Flow Behavior and Strength For y Ash Blended Cement Paste and Mortar
Flow Behavior and Strength For y Ash Blended Cement Paste and Mortar
Flow Behavior and Strength For y Ash Blended Cement Paste and Mortar
Gulf Organisation for Research and Development
Original Article/Research
Flow behavior and strength for fly ash blended cement paste and mortar
B. Kondraivendhan a,⇑, B. Bhattacharjee b
Applied Mechanics Department, S.V. National Institute of Technology, Surat 395007, India
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi 110016, India
In this study, compressive strength and flow behavior of fly ash incorporated cement paste and mortar were investigated. For this
purpose, four water to binder ratios (w/(c + f )) such as 0.25, 0.35, 0.45 and 0.55 with three curing ages and five wide range of fly
ash replacement levels (f/c ratio) namely 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 were introduced in the experimental scheme. The workability of the
mixture was ensured through Marsh cone and flow table tests for fly ash blended cement paste and mortar, respectively. The test result
showed that compressive strength increases with age as expected in all cases and an empirical relationship for compressive strength of
blended cement paste and mortar with mix factors such as w/(c + f ) ratio, f/c ratio and age is also proposed. The estimated compressive
strength versus w/(c + f ) ratio curves for different curing ages and f/c ratios resembles the nature of Abrams’ strength versus w/c ratio
Ó 2015 The Gulf Organisation for Research and Development. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2212-6090/Ó 2015 The Gulf Organisation for Research and Development. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
B. Kondraivendhan, B. Bhattacharjee / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 4 (2015) 270–277 271
strength and durability. Presently, fly ash and cement con- cement paste and mortar. The experimental factors and
tents in a mix are determined by laboratory trials. The their levels have been chosen accordingly as follows;
first requirement to be met is usually the workability of
the mixture, which is controlled by the water–cementi 2.1. Materials
tious-material ratio. To decide upon the extent to which
fly ash can be used at the lowest possible water–cementi 2.1.1. Cement
tious-material ratios, different workability tests are con- To investigate upon the response of strength improve-
ducted to optimize the proportion of fly ash (Joshi and ment and workability, one grade of cement as defined in
Nagaraj, 1990). Indian Standard (IS) was used namely ordinary Portland
The workability of the cementitious product has been cement OPC 43 grade conforming to IS: 8112:1989 (2005)
attained by some compatible water reducing admixtures and ASTM Type 1 specifications. The mean particle diam-
like super-plasticizers. In addition to this, the cement eter of cement is 17 lm which is determined by laser based
super-plasticizer compatibility is affected by the following Time of Transition method using Ankersmid CIS-50 parti-
parameters related to the cement: chemical and phase com- cle size analyser. The physical and chemical composition of
position, especially C3A content, alkali content, amount cement is given in Tables 1 and 2.
and type of calcium sulphate (dihydrate, bassanite, anhy-
drite), cement fineness and free lime content. Taking into 2.1.2. Sand
account the properties of a super-plasticizer, the following Natural river sand owing to their rounded shape was
factors are of great importance: its chemical nature and used in this work as it ensures better packing characteristics
average molecular weight, super-plasticizer degree of than the crushed sand. Locally available two types of river
sulphonation, admixture dosage and addition method sand having the fineness modulus values of 2.66 and 2.08
(Grabiec and Piasta, 2004). The determination of the opti- were mixed in the proportion of 70% and 30% respectively
mum dosage of super-plasticizer for blended paste and so as to obtain packing density value of 0.61. The grading
mortar is generally carried out by different methods such of sand satisfies the Indian standard IS: 383-1970 (2002)
as Marsh cone test, flow table test and mini slump cone and is given in Table 3.
According to the authors, the strength of cement paste
can be estimated from the information of w/c ratio, age
and fineness of cement (Kondraivendhan and Table 1
Bhattacharjee, 2010). Same thing is extended to cement Physical properties of ordinary Portland cement.
fly ash paste and mortar as well (Kondraivendhan and Characteristics Results obtained Requirement as per
Bhattacharjee, 2013). The hydration products of fly ash IS: 8112-1989
reduce the pore size, in this way more strength and durable Normal consistency (%) 29.00
concrete are obtained (Kocak and Nas, 2014). By the uti- Initial setting time (min) 115.00 Min 30
lization of fly ash it is not only minimizing the carbon foot Final setting time (min) 165.00 Max 600
Specific gravity 3.15
print but also sustainable development can be achieved
Blaine’s fineness (m2/kg) 335.00 Min 225
(Wang and Shuang, 2011; Imbabi et al., 2012). It is also Soundness (mm) 1.00 Max 10
observed that the degree of hydration of paste and mortar
Compressive strength (MPa)
has been improved by better particle size distribution and 3 days 34.00 Min 23
finer particle sizes of fly ash (Zhao et al., 2015). 7 days 42.00 Min 33
In this study, the experimental compressive strength for 28 days 51.50 Min 43
fly ash blended cement paste and mortar specimens is
investigated and the foremost workability requirement is
also carried out by Marsh cone test and flow table test
for fly ash blended cement paste and mortar, respectively. Table 2
The compressive strength is determined experimentally Chemical properties of ordinary Portland cement.
and a relationship for compressive strength with mix Oxide composition (wt%)
parameters is developed for fly ash blended cement paste CaO 59.98
and mortar specimens as well. The estimated compressive SiO2 21.18
strength of fly ash blended cement paste and mortar is plot- Al2O3 5.36
ted against w/(c + f ) ratio for various curing ages and f/c Fe2O3 3.48
MgO 2.05
ratios. SO3 2.8
Na2O 0.36
2. Experimental investigation K2O 0.69
LOI 2.67
The main objective of this experimental investigation is Insoluble residue 2.32
Free lime 1.06
to study the strength and workability for fly ash blended
272 B. Kondraivendhan, B. Bhattacharjee / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 4 (2015) 270–277
Table 3 Table 4
Grading of sand for cement fly ash sand mortar. Chemical properties of fly ash.
Sieve size Sand (S1) Sand (S2) Blended sand Oxide composition (wt%)
% passing % passing (S1, 70% + S2, 30%)
CaO 1.26
4.75 mm 100 100 100.00 SiO2 61.02
2.36 mm 98 100 98.60 Al2O3 27.76
1.18 mm 80 98.28 85.48 Fe2O3 4.48
600 lm 50 29.17 43.75 MgO 0.56
300 lm 10.5 5.77 9.08 SO3 0.19
150 lm 1.5 0.63 1.24 LOI 1.1
Water soluble content 0.53
Specific gravity 2.6 2.65 2.65
Bulk density (kg/l) 1.586 1.587 1.583
Table 5
Mix proportions of fly ash blended cement mortar.
2.1.3. Fly ash Cement f/c ratio Sand w/(c + f ) ratio
Class F fly ash obtained from Dadri thermal power S1 S2
plant, India with a specific gravity of 2.13 was used. The
1 0 1.186 0.508 0.25
mean particle diameter of fly ash is 12 lm which is also 1 0.1 1.284 0.550 0.25
determined by laser based Time of Transition method 1 0.2 1.381 0.591 0.25
using Ankersmid CIS-50 particle size analyser. The particle 1 0.3 1.479 0.633 0.25
size distribution of the fly ash and its chemical composi- 1 0.4 1.577 0.675 0.25
tions are given in Fig. 1 and Table 4. It satisfies the Indian 1 0 1.394 0.597 0.35
standard IS: 3812-1981 (1999). 1 0.1 1.492 0.639 0.35
1 0.2 1.590 0.681 0.35
1 0.3 1.687 0.722 0.35
2.1.4. Mix proportions and experimental factors 1 0.4 1.785 0.764 0.35
In this investigation, mixes have been chosen over a
1 0 1.603 0.686 0.45
wide range of water to binder ratios namely 0.25, 0.35,
1 0.1 1.700 0.728 0.45
0.45 and 0.55 for cement paste and mortar blended with 1 0.2 1.798 0.770 0.45
fly ash. Both cementitious paste and mortar specimens 1 0.3 1.895 0.811 0.45
are tested at 7, 28 and 90 days. Fly ash replacement 1 0.4 1.993 0.853 0.45
levels 0–40% by weight of cement are implemented. 1 0 1.811 0.775 0.55
The volume of paste content was 20% greater than the 1 0.1 1.908 0.817 0.55
volume of voids of non compacted sand. The mix 1 0.2 2.006 0.859 0.55
proportions of fly ash blended cement sand mortar are 1 0.3 2.103 0.901 0.55
1 0.4 2.201 0.942 0.55
given in Table 5.
Cumulative passing %
Fly Ash
0.001 0.01 Size in mm 0.1 1
plascizer (%)
mortar is attained by using the optimum dosage of super- 8
10 % Fly Ash
plasticizers. The optimum dosage of super-plasticizer is 20 % Fly Ash
determined by Marsh cone and flow table test for cement 30 % Fly Ash
4 40 % Fly Ash
blended fly ash paste and mortar, respectively.
3.1. Marsh cone test 0
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Opmum super-plascizer
plasticizer dosage curves at the dosage value beyond which 8
the super-plasticizer would not increase the flow with an 0% Fly Ash
dosage (%)
increase in dosage of super-plasticizer (i.e. super- 10 % Fly Ash
plasticizer has no further plasticizing effect). The same 20 % Fly Ash
polycarboxylate ether based super-plasticizer used for fly 30 % Fly Ash
40 % Fly Ash
ash blended cement paste exhibited required flow in low 2
dosage and produced a completely dispersed system of 1
mortar and the same was selected and used throughout 0
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
for different water to binder ratios of cement blended fly
ash mortar. The optimum dosages of super-plasticizer for w/(c+f)
cement blended fly ash mortar with water binder ratios Figure 5. Optimum dosages of super-plasticizer for fly ash blended cement
are presented in Fig. 5. mortar.
3.3. Casting and testing saturated surface dry condition. The cubes were tested at
the age of 7, 28 and 90 days. They were tested on universal
Four water to binder ratios, three curing ages and five testing machine, ensuring that cast surfaces did not touch
wide ranges of fly ash replacement level with three repli- the platens. The compressive load was applied through a
cates resulting 180 numbers of cement blended fly ash paste hydraulic jack at a constant rate of 140 kg/cm2/min as
and same numbers of cement blended fly ash mortar of per IS: 1727-1967 till failure. The average of failure stress
5 cm cubical specimens were cast. The test specimens were of three cubes was considered as the representative
cast on steel mould, oil was applied on the inner side of the compressive strength of each paste and mortar mixes.
mould for easy removal of specimens. The cement blended
fly ash paste and mortar were mixed by using a mortar 4. Results and discussion
mixer. First cement and fly ash were mixed in dry form
until uniformity was achieved, lastly fine aggregate was 4.1. Flow measurement in cementitious paste
added. Then water was sprinkled and mixed thoroughly
until a uniform mix was obtained. The mortar was then It is observed from the optimum dosage of super-
placed in suitable layers of equal thickness and was com- plasticizer with water to binder ratio curves that the lowest
pacted on a table vibrator. The specimens were demoulded water to binder ratio 0.25 needed more super-plasticizer
after 24 h and the specimens were kept for curing in water dosage to obtain the required flow and also it gradually
tank till the age of test. After curing, the cubes were taken increases with an increase in fly ash content. If the
out from water tank and cleaned with cloth to wipe out employed fly ash is finer than the cement the water demand
excess water on the surfaces in order to bring them increases with an increase in fly ash replacement level due
to the augmentation of surface area of fly ash particles
(Felekoglu et al., 2009). So that the super-plasticizer dosage
increases with an increase in fly ash level and the ball bear-
ing effect is not effective in case of cement blended fly ash
paste system and the same trend is observed in all water
to binder ratios. The dosage decrease with an increase in
water to binder ratio was also observed.
are not required for water to binder ratios 0.45 and 0.55 4.3. Compressive strength
except the controlled cement blended fly ash mortar of
water to binder ratio 0.45. This is due to the facts such It is observed that the compressive strength of fly ash
as high water content itself and the reduction in water blended cement paste increases with age as expected in all
demand of the fly ash owing to its ball bearing effect. water to binder ratios and fly ash replacement levels. But
Table 6
Compressive strength of fly ash blended cement paste.
w/(c + f) f/c ratio Compressive strength (MPa)
Experimental Estimated
7 days 28 days 90 days 7 days 28 days 90 days
0.25 0 52 60 72 48.51 53.32 67.52
10 35.2 49.6 65.6 45.86 50.66 64.86
20 35.2 50.4 60.8 43.20 48.01 62.21
30 33.6 49.6 59.2 40.55 45.36 59.56
40 28 45.6 52 37.90 42.71 56.90
0.35 0 47.2 58.4 59.2 40.58 44.61 56.50
10 39.2 48 49.6 37.92 41.95 53.84
20 38.4 47.2 52.8 35.27 39.30 51.19
30 35.2 38.4 47.2 32.62 36.65 48.54
40 30.4 37.6 45.6 29.97 33.99 45.89
0.45 0 31.2 34.4 39.2 32.65 35.89 45.48
10 27.2 36 39.2 29.99 33.24 42.83
20 22.4 28 29.6 27.34 30.59 40.17
30 21.6 26.4 33.6 24.69 27.93 37.52
40 19.2 28 39.2 22.04 25.28 34.87
0.55 0 22.4 23.2 31.2 24.72 27.18 34.46
10 18.4 24 29.6 22.06 24.53 31.81
20 16 24.8 32 19.41 21.88 29.16
30 15.2 24.8 30.4 16.76 19.22 26.50
40 14.4 23.2 31.2 14.10 16.57 23.85
Table 7
Compressive strength of fly ash blended cement mortar.
w/(c + f) f/c ratio Compressive strength (MPa)
Experimental Estimated
7 days 28 days 90 days 7 days 28 days 90 days
0.25 0 48 59.2 63.2 53.13 58.76 75.39
10 48 59.2 71.2 53.46 59.09 75.72
20 48 63.2 80 53.79 59.42 76.06
30 48 63.2 84 54.12 59.76 76.39
40 48 53.6 75.2 54.46 60.09 76.72
0.35 0 47.2 56.8 59.2 42.44 47.81 63.68
10 46.4 53.6 63.2 42.77 48.15 64.02
20 45.6 59.2 67.2 43.10 48.48 64.35
30 43.2 64 71.2 43.44 48.81 64.68
40 39.2 60 63.2 43.77 49.15 65.01
0.45 0 32 40 44 31.75 36.87 51.97
10 29.6 42.4 45.6 32.08 37.20 52.31
20 27.2 45.6 48.8 32.42 37.53 52.64
30 27.2 42.4 51.2 32.75 37.87 52.97
40 24.8 39.2 55.2 33.08 38.20 53.31
0.55 0 23.2 28 33.6 21.06 25.92 40.27
10 18.4 31.2 43.2 21.40 26.26 40.60
20 16.8 29.6 45.6 21.73 26.59 40.93
30 14.4 28.8 43.2 22.06 26.92 41.27
40 13.6 29.6 38.4 22.40 27.25 41.60
276 B. Kondraivendhan, B. Bhattacharjee / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 4 (2015) 270–277
the strength reduced gradually with respect to increase in f w w
f c ¼ K1 þ K2 t þ K 3t þ K 4 þ K5
fly ash replacement as compared to the controlled speci- c ðc þ f Þ ðc þ f Þ
mens. This reduction in compressive strength is due to ð1Þ
the following reasons: the effective water to cement ratio
increased with an increase in fly ash replacement level. where, K1, K2, K3, K4 and K5 are empirical constants and
The pozzolanic reaction is also a slow reaction; it requires are 26.53, 0.372, 0.322, 76.70 and 66.08 for cement
more time to react completely to attain higher strength blended fly ash paste and those for cement blended fly
than the controlled specimens. It is also observed that com- ash mortar are 3.33, 0.123, 0.299, 106.01 and 77.75,
pressive strength of cement blended fly ash mortar respectively. The coefficients of determination are 0.88
increased with age as expected but decreased with an and 0.88, respectively. Thus the compressive strength of
increase in fly ash replacement level up to 28 days of cur- cement blended fly ash paste and mortars is correlated with
ing, and then it increased the compressive strength at mix parameters. The combined experimental and estimated
90 days of curing as compared to the controlled specimens. compressive strength values are presented in Tables 6 and
This is due to the fact that the sluggish fly ash secondary 7. It is also observed that the estimated compressive
reaction contributes strength at later ages. strength data are fitting reasonably well with experimen-
tally obtained compressive strength data.
4.4. Empirical relationship for compressive strength
4.5. Strength versus w/(c + f ) relationships
The compressive strength can be estimated by least
square of multiple regression method, using water to bin-
By using Eq. (1), the compressive strength for fly ash
der ratio (w/(c + f )), curing age (t), fly ash to cement ratio
blended cement paste and mortar is estimated for various
( f/c) and the experimentally determined compressive
strength data. The following empirical form for compres-
sive strength for fly ash blended cement paste and mortar 120
is derived as:
Estimated compressive strength (MPa)
Estimated compressive strength (MPa)
180 days
0 0
0.25 0.35 0.45 0.55 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.55
w/(c+f) ratio w/(c+f) ratio
Figure 6. Estimated compressive strength versus w/(c + f ) ratio for fly ash Figure 7. Estimated compressive strength versus w/(c + f ) ratio for fly ash
blended cement paste with f/c ratio = 0.2. blended cement mortar with f/c ratio = 0.4.
B. Kondraivendhan, B. Bhattacharjee / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 4 (2015) 270–277 277
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