY Trovato and Tobin, et al.

Output Item Probability

SPE [1,2,1,2]

DE [4]

PRE [4.2]

(1) User-Item interaction Graph (2) Attention Sampling (3) Position Encoding & GNN Learning (4) Item Prediction
(a) The overview of TransGNN framework.

Central Node Receptive Field

Add & Norm

Attention Samples

Neural Networks

Node Attributes Massage Passing

(1) Transformer Layer (2) GNN Layer (3) Sample Update
(b) The TransGNN Module. (c) The involved notations.

Figure 1: The framework of TransGNN. We first sample relevant nodes for the central nodes, then we calculate positional
encoding to enhance the raw attributes by combining the structure information. In the TransGNN module, the Transformer
layer and GNN layer improve each other, followed by the samples update sub-module.

based positional encoding(DE) as: by computational complexities. The TransGNN module synergizes
the strengths of GNNs and Transformers to alleviate these issues.
DE(𝑣𝑖 ) = MLP(deg𝑖 ). (4)
This module consists of: (i) Transformer layer, (ii) GNN layer, and
3.3.3 Page Rank based Positional Encoding. Certain users or items (iii) samples update sub-module.
exert more influence due to their position in the interaction graph.
PageRank offers a way to gauge this influence, facilitating better 3.4.1 Transformer Layer. To optimize user-item recommendation,
recommendations. In order to obtain the influence of structure the Transformer layer broadens GNN’s horizon, focusing on poten-
importance, we propose to calculate positional encoding based on tially important yet distant items. In order to lower the complexity
the page rank value for every node. Formally, for node 𝑣𝑖 we denote and filter out the irrelevant information, we only consider the most
its page rank value as Pr(𝑣𝑖 ), and we calculate the page rank based relevant samples for each central node. In the following, we use
positional encoding(PRE) as: central node 𝑣𝑖 and its attention samples Smp(𝑣𝑖 ) as an example to
illustrate the Transformer layer, and for other nodes, this process
PRE(𝑣𝑖 ) = MLP(Pr(𝑣𝑖 )). (5) is the same.
By aggregating the above encodings with raw user/item node We denote the input of Transformer layer as H ∈ R𝑁 ×𝑑in and the
attributes, we enrich the Transformer’s understanding of the rec- representation of central node 𝑣𝑖 is ℎ𝑖 . We stack the representations
∈ R𝑘 ×𝑑in . We use
ommendation landscape. Specifically, for the central node 𝑣𝑖 and its of attention samples Smp(𝑣𝑖 ) as the matrix H𝑖
attention samples Smp(𝑣𝑖 ), we aggregate the positional encoding three matrices W𝑞 , W𝑘 , W𝑣 ∈ R 𝑑 in ×𝑑 out to project the correspond-
in the following ways: ing representations to Q, K and V respectively and we aggregate
h𝑖 = COMB(AGG(x𝑖 , SPE(𝑣𝑖 , 𝑣𝑖 ), DE(𝑣𝑖 ), PRE(𝑣𝑖 ) ) ) the information based on the attention distribution as:
h 𝑗 = COMB(AGG(x 𝑗 , SPE(𝑣𝑖 , 𝑣 𝑗 ), DE(𝑣 𝑗 ), PRE(𝑣 𝑗 ) ) ) 𝑣 𝑗 ∈ Smp(𝑣𝑖 )
where x𝑖 , x 𝑗 are the raw attributes of 𝑣𝑖 , 𝑣 𝑗 respectively, AGG(·) is QK⊤
h𝑖 = softmax( √ )𝑉 (7)
the aggregation function and COMB(·) is the combination function. 𝑑 out
In this paper, we use a two-layer MLP as COMB(·) and vector
concatenation as AGG(·). where

 Q = h𝑖 W𝑄 ,
3.4 TransGNN Module

 Smp
K = H𝑖 W𝑘 , (8)

Traditional Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) exhibit limitations  V = HSmp W𝑣

in comprehending the expansive relationships between users and  𝑖
items, due to their narrow receptive fields and the over-smoothing in which Q is the representation of the query and K, V are the
issue in deeper networks. Crucially, relevant items for users might representation of keys and values. This process can be expanded to
be distant in the interaction space. Although Transformers can per- multi-head attention as:
ceive long-range interactions, they often miss out on the intricacies
of structured data in recommendation scenarios, further challenged MultiHead(h𝑖 ) = Concat(head1, ..., head𝑚 )W𝑚 , (9)
TransGNN: Harnessing the Collaborative Power of Transformers and Graph Neural Networks for Recommender Systems
Conference acronym ’XX, June 03–05, 2018, Woodstock, NY

where 𝑚 is the head number, Concat(·) denotes the concatanate where we pair each ground-truth item 𝑖𝑡 +1 with a negative item
function and W𝑚 is the projection matrix, each head is calculated 𝑖𝑡−+1 that is randomly sampled. 𝑃 (𝑖𝑡 +1 ) and 𝑃 (𝑖𝑡−+1 ) are prediction
as h𝑖 in Equation 7. scores given by TransGNN, 𝜎 (.) denotes the sigmoid function.
3.4.2 GNN Layer. Incorporating interactions and structural nu- 3.6 Complexity Analysis
ances, this layer aids the Transformer in harnessing the user-item
interaction graphs more profoundly. Given node 𝑣𝑖 , the message Here the complexity of TransGNN is presented and discussed. The
passing process of the GNN layer can be described as: overhead of the attention sampling module and the positional en-
coding module can be attributed to the data pre-processing stage.
h𝑀 (𝑣𝑖 ) = Message(h𝑘 , ∀𝑣𝑘 ∈ N (𝑣𝑖 )) The complexity of the attention sampling module is 𝑂 (𝑁 2 ), and
h𝑖 = Combine(h𝑖 , h𝑀 (𝑣𝑖 )), the most complex part of the positional encoding module is the
calculation of the shortest hop matrix P. Considering the graphs
where N (𝑣𝑖 ) is the neighbor nodes set of 𝑣𝑖 . ℎ𝑖 , ℎ𝑘 are the repre-
in real applications are sparse and have positive edge weights,
sentations of 𝑣𝑖 , 𝑣𝑘 respectively. Message(·) and Combine(·) are
Johnson algorithm [1] can be employed to facilitate the analysis.
the message passing function and aggregation function defined by
With the help of the heap optimization, the time and space com-
GNN layer.
plexity can be reduced to 𝑂 (𝑁 (𝑁 + 𝐸) log 𝐸) where 𝑁 is the node
3.4.3 Samples Update Sub-Module. After the Transformer and number, and 𝐸 is the edge number. The extra overhead of the Trans-
GNN layers, the attention samples should be updated upon new GNN module compared with GNNs mainly focus on the Trans-
representations. However, directly calculating the similarity matrix former layer and attention samples update. The extra complexity
incurs a computational complexity of 𝑂 (𝑁 2 ). Here we introduce caused by the Transformer layer is 𝑂 (𝑁𝑘) where 𝑘 is the attention
two efficient strategies for updating the attention samples. samples number, and the extra complexity of samples update is
𝑂 (𝑁𝑘𝑑𝑎 ) for message passing mechanism where 𝑑𝑎 is the average
(i) Random Walk based Update. Recognizing the tendency of
degree (the extra complexity will be 𝑂 (𝑁𝑘𝐿) if we use random
users to exhibit consistent taste profiles, this approach delves into
walk-based update). Therefore, we show that TransGNN has at
the local neighborhoods of each sampled item to uncover poten-
most 𝑂 (𝑁 (𝑁 + 𝐸) log 𝐸) data pre-processing complexity and
tially relevant items. We employ a random walk strategy to explore
linear extra complexity compared with GNNs because 𝑘𝑑𝑎 is
the local neighborhood of every sampled node. Specifically, the
a constant and 𝑘𝑑𝑎 << 𝑁 .
transition probability of the random walk is determined based on
the similarity, as follows:
3.7 Theoretical Analysis
 h h𝑇
Í 𝑖 𝑗

 ⊤, if 𝑣 𝑗 ∈ N (𝑣𝑖 ) Here we demonstrate the expression power of TransGNN via fol-
𝑝𝑖→𝑗 = 𝑙 ∈N (𝑣𝑖 ) h𝑖 h𝑙 (11) lowing two theorems with their proofs.
if 𝑣 𝑗 ∉ N (𝑣𝑖 )

 0,
Theorem 1. TransGNN has at least the expression ability of GNN,

The transfer probability can be calculated efficiently in the message and any GNN can be expressed by TransGNN.
passing process. Based on the transfer probability, we walk a node
sequence with length 𝐿 for each attention sample, and then we Proof. If we add attention mask as top 1 mask, the Eqn of Trans-
choose the new attention samples among the explored nodes upon former layer will become:
new representations. 1
Hout = √ H(W𝑣 + I) (14)
(ii) Message Passing based Update. The random walk-based up- 𝑑 out
date strategy has extra overhead. We propose another update strat- We use the GCN layer as an example and the message passing can
egy that utilizes the message passing of the GNN layer to update be derived as:
the samples without extra overhead. Specifically, we aggregate the H = 𝜎 (AHout W)
attention samples from the neighbor nodes for each central node 1 (15)
in the message passing process of the GNN layer. The intuition = 𝜎 (A √ H(W𝑣 + I)W),
𝑑 out
behind this is that the attention samples of the neighbors may also
be the relevant attention samples of the central nodes. We denote where 𝜎 (·) is the activation function √ and if we set W𝑣 as diagonal
the attention samples set of the neighbor nodes as the attention matrix with the diagonal value as 𝑑 out − 1 and the Equation 15
message, which is defined as follows: will become:
Ø H = 𝜎 (AHW) (16)
Attn_Msg(𝑣𝑖 ) = Smp(𝑣 𝑗 ) ∀𝑣 𝑗 ∈ N (𝑣𝑖 ), (12)
Therefore, TransGNN has at least the expression ability of GNN. □
thus we choose the new attention samples among Attn_Msg(𝑣𝑖 )
for node 𝑣𝑖 based on the new representations. Theorem 2. TransGNN can be more expressive than 1-WL Test.

3.5 Model Optimization Proof. With the help of Transformer layer and positional en-
coding, TransGNN can aggregate more relevant information and
For training our TransGNN model, we employ the pairwise rank
structure information to improve the message passing process,
loss to optimize the relative ranking of items [8]:
which can be more expressive than 1-WL Test [11]. We give an
L = Σ⊓∈ U Σ𝑛𝑡=1 log(𝜎 (𝑃 (𝑖𝑡 +1 ) − 𝑃 (𝑖𝑡−+1 ))), (13) illustration in Figure 2. These two graphs cannot be distinguished
Conference acronym ’XX, June 03–05, 2018, Woodstock, NY Trovato and Tobin, et al.

1 Table 1: Statistics of datasets after preprocessing

1 2 1
2 2 Datasets # Users # Items # Interactions Density
1 Yelp 29,601 24,734 1,527,326 2.1 × 10 −3
1 1 1 2
Gowalla 50,821 24,734 1,069,128 4.0 × 10 −4
Tmall 47,939 41,390 2,357,450 1.2 × 10 −3
Figure 2: Example illustration. The dotted line denotes the Amazon-Book 78,578 77,801 3,200,224 5.2 × 10 −4
receptive field of the Transformer layer, and the color denotes ML-10M 69,878 10,196 9,998,816 1.4 × 10 −2
the similarity relationship.

by 1-WL Test. However, because the transformer layer expand the For dataset preprocessing, we follow the common practice in [19,
receptive field and the positional encoding can capture the local 35, 44]. For all datasets, we convert all numeric ratings or the pres-
structure, they can be distinguish by TransGNN. For example the ence of a review to implicit feedback of 1 (i.e., the user interacted
node in the top left gets the shortest path information {0,1,3,3} and with the item). After that, we group the interaction records by users
{0,1,2,3} respectively. □ and build the interaction sequence for each user by sorting these
interaction records according to the timestamps. To ensure the qual-
4 EXPERIMENTS ity of the dataset, following the common practice [19, 34, 35, 44], we
To evaluate the effectiveness of our TransGNN, our experiments filtered out users and items with too few interactions. The statistics
are designed to answer the following research questions: of the datasets are summarized in Table 1.
• RQ1: Can our proposed TransGNN outperform the state-of the-
4.1.2 Evaluation Protocols. Following the recent CF models [17,
art baselines of different categories?
43], we adopt all-rank evaluation protocol. Under this protocol,
• RQ2: How do the key components of TransGNN (e.g., the atten-
during the evaluation of a user, both the positive items from the
tion sampling, postional encoding, the message passing update)
test set and all the non-interacted items are collectively ranked
contribute to the overall performance on different datasets?
and assessed. For the assessment of recommendation performance,
• RQ3: How do different hyper-parameters affect TransGNN?
we have opted for widely recognized metrics, namely, Recall@N
• RQ4: How does TransGNN perform under different GNN layers?
and Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG@N) [31, 40].
• RQ5: How efficient is TransGNN compared to the baselines?
The value of N in these metrics is set to 20 and 40.
• RQ6: How does the visualization of representations of TransGNN
compared to the baselines? 4.1.3 Baselines. We compare TransGNN with five types of base-
lines: (1) Autoencoder-based method, i.e., AutoR [33]. (2) GNN-
4.1 Experimental Settings based methods, which includes GCMC [4], PinSage [46], NGCF [40],
4.1.1 Datasets. We evaluate the proposed model on five real-world LightGCN [17] and GCCF [7]. (3) Hypergraph-based methods, which
representative datasets (i.e., Yelp, Gowalla, Tmall, Amazon-Book, includes HyRec [39] and DHCF [20]. (4) Self-supervised learn-
and MovieLens), which vary significantly in domains and sparsity: ing enhanced GNN-based methods, which includes MHCN [47],
• Yelp: This commonly-used dataset contains user ratings on SLRec [45] and SGL [43]. (5) To verify the effectiveness of our inte-
business venues collected from Yelp. Following other papers gration of Transformer and GNNs, we also include the Hypergraph
on implicit feedback [19], we treat users’ rated venues as Transformer and Self-supervised learning enhanced method, i.e.,
interacted items and treat unrated venues as non-interacted SHT [44] in comparison.
4.1.4 Reproducibility. We use three Transformer layers with two
• Gowalla: It contains users’ check-in records on geographical
GNN layers sandwiched between them. For the transformer layer,
locations obtained from Gowalla. This evaluation dataset is
multi-head attention is used. For the GNN layer, we use Graph-
generated from the period between 2016 and 2019.
SAGE as the backbone model. We adopt the message passing based
• Tmall: This E-commerce dataset is released by Tmall, con-
attention update in our main experiment. We consider attention
taining users’ behaviors for online shopping. We collect the
sampling size 𝑑 ∈ {5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35} , number of heads ℎ ∈
page-view interactions during December in 2017.
{2, 4, 8, 16, 32}, dropout ratio 𝑑 ∈ [0, 1] and weight decay 𝑑 ∈
• Amazon-Book: Amazon-review is a widely used dataset
[0, 1𝑒 −2 ]. We apply grid search to find the optimal hyper-parameters
for product recommendation [16]. We select Amazon-book
for each model. We use Adam to optimize our model. We train each
from the collection. Similarly, we use the 10-core setting to
model with early stop strategies until the validation recall value
ensure that each user and item have at least ten interactions.
does not improve for 20 epochs on a single NVIDIA A100 SXM4
• MovieLens: This is a popular benchmark dataset for evaluat-
80GB GPU. The average results of five runs are reported.
ing recommendation algorithms [15]. In this work, we adopt
the well-established version, MovieLens 10m (ML-10m),
which contains about 10 million ratings of 10681 movies 4.2 Overall Performance Comparison (RQ1)
by 71567 users. The users of MovieLens 10M dataset are In this section, we validate the effectiveness of our TransGNN
randomly chosen and each user rated at least 20 movies. framework by conducting the overall performance evaluation on
TransGNN: Harnessing the Collaborative Power of Transformers and Graph Neural Networks for Recommender Systems
Conference acronym ’XX, June 03–05, 2018, Woodstock, NY

Table 2: Comparison of recommendation performance with baseline models in numerical values. The results of the best
performing baseline are underlined. The numbers in bold indicate statistically significant improvement (p < .01) by the pairwise
t-test comparisons over the other baselines. ★, ∗ , † and ‡ denote GNN-based, HGNN-based, SSL-enhanced and Transformer-
GNN-based models, respectively.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n)
Dataset Metric
AutoR GCMC★ PinSage★ NGCF★ LightGCN★ GCCF★ HyRec∗ DHCF∗ MHCN† SLRec† SGL† SHT‡ TransGNN Improv.
Recall@20 0.0348 0.0462 0.0471 0.0579 0.0653 0.0462 0.0467 0.0458 0.0646 0.0639 0.0675 0.0651 0.0817 +21.04%
Recall@40 0.0515 0.0836 0.0895 0.1131 0.1203 0.0930 0.0891 0.0851 0.1226 0.1221 0.1269 0.1091 0.1506 +18.68%
NDCG@20 0.0236 0.0379 0.0393 0.0477 0.0532 0.0398 0.0355 0.0376 0.0410 0.0358 0.0555 0.0546 0.0734 +32.25%
NDCG@40 0.0358 0.0443 0.0417 0.0693 0.0828 0.0704 0.0628 0.0716 0.0810 0.0806 0.0871 0.0709 0.0999 +14.70%

Recall@20 0.0235 0.0292 0.0373 0.0402 0.0525 0.0327 0.0333 0.0385 0.0405 0.0394 0.0436 0.0387 0.0608 +15.81%
Recall@40 0.0405 0.0511 0.0594 0.0613 0.0867 0.0619 0.0677 0.0784 0.0783 0.0782 0.0802 0.0645 0.0989 +14.07%
NDCG@20 0.0120 0.0147 0.0221 0.0294 0.0372 0.0257 0.0262 0.0318 0.0337 0.0354 0.0363 0.0262 0.0422 +13.44%
NDCG@40 0.0103 0.0200 0.0310 0.0405 0.0508 0.0402 0.0428 0.0417 0.0473 0.0413 0.0505 0.0352 0.0555 +9.25%

Recall@20 0.1298 0.1395 0.1380 0.1570 0.1820 0.1577 0.1649 0.1642 0.1710 0.1656 0.1709 0.1232 0.1887 +3.68%
Recall@40 0.1359 0.1783 0.1852 0.2270 0.2531 0.2348 0.2333 0.2422 0.2347 0.2331 0.2502 0.1804 0.2640 +4.31%
NDCG@20 0.1178 0.1204 0.1196 0.1327 0.1547 0.1285 0.1452 0.1453 0.1510 0.1473 0.1529 0.0731 0.1602 +3.56%
NDCG@40 0.0963 0.1060 0.1035 0.1102 0.1270 0.1150 0.1162 0.1256 0.1230 0.1213 0.1259 0.0881 0.1318 +3.78%

Recall@20 0.0287 0.0288 0.0282 0.0344 0.0411 0.0415 0.0427 0.0411 0.0552 0.0521 0.0478 0.0740 0.0801 +8.24%
Recall@40 0.0492 0.0539 0.0625 0.0590 0.0741 0.0772 0.0793 0.0824 0.0846 0.0815 0.1023 0.1164 0.1239 +6.44%
NDCG@20 0.0156 0.0224 0.0219 0.0263 0.0318 0.0308 0.0330 0.0312 0.0384 0.0356 0.0379 0.0553 0.0603 +9.04%
NDCG@40 0.0228 0.0336 0.0392 0.0364 0.0461 0.0440 0.0432 0.0414 0.0492 0.0475 0.0531 0.0690 0.0748 +8.41%

Recall@20 0.1932 0.2015 0.2251 0.2136 0.2402 0.2356 0.2371 0.2368 0.2509 0.2415 0.2474 0.2546 0.2668 +4.79%
Recall@40 0.2593 0.2726 0.3050 0.3127 0.3406 0.3321 0.3376 0.3263 0.3424 0.3380 0.3603 0.3794 0.3962 +4.43%
NDCG@20 0.1903 0.2052 0.2359 0.2218 0.2704 0.2682 0.2691 0.2697 0.2761 0.2725 0.2813 0.3038 0.3223 +6.09%
NDCG@40 0.2180 0.2349 0.2452 0.2421 0.2874 0.2802 0.2814 0.2846 0.3007 0.2932 0.3194 0.3384 0.3525 +4.17%

the five datasets and comparing TransGNN with various baselines. due to the incorporation of augmented learning tasks which intro-
The results are presented in Table 2. duce beneficial regularization to the parameter learning processes.
Compared with Autoencoder-based methods like AutoR, we This strategy effectively mitigates overfitting risks based on the
observe that GNN-based methods, including TransGNN, exhibit input data itself. However, TransGNN surpasses these SSL base-
superior performance. This can be largely attributed to the inherent lines, a success we attribute to its global receptive field facilitated by
ability of GNNs to adeptly navigate and interpret the complexities the Transformer architecture. This global perspective enables the
of graph-structured data. Autoencoders, while efficient in latent fea- adaptive aggregation of information at a larger scale, in contrast to
ture extraction, often fall short in capturing the relational dynamics SSL-based methods which are constrained to batch-level sampling,
inherent in user-item interactions, a forte of GNNs. When consid- limiting their scope. Moreover, SSL methods often lack the robust-
ering hypergraph neural networks (HGNNs) such as HyRec and ness required to effectively tackle data noise. TransGNN, with its
DHCF, it’s apparent that they surpass many GNN-based methods attention sampling module, adeptly addresses this challenge by
(e.g., GCMC, PinSage, NGCF, STGCN). The key to this enhanced filtering out irrelevant nodes, thereby refining the graph structure
performance lies in their ability to capture high-order and global and significantly reducing noise influence.
graph connectivity, a dimension where conventional GNNs often An intriguing aspect of TransGNN’s performance is observed
exhibit limitations. This observation underscores the necessity of under different top-K settings in evaluation metrics like Recall@K
models that can comprehend more intricate and interconnected and NDCG@K. Notably, TransGNN demonstrates more substan-
graph structures in recommendation systems. TransGNN stands out tial performance improvements over baseline models when K is
by integrating the Transformer’s strengths, particularly in expand- smaller. This is particularly relevant considering the position bias
ing the receptive field. This integration enables TransGNN to focus in recommendation systems, where users are more inclined to focus
on a broader and more relevant set of nodes, thereby unlocking the on higher-positioned items in recommendation lists. TransGNN’s
latent potential of GNNs in global relationship learning. This syn- efficacy in these scenarios suggests it is well-suited for generat-
thesis is particularly effective in capturing long-range dependencies, ing user-friendly recommendations that align closely with user
which is a notable limitation in standalone GNNs. preferences, especially at the top of the recommendation list.
In the realm of Self-Supervised Learning (SSL), methods like
MHCN, SLRec, and SGL have shown improvements in graph-based
Collaborative Filtering models. These advancements are primarily
Conference acronym ’XX, June 03–05, 2018, Woodstock, NY Trovato and Tobin, et al.

Table 3: Ablation studies on different components. • In examining the sampling update strategies, it is observed that
the random walk-based update (+RW) does not perform as well
Data Yelp Gowalla Tmall
Variants Recall NDCG Recall NDCG Recall NDCG
as the message passing-based update. This could be attributed
Attention Sampling -AS 0.0686 0.0583 0.1492 0.0961 0.0418 0.0349 to the inherent noise in the edges, which might lead the random
-SPE 0.0910 0.0760 0.1836 0.1104 0.0591 0.0412 walk to less relevant nodes, highlighting the superiority of a more
-DE 0.0922 0.0781 0.1873 0.1109 0.0602 0.0416
Positional Encoding structured update mechanism.
-PRE 0.0907 0.0772 0.1845 0.1106 0.0595 0.0417
-PE 0.0704 0.0610 0.1609 0.1013 0.0437 0.0375 • Finally, the absence of the message passing update strategy (-MP)
-Trans 0.0479 0.0391 0.0978 0.0556 0.0237 0.0159
-GNN 0.0390 0.0316 0.0574 0.0341 0.0209 0.0126
results in a performance decline. This suggests that static atten-
+RW 0.0924 0.0782 0.1880 0.1109 0.0601 0.0417 tion samples might become outdated or incomplete as the model
Attention Update
-MP 0.0723 0.0611 0.1550 0.1007 0.0462 0.0360 iterates through training. The dynamic nature of the message
Original TransGNN 0.0927 0.0787 0.1887 0.1121 0.0608 0.0422
passing update ensures that the attention samples remain rele-
vant and reflective of the evolving user-item interactions. This
dynamic updating is crucial in maintaining the accuracy and
4.3 Ablation Study (RQ2) relevance of the recommendations, as it allows TransGNN to
To validate the effectiveness of the proposed modules, we indi- adapt to changes in user preferences and item attributes.
vidually remove the applied techniques in the four major parts of
TransGNN, i.e., the attention sampling module (-AS), the positional 0.0820 14

Best Sampling Size

Recall@20 Time 140
encoding module (-PE), the TransGNN module (-Trans and -GNN) 0.0818 12
0.0816 120 10


Time (ms)
and the attention update module (-MP). We also ablate the detail 0.0814 8
components in our positional encoding module and attention up- 6
0.0810 80
date module. Specifically, we remove the shortest-path-hop-based 0.0808 4
60 2
(-SPE), degree-based (-DE) and pagerank-based (-PRE) positional 0.0804 40 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
encoding, respectively. For the attention update module, we also Sampling Size Datasets Scale
substitute the message passing based attention update into random (a) Sampling size influence. (b) Best size of different data scale.
walk-based update (+RW). We use GraphSAGE as the backbone
GNN to report the performance when ignoring different compo-
Figure 3: Different sampling size influence and best sampling
nents. All the settings are the same as the default. The variants
size for different graph scale.
are re-trained for test on Yelp, Gowalla and Tmall datasets. From
Table 3, we have the following major conclusions:
• When the attention sampling module is removed (-AS), a no-
ticeable performance drop is observed across all datasets. This 4.4 Attention Sampling Study (RQ3)
highlights the critical role of the attention sampling strategy We study the influence of attention sampling size using Yelp as
in TransGNN, which effectively filters out irrelevant nodes in an example. The results can be found in Figure 3. We have the
a global attention context. Without this module, the model be- following observations:
comes less discerning in its node selection, leading to less targeted • In Figure 3(a), when 𝑘 is varied from 5 to 35, a clear pattern
and potentially less relevant recommendations. This underlines emerges. Sampling fewer nodes, while computationally less de-
the importance of focused attention in managing the vast and manding, leads to a noticeable compromise in performance. This
complex user-item interaction space. can be attributed to the fact that with too few nodes sampled, the
• The exclusion of the positional encoding module (-PE) leads to model might miss out on critical information necessary for ac-
compromised results, indicating that the Transformer layer alone curate recommendations. Essential connections in the user-item
cannot capture the structure information adequately. This is fur- graph could be overlooked, leading to a less robust understanding
ther substantiated by the reduced performance observed when of user preferences and item characteristics. On the other end of
individual components of the positional encoding—shortest-path- the spectrum, sampling an excessive number of nodes does not
hop-based (-SPE), degree-based (-DE), and PageRank-based (- yield proportional improvements in performance. This plateau
PRE)—are separately removed. Each of these encodings con- in performance gain despite increased sampling can be linked
tributes uniquely to the model’s understanding of the graph to the model encountering a saturation point. Beyond a certain
topology, reflecting user-item proximity, interaction frequency, threshold, additional nodes do not contribute new or relevant in-
and structural importance, respectively. formation; instead, they add to the computational burden without
• The simultaneous necessity of both the Transformer and GNN enhancing the model’s ability to make accurate predictions.
layers is clearly demonstrated when either is removed (-Trans • In Figure 3(b) we change the graph scale and show the best sam-
and -GNN). The significant decline in performance underscores pling size. Interestingly, we find that a relatively small sampling
the synergistic relationship between these two layers. The Trans- size is found to be sufficient for achieving good performance.
former layer, with its expansive receptive field, brings a global This finding is significant as it suggests that TransGNN can oper-
perspective to the table, while the GNN layer contributes a com- ate efficiently without necessitating extensive computational re-
prehensive understanding of graph topology. Their combined sources. The ability to extract meaningful insights from a smaller
operation is crucial for a holistic approach to user modeling in subset of nodes underscores the effectiveness in identifying the
TransGNN, blending global and local insights. most pertinent information from the user-item interaction graph.
TransGNN: Harnessing the Collaborative Power of Transformers and Graph Neural Networks for Recommender Systems
Conference acronym ’XX, June 03–05, 2018, Woodstock, NY

Table 4: Performance comparison between SHT and Trans- Table 5: Parameters number and execution efficiency analysis
GNN at different layers. of models on Yelp dataset.

Amazon-Book Yelp TransGNN NGCF HyRec SHT

Layer # Method
Recall@20 NDCG@20 # Parameters 1.77M 2.30M 1.91M 1.75M
SHT 0.0712 0.0497
1 Layer # GPU Memory 1.79GB 0.62GB 2.32GB 2.33GB
TransGNN 0.0723 0.0502
# FLOPs (×106 ) 3.74 8.41 5.36 4.89
SHT 0.0740 0.0553
2 Layer Training Cost (per epoch) 4.75s 7.88s 3.65s 3.97s
TransGNN 0.0772 0.0565
Inference Cost (per epoch) 16.95s 27.07s 12.48s 12.57s
SHT 0.0725 0.0541
3 Layer Recall@20 0.0927 0.0294 0.0472 0.0651
TransGNN 0.0801 0.0603
SHT 0.0713 0.0513
4 Layer
TransGNN 0.0805 0.0606
SHT 0.0684 0.0467
5 Layer essence, such as real-time recommendation systems or applica-
TransGNN 0.0807 0.0609
tions with frequent model updates.
• Furthermore, when the scale of the graph is varied, it is observed • Furthermore, TransGNN achieves comparable, if not superior,
that only a marginal increase in the number of samples is re- training and inference times relative to DHCF and SHT, while
quired as the graph size expands. This is a particularly important simultaneously maintaining a smaller memory footprint. This
observation as it indicates the scalability of TransGNN. Even as balance between speed and resource utilization is crucial in sce-
the complexity of the graph increases, the model does not re- narios where computational resources are limited. The lower
quire a proportionately large increase in resources to maintain its memory requirement, quantified at 20% 30% less than the other
performance. This scalability is crucial for practical applications models, underscores TransGNN’s suitability for deployment in
where the size of the dataset can be large and varied. environments with constrained computational resources.
• Additionally, TransGNN’s minimal Floating Point Operations
4.5 Study on the number of GNN Layers (RQ4) (FLOPs) compared to all baselines is a testament to its computa-
tional efficiency. This aspect is particularly important for deploy-
Our investigation focuses on evaluating the performance impli- ment on low-resource devices, where managing computational
cations stemming from alterations in the number of GNN layers, overhead is critical. The lower FLOPs indicate that TransGNN
as outlined in Table 4. Within this analysis, the performance of requires fewer computational resources to perform the same
SHT exhibits improvement up to a two-layer configuration but tasks as its counterparts, which is a significant advantage in
exhibits degradation with the inclusion of additional layers, sug- resource-constrained environments.
gesting the onset of over-smoothing phenomena within deeper
network architectures. In contrast, TransGNN displays augmented
performance metrics with an escalating count of layers, indicative 4.7 Visualization (RQ6)
of its efficacy in mitigating over-smoothing effects and capturing We visualize the user interaction sequence embedding for different
extensive dependencies across the graph structure. This observed candidate next-click items by t-SNE [36]. We conduct the visual-
disparity underscores TransGNN’s advanced adeptness in navigat- ization on Yelp with eight different target items, and each target
ing the complexities inherent in deeper graph networks, thereby item has more than 1000 query sequence pairs. The results are
establishing it as a robust solution for recommendation systems. shown in Figure 4. From the results, we can find that the cluster
property of the representations produced by GNNs-based baselines
4.6 Complexity and Efficiency Analysis (RQ5) is not as good as that of ours. This difference can be attributed to
certain inherent limitations of GNNs. Primarily, GNNs tend to rely
We conduct an analysis on TransGNN’s execution efficacy, as delin-
heavily on edges within the graph. While this is generally effective,
eated in Table 5. Comparing with GNN-based (i.e., NGCF), Hypergraph-
it can also be a drawback, particularly when the graph contains
based (i.e., HyRec) and Transformer-GNN-based baselines (i.e., SHT),
noisy or irrelevant edges. Such edges can inadvertently introduce
we have the following observations:
less relevant information into the node embeddings, leading to
• TransGNN has a relatively fewer GPU memory cost. This effi-
less distinct clusters in the visualization. Besides, we also find that
ciency stems from the model’s node sampling strategy for the
compared with the SHT, TransGNN can cluster the relevant nodes
Transformer component, which circumvents the need for atten-
better, because TransGNN leverages both Transformer and GNN
tion calculations across the entire graph. By targeting only the
layers, allowing it to extend its receptive field beyond immediate
most relevant nodes, TransGNN significantly cuts down on the
neighbors. This expanded field enables TransGNN to capture a
computational load that would typically be associated with pro-
broader context, encompassing both local and more distant, yet
cessing large graphs. This approach not only conserves memory
relevant, interactions.
but also makes the model more agile and adaptable to varying
dataset sizes and complexities.
• TransGNN has better efficiency in both training (30% 40% less 5 CONCLUSION
time) and inference (30% − 40% less time) compared with NGCF. In this paper, we propose TransGNN to help GNN expand its recep-
The time saved in both training and inference phases makes tive field with low overhead. We first use three kinds of positional
TransGNN a viable option for scenarios where speed is of the encoding to capture the structure information for the transformer
Conference acronym ’XX, June 03–05, 2018, Woodstock, NY Trovato and Tobin, et al.

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