Information About Loopback Call Routing
Information About Loopback Call Routing
Information About Loopback Call Routing
Note A preferred alternative to loopback call routing was introduced in Cisco CME 3.1. This alternative blocks
H.450-based supplementary service requests by using the following Cisco IOS commands:
no supplementary-service h450.2, no supplementary-service h450.3, and supplementary-service h450.12.
For more information, see Configure Call Transfer and Forwarding.
Use of loopback-dn configurations within a VoIP network should be restricted to resolving critical network
interoperability service problems that cannot otherwise be solved. Loopback-dn configurations are intended
for use in VoIP network interworking where the alternative would be to make use of back-to-back-connected
physical voice ports. Loopback-dn configurations emulate the effect of a back-to-back physical voice-port
arrangement without the expense of the physical voice-port hardware. Because digital signal processors (DSPs)
are not involved in loopback-dn arrangements, the configuration does not support interworking or transcoding
between calls that use different voice codecs. In many cases, use of back-to-back physical voice ports that do
involve DSPs to resolve VoIP network interworking issues is preferred, because it introduces fewer restrictions
in terms of supported codecs and call flows.
Loopback call routing requires two extensions (ephone-dns) to be separately configured, each as half of a
loopback-dn pair. Ephone-dns that are defined as a loopback-dn pair can only be used for loopback call routing.
In addition to defining the loopback-dn pair, you must specify preference, huntstop, class of restriction (COR),
and translation rules.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn dn-tag
4. number number [secondary number] [no-reg [both | primary ]]
5. caller-id {local | passthrough}
6. no huntstop
7. preference preference-order [secondary secondary-order]
8. cor {incoming | outgoing} cor-list-name
9. translate {called | calling} translation-rule-tag
10. loopback-dn dn-tag [forward number-of-digits | strip number-of-digits ] [ prefix prefix-digit-string
] [ suffix suffix-digit-string ] [retry seconds] [auto-con ] [codec {g711alaw | g711ulaw}]
11. end
Step 4 number number [secondary number] [no-reg [both Associates a number with this extension (ephone-dn).
| primary ]]
• number—String of up to 16 digits that represents a
Example: telephone or extension number to be associated with
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 2001 this ephone-dn.
• secondary—(Optional) Allows you to associate a
second telephone number with an ephone-dn.
• no-reg—(Optional) Specifies that this number should
not register with the H.323 gatekeeper. The no-reg
keyword indicates that only the secondary number
should not register. The no-reg both keywords
indicate that both numbers should not register, and
the no-reg primary keywords indicate that only the
primary number should not register.
Step 5 caller-id {local | passthrough} Specifies caller-ID treatment for outbound calls originated
from the ephone-dn. The default if this command is not
used is as follows. For transferred calls, caller ID is
Router(config-ephone-dn)# caller-id local provided by the number and name fields from the outbound
side of the loopback-dn. For forwarded calls, caller ID is
provided by the original caller ID of the incoming call.
Settings for the caller-id block command and translation
rules on the outbound side are executed.
• local—Passes the local caller ID on redirected calls.
This is the preferred usage.
• passthrough—Passes the original caller ID on
redirected calls.
Step 6 no huntstop Disables huntstop and allows call hunting behavior for an
extension (ephone-dn).
Router(config-ephone-dn)# no huntstop
Step 7 preference preference-order [secondary Sets dial-peer preference for an extension (ephone-dn).
• preference-order—Preference order for the primary
Example: number associated with an extension (ephone-dn).
Router(config-ephone-dn)# preference 1 Range is 0 to 10, where 0 is the highest preference
and 10 is the lowest preference. Default is 0.
Step 8 cor {incoming | outgoing} cor-list-name Applies a class of restriction (COR) to the dial peers
associated with an extension. COR specifies which
incoming dial peer can use which outgoing dial peer to
Router(config-ephone-dn)# cor incoming corlist1 make a call. Each dial peer can be provisioned with an
incoming and an outgoing COR list.
For information about COR, see Dial Peer Configuration
on Voice Gateway Routers.
Step 9 translate {called | calling} translation-rule-tag Selects an existing translation rule and applies it to a calling
number or a number that has been called. This command
enables the manipulation of numbers as part of a dial plan
Router(config-ephone-dn)# translate called 1 to manage overlapping or nonconsecutive numbering
• called—Translates the called number.
• calling—Translates the calling number.
• translation-rule-tag—Unique sequence number of
the previously defined translation rule. Range is
1 to 2147483647.
Step 10 loopback-dn dn-tag [forward number-of-digits | strip Enables H.323 call transfer and call forwarding by using
number-of-digits ] [ prefix prefix-digit-string ] [ hairpin call routing for VoIP endpoints that do not support
suffix suffix-digit-string ] [retry seconds] [auto-con Cisco-proprietary or H.450-based call-transfer and
] [codec {g711alaw | g711ulaw}] call-forwarding.
Example: • dn-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies the
Router(config-ephone-dn)# loopback-dn 24 forward ephone-dn that is being paired for loopback with the
15 prefix 415353.... ephone-dn that is being configured. The paired
ephone-dn must be one that is already defined in the
• forward number-of-digits—(Optional) Number of
digits in the original called number to forward to the
other ephone-dn in the loopback-dn pair. Range is
1 to 32. Default is to forward all digits.
• strip number-of-digits—(Optional) Number of
leading digits to be stripped from the original called
Use the show running-config or show telephony-service ephone-dn command to display ephone-dn configurations.
ephone-dn 15
number 6...
loopback-dn 16 forward 4 prefix 415767
caller-id local
no huntstop
ephone-dn 16
number 4085552...
loopback-dn 15 forward 4
caller-id local
no huntstop