Ethical and Legal Considerations in Media Worksheet
Ethical and Legal Considerations in Media Worksheet
Ethical and Legal Considerations in Media Worksheet
Task 1. Below is a word hunt containing terminologies that are connected to Intellectual property.
Locate the said terminologies, and matched them with their definition. Write the word and
definition only on your LAS. No need to replicate the word box. (10pts)
Task 2. After answering task 1 complete the table by providing the coverage (or scope/limitation)
of each terminology mentioned. You can use the internet or your books to research for answers.
Cite your sources properly. (10pts)
A government authority or
license conferring a right or title
for a set period, especially the
sole right to exclude others from
making, using, or selling an
A sign capable of distinguishing
goods or services of one
enterprise from those of other
enterprises Dates back to
ancient times when craftsmen
used to put their signature or
"mark" on their products
the practice of taking someone
else's work or ideas and passing
them off as one's own.
is any copying of copyrighted
material done for a limited and
“transformative” purpose, such
as to comment upon, criticize, or
parody a copyrighted work.