Siemens Simatic Wincc

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New Perspectives on Process

grated automation solution of a wide
variety of different Siemens products.
In this connection, the system uses in
particular the properties of the STEP7
world and WinCC’s integrated congura-
tion. This means that matched function-
ality is offered in the case of deployment
in the SIMATIC environment. Directly at
the engineering level, you can access
the STEP7 tag data from WinCC. This
means that you only need to enter tag
data once during conguration. As a
result, you avoid the risk of wrongly
entered data and the inconsistencies
that this leads to. The same applies to
conguring the alarm data. To round
the system off, WinCC is completely
integrated in the SIMATIC STEP7 envi-
Figure 1: The Graphics Designer for creating and designing pictures ronment. This means that you can
manage all the components in one
editor and from there you can trigger
individual configuration work. As a
result, you can now load the WinCC
data, which is generally created on a
Today’s modern SCADA systems for Conguration using Editors
central engineering station, across the
process visualization are character- WinCC Explorer with its editors is
common system bus to the correspond-
ized by being scaleable, open and the central coordinating point of an
ing operation and monitoring station.
easy and efcient to congure and operation and monitoring system. It
Another feature of the interaction is
handle. The further developments in provides access to all the components.
direct calling of STEP7 blocks from
Version 5 of WinCC have specically Here, you make settings like the system
WinCC pictures. This congurable func-
taken into account these require- configuration (single-user/multi-user
tion allows you to implement jumps
ments. system) or the communications con-
from pictures to the associated control
WinCC is an Operating & Monitoring nection to the process with the cor-
(O&M) system for controlling auto- responding tags. In the same way, you
In the same way, jumps are also pos-
mated processes that has a range of start here the editors of the basic system
sible to the associated hardware con-
functions that are graduated on a price and of the installed options. This means
guration and the diagnostics system.
and performance basis. It is integrated that the Explorer gives you an overview
When creating these calls, operators are
in Siemens AG’s open and consistent of the project. The editors that you need
assisted by dynamic wizards.
“Totally Integrated Automation” con- for basic configuration are included
cept. The current Version is Release in the basic system. These include, Modular Technology
5. The WinCC basic system includes amongst others, amongst others picture Process visualization systems are
editors for representing pictures, scripts, generation (Graphics Designer, Figure deployed in central operating and moni-
alarms, trends and reports, for example. 1), conguring the alarm system (Alarm toring of production processes. This
The software is scaleable due to tag Logging), process value archiving (Tag means that you must congure a large
graduation, which makes available Logging) and the logging system number of pictures to give you an
different performance levels to opera- (Report Designer), script creation overview of the plant.
tors. You can deploy option packages (Global Script) and a user management Typically, these pictures are structured
depending on your application. Apart system (User Administrator). using process objects – several of these
from this, WinCC is scaleable from are included per type (e.g. motors,
Integration in TIA
simple single-user systems through pumps, controllers and valves). Using
An important module is integration
client/server systems up to multi-client/ modular technology, you can standard-
into the world of Totally Integrated
server architectures. ize objects. User objects allow you to
Automation (TIA) as part of an inte-

New Perspectives on Process Visualization
You can change their properties after
conguration, with tag linking being
carried out directly by dragging & drop-
ping. You can additionally dynamize all
the properties of objects using scripts
or dynamic dialogs.
WinCC makes available a wide range
of configuration wizards. The alarms
wizard, for example, provides preset
parameters that you can apply as-is or
change. Integrated preview windows
show the effects of the currently used
parameters. In addition wizards are
available to support configuration
of menu-driven dynamization of stan-
dard dynamics, picture blocks, picture
dynamizations, system functions etc.
Figure 2: Using library objects You can also create your own wizards.
Functions like find and replace tags
carry out conguration using modular Libraries for Industry and texts in pictures support users in
technology where you can group any WinCC provides a comprehensive conguring and changing pictures.
number of graphic objects you like to range of library objects for creating
form a new object and then dene the pictures. Here, you can choose between Object References
interface parameters that are relevant the “Siemens HMI Symbol Library” based Using the cross-reference list compo-
to process linking. Under the properties on ActiveX controls and a library of nent, you can have the system display
of the user objects, the system only symbols that you created using WinCC directly all the locations where the
shows the user-specifically defined standard resources. In each case, the objects in the project are used; if neces-
parameters. The object that you have objects are stored in the library sorted sary, you can change or delete these
dened on this basis can now be placed by topic. You can also create your own objects. To avoid inconsistencies, you
in the library and you can use it as often objects. You can then store these com- can make changes to one or more tags.
as you want. When using picture blocks, pany-, technology- or industry-specic When doing this, you can find and
you create a central object of which you standards in the library too. You can replace character strings on a central
can create referenced copies. Each of then simply drag and drop these objects basis. Using the cross-reference list
the copies that you create in this way onto the process picture as required. is particularly useful when searching
runs with its own data at runtime. You
carry out conguration of these objects Figure 3: WinCC in use in a sewage plant
on a central basis, which means that
any changes you make are immediately
effective in all objects. This means that
you do not need to make changes at a
large number of different locations. The
third option is to use ActiveX controls.
For this, the WinCC Graphics Designer
allows you to integrate any OCX or
ActiveX controls you like. The WinCC
Basic Package already contains a wide
range of ActiveX controls. Users can
create other elements using Visual
Basic, for example. This means that
you can use elements that you created
at conguration, which only need to
be integrated. On the other hand, this
allows you to protect industry and
technology expertise in enclosed ele-
ments and to use it as often as you like
with different parameters.

New Perspectives on Process Visualization
for the locations where deleted tags workbook. This contains different types
were used and for relationships between of worksheets that are each used to con-
process pictures and their tags. gure specic types of WinCC objects.
Multilanguage Capability Extensible on a Modular Basis
The WinCC Software is consistently SIMATIC WinCC integrates the usual
implemented on a multilanguage basis. standard interfaces (OPC, ActiveX, COM/
This applies to all of the basic system DCOM, ODBC/SQL or API and a universal
as well as to the option packages. This script language), which provide the
multilanguage capability includes the openness needed for integration in
conguration interface, the help system, heterogeneous information landscapes.
as well as the documentation. You can A range of different WinCC option pack-
switch the language of the congura- ages and add-ons have been developed
tion software at the push of a button. on the basis of the open programming
For the Asian market, the software is interfaces. Due to these specic options
now consistently available in Chinese and add-ons, you can expend SIMATIC
(traditional/simplified), Korean and WinCC for use in all branches of industry
Japanese. The congured texts are stored and technologies. Amongst others, the
in the central text library. By translating option packages include User Archives,
these texts, users can later choose Storage and the Web Navigator. Add-ons
between languages online at runtime. are generally vertical market solutions.
Conguring Mass Data From the automated process through
A conguration tool is integrated from to optimizing processes at the factory
V5.1 onwards for high-performance management level and providing man-
conguration of mass data. Microsoft agement data for the company manage-
Excel is used as the user interface, since ment, WinCC is an information exchange
its spreadsheet format makes it suitable for vertical integration. Due to its simple
for editing and representing the WinCC design and exible extension capability,
data. It provides a wide range of editing you can deploy it in uses ranging from
options (e.g. AutoFill) that you can sup- the simplest applications in mechanical
plement using VBA programs (macros). engineering through complex multi-
You can congure projects outside the user applications through to distributed
WinCC environment. The Conguration systems with several servers for industrial
Tool allows you to create a new WinCC and building systems.
project and to configure it right from
the start in Excel. It is also possible to
First published in SPS-Magazin HM-Special 04/02
load existing WinCC projects in Excel and
to further-process them. You carry out Author: Oliver Merget
conguration in a special type of Excel
workbook known as a WinCC project

New Perspectives on Process Visualization

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