Syllabus DLD Fall 2020-2021
Syllabus DLD Fall 2020-2021
Syllabus DLD Fall 2020-2021
College of Engineering
Department of Communications & Electronics and Computer Eng.
Text book: M. Mano, M. Ciletti. Digital design. 5th edition, Prentice-Hall, 2013
Recommended books:
1. M. Mano, C. Kime and T. Martin. Logic and computer design fundamentals, 5th ed, Prentice-Hall, 2016
2. R. Tocci, N. Widmer and G. Moss. Digital systems, 12th ed, Prentice-Hall, 2016.
3. T. Floyd. Digital fundamentals, 11th ed, Prentice-Hall, 2015.
Logic levels and pulse waveforms; number systems and their conversion; types of logic gates; Boolean
algebra; combinational logic and application types of sequential elements and their applications; micro
controllers and memories: types and classifications.
Course Objectives:
Ch. 1
2 Number Systems and Codes
Ch. 2
Boolean Algebra
3, 4
Ch. 2
Logic Gates
Ch. 3
Gate-Level Minimization
5, 6
Ch. 4
Combinational Logic Design: Procedure and Functional Blocks
Combinational Logic Design Using Building Blocks: Binary Adders, Comparators, Ch. 4
7, 8
Decoders, Encoders, Multiplixers and Demultiplexers
Ch. 5
Analysis of Synchronous Sequential Logic Circuits
11, 12
Ch. 5
Design of Synchronous Sequential Logic Circuits
Ch. 6
13, 14 Registers and Counters