Ao2019-0046 National Policy On DRRM-H
Ao2019-0046 National Policy On DRRM-H
Ao2019-0046 National Policy On DRRM-H
Department of Health
OCT 29 2019
No. 2019 - (O4Y
The Department of Health (DOH) is mandated to address the health needs of the
affected populations in emergencies and disasters, conflicts, epidemics, and pandemics.
Administrative Order 2004-168, the National Policy on Health Emergencies and Disasters laid
an initial framework on health emergency management, particularly on preparedness and
In 2015, the 3rd United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction adopted
the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. It also aligns with other
international covenants (e.g. Climate Change Adaptation (CCA), the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs), International Health Regulations (IHR) and the Paris Agreement on Climate
Change.) that emphasize the need to focus on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) with four
thematic areas- prevention and mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery and
rehabilitation; and the resilience building in the health sector.
A. General Objective
: f
Building 1, San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, 1003 Manila e Trunk Line 651-7800 local 1113, 1108, 1135
Direct Line: 711-9502; 711-9503 Fax: 743-1829 @ URL: http:/; e-mail:
B. Specific Objectives:
2. Identify relevant core processes to support national and international goals as well
as targets on DRRM-H.
3. Delineate the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders in DRRM-H.
D. DRRM-H Plan
- a long term development plan containing DRRM-H measures in
the four thematic areas.
Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is a physical location in which designated
emergency management functions are performed; supports the Incident
Management Command Team as to
gathering and analyzing data, coordinating and
H. Operations Center refers to facility that is structurally and strategically located in
a pre-identified area during normal condition, conducts monitoring and produces
routine reports.
K. Health resilience - the capacity of a health system to absorb, adapt and transform
when exposed to shock such as pandemics, natural and human-induced disasters
such as armed conflict and still retain the same control onits
structure and functions.
M. Preparedness in DRRM-H strengthening capacities of communities to anticipate,
cope, and ensure early recovery from the negative health impacts of emergencies and
N. Response in DRRM-H
-preserving lives, reducing health impacts, and meeting the
basic health needs of the affected population during or immediately after an
emergency or disaster.
F, Equity in the delivery of essential health services. DRRM-H shall promote the
improvement of the health status of vulnerable groups particularly low service
coverage in high-risk areas.
B. DRRM-H shall be mainstreamed into all health and non-health policies, plans, and
programs in order to capacitate and build resilient systems, especially in the
C. All health service delivery units shall have initiatives on the DRRM-H framework
core processes: (a) Governance, (b) Health Service Delivery, (c) Resource
Mobilization and Management, and (d) Information and Knowledge Management.
D. All stakeholders shall make available and accessible essential health services to the
affected population during times of emergencies and disasters.
B. The resilience of the
community and the health system shall be sustained through the
following mechanisms:
1. Promotion of resilience in new and existing health care facilities thru engineering
and maintenance of health infrastructure to also include critical infrastructure like
water, energy, transport, and telecommunications.
2. Intensification of health promotion and communication particularly in areas that
are high risk for certain natural calamities such as flood-prone areas, earthquake-
prone areas and those in the fault line, landslide areas, near seas and oceans
community, geographically isolated and depressed areas (GIDAs), to
also include
Indigenous People (IPs) areas.
3. Conduct of annual emergency drills in institutions such as schools, offices,
hospitals and health facilities.
4. Development of a community network of health emergency responders.
1. Governance
a. Setting up a mechanism of command and control, coordination, and
communication and partnership with all stakeholders;
b. Creation of standards, recognition of best practices, promotion and advocacy
on DRRM-H;
Development of monitoring and evaluation that shall identify core outcome,
output, process, and input indicators—and mechanism for generating,
processing, analyzing, reporting, disseminating and using these indicators for
policy and program development related to DRRM-H.
D. Essential health service packages shall utilize the cluster approach that includes: (a)
Public Health and Medical, (b) Nutrition; (c) Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH);
and (d) Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS), as stipulated in A.O.
2017-0007 and its amendments.
The DOH Central Office shall act as the lead agency, along with the LGUs, for the
implementation of this Order. The following shall summarize the roles and functions of the
different groups of stakeholders that have critical roles in DRRM-H.
The provisions from Administrative Order 168 s. 2004 and other related issuances that
are inconsistent or in contrary to this Order are hereby amended and modified accordingly.
Furthermore, all provisions of existing related issuances which are
not affected by this Order
shall remain valid andin effect.
This order shall take effect immediately after its publication in a newspaper of general
Secretary of Health
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preventable morbidities
os Neliver and mortalities and other health No outbreaks secondary to
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effects secondarytoemergencies emergencies and disasters
emergencies and disasters
and disasters
Outcomes DRRM-H Institutionalization and strengthening institutional capa
Output ‘
Health Emergency Health Emergency # Functi
on Response Teams Commodities #
Operations Center
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Increased Investments in Disaster Risk Reduction and Management in Health
This Disaster Risk Reduction and Management in Health (DRRM-H) framework levels atall
of governance — in the DOH Central Office, Centers for Health Development, DOH Hospitals,
and other healthcare facilities, Local Government Units - illustrates that if there are increased
investments in DRRM-H inputted in the health system, whether be in health human resource,
commodities, equipment, etc., there will be enhancement in the processes in governance,
service delivery, resource mobilization and management and information and knowledge
management. Minimum inputs/indicators to institutionalize DRRM-H are the plan, health
emergency response teams, health emergency commodities and functional Emergency
Operations Center. This will lead to the attainment of the three-fold goal: uninterrupted health
service delivery during emergencies and disasters, preventable morbidities and mortalities as
well as other secondary health effects averted to have a safer adaptive and disaster-resilient
Filipino communities toward sustainable development. This should also be highlighted in the
role of other agencies in DRRM-H.
ANNEX B: Roles and Responsibilities of other offices in the DOH — Central and attached
D. Health Regulation Team