Budget of Work in English 2: UNIT 1 - I Can Get Along
Budget of Work in English 2: UNIT 1 - I Can Get Along
Budget of Work in English 2: UNIT 1 - I Can Get Along
Department of Education
Region III- Central Luzon
Schools Division of Bulacan
District of Pandi North
Mapulang Lupa, Pandi Bulacan
UNIT 1 - I Can Get Along
Day 2 (-id,-in,-ill)
Join onset and rimes to form words(-it,-ip,-ig) 1
UNIT 2 – My Home, My Family
No. of Days
Learning Competencies TARGET ACTUAL
Lesson 1: Oops! It's My Turn 2
State details of text or story during and after
WK1 reading
Express their feelings about the ideas of others
Read with automaticity high frequency/sight
Lesson2: We Do Things Together 1
Share ideas on the things the family do together
Make Simple Wh-questions
Lesson 3: This is Home 1
Identify the elements in a story read
Lesson 4:Having Fun Together 1
Decode words with long /ā/ sound
WK 2 Lesson 5:I am a Part of a Family 1
Decode words with long vowel /i/
Lesson 6:Together as One 1
Infer what the story is about
Read the text aloud with fluency and expression
Answer simple questions about the story read
Lesson 7: Keep Things Tidy 2
Use clues to make and justify predictions
before, during and after reading
Lesson 8: I have a Cool Family 1
Identify and produce the sounds of /oo/
Read words with /oo/ sounds
WK 3 Lesson 9: More Fun at the Camp 1
Identify synonyms
Use synonyms in sentences
Lesson 10: Meet My Family 1
Identify the verb
Use the verbs to show action
Lesson 11: "Wake Up! Wake Up!" 1
Share experiences, feelings and emotions using
Mother Tongue and English
Read the story with accuracy
Lesson 12: Talking About Action Words 1
Identify action words in sentences
Form and use past tense frequently occuring
regular verbs
WK 4 Lesson 13:Time Attack 2
Recognize that by adding -s, -ing, -ed to a
rootword will change the time
expression of a verb
Lesson 14: I See Double 1
Identify the sound of /ee/ which is not in the
Mother Tongue
Read words/sentences with the /ee/ sound
Lesson 15: Making Stories on Our Own 1
Follow simple directions
Illustrate activity in a story
Work with the group cooperatively
Lesson 16: Off for a Picnic 1
Use clues to make and justify predictions
before, during and after reading
Recognize which incident comes before and
after a given event
WK 5 Lesson 17: What We Did 1
Form and use the past tense of regular verbs by
adding -ed to the verb
Lesson 18:I Can Help 1
Classify common words into conceptual
Lesson 19:"It's Time for Bed" 1
Make predictions from given clues
Arrange events of a story read
Lesson 20: We Do Many Things at Home 1
Demonstrate the concept of words that make
up a sentence
Divide the spoken sentences in English into
individual words
WK 6 Lesson 21: "We are Filipinos" 1
Answer Wh-questions
Share inter and intra personal experiences,
feelings and emotions
Interact with others using correct intonation in
introducing and
acknowledging others
Lesson 22: Words with Same Beginning and
Ending Sound 1
State facts and details of text during and after
Classify/categorize speech sound heard
Lesson 23: Rhyming Words 1
Classify/categorize speech sound heard in poem
Participate in generating ideas through
prewriting activities
Lesson 24: Phoneme Manipulation
(Substitution of Initial Sound) 1
Manipulate individual phonemes (substitution
of initial sound)
Lesson 25: Phoneme Manipulation
WK 7 (substitution of Final Sound) 1
Manipulate individual phonemes (substitution
of final sound)
Lesson 26: Wonderworks 1 1
Describe/talk about ones experience
Read aloud Grade 2 level text
Lesson 27:Wonderworks 2 1
Answer Wh-questions
State facts and details of text during and after
Lesson 28: Grouping Together 1
Classify common words into conceptual
Participate in generating ideas through
prewriting activities
WK 8 Lesson 29:Recognizing Sound Differences 1
Recognize and discriminate same or different
Participate in generating ideas through
prewriting activities
Lesson 30: What's the Word? 1
Manipulate individual phonemes (deleting)
Lesson 31: The Little Sampaguita Girl Part 1 1
Answerv Wh-questions
Share inter and intra personal experiences,
feelings and emotions
Express feelings, opinion through journal
Lesson 32: The Little Sampaguita Girl Part 2 1
Use clues to justify predictions before, during
and after reading
Read aloud Grade 2 level text
WK 9 Lesson 33: Summer is Fun 1
Answer wh-questions
Use clues to justify predictions before, during
and after reading (themes and prior knowledge)
Lesson 34: Graph It Out 1
Answer Wh-questions
Use clues to justify predictions before, during
and after reading(graphs)
Interpret bar graphs and tables
Lesson 35: Stop, Look and Listen! 1
Use an understanding of incidents, characters
and setting to make and
validate prediction
Express feelings, opinion through journal
Lesson 36: I am Talented 1
Answer Wh-questions
Identify the use of the elements of an
information/factual text heard
Express feelings, opinion through journal
WK 10 Lesson 37: Listen Up! 1
Identify the use of the elements of an
information/factual text heard
Express idea through illustrations or story board
Lesson 38: Speak Up! 1
Identify and use the elements of an
informational/factual text heard – Conversation.
Express feelings, opinion through journal, log,
Lesson 39: Anecdotes 1
State facts and details of text during and after
Identify and use the elements of an
informational/factual text heard – personal
Share inter and intra personal experiences
feelings and emotions using Mother Tongue and
English – Describe/talk about ones experience
Lesson 40: Water, Water, Everywhere! 1
State facts and details of text during and after
Identify and use the elements of an
informational/factual text heard – explanation
(life cycle, water cycle).
UNIT 3 – School Is Fun
No. of Days
Learning Competencies TARGET ACTUAL
WK 1 Lesson 1: Noting Details 1
Identify Important details in expository text
listened to
Hear and record initial, medial and final sound
Lesson2: Things Here 1
Use demonstrative Pronouns ( This/That)
Lesson 3:Things There 1
Use demonstrative Pronouns ( These/Those)
Lesson 4:Consonants Clusters and Blends 1
Make connections of text to self
Read the alphabet of English (r,s,t)
Match consonants blends/clusters sound to
their corresponding letter
WK 2 Lesson 5: A Proud Filipino Boy 1
Read aloud Grade 2 level text
Make connections of text to self
Express feelings, opinions through journals, logs,
Lesson 6: Which Word? 1
Answer Wh-questions
Identify and describe the main character
Lesson 7: Talented Two 1
Identify and describe the characters of the story
Retell the story heard
Lesson 8: Tell Me Who, What, Where, When,
Why and How 1
Use questions words interrogatives
Write a simple story
Lesson 9:I Love My Family and Everyone In
WK 3 School 1
Recite known verses, poems, rhymes and stories
in English
Instill the values of Love/ Concern for Family
and Future Generation
Lesson 10: Writing A Simple Story 1
Write a simple story
Instill the value of concern for family and future
Lesson 11: Real or Made-up 1
Tell whether the event is fiction or non-fiction
Give the synonyms of words
Lesson 12: Fiction or Non-Fiction 1
Tell whether the event is fiction or non-fiction
Participate in group and individual oral
interpretation of short
poems, rhymes, and stories in English
WK 4 Lesson 13: Adjectives 1
Use words to identify and describe persons,
places, things, animals and events
Lesson 14: What Sound? 1
Identify the basic sequence of events and make
relevant predictions
Read words that begin with consonant digraphs
Lesson 15: Writing A Simple Using Adjectives
Write a simple story
Use adjectives
Lesson 16: What Do You Mean? 1
Determine what words mean from how they are
used in a sentence
WK 5 Lesson 17: Good Study Habits 1
Share personal experiences about developing
good study habit
Tell the importance of having good study habits
and the value of hard work
Lesson 18: Let's Give a Clearer Picture 1
Use words to identify and describe persons,
places, things, animals and events
Listen to and perform simple instructions
Lesson 19: Just One Sound 1
Read and spell one to two -syllable common
words with consonants digraphs
Follow directions
Lesson 20: Memory Game 1
Listen to and follow simple directions.
Recognize the value of having good study habits.
WK 6 Lesson 21: I Can Follow Directions 1
Identify sounds and count syllables in words
Identify title, author and book illustrator
Follow a set of verbal three-step directions with
picture cues
Lesson 22: I Can Perform 1
Retell familiar stories to other children
Dramatize familiar stories, rhymes and poems
using English
Lesson 23: I Can Obey 1
Sort Information alphabetically by the 1st letter
Use the most frequently occurring prepositions
Lesson 24: I Can Match Letter Patterns 1
Match sounds to their corresponding letter
WK 7 Lesson 25: I Can Shorten Words 1
Identify some words that comprise contractions
Lesson 26: I Can Retell Stories 1
Participate in the retelling of poems and stories
Arrange pictures as they happened in the story
Lesson 27: I Can Respond to Situations 1
Dramatize familiar stories, rhymes and poems
using English
Lesson 28: I Can Describe Pictures 1
Use the most frequently occurring prepositions
WK 8 Lesson 29: I Can Read Graphs 1
Interpret bar graphs and tables
Lesson 30: I Can Connect Sounds 1
Match sounds to their corresponding letter
Lesson 31: I Can Perform Simple Instructions 1
Listen to and perform simple instructions
Lesson 32: I Can Do Things 1
Sequence information from a procedural text
WK 9 Lesson 33: I Can Write 1
The students are able to begin to see that some
words mean the same
Write simple sentences on context
Lesson 34: I Can Meet Friends 1
Match sounds to their corresponding letter
Lesson 35:I Can Tell What is Important 1
Identify Important details in expository text
listened to
Lesson 36:I Can Tell the Sound 1
Match sounds to their corresponding letter
Diphthongs - ow
Lesson 37: I Can Tell What is Next 1
Infer/predict outcomes
Recognize that some words have opposite
Lesson 38: I Can Share Things 1
The students should be able to:
Perform dialogues, drama, mock interview, TV
talk show, etc.
Lesson 39: I Can Use a Map 1
Interpret simple maps of unfamiliar places, signs
and symbols
UNIT 4 – I Belong to a Community
No. of Days
Learning Competencies TARGET ACTUAL
WK 1 Lesson 1: I am a Man for Others 1
Participate in group and individual oral
interpretation of short
stories in English
Identify and differentiate sentences and non-
Lesson 2: My Responsibility, My Community 1
Prepared by:
School English Coordinator