A New Split Pitch Square Shape Metamaterial Absorber For X Band Application

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Proceeding of the 2019 6th International Conference on Space Science and Communication (IconSpace), 28-30 July 2019, Johor

Bahru, Malaysia

A New Split Pitch Square Shape Metamaterial

Absorber for X band Application
Ahasanul Hoque1, Mohammad Tariqul Islam2, Rezaul Azim3, Mandeep Jit Singh4, Kamarulzaman Mat5, Mengu Cho6
of Advanced Electronic and Communication Engineering (PAKET), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
Bangi, Malaysia
3Department of Physics, University of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh
6Department of Applied Science for Integrated System Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology

Tobata, Japan
1p94155@siswa.ukm.edu.my, 2tariqul@ukm.edu.my, 3rezaulazim@cu.ac.bd
4mandeep@ukm.edu.my, 5kamarulzaman@ukm.edu.my, 6cho@ele.kyutech.ac.j

Abstract— Metamaterial electromagnetic wave absorbers band. Also, they have claimed the structure is frequency
may provide perfect absorption over a signi¿cant range of selective surface. Metamaterial based researchers in [4-9] also
electromagnetic spectrum. Microwave absorber for X-band demonstrate similar type approach for C and X band
application mostly unable to maintain high bandwidth with good application taking consideration of polarization independency,
absorption and require RF shielding in few applications. In this basic metamaterial property extraction, maximum absorption
paper, design, simulation and measurements of a X band (8–12 achievement.
GHz) metamaterial broadband absorber presented. The
proposed absorber developed by following transmission line The objective of this paper is to introduce a new
principle making pitch on each square arm with the split in edge metamaterial with strong potential of EM absorption using
and middle of the structure. The Square arm will steer perfect DNG property to ensure propagated wave trapping.
electromagnetic (EM) resonance to acquire significant absorption Simultaneously, the proposed absorber has wide bandwidth in
(~90%) and Double-Negative (DNG) metamaterial property to specified band for RF shielding purpose.
ensure perfect shielding for microwave signals. Proposed
metamaterial absorber with DNG characteristics has potential
application sector like microwave shielding, satellite remote
sensing, dielectric property measurement of material etc.
The split pitch square (SPS) shape unit cell absorber
Keywords-Metamaterial; remote sensing; polarization; structure developed on FR-4 substrate material shown in Fig. 1.
Absorber; satellite FR-4 is a NEMA grade designation for glass-reinforced epoxy
laminate material composed of women fiberglass cloth with an
I. INTRODUCTION epoxy resin binder that is flame resistant. This substrate has
thermal conductivity 0.81 W/(m-k), dielectric constant (İr) is
Metamaterial (MM) are periodically arranged new type of
4.6 at 8GHz. Absorber basically have three different layers; the
composites that exhibit exceptional electromagnetic properties
ground plane of the absorber comprises metal which gives zero
not readily observed in nature. One of the features discovered
transmission of incident wave during propagation. However, in
in recent years is performing perfect absorption against the
this design a finite-integration technique (FIT) based
incident electromagnetic wave. Due to their simple design,
simulation method in commercially available Computer
easy fabrication process, perfect and broadband absorption
Simulation Technology (CST) 2017 microwave studio
features as well as tunable and controllable absorption
software was used for structural analysis of the absorber. But
characteristics, metamaterial absorbers can be used in stealth
before we go through the design, a short description on
technology toward remote sensing applications over a
following such design. As a matter of fact, electromagnetic
signi¿cant range of electromagnetic spectrum from microwave
signal become trapped while forming a perfect resonance
to optics. Though first MM absorber was introduced by landy
circuit using microstrip patch. In order to do that, a
[1] was a pioneer for showing such application but different
transmission line model of Fig. 1 first analyzed whether we
researcher now came out with numerous designs and
have a resonance on targeted band or not. Also, Q-factor and
resonance frequency have significant characteristics as they
One of the prominent applications of MM absorber is RF formed with lumped transmission line components. Hence,
shielding or Stealth technology which is a valuable research lumped elements presents in [10] we ended up on such design
area for electronic warfare provides passive counter- which geometrical legends are available in table-1. Upper and
measurement. It is a combination of technologies to reduce the ground metallic layer have 0.035mm thickness copper. After
distances at which a target can be detected. Stealth applications such design criteria, MM absorber specifically calculated on
particularly deal with radar cross section reduction (RCS). RCS principle mentioned in [11]. Nevertheless, impedance and
of relevant targets can be de¿ned as the visibility in radar or the admittance parameter have been taken into consider in order to
amount of reÀected radar signal [2]. In recent years, number of get proper simulation result to obtain key metamaterial
research article published regarding metamaterial absorber property in terms of permittivity (İ), permeability (μ),
specially C, X, Ku bands. Like singh and viranjay [3] proposed refractive index (Ș) etc.
a decagon shape absorber having triple absorption peak at X

978-1-5386-8394-1/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 85

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Fig. 1 SPS shape metamaterial absorber unit cell with
fabricated prototype (inset)
Fig. 2 Percentage of Absorption with split gap change.

A. E-field, H-field and Surface current characteristics


Electric field and magnetic field distribution are the most








common and reasonable point of discussion because at

resonance point found substantial changes compare to other
frequency. Fig. 3 shows E-field and H-field response on 8.564
GHz where it is clearly represents that, electric and magnetic
Size (mm)

field have propagation along Z-direction but due to patch








structure a pattern is being following there. In Fig. 3(a), almost

the edge of SPS and internal resonator have field amount
approximately -19.1 dB to -38.2 dB changes which means
III. RESUTL & DISCUSSION BASED ON SIMULATION AND during propagation dielectric property through the unit cell
having strong dipole moment. Hence, İ, μ and Ș have direct
impact according to ‘Helmholtz equation’ and follow the
We all are concern that, electromagnetic signal propagation homogeneous differential equation [11]
follows famous Maxwell’s wave propagation equations. To get
a crystal-clear concept on why proposed design acts on certain ª d2 2º
band with significant absorption rating, E-field and H-field « dz 2 − γ » Exm ( z ) = 0 (1)
characteristics at resonance frequency 8.564 GHz with current ¬ ¼
distribution explained consecutively. Fig. 2 (a, b) depicts the
absorption amount pictorially in simulation environment where where, Ȗ is the propagation constant.
we have above 80% absorption from 8.35 GHz-8.64 GHz
despite of changing split gap. Though two consecutive
resonance point is observed at 9.53 GHz and 11.06 GHz but
unfortunately don’t bring good absorption.




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(b) Fig.4 Surface current distribution of SPS cell

Fig. 3 (a) E-field distribution (b) H-field distribution at resonance
frequency 8.564 GHz. B. Effect on dielctric properties and polarization
Similar theory applies for magnetic field (Fig. 3(b)) but there As we have identified that, there is a potentiality of EM
is an interesting difference is, effect of patch edges and inner absorber of SPS unit let’s observe the dielectric property and
resonator won’t get effected in same way. Because, during polarization effect on propose cell. As in Fig. 5(a), real part of
magnetic field propagation as we have applied the field along both transmission and reflection co-efficient forms a balance
Y-direction that time E-field orthogonally correlate at each matrix so that at resonance (8.564 GHz) point S-parameter is
instant with inverse relationship of refractive index. That’s having good VSWR (Fig. 5(b)).
why, we get different resonance impact on magnetic field as
well as maximum absorption.
Another important characteristic of the unit cell is surface
current where cell structure, patch, thickness of substrate etc.
all are concerned. Because, during propagation EM signal may
face good conduction current density but as the frequency
increase conductivity hampers due to skin effect of dielectric
material. So, Fig. 4 shows the horizontal patches have
maximum surface current. Though similar thickness copper
patch forms the whole structure but during propagation
specifically at quarter wavelength position EM wave get the
maximum attenuation. Hence, penetration depth become
minimum as both have inverse relationship and surface current
become maximum.



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Fig. 6 (a) Permittivity and (b) permeability at resonance frequency
Fig. 5 (a) Reflection and Transmission characteristics (S-parameters)
(b) VSWR of Proposed unit cell
On the other hand, permittivity (İ) and permeability (μ) in
simulation environment (Fig. 6) presents clear negative value Resonance Dielectric Properties
which proves the left-handed metamaterial property is evident. Frequency Refractive
(GHz) Permittivity(İ) Permeability (μ)
Herein, Nicolson-Ross-Weir (NRW) method used to extract İ
and μ value from S-parameters [11]. As mentioned in earlier 8.564 -2.486 -3.004 -3.402
section that, İ and μ effected by propagation constant according
to ‘Helmholtz equation’ and Table II presents the exact value at
resonance. Herein, in Fig. 7 presents, proposed DNG SPS cell
simulated in different electric field polarization effect. For
remote sensing application the EM wave may have to travel a
long distance. So, different dielectric medium can incur TE or
TM polarization of the signal. In that case, absorber must be
insensitive whether incoming signal is linearly or circularly
polarized or not. Simulated results show that, proposed
metamaterial absorber polarization angle change from ij=0° to
315° and the absorption amount remain same.


Fig. 7 Polarization insensitiveness of SPS unit cell

C. Experimental measurement & transmission

Fabricated metamaterial absorber with DNG characteristics
for X band application has been verified using standard
laboratory experiments. Scattering parameter (Transmission
and Reflection) measurement setup with finished prototype
shown in Fig. 8(a), where absorber placed between two wave


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guide port and connected to Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) IV. CONCLUSIONS
simultaneously. Agilent N5227A VNA used for data extraction In this paper, introduced a DNG metamaterial absorber
with significant absorption for X-band frequency and potential
application for remote sensing. This SPS unit cell absorber
shows strong double-negative metamaterial property and very
insensitive to polarization effect. Though for remote sensing
application potentiality purpose need further analysis with this
unit cell but apparently simulation and measured result shows
this absorber is prospective for satellite remote sensing
applications, RF shielding etc.
The authors sincerely thank to Centre of Advanced
(a) Electronic and Communication Engineering (PAKET) for their
support with providing research facility. Also, the work is
supported by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) research
grant GUP-2016-051 and FRGS/1/2017/TK04/UKM/02/3.

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