North American Continen: History of North America

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North American continen

North America is one of the seven continents of the world and the West
line of Greenwich in the northern half of the world. Its mots important
from the north to the south of Canada, the USA and Mexico. Bordered to
the north of the Arctic Ocean, and from the west and south-west Pacific,
East of the Atlantic Ocean, and from the south-eastern Caribbean.

Area of about 25 million square kilometers, or 4.8% of the total area of

the globe, and is the third largest continent in the world. In 2002 had a
population of almost 514 million people, placing it fourth in the standings
after the Asian continent and the African and European in terms of

Historians likely that the name of two continents, the Americas due to
the Italian merchant Omreju Vespucci, and is the first European to
suggest that the two continents are not the Indian subcontinent as it was
believed the Europeans in that period (including the explorer Christopher
Columbus), but rather a houle new world.

North America are different views on whether the average American

continent is a continent of independent or not. Some argue That the
North American continent is bordered to the south, the Panama Canal
and That the continent of America is the middle part of the continent's
northern small size independent, while others believe that the continent
is bordered by the northern corridor Thawwantibek in Mexico. The island
of [[Greenland]], is located in the north-east of the continent
geographically, but they follow the European continent politically linked to
the Danish kingdom since the nineteenth century.
History of North America :
Upon the arrival of Europeans to the continent, the indigenous
populations, and they are Indians, working in fishing and agriculture in
most of them. Months of the Aztec and Mayan tribes and Apache and
Alchorauki and Inuit and the Sioux and others. The first arrived from the
continent to the Europeans were the Vikings about 1000 AD, and named
it Alvenland, but they did not leave give a significant impact. The first was
after the colonization of the Spaniards after the arrival of Christopher
Columbus to the Caribbean Islands in 1492. And then rolled colonial
campaigns and the Asttaatt English and French forces to achieve several
Regions of North America :
Divided the continent for three different regions : In the north there are
three relatively large countries in terms of population and area, and they
Canada: and has several islands, including Vancouver Island and Queen
Charlotte in the west, and in the Middle Island, Prince Edward Island and
Newfoundland and Cape Breton Island, and Baffin Islands in the north
and sameer means and Victoria.
Mexico: a population of more than 100 million people and has several
islands, including islands Rfilagijido.
United States: It consists of 50 states as well as related to Alaska. The
state of Hawaii in the Pacific is not located in the continent of North
Located in : the south, several countries in the region called Central
America, and where:
- Belize - Costa Rica- El Salvador-Guatemala- Honduras- Nicaragua-
In the : south-east of the continent are several islands in the Caribbean,
- Anguilla- Bahamas- Barbados- Cuba- Dominica- Grenada- Haiti-
Jamaica- Saint Kitts and Nevis.
* Cotton top Americans who have been displaced across the corridor of
land was the Bering Strait in northeastern Siberia to the continent since
10 thousand years before the decline of the last ice age. 15 And settled
by thousands of years before Europeans Istamarham after the discovery
of the New World in the 15 century AD. This was the corridor and then
linking the north and west of North America, northeast Asia.
The first inhabitants were able to harness the natural resources and
accustomed to the climate and the land on which they live. During
thousands of years they have set up their cultures and civilization in
northeastern Africa.) Fastamiloa timber in building homes and making
their boats (canoe) and their instruments of wood. In the southwest
desert planted corn and built a two-story homes of brick or dried in the
Appeared in North America and civilization civilization copper mainland
fishermen and the sea, especially around the Great Lakes in Canada
and the United States of America. They Besnon of copper ringed their
machines hot or cold. But they did not know how his brother in law and
how to cast a valuable templates as was practiced in the ancient world
since 1500 BC. M. In the Arctic region practiced fishing and hunting.
Among the hundreds of groups of Americans who lived the settlers, each
had its own set of tribal, political, and model clothing, food, language,
arts and musical forms and philosophical beliefs and religious. They had
the characteristics of cultural Chih what is in the other world Mojtat
Akaddbm including attachment to land which they live.

Istamarham the Europeans in the 15 century AD, they encountered

significant challenges. But some co-existence and Tiadl trade with them
and absorbed their techniques. But the Europeans took over their land
and were Ebedounam in Canada and America. These tribes were called
tribal Oonndazhu and the Mohawk and Cherokee. All of them were
called American Indians, or Indians. (aboriginal people). In Canada they
are known usually people Oborginal( (aboriginal people). When
Christopher Columbus arrived in 1492 their land, their number was
estimated between 40 to 90 million. Pueblo) (Comanche) (Piman( )
Yuman)،. When the Spaniards came, they found 50 Indian tribe in the
West, including the people of Pueblo (Pueblo) and Kumanc (Comanche)
and Biman (Piman) and Lehman (Yuman), and had them for various
languages. The Europeans brought diseases with them through war
biological weapons Kaljdri, measles, plague, cholera, typhoid, diphtheria,
whooping cough, malaria and other epidemics that were harvested
population Alosalbeyen.

Divided civilization, North America and northern Mexico to the

civilizations of South-east and north-eastern and south-west, California
and Great Basin. The population of North America believe they are part
of the spiritual and natural worlds. The festivals associated with harvest
seasons and agriculture. They were engaged in drawing, colored on the
sand using natural colored powders. The Pueblo tribes make their wives
polished pottery from clay, colored decoration engineering. Known for
Indian and south-west of making baskets. The Indians of California
famous manufacture of stone artifacts and animal horns, shells, wood
and ceramics. They were weaving clothes of herbs and tree bark, roots
and plant stalks the jungle. They made mats and pots. The wild buffalo is
important for the Indians. Because they were making from Jlodh tents,
saddles, whips, blood, clothing and boats. They make from his bones,
arrows and gunpoint, spears and daggers, combs, sewing needles. They
make the horns and trumpets, cups hooves glue. No Istonoi buffalo wild,
as did primitive man in Asia and Africa because it was available. They
catch arrows and hunting for the effects of herds when grazing in
pastures or near sources of water for them to drink. Mastered this
science Qiyaafah and tracing. They knew the name of the tribe of their
impact and counting the number of individuals and destination,
particularly Badigarthm them. So they determine the shortest way to
catch up with them and quickest way to track them down and catch them
and take revenge from the. The population of the cities to Eisselmon
raids shepherds, were burn and destroy. The Indians Alabash heading
north from the U.S. to the south, where the kingdoms of the Maya,
Toltec, and burning it to Ikrboha. They know how to hit and run in the
ّThe customs of Indian tribes and Tphalidha Chih what was prevalent in
the pastoral nomadic tribes in the rest of the ancient world. This was a
verbal norms. It was Istjer Ojarth tribe, even if an enemy of the state and
left him. Do not kill women or children during the fighting, and fighting at
night. It was the first man in North America live in caves during the Stone
Age. It was decorated in images and animals. ‫ وكان‬The honing stone to
build and refine its Hrabh Skakinh and arrows. The pottery was made
with his hands. Emerged in North America Pueblo civilization that wove
cotton and established houses of several rooms, including an
underground chamber in which to practice religious rites. And statues
made of alabaster and bronze axes and decades of Shells. It was made
out of pottery clay mixed with plant fibers and vessels decorated with
geometric designs around the edges. The cities were constructed in
eastern North America, where they trade.The simple adoption of the
villages, every village was composed of two houses or five wooden
houses and circular. The Qtralbit 30 feet. They buried their dead in a
small incision under the hill. The graves were decorated. The clothing of
leather or animal hair or fiber plants. It was adorned with feathers and
beads, copper sheets valuable geometric shape. The hill of temples with
stairs and around the villages. And there have been condemned
civilization (800 BC. M. -700 BC. M.) In the valley of the Mississippi River
and Jdharp Hopewell (400 BC. M. - 400 AD.) On the eastern side of it in
southeastern North America. Both cultures were identical. And South
West States of America witnessed the tirade civilization makers baskets
(100 BC. M. -100 M). The houses at the time of the room and one of the
Tabn and the remnants of trees. They had been living caves or buried
their dead by. They lived on hunting deer, squirrels, rabbits or wild dogs.
And were they hold hands or nets, they make bags and sandals fiber
plants. Then after a year 700 BC. M. Houses built of stone and wove
cotton. She also appeared civilization copper and civilization mainland
fishermen and the sea, especially around the Great Lakes in Canada
and the United States of America. They Besnon of copper ringed their
machines, hot or cold. But they did not know how his brother in law and
how to cast a valuable templates as was practiced in the ancient world
since 1500 BC. M. On the River North Indians leave Allenoi monuments
dating from the years between 3500 BC. M. 250. M. These are knives,
bone tissue and thick cotton. And near Lake Amuka found scrapers and
hammers of stone and wood carved. They do not know Oosbh copper
smelting. That is the jewelry copper methods for making spears, knives
and blades. They Besnon earrings from shells and proud of their
precious stones. In general, American culture were not going or growing
at. a rapid pace as in the rest of the world where the old saw major
historical civilizations. The Indians living in the forests of Canada on the
gathering and fishing. And they have special features and keep the
system culture and languages of their own and were derived from the
Mayan civilization .

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