Waves and The Wave Motion How Are Waves Produced?

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Licencia de Funcionamiento – Resolución N.º 198 de 28 de enero de 2008 y Resolución 1768 del 28 de junio de
2019 de Jornada Única
NIT 900213748-1 DANE N.º 111001107883- 51100202347




The waves are produced when a disturbance occurs in a

Many of the phenomena that we observe in nature have balanced physical system. By moving a mass attached
to do with waves and their transmission. Sound and to the end of a spring, or throwing a stone into a pond,
light, for example, are phenomena related to the disturbances occur.
propagation of wave movements. Thus, the fact that we
can observe colors or listen to music is due to wave The vibrations give rise to the waves. The voice, for
movements, each with its own particular characteristics. example, is produced by the movement of the vocal
cords which transmit their movement or vibration to the
particles in the air. This vibration reaches our ears, in
PRELIMINARY CONCEPTS the form of a wave, thus producing sound.

The definition of wave implies some preliminary

concepts. Let's see: ELEMENTS OF THE WAVES

Physical System: It is any region of space together with The following elements can be distinguished in all
the elements found in it. The physical system must be types of waves: Crest, valley, wavelength, amplitude,
clearly delimited in order to facilitate its study. For frequency, period, wavefront and ray.
example: A gas contained in a container, the water in a
pond, the leaves of a tree and a mobile moving on a The ridge and valley are the upper and lower portions,
highway are physical systems. respectively, of the graphical representation of a wave.

Balance and disturbance Imagine a pond whose surface Wavelength (λ) is the straight-line distance between
is still because there is no wind or other external factor two consecutive points that are in the same state of
causing any alteration or disturbance in it. We can say vibration. For example, the distance between two
that the pond's physical system is in equilibrium. consecutive ridges or two valleys. This length is
A body or group of bodies is in equilibrium when its measured in meters or centimeters.
characteristics do not change over time. Now, if you
throw a stone into the center of the pond, you will Amplitude (A) is the distance from the crest or valley of
immediately start to observe the formation of circular the wave to the equilibrium line.
waves on its surface: you broke the balance of the
system because, by throwing the stone, you made a Frequency (f) is the number of oscillations or
disturbance on it. A disturbance is any phenomenon that wavelengths that propagate in one second. Frequency is
alters the characteristics of a physical system that was measured in a unit called hertz (Hz). One hertz is one
in equilibrium. oscillation per second.

Period (T) is the time it takes for the disturbance to

THE WAVES travel a distance equal to one wavelength. The period is
measured in seconds.
Consider the following physical system: a pond without
any movement, with a float on its surface. Imagine you The wavefront is the surface made up of all the points
throw a stone in the center of the pond. When the that are reached by a wave at the same instant.
circular movements produced on the surface of the
water reach the float, it will oscillate up and down along The ray represents any direction in which a wave
with the water that supports it. Once this movement motion is propagated.
ends you will see that the float is exactly in the same
place where it was before.
When a disturbance spreads without there being
displacement of the affected bodies, we say that a wave There are several criteria that exist to classify the
has been generated. The kind of motion that propagates waves:
as a consequence of the wave is called wave motion.
Depending on the propagation medium, the waves can 2. What is a physical system? From an example
be mechanical or electromagnetic.
3. When is a body or group of bodies said to be in
Mechanical waves are those that require a material equilibrium?
medium for their propagation. In nature, particles are
not isolated, but are attached to each other, constituting 4. What is a disturbance?
material means. These can be solid, liquid or gaseous.
For this reason, when a particle of a material medium 5. When do we say that a wave has been generated?
begins to oscillate, it ends up spreading its vibration to
the particles around it. These in turn will also transmit 6. What do we call wave motion?
their vibrations to the adjacent particles, making the
propagation take place continuously. 7. How are the waves produced?

Electromagnetic waves are those that propagate in 8. How is the voice produced?
space, that is, they do not need a material medium to
propagate. Light, radio waves, and X-rays are examples 9. What are the elements of a wave?
of electromagnetic waves.
10. Define each of the elements of a wave
If we consider the direction of propagation of the waves
and the direction in which the particles in the medium 11. How are waves classified according to the
vibrate, we can distinguish two classes of waves: propagation medium?
longitudinal waves and transverse waves.
12. What are mechanical waves?
Longitudinal waves are those that propagate in the same
direction in which the particles vibrate. An example is 13. What are the media formed by the union of particles
the wave that occurs in a spring with blocks attached to called?
it. The blocks will oscillate horizontally, in the same
direction that the spring stretches and compresses. 14. In what states can the material means be?
Sound waves and some of the waves produced during
earthquakes are also longitudinal waves. 15. What happens when a particle in a material medium
begins to oscillate?
Transverse waves are those in which the direction of
propagation is perpendicular to the direction of the 16. What are electromagnetic waves? Of examples
oscillations. An example of this type of wave is that
produced by a rope. The wave is transmitted 17. What are longitudinal waves? From an example
horizontally but each point on the string oscillates
vertically. Electromagnetic and gravitational waves are 18. What are transverse waves? From an example
also examples of transverse waves.


A).Watch the following video:


Answer the questions in relation to the text:

1. What phenomena are related to the propagation of

wave movements?
1. The phenomena that are related to the propagation of wave movements are sound and light.
2. It is any región of space to gether with the elements found in it most be clearly delmeted in
order to facilitate its study. for example the water in aponde.
3. a body or group of bodies is in equilibrium when its characteristic do not change over time.
4. a disturbance is any phenomenon that allows the characteristics of a physical system that
was in equilibrium.
5. When a disturbance spreads without there being displacement of the affects bodies we say
that was in equilibrium.
6. it is the type of movement that propagates as a consequence of the wave, it is called ware
7. the waves are produced when a disturbance occurs in a balanced physical system.
8. is produced by the movements of the vcdp cords which transmit their vibration to the
particle in the air this vibration teaner our pars in the form of a wave itus producing sounds.
9. it is a crest valley wavelength amplitude frequency, period, wavefront and ray.
10.the crest and valley is the straight line distance between hard consecutive points that are in
the same state of a abratron is measured in meters a centimeters.
AMPLITUDE: is the distance fromthe crest or valley of the ware to the equilibrium line.
WAVELENGTH: is the stranght line distance between consecutive points that are in
thesome state of vibration measured in meter o centimeters.
FRENQUENCY: is the number of oscillations or ware lengths that propagate retone
seconds is measured in a unit called Hertz.
PERIOD: is the time it takes for the distance to trace a distance equal to one wavelength is
measured in seconds.
WARETRANT: is the surface made up of all the points that are fender by a wave at the
same propagated.
RAY: represents any direction in which a wave motion is propagated.
11. electromagnetic waves, longitudinal waves and transverse waves.
12. are those that require a father promangation.
13. the union of partide provides a wave motion and this is know as the medium of farm.
14. they can be in solid, liquid, and gaseous.
15.when a particle of a material medium begins to oscillate, it ends up spreading its vibration to
the particles around it also transmit their vibration to the adicional partide, making the
propagation take place continuosly.
16.are those that propagate in space, that is, they do not need a material medium to propagate,
light, radio o waves, etc.
17.are those he that propagate in the same direction in which the particles vibration and
example is the wave that occurs in a spinning with blocks attached.
18.are those in which the direction of propagation to the direction of the oscillations and
example is that procured by a rape.

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