Criminal Law Midterms Reviewer
Criminal Law Midterms Reviewer
Criminal Law Midterms Reviewer
- criminal laws undertake to punish crimes committed within
GENERAL PRINCIPLES the Philippine Territory
TERMS 3. Prospective
CRIMINAL LAW – branch or division of law which: - criminal law merely punishes crimes committed on or after
a. Defines crimes its effectivity.
b. Treats of their nature; and
c. Provides for their punishment Exceptions to the Prospectivity Principle
CRIME – act or omission punishable by law 1. When the law is favorable to the accused;
FELONY- crime punishable under the RPC 2. When the law decriminalizes an act or grant an
OFFENSE- crime punishable under special laws amnesty
Malum in se (evil in itself) – crime or an act that is inherently
Malum prohibitum (prohibited evil) – an act that is a crime Pro Reo Doctrine “when in doubt, for the accused”
merely because it is prohibited by law, the act itself is not - where a law admits of several interpretations, one which is
necessarily immoral favorable to the accused must be admitted.
Indeterminate Offense- one where the purpose of the offender Art. 7: Light Felonies
in performing an act is not certain. - these are infractions of law which the penalty of arresto
Desistance- acts of discontinuing the execution of the felony menor or a fine not exceeding Php 40,000 or both is
which will negate criminal liability of the offender when done prescribed.
during the attempted stage.
Legal Desistance- obviate criminal liability, unless Light Felonies under the RPC
preparatory acts is already committed, made during 1) Slight Physical Injuries, Art. 266
the attempted stage 2) Theft, Art. 309 (7) and (9), when the value of the things stolen
Factual Desistance- actual desistance, still liable for does not exceed Php 500, and committed under the
the attempt, no effect as desistance referred to by law circumstances under Art 308 (3)
is only at the attempted stage. 3) Alteration of boundary marks, Art. 313
Spontaneous Desistance is exculpatory if: 4) Malicious Mischief, when value of the damage does not
a. made during the attempted stage exceed Php 40,000 or cannot be estimated
b. acts already committed do not constitute any offense 5) Intriguing against honor, Art 364
As per Art. 16, only the principal and the accomplices are
II. FRUSTRATED STAGE liable. Accessories are not punishable because light felony is
- when the offender performs all the acts of execution which penalized with arresto menor.
would produce the felony as a consequence but which
nevertheless, do not produce it by reason of causes NOTES:
independent of his will. GR: Light felonies are only punishable when they have been
consummated. Ratio: If not consummated, wrong done is so
Elements: slight that there is no need for penalty at all.
a. Offender performs all acts of execution Exception: if committed against persons or property, it shall
b. Such would produce the felony as a consequence be punishable even if attempted or frustrated only.
c. But felony is not produced; and - e.g. Slight Physical Injuries (always consummated, leaving
d. Reason of causes independent of his will the exception unnecessary)
Felonies without Frustrated Stage Art. 8: Conspiracy and Proposal to Commit Felony
1. Rape Conspiracy exists when two or more persons come to an
2. Adultery agreement concerning the commission of a felony and decided
3. Indirect Bribery to commit it.
4. Direct Bribery
5. Corruption of Public Officers NOTES:
6. Physical Injury GR: Mere conspiracy or proposal to commit a felony is not
7. Theft punishable since they are only preparatory acts.
Exception: When law specially provides a penalty therefor.
III. CONSUMMATED STAGE When Mere Conspiracy is punishable
- when all elements necessary for its execution and Under RPC (TRICSM)
accomplishment are present. 1. Treason
- Offender does not have to do anything else to consummate 2. Rebellion
the offense 3. Insurrection
4. Coup d’etat
6. Monopolies and combination in restraint of trade
Under Special Laws (DEAR ATe) b) He proposes its execution to some other person or
1. Selected acts under Dangerous drugs acts persons
2. Espinage
3. Illegal association When Mere Proposal is Punishable (TRIC)
4. Highway Robbery 1. Treason
5. Arson 2. Rebellion
6. Terrorism under Human Security Act 3. Insurrection
The act of one, is the act of all 4. Coup d’etat
Once conspiracy is prove, the act of one is considered the act
of all. Proposal to commit a felony is not punishable when:
1. Person who proposes is not determined to commit
Exception: When one or some conspirators committed some felony
other crim which are not part of the intended crime. 2. There is no decided, concrete and formal proposal but
mere suggestion
Exception to the Exception: 3. It is not the execution of a felony that is proposed.
1. When one stands guard or lends moral support to actual
perpetration of crime, he is criminally liable to the same extent Art. 9: Classification of Felonies according to Gravity
as actual perpetrator Grave Felonies – to which the law attaches capital
2. When the other crime is the natural consequence of the punishment or penalties in any of their periods are afflictive,
crime planned. in accordance with Art. 25. These are:
3. When the act constitutes single indivisible offense. 1. Reclusion Perpetual
2. Reclusion Temporal
Doctrine of Implied Conspiracy 3. Perpetual or Temporary Absolute Disqualification
Conspiracy is implied when the malefactors have a common 4. Perpetual or Temporary Special Disqualification
purpose and were united in its execution. Spontaneous 5. Prision Mayor
agreement or active cooperation by all perpetrators at the 6. Fines of more than Php 1,200,000
moment of the commission of crime is sufficient to create
joint responsibility. Less Grave Felonies – to which the law punishes with
- co-conspirator must do an act which shows his unity of penalties which in their maximum period are correctional, as
purpose and design, mere presence in this situation is not per Art 25 of the Code. These are:
enough. 1. Prision Correccional
2. Arresto Mayor
Arias Doctrine 3. Suspension
All heads of offices have to rely to a reasonable extent on their 4. Destierro; and
subordinates and on the good faith of those who prepare bids, 5. Fines > Php 1,200,000 but more than Php 40,000
purchase supplies, or enter into negotiations. Thus, one who
signs or initials documents in the course of transit on the Light Felonies – infractions of law which the penalty of
conduct of agency’s SOP does not automatically become a aresto menor and/or a fine not exceeding Php 40,000 is
conspirator. provided.
Proposal exists when the person who has decided to commit a Exception: RPC, shall have supplementary application to the
felony proposes its execution to some other person or persons. SPLs whenever the latter uses the nomenclature of penalties in
Requisites: the RPC, an indicia of the intent of congress to make it apply
a) A person has decided to commit a felony; and suppletorily.
Exception to the Exception: Responsibility – is the obligation of taking the penal and civil
- When the Special Law expressly prohibits supplementary consequences of the crime.
application Guilt – an element of responsibility, for a man cannot be
- When the provisions of the RPC are impossible to apply, made to answer for the consequences of a crime unless he is
either by express provision or by necessary implication. guilty.
Suppletory Application of RPC, when SPL is silent re: Confession and Avoidance in Nature – justifying and
1. Principle of Conspiracy exempting circumstances are both in this nature. The accused
2. Definition of Principals, accomplices and accessories is confessing to the commission of the act, but seeks to avoid
3. Measures of prevention or safety criminal liability.
4. Subsidiary penalty
5. Concept of Delito Continuado Beneficial provisions are strictly construed against the
6. Rules on service of Sentence accused, thus these rules are observed.
7. Threefold Rule i) All elements present- not criminally liable as per Arts
8. Rules on Civil/Pecuniary liabilities 11 and 12
9. Civil liability ii) Majority of elements present- benefit of privileged
10. Rule on the delay in the delivery of detained mitigating (Art.69)
prisoners iii) Only one element is present- offender is given an
ordinary mitigating circumstance.
Those which increases or decreases the penalty in accordance
with the presence or absence of circumstances showing the
moral, emotional, and mental state of the offender.