A Chosen Career in Agribusiness: Careers Centre

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A CHOSEN CAREER IN agribusiness


A Chosen Career In
INTRODUCTION Self-assessment is an essential component
of job seeking i.e. a student needs to be fully
The Curtin Careers Centre, working aware of their interests, skills, attributes
closely with employers and the university and capabilities to be able to convey this
community, sources, develops and on paper (job application documents)
delivers career development programs and in person (networking/interviewing/
and resources. The purpose of these promotion).
professional and personal development
learning opportunities is to facilitate The purpose of this occupational booklet is
successful career transitions; especially twofold. It will assist students to develop
study to employment and further study knowledge of trends in employment and
and to enhance students’ ability to develop current opportunities and to identify
lifelong skills in managing their careers. existing skills and attributes required to
The Careers Centre also provides accurate, successfully pursue a career in this field.
current authoritative labour market and
graduate recruitment information focusing A student may not be aware that whilst
on society’s needs and aspirations. using this resource that they are involved
in Career Development Learning (CDL). CDL
The Careers Centre team has written a assists students to develop Self Awareness,
series of occupation career booklets to to Identify Opportunities, to learn how
enable tertiary students to consider their to Make Decisions, to Manage Transition
chosen field in more depth including from university and incorporate Lifelong
information on the current labour market, Learning.
associated professional associations,
pertinent job seeking avenues and samples This involves Curtin students working with
of relevant and related positions. the Curtin Careers Centre towards the
attainment of required skills and knowledge
Whilst students are actively seeking at a tertiary level to successfully manage
information about a particular field they the changing contexts of life; incorporating:
need also be aware of recruitment and
selection methods and the need to develop • Personal Management
strategies to be competitive in their field at • Learning and Work Exploration
graduate entry level. • Career Building

Contacting the Careers Centre...

Feel free to visit us at Building 303

Email us at careers@curtin.edu.au
Give us a call on (08) 9266 7802
Or check out our website at www.careers.curtin.edu.au

Stay connected to the Careers Centre with Jobs and Events Connect. Access
new jobs posted daily, workshop information, special events and employer


A Chosen Career In
A Chosen Career In agribusiness

Agribusiness is one of the largest develop during their time at the university.
industries, rapidly growing with many They are designed to go beyond the
career opportunities. Demands for food disciplinary specific expertise or technical

are projected to double over the next 40 knowledge you gain at university. Curtin
years and being one of the most complex graduates show evidence that they can:
professions. There is often an growing
need in marketing agricultural products as • Apply discipline knowledge, principles

compared to other areas, and working as a and concepts
marketer is often a good entry level into the
industry. • Think critically, creatively and
A graduate with a degree in Agribusiness

can find a career in production, finance, • Access, evaluate and synthesise
marketing, and farm management. information
It’s a field where economics, business,
and agriculture merge. Agribusiness • Communicate effectively
management jobs are available in both

the public and private sectors, such • Use technologies appropriately
as government agencies and large
corporations. Some individuals decide to • Utilise lifelong learning skills
go into business for themselves, such as
operating a family farm. • Recognise and apply international

Graduates can start a career as a manager
in a company that manufactures farming • Demonstrate intercultural awareness
equipment and machinery. Working in retail and understanding
of the final products produced by farmers
is another opportunity for individuals who • Apply professional skills
prefer a career that indirectly relates to farm
operations. Combine these attributes with existing
skills gained from life and work experiences
and you will start to form a solid picture
What AM I Qualified For? of what you are capable of. If you are
having difficulty with outlining your skills
As a Curtin University of Technology or recording your achievements logon to
student you will have developed a number Resume Express, Analyse Your Skills, attend
of employability skills and attributes a workshop or contact careers@curtin.edu.
that maybe you have not thought of or au to make an appointment to see a Careers
recognised in your self. In fact, all Curtin Consultant.
University courses are designed to ensure
you are given ample opportunity to
develop Curtin Graduate Attributes. These
attributes are defined as qualities, skills and
understandings that Curtin students


Occupations and Roles

Occupational Roles modification of government and commercial

operations and programs.
As a graduate with a Bachelor of
Agribusiness, you will qualify to apply for Farm Manager
positions in areas including:
Farm managers undertake farming

• Business / Consulting operations to raise livestock and cultivate
• Machinery crops, fruit, vegetables and other agricultural
• Production products.
• Government

• Agronomy Research Officer
• Protection
Research officers plan and conduct research
A large percentage of students after into a variety of issues or areas.
university, move into careers in agricultural

production and consulting. Production is Investment / Financial Planning
the most common pathway and includes
farming, including planting, nurturing and Investment Bankers and Financial Planners
cultivating of crops. This is usually for private develop and implement financial plans
farms or for commercial farms. Consultants for their clients. Some of the areas an

are also common pathways and students agribusiness planner or advisor will advise
find careers with consulting companies to on are:, debt management, insurance and
help determine what is planted where, crops risk, estate planning, managed investments,
rotations, and how the soil is used future securities and futures markets. Financial
growing seasons. Consultants help farmers planners may also specialise in such areas

learn how to manage farms and in matters as: ethical investments, loans and mortgage
such as establishing business plans, setting advice, in the areas of agriculture.
goals, and the general processes necessary
to successfully operate an agricultural Marketing and Advertising
Agribusiness graduates can work in
Other agribusiness opportunities include marketing and advertising. Students who
education, related to the business side of work in mmarketing know what people in the
agriculture. This includes trainers who help agricultural industry want and try to satisfy
commercial farmers learn how to manage a that want. This comes from understanding
larger farm operation to best effect, both in why people buy and don’t buy, identifying
terms of cultivation and harvesting of crops. gaps and recommending new product lines
or suggesting new ways for the product to be
The opportunities within Augibusiness are offered to potential customers
endless and can take you all over the world.
To highlight some key areas, The Job Guide Sales
shows the following (2010):
Agents advise and represent farmers and
Policy advisor graziers in business transactions such as the
buying and selling of livestock, wool, fertiliser,
Policy analysts develop and advise on farming and grazing land, equipment and
policies guiding design, implementation and merchandise.

Occupations and Roles

Agronomist government regulations are strictly adhered

do and some commercial companies employ
Agricultural scientists study commercial environmental impact graduates, public
plants, animals and cultivation techniques to relations and media students. There are
improve the productivity and sustainability many career opportunities with companies
of farms and agricultural industries. such as these due to the extent of the
Agri- Analyst

Other typical employers of graduates are
Analysts study the overall business and agricultural farming products like machinery,
information needs of an agricultural fertilizers and pesticides and tools. Graduates
business, in order to develop solutions to can be employed to sell products and assist

business and related technology problems. with advertising and marketing.

Agri-Law There are also companies that specialize in

providing staff for agricultural companies.

Primary products inspectors examine There are called recruitment companies
animals, plants and agricultural produce at and their role is to locate qualified
farms, abattoirs, processing and packing workers, anywhere from farm hands to
plants, wholesale markets and places of farm managers, to fill in or contract for
storage or shipment to make sure that they agricultural organizations when required.

meet government standards of hygiene and
quality, and export requirements. Occupations in the public service sector is
diverse and there are many opportunities
Consulting in the federal, state and local government.
Most government departments actively seek

Opportunities include strategic business graduates from a range of disciplines for
planning, corporate financial services, human their graduate programs, including students
resource management services, information with agricultural degrees.
management and e-commerce strategy
development, rrisk management and pest
management. Joining a major consulting
firm offers graduates the chance to work
alongside more experienced consultants
and undertake the preliminary research and
analysis of business structures, processes
and systems that are part of the consulting
brief (Graduate Careers Australia, 2010).

Graduates can not only find employment

working in private farms, but also with
corporate companies. Corporate farms grow
crops to sell to the public at a profit. Some
companies grow their own crops, market
their products and package ready for sale.
Due to the large scale of these organizations,


Occupations and Roles

Labour Market Information and see if you feel the pay is appropriate
for those roles (Graduate Careers Australia,
The average yearly income for a graduate 2010).
with a degree in Agribusiness can change
depending on the specific career pathway Investigating graduate salaries is very
they will take. Gradsoline states that important during your career research and
graduates who find employment in their first job searching. To find out more information

year in the agricultural industry (all fields) you could consider visiting these sites:
may earn a median salary of $43,000.
Consulting http://wwwgraduatecareers.com.au

The financial rewards in the consulting sector http://www.apsjobs.gov.au
can be very good, however, the industry is
highly competitive and work demands can
be heavy. Remuneration varies depending on

the particular field of consultancy, among
other factors. New graduates typically
earn $32,000-$44,000, while experienced
professionals in these fields typically earn

anywhere $60,000-$180,000 (Graduate
Careers Australia, 2010).


Starting salaries vary depending on the role

and area of government. Half of all bachelor
graduates employed full-time in federal
government in 2006 earned a starting salary
of $41,000-$51,000. The equivalent ranges
for state government and local government
are $38,600-$48,100 and $39,000-
$50,000 respectively. With experience
and a demonstrated track record, salaries
of $80,000 or more are not uncommon
(Graduate Careers Australia, 2010).

Farm Management

Salaries can vary depending on the

crop grown, the size of the farm and
the responsibilities involved. Graduate
Opportunities suggest the figure is between
$25,000 – $68,000. If this is an area that you
are interested in working, you may consider
looking at the roles and responsibilities


Occupations and Roles

The Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Australia’s Agribusiness industries

industry has experienced an employment today comprise a rich mix of multinational
downturn in recent years due to the effects corporations, Australian grown corporations,
of the drought. Some factors that have small-to-medium enterprises, investment
contributed to this are environmental issues, management companies and family owned

the leveling off of private investment and businesses. According to MyCareer (2010)
a stronger Australian dollar have affected established industries like meat, horticulture
the industry’s growth and competitiveness and dairy in Australia, is among the largest
(DEEWR, 2010). However, employment in producers in the world. In wine, the country
the agricultural sector is projected to grow, has made a name for itself as a producer

although employment change will vary by of high-quality products for international
specialty. The graph below shows projected palates. The second graph shows the main
employment growth over the specific sectors. contributors of employment.
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Sectors –
Recent and Future Employment Growth (‘000) 5 Years to February 2010 and

Source: Employment Outlook for Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, 2010.

Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Sectors – Employment Levels (‘000) –

February 2010

Source: Employment Outlook for Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, 2010.


Graduate Programs AND ASSOCIATIONS

Graduate and Vacation Work employability stakes. If not, then you know
what you have to do leading up to your

Graduate programs are available to final graduation - increase your employability
year students and recent graduates. stakes. Some companies that have Graduate
Applications can open as early as February/ Programs are:
March of each year. Programs can be

from one year to three years in duration, NAB
depending on the discipline. Graduate http://careers.nab.com.au
Programs generally offer training and
development, job rotation through CBA
various departments of the organisation, http://www.commbank.com.au/about-us/

challenging roles, mentoring, and social and careers/
networking opportunities.
Dept of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Vacation programs are available to http://www.daff.gov.au
penultimate and final year students and

can be offered in either Winter or Summer. KPMG
Winter programs will be approximately four http://www.kpmg/au/en/joinus/graduates-
weeks in duration and summer programs students/
can be up to twelve weeks. Vacation
programs offer paid positions and training Professional Development and

pertinent to your discipline, the application Associations
of theory to the workplace and may also
lead to selection for a Graduate Program. It is very important that students know their
Applications are generally open in Semester professional associations and affiliations.
I for Winter Vacation Programs and this can There are often student membership options
tie in with the advertising of the Graduate which provided you with valuable industry
Programs. Summer programs are often specific information and professional
advertised mid-year, June to August. development opportunities and open you up
to a vast network of professionals in your
Both public and private sector employers chosen area of expertise.
target final year students from all
disciplines. Have a look at what they have Agribusiness Association of Australia
to offer. See www.graduateopportunities. http://www.agribusiness.asn.au
com.au and www.unimail.com.au for an A-Z
listing of employers offering graduate and International Food and Agribusiness
vacation programs. Management Association
Note: You may not wish to apply for iama.pdf
a Graduate Program but the position
descriptions will give a good indicator of ICM Agribusiness
what type of graduate and graduate skills/ http://www.icmagribusiness.com.au/icm-
attributes employers are seeking from agribusiness/index.html
prospective candidates. If you believe that
you meet this type of criteria, it is likely
that you are already in the professional


The JOB SEARCH & Getting Started

Set up a Desktop Folder and add a Favorite NOTE: Selection criteria may be included
Internet Explorer folder. in a JDF as for government jobs or may
be ‘hidden’ in the advertisement. If no set
Download jobs of interest for future selection criteria are asked to be addressed
reference. This allows you to keep a track of – target your letter to the position. Don’t
who is hiring in your field and the types of just limit yourself to reviewing entry level
positions available. or graduate positions, look at the variety

of positions in your field at various levels
NOTE: Don’t just save the link as the details and view the requirements. This will let you
will disappear once the position has been discover what will be expected of you at
filled. Copy the advertisement or any higher levels and the type of experience that

additional files onto Word and keep in your you will hope to gain at earlier stages in
desktop folder. *This is also a useful tip for your career. Consider lifelong learning and
when you begin working in your field, keep developing your career.
an eye on pertinent positions at all times.
Specific Job Search Engines

Look at positions available around the
country and not just in Perth. This will give Check out appropriate organizations/
an idea of who is recruiting and where and companies in your field and look for Career
differing salary scales. or Employment pages. See the Careers

Resource Officer for assistance if required.
Register with websites for specific job alerts
Attend the Curtin Careers Festival (held
Consider search terms e.g. agriculturalist, semester one each year) and other career
farm management, agronomist, consultant. related events throughout the year to gain
This will ensure that email alerts of more information on the employers hiring

appropriate jobs are sent directly to you. If graduates in your field. This information
positions on the job search websites give is also available online at www.careers.
the name of the recruiting company – go curtin.edu.au . You should be investigating
directly to their website and check for other employers throughout your studies to be
employment opportunities. Apply directly able to identify those which you may wish
from the company website if possible. to work for when you graduate.

General Job Search Engines Some specific job search sites are:

(all provide hits on the above search terms) AgBIZ Careers

http://www.seek.com.au http://www.agbizcareers.com.au
http://www.careerjet.com.au/ Agricultural Appointments
http://mycareer.com.au/ http://wwwagri.com.au
Agribusiness Association of Australia
Review job advertisements and job http://www.agribusiness.asn.au
requirements – pay attention to the job
description form (JDF) or job requirements Rimfire Resources
and to the selection criteria. http://www.rimfireresoures.com.au


Further Information

further your career with • Masters of Accounting

postgraduate study
• Master of Management
Postgraduate study can enhance your

career opportunities by allowing you to
develop more specialised expertise in a • Masters of Logistics
particular area. If you are considering
careers in academia, or industry-based research at Curtin

research and development, you will almost
certainly need to complete honours and Higher degree by research differs from
undertake a postgraduate research degree other postgraduate degrees in that the
(Masters or PhD). Some management roles main part of your work will be in the form
also require postgraduate coursework or of a thesis written under the guidance of a

research experience. It is also possible supervisor and associate supervisor(s).
to complete shorter coursework degrees
(graduate certificates and graduate
The department of Environment and
diplomas) in a wide range of areas. These
Agriculture’s research programs are
allow you to expand your career options

focused on key areas. The opportunity
by gaining knowledge of areas that
to combine these research areas in
may be specialized or unrelated to your
collaborative projects and postgraduate
undergraduate degree . Competition for
programs is a major strength of the
graduate employment is intensifying so
department. The graduate studies
postgraduate qualifications are increasingly
program is an important component of the

important to prospective employers in some
department’s research profile.
industries. In many cases, salary is also
indicative of your level of study.
The research interests of staff are
currently focused on five main areas:
Postgraduate study may be greatly Environmental Biology; Aquatic Science;
enhanced by the knowledge you gain from Viticulture and Wine Science; Agricultural
being in the work force before, or during science; and Horticulture.
your study. Many postgraduate courses
are offered in a range of delivery modes to For more information, please visit:
accommodate the needs of students who
are working and studying at the same time.
Look for courses that allow you to enrol Research at Curtin:
part-time and/or as an external student.
Some postgraduate courses you could study
at Curtin are:
Curtin Business School:
Postgraduate Courses (by Coursework)
• Graduate Diploma in Agriculture


Further Information

Work Experience

Gaining work experience is essential to your • Attend a Work Experience Workshop

career development. Here are some of the conducted by the Careers Centre.
benefits: Please see Jobs and Events Connect for
a full schedule of upcoming workshops.
• Insight on the working environment http://www.careers.curtin.edu.au/

and relevant industries studentlogin.html

• Development and acquisition of new • You can email us at careers@curtin.edu.

skills au or phone (08) 9266 7802 to make an

• Creates career networks and
integration into the labour market No matter what type of work placement
you are on accident insurance is essential.
• An opportunity to demonstrate Accident insurance covers you if you hurt

discipline knowledge, skills and yourself on a work site. If a work experience
abilities opportunity is not paid the employer’s
Personal Accident Insurance does not cover
• Highlights and informs career choices you. The Curtin Careers Centre provides
students free appropriate accident cover.

• Professional grooming and

By viewing position descriptions you will

get a clear idea of what will be required
in a specific role for a specific industry
or field and you can start to address any
skill shortages prior to completion of your
studies. Employers look for students who are
‘all-rounders’. These are students who, whilst
still performing well academically, can also
demonstrate an interest in their chosen field
beyond textbooks. The Curtin Careers Centre
has many services to assist you in finding a
work placement. These are:

• Download the “How To” Guide for

Gaining Work Experience to give you
all the tips and hints you need to find a
placement http://www.careers.curtin.


Further Information

Additional Resources

Research and Development: Research
positions can often require Honours or a
four year degree. If you have an interest
in this area, keep an eye on university


Some universities allow for email alerts. See

list/ for access to all Australian Universities.

Agribusiness Advisor and Research

Agribusiness Australia

Department of Agriculture and Food



Still Confused?

If you are a current or recent Curtin
graduate and you are still unclear about
your career directions and the opportunities
available for you please contact the Curtin
Careers Centre for an individual career
counselling session with a professional
career development consultant. Just call
reception on +61 8 9266 7802 to make an

If you are not a Curtin University Student or
Alumni but would be interested in learning
more about the courses at Curtin University
please contact Future Students +61 8 9266
1000 (domestic students) or +61 8 9266
7331 (international students) or check out
their website at http://www.futurestudents.


Example positions

Agribusiness Analyst

Industry Sector: Agriculture / Primary Industry:

Career Type: Administration / Operations Assistant
Job Type: Full-time (5 days)
Min Years Experience: Agriculture / agribusiness specialties advantageous
Salary: Competitive (based and negotiated on experience)

Is an emerging agribusiness and agricultural investment company, currently operational

nationally, is seeking a full-time Agribusiness Analyst.

The role involves:

• Business development projects;
• Agricultural and Carbon production and financial modelling;
• Managing operational and research projects; and
• Assisting with various other projects and business operations.

You will enjoy a varied day and will use your initiative.

The ideal candidate for this role will have strong Microsoft Office skills (particularly Excel),
have studied or are currently studying at a tertiary level (Agricultural discipline highly
regarded), be enthusiastic, and be proactive in getting involved in the company.

You will have strengths in organisation, time management, and multi-tasking. Experience
in agricultural investment, carbon markets, Australian agricultural production systems,
and the institutional investment market would be advantageous.
Will offer a great working atmosphere, competitive remuneration, career growth, and


Example positions

Graduate Grain Merchant

Full time

Newly created graduate opportunity

Broad exposure to a leading Agricultural business
50 – 60k package and incentives

This company is at the forefront of a rapidly changing industry and we are looking for
people who want to be a part of that change. As one of Australia’s largest agricultural
supply chain and logistics companies we know that the strength of our relationships is
integral to our success.

As a recent graduate, you will have a natural ability to build relationship and interact with
key industry stakeholders to help achieve set objectives. Above all else, we are looking for
an individual with the enthusiasm, and desire to learn, to develop you into an Agribusiness

The Role

As part of Grain Marketing Services, the role of Graduate Grain Merchant provides the
critical link between grain growers, our trading team, and our storage and logistics
network. Working closely with the trading team you will be responsible for the
accumulation of grain from growers, active promotion of GrainCorp products and services,
and generation of supply and demand information.

Given the geographical scope of this role business travel is a requirement and a valid
driver’s license is essential.

We are committed to developing our people in a versatile workplace where they can reach
their full potential. This makes it possible for them to not only thrive, but to excel in an
industry where change brings opportunity.



Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. 2010. Employment

Outlook for Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing. Australian Government: Canberra.

Job Guide. 2010. Career Search.

http://www.jobguide.deewr.gov.au. (accessed September 28, 2010).

Graduate Careers Australia. 2010. Career Profiles.

http:// http://www.graduatecareers.com.au (Accessed September 28, 2010)

GradsOnline. 2010. Field of Study” Agriculture.

http://www.gradsonline.com.au/ (accessed September 28, 2010).

MyCareer. 2010. Career Advice and Research.

http://content.mycareer.com.au/advice-research.aspx (accessed September 28, 2010).

Seek.com.au. 2010. Career Search: Agribusiness.

http://www.seek.com.au (accessed September 28, 2010).

Contacting the Careers Centre...

Feel free to visit us at Building 303

Email us at careers@curtin.edu.au
Give us a call on (08) 9266 7802
Or check out our website at www.careers.curtin.edu.au

Stay connected to the Careers Centre with Jobs and Events Connect. Access
new jobs posted daily, workshop information, special events and employer

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