Practical Acoustics of Instruments of The Violin Family: Jan James
Practical Acoustics of Instruments of The Violin Family: Jan James
Practical Acoustics of Instruments of The Violin Family: Jan James
Practical Acoustics of
of the Violin Family
(Bridging Science and Art)
ISBN 1-892210-05-3
Library of Congress Control Number 2002103631
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form
or by any means without the prior written permission of Henry Strobel.
7. The Bow
7.1 A short history damaged or unsatisfactory bow for various reasons,
was simply thrown away. Those who manufactured
A stringed instrument without a bow is almost bows in this period (usually violin makers’
useless, on the other hand a bow without an assistants) were held in low esteem. Not until late
instrument is also meaningless; the two belong in the 18th century did bow making become a
together. There are no definitive indications that separate profession and the practice of stamping a
bowed instruments have always been preceded by bow with the real maker’s name only became widely
plucked ones [67]; bowed instruments have existed established after 1800.
long before the violin family appeared.
In contrast to the instruments of the violin family,
It is a curious fact that it is a relatively recent notion the bow has undergone quite an extensive evolution
(since c. 1950) that the bow is of major significance in the period 1700-1800, of which only a few
for the sound quality and that there are large outlines are given here. The bows from the 17th
differences in character among different bows. This and early 18th century, only a few of which have
corresponds with a major rise in bow prices. Until survived including one made by Stradivari [7], had
the end of the 19th century the bow was considered the hair ribbon and stick parallel. Bows with
to be an accessory of a certain, but secondary, outwardly curved sticks have been used in the vielle
significance. Nevertheless, the most distinguished (the medieval precursor of the violin) and in folk
soloists of that time (Joachim, Ysaye) played with music instruments (rebec, the Celtic crwth, and the
the best bows of Tourte and his followers. It is Mongolian fiddle) but it can safely be relegated to
typical that the firm Hill & Sons, who started the world of phantasy that such arched bows were
making bows near the end of the 19th century, used in the Bach period to facilitate the playing of
employed such specialized bow makers as S. Allen chords.
and W. C. Retford and that these bows were
presented (with a case for the violin) to buyers of These early bows, sometimes called Corelli bows,
quality instruments. In that period around 1900 were mostly rather weak and had a high nut; they
there was a buyers’ market for violins, a large supply are very well suited to playing fast successive notes
and low prices, and certainly little interest in a new with a light tone, as often occurred in music of that
bow. The Hill firm later demanded high prices for period. Due to the construction of the bow
their bows and the best Hill bows from the period (without an inward curve or camber) the playing of
1890-1940 are now much sought after. The chords was easier than with later bows because the
manufacture of bows by Hill and Sons gradually bow hairs had little tension and could be bent over
tailed off after 1960 and in 1992 the entire the strings. The head had a more pointed end
company ceased to exist [72]. (pike's head) than the more hammer-like shape of
the present day bow; different types of wood
For some reason France had become a centre of (snakewood, iron wood) were used for the stick.
bow making producing a number of great names; The length was variable, for the violin between 60
Italy has played little or no part in the development and 70 cm and a weight of 50 g. Boyden [7] warns
of the modern bow. Germany has been important that the bows of before 1780 should not be
in the mass production of middle and lower grade regarded as primitive and crude; for much music
bows, with one or two individuals making top class from the 17th and 18th centuries they are clearly
bows and England has had only a few excellent superior to the modern bow. Copies of these old
makers. Because of the lowly status of bows in the bows have been made by modern bow makers for
17th and 18th centuries, very few have survived; a such music.
In the second half of the 18th century 7.2 Portrait of the present-day bow
changes in music practice necessitated a
bow which permitted the sustaining of long
powerful notes. To meet this need bows
had an inward curvature of the stick, the
camber, giving the middle part of the bow
greater stability. Bows from the period
after 1770, with a light camber and a
somewhat shorter head, called of the
“transitional” type , are intermediary
between the old Corelli type and the
Tourte type at the end of the 18th century. Fig. 7.1 The nut of a violin bow on the stick. a. Slide of mother-of-
A bow much used throughout Europe in pearl with behind it b. the metal silver plate which may or may not
the last quarter of the 18th century was the form a whole with the heel plate at the back of the nut. Other parts
are shown in fig. 7.2
Cramer bow, named after a German
violinist from around 1750 [54]. These
bows were manufactured by anonymous
workmen: Cramer himself had nothing to
do with their production. In general, bow
types were associated with players, not
The frog (also called nut or heel) is a fairly
complicated construction of wood (mostly ebony,
sometimes ivory or tortoiseshell), metal (gold, silver
or nickel or gun-metal) and mother-of pearl, with
an iron screw which fits into a screw mechanism
fixed to the wood of the frog and which serves to
move the frog to and fro for the adjustment of hair
tension (fig. 7.2, 9). The frog is moved over the
stick via an underslide liner of metal secured by tiny Fig. 7.3 Head of a similar bow as in fig. 7.1 and 7.2
pins or screws to the frog (fig. 7.2, 8). The entire (slightly larger than actual size). The thin ivory or silver
construction of the frog - although the tip-plate is clearly seen; a tiny piece of this plate
measurements are more or less standardized - is extends at a right angle to it at the extreme end,
shaped to protect the wood at the peak (downward
characteristic of a maker or a school, and the pointing arrow). Usually a thin plate of ebony is
materials used say something about the quality, at inserted between the wood and the ivory or metal of
least in the eyes of the maker. The bow maker the plate (small arrow pointing left). The head is
hollowed to hold the knot at the end of the hair and the
mounts his best work in gold, but in itself a gold-
small wooden plug wedges it in place. The shape of
mounted bow does not mean an excellent bow; this the head and that of the so-called throat at the
depends on the standards of the maker. On the backside (large arrow) is typical of a particular maker
other hand a nickel mounted bow does not mean or school so that in combination with the nut (when this
is original) and characteristics of the stick, identification
that the bow is inferior; quite a few of the “student
of the bow can be made by an expert.
type” bows from French ateliers can be excellent.
The ferrule and the button of the adjuster are
always made of the same metal, the button often Nickel mounted French bows are seen less often
with metal bands sandwiched in an ebony cap. For now, although they were made in large numbers.
the players of old music, modern bow makers make
copies of old bows of the Corelli or transitional The brand on the stick does not necessarily
type; they are however usually provided with a more mention the name of the maker; often such a brand
comfortable adjustment of the hair tension than the is only a shop or atelier stamp put on bows bought
“crémaillère” of older times, in which the frog was by the dozen from specialized bow making
held in place by a series of iron indentations on the workshops. Stamps have often been faked to
bow stick near its lower end [36]. upgrade the value of the bow, in analogy with false
labels in instruments; an expert is usually able to
It will be clear from the foregoing that the recognize these. Factory bows are routinely branded
replacement of a frog by a new one (e.g. because of with the names of the makers of which they are
irreparable damage or wear) will reduce the copies. Apart from the stamp (if present, and not
authenticity of a bow and consequently its always reliable) and the characteristics of the frog,
monetary value, although its playing qualities are the model of the head and the way it is cut is of
not necessarily affected. To a lesser degree, this also importance for the recognition of a maker or a
holds for the button. In some cases, with a very school. The head plate (fig 7.3) is usually of ivory,
valuable bow, wear and tear of the frog can be sometimes of silver (especially with English bows)
prevented by using a custom-made replacement or of gold with bows with a gold-mounted frog.
frog for playing, keeping the original frog separate.
In bygone days when money was scarce, materials Since 1800 most bows have been made of
expensive and labour cheap, many French bows pernambuco wood (Caesalpinea echinata), a very
were mounted in nickel to make them affordable dense and strong type of wood with the necessary
for poor musicians. These bows have sometimes resilience. It usually comes from northern Brazil,
been re-mounted in silver to mark up the price. but not necessarily the Pernambuco region from
which the name is derived. Brazilwood, a lesser More recently, after years of experiments and
and more widespread variant of the genus failures, bows have been produced with sticks made
Caesalpinea, originating from different regions in from synthetic materials, e.g. from polycarbonate
South-America and South-East Asia, is used for fibres which have been made stable by resin
cheaper bows. Brazilwood can be recognized by its impregnation. In view of the difficulty in obtaining
much coarser grain and more fibrous structure than good quality pernambuco wood, some young and
pernambuco. Whereas bow sticks made from good adequately trained bow makers have recently
pernambuco do not lose their elasticity and produced bows which in terms of weight, elasticity
resilience even after 100-150 years, Brazilwood and resistance approach the conventional bow, but
bows get exhausted after a certain period of time have a stick made of such synthetic material [37].
and become weak. The newest development is even a device enabling
the resistance of such a stick to be regulated by a
Bows are usually circular in cross section (or screw mechanism. Time will tell whether this is a
sometimes egg-shaped, slightly broader across the viable development. In the past such developments
lower half) and decrease in diameter from the have first created a furore which is forgotten later
handle towards the head. Based on the bows of F. (e.g. the steel bow); so far this seems a serious
Tourte [67], J.B. Vuillaume has calculated the novelty. In the rather conservative world of lutherie
optimal decrease. It is questionable, however, a certain resistance can be felt to sticks of synthetic
whether even bows from the Vuillaume atelier material and it has happened that an enthusiast of
always meet these requirements exactly; bow the carbonate bow, when he brought it to his local
making is an artistic handicraft. There will be a shop for rehairing, was refused help.
great many bows which meet the criteria of
Vuillaume precisely, but which are of no interest, To conclude this section on the anatomy of the
whereas a number of great bows do not meet these bow, standard measurements of the present-day
specifications at all. At the thickest end of the bow, bow are shown in table 7.1. Different aspects such
the so-called handle, all bows have a more or less as weight, balance and other properties of the bow
octagonal cross section (fig.7.1) which enables the will be dealt with in the next sections.
frog to be fixed with its underslide on the stick so
that is laterally stable (very important for the Table 7.1 Standard measurements of the bow
player), and does not interfere with the to and fro
movement of the frog for adjusting the tension of Bow Length Weight Length Ferrule
the hair ribbon. Many bows are octagonal over their Type of Stick of Bow of Nut Width
(cm) (grams) (cm) (cm)
entire length. Planta [61] has calculated that an
octagonal stick, compared to a round stick of the Violin 74.5 60 4.5 1.3
same over-all diameter, would have 15% more (57-63)
stiffness. Apart from the round or octagonal shape, Viola 74 70 4.8 1.4
some bows have been made which could be called (68-74)
rounded octagonal or oval shaped. Cello 71.5 80 5.1 1.5
Many experiments have been made with materials
Bass 72.5 125 6.8 1.8
other than wood. J. B. Vuillaume had some success (100-
with hollow metal sticks. It did not become a real 150)
success with players, in spite of a laudatory letter
from Paganini stating that it would be superior to
a wooden bow [47a]. They tended to bend, buckle Note: The variations in length of the bow are, especially
and rust and were less durable than wooden bows. with older bows, considerable, e.g. for the violin the
They have become museum pieces. stick length may vary from 72.8 to 75.2 cm
Fig. 7.4 A bow hair from a ribbon played for some time, after cleaning so that the pattern of the
flat scales can be observed. (electron micrograph made with a scanning electron microscope,
magnification about 800x; in reality this hair measures about 0.1 mm in diameter.)
alternate the bundles of hairs. Another keratin which forms the basic protein of the bow
misunderstanding is that the scales of the cuticula hairs [34]. The larva is a few millimeters long and
wear off easily causing a loss of ‘bite' of the hairs. has bristles all over its body (fig. 7.5). It does not
There is a certain degree of wear and tear but this show any interest in any other part of the bow but
does not occur in the short term, say up to a few the hairs, nor for the violin or parts thereof. Wood
hundred hours of playing. It is a layer of modified is the speciality of the woodworm (Anobium
rosin overlying the cuticula scales which causes the punctatum), no relative of the bow bug. After
loss of resistance. This accumulation of chemically metamorphosis the bow bug becomes a flying insect
modified rosin is partly due to the high and feeds on the nectar of plants. Any such old
temperatures developing at the hair/string contact violin case with broken hairs should be taken out
point during vigorous bowing; this can be into the open and treated with an insecticide spray.
confirmed by an infrared camera [59]. This layer
may be removed by cleaning the hairs with a 70%
alcohol solution on a piece of cloth (taking care not
to touch the stick), resulting in an increased ‘bite’ of
the hairs when new rosin is applied [33]. This may
be of importance for a travelling musician, who may
distrust the abilities of the local craftsman to rehair
his valuable bow. Even under other circumstances
such a cleaning is better than a hasty rehair at a
local shop with its risk of damage to the head. How
often a rehair is really needed will vary; for Fig. 7.5 Micrograph of an Anthrenus larva on bow
professional players the average is about every six hairs; magnification 16x (further details see James
months or when the bow does not seem to hold the
strings as it once did.
Rosin is a subject which has often been neglected;
In spite of extensive experiments with various it is, however, essential for the functioning of a
materials, it has so far not been possible to replace stringed instrument. The best instrument with an
by a synthetic material the time-honoured horse excellent bow is unable to produce any sound
hair which had been used for stringed instruments without rosin. The way in which rosin is attached
in the Arabic world even before the violin family to the hairs and the stick-and-slip mechanism it
came into being. In contrast, replacement of the causes has been dealt with in the previous
classic catgut core for strings by synthetic materials paragraph and in chapter 4; the proper use of the
has met with more success (chapter 8). right kind of rosin makes a difference to the playing
quality of a bow and the tone it evokes from the
As a natural material , bow hair is susceptible to a instrument [67].
particular parasite, the bow bug (museum bug,
Anthrenus museorum), especially its larva. It is Rosin (called colophane in French and in German
called a museum bug because the larva in question Kolophon after the region in Asia minor where good
may eat the keratin from furs, wool and hairs as rosin used to be produced) is originally the residue
well as the protein skeleton of entire insects in a left when turpentine has been distilled from the sap
natural history museum. If many loose fragments of of resinous trees. New (semi-) synthetic procedures
bow hair are found in all directions on opening a have since been developed to make rosin, and
violin case that has been closed for a long time, certain substances are sometimes added. The
then you can be certain a bow bug has been at characteristic smell of rosin is attributable to certain
work. The larvae have a preference for the dark and volatile etheric oils; this is the reason why it is best
may stay for years in a closed case and feed on the to keep rosin in a closed box or envelope. The
colour of the rosin is related to the melting point: provided with aircraft meals serve very well in this
dark rosin has a lower melting point than light regard!
rosin. Dark rosin is soft and more tacky; light
coloured rosin is somewhat harder, powders easily 7.4 The bow as a tool for the player
and, especially in cold surroundings such as
churches, sometimes does not grip effectively The attitude of players towards the bow differs
causing non-response and whistling. In a hot widely; some are quite indifferent, others are very
climate hard, mostly light rosin is to be preferred. critical. It has been well established that the
For the cello and especially the double bass, tacky characteristics and the quality of the bow are very
rosin (which may or may not be dark) is best. important for the ultimate tonal result, and that the
bow and the instrument should also match. There
With violin and cello, the use of light or dark rosin is no such thing as the ideal bow for everything and
is also dependent on the properties of the bow: if it everybody, although good bows have much in
has a very strong stick the chances are that light common.
rosin might give insufficient grip, especially with
stiff strings and in cold weather. On the other Any player handling a good bow for the first time
hand, with a flexible bow, a vigorous attack in a is often surprised how easily all the different bow
solo may be realized more easily with a hard rosin. strokes can be executed, and even an unhappy
Each player has to find out what is best for his “landing” on the strings seems to be effortlessly
playing and his equipment; it makes sense to have corrected due to an excellent response. The result
both light and dark rosin to hand, particularly in with regard to tone production is also surprising.
view of different atmospheric conditions. Apart The experiment with a hidden player trying
from dark and light types, also rosin has been different quality bows on the same instrument is
produced which contains a kind of lubricant which illustrative: the audience often thinks that different
works satisfactorily for some players. The instruments are played. The difference between
differences between the various brands of light and colourless mass-produced bows is usually inaudible.
dark rosin are not very great. As with instruments, clear differences exist between
various players who may draw entirely different
Rosin should only be applied when necessary, i.e. sound colours from the same bow and the same
when there is clearly a loss of grip on the string. It instrument. Players usually agree on the response of
should be applied with long even strokes; short to a bow, i.e. the more or less rapid establishment of
and fro movements generate too much heat. For a Helmholtz vibration in a string.
the first application after rehairing a powdered
rosin is advisable because it adheres more quickly to A good sounding bow and one which is easy to play
the scales of the cuticula of the hairs. Excess rosin do not always run hand in hand; some bows, among
is played off quickly, but it might cake onto the which real Tourtes, have a beautiful tone but may
strings (thereby altering their mass) or onto the be difficult to play for different reasons. It remains
table. This can easily be wiped off, but sometimes mysterious just what determines a beautiful tone.
the rosin on the strings is difficult to remove, Far fewer investigations have been made in this
causing them to sound false (because of the local respect than with violins. The tone is a product of
mass increase). Moreover, a detrimental effect on response and damping of a bow in which the ribbon
the tone may occur when, during bowing, rosin transmits certain vibration patterns to the wood of
slides over rosin. When the rosin cannot be wiped the stick, which plays the most important role in
off easily, cleaning the strings with a minute drop of tone formation. The diameter of the ribbon
70% alcohol (or eau de cologne) on a piece of cloth determines the force which can be exerted on the
is indicated, taking care not to spill any alcohol on string, but also the damping: the broader the
the varnish of the table. The cleansing towelettes ribbon, the more damping. The damping effects a
selection in the harmonic spectrum of the vibrating has reached its end before there is adequate hair
string. A good tone is produced when all parts of a tension.
bow combine harmoniously [21a].
Taking a gun barrel view from the handle to the
Instruments differ in their demands on the bow; head of a bow, it can be established whether the
moreover there are differences between bows for stick (apart from the camber) follows a straight
various members of the violin family. The fact that course, and whether there are any irregularities in
violin and viola are played in a more or less its thickness. In contrast to what many players
horizontal position and cello and bass with the think, this course is not always straight; some lateral
strings more upright, are of importance for the deviation to the left for a violin or viola bow and to
construction of the bow. the right for a cello or bass bow (i.e. contrary to the
direction in which force is exerted in playing) is
An important element in the adjustment of a bow favourable. Many quality bows are delivered this
is the curvature of the stick in both horizontal and way, the bending being done after setting the
vertical directions: there is no point in testing the camber. The lateral deviations just mentioned
qualities of a bow as long as these factors are not in (when in the right direction) make the “feel” of a
order. As explained in 7.2, the modern bow (since bow somewhat stronger; there are however also
c.1800) has a curve towards the hair ribbon, the good bows which are totally straight, apart from the
camber. For setting the camber the shaft is heated camber. A lateral deviation in the wrong direction
thoroughly (yellow gas flame), equally and evenly however should always be corrected.
on all sides and then bent while hot, using both
hands. For mass production steam is used. If All this bending - adjustment - of bow sticks is the
everything has been done optimally, the “belly” of work of specialists and, if well performed, can have
the stick touches the hair about half-way. Many an amazing effect on the playing qualities of a bow.
old bows have in the course of time lost some The suggestion of Rokos [70] to perform this at
spring, causing insufficient tension on the hair and home on a rainy afternoon with a few heavy books
too weak a “feel” of the bow for the player in view and a central heating radiator is not worth
of the strength of the stick; furthermore they may following.
be curved laterally to the wrong side. A bow maker
can easily correct this by re-springing the stick by The wrapping which protects the stick from wear
heating as outlined above. This does not make a and tear, together with the leather thumb rest, give
weak bow stronger, however, but its playing a more comfortable grip. Personal tastes play a role
qualities can be improved. The desired result is not here: one may prefer a thinner or a thicker leather,
always obtained; pernambuco has a will of its own and this may depend not only on the stick diameter
and warping may occur. The well known London but also on the manner in which the bow is held.
bow maker James Tubbs always went to his Old bows (especially those from French ateliers)
workshop on Sundays to test the sticks he had bent had a wrapping of silvered thread; whalebone
on the preceding Saturday, thus avoiding surprises wrapping has also been used, especially on English
on Monday! bows, and leather. Whalebone wrapping is no
longer obtainable, but there is a quality plastic
With regard to the hair tension, it should be noted variant of alternating yellow and black threads.
that the climate may play a confusing role. Hairs Plain plastic is usually mounted on the cheaper
are very hygroscopic and in humid and warm bows. Many master bows now have a silver
surroundings they may absorb water and stretch a wrapping, which (by varying the length of the
few millimeters. It is known that in a humid wrapping or the thickness of the wire) enables a
tropical climate players sometimes cannot wind up certain adjustment of the balance of the bow (see
their bows enough because the screw mechanism 7.5).
In choosing a bow, many players will consider the 7.5 Bow, instrument and player: a triad
“feel” of the bow to be an important element, and
not so much the weight, strength or balance. After the general aspects dealt with above, a more
According to W.C. Retford, who worked for more detailed description will be given of the factors
than half a century in the bow workshop of Hill determining the properties of a bow: balance,
and Sons in London [72], this is not so bad an weight, strength and elasticity.
approach at all. In his book “Bows and bow
makers” dating from 1964 [63] he has made a few Balance
sensible remarks about choosing a bow. These
remarks, quoted below, remain valuable even after The point of balance (the place where both halves
nearly forty years. The only remark to be made on of the complete bow have the same weight) is of
these lines in the present time is that the sound of utmost importance for the playing characteristics of
a bow has received little attention. a bow: if it is too close to the head, then playing
near the frog is difficult: a player who is not aware
“When choosing a bow the selection should be of this will call it a heavy bow (and may reject it).
from a number varying in weight, strength, etc. On the other hand, a balance point too near the
Attempts by a salesman to influence judgement frog is also not pleasant, as such a bow has too little
should be discouraged. There may be instances mass in its upper part, comes easily off the string
where it might be well to have the opinion of and is therefore rejected as too light. One can get
another, but beware of the crank. The rule could be: an impression of the balance of a bow by holding it
if you dislike a bow, don't buy it. Dislike entails in playing position and moving it around; it is
unhappiness, a prime factor of succes will be better to measure this exactly. This is very simple
missing. For one who cannot play, the choice must and can be compared to the verification of “light”
be the teacher's. For the player it should be entirely and “heavy” by weighing the bow on a letter scale,
personal; the bow should feel a part of him, as see fig.7.6.
comfortable and unobtrusive as old clothes to an
old man who is contemptuous of fashion. According to Wunderlich [92] the following values
“Buy the best you can afford. Do not buy for are recommended for an optimal balance point in
the name. The possession of a Tourte will not an average situation:
provide a passport to fame. violin and viola: 24-25 cm from the end of the
“Gold is a better metal than silver. Silver is wooden shaft
better than cheap, low carat gold. Many gold cello: 23-24 cm
mounts have heavy, strong and unresponsive sticks For double bass it is very variable, especially in view
scarcely providing the ideal combination with the of the two types with high or low nut.
sensitive Cremona.
“Do not make a hurried decision. We get the Sometimes the values for the balance point are
fiddle out; things don't go well; we put it away. As given in cm from the thumb grip [82], but this is
with the fighter who retreats, there may be another less accurate because the length and position of this
day when things go better and judgement may be may vary. It should be noted that the figures given
more balanced. above refer to a standard situation; some players
“When buying an old bow a problem may arise. prefer a bow that is somewhat top-heavy,
The practice, usually, is to take a gun barrel view; corresponding to a balance point of, say, 26 cm for
frequently, if the stick is not straight it will be a violin bow.
condemned, a bargain may be lost. It may not be
known, the straight line of the stick is artificially The question may be raised whether all these
produced and skill can, without difficulty, restore details make sense, as one could say “good is good”
its gun barrel accuracy.” [63] and “bad is bad”. The answer is quite simple: an
Fig. 7.6 A cello bow placed on a simple device to determine the balance point. It consists of a ruler with divisions,
onto which on the place of the 0 an old violin bridge with a cut-away at the upper border is glued as a support, (another
object instead of a bridge will do, of course)
optimal balance obviously does not increase the boxes in the Vuillaume violin shop. In spite of the
quality of a bow, but brings out its potential in evident advantages of this system, it has not
playing. Many players complain about the quality survived. These so-called self-rehairing bows from
of their bow, and something indeed might be the Vuillaume atelier were made from quality wood
wrong with it; often its adjustment is not optimal by the best bow makers and they have later been
and its hidden qualities not revealed. On the other converted to conventional bows (as by filling the
hand, there are thousands of well-balanced bows hole in the head and replacement of the frog) and
but which are totally uninteresting for the player. are used as such to the present day.
19th century the Berlin violin maker Riechers had then they fail. The famous English bow maker
a beautiful Tourte bow which he had given on trial James Tubbs produced around 1880 a number of
to the violinist Joachim. Although Joachim admired very weak “whippy” sticks, which appear now and
the bow for its tone, it was a little too heavy in his then at auctions. They were probably made for the
opinion. Riechers then worked on the shaft London happy few, where amateur music making
reducing its weight and presented it again to was a favourite past-time, the whippy sticks helping
Joachim. To the astonishment of both, the bow to produce a beautiful tone, difficult passages being
appeared to have lost all its strength and elasticity simply avoided. Tubbs also produced much
and could barely be used. Such work with a knife stronger sticks for the professional musicians. A
and file on a priceless Tourte bow would nowadays weak bow, lacking in hair tension, cannot be
be unthinkable, but in the 19th century there was improved by further tightening by the screw
less restraint in improving antique master works. In mechanism, nor by restoration of the camber which
that period scores of violins and celli of the great would increase the amount of spring [63].
masters have been made smaller or larger at a
customer’s request. Elasticity, up to a point independent of strength,
can be defined as the way a stick returns to its
Strength and elasticity original state after bending. This is a property of
the fibers in the wood [21a]. Elasticity may seem
Weight is, up to a point, independent of strength (= a good thing but excess of elasticity can make a bow
resistance to bending). A bow can be light and too nervous.
strong, or vice versa, namely heavy and weak. It is
possible to measure the resistance to bending under Bows should be kept in the violin case with
standard weights with an instrument, but this is less loosened hair tension, primarily for relieving the
simple than determining the weight or the balance pull on the head; this is a considerable force which -
point. It is best tested by feeling the flexural according to the strength of the stick - may vary
strength with two hands, with the thumbs between 5 and 8 kilograms. Most players wind up
opposing inwards; an opinion of some value can any bow in the same way and this is often too
only be given after extensive experience with various much, perhaps because they once started with a
sticks. Fear of breaking the shaft is generally weak bow. When the tension is tightened to the
unfounded. Pressing the point of the bow on a point of pulling the stick into a straight line, or “out
surface to test the resistance (as is often done) is not of camber,” many strong bows perform poorly and
to be recommended: in so doing the pressure is most bows become laterally unsteady. A general
concentrated on the foremost part of the tip of the rule is to wind up a bow until the distance between
head plate (fig.7.3) and damage to it is far from the belly of the stick and the hair ribbon is about
imaginary. In many old bows the foremost part of the same as the thickness of the shaft in the middle
this tip has been broken off (though not necessarily [61]. A strong bow may need less tension, a weak
in this manner).The bowmaker can restore this, bow more, depending on the bow strokes in the
with the support of a new plate. The advantage of piece to be played.
silver head plates is that they are usually stronger
than the very thin ivory plates of the classic French