Printmaking Rubric
Printmaking Rubric
Printmaking Rubric
1. Create a simple design out of cardboard from a
cereal box (or similar box).
2. Lay out in the composition you want.
3. Create a crayon rubbing over top with thin
computer/ printer paper.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 with different shapes and
crayon colors to create 3 unique prints.
**As an alternative, you could start with a “fat” shape
and slowly cut it smaller with each layer of crayon.
Student Name:
Circle the number in pencil that best shows how well you feel that you completed that criterion for Excell Needs
Good Average
the assignment. ent Improvement
Criteria 1 – Collagraph print: at least 3 layers of color/ shapes are built up. At
10 9–8 7 6 or less
least 3 collagraph crayon prints are created with the collagraph technique.
Criteria 2 – Trace Monotype transfer: At least one previous drawing has been
10 9–8 7 6 or less
transferred using the monotype with oil pastel technique.
Criteria 3 – Monotype with markers – At least 2 prints are created using the
10 9–8 7 6 or less
monoprint with marker technique. (two alternative color choices)
Criteria 4 – Effort: took time to develop idea & complete project? (Didn’t rush.)
10 9–8 7 6 or less
Good use of class time?
Criteria 5 – Craftsmanship – Neat, clean & complete? Skillful use of the art tools
10 9–8 7 6 or less
& media?
Total: 50 Grade:
(possible points)
1. Pick out a previous contour drawing you
have done. (from your sketchbook, or one
for fun you did in your free time.)
2. Shade the back of the drawing with a thick
layer of oil pastel (or use a thin sheet of
notebook paper).
3. Slip a piece of sketchbook or printer paper
under the oil pastel and the original
drawing. Then go back over the drawing
contour firmly with pen to transfer the oil
pastel onto the new paper.