Taller Regresion Multiple
Taller Regresion Multiple
Taller Regresion Multiple
1. Dataset ´´london.xlsx´´ Run the model in RStudio and compare with table 5.7
Proportion of the housed spent on transportation WTRANS depends on the log of total
expenditure In (TOTEXP), AGE, and number of children NK. The output is reported in
Table 5.7.
(a) Write out the estimated equation in the standard reporting formal with standard errors
below the coefficient estimates.
(b) Interpret the estimates b2, b3, and b4, do you think the results make sense from an
economic or logical point of view?
(c) Are there any variables that you might exclude from the equation? Why?
(e) Predict the proportion of a budget that will be spent on transportation, for both one –
and two – children households, when total expenditure and age are set at their sample
means, which are 98.7 and 36, respectively.
2. This question is concerned with the value of houses in towns surrounding Boston. It uses
the data of Harrison, D., and D.I., Rubin Feld (1978) ‘‘Hedonic Prices and the Demand
for Clear Air, ’Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 5, 81-102. The
output appears in table 5.8. The variables are defined as follows:
VALUE = median value of owner – occupied homes in thousands of dollars
CRIME = per capita crime rate
NITOX = nitric oxide concentration (parts per million)
ROOMS = average number of rooms per dwelling
AGE = proportion of owner- occupied units built prior to 1940
DIST = weighted distances to five Boston employment centers
ACCESS = index of accessibility to radial highways
TAX = full-value property-tax rate per $10,000
PTRATIO = pupil-teacher ratio by town
(a) Report briefly on how each of the variables influences the value of a home.
Crime, Nitox, Age, Dist, Tax, Ptratio son variables negativamente sobre Value
Rooms, Access son variables que influencian positivamente sobre Value
(b) Find 95% interval estimates for the coefficients of CRIME and ACCESS.
A total N = 27 observations were obtained using different test fields. The estimated
quadratic model, with an interaction term, is
(a) Find equations describing the marginal effect of nitrogen on yield and the marginal
effect of phosphorus on yield. What do these equations tell you?
(b) Describa las posibles razones para haber incluido el termino cuadrático de NITRO,
PHOS y el producto NITRO X PHOS.
Este limite se establece para que el rendimiento del mani YIELD no se vea
Para que NITROS y PHOS tengan un limite
4. The file br2.dat contains data on 1,080 houses sold in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, during
mid – 2005. We will be concerned with the selling price (PRICE), the size of the house in
square feet (SQFT), and the age of the house in years (AGE).
(a) Use all observations to estimate the following regression model and report the results
(ii) Find a 95% interval estimate for the price increase for an extra square foot of
living space – that is, aPRICE / aSQFT.
(iii) Test the hypothesis that having a house a year older decreases price by 1000
or less ( H0: β3 < - 1000)
Rechazo H0: β3 < - 1000, acepto H1: β3 > - 1000 hay significancia estadística
(b) Add the variable SQFT 2 and AGE2 to the model in part (a) and re-estimate the
equation. Report the results.
(i) Find estimates of the marginal effect aPRICE / aSQFT for the smallest house
in the sample, the largest house in the sample, and a house with 2300 SQFT.
Comment on these values. Are they realistic?
(ii) Find estimates of the marginal effect aPRICE / aAGE for the oldest house in
the sample, the newest house in the sample, and a house that is 20 years old.
Comment on these values. Are they realistic?
(c) Add the interaction variable SQFT x AGE to the model in part (b) and re-estimate the
equation. Report the results. Repeat parts (i), (ii), (iii), from part (b) for this new
model. Use SQFT = 2300 and AGE = 20
aPRICE / aSQFT = -30.73 + 2(0.0222(2300)) – 0.931 (20) = 52.77
aPRICE / aAGE = -2797.8 + 2(26.51AGE) – 0.931SQFT
(a) Report the results. Interpreted the estimates for β2, β3 and β4. Are these estimates
significantly different from zero?
H0 = β2 = 0, β3 = 0, β4 = 0
H1 = β2 ≠ 0, β3 ≠ 0, β4 ≠ 0
SSER = 336.8
SSEU = 262.8
F= = 93.4
(b) Test the hypothesis that an extra year of education increases the wage rate by at least
10% against the alternative that it is less than 10%
H 0 = β2 = 0
H1 = β2 ≠0
α= -1.64
t = 0.0903-0.1 / 0.00608 = -1.595
Se rechaza H0 = β2 = 0, acepto H1 = β2 ≠0 tiene significancia estadística
(c) Find a 90% interval estimate for the percentage increase in wage from working an
additional hour per week
Con un 90% de confianza que el salario, para trabajar una hora extra por semana se
encuentra entre 0.63 y 1.15
(d) Re-estimate the model with additional variables EDUC x EXPER, EDUC 2, and
EXPER 2. Report the results. Are the estimated coefficients significantly different
from zero?
(e) For the new model, find expressions for the marginal effects aLn (WAGE)/ aEDUC
and aLn (WAGE)/aExper.
6. Consider the following aggregate production function for the U.S. manufacturing sector:
(b) Estimate the unknown parameters of the production function and find the
corresponding standard errors
(c) Discuss the economic and statistical implications of these results
H 0 = β2 = 1
H1 = β2 ≠1
α= -1.64
t = 0.0561 – 1 / 0.259 = -3.64
Rechazo H0: β2 = 1, acepto H1 = β2 ≠1 hay significancia estadística
H 0 = β3 = 1
H1 = β3 ≠1
α= -1.64
t = 0.226 – 1 / 0.443 = -1.74
H 0 = β4 = 1
H1 = β4 ≠1
α= -1.64
t = 0.0436 – 1 / 0.39 = -2.45
H 0 = β5 = 1
H1 = β5 ≠1
α= -1.64
t = 0.670 – 1 / 0.361 = -0.91