An Insight To Dental Practice Management: A Literature Review
An Insight To Dental Practice Management: A Literature Review
An Insight To Dental Practice Management: A Literature Review
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Nowadays, the dental health care is delivered majority by the private practitioners all around the globe. The more
importance was given on the design of the dental treatment rooms than on the design of the business office. The
planning of the business office workspace is also a key factor and such area should be ergonomically designed as the
business staff can deliver its tasks with the maximum efficiency. Any patient who first time come in the dental clinic is
the most important person for the dentist. The different digital tools can improve the practice efficiency, reduce
administrative costs and improve communication with other providers. Also, there are various dental software’s that are
available for the dental practice management. The appointment system is very important in the dental practice
management, and it must be managed efficiently. Usually, the system contains lists of all the scheduled patients as well
as events for the dentist and staff. It is the control center of the office and a key factor in the success or failure of a
dental practice. Dentist during their daily practice face issues regarding legal aspects and standards of care while
rendering dental care to the patients. For the protection and safety of the patients and society, both voluntary and legal
requirements must be implemented according to legal standards. Therefore, though the complete implementation of an
ideal dental practice is not possible to attain, day by day improvement is necessary for betterment. For effective dental
practice management, it is necessary that the complete dental team works in an efficient manner and follow the correct
rules and laws.
KEYWORDS: Clinical Practice, Dentistry, Dental practice management, Dental services, Education, Practice Management
Dentistry is one of the important health care profession. In this review, the literature search was done by the
The different health care delivery systems are play a online web search regarding the topic. Initially, beginning
major role in the different countries. As the time goes on, the online literature search was conducted using different
the variety of dental health care is delivered to the data source like PubMed, MEDLINE, EBSCOhost; and
population.1 Nowadays, the dental health care is delivered the articles published in the different journals was
majority by the private practitioners all around the globe. obtained. The search engine such as Google also used to
The more importance was given on the design of the find the articles using the keywords as Dental practice
dental treatment rooms than on the design of the business management, Clinical practice, Dental services, etc.
office. The planning of the business office workspace is Furthermore, the literature data consist of different
also a key factor and such area should be ergonomically original articles, reviews, textbooks, etc. were
designed as the business staff can deliver its tasks with documented.
the maximum efficiency. However, nowadays,
convincing any population for regular dental treatment is
one of the difficult problem facing by the dental DENTAL PRACTICE
practitioners.2 The obvious solution to this problem is to MANAGEMENT
attempt to attract and keep new patients. It is vital that the
dentist in a participatory healthcare practice seek input Any patient who first time come in the dental clinic is the
from his staff, which includes secretary, receptionist, most important person for the dentist. Also, the telephone
business assistant, and even front-desk person. The staff is the most important piece of equipment in the office for
is the greatest asset a dentist can have in the office. communication. It is perhaps the fastest and easiest way
Specific guidelines need to be established for hiring to transmit messages. To be effective on the telephone,
qualified staff, selecting a wide range of creative benefits, the receptionist must keep a smile in his or her voice,
and establishing a competitive salary scale that reflects answer calls promptly, be attentive and discreet, be
productivity and cost-of-living increases.3 cordial and responsive, ask questions tactfully, take
How to cite this article:
Das M, Pradhan D, Sharma L, Sinha PK, Mohanty S, Todkar M. An Insight to Dental Practice Management: A Literature Review. Int J Oral Health Med
Res 2018;5(1):54-56.
International Journal of Oral Health and Medical Research | ISSN 2395-7387 | MAY-JUNE 2018 | VOL 5 | ISSUE 1 54
Das M et al.: Dental Practice Management REVIEW ARTICLE
messages courteously, speak distinctly, transfer calls immunities like HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)
carefully, place calls properly, avoid sexism, and be and leukemia are more vulnerable to the development of
coordinate with the caller. In addition, nowadays oral health disease. Hence, it is always advice to treat and
Teledentistry is one of the new exciting areas of dentistry, manage the special care needs patients efficiently by the
which enhances the internet to provide the best dental practitioner.9
information and facilities in rural areas, and includes
Handling the geriatric patient is very important task and,
telecommunications technology. The internet has
it is the main duty of the dental practitioner to make them
fundamentally transformed the way we communicate and
feel comfortable and relaxed in the clinic. Over the last
interact. Both patients and dentists have adopted digital
decade, with the increasing awareness and knowledge
communication and social media in their interactions.
about the oral health care as well as the treatment needs
Social media usage is increasing independent of
of the population, there is the higher demand for geriatric
education, race, ethnicity or access to health care. The
specialists. In the current and coming scenario, the dental
different digital tools can improve the practice efficiency,
professionals have to treat the elderly population in an
reduce administrative costs and improve communication
efficient manner in their dental office with proper
with other providers. Also, there are various dental
requirements and advancements in their professional
software’s that are available for the dental practice
skills. However, the management of elderly patients is
management like Dentrix, Practo, etc. that have made the
very much different than the general patients.10, 11
practice management more systematic and organized.3, 4, 5
Every dental healthcare worker is responsible for
The appointment system is very important in the dental
breaking the cycle of disease transmission.12 As we know
practice management, and it must be managed efficiently.
that microorganisms are ubiquitous. Since pathogenic
Usually, the system contains lists of all the scheduled
microorganisms cause contamination, infection, and
patients as well as events for the dentist and staff. It is the
decay, it becomes necessary to remove or destroy them
control center of the office and a key factor in the success
from materials and areas. In the dental clinics, any
or failure of a dental practice. The appointment
infection present is a significant hazard to the health.
management system can take the form of a traditional
Both patients and dental health care personnel can be
appointment book or the software installed in the office
exposed to pathogens.13 Contact with blood, oral and
computer can be used. The administrative assistant
respiratory secretions, and contaminated equipment
should keep the schedule if any changes take place during
occurs. Proper procedures can prevent transmission of
the day.
infections among patients and dental health care
“Visit your dentist twice a year” the most commonly used personnel. Hence it is important to achieve the highest
phrase in dentistry. For patients, it provides the potential level of infection control and practice sterile techniques
for saving more teeth and promoting the best dental in order to prevent cross infection.12, 14
health, but due to the financial constraints, people do not
Dentist during their daily practice face issues regarding
visit their dentist. Because of this reason, these days
legal aspects and standards of care while rendering dental
dental insurance plays a vital role. In the early twentieth
care to the patients. The requirements needed to practice
century, the Dental insurance or programs related to
dentistry are defined by the dental act given. The dental
dental benefits did not exist. However, in the recent
care standards may arise from the statutory and common
times, their increasing growth has changed the overall
law which enacted by the legislative body and judicial
perception of dentistry, the patient’s fear of dental
decisions. In addition, the dentist is governed by the
payments that have transformed in the form of a
ethical principles that are developed and implemented by
necessary part of healthcare and improving the oral health
the professionals itself. For the protection and safety of
related quality of life.6
the patients and society, both voluntary and legal
For the dentist, it provides an opportunity for the pursuit requirements must be implemented according to legal
of excellence in dental care, as well as keeping and standards. The administrative assistant working in the
attracting patients who appreciate the finest possibly dental clinic needs to have an understanding of the effect
dentistry. The purpose of a recall visit is not to clean the of the law on the dental practice, along with the
teeth and take a check-up x-ray, although during the awareness of its importance on performance of daily
course of many recall visits it is customary to do both. duties. Furthermore, the professionally working person
Rather, the recall visit should be very specific in should be known with the code of ethics for its
providing for the maintenance of every aspect of good professional workgroup.15
dental health.3, 7
Special care needs patients are at risk of attaining oral CONCLUSION
health diseases throughout their life and because any oral
health diseases can have serious implications and Success is an ongoing process but to achieve success is
devastating effects on the quality of life and the health of not an easy task in this competitive world. Though the
the individual.8 It can further lead to systemic diseases as complete implementation of an ideal dental practice is not
well. Individuals with cardiac conditions or conditions possible to attain, day by day improvement is necessary
associated with endocarditis or with compromised for betterment. For effective dental practice management,
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