0 PRO Komax HMI EN
0 PRO Komax HMI EN
0 PRO Komax HMI EN
Simple, error-free operation
– T he Komax Green Button guides the
user clearly and accurately through the wire
Customizable high-performance production processing procedure
machines are increasingly complex items of – T he use-case-driven design eliminates input
manufacturing equipment – which is why their errors
operation needs to be simple, consistent and – Input windows for third-party systems can
error-proof. In response, Komax has developed be integrated into the workflow
Komax HMI, the new operating software for – Clearly structured user interface for fast
fully automatic wire processing machines. The orientation
new human machine interface (HMI) facilitates
the transition from complexity to maximum Flexible, customizable production
simplicity with a new operating philosophy. – T he production process can be optimized
User guidance and customizable procedures and adjusted during operation
guarantee perfect processes, step by step. – Real-time data for simultaneous production,
Integration with a manufacturing execution sys- control and optimization
tem allows real-time data to be exchanged and
analyses to be performed at any time, thereby Reliable, transparent quality
creating maximum transparency across the – Open interface for data analysis in real time
production chain. HMI from Komax gives – Comprehensive transparency across the entire
access to the machine’s full performance production process
potential in order to produce wire harnesses – Fully documented, traceable quality
more flexibly, quickly and economically.
The Green Button guides the user
easily from the job list to the material
changeover page, and from the veri
fication sequence to production, until
the job is completed.
Centralized, error-free operation multiple software programs and printed
Komax HMI is based on a use-case- documents. Instructions and input fields
driven design a rchitecture. This operating are provided at the right step within the
philosophy prioritizes the most common HMI workflow.
tasks and processes. For instance, all The user interface is divided into machine
information relevant to the stripping pro- configuration, product specification and
cess is displayed concisely on the same production. The clear and intuitive layout
page, thus providing a full overview at allows for quick orientation.
a single glance. Images of parts and articles, as well as
The Komax Green Button guides the the machine and its modules, make data
operator through the entire production entry and monitoring simple and clear,
Set process microscope Produce
parameters image final sample
Change Learn
Access job list and verify Positioning and verify Production Complete job
Visual check
Market segments
Komax AG
Industriestrasse 6
CH-6036 Dierikon
Phone +41 41 455 04 55
Fax +41 41 450 15 79
0380839 V0 Komax HMI
Subject to change