01 - NX - CAM High Productivity Part Manufacturing - Eng PDF
01 - NX - CAM High Productivity Part Manufacturing - Eng PDF
01 - NX - CAM High Productivity Part Manufacturing - Eng PDF
The NX CAM advantage
NX for manufacturing
Key capabilities in NX CAM
Complete the
process chain with NX
NX CAM provides a wide range of NX CAM has a tightly integrated post- NX provides advanced CAD tools that
functionality, from simple NC processing system. Multiple levels of NC can be used by the NC programmer for
programming to multi-axis machining, program validation include G-code-driven everything from modeling new parts to
enabling NC programmers to address simulation, which eliminates the need for creating setup drawings directly from
many tasks using one system. separate simulation packages. 3D model data.
The flexibility of NX CAM means that the Ease of use For manufacturing, NX offers special
most demanding jobs can be completed applications alongside CAM, including tool
easily. For maximum productivity, users can work design and inspection programming
on the system graphically. For example, modules. The 3D model moves seamlessly
Programming automation selecting and moving the 3D model of the between applications without data
tool to adjust a tool path is a fast and translation.
Advanced feature-based machining intuitive way to drive the system.
provides extra value in programming Connecting NX to Teamcenter® software
automation. The dialog boxes use graphics with clear for data and process management
annotation to indicate what values are establishes a basis for an extended part
With feature-based machining pro- required for menu input. manufacturing solution. All types of data
gramming time can be reduced by as from 3D part models to setup sheets, tool
much as 90 percent. lists and CNC output files can be fully
Advanced programming capabilities
Industry leader
in advanced
NC programming
Advanced programming capabilities
NX Turbomachinery Milling
for easy programming
of multi-bladed parts
Application-specific programming
Ten times faster
Programming automation
Feature-based machining (FBM) You can easily configure, add or modify the
feature-based machining operations and how
You can automatically create optimized they are selected using a simple editor
machine programs directly from part (Machining Knowledge Editor).
design models by using feature-based
machining in NX. FBM automatically PMI-driven machining. NX can read product
recognizes and programs a wide range of and manufacturing information (PMI), such
machining feature types including: as tolerances and surface finish, that is
attached to the model and drive the
• Prismatic machining method selection.
• Turning
• Wire EDM For example, a tight tolerance might require
• Color and attributes a specific finishing process and tool. NX CAM
can read the tolerance data added to the NX
Each machining step is selected using design model and use it to select the correct
a configurable logic and criteria managed machining operations. In this way, the PMI
in a machining database provided as a part data drives the NC programming and
of the system (as shown below). machining.
Database of operations
Machining process elements
Operation 1
Roughing 3
Operation 2 Semi-finish 2
Finish 1
Operation 3
Machining data library Process templates
Machining wizards
Optimized output for
Siemens Sinumerik
Postprocessor library
simulation –
all in NX
Machining simulation
Ease of use
NX encourages the user to drive the The operation navigator keeps critical
system graphically as much as possible. information accessible to the programmer
It is much faster and more intuitive to and facilitates re-use. A rich information
control a tool by selecting and moving the environment displays the operation
3D tool model on the screen than typing sequences and dependencies while
numbers into a menu. tracking tool usage and facilitating
associative part data.
Intuitive user interface
Integrated workflow tutorials and
You can increase productivity by documentation
leveraging the latest user interaction
techniques and predefined programming NX provides step-by-step tutorials for
environment. various programming processes, including
die, mill-turn and aerospace machining.
These tutorials are directly accessible from
You can easily edit 3D
models with a simple drag
and drop
The latest CAD technology in NX enables NX leverages the master model concept
the NC programmer to rapidly prepare part to facilitate concurrent design and NC
models, including third-party CAD models. programming by linking all functions, such
as CAM and CMM, back to the single model
With synchronous technology, you definition of the part.
can directly edit the part model and
prepare it for NC programming, including As a result, the NC programmer can start
closing holes and gaps, offsetting faces programming a part before the designer
and resizing part features. is finished. Full associativity ensures
subsequent updates of NC operations as
NX offers a set of specialized CAD the design model changes.
functions that enables the NC programmer
to quickly analyze the part before creating Modeling, assemblies and drafting
the NC operations.
NX provides one of the most powerful
sets of CAD functions available on the
market today. These functions are
packaged with NX CAM for the NC
programmer who needs to model parts,
stock shapes, fixtures or machine tools
for simulation.
solution for the
NX for manufacturing
Expandable Inspection programming NX offers CMM machine simulation,
which you can use to run kinematic model-
NX offers a programming application that based simulations of the machine to verify
helps you create inspection programs for that all features are reachable, as well as
coordinate measuring machines (CMM). to verify that machine limits are not
NX CMM Inspection Programming enables
you to use streamlined workflows to
minimize rampup time and quickly
generate collision-free programs. You
can reduce nonconformance and ensure
accuracy to design requirements by
programming directly on the CAD model.
Product Design
Part model Tooling and Direct numerical Virtual machine
preparation fixture design CAM control CNC
The CAD-CAM-CNC process chain supports Shop floor applications are available,
the core machining solution. Many including distributed numerical control
companies need additional applications (DNC), to connect Teamcenter-managed
and other equipment to complete their data directly to machine tools. Shop floor
part manufacturing process. tool data management solutions can use
plan data and interfaces to equipment
A solution to match your needs such as tool presetters.
NX CAM – A full range of capability
NX CAM offers a wide range of in-depth NC programming capabilities that allows the NC programmer to address
many tasks using one system.
2 1/2-axis milling This module facilitates simple milling and drilling that’s used on almost every job. Zig-zag,
offset and plunge milling are examples of the tool paths provided. Methods can range
from manual tool positioning to advanced trochoidal roughing. Any of the milling
modules can be combined with the turning module for mill-turn support.
3-axis milling Roughing, rest milling, semi-finishing and contoured surface finishing address the
challenges of freeform surfaces. This capability includes additional functions needed for
high-speed machining.
5-axis milling Flexible 5-axis programming functions are available with highly automated geometry
selection and precise tool axis control.
Turbomachinery milling Specialized 5-axis NC programming operations are supported for complex multi-bladed
rotational parts, such as blisks and impellers.
Turning This module provides simple 2-axis turning as well as multi-spindle, multi-turret applications.
The system can work with solids or wireframe or even 2D profiles. For mill-turn machines,
this module can be combined with any of the milling modules as needed.
Wire EDM 2- to 4-axis programming is supported, including multi-pass profiling, wire reversing and
area removal.
FBM Author These capabilities enable you to create and modify feature definitions and rules-driven
automation processes through our Machining Knowledge Editor.
NC simulation Fully integrated, G-code-driven machining simulation uses postprocessed output for the most
complete simulation. Simultaneous multi-channel motion is synchronized and analyzed.
The included Machine Tool Builder constructs realistic, kinematic machine assemblies.
Advanced CAD for The latest NX CAD technology is provided to facilitate fast 3D model preparation and
NC programming editing. This NC programming capability can be used to create 3D models of stock shapes,
machine tool assemblies, tools and fixtures. The level of the CAD functionality depends
on the selected CAM package.
Maximize the
value of your
software investment
Foundation • • • • •
2 ½-Axis Milling • • • •
3-Axis Milling • • • •
5-Axis Milling • • •
Turbomachinery Milling •
Turning • •
Wire EDM (NX30431) •
Feature Based Machining Author •
NC Simulation • • •
Advanced CAD for NC programming* • • • •
* The Foundation module includes a range of CAD editing functions. The Advanced CAD for NC programming functions (level 1 or level 2) are included
in the NX CAM packages as shown above. Each of the other CAM modules is available as a separate add-on.
About Siemens PLM Software
Siemens PLM Software, a business unit of the Siemens
Digital Factory Division, is a leading global provider of
product lifecycle management (PLM) and manufacturing
operations management (MOM) software, systems and
services with over nine million licensed seats and more
than 77,000 customers worldwide. Headquartered in Plano,
Texas, Siemens PLM Software works collaboratively with its
customers to provide industry software solutions that help
companies everywhere achieve a sustainable competitive
advantage by making real the innovations that matter. For
more information on Siemens PLM Software products and
services, visit www.siemens.com/plm.