Process of 2550M/2550Q and SLSP: Esubmission@bir -

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Process of 2550M/2550Q and SLSP

1. Gathering of Data
a. Request to the clients their sales and purchases.
b. Get the receipts of their purchases.
2. Encoding of the Receipt
a. Data to be encoded
i. Date
ii. Sales Invoice or Official Receipt No.
iii. TIN of Supplier
iv. Name of Supplier
v. Address of Supplier
vi. Total Amount
vii. Vatable Amount
viii. Vat Exempt
ix. Input VAT
3. Compute for VAT payable
4. Submit to Compliance Department Head for approval
a. If approved - proceed to Step 5.
b. If not approved - recompute
5. Submit to the Billing Department for billing
6. File the Vat return
a. For efps filers – use efps facility
b. For non-efps filers – use ebirforms
7. Submit to the Finance Department for payment
8. Encoding of Sales and Purchases to the BIR Relief
9. Generate the encoded sales and purchases.
10. Validate the files generated.
a. If no error
i. For non-efps filers – save the file in Compact Disk-Recordable (CD-R) and
proceed to Step 11 (for quarterly return only)
ii. For efps filers – proceed to Step 11 (for quarterly return only)
b. If there is an error – check the data encoded and correct the error.
11. Send the generated file to
- This is for Quarterly Return (2550Q) only.
12. Print the esub validation report
a. For non-efps filers – Submit the validation report together with the CD-R and
transmittal form for SLSP to RDO where the taxpayer is registered.
b. For efps filers – Attached the validation to the 2550Q form for filing.
13. Submit the BIR Forms with payment, Validation Report, and the Transmittal Form
received by BIR (for non-efps filer) to the Filing Department.

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