Let The Wetlands Stand

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Let The Wetlands Stand

By : The Banana Slug String Band

Lyrics :

1. Wetland life is really the best

Migrating birds stop here to nest
It’s a restaurant and a fine hotel
It’s a habitat that serves life well
There are wetlands the whole world round
In every continent and country wetlands can be found

2. Chorus:
They’re the link between water and land
Hold on to our wetlands let our wetlands stand (2x)

3. There are wetlands inland and out by the sea

There’s a marsh, a swamp and an estuary
There’s an oxbow lake, a vernal pool too
A bottomland, a bog, a fen and a slough
There are many names for wetlands its plain to see
But one thing they have in common is hydrology


4. If the water table’s high or the water table’s low

It soaks it up like a sponge or it lets it go
It’s like a water filter so the water will be
Reduced in pollution and silt free
Wetlands aren’t wastelands as some have said
They’re a vital part of our watershed


5. Bridge:
Our wetlands disappear each year
They’re dredged, drained and filled
For housing tracts or parking lots
or new farms to be tilled
More than before we know for sure
they’re more than mud and sand
Hold on to our wetlands, let or wetlands stand

6. When you go to the wetlands get down low

Put your feet in the mud let it ooze between your toes
Stand real still and listen to the sound
The bounty of life is humming all around
Find a wetland near you and go there today
Get to know its wild side, try to keep it that way

Source : https://bananaslugs.bandcamp.com/track/let-the-wetlands-stand (Jan 11th 2017)


Answer the following questions related to the song:

1. What do you think about the song?

2. What is the message for each verse of the song?
3. What is the moral value of the song?
4. What do you think about wetlands after you heard the song? Does the song change your view
about wetlands? Why?
5. Are there any words that you do not know the meaning? Write and find out its definition.
A. You are going to read an article below about three people who won 35.000-pound sterling to help
their local environment. What do you think their projects are?
1. Where does the person work?
2. How did they first get interested in conservation?
3. What wildlife are they trying to protect?
4. Does the person work with local people? What does he/she do?
5. What does the person hope will happen in the future?

B. Work in your group. Use the information in B to discuss these questions. Report your result to other
1. What do the people and their projects have in common?
2. Do you think one project is more important than the others?
3. Which project would you like to visit or help? Why?

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