Mathematical Association of America

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Problems and Solutions

Source: The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 117, No. 6 (June-July 2010), pp. 558-565
Published by: Mathematical Association of America
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Accessed: 25/03/2013 00:46

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Edited by Gerald A. Edgar, Doug Hensley, Douglas B. West
with the collaboration of Itshak Borosh, Paul Bracken, Ezra A. Brown, Randall
Dougherty, Tamás Erdélyi, Zachary Franco, Christian Friesen, Ira M. Gessel, László
Lipták, Frederick W. Luttmann, Vania Mascioni, Frank B. Miles, Bogdan Petrenko,
Richard Pfiefer, Cecil C. Rousseau, Leonard Smiley, Kenneth Stolarsky, Richard
Stong, Walter Stromquist, Daniel Ullman, Charles Vanden Eynden, Sam Vandervelde,
and Fuzhen Zhang.

Proposed problems and solutions should be sent in duplicate to the MONTHLY

problems address on the inside front cover. Submitted solutions should arrive at
that address before October 31, 2010. Additional information, such as general-
izations and references, is welcome. The problem number and the solver’s name
and address should appear on each solution. An asterisk (*) after the number of
a problem or a part of a problem indicates that no solution is currently available.

11496 (April, 2010, p. 370) Correction: On the left, square s(A A T ) and s(B B T ).
11509. Proposed by William Stanford, University of Illinois-Chicago, Chicago, IL. Let
m be a positive integer. Prove that
m 2
−m+1 m −2m+1

m 2  = 2m−1 .

k=m k k m m

11510. Proposed by Vlad Matei, student, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Roma-

nia. Prove that if I is the n-by-n identity matrix, A is an n-by-n matrix with rational
entries, A  = I , p is prime with p ≡ 3 (mod 4), and p > n + 1, then A p + A  = 2I .
11511. Proposed by Retkes Zoltan, Szeged, Hungary. For a triangle ABC, let f A denote
the distance from A to the intersection of the line bisecting angle B AC with edge
BC, and define f B and f C similarly. Prove that ABC is equilateral if and only if
f A = f B = fC .
11512. Proposed by Finbarr Holland, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland. Let N
be a nonnegative integer. For x ≥ 0, prove that
 −m+1 k m
1 N x
≥ 1 + x + · · · + xN.
m! k=1

11513. Proposed by Pál Péter Dályay, Szeged, Hungary. For a triangle with area F,
semiperimeter s, inradius r , circumradius R, and heights h a , h b , and h c , show that
2s F 10r (5R − r )
5(h a + h b + h c ) ≥ + 18r ≥ .
Rr R


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11514. Proposed by Mihaly Bencze, Brasov,  Romania. Let k be a positive integer, and
let a1 , . . . , an be positive numbers such that i=1 aik = 1. Show that

ai + n ≥ n 1−1/k + n n/k .
i=1 i=1 ai

11515. Proposed by Estelle L. Basor, American Institute of Mathematics, Palo Alto,

CA, Steven N. Evans, University of California, Berkeley, CA, and Kent E. Morrison,
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA. Find a closed-form ex-
pression for

4n sin4 2−n θ .


An Old Four-Squares Chestnut

11374 [2008, 568]. Proposed by Harley Flanders and Hugh L. Montgomery, Univer-
sity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. Let a, b, c, and m be positive integers such that
abcm = 1 + a 2 + b2 + c2 . Show that m = 4.
Solution by Afonso Bandeira and Joel Moreira, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal,
and João Guerreiro, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal. Viewing the equation mod-
ulo 4 shows that 4 divides m. Let n = m/4. Now suppose there is a solution with
n > 1. Let (a, b, c) be such a solution where a + b + c is minimal. Name the values
so that a ≥ b ≥ c.
Now a is a solution to the quadratic equation x 2 − x(4bcn) + (b2 + c2 + 1) = 0.
By Vieta’s formula, another solution is a  , where a  = 4bcn − a. If a  ≥ a, then a 2 +
b2 + c2 + 1 = 4abcn ≥ 2a 2 , and so a 2 ≤ b2 + c2 + 1 ≤ 2b2 + 1. Now a 2 < a 2 + 1 ≤
2b2 + 2 ≤ 4b2 , so a < 2b. This yields 4abcn > 2a 2 cn ≥ 4a 2 ≥ a 2 + b2 + c2 + 1,
which contradicts (a, b, c) being a solution.
Thus (a  , b, c) is a solution that contradicts the minimality of a + b + c. We con-
clude that n > 1 is impossible, so n = 1 and m = 4.
Editorial comment. We print this proof because of its brevity. A. Hurwitz showed in
Über eine Aufgabe der unbestimmten Analysis, Arch. Math. Phys. 3 (1907) 185–196,
that x12 + x22 + · · · + xn2 = kx1 x2 . . . xn has no solution in positive integers if k > n,
from which the present claim follows directly. This reference was supplied by each
of S. Gao, W. C. Jagy, J. H. Jaroma, and J. P. Robertson. A new proof of Hurwitz’s
theorem may be found in S. Gao, C. Caliskan, and S. Rong, Some properties of n-
dimensional generalized Markoff equation, Congr. Numer. 177 (2005) 217–221.
Also solved by R. Chapman (U.K.), J. Christopher, P. Corn, S. Gao, H. S. Hwang & K. J. Kim (Korea),
I. M. Isaacs, W. C. Jagy, J. H. Jaroma, O. Kouba (Syria), O. P. Lossers (Netherlands), É. Pité (France),
C. R. Pranesachar (India), J. P. Robertson, B. Schmuland (Canada), N. C. Singer, R. Stong, H. T. Tang,
M. Tetiva (Romania), Fisher Problem Group, Szeged Problem Solving Group “Fejéntaláltuka” (Hungary),
GCHQ Problem Solving Group (U.K.), Microsoft Research Problems Group, NSA Problems Group, and the

Perpendicular Half-Area
11392 [2008, 855]. Proposed by Omran Kouba, Higher Institute for Applied Science
and Technology, Damascus, Syria. Let the consecutive vertices of a regular n-gon P


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be denoted A0 , . . . , An−1 , in order, and let An = A0 . Let M be a point such that for
0 ≤ k < n the perpendicular projections of M onto each line Ak Ak+1 lie interior to the
segment (Ak , Ak+1 ). Let Bk be the projection of M onto Ak Ak+1 . Show that

Area( (M Ak Bk )) = Area(P).
Solution by Pál Péter Dályay, Szeged, Hungary.
Select as unit of length the
radius of the circumcircle of Y
the regular n-gon. Use the
coordinate system x O y in the
plane so that vertex Ak has M
coordinates (xk , yk ) with
xk = cos(2kπ/n) and x
yk = sin(2kπ/n) for O
0 ≤ k ≤ n. Let M have
coordinates (ρ cos φ, ρ sin φ).
Fix one index k. If the axes of Ak Bk
coordinate system x O y are
rotated by the Ck
(2k + 1)π /n − π, then we
obtain the axes of a new
coordinate system X OY . Note

 X O M = φ − (2k + 1)π /n + π. Let H be the point where B M crosses OY , and
k k
let Ck be the midpoint of the segment Ak Ak+1 . Since the axes of the coordinate system
X OY are parallel to Bk M and Ak Ak+1 , respectively, we have

1 (2k + 1)π
Ak Bk = Ak Ck − Bk Ck = Ak Ak+1 − ρ sin φ − +π
2 n

(2k + 1)π
= sin + ρ sin φ − ,
n n

(2k + 1)π
Bk M = Ck O + Hk M = Ck O + ρ cos φ − +π

(2k + 1)π
= cos − ρ cos φ − .
n n
2 Area (M Ak Bk ) = Ak Bk · Bk M

π (2k + 1)π π (2k + 1)π

= sin + ρ sin φ − cos − ρ cos φ −
n n n n

1 2π 2(k + 1)π ρ2 2(2k + 1)π

= sin + ρ sin φ − − sin 2φ − . (1)
2 n n 2 n
Recall that for α, β ∈ R and β  = 2sπ with s ∈ Z,


sin(nβ/2) 1
sin(α + kβ) = sin α + (n − 1)β .
sin(β/2) 2


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Thus, since n ≥ 3 implies that 2π/n  = 2sπ with s ∈ Z, and since φ − 2(k + 1)π/n =
(φ − 2π/n) − 2kπ/n, we have

2(k + 1)π n−1
2(2k + 1)π
sin φ− =0= sin 2φ − .
n k=0
Summing both sides of (1) over k, we obtain the required result:

  n 2π
2 Area (M Ak Bk ) = sin ,
2 n
and this last expression gives the area of P.
Also solved by M. Bataille (France), D. Beckwith, R. Chapman (U.K.), C. Curtis, J. Freeman, D. Grinberg, J.-P.
Grivaux (France), K. Hanes, E. A. Herman, S. Hitotumatu (Japan), E. J. Ionascu, L. R. King, P. T. Krasopoulos
(Greece), J. H. Lindsey II, O. P. Lossers (Netherlands), V. Mihai (Canada), C. R. Pranesachar (India), M. A.
Prasad (India), R. A. Russell, A. Stadler (Switzerland), R. Stong, M. Tetiva (Romania), J. Vinuesa (Spain),
A. Vorobyov, Z. Vörös (Hungary), M. Vowe (Switzerland), GCHQ Problem Solving Group (U.K.), Microsoft
Research Problems Group, and the proposer.

Concurrent Lines
11393 [2008, 856]. Proposed by Cosmin Pohoata, student, National College “Tudor
Vianu,” Bucharest, Romania. In triangle ABC, let M and Q be points on segment
AB, and similarly let N and R be points on AC, and P and S, points on BC. Let
d1 be the line through M, N , d2 the line through P, Q, and d3 the line through
R, S. Let ρ(X, Y, Z) denote the ratio of the length of XZ to that of XY. Let m =
ρ(M, A, B), n = ρ(N , A, C), p = ρ(P, B, C), q = ρ(Q, B, A), r = ρ(R, C, A),
and s = ρ(S, C, B). Prove that the lines (d1 , d2 , d3 ) are concurrent if and only if
mpr + nqs + mq + nr + ps = 1.
Solution by Michel Bataille, Rouen, France. We use barycentric coordinates rela-
tive to (A, B, C), and accordingly we write U (u 1 , u 2 , u 3 ) as an abbreviation for
“U = (u 1 A + u 2 B + u 3 C)/(u 1 + u 2 + u 3 ).” (When u 1 + u 2 + u 3 = 0 we obtain a
“point at infinity”). With this convention we have M(m, 1, 0), N (n, 0, 1), P(0, p, 1),
Q(1, q, 0), R(1, 0, r ), and S(0, 1, s). The equation of line d1 is

x m n

y 1 0 = 0, that is, x = my + nz.

z 0 1

Similarly, the equation of line d2 is y = pz + qx, and the equation of line d3 is z =

r x + sy. These three lines are parallel (concurrent at a point at infinity) or concurrent
(literally) if and only if

−1 q r

m −1 s = 0.

n p −1
This can be rewritten as
mpr + nqs + mq + nr + ps = 1, (∗)
so this is a necessary condition for concurrence of d1 , d2 , d3 .
Conversely, suppose that (∗) holds. If d1 , d2 , d3 were parallel, then the point at in-
finity on d1 , namely (n − m, −1 − n, 1 + m), would also lie on d2 and d3 . This means


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mq = 1 + n + p + mp + qn and nr = 1 + s + m + sn + r m. Since m, n, q, r, s are
nonnegative, it follows that mq + nr ≥ 2. But mq + nr ≤ 1 follows from (∗). This
contradiction shows that d1 , d2 , d3 cannot be parallel, and must instead be concurrent.
Also solved by R. Chapman (U.K.), P. P. Dályay (Hungary), M. Goldenberg & M. Kaplan, D. Grinberg, J. Gri-
vaux (France), S. Hitotumatu (Japan), B.-T. Iordache (Romania), O. Kouba (Syria), J. H. Lindsey II, R. Nandan,
C. R. Pranesachar (India), R. Stong, M. Tetiva (Romania), R. S. Tiberio, A. Vorobyov, Z. Vörös (Hungary),
J. B. Zacharias, GCHQ Problem Solving Group (U.K.), and the proposer.

Jensenoid Inequalities
11399 [2008, 948]. Proposed by Biaggi Ricceri, University of Catania, Catania, Italy.
Let (, F , μ) be a measure space with finite nonzero measure M, and let p > 0.
Let f be a lower semicontinuous function on R with the property that f has no global
minimum, but for each λ > 0, the function t → f (t) + λ|t| p does have a unique global
minimum. Show that exactly one of the two following assertions holds:
(a) For every u ∈ L p () that is not essentially constant,
1/ p  
Mf |u(x)| dμ
< f (u(x)) dμ,

and f (t) < f (s) whenever t > 0 and −t ≤ s < t.

(b) For every u ∈ L p () that is not essentially constant,
1/ p  
Mf − |u(x)| p dμ < f (u(x)) dμ,

and f (−t) < f (s) whenever t > 0 and −t < s ≤ t.

Solution by Julien Grivaux, student, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France.
First note that we may assume that p = 1. Indeed, let θ : R → R be defined by θ(t) =
signum(t)|t| p , and let 
f (t) = f (θ −1 (t)) and 
u (t) = θ(u(t)). Then
1/ p 
f u (t) = f u(t) and f ± 
 u = f ± |u| p

We may also assume without loss of generality that M = 1.

For λ > 0, let φ(λ) be the unique value where the function t → f (t) + λ|t| reaches
its minimum.

Lemma 1. The function φ is continuous on (0, ∞).

Proof. Let λ be positive and let λn  be a sequence of positive numbers converging
to λ. Letting tn = φ(λn ), we have f (t) + λn |t| ≥ f (tn ) + λn |tn |. Let λ0 be such that
0 < λ0 < λ and m = infR ( f (t) + λ0 |t|). Now
f (tn ) + λn |tn | = f (tn ) + λ0 |tn | + (λn − λ0 )|tn | ≥ m + (λn − λ0 )|tn |.
This proves that for all t, (λn − λ0 )|tn | ≤ f (t) + λn |t| − m, so that for n large enough
that λn − λ0 > 12 (λ − λ0 ), taking t = 0 gives |tn | < 2( f (0) − m)/(λ − λ0 ). Thus tn 
is bounded. Let t  be a limit point of tn . There exists a subsequence tψ(n)  which
converges to t  . For all t in R, f (t) + λn |t| ≥ f (tn ) + λn |tn |. By lower semicontinuity,
for all t,
f (t) + λ|t| = lim inf f (t) + λψ(n) |t| ≥ lim inf f (tψ(n) ) + λψ(n) tψ(n)
= lim inf f (tψ(n) ) + λ|t  | ≥ f (t  ) + λ|t  |.


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By the uniqueness of the minimum, t  = φ(λ). Since tn  is bounded we conclude that
tn  converges to φ(λ). This shows that φ is continuous.

Lemma 2. limλ→+∞ φ(λ) = 0 and limλ→0+ |φ(λ)| = +∞.

Proof. Let λn  be a sequence such that limn→∞ λn = +∞, and let tn = φ(λn ). For
t ∈ R, we have f (tn )/λn + |tn | ≤ f (t)/λn + |t|, and in particular f (tn )/λn + |tn | ≤
f (0)/λn . Let λ0 be a fixed positive value, and let m = infR [ f (t) + λ0 |t|]. Now f (tn ) ≥
m − λ0 |tn |, so (1 − λ0 /λn )|tn | ≤ f (0) − m /λn . Therefore limn→∞ tn = 0.
For the other claim of the lemma, let λn  be a positive sequence that tends to zero,
let tn = φ(λn ), and let t  be a limit point of tn  (if one exists). The argument of Lemma
1 proves that for any real t, f (t) ≥ f (t  ). That makes f (t  ) a global minimum for f ,
contrary to the hypothesis. Since tn  has no limit point, limn→∞ |tn | = +∞.

From these two lemmas, we see that the range of φ contains (0, ∞) or (−∞, 0)
(but not both). We will show that in the first case conclusion (a) holds. Similarly, the
second case leads to (b).  
 the range
 contains (0, ∞), and let m(λ) = inf R f (t) + λ|t| . Now f (t) ≥
supλ m(λ) − λ|t| . If t = φ(λ), then f (φ(λ)) = m(λ) − λ|φ(λ)|. Thus f is the point-
wise supremum of a family of affine functions on (0, ∞), so f is convex there. We
claim that f is actually strictly convex. Indeed, if f is affine on some interval [a, b]
with 0 < a < b, then we can choose λ such that the function f λ given by f λ (t) =
f (t) + λ|t| reaches its infimum at a point of (a, b). Since f λ is is affine on this in-
terval, it is minimized at an interior point only if it is constant on that interval, which
contradicts the uniqueness of the minimum point.
Let s, t be given with t > 0 and −t ≤ s < t. There exists λ such that t = φ(λ).
f (s) + λ|s| > f (t) + λ|t| ≥ f (t) + λ|s|.
We obtain f (s) > f (t). (If −t ≤ s ≤ t, we obtain f (s) ≥ f (t).)
 For the integral
inequality, we have −|u(x)| ≤ u(x) ≤ |u(x)|. So f (u(x)) ≥ f |u(x)| . Since f is
convex, Jensen’s inequality yields

f (u) ≥ f |u| ≥ f |u| .

It is a strict inequality since u is not essentially constant and f is strictly convex.

Also solved by R. Stong.

Squares On Graphs
11402 [2008, 949]. Proposed by Doru Catalin Barboianu, Infarom Publishing,
Craiova, Romania Let f : [0, 1] → [0, ∞) be a continuous function such that
f (0) = f (1) = 0 and f (x) > 0 for 0 < x < 1. Show that there exists a square
with two vertices in the interval (0,1) on the x-axis and the other two vertices on the
graph of f .
Solution by Byron Schmuland and Peter Hooper, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB,
Canada. Extend f by letting f (x) = 0 for x ≥ 1. Define g(x) = f (x + f (x)) − f (x)
for x ≥ 0. If there exists x ∈ (0, 1) with g(x) = 0, then a square as required exists with
(x, 0), (x + f (x), 0), (x, f (x)), (x + f (x), f (x)).


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Now g is continuous, so to show that such x exists we will show that y, z ∈ (0, 1)
exist with g(y) ≥ 0 and g(z) ≤ 0. Let z be a value where f takes its maximum. Then
f (z) ≥ f (z + f (z)), so that g(z) ≤ 0. Since 0 + f (0) = 0 < z < z + f (z), by conti-
nuity there is a value y ∈ (0, z) so that y + f (y) = z. Hence g(y) = f (y + f (y)) −
f (y) = f (z) − f (y) ≥ 0.
Editorial comment. Pál Péter Dályay (Hungary) noted a generalization: Given any
p > 0, there exists a rectangle with base-to-height ratio p having two vertices on the
x-axis and the other two vertices on the graph of f .
Also solved by B. M. Ábrego & S. Fernández-Merchant, F. D. Ancel, K. F. Andersen (Canada), R. Bagby,
N. Caro (Brazil), D. Chakerian, R. Chapman (U.K.), B. Cipra, P. Corn, C. Curtis, P. P. Dályay (Hungary), C.
Diminnie & R. Zarnowski, P. J. Fitzsimmons, D. Fleischman, T. Forgács, O. Geupel (Germany), D. Grinberg, J.
Grivaux (France), J. M. Groah, E. A. Herman, S. J. Herschkorn, E. J. Ionascu, A. Kumar & C. Gibbard (U.S.A.
& Canada), S. C. Locke, O. P. Lossers (Netherlands), R. Martin (Germany), K. McInturff, M. McMullen,
M. D. Meyerson R. Mortini M. J. Nielsen, M. Nyenhuis (Canada), Á. Plaza & S. Falcón (Spain), K. A. Ross,
T. Rucker, J. Schaer (Canada), K. Schilling, E. Shrader, A. Stadler (Switzerland), R. Stong, B. Taber, M. Tetiva
(Romania), T. Thomas (U.K.), J. B. Zacharias & K. Greeson, BSI Problems Group (Germany), GCHQ Problem
Solving Group (U.K.), Lafayette College Problem Group, Microsoft Research Problems Group, Missouri State
University Problem Solving Group, Northwestern University Math Problem Solving Group, NSA Problems
Group, and the proposer.

A Trig Series Rate

11410 [2009, 83]. Proposed by Omran Kouba, Higher Institute for Applied Sciences
and Technology, Damascus, Syria. For 0 < φ < π/2, find
1 ∞
(−1)n−1 sin2 (nx) 2
lim x log cos φ + sin (nφ) .
x→0 2 n=1
n (nx)2

Solution by Otto B. Ruehr, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI. We be-

gin with three elementary identities. The first is

r (r + 1) sin2 φ
r n sin2 nφ =  . (i)
n=1 (1 − r ) (1 − r )2 + 4r sin2 φ

This is derived by writing sin2 nφ in terms of exponentials and summing the resulting
geometric series. Now divide (i) by r and integrate with respect to r to get
rn 1 (1 − r )2 + 4r sin2 φ
sin nφ = log
. (ii)
n 4 (1 − r )2
Differentiate (i) with respect to r to obtain

1 1 (r − 1)2 − 2(r 2 + 1) sin2 φ
nr n−1 sin2 nφ = − . (iii)
2(1 − r )2 2 [(1 − r )2 + 4r sin2 φ]2
The limit at r = −1 in (ii) gives us

(−1)n−1 1
sin2 nφ = − log cos φ.
n 2
Now we can write the requested limit as

−2 rn sin2 nx
lim x lim 1 − 2 2 sin2 nφ.
x→0 r →−1+ n n x


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Here we have anticipated the divergent series that would result if the limx→0 were
taken directly. Since the series as written is convergent, by the regularity of the Abel
summation process it is equal to its Abel sum. Now, for |r | < 1, we can bring the outer
limit under the sum, which yields
1 ∞
lim nr n sin2 nφ.
r →−1+ 3 n=1

From (iii) we obtain 1

tan2 φ as the desired limit.
Also solved by R. Bagby, D. H. Bailey & J. M. Borwein (Canada), D. Beckwith, P. Bracken, R. Chapman
(U.K.), H. Chen, P. P. Dályay (Hungary), J. Grivaux (France), F. Holland (Ireland), K. L. Joiner, G. Keselman,
A. Stadler (Switzerland), R. Stong, E. I. Verriest, and the proposer.

A Minimum Determinant
11415 [2009, 180]. Proposed by Finbarr Holland, University College Cork, Cork, Ire-
land. Let (A1 , . . . , An ) be a list of n positive-definite 2 × 2 matrices of complex num-
bers. Let G be the group of all unitary 2 × 2 complex matrices, and define the function
F on the Cartesian product G n by

F(U ) = F(U1 , . . . , Un ) = det Uk Ak Uk .

Show that

minn F(U ) = σ1 (Ak ) · σ2 (Ak ),
U ∈G
k=1 k=1

where σ1 (A j ) and σ2 (A j ) denote the greatest and least eigenvalue of A j , respectively.

Solution by Roger A. Horn, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT. It suffices to
assume that the matrices
 n Ai are positive semidefiniten and therefore Hermitian. Let A =
n ∗
i=1 iU A U
i i , α = σ
i=1 1 (A i ), and β = i=1 2 (Ai ). Note that α ≥ β ≥ 0 and

n + β)/2 ≥ β. Let λ =
n 1 σ (A) andn μ = σ 2 (A), so that λ ≥ μ and λ + μ = tr(A) =

i=1 tr(U i A U
i i ) = i=1 tr A i = (σ
i=1 1 (A i ) + σ2 (Ai )) = α + β.
For Hermitian matrices C and D, Weyl’s inequality ensures that σ2 (C) + σ2 (D) ≤
 2 (C + D). From this along with the definition of A it follows that μ = σ2 (A) ≥
n ∗ n
i=1 2σ (U i A U
i i ) = i=1 2σ (A i ) = β. Since det A = λμ, we want to determine
min{λμ : λ + μ = α + β and λ ≥ μ ≥ β}. That is, for f (μ) = (α + β − μ)μ,
we require min{ f (μ) : β ≤ μ ≤ 12 (α + β)}. Clearly, f  (μ) = α + β − 2μ ≥ 0 for
μ ∈ [β, 12 (α + β)], so the minimum value of f (μ) is f (β) = αβ.
If the unitary matrices are chosen such that Ui∗ Ai Ui = diag(σ1 (Ai ), σ2 (Ai )) for
i = 1, . . . , n, then A = diag(α, β), and it follows that det(A) = αβ.
Also solved by R. Chapman (U.K.), M. J. Englefield (Australia), J.-P. Grivaux (France), E. A. Herman, O.
Kouba (Syria), J. H. Lindsey II, O. P. Lossers (Netherlands), R. Stong, M. Tetiva (Romania), E. I. Verriest,
GCHQ Problem Solving Group, and the proposer.


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